The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 10, 1898, Image 2

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ruhUKlicil cry Mmiilajr ami Thurinlajr
I. fr RAlt-OKIl .
V. HhNJAMIN,....
fatil)irliltoii Unit,
oua Yr H Q
41 Month W
flm- Month IT
ih;Tm;i:k 10. lsns.
Hon. .IofO)0i Simon having n-nivi!
llie vol of Hit nmj'tril? uf lliu io uhli
raus in caucus nl tlio rr iiuUiean mem
ber uf the legislature, was entitli-d lo
lie cliH-Urtil t he republ U-an nominee for
United Muted seuaior, and as audi nomi
ne, Im was entitled to the vote of every
republican member, Mr. Simon
waa I lie choice of anything like a major
ity of the republicans of the state, no
one lio knows mijlliitij; about the feel
ing would (or a momeutallirni, but under
our present system of tltDsiui; United
Scales senators, tVe matt chosen very
seldom is tlic choice of the. individual
uo ecu Iters of his parly. It may lw I
the people arc wrong in their estimate
of Mr. Simon, but the fact remains that
lie Will Represent Oregon In the
Senate for Pour Year.
A Short Sketch of Ills Life and
Political Career.
. At I-' o'clock ii'Hin of lal Saturday
(he tliiealenctl ileaillotk over the elect
ion of United State senator to succeed
Hon. John II. Mitchell, mat averted by
the election of Hon Joseph Siuiou, of
Portland. Thin result was no surprise
to thoio who bad observed the situation.
It was early kuown that Hon. H. W.
Corbet could nut he circled aa uioro
thau twenty-live republicans absolutely
refused to go into araucu as long as
Mr. Corlwtt was a candidate, or to vote
for him under any circumstances.
Every republican member of the legis
lature, however, declared that a soon aa
tbev wcta assuced that Mr. I'oibelt's
name would no longer be lesented to
tbo ciucu, they would enter the caucus
and abide by its decision. As it was
Pillager Imlianii Resist Arrest and
Attack the Troops 5cnt to Co
erce Them,
Minsk uvlin, Oct. 5. A special ftom
Wakes, Minn., says :
(ienrral Itacou, with the Santiago vet
eraun of the Third Infantry, left fur Hear
Island today detei mined to biiurf thi re
calcitrant I'lMager -lo tottim.
lacon lias two steanilKmts armed with
galling and liotchkiso Rims. The Chip
lewa Idians have six hundred flitting
inen and could cauo mivh troitt'lo if
they joined the I'illap 1 1. Tim lutlUiit
are apparently dele i mint it to ic
Set't the troos. Captain I'. I l.tuimi
who has just come in with the tiii; Vera
says the bucks aro in war paint, I'dum
has landed a detachiuent on the main
laud opposite IVar island Ti e Hiiihor
itifS think the Indians will make a
stand at Little Hoy Lake.
Complete 1.14 of Casualties in
Wednesday 'a KngaRcment.
the people of the state, especially in the knoWB ltl eyerv one cf the Corbet.
outside districts, distrust ltiui
There is no disputing the farther fact,
that Le is liked best wbtre he is best
knoiru. This is shown by his utulouht
ed pupulaiitj at bis home and by bis
associates in tbe senate. The editor of
this paper has never either spoken or
written a word in disparagement of Mr.
Pinion, for tbe reason that we personally
know nothing to bis discredit, and for
the reason that we have never praised or
lauded him before bis election, we shall
not now hasten to smother tiiui with
fulsome flattery. As a republican, he is
entitled to tho confidence of the republi
cans until he shall demonstrate that be
is not entitled theieto. Asa senator of
the United States he is entitled to the
encouragement and assistance of every
citizen of the state without regard to
lolitics, so 'xn aa be shall faithfuliy
and earnestly woik for their interests.
If he shaft faiihfullv and zealously woik
for the interests of tho whole state, with
out fear or favor, be will be returned by
the people at the end of his present term,
without serirous opposition. If on the
coutrary he should allow himself to be
come the tool of a faction, for the reward
of political menus, without regard to
worth or fitness and the punishment of
political enemies, for mere persoual ends
and gratification, bis senat jiial career
will be short and the fruit which he has
galhhred, will turn to bitter ashes in
his grasp. Tho I'laimilalku will take
pleasure iu extending t j him every en
cooragetueut and be surely baa our Lest
wishes, that bis service of the people
will be for their good and his honor,
men would vol tor Mr. Simon, ami that
they were a majority ol Ihe republicans,
the result, when the name of Mr. Co
bett was w itbdrawo, was no longer open
to doubt. On Friday afternoon it was
stated by Mr. Corbetl'a friends that his
name would be no longer piersed tor
the caucus nomination, and it was
quickly arranged (hat a caucus would
be held Friday eveuing at which all the
republicans would be present. Accord
ingly at the appoioted hour GO of the W
republicans, met and a letter having
been read from Mr. Corbstt withdrawing
his name from tbe contest, a vote was
taken without further delay for the
nomination of a candidate of the caucus,
which resulted as follows:
Simon 41 Hermann 1
Williams I Hewitt 1
George t Moody 1
Metschau - Cotton 1
Fulton 1 Hawley 1
Alter Seualor Urownell of Clackamas,
was chose a to present the name of Mr.
Simon before the joint convention on
aturday, the caucus adjourned,
At the joint convention on Saturdav
Ciiicauo, tVl, 7. The Tiibune'e Mall
correspondent at Walker, .Mum , en
route to the scene of 'mule-1 etwei u com
peiiy 1", Third inUnlry, uiuler -.unmaud
of General lacoo, and tho r In
dians, on Hear itdand, says:
The steamer Flora has ariived hue
bringing in tho killed and notunhul.
Following is a complete list vf thoe
killed and wounded in Wednesday's en
gagement :
Killed Ollicers: Major
Wilkinson. Sergeant William lUulei .
Privates Ildward l.owe, John Ouu-
stead, John S. Wallcnstocker, AJlio.l
Wounded 1". K. Antonello, shot in
the neck ; Uichard Umber, thot through
the bhoulder; KJward I '.row n , shut in
tbe lace; John Paly, siiot in tlio tiiiti ;
Chas. Francis, Private ChIiicv, ehut
through the shoulder: Charles Turner,
shot through i tie aho'ildcr; lieor,;e Wii k
er, shot in the leg.
Wounded civilians Kdward lluri--,
city maistial of Waiker; dosepli t'rear,
pilot of steamer .lenuie; T. J. shcchait,
deputy Unitevl States uiar.shal ;
Tinker, Indian iuseclor ; 1 1 -t. ry Waters,
engiueer of tug Jennie.
General lacou is tinlnit a! news
paper coi respouuei.t i liao in en ac
counted for and uuinj'ircd, nl'l nuh
they were at one liuio under the e.uue
heavy tii e which Ihiuned ttie r-iukt cf
w.llilho a!ligedpie limber Injuatiies,
ha i rcKiilled in the preSiMil trouble.
Wedncsdny'a Itattlc.
Sr. Pari., tvt. tt The Glolte'i cor
rcspoiideiil lvlegraihed the following
Hicount if jcKterday'a battle: "Com
pany l;, of tho United Slates tnlantry,
commanded by .Maj.r iikiuson and
l.iciUciiaiU Uois.i, aul under charge ol
General Picon, wun ambushed and
dapped iy ihe Phaser Iudiuiia wt l'ar
Island. Tli batile was a complete sur
priso to ih ttiHipi), and on the first
Volley Imu of fio men wero stricken
do A II.
Soon hllei landing en Iho inland Mar
uhal Shehau ai retted an Indian named
Mali ijiMtl After ih'w Indian's an est
tho Itoopi foiuu'd in tmill parlies and
marched ttkm'. ihe seiilemeut impair
ing for other recnlcilrsiits A the
party utai ted t ) telurn to lha steamer
tho Indians, Hiuhui.evl, opened lire.
The iioop himiIiI hht lur, and volley
after volley oh pound in by tho rod
tWti, wh ire Iim bIioii could ouly Im de
termined by tho vmeko from their gnus.
Major Wilkiiimiii'a company tired iegll volleys into iho hruwli.
At 1.' o'cli-i k tho Indian turned their
attention to l steamers which brought
the troops. The vi ej;l weie obliged to
put out in tin' laktt aud head for Walker.
A Itargaln.
Splendid dwelling property coiiSistmg
of three lots, well finished house and
outbuildings, ofiVred at a genuine bar-
.tui bv Ihe Uosehurg Ituihliug A: l.oon
Asiii falion. (inUiroot
lUtiMxs M.miks, Secretary.
SU 1111110115.
si aii:
Mr. Simon was placed in nomination by the troops.
Mr. Prownell, and bis nomination sec
onded bv Senator Keed of lKiuglas. The
result of the vote was:
Ken ne tt
Absent, Kuykeudall, of Lane,
Last week we read an account of the
persecution of an American Christian iu
heathen China. An American Christian
missionary in giving an aocouut of bis
treatment in one of the priuciple cities,
writes that every time, he apeaieJ on
the street ho was followed by a gang of
little heathen Chinese hoys, who pelted
hiui with mud aud stones and called
after him, '"foreign devil .' foreign devil !"'
Total !K)
It will be teen that Mr. Siuuou re
ceived every republican vote lit one.
Kuykendall, who was absent, but who
would have voted for him had he been
present, that Kincaid received 22, and
Ceuuelt 2 of the fusionists.
Hon. Joseph Simon, was boro in Ger
many ou February 7, ISM, coming with
his father, Pavid Simon and family to
Portland in 1S07, where bis father for
many years was successfully engaged aa
a merchant, there were four children,
tbe eldest, subject of this sketch, having
been born in Germany, one born in
There has lived in this Christian city for California, aud the two youngest iu Tort-
a great many years, an old Chinaman land, where all have leeu rearod and
a heathen, if you please, lie is old and educated.
peculiar, but iuolleusive and harmless Jur subject was hint to the public
when let alone, but almost every time echools in Portland, and reported to
he appears on the street he is followed have been studious r-d a good scholar,
by a gang of little Christian boys, who I in the meantime receiving, while assist-
call after him, "one eye', one eye '." and I ing his father, a practical knowledge of
l.ieuteuaut-Coljiiel Hatha; k I
General Uaco:i will como into Walker
from Bear island today, and a council
will then be held at which it will be !c-
cided what the uext move in the i.iui-
paigu shall be.
General Bacon sent word that the In
diana have scattered from Irs (rout and
taken refuge iu the dense tangle of the
surrouudiog forest. Lieutenant-Colonel
Harbacb experts part of the reinforce
ments at least Mill be landed on Itcnr
island at 0 o'clock this luoriiiu.
l ao uundreu and seven picked men
from the "Fighting Third'' infantry at
Fort Suclling, in command of l.ieuleu
ani-loionel llaroacli arrived al i:kcr
at G o'clock this evening coming by spe
cial aud fast (rain from tho fort at
Taut. Kich soldier carried hii Km
Jorgecseu. a hundred rounds ol auiniii
onion and rations lor live days, aud au
ampiu reserve supply of '.Hji)) rounds of
ammunition was brought sIoiil'. Anoth
er galling gun was pii'l of ihe t'ii
Almost Blind
Sr-rofcila Affects tho Eyca Llttlo
Eoy Trenier! by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now Ho la Well.
VK"i my little hoy was three month
old Mm rve hriame very a ore and ! was
i;:.v i Kin 1. I t ok him to an rrulit
w ho tr'.iteit him for nx month, and Irft
him as lnd ad he was at the ix-ginnim;.
Mmillv Hood's ivirvimnlla was rrcom-
inended find I li-fran r'vine tt to him.
In lt.-M th:,:i three wi-vks ho m atile
to co i:-to the :-un without covering
hi.( t i , sad today his eye are erfe tly
well, r.i:d h' carv iind none, which were
I -idly aleeted, sro also well. IlocxU
tarsnpiiriPa him certainly done wonders
for mv hov." Mk8. JAMES II. PA1KTKR,
Amador, t'uliforni.i
1'unrtiT. At' -IrntHt-i.
t.i Hip On-
Triie IUil
SI t fur l.rl II.mmI .
tN HI K tllUfJI' t'Ut'RT (K Tilt,
1 it On nun. tor IhinsU. iniiiiH
n i-arnin, MiiHninMiiuir tl
Hie K.IKIi- il lvn Ureiuil
itiveaaeil, I'lulmul.
Ueorae hitiliey, A T. Yliimii
iiiii,!.. II. Ilmnlllitii, ,liMn-li
U. Ki-lley, llormt' N, cram.
I'. M. lull. 7. Hnillli ttnlU'V, I Hull In I .,nlly
M Van lloutiii, J. U ttliini'- lo I i.oi ,.t a
hurt, i.alir I am and Mmunl Mmium:1
i t, i'r uiiina nnainew
iinilor, lliu llim liamo ul ( am
lluilln-ra It. M. Iiav an. I H
II., partnera il..ln
I. inline miller llie nun
nameot ljn. llrmli'iviti, I
lft'inlniit. J
Trtlifotf.' Knahor, Jiva.pli II. Ki-llry aii'l II. ir
a. i' N. I rain, alM' iianie iloli n.lanl
In llie ol tin' Hlali-ol Ho mkii Vnn me
licrt-iir niiltil lo a. ar and iniotcr iIiim-iiui-litiiil
111.. I analn )uu In I hi' enlllli-il
iiii, nil or Ix lim' llio llr-l il ol llienovl n un
lai trim ul the Inii riltllli-il limn, lit nil, nil
in li-lurv Mini. lay, liixil r .v. I-'K, mid II un
lull In i-ar or Mikncr pliilnltU'ii i nme'ainl
calnt j. mi nn alon alil w illilu xal.l ilmr, Im
m mi I lln nnl. (.lalnllil nlll In tlie eoinl
fur 111'' n lli'l il. iiiaii.liil In lil i n- I.. I
loin: Knr I lie him Inanrv ol a nilain mmuIkhi;.
rvii ill. il liy hIiI ilrlt-mlanl llulir in
favor ol la Uliin-ntit, nmv ilit ru,il, on lln- Inilt
.lay ol July. IMU. In .riire llu- n incxl nl u
it ilaui .roiiil-.oi y nolo lor the unin ol 1 1. if I l-
Willi Inli'iW llii-nim at lliu ale ol I. u vt tin I
lT aiiiuini Irtii.i tiilil ilal uHiu lili li lln tx' !
lion ilui' lliu mn ol lli'HU iki Willi Int. o'.l Itom
llu ilril day v I July. Is'n wi, nun ignin. nm
ing unluta'il la Id (irennl for llial nirui.i
I Ivi' lnlUinlii( ilv-i rllx-d ri al .ri. llr Invill
Tho lin.lh l.liil lull imI ;n the I.. II. mini:
pn-miafa, low II: Dial iait of Ihe William I.
1'i rry mmallnii l anilrlalin No. .M III I ; S , H.
, W, lyuii! va ol the Milllarv Hoad li adlim
north Imm KiwhiiiK. ilim-rllH'il ai follon, to
nil: lli'ttnnlnir al a imiIiii ou Iho north lunin
ilary line o( ahl i lalm 1 1 ivl t hallis i-ml ol .lln
nvllon tin.- iH lwi-en mi Hoik 17 and l, ninintiK
IhvlH'K S. i.'J ilomrei :M W. at Ml chaliia, lln tii'e
oillh I. on ihaiiiH lo thn i nlcr ol IN . 1 1 1. 1 k,
Ihriiiv iiorlhiifalerly ly lilt nitaudi ol hot-t
Cmk lo tho ra.l tomi'larv ol vai'l Mltllaiy
H.'ail. Hi. mi nnilhrriy aUinn Iht riul lnii.larv
ol a Id road lo tin' iinilhuri nl tortn r ol aanl
William I . I', rry ISMialmn lind t 'latin. Ihi nii-
eaat along the north Imntntary line ol aai.l
claim to Ihe plaep ol ln-Kinnlnt . ii'itlii
therelrom Ihi1 folton Iiir iirrta til land hrrvio
Inro iiold Ly hai Id llmliry and wile, vi-': Thnl
portion aold W. It. W lllla. Ili.-ilned f.irutili'h I
rii-oM. d In Vol. il of il.-nln. iaK ir.l:nlao land
old T. r. Sheridan, dn-d rveonh-d Vol.t.ol
ditnl. iut l.Ji, ato laud aold II. Ijott-.-nU i.
tlevtl ntinltil lliol.7of tteiila, oaae -i.t, and
land aold J. O. Adamaon, divd lor wlil. li h iv
fordfil In Vol. 1 1 id iI.kU. lnui' l..'. Ihe land
Imrrliy eomryixl l Oiitaluluii l,.i m rv
'.o iiinm.-iu lna al Iho 1 mil.' tWr Ih
tTni'U 8-i-. 17 aud l tn T r . H., ol il
.Mon.iiati, ineni-a ran .u rn., ini-mo tinrin a
i h.. Ibt'lKY rial t.l.'eha.,lhriiiH'oiilh ' ii-h
llicm-e nnl w) eha. Ilicn.i' nor t It In Hi h, lo
Ihe iilarr ni; lieKlunliii;, eotiiainlni; .: l.ia.n a
Alto I hi- UK , of Soe. 7, Iho V . ol the HW , ol
(. H, the Iraillnnal NK1, and lota ." aiidnnl
I, and Ihe w ',ol UieSW ' , of rnv 17
eontaluinv .CLlOmnv alaolln-NK
Il.llhcNW i.ol lln- SU ',, and lotuof S.i
!, roiitalntntr .' .11 aero, nil Im-iiik In Inn
S, It .1 W Will, mt-rlillau and toiilaiulliii In
thn ainrn-ualn 10. 1. On aena. nion' or h-u. navv
and ri-ri tln n lomi ar thr follon 1115 -an i'l-' Hi'Rtniuna hi a mum 41 In I H 1. iliBm ,
K ol Ihe M W I'ornrr ol hlnek I ol Himhi' Ad
iltllon o th t-lly ol Rohnrv, Orn.'oii runnlns:
ih. mc s s iii'(tn', eait tr.i it-et. ilii iu e s ji .1,
en-e, -.'Un lo t lo liitir rnvl, lli. in i1 rat
alons the imrth ln ol si.ld lirr mik '. .'
(rt'l, Ihi'iii-e N r'3 ilrure-a, K atom: thfnoriii
hank id aaldererk Wi Itrl, lln nre imilli Ji
l.rl to I hi' aotilh bank of thr Wa.l , I rll.. r
mill tare, Ihcutv m-ali rly, lim Hie inl
ander ol ld mill rait' In the plan- id l Kin
ulna. t-oulHlnliif .1 fu-rea: al-o l eireeh-d lot
and In hloek 1 and InU I and ti tn I.'-h k I 1 nl
ai.l Hiishr) addtllou to Hit city ul linvlniii:
t 'n-tfoii.
lieorae BuIh-y, lor the amnuiit due iiimn md
ir..miMiry note, lor the rv eaymeiil of the -.mi
ul lll'J.77 which nlaiiilill ha iieen eomin lied 1
,a ai taxr v-ked aauiut ald iimrtfaKiil
.n-mlM-. lorntich aUornry.a Ires a lln ininl
thall adliuluc reaamahlr. fnr ulaluilU a i "u
and illMnir. iii. 11I1 hi-r.-in. and Inr !ui h other
rebel a U ,ra. 11I lor iu nald enmplaliil and a
11. c enuri may a.iju.iKe inti-i au.i
I lliu ninnnnll-I" pul-hllicil l.y ord. t nl ll.-n J
W . peine id nald eoiirt, 11 hli li --aid
older I dated N'tdeuiber 'J, Iv..
V.H7 Attorney for I'lamiul
in iiik t lit :i tr t oi'itr
uK im. i i 11 k
I tiiriiiin lor Imimlan eimiili ,
M. laianl. .XilntlnlMor ol Hie 1
llaln nlliml.l l.rellnl, H.i
eeased. I'luliilllt,
i .
Hone Hra.tlrv ((ormeily IIumi
Itiitliei I. II ' I.. IIiiiiIIkv. her
lillkliaml. I. II. Hamilton. Hull III
Hlition t'aio and Imi.lnrv I am 1 ! H 1 1 1 T I
farturi ilolna Innlnrx uu- i fntei lone
ih r H111 Hi m name ol l am ( .M.iilitaie",
lliolheiii, HmiHi Hull)-, H Van I
II. mien. I'. M, llnllev, .).. .i
it, Kellrv. Ilnin.'e N. I'niiii, 1
J. II. Ithlnelniil, II M. Har
and It, II. HmiiliiiMiii
l-ailin-i. iI.iIuk I. mil
lie under Ihe Hint limn i id
lny A lli-n.l. nnn. Iieh iid
In II. I.. Hia-llev, J0.1 .h H Kelli . and II. ir
ail' N. ( lulu. nlMiie iinnied .1- I. li.llil;
In Ihe niune id the unite id ( .'h 11 Von are
lieivhv reiiulied In anneal and aimier Ihr I'nni
ilalnl IIIihI Hiinliil ton In Hm 1.U111' entitled
milt, nil m m Inn the hi-l dny nauhe tir s I leKU
lllar li-liunlllie almie eutlilnl tollll, III 11 II,
mi or U'lme MotnlHi, la-i'emlH r A, I,1", and II
ou lad lo a.i ai nl inisn. t I'lalnllll ' toni.lalill
Hitalul ton a afnn",md it ilhln nald Itme, lor
valtl lheiil. i'lalnllll .1 III i.,.l lo III" nnlll
Inr i he re 1 1. I d, in a i n I.-1 In hi. t iim.laliil a. nd
l.iim. or Hie ImerlnAinv ol a ii-iiatii miulif'iiii.
evetllleil I.)- al ilelrlldnlll lloj liia.llet
llniiueily In llnli. l m law. ml Ha Id iliennt
iho itit i-rin.'il, uu Ihe sih d t ol .Inly, tHI, In
M-eiiro the iawneiil nl a i-.iialil
mile lor Hm Mini id "im io it llh Int. rel Hiete
on al the rale ol leu h r 1 1 nl er hiiuiiiii limn
atd tittle iimu iilileu Hi1 le In mill ilnt Hm mini
id a.ijil Hh Inl.ri l Inn. I Hie .' ltd duv ol
1. 1. 1, Ivwi lal.lm.tilK te i .nil .1 im: nnln ,d.l
tairid t.ivm.i Inr that inttmr Hie lollniilua tie
M'tiltt-d teal t'loi'oi I In nil Ihe undo hied 1 t
tltli ie.1 iu tin- lull. in Inn n mtt-. In It II I iiat
.ail td the William Teny Imuaiii.u laud
I In I lit Nn In I -, M. It . W , It lii i .l ol the
Itllltaty lload lei lim tinrilt liout KiMehiirij, df
M'ttlx'tl lit Inllmi ton II lli'KlllUlUK al a mllll
on the iiorlh iHUiinhity line nl al.l elatm llti.l
i Haiti' eitM nl the -i linn lino Ifltln-vll mh lln II.
Ii a l.i, iiitiinni lln in- :-. i.-i .l.-tn-, . w
,h, ihalu., Ilu u.-v iitlh I. i riu tn lln
t-ruli t id Hi ei I'rt-i k, lln In t- liuitliiti li rli In
Ih no aii.h r nl tin r I n k In ihe i' t li niu.l
an ol nii. I Mllitait Hn-in e luulhiily
al.uiu Hir i al Imumlarv nl .aid toad In Ihi
tiniHiiM'nt tinner nl a. W Hllain I, I'.-ri) linn.
i an. 1 1 latin, nieiti a-t aiotn tint muni iniiiii
ilniv Hue o I ial.l elaiin In the .!aiHi ol U'lilll
initio tiee.llltil lll.-ielnttii Hui liillim Inil 1. 1
ol I n in I 1. 1 relnfnro v.n.l I,, Haw, I, v aud
ll He, M' Hint linrtion -nld W . II Wlllla, III.
ilee, lor nhleh i ni.-nli'd In Vol i. id Heed
.jie ., iilei lan.l ...I I I.I' rth. Hdau, deed
e.u.leil i nl. ii nl Ih'eila, page !' alo land .)
II. utiiti.-iiU-iv. det-d tt-eniilt.l In V ol 7 ol Hei-iU,
iwiie .I," and laud .ild J, .1, i-.l lot
Hlliiah I. teeoldid ill t.l. . id lle'iU, .aK 1"-.
I He lan.l li.-i.l-y enui i nil eonlitiuint; I; a. n.
AIm i niiimi'iii tni; al (lie1, mile ikn Ii' I kit 11
ei lloim I, A lit I . M. It ,-, w , nl W ill Mi ii
dan, Iheiiee tail .0 t-halii., Ilu'iiie imrlh a.'
elialii, llienei e' I 1 .1 ih i halm. Ihemv ..mlh
'M .! elialll llletn w ttt-l.K.irl ehitlll. thelur
1101th III Hi llama to Hie l-la.v ol hrttlludni;,eoll
laiuiiiB 1. in ai ft-... 10 i ni' m" , 11 M-o 7 tin- tr '
nl the , ol .v 1, the Ha.-Honal nr' . and lol
A i! of M-etlnn l and the 1 . nl the in 1 . ol
nr. I., emitiilnliitt an arret alu Hie in1, nl
.re. a ami the nw 1 , ..( I In- 11. 1 1 , mid I,. I 11 nl
'.1 eolilamnn .' d "I ai lv, all hi in In I .i,' n, K ft
u, iii Meti.lan ami iniiialiilna In Hi a((ir
Kali) In. I m, iti iva, mnie ,.r lex, avi and eve. nl
iii.-iriitmi an- me inimw iii partela mini. i
Kiiiinim ai a nmni 11 1. . 1 .- c. 1 n ihe int i .nn. l
ill lliu k I . nl . Ail.lltlllll I
lln illy of ll..i'l.nrv, l'tinll, liii.ulint
1 im n. i r. ml fen, then..'
.r- n n et 1.1 iM-r I n i . lln nee ea.l al,,i
thr in -r lit hnlik nl -nl.t U, t itn k ;." . In l,
Ihenee N. ,,' . K nlnlitf Hie 11,, r Hi l.alik id .aid
i reek In 1, tin in,- 11, nil. :ui 1. 1 I to Hie uniili
1'iiiik 01 tin- 1, ail ait'l I ftte-le mill raie.ihinir
iieteily, InSlmi iuk Hie 1111 ainh 't nl al.l mill
iaie in 1 tie .la. .- nl l iMium, eniilaluiiK
aerea alo l i-in t,. , !,,( : and .1 Iu l,!,.k I
ami 1.11. 1 uu. 1 1. in 111,1k I:, nl .aid lliiiln 1
A.1.1111..11 In Ihe t Ity ,.f U..M 1,11, (in -.mi. Al
mr a ...Hum. ill a.un.t Hie deli miaul l
nia nt i mi in. aniiuinl ilue 1. 1-., 11 aal.l nmnil.
.01) Hole. ..r the rei.aymillt id Hie .-.111,1 id
111.1., tiiinn (.lalnllil I, ai inn . .11, 11.. in . I 1
.ay ai lai-i ai-e-iol a.:ailiit .aid mm Uanl
.reiiil-ii inr aiiih allmnt . In a. Hi. ...utl
na l a.ljuilKU . a-niiitl.i, , 1,11 n'aintlll 1.-1
ami 'i:i'Uii 1 ti In 1. 111. ..r m h other rein I
a i 1'iaii'i Inr in -al l 4 (. In i nll, , K
mini may n.Iju.l.;. In,. I mid 1 nuilanl'
I hi- umun.li9 l .uliltl,ed l,y nnl. 1 nl II n
1. Haniili'ti, jink-.-,.f smd num. tt hi, h .aid
ni'li r ti tlnli'l i.-jm iii lft li-.ia
f. W In i",
' ' l' Allmney Im I'lalnllll
1 Oieanll, Inr Ihe Homily of lmnln..
W I', lord, II. K. Mm aid and Phil l
... . ... kl ..I ..I
Itllll'liau. ni l.".i.i "I 1 nnnnii.
l.inei, Inr Ihe ale til Helnml and
I nlvei.lly I an.i ami Inr Hie In
i.-.liurnt nl Ihe fundi ail.lini
Inn llieti liniii, I'IhIiiIIIU
.toll it II mid Ml. Inhn ll.neh, Ida
..He. llelelltlnUI I
In Inhn Unit II Willi Mt, J.'llll linn II, aim! tt
lianli.l Hi lellihillla
In Hie Iianir ol Ihe hlidttiil On noil, .Mill and
rai Ii nl inn aie In tel. i .-.illnil In a.a'nr and
an. hit lln' i.uni'lalnl In the
alio n elilllleil mill, nil nr In Inin Hinlli.t day nl
Hm li-ln'Hlllar lellil of Ihla loutl Inn II
Mnliday II Ill day ol n-i i mil r, lain, audit
ymi lad to amour lor Haul Ihiimf Hie
I'lalnillU 111 a..lyn tin r.niil Im Hie n Ih i In Ihe itmtilallil, a uik lnel Klale.
1111 lit ol hl It ! ' l"llnn. hal I'lnlulllli
hate lii'luin. Ill an a 1 11 t Hm Pi lemlmti, J., In,
Horn h, lor Iho nut id l-'-O, with HHereat Hiirenu
I111111 Ihe Hid day nl Jnim, l a., at I he tale id
IM.rti'iil " 1 annum, Invhlea nl and
illahuiM'im lit III Ihi anil and Hm mini lilt.,
al oinry a lee-, Inr Ihe uniiil tin ten Ituorhii
Inn I'lalnllll tmuiiaiie and lot I lie .nlenllln
linn iKignl iiii'iulM'a 111 the maimer 'Oi.. . Ity
Ian, ami (lie a..ll. allntt ul Hm lum emla t,i
1111 h ale, lo Hi. 1 lu ll" id . iaie, ami the
.all. la. II. nl nl the almie liielillniieil demand.,
and Ihe LalauiY, II any, Iu fay In lliu Imli ml
aul, John Moat h, of lid dual n 't-.i nlallie,
Hint Hie IN It ti'lanir inim imrami i lalmlini
l.i, 1 1, mi mh or timler unin, lie
ij n Hill . "' ' Iy
I lOOtl S I'lll with ll.a l iS;.ir.
Ol I II !
,..ti ilia
Two Braves With a (iricvancc
cltcd the Rest to Violence.
pen uiiu Willi muu ami stones. Iu a
great many iustauues tbe Cbristain par
ents of these Chiatain boys know of tbeir
action, but instead of reproving and cor
recting them, they appear to think it is
really funny to see tbe old heathen per
secuted. Last week a little Christian
boy tbrew a stone at tbe old heathen and
struck him on tbe lip, cutting an ugly
gash and knocking out two teeth. It
was bard on tbe beatben but it was fun
for the Christian. We wonder w hat tbe
difference ii between heathen boys who
business, which has since been of much
value to him iu his profession of law.
In JS70 he entered tbe otlice of Mitchell
& Dolph, then the leading law firm of
the city, where he read law for two
years, when he was admitted to the bar,
soon after becoming a member of the
firm with which he had studied, since
wheu his career has been one of con'
tinued success. In 1877, he was elected
a member of the city council from tbe
second ward, which position he held for
three years, declining a re-election,
1S0, 1SVS isx.', lS'Jl, 18'Jfl andi
lS'JS.he has been re-elected to that l,romiflin translation from Val
oflice, Iu the sessions of l.SSV, Iti'Jl,
stone Christians and Christian boys who which was tenJered to him without op-
ctoue heathens. position,
In 1335 he was appointed by the gov-
THE PASSING OF MR. CORBETT. omor a member of the board of police
coiiimiESiODers, in which capacity he
There is something sad after all iu the served until July, IS'J'2. In politics, he
defeat of II. W. Uoi bett. With this de- is a staunch and active republican. He
feat tbe Bun of his political destiny Las was chairman of the republican slate
set forever. His advanced ace aud central committee in 1NS0. 1884 and 1880.
. i
physical inhrmities preclude that he rendering his party and the stale valua-
abould ever again aspire to a seat in the ble service in these vears. In 1880 he
United States senate. That he is a bati- was elected a member of tbe state sen-
ness man of strict integrity aud eminent ato, aud (or seven successive times, viz :
ability, is coiicedsd by everyone, lie is
a liberal, broad minded philanthropic
citueu. His best frieuds never claimed
that he was a Btalesinau. 1'ersoually be
bad but few, if auy enemies. It was
only wheu he allowed himself to become
the tool of an unscrupulous political ac
tion, that tbo people of the statu became
bitterly autagonibtiu to hiui, and aluiobt
without auy knowledge of his persoual
qualities, his uatna has bucoiue synony
mous of currupliou and boseium in puli
tics. If II. Y. Coibett bad stood alolJ
from currupt polititious, and appealed to
the people themselves iu his own proper
person, for recognition for the eminent
services he has rendered the peutlo of
tbe state, as a representative of the com
mercial and financial interest.! of the
great Northwest, the result might have
been difl'ereut. Some men might always
bs able to buy tbeir way into tbe United
States senate. All men can't do it.
C'niiAUO, Oct. 7. Tbo Tribune tas:
some facts in connection with the
present trouble with tho 1'illager In. liana
at Leech lake not generally know n are
as follows:
A year ago a while man wa3 arrcaU l
for telling linuor to tho Indians. The
United States Marshal ancet.J Min
Jon-Dab, a Pillager Indian of Ikar
island, who years ago gained considera
ble notoriety by killing Chief Hole-in
the-Day, and is reported to be a bad and
insolent Indian, having kilted seven of
his tribe, in addition to Chief Jfu!c-in
tbe I 'ay, and is remarkable for lih can
ning and great influence with the ha!
ance of his tribe. He is a lare and
powerfully built Indian, cf the dark,
greasy type. He still wears tho old ab
original blanket of bis fore.tthors, and
was never knowu lo live in any abode
but a tepee or small tent cf birch bark.
The United States marshal sirci-tad
him as a witness against tbe while man
for selling whisky lo them, uu l tuoK Lim
to Dulutb, where the trial was held.
New Brewery and Ice-plant,
Max Wise Co., of Victoria liritish
Columbia, have leased the old cannery
building and will at ouce put In a brew
ery aud Ice-plant. They expect to have
the plant in operation by January 1st,
WX, 1S'J7 anl he was elected
pi esnlcut ol the senate, and presided
over that While emialur, he was
an ludefatigable worker, and served on
various committees. As suflicient evi
dence of the general satisfaction experi
enced as to bis maunor of executing the
duties devolving upon him, we have
ouly to refer to his seven several elec
tions t J the souale, and his election as
president of that body for five sessions,
tbe greatest possible compliment to his
integrity aud ability as a parliamentari
an, Mr. Simon was a delegate to the
National republican convention held at
Minneapolis in June, ib'J-, and was
elected a member of tbe Republican
aerto uuiutu ana return, witn expan
ses. hen the trial was over Mm-. Ion-
Dab, it is said, bad to walk from Duluth
to Walker, u distance of I'M inikh, with
out money or food, aud arrived at Wal
ker nearly starved to death. Ho uuorc
before bis tribo that In would never
recoguie a warrant or papcid of any
kird served by tbe United Platen marshals.
Wheu tbe fall term of court met at Du
luth. Miu-Jon-Dah and another member
of hi . tribe wore wanted at Duluth to
gi .c ii alimony iu another case similar to
luuv oi iasi lan, xue marsuaiH came
and arrested the two Indiana ami nut
them in jail.
During their incarceration there was
Porllaml, September
111. 1,1"
-t and i.r. i -I KoMlmu Ki
in the Nnrthwe-t.
r Iteld
"Itil-t'.nill.l i -h , 1 1 -1 , -1 1 ii ill I v d
I in it. nn I' rlul ( r. . It i -1 . ll . uu Iiidtni!
-1 i nr.. in Ih.iu i . r Li-fore ttalh
i r- l t.:.'iln r in mn' i
(iold, Silver and Itronc flcdals
will be Awarded.
.ii.itvc,"ii:n; k ich r-pecimens irom our
'i- I I, Siivcr au.l 'Hhor Mines
lim it
A .1 1 u ii i : -1 1 1 '
II cllie.'ed Inr lliu "emnll.
Aerial I cats and
TN IIIK l lltt t il I Ht'KI OK IIIK M AII
1 ol Ort'uoii. t'niitilv id Doiisla.
II. 1.. Mar-liM. l'litiiiliil
I . Mill III l -Wltt
rretierii' . i aritttur : lor lorn iosutt
ami Amien l iritliler. I al Hnila,;e
eieuiifeiiu. I
In hrtilerle W. I arm titer and A mm I ami it
iiT, uvieiiiiaiiii:
ID HIC Uaillfl til tbe Hlalu ol llreuiill villi are
ncreur n niiirju in ant-car anil au-iit r lln- t-oiii
lllllll hleU aca nal von III Ibe alone elllllli-.l
.nil l.v Hit- unit dair of the m il leri.t ol Hi
IO.IU' cmuictl eotirl loiluiiiiis Ihe t-ilia!i..ii
nl the time iirest rllatl In Hie order Inr nuhli
nnn 1. 1 trim iiiiMmnii., m nu n hrat .lav mil Ii'
the ..Ih iluy nl Dvt einlur A. I). Iv. mud ii
lail to an ai'it-ar and er. fnr ttanl llin.-nl
1-1 3 1 ii 1 1 11 mil lo -utnl tmirt Inr the n il. I
.it'iiiau. leu in ni totuiiiaiul.
I lie riltel tlvniainlud I. the forei n
lertaui nmrli;nK-il ewt'iilrd and .l.-linr.-l In
toll hi J. .1. It I linn .I....I 1,:M.I .Ih. nl
Manh, A. II. IK!,, lu Mi lire lite t.avnii nl .1
t'erliilii 'iniiili imte of yoniai'lte-i fur l.'.-o)
I'ayame (w.temi r .-.inl, nllli Inh iet nl
the rale of eitcltl x.'r eenl per annum, and it hieh
l.l murtaaiie c.-ntefeil uulo atd J A. Willi.
Inr thai nuriose Ihe Minium: devith. '! i. !
1'iuiKriy r-liuaie-l In In. r.-niiiv .f IioiikU
tate ol ireituii : l ot No. three ( il in l.lia k .So
Hv..( 'l Hi North I'ark Add i lion In lin. Imrr
.lim i miner uirree niininit ,iu.l ..rn lomui:
aid rretlvric W l itria nli r and
Agiie-. I ariculer ol anil llrmn lauy and all
rndit, Hilt- nr iiiler- sl in or in -aid real
crty .nnl every tar thereof
I hit Hiitninniia ia i.tihliNhi.-il hv ,,r,l,-r nl II
J. W. tlaiinit linlKf ol Ihe al"'ii- i nlill. -
inurt, ma-le M'l'leml r . 'Hi, A l l-'i.
O.U7 Attnrney fnr I'lalnllll.
Notice of r'lnal Settlement.
Siiliet-la lierchy alt rn tint Ihe iinderdcin d
ndniiDl-lralnr nl the eMail- nl i-arah M Wi hIIi
erly, deicaM-d, liai hied Im aet-niiul in Hie
I ouuljr Court nl DoiiKlaa cuiiuly, isuie ol I 'rc
t'nti, aa audi adnilnmtratur, and thai aid. I I nun
Iv C'nurt haa lived iui-iditf. the Mh day of
November, lays, at Mo eliajk a. m. ol nald duy,
aa un- nun' mr in arum nine, uoua, Ii any tin re
lie to laid Dual account mid Ihe aeltleinenl id
am emnie.
llaU-.l t 111. Ill I llav of Mel'lemlier IK-HI
HlltAM WKATIIhlll V.
Adiiiilllalrator of the estate ol harah M
AcroballC ncaiacrlv, ilcccast'd. CM
IS IIIK I II. t I I I I'OI lil' IH 1 III.
1 1. 1 Hi. ti.-n. h.r I' -Hilda I ,'iuili
N lanial. Adinttil.trulnr ,,l i
the t .lute nl I'ainl i. n imt.
del-- an-1, I Ulnllll
JiiM-i'h li.
. A.'
ry I.-jw Kites on all Kailruads
Adults J.) cents Children 10 cents
Mini In K-iullv
fnr a Uli "ii c
Notice of Pinal Settlement.
Ull'l- IlUNri fldlnillltl-HlnrM ill Hie i .11.. ,.f
II' 111 . (,'iiimi, .it., dee. ,iv d. liai e liled their dual
ii -. -. nii! n- -ueii i.iiniii.iriit.ra In the I'nuiilt
urt .1 ji .ii-Mii. County, tiri'iton, and Hint anid
"in mi "i i .n -uiiy, isio em la t , Ih-., at the
mur nl J " i In. Ii, n. in. id .aid due, at the court
inn .- Ill l.'.v-lilllV. IM. Unit. Hi the t ine iilnl
(.-r lln- i "liildeuiliiill of mid hind uieoiiul
ilini im In -Jilii-- iililfi-llona He n In mid fnr the
nil ..-ill, ..,, , ,,( k,,, i-llll-'.
linn I hi Itn chiirg, Uri-.iu, Una loili iv ol
-.'.; r, -i.
ol lli uiy Conn,
A Iniiiii iia'.on of lln; Kduti
., .1. r. ii - il.
A of treirnn for Dunglaa coiinijr.
I. al.cllc Nell. in, 1
William .Velum,
II. l.'ll'lllUI. I
To illlaui Ni-lmii, itlaitt' fiHiiieil Iieli'iiiliinl
ill tile name ol Llio MMU- ol tlii-irmi. inn hii-
in n.-i.y reulilri .1 to annear and unauer ihe 1 i-
plaint hlt'd aitnluat in Him alHitt- eulltleil
lull on or belurt-the llrat day ol tho next r. pil
lar l.-rui of Hie ahove en II lle-l Court, to wit:
Mnliday, DeiH-tiilx r tilli. la'JH. and If vim full to
apta-ar or aimiter aiild cnmnlnhu wlililu aitld
nine lor tvaui llil-rcul, riaiiiiiii Mill nnnly lo
llie Courl for tin: rellcl ileiiianded in Iter com.
I'l'iln I M fulloua: l-'nr a dceicu ol dlwniu 1 lav
auliiDf the b-'iula of inn trim. .11 y cvlallim he-
Hi cell I 'In In tl n and H. (cinlnnl. mid fnr mill
nnn r rcili-l a to t tic Court may appear meet
aim i.mM-r.
I Ida uinuiona la iinliliHheil l.v nnler ,.f II, m
J. Vt. Hainlllnn, JinlKuof anl. 1 1 ourt, tvlileli Mild
urn t ia uait'u h'i.i j.i. iv.m.
MlBIl rAliK TCftllN, and
"-"Ji" Attorniyii lor I'laiiillH.
Kdnard 1'nnliey. I ela Itioln
In. ii II.', I.. II. Han nit t .
A. lehliie..', A T. Ihotnii
"II, I,, kellet, III. I
Met- S, liittii, I'. l Mai ley, I Hull lu r..UHy
mnllh llailei , . an Hnnteii, l.i l in-l. c a i.iiiueiiarl. l-a.lnr I am I .Mm iga:e.
aim Diiiiuu t am. I'ariller iln-
IU hit-llie. a under tin- Illin
name nl I am llrnlhrra. u. 31
Hat and II II. II. mh lauii, I
-altlli 1 'I" nut 1. 11. inc. . 1111 I
. r Un- linn iiaine ,d liny .1 ;
llep.l. r-nii. I'.-l, inlitnl. )
in K'l" nnl b. 1.1,1 1 , I . In II11.I1
. iiey, Hnrni ti N t nnn and I
nl l.uie iiaun -l ,1. I. n, Inula
111 ti..- .-.a 1 mi' n hi 111 ir,L-nii v..n
are In-iel't r. niilo d to iii.ik ar ninl naiti-r n,
ill .iinili III. -1 UK 1 1 II -L 11. 11 in Ihe a live -i,
iiin.i, 1111 n 1 m 1 me ltr-1 iIki ol the lievl
rt uu ia r 11 rui "i nrnii-in-riiiii ,.t ,1 1.. .. 1,
l-l,..- Mnitday, U, , . nil, t ... 1 --a.. n, 1
-on 1. 111 1.. n.Nr or anait.-r i'lalnllll a mm
luanii a:;aiti.i ton a alnnaaid tillhlii mil. I
tin 1.-. nn 11 ant ineiini, 1.1a nllli n am, v
to Iheiouit inr Hm rellcl demanded lu Mi u,iu
I'utiui ai i.'iinita: l ot llie I'iii-i I11.11,,- ufa
lam IlloilKllKe l i . uled l.v .al.l .1,1, mU.,1.
r.'inai'i iiiiiii. 1 au.i 1 Tin liiiihry lu lium ,.(
I'ai id tin not. noti t. 1 1 a.i .1. nn 1 he ail, .1.., ..1
viii-, i" '.. in 'tine nil' laylll. Ill "I aimtalli
.riililla.,ry llnle f.l Hiealllllnf l.'h.'ial mill
iihi'-i nn 11-011 ai 1 11 ram iii 1,-11 lu-r 1 ..i ,u..
" --n m- u "Hi it 1111-11 iiiere la milt
ine nie .11111 111 "a. '. .1 it un ini..r...i 1,.,,.. 11... nay in juiy, ii-.; aahl mm lumje t .,ut, )luK
en-,,., i' "i ii ii'Mi lMlthnae i
Willi ileanrilt'i nil l.moerlv l.,.t,i 11...
1111,111 men - 1 1111. -r.-ai 111 im- !nk. ,ieiuiM-a
mull, nun .niiiu 1 iic vv 1 1 1 1 11 tn l . rcny I'u
iiaiitm 1. nin 1 1 laim inn, .3 lu I..-7K, It. .1 V
iilllK eitai 111 llie .aiiMlarv (,,K, I, adlll-J II. it I II
lliilil Una. tun;, drat iila-.l 111 1. 'Hint In tall n...
Kiuiiuk- at a coioi nn me 11, .nn l,tindaiv line
1 anm 1 mini 1 i i.i riuiina eiiat nl tti , ii.,
11110 iH-tHeeli aeelliuiH 17 A l. rtiiiiiuiu iln.n, ..
n. uj ui-ko ea .hi t . ..1 91. 1 nalua. t heiii-e .mill,
1. nnclllllll" lu lln-II lllct III Ili-.-r ere, !, II
11.11 Ihtti ali'ily by lliu 1111 an, I, ra ul lieer Creek lo
" ''' 'aiy 01 iai'1 .iiiuiary II011.I, I In 111
iiorineriy aionii Hie eaat bntindarv of .aid rnad
to me iioriiiiteai 1 .inn r aal.l twillaiu I. Terrv
liimatloil Ijill'l Claim, llicin-e ent aluiiK Hie
1101 Hi iKjuinlary lino of mid ei.i,,,
10 llie .iaee 01 iHgliinillK eeeillDK
Ihi-refrum the (nllimiinr nl,-, ... ..7
au.i it.'n-ioiure fl.11.1 lie i;avl.l lln.ln.i mtiA ir..
tl: That inrtlim nil, I IN. It. W'illla, ihu d.t-.l
fur Itn h la reeiirded In Vol. ll ol Hccdi, .hko
m,, .u,,., -vji'i , , ., .H ri'i',lMei
", 11 01 I'eeiia. iiaL'tl Ilia, a an ami m. .1 ll
l.aiiKeiiijeru. ui-' -i rei ooled In Vo I. 7 of lie. ,1.
pace :i;t. and land aold I. U. Adamauit, di ed for
tvlileli la rei'Ol.led III Vol. I., nl I I. iM
Intel In rehv cooieyeil fulilulnililnii 7ft
aeii-a, .vi.o t iimmem uu,' al llie ', mile uki'
IM Itvci ll ait llnlia l, ,v Hi III I . -.'7 H., It. ., VV of
Will .M. rl'lall, Ihemo eaat A chalna, Hicuee
lllirill as I'liailia. Ilielllle ea.l 1 I ir.l chalna n, ,,. ,.
aolllll '."I. ,'41 challia, llieltcc ttcat .tl.oj chnlua
t'"i ii'.'w .-nal na tn Lilt; niui'e i.r iu, ...
iiiiik. inniniuiim l.i-., in nerea. Alan m a.,1 . ..I
ace. i, tin tt nil- iw ', ol ace a. Hie frat!
ikuiiii ni", ttini iiint iiv inn ncciiiiii la Mud tli,
111' i ol aeullnll 17. enlilalliltnr
,- in act inn it aim .
Iliv . oi ine lltt' . ami nil I, nl aeel nn 'I ,
II. K '! ni aciea, UU IM'IIIK 111 UVII.'JV K.. 11. .', IV
II. mi mh or under lln in, la- hunt tr hatred
and Inn tttattl ol all HkIH, lllle or Illicit-. I an. I,
iiilly ol leileinpllnii nl, III in lo aald moriaae I
.i. or any pait Hteivof. T he pienilai a
inntlaannl and aoinilit lo lai aold III lln aepi,,
it-eilluM an tleat f icm-iI a lulluita- I'nmmeii
i UU at ll.a lK i inner of Hm l luimaa Tliraaher
d.uiallnn laud claim, in Met . .1, 1 1. Jis M olli 1 ,
III iHiiiKla inuiily, I nek, m, llicnin tu,iinlii
iH.inl . il tanla amilli id In lu Hie lownihl),
llnti la huh ll lp.' and ,i u.aa-i laid claim,
Ihenee weal lo ttcat tine ol aald t-lalitt, Itiruie
aoiiHl allium llie Ilue id uid t laliu I.. Hie half
milt) Hue Hi llieicnl.-l nl aald h-n .1 Ihuiitt
ra.l In weal line id Ihe Hat Id Hl.lcliulir ttniia
linn land t laim Hi laid . clli'it, Hiciut imiih
In M tntlltr Ol anld i I n l til , lllclliii iia-d lo
I'lacii id latflttnina. i.'Uiainlna, mum
i't li-o I III. auilltiiou. I nit,liahe, if elder uf
linn. J.IA. Itattillluii, J.idi(e ol the alaitei-u
lllled I'oliit, dated Align. 1 .' laud.
A Hi HAW Ktlllll,
A.k'i; Allniuit) lor riahilirt,
IS HIKl'lltt'l II (it HI Ol- IIIKMAIK HI'
(lleKtin, Inr Hie I 'nllli I V id loUlaa.
I-. Iju.I, 11 tt Kim ai I and 1
lilt Mclat halt, a. Ihe Hnaid
of I .tnimlaainiicia fur Ihe aale
ol H Iliad and I'ltliciaity
I alula ami Inr Hie luve.t-
liieul ol Hut run.U arl.litg I
in. it liiini, I lainillla.
W llhai.t Mitt lu ll, IN I, udaiit. I
In III lam Mlti hell, ilatti- named It lendrUt,
lllthti lialttt. ol Ihe Hlatn ill llrt-L-ou, ton a:0
In rehy n-nuliid to a. ar ami aii.ajer llie emu
plalul flleit nualii'l )"U lit Hie alaiie etiHHe.l
anil, oil ul la-lnri' Ihe dial ihu of Hie Iteilregii
lar term uf thli I'ouil. In it it Moltdai , Hie lh
dav id lieia-iiilM-r, AH, l-a't. and II yon tail i.i
to anwttct fur ttatu lln-rt-ol Hit I'laiiitlit. Hill
appl 1 In Hie I null l.n llie n il. I lemnurleil lu
Hie i-oinidaliit, a aueelut I latenti'iil ol w, , i
aa follnn't Inr Jink-mc hi aalut Ihe IN Icinl
ant Ini ihr min of .'. milt luicriai Hu-reou
liuiii the ''Hi day uf Auiuil. I'l. al the lai. ul
m r cent ari annum, U-.idc the t ml. and dl.
l.illaa'ltieliU ill Ihta allll and Iklallurneta fee..
Inr Hit! tiaiial ilct lee inret lu-luil I'lalutilt a
iiiuitKatp., and Inr aale ol the muilL;aL;ti I'li-ni
lac., and Hie up plication uf Ihe puatial. lull,,,
i ".l. ul .al--. Una anil and I'lalnllll a ih maud'.,
and thai Ihe Itcl.-udaut and all H-i.iia i laim
tin; t'jr, IhrtitiH-h ,.r under hiui lie lurrt t i hatn-d
and Inlet 1..M-.I ,.f nil right, tu I,-, lull ir.l and
I'lUlltol n di inl'tlntl ol In. and to lal.l mull
l-alt'.l a and ett iy pull Hlt
I'lcmliea ar d--.-tl'l n l.ill.ta,, In l I to.
K ',..1 -m c .1 I. ,i,ii. I. In .'!.-,, d I.e. t ,,
II lllanu tte II, lldlail, lu I a, .lit; I ata, Culllil), lltr
l: -ll . li-l a nh ulli. i an l hui'i. r I. II. I ai Hi.
tu.lll .hall lie. in t.tnnl'le. Ihla aiiiiimoua
pill. Hah, .1 I.) in. I. I ul III. n i I. V llanilllnli,
J.l'lat-nl the al'lll o I 11 ll I led I uul I, dated A tlfi
llil .'., I-
M HAM fuli 1 1.
"ii'-' ah. nn r "i I'laitiiiri
Notice l:or Ptiblicntion.
l airan lit 1 1 a. l.i - u mini,
K...ehuig. i in nun. timn.i .,l-.
Nnlliel. In Ich) lilteli Hull in i ..Indian, c
null Ihe pi. .tl.iuua .1 tin- a. Id I unit. ..ul
lulu I. I- .. cntilled ".In ail l,,r Ill-'
linilK-r land, in Ho- Mai- Calllmuia Itircuii.
Nt t ada aud U .i.lillialuli l errltult a. eat, ml, d
to nil Ihe I'll!. Ik I ami Matea I') a. I ul Aumi.l
I, la.l.-,
1 I I. r II. t"l I.1SH
ill Oaalntl.l.imilily u HuUKlna, hlalc o Hit suit.
haa Ihla. lay hlt-l in thl.ninceh. rmoiii.ini.
niciii So. u.a. fur the inn, haae ul lln M. '. nl
CI lull So a, In T nit u. hln N,,. -. kaiia,, N., l
IV, IV. M. au.l ttllloitt-r i... In l.a Umt iho
laud aouk'hi la ninn- v alual.le lor lla IIihIh ,,r
alone than l.-r arl. ulluial pui .. i,.l l., ra
tahll-h Per claim lo .aid laud , II. Ki.
l-r and li...-ln-r ul tit la nffl- nt H,. I,,ir. lln
II, nil lileala). Ilie.'-lh .Urtll 1 1, I. i , I ata.
"he tiaillea a lilllu .M.- V. W. Ma.laiiK T. li
K tl I ll. I. II. II,,, tat, I. KctiL-ll M. Hmlll, l ILL
laud, ting tut and all t inlinlm:
ad)erel) Ihe aim. e ill mm ll-cd laud, an- le.
ullcalcl I., llie Hielr claim, lu tin. ., lln n,
tH'luie .aid i'lh ila) nl I Htnla t, I .-at.
J 1 IHillH.I.
Notice lror Publication.
i a in i. -t 1 1 1 - i i mi i M rn i ,
Kui- huii;, I Irciilli. A'l.'ll-l 1 1 I .'at
Noll, el- licn-l.i unin lim! in . ....... 1 1
Illlll the l.lill nliina ul Ihe ail ,.l I- ..i
Juno 3 . . enlltled "All a. I l..r lln- ..I
'I I allln una. i n cmi
limit! land- in Hu Mai.
neva.ia and n aaliluiilmi li-mlori.
JAfllJ llt'KIl
id Klliii 11- . I i) ul I aue, Slain ul II,, mm. In.
Ihla. Int nii d lu t It lai ulli, e hla mi,. in atal.
No, la. ,, flu the 1'llreha.e ill lln. NW ' ..I i
So. J. Ill I "W li.iiln Nn ' i r- k v.. i ii
and mil nih r proof In ahn.v thai Hu- laud '.nuchi
la inure valltahle llir Ita 1 1 till" r I.r alnue I hall fur
11,11. Illllirnl I.UIIHiaea. and to ealnhllal, I,,. . I.....
to aald laud (adore the Kcclaicr ami It. e- iver ol
llna i. HU c al Una. I. iuk, Hnu un Mcdiiculnr
the 'lillt dny ul m, la'ia
lie llitlllca aa mtneaaea l t I - It...
Kilk't'lIU, III . J.... I'll Culda nf kin ..,,. ,i.
Ohiirlea Mi am. uf Halt laud. nr.. J.'l.ii'n..,,... ..I
Oaklitml. Or. Any and all -ranu t lalntlUK a.l
veraclt the al.uve ih aerilH-il Unda H. rcuiicaied
lu Hie llu-lr clnliiia In tin oillce mi ,. . i
aal.l 4. Hi dit) id Octohi r, IKm.
.. . J. I llltllM.Ki-,
HtlO K.glaitr.
Notice Por Publication.
t'NIIKIl STATK l.lHD l)U i K,
,. , . KiiaeliiirK, Oret!.iu,Hept , a la.
.Nliltcu ll liereliv ultell Hint Hu, I.. 1 1.... .....
Iiami .l aettler haa liled milieu ol lier ilntenilnn
to iiinku liltal lirtMlf III llll.l.url uf her el.,, ....I
that aald prtail will lai made iK-lnre Ihe II. ai.u-r
and Hmtlter, United Hlalea l.ainl nn ,
K.aiehurK, OriKoii, nil i N toher '.., Ik.ih. m4 ,
On lliiincatcii'l i:nlrvNo. 71' H. for Hm NK'
SKI, Met-. , I'p ,'J.H, It K Weal. Mm inline.
Ihe Inlloit lliK ulliieaaea tu pintc In r cniilliiin.ii,
reanlenee upnii and uillii aliuu ,i, n, nll,
yl: .lulill nilaou, t:hailca Mcctiin, 1 h.rlra
Wllaou, H. Httvl oil aniaa Valley, inc,.n
J. I. HUI M.I H.
of Ihu
.'l.n'J aerca; ulao llie
ulu. .
AHorney Inr A lmiui.tiitlor. NotlCC Fof PubliCHt iOfl .
national committee front the state of 'utd"Be excitement umoiif tlio Indians,
Ort-t'ou. ny many threats of a rescue were freely
In fraternal matters. Mr. Simon is a indulged in by the Indians.
past master of l'ortlaud Lodge, No. 05, rioally 20 of the bucks, dutiuu llie
V. 1'. & A.M., and a member of 1'ort- night of September 8, made a raid ou
land Chapter No. 8; ho has received the the jail al Walker, Minn,, and released
thirty second degree in Scottish rite. the two prisoners. The two Indians
The ouly former Hebrews in the made their escape to Be ar inland and
Administrator's Notice.
l limit t -uninl adiniiii'li'Htor nl the
I --l.ii' u( I inn Cliotnilit'i. ileceuaed. Iiaa liled hi
liitiil le ri -;, in ai inch iidiiilnhlitttnr with the
I ninny l I. ik fin llollflna I uillily, Uiigoil, mid
Hud the Hnu. in'.; I.votia, County Judjje, uf u,j
i 'Hiiiiy ui ImiiKlna, itna n t Tiienlny, the sth day
ul Not i in I,, r, I via, ul Ihu hour uf one o 'flock In
lie alti-i iiiiun, a. the Unit' lur licnrllijfolijccllulia
in "aid hunl u. . mint, ll any. mid flir a. Uilnit
'"'"' I'., li. I'AKKOTT,
Admiiii .liaiur talute Kinu t'hceaiiiun, te.
ci n"...
'd -d Alloiiu ju lor Adiiiinli-.lrator.
L'MIKD fcrAlf.a I.AM) OM 11 K,
lloachuiir. Oreuiin. rienl J.i. Ih'.ia
Sullcc la hert'hr ullcll HiaL Ilia fulhitv Inc.
nuiucu n tin r Da llle.l iiullcool h a Inlet, tnui
to in tike final proof lu aupnorl of Ida claim, and
thataid priNif nlll hu utailu hcfnru ihe iti'Kla.
ler and Receiver aL ltoaehurir. (ire. . mi N'.m
htr V, Jji'Jtt, viz:
Oil lluuifattad Entry U:k)J, fur the a 1 j, hc' ., ae' ;,
aw,';, ImI I, Hec ll'., 'Tw p -'7 H, It. 7 Ileal, lie
liaiitea tin- followlnu ultiicaai'a to movo hla
conliiiuoua reaiilcueu Uhjii and cultivation ul
aald laud, 1 1,: Jhiiich Biaaoly, of l.onkliiK
Ulaaa, Ore , rhiirlca Huralllie, ofUioklOK Hluaa,
lire.. W. N. I'mw, of l.uuklng Olara, (lie,, J. 'J'.
Hootlliiuil, Of I.uuklllK (Jlliia, Ori'Kull.
J, 1. BHIUl. hd,
Mcrlilnn and eouliituiim In il, ,.'',.,..,.. ..,'
ICVI.ih'i i.ef,.. moie or le... ..... u...r ..........
n...r.,rr.. II... i. .it. ... i -ini'i
..'....I... .. , . .. -7'
HHIIIIUK ni 11 liullll 11 net H, li K ol Ihe
ii iv t oiner nl I. lin k 1 ol ilunhcy'ii addllluii
t.f tun cur tu iiuacuiirL. Ilrea
uiliu iiieiicenu tieiireea K Inl Ii el. I n. in n s
it ii'ninn .... leei iu lit er rreck, thence ciial
hioiih lliu inirin tat tm oi aal.l Deer i reek J'.i i feel
t.akpii, ii.i I....I i.. ii. a . .. . . .. -
... . ... i.iununui nana ol llie
Notice Por Publication.
UNITKIl dltlH I .MiOl Ml H.
lloai.'hurK. lire., r-epi, I '.w.
ia heiehv ilteit II...I ii... 1..I1
Iiiiiueil aetllcr haa llle.l t ..i i... ?!
!h.!'.".l.Vi"."Bl '." "",",r.' "' 1 '-"tt . tn
Illlll MM III III 1 1t if Will Ii.i In ii l u.f..... il... li. i . .
ami Iteeelver I'. H. l and Olllco at It.'aehu u
Oit-Htin, ou IKtiilM T-'S, lh-.iM. vi:
joiiw ii'.l . .linn v
ita.t ami i ihcm i mill tie .-. lln in i .t..,i. i..i
lowiiiK nm nicHiiuera in .at. i min nu. i n,w
,'in,,, .,, k iiik . u" laiiiinu ,i ni'ri'M i
l epleil I,IH iilnl lu I. luck I, and lula I Hinl li lu
hloek 15 of aanl llunlici 'a Ad. Iiiiun Hu i'iiy ol
ItOM'lllllK, OlI'KUII. Alan fur a Jll'Ik'IIU'lll IIKHlllal
,". ... ,. .,,,,, r.unniu nmtllfy (nil Ia'Ih liUMll-
ey for lim iiiiinuiil due iiputi auld iiroiiiiaaory
hole, for lie repayment of the aiiln .,1 Hi'j.vy
" I'uiiiiiiii una oe.-u t;oilltellcil to llav a
oil lluiiicatea.l Kuli jr. Nn, 7,'J.I, Inr Hit- K'., S W
H '.K' VU".1', "l' '""' -
rove hia i iiiitliiiiuii real
low IUK ll lllliaaca In i
Wlllmm ii. Mile., ol.Mvrllo t rtrk t .
Mll.-a, ol MyrHet r-ek .It, - . V H I '
Myrtle freek, One, J, W'. tieVk ol Mvr el' .VL'
hi .'Hi
. T. llrhlKea,
Iiixua aiiciaed aKiiiiiai anld inurliinwd liremlsea
lor aueh utlorituta' leea na Hi ,. . It
iii'iku ifuao mime, mr lilallilill'HL-oaTa and ilia. I
luited states senate were JudaU P,
Ueujamin of Louisiana aud beuator Yu
Inn from Florida.
have been ever since inciting the In
dians to rebellion arid resistance of the
government official,!, and this, c jiipled
First Class Notice
Meals for
imraeiiieiila herein, and fur nueli oilier relief nal.
pray en mr iu la id c.miilht and ui thu eotirl
i.i "--j-'- -"i n,,., t-.i.inuiiie,
1 Ida miii iniuiia la iinhlli.lir.,1 i... ...,t ,, .
,., a, ... ,1 : ""IHI Ul ,11.
; ; . ""' ' ' v ',: V""1'1. "'"'i'
...s i'iuiiiuvi in-.if.
. r. W. IIIA'KON.
Alturiicv inr l'i-i"iin
Vov Publication.
UNlfKI) Si A TKh L .Ml Oil c;,
Uiiiii-lillru. llii ui.ii u....i la...
iHif.o 11 licit- iv u tin 1 11 ii t 1;... f. .11 1. ...
ll .1.1 .r Iiiim lilal .......... ... . ' "
lloat hurx, Uicbuii 011 Nuvi inher I, imim. )!
'.'."! llonuiali'Hd Klilry Nn. OvN, lor tho N1,' NW :
n 'l'Hu''-!".'i'-aH, ItH Went. He liuinc.
n!i,i?. I.'" "." 'V""'."1'" !,,l"'' ti' uonlluuolia
ri alden to upni 11111I u 1 1 1 v H 1 1..11 01 aald land,
1: hiitlea I'.. Jtltler, Kunela I.,, lanao
In iluKham ana Duimlai WiiiiiliiKhun! all id
Olllliil, t'leunll,
J, T. jiitii)i,i:s,
Notice Por lbic:tinn
I'NIiail hl.llliH 1.4 mi () yi, k,
kllhelllll lr,.i.,. M...., 1...- .. .....
Notice, a here iv irlinn 1
With the l.l,itl.l.,n. 1 " ,'.'" ", la,H,Vutlle.l "A.7 .,"t lur tlie'ln
I inla-r In the Hlatca ol fallloriila," rego
Nutadu, uiul WhiIhiikIou Territory, " """"
of hprltiKllelil, Cuilllly of l.anv. Hlate of Or, u.m
naa IIUK iluv Ultd lu Ihlanllli-e lur aivuin atale.
inent No. lull, (or Ihu juirchaao of Ihu Huitili
Kaal ynarter (H. K. ,) of Het-liui, l ow
".'. !: ',':! '.f,"!,.',N,,, 11 ami wll
va liable fur It limber or Mum, n fr' " !
mil uiul i.iiri.o.e. aud lo ealahllal, ,er I'iiilm lo
ha Id Initif befora lim Keglaler nil. I He elviir
Ihla olllco at Hum burir. An,.i, .... w'l...!.!y,'r.."'
Ulli day of November; laua ' " r uu ",0
HllU IIHIIIL'H ItH ilfli..HL... I ....1
H.rli.lij., U0 (,'nnniy, Or. . I , ,,, j )';,;,.
KiiKeno, l.uim I utility, dr., Marlon I' ?. la
Woman ll..l. u.ubofr,;ii1,Kll..l' l . io V, int't '
Orttm.ii. Auv aud all perani a , hn , m a'V
aid uih ilni ni a.,.,:,...., . : "r "eiuru
1 "IIH I t I .TIH,
ii T.
ilulalr. I Utig