The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 02, 1898, Image 2

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l"uWIhcU fieiy Monday and 1hiir1ay
t im pi.nxPKAi.r.R rvii.wniNw t o.
t. . MKirORH..
raltrlpllnii Mute.
aft Mr)h ....
Tap Mmilhi
I 1
HTr.KR 3. 1WR.
""hy mil lr" atitesinan I His
mini 0-lala Fim'ii iti.l i.l a nmiit
all ul Asia, liali of Norlli Au.i nn,
II rf Autra!U a::il a lrc.t puri'mi ol
rnvo)MF art oni'il ly womn, ami
y il la tai.l wo.'iivn r slavrs.
Na thai Id Hawaiian vi'!;i" lr
litBli lh lnil't MulM it U in
rrtsr (or it to pal up huI liuiup il'tlf.
4 nttl l oiitlue ly any little mfii-
Tfct etrple) who dor only euungb (o
kstp from Sia'iig difcbired, it the cue
vhe always coeaplaiDS tbat ibn is no
how now tlsrt for a man to uwt cti in
IM world.
cm . .i Mt 11
Neil thine T know the Capital
lauraa! Will he the tollJiat alnj of
,tiB" money solil hafi -a1?r Il Las
ttaclamt for n. TV. Corbslt for I'lillcd
(a(f teott'jr, ami never ruiuft eu op
rloaily lo sins the rrairss of Ilou.
Jee Pimon.
It is laid that it ie not the first time
thai R. TV. Corbett Las tried to buy hie
way into lee United tate smuts.
Maay year ago when he was United
f Ulee senator it is a.U that he tried to
(Utcsed liimW.f by the use of justify,
WIS cancht at i', exposed and had to re
liaetiieh his ambition to be re e'ecttd.
ltnowlxk a if lbo.M COeorge
has a pojJ s'ua to he elected United
Slates ssnatcr. While we do not le
liere tbat a person holding aj'ii'icial
IGca ought to resign to accept at y
etaer, yet it is admitted ou ail bauds
that Judge George is an houest, cowi e
ttat and c'.ean niau and tbat he would
ot, if elected, owe his election lo auy
faction and could therefore he unob
jectionable. An order has been issued by First
Assistant 1'ostniaster General Heath
authorizing postuiaslers to issue money
orders payable at the office of issue.
This will enable persons who are afraid
I banks to deposit their money in lie
post office and receive I'aereior what
virtually amounts to a certificate of rfe
pout or certibed check, true be re
ceiree 110 interest ou his deposit aud
ant pay a small fee for the privilege
bnt he knows that his money is safe and
, will be returned to him when it is called
Cal Hoffman left this rnoriiiLi; fur
the stale of W'ashington where be will
rein a recently organized socialistic col
ay. Mr. Hoffman has long advocated
this principle and now proposes to give
it A practical test. hoeeburg Keriew.
Tkis is the natural aud logical result
f reading the socialist doctriues which
KM tks columns of the lioeeburg Keview
ti other socialist papers and maga'nes
Here is a bird-workiug citieu who has
tared a small amount of ibia world's
foees, which ought to be saved for bis
fsppert durlDg his old age, fith hie
mise' poisoned and deluded by the vis-
ereasry sehesaes of a lot of crazy social
ists ebasing after an illusion which will
tarely leave him in the eud a dieap-
palnted and poverty stricken old man
It lias always preved so and no one
kaevs it better tbsu tbe Review and
etber socialist organs who continue to
11 their columns with Ibe poiton, either
f their own writing or that of crazy
ceatrlbntoif. These e?cia!ict papers are
eirectly responsible for the ruin mental
ly, flaancially and socially of Carl Hoff
seaa, and there ought to be a law that
would hold them legally responsible for
kts roio as they are now morally.
A Southern Oregon Klondike.
Von may talk of your KlonUiUe;
prly the poor fellows who are withstand'
iag tbe perils of tbat uorthera eouatiy
aid envy them the sacks of go) J they
assy psrtbante to L'ing out, but there
ie not a person hereabouts who will envy
Win. Angle, formerly a merchant in
tbte city, because of his success in locat
ing a Klondike in northern California
ha is gentleman who deseryrs eucceis.
It was a few jears ago that he heard
caueh said of the placer mines in the
Pterliog mountain locality auJ upon
lesrniog that it was quartz gold tUat the
prater miners were securing, he resolved
to tome day tusks a vigorous search for
tbe ledge, which must surely be a feeder
for the placer ground. Not until a few
weeks ago did he find time and opportun
ity tn make the hunt, aud then, in com.
pany with Jordan Drown, the famous
pocket hunter of (he Willow Springs
rfietriet, he "packed hie freight" for filer
ling mountain, w hich is oue mile south
of the Oregon slate line, fifteen miles
from tbe railroad aud thirty milts from
Medford. After a search of short dura
tion) these gentlemen wcro rewarded by
locating in the mouuUin side tbe ledge
which bad fed the plater grouud. They
are fa on tho ledge ouly twelve feet, but
already they have takeu out euuugli gold
fofla a fellow plenty fr several jeard.
The ledge is twenty fect wide and the
teaiu which is so rich is fim two inches
( two feet in width.
The vein is hone) -combed und in
assay places 1 lbs comb full of gold
that a pick will stick ful lilte it hud
been struck in was. To ivo more iul
stanlial evidence of the richness of the
led ne, let us say that about three weeks
KO Mr. Angle came l Mudford willi
TW0t) in pure imU and on Monday hiai
self and Mr. I'.rown came in wllli filly
pounds of aluuiat pure irnMvary little
sand, eud arnjnu Hi's was three piuls
of cleat Hld which had hern laden out
of the pvis when waaliinB.
When ttte ili'vi..vil rwV i taken
from the ledx I In mi-1 end ibut is
was'n d It an I the ttnw iMtd ie kept
aeiar:Kly, end it was tlil it ie ("lil (hut
tuale tip the thri iur. lr.iilii in.
Thewoik "I pic ki nit it the coarse old ,
Mr, Adjile el iieil, had worn l ekln cH
their rnpr end. "Ixit we keep sletdily
at w iik, refc-anlle r-1 i real ci," says
Mr. Annie, ilm liners will limlnb"'
eeaie end have had tim- In
give ttie-ii rs," I'he lel: ti ben
chriitcned ' Kl" ae l an niv
priate uarne It is. The )t.e has ttecn
tra -d f r 1 50 5ar le.M-dfoid Mail.
Oakland New5.
(Pi! llv a:t"-l
Mr. A. Usy, if Hcsel rf ,
day lu his Oaklatid h-mie.
1".. L. Richards has bore
lotuietler at Siephrne.
a pi" ielcd
J. Jj. Medley aud totuiiy end tl. W.
Jooes went lo Ecseltirc Caturdsy rf
troes U'uderwcol ted fatuity, of
Koeebtir, moved t? Oakland Wednetiay.
W. A. Taylor, of f-'priwclield, skook
bands with his o'd tiiee Oaklaa4 frieDds
this week.
Mrs. U. T. Busrelt leaws in u few
days for Teocessee, br eld heese, for
mouth's visit.
Mr. Louie Crouch left Tuesday tucru
iog for a 'nootli's visit in the eerthero
pari of the state.
Jake Whitaere left for Kcseburg Mon
day evening, being called to i sport for
duty Monday moroirjg by the l Co.
Miss May Kellopg sad alias Rut ha
0:tingrr left on Monday's wcai, the
former fcr Lebanon, and tbe Utter fer
Mr. James Whitney, formerly of Oak
land, and Mls Fannie l.egan, were
married at Modesto, Cal , Pepleiober
I.etteis have been received from John
I. Whitney, aonoiiocini! hie safe arrival
in the Klondike country. May he re
turn laden with gold. Cox, formerly nigbt operator
here, has been appointed ageut at
Myrtle Cieek etatioa vice K. L. Hoop-
erj,;aruei, wiio goes to muepenuenre.
Frank's many frieuds hvie extend con
Mr. .loteph Copelaud left for the
Klondike country Saturday morniof.
Joe has many frieuds who will be glad
of any goo I foriiiOK which he may have
in that country.
Nellie Fvaus, six year old daughter
of Mrs. Martha Evans, is sutTeriug with
typhoid fever. Tbe Iit!le sutrercr is
improving under the watchful care ef Vr
Mr. Aloert Hague and Mits I'e?ie
McKcessu, b"th formerly of Oakliud
were married at I'kiab, Cat., Sept., 23,
Both parties to this marriage are well
and fr.voraVily kuown in Oakland, and
have many friends who join the Garette
in wishing them a lone, prosperens and
happy matrimonial voyage.
Jherewasa social and box supper
gieu at the Calapouia school bouse on
last Saturday night, uuder the aurpicea
of the J'pworih League, for the purpose
of raising funds with which to paint tbe
interior of tbe school bouse. The attend
ante was liberal aod ' 1.60 was raised,
a sum ample lo do the work.
There are ner.ily at many hop buyers
uow as thcie weie hop pickers. Offers
of 12 and 12j cents were made tbit
week, but few sales are reported.
Good American hop art quoted in
Germany at 40 cents, and American
growers anticipate an advance above
present prices.
Mr. J. A. Abscne and Mies .Mary
Gilliam wero married at the residence
of the bride'e parent oa the Upper
Calapooia, last Bundar tnorniog at 11
o'clock, Judge JJoviogdon officiating,
The couple were serenaded by their
friends at a later hour, and those who
were present assert that Mr. Absena
did "the handsome."
J. K. Medley has beta transferred
as foreman over carpenters, to the
division between Koieburg and Ash
land, A. Bowers tsklng Mr. Medley's
force ou Ibis division. It Is simply an
exchange of gauge and divisions be
tween Messrs. Medley and Dowers
Mr. Medley's family wilt probably
move to Grants I'sss
Two Ihoiuaud estterti trout, little
speckled fellotvs, arrived fe'unday, con
eigned to Mr, George J. btearns, and
are now sporting upon the ripples of
the placid Calapooia. They wore re
ceived through the labor aud kindness
of Senator A. W. Keed, who has also
stocked several other streams in the
I'mpijua valley with this excelent
food fish. Speckled trout tithing Is also
excellent sport, aud anglers yet uuboro
will come to bless the uatue of our able
and progressive senator.
One Correspondent Amazed.
I'aius, Oc I. The I'arie correspond
eut of the Iujparcial, of Ma Jiid, Lsa tel
egraphed to hit paper tbat he it amazed
at the appearance of tho American com
mission. He says:
"Tiny do not appear sa a delegation of
diplomutt, but as Cook't tourists. Tbere
are gome of all soils ladies, more or
Iota youug, children aud a nurse. Their
lugguge lil In two omnibuses."
The correspondent then gives the biog
raphy of each American commissioner,
and adds :
"There is a total ou the comuiisuiou of
J), and not one of them brings u ser
vant. "
inn DI5I rict r.MR
Tnrca laja Racing: Thursday, 1 11
day ami Saturday.
At a wiretingof the directors thin morn
tug II was decided to poMpono Iho racing
at the fair until Thursday on Mcroutil o(
the weather. Otherwise 1'ie fnhwill
prvHced as usual. Fntiin (ir rUibii
can now be made, and f m l lived
up shlliapF aiid rtnily l r biii.ta.
Two carloadn ut IrottiM and r.icus
arrivrd heie fnm Medtoi.l y .; trrdny
and are now at th fa'r giomul t-UliUo,
grlliag ready fi the lhi d- ' " V il
for tbe ypiatiititerd pinfn !'' i I ly p
eniiatinn. Ine wi-ell n i!iii hue p:cin
ifd weather, and i' h p' i-
bli be iee keep hia word.
At the hoiudof Mia Kil ei.n M !lci ut
lliendiile, Septvmier If'.'S, -i iu n o
pneuuiouui, Wtili.uii llei iv UrK l,:,i.m,
eiily sou ol M. i: v'hk lsl..iiii, ttvA Ll
)aie, 10 iiionltia mil :'i da4. ,giii
the ilea' li argil ; pouted in wr ini.lnt
and lkn tiout rarih. not t tit attd,
beudiliH under the weight cf xiars, but
a young man in the full tticifcth nud
Vigor id life. Alter a lew d.iy illntrs
thai evaicely was evl Ins f.rm ay, he
cloned his eyes ou scenes of eai :h and
tbe boundless unstrvy, that utiouuda
tbe origin aod end of life, claimed him.
During bis short ii'iuean. tli kind
hearts and tender hands of many Mends
anticipated his every vitb, er.d when
bit heart ceateJ to beat we siocd by the
coach appalled, at no thought that the
science aod lutellcct ut nil ;ikcs has
stood as we, baffled at the mtsterycl
death. Just a few days previcus to his
illness there had come into his html a
divine revelation, a fair aud delicate
bud was fnst unfolding ite suowyietnls
in the suushiue of his I )vu and nfft-c :ijn.
This tiny whit bud of hop centered in
tho fair young girl who kept a lirclcts
vigil by his beJeide and aduii:ii.-tiMCvl to
his every want, as she helped l iiu light
tbe tlercr, lat::e tor !.:; in
which death g.iiued the vict.m . Ah,
who cell tell (lie vctt coiuiuuiiinn ol
their hearts durit g ihofc fast lUcliu
hcors. Ve ciuiiiueL'.l herb) fliiuwho
watches the sparrow. M.iy
cousola'iou im the i ctuli,';:!
that a day cf hnpp;iu;H hn
sun, whde theda'k i.iht cl
the find
iii! y one
reveals a iiuivvrse oi tiim. The tender-
est plant when cruaLi-l V c:uih emits
the eweeteet fragrance. Time, tho
iiealer, will wreath hi uie:u-ry with
fairest fl iwere, while above hij rest
ing place the mourning pines ;mJ uhie
peribg winds will chatt au endless ie
quiem. To the bereaved patents aud
little sis'.ers our heail goes uut in deep
est sympathy. To hie comrades who so
sincerely mourn him aud who honor
bis memory by saying in one voice, that
be was hocptt and grr.eruti; t) ft tau t,
we extend sincere coudolt hcp. May
they emnlate liin virturer.
He is dead in the spiiugtinie u( life,
Lie is gone like a wave from the tl.ore
While bis bosom vri: t. hope is et r if c.
Iu this world e shall ice him no
6TARMFK To Mr. and Mu.
htarmer, a (eu ouLl girl. Ail .l ung
CHATMAN-In this city, October .".id,
to the wife of J. I. Chapman, a tju.
On the Neck and Croat Wonbnosa
Caused by Impure Blood -Waa
Constantly Crowing Worgc.
" When my eon wac 6 y ar old h- -vaa
In very por htnlth eini ut r.vU . t
nothiDC to relieve h'm. At I ( . 7
years be beran to complain M r .'.re:,' ? on
both sidps ot bis neck and fieri I:iiiip. Ie
sran to gather on cno side and trrcw to
half tbe rue of an egir. We t hen bi cinio
more unees.v eud brean to doctor him for
serofula. He gradually grew w orse, how
evr, until at the age of twelve tarrt v,o
bad lort all hoj)c of his recovery, lit- be
came bow eah he could ait up but n few
minutes at a time. Mywifee.ov llood'-i
Panaparilla recommended srii reat Lloo'l
purifier and we aent aud cot a bottle. Wc
beran gtvintr our boy the nudiciin' ac
cording to directions and it was not lon'
before we saw he was improving, lie
continued taking it until he nns in ' try
good health. He is now 13 yearn oi l and
is well. We recommend Hood's -nrsipa-
rilia for all troubles csuned by ir.ij .ire
blood." P. M. Bilvkb, fJroupf, Orr j:.-in.
I"joI's rivsiparlll h m.IiI l.y nil 'Jj
(J ; eix for t--. Otmily Ificdl.
o rirveou ir.r Doua comi'.r.
Im'.ellc elou, i ,
riamtin. I Suit lu K'luiiv
vk. . ', if.r n Ji
WUIihui Ni'IkjIi,
UHi'ii'laDI. I
To Willium NiIkhi, al.jv: i.Air.ii! ; If
In tn nunit- ot Hit s-tut l "riucui. run in
In reny ri'inlnjl to iiikii aii'l iiuncr ll.u
DlniDt liltd arnint vou ill the at.ovf tutilM-rl
nil on or before the firt riv of llio ncM ri"i
lr Irrm ol the above cnnut'l Court, lo H:
Mou'lay, WtcmU r 6tli. lfc!. ami It yon lull to
ai.ptar or annwtr tal'l eoinplHiiit wiihln 'i.
uma lor warn int-noi, rminiirr miji a)i,i v lo
th'' 'oiirl lor th irll( (If maii'lt'l in tier com.
Ihnut n follow fora decre uf illmrre i.
olvio Ilia tKH'li. of inutftuioiiy filins Iv
t'veen UninliB' end Drfeii'lant, nrnl f.,r : li
oihir r' lli f s to tbu Court may nt..c.n lut' t
ami i
niiirnotii) In publihhfl by onlrr ol II. m.
'niniltoo, juflue of mid ourl, . hi. h sal.
. 'lolca ept
I HKl) PAoK TL'.-1'V, an I
Att'.rUfji tor Plamiiil.
Notice Vor Publication,
1'KfTSD ffjlll I. AMi OiU'y.,
JtoheLurg, (JreiC'li, t-ept 1'''
Notice in beb iilvtn thul Dm fojlomni-
named m ill. r bo noli, i o( lot intrinion
to nmku final proof in tUMioil of bin t lain, ami
thai(.ai.l proof ulll he n.H.le brf'.ie I he li. vik
ter und Kecelver at hotchur. 'no., on Nom i...
btr Ib't, vl-
W1I.MAM M fjOllfcl.l.SK.
ou Hunii(eud Entry dJUi, lor Hi .., it1 ., . ..
, IaA t, bee iU, T S7 K, K. i II v
name the IoIIohIiij i ( iics lo i.row l.i.
ixjuIiiiuoui itnldtnre upon and 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 . , . 1 1 ol
Mild Ibi.i), Hz: Jiiii- llitlr, of lx.l.lii
Uiaeii, Drf . CbiirUa (lonlini', ol LooLiuk oIum,
t iji'.. W . S. f'roiv, til looking (jltt, On'., J. 'j',
(iunrlmaii, ol J.ftlilnx (Dair, (iit.ji.n
.1, 'I'. Illl If).. I U,
They Are
k ' vv.j rfir rtf V 1 i , ..i.
V iv c t'hv ii in : iitd Urrt' Oli, all lirnvlimte
Iitv oi p.irnti il uiitlcr llic S.Awn f t'Mllloritlit
s.ttiMiiliii-cl eart.
p;itl ut" the bt;ilT of the
vSpfci.ihts and Dr. Meyers & Co., will make their
regular monthly visit to
Friday, October 14th, 1898.
Thcv will be at the MiCI.ALI.KX llorSK.
ihv iiiiTv.t r.
un 1. ,i ,1. I, -in 1.
. l.u:'.i!i mid (iriaiau t vf'it
Ii ,bi. ia:i wliii !; !..; I
I 111, I1H ulM il'. .
1' r in j the Mi -I I'm 1 '.vl id a century the
lui- iv, u .ln win. in! I'tit'iKf, ivlili h havu
rvtii-fi t" ilii'l iu upluiiirv iiicllrim., iu
mi'iii. 1 I y tl.,' 1 n I. mi l i iTumii K vpcrl
W' .:. in-: I l'i ti 1:1 A. u run. I in- Kngit-li
t. . 'ail r":iuy. 1 .1: nr. iipou-ib'.!', beius Im, I' d bjr aui,ii- c n 1 1 a 1 and ii'il; uiaiit iv.l
1 1 ! I : Cl It 1 hilv It i- t'-vfi raMi- In miiiir InvUti.'vs to n( a .tn ni, tin- I 1 1 K '
aud (I, 1 1 nil 1 . 1 ! i l.ill-'.s have rtiri'd tliiiuaiidt of ii'ruti I10111 thoy Imv c tin . r m u.
vu 11 . 41.11 .it Hi" iur w riio Hie hoiiif ultici-lur iUnUuii IM iitnl IriT advice In rn ni t
V -,U! .1.1 ,-l 1,1.
Call oil the lloelom nlitll llicy
!-!i im.-! (i,'i : i.vii K w 1! "i'li i ili't-. A frn nd' v
rc'i'i i'i vi .1! 1 i' ( I. lii tin',- tr. ntni''ii! i taken or not,
lONSl'l.TATION l'ltl.i:.
- .' i'iv fvt l itiitM iit riiy.'iv'iitosi Kul bur,:- utit in tin: W orM
7 j 1 arkct t., at Francisco, an J iiH S. UroiJuiy, Los Anclcs
W'urU. (iiiarunUcil.
lilh t IK' I II l i'L'KTuK lilt
U.-' 11. ! T lloiiKla'i 1 uMiily
, , ,
' '!
N T iiLi'it, .- "I 1
ti c K-i,.', ,,t 1'avtd Cii' ui'l
d'o-n-'d. I'liillllir. I
Oc.-V. H i V'Y, T. Tliuin- '
ivii. 1. II. ll.ii. niton. .I"! b ,
ii, K Ilo.-ii'c S. liriiin,
l'. 'I. Jim., y. niuitii liaiicy, buit nl 1 t , i 1 1
1- Vim ll . a-:i, .1. Hhiui j tn lop clu-c a
I , r: I t'l, r i:ru aiid i-linoa I MorlKii"
On... , ,rl 11, T, doillK lilltilH'". I
und. r, tlic i,im tiame of uro
lirii'l.'-rH H M. Day 11 ml II I
II. II.jii Iit ..11. .nitin i ilniitK
Miviu. - iimicr the iirin i
muni' of U . . y .111 1 llundi i-nii,
I'c.'i '.i.iiit-. :
Iu.,i',i.'f I; iln-y, Jo.i ph '.. K. Slcy and l,r
ft' : N. i ,-.i.:i. u 1 " . v 1 nanii: dtfi iidnnlr.
In till' 11.1..,' o! It).' Htal'' ol in koii : lull are
lei- hv r. 'iuiri d to appear mid atinver the com
pliiint 1, hd a-'iiiii; you iu the ahovf entitled
t'lit.otioi ! Ion-, the lii-t diiv of llitntxi reed
l.'.r I, 1 ,11 ,,( tli" ubovc culitl' d 1011M, til-wit, oil
or I. H t-j M.,!iday, Ii.'i'tDl'ivr .1, I-11, and if you
fall t'i a,;,i ,u ,,r aiin'.' r piaiiitid'a ''iiii'uiut
a.'a!u-t ! afon id Ithin miid lluie, Ut
v nui iln ri.'of. 1 iiunllll will apply to the court
for t.'ii . ,i, f ,, niaiided In Inn 1 ' inipluiul 11" fnl
low. Fur I he for.Miiomiii' of 11 1:11 tuln iiiortltaKe
cm. 11' .I I v mu I i fi iidunt licoiKc llui.icjf In
fa v or ol J ia ; . I . r not, Duvv dcceaiH il, on the luili
diy ' I Juiy, l-j.l. to m cure Hie pnyiuviit of a
1 '.itinn r,..'ii-M,ry notn f.M Hi. num ol IIJil.l'J
wn'i i 1'. ., ti.cii ,.ii ut Hie mii- ol ten per nut
p' 1 iii, ii1.:. 1 Mild itiili upon v hiidi Hii ro ii.
iid'.v , , 'I, .111,1 of fITiJ .n.) with InP rct from
'.i.i J .: 1 , 1. 1 July. v. .ild imirlKHKu koii
' ej .!,.- uut , mi id lnv Id (iri'iml for Hint purpos
ti.t tol.o 'v ini? ili.".iiih'd rial propcrijr tow Hi
'Jin- hi. :. i !i d 1., Inti icH ;iu the followim;
.r, 11. , m luuit: 1 1 1 I i.urt ol the William T.
Iiii. I' . 'ii. . inn Laud 1 liiiin No. iii iu 1. '.'V 11., K.
') W i v 1 . 1 '.. 1 ,i -1 ot the Military Hniid Iciullni,'
uoi'li , 1, un ;,im biiin, dcm'ri'H'il 11 tnlluWH, lu-
v it I: 111; at a pnlnt on the north Ijouii-
lury .1111 ..1 f .11 vlalni 1 1 ' chiiiUK cunt vl the
net tin n Ini' Ii. I'M eu M.'i'iioii- 17 and I", luniuiiK
lUCIK.'j 1. 1 il.- rri.'CH ti n . ,1HI ruilltlN, lliciicu
foull, 1..10 rl.uiii-tn Un-ci ilU r of Uv 1 1 Crock,
lli' tno imi'li , r'crly Ly the iiicaud' m o( lieer
('nil. I 1 II. c u.. I, mu, lui v ol und Military
It'. nd. t',. ii .;. ; . : 1 1 1 c-1 1 liluli:; the cant boundary
of mi l mu I to the northwi st conn r ot i-ald
W l.lii.iii 1 . I' riy JiiiiiiUiuii I. a nd CUnu, tin iicc
not it ,,',- ti.i 11, 11 Hi hoiiudary Hue of "aid
tin 1:11 pi ii,i' pluie of l),','iniiiiin : cxt'.tiiig
tli'. rtfr.iiii ;t In lolinvv intf pice 0 laud licn'to
lure i.v Inc. Id llii',h,'y nud wife, vl.: Tbat
portion -i,.i W U.Willi, tin- deed (ur nbick li
rt'orl I in Vol. Cold, oik, pu-c Pd;uli laud
told J.1-. . I,, ridiitl, deed riniril'd ol.ool
il, I , ;..' 1 h nUo land nnld II. Lull--' iil,fi,
(l' i d ! i ,.1 . d lu Vol, 7 of dc 'In, pane , lul, und
luu I t il l 1. 'i Adiiin'oii, l"d lor lih Ii Is rc-
eoi lidin nl l ,i,l iliclf, pai,'e I-.', tlm land
l.y 1: Hi- cv. I I'OlittillllllK I"! 111:111.
'.n 1 jiii 1111 in inn ut the ' j Inlh- lako lie-
11 .-11.!. li and 1 ill 1 . .'7 (S. II : . ol Wll.
Mti;, i, un. li.ti.. u cant JU elm., Ihtiii-c nor Hi bi
tl- 1- lu.u-.iitiii..lht!ie'-f.ouUi '.m. jut-bf..
Ilitl- v. - 'I ,,"! cli, Hiciit'i! north 10. yjclin. lo
llu 1, Inn 01 I . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 j' . i-.ililaliilni: l.i'.i. lo in ren.
Al. o llu- nl. ' , of j-.c ,, tin- W '. of llu: ti , of
-. llu- I , u- 1 iuiiii I NIC !t und LitK,. uii,i,i,(
. . I". Ki-I t!i- W'jOl the NW 1 , of .See 17,
iilani.ii.: . -i.h'j activ; ulfco the NK 1 i 01 Si-e.
y. all I llu-vt 'id tin; NW',, und lot ii ol K-c.
in'iiiniiie .I.i-l aeri H, all li-iiiK in tow ni-iilp
'!' s, It ., V, Will, iiuildiuii und tniitnliiliii; lu
th- ii..rh'i. ''.ii,., iii-rcn, iiioii' or I-hm, iiave
and 1 m, in tl-niroin are III- 0II0H J 11 if parccli
t iv it J v ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 k ut 11 point 11 li-i t 8 1, dciriec,
Km tin '. W 1 'i' i.l him k I of llimlir.y'ii Ad
illlliill In Hi. iit, ol llukchlllK, On -'..II. r 11 11 It I IIH
tli' ini u ih uifij, cutl lot led, llieiice Is Ja ile-
Coming !
n.nti llio tirl lv
Iii 1 full, ft I" II"' H ni'il
lr .
Knjlish ami (Jcituau l').ioi
Si'.vinlil i i'oiiiii.i.
many sr c"ei h'ti'
il uf live n i'.iliiti .1.
1 In . nrliiL all iiittnirr
uvrn ut thl m.'-t urtlty and uuimliir iii'liliiiuin
liaiMod She skill of ulhir pli; -ii im nil. I lul.l ..i
',li.l id ii'iliuiii r", af nui.kly aul Ined an
S,v i a : 1 t "I lu liave tin- lir,'i'"l mid lu it i'.iii.n
and iu iiiiiiu Kxh tl !!. ia!ltt. an' tnd only
eoiue. All allium iionl.' -houul 1 lit- Lik
lal , u Inch i.ils l,, ',utcl v tndhitu-, I tn'iml t
First Class
Aeals for
With or
Without Pain
Opposite the Depot
! urii , W ;Ki, in t In Hicr ci-tk, llu in 1
i alone the ii,,rth hank id n,ld lli-tririi k
, Ii it, thr-lii e N ,'7' . ilt'irre", i. nloin: Ihc uorili
hank "1 nuldcreil r.'i lu t, tin in c ii-rtli
fi-ct tutb- f 11 Hi hank uf tin- k.-i ,v ' nt,
null ra-c, theme vv.m. rh, ,,.,v, Iuk tin nn
oiulcnol rani mill race to tin- plan 1,1 I- win
iiiuk, cnutaiiiiUK iai rea.Hi-o lexi eiipd lot.i
and 1 In lilnek I and loin I and H lu hlm-k 1
nl IlimliPt addilpin In tin ill o Hon I. on.-
' itegoii.
Al-ol'ira lU lKincl'l nKi"ii-t tin- ik Ii li'l.inl
corge llu lire, fur the Hiuuuut din uihiIi ml
pimiiin'ory iiul-, for t tic r- iayuieiit of the Mini
of f Mil 77 which plaintlll linn Ix-eii ciiiiih Hid to
pay nt laiea ntfd HKminl mid ninllniii',
pr-uu-i. lornien Biuirn-y.'i iwn a" tli. niui
"tin 1 1 iiiIjiuIki! r. a'.uuil.le, fur plnlniill a !
und dtihuint'iui ii'.h lien-Hi. nud Inr in h otlu
1 relief 111 U prayed for ill said ei,iiii!iiliit and ai
inc ' 'mu may auiuuei; nieci aun ciuitaoie.
I hi "iiuiiioii l piihlmlied hy onl-i ol lion. I
! H . Ilauiilton, Judfi uf xnld cmirt, w hlch sal
! order i" dah I 1 pp inh' r j-', l--..
r. w. nr.NMi.N,
0;i, Attorney for riainlill.
IN 1 11 E tllU.ltl tOUUI HI- illK MATI
nl lln emi. enunlv 1,1 limit' am
II. I.. Marvtcrx, I'lnllitlll.
Hull iu l..iilly
rnderii: V. i.'urpeiiti r ,
and As'in irpcnu r, I
lied ndautv j
or ion tiunir.
u( MoilKiiKf.
lo I-rcdcrli! W . ( ui pi uter und Auiica I'aipen
111, neii ii'iiiumi
111 me iiuiiie 01 ihc i3ite of hh kuu, you aie
ncrehy r-ouirid to uppvar and aunver the coin
plaint lili d HKalUht you in tb: ahove cntilli-d
milt hy the lint day of tho next term ol the
uoose entitled court following the cipliatimi
01 un: 111111: iirew riocii 111 un-order lor luihiia
llou of llili nunnioiiH, whlth iiril day will ho
inn ..ill nay ol 11 einlK-r A. II. Inii", a. id if v
fail to an appear and aunwer, lor ivaut thereof
plaiutill UI apply to caul court foi the relicl
iii-nmiHIi it in inn inniplaiiit.
Ilia r-liel duiuauded In Iho fnrei Iomiic ol
certain inuitpiHul exeeuled and delivered
you t jj. a.wiuIhoii oruhniit the : lr. day ol
.'l arc 11, ., u. !!.. to hi'ture the iiavineiit of
certain proininoiy nolo ol youuefvin lor fl'.'u "0
payable rioptcuihcr '.'lid, IW7, with Interest at
in- lute nil it; lit per cent per auuuui.aud which
iui'i uiurigiiKf coiivi ytu uuui nam J. A. w ium
Inr thai purpose the IoIIohIui! dCK-ribcd reul
properly Mluated lu lue f ouiity ol UoiikIh-,
.lute oMUeKoii: Jit No. three CI) iu block No.
tivn(-.') ill N01U1 I'uik Aililltloii lo Itoncburi.'.
And a furlhcr d-ercu hurrioif nud f..n tlo-liiK
joii, mid "-'redone W. t'urptuter ui-i
AKHcs 1 urpcuter uf uud SI rum Suuy and nil
rn-iii, title or mien it lu or to mid leal prop,
city nud every pur then-nf.
I luu mi in 111, ma la puhlinhed by order ol 11. m.
J. W. 1 lu 111 1 J ti nl . Judk'e of the uhuvn cntillul
euurl, ma le di ptciulKr .".11I1, A II. K.
.1 A. BUM A.-.
W, Allniiicy Inr J'lulnllll.
Notice of final Settlement.
Notice, i hereby gli cu that Ibe undwii;ucil,
ii'Jiiiiuintrator of tlm entate ol haruh M. W rath
crly, aetuucd, liaa hied hi. luial ueeuunt lu tin
Cuuiity Court ol JJinnilaii couuly, istato of lire
tjoii, u Mich administrator, and thai mild l oun
ly (-nut baa fixed Tuciidiir, the nth day of
November, l'JH. at 10 o'clock . ui. ol mild dav,
a the tliiir Inr hi'iuiiiK ohjeclloui', ll iiuy llii-ri -lie
to laid Hual account uud the m tlli ini iil ,,
mild i nlaip.
1'atcd IhinJJIh duv of Hi ptcinhcr PC'm.
lllltAM WKATIIWtl.V,
AiluiiiilKli'iitor of the cHlntu 01 hiiiah M.
Weaiherly, dceeaiied, ouj
is nn: i in -iir i "I'm
l nl ilnviili lul i.iii.'U i .i.ilH ,
N. I ninnl. A.IiiioiiMui ol
l".tiili. id t'm Id i., u..l
IVH'I'I. I'lnllitlll.
i In.
II..,.. HlHlll. (llMI'll ill !"' i
llllu II I., Hi" H'' I" ' 1
Ini-I.mi.l, I, II Mm. ..II. oi ,
Mimm I'iiiu nil' I I'.i l.'ie ' n' I
imiliH'oi iluli'K I'li-li"'" nu I
i. r Urn Mm ii'" id 1 i I
II ,.h. '-il. nil linlh, i N nn .
i ..ii . r. m. i-.uii . i... rii i
i, I,. II. . II.'. ii N I'm n
I ii i li i.l It I l.i i
null In
i .,iiiiy in
K...i lum' r
K II II. II l. i-.i.l '
it'll ..' I.. I'.l'l
li. .. ii. i I. i l lr .1 i.i l. nil id I
l' i) , l.' .1. I-. HI I'.'
I.l II I til l II- v .1..
in'.- N i l HU. til'. ii i i.'i
III I I Il !.. "
lll'l.'llX I,-., till. "I I.' .1 .
, 1 1. Ill 1,1,. I I, . Il l .
.'Ill "II II I' I
III I ( I III ' I III I - .
Im 11. '
. i. I.i HI
' (,. n
II Nil
,ii . li'l .;i..i
i i.i ii n',., i niii' l
.1 .1,1, ! II.' Ill vl I' I 'I
. mill. .1 i ...iii ii i'.
,1 1 i ... I- ", i. in I Ii
i nu, lilt i ..micnl'.!
..i l . ,li In nil I Mm.'. i"i
,1 ,. ii . i i i.i 'l.(i i i
in I.i .i,ilul h ."l
..I ... ,i . I i,l.. n.,,liiii.j
it-l. 1. I..II1 li '- ' I".' "'
v I I'l I V . I l'i I '.I v I I I. II. i
V I I I.i'., Ii'li. I.l
II,.!.' I,,. l, .
,lll l I t III' I ll
I III. I Clll' 111'.
.. f'''l.'".i iv
I.l ( I IS
I'llll'l '. I."
. I . I ", ti ll
lul. i. l lli. ii.
iiiilniiii In.' ii
li. .,v dot Hi.' ii'.'
III.' '.id tn id
. , v hi.; unto il.
(tit- iiiilu.v ma ii..
I on mi. In 1,1. I ' .
I hi I"
,i nn
till. I.'I III 1 1..- loll,, .
. ml i , Iu vv II 1 lint
I.,lll I'l II I' 1 ll-l.llll
I Ihiiii N.. : in I '. '
MINI. i.y l;..,l I I. i, 11,4
, IllK'd' n i lull.". , i,u
I I.i i y l'i, inn h n I mi l
11 v , Iv lux i .nl nl ll"
li,, .h liotu 11,'M-t in;;, iii
il III Klliiitii; nl h iniinl
the ii.iiih U'lii-liii 1 tine nl laid claim Iiii'
1 hull" crt-l ol ll..- -,, 'lull liu.i Ih Ihccii fcl'l'l.l,
r; a t, miiiiiii.' itiili. ,i-' iicnin. ..-i - i
il V. 1 I11.I11-, tin n.'c - "ith I. ' i na u Iii II"
until ol l'i - l'r-1 k, tin in c iiniiliiv. -trilv l.i
tho 111. 111 1 I.'i it , .1 li, . 1 ( i t'k I u the ca I Imiiud
an ul i'l Mihiniv ihiinn
a.,it the ral I'ouinlnrv id ntld t-ad I" lit'
inn ihv. i l 1 .. nil ul nld W llilaui I, I'criv linn.
I and I'la.iii, lli. ii. . . tut Ni.-lH llm liuitti ImiUU-
ditix line id ld claim lu tlm place id Ih-kIii
llllli: CXt'i'l'tllll thru ll, Mil the Iniliiw Ilia ,uca
ol land 1, n luf itu . 1,1 lu I' lituln and
wilt, vi, Unit ,,, 11:1111 -,,. W . It. W lllli,. Hu
lled Im vvliu It la ri't mtlcd In HI. n nl Iviilx,
pil," I 1 iil-i.l lull I iiild I . I . Kli lldau, 1I1 I'd tv
coli.l vol. u nl I'c.-ilii, p- ,- a I litll.l u!,
11 I alnc iilictx ilecd m ,ilul In V nl , id Cim-..
,fti,'. ' nd land iill .1 li. Adutmun, ttril Im
Willi I. Ii i.cmil',1 ,11 Vol. I , ul IHt'ila, fIK lJ.
Ihtf land ticn-hy i-uitvrvid coiilainlnit I, 1 a, ic.
Aln 1 .nnmciii Inn ul the', mil.' amku Utw i.-n
am llon i; A 1 in I . .; . It ,, v. ui W III Men
lilttli, tie 11. e in-l '.'11 rli.iliu, tin tire lunlli p.'
ilialim, lln-lii. 1 l I i'J 1 halo", lli-lin- ..iilli
' l 1 liBllin Ihcllie ll.'l .un ilmlu. thrill C
11, . 1 111 11' 'i nania in the liue ul N ami'lin:, cull
laiiuna 1 .' I'- m ft , An tnc M' , 1, 1 a. 0 7 tit,
id the mv , ol iw-r , llu- iiu.-tluiiitl ur'4 and InU
.1 , ,, i-i 1 .i"ii a 1 1.1 nil. i . ul tile llw
C 1 ,, l nlilallllllK ...'I K.I at ma l,i the in I. id
-tv a ami tin- nw ' , nl Un- nn 1 , un.l hit 1, ul 1,
1 . .".im hi un 1 -1 ,n rc, nil la mi hi I :i; h, k
W, Will Mcmlaii 11 ml 1 nlilaliiiint in l In. aunit-
It ttti I-. 1 iu m i' , innri-i r !. , av, und
111, tin. nn an un 1, ,111m ini: part rl in nil, 11
Rimini : a, ,4 p-nii 11 in 1 r, i, 1. ui tnc nw cnrui-
III,., k I. u Ilium y . Ad, llliill
lb. illy id I,..,, lum-. I'l-tjnu, iiiiinlii
nun nc h i, 1. ,1 1 l-ol. ilini, ,-
W ."1 . , t tn 1'c-r l :c. k. Ili-iui- cult al
tin- uortli 1 1111k id aid lin r Creek -" . I
lliint- S. .;' . I alolM the Hurt ll hank of Mid
rri-i k ., ! i t. tin 11, . 11. ulli .nil I, t l tn Hi., .mill
imtik ol Un- i;-i and 1 Mcmc mill rin'p, Un 11
wi-vti iiv. Inliiiwini: the nn audi t nl -aid mill
In tin- plai'i ul I,, k-1 11 11 Im,', t uiitiithiiu-
, al- i l ,-tt'i ht-l lutn and III 1,1, k I
nil, I hit t I all, I 1, III Iiii k I , ,( .,tl, llnilirv
Ail.titl-ll tn th- lily i, I l',.,v diun;. tllCK'oli. A Ik
fur a j.i.lKincut ai!iiinl the tlclt udaiil llnc
I tn lllv lot in. iiiiiiniiii due i..tiu Mid , iiniiiii
mv mil-, l-if tin- payiu-ut id tho 11111 of
III.!,, whltb pliillllltl ha- if 11 1 Olnfclli d
pity a la .1 avri ailul nald mm Itlatlcil
piimi-,-. Inr inch alt,. tiii-v , lei a th- mini
.ii.,1 nd inle l ifiiliiihli , lot 11'ailltlll ciwla
an t lii!uiM'mrun hruin, f.r ncli uthei n-llrl
11 prar.l 1,-r lu -nl I uiiiidiillil and 11a the
cuillt luny n-l.thl invct itlld i',tll(aOlc
lhl i'i-iiiioii-, 11 piiliinlird l.v nidi r ul II
. Ilniiii:.. .ii. Iiitlv:-t liald couit, whli li lahl
unt. r 1 'lu'rd .-p-iiiiH 1 . 1 1 vt"
I- W. IIV..-V,
i' i. Mimm y lot I'laiutill
III. I I lit I II l Ut 1. 1 Ul
1111. .-I Ai
I ' iivS' ( u I'i-il-Ih. 1 'niui 1 1
N I 1 uut. A ,liiilii;.!,i!,,r of 1
Ih- ul I hv id 1.1, u,,t,
I , I, I 1 lliilnl
I- -i w aid pinlii-i I. In llithi-v
hi- vt lit , I II Mai .n',111, ( .
A. hi, ltd, , A I I Iltuuli
-II. 1,-M'pll 1 1 I.. Hi ' , Kui
n S.I 1 llll, I- M Italic)',
"until liiili-v. . an lt-ii ten,
I ". Khiiii-iiiii t l-n.tir 1 aru
an I ritnoti Cm,,. I'.truit m il,
I Milt III I ,Ult
, 1,1 1 uir-li
I Mmlita -.
in l-ii--lii, - on I, r th, hnn
nam,' -I I 111,1 1 linn It M I
Urn m-1 li I 11, 11 , uuui. :
luu tin !' I-! 111c li-mt on I
.. r Hi- In 1,1 iih I lin v ,v
II, I '!. l-oll. I'. 1. I-Ililll-ln
Kiln ,t', ll-n-li, v , I , in liililn. i , Iom'i.Ii t
K' .' v , I,ii,i. - S I 1, i;:i nn I l. ,,t iniiul tl
Iii ih Nn ,. 1 oi Hi- aiat, nl .,-.-.,ii V"
iiv In n l,v 1 ('iln ,1 to itpptur mi I aii-wcr II:
,,m, 1.1111 111 1 in-iiin-i yuii 111 Ihcaiiov- eu
1 II I nl -.ill, 1,11 01 I. I Hi- lirt da' nl Ih- 11-M
I c 1 ' 11 1 H I 1, llll ol Ihi a 1,1 v - cut 1 tint , inn I, In 1,
u ,-t I-, inri Inii-l.t . , Hi , -nihi 1 .,, -,'i. and It
vnu inn 1., u i, r 01 nn.w-r plulntllt .
pl.iiu' n. aiint j-"i a- nl-ri mid 'tltlim .ul
till-, foi wall! 1 In f nl. tlnliitilt w III appl I
I., in. 1 o-iii im up t-iici .leiiiaU'i-d in lil
p. .mi 11 I -!!.,.' - I in ll,,-f,,fvl lli-,lf of
1,1:11 iiinriKiin- in, iilcil 1-. .aid ih I' niliiiil.
r.' 1 n n 1 1 iin.i.i mi, 1 1 51,1 nu-.icv in fuuir o
I lav Id 1 1 r-tint, now tl-i ca-i-.l. 011 I ri- .th due
Jul;., Is.' i, 1 at tin e 1 hi - puyiiit nt ! a tiua
proni" -orv n il- ,,r tin--111,1 ,, f .-p.-um nltl
niitt-i tn riou nl the iu'u ul 1. 11 in r 1 cm h
aiiiiniii 110 in -in, 1 ,iui- lipuii w iiirii liici- 1. no i.
I 'if th' '-hi ol.-..- 1 i. lib mii ri -I fiiiui th.
- if, I iiay - I July, li'.'-; mii-i inortcu; uv -v lug
illlto .a.,1 iriii'i nr-D-ll'ir llllli plir.,,!- 1 1,
fnlp.taltiK il cril-cd 1-11I priiK-rlv tn wil Ihu
uii'liv iitnl ' , inicn t 111 Hi- Inlluvt Inn incin,.-.
lu. nit 1 hat putt of tin allium T l'i rry I'n
lllllinll lalll 111111:1 No, Ill I. .',',., it ., W
I.'lllK cil-toltli- Mililnrv Hoad liadlli:' lliirlh
llnlll u biin:. iICm rilild 111 lulloiv In wlt, 111
Kliiuni' al n puiiit on Hi- n,,th houuduiv 1 1 11
ol -aid 1 lui 111 I I '., cbidiii cnat ot Inn m i Hon
line 01 iw-cn 1, , i--, imnilu:; thin,
H. l.'l i. en r ' W . ill an rlillill.. (lu.liec ollth
I. ihi 1 1 1 n 1 11 - to 1 in 11 liter ot IJ-i r 1 in k, tin 111
liur Hni -: rl y hy the uu-niid-rn of H-i-r Crci k to
1110 can iioniuiniy 01 mid Military Itoad. thcut
1 iu 1 1 : 1. 1 1 v Bin 11,: Hi-ca-l Oiuin, larv of ,uld rond
10 nil' noiiiiiii.-i 1 miu r mi. I VMlllaiu I . I'-rrv
liniia'liui I. an, I ( hum, tlitino cu-t iilninr Inn
inn Hi iH.iiuilary line of mid claim
In Ih- pliir- of In K 1 11 lit iik cxonitltiir
ll... I. .11 . . ' T
till llll loll 1 llll 1,11 I I'.
IhiiI h-rcpilur.' nop I hv Duvhl lliuln y uud wife
vi' unit portion .1,1, 1 U.K. Willi., the d
Inr w lin h la 11 conh-d lu Vol. u ol liccda, pii','c
u,i it,-, 11111,1 -ton 1 . -. nnriiiiaii, uii i ri ird-i
ul. II of lift d", Mii'c P uiin laud mild II
l.allKellhi ri;, dr. . I, 1 nidi d ill Vol. 7 ol lU'i-ila
pane in , ami laud .old I Ail un-,, n, dr-d Inr
wiiii 11 is rei on it-ii in 01. 1 1 01 ilecd., pair- I
Hie land In r-hv coiit-yi-il cmilalniuliiK lTli
ui it s, M-11 in 11 1 n. 11 1 lui,- nt tli- 1 , uilli- sink
h-t w cell 1,1 'i-th ill" 17 A It lu I, tl S., H ii V o
Will ! rldall. thi'lico noil 21 chain.. II1-11.
Ilorlll ': chaltln, lliclle- (.-ail I i."-l cllailia Ihi-n-i,
muiii w.iA) ciiiitn., uicucu wont j.l.u.i 1 hnlu.
iiieiict iiniiii i" J i iniiiu to tn-1,1,11 - 1.1 ... i,
niui;. coiitiilnliiK 1:1.1 I', ai'riM, Al-n I he nc1 , ol
-e. i, III- w . 01 1111 IW ' , ol , e a. Ue Iran
lliiliiil nc1 . Hil l lulu 1 iV 1,1,1 ni'ctlon H uud Ihu
-j "I Hie nw', ol ncctliui 1,, cnutaililiiK
I H , arira, Itiau HO' 111" . o Hi'CUOll M ami I ll
ll IV ' . 01 tin' ihv , 1111, 1 iiii inii hcctiun ;i, 1 until 1 u
IIK ,I11 111 Tl'.. Ill IK'llltr 11 IVVIi.-JT II .. IV
mil Jiriiuun uuu coiiiiiii.iin; 111 11,0 HMJUKfttc
P'iIiiii Hiif, 1 1 1 o r . or lth. Mu- ami 1 1 t,i
iii-r-nniii nit int niiiow luir uarri'iH 1,1-wll: II-
.-1U1HIIK al a piniii II f-ct H, ii K of Ibe
coiner ol I, link I ol llmlni-a uildllloii
in tiie 1111 in linvnuiL-. Iliimiii. mu
11 1 lilt tin net- . ii dcKn-ea K I'd f-ct, lliuiec S
! Riecn n .ui it'i 1 in in cr creek, lliclii e mm
iiluiiB Ibe iioith hunk of .aid Uccr neck J'.i.j f.
Ihciu i- imrtli ,1)0 ft ct lu tho noiith bank nl tilt
Uu-t and t.rlle'.ci null lare, tbence wcaterlv. fnl.
nwlii.- 1 In- nn audi m nl n, I mill iu, - ,', n,0
1, lit 11, 1 ui KllllllllK, i u 11 111 1 11 1 1 1 u .1 ui-.ri-a : Also
cpled I .nln .' and j lu block I, uud loin I uud ii In
ilm U l'i., I -Hp I lllli lev a A ill 11 Inn In Hi, 1 II- ,.l
riosi uuik, un ,!"i Aim inr 11 Jiidmueut ttKainM
tut tun milium r.iitiHiu iiusllcv uud l.rla I 11. Ii
inr llll! uaiouui 1 lie llnoll ra il nriiiii K.,,rt,
iniln, lor Ihe r-puyini ui of Hie mini nl lllu.77
whltll phiinlill Int., In-. 11 I'liiiiit-lli d In i nv n.
tn.iin ,1 in- m., uUiiini .m ll, iriKai,-- I IHI'1m,.
ir Mich iiltiirnuvh' let. iu Iln 1,, ml .hull .,1.
UllKC ICIIInllllhh , fur plltlilllH h UovK llllli ill..
liiii n. iiii-ut. herein, uud fur Mi-h other rclirl a. Iv
ruvetl Im in ml, I complaint und a. Mm c.nirt
limy adiiidijii met t uud cniilahli.
Una mii imiiiih 11 ptibliafird bvonlcrtil Hon
W . Iiniiiii Inn, Jiniiiii nf .aid court, which m'd
h tin. In"-1 P pt-iiiiit-r -.uth, Jhu".
V- W. lll NiUN
Aitoin-y f..i- I'laiutill.
Tor Publication.
I H I) - I All - L 1M1 (II 1 Ii 1
iio-i'iiiu, Un ;-,,n, h, pt. -J I, 1 vi,
liCCi, in., l.i i.itill Hull (nil (olloti l,,
limned itiVi I. led mil leu ol hi. Ii.i..i,ii,,i,
inu'if I'l -ill, run L III III,, i lulm un.l
lilt -Hill lUilul IV III P. 11,111 1, 1,1 foi,. II,,. I!, ,.,.,..
ml Uti'tr.ri. I'liitr, i.,i!,.H l.i,,l 101 ,1
Hon hur -, Un koii, on Sou uih-r I. Imis. il:
IH.N.IA l IS' I'. Iillili
1 IIiiiiicj-Ii ild l lilt-v No. K.'I. for Ilm XI.. Mill;.
, .v p.1 1, rt, -. si, 'l p. :i h, a a W'cit. II-nniiii-a
e fnlliiwiii:: Miiiii-.Mia In prove bin conliiiuou.
idcucc upon and 1 ulliv alloli ol Mild laud,
: chili-led i;. lUdiT, I'lHiu la I. Itidcr, l.aue
iliililiuhlllil lllld lliillllliia Wilililliuhalil all of
Ulllllli I In "nil.
J. T. IlllllJi.liS.
W lteslntf,
1 S I II K I nut 1 1 ll ll IIT HI- 'I III.: hi 1 1, U
I tin (nil, Ini thr Cn'llll) id I'linllt.
V p I out, II It Klnt aid mid I'hll )
Mt Pi halt, a IP 'aid nt I niiiliil- 1
vlniKii, lul tin1 lain nl , Ii.h.I and I
I till . r-1 1 lull' I-1 nud l"i the hi j
vi "I mint ol Un' Km in I" inliiiia;
In.) tin n liiiin, I'liiiuliili, j
I,, hn It,,., h nit'l Mi- 'niui Ih"" li. hi. I
ii II.'. lit fi lldiilli. I
In tuitu Hi ii h ai d Mu .lulin llu . li, al n'r
naiiii d ., l,
I III Iln ni'ilin 0 1 I'" Matunl I'll i;. ill, vnu mid
I , Ii i'i inii an, I" 1, I- ii'iulnd In a,. in and
.11, vi 1 llu' 1 .uiipLlnl ll'i d nituliut 1 ,111 In II, 1
; aluvc ill I'd "HI, nil l'i In In l' I In- ll'.' .I.iv 1 I
j III- lull 1'ituliil I, ml u thl. 1 ',1111 litwll
1 Mnl-Uv III" .all -iiv nl 1. , 1 ullu 1 , lf. mi, I l
, v. , 1 la I " ! in."" 1 Inr wmil th 1 n tin
I I'lillnlill. vv Hi i,t) In Hi-I, ..III l.-l Iln 11 In I
I i. lui.,, il III lin iiiiiplflllil, il !l I .lull
111. ill ill ivlili h I. -. iniitivf inal I'laiiillli-i
have tl'l;i"i. Ill aaiilli.t II"' I ' d lldiltil, Jnhll
ll, i.t h. I,n the niui id ii, " lilt lult'ti-.l lliitcini
html Ihc Iiul di't id .luu'. I-'" , nl tin Inliinla
M i ill, I p, 1 milium, Pialilii. Hn Ir 10. ,la nud
,11,1,111.1 n, t ul. lu Ihli Milt .1,, I I lie Kiltl nl lu
i ai in mu . I' ' 1 . I" 'hi iiunil ilu i-p (ni-idm.
j li . I'laliillll lum lua-i and Im ilm MVnl the
. niniiaa- d I iiu l In tin- maititt 1 pun id. d I"
I it,v. Hi-I Hn a.pti. ,u lull nl Hi- ,iii-i.. id
l, I,, It- 1 v ! II" . -' a"l'l Nlr, a-ul tin
' .rt HUH, In, II nl I In- H int . Ini Illll'llril ilriliall.l-,
I I Hi- '..ililll-, , II HV , lu l-.ll In III- I In It'll. I
! .-il, in'.in H...I ii. 11 l l- l" .il r, plot iiinllv 1 .
I I lull (In ii I, ml. ,1,11 nil I i'l. p Mull. 1 lilllnlli'!
I,. , 1 hrm. i ll ui 1111. In II , I"' lot. u 1
uud l..i.. .ti.,.,1 nl nil Hvihi. I'll" or lulnit, mid
I 1 illtv id It'll l.'l II "I, In ' " "Id liiurlllaai'd
I l.i il.(.. nf unt I hi t Ihi'iutt. llu' prvllil.ra
tiinl laa,;td and .uimlil In la' il l III Iln ..- in
ttiillliK' ill- ili-iill'id Inllnw. i Iili-tl
1 III it at ilm 11 t 111 lu 1 ul thl' I In un tl I 'Ihia.hrt
tin lull. .11 laud l litllil. Ill . I , .1 , H ul li I ,
III iu U I mini)-, 1'ii'rnii. im lit u iitui'iina
pnllll P"l lull. 11 1 ll '( I' 111 III Ihc luwll.hlp
llll- l" twu 11 'I p h 11 I .1, 1 lit laid ilalln,
Ihi-llti- tn -t tnvii-t lin-0 1 .ltd 1 1 11 1 III, lllilui
niilh "inii 1 llu llii-ol mi 1 1. aim In Ihu halt
liiiin Ilm-lu llto 1 lit. t id .aid 1' 1. Ilit ltic
ca.ltii wi-tl.ln -I Iln I'ii-II lll'l-liiiiil it. ,ua
In, 11 land 1 laiin lit n d til Ibi-iu- ninth
l.i NW iiinicr ol 'hi, I ilaiiu iiniiiii ta-l In
,hit-ii id In iltuuli', 1 "ii'nnili'lt I Hiai it', luoi
ol If.. I 111-- .liliiiimtt' I. iilillli-d liy nldrr n
Hun. J. W llniiiilinn, I, -hi ol the aim' "tli
III hd t null, dnti -I Viiut I'l.
A U I HAW t-tiUli.
A.M. Mlntim) tvt rinluiltl.
ts mm im 1 ir cut ft 1 ui iiii.maii ui
1 llln;mi, '-I Hn "null nl UnUIni
W . I'. Curd, II 11 Km. Mil and I
I'hll M, Lilian, a. Hi- Ilm i.l
ul I iililllllMiotli Ml Oil Ihu -nl- !
I M, jnail and t'lilv cially ;
I uud. and Inr Ih- Im 1 -I- I
niclil nl the Inii I. nil-Hi,- I
llu it'liin i, t in, ulilt.. 1
i- I
William Mill In II, lltltudalll I
In W llllain Mil, In II. h'niu 11.111, d In I. ndclii,
lu Ilm iiiinicol Ihu !-lntf nl Urici'ii, u-i arn
In ri l'V n "iiilii-l 1,1 apiH ai ami nn-. - 1 the cum
p taint niui mtaiii-t i-,,u nith,- nlmu- iiiHHimI
llll. nil ol Irt'liili" ll l i.l tint ot III- In t l-gii
hit tl llu 1, 1 H, I. I 11,11 1 . I, 1 il M, ill, lav , Hi- .,l
dav id li-is-iiilii r, A I , l , and II uiutallru
tn an. wi t fur vi mil in, i,-., 1 th- I I111111I1I. it ill
np! y o I hn (null for Ihc i-ll. I P iiiniutrd In
tile colli pia 1 tit, a ami nn i .lHlmi,,i,t ,. w 1,1, li i
a. lollowa I" I l'"l:,'n,"lit nalilil Ihc l'-I. n,l
alit lul thl .mu nt I.' lul-ri t thru nn
ll the ''th day Amlt l-'l, l H ml, ., I
a p-t 1 eu I pet a 11 11 1 1 in, be. i'lt . Hi- 1 , i.l nud ill .
l.illM'im III. ol (hi. ..iit and 1,1 attuiurv . , t .
tut tho lullnl ,P,l-t I,,r, , In-iuu I'laliillll -lllnltitnKi,
and Inr aal-1,1 Hi, inui U-hii d on ill
t-t'.. and 111- npl'lti nllun -I lit- I'to r, l.i tin
cmta nt .a'.r. 1 In .nit nu l llaiiiiiita ,1, mailt!-,
and that the I i I. Ilia 11 1 mil nil i.olu , lalm
lint Pf, throiiKh "i tin, 1, 1 hnn i- tort-v 1 r l,atit,
and fiiii-t'ltiai'd ol .ill jlilii, Hi ;-, luti ii -I and
iillltvtd i di lliptloll ullu, and tn mid Im ill
alar'l I'lrml.-a nud ' v 1 I t' p. 1 1 tin n-ol. 1, pit I,
,-llllfn ativ dr., Ilia-, I n. lullntl ., town I it
nK i,ol Hie I tuwn.l.i. 1, . ol 1,1.. W nl
W illaim In M, 1 Idiau, III I'..., ;'. (oiiuiv, Ur,
!;"tl. and .'nh n'li- 1 mi l Inil'i, t ! Mid nv (In
I mill .hall tli 1-111 imUhI.I- lin. a im niuia I.
I'll In, I P) nidi 1 ul Hn II, m I W H i 11III11I1.
Ji-Uf ,
al-uvo 1 llllli, d I unit. ,Uti-, ii
lift ."i.
M HAW Kltllli,
Ml, n III ) 1.1 I I all ll It rt
Notice Tor Publication.
Um.iMiitvl.i'.i uiiki
ll"-i hillijt. I li linn , Aiiii.! I
-iiillu-l- In-ill, ) ,iuii Unit In I'-ini'llalK--
u lilt llu' provl i.nn ,,( Cirai-ti-f (ii iii.i
tiiiie.l .,.-i, -mllli I "An at t tut Iln .ala-l
timber land- lu tin 'nt ,, i alic rula llirnti.
N- ada and W H.hiiiKtmi Icirltorv a t lrn,J, ,
tO l I t 111 I'tll, . I .M ltd i-l H Ir. I'l l, 1 .1 Al(inl
I, lk
I I I I Ic t"l LIS.
nl 0 a' i.i 11 I. , iinnt v id liuiiu ', Mat - ul Hi ia 11,
baa thla day ulrd In Ihi. oitleu In r awutu .tan
lu-lll No. i ' Inr tlm mil, have ul Ilm K'til
clmll So. . iu lo t lul, lp No .' ,, Uana- Nn i
W , w. M, ami 1. ill olli r ,,h, In .how Hint Iln
Inlld iHiuuhl 1. Ill,, 1, l nl 11 aldi- o It. Ill, l 1111
loll- thall lot 11 ; rt. ultiiial puiot ami lo c her t Iniln to -aid land lH-f.,r- th- Hi .1.
It uud Hi 1 cli cl ul thla oftli 1 al lln-i tiuril, I lr
Ki'li, ull I iltodav , tin- ;, lb day ol Ut t-ln r, l"'J"
-In iiami'ia. wiiii-.-. a I W. tadaul, 'I . u
K.ith, I . It lliitv urd, IP ul.. 11 .-. .-until, nl Oak
laud, Do in. Am nul all h miu. 1 lnliiiiiifc
advcia' tl.r nlwi, r tli -crllird lainl. nl- 11.
lin it-. I In Itl-ilicir i lamia I'J llit.oltnc I'll 01
l i lure .ai ! . tli dm of i'i , ,, i. n.
1 I III. Ilii.r.-.
nt tin It.iHUrr
Notice l:or Publication.
1 -mi
1 1 11 - 1 -,ii 1 M rn 1 .
" lull.:, l'r -.mi. A 11 1.-11. 1 11 l-'l.
la, ill, I . I, , It'ln ,, 11 Hint (li ,01111,11111111
w lih Hn- j.rov i-loii. 0 1 11, . ail oi Ciini:ri.a -I
Jtlllt! 3 . l-.n, cnlHli , "All 111 I Lu the lal- ol
ti 111 1,1 1 laud In lli-Mat. . ol 1 all foi 11 hi, 1 1, sni
Net a. la nud W ,i-I,ii-i,,ii 1 , irilor- ,
Jn "li J In-1111
ol I uu' ! 1 minli of I nnc, Hint- ol 1 r --ii, ha
H, la. 1, 1, III, , I In tlil. ,, iln - 1,1. .worn man men 1
Nn. '" i, fi 1 llu 1. tin I n I the NW .' , ,, N-cllmi
No. J, In Inwiialilp So. .1 , K.uui; Nn. .1 W ,
nud will niter pin,, I to tliiin that iln Im..! miiijIiI
I. . iimi- viilunblc lor il-. lluiln r or Hp.uu than Im
arileultiitul 1, 111 ,n-e., nud to hi. 1 lalm
to .aid laud la-ion- the Heaiati r und Inciiv-r ol
Una nllii-nl llu.t htirif, 1 Irrunii, on W cdni lav,
the '.'iitb day id Uflnliir, H:'t
Ile llllllira iu wlllii-nr. 1 Id 1 i e .
KilKcne. Ui , J..-. iiii i nula ill I.imi,,,!- II.
Oharlr. 1, a i ii. nf Oakland, or . Jnhll flntu i ,,l
Oakland. Or. Any uud nil a rMiiia i Iniinlnu nd
er.r llu-ahnvi dt ai-rlhul Intnla un- i-iii-li-l
to tile then i-Imiiiin III thla iiille- nn ur lt...,i..
anl'l Vi lli day of Ov tul.i t, !'..
i. I lUtlliiiK".
nllll'l It. ul . i.
Notice I -or Publication.
I'M inn i-rvn:. I.inu oi i n i.,
Hiiachlllk', Oii-i'iiIi, fr,t . n Ivht,
Nollui la licrehy flvtn that th- (nlliiiuii,..
iiuiucd M-ltlcr Iiik lilcd tn, lit e ol In r l 11 1 i n ii.i'ti
tn nmku nual itnnd iu autiimrl nl I it r rla iiii .lul
that uld prim I wll! lie mad- U hue the lit um, r
and Hiiiimt, United Mulen Land oilne .,i
ItoachuiK. OrtH'iii. "U i n -tuber i'-'. I'-J", 1 1,
Un lluiiii -lull l.nti v IN',, v.l.H. Iii Hi- li.
I.'i. Nee. i'. '1'u .".I ri. It .a iv-.i i-i,. :
Hie (i.IlowiiiK wltncac. in prow In i cuntluiinua upon and i ulll v alum ol, nl, laud
i Jullll Wli.ou. Chnrha Me, lint. I harl-.
i 11 nun, f. rtcrl ul i anian alley, (ii-nii.
1. HUlllnl.H,
Notice f:or Publication.
UMIKU hi wan I AMtOI iiii.
.. . , Ko"-btliK. Ul-., M-pt, I.', s i.
Notite i. Inrehv ilvtn ii,i u...
Iiuiucd . ttlcr ban lllctl tiiiiu e ul hut I11I1 ul,,u
to make liuul pninl hi niippurl of In. chum, nud
that .aid lum, I will h i iin,,l, l 1 11,., n
and Iteeeivcr C. r Land Ollire ni lin.cliiiri;
Ori-a'iui, oil I it tohei lank, :
-'"UN li"i i.iiaiu )
mi 11, nn, i-ii. I Km i v. Nn ,-,'j,. in 1 tin, K' . s it
1 free, -".I, i'. Jn 1-.. K. IWe.i. 1 1.. ,,.. n,., ,..1
lowiiiK wiliit lo i.r.tve bm i n nmu, .M
ilt ii-u iip.,11 iiutl culilvaliuii 1.1 hi, ul , ,,,.,
W illiam II. Mil. .. oi M,rlli) 1 nek, the., .Inlul
Mile., ol M rile t ri ck, un ., vv. u II, um ,,
Myrtle Creek, ore . J. W . r 1-, -k . 1 m . ,1, . .1
i. l. Iiihlm-H,
1,1 Itrp-lHlci.
Notice I or Publication.
I'Miaii bi uiih I imi Oi 11, k,
liilM-billK, Olettoli, Hepteiiihri i,, s-l.-.
Nolu c la lierebv eivt u Hn. 1 1 ,,,,,1
Willi the pint nlmi. ,,f tbn a-ttif CuiiHicna lit
I une .1, 1., a, until led "A 11 net fm ll,- . 1
llmbi 1 liiinin lu the Uiatca ol Culiioruiii, Uickuii,
Nevada, and W n.iiilluliili 'leirllo.y, '
CA1IIKHINK li. Mohi'ii.n
t ,r 1 11:: In -1 , 1 . Couuly of I nnc. of in. ,,n
Iiaa Una day lilcd ill thin nlllco lit-f i ivuril Mutc
nicnl No iiVO, Inr tho purt ha-e of tho Hiuith
I'.anl Oiiailcr (ri. K.' ,) ol feeluui Inw u
hip No .' 1 Hniith lliiuue Nn il Wert, nud lvl
fler iironf to nliuw thul Ibe lainl hiuiLhi Im n,,,.,,
iBluuble for ita timber 01 atmiu ihnu 1,,, ,.,,
culluiiil piirpo-CH, ami to cMnhlndi h, 1 claim 1,,
aid land beluru the II1KI1.I11
1111. 1 ii-nivcr ol
1 oil fniturJny Ihu
Ihlhulllee nt Hum hum, Orcui
llllli dnyol November. In-in.
Hhu 11 u liicx an u1Iiichms: I -1 1 n
HprliiKliejil, I aim County, 01 ., ., .1, ,arr ,,1
Kuii-uo, .aiiutimiity, Or., Murli.ii c. Iiavl.,
Moruuii lloleoiiili of i-iu Hell-ill 1,.,.,. , i. '
Orev.11 Anv nud ull p, ranii a cli,iiuluK b,I
ver.oly Ihu nlmve il-aerila-i Ui, , ,.,, 1
to III-their , lalm. In thl. ... .... V'.'",1'
Mild t'lh.hiyiif Nov I r, l,u. ' r
.K,... J. I. lIHlill.l.H,
't'J ii,.i.i.,.