The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 29, 1898, Image 2

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Publltbcd every Monday and Thiirwla
Kit Mpnihn
Thrc Monlhi..
. It AO
SKrTKMl'.Kll 29. 18C8.
No man ever titi cmim to lvl alim"il
of th company he keeps, oi.t cf
AguinalJo, lioine suil William Jen
nlngt Brysn still rootintw to 1 snll e
Wbf n two ieotla si-l marrioil llm Uo
become oue, but it dou'l seem to liavo a
leodcncy to keep tlio imputation from in
We Lave never yot iceo 10 auy i-apcr
wbich advocates tlio election of II. W
Corbet t, a einglo Hue or syllable turKit'
ina to give a single minliticatioii which
be possesses for tbu office of United
states Senator.
Tbe Oregouian is in pretty small bus:
uess. when, ou accouul of its bitter ao I
vindictive hatred of the national adiniu
istrauon. it joius the democratic anJ
populist papers in uiakiug war i n the
rfmublican ailnu.iielralioil en accouul
of allured uiiscouduct or tsd luanse
ment In the conduit of the lato war.
Tbe friends of County Clerk l.ssley
now claim that the logwlaiure has no
authority to cut down bis salary during
the tioio for which be was elected
There is a way, however, by which he
can be wade to keep bis pledge to the
leopl, aud that would be by cutting off
all pay for deputies, and leave bis tal
ary as it is, at j.jtX. t ut ot that sum
be could employ one or more deputies
and yet have left for Limrelf an amount
e,tul to that which be promie:-d telore
election that bo would do the work for,
A citizen cf Koteburg who is pcrlups
as well informed in regard lo tbe sens
torial situation es any one in the state,
and who has just returned from Salem,
informs us that, in his opinion, there is
no show for tbe election of Mr. Corbel t.
lie does not believe that enough republi
cans can be induced to go into a caucus
to make tbe necessary majority o! tbe
legislature, lis think that there are
at least 24 republicans who w ill not go
into a caucus. This is good news for tn
rank and file olthe republican party wb
believe that tb9 republican party can be
depended upon to stand by the people
and respect their wiahee.
The corrupt gang of Multnomah
county boodlers are up againtt their Ma
nila bay and will be blown op, sunk and
eternally demolished by tbe cow county
delegates in extra eeesion. Good!
Lord, you would not have cal'id an
extra session to elett ooo cf your
clan senator bad you known what
was in store for you. Mr. Mitchell's
manly loiter and his abeoluie refusal to
be a candidate removes one bone of con
tention and the other bone will be
thrown out of the window, and a good
enough gold standard republican Is tuit
evea the superheated reijairuaieuta "will
be elected in spite of tha Ore goniau
itself. 11 is namn is George, not (Jcorge
Power, but Judge M. C. George.
In Senator Kced tho people of Douglas
county have a representative who may
be depended upon to respect their wish
es and stand for their interests iu every
resDect. He is not a mau w ith a lot of
visionary ideas which can never be ac
com plished, but a good, e-iuaro business
man with a large amount of practical
business experienco and tho honesty
and ability to accomplish a large amount
ui benefit for his constituents. As
might have been expected, knowing
that the republicans of Douglas county
ate s unit against the election of H. W.
Corbett, he declines to be a party to
such a iob. preferring the election of a
man who is free from factional influence,
and who, if elected, will represent tho
people of the whole stale and not a ring
ot corrupt Portland polititians.
The election of Joseph Simon as presi
dent of tbe senate means the defeat of
every measure in which the people of
Oregon are interested. It is a distinc
tive Yictory for the little aggregation of
wealthy, brainy and eeltisb men of
Portland who seek to control tho des
tinles of that city and of tbe state m
tbelr own personal interests and utterly
and contemptuously regardless of the
plain people.
This may be what tho people liko. In
any eyent it is what they vote for, and
little Joe Simon will be boss aud dicta
tor of a great commonwealth until the
people hurl the republican party from
power. Kosebuig Review (socialist;.
While of Hebrow descent, Senator
Simon's ability as a lawyer, his keen
political sagacity, his unvarying polite
ness and command of his feelings, aud
bis intense loyalty to American customs
and constitutional forms, have enabled
hi in to overcome eveiy obstacle to his
lie coolly aud deliberately and intel
ligently does his work and treats all
men as nearly e.j'iala as circumstances
will permit. He will not sacrifice party
interests to any uiau'e ambitions and in
this respect he becomes a safe party
leader.-Capital Journal (demo-pop)
You fellows hotter get together and r
vise your opinion. ;
Joseph Simon, the Senate Perma
nent ."resident Carter of Jack
son County Speaker.
(Morning Session.)
Salem, Sept. 20tb.
Senate called t ) order at 10 :10 o'clock
a. tu. by (Senator Taylor of Umatilla.
Following temporary ofllcere wcru
elected upon strict party vote of 21 to 6:
Temporary president T. C. Talor,
of Umatilla county.
TiuKrary cliirf cleik S. I Moore
head of Junctiou City.
Temporary reading clerk .1. P.,
of Multnomah.
Temporary assistant chief cleik J. 1
Yates, of Dcuton.
Calendar clerk K. C. Middleton, of
Klecliou ol the uiiuor office rs '
ferred ui.lil the eiirismi:. orgauua
A committee on credential wss ap
point-d as follows: Senators Cen Sel
lion. G. W. rroebstel and William
AdjourutJ uutil 11 a. tu.
Upon reassembling at It o clock the
committee on credentials reported aud
the same was adopted.
Tho now tusiubers wer sworn iu by
Chief Justice Wolverlou.
A senate solution providing for
permanent organisation was presented
by Keed, of PougUs, aud it was adopt
The election proceeded with the fol
lowiog results:
President Joseph Simon, Mulluoiuab
Chief clerk S. L. Mooreltfa.l. of
Junction City.
Atsistsul chief cleik J. F. Yates of
lie it ton.
Keadinc clerk J. 1. I ce. of Mult
Calendar clerk Kiauk C. Middleton
of Multnomah.
Scrteant-al-armc Joseph S. l'u r Joiu
of Grouts Pass.
Doorkeeper W. W. Smith, of Clatka
m&s county.
Mailin clerk it. II. Humphrey, of
rages Harvey Belt and Frank Haul
The miuor otlicers of the senate were
then sworn into service.
A resolution calling upou the secre
tarv of state for his report on the finan
cial conditions of tho sUlo was present
ed and adopted.
Adjourned until 2 p. m.
The senate reconvened promptly at
p. m.
Kules of session of 1 Si? adopted ex
cept in rolo IS, to be re-established on
basis of 240 bills to be pribteJ.
By Mulkey Uesolotion for joint com
mittee of tno, from each house, to ex
amine and report upou, booki cf secre
tary of state. Carried.
By lirownell Biil to repeal act creat
ing state railway commission. Passed
to second readiog.
By Daly, of Benton Bill to reduce
statuary rate of interest to C per cent.
Alt bills to s.cond reading.
Adjouroed nntil 10 s. ro.
licit t.
(Morning Session.)
SALtM, Sspt. 2Mb.
The bouse was called to order at 10 20
o'clock, by Kalph E.Moody, ot Mult
uoinah county, who was the chief clerk
of the 1W5 session of the house and also
temporary chief clerk ( tbe Davis house
in 1W.
For temporary speaker, Geo. T. My
ers of Multnomah county, L. B. Boeder,
of I'nion county, and E, S. Plaits, of
Coos and Curry counties were placed in
nomination. Mr. Myers was elected by
a vote of 23 to 20.
lioee, of Multnomah county, aud
Flagg, of Marion, were appointed a
committee to escort Mr. Myers to tbe
A. Y. li. Snyder, of McMinnville, edi
tor ol the Yalley Transcript, was elected
temporary chief clerk without opposi
tion. On motion Hill, of Multnomah, Haw
sou, of Gilliam, MaBsingill, of Lake,
Nichols, of lieuton, Gregg, of Polk,
were appointed a committee on creden
tials. Rose, of Multnomah, moved that the
republican members of the house go
into caucus at 11 o'clock.
On motion of Moody, of Multnomah,
the House took a recess nntil 1 :30 p. in.
At 1:30, Geo. T. Myers, temporary
speaker, called the house to order and
asked for the report of tbe committee
on credentials.
The committee reported the regular
ity of tbe credentials of all members as
heretofore published, except George
Knight of Clackamas and J. B. Stump
of Polk county, against whom contests
were tiled, and these they referred back
to tho houee. The report was accept
ed. Curtis of CI a iso p moved that a com
mittee of three be appointed to wait
upon tho secretary of state or a justice
of tbe supreme court and ask him to
swear in the members. Tbe motion
prevailing the chair appointed Curtis,
Mcody and Uoberts such committee,
who scon appeared wltb Secretary of
State Kincsid, who administered the
Moody's resolution then prevailed
that the iiouee proceed to permanent
organization and tha election of speak,
er coming first, Representative Max
well cf Tillamook placed in nomination
E. Y. Carter of Jackson county. Mr.
Stillman placod J. J. Whitney in nomi
nation. The vote stood, Carter .19,
Whitney 17, Brattain, Donnelly and
Wlialley being absttut and Stump not
mllcl, llninli Klil.-lif WAN .allni Slid
the latter returned the compliment.
For chief clerk A. C. Jenniug c( Lane
and J. A. Burlelah ot Wallowa weie
placed in nomination, the former being
elected by a vote of 40 to 11.
For assistaut chief clerk, A. V. U.
Snyder of Yamhill was elected by accla
mation, For reading clerk, Frank Motter ol
Multnomah was nominated, also Vuo.
r. Hosenberg, of Umatilla. Motter was
elected by a vote of 40 to 10 for Kommi-
A.G. Gritliu ot Muttnotunb, and .
U. Brunk of Jackson county weie
named lor eergi?aut-at arms, Grliiiti liv
ing successful by a vote of 17 to IU.
M. P. F.isenberg ol nawco was named
lor doorkeeper and was elected l y ac
clamation. IV n. Mackie was elected calendar
clerk by acclamation.
On motiou tbe speaker whs uutt.or-
ized to eppoiul n mailing cleik aul
luree pages and tho speaker raid be
amil.l announce those appoint incuts at
the opening Tuesday morning.
Meters. Moody, Williamson and beach
were appointed lo invite tho secretary
of state to administer Ihe oath lo the
newly elected otlicers. w hich that gen
tlemau did iu a few tmuuculs.
On uiotiou tbe rules of 1 :'.' wcio
adopted as rules of Ibis seuio'..
Curtis, secouded by Myers, i-tfcrvd
resolution that each member bo provid
ed; house aud senate journal and Uv il
1S'.5 and a copy of Hill's code. Bceo
lotion adopted.
McCnlloch moved (or coiumittio if
three lo notify tho governor cf tho or
ganisation of thu house. Canb'd. Me
Culloch, McAllister and K were ap
pointed as such committee.
Myers offered resolution for proid
iug each member with live daily or
weekly newspapers. McCuihch niovid
to indefinitely lHwtpoue and pviulinga
vole Mr. Myers withdrew the ri solu
tion. Moody's motion pievailt'd l notify
tho senate of tho itv..i. I'lon o the
Mr. CuitiS ollerid a rcjtoiu'ijn. wh;l
passed unanimously, (hat the reptrters
of the various newspapers be inut 'd to
seats within the bar anJ thestr-
geaut-at-arms ! structeii i provue
conveniences for them.
Mr. Williamsou introduced a resolu
tion inviting toe ministers of the var
ious religious denominations of ti e
state to open tho daily eeei-bua of ti e
noue with prayer, and sM iu ifft-ring
it that this had been a general custom
and that the legislature has at uo lime
needed invocations far help end men y
more than at the pre;eut time. The
resolution was adopted.
Tnt) committee 1 1 n.tify the -ov. r'.:or
aaked for lime to report uul:l cc iou in
connection w'nh tli senate to lie lakt'n.
A resolution w.i cfT-jri-d fiat a
oiittee ot fiva be spp nil?'t t li-termUe
and reccjmend tbe compnati- u o'
the officers of the boure. It wai iubt v
ed and the chair ba t nit appViuU-d the
committee at adjournment.
Mr. Younir's motion lo adi niru until
10 o'clork TuesJsv moruini; wa? ogrced
I'rcfciJeut .'-imou auuo;u:i'd his itaii'.'
iug committee);.
Senator Hazeltiuc offered a risul r.ii.u
for a committee of two senator aid
three representatives to inform the gov'
crnor that loth hou-X'j !- oruani.e-l ur.
ready to receive hid meee.
The following bills were iniiodiiccd
Dulur Relating to terms uf elrcn.t
Daly Tu amend tho aeiiestmieiit laws
Fultou-rTo create othco of county
game and forestry wardens t Lu
pointed by tho county court?, Monlhly
salary to be fixed at not above $75 a
a month,
Hazeltiue To provido for rcimburn;
meut of moneys, etc., to commission to
Omaha exposition.
Brownell For au a-:t to provide for a
constitutional convention.
Clem For au act to define "l.uiJ'
and "real property."
Driver Conferring uoii I'.ug.tue lii
vinity school power to iuo diplomas,
Fulton For an act to protect stingeon
Brownell For ao act ot facilitate (ct-
tlement of estate In probate.
Dufur To regulate proceeding in juu
tice courts.
To protect hotel koepeia and boarding
house keepers.
Mackay Offered a resolution remon
strating against duty on lumbur as pro
posed by convention now In Quebec
8elling To fix salaries of state otlicers
and iudgo and officers of the supreme
Daly To repeal railroad comuiiHbioi)
Fulton To provide for phjbicial ex
amination of plaintiffs who ask for dam
Harmon Relating lo appeals in civil
Dal For an act fixioii salaries of sec
rotary of state, treasurer and clerk of su
preme court.
Brownell Kelatiug to contests of
Dah Authorizing sale of equities in
ests' i of decedents.
K .ly To repeal office of food com
mirhiouer. Adams To provide for Uxaliou of
Bates Hegulating fraternal or Jus
Harmon offered a resolution expropri
ating a set of Hill's codes for each sena
tor. Lost.
Looney, offered a resolution, that a
committee of two reuators und three
representatives be appointed to investi
gate the books of the state treamjrer.
Lost by 7 lo Hi.
Taylor, offered a resolution for a com.
inittee of two senators aud three repre
sentatives to investigatA honks of thn
ttHyliim. Adopltd.
Toted. Cat te r voted f;r WMtu-v
i;l jol t iionk
.Vint losolutlon to meet In Joint as
sembly et 'i p. iu. to hear Governor
Lord's message, adopted.
By Curtis for rt committee ot nvs lo
which all resolutions be lofeirocJ. r
By Ko ieitt., to prohibit smoking Iu
hall ol houn' m any time. hurreu.
By llaweon, providing lor committee
eli'iki. Can id.
By miiv, for tuiiilshing 2vH) two
cent stamps and UK) newspaper wmi
IKMStocaeh ivember. Carried.
I'.y Mveisi, t..i liirnishiog : news
piper to each member, t'aiiied.
Cnilis For protection of salmon aud
food V lies.
Whitney To tax inottgagi'S.
r..iyei -To regulate Ibe doing ot pub
lic WOl'liU.
K:illii,.ni -T.i uio.nd ."-fc I'ol Hills
t-urlU To i. Kiilalrt and pio'.eel stui-
coon lislitn.
I'uriin To Kiovlde lot the utiles 01
i!.mo and foreitry warder.
Hill To i rovids for an t leuiaie
clivtioun to i.ouiie and reu ate me
ngislition o oleis for election pur
lioeeH. Bold lirtt iitol MCOiid lime.
UniBC - Pioxidiug lor the eleitioii ol
United S ates eenalorf.
Molv -To amend N e. 10 w- ol Hill's
cole. ,
To tulabli.-di a liseal agency lor
Ibe state of Oiegoti in tho city ol New
Mack iv- 1'iutvstii'g against taiitl on
lumber recommended by convention in
tJ'icV'c. I'awul.
M.Nri: rM'INi lOMMIiriiKS.
Aricu' and Forestry Looney,
Kolley, Clem.
Asse.etnent and T.ixitioc--Mnlkoy
Mackoy, Po'.t'T, Comerjii. Taylor.
Claims -llowe, Fulton, l.tly ol Lake
Commeico wnd N.iv;ga!hn - Selling.
Howe. C.imero-i, Proebatel.
Couuti s-M.o.- .y, Taylor, IIoa?
Cameron. I'Htter.of.
llduca'io'i - KuykiuJi'l. Ilarumn
F.lectiou and Privileges- Harraon,
Brown-'T, N ade.!8ed Bills -Daly ot Benton,
Kced, Michrll.
Enrolled BilU-Patlerson, Mulkey,
Federal Uela'iuua - li ivcr. Frucbstel,
Fiihiiu Iiidialrio, K-:cd, Michell,
Bs c?.
lfortic'il'.Jic t'aly cf r.tfiitou, Patter
gou, Looney.
Injurancc and B.ukuig Haines,
Jams, Ba'es.
l i -inting - Miih.'il, NOIir.g, Haines
Irrii i'i in
-Prutiotfl, C'iiiienm, M'r-
.1 i Ji.-i i -I'n't.-ti
r.r.'HIltll. M'Clli I!.
K-lly, I '..'iii .
Mfiicihii S'liatio c, I.'i.:i
I V-
of Lake, kuyk.'iuh-il, Morrow.
Military Att.-ir; Haze lt-ne,
Pen il I sliuiiiuu 1 1 line',
fayli r,
Mtuip''- t'.ioieroti. llariuoi-, Smith.
Municipal C-jip i n ions -Ha. -Itiiie,
P.iblic I'-ti'l lin,- and liietitutioni
Adam, ll.i.'.-liine, Kecd.
Pui-lii: I-i id Porter, Muls?y, Howe,
Diiver, Wade.
Iiai-1 ,.a lrt Lruwuell. I'atteraon, Daly ,
tf lj'ittou, Mackay, Moirow.
PouMion of Laws-Kelly, Heed, I ui
ton, Daly of I, like, Smith.
K-j i Id and Highways Bales, l.oouey,
Daly of I'.entou, Pi oohstcl, Clem.
WrtVH and MeaitK --Taylor, Mulkey,
Kuykendall, Selliiii-', Adams.
I ilty Men Wanted
To cut railroad wood, liood limber,
and a loiiB' job. For further particulars
call, or address, ieo. W. Kiddle, Kiddle
Oregon, nr Mouth ol Doe Creek, regou.
(ii:-. W. itiiii'Ll..
Kiddle ' regou, Aug., s, l V.'S.
On tho Neck and Croat Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood Was
Constantly Crowino; Worse.
" ii i.-y c;n w as ." y -firs old h wai
in -.fry :i..T lieultlt mid we conlu c?t
not liinji I relieve bhn. At the filte of 7
yi sr-i lin I . r.n to complain of Hori-ites-i on
l;it li y id' ( f his neck und soon lumps hc
K'lii to ('"'her on one side and Rrcw to
li.ilf the "is of Biii?!T. Wc then liceame
:.u, ii i.;ita:iy and Ingan to doctor him for
n r.f'iiii . Jl: (jraduall' (jrew worse, how
cv, i.:uil nt the age of twelve year wo
i -i' nil hope of his recovery. He ho
(am"i:o weak he could Hit up but a few
mi.i.ites nt a time. Mywifosaw Hood's
l- a 'njiardla recomuinnled ana (.'real blood
puriiier o:tJ we r.cnt and Rot a bottle. W'e
h ;,'''n i;iviii(f our hoy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
before wo saw he wss Improving. IIo
continued taking It until ho was in very
rood h alt h. Ho is now 13 years old and
U w ill. Wo recommend Hood's hiariiapa
rilla for all troubles caused by Impure
blood.'' M. M. Hil.vtn, tirousc, Oregon.
IIimmI '; SiirMupurilla ii sM ly all ilrnggllts.
Il; mx fur ; tonly llooil's.
tn i ii k i nu;i.'ir cm KT ol 'IUE fc'f.V'il
1 of I'nK'.ii l"r Uonglai) county.
fKUljl'ilu yciviii. . I ,.
l'laiiitlll. I Suit In t-juily
v h. for a Divorce
Wilhmu NelKiii,
liefnllilllUt. J
'I'd William NvImiii, uljue numtil uufi'iiuuut:
lu tin; iiuiue of tho Htutu ol On-gou, you lire
In ri.-l.y ri iuin-d to appear ami uunwer tho e.nui
plbint lik-il BKulnut you in tlio ahovu eutltled
mjU mi or befiiro the llmt day of tlio next r' lrii
tki lniiiof tho uboio I'litillod (;ourl, t'l wil:
Moii'Uv, Pew iiibtr&Uii 1W1. "1 H y"M 'all to
iti.iroi iiuid eompinlMt wltlilii u d
tli'ilorHiit thereof, Plumtift w II apply lo
tin-1,'uint for tin; relief diMiiaiiilcl hi her com
plaint i folloim: 1'nr a deerou of divorce fits-Soil-in:'
tin! biiii'li of iiiaiiliuuiiy exlnllijir he
t.u iMi I'lnliitlll' und Defendant, and lor such
oil, er relief bh to lliu Court may appear iiiei t
aiVliVrilVi'i,Viii,UH Ik j.uljllKlK .t by order of Hon.
J. M . 1 Iii in i I toll , Jtldan "f mid Court, wloeh nii'l
order 1-idHlvi) ept :' ls'.ix.
I . tV. HICNmtM,
, -I,, AttftiU' ) for I'lniiiliil.
N'oo.l I Wood 1 1 Wood 1 1 1
lhe Koeebuitf Electric Light Power
... . ... . . i . i i .
Company will receive iits, unm i-n. i
1SUS. for furnishing 1000 cold or auy
amount less than 1000 cords ot lour foot
oldgiowlh Fir Wood. Fur specifications
call un or address L. A. Walker, Mana
ger. Tho Company nseivo Ibo tight to
rejsct any or all bids.
Mubblctleld for Sale.
I have lor sale, about 300 acres of ,;. d naatiiro. II Hot sold wCl iske
stock lo ps-itino by tho week or nnmih.
E, .1 Aiiam,
M eh ore, Oregon.
For flarslinl. f
t hereby annouiicn myiill it can.lid.-te
r.r t. ,.ii,'i imi lo i ho Ltlice. of ihv mar
I .1
shal l Iho election to Ih bold Momlny,
Oct Ui .5, IV-. Fl.v.; I'll I m:p.
l or City Kciordcr.
e ate rcipiested to announce ih:it N
C. Loudon, w.i; ho a f--r the
oll'nv of eitv lec-.i.lei. Ibe ilv of
Uosehmg, at iho eomiiig city elceii-m.
For City Treasurer.
I livioby a iuo'.uuo myself im a eainli.
dale lor ie-electiou lo the othco of t i'V
leaK'.irer.'nt the coiniim city election.
til o. C .mii i .
I or City Recorder.
1 hi'ieby anuouni-e my sell a e.mdi-lale
lor tbe ollice of city renuler ol the ily
ot Koseburg, at I bo coining city elect. on,
to to held Monday , Vtot-cr ::r,t. l:-'H.
1 1. S.WlM.
mtww mi vi ii twi it
iSMia luiaaiPiiiMJis?
Sunday. October 2, 1898.
Dinner at 12 M.
They Are
Flic I'li an iiuia nii'l r'ti
ii ii fit-r tin l. -
tniil of the staff "f llu-
llWv (? :r Publication.
A. iVUifi I ' ' I. '. " - I'l . "
- . 1 rfmr'-A s..n.-.: I . t . , . : . i- i o ti" t..ii., imk
1 Ljyf JLrK liai'ii.l .. Ill.- l..i i'' I i'-t I b- ' Jul' IHbj-j
CCi liJ '''' ''' 'l'vx',':"'''' '' "''t m' 1'''"'"' h"'1
fM, Ailministrator's Ntiticc.
iCVlWA'S wlVi IN UII.HTMI ml 111 I 'K I ii I. 1 I I- I 'r
A 'V iNVr 5f t 7 3fAt Lv-T 1 i-i. ! ii. Iii mid I"' ib. i " nil- ..I li.tiiel.i-.. in
ff ,1 '-y twXE?f t ' ' l.T VUi "' .'.'illi I" In i' lit ft ' ii tlial tin nii.ti I
H KM'A ;1V "f'A I I ''19 Vr 1 .i.iii-l bit. i- it.,- i hi tut lii-nln.
I f! -M Vijt'T J li i ' . i I-- run t" 'ii a p" ii ii t yl Adiiiliiuuiuiur
W '1 L0,r"lJjT f MrWVlrtrr l.ili'n'l l-r indebted p. -nil all, nit-
ir i Trf , VA Jl V v j'WN Yr!' " n Ii. ul.y ii'.tltii'l mU on'." tun- pa un ut I-
H&ii vQ3rli4 . . D'i-H I 'i" avit ir. nn.ii inn. i iina i' ,i.b i..v m ii 'ii U'.
XfSi XX ' k-V " I1 1 U 'TVv-'l t uiililt . i 'I-K-'li, ami nit I" ' 'ii" b . i int ilnun.
i''VIV.I a-CMal f, . 'jvl - . jKV'1!' itii aKaltl-l II"' -H i I "late tt til pre, t III llll' .l'lii tu
- "ctw ' :' KvSff yj&S) "m .mi. ..I,.-. ...i i ida .,' i-i....' ... ""i
rV--V, , h : ii'A '- ..mif. -.Iti-iu '. m-iiilM In ... lb. --I
Specialists and Dr. Meyer:; -S: Cu., ill make their
regular monthly visit to
Friday, October 14th, 1898.
Tlicv will be at the McLM,.I.l,KN HOt'SlC
I In mull ul llic
unit d duet il". tin It
i tiruliEi- it 1 m-:i Hi ' N .
I n :li-li i 1 1 ' I U. lm. ui I
11 pill i.lcinii lm lm -
I n. 1 .... II,.. ..u.l . . 1111 i t r. r uf 11 i'l' lit .1 . V !li(! . II,
Inn been phetiuiiii'iiBl. Irlicutti, bai-' biillli d il.o -.ill "f otlicr plii .1. lulu uu-l j-lulrM-Nily
ri'liin-.l t.i vk'l.l lo urJuinrv iiiclnliii-. uittlt-ids an-l I'ppli.iiu . Hie -Ultkl mib.liiud nud
iua.iar. il bi'tbe l.u::lib iiltd -i rniiill i:.spt'i I Cpt lifilitutioo lu Aiiitritti. 1 lie KliRll Ii
lent mid reliable, but nrc ri.'-lionlbk', bcltlK bm
hums: CI M11H-U lilla- It U iirckriiMi:
mid livruiun Kk-trt riptxInllbU lmic etirc-l thuu
yuit eaiiiiot .ec ibe dutlori write llic lioni-' ullice
tour uilniL'tit.
tall on lhe Uoctors wlicii Htvy tunic. All mini;: p. - liuiild m c Uic
Kit ami riuriiian Kinert HiifH.-iall-.lit. A friendly lull. . vlm b ..! (i i-l u I c! y imtlilM", I" buiitld lo
rcmill ill a irrcat deal of wl, ivli'-.tliur liuttnient U tiikeii or li d.
CONwri.TATION 1'Ul.i;.
A Mall of lUc Moat Idiiinviit and rim ' oin in tlio Win Id
7Ji Market St., San Francisco, and 21H S. Uroadway, Los Angeles.
Fall is at Hand!
anil nearly everybody needs
Wc have the line that will
happy. Don t
from i6?i cents per yard
Prices ou Wall Paper, Window Shades, I ,ucy. Cu rtains,
1 i a r 1 r ir 1 1 . . 1
i'oruers, anu coinpicic ouiiu ior iiousc jmu nisimijj;, ;u
For City rinrslml
Wo are aiil'e-li. "I to ii'iuoiiini that
Cupl. A. I- Kl.hlei will l-o a candidate
(or i lly maridul nl the cm. lug dy clei
lion, t'e.l. In d.
is IIIK) llli t II COl III" Hi'' III K iT. II l'l-
I nn n-oi, I- i li"' I'liim ly el I'iiIii
r, t .ml, II II Kl' iifl nli-1 Clot )
M, l l h,u Ilo.icl 'l 'OKI-
.li-m-i l-'i "i- ,rtl-nl i-i l-i-'l iH'-l
I linn- ilv I lOi'l-; iiii-l l"t ili'
.iitu-iil i'l H-o riiii-e iimi
m; Hi- i.'lo-i-i,
lilt II. .v I- in I Ml- '-'Un O"-1' Hi HI
I Mi-
In.i.'-loi li.-.. li m-l Mn .'-'liii liii-vli,ai
m e
l( 111.. I I'l l.Ml.l 1. II t
' . ...... I II..1N1H.
Mill Mll'l
i...'..i.. l .iiii. - iii ai.i-sr s'i-1
, miiI. -I .i.i. .'". r I- .-. 1 1 Hr l".'l
i ... . ... , iir 1. 1 in Hoi c-inii ii"i
I M it. Ill III-' 'III
Hi I'- ' I
llllH't . li'1". lOI'l I'
I ! , ,, i , i i .. in un .i
I liuiililli el "'l i'1!
' , in. I. .1 I" H
in. nt i.l ii hi' I- !-
lll II I lllli'l Hu
ll. li I "IU I li'l I '' l II'
,n unit, h - 'Hi mi i ' lu
ll, full
lll.ll lUlllllll
, M- I'l I .I'-" "I "' '"' 1
I Ih, l. In! Hi- ' 1 1 1 nl V
1 1, ,11.1 ll.l-.'l'l ll.ll " '
... r . .'lit III I IIIIIIH1II. I"
111, I I I, 11,11.11', Jl llU
ii nil hiii n i Un n "i
i , I ,, nl llin I iit- i'l
i,l... tii. tr i-ti ninl
,. Inn., in. llli I'l lli'i
I I... I ' ll
,111 Mill! llll Vtll-I ot f.
ti.lliil ill'- II I' liliri:lll
... . l'!inlill . I"i. li'U 'i"'l
lii, I lu- illl ll I In-
niiiiliiHi 'I I'l' ' '"
Inn. nii'l Oi" "I'l
Ill il r iitmiti.-r l'i--i i-H'-i "'
iu. It Hi Un- l.lm i-nil- ill
1 1 1
I" l -iilr. sii'i On
.0--IS- C--'i "1 ' lv
mi. I Hi.- ii" .
nut. '.'li" I'" ' '
Hull lb. I'i i i"1 '
l.i . Ilium :ll i'i 'ii
rtlltl ll'll-. -. I I'l
, .,,lll I I'l II ill I'll-I
i u iu .. - in mi -
,, in. I I HV I,- llu- I V' II I
llllll I, .I'll I HUH II 11' 111.11.U-,
,1, I'll liliSl' e 'I tslln
ii un lit inr.i'lii i Isiiiiliit
. . 1 1, hi. In l.'i.'i i r Imin il
., i r 1,1, I . i u nt till- iil, mill
II .-I. lu i In -ill'l Illi-llUillli'
I iu I III- li lit. I III' I'll-IHUl
1 : .;-i..i
i nun
urn til I" I v t...l-l in Hi' -' I'm
i Ii in-'- ,'
, in c o Hu
ll., i iin'ii I.
i'i l'i'ii::ln
. ,iui I'"' '
J Hit Ii t-l I
I 'll II. I
...lltll lli-l'.l
in.:.- i:,., :
i i llu ,1 in lull, ui 1 i-Hlllll ll
1 i
nl i i
,iii. i i, I Un- I lliinini I lilln r
in . i I, I ii .1.. n I'll; 7 W
IV. llVl-"1l. llu III 1 lllill'.l In H
Ill , I m In it- llu l'i 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
tu.. I , i mm il-l i latin,
..,,.-l 1 II I'l ii-i i iiinii, uc in.-
Hi, l.tii .ii . ti"! i imin in iiir iimi
.i l'u- 1 1 nl i i -ui. I Mi e .1 llu in r
i i ii. ..1 iiii I- -, i t lii'li ti.iur ilniis
I, .'II Inn 1
II N .
n ii i i-iil'l .'iii-'ii, Hivnii' iiuiili
ii r ui -nl.! ill. in llu mi- i I In
I,, i , n n.lui; I in mil', limn
.1 W
I. mi ii ii. n lint -IIhIm -I i'1'l' r I'l
ll.iiiilimi, '-i'l :- nt Hi-' iiIhiii vii
!, 'In! 'I Mitl'l'l ' l,:1-
ill i tut l lnlnlul.
T--. m i iiia i.r.i
niiit sii inin'i
iir ,i iii I l.tilirr UfHrr; .
Coming !
t il
C .illlor ula
tkw em H.
lur -,i .
V.uytiU ;uul Ccniiau lCxicrt
Hp.-. 1. ill
inull.v '
l-i 1 .imp.. ..
t X ptl li'lP
I ul nu- n it'ilml) rr.i'l
111 1 nun:; nil id
1 i-i ul till' lllu-l lli'llliy llll'l puplll.ll illldlltitlnll
- UIibP1. I li.-y linvi- lb- birr- - t ninl Im-Uv-UIpm.'-I
and' - mmii V.-il p. - "iiit" iiic tint only ininpi
k. -l I y muple i hi n-l nbl niuinn
In iininy I1P.1.UI- vs i" "- c 11 palb iit, the I.iik1i-Ii
- un - li ul ",i -."iii
limn lln'i bull- in it r "till. 11
fm -i -ll
l mil fi e limn- lu liquid lu
please you and make the wife
lorget about our
up. Largest Sloek and Lowest
nu . a, I Li i. u.t' 1 1 .. Uf b -i .'I' In il i "II A ie lb
I N 1 IIK Cltll I 1 1 l lo li I nr iiihi-iii i'i
Oil neiii lor Un' "inn nt l"iiuln
, I'. I.i'i'l, H I Klinm-l sii'i I
I'l, II Mi-I.i nun, . on' iiimi'i i
uf I lllllllMIHIIi i mr mi' ""
rl ot liiuil ami t ui i ei -n i ;
nil, la mi, I Inr llu- lnu-1'
lui'lil til Hi- riinn. un-, hi i
Ihi'ii-triiiii, I'lniiiliil". I
Wllliani Mill h- II, IMell.lMll I
I II W llllllltl lillll lll'll, ninii-' iniiiii 'i ii ii'ii
Ill tlitt iiiiniiiiil I In' MiiliK'l 'ii'M'-ii, Mm am
heri-liv o-iiiiln-'l In l'l" r slid nii-er Hie I'mn
ilnllit II led iilii'l I'1" slum i
.nil. ml in l-eliiii' Ibe HkI dm "I I'"' ne I "i S'l
In, it-tin i-l "I'l" Ci In nil M I"). lb" .'Hi
dm ul I'lHiiiini'i i i'i i-i-i inn mn -ii
li, niimii I fi-t imni un i-i-i - " ii- "in
i.i'lf In llm CiiiiiI li'l Urn o il' I 'I-iiiiiiiile-l In
r.i ' ' ........ n..,i .ii.i.,ihhiiI ui i.i. .i.i.
litii rint!tiiiiii ."" .""- . ., - "" i-
Ma Inllfiiia li-r JinlHini'iil jwllil llu- I'l lnul
mil lui Hit' mini id tt ", Hli Inli'ii'l llu nun
hunt llm "lb day nf .Mis'i-I. I-"I, lll.-' ml, ..(
M per l fill I'Vl Sllllllllli l'l'l'li " II'" eoal. n in 1 1
biuai'iiii itla of llila aiillnli'l I Hi nlluitii-v a In .,
(nr Ilii n-ini! iii-i-ii-i- iiiit-i'iii-iiiK i miiiiiii a
iiiuiIkhh-, ninl Inr In id III" nun Ihsk-iI t-n'Ui
Mll-I ibo iiiilll'nlnlt ol Ibn liriN-i-eda In (In'
1'iwta ul li'i Un "ill! mi'l I Intuitu ili'liialnl.,
mnl thai llm l-el.'li.Ulit an.l nil In laulia elaliu
lim bf, lliiinisli i-r under lilm I-i-Inrnu r I. an. . I
and li'ie- l'"" -I uf.ill lUbi, IU I-. Inn lent and
inllrul i-'li ii, pit" n in in. aii'i in taw limit
KaS'-l t'ti i'ii ' mni i -i y pin t un ii-.. i. in. n
plrlltai-a mtv ilea, i lU d aa tubulin. In wit I lin
!tK '.uf I-e i.l l.nlil' liip .'I.Hi'l pit, Wul
W lllanielli' Mt il-llan, III limiKlaa Cuiinlv, I'm
K'HI. ami am li mil' l an I mini' r n il-I ni tin,
t t-lltl altSlI llei I'l l'illalile I Ilia aliniliiulia ti
put. II. lift by nub t ul III ' linn. '. . Iliiiiillliin,
Jti'iitint nie h'iumi i-iiitin-i i iiiiii, iiaien ia
nil i. I'.
v m i ii a i riinn,
Mi.' Ail'iiney lm I'lanillil
Notice Inr INiblicalion.
I'm it ii Hi i ii . Iimi in iii,..
Ili.M'bintf , "I. iii. ii. Aiuiml I., I J
N"ilivli lii'ietn- r.inii Unit itt i uiiipliaiii i
itltlllli'i plui l.iiui. "I tin net ul ti'liMii .atd
.linn-, i. I-i, n, i iiiuiiil ' An n-tl lur llu alei,
in,. Ii-i Ian. I' In tin mri I cltiitiniM l'it ;t.ii.
Net mbi mid aliinalnu I I li.-l y ." - temlt d
In nil Ibe I'iiI. In I mi.) nl.iii", l y iu I ul Ailnu.1
I. I -'.'.
I I I. Ii li li'l
nt Oak l.i,, 1. 1 ,1'inli t l l'"iii:li. hlal. i.Uit ..ii,
baa Hill -lay lili 'l in Hit. iiinei In f MOtn lal
lm III No ". I"i On- pun bi' ul llirr-K'ti'l
illiuti Su. li, lu 'I mi hilitp No . i, Uatig" Nil. :
, . M . anl ttill alii i puail l.i .Imi. I lint I In-Ihii-I
viiitht l linn- alnal.l. ..r Hi llmln i ur
alillli- llinll b-r n;rti .lllllial nn pne tt liift
lntill'11 Iter l In I HI In -iii'l Innd lit Inre Illi-K'tfl-l-r
and Id i ill i'l ul tbla ui ' nt Iti i-i 1 ii IK, Un
(ti, nil I ui-ada; i tliiJ.tli ilaynf t ii lulu r. l"W.
Sll-' nanii". it llm a- t W. Ma.lnitt'. 'I . Ii
llnlli, I. II. 1 1 . .ii .ti.l. Hi ul" It K. l-i.illli, ul I la I.
laii'l. Hit "ii. Am mid all in'i-niia t Inl in lu,;
ildll'la.-)V Ibe alNlw di'i'l ilied bill. la ale It'
.lin. li'l I,. Itle Hull i tuitiia III tin . iDii v un (H
In lull' Mid : lb il.ll lifts, IhW
J i . i.biii-.r -.
itt"tli) liii.i-l.r
Notice l;or Publication.
I Mil l- .1 tit I Mi I'l I II I..
Ili.-i 'Hill . I 'li ,..ll. A'Kllal 11. I ' -rl
Nutii llll lult'lii (lti"t Hull i'l 1 nillptllllli e
it llll tbt- pttit '. Inlia nl t'i' ail -t lulilll.-. i'l
Jllllt" 1 I lllllb d ' All ai t Inr tin al.' ul
Hull- I Inn. I. Ill llu- -lat' ' ul I iiUli'illlii, I'l' i;.'ll
Seta. la mi l M ii.IuukI 'li Ii nil"i ,
Jli"UJ lUllli
111 t.U-.U' , t '.U!!'.'? ! t tilt'' ,' l. '-'II, lias
Hill ilat fill I III llila nlliii' Ida .uuiti tut-intuit
Nu. ia. ., It-l llu piin lia.i- nl llu- M ' , ul ,n 1 1 mn
So .'. Ill luwilabln n. , Ki!lu;e Su .1 .
ami mill ui'i r pi"' I t- li."- tluil llu land u.iiiM.i
la mini' tralimble lur Ha tlinl- r ur ."ii.' Mian b-r
iritt'tittiital putiuM-i, and t i tit. - Inl'u
in aal'l Ull'l U-li.n- llu Idl-lil ami 11,1-it er ui
lint i.rlii'i' al ll"- l."t'. "n it'-ii. un Witliii "I i .
tlio Mh tUy ul Ht-tnU r, Imi
Ho Iniiiii it. wtttii w . lin r in i f i i
Kuiit-iiv, Hr , Ju.. i.b t "Ubi ul r.-isi-nr, I'l ,
Cliailt . I' am. uf Hakim- I. m , J.'I'li llmu r - I
Oakboid. Hr. Aim ami all i i..iii. t lain. lin; n-t
ii-r-It Un alui- -I' M il- ' d u i'l" un- i' ii .tt.i
tu Illr llu li l lalln" 111 Un- i'IVii nil l i bt lulu
t.l.l .Llli ilat id Ht tuiK r, I'."-
llll M tilt I IM'IUIII 1
lii". binir. nu- , f.t. Ij, 1- -
.',.,ut . I,'l(. 'lull Hull tin l.illitlt IIIK
lutiiu.l -. III. 1 baa ill. il Hull' . ul bi tub nil "ii
tu 1 11 n k t- tmul . mn I In an 'H.rl ul lit- . l-iliu. nii'l
III, it .aid pi ! u III b . 111 ii.te In lull' III' lU ul-li I
and Ki.' iv. r I. x l.amllllbie i.l IP... I.iiik.
Ou'i; un 1 11 luli r I"'"". 1 1
l"ii. I " 'i i lia 1 1
uu llui'u I- U'l Kill 1 Nu. '); lui Hie h' j. . t
, btv. - , 1 . .1 r- . 1 1 " i -i. it-' u.iiiii t un- mi
. itiiiiiiuiia riM
iiihiii mi.l ill'lt aliut. ui tiini 1111111 i..,
UlUliun II Mill ul Mi III) I r. - k, Hit , J. .lin
Mlb", nl Millie t I'i k, nu ., W, Ii 1 1 m 11. nl
Myrtle creek, nrc ,J.w. I'lii k, ul Myilb Cu . k.
I I. lllldKli.
'p. It. tltl. 1.
Notice l:or Publicaf ion.
I'MIKU M t It- I.1M1 (ll Ht
Itlltebilirf, tlreuuli.Ht-liti'Ulb' l il, 1--I--.
N0I11 1-l-t beri'liy Kl-cu in euiiipliiiiit . nf till' a- lid I t.liuiea ul
June .i. 1-,H, Clltltle-l "All it i'l lur tbt.' till.' nf
Umber I. nidi In tin- Hiat.i nl I nlilniiiiii, Uri i:..n,
Net a. In, nii'l U iitlniiKtuii I'eirllori ,
Cahikiiink K. M"ni"N
of .-pihuiiield, fuiiuty ol I 11111', Hlule ol ()ri null,
but Una , lav llli 'I lu I Ida nllii'ti lu r i-wuiu alnli'
liti'tit Nu inili lur tbu piin liH-e uf the M.uilli
Kaat ifuaiti r (H. K.' , I ul M eliun N. ln.iu luwii-
n.1i Nu Huiilll Uhik-.' Nn ., i'l, .Hid mil
ulb-r lirunf In ulidtv Unit tbe bind t'-uulit It mute
tuluubl. fur Ha llnibt 1 ui tluiin llmu fm iicil i-urpoi-e", anil to I' bi-ri l.iliu In
aid lit 111 In loiu lhe K.'Ki.Kr mi l IP . i lu r ul
tbl- olbucnl Hum Inir;', On K"H, un .-i.Iiii.Iiit llu'
I J 1 li day of Not ember, IV i
Hlio IlKlilia n itlllli'tM"'. I., t I lieu re uf
Hprli.Klivl.l, 1 nun Cuuiity, dr., .lubii J. I'an id
Kiii;eni , l.iitiu 1 nuiiiy. nr., Mntlmi ( . lui In,
.Mnrtiill 1I..I. uliib id MiiliiKlli'ld, I nun t oiililv.
Jii'i;..ii. Any nud nil prritunt iIkIiiiIiili ail
ViiMMy the lib, ivi dim-1 1 bed in, ri"iir"li d
to lllc llii'lt . laluiH In Ililt iiiiiee uu or IM-Iure
wild 1 Jill iliiyol Nuu'iiibir, IV.
J, I . llmu . 1 s
Notice Por Publication.
t'NIIKU M A 1 1." I. AMI OKI It K,
HoM'buiKi I 'ri'K'.ill, M pt J I, 1V.IS.
Nnllce in lu n l.y p,lu n ibal tbn fulluit inn
Ilaiuid teltli r liua Illtd liulieu of bit Intelillull
pi iiuiki) lluuf liii.uf In nupp.iit ol tila . luii.i, mid
tliatl'.ald pruuf tilll lm iiihiIu bi'futu l lu- itt'uln
ter and lU'eclM'r nl lluifbitiK, OK'., mi Nuit-iu-btr
I, IstiH, vl:
Wlld.IAM M.tiDKHI INi:,
ou llonii Mli'iid lntry imu, lur tin- a hp' ,, att t,
Ml',', lui 1,1-1 e;u, 'lit p VI M, It, V mat. llu
liainea tin- fulli.n lux uilnca.ii-H In pruvo It In
ci.lililitiuuti reaidcueo upon und tllllivHllull nl
mild bind, 1 1.: .linnet UraMily, id Louklnu
(lln.h, (He . ( Inuli a (lur-illne, ul l.uok ln,
lire.. W. N. I'mw, ol lmkliiK (llaan, Hit',, J, T,
ttUU'llUlill, Of I O. itlllH (jlllSN, 1 ih kiiii
.1. T. Mill III, I H,
Notice Por Publication.
UoMlbllrK. Ori'Koll, Hepl. J.l S',w,
Notivo la lui .by Kit eii Hint tun f.ill.m ln;
liiiuic-l Hutllcr bill Hied 111,1 li t, of In liilenliuii
lu iniike II1111I lirunf lu nipliui t nf Iik clid hi ittnl
tluil mild pioul it HI lm iiuule In fun' tin. Itf'ijiau'i'
ami llei clii'i', I iiite.l f-lnte-t Lund illlleu nt
llUHiburi;, On ip 11 N'oieinbi'i' 1, in'ji ,-,
1 1 ... 1 i , 11. . i' 1 11 .1 ii 1 i'i ..... u ..' .... t.,'. ...
i.r.itjn.'ii.t '. 11111r.1t
1 1 J, 1 1 1 1 M
ll..' Inlluivlll;: H iIiii'sniiH In liruve bla I milium. nu
ri'hldi'iui.. up. hi mid 1 iilihMin.ii ul i.un bind,
ll: t liinli'N I.'. Ill-lei', I'UnelH I, Hl.., Winn
V. inllilililiiiiu ninl li.nii'liis W 1 M 11 1 in-liu II ui
llliillii, liie.'iili. ,
J. T. Jllllliiil ;i,
MM IkglaUr.
J 1 IK nil-.