The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 29, 1898, Image 1

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    Tho I'lnindealor
I'ulilliilii'il every .Hominy uihI 'llmi'mlay
Aliink mid Main Hlroul,
- nt r ii k
The i'luindciilor
1 '.U;K lll-lAl.
ill.!. HEAPS,'
Eiecuted Neatly and st Living IUUS.
Vol.. XXIX.
No. 59.
'xSJw Ay
Mitll'l!? .'villuga.
11 p, 11, l';i, K I. Kinl'ln U'l I.Hlli.K, Nil. a.".
hul l Uli'll l - 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 l III Hir
1. 11, u, K, hull on 'C ni'l Hint lutirili lliiiiadiiy
II fit h mi i 1 ii . All 1 . "hi 1 m-i n r xij 1 t "1 1 In ni
'rn l fi'iii,ii I) , mi I nil wiiiiiu liiiiilu r 'ir
lull)' Invim l In nit.'inl
UUI l II U'l l'.V, ", II
III t II I'.IMM.t', it-1 riut),
D'll'HI.H .1.1 II., H, ill J Hi o, I!, A. M.,
lllmilt I'Sily U 11I11 mlsy lltllllllK lit
il'l'lot'k III Hi" Ml ,M .4j.Mi1 1.) II All, Visiting
liiiillii ii mil i iiiilliilly lm Hi. I to sumi'l.
I,'. II, lANHllN,
ill. 1. W, I'i:iiiiv, I'lMiiiilliir,
Kuciirtlliia Hci'ti'liity.
r At'lll.l. I.n-i'll-. A. V. id A. M , IlKdt'l.A U
in,'. 111, h- 11, u : l mi,) llli Wcdiiii.lajra In
OlWll III null
T. Jki:Ti, M'i.y.
1 ill 11. i'.'.i as i.iumv.. mi, . 1. o. o. t.
1 llll I-U h, Hill. Ill', I'VI'lllllll I'l mi ll win k i
tin tr hull in u.l'l K'llow I pin at ItiiM'liutK.
MvllllMlla III lll,lli l III RiubI hUllJlim stl'tllVll-
t. ionium. I. J, W. hlllA.NuK, N. U.
N, T. Jaw m 1, Ikc'y,
riOnrlilliu l.n'iH.K, M. 1(1, A, O. It, TV.
'V Him in Ui'i i'i i'll'l mi l lii'iilll MiiiiiIm) nl
rich niiiiiill nl" .1 . m. nl I' l l fellows lill.
M.-iuhi-ra nl lliij iinli r In (mil alandlng urn In
rlltrJ lu atloinl.
It NO I O.-U'. Nil . : Ii. A. It.. MI'KIH TUB
Hint mi l llili'l I liiifnU). nl cuill Itmlilll.
UUMl'.Nri Kill. IKK I'OHi'H NO. Id, Ktl
Hi. I uu, Uiiiil I'lidaa In cm Ii uioulh.
RUMKlU'll'i II A I I Ml, NO. s. O. K. H ,MKBr
tlic iuiil mill ion ill Thursdays of each
KB' IIS A ItA -T, rvcy.
.ii-.viiiM'O IHM.iluS Nl) H. OK I-. IS..
'"v luU-ut-vvrj iiiiinl mill four th Huudar.
M.HIA I 'il'ilh, NO. I K. OK I'., Mf.KTV
V , Vi-.Iimii,i) ivi iI'ik m O'l'i rollow
Hull. VlIUi Mi IK 11 in III 'il dllilHlg Xif
ainlljl llllm'l Wl Hl'.VUll.
i-i uliniiluiiiil t'irln.
mI'IIKIK M. Minium. l. l AlitTlkTlK
K.HHU4 7 mij 1
I .W 1 bum HI'" k.
r It. WILLI:!.
A-ttonii-y ami Ooiuinclur at Law,
Will ll-.u In all iti" I 'lirtu i.f lU Hlt. CI
Ace lit Miiol 1 , lluil'lil,.;. I". iUj nmlalf , Ol.
Attorney at Law,
Hkhi.i" I mi l 1
lajlur V VUL..HI Hint k.
KilKlIt' liil. OH
lilHl.lU'lKI, OUIi'iON.
Hi 1 1. 11 I.111IU11.
'Ii U'I'Ihuh- N, I
;)--Klll. Itti, OKKtlDN.
jitA n. niDOLE,
Attorney at Law,
,il. .r jL"ll-..'ii IIU. UO.miritti. OKKliO.N.
w. UliN.SON.
Il"7u'iv "llin'rHn.'. I'.i'.-Ulll IHi, OltKlil'N
Attorney at Law,
r.omu. 1AJ. MiiuU'i. Hl.lK . KOHEUl'IUI, Oil
j-l,i,,... iH.liim llli' V.H. Lnilil OI'ICC nud
mil, 11111 own it ni liiUy.
I. Kin Itii'olvcr I'. H. I.niiil OIHci;.
Northern Pacific KailroaJ Company.
Ate Hulliiii; lirkolB In nil jiniii'rt Kut it
I1.1K tlic ri'iilir i aU'!.
II. S. K. Ul'K'K,
Lot-ill Aiji'iit No. MaiBiora buiUliuK
OKHl'l-:, ;IM J111 kMiii blitfl, ul roil-
liU'iico ol Mi". J. Ulrer.
KOrfKBt'KH, Oil.
Surgeon and Ilomooopathio
oi'(Mr(, Orelon,
Ugriltininla iHmin npnclnltv.
I., KOIILIIA(il;N, Proprietor,
Fresh and Saltctl Meats,
Jackson nr., i;i).,i:iii:itii, on.
, ( X 7 1 Iff
.. v vi-ju r
f STRICTLY r iksr-ci-Ass.
MUM. I). (.'. MiXI.AIXKN, i'rup.
jirK', HI 11 1' Hmnilu Itoonm.
Fri'i-'llin tu mill Kruiii Tr.ilim.
Families and Parties Sup
plied at rcasouablc rates, and
on short notice.
Great Bargains
At Demi's Variety Store...
See our Spceial bargains
in (Jlassware, Lemonade
Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets,
Kaney Glasses, and Fruit
TINWAMK. Hwr.ial .rlw uu butkvtJ, yaut,
lilrli until, lrciilxi,v, clu.
WOOD and WILLOW WAWP. ( l.o.lnj
ImiwIii, liull'T nioiililn ana In'llii. Urunn
lu I, nu ll lim.k.i l, lrk.ii , iiUl,. l,
ouil livkcla.
STATIONARY. ll.Hluci.l iuli 111 on all Ma
lum, ry, K'iicii, ptti", luk, liuiellag.: lie
CHINA. Ki-o niir upwlal vrlm-a on all flilna
llawlainl t'lniia iIiiiikt ami Iva tot,
m iiil Kirii lain aii'l inmitnuc clilna din
tier ami tvn luiKirlo! ihliia alirr
liiHtn tea n-la. rupn aii'l faucvn, Ji'lly
ilmhi-a, buIWi cliln, lie.
NOIIONA. Hair plni, ulilv. r!luU, iwUltt
pi u, lulli'l ini. ilc,
Wf ilo jiiHt uu wo mlvi-rllBH. All
ilic'H iIiIiik ro t It) bail Ht 1 lie
luwft (-null pi icL'8 at
Demi's Variety Store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
I J louKlai
DotiKta County, Orricou.
Tho Uttlim u( 11110 Spilnm colilulu : IimIIiii',
llmtiiliii', l'iiliinliiui, llio t'atlmuali'H nl lnm
in! Linn.' mul I'liUirlili'n ul Caltluui, MiiRiictlum
anil Huilluui.
Ono Hnrlni; tinilnlnn IM ami tlio nUior over
20OJ Kfaliii ul suliil iiiullrr lu tlic callou.
UK-atcl on tho H.iutlicrn 1'aclQo Hall mail,
"Hli,il fout-)" IruDi Han Kram Ucu to l'orllaud,
In IliitiKlni County, Oiigon,
Actfivalixl caMU ol Klicuiimllniii, Naial l'a
lartli, Catarrh ol llio Htimiai'li, DyHiiojisla. Dia
li,'t.', Ni'iiriilala. Miilarlnl I'iiImiuIiii.-, Klilury
rniiibti', CiMiKllalliiii, lllri'aM'a ol llio Hkln,
l.lvi-r ami llnwoU. au.l Vcni'mal 'llwawa liavo
I'ciii cure I ,y llio uj ol ihi'io WHti-m.
Ni-ir balh riHims eoniicote-l with I ho main
ImlMlii I'mlnllli'o and Kpn- on tho ri'U.
Imn. lmlly 11-all. uurlli ami miutli.
Toiihh $10 i-i-r wcok, U ror iluy, Itit'lU'llug
Tlio llntolia uniK-r llio limncillato aupervli
lull ui
uiTIa? Mauagor.
Want Your
Crockery and
I.aiKi'Mt mul Klui-st Aanortmvut
uvc 1 brou nil t lo ttimcbiirit
AUo ii I'oiiiiilt'lo llni'iif ulioli'o
All kinds of Country Produce
4'uro 1 1 ron, ro tli Iioin nuiicliinilii.
Yor a fool tt-ioul clnr cull on Mre.N.
Itoyd. '
Ooiiiiljr clrtliiiK arid wurrnnth Imnlit ly
U. ti. Wuut.
For Omt-daaa denlihtry ki lo Dr. Little
of Oaklaud.
Itugn in liiQiiltq vuriuly nl Alcjaiultir
A btronj.
Macaroni In ono I'uiiiiil i:ait'uii at
.llflcr'a nrwory.
Key Wt'kl, luipjilol mul ilomraiic
cigara at the Howjleiif.
Camp ei'ilpmenl, olovesluti-li ovna,
tenia, etc., at Churchill A Woolley'.
Do you Binoke7 If no, gut lliu Arlio
cigiirat Krue A HI.hiiiI rookp, RoloaKiita
10,000 uitiu wantti'l at tlio lino Kiore
to aeloct great liargtium lutforo it in loo
At OaklanJ, T. L. (irnvru in uulhorisc-d
to focelvo ao J rjee'i't for miliiH-riptloiislo
I'or pricca aii'l ijini'lty call at tho old
original fcliuiil, I'Veitli ami Uril frails,
candy and nuta, i irn anJ tobacco at
prices to tnit till. Miia. II. V.AhruS.
Suo ltice A Kicc, lIonFi" l'iirnit.lir r.
for every tiling In the furtiituru Moo,
largtat atOi:k and lowest prices, Just rt-
colved a car load of KufiUi n and coast
furniture. Heo ua fur huigiins.
Uuuiemhcr thai Dr. Htrango is a r-
muuL'Ut rvsiduut of Ilosetiurg, aud la not
hero towporaiily, Unit lie fully wjrrants
all bin wotk and ii Inn) ut all liuu'M lo
lllako giKul hie KUartHitcoS of all JlMilis-
M jriii' i'ouliry Curu. Thin infallible
remedy thiilluugea Ihu world to produce
its eitiul as an -iri; producer. Prevent
ive and t-uru fur all tlietace of fowls
(iuaraiitotd and for Hale bv II. M. .Mar
tin, Kontbur, Or.
8uila of clolhis, ull won), hi.-Hvy
wt'inht", 'i.50; ri'irulur pi ice fj. lki)s
clo'.ln' from 0 lo 'i yenrs for $1.50 and
'. lUtHull it)lcs mid i-olvrs fur
irgulur pntu I 50. All these titja nre
only t) he f uniil ut I he 1dxs More.
r. W. S. Ilumiltuu U lhe!-Y.rit.i) of
Iho Board of U . S. Kxamtoin Suruoris
(or Peusions at KoMi)urg, and ail ruin-
niUQicatiotis hl.uulJ he udilief-sul t ) him.
W.-rj. Hamilton. 8tvreliy,
Iv. L. MiLin:, Prt-t-i J. lit .
K. Di 1 1 a n , Treasurer.
Ity tho Hour J.
A few ilo.n of lho.-.e Kculucky made
utSi and well made, no
shojilv. Aliw a few dozen women's,
men's, hoys' and thiidit-ti'ti shoe, regu
lar wearers. Huts for sunshine aud
shade, underwear for hot and cold
weather, and various other articles at
living price?, at If. C. Htanton'a.
Car load of clothing mid hats just re
ceived at the Hoes Stjre. Tliene Kuotla
were ordered direct from the factories
before we anlioipaUtl of milling out, and
are offeied t tbo public nl t-uf-t lUst
fitting i-lolliiiig on the t-uust, t iylor made
not excepted. Call aud examine them.
Our hats ie tho latest ft) lea and ore
worth double what we offer them at.
Doks SroKK.
Notice Is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to bo buried on my prem
ises, at Rosehurg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tho parly tuking sand
or gravel tlrst contract with mo for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will ho prosecuted ac
cording to law. A Alios Uosk,
Kosoburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1SH5.
The daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot bo but interesting at this time of
the year. Passengers taking the Spo-
kano Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
45 p. in. daily, got this vbw lusting
over uvo uours. uui mat u not an.
Tho O. It, A N. give through service to
Spokane, aud a direct connection with
the train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Pulaeo sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To ltoseland,
To Palouso Towns,
To Coour d'AIene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take tho O. U. A N. Ppokune flyer,
Aud Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:15 p. in
V, C. I.omuo.n, Agent,
Roseburg, Oiegcn.
Shasta tinted
Is the name of tho only perfect train
lu tho world, now running every night
between St. Paul mid Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul ltuilway
tho pioneer road of tho west lu adopt
lug all improved facilities for the safety
and oujoyiueut of paseengeis. Au 11 1 ua
tratod pamphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along the route of tho PIo
uoer Limited, will bo sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stump. Address (ioo. II. HentTord, Gen
oral Passonger Agent, Chicttgo, III.
Lumber Haulers Wanted.
Forty good teuuis for huuliug lumber
Prlco 11.50 to $5.00 per M. ft., owing (o
diatauce. Work will continue until
rainy eooaon. Write to
TimHnnn Pish J), it L. Co..
tiianta Pius, Oicijiui
M.IKU.A, P. I , Aug. 11, 1HIM.
Dear Wild: On Anguit U U I got up
at 'ii'M o'clock and g'H breakfast, after
whirl) nina vow nan in of um witli 200
round of ammunition, left Carile,
little knowing whether we would holy
ing dead or wounded before the fall of
eveniog gloom. V boarded the Chin
ese junk, Kwongnal from Hong Kong
and j lined Dsaey'i fleet aud pioceeded
on Mir Journey toward onr goal. We
laid by and watched Dewey bombard
lh fort and will between Cayite and
MauiU. We could wo the i innon belli
hurt-ting in the air and on the walls and
falling int.) the water. At time the fleet
c.jul.l hsrJly b.,e.i-en for smoke, and at
other llms wo could hardly see for the
rain. My, hot it did pour! but moat of
time we had a good viw. It wan worth
coming 8000 rnilea j Age. I ran de
errilxi it better to you wlmn I get home.
Theie wcro eight warships in aciion,
vU: ftilirgb, tllynipia, Charleston,
Baltimore, Monterey, Calloa and Petrel.
We then landed tinder Dewev's guns at
Him water front and the Spaniards ur
rendered to ru. We were leia than 1000
strung and captured 12,000 prisoners and
thoii-Hiiil j of guna and great store houses
of ttuiuiuiiition. -They stt fire to one
e'i' 1 1 keep it from falling into our
hatdc. I saw tin fire. Our flag was
the lirsi American flg t) land in Ma
nila at tho head of. the army.
It brings tears to tho eye and makes
a fellow's hcait feel fuli to march into a
conipierod city with the baud playing
"Culuuilda, the ticm of Ihu Ocean,"
"Tin inp, Tramp, Tramp, the 3oya Are
Marching," and "We'll Itally 'Hound
the Flag Diys,"' while Ihourauds of
peoide lined the street aud windows,
and nooie acem to gazo with phasure
white others have at feeling that can't be
di-i-cribed. It was sight that can never
bo furot'eu, to tee those 12,000 prison
era marching by the cllicers with their
sworda draggiug on the ground, and
some seemed to be; happy while others
were angry and didn't want to give up.
t he other boys who came over from the
United Stales were between here and
Caviie, and had a very heavy tcrap
nearly all day. They didn't know that
we had caplured the city. The As tor
battery wa captured once aud the boys
charged and retook it with their pistols.
One of the boys swabhetl out the gun
and loaded aud 'lieu dropped dead with
a bulltt in hib heart. Ilia father is a
millionaire. They did Que w oik, saved
iho K'gbtceM'.b and Iwonf j-Uiiid Pena-
eyivania regiments from being captured.
There were forty of cur wen killed and
ono hundred wounded. The lose lo the
Spanish aimy has not yet been aecer
tuiuvd. One ol our boy a was shot through both
kneer. The poor boys had lo stay cut
in the trenches in water to their waists.
Somo of Iheiu had the end shot from
their guna by the Spanish. Cut those
Spaniards who were fighting our bojs
wete brought in this evening as prison
ers of war. There were U000 brought in
at one lime and the boys are getting in
from the outside now. We aro afraid
that wo will have to have a ccrap or two
with .the natives before we leave for
home. The gate we entered at bad the
dato it waa built ia which it "Ano" 1783.
We huvo'the best quarters that we havo
had yet. Tbe room is 300 feet long and
30 hot wide. Two ctinpaniee are
Unaltered iu a room, companies 11 and
A u. os t j (Aug.) loth, Luuee (Mouday),
There are thousands of articles here
that if a porEou could get them home
would bo of luimeuse value. The in
trinsic value of boiuo of them would not
amount lo much but the associations
would lend value to them, while others
would be of value in any market.
There were 2000 armed Spauiarda
marched up to our quarters last night
and surrendered, eo that practically all
of the Spanish on this island are cap
tend. Some of the boys who came in
the other way arrived last night, but 1
haveu't oeeu any of them to kuow
whether there were any great tales to
tell of the battle at the wall. There
were over 2000 Mauser rltles that never
had beeu ueed and forty tons of powder
stored in oue building. I am goiug to
try aud bring oue of tho guns home with
me. I don't think it will take lon to
teach the insurgents a lesson if neces
Eary, because tho men here are liko
their piedecessors, they fight to a tin
ibh like veiy deiuoue. uncle bam can
bo proud of his soldiers. Although tbe
boys want to go home they want to eee
the end of the war first. W o have near
ly 200 meu on guard. It is veiy hard
for them. Some i-otue til' one day and
go ou the uest. We have beeu living
for two days ou one loaf of bread, two
pounds ol hardtack aud one pound of
salmon. We made seven meals oil from
that. And ono night we slept ou the
rot ks iu au open court with just oue thin
blanket over us, but we tlept like a log.
We have only ouo sick mau besides
those we lell at Cavite, aud none of
thorn were 1b a serious condition. I was
out on buBiuois for a short tiuie lust
uight, and as far as I could Bte the city
is built ou the same plan as Cavite,
only tho building aie much better and
soiuo of them are larger. They have
luimeuso Catholic ihurchee here. One
ihut I saw covered a whole block aud
hud an inum-iiKO dome on it.
I mil onj'iylng myself unite well but
would liko (o he hniiie just the same.
We ur nil li'ifing to h-imi ee III" 'Uwn
of pmrfl, mkI Ibink w havii iitwnf 1
the dinner i,f it a gicat i!cal in t-.i-.tur-ing
Manila. My health ia fxn-l!"r.t and
I hope you are er Joy lug ihe sain. Wo
have captured several flee rantx nr, and
Ihousittjil of d' llsrn worth of nniiriuril
ti'in fjr Uncle Sain. We hnve heard no
news from tlic outride world for a
tiino and don't knew what ia liapiening
in Cursor any where else. The Sjmniah
olllccis are trealiog our office ri as il.ongh
we were their guests. I have hnd all
kinds of wini, cigars nc! cuurillo
offered lo me by way op Spanish ollic-rs,
some of them colonels. We luxe very
pocr water here and I think t'.al in cue
reacoii why there is to mnch tin think
ing dote in this rcunliy. I wid en
cloae a five dollar Hpnninli bill, f hive a
pair of ahoes tftpanioh) that cot mo
3.50 Spanish money. Shor srj the
main thing we are short en. I have
been without any for throe or b ur weeks,
had just a pair of slippers to wea Have
plenty of every thing the, you r.cedn't
send me anything, a I clxll have no
use for it at present and can clothing
cheaper here (ban there. Ti'.ere was
(juite a lot of clothing fell into ' tir hani.'s
and was confiscated with Ihe other gooda
which belonged to ihe Spenirh army.
That oi l wull I told you atii.ut being
built in 1783, ia the old si) 1 j on have
seen in pictures. There ia a di:ch at out
eiaht feet deep and twenty fi-t wide
with a draw-bridge that clufes up into
the gate, then the wall is built up frcrn
the bottom of the ditch, t height f
about tweuty feet above tbe ground, and
lutaofthe walls are tbiikly htudded
wilh t roken glass and ehu'pi'ned nails
ou top to keep iLVaders iro.m ei tering.
I have get th-j Spanirh tl:i ready to
mail. It will le worth eomt-'.hing kb
a souvenir of Ibis war. We havt- ccn
fiacated suvt ral doiikeyi and a lot of
Shetland ponies. I ml down marcck
iog ihair this niurniug and fell asleep.
We hare three line reeking chairs in
our (jilar't-rs aud bjim; flue maboany
writing decks that wo'i'.d be of g-tat
valuu in (he United Slalen. Tlic f nirtb
expediliu haven't arrive 1 yet, but we
heard some saluting aud h-ye it is
them for we are ciecting lo bear from
homo. Although tho letters . SrVtitT
six weeks old, lhey aro nos- ba-ul for
we hear veiy little from I lie outside
world. Tho letters from home, brighten
np the dark places in unity life, aLd
cheers the soldier and niakvs biiu think
more of home and loved onea. 1 keep
the mail to read over until the next
arrives.- 1 went to see Sergeant Gieascu
of Company II. North D..k n.t, aud he
said that the Oregon pcopl.) treated them
bitter than any othsr state through
which they passed.
I am glad the wehfoolera have ei.ouch
patriotism lo keep thtiu up li the light
ing pitch all of the time. It has rained
nearly every day since our arrival in the
land of Spaniards and Mal.iv. En
closed Cud Eome mourning cards of a
lieutenant colonel who wsa killed. The
population of Manila ia about 000,000
according to what one of the police' told
me, aud theie are 000 rolice. Our com
pany ia going out into the cd-i of the
city for guard duty and I am goiug wilh
them. Lieut. Haoiliu aud Ser'is Slo
cum and Shatubrook are all in tery good
health, and I havo gained fifteen pour.ds
siuce landing on the island, so I tliiiik 1
will cut rations dowuat home lo hard
tack and coll'ee aud eee if tbe reel of you
won't get fat It raiotd list night
harder than usual aud loots like it
would do the same . all day. We haye
just two sick men, our first eeigeaut and
one private. There were fifty-four
prisoners brought in laut u'b.t, and
there ara lots more out iu foiti scattered
(ConiMiied on 4th puje )
Why did he do it? He had everything
to live for, happy home, wife-, bioiuts,
money; but he shot himself through the
heart. Why?
He couldn't have given a cood reason
himself. But cverythinsr looked gloomy
to him. He waa in a gloomy frame of mind.
It was the way he looked at lite that (lay.
He had been hviiic in too much of a hurt v.
rushing and driving at business, hustling
through his meals, cutting short his sleep,
His nerves got on edge ; his stomach aud
liver got out of order; he grew dyspeptic
and melancholy.
When the digestion is out of order ther
a little use trying to look on the bright sid j
of things, practically there isn't any bright
side. Thiaia a dangerous condition to get
Into. Yet It is easy to get into and mighty
hard to get out of it, unless you go about it
in the right way.
There la a remedy that has pulled thou
sands of neonle right out of this depth of
despair. It i Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It acts directly upon the stom
ach and liver. It restores their natural
canacity to nourish and purify the system.
It purges away bilious poisons, feeds the
nerve-centres with healthy, highly vitalized
blood, and drives out the ' blue devils" of
melancholy and nervousness.
I. X.. Warner. No. loon O Street, Sacramouto.
Cal., wriles: " During Hie Inst fiva tears I Iwivt
beeu ilueloring wiin u muiiy as sixuiuereni noc
tors here and lu ban Francisco fur diseased stom
ach; hut none of tliedoetora gave uie even tem
porary relief. Two years uru I completely cut
ftpsed, aud had to Rive up all woik. I have frit
uittuv times that 1 would like to leave litis world,
In'looking over the ails in the K.U1 Fraucisco
Kmiiiincr I run across yours, aud 1 now owe my
lile and piesenl good liculth to Dr. I'ierce's uicd-ll-iues.
I have takeu fourteen liottlr of Hit
'liolileii Medical Diseowrv ' and four llltle vials
of 'IMeasaut I'ellets,' Hiid I am entirely well of
all stomach trouble. Can sleep uiue hoi..,; every
ulalit. uuj hiii now r.uily tr go to work iinaiu."
V'IV.'- -
t New Store!
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and 5o!d
t Low Prices !
The C. I.
Jackson Street,
Opp. Review Building.
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Easterm
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and exaimiue Goods and Prices.
Work Guaranteed.
Hudson Mills & Lumber Co.
Have opened 11 New Lumber Yard on the grounds formerly i ceuiiied by
the Marks Warehouse, ut tho loot ol Onk ftruet.
We uix- prepared to give you Boiler Lumber and Lower Ptlcea
lliau auy lumber deuler iu Hie clly.
Wo kindly Invito you to call uud see our Lumber ami I'llces.
' ''1V'V
New Goods!
Free Delivery
K. Store,
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods
Men's and
Children's Hats.
With or
Without Pain.
Opposite the Depot.