IX)R ENSUING TT.RM. flcthoititit Appointments Made at , McMlnvlllc. ' Mi Mintiuk, fct. I'J.-Tbo Oickoo Methodial appolntuieLita fur I'ortluil diatrict ate as follow: (rairrgD W. Uuc, proaMing elder, l.f l (jiatUis I'otlUuJ. Aetoria, V. M. Hollingsliead : liier Ion, to bo aupplleil by S. V. pnttvr; Clatfkenie, K. V. S.dIiIi j drone, to be iupplir.l by .1. II. Wood J liroebam, Mautitn lUi.lniKliaai ; Kiiai, to bo upplioi) ly t vJ i ii Iypckfiart ; Montevilla Omhrirl !-; M. Tabor, A S. Mulli gau; Uawoito, U. M. llarwou; ljrtlat.d Ceoleuary, J. J. Walter ; Central, W. T. Keer; Cblnere mieoion. O.K. Cline; Clarke, George II. nentutt ; T irtt church, II, W, Kellogg; Grace, Ih nry Ktdimu; Hellwood, A. U llawloy ; St. Joluis, 1. 0. Alford ; Sunnyeulo, I. T. Stephens; Trluity, Samuel HuyJer: t'nireriity Tark, 0. A. Lewis; Wood!awn, (ole applied; Kaiuier, lob supplied ly Martin Udtliugauie; M. Helen, Ceorge O, llaley; Waneuton, to Iks snpplitd by J.W. Williams. John ti. Nauyle, conference evangelist, member of Clarke quarterly conference ; A 0. FairthiU, financial aeertt of Toil land nniveraity, meuirxr of Firetilnuib, Portland quarterly conference. Eugene District T. B. 1'orJ, presiding e'dor, postoffice, Lueno. Albany, M. C. Wire; Baudoo acd Myrtle Toint, James Moot e : i'.ro osville S.L. Lee ; Cottage Grove, M. O. Brink : Corvallis, Isaac 1'earl; Creawcll, K. M. Cjrner; Dallas, Hiram Gould; Drain, J. 8. Gordon ; Eugene, J. T. Abbott ; Falls City, E. K.IIorner; Gardiner, II. II. Buckner; Haleey, L. K. Belknap: Inde pendence, E. F. iiuiueruirtu : Jefferson, Alvin W. Bagley; Junction City, M. 1. Dixon; Lebanon, H. 3. Elworlhy; MarsbGeld, B.C.Lee; Monroe, G. F. Round ; Newport, to be supplied ; Phil omath, to be supplied ; silctt, to be sup plied : Sbedde, W. B. Moore ; Springfield , K. C. Blacktrell; Siualaw, to be sup plied. William S. Youag left without ap PDintment to attend some one of our ohoils as member of the Eugene quar terly conference; I. 1. Driver, lecturer in theolog la Willamette university, member of lvigene quarterly couferenie. .Salem district D. A. Walters, presid ing elder, poetoUka ialoai. Amity, Andrew Kcreliaw; Brooks, Liuis II. I'edersou : Caub.v, W. II. My. era; Cornelius, C- A. Lose: I'ajtou, 0, E. Crandall ; Dilley, to ba supplied by Tobn C. Ileed; Forest Grove, T. L. Jooes: Hillsboro, K Atkins; Hubbard, J. M. ShaU; Liocolu, J. M. Sweeney; Mebama, to be supplied by John Tomp kins; McMinville, G. W. Grannis; Ne Lalem, John H. B. Dill ; Newberg and Lafayette, William .1. Waltz; North Yamhill, D. McLochlan ; Oregon City, Harold Oberg; Salem, First church, John Parsons ; Leslie, to bo supplied by Charles Wentwortb; bilverton, II. T. Atkiaon; Sheridan, to be supplied by George L. Burbank ; lillamook, K. E, Dunlap ; Turner, Edward Sittins; Wooda to be supplied ; Woodbnrn, C. G. Hai uu ; Viola, to be supplied. L. G. Cochran, professor in Wilametle university, member of Silem Firtt church quarterly conference. Ashland district D. T. Sutnmerville, presiding elder, poetotlice Roseburg. Ashland, 8. E. Messinser; Canyon yille, to Do supplied ; Central Point, to be supplied by J. C. McCain ; First Kla math, to be supplied ; Grants Pass, '. F. Jenkins ; Jacksonville, W. F. McClore ; Klamath Falls, J. L. Stratford ; Klamath Indian mission, E. C. Graff; Like view to be supplied; Medford, H. X. Rounds Mervill, to be supplied by A. P. Gillette Oakland, J. H. Skidmore: Paisley, to be supplied; Roseburg, U. R. Arnold; Ten Mile, to be auDDlied bv W. A. Carter Wilbur, to be supplied byM. W. llamp ton; Wilderville, to be supplied ly Joseph Sams ; Frank L. Moore lett with ont appointment to attend come one of our schools; member of Roseburg (juar terly conference ; C. M. Bryan, confer ence evangelist, member of Roseburg quarterly conference. I rjticiitOf'acvuinpauieJ l Ibrir little daughter, atriysd here .vuuday ovening, and ei-o visiting at the homo of Mrs. M. l.'jghJcn. Mr. I. It. Nii.ltols, the Broikway iuer ibaot, nccoinpaiiied by bis if aud loo, Master Hnr 1 1, mine up 1'tiJay and are foiling iMrnJ and rtlatiea iu this vicinity. Mis. Da l Kiddle and little ton, .tulioa, ramo up from Boeoburg Wednes morniUi! of last week and art visiting at Hotel Biddli', while the attorney la do ing bueincrs in Coos county. Mei, I llio.. .Mates had tlie una- lottuuo to drop a heavy alick of wool ou ooo of bis (vol lust week, and as a conse quence he was hardly able (o get arouud for several days. L.it week John M. Jackson had on exhibition at his stirs some pracbrt that weighed 10 ounces each and meal uied 1J inches in circuiufeieuce. Tbey were of tbe cling variety and were grown by Edward Weaver on his (arm about three miles Mow tjwu. These peacliee were the Guest wo havo ever seen. Southern Oregon against the world for largo fruit ! Mr. Dave Looney baa been displaying his inventive skill, aad as a result there Is now in opeiatton at Judgo lu.lulo a evaporator a prune screener with which two men can screen au average ol OCQ trays of pi unes every twelve hours. It is the production of Dave's fertile brain and is complete in ever respect. When pateuted Mr. Looney will doubtless be ranked anions our most famous in- venters. Who is the "up-to-date woman?" Most likely the is the oue that writes IS'JS at the head of her letlets; and in all probability, she is not unlike the specimens of humanity that sometimes cause men to lote their hearts, to say nothing of their heads. It may be sug gested, however, that her existence is necessary only to those who sometimes get hungry, tear their clothes, pull their buttons off, and in brief, ta tbe person who couldn't well do without her. Pbktoki a. 5cottsburg A. team ol P. P. Palmer's endeavored to tuu away a few dava since, but be yond as overturned vehicle, no damage wasdoue. They were Irighteued at the escaping steam irotn the steamer. Mi3 Lni9 Graham, of ardiner, has Ucu canvassing for several books in this vicinity. Miss Luzie seems to un d3rstaod her undertaking uJ we wish h?i success. Mr. Marsters. of the KjfieUurg Marble Works, was in our eectiou last week. Hop picking, at the Grubbe yard, ts going on briskly. The lio, e are of tine quality. W. E. Thompjou is laid up for repairs Us has a cut ou Lis leg, obtained acd dentaly in the bop yard. Hundreds ol sacks ol grain are nuw being brought to the w harf for ship ment. The steamer Juno is still on the river, Tbe bva is not quite ready lor running yet, but will be in a few days. (Mite a dance was enjoyed by tbe young people Saturday evening, much larger than one would expect at this season.' Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Lckblum re turned from tbe W. C. T. U. convention at Roteburg and went to their homes in Gardiner. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. Wi; AKI'. ASSUMING IN' Tin: lAt t trsivt: rsr. w " riTCIII.R'S CASTOKtA," Tin: coiRTS'oi'u bigiii to Till: 'OIl 'CASTOHtA," AND AS OL'R TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of llyannk, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTOR I A," the soma that li;i twnc and docs now bear on every I he facsimile signature if Cjfff&j&t; wrapper. This is the original "CASTOR I A" which lias been used in the hemes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that il is Hie kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of C&jffiZU; wrap Ikt. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Comjutny, of which Chus. H. Fletcher is President. March 24, ISM j w , Do Not Be Deceived. Do not eml.ingiT the of your ihiM hy aa-cpting it cheap substitute which some ilrttooisi may olfcr jou (lvoatise he in.ikcs ;t few tuoa: pennie:; on il, lite in ;;nilients of which tMVi'f fic !ov.; not Know. "Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought" THE SICK'ATURE OF EARS w r S Insist on Having; The Kind That Never Failed You. Riddle. Thos. Lasswell came out from Coos county last week. Charley McFariand was in town from the canyon Saturday. Josepu nougu, ot LaoyonviUe, was doing business in town Monday. The whooping cough has made its ap pearance in this vicinity recently. Miss Ida Carter, of Caoyonyille, was in this city, the fore part of the week. Mrs. Parsley and daughter, Edna, were in town, from Cauyonville, Tburs day. Miss Millie Kfdiie went to Portland, Friday, complete her education in music. Austin UeCjy has returned to this place, after an abscuce of about two years. Misses Emma aud Mablo li.-yau were in town, from Canonvillo, ono day last week. Quite large number of people in this vicinity, are sick with colds and eoro throat. iiesse reueo, or roruana came up Friday, and expects to remain during the prune season. Prof. W. B. Cornutt left Saturday . night for Woodbui o, whero he has been engaged to teach school. Miss Blanche Kiddle departed Sunday night for Corvallis, where she will at tend the O. A. C. the coming winter. C. E. Catching went to Kosjburg, Monday, to purchase soma fixtores for 'the large evaporator located ou .Main street. MioS Flora Wilson, of Canyouvillu, came over bundsy, uud took the train the same evening for Corvallis, where she expects to sttiud school. Mr. and Mis. Win. Man, of Han P THE I BEST 1 URE TOT" bUUrt l,r I WATER CREAn PURE CAflDIES M ANCf.U. TUKKD 1A1I.Y AT THE Kill KITCHEN Families and Parties Sup plied at reasonable rates, and ou short notice. SHELLAH CARROLL H. C. STANTON Eu put received t new and eitenilre itock DRY : GOODS C0NHI8TIHU or Lidi'b' DretH (joods, Kibboot), Trimuiiigs, Lscee, JCtc., Ik. ALBO A fINX STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Of the bcel uilttj mi flnlth. GROCERIES, Wood, Willow and Glaaa Wars, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, AUu un hand la Urge qutntUle tad t price to mt is iimtx. aio urge euxa vi Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" It Will Take Mure Thau this l'o. Good Points of the Oliver Plow. OLIVER PLOW, at t to K numerate the The onlv Genuine Churchill & Woolley's. ii ASHLAND. OREGON. Located lu that iirtul OriEu vhit I. i iw i.u: i . .i aad large p aches. ThlJ ichoul has a rtgi'mr uurLial iTjurac ul ! ..r : a :!, college preparatory, music and art coim.., sr... iul nadi. n, W:: Tbe normal KDlurcIa?-! iractici' Uac him' t!r-m M-.i' iL v.. thorough critic teach" r. Tbe trtlnliig tcboul ii giu lcd. i.radc , aj. i u J .uu k .-i diploma U grautcd, good ocrywhir-: In tUt ,-iiit' iihr.-. i I ,;' Eipcnace; All cipcuice for school Jr ivd iut In-1 . n ' bejitS. For catalogue or lutormatiou nd'lr"-, w. I'. VAN' j : , -i . ! l.iBllli, i ,c lltut i', akr i; llii 'i slud; Mi'; aU"rlllal I. u f ! tlns'-i a. : tin 'Jit tli' ilir-ci mi" n ni' ii ol a 1. ..;. il.u nju'i." U'TUluI . Ikk'I ir i .niiiiiiati"ii k-.ll. Ne.t v Uih'I ir ciii v, r.-. -ii'l.m. OREGON inraiii OI'KNS IN Portland, September October 22. lst)s flREGOHgHORT jNE Ry. '; . ' :.'J i-iwt l TV-' nunc ' L'tah, Colorado, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri River and all Points IJast anJ Southeast. TliC l int-.t uod On U it Eaiiu-; In tin; Norttiivct. HORTICULTURAL and AGRICULTURAL Products u( Or gou aud W ailiinirl'iii nill I o 1 . played lu wondi rlnl prolnnou, iiii'lwdiir; luoro varicti' than cut ijcforc kiiiIi crcd toRcllur in one c.ildbit. (Jold, Silver and IJronc Tlcdals will be Awarded. ik nt lh'- time- - Portland to 'o.v York t'j days Cliicauo o!i days Kt. Ixjuia days Uonver 'J! days SaJt Lake l'j days I rti: UlcUuIiiu Cliulr earn, lp !ioIslcrtU 'I'ourlMt Hlcvpluic t .irs, I'lilluiaii I'wlaec Hlff p iiik earn ;""-m rTt SURE DEATH s " Squirrel 3 : pc:J,v anil R SQUIRRIi P (10IMIURS lV Due uirr ronwo nr m Gopher Poison (PREPARED .WHEAT) ?' ?'( In' It. II It I I lllXl'l 'I til V III ill vi'li'd li'l' I'll' ilt inn tlmi nl I In "i i hni I mid linn Ii i ; A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists, a 4 w z a x hi m & a x m x i x va - a m i aJ:s ;ri .I0-I 4nI., EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE KRUSI3 & SMAMBROOK, I'KAI t. HH JN .tUI. KINH:l I'l I) OF Til K Soutlieni Piicllic Ctlr. Ifaina 1m r.alUn.l J.llf. 8oulh I (:Wf, M. I l.v. V I'lirtlamt Ar. J.Wa. m. I. v. . H.'M'Imit l.r. 4Sk.li. Ar. hn KmnrlKH l.r. 5m m FANCY GlflS flNO PROVISIONS Co. I Norlh i .4) a. x 1.' ,A V. H B HI r. i. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Al -ii A I I I I. I INK Or TOBACCO Sc CIGARS. i.U I. I A I KIM nil i; iM.i.iYi u . I'll.' I'lH't fWlllll I'l I . C llIM.III'llj, ltl .ON, AboTO tratua atop al nil nni'linl iinU"iii N'lwrtii I'urtlaiid and Halrm, lunur, Mailim, Ji'dtrvu, Alhanr, Vancriil, Hlioild., Unify, llarrlibun, JuucUou CUT, KiiK' '. IVIUx'o lirovf, Dram, Unkiaud, niul all .lalluni Irxm Hon-buri to Aahlaud luclualvc. Iloacburv Mall-Dally I H. M . I :'A r. h. l.r. Ar. l'orllaiut KiKMdmnc Ar. I l.r. I t -sii r. : ..) a. ItlMMtj (MltS Ol (;ll. HOI I I . I Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND MXOM).(l W M lil l'IM. ( till AUachitl to all Tlirouxli Tralna. West Side Division. Ilclttrru I'urilaud aud t'uriain Uall tial ii daily (i cc't sundnj ). his is the Place to Buy Groceries. 7 : a. m. U 16 r. I l.r. I Ar. I'urtlaiid CornUu Ar. l.r. ! ,. i I'. M I i' e v Al Albany and I'ort'allla loiimvt Willi train, ol orcgou tciitial A Ka.lvrn railroad Csfnaa train ilally (cici't buudayv i:';p. u. j l.r. - I'orrtaml Ar.'l i ..'". ?:ir. a. Ar. - MrMlurlllo l.i, s.mu.h .Mr. m ' I r. Indcii iidiiui' l I I ," A Imp i t I'liiuci ll"U at tan t-raiulroi ulili l'i i I'll itlal and Oin-utHl aud I'lii H'r Mull .U ant .lii lllni (or JA1 AN ANIi CHINA. miIih iIhK i mi ai'l'IH'iilii'ii UU-olid lukciH l" I i-t'TIi 1 1 1 1 1 mil I n-HUH- Al..i JAi'AS, I 11INA, iroNHl l'l I and Ar-I KAl.IA. all I'C tditaimd In.m i.K" ETKd, 1 icaet AK' lit. ItiiH-uwrg. a KOElll.r.K, C. II. MAKkll AM. Mauagur. U. K. A I'iu. Ag'n t. 1'OKTLANU 'JRIOON. 6 A full aiul tumplcte a; .mi lineiit ut all jjotxlu usually Kt-j-t in a lirst class yiuLCi) . Mvcrythinjr olilicvl Ir :.aK- i.- lu:.h; ami .soM at very icasunal;lc I'lkcs. re have a vciy choice :,Uick of canned goinl.;, iiu huliiij;- 1ml h frail s atul vegetables, tu which we ituite your special atleiitioii. Uui line of (Jlive:;, ( Ilu-i I. in- , Tick els, Sauces, etc., is alsu ciiinletc. W'e cany tlie large:. I slocl. if to haccos in Southern Onj-un. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. Maryeloutly KicU puduicuu (rum jo1J, Kilyer aud otUcr Mints i 1 1 IJiUU , .1. C. ). i i nil' tunc id I .u I'Sllllilli; i ' , i .'II "11 ill ,1'ldl' . T. ilVAN5, .i.'t., Iloueburg. Terry, W. II. C'oman, ,n. i .1 . a-, i. i' ii. A;;i BENNETTS RENOWNED MILITAKi Has lit'.u ihl'u;;'-'! lur lh- m....ii. 1IANU Ae'. . ii liutf Aerial l eaU uu J rerfurtuaocea Ai.rubalii; Very hqw Kateii uu all l: jjlruaJn Adults 'io ceuls 810N Cbildreii lUriuta 1 i'JfXSV-r: ' . r "? ' -''. VifiSlrlctura, aypii ilia lu V. Ws&WifJ'Sall ll forma, Sikln IJI- . )M t 'fi'Uy, Impotepcy. Kent. IJiifoi'tiiuate. Dr. Gibbon 'J 'I:Im I'M ri'llaMo laud tho in o at aiiccibalul u..,.i IiiIUI ill Khii Krail. I'Imi'ii. atlll coutiiiuca lu fi f euro all feaxual aud 'i'.'ni Aiminal DUcaac.o auub i a uunovrrnica, uic.l LIVE p LET Lift! Uudcrthe aboe uinLin I n.,11 kii:i , , .. urvuy torall imrtltadc-HririK uiy hi iMum n, ancugiuuer or iunor. .My clinvgca mil i, a.Kouf bU liiud luy work guiuaiiWi.d. Amul .u Notary Public. ol lanliood, tliu cunim- I r,lil;ui;u ut uUiilM BIl'J CitUbU prOdUCIliK 111 i-.ii'jiv iiik nyiiiuliiiiiM fciiiiuw couulcuuuw.', dura ''(Kiln under tho tyua, lmlil 111 the lii'ml. ringing lit Uu- l uir, 1ok4 of coiilidunc. ilididencD iu ap ,r midilng -trituK"ia, ,uI,l.itioli ol tlio heart, v,.hhhh. o Uiu 1iuiIj aud buck, Ion ol luuuiory l; , i.:.'i. on Uui lutx, coukIi-i, i 'iukuiuiiIIou. do. I'H. tiililio.V haa iiraclicd lu Mau Krauidacu on rt'iiily vi t, t- niid thuau lioiibltd olniuld not 'nl l,i i ,,n''ii!t him and iui:cdvg tho t.niiolit ol i,n'i, iiiM,l niidi xpi rioucu. 7 lie doctor ciiroa uh, ii ,,'!ii . i,ul. 'liyhlui. I.'urca anarttulvep, I'uivoim r, in . I ut home. C'hHriji' riawjuahlt. II or iv i'l ir. I.l I If j'fllt.T r I- I' n n .1, l III I'nti l.riin It: rnx in: ai: r t, ?-,u u ?.'ivi.t,iij.i'iJ?'iCi; .i u X ;i .rr .'Ou .t -is 5 QMCn Health is Wealth! uv.r.Mt i lor Kail Mill I S i in. .-iMikang 1 ly r i. ni. . in. ' p.m. rn.rundiiy .-aturday Id I'.lu. li a. in, t.v.cuuday 7 u.lu. Tne. I liur. mid !-r(. o a.m. Tiii.-.lliiir. and rut, I.v.ltliiatlit Daily, Kxci id Pariinlay. ' i i.mu scmeui i.i:s r nun l ortlaud alt Lake, I'i'inir. H. orlli, I'lnnlia. knii nan Cil, l. IjiiiI", I liuiW'i and k'luil. W alia W alia. Spukam'. Mliiiii,, poll'. 'I.I .ill liuluth, Mlliraukn , V lik'nK'i and I art. . Ik call Mcamshlps .Ml nailliiK dalin miI- ji' t to i liali','. For hall Fram tin) --all .-eft 1, '. II, 1", :i. l'o Ala-ka rail B' 't I . Columbia Rlcr Slcamcra. 1) Aloria nod V laiidiiix" . Willamctta Kiicr. Ori'iou el'y, Nu lirg, rali ui ik Nayd.aud K WiilamrttP anil Yam hill Kicr. OrvKon i Ity, Iiaj tmi, aud Wuyd.audiiig. W illamette Riicr. I'orllnii I to i on nllii aud N iiy-Laudiuai nakt Kltcr. Hi, arm to l.in mloii. Al:l.l I-. I loin al Mull "I'ukalli' I I) . I I'M a in I . i.i .. in. I p. in y. nun, 1, iv I M p. ill I uiidiiy I M p in. 1 Moil, Wid. J mid I ri. I JU ' in. 1 lie. I liur. ti ii it rat. I. I.OWl-toll Hailv lv ,t I-1 idoy W. II. III UI.IIl ltT, Genera I I'as-.ciiger Ageiil. . It. tic ti. Co., Purliuud, ori'guii. WOODWARD THE aKXTSOriLiaB ROSEBURG Docs Up ALL COMPETITORS! Wo arc alway lu tlio Lcail, auil uican to koop there Xb UolJoii liarvcat la ujiuu ua, and farm er ar luiillug becauna Woodward looaa to llioir intercut. iiuciiov imiii:ns Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 I'lieae are all Leather aud Warrautcd, At Heduced Prlcei, CodiuU your purie aud to aura aud ae Woodward before buying. W. . WOODWARD Pu re Fresh Drills SOU) HV A. C. MAR5TERS & CO. Prescriptions I'illcd Accurately Ami With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent r.eclicines and Toilet Preparations. WYLIE PILKINCTON, J iiu'cviil to ii. W. NOAH ) General Blacksmithing iiniii:Miioi:ijia. I ROTI INd AND RUNNING LAT12S A 51'L'CIAI.TY, HKl'AllUX'l OK Al.l, KIMJ.i I'UU.Mril.V JIOXK. Mliop on Corui-r Wasliluittuii nU luuc- Mm., UuhcUiiiu Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, ANIi 1MMKDIATK l'OSSKrjSlON (ilVKN. Stock Raujics, Timber Lauds ami Miuiui; I'lupcrticy, Prune aud Hop Laudy of bc:;t quality, iu choice locations, quantities to suit iutcudin purchasers, at reasonable prices aud easy terms. Inquire of ID. (3. k:. buiok, aasll at. tX ; a . taalaaa. DRRIN, SCOTTSBURC, CHRDINER, THG D73CIL-V Mail Stage Co. Leaves Drain every mornini;, connecting ut Scott with the STKAMKR RALPH, forV,aidiner and other points ou the Uinptjua. bill; Auurwia ton al uiuvuiauii, UuukIuji ( o., Or. Wli.1. i. irj.inoN. UU PARMI-R, Pioprictor, llLilOJ, Llll