The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 22, 1898, Image 3

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For BARGAINS, call at
Caro Bros Boss Store.
n . i -1 1 : i i u : i : I Hits.
"I'lIC flMirvllfH.
M k t ii-uii r r ( hi ii' ii "iu f Maw n'l Ijiiic
,lrect. Muii.lnv MifiUo. I'fculilni, II a. m
m l 7 ,:iy p. m ; iiulitialli liml, lo . m.i P.
v', Wui'Ui y, Mu iliilrmli'iit; l'l Mi-ollns l
t imu nl llio uioiiiIii;: aonrlt -ri Kpmirlh 4(ii
i m p. in. llnHiu'y. I'liMiitilil. Player
M. tin,!. VkIiivI). l 1 "'
Yni. I.. Mimiiu , l',
l'n' iu'-i'. niriicr Mkln and l.anc.
i KHaiiv mnuN t:nnai ii
rumor ol .o
Hihiu" U. Huin'.ay iv. : Piil'llu worahlp,
in. mill 7 3) p. in ; MaMmlli HcWI. 10 . m.i
V P. rt. X .V p. m. 1'iayer Mixjltu. Wcrtnw
t , . o p. in. (, (( ,ltWllntlti pwior.
IM r.i.i.i am. rni'ie ii mi l-'uwli r ativct.
H ini'l.i i . I ' It a l.i. mi I !' '') '
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I'l nil
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Cirltii i tat U1
, ,,,. I ii n l (niirlli
uili mill i my huh-
MilHI t-llt ' li.
h mi Itiy lit iiiiin,:
il.ij in liiliK f
Inn.' In linn .
.. r I' linn liu oil limn
l:i J iiN lUiui,
Mlki .iitiar i'.
'! I
-"I I H
I. Ill
iir Midday
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1'. ,1. I'. ti 1. piaili.ul
hual.-r. r Imp in
'lilt I'li'll M olllll", llvl t J
llIU .11-1 V Ullli'lllli.'. K'MU'-.'U'V. ""-K"".
Wulr'u-K, i!mU uii'l J "wi-lry repaired
in .1 r-1. til i it iiimi inT nl reuKonubWi pi la s.
A nl.niu ol tbe public. utruuoi
Fresh liuit iii glut-u )"' al ZiK'f'e
Wami dWii hI on Hiilmi rijilion nl
lllilt Olli'-l'
Dinlni'i li-ry i'-.l fUviim l"r !0 ccl,
al llio Nivli si-no
'I lio 1'itiMi Mvio ni'liiiiK out ut Bicri
1'uiui; pi inn full mi'l l' tiiiiviiiccl.
riiiiitHiil A VaolU'' liimur in ki'i't
ltll.H y i jKill t 1 IHHV liH'1 lor ill) I'M.
I'.Ui k I i j. a Id ilrnto h'.iitD uiiJ uioiuuu
mi li r-kin Ni' 'i' ' attlio Novulty
'Il,i' Ua.tT I'lurt lit'M ii wutia ia
H'iutali.)ii. I'liiin lull ' Woolli-y ocll
I . utii nut t.ikc in our dver-
t iu i I1K lii!llUlllll ll'I'I'l'Mllt. lliu Uohb
SuiuUu lliu "Arliir," llio ln'ol &C ull'.io ycui . KniHo it llaulbrookl
tii!e iii'iilH.
K A. Dj.lur, ut Atuiliuui'a wuro
liLUff. liu.Mi Imy, K'Ji" ''! kioJii ol
f.irill I'lodlU'trt.
Now i I m I. dI la.lii'8 ;iuJ miBC' line
hum, nil tliu liU'ht Ht) lt, jiut loceivoJ
ut r.n iott r.i oh.
Kuiigo t.) Kent. Or will Uko etock to
liiBluru by iIim tt'k or month. K.J.
A i, int, Mi'lrotf.
All uiir uuo'lii uio iiuw auJ ol tbu Utoit
btyli'B. .N j bln'i'W'oru K"oJn on luJ t
tlio Uoob Store,
ToiilN, col:., tamp tliuiis uud ii full
camping out lltd can bo foutul t Alex
under Strong'.
Cull ut I ho I'.ohii iSloro uud price their
KooiIh, uud you wi.l bo Burprisod to tlud
thorn ut Bach low tluurt'H.
A l.UdO mil lino UKSoitiuout olcliil
ditu'B ulioig iiiMt leii'ived ut l'mrott
liioa. (..'nil and hi'o tlicm.
Moiioy to loan on city and country
property. 1. H. K. Buk k,
MuiBturu' lliiildiutf, Koeolmrir, Or.
Wlmt cveuono e.iyH uiuat bo Uue
Tho clioU't'Ht ol teus uud uolfoua ia towu
ut Mus, ll. K.vHio.N'b.
llio f ut u i u i iiucei lulu, nut ii you
keep your IiIojiI puro w iib llood'n Kur
eupunlitt you umy Id huio of t;ojJ lieultli
Tlio W. C. T. V. will bold ItH logulur
iiiiiLiiinifo ou llio Hocoud uud (ourllt
Thuiuday ol uvury muutli ut 3;00 . ui
in tlio Kpwortb Lcuuuo room ol llio M
10, church.
Powiuu nmcbiui'B, Bowiui; uiucbiiieb
Bowluit iiiiicbiiiud ut AU'xiimler & Htroug
uud tho bebt of tlieni ul Unit, rauiutf iu
iirlco from JJ lo o7.60. Hemiro lo moo
Ihoui bofyreyou buy.
I'p loduto doutiulry by 1'r. fcHiuugo
which iiiuAiiti llm beta und lutett kiudu
of work tikilfiilly curofully uud proporly
I nuerlod with no uftcr trouble, but per
foot Mutibfiicti.ju. Try Ir. ritruuBo'
iiiiiiDili'Rt cron im. Ilin boRt. huiiRt uni
mout jioi ft. ct mode,
Miaa KtelU llmnilton bur, returned
from AklmU.
Miua Madga HtmU npctil Hmliy vlail
lug In Oakland.
Imo 'I'lionitoli bua Konn V'allfornia
ou a huaiutwa I rip,
All kinda of atuuipud goi a ut tout
prlcM, Nov ally Htore.
Mr in It. W illis ia vinftiott rcl'
Uvea oiid fricuda in l'orliaud.
Mlk Hull 1'ou I'om, 11 coiita jr don
until aold, at the Novnliy Ktona,.
J. S. Kreitmuu, of Myrtlo CrMk, maIe
tlila ufilet) a buint' call IliimiKirnliiK.
I'liclo I'eter lliiine, oiAUmoy, lain
the city Inlay htokiiiK ullr lfiiiuia
Mia. A. I'yuiuiiur baa non i'o Ku
Khuii and hlriu, wher nlm will vi it (or
a uionili.
Mra. Liur I'ouiiell, who lia ei:
viiitinK In IliMiliure f'ir "'jinw lime, rua
K me to Uiitdli.
Tin re will be icliiiitf at. Mio M.
Church, at the i hu1 hour ha:mly worn'
iii( and evening.
.1. W. Ilmiiiott, banker and ultoriiel.
paafed through Ui'Hi l)ijr HuuilMy on hi
way to Portland.
Mian l.ily LWier ol lfoiubiwok, C'nli
foruiu. U viiilitii btr (alhir, It. A.
Puier, In llill city.
i Mira l.u'a Keniou, ol (Jwhu 'i;ey,
jwill goto ltozeiiiuii, Mout ilia, where
1 hu will i'i tor achuol.
j scuiu KeuU now for "The Siiml of
;'ti ty," at ibeoiK'ra bouac Ttiurlay
, niht. Sepleiiiber i'".J.
Tlio Irii iula of Mr. aud Mm. 1. T.
j .Suuntervil'u will be tUd of their return
j to Kobehurg' to lettde.
I Mas i'racht, of Aaiilaud. Bpocial land
i ollh'O uuvtit. pueaed throuuh this city
yesterday ou bia way aoutli.
Oulera ure offering aa bili aa Vi'.j
cetit K-r pouud foi ho, tut g'owera
are waiting for better piicoa.
Clinton Carey, of Phoenix, Oregon, ia
viBitlng biaiuothei, Mra. M. J.Curry
of Camas Valley, who ia "iiite elck.
I'r. I.)e, the well known optician, ia
to be wilb us aoou. lie will brlug all
with him that ia new in tho optical pro
fession. lUlpib wauled when the nervi-a be
come weak uud appetite fuila. llood'a
Saraapai ilia givea help by making the
blood rich uud pure.
The !-oul!ieiu 1'acitlc mauugcia are
In iking ol putting on local traiu be
tween Sulcui und I'ottlund iu tho course
of u couple of w eeks.
Mra. Vt. J'aUdB, uud childreu, have
returned homo from an e tended visit
with relatives and friend at Willamette
ulley uud cohbI poiuts.
Irving Oiheou. VA liuick, Wulter
1'aulkner, Ueo. Wilcox and Nathan 1 ul-
lertou have re entered tho Tuclllc t ni
veralty at l'oreet Orovu.
l'reacbiug ut the Cluialiuu Church on
D'. it Huuday morning und evening at
the usual hours by KSdur W. A, Wood.
Ml are cordially invited to attend.
Married, Wednesday, September -1,
ut the residence of J . II. Sbupe, in this
city, Mr. O. A. Kruae aud Misa Oertruda
Savage, formerly of Salem, Oregon.
Mies Dlauche Itiddlo aud Misa l'lora
Wilsou of Kiddle have returned to Cor
vallis. where they will resume their
studies at tho state agricultural college
13. 1'. Alloy, editor of the Baker City
Kepublicun aud uu ex-momber ol tho
board of trustees of the Soldier' Home,
le reported tiulte sick ut his home iu
Baker City.
Misa I-oua Cullisou, of ICugene, who ia
teacher in the Marshfleld public
school, was tho guest of the family of O.
L. Willis hi this city Tuesday. She
weut to Muashfield Wednesday morning
accompanied by Misa Ktlie Willis.
1'iHbT Cuuibi iAN Cm: ia ii corner of
1'iuu uud Woodward streets. Suuduy
services; 1'reachlog ut 11 u. ui. uud 7:30
p.m. Suuduy school ut 10 u, iu. Y. 1.
t. 0. K. ut 0;30 p. ni. Prayer meeting
each Wednesday evening ut 7 ;Jl) p. iu.
A cordial welcome exteuded li the pub
lie to each of the services.
W, A. Woou,
Tho M. 11. couferiico which bus just
closed ita annual aoesiou ut McMiuvllle
uppoiulod Kev. U. H. Arnold to till the
pulpit of the M. 1-. Church ut Koeeburg
(or tho ensuing coulciouco year, Kev
Arnold comes doiu tho church utStiDuy
side, "-oue of tho most importuut of the
l'ortlund suburban churches, whuro ho
bus hud a most successful uud prosper
ous yeur. Wo bespeuk (or him a hearty
welcome by Mm church going people ol
Srltlts Dp.
All M-ijns lti!otlutl li the undersign
rd are luifnby notillo I and r?jueMtl to
come lorward and tnuku prompt tt)l' tu
rnout, All noice utii ucc junts not paid
Immediately will be placed in I'io IhimIh
of mi attorney fur collection. Ibis
meats like It read. Wo are going out
Ol bllsillHCa, HI) J 111 I llilV6 ft Kittlomenl.
Cii ) linos
Good piano (or fair, chrtip. Iii'piire
at lhi olllcc.
Mra. ieorgc l (.itu has fetiuin-d home
from a visit with (fiends at (iardiuer
Mit. J. T. Driiliii-H and ihtldrcn havt
retirr)i.l from u visit at Yupiina I'y
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. liooth cane up
ftotn Koaeburg Saturday lo altuud tfif)
No uilstakn will le in uio by liaviiif;
your denial W';ik I'ij by Jr. Slranite.
V. W. CrH iilfr mid family have gone
lo Omaha where ihev will make their
O 1. I'jiliow returned the liifel part of
the week, from professional visit at
Mrs. Julia lloi J has retimed lo Tort
land, alter h pleasant, visit with frieiidn
at Koriburr.
The only l ent I'.tovj in the Jliiil" S
Ketch miperi'ir liii". Chiitchi!! iV Wool
ley ffll tin in.
I. S. V'eavti' of M)rt!u CrPeU uinde i
butincftii call on Itie I'l UM'Lii.i i: while
In tow n loiliiy.
"Ihe .-irfiiwl uf l.iijei l" :if the opera
I house Tliuisday. M-plein1 vi J-'nd.
j "Keinemhet tho Maine."
I A. W. Coon "I ('.nuns Yuili!' 18 re-
torttd I') 1m? j'.ii'0 M'.'k at the home of
I, W lather .1. W. t'n .;i
Ch pa.d f'iri.t;:i. i.i.d nil limit" of
far. prodiioti, at Al.raliainV wareh in e.
K. A. Ui..iK't
No Vt ii hi.iel y given that K.C. Iavin
ia no I V'err my iigenl.
II. I,. M Untkl.
M.i fc.J. at Clli,ll Villi'. Hllt'lV
veuing.. .iii:i. lay au i .h-b..ij
... ..- 1 I T . ..
Ketcn, I msi StiMiilh-y, opici'i'iin:.
K. Du-liiiB. M. P., member Board ( I
lVnsioii Kmaiiiiccu. Ollice. Marstcra
building t iJiug corner Main and Cans
street. -
Mies Cfciia, Jcun, Camas Valley
baa gone Nattlo. where t-hu wilt
teuch Oen i ao-i Kut'teh ia a convent
Miis M.cJSc lYavis will sjon closes
very suei H-lul Vein ol scliool iu uanias
Vallev. n lwr whvc.'i elm will return to
her old I du in linJoota
F. 1'. S'orliui of Mai.htii I' i in the
it y toil. icv:iius way t.) Oo' Med ford
fair wit a a trolUog hcrto. II" will re
turn to cur air in I'doW.
Booth f miy id.ln Vjii iu the t veuiug.
Henry returned to Koeeburg Sunday
eveuiurc but Mm. Mh will make i
Visit hero - U i aula I'ass Obeerver.
J. L Crouemillcr uud fa "' '0
peeled to nriivo in Koeeburg 'tay lro
La Oraude. They may co JuJe
agsiu iut.ko their home in Kose 'r'-
F. K. Cotlman, puysiciau and a "Ut'l'oa
Ollice in Taylor iV; Wilson block, nVi
donce, McClallen llotite. l'rolossi
culls in towu or country promptly
swered night or day.
Charles Duvh, tho lO year old uou oJ
1). Davis living near Comstock. was
killed Monday evening by (ailing from a
wagon loaded with wood. Iu tho (all
his neck wan broken uud bend crushed.
Any persrm having li or HO acres ol
clear or easily cleared land (or sale near
Kosohnig with email running stream, or
strong spring of good water, will please
comuiunicule with Mrs. Alice Oeonre.
Draiu, Oregon.
This ollico has just completed for At
torney F. W. Beuson, a printed abstract
of tho record iu tho rami o( .1. Frunk
Watson vs The Noouduy Mining Com
pany, t.ow ponding iu tuo Supreme
Court, conHistiug of 10- pages.
The Jossoy-Marviu dramatic company
will produce, in tliia city Thursday night
ol this week, tin. ureal i!uv entitled
'llio Signal Liberty." Tho blowing up
of tho Maine iukI tho destruction of
Corveru's lloet, :iro umong tho eceues of
this great play, unit urn in u panoramic
form. Oo uud sen Ttio Sigual of Liber
ty." Wo uio teceiyiiig ioiuusta uluiodt ev
ery day, from vurtius iu the vast und iu
Culiforniu, for uamplo copies o( this pip
or from parlies v ho coutomplated com
lug to tho great Uiuiiaa valley. Thero iu
ui DBiiei ii mo iuuu tins lor persoUB
having properly which I hoy wish to sell
or exchuuge, to udvcrtieo tho eauio iu
Tim l'l aiNutAi tit. Try it.
Mr. B. F. Bonlly, of Oaklaud, was
caller at this ollico Friday, Mr. Bdutlev
is uu old Wiucoubln votorau of the civil
war uud is eulleriug (rout seiiouu dieu
bilitms received during tho service. He
compliuientod the (or (ho
light it has beeu making ugaiuut tbo uu
juet rules of (ho Oregon Soldiers Homo
aud expressed the hopu that a clmugo lu
tlu state administration, would hriut'lre
ltd (o the iumiUoa of that inatilutioii
quality of the work
mansliip in our
clothing is out- of
its strong points.
Kacli garment is as
carefully cut and
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. Sec our new
i-'all Suits.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. lirinlol and Miss
Metta lUpp weut to l'ortland Tuesday.
Win. II llueg. has sold the Kcscburg
bakery lo llauish & liiudy, late of
roriland who Uke charge tomorrow.
Mr. 1 1 leg It-uvea tomorrow fur Honolulu,
w h'tre he exicts lo engage in busini ss.
Tho SjuUiera l'aciflc will give yoo n
ride to the Oregon State Fair on any of
thfir lines in Oregon, for one (are lor the
round trip, goo I golne and returning any
time during Ihe fair. The Slate Fair if
Ihe peopla'a institution aud should be
patrniiliM'd libt-rally. Cmie and see
what mtourcve Oregon has. 'no fare
for roiiii 1 irip.
Mrs. Madeleine It. C inkling, nl l'rlne
villi", grand uialroii id Hie Order of Ihe
laetern S'ar, left yet-lerday for nli-
intuii, 1'. ('., t i attend Mii niii.'inl aes-
biuii of thograad chapter, whie'i opens
September -7, and coutinues for Ihrru
dayr. Mie. Conkling ia tlm for' delegate
eunl to the gtand c'ispter by the Oregon
jiirinllcti'iii, and alo enj is the dutinr-
lion nf being ihe fi'H Kr'",l matron uf
rcg)ii Imiiurel with u u-ileciion.
I'or'-iaud Telenram. Monday
Rich Uohcma.
li K. .lawley yesterday chowed uu
bjiik! icuiAikat'ly line specimens of Koid-
beii'iug ore from hif mines in the Bo
huiii ditl'icl. Oue small piece, which
was fiom a sui(ee crupping, was (airly
covered with gold, while auolher piece
taken from Ihe ledgo showed a great
many colors, und contained a large
a u.ouut of galena ore.
Mr. Hawley says all the mines iu that
legiou ure turning out well. There ure
now a number of five and ten stamp
mills iu thero, and they remove the lieo
milling ore. The concentrates are
baultd lo Collage Orove by team, then
shipped by freight to Taconr.u to a smelt
er, This is cxpeusive, but after paying the
charge of Backing, hauling, freight and
milliug. the miue owners get about $ AO
u ton from their concentrates.
A smelter ia u jw needed ul Bohemia,
uudlheieis uoijucstiou but one will bo
established there soon. This year's
work has made great strides along the
line of devclopeuieut , and a great many
new uud rich uiiues have been opcued.
With the completion of a good wagon
road into tho minue, uew life will bo
given to iniuiug uud milling Fugeue
lie gistcr.
(it Change in Division.
It. Koehlei', m"Sf, and L. K,
Fields. suoerinU'Ul ot lLo lin8 ia
nrmmn r....,r,,o.l f. OJ 811 FraUCieCO
batuiday, where report bla il they
went in leiird to rumored c 'auge lu lire
i;. ii.a i llnti in th'e state.
It is now understood that there wi. " w
no -changes, but that as soon as
me te motive power will be added to I
this and ot the railroad to meet the
wan la t the rapidly increasing
volu of business ana mat men
more 1raiu will be added to tho
lime tsilblo ol the eysteni. The husinees
of the khmS, waicli is now greater man
ever, is sovarly tsxlng the capac
ity of t ho present roiling stock ol the
eoujpao r n ireaguv uuu - pmbuik"
trains shjki IstwitcheU out oi asuiuiio
vostord w. AaiiUwd Tidings.
IThrwc or Four
parti tular coc'i in one neigh
borly lod are enough to make
a groi r keep Schilling Best
bakinj9owder. 4
At Half Fare.
Ou October 3d, you can go (rc 'xa
point ou the Southern I'ucitio lin M ,0
l'ortluud uud return uuy lime with u 11
week (or tho price of ono fate, thus h. xv'
ing uu opportunity to see the big Or.
gou Industrial Imposition, whore al.
aorli) ol attractions will p'oaao, nmuso
uud instruct.
Tho wouderlul llegeluiauu, who are
goiug (o be there, aud the Manila Guard
uud Naval Kcservo will drill, and there
will bo free cooking lectures aud a
Southern plantation sceue with real live
duikiea aud lota of other attractions.
Tho miinio wil be thn Uncut eyer howl
iu tho NoitliweVl .
That Hake I:ricncl5
arc tne only ktuu vc
wish to sell. They arc
the only kind wc do sell,
and with each pair wc
the only kind
sell wc make a new
friend. They arc-
n0 I
only stylish but good
clear tliroiiKli. icc our
Shoe line.
A Large Family Reunion.
On last Saturday eveiuii.' a very en
joyable time was rent at the par'ors of
the Hotel Josephine by Kev. an I Mrs.
Kobvrt Booth und their family. There
childreo, twelve in number, were all
preienl on this otTUion with the tingle
cxcpptiou of their son 'Viliiam Booth,
who rrsides at I'rinevilie, and cj'jld not
be here Thfr were oi rela'ivcs as-
rumbled, including their only great
grandchild, Baby Ailene luubar. The
event was uou not ft- u witnetsed.
Kev and Mr. Booth wne ewly Oregon
ni'jiiecra, enminz In r.; in ls- from
Iqwj, croaiiii g the 1 1 tin with an ox
team. They settled In Ya nhi'l county
and reei.Jed until 130" when they moved
lo Kiiiilas tountv, coming I i Urania
Phbs attout ten jears ag-. The'-r child
ren ure all grown ai d marric I, Mrs
Toney, c( Kasteru Oregon, U-ing Ihe
eldeat, and J. If. Booth, l!ie rcjivcr at
the Kueburg land ollico ii the ''baby
uf the family. Light ' I the toin und
Ijuhtcra arc Oregoni .r e. O i A'lgnst
M. is'O. Kev. B ijth ami w ife celelrated
their golden wedding.
M r- ii.ipb
aid liftv yeaiiof wedded lift ia now-
placed to I heir credit.
The children present were Kev. O. M
booth, of Idaho, J. O., K A. and J. U.
Booth, of this city, Mre. To nty, of Fos
sil, Mie. Belknap, of Benton csuuty
Mis. Hockett, of Ashland, Mrs. Single-
tou, of Djuglas county, Mre. Keye, of
Mitchell. Mrs. Cam , o( Fossil aud Mrs,
V. A. I'eteisou, of tbU city.
On tbe (ollowing day Kev. ii. M,
Booth, held servic-s at the Newmau M
K. church, large audience Iciog iu ut-
lendauce. and this being the Crst time
the old (oiks bad heard their ion
preach. Most of the relatives have re
turned to their various homes alter re-
maininit here several days. lirants
rasa Observer.
Largest nine in the World.
It mav no: iiencrallv bo kujwu that
Iho Black Butte Cinnabar mine of Doug
laa county is probably tli9 host as well
aa the largest uuick silver mitie iu the
world. The Urga smelting fnrnaoaa (o
the reduction of the ore has J i-t beeu
completed aud is capable of supplyiug,
when worked to it full capacity, tLe
entire quick silver market of ihe I'ni'eJ
States. Supt. Behrman says taere are
row over 50 men ou the compauy's pay
rull and that two larue brdiug louses
have been built, one ul the initio uud
one at the smelter, (or the accomoda
tion o( employes. Though it is not
generally known, et it ia a (uct, thut
the prominence and citeueiveuesa of
these mines ure more generally talked
ol in Franco aud Ueroiauy tbau right
hero in old web foot. Cot tano Grove
The Signal of Liberty.
The lust week ol tho engagement of
b. Jjssev-Marvin, company at tue
Thiid Avenue theater opened Suuday
niaut. tho!uudience being unexpecledly
large, The uttructiou wus "The Sinul
ol Liberty," aud proved t bo a strong
one, and the excelleut advertising by
those who saw it preseuted here eoino
weeks ago was doubtless iu u large
measure responsible lor its enthusiastic
receptiou. Since that lime it lias been
strengthened by addiogoueel the clev
erest scenes ever produced here. It
show s the destruction ol I'io Spanish
fleet outside the harbor. The sccoe ia in
Duuoiumic form, ihs audience not hav-
in lo undemo an especially vivid
Stretch of the imauiuation to tiud them
eelves looking ut the right from a pats
sing vcetel. Seattle Timcif.
Weather Report
For the week eudiug Sept. 1, lSJci.
Maximum temperature, 8'J, ou thelUh
Miniuiuui temweratuie, 47, on the l'-th
iVscinitatiou. .53.
Averajio piecipitatlou (or ibis month (or
, ;'l ears, 1.0
Total itrocipitatiou from Sept. I, li'-'i lo
dale, .51'.
Averanu urecipitaliou from Sept 1, -5'J
Tul dellcieucy from Sept. 1, lS'JS, 0
. yerage urec-ipitatlou for 'Jl wet t-eusous
fvpt. to May. iuelusi-i, 'i
Tuos. (JuiBos, Obseiver
l7or Sale
At a bargain, a good secondhand buggy
and 8iug.. h,(,ifl- ll'"'-a " this oiico
lin I red Paje-Tustln Appolnltd uy
the President.
On I. it Momiay tne vrreuiMn ap
pointed I l.m. Kred rngi.Tostn, iru
uiirdiniirr f n tli lorrlitrf 1 1 AUska, to
ImM cunt at Wrafigol. The "ice la ol,
of enn!(t r nil I m pur In me , the toinmla-
al)ii.'r luiving bth rrlmiiiul and civil
j.iri-li' ti')n, an well aa l ing recoruer oi
eoiiveyaniu, und exercising piooaie
juria-liction. The corupensation amounti
to between :J0()0 and 5000 "
there Inli g Imili a, naUry and Ueaat-
ttched to tho oltice.
Tho ditlriel, over which Jud.e Tu ln
will prcsi is the most sou'berly in the
tflrrituiy. aiid is the luoV. desiiable on
account of Ihe plewant cliuial'J and
other adrantai;fli.
AaJodge Tnstin ia Uwyerolmany
years cxperiente and rfe'igoiisd ability,
the appointment is In evi-rr way a aalt
a'!e and proper one.
He does not yet know jut when he
will go north, hut it will probably be
within two or three wetki.
Judge Tostiu has many friends, not
only in Douglas county, bnt lo almost
eveiy pari oi uregoo, nu oi wnom win
join In congratulations at bis good
Dinger. I
Mrs. Mamie Clemeots, daughter au'l I
sister Mies Uallas Miller, made a nying
trip lo Olendale last Sunday to meet one
of their old (riende, John Wheeler.
The McOinnis brothers end Iheir I
node, John McUionis, of the Lone Fir
made Binger a visit last Sunday. I
Jottt.h French and Win. McUionis
made a business trip to Canyonville
las', wet k.
... ...
thegue.l.of Mr. and Mrs. CL. Che-
! t.n::.
jjun. uinie uu I.". .'iniuiui. a..lea.ant evening at Win. Ut-
mer's. The y-uog men ol Cow creek
seem lo llilOK noooiawn ia s preuy
. . . - , 1 : .
Dak Johns uud Will Cbadwick
were at liug r iai raiuroay ou iurn
way t Carll.
Mrs. Jesse Clements, Mies Dallas Mil-
lor, little Xiloii Lewis and Claude Kid
dle called at Binger last Saturday.
Mra. K. W. Lewis, who is now stop-
iug al Car 11, baa been very sick for tbe
past week, but we are pleased to leain
is some belter .
i:. W. I.ewis aud family ure talking ol
moviug to tanyonvil'e in a slur t time.
Thev will bo ureatiy m.esea oy meir
friends on Cow creek.
J. C. O.inghouse, who is working for
Andrew J arq'ie. near Glen fal-, was up
here and spent a Irw djya with his wife
and children.
L j'i, Ki'.ie and Ulysses French made
their aunt a pleaaaut vi-it list Monday.
List Monday night there was a gentle
rain fell at Binger and settled .the dust
Dave aud Tju -Mcliiunis, who have
b9en packing prunes at Kiddle, have re
turned home.
Mrs. A. Mdjiuuis received a pleasant
visit Sunday, from Wm. Palmer aud his
daughter MaliMs.
Mr. aud Mrs. John Albro made a trip
toCarll last Monday.
Daibv litxi t.
South Myrtle Creek Items.
Kvcivbody i basy dryini( praues.
Money will bo tleulifnl ou Myrtle Creek
Tho upper Sunday school had a large
altendauce latt Sunday, there being over
sixty present.
Mr. John Wright left lor Silver Lake
last week.
Mr. Will Stevens and Jim 1 1 11 have
moved to town (or the winter.
Mr. Fred Bai tell has gone to Myrtle
Creek to lake charge of a (rnit drier (or
L 1 Weaver.
It is a common sight to see a four
horse loud cf boxes going doan the creik
Mr. Cloyd Chaney made a trip to b's
upper ranch Monday.
Mr. Cordwell was hauling lumber
several days this week.
Mr. II. D. cr weut over the niouuta n
to Days Ovek one day this week.
Mr. Oecrge Anderson is now running
the M rtle Creek (ree bus.
Mre. Dunning was visiting relating
and friends on the creek last week.
Mr. Jell Damrell will start (or Idaho
The smiling (ace ol Clare Falling wca
gi en ou the cret k one day last week.
Some ol the hop pickets didu't itt
home till late Saturday night.
Mr. Dick Strew wi'l move to Sugarplue
where he will eugago iu the hop busi
ness Nxu.
Wood I Wood 1 1 Wood 1 1 1
Tlui Unsaburi? Klectric Linht & l'oWBl'
rnnmanv will receive bids, until Oct 1st
18U3, (or (uruisbing 1000 cords or any
auiouut less than 1000 cords of (our foot
old grow lb Fir Wood. For specifications
call on or address L. A. Walker, Muds -
uer. The Company reserve the right lo
rejiict any or all bids.
A Bargain.
Splendid dwelling property consisting
uf three lots, well finished house and
outbuildings, otl'ered at a genuine bar-
gaiu by the Uoseburg Building cV Loan
Association. Iuuire uf
Hkkman Mahks, Secretary.
Blcytlo Tires.
The Chase, lough, tried uud puueture
proof. For sale by
T. K. Kk'hakubon,
RoBidmrg, Or.
Rrl atakaa Ik t4 pmti.
wulM aa4 Iklvea.
Looking Glass Items.
F.very one is busy In the valley, which
denotes goedj'tiines.
Ray Wright ol Koeeburg pd
through here one day this week.
J. II. Miller returned from Alaka
where be bus been for Ihe past lix
months trying to better bia fortune,
which we hope he did.
Mr. Haskell ol Happy Valley was over
on bnsiness Ibis week.
J. L. (JriiutH and wife and several
others have just returned from Bando.
where they have been lor several days
aojoying a vacation.
I. T. boauch haa last returned hon e
with his steam threshing ontllt. He re-
porta having bad an excellent ran ihie
season. He was out about 10 daya and
threshed between M.OOO and Wi.000
I... i - Sua, I I .
bushels, an average oi over iow ui.u-
lelaperuay. inisisone ine largei
Irnnaof anr machine In ibe couniy.
" " P" 0,1 '
eaca weeK.
Mr. Wesley aewiaua ami vnue. .-eign
Aen we pae.e.. u.rvug,,
this week
U.S. Morgan and wife of Teu Mile
were visiting friends and relatives beio
Walter Laird ol Coos county passed
through Ihe valley ou his way to Lost
burg one day this week
Km tiin.i'i.Kii.
Died In Portland.
Henry B kly, ono ol Klkloii's bei-t
a id well known citizens, dicdofhen-t
failure, ia l'ortland, ou the ITt'i ins.,
whirs he bad gone to accompany his
daughters to Misscuii, (or Ihe beurlil ol
Mirs Susie Biiklev'a health. Miss
Siu-ie has betii in put health (or the
pifct yeur. Litton has suffered a great
and irreparal W los-i in the death f Mr.
Buckley. He wa one of tbe heal l
m-n, tbe father of a large family, lin
hal raieel them all weh. und bia
neignbora couli led uf c juutlisi ao's of
kin.ln.a4 ,11,1 iffnuru' it v . We arutjld
UeaUl ,0VM a BlliuiuK au, lt
seems s-rikiotfly true in tbo present in -stances.
He leaves a wife, three
daughter aud seven sons, grandchildren
and other relatives, und hosts of friends
t j mourn bis loss so sudden uud unex
pected. -X.
How'a This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Uewaid
(or any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo.O.
We the umlereune I have known F. J.
Cheney (or the last I j veare, and believe
hiu? peifettly honorable in all bnsine
transactions aud fiuaucul'y able to cai
ry out any obligations undo by their
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, O.
WaldinaoKtnuun A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood aud
niucoua surface ol the system. I'rice 75c
I per bottle.
Sold bv all druggists. Test-
moniab free.
5. P. Excursions.
Special rouud Irip rates Koeeburg to
Bos well Springs and return:
(Joodgoiugoo Sat'irdais or Suudaya
und returning not later tbau (ollowing
Monday 91.10.
Oood going aud reluming at any timo
with limit ol ticket 30 daya LSI.
Tho 1.40 rate was loniu r y good for
goiug trip on Saturdays only. Those
tickets can now be Hold on Sunday aleo,
KMebnrg to Yupiiua Bay ml retmii
8 good until Oct. lOlh.
lor Over fifty Veaia.
AN Old alto Wki.l-ThikD Kkmkdy.-Mis
iVliialow'i Soothiua yiup lia been neJ lor
over lilt y years by uiiltionaol luulliera lor Uiolr
childrcu wlille teethlug, Willi perk-cl luuecaa.
It ioollies tho child, aolteus tliu kuui, allay all
palu, curea wlud colie, aud 1 tliu beat remedy
lor Diarrhuia. I pleaaaut to the taalu. Bold I J
diuugiata lu every part ut Uio world. 1 weuty
Ore ceuls a bottle. IU valuu la luualvulablv.
Be sure and ak lor Mr. Wlualuw's tioulhll I
yrup, aud tako no other klud.
bargainsi Bargains uargaiua...
I Iu pianos, organs and musical goods.
Bicycles new and second hand ut the
lowest prices possible. I have also got
I about thirty thousand. lect ol lumber
which I have taken iu trade (or goods,
and will sell choap, as I am uot in the
lumber busiuese.
Koaoburg, Or,
For Infanta and Children.
Tht Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of