The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 22, 1898, Image 2

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rulltlirilut) Moulylil llmr-lay
Sr THt I'H IM'KAI'EK I'l lli.lltl Ml t.
U. Y. tiBNJAMl! - ' Mana. r.
Hnltacrlplloii Unlet.
Oil i-ir-
AI Molltha
Thrc Month...
. 1 0
M:fTiiMi;r,i; s-:, iss.
An Unparalleled Opportunity.
The vemi weekly Plimiu.i ami
the Daily ami SntiiUy San I ram i-o
Dulletin for 60 tenia por mouth for the
two, ileliveretl nl your liouao. The
Uullotin it the uMcttaml tin .emling
San l raocieoo aer, furnieliet al! tlm
latMt new twenty-four Iioiiij ahead of
any San Francisco luortiiuj; paper aiul
it both clean am! progressive. The
1'laiM'Mikk furuielios all tUrt home an J
county newt anJ you will be thoroughly
up to dale when ou Uk tho Pi mv
Dkalik-UuIIpIui newt service.
11. D. l orrost auJJ.B. .ler will
canvtei Rosoburi: tliia and the coming
week in the iutorost of theeo two rapert
and you can eubsciibo with llieru or at
Iba Tlaindcaier oQ'ice. lu aJdition to
the two paper, ?cu tuWiilH will re
ceive, free, au elegaut eel of auu burst
photo engraving of Dewey, Schley,
Sampson and lli.ljn, each x Jl.
Tbie it paeitively the best newspaper
combination ever piveentcd to the
people of Douglt. county.
Wheat, hops and prunes are goin up
in price and (he farmers are making
money handover tirst.aihl now to add
to the sum total of the happiness of the
people of Douglas co'inty, County Clerk
Oazley hs agreed to run the county
clerk's office for 1-50 p?r year.
The sum of $l,0J0 has been appropii
aitd for the survey of public lands in
Oregon for the fiscal year ending June
20, 1SW, Settl-rs who wish to have
their cUiuit surveyed should tile appli
cations wih Snrveyor-Oeneral R. A.
Habersham as soon as possible, in order
that the bida may be taken, and the
necessary formalities complied wiib, so
that the work may be got at early next
The r.iius of the past two or three
days will no doubt iuturfcre with prune
pickiog aud damage the fruit somewhat
but it will do good in other ways. The
Lop crop in this county is about all
gathered and out of the way, and the
rain has cleared the atmosphere aud
put out the forest (ires. The summer
aud fall mouths have beeu unusually
dry aud the raiu w ill tut tlio ground in
condition for fall plowing.
The county court has wisely ignored
the clauioroua vaporing of a few radical
popnliete, of the county, lead by the
socialist organ, of this city; and has re
fused lo raise the aeccEsment of the
Southern I'acific railroad line and lauds
in this counlv, leaving fie valuation as
nxed by the assessor. Assessor Dritt
and hie friends are very much pleased,
that bid work should be thus approved
by the county, court the majority of
whom are of a different political faith.
The apjatles of diaconteut ojghl to
have a mighty tough time of it iu Doug
las county, about now, with the roads
blocked with loads of hay, for which
farmers are reciving $3 to $10 per ton ;
hundreds of thousands of bushels of
wheat, tho price lor which is advancing
every !ay; train loads of dritd fruit;
and scores of warehouses full of hope,
the market for which promises to be
belter than it has for years. Douglas
county is in the sw im, and dou' tyou for
get it.
Oregon has a tailor who turned editor.
Hit name iB F. N. Wallace. He give up
the prestiog baeiness at Mitchell to go
into the press business at Ameiope. It
was not the hope of acquiring a better
tlase'of creditors which induced Mr.
Wallace to make the change of Wee.
The man who w ill hang up a tailor is
not to be spoken of in the same breath
with the subscriber who will let his bill
run for five years and then swear on a
stack of New Testaments that he never
ordered the paper. Exchange.
The friends of W. H. Cortett atUrui
that be will easily win in thelsenatorial
race, almost without opposition. This
way be true, but it is a sad commentary
on the intelligence and patriotism of the
people of Oregon, that it is so. No one
claims that Mr. Cjrbett has any special
fitness or qualification to' the position,
other than that he is a wealthy bank
er, who has poured out his money like
water, iu order to secura the election,
during the last campaign, of members
of the legislature, who were frieudly to
hit election aa Cnitcd State! senator.
It is a uuUblo fact, that iu counties
where the republican candidates for the
legislature were supposed to bo favorable
to the election of Mr. Corbet t, the btate
central committc, which was orgauued
aud ruu in his iulorests, wus ready
lo spend any auuuul of money
for the success of the republican ticket,
but that iu counties where the republi
can candidates were supposed uot lo be
frieudly to Mr. Corbett, no help could be
obtained either in tho w ay of money or
speakers. Tho reasou given being the
alleged fact thai the uwucy for cam
paign purposes was furnished almost
entirely by Mr. Corbett aud must be
used where his managers directed.
This may work for a time but the peo
ple, either through the republican party,
or in tome other way, will be heard in
the end, and then such unscrupulous
combination! will K"t llioir jini iIhim.
The. (dilor of the Salem Statesman,
w ho by the way ii Congressman Tongue'e
Hliiiial nianapT, haj eoiue veiy unprel
ly thii.K" lo say bout Hon. Dinger Her
uiaini'e huppDsed aspirations for the
liiilcil Males Senalorahip. Such ra
in!, coiuim; from such a source, are
entirely uncalled fcr. If Mr. Tongue do
sires t' letain the high legard in which
he is held by the people of the l'iupaa
valley, he should call dow u hit manager.
Mr. Tongue sIiduM lememher that the
Seutl-Crle(l factiou have him tl itoJ foi
lolitical oblivion at the end of his pres
ent term, ami not alienate those who dc
site to remain his friends. Mr, Her
mann is attendu g slrii tly I ) his duties
s Com mist ioner of thetieueral l.tnd
(.Dice, and is not medling with the Sen
atorial light iu any uunuer. A large
nu;nber of newspapers of the state have
voiced the sentiment of a great many
people, of the stale iu expressing the
hope thai Mr. Hermann might be the
choice of the legislature for United States
Senator an I that is all there is lo it.
So Alleged The People Of Ihc
Hawaiian Capital.
llosou Li , Sept. 12. American
soldiers in Honolulu are causing the peo
ple of this commuuity much worry.
Acts of vandalism are becoming frequent,
and General Kiog has i&suod orders for a
court of inquiry to investigate the all eg
el Unless acti committed by soldiers
aud assess the amouut of damage.
Chinese fruit-growers and vegetable
gardeners have been for the most pait
the victims of the soldiers, many gardens
having been raided and destroyed.
The Hawaiian archipelago it now the
military district of Hawaii, iu the de
partment cf California. An order creat
ing this district, dated September 4, has
just been promulgated by Mtpr-Qeneral
The Hawaiiau commissi')!) lias lien
hlding daily sessions, but nothing is
given out for publication. The commis
sion will probably not leave for Sn
Francisco before September 2l Senator
Mrgtu is quoted saying:
"I am inclined to thluk you will have
only a territorial government at present.
Tne I'nited states will, of course take
c'.iargc of the ciutjm house and postal
department, but in all other matters you
will be your own master. You will
make your own laws, subject to approval
of congress. The territory of Hawaii has
a great future before it.
Senator Culioui announces that the
lo.'al laud law will remain in Icrce.
Djle still transacts the business of the
executive Merriam leaves for an tian
cisco today.
Hllpinos said to have Lntcrcd Into a
Campaign of Conquest.
Manila, Sept. 20. A report is iu cir
culation here to the efitect that the in
Burgcnts aro attacking the islands of
Cebu and Uoilo. The result is not yet
There is some uncertainly ag to what
may be expected of the crews of iusur
gent vessels, and as it is reported that
they have already committed some ques
tionable acts, the DoaUn, Kaleigu and
Manila sailed away today, under orders
to protect commerce.
Twenty Spanish vessels, including 12
steamers, have completed a transfer lo
the American lUg, and the majority Lave
proceeded on coasting voyages.
Grain Elevator Burned.
Tollij, Sopt. 2' Au explosion in
the grain elevator of tne L'niou Elevator
& Transportation Company last evening
resulted iu the death of most of the
employes of the structure and of money
exceeding $000,000. There were -130,000
bushels of grain iu the building. A cor
rected list of the dead and injured fol
lows :
Dead Oraoe Darke, aged 1'J: John
Cair, shoveler; FredGardett, thoveler;
Fred Oardett. ehoveler; Everett Smith,
machinist; unknown Polish ehoveler and
another unknown shoveler.
Missing and believed to have been
burned ineide the building Frank Van
Hoeson, grain inspector ; Samuel Alex
ander, Harold Darks, aged 0; Charles
Keefer, engineer.
Fata'.ly burned Hamilton Darks, aged
10; John Smith, shoveler; Daroey Welch
ehoveler ; William ). l'.rks, superintend
liurned who may recover Charles
I'argells, foreman ; W. V. Jordan, rail
road man .
Merriam Returns.
San Fuasusco, Sept. 20. The Bteam-
er Australia arrived in porl early this
morning from Hawaii. General Mer
riam, commander of the department of
California, who baa been in Honolulu,
was one of the passengers. He was ac
companied ou the voyage by Lieutenants
i iravea aud Deuett, of his stall".
Everything was quiet iu Honolulu
when the steamer lelt. The peoplo were
jubilant over auuexaliou, and were in
teresting thouibohet iu all ellorti to
make the goyerumeut of t'ie islands
similar to that of the Cuited States.
The otbeera of the Australia eay the
Arizona, with troops for Manila. Bailed
ou the 11th ins!., aud the Scandia,
with troops and treasure, wai to leave
ou Tuesday, the 13'.L.
County Treasurer's Notce.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants iu
dorsad prior to Oct. 17, lS'JJ, to pie
soul the same at the treasurer's ollice iu
the court house for payment, as interest
will cease thereon after the date of this
lMtcd this the 22d day of Aug., 1898
at the City of Kiseburg, Oregon.
Gi:o. W. Dimmh k,
County Tioahiirer, Douglurt County, Or.
Opening of More I'lacca In the I'uMic
Jcnkelo Appointment Planned.
Nr.w YUK,Sepl. 2t,- ild'puli Ii finiu
Washington nays;
President Mckinley hiisvgiu l.ikfii
up the question of relaxing the ci il er-
vice rules so at to open more place f r
political appointment. Some nit'tith
ago, when the subject wax . inter dircii
ilon in congress, the president had the
head of each executive dopaitment pre
pare recommendation, ehoning whuli
places under hit department could IvM
be exempted from the civil rcrviic
An executive eider drawn up,
based on lhee recommcudatiouy, mid it
hat been on the desk ol the picsidont
untouched ever since. Now that the
war it uot occupying so much ol his
atteittion, and aa the cougreeoional cam
paign is making the presume for pl.uca
stronger, the president it cotisiduing
the matter, and it is expected that he
will issue nu order iu a elicit time, uk
ing a latge number of places from the
classified civil ttervice and throwing
them open to apiHiiutmont by the vari
ous heads of departments and their sub
ordinates. The places that would be removed
from tho protection of the ciil set ice
law are those cf pmate sccrctatics, chief
clerks and confideutat clerks t-f hca ld of
departments aud till persona .l.icd aB
fireman, watchmen and l.tloteia. The
most important exemptions will bo in
the iuternal revenue service, throughout
the country, where nil deputy collectors
of internal rerenuo aud all storekeepers
and gangers who receive less lluu ir
dav will be taken from fie d.i?Mticd
In the customs set vice the only pi ict s
now in the classified eervice w ill t e
exempted are two at New York ti e
counsel lu the board of general appraise! s
and the paymaster to the collector of the
port of New Yet k.
In the department of justice all alter-
nevt and a.-si?'ant attorucve and all
deputy marshal.-; are to he tiki'n from
the service.
In tDe postal service n l tupreiulc i.d
ents of branch poetctliccs and carrier sta
tions and all clerk in eiirge of currier
station s, atsietaut caehieie, r: ate sec
retaries and stenograph i a to pcttnustt rs
in the larger cities, messengers, oiteis
charwomeu, janitors, watchuuii xnd
laborers are lo be takou from (lu- c!aei
fie 1 sen ice.
btate Sunday School Convention
The Thirteenth Annual Cou cutioii
lue Oregon Male uu'Uy ciiii absoch-
tiou will be held in tho bird l!.i I A
Daptiel Church ut l'ortl.iuil, Molur lib
to 0th. Tiiu plans t be pret'entcd and
the work to be doue will maUe tins cun
veuliou, without Ucstiou, the most im
portant ever held iu our state, nut unly
for our Suuday Schuvls but for the statt
at large; owing to this, large miuibci j
from all portions of tho e'ate aro e-
The Oregou Industrial E.oeitiori will
be complete and iu full runuiug order at
this time, aud all rates made by the va
rious transportation oiupaii.ed for ibis
exposition will also tc good for this con
rention. lu addi'.ion to these rates, the
O. IE & N. Co., will make n bpecia
round trip rate of a fare and onc-tiftb
from all points ou its i ail lines withiu
the state good going from October I r J to
October 7th, and returning ou or before
October SlLi. Delegates mad pay full
fare going, take a receipt from the agent
and have it countersigned at the convpn
tion by the eecretaiy.
The Southern Pacific Co. willpiovMe
a special, leaving Aehlaud cui lyoutho
morning of October oiJ, arriviug in
Portland the same evening, making a
daylight excursion. Tickets fur thin
train will be sold for one f.uc for the
round trip, from all station:", Athlaud
and north, and will be good for seven
days. Tickets will also bo told on t Lid
date from all other points on the lines of
the Southern Pacific at eaum rale and
time limit.
On October Gtb, the Southern l'acilic
Co., will ell round trip tickets from all
point! on it! lines within the htate at
fare and one-third for the round trip,
good (or four days.
Delegates to this convention mubt pay
their own expenses while in Portland,
and firBt-clast entertainmeut will be
furnished at not lo exceed $1.10 per day,
but to tecure this names must be sent to
the secretary, A. A. Morse, VA Wei Her
St., Portland, at once. '
Railroad Tax Case Decided.
Judge Hanna has rendered a decision
in the Jackson county railroad tax case.
This is the case in which the populist
assessor of Jackson county assessed the
roadbed of the Southern l'acilic Com
pany at $10,000 rer mile aud it) laud ut
$1.10 per acre. The company protested,
and Uou a failure to secure a reduction
by the board of equalUaliuii restrained
the county by au injunction from Belling
its property to pay the taxes. Tho mut
ter has been before tho court on vaiioub
motions aud demurreis for the past
year. The judge placed a value of $lo00
per mile ou the roadbed and liity cciiIh
per s re on the laud.
Uarbadocs Hurricane.
Nkiv Yukk. Sent. 20. A dispatch
the Herat I from Darbadoeu save;
Full reports of the damage wrought
by the receut hurricaue here have been
made to the authorities here. They
show that the deatructlou of property
was not overestimated, though the loss
of life was soma what smaller ttuu whh
supposed at first. As il was, there was
100 fatalities. Fifty thousand perBor.u
were made homeless by the slorm.
Full damage iu estimated at more than
The prien nf wheal ii advanein.;.
I lUplncj l.cAdci: Hc Pcrfvil Corfl
Uencc in Amcrkan eminent.
Ni.w oiik, Sj.pE ;;U.A dipatili lo
the Iti'irtld (rum Manila sayt :
A a iomiM of the meeting d Hie na
tijnal iiNKcmbly of l ilipino. Hint far
held In Mai.) !.!, there I now entire
conthleln-e in the Ainer government
by the in-urgent li'ivb'i.-t. Ml tlio mem
bein of t'u nrineiut ly exhibit an earliest
dei'iro H al the future relations ol the
I ilipinoi w ith tho Anient ana may be ol
the luoet (lieudly t hiirncter.
t he conditio'! of the Spnnitlt plUolloil
it begiiming to i cite iiiulety among the
mill' My olheort line. Eleven thousand
of tliein are ipiirlered in churches and
o'.ht i -public building, within the nar
row con tines of the walled city, where
moft ol i ho Spanish people alsj live,
wheielhe American garrison la quar
tered, and where General litis hat lo
cated the army headontii tei. Members
of the Fanit uy corp.t are kept constant
ly al work clearing out tilth that con
etutitly iurmnuhii"', the Spauiards hav
ing net tho l.-ast knowtedtw ol tho laws
of eanilutiuu.
Tlio leault id a condition threatening
il general ouibicak of diteb al any
niuiiitnt. I" -pluid lever it already iu
crcotting ut au i.l.uniing rate. Authorl
tics fed it ahsoltitelv essential tJ the
heallit cf the city to get tho Spaulth
primers oiit H Manila nl the earliest
po.-ieible date.
similar couditiouit are reported from
Cavite, wheie the Spanish in tho bauds
of tho it'Ulit are eulVoritig hum the lack
of the lu'ccsaities of life.
To make niatteis wuise, the Bailing of
the hospital bhip Ki has beeu repeated
lv delayed, it i now stated tositively
that the vis.mI nill sail on Thursday ly by that time she will have con
siderable accession to her invalid pas
sougt r l.l.
Colonel of the Third Nebraska Volun
tecrs W ill Resign.
K .m. Ci:v, Sept. 20. A eecil
the !ai from .lacksonville, Fla., says
C'lor:el William .leuninga itryan
l'iiinl Nrliat-ka volnriteers, will shortly
resign hi commission in tho Cuited
t;i!ra :r:n and renume Itm dim UKsion
of public . le.Jiion-. Phis slatemeut is
not made upon the authority of ISryau
however. When at-kud to express him
Helton tlit . j u i s : i i : ot public interest, he
eai.l :
i ou can ftv I rel:l.-iO lo tlut Ub
Mly'l M chilli U'd Willi politics. II
army or n.viei!. e epl that I ace no rea
sou l'i charge my views iu regard to ex
pun lit-i; too territory of Ihu Cuited
M.iti.-. I expresec-.! then; in uv Ouiat
fpeecli l i ire beginning nrmy life."
it-id nil I'M an would say, except I
"ion might aiHj pay 1 am uot so en
atiiei etl of si my h(o as to apply for
coiiiiiiishoii after tho war is over."
The Third Nobrat-k t regiment is soon
to gj t j Cuba.
Orcirou Recruits arc Included in the
Troops Ordered lo the Phljlp
pines. Wa-imv io.n, Sept. 20. The followiog
Uvoi'tj n i.v bt San l'raucisco have been
ordered to Manila :
ri(!-tb::l Iowa regiment.
luentielh Kansas legiment.
I iret Teunet-sce rcgimtiLl.
First Washington regiment.
Ket riilu f j' the Second Oregon
Arrangemeuts for tlie embaikatiou of
the troop wiil be made at once
It van stated at the war department
that no exigency had arisen w nich made
it ncLctcary to tend tho troops now at
.-an Francisco lo Manila, but the order
issued todav was in accordance with tho
general plan of tho department regard
ing a garri.-ou for the Philippines.
It was alio said tho plau included 20
000 men for the 1'bilippluer, I2.00J for
Purlo K:eo aud OO.OJO for Cuba.
Victim Of Foul Play.
.-A1.1.M, Or., Sept. 22. The body of an
unknown man was found tloatiug iu the
river near here yesterday evening. The
hanJa and feet were t:cd together and
weighte I wi'h iron, and a wound in the
forehead, another in the jaw, and still
another in the mouth indicated that (he
man had been murdered.
Coroner Woods, of Polk county, iu
whoee jurisdiction tho body was found,
he! J au iuquest, aud the jury returned a
verdict to the effect that the unknown
had como to his death about September
!2-,-nt the hands of unknown parlies, by
being i-taV ed in the neck and mouth.
Vesuvius Still Spouting.
Ni-.m Y"i;k, Sept. 20. A dispatch to
the World from Nspk'M Bays;
! rightful misery and immeueo damage
will be caused, il tho ei uptiou of Mount
e.mviiiH continues ou tho alarming scale
it ban reached in Ihe laet few day.
Nino new craterH were counted today
around Hie central crater, but even this
extra vent does nothing toward checking
Ihu Ho ol lava, although there ie a
marked costfttiou, in the uiore violcut
helchiiigH of lire aud emoke.
W ood I Wood I I Wood I 1 1
The K oseburg Electric Eight A I'uwer
Company will receive bidfl, until Oct. 1st, for furniahiug 1000 corda or any
Hijiount leas lhau 1000 corda of four foot
old gro w Hi Fir Wood. For speeiflcatious
call on or address L. A. Walker, Mana
ger. The Company reserve tho right to
reject hiiy or all bids,
I ivo horted were utolen iu the neigh
horfior,d f Cottago Grove last Saturday
The Alger Investigation,
W itiniMiio.N, Sept. 20. The pieaident
is making prvgre in the inatier ol prep
aration el a cominlaiton for luveallKliiii
ut lbs conduct id the war, at far as It
relaiit lo the war department, and ho
Stated to Iht cabinet today, that he had
to far completed the coiiiintinlon that he
had Invited the member t meet hint
for a conference Silnrday nex. Seven
of the nine member of the body have
dellnitely iiullcato.l a'ceplanca l the
presiilenl's invitation.
Hon MS, Sept. 20.--A special to tho
Herald from Holyoko fays: "Ex-Pep-
leseutntlvit William Whiting slalid to
night that he would probably be unable
to accept a position ou the war Inquiry
commission. althoiiKh he has bom
strongly nred to do so by tho president "
Hi KLiMiioN, Vt., Sept. 20. Ex Gov-
enter Woodbury hat boen teudered aud
accepted a placn on the warlnvettlgatlvu
committer. He strvetl lu the t'nlon
army tim ing Urn tivil war.
District Fair.
The tilth annual exhibition of tho sec
ond Southern Oregou District Agricultu
ral Society will he held nl Uiseburg.
Douglas couuty, October I lo M, H0S;
Ki.W' ottered tit premiums aud purses ;
Quo speed program of races each day ;
splendid ticliil program also arranged
for. l ine premiums aro vll'ered for high
grade live stock, poultry, agricultural
products, fruit, ilowere, work ol art,
fancy woik, etc., etc.
The S. P. Company has made the ut
ual rale of one and one-third fare for (ho
round trip from all point where they
have ageuts Iwlweeu Comst xk and Ash
laud iuchmive. Special rales will he
made ou articles ahipped by freight for
exhibition al the fair, which rate will
be made known on application to the
local agent.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given t) alt pnties
holding Douglas cjunty warrant i in
dorsetl prior to November 23d, IS5H, to
present tho same at the treasurer's ollice
in the couri home for payment, as inter
est w ill cease I hereon after the dale of
this notice.
Dated this the lilh day of Sept., IS'jS,
al the City of Kotehurg, reguu.
Omi. W. Dimmh. k.
Couuty Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.
Farmers, Attention!
lho Sjutheru Pacific have decided lo
make Ihe extremely low rate ol one faro
tor the round trip to tho Oregon State
lair September 22 lo IW, lvi, from any
luiut iu Oregon ou their line. Theie
were huudreda of tampers last year,
Take your vacaliou aud camp at the
fair aud see a tf'tud exhibit of what
Oreguu cau raise. uo faro going nd
reluming home.
To the Public.
Ou ami after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash w ith the order. 1 find il
Impossible to do business ou a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
(or cash. P. Uinkwck, Undertaker.
Koaeburg, Ore., April 12, lSUo.
Lumber Haulers Wanted.
Foily good leamt for hauling lumber,
I'rico $1.00 to $J.0 per M. ft., owing to
distance. Work will continue until
rainy season. Write to
Tiik Si i. aii I'im. D. A L. Co.,
iranla Paea, Oregon.
Closing Out Sale.
We i-tait today to close out our eulire
stock of general merchandise aud tlx
lures. Everything must be sold by
January 1st. Our stock of goods is the
cleanest and best selected in town ; you
cannot make a mistake, but will save
money if you buy no
Ko-tmuii Nov km v Cami Sr.'iu..
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A touriat sleeping ear will leave Port
land every Tuesday at'J p. m. via the O.
K. A N. without change to Doe ton, and
under the supervision of exjoriericed
conductors. No change of cart to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Bullalo or
Boston. The ideal trip to the east is
now before you. Uemeuibor this service
when going East, and consult O. It. A N,
agents, or address,
W. H. Hlki.iiiui,
General Passenger Agent,
f2L Portland, Or.
Don't Trespass.
All persons sra hereby warned uot to
trespass ou the farm known as the Conn
homestead in French Settlement, for the
purpose of huuting or for any other pur
pose. Hknkv C".nn,
-- - m . - -
Stubblefleld tor Sale.
1 have for sale, about 300 acres of good
stubble pasture. If uot sold will take
stock pasture by (he week or mouth.
1 J. AllA.NT,
MelroNO, Oregou.
Fifty Men Wanted
To cut railroad wood. Good timber,
aud a long job. For further particulars
call, or address, Geo. W, Kiddle, Kiddle
Oregon, or Mouth of Doe Cieok, Oregou.
Gto. W, Kjuui-u.
Kiddle Oregou, Aug., B, lS'JS.
Attention! Uentlcmen,
All patriotic meu desirlug to become
honorary members of the Oregon Emer
gency Corps, can do so by paying DO
cents to the secretary, thereby aiding
this grand cause.
,1i:nmk M. (Stanton, Pres.
Faima E. Kk ii iiiiiK, Or.
Tor City Recorder.
I htieby announce. iiimII a candidate
lur the ulhce of city lecmdor ol the ilty
of ltoreburg, nt lh coming city ilitethm,
to bo held Monduv, Oi Hoi, 18'M.
D, S. Ws-..
For City Treasurer.
1 hereby a niiiuneo mynelf at a emnll.
date, (or le-cle. tlon to ilio oMI.-m ol City
ieiNiirer, at t he eoiiiinii cit y ehielloii.
lii.o Caiiia.
I or fUiftlinl.
1 here1) unin'iint't' initell a candidate
h i lei heiion lu tin t'ith e ol illy mar
kIiI at the election to bo held Monday,
O.t ibn .;, IVi l lM" DlllMIO.
l or City Recorder.
We mo re.iiieeled to uiiiiuunce that V.
C. London, ill bo a eiuididaiti for the
nlllea .t eltv recorder, ol the li'V '(
Eosebllig, Ml lb t oinlilK elty uleC ion.
Ranch for Sale.
I oi sale or rent, ll.M at ie stock ranch.
Foi pillcnUia a-ldrea F. T. CnawK,
Ophii , Oregon.
Poor and Weak
Catarrh 'and Bronchial Trouble -
Hact no Appottto Now Bettor In
Every Vy A Dclicain Chile).
Sunn- time cliue 1 look a Hinlitt It eohl
tndeoiil'l not get rid ft It. IVlng hiiI.j et
tocutarrlitiitl lironi liinl Irout le I eou;:li' il
lerrll'ly. I lot my appetite unl Kw
poor anil weak ami I tll'l not htl like
work, t Ugau takh'g lloo'l Sarti'i'
rill. In a hliort llino tlio cough ll-p-IK-areil,
1 slept well, Iih'I a good appetite
ml 1 wait belter In every way. I-ant
sprlug 1 ttai not lei ling well, I had ti" p
lllte and no ntrengili. I nttortetl lo
Hood' Saritaparllla and soon tell more
like work. My little nephew w a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bUd him o he eoiitd not rml al night.
Ho Iim tkell a tew bottle of Hood' Hr
fiparlll and now ho ha a good appetite
ml U ablo lo ulevp." Mim AuiilK J.
ElU-KMAS, South Duxhury, Mtt.
parilla Isltift'iie Tim- :t".Ml l-urill'T. All.lriiiKi!". l.
xi Y . : . iin-tie-1"', r
Hood s I'lllS ,.:. i a ., r
Notice Tor Publication.
l: 1 1 1 u m 1 1 ti I . M) in I It I.
Ko-iliuii;, (if , e.l. J, lv.'-.
N.'liK' - I" icl'jr I ' lu Hoi' llir I I . . 1 1 a
uaim-'l Uli r li lilxl iiotli " t l Inn lul' lill' U
li niKk" lout I i'tix'1 In 'i'irt nl In-1 Unit, mi'l
llml "ti l I'n'.'l ill b iiki Ii- I" loio tli" lo -(later
mi. I Kcieiver I". t'l OH" v nl II' . t'ti rc.
On K "ii. on " lot ft !. U
I 'll v I "l , . ii li 1 1
ou IIimiii i- o l Kuiiy. N". ..V; '"I Hie K' .. . Vt
1 , mi . : ', T .'i n . K. I w i -I. IU On imi Ihi l"l'
1'itvll'X Wltni -.-.- lo 'l ti lilt luUllllUon li-ae
ill II' ll-., .ll'l i lllllMllliill "I axul loli l
Ml tinui II Mil' -. "I Mtillo t rick, Ore., Jnhn
llli - nl M t Ml" t lull, t 're., VV. l It. aril, nl
My til. i ink, t ire , 1. w I n - a. ul M r tl l'i - k,
' 1 Iniilfci-.
.Iti. Hi:;Uln.
Notice Tor Publication.
t miiu sr 1 1 1.. 1. 1 an Ol M' (,
IliMH-bntR, On K'llii .St'l'trinl" r '. I.v.k.
Noti r m lien-bt ROcii llial In einuiilmiit e
Willi l lie ptot laloiia "( Ihe ait ul lunitieas ol
June ... I'.i. entitle! "An m-l lor tlio ale "I
llinlx r Inii'U In Hi" tHalia nl California, lrtr"H,
Neti'ln, nml U ulauxi"U ivtrlttirt ,
rjkTirar.iMi K. M'-ait'M
nl iiin.'iit lil, L'li'inly nl I anr, blatt- ul Ol' "".
Iina Una 'lur tllt'l III il'la iiiln s lia r -it in ll atalw
meot Nn '.". I'T the pnti haae ol Ihe ttoiilli
Kul 'Juatl' it- K.' ,1 "I r-'Cli"ii N" l't.lti Iiiwii
alill' Nn : ' to'itli I'Hiii;.' Ni tW'ai, ami will
,.!l'T prMl l" ali'iw that Ihc land a.inglit la mun-
alnahl. lot He llmtM t ir almiu limn d.r iigri
euituiul i"tri'OM--. ami lo ealiiMtah In-r tlitlin lo
alii Inntl U'lora ihi l;i xialcr ali i K'n-ltri r ul
Oil-, ollit v at 11'iM.I'iirii. Ori't.'ii, on alllrultJr Hie
l.'ili ray ol No" ml'i r, Ihjx.
Mil) IIBIill" " "llluaM I.. 1 1 Id no ul
nprliiKltvl'l, la"'' l'"Ulit , Or , John J. I'air nl
Kuireiio. I unc i unity, nr., Mari"ii l . I'atla,
MnrvoD "lull ul 1" lliKllei'l. lam) I onutf.
Orocoil Anv aU'l all irina lialining a. I
tcr-ch' (he almvi U' vula-il laii'l- an- r iuri"l
to HI" their t laliiia In Ihla oilii i mi or Ix I'T'
ral'l lJlti ilat "I .Not ti'il'tr. a.
J. I . Unite, r a, I'l ll'iilalir.
Notice Por Publication.
I Mirn M tin - I imi t 'I in .
liii-otiiirv, OreKoii. .lult Jn, I'-'Ja.
Sollie I-lii'i.Tiy (It' ll llial In ioiiiillao o
Mill lliu prot Itliiii nl lliu at I "I ('"UKra-a "I
luuoll, Iti.t, eiilllli'l "All ml t'T tlio rl" ol
lliulx-r luii'ls In "iu Hialea nl ( altlornlii, Oie
t;. hi, Ne ada un-l a-liliiKloli Irrrllory.
I'm i v M. Di mi
"( tin;' i" . tn , I 'liiniy nf l ain . rilale "I Ore
iiou, liai tlna (Jut lileil In Una "fflcu In rattnni
nlairiin nt .u. u,:i, fur Hi" pun lia ol the N K
1 j, beiua loin otio aiiilittn, uu'l n. j; ,v, K.
ol T lull Nn, I, In lownalilp .No. -.'is,
Ittliii;" .No :i tV., Hint oiler piuof to uliinv
that Hit) 1 ii II' I "UrIiI la moro vuliinlilii lor I la
limber or motif llmu lr iiurl'-iilnintl pnrK''.
ami lo i ulnhllali In-r i liilm tn aniil Imnl Ix'fiT"
Hie lleuialer ami Iti-ei-lvr of llila "lllie ul lloao
li'irg, OnK'Hi, mi Krlilsy, the '.i'l Uuy ol Hep-teniTa-r,
Hhe tin ii i a (a Hltiiiac- (hiiilea hli ntll-ol
Onklaii'l, Or , .Inliu H" it nl Oiikluml, Or ,
Ia 1 V licviTi ol Kiiip ii", Oi . N .1. Mrki'iaiiii
ol HprtnuiieM, Or. Any nml nil jiemuiH eliilin
Ing a'lt i f -i ly 11" iiIkjvc 'lownl'i ,1 lnmla lira re-
I ii' li 'llii lilii llielr eliilrria in llila iiilu-v on or
wcliirc ani'l ll'l ilJ' of Cepli inlx r, Ivil.
Administrator's Notice.
IN 1 1I1C l l! VI Y t iil llT OK I II K K I'ATK Ol'
1 Un nun, in ami lur tlio I nunly "I liotmhui, lu
lliu iiiull'-r ol the ealulo of Ilat 111 liciioi, '!
K inil, Notl' rla Inn by it en llial the Uli'ler-
lg)it"l Inia by tlio Cmiiily l oiill ol Dollglna
Ciiiiuty, (in il'iii lien sppolnteil Ailinlnlalriilur
nl the eatalu ol 1)B' I'l Oienot, tluefiiaeil. IV hero
foio all -I'Uiuina ImleliU'il l i aaitl t atlllo aro
hereby null ll t'l to innko ilium lialu 'Bj inulil In
tlio nii'liralKiivtl atiiiH ri-alilmii o iu lliiiiglax
l.'onnly, Op gnu, ami nil peraoiit lit ln; eluluia
BKalnxl tlio fn I'l t hlal" will preaent Ihc aiiine to
Ihe iiiiiliTxIirneil nl lux icmiIiiih' In aabl
(,'iiiillly, ttlllilii hl. in-in t lit ll'"" llieilutenl
llili uotiee.
N. I. .ill ti l,
llatt 'l ul llol' buri.-, Oi' g"li, lliln J"lli 'lay ul
AllU' it, IVa. A-JVt i
Fall is at Hand!
iiiul nearly everybody needs
Wc have the line that will
happy. Don t lorget about our
from 1 63 eeuts per yard up. Largest Stock aud Lowest
Prices ou Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtains,
Portiers, and complete outfit
I.N lllrtt llil l U t "I III OK1IIKSI.ll.lK
1, r r Iti'- Cmnrly l iit'lit
W.IMttM, II. H klm KM nl I Hill
Mni.i hat,, ai Himnl ul I i. mini" 1
IiiIK K. I- r I le lu el lit Iiik'I lii
I nhiiMly t alntM nut lor Ihe In
. ...inii.iil mi lli. Kiiinl- mUliinl
Inn Hit tell rinliilllM
t .
I., Ini lin.rh iokI Mi. .Inlili llnti li, lit
..I... I ii-l. nil.. in I
I.i.IhIoi lli'i ti ami Mr inlili Hi'-' ti, uliioe
limiieil l'i-(eiiiioil
In Hie iiioiie ft Hi" Miilnnl l'riil"iii )'"i mt'l
, m il l'( lull llt llfli'l't l' illll"l I" Itl'l'fl'l mi'l
niiMi'i il' on plnlnl nli'il niiiilliil In II"'
nliett) ' lUlil' il "HI. tm er I" l""t thv llrl U' i'l
III" nrvl H'K'ilnr I'll" "I Hit" i '""I tnall
M'iinl Hie ..Hi il'iv til l i i mlit'i, I"'1, itli'l II
nii Imt t't iini r lur wniil tin n-"l lti'!
liiiiiiitiu i'i'iyt" tii' ti.iiit I'.riii" it'lit'l
'kiiooi'l' il In Hi" t oiiil'liiliiti 'if l ' "''
mi. nl ol wlilt'h I' li'lloti" llml l Ulrilirt
Imte iiiIkiih iiI ninilnil Hi" t't 1' ii'tioii. J"lo
lint' h, lur Hie "on nl $''''. Willi liit'iit'l llii rvi'ii
Imi" tlteilnl ilitf t't Jilll". v.i,nl t till inlc nl"
i r hiiiiiiiii. U'ulite 111' 1 1- '"ill "I"!
i1IIhiim ui'liH in Hilt intH'l tl'" "O'l t't,'1'
(Ulnr'irv lei , I"' III" liiinl tlf let' luit't'liw.
III.: I'luintlll a iiiiiilsnii" mi'l lur III" mle i'llli''
iimiluni"! 'ti'i"li' III Hi" iimtint'r prut I I lv
lat, mi'l III" i.ll''itll"ii i'l Hi" prot-ffU til
iiii'li miltt, In Hi" t pt'll" i'l -l'l litltt. ti'l Hi"
illriini nl llio niiiite iiti'iilli'i'i'l il'-iiimitl 'i
mi'l Iti" liHlntiiv, ll ny, In city I" Hit' I'el' ii'l
nut, Ji'tiit lliwli. nr l'l Imitl u ii"t" iillltt'.
Ilml Hi" l. I'Hi'lmilr it-1 all i'ttirit t lilinliiK
In. t imiiun ut uiiut'r iiii'in. i' i"ri"i
lilt tnrfM'TlMHHl til nil lljilil, till'' t't liilwr"!, mi'l
niiliy ol o ili iiii'iii'ii t
.la.. nr am lint
nil til, tn t'r in mm itierinnKi-'i
ini in or ii) pan iii' iv'u. i mi i''"""-
ioorlKMvtl ami aiiiimii in in' wiin oi ,".- m..
n-rillimit r' ileerlt'l lullnn: t ..iiini"ii
t In at tli hi: iiirm rt'l lliu 'lliinini TliiMlirr
ilu-.iallnn liui'l eliilnt. Hi rtee. ;t, T i "111 1 "
In I'mmla t 'luiily, Oii-kihi, tlinin" imioi l" 'i
ihiIiiI I'M tanla n.iillln'1 ttlitt'i III" l'itiiplili
lluu b lttr ii Tpa.'j an I Ma-"" iul'1 flalni.
Iiii'in-" wt'l lo t" t Inii't'i til iUiiii, l linn "
Minih almii; tli" ll'"' "t i mil lli to Hi" t all
mil" llii" Hi lliu t i-iit' T "laalil H. e ll llii ln e
raat In weal till" nl til" I'livl'l Itl'li'llour llulia
llmi laiiit t Inliu I'l "''! " lt"l'i llit iit " ri'illli
In mv ctirnor nl mi l t'niui. lli' iuo tat to
iilneeul N'Kliil'liur. t "iiialnliia t"' ii', mni"
ut ll aa. I Ilia mnilllllilia la I'll l,lilltl I'T "10' t I'l
Hull. J. . Ilaiiilltt'll, J'l' t't Hi" iilmtecii
l'.lll.,...U...l '" ',ttM,llf
A.'-.'iv Aitoitii')' lur I'lMititid.
in iimciiu i ir t ut iti ft t nu mi a 1 1. or
l tl, .lll, Int III' I "Hill) "I lii'llhln-.
W . I'. I.i't.l, II ll Kllii'ai.l aii'l 1
I'lill M laeliii, aa Hi" ll"n"l I
I'l I "lllllllulillll't l lll'"l'' i
nl rt Ii i kiI ami l int i iaiti !
I ail'U atlil I'T III" llltral.
"unl el Hi" rmi'la a'lalim
llivrvlroiii, PUintitta.
W ItliAin Mill I" II. l'i limUlit I
lu llllam Mill lu ll, alxi'i um"l l' l ii'lvul,
In lho liniiii'i'l I ho Mlxilo ot "ri,ii, tuii aio
In fli)' ri'i'ilteil to ai ar aii't niiam t ill" eniii
plaint fllol uBalli-l roil in Hi" nl'io" i nllllr.l
aillt, on Ol IM-li'tn III" lllat 'In "I III" lli'alttyil
lul term ( llila I null, li'ttil Mmnlai . llii ..Hi
ilat i'l iH-et-mlM't, A.I', lv, anil II vnn lail m
In aiiatti i lur ttanl tin n-nl II"' I'lulliiliU tt III
ai'i'ly ! tiiu I oiirt I'T iim t. l" I 'I' uiMiifla-al In
Ihu i iiiiiplaiiil, a aiireliii I alutrmrnt "I whli h I
Balullo" I "f piilxiiii-nl atailltl Hi" I'i'l. li.l
ant for the kioit "f I-', ttirli Inti-i'-al tlii-o-'iii
Irmn tli" "llnU)r ..( .Mutual, la'l.allli" !! "I
1 M-r t mil ii annum, lu ahli a i ixia mi'l ll
litiiwiii' nt "I tlilt ami Hint 1 1 atli'iii"' a In ..
I'T Ol" llalial ll. i ll-" lillittlil-lllll I'lalnliil a
niiuUaK", ami lot aali'tilll"- iiiiiiiiiau"l n m
laea, anil Hie t.illt' itlUtll "I III" ipx tili In tin
i.iala i.l -air, Una anil mi, I Hainlllt a .! mmi,-,
all. I llml Hi" I'll' ii'lanl ami nil priwitia i lalni
lliu I'T. lhrtitili "t tin.l. r lilin ! I"rrt rr l ain. I
ami lin-cli'Mit "(all itgM. Ill Int- rrai aii'l
e.tiltv "I iiiplli'ii nl In, ami l" ia"l ni"il
rKt-' I'l' t'lt-'a alul t-ii'ljr I'Hil tin ivul. tt lilt ti
ir.-!iitaia an' 'ha rilH-'l aa rulliitta. In am lho
MK ',"1 te .1 li'llllilili hul Ii". M ul
W illiimt tl" Mi inllan, In Ik'iulaa l',liiil, llm,
' trull, ati.l am li "Hi' r nml liu lin-r I'lift at Hi"
I luilll .lull ii ill "I'liiM" ll'l' ailliiini'lla la
1 ntllillatli.l I'V I'l'I'T "I II" !" ' u llnnllli'll.
Ji, lie "I tin- aluit ' ntsili 'I t mill, 'tali il Ann
ii-l I-'"
t M ' ll A tt fnKI'.
1 1,. lil 'iiK'i lot I'laintlll
Notice Por Publication.
I'M! i .-1 1 1 r 1. 1 ! tirro ,
I:,',' burn. On A iK'lal 1", li"
.Siilli " Ii h'TvI v . I . ii that ll"' I 'lUi'tlt'
HaliK'l at 111' r haa i lul " In i' ul M- Int. Ill", II In
tuak" linal I- tin U'n"l "I hi-llalui. ami
that Mi l 'l. r l t , I I " inn In b Inn- III " ll'HU
draml Hi c-i . i . I niii . -t.ili a Ijiii'I Oflli r, al
iiiel"ii I--, l'i' '"" "" -"ii'i mln r ; i, I vi, t If
Mil t I AM " . I'VM I. I.
nu lluu" Ii a.l I ill ra N.i i, I v., .r tin- r K ' , S w
',. !.'' IpJ. e. il i "', IP Hann a III'.
liilloWili; a. ltlia.a- -i lo pro." Ilia i-ulllltllli"ia
re. I'll I" iiIhiII a'I'l ' 'ill It atlnll nf, aal'l lalul.
vi. .inliu ll ill'ranr, ill l.iMikiii i'.a-a, tMi'it'in .
William Milium. Hat M l" ..erl, t'ljun f Unit -Hoy
ol Warilinii t 'i ..'"ii
t l. liA,,
Al"l hitlaur
Notice Por Publication.
I'M I, I kTall.a I.M1 Ol III K.
Ilii.eb'ii. un ii'iii. Aukiiat , , t-'-i
Nnlli ' l. 7" K by fit' n llml In ",ii'llaii"'
tt Ull 111" pli.t a"'ia i'l llii' li'llll I "11(11.. nl
J.ii"' :i. I-,-, . iiiilli-l "All ail Int tin .ala.'l
limber '.ami- In tin t-al' "t t-nilt"iula Oiremi.
N"t aibi mill iialiiniiliiti li'iilt.'ty, ' a- i-ib mb i
to all Un I'ui'ln I mil Muli I'V if I il AiiKU.I
I, I-'.',
I I I I H 'I I.I.N.-',
of Oak In ikI, i 'unity of 1' i. 'na. Mali ni On gmi,
haa thl. ilny lile.1 in III. orrlei' In ' -toi n alal"
nn ill .Nn bir l!in mri ha e "I lln-f-h"!
.".tll'ili No. a, In I'.i.n.liip .N . Hani)" Nn. i
W , IV . M . ami ti III nlln ,i''l .i alum rlial the
laml I-iii.ii' t al liable ..r it llnila i nr
liTii. Uihii l"r aurli ultnial purpim-a, a.i l bi i a
tubll'h b r r lalni lii'ai'l laml brf 'tn tln-bii i-
I' T Bll'l ll' i I'ltir nl llila nltli i at llnarblinl, Of
("II, "II Iilia.n, I III'.' .Ill ilaT III I 'il, ln t. a'Ja
-.In- iiaim-a aa tiiitira.i-a 1. IV. M aitaut. "I . t , .
Ilulh, 1. It. Iloitar.l, K' Ubi uM hmllh.iil Oak
laml, On K"i. Any ami all rnua t laluiin
U'ltuiaely tin- bImii u ib ai-rlln-i lamia aro rt.
ii ak't I" lib- Ibtlr i Iniriia lu llila nfln u I'll nr
beli'ie "ai'l -.' 'tli 'lay nl 'iTnla r, la at.
J I. IIIUlit.K-,
a IU 10 K.k'l.liT
Notice Por Publication.
I a. ITI b M 11 f - I Mi I 'I ril l:.
Kn-ii biirii, ' rre'in, AUK-uxt 11. a'.i.a.
Nut" 0 I' beit'bi rim il thai In i oinpllanei
it llii lb" provl-bini nl thu ai l ni I'iiiikii'M nl
J'lliu 1 la;a, enliikil -An a. t ,. llir .al" nl
InnU r lamli In lb" Mab-a nl l allfnrnlii, or B"U.
.N'et l un, I WaahliiKb'il IVinlnrt ,
Jal"U J. pl'liii
ol lUiK' ll", l o'iiilv ol I ane. Hlul" ol "n ("ii, baa
till, ibi) tlkil 111 llila "like )ia an., in aiab niviil
No. t't , for th" I'tireliaae nl ih" MV .'4 "I -tIiii
No . i, In 'liiwnalili Nn. ?i h . Kuiik-" Nn I IV.,
ami will nlli r prnvf I" ahotv that lb" laml amihl
la inor" viiliiabb- lor il. llinbt r or l"ii" llian lor
aiTli nllnial nurpoaea, ami In i alubll-li bl i lalni
to a. Il laml U-lnr" Ih" K"i;labT nml It'-f it er ol
tliln "irii " at llnai'biiri;, On ("ll. "ii Wi'llli'-'biy ,
Hie Jiilli 'lay ol Oebiber, la'."t.
lie nuiiii'a ua ivllueaai 1 I I'. Ititii" nl
KiiKi'ii", Or, Jnaipli i.'nnbi of Knueiie, nr..
Obiirk - K. aina nl Oaklaml, in., Jnliii flntier nl
Oh It lit ii' I , or. Any aii'l all i'm.ii ilaimlng ml
erf' 'ly III" boe .ii-aerllai liimla ni" t'-i atri
In rile llielr elalma In Una nilb " on or Ix fnte
nll ilny ol Oetober, ll'.tt.
J. T. IlKIDi.l.h,
HlUI'J ll'glaler.
Notice Por Publication.
I'M I Mi MATKa I. AMU Ol I Ii I ,
HiiaebiiK, Oiegiin, pi , a Ik'Js.
Nolbo Ih hereby (Den Hint tlio follouiUti
namcil wtlli r liua llletl iinlleoot her lntciillnii
In miiku Ii itial iniiiil In iiipimrt nl lu r elann, nml
Unit mii prinif "III In- iiuiilu belnru lho ll ginter
Bll'l Koe'ltvi, 11 n 1 1 ml Hialea l.aml tlllleu al
KoaebiirK, On Kim. "tl I irbilier '."J, IMW, 1 1 ,
tl Ally H. llllllMl,
On lloiiie-iteml iTitrt No VHiH, lot tho N Ii 't
H I. 1 ,'. neu. l.. To ."J H, 11 a Weal, hho linniea
Ihe liillowiiiK it itneaaea to proie lu r eoiitlniinua
luM'k'iir" iipnii ami eiiltlvalion nt, aut'l laml
vlt: John WIImdii, Chaiba M't iiin, I lisrlea
WllioligH. Hlei I ol I at in iim Valley, Oieiiill.
nfti'i luglnlur.
please you and make the wife
for House rurnislnug, at
& Strong's