Tlio I'liiiiuloalor K!3T ADVKUTIBINO MKDIUM I'll'i'l li" I Silt l .l'l 1,1V Hill I Iiiiim.Ih i. ' li I. nil I l.iin Ml.-i I, u. til in;, mil ii)N It V I II K I'lAiHiiiAiin rumcHinn company. Tlio JiaiiultMiler l"OSTKItjf I KtlH; UKAI't-, 1)11.1. lir.Alih, ETC.KTC.iKtl!. EtwuUJ NeiUly ami at Mvlng Hat . Vol. XXIX. KOSKUURO, OKKGON, THURSDAY, SKl'TKMHKR 22, iSo. No. 58. v 1 1 . ' lulling.. .. y ti I I. ' K i. I. Ill il'l I.Kll'.K, NO, 1 1 , t j t III' ll I'l'.'lll'f 1 ''illllllllll'l '"" al ,lle i. il. II, I . hull ii, i " i .i H'l'l imiHli lllllr-lity ll . i- li in n. All .i nil" u r'iIU' l"l In I . i I rM'H nit. ."I I " I t.'H.nn I'l'illii.'M r- 11 I : t I i V 1 1 1 1 ' i ,i I ' I " I . ii v I II tin l.l, K. ICV li Illl'H , 'i' . . .' ,,i . i .1 . ii.. ; : Jit. u t A. M ' u ,, it. i. VS. in .'In n lilIM Hi II .,,,., ii I in llll .I' Hlli' Hull. MIHH 1,1 ,1 i I' I ill ll ill) Kit Hi',1 l'l Kill ii I. C, II, I NNiiN, ! . I , l'l. 1.1. V . , I lllllll'lllll. ll' .!,. i . ,.!,.,. . .', lli'.t I I '.!, V. K ,C .V. M , IthUl'I.At it . i, j i i nit c.iii.U)n lu I 1,1 I. I'UIS I'N, w . .N . I'. Ji rt l .,., r. iiiM.i i vm v: I ".!', , .Ml, i, I. o. K. 1 ,, . i-.ii'il .. i.inliii! Ill l ill I' Wl'Sal Hull ii.'.ii i-i I' l l !.'""' si UmiliUiK. M iii.. ii, i.i I.. i I' i I.' r.iHitl .nunllii arc-lum- I li. ml. j. vv . r I li i ;.'.!., r. u. I , I .. t I I I III.;. l l.i i. .. I i.'.l . !" A. U. ' W. ,1V ,,,,.' in 1 It'll ! tl MnllllaiS til , , . '., in.,... ii ,u !. i'i. l "M ball. ;.. ,.ii t . in ilu i i lu ihii.ii iu lu- ,i.i 1 1.. ...: .i t n t Ml l i' I. M' A It . Ml KIM 1 II R I mill I urn li.;. nl i li luoiilli. ' i '(' . I. I, ll I' i 1 1 ll I' 'I .SD. I ', MKK'H V nn i, iif lull) in v. It womb. t io .1 IU i: . 11 M . i .;, Ml h. M. K. S . MKI.IS II.. i. n. I ." I .' .nil llililt) ul I 'I II AMliliHDK, VV. M. I..: ,1 . V I. A I. I-.' ; ,,,,.! li' K'i l'l. 1 '.'. " "'i K i.i, . t.'i j i "i. I "' I'lllllll fiiiintiijr. ,1,,.,. w-il:i. i... .' I'i ; ' I I'.iit'Ung i:'l ii. ;i) . i. a ii V, irln. c,lt,t.M . : llttO. l'tS ImTIM. mown a Tuuriw, I .tt'inn.y:,;iv , . I'll'l , : ,.i I.:,. . lui I.i; I I.i I. t'H w r u. VIl.M.J. Al tm ii -y uv (!oiiu. i.lur nt Liw, Will r . 1 .' in U l I.' - ' '' "I ll0 HUt-'. "I Ji,. ;i ! I., i ;(l,.-l,.i . Ii ii;1i'3 fiunt) . ll. 1) Ij l'ilATl OUl . Aii-jiiK-y at .'.'.. t .'; i. i.tMi.nt'ini. mi I 1!. UDDY, AUtiiKy-;it-I.;iv, ltii-l lll'lli.. OltK'iM.N. s. M. 1IAMUY, Dl-NTIST, i . ' . '. i. .. in i l.ti Kill !.. UA V: HIUDl.n, A L I. n ii V ut Iiiiw, i v.'.;' - i IT i;d. Klil'llU, ul'.KiWK. ; V. i'.MN'.-JON, All"l 1H I. ,..:: i .".I .' K. . ii it I. 'ill III Kj l.l'.l K .. UUKUuN A. oi. cnAvroiti, .Vtlonu'v at Law, ll,,. .in t , M . i-i. is Kl.lg., KOwBHUKU, OB. f&r-ll i .in I" I in I ii" l'. I ttii.l Oflli'O III mui.m: r i.- ! a inliy. I.ulv Kt- 'IviT I'. 1. I.mul OIBco. Norllicni I'.uiilc KailroaJ Conian. Aio Mv'lltii : tii U'.'Ih to all puintM l!at ut ll.lK tltl iivul.T l'l'". I). S. K. Hi UK, I..), .il No. , MiimtiTB lAiiKliuu- V UA UKOWN, M. U. ill I i''.:, ..'i Jin I..HIU HUvvii ul ii'i- l I, lice ui M i'. J. llluvr, UUril.UUKU, OJt I,. MILLIiUl, M. 1)., Surgeon iinJ llonuxiopathio lMiyHiuian, f ,) l,ift;, Orrjun fy.Jlirnut ) illmiui'iii MuwliiUy, m xfafjsm .' &v ymis( nCONOHY n ARK 1ST I. UOMI.IIAUliN, Proprietor, ll' It Presli anil Salted Meats, SM ICON i l ., ItO 'l.lll 110, Oil, STRICTLY ITRST.CLA5S. f McCLALLEN. 5JKD. V. ( . WMl.ALI.E.V, l ro.. UCAS3UA&TCA8 rOB T&AVSLI179 UE1T. It A 'l'l', w ii;aninaiii.ic. I-Kllfi', I llli' H,uii,li Ki.iiina. Kn'u 11 ua lu mi'l 1 nun Triiln. &0SEBVS9. 3 1 1 COMING BICYCLE tiii: 1 rescent j I,adks appreciate the s absence of a greasy 4 chant and clumsy, rat tling chain guard ; also tin c:mv.riiiiti!iitr rm.-iH. . fJ . ties of the Crescent i i jcvei-gear. A. C. fIARSTERS & CO , Agents, t1n,nli,,,,uM Am Great Bargains At Demi's Variety Store... See our Special Harguins in (llasswate, Lemonade Se I s , A 1" te r u oo 1 1 Te a Se t s , Fancy Glasses, and l-'ruit Jars. IINWAWI'. f-i.Ti.) cii.n mi Li. V. I', 'u , 1.1 1 tit Hv,, elo. Wl UII anil WILLOW WAKO. ( li'TI'ln Imtvlii, lilittri liiuillili' nriil Intllt'f, lllotvil' In IllUrll I . -k c t -, Itit i, inlllllln. ftU'l I'tLkfl.-. .tAIIONLKV. HmIiiii'I nl'ioii all Hit ll'.U' It , I'VIH II-, Kll", UA, lUIICllaf " t (' CHINA. Stf imii ixNi.' files mi nil I lilim llm Hmi'l i liiu tlintivr ul i' n't, M'al Kti'. lulu ami Ituiiati'Ui' clilim iliu mi an, Uim Ii, itiiKjiU.'d i limit nlti noon tra atitu, 1'itpa anil tituct rf, )illy Ulalaa, liulUt tUli, tit'. NOTION. Hair illia, alju lolill.i, litfjlti 1'iut, luiWl "i. ltd W o Jo juht u we aJvurtint'. All llii'iw tbiotfn aro tv ln lui'l at I lie ovl cash iricca at Demi's Variety Store, RoscbufR, Oregon. B huh i.i. , Iluiiiilnn louuly. Orfjtou. I liu ttul' is ul Huso M'ilnK niulalu ; lotlluc, Unniiliii', I'lilaaMinu, Ihu nitmiiali'i ol liuu ami Linn' ami i hlinKlin ul ( ak luui, MaRiicaluui aiul isudiuui. Ouo Ki'iili : cmiliiiiiK I'ii an, I Ui" ullii r uvir ;tiJKiaiun ul nullJ miilkr lu I lie kUou. Uitalcl tin tlir Niullinu Vail Ilu Kallmail, "rtliiuu i.iulu " I mm ban fiam.l6t.ii to I'oillnuJ, lu Jii'Ulni i on ul , Oitguii. AKKtiit ali'tl chsi s ul lllii'iiiimliMii, NasHl l a Imili, ( nlnrili ol tin; M.'liliu'li, l) -pt'isl. lia ti. U'H. Nt'iiniltiH, Malarial I'lilsoUlU).. ht'lnet Iruulil.', ('iiiillintlini, Hmtawa ! llio hklu, l.ltrr an, I lion el., auil eni'tval ilist an a have Iki'u enrol I'JT tlio uau ul iluno ttaliTf. N' tv bath ru'inn ihiiiiii rli-il with tlio main IiuiMiiiit I'imlollU'D anil l.xpn is mi tho I'lim lit". Daily mall, uurtli nmt miiiIu. Trrmn-ftU I cr nn k, f J trr ilii)', lutln.lllig halliH. Tlio Hotel la iill'lcr the lunuctllatu kiipcl vls luii ol c.n'T. hi:m. ii. iiohwi:i.i., ui:ta7 Maiiascr. J. F. BARKER & CO. Want Your EGGS Ami BUTTER. Crockery and Glassware l l.argi'nl mnl Mueat Aanoi Intent etc ibrouslit lo llonuliiirh' Ainu a complete ltuoot elioiv'O GROCERIES TOUACIDS AM) L'lliABS All kinds of Country Produce MRS. N. BOYD , ?iv ml BKHil' MENTION. IJitro UroH, urn tint )( tnvri lianta. i'or a kooiJ 5-ccnt i Ixar call on Mrn.N. lk.yJ. County c'laiimi and r nrrinla luiulil hj V. h. Wtet. I oi liml Ikhm ilfiihitiy m, i'i ii , l.iltlo ol Ouklanil. Itn.a in Inlluitii viirii ty ul Aluxaiiitir ! ie SironK'n. Miicnronl In hi ikhiihI cmt'iDna at .itflttr'a nr'M'cry. Key Went, linntrl nml iloinualic ciAia al till) IloHtRf. Kiilu a CrviH'i.'iil lilrv. li'. Tim ivy riiuoini', ilurrtliln kiii'l. ('ainji iijtiipiiiuiit, tiiijvoH.'liiti Ji in nun, tei.ta, etc., ul Clilin.lull WuulUy V, lo you tiiiuku.' H no, avi Hit Arliu tigur al Kruno A M,;uii!.rijl(H, nolo hkiiU .Morgan .V W'rilil ininctuio proof tira at Ilu- Crowfiil Uyclnry, ts.50 fr iiuir. 10,000 limn Haul."! ut Hid I.08H toro to wli-c t Krual liiiruaiiis ln-Iurc it in loo lalu. Al OitklaiKl, T. I (iuvch is nutliori.eJ to ruceivu unit rn'Cpl f r aulicriliouHlo tllO l'l. WMtAI Hi, Tim S'iuru )cnl h'.';ro Iiiih ju:t r)K)ia'il U) n I iMDtiliil linn i,l V, I.. IKju!a eli'x'rt, which irov to Im tlio In-al eliiKJ mailt'. I'oiiio aiul iiinpti l tlicui. tor price ami iuulily call nl W.u oKI original htanJ, I renli uii'l iliietl Ir.iits, candy ami huIk, iam mi l toiiacoo at priced to anil nil. Miih. H. JC.m ton. So Uico A Kiev, IIoiim; 1 iirnislicra, (ur every tlin in (Ih lnriiit'iio Jim, Inri'ol atock nti'l liiwitut prict-H, just rc- ceivotl a cur loaJ r K.istci n aii'l count (iirnildii. Sen ut) (,ir liaiifniiiH. llcitiomtiT t littt Ir. :r.tu;' i i n per III .t n ' I, I lit nf K'jtintiiir;.', mnl n not litiru leiii,ij,n ily,' li) (ull.t ivjiruiit3 all Lia wuil. aiul li. io ut nil Huh-h to llialr tr i.i'l Ins jmi t'nlit.f l ul .ll ili'iilio- try. M'IMl' I'llllt) I'Ml.'. I'll IH iul.llillliM reiiicly Ii.iI'imi. h i!iu i-i l'l to pro-ln. ita i itn uii I',',; prijilut it. I'ruvcbt ivc aii'l line lor ail ili-iaM"! of fnalu liuaraiittcI uii'l f-ir rulo lir 11. M Mur tin, Hom-lmr, Dr. ruita o( clvllit", nil wikiI, heavy wei'itu, t'i.oii', n piiiu I'1- lijjb cl'illies (rum il t'j I I yi-.iM ( r ") auil f.'. Ilalrtull itylfb .i:ul .1,! ,rn fur y'y, rt'KuUr piiiu ft ''0- AK llici ijo-mIi urn only ti be louinl ul t lie I'.lH.h Muiu. r. W. Iliiiniltuu id tliu .ucrtldiy ol tha UoarJ l V . ti. K.iiiniuin .Sui cous for reuoioim ut llorclmrt;, aiul u!I coiu luunicatioii uhoulJ lie u'l.lrc. tcil tj liiui. W. S. II.viu.roN. Sccrclniy, K. 1.. Mu;, 1'rubitlt'iii, I'I. I)f, Trcitaurcr. 'y tliu Kourd. lvt ilont'it ol ilinft! Koutucky made pauta, mi'.st n.tul uii'l well ina'le, no eliojilv. Also u few ih nun tviiiiioii'f, ini'ii h, tojB mnl i l.iiiMt-n I binir, ri'uu- lur womeM. Ilnl lui Miiibliinc aiul aliadu, uu'ki ivcar (or li jt ami cold noallici , ami variouii ot'ucr utlii ku ut living priicp, ul ll.l'. Munttin'a. Car load ( clolli in); uud liala juot ru- colvcd at tlio liosa t jre. TI1C6O goods weie onload Jiiccl doui tbo lactoiies bvloio 0 uuticipiitcd of HclliuiS uut, and aio offoied I'i tlio public nt cutt. Li at tit tin jj clotbinou the coaet, tsylor luadu uot excepted. Call and ciauiino tbvui. Our bats aid tliu latott biyleu mid are worth double w bat we offer them at. Ilosa BronK. Notice is hereby given to the public by tbo uudersiirued tlt uot allow dead atiiiuuls to be buried on my preiu irtei, at Koecburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped tbercon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking Band or gravel lust contrai l with uio for the right to do so. TrcaapadKers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aauo.n Itosu, lioaolmr;, Oregon, March 17th, 1885. The daylight ride along the Columbia ean not bo but interesting at this timo of tbo year, ras.iengcia taking the Spo kaue i'lycr, leaving tbo Union depot at 2: 13 p. in. dally, got this vIjw lastiug over live hours. Hut that is not all. Tlio O. H, iv N. give through son ice to Spokane, and a direct couuectlou with the traiu from Spukaue to Kootenai country, l'uluco slecpcia aiid modern coaches operated daily without rbange. Travelers To Spokane, To Kobfeluud, To I'aloiiHo Toa um, ' To Cootir d'Aleiiu Tonus, To all Knateru '.-,liii)gtou I'uiiitB. To all Northern l laho I'oiuts, Take tho O. U. A N. Spokane Flyer, And Save Time. Leave Union Depot Daily ut p. in. V, 0, Lo.soox, A gout, Koaebnrg, Oiegou. .Shasta Limited Is the namo of tho only purled traiu lu the world, uow niuuiug every night between Kt. l'aul mid Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukeo & St. l'aul Kuilway the pioneer roiul of tho wott iu adopt- lug all Itupiovod fatalities (or tho safety and eujoyuieut of puosotigors, Au illus' tratod pamphlet, showing views of boau tiful Boeuery along the route of the 1'io uoer Limited, will bu seut free to auy person upon lecoipluf two-cout postage stamp. AddivBH ileo, II. Ilead'ord, Onn- oral l'ubseugur Agent, Chicago, III. Tho I'hlllpplnfS. Th (ull.ialiig coaJeusvl and valuable Information coowtrnlni tha I'iiilippine IslAtrls bm,iiyil gUauad Irjm racsut Correipiuduiicis recelv!il by K-l-tiivo of Bildicr boys at Manila: Tune la coat lu abnudante. Woiueu cbsw lb bo 11 uut. Tlia rial Ives am splendid inutkiaiie. Coppur cxis's In lb Inland of Luiii. The sugar crop of !S!'7 aan IdO.IHO t nw. Clnl In n mttfii'l :!i'ol one Ii ur cirll day. 'the natives aid small, sto'ii, itcilve and wiry. Clerk 4 warn Irno fJUOJ to tV).J per year. Almoit every imtno oam a liUliug cock. Uutter Is imioill from Ixikdou In billUs. The island of Mindanao is etual in sizi lo Cuba. The iKiptilaiioii of Mauila is placet at UOO.OOO. No one hurries or worries in ths Philippines. Manila has a catbo-lml ihsi col M,- o:ixio. I. iiieiivs yield the goveruiiienl f 1,(XI 000 yeaily. M eel aovut ') feel and sidewalks three feet wide. Mevicau tilycr dollars are largely iu circulation. One tobacco factory in Manila em ployes 10,000 band. lu I, U7. in eveiy prospect pltae, only man M vile. lu richuess the I'lulippiues are tec um! only lo ludia. Timo ia leckoUfd by the sou aud moon, as iu China. There ara 70 volcanoes in c n ri:aii t uiuptiou on the ialaads. llio naiiyes have, includii.g vuuda)S, l.M holidays each year. Tne 1'hilippiuu archipelago has an sua of 1 1 1,000 siUar9 miles. 1 ho old cily of Manila ii surrouudiHl by stalls 10 feet thick. I.cry!x.sly tides io Mauils; thousMiids ul carriages till the streets. fruit is not cultivated, but rows wild in abundance sud variety. The island of Luori etjuald tliu area of Cuba Hi.d l'uerto Ki'jo. Iliusestf pretentious are limit in ll.e Mot.ii itfb style of architecture. The native are a proline race, families rangiugfrum 1 to IU childieu. Luzon is oOO miles long w ith a breadih of 130 utiles at its widest part. Tha rainy season isIu4Ji midJlo ul June to the middle of September, The sum of .',501 w j I provide a na tive with a dwciliiig and ample furni ture. The moat toulherlv of the islands reaches within four degrees of tho cijuator. The l'atig Is only a trilling river; 00 or 70 yards wide, and perhaps IJ fett deep. The laws relating to the property of man if d perrons are entirely iu tho wife's favor. Tho present loidigu commerce amounts lo f30,000,iOt) iu exports and $.'3,000,000 in Imports. There is not a farm o:i lhaislauds that will comuaro with the worst on the the Auioricau cjiitineut. Clerks work from daylight to uoou, rest two or three hours, and then wmk uulil 5 o'clock. Oue of (he stictt railroads iu Manila is provided wi'h Auioricau cars uiado in Philadelphia. Iu the valley of Cugayau are immense tobacco fields that rival the famous Yuella Abaja to Cuba. Weekly Crop Bulletin. Western Oregon Weather. Thore has been li'tlo variation :u the temperature during the past seven days, as compared with the preceding seven. The mean tempsralurd fcr tho week averaged GO, the same as for the precediug week, ami 1 higher tbau for the corresponding week of the last year. The highest tempera ture during the week was 83, on Friday, and the lowest was U, on Tuesday oioi n- ing. The weather was generally clear, with more or lees smoke. No ruin fell uulil Sunday uigbt aud to-Jay, when from thunderstorms .01 to U.'j ut an huh fell. The thunderstorm of toJay was tho tlrat this year, which was more than purely local in the its exteut; it was free from wind, but little thunder was hoard, aud only a few Hashes of sheet ligbtiniug were seeu. Such, how ever, is the character uf the tbuu.ler storms in Oregon, Crops. lloppicking is about over Tho weather was favorable (or the work. llopyards have been picked cleaner this year than for several years. The hops ate iuvarlably reported to be clean and tho yield satisfactory ; by the close of tho present woek all hops will be uut of the way. 1'iuue drying contiuues to be active. Complaints couliuue as to the lack of dryers. The weather is extremely favor able for tho dry iug of Iruits. Tho gralu crop has been secured aud working summer fallow, plowing and seeding has commenced, flowing will uot bo geueral unlit more rin falls to soften tho ground. It is geuerally con ceded that tho aphis did considerable damage ti spring grain, aud that it was fiuhur injured by Hie hot weather In the fuel half ol August. Corn in riotninu : I 'id cron 11 tcrv jgoid; a ainull ainiiiiit of corn I" grown iu Oregon. The potato ij'tp it very largo and digging Is in prices. The veetablti trip H good. Apples, p"uri Hud grapes are maluriujt. IIih wrather fan bin idiHl for Ibo cloning of tint J or's harv(.. Returned from The War. My pa's a great Hough Kider, He wai one of Teddy 'a men, And ho fought before Cauey la the trenches and the feu. lis came homo sore and wounded, Ami I wish you'd see him cat; He's got an appetite, I goes, Is pretty hard Ui deal. It's eat aud eat and eat, And it's sleep and sleep and sleep, For lua wou'c let ui make on noino, And so we creep and creep. Oil, we bade him welcome home, And we're glad he wasu't kilitti Hut gee! he's got au appetite That never will be filled. My pa was in the racket, He heard the Manner's ting, And he says there's scmctlitig awful Iu the music of their wing He fought tho light with Teddy, Uut he's glad he's borne agaiu from the trenches and lbs troehaR, From the hills and from the feu. Hit it's eat, eat, eat, Aud it's sleep aud step and tlcep, He's kind o' stricken hungry With an awful sort of swee,. Hut we are glad la have hini home, And we're glad ho w jsu'i killed -Hut gee! that awful appetite, It never will be tilled. He says he caught the fever, And he had tho ague, toj; And he kind o' gut (he bomoit kn Aud the wattiu' made him blue. Hut whoohe reached the ttatiou And we saw him at llu gile, We weretho lappiesl family Vuil could liud in hII the 'ale. Hut it's tat, tut, cat, And ii's tlcep aud eieep and i Ut p, His huuger ia abidiu' Aud itV lastiu' and it's deep, For ho live J so loug ou bacon, And he tlept so long ou mud, I guess it, kind o' tilled him I nil o' hungry, sleepy blool. My pa's come back from lighting, Which ho ssya was mighty hot ; Aud we're glad to have biiu home aguiu, Aud glad be wasn't shot. My pa t a great Hough Kider, And he he.'ied to hold the hue ' When Ihe Mauser balls were ieapiu' From 'most even treo aud vine. Uut it's eat, eat, eat. Siuce he came home lo tlay ; Aud it's sleep and tleep aud sleep, Bet he'il sleep hisself away ! Uut we're glad he wasn't killed Hut, gee! that awful appetite, It never will bs Oiled. I'tilliiiiure News. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parlies holding Douglas couuty warrants in dorsed prior lo Oct. 17, IS'JI, to pre- sout tho ssuie al the treasurer's ollice iu the court house for piymeut, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this uot ice. Dated Ibis the i-'d day of Aug., !S'.i8 at lbs City of ltwoburg, Oregon. Hi:o. W. I Mm miik. County Treasurer, Douglas Couuty, Or. Lidies, buy oue of our Fin do Side combs, the latest novelty iu hair dress- iug, does away with hair pins. At the Novelty Store. T.ove ia Ihe sun woman's life. Its d v n I n i is Ihe tuaiuen 's tender ''' sentiment ens into the affection of the con tented wile, and reaches its (rim ions noontide In the happy mother. Happy ruothethood is a Hue man's loftiest ambition. Her highest pride js in her htness in fulfill this grand and facifd destiny. Nothing m clouds una darkens her cslstence us to be incapaci tated for this noblest of womanly function! by weakness or disease. A woman who aurTers fioni ny ailment of the delicate special oiganism of her sex, feels something more than pain ami physi cal wretchedness. She is nuiiiihrtl with a sense of womanly incompleteness. But no woman need remain uniki th cloud of misery and diaaatisfactiuu.. I't, Tierce's Favorite Prescription positively cures all diseased, faiudiuons nnd weak, nesscs, and Ic.lores rnniplitc health and streUKth to the frminiuo orcaiis. It is the only nirdicirc of its kind ilev Iscd for this one purpose by an edue'aUd and ex perienced physician, iiiul cniiiu-ut bpteialist tu (his paitieulai fit-Id uf piarticc. It is the only lueiliriuc which call be relied upon to make the ordeal of motherhood ahsuluti ly safe and ulmost painless, " 1 1 Annul say too much tor fv. Piri'.-eii Kavor ile Prescription," writra Min eliivo iluiul, of J)iiOj!t'iKjtt, M.nitgomciy e'o., renu'a. "1 feel it my ilnty to say lu all woinru who limy he suftrr- If g any illscn.c of the wonili t il is Ihe itl int'tUciiic on rnrlli lor thrill to use. I cannot fraike it loo highly lor the good It did uie. It' ii y one iloutus tin. (v tlieni my uauie anil atltlms." lir. Plerve'a Pleasant l'ellels regulate the sioin.ii li, liver and bowels, (if all medicine Utalcia, V I sT AN fi ft A X V at I a r m. r r-m . t icw itore i A FULL STOCK OF Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and 5okl TAVLOR ft WILSON CLOCK Low Prices! Free Delivery c ASH IS KINO! The C. I. ..DEALERS IN NO OLD GOODS IN THE STORE. Jackson Street, FIOUCD P. DC I I (WIQ Opp. Review Building. NOIIL.I. Ui ULLLUWU. Fall and Winter Goods Just Received and More Call and Examine our Mammoth stock. SOMHTIIING NEW ! NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS! EVERYTHING NEW! The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a fine line of Millinery Goods. Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and cxaimiuc Goods aud Prices. Whiskers Amputated WM. Work (Juarantccd. Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. Have on. nctl ii New Lumber Yard uu the ground formerly occupied hj llio Mark. Warcliuutc, ul Ihu loot uf Oak Direct. W ILL CARRY A I'lIX STUCK OK FIRST-CLKSS LUMB9R.I We are ireparcd to give you Better Lumber and Lower Frle'ea llisu auy lumber dculer lu (lie elly. We kiudly Invilu uu to call and Cu our Lumber aud Price. itttfti iti'i:,'oH, SKt t new uoousi t : - t K. Store, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Men's and Children's Hats. Coming. m WOLLENBERG BROS. With or Without Pain. BURNS, Opposite tlie Depot. PERKIM5 & BLEDSOE