I REMOVAL CLOSING If you want Caro I'UH eiiAlNDKALKtt m;i'h;mi:i;k p. isvs. i i .1.11,1 i I in ii' II nun i ul Mui i nii'l I nut .,..... Miii.l.i s.m li v. l'raelilnj. ''! . utt i .id n. hi.. Wnlt.tli ri liic.l, HI a. lit i Y. W Wn.illi'V. Hut-Mtlti ii 'n "I rink IiiI!uk al , . ul llm H.'.i.iiiU mi vice; Kpwoiih j in. Ilnttl.t (....Iwy. IVoi'l' nl. I'myi-r Mi .lli.K. W "liu' lay. l '' ' r '" ! yii i!'K I.. M it . I .t"i, i l'..tvniii'. "ii"f Main mil lain-. ! ! I'aaastiaatAU i ur in t .' "I "J l K...o.lH ' l. Knu ly rt.-i I. v: I'lil'l!" lili. j m and 7. .HI'. : l""1'1'11' M '"' m'; I v V c i.ii' iii. ri,.' mm-uh w'.iiif U),; :i p. tn u. 1), I'.I. AUMH. I to' I Ilk (Mill. Ill I I HIV. I 1 III I I .11 I 1 I IIVI ' II I . . . Ml ll n HI n'i'l . I vl.i i IlilU Mi lli Ml 1 1 .111 '. I' I I'm. H . r.i -i in. i , i ii i ' Mam in i- i "" huinlny lil'Hililia !'l ' ' " ,la . mill; I" "' I, III. I" II'." . I" ('. in I a nii'l j I mi l I. Hiith f - II t II Mill I ! I 'HI' (. . tlllll"'llll ll ll'tlt . I 'II lUM I"' . Ml-l"tll M.I I I lllll iii'U,. i -1 1 1 1 .- i.ii, I nil' i. Mn : ul l'i I'.i I 1 1 in i . in ! Mil I III 1 I W ' j i- : . i i i ii. ii i nii'i . i ,ii.,n , D l ; : , "ii" in. .t.i ii 1 , i . mi. I" r i. r. in i, pfuiiiitti w.Ulnii.il- i Hi ,iild iMli'eii oilui'. H"t llio .niii nuii'iinc. in""'""., HatdiuH, tl-jka ami )'") iiiuoi , . .1 .1 If ..I ... .il ri. .tll. ULIaIiIiI I 111 I'l 1 11 l BhIIIIUI llillli-i ' . ' ' j A abaio ul UK) Ciini'i-. luirniiiKu lkiU"l. o- LOCAL MAN'S. (nut in ulafa j-ira al Ziiili't'S I iobIi gincety. 'aMI.Ii liu-) oiiu'i 1 llC I'llBH , lii'iiitj 1'iiit'H (. iinribill in,! mi Kiil'i" l inlniii ut I'Mi' i i rlrlllli out ill b.u U- Call nii'l Imi rniivinrnil. ,uI!iv'h liimcr irt krt buay iitlllig nc ii'i I'" iliyrrc. Clack In ji iiJi) iIichh nkiitii uinl iiioici-n iimlurekii 1. Nov lu.i- nltlm NoVi-Uy : Urn'. l.uti! iiollakcti nwli.il "''i iidvcr- lining fii'.lllllllll Ml'r.i.U'lll. I'lio Ho lllukl' I !i" " Aiiii'," tin' t,c rinr ol t'.io yen. Kr.r'c-A .- 1 1 ; ml ouh , nolo HKl'lltM. New iiIdlI. nl I ulii'H -ni'l uuifui's' liuu hIioob, nil Llio l iti'i't "lylof, jut ri'ceivcd Ut I'll I I Ott Hi OH. KiiiiKO to Kent. Oi ili tuko atock to I'iihIiho by tlm ii k nr month. I'. '. A i iint, Mi'lrotc. Ml our kooiIh uio now uml nl tin) lutcil Blyli'ii. No ahoiwoiii K'ioiIh nil bund ut I ho I'.ourt Mull'. Tt'lllM, coin, llllll cliiiim illid u lull i.aiiiinK millltu can bo loiiutl l Alex Budor iV Mionn'c). Call ut tlio Uoiiti Mo in uinl niiio tlieir HooJh, and you wi'l lt f it j-riyi'il to find tlmiil ut inn li low linrcH. A l.i io an 1 lino iiuuiii tini'iil nl t'hil ill cu'ci uIiocb jiml iccnivc'd ut 1'anolt Hk'U. Cull mid i;i'o tliciu. Moiii'y tt loan nu i ily nnd country lroirly. . Ui". MaratoiH' ItmldiiiK', liotmbui-Ki l)r- W'hiit uvuryoun eayu niiml bo tiuo. 1 bo clioiicut ol luim mid colfcca in to u t Mn.i, II. ICm iun'i-. I'ho luluio in uni't'i Inin, nut II " lvi'iii your lilojd 1'ino with llood'a Sur eaiurlllB )oii may bo uuro ol irood bealtli. I.adiuti, buy oiio ol oin l iu do fide coiubii, llio lalnsl iiovolty in Imir dnBH iug, docn uway willi li.iir i'iiii). At llio Novelty Stoio. 1'or ih icih mnt iimlily i nM t tlionld nrigiiial bt.iml, I iohIi uml ill iod IruilB, nuidy mid inilM, i i u j mid tobiicco ut nriccu to mil all. Mum. II. Mai ion. Tho W. C. T. I', will hold t icgulur iiieotingH on tlio Hccoiid mid louilh Thuiailay o( every inunlli l .1 M . ui. iu llio Kpttorlh l.i'ugiio room ol tlio M. M, tliuri'li. Sjwiuu niiicliiiii'H, Bowint; iiiacliincH, Howiui; iiiucliinc'ri ut Aloxuiiili'i' iN: rjtronx, mid tho liL'til of tliciu ul Unit, muring iu prico from f.M li Uimuro li bco tliciu bi'foro you buy. I'p lo dato doiitiHliy by lr. Mungo which lumum tlio bcul mid lutcul liiiula ol work nkiUully caidfully mid propoily liiHtuted with tin uftur troublo, but pop (.nl H.ilii-fai'linii. Try lr. Klraiiuo'n iin.iiiilii ,m riu nu, tlii bi'iil, liilrul. mid iiiohI porfoct iniiiK', SALE OUT SACRIFICE ill 1AB OF HI ! BARGAINS, call at once at Bros Boss Store. Tho ninth giado ol Urn l ily schools begun Hum today. Mm. II. A. Champagne nl NHh Dcei Creek In in (In t it l I ay . re. iCi-uiii mui tvifu Iiiimi i oiin noil from a visit tn ni.nl inn.!". V. II Mui. lit I. , nl Cleveland, tttttft caller ul iIiIh uIIi. k Saturday. Itev. I. M. Mandeia, ol Cleveland, in nil. i lli:n city u v ii'ii Saturday. F.k-1 Vuiiij ttirviyur llaydiu, as jolly at ever, um in thisrily Saturday. Mi. mui Mm. L S. Moiiigomfry weut to i;.n I'l.iu I'iihh.Uv. Ail. land Town Talk. j Viul. L. .S!ct'.ii:ir will ham tharc ! c,( llio 111)1,11 lille hoola which I ' ll ' tii liiy. T. I. Laline, wh hai betn tinting in it i.i count) , It'll for hit homo in Mori 1 1 in.i today. Mum Aim h i Inilin,; . nl I one bin i, i , , VlUI'lllg fl it'll'! " III .V lll.tll'l. Nlllll.llld 1 1...M, 1.1.. i I I'nf. W..I. rjlUrmm will Lav : i -barge j i n' ii lot in nl l." 'l. I l" i'l" " ' I "I rOiluYlllll t'la . lulni II. ."-Iiui'it lu ilmr'n I Hi! Itl'.IBIltCI 'r ollli ti illirillfc' llm llI'M IM U ol l ien ill , r 1 '.iii'iiH k . 'filln' i-i'.iIh li i. lui " I he l.iln 1 1 ," nl I l.n oj.oi m Iimipv Mual ( f I l.iirnliiy liinlil. N'plemtii'r '."-''I. l'rul .1. !' I old, "ii'i el Ijik1ub 1'iiuiit) ' Mint'l fcllc.vlul tnnulicrs, wanii J caller nl Huh ullivu Salui day I . I'.. JciiiiiiiH and li:.iily, nl Table ' , Koik.KIl .Moudav l"f liii ir i.ow In mr, ul illmi. -A liliiid lown Talk. I'oinc an I Louviiici! iiiunoll, dial sv ibi'itn iiuuiuiss ttimn wc ay o.ir I'liure ! atock luual bo Bol I. Novelty Mom. I'rof. . C. Iliowu will lirtvo cliaiu ol j , tli acbool in Iho Pixon dielrict, oil i :ltcr Cici-lv, whiih npi'iiB today. , ! 'ou will not know how much Kood j ' ll'jod'a Saicapaiilhi ill do until you try j it. I'.av ii but tie 1'i.l.iv und I t'tiill to t.ikO j ! I J 1). Mil l.ilialian, who ban In'UU J viiitiiii; bin hihtcr, Mia K. IIoumIoii, 'returned t) hi lmm in l.op'nr thiB ' mui niiiK I Mint Millio Knli-'lf pined tin outi 1 iJ'jMobin I riduy, on her was to 1'oll-j Uh'l, whoic o'.io rf'ioi I ) icfuino her lllUBU ill uiudil'B. j i . I'. lUirdull, of I U toil, Wiifbiug- ton, purtli.iHud tin) Hildcbraud faim on I Joiilh IHit CiitK, and will l.iko posohb ion ol tho Briuin nl cih'i'. I MifH l.uura .loiu'h, edit ir ol llio liaiii j Watch m mi, looked iu on us atnrday. Tho pu't!cuco of MioB I .an i.i in Hko unto a roliiTbinn whowcr iu a dci-ci t liu l. Mm. Homy teuton, mid ilaiighltT Minnie, went to Albany on tbia inoin ing'a local. Mit.a Minuio enters echwl at Albany, and will inalio hvi houio, whilit lliore, in '.he family of lov. , in ick. Miea l llitf NVillix, one ol iMudua cnuiity'a iuohI BucceeHful tcrtchora, will loavo Li Maiuhtiid iicnI Tburuday, where nlie Iiub been vnaKed lo tiach tho lull Kim of school. Tho puticnui of tho Bcbool mo to bo conrutulated upon uecuriiig heuoiviceH. i Tho Jofl(ey-Murvii) dramatic compauy will produce, in this city 'lhuradiiy uihl nl lliia week, tho nieat play entitled 'Iho Signal Liberty." Tho blowing up of Iho Maiuo mui tho dt'tiliuctiiiii ol eVrvera'd llout , m o uuiottg Iho Bcenea ol lliij t'oat play, aud are iu u panoramic (oim. lio uud eeo ' Tlio Signal of Liber-ty." Yo Schillings xcei T I'. I. Miiwi-iy f ' iil.liii.il a in tlio rlly H.ilur.ljy. I jubtuiili i) i !ki .i iil.eiiiu f"t I'll ii, Ih, 111 tliO N'JVclh Muli I'nlk liall I'iiii I'm.,', 10 renin 'ni duu tuilil Hull), nl tli i .N (vc'ly f I jr". No HiIhIhI u Mill I ii ni.i'lj I'V ImyiuK yunr ili'iil.il 'ii il'iiui In Ii. Miancu. Mm jn I, in,,-! i t li.i-i 'jir.- to i'a if.iiiii.i w!,i mj !!". '.w!: 1 1. I'll I '.liu njiitor. ll. Il.liill' M lili'l Mlu i'l lili li', usiloJ llio l.iiiiilv i I I . V . H i i'il In IIjib city S tl ll I rt v . K A. Ii'.'.ifi, ill AtiHliaiii'H wutc Iiompu, IniMiliity, .'i4iii mi 1 nil kiuili) ol fn rin I'H.dr.cl ). I'ioC VWii:l.l imil s id- nl tiliilc, njiulil i"4turilus mi I uii liy uitlirtU 1 1 V M ill UllH I I V. I'Sllll I'lll'l I'll '-.:!. Ul.'l il'l kllnlli ! l.'iin .f,iii If, , In .ilium'r n ihiIhiiii I', i; . . . i 1 ,.n.. i MlI'M I II Ulilin '.Mill I I Ujtl'illllg .Sin l.n , i, . ii inn i rovi' Mi' ".I'll.' r. l'i I.iv. -fiitiait1 .: i' i' i" l,i " In mi I'iIiui I in ', y tn Tu'i'i.l. II ti,.i' i; c. I'.tvi.i lodav in' i IlillllilC'l li.it- ail at co" I N I.'. I',i ..I.-. 1'i ti mn in . etc. C.i! ll.'n I y n;,i k ol i I r I .arguiu.". 'i . .1 1 M. I'. ii'. liil r' 1' i.ii i! i.i IV I'M 'ill IniililiiiU I . X U III I 111 I rct-idiii j ' .. tilli e, Mai ' lei i ;icr Main and I'.ihh Blrecl . Mre. Mn ,1 .I.i ij ii, i ' i Kjae 1,uii'. wen- th" i"i. hi ... I :i.. 1'ijnaii j In' In-l I ' llllJ laillli) mi Vjllil l.a i" ll"l I I of tli,' wi i-k. - 1 r. l'iiel'I ." '.ii : i . .Mr.!. v. K. yk,n an I liiii-i i-hild of li'iielmi rauiit iIoaiiiiii l!ii lieil'lilU B local a if 1 urn ii'h1 at lin 1. jiu.: of Mr, uud Mm, .1. W. K iyi Fugi'ii 'iuitnl. Couuiy I'liatiiiiiT icu. I 'iiumick and will) went I i Lint in M!ur.!.i , lo ttciid tho fuuiriil i'f liuu. Unity I'oLiav. They will I'luba'.ii lemam tl.reo or f..ur i days. Miurl tii'Mitidn I'o'.tcr went l.j I 'rain ! this ruoriiiiii, wlic'c hU' lm ac pie. I a ! BltUAl I 'II Hi' a lll'.l"! I I 'rain N. i ii I .-. !") i ! i.ii .ion 1 1. a1. . I.. Anii.,;tiie, I bin bmitlit ll"' ' I I xl ! id net: on l'i 1 1 cel. ,iu 1 1 ,. '. in,; iii.i-t", I., udcltji.u e Middle; I 'oik nl (lie creek. ! section, and al the inouili n j Cciuille Herald. 1'". K. Coibii.ui, pliysu iau I Ollico in Taylor .V VN iI.miii and fciugciill block, re i'l- ili.-nce, Mci. laiieii uoure. I'li.feffcional piompLv iiu calia iu town nr country invered night or dav. t.co. W, kiini.all, who h.i:i been spending Hie aiiuiuu i in .Wilaud, baa roturued li.iino to Kjaobni,'. Mr. Kim ball ha: many ftieudi hero. --Valley Transcript, A'dihtud. linn. Ji. M. i.ttch, fc ju Jul. u, uud daughter Mi? I'rniiiic, iiceoiupanjed by Mra. 11.11. eiitch u l Mui Lulu Cur tiu left yesterday fi i u cauiping irip iu tho I'.jhi'it.m dii-l tie! -- Cntl.igo (irovo Measeugor. An piideii haunt 1 i or -0 ' iicrea o ele.ir or easily ih'.ued laud f.ir talo near LoHchuig wiili uiiull luunin s'.io.im, or Biiong rpriiig uf goo I water, will pleaeo coiiiui'iuicale wi.h Mf. Alice iieorjje, I'lain. "legon. Aciy leauair, iccepliju waa tin - deied Lev. uud Mn;. A lMugla:.', by Ibeir fiiend: , ul iho ictj..leuco of Mr. and Mib. I'. I', l'.rowu last l'liumday evening. Keftehlllctlly wcro ceived audu very,.,.:,,!. i,uiija a solid foundation pleaeant evening wan spent iu welconi- iugiMie. l,)iit.'hiH to Koachurg. k7D in IB The Uniform quality of tli c work manship in our clothing i one f it:i :.lioujj point). Jvtcli jj.'tnjicnt i:. its curt fully cut it ml tailored throughout as though made to order. See our new Fall Suits. JOSEPHSON'S. Hon Henry llccklcy Dead. Il .ii IKiiiy lii klt-i , ol Llklou, died at Tlio I '.i 1 1 cm, nhorily after ini.Iniililh l urday nurting. 1 1 l!i houm a few da.m it,'.), in ixiu.paiiy w i ill hiedaiirfbtera Miti-iH M.jllio and r-JUiilo llccklcy, nod Inn iikcl'B, Miefi'9 race Hockley aud Leon Coi bin, ou a v.Mit lo hie old home, iu Mniurl. tho piriy weia joined at I'orilan.l by Mr. Uixkley'a ecu, James, who in coini'aiiiti'l ll.eui Kanl. Mr. Lcckl-y kh lak-ti i' k abort y after li.iiin 1'oitUiid, au I wh'jn Uio liaiu ar rived a'. Too I'i Ix In) loft tin train iu otder tilnvo Iho c im -om i.i a phyaiciau, but h i died bin. i. U alter leaving the ttaiu. Tne le'naiua ure hrouifbl back t il.lk'oti, ali. tn tin: Llm rat an 1 inter iret,! Uk.V place yettenUi . M-. I'..tk- ley was a pioimrr ol iMiiglaa cnunly, ' Ii.imi. came toiii.-gnii in l't": Ho' . m,i li'itn in r-. w i:.i Ian I county , Indunu, : .laiiuaiy It'i IftJ.', and rein ive I In Mia- , jm'iii. In. in which )lu bo lame lo Oie- ' .gnu. lie wa marned to Mua Mary WnnUon ill Volnaila. ibia cntllity, .1 nu-! tlnv I till, isi.i. lie w.s iLit father uL thitic'ii i-liil'lieii, tl eii ul whcuieUi-' vie hint. Mr. Leckley ionk au aciivo ; j pail iu iniiu'y aH.iua. an 1 at dilleivut ': j tiim- wan vtecied county cetnitiiivioucr, : rei.n'M'iit ilive and ulalo senator, lie i Win mif nl llm ruofil auci easlul hubiueea uj -ii in llie c'.'.in'y, and leaves cntieider- . . i. i . i.f.. ..i i a'i.e properly, ao a lenun ! a nn- "i m duolry and hmiHHty. HalMieaa boat of liiwnl.1, wlio mourn hia death. W. .1. llrown, the retiring lur.ncr ol the well-known tirm of Heriuaou A l'uowu, together with his family, will leave for their old home ut Oakland, UjucIm county, Minday. Mr. I.rowu Iub proven himself a very conetrvative and practical buaiuestt uiau, alwaya I in bia dealiiig-t, accoujiiiodititg, t J Jcl .1 iiiN'riic 1 1 ul the , a"1 courteous loan, inoinuiiiy imm , risuurg, is a turtle larui ol wliieli UUl lil - 1 iniri l i) 'h Ctipi-' iL.u'e a host of friends during ihcir resi-1 ne ,ag oeen said, yet from w hose ponds dcii. e at tbis pluco, who deeply regret there has been shippad to city markets a i itie.i ilopatltiro. ineir places iu i lie bxialaud hiiainehs ciicleaol cur nty I will I.-) hard to till. Mr. l'.rowu contctu- , plates catting his lot iu ll joolulu. We wish I hem hapioejs and prosienty in their new homo, wherever il may l o.---Myitle l'oint lCuterprtfitv Cam l'i J'.hni, ut the l'.-s More, aro elof-ing out their buBiueBs preparatory lo reiiinviug t j auothor tieid. Tuo Curo's Rie pioneers iu busiuess ut Hoseburg aud ibeir removal will be.piitoa loss lo Heeo burg aud Douglas county. They luvo concluded that il w ould bo beat lo closo out their business as much as poeeible rather than to pay freight ou Iho goods, uud our people will gel tho beutlitol ibeii- sacralice r-ale. iee their new ad in this iSblUi. Mine Kmma I. l itherlefl fertiales viilo tiuuday uioruiug, wheio aho has bus been engaged to leach the fall term i cf school. ! K. aud .1. 1'. Sheridau weut to tho itut,t.mia iniuiug district l'riday to look I tlrt) , iVr miuiug iuteret-ls iu that loi-ulity. j l. it. Ouuuou uud her mother, j Mrc M . L. Lewis, left Minday for Ku I Keue and l'oiHand where they will vieit j i let.ds. ! jiu, i,thi uieilii mo you can take is that lor liealth in pure sopurilla. rich blood -Hood's r-'ar A P Vl If ?1 T tm x - MENS Shoes That Hake Pricnds are the only kind vc wish to .sell. They arc the only kind we do sell, and with each pair wc sell wc make ;i tiew friend. They are not only stylish but good clear through. See our Shoe line. AMOUNT Ol- WOOL Ubl;U. Oregon and Washington Have Seven teen notions on Hand. I'kr.nu.ioN, V, O: Wooliutu, ahbougb they have been leudiug loaardtf advia lug grown to coiiBigu their clip, are not )tt aeetintig any Urge amount ol wool. 1'iaUically no wool uiouug, aud grower remain undecided as lo the advisability of accepting I tie oilers made by bouBea that want iMStHgurd wool. It is uudomtool thai titiprcl deals are being figured on, and may (ructlfy in Something deli mln Witt many daya have gone by. Woliiie:i Here liguriDg loilay on the clipa ol Oiegun and Waeb intoti, and liuria oblaine.l l-r the various poiuia iu Oregon were: I'ne lallea O.'JO.IKK) -jundn Arlington, Ij.'IJ.I.KM pouuda. Ileppuer, ;;,0y0,000 tvtA(. l'elidletnu, I'.OOO.OIJO pouudB. liaker City. OOO.IM.'O poundx. K'gin. l.OM.OVO wootia. Li ira'l I-, l,lJ,0j) poll i ll . Liaijtou, Hhrc ii hau.jl jd much woo proui Oregou Kl.eep, liOJ.OtnJ poun Ii". Willamette valley, OOO.OOJ pounds. Total for iegun, lO.lJO.OW pouude. Wiieu WaBbiugt'ju'a clip ii added, tbe total swells to about IW.OUO.COJ pouuds. It watt thought that at Icinl ir.UOO.'XK) mjuii.Ib were reuiaiuiug in Oregon and Washington, Iroui thit ycar'a clip. I). II. Clatkij, roptejcuting '"ilbtiruiau I'.rjlbcrn, said today that absolutely no thing baa been done lor weekf, beyond the consigning of aome wool lo the Last. A Turtle Farm. Four Uiilea north ol Juuction ou tbe Ioaj runoiug between Mouroa and liar good many t url I o?, wli'jeo delicate tlcdli bus added U the llivor of tbe muchly loved cjusoiume. The f irm id owned ,aoa njauaged by O. .1. Campbell, aud be has beeu engaged in the enterprise for noarly three years. Mr Cauip bell raises tho ualive Oregou turtle and haa on band al present about UobO, of which loOd may bj Siid to be youug Lverv year he eends ineu out to the pouds ol l-iiiic, Liuu aud Hougluscouu tie j aimed with ueta and other devices for catching tho turilea. LViteue Guard. Accidentally Shot. Mis. W. A. Toaraoc, who is operator al the station at West Kork, dining ber husband's absence while he ia oilicial iug as S. I". station ageut al tilendale, took a spiu on ltor bicycle, Tuesday, along the track lor a few miles, and had j a pistol iu tho pockat of her dress lor protection ou Ibe trip. hen a short distauce from the West I 'oik station, ou her return, the pistol fell to the grouud, aud ia btrikiog weul oil', uud the ball made au ugly Hush wuuuJ iu the leg aud ai iu of the ladr. blie wr takuu to tbe sUliou aud her injuries attended to. Ash la ii I Tid;ugs. Ali kiuda of stamped prices, NoNelty More. goods at cat A- li s. J buy .'i. BIMJEK IIUKMANN HONOKtlD, Union league Tenders Him a Hnpiet mid Reception. I'.iii, rr lliriimun, Uoiniui'finuer vi tin) (.wt.itml l.nlonW, tl u tf'itri of lioimr Ml y lml.itmt ril rctllbD Kivuii by On' Union lgn Club Imt veuiiiK. Tim lo'it m glvwu lo tba Conn rylory Ml! o( ll.t l'alace Uotel. Tbie mi IjII.jhiI bv retention in lb rnui of llio t'olon I.gu Club, wliicb tii kttetulmi by the meuiber ol lb iitjwlv nrniiiAwl 1'nioo lxn Prill (Jorii an well a llio vliili member. It a 'initfl a lrn yttlietig, and tba ai lenity ball ol llio club waa cuuil-xUIly lill. wl'li liuo-ta. L'miiiiiBioii(r llermaiiu a iotro-di.to-l to tba gathering by Groeral P. CbipuiBD, a bo teatified to (all tba good wotka Hcvoiupliubvil lor California aud Urn Pacific Coaat by tlio itemlaioan wbo be rireeutod bia dialficl In Oregon tu the Homo of rireeenlaliyea. Commit aioner Hermann retiionded iib a bap py ,rediclioii of lucceaa for the repobli- can party at tbe in Xoretuber and with a eulcgy ol tbo admlniatrAlion aod rieai'lent McKinley. Other ablietaea were made by M. hi. Kites, (ieooral W, 11. L. Baroea and J. C. Campbell. In- troiluctions and handabaking followed tin) uratory. !an Fraociacu Chronicle. Remember the Maine" I bat tbu above caption is engraven on tbo heart of every American citutsn is eieiuplilied iu tbe auccesa of Joaaey & Marvin's scenic production ol tbe great American play "The bignal of Liberty," which will be produced at the opera bouse Thursday evening, September '-. Tue play deals with events that were big with history io tbe war wilb Ppain. Tbe Maine entering llavaua harbor, tbe gunboef Wilmington quelling a riot in llavaua harbor, with her machine gun. The explosion and wrack of tbe Maine; the sinking of the Merriruac iu ..Santiago cbaunel; tbe bombardment ol Moro ceitle, Santiago, and tbe deetruction ol Cervera'a Heel by tbe Amerkau Bijuad rou, combined wilb a s!ory ol intense heart iuterest, all goes to make an "en scuible" wbicb cannot fail to touch tbe hearl of tbe theatergoer of today, Ibe cj t'pAuy Is said to be a strong oue, tbe sjeuic eli'ect.1 umurpaased, and in conse- .pjjuce tbe p!ay of "Tbe Signal ol Lib erty" will do an enormous business at lb) opera bouse where it has an en gaetuent of oue night ouly, Thursday, September Two Fruit Dryers Burned. At au early hour last iriday morning oue ol the large fruit dryers ou Ibe IS. C. A gee fruit farm caught fire, and the fire being coin inuuics ted to an an adjoining dryer both wer) horned to the ground. There were a large number ol em' plovees ou the arm at tbe time, tome engaged at tbo dryers and warehouse! aud others in picking fruit, aud ail hands did what they could to Subdue the 11 nues, but wi'bout success. The fire was also communicated to the large warehouse in wbicb was stored 10.000 pounds of dried prunes, tut tbia building aud contend were saved after a bard libt. Tue loss amounted to about f 1200. No insurance. Mr. Agee has yet three large dryers, and they will bo (axed to Ibeir utmost to take caro ol the remainder cf the crop?. Rumored Railroad Changes. Iu railroad circles the air is thick aod heavy with rumors pro aud cou of a con lemplatod change in the present arrange mout of the division of tbe Southern l'acilic Co's railroad. In aome quarters it in assarted that a change will bo made by the lust of Ibe coming month, but Mauager Koelder and Superintendent 1 ielda, who were on tbe train tbia morn ing ou their w ay lo San Frauetfco, say that thoy do not kuow of any contem plated change iu tbe running of the di vision. Aehlaud Tidings. Wednesday evening alter school Mas ter (ioorge Walker, aed years last February, youngest eon ol Mr. and Mra. . Walker of this city, was drowned in Ibe river just below town. Joet be fo'e aupper Mrs. Dickson eaw tbe lad in boat opposite ber house trying to pull log out of the brush. He bad a rope attached to the log and was atandiug in Ibe eieru of the boat evidently trying to make the aauio fast. Mr. A. Flanders had baeu at work btlow bis house and ou comiug to supper noticed tbe boat adrift without the boy. He at ouce gave ttie alarm and a thorough search was made iu that vicinity for George but he was not found. , Parties with boats dragged Ibe river near wbero the lad w as last seen uutil uearly iniduigbt but with out lindiug the body. Yesterday morn iug Iho search was contiuued but up to time of goiug lo press it had still not bceu found. Mr. aud Mis. Walker are anion, our best citizens aud have the iv in ual v of (he entire community iu tbeir bereavoiueut Cotpuille bulletin, Judgo Harlocker returned from Gravel l ord Tuesday, aud iufurmed us uf tbe accidental shooting of a sou of L. Crib biuB Monday evening. The lad, who was about 10 years of age, was in com pany with an older brother looking after sheep. They separated for a few min- nl.ia u don t int nl Imt ona Intard the re. port of a 22 calibre ride aud on going to see what had been shot fouud bia broth er w ith a bullet hole in bis braiu and dead. The family live at Kuchauted l'raino ou tho Middle Fork. Coquille llullclin. Bicycle Tires. the Cbaee, tough, tried and puuetur proof. For sale by T. K'. Ku ii uinwiN, Itoaehurg, Or. If al BMhaa tfea t4 sure, wfeatowaM aa4 eclktea SfVA! Hr.af parkin arrm awn m f VMM, Longs For Oregon Apples. Io a teller to Dr. W. II. Taylor, under dafa of Aoguat 5, Hon. John F. Caplee, United States consul at Valparaiso, Chile, writes tbat in another month spring will opto and be will be glad of it. It has been a little cold there, which, however, would not amount to any thin j if they bad Ores in tbat country. Whenever tbe people gfel cold in Vtl- pareiao, they either put on more clothes or torn on the gas. The Judge also w rites that there ie little other than tropical fruit in tbat country, and ho longs for a good, juicy, Oregon apple. In referring l tbo war situation be write! tbat tbe J'.nglish population of Val paraiso ia very anxioua that the United Htatea retain the I'bilippine. ItwaiaboJt tbe 1st of August thai Judge Caplee received ropiew ol tbe Ore gouiao containing au acconnl of Ibe re publican victory in Oregou al the Juun election, aud he eipriweus bis great eat iafaclion over the result. 1'orllan d Telegram. Doe Creek. We had a small ehnwer a fw da ago. Tbe b. I'. K. U. spur track ia ready 'or use. (ieo, W. Uiddlo'e grocery storj is in full motion and is doing a .rushing busi ness with Joe Wharton as head clerk. Wood cutting ie going on in a beaineiH like manner. Bert Adams visited Kiddlu today. . Jenkins visited t.leo brook the otlur day. Fred and L'an li'Jutley were w en mi Doe creek last week. KtruiiTk.il. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ueward for any case of Catarrh tbat ear.not te cured by Uall'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CUE.NEY & CO., Trops. Toledo. ( ). We tbe undersigned have known K. .1. Cheney for the last 15 veare, and believe him perfectly honorable iu all businea transactions aud financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Trnax, Wholesale Diuggiet, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan it Marviu, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curv is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the sysleio. Price 7oc per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test moniala Iree. 1 1st of Letters Ueuiaiiiing unealled h.r in tlm lo--burg poetoQice : l'eraoua cal iug (or these letters will please state the da t t ou wbieh they were advertised, September loth. Tbe Mler will Ije charged (or al the ra'o of on cent each. Clarke, Miss Jean Neo'y, Miss Ke'tie I'al:utr, Mrs. louisA l'atton. Mra. Frank 1'bilipe, Mrs. Kd. l'olls, Harry W. Dodeon, Iert Granby, Mrs. H. 1'.. liaradou, Wm Housboldtr, II. ti. Harmon, Kuesell 1. Stiue, John Leech, Marget Wise, Walter D. 1 l'kg. Hadley. Mrs. Walace Wm. A. FllAlkK. S. P. Uxcursions. Special rouud Irip rates lCoaebiug to Hob well Springs and tvtuin: Good goiug on Saturdays or Sundays aud returning nut later than following Monday f 1. 10. Good going aud returning at any time with limit of ticket :10 da s il.Hi. The 1.10 rate was formerly good for going trip on aiuruaya ouiy. tueae tickets cau now be sold ou tSunday also. VAUllNA ANU UtTlHN. Koseburg to Yaijuiua Uay aud return 4 good until Oct. 101b. l or Over lirty l ean. AN OLD NI W'kLL-TllIKU lUMCUY.-MrS Wiiulow a tiuothnig Kyiup lias been ucd for over lilty ycare by millious ot uiolliera (or their children while teetUiuj;, Willi iierleet auvccna. It loollici tho child, aolu-ua llio guuik, allaj all palu, cure wtu.l voile, aud Initio best remedy (or Dlarrba-a. U pleaaaut lo tbu laato. Bold by drurinti iu every I'art of tba world. Twenty- Bvo vuula a bottlu. lla valuo la luealeulable. Bo sure aud ask (or Mrs. W luslow'i boollilug ?yrup, aud take uo other kind. Bargains! Bargainsll Bargains!!! In piauos. organs and musical goods. Bicycles new and second hand at the lowest prices poeeible. I have also got about thirty thousand feet of lumber which I have taken in trade for goods, and will sell cheap, as I am not in the lumber business, T. K. KicuAMUsoN, Koseburg, Or. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kin. You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t