THE PLAINDEALEU rublUlitd wjr Homier end lliutaday Br TBI rL4I.NClAUR ITBUf.UlNO ll'. B. V. BIRAlFOKl) . f. Y. BENJAMIN" Editor . Mminsvt, nabairlpltou maic. One Year His Motilha Thr Moo (In . II :5 ;s tc sErroiDKR it. ism. A CUTli MOVE. Count; Clerk Uailey bu made urand iUnd play for the approval ol Uie tax payer of the county, and at tbe same time made a wove which be uo doubt tbiuki will prevent any material reduutiuti ol bin r-alary by publiebiug a sUtetneiit iu which bv plt-duce to itturn lu tbe cuuuty treasmci the buui ol m year from liia salary cf IJoOO per year at county clctk, and a letter which be claims to have written to Kepresenta live Wilson in which ho asks hiui to in troduce a bill nt the conilun eeeeiou of tbe legislature, reducing tbe salary of the county clerk from $2MM Im er to f.WO ier year. What uiatnauimity bo shows, lie will dining his term of of lice turn into the couuty treasury out of tbe sum of fKKW, which he will receive during bis term, tbo uiuniliccut sum of $300, and keep tho balance of H300. lie cau get along with that. lie doesn't say aulhiu about the sum of tlNtX) ptr year lor tleik hire, making a grand loUil of f for his two years term. And this is the mau who two years ago made bis cauvas of this county as a candidate for state senator, and pledged himself iu almost every school houre aud public hall iu tbo county, that if electcJ to the legislature, be would use all honorable means to re duce the salary of the county clerk to f 1200 and amend tbe law eo as to allow the clerk but one deputy, and who dur ing the but campaign pledged himself if elected, to make the saiuo reductious in the excused if tbe otlkc. And this is reform according to the populist idea. Well, Mr. Galley will be beld strictly to bis anti-election pledgee or we lniss our guees. Douglas county Las one man in the legislature at least, who will not so readily fortet the pledgea made to the voters of the county, and that is Hon. A. W. Heed, state senator from Douglas couuty. The republican platform on which beuatu Keed was nominated and elected and which he pledged himself to carry out, declaied In favor of a reduction of the salary of tbe couuty cierk. to fioou per er, that he be allowed but one deputy at a salary of (S03 per year, and pledging the candidates nominated at that convention for tbe legislature to use all honorable means to make such changes iu tbo law. Mr. Gazley when be accepted the of fice of county clerk knew that Senator Reed was pledged to this reform, and that as an honorable msn he would do all In bia power to brine it about. All this talk of Mr. Gazley and the Ke view about tbe fusion members of tbe legislature accomplishing anythiag along this or any other line is silly and they know it. Bath branches of the legis lature are overwhelmingly republican, and any legislation by that body will be enacted by republicans. Mr. Galley's gentrous offer to work for $2250 per year, or rather to draw that amount of salary while his two deputies do the work, while the county treasurer does all the work of bis office for $1000 per year, and tbe county judge all of the work of his office at a salary of $1-00 per year, makes one smile. The county treasurer does more actual work in a month than Gazley will do during his whole term of office, and every one who has been about tho two offices know it. Besides the county treasurer must give a bond of $30,000, while tbe clerk gives a bond of but $10 000. The county judge for a paltry $1200 per year does more actual woik ten times over than does the county cierk and his responsibility is oue hundred fold greater. When we epe.ik of the work done by the clerk, wo mean the work done by him individually and not by his deputies. We have had consider able business with all tbo departments of county business and with the excep tion of the couuty clerk's ollice, which draws $1500 per year out of the couuty treasury and at least f'QO per year as fees which are not turned into tbe treas ury, that the county officers aio uot, in our private opinion, overpaid. There should however be a readjustment, nut only of the duties but of tho salaries of tbe sheriff and treasurer. The treasurer should be made the tax collector. There is no seu se in haviug tbe tax payers step into tbe abei ill's office to pay their taxes, which are immediately taken by the sheriff and paid to the treasurer, Why not have the money paid directly to the treasurer by the tax payer, and thus do away with oue set of books and the trouble and expense of keeping them? There is another thiug which shows tbe absurdity of Mr. Gazley'a proposi tion to donate to the couuty the sum of $250 per year, and that is the fact that the county treasurer would Lave uo uu thority to receive it. The couuty has no "conscience fund ' into which it could be turned, and if be did take it be would bare no authority to pay it out for any purpose as there is no such fund provid ed and no law for its application. But the legislature will no doubt help Mr. Uazley to keep his auli electiou promises by reducing his salary to $1500 per year aid relieving him of oue deputy. If Mr, Wilson aud his colleagues in tbe lower house will assist Senator Heod iu this aud other remedial legisla tion they will demonstrate the wisdom of the voters of Doughs rounty In elert !ng tlii'in, but, if like Uaaley, thev shall give Ibe ixople a itona where they promised bread, they will receive tbe severe condemnation of tbe members of all parties. We shall see. Why should the county clerk receive f2Mj0 per year salary, or even J2000 per year, as Galley wants tbe legislature to 6s it, and $500 per year fees, for doing nothing, his deputies cau do all tbe work, while the couuty treasurer, coun ty judge, assessor and kauperintendeuts schools each do all tbelr own work, and uot one of them uceivea slaiytox ceed$l?00aear? A good reliable, competent man, who knows what be it talk lug about, told us the itber day that be would agree to do every lick of work iu the county clerk's office and hire all the help be needed for $2000 per year, and that he would nive a bond of $10,000 to do tbe work properly. He sa s the work is not over half what it used to be. It is a prominent fact that all thess democrat aud populist pspeis which ad vise their members of the legislature net to vote lor any kind of a (republican for United Slates senator, also advise the republicans to caucus on l uited Mates senator aud recommend II. W. Corbet t as the proper erson for them to unite ou. Why is the time of oue competent offi cer worth more than another? Why should Gailoy receive $2500 per yer for eittiug iu his office from 8 a. ru. to 5 p. ui., while the county judge, county treasurer, assessor and school superin tendent keep the same office hours and receive fiom $300 to $liAX) per year, 4 It is found that the judicial oath is a barrier to the senatorial aspirations of Judges S. A. Lowell, Robert Lakin, M. C. George aud other?. Thev have all taken au oath which sas: "I will not accept any other office except judicial offices duriug the time for which I have becu elected." As both tbe republican senator and the fusion representatives are pledged to reduce the salary of the county clerk front $250(1 to $1500 per year, and to pro vide but oue deputy at a salary of $SX) per year, it ought to be any easy mat ter to give the taxpayers that much re lief at least. borne one said to Col. Kooeevwt: "You must have been awfully bold to riJe up that hill at Sautiagu in front ct your regiment." The colonel replied : "Why. I bad to ride like the devil to keep from being run over by my men." No man dislikes you so thoroughly as the man to whom you have loaned money, unless it is tbe man who you helped to get a fat office. People who go away on a vacation to rest op are good tdr nothing tbe last few days before they go, and for at least ten days after they return. Tbere is no special call for tbe "fool killer" in this town, the cigarette is do ing its work all right. There is nothing which makes a msn so disgustingly conspicuous as a case of swell head. TONQUE'S VIEWS. Representative Tongue on the Mcara gua Canal. HiLLsiiOK'j, Or., ept. 1G. Kepresent- ative Tbomaa H. Tongue received tbe following from tLd New York Times: "Tbe events of the war, and in par ticular the voyage of the Oregon, have giveu fresh importance to the plana for the construction of the Nicaragua canal. We feel that tbe public would be much interested to know the views of senators and members of congress as to tbe exe cution of this project. The New York Times would be pleased to receive and publish your answers to the following jUei ico . "First Do you favor the prompt con etruclion of the Nicaragua canal? "fiecun J Do vou favor the principle of the Morgan senate bill, by which the United States government will become practically tbe controlling owner of the American Usual Company, aud under write tho company's bonds (at a low rale of interest; for au amouut sufficient to buiid tho canal, thus practically mak ing the canal national property and sub to national control .' "Third Do you prefer that the govern mcnt lend uo financial aid or support for tbe construction of the canal, and that it be left entirely to private enter pride. If so, do you think upon this ba sis a prompt coustructiou of tbe canal is probable?" ICepreseutative Tongue replied as fol lows : "l-'irst -1 wont em piratically do. I re gard this improvement as the most im portant that can bo commeuced and ul timately achieved by tbe present admin istration. There is no manner in which the United States could expend the same amount of money and entail so many and so great natioual benefits. This is especially true so far as tbe Western portion of the United States is concerned. The seat of empire iu the United States is moving westward. Tbe greatest devel opment iu the United States in the com ing years will be the West. Eventually the commerce on the 1'acifio will rival that upon tbe Atlantic. The trade be tweeu America and Asia will gain very largely upou, aud eventually equal that between tho United States and Europe. We are iu a position to hold aud control this hade. Iu the main it should aud will be ours, Nothing would help to briug about this result so much as tbe couBtructiou of the Nicaragua canal and Hit intention of tho Philippine islands. "To your, second i'ietion: Permit me to say that I have not studied the par ticulars of the Morgan senate Mil, and without doing eo should not be willing to commit un tell unreeervcdly I j all its term. But I desire tosvolbc vaoal constructed and controlled by this gov ernment. "To your third quesUuu ; I do uot be lieve the coustructiou uf the canal whullv by private capital, without Kf i nuit ut aid, is probable for yean to come." DEATH ON THE YUKON. A Oloomy Picture of Dark Arctic Life. "Almost dally gruesome cut pees are borne past wastes of Arctic sceuery on tbe broad bosom of the Yukon ; strung along the Asbcroft trail are over 000 prospectors reported as Uiug destitute; Imprisoned on Kalyuu creek are 500, without fuel aud without niouey ; tho hospitals la Dawson City are full of ty phoid fever and scurry patieuts.' This dark picture uf glooiuv Arctic life is drawn by. I. F. Mahouey, who !!. jiut returned from Dawson. Many of th miner along tho Ash crolt trail have lost their outtlts. Some are raid to be actually starving. They struggle along in a da.-.jd couditiou. They eat gophers, grouud liege, squir rels, or anything else they cau get. They are hungry, desperate meu. No hope glimmeis iu (rout of tlieui. "Tbe condition of the men ou the N u kou at the mouth of tho Kaiyuu is near Iv as bad." said Mr. Maboney. "Unless taken away the whole colony will s'aive This river, which is 200 miles below tim ber line, was boomed by the steamship companies. There is scarcely a color aloug tbe river. The incu who rindicd in there have uo tuouey aud cuuuut get awac. Tne only wood they uio able to secure is driftwood. When tin river freezes (heir last bopi' is gone. 'The blackest pictines of infcrto would scarcely couwy au idea of the suffering ol tho ihht mcu who e trugged wearily aloug ui.lil Ibiy luxe dropped dead iu tlioir tracks. Ibe mighty waters uf tbe mysterious Ytikyu, flowing silen'iv aloug, impices . one curiously. 1'he corpses picked up U'ake oue shudder with diead. Corpses pas in the night. They nat-siu the day. No man know a the number of victims Floaters are paeseJ without the a'cimers ever taking tho trouble to blow up to iu vestigale. It is terrible. "Men stait out to tloat down the river who are never heard of. 1 ew people realise the immensity of that couutiy Tbe mouth of tho Yukon is ') miles wide. There is scarcely any cuneul. It is dotted with tboutaud of inland?. To get lost among litem is worse being lost in a desert." Mr. Mahoney sas he counted t7 steamers while making the trip don the Yokou. He ears at Dawson there is a colony of 50 Pu (landers. None uf them are getting rich, jet thev have very good health. tie says tbe passengers who came down on the steamer Corona feel very bitter toward the captain, because, of al leged ill-treatment. The steamer took ou 500 passengers at St. Michaels. A bum ber of tbe passengers paid $70 each aud tbe captain agreed to refund tho differ ence u he sold a ticket tor less, u is claimed be sold 130 passeDgers tickuts for $50. Tbe passengers would not have kicked on this point if tbe food bad teeu good. It waa so bad that Mr. Mahoney savs they would have chastised the captain except that he lauded iu a lirit ish port. Portland Telegram. Day and .Moore Out. Washington, ,ept. ltf The caliinc". waa in session au hour today, Alger be ing tbe only absentee. Secretary uf State Day tendered bis resignation. As sistant Secretary of riuia Moore also preeented hia resignation. The iustruc tious to the peace commissiou were gone over for the last time aud approved. The peace commissioners will leave for New York at 1 1'. M. eurouto to Paiis. Liquor Dealer Disappears. I'a.t.Mieeo, epr. 17. For tvutj- four days John Wolf, of this city, a wholesale liquor dealer, has becu miss ing, He was last seen in buutheru i e gon with considerable mouey, iu com pany with a. comparative stranger. He should have reached KoBcUirg on Aug ust 17. Douglas County Leads. The Kural Northwest ol Poitlaud tayd . "Douglas couuty will evidently coutiuuc to hold its own as the leading prune-pro-ducing county of Oregon thia Beaton. Marion county will take second place this year, after which will follow in or der of quantity of productiou prohubly Yamhill, Lane, Polk, Liun, Clackamau aud Benton. The relative Blaudfug of iho other prunegrowing counties is bard to dotcr- mine. They aro Jackson, Multnomah, Washington, Wasco, I matilla, Union, Josephine and Columbia aud, to a quite limited extent, Coos, Curry aud Lin colu." New Bulldlnga. T' . Douglas County Bauk building iu beiug extended back to Main street uud raised another story. F, I , Patterson has the contract. We understand that other aud extensive improvement will be made in this block next summer, at which time the Pl.unhkai kk Publishing Co., expects to join the procession and construct a new brick office building on their property at the corner of Main and Oak streets. "The Signal of Liberty," at tbe opera bouse Thursday. September 22uJ. "Remember the Maine." Mies Nellie Short of Wilbur, U visit inj in the city rodoy. 1 he County Clerk's Salary. Couuty Clerk H alley hands us a ropy ol a letter written by him to W. W. Wil son, the popullnt representative of this couuty. and also a copy ol au affidavit, or ccrtitlcate, sigued bv himself, with the tequct-l that thoy be published. We ttke ovvaslou to refer to them lu an other col uiu u iu this issue. The letter and affidavit are as follows. Ivoi-Kin ltd, Or., sepl. 15, IS'aS to Ihii. W. W. Vilnon, Youcaltu, Oiegon: 1 KitM Wiihn ; Alter my congiatu- latlous tion jour splendid victory last June, ttie next thing lu older is to form ulato p'lana by which the taxos of loug- Us couuty cau be reduced. You doubt- lees recollect that in my canvas I favored a reduction of the countv clerk's salary. I am of tho same opinion still, and I sincerely hope that you will iotroduce a bill lu tho coming legislature for a re duct Ion of tho clerk's salary fiom $2,500 to $2000 a yea , savin; $ -00 to the tax payers yeaily. I will gladly turn into the county treasury at least $500 from my salary during my term ofoffi.-e, I aliM hope to see the IVmglas county del egation do nil thai they can for there enactment uf tho mortgage tax law. lu'ioctfully submitted, F. Gailky, Couuty Clerk. 1 heieby ctltify that I will turn into the Douglas couuty treasury from luy salary dui iug my term of office the sum of $;00 ou or lieforo the lirst day of Foti uaty, 1S'J'.. .1. F. Gazlbi , Couuty Clerk. bnoru to aud subscribed belore me thii I ltd day of September, 1SI8. I.S. Fiimuii, (."eii!' Notary Public for Oregon. (Ilcndalc. Ibe lileudale aud Mt. Keubeu road, of which I'cwcy A. Mnitb are the eon tntctcr, u ueaiioK completion, and tbe uiachiueiy lor the quart mill to be erected a I thceo iniues will so)ii te hauled uer ami Uie work of construc tion nill begiu. These mines are now einpluyiiii; large force of meu, and are a great tuiirce ol revenuo to Soutli Doug las. Thai they aro itumeusel.T rich there is no doubt. Tire mausger, W. It. '.'lie-, ii in charge, having lately ar rived txith his wifo aud child rtl), who I lutel Clarke. Mis. A. P. Laugeuburg is teaching tho Foil un brauch school. A. K. locum, uf the I'regouiao, will epeud hia aunual Nacatiou at Glendale with his parents. Mis Addio P.ailey haagoue to Kosc bur-w litre shu will attend school this wiuter. hue will reside with her sister Mies .leuuy Clarke left last week for au extended visit with Mr. aud Mrs. Beau at Portland. In company with Mrs. A. Slocuin we spent a day hug to be remembered at Boekdell, as tbe guests of the Ked- acids. Mis. G. W. Muitb, wife of our station ageut, returned home this wmk, and Mr. fcfmith is the proud papa of a 'baby boy, who waa born at Drain, August 2Mb. I. I.. Ddwey spent last week at this place looking after bis business inter ests aud greeting his many friends. A. i. Clarke, who speot six months at Copper river, Alaska, arrived ho sue last woek. Mrs. Mabel I. jouey, daughter of O. . Goodnow , is a gueetat Hotel Clarke. Johnny Gooduow, of the Goodkiow niinei, made us a p'easaut call on Fri day. The (air coi retpjudeut of the I' ui ai ti; from Linger, called on ua lately, -he was accompanied by her eirfter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Law eou of au Frand-c j, who were, en route to their heme. !endale ii pleasant aud prosperous and even body is happy. C. P. Totteu uf lenelleii is getting along iiiflv vNiilihiH largi Mood cou tract. MoLLIK. Blngcr Notes. Mr. W. F. Hriags aud sous, Mark and William, uiade I. pper Cow creek a flying trip, on their way to Willow Hat; for sumttbiuK hi).', and we hope they will find it. William McGiunis aud his crutber, Charlio, made Kiuger a business call, aud tied their team to a stump, and left thorn for a fen minuleJi whon they got frightened aud bioko lose, wud broke the buggy. Mr. J. L. Frem h and William McGin uis made u (i ip to Cany ouvrille, to repair their wagon. Mr, .Mm Mci'innia relumed homo from Giavo Creek, whre he just finish ed hia contract. Mr, .1. L. French aud Charlie Mo .iu- nia made H . Palmer a' pleasant call, last week, and returned looking pleasant. 1 think tho Linger 1. O. will be moved eoou, ami K. Miller will be post njaeicr. Claud Kiddle iu at Carl I jet; the girls havdaneyu ou him, koep your eyes open Claud. Kolgii ItlDUI. Attention! Ocntlemen. All uutriolic meu dusirlmr to become honorary members of the Oregon L'mer- goucy Corps, cau do so by paying 50 cents to the buci clary, thereby aiding this craud caueo. Jlnml M. tiiAMoN, Pres. L.hma 11. IticiuiiD. Sec. For Sale At n baiain, a good Becoinlhand buggy tin i i ovIp Icinir-CH. iiiqiiim at this nliie. On the Southern Oregon Coast. J. W. Iteuuet', of the banking lliut ol Flauagao A Bennett, Marshlleld, arrived in Portland yesterday with his daughter, who will attsud school hate, He says the new Klondike coal iniuo of K. A. Giabam, will begin hipping coal to ban Francisco wilhln a month. In that mine are two reins, one four aud oue seven fset thick, aud it Is eipectsd that It will be oue of the best on the Southern Ore gon const. Mlusr Goodall, of Qoodall, PsrklusA Co., recently made a trip to tbe Tort Orlord country, and on his re turn reported to Mr. Usnuetl the dis covery uf au immeuae velu uf coal 19 miles back from the coast. The coal bed is 00 feet (hick, and of excellent quality. It Is CO miles from any other coal mine It is expected that there will soon le a move to develop tbe And. Mr. Goodall has no interest lu It. The Marshlleld board of trade Is taking steps to havo work promptly beguu on the harbor lui proreineots, for which an appropriation hasbeeu made by congress. Mr. Bon nett received a long tsleuraiu yesterday urging him to take certain action In the matter before returning home. It is doa'trod to have work doiio there thie season, eo ne to Increase the depth of water (on the hogsback in front of the harbor aud admits ships drawing as deep as 25 feet. It is uuderstood that some thing like $50,000 is available lor im mediate proeecutiou of tbe work. Ore goulan. Dlstrkt Fair. The tilth aunual exhibition ol the Sec ond Southern Oregon District AgricuItU' ral Society will be held at Koseburg Donglaa county, October t to S, ISO; $5,000 ottered lu premiums aud purses tine Beed program of races each day ; spleudld special program also arranged for. I iue premiuma are odered for high grade live stock, poultry, agriculture! products, fiuils, How ere, works ol ar fancy work, etc., etc. The S. I. Company has made the us ual rate of oue aud one-third fare for the round trip from all oiuta where they have agents between Comstock and Ash land inclusive. Special rates will lie made ou articles shipped by freight for xbibltiou at the fair, which rates will be made known on application to the local agwut. County Treasurer'4 Notice. No'.ice is hereby given to all pailies holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to November 23d. lsUI, to present the same at the treasurer's ollice in the court house for payment, as inter eat will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the 15th day of .Nqt., ISiet at the City of Koseburg, 'regon. itO. W. DlMMlCk. Couuty Treasurer, Douglas County, Or Farmers. Attention! Tbe Southern Pacific have decided to make tbe extremely low rate of one fare for tbe round trip to the Oregon State Fair September 22 to o0, 1S98, from any paint in Oregon ou their lines. There were hundreds of campers last year. Take your vacation and camp at the fair aud see a grand exhibit of what Oregou can raise, one fare going aud returning home. To the Public. On aud after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are csbIi with the order. 1 find it Impossible to do business ou a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for cash. V. Undertaker. Koseburg, Ore., April 12, 1695. Lumber Haulers Wanted. Forty good teams for hauling lumber. Price $1.50 to $5.00 per M. ft., owing to distance. Work will continue uulil rainy season. Write to Titt Sti ri I'iNf. D. A L. Co.. Grants Pass, Oregon. Closing Out Sale. We rtait today to close out our entire stock of general merchandise and fix turec. Lyerything must be sold by Jauuary 1st. Oor stock of goods is the cleanest and beat selected iu town ; you cannot make a mistake, but will save money if you buy now. UoMMiuto NovtLiv Cash Si'nt, Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port' land everv Tuesday at!) I), iu. via the O Pt. & N. without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Bullalo or Boston, the ideal trip to lire east is now before you. Heiuember this service wbeu going Last, and consult o. It. & N agents, or address, W. 11. Hiiii.iiiur, General Passenger Agent, 121. Portland, Or. Don't Trespass. All persons are hereby warned uot to trespass on the farm known as the Conn homestead in French Settlement, for the purpose of hunting or for any other pur pose. IIjCNBY C"NN, Agent. Mubblefleld for Sale. I Lave for sale, about 300 acres of good stubble pasture. If not sold will take stock to pasture by the week or mouth. L J. An ANT, Melrose, Oregon, Fifty Men Wanted To cut railroad Wood. Good timber, and a lonir lob. For further particulars call, or address, Geo. W. Kiddle, Kiddle Oregon, or Mouth of Doe Creek, Oregon, Gil, A . Jtllllil v, I.'id lint irtfoii, Auif., fl, 1Vi. Tor City Treasurer. I hereby announce inysell as a t aiidl. date (or re-election to the ollice ol City loeaurrrat (he coming city election. trio. Coin. assjs I or narahal. I heiohy announce myself a candidate for re flection to tho office of city mar shal at the election to I held Monday, October .1, 18'AS. Fi.n Dit i.aiih. l or City Recorder. W e ate reuueelod to anuouuee that Y. C. Loudon, will he a candidate (or the office ol fit v lucurder. ol tlio city ol Koseburg, a' tho coming city chu'lloil. A Bargain. Splendid dwelling properly eoneleliug of time lute, well lltilnlied houaa aud outbuildings, u Iter iu I at a genuine bar gain by the Uuenlmrg lluildlng l Loau Ae'iK'fatlon. Inquire uf lUliM N M WlkX, SlM'tl'lm . Ranch for Sale. For pale or mil, ll.'O une hi oik ranch. For ilildlCHH F. T. t'llkWK, Ophir, Oregon. , .... ...... . .. ) FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony Ftom n Irffibto Sore-Mee 'tofy of the Caae, and Iter Cure. "For many jer I wni afflii leil with a milk Ire, mitl a few year airo It lruk out In a mr mill riml trom my toot to my knee. I miffcrvil KMt U"M . It wmiM hum ami It' ll nil the llmt' and ilm. Imrun a KO'Ht ilixl. My l.illli una Km ui null the except Ion of I din nor''. I trleil a irt at many WIihI of rulvr, t ut routn wiuiPl Irritate tlm nore eo Hint I .oiitd Imrilly aland the pain. I could not git mar tlm Are w ittieiil "iiflrrlnn iiitnixi ly. Some mm sent llir prr eonlaiilllig tent linoiilaln of cures I'V IIihiiI Surnpar ilh, ami I topi my tiuHt'aud I would like to try tliU mnl Iclue. He got mo a loltle ami 1 ton ml II helped mr. I kept en taking It until my limb waa eoniplrli ly ln-alrit. I rannot pralnu Hood's Saranrllla nmuli for tlir great licnctll It li evn to me. II cleanse tlm Mood of all Impurelm and leaves It rich and pure." Mhx. Anna L. L'AKKN, Wliittlcey, Ohio. Vou can luy lluotl'a Haraaparllla of all driicifliit. He nuru to K-t only llomln. . . ., 'I"' Im it 'I ! luiiiily liooirs Pills ...ui,.,,. in., Notice Tor Publication. I' m r d t i ! n I i r-u ui i ii Hu-ibiirK. tn ., M'pt. I.', Nuliii' ! In iclir cl tu llial Die IdIUiiviiiu liauicJ m tllrr ) titiil llotli'o irf hit luti nil. 'II lu itinke lliial 1'Hnl In mi n-rt ol In- rUnn, nll-l Hint pkI'I iti-'I i 111 In niK'lr l lii 111-- lu (i-'ir KUil Rrv. ln r I'. f 1 .ami ODuc nt I'lirg. Oivii'in. ou IH lnU r .'S, If. 1 J oin l 'i i inur i i,u tloni--nii-ad Kiiir, N". " .;, Ir iliu E' .. W 4toc. T. , K. t Writ. Ill Dnmcn flio lul liotlng wllnmiw tu I'liiH' lilt i utillnuiiwa rv.l ili'iii uikiii mul iiiltli lluii nt ulil Uud Hi., W ltlUui II. Miln. ( Mrtlo ITiTk, On ., Jolm Mile, nl Mrt!d r'k,cri-., w. u Ihaiu. ul Myrtle t'nrk, Ore , J. . Cm k, ol MyrlU Civ k, Ore. I 1. liililirr. l:ti. Notice For Publication. Imiiii btatan l.tMi uirn a, Itoacbutg, On sou, WciiIuiuIm r ii, pv. Kotire H hereby glieu thai lu cuiniillaiict with the proM. lull" ul Ibe a I ol l'olin a of June a, 157. eutilli il "An act lor the !.' ul tlinb. r lauila In the Htat. a ul Calllurnla, Orrrmi, Nciaila, ami mluUfluD Territory, ' CAtmniM t. Muaro.N ol i.riniciit-l-I. Cmitily ol I aim, Stale ol Or. gun, liaa Una ilar Dlcl lu tltla ulllee lur awora alalr men I No li'.n. f'T tlio Inin haw of the K. n til Kaal cfuaiter (S. K.1 ,1 ol X'Ction No.lO.ln luwti lil. .,. Buuili Kanxe No. :t Weal, ami will "llir pr.Mif in ahtw that the land . ii gr Ii I It mure v aliiablr for ll t linbi r ur aluno than I'.rniifl culluriil tur)o'-a, ami lo ealal.liah hrr claim lo aalil UnU bclora lh" KiKiaier ami ll.ii lf.-r nl thlouilicc at Ituw. liurv, Orcgi'lt, ou atuI)uJ the U'h flay ul Nuii iiil'i r, v. Mio uainca iia llllnraaca: I.l llrl.-r" ul t'rliiKlicl.l, 1 aim C..uut; , Or , John J. Iian of KiiK.iir. I auu ouuty, nr.. Marl. ui t . l l, Montan' mnli nl !-i,tlliih'l'l. I. nun t oiiutv. Ortk-nn. Auv aU'l all ! rami- liauiiiuf a. I tcr-eh thealmv. tl- aurilH-.l latnl-i hp.-rv'tui'-t. .1 to 111.' tlieir i laini. In tlm ull r.- mi or l-vl'T" aal'l l.'th .la. uf, IV. J. I . Iinu.i ., ?tlo Ut'Klat. r. Notice Tor Publication. t . i:n M.IIIL'' l.AMrl'llua It'i-cblltv. OiiH' in , .lull .11, I" i". Voll'V I' hen by tlint lu louipllaai o m 1th tin: prui iiuia uf tbu ai t ul Ci UKra-aul tunc U, li.i. ititlil'.O "Au (i t lor tlio fa), ol llmlu r Inmla lu Hie Hialca ol Callfortun, On: K"ll, Nov nii'l Wk-IiIukIou letiltorr. Pul l.', ii. Ut mi of Knii' in . iii ,r"untv'. niaii' l niv Mou. ha-Una Ua MimI In Una ufflcu hi rau.irii alaiemi'lit No. MVI, lur tho pun haio ol lliv NK. bmiw I'.lauiio ami two, nuil f. ', V, I uf i-i i t luu N'.i. I, lu luwualnp No. -it., Kali!,'" No :; w , nm ul ulli'r prl loalinw llmt thu lall'l f'UKlit la iiiuru talnablu for ill tituhi r or alum' lliau lir ntrh uliural pun"i"i ami lo i-alahll-h her i luim to .ahl Im nil befnii: Un-Ke.'lali r ami H" I'll' rol llila ullu e nl Itoae iniri, OriK'iu, mi 1-ri'lai , tin- .'i'l liny olH. p. tijinli' r. In. bliu UHiiu'i a- uitm -'.va t harlva hliuruhol OuHnu l, Or , 'nlni Klontr ul OaklnO'l, Or., I i t I r. lien r ol KiiS' in , Or . N. M. Mi keranu of bpritiRiiel'l, Or. Any ami nil pvraoiia claim iuk a'hcnvly lb. iiImiti' ilecril" ! lnola am re 'iu lo liluilulr 1 n 1 mi i n Una olhcc uu or hefure fanl ;l 'lay ol Ci-pP tnln r, i-w. J. I. llKlln,l..i, Ki'Klcr. Administrator's Notice. TN Illicit IN IV tut 111 OK I II K hi ATK Ol' i On kiiii, lu ail'l Inr the t uuuly ul liuuiilita, iu thu uiulti r of I In: ealulu ol I'm 1(1 lnuliui, li' riai.'l. Noll"': In In r by ncn that llm uinli r .Igncl Inn hy Iho Cuuuly uurt uf UnUKlai Cuuiily, Ori'Kim hcon appuliiUil Ailiiiiiiiaimtur ul thu laUlu ul lui ll Uruiiut, ilc icl. Where lore nil I'uiaoiia ui'lelilo.) tu mnl inlaln are hereby nolliit'l to umko liuim tllale paymuiit lo Iho tiU'lHrciKUcil lit bin rinlijuin u iu P"Ui;lai Cuuuty, Ori gini, ami all pertoua liai inn claiuii KKalnat the annl entulu will preu'tit the auuiu In Hie lilnli ralL'iic'l nt Inn icnli:ll' " III ralil C'uiiuty, "lllilii ni t moiitlia Irom the ul mm uuiicc. N. I.AiiAt r, Ailiuliiinlriitor. llatrilMl it'i-i lilll;', Ur. .nil, Hill iutli day ul Augcat, VJ1. A'.-JU Fall is at Hand! and neatly everybody needs SOMETHING IN FURNITURE We have the Hue that will happy. Don I forget about our CAkPKTS from i6: eeuts per yard up. Largest Stoek aud Lowest Prices ou Wall Paper, Wiudow Shades, Lace Curtaius, Portiers, and complete outfit for House I'urnisLiiig, at Alexander Mllll 1110 IIS. IN IIIKclllllt II I nl ItV UK 1 UK HIA I H OK t Olvi'itl. tor ll" .'iililil of IH)iiln W. P. I nnl, II, ll. Klin alii ami Phil; Mr!-! Imu, r"ni'i or uii aliiiiril, lot Uu' mlr tu fi Im.'l ailil I niM iNHy I a'li ami nr llii'lu Maimriil ul tin' Kiiii'l- ailliiu Ins tin n lii'i'i. I'lalnllllV Jullll Itiiw Ii li Ml-. Inlill II""' Ii, Ida Mil,', IH'li'lHla Ilia I In Jullll III. -til ail'l Mil, Jullll Him It, elioMt liaillfl lrll'tlllnllta III llii iikhio ul Hi'' Male nl 0iL"ii, tun ail'l eat It ul JD'i n lit'tol.v iv.uln 'I In a.vni ami aniM't Uu' i'iiiii.lllil lil'tl agalnal mhi In IIh Inhu i tiiul'il mill, un ur liiiuiii ilielltal ilay nl tin' lirt niiiliir li'tni ul tliln ti'inl limit Muinlar tin- ,.li tin y ul I'. i i imIht, lm, ami II inn latl au In aii.iur fur nl llineul lln I'lalnttrikwlll ai'l'ljflu tin' I mill Im llm rrlli l ilaniaiulril In Ilif Miiui'liiltil, a uivin t lli' until ul ulilt'li la l"llu Dial riallitlflu liavr J'l'lltiiii'lil aa!'t tin' IMi'inlaiit, Jullll lni h. lor tlio mini ol till It Htlvrml llii'iuull luim llii'Jtil ilay ul Juno, lawi, at the . rate ul iivr fc'tit p'-r ainiiiin. iH-alilt-a thi'lr nta and ill.lintuMiirllU III llila ail 1 1 l) I I Im aiiui tilli allmnry a leva, lur llin itatlal ilwrvn liirri'lM IrtH I'lafitlltra nuirlau" ntiil Inrllm aalcullhi' utorlgafiHl tirvnilai'a III Ihn InaiiiiiT Tuvnli"l liv Ian , ami III" iili ailnii ul llm itrix-xmla of iii'Ii aaln, In Itu' i''lii'a ul aanl aale, ami Iho aallalai tlnll ol Iho abut v uii'lilliiln il ilrtiiauila, ami tin' linlnlii'i', II all), In .ajr In tlio Pi'li inl mil, li'lm lliwli, or Ida li'al n 'h' utalHi'; that Un' Pclvu'laiilr ami all I'orauiia ilaltiilni: l' , tlituniili hi ti ii If r tin in, Im' f'.taii r l aiiul aiul l"iK in-l ol nil tiatil. till' or liituri'.l, ami ' . 'tilly ft liili nil'll'.n nl, In or to aalil niurlsaiiril t'li'infai a ui am hiI lln irul, I In' I'liiuilaia ! imilaiiil ami ammlil lu Im' anlil In lli. au l.tu ri'ftltiKa ar' ili'.rtltM.I aa liiltutia: t'liiititti'ii' ling nl llm Mi: l unirtul tlm l lmuina 'I'litaitii r il':inlliin Inli'l rlalin, III " '' 'I, I p H i'IU 7 W , I In mmtilaa i iiiiiily, ori'Kiin, ilirni'i' luiriuliin m ilnt lul ui, la ..mill i.l tin' lunnlili llll In III ml i . 'i Mini ' i. rti.-.ra aul'l I Unit, thi'iii... W.-I.I litu.t 1 1 ii.' 1. 1 al.l i Ihiiii, tliriii" niilh alnni: Ihn llim ol annl i lallu lu llm half inllo line III Ihuii nli r ulaalil h0. .1; llnilru eaat lo wval 1 1 in- nf tlm Pat 1. 1 Itlili'iiutir ilmia Hun laiul l Uliii lu annl . ,il"ti, llii'ln r iiuilli to SW inriur ol miI'I i In i m tin mo ia-1 In ini' nl iN'Kltililiia, . "lUaallillift IHU' li", unit" nt Ivt.-. I lu- iiiiniMiiii!' i rnibililit'il by i.r..-r ul llim. J. W. Ilaiiitlluii, .liulm ol llm alnncrii iiiiiii coutt, iiaii.i iiuii ::. i hi. A. ti I KAWIOltP. A.'.'l. Mturury lor I'lalullfl. Summons. ts niKciiu'i in to in or iiikhiaii or Ohkiiii, fur tin' I uuuly ul Ihiuiila-. U . P. L.H.I. II II Kim at. I ami I I'lill Mi f.i hail, a. llm Unai'l I il I niiitiuaaii'tirie lur tbo aali- t nl Mi huol ami ' lamia ami lur llir lura.f mr lit ol Ihr riml. arl-iiiu j llirtelnmi, I lalntirt". 1 I William Miuln ll, iKl.U'laul I lu W llllaiu Mil. In 11, .Imk Dauiiil I'. Ii n'. In the name ul llm Mate ol Oiikkii, ion air h rrhv ti-'iiilu.l In apH ar and miaw f Ine i-uiu plalllt alli-t tii in tin- alii.i- ililtli-l ault, oil Ol bi'lmu tin- tllat lit., uf III" lll llrflil Ur ti tin !( tl'la t uni l. ion ll Mumlav . llir nth .lai ol iHei uihir, A I1. I-', ami II uii fall ."! nanl II.. llir I'laltltllla n ill apply tu Uu. I unit I. 'i Hie I. IP I . innuiie.1 to the i umpUitit. a ami Im I atiilemenl ul wlili h la aafntto'i. lul )ilUlni'lil agalllxl the livlilnl ant lul the a 1 1 1 1 1 . ,f Ijji, nun nil, rv.l tin Hon In. in llm 'III lay "I Auaual. l'-4. at II" In' uf a -r iul pv atibnin, tn-lilra llir ruata ami ilia I'llltt un Ilia ol llila milt ami lklaH"llu i" f". lur I lie UMial ilni" h.rn In-iiik- I'laiiitnt a luuitaiii', ami lor aalnulllu- umitKniti .1 . m l-i-i, ami Un ni'plli iitlnn ,f thu ,,.,... lo tin lixta ul aal' , Una ault ami I'lallillll a l. Ulallil-, U'l llinl the li L u lanl ami nil iinli. i lali.i luc f, ttiiuiiKh ur iiiul' i him Ih-lurri i-r hatr 'l ami fontltrl nl ..II rlirlii, III I. , Int. r ai ami i-'iulty uf r ! ii'ptli'ii o In, ami tu .aPl nuii j;:.i;i 'l rml-ia ami i i i iy pall tin ii"l " hi' Ii ptvinlaea att . 1. 1 1 aa. I aalullona, lo wit I he I KK ',ul l -I. luiui-lnp .I.M'I Ii i.. W u I W il lu no tt" kl ti'liau. In li.niK'laa C.'iiiiiy, On irll. avill an. It iitlu t nml hull" r r llel aa tin' I ourt ahall dii'ltl i'iuul.1". llila atlliilnoua la 1 ptilnlah"! by ui'lrr uf Un II. ill. I. W llamllluii, Jii'lgo "I tin' al'ui e litiDnl i umt, lali 1 Aug list .V, I"'". c M i HAW rimii. Ml. Alluiury tul I'laltlttll Notice l7or Publication. I' mi an M u r.a l.i i i irru a, tUa built. Or gun, Aint'iit jn, IfiJ" N'ltlri' I- hntfl'y iteu thul tin' f'tllun iiii; liainc-1 at Ith r haa ill. il in. in e uf hi- intuition In luak" llnal I't.x't In aui'puil uf hia claim, ami that mil'l pl'mllilll In' ina'le b fnre Uu Ki gla li'i mil Km el il, lull' l r-tuU-a IjiU'I tifllie, at K.i-ctillU', Oii k'nll. nil hrpli'liiher .1, l"l', l'. SMI I.IAM v. HVnl III. HO llllllirap ail I lilt l N . I'l V, l"f llie .' K ' , M ',. rwr. SI, , I p ii e, 11 J Weal. II" tiauiia tin: liilloaruiK " llin '. i lo )tote ha loiiltnuuiia realil. mr lili.ii an l riiltiiatluu nl, tahl luml, vl: I ..n.k lliil tlla... I ireami . William Morrow. lia PI Pi erl, Ulyura Kluur Uoy ol W anllou. Ou ,-"ti J. I. IiHIIHiKn Alan. H.K liter Notice Por Publication. I'M 111' HTalM LM Ol I 11 I., ItuM-lniia. On Kou. Atiuat ., !-. Nulliel. Iieit by en. n Unit In t. m Italic-'' with llm prut l.lnna ..f the art uf i ougt. ol Jinn :i l"..a, rinilU-l "Au act fur tin aala ul timber laiij. In tin ntatr.ol Calllurnla Oirnuu, Nevailaaml ualiiiirilnu Irrrlluiy, a-1 iti-ml. -i to all Ihr I'.il'ln ln l plntea bv art "I Anxu-l I, 1 I. I'l. I" I' C"l LIS.-, ol Oak'.uul.i ouuty i, lkiiu-in., mad ul On ii"i. liaa llila lay hlel in (hia uiHrc h r i'l uru 'lat' liu ul N" M-a, (ur tli" puiihaaenl Un--: ' , nl n. ii Inn No. . In I "'i n-hlp N". J ., Uaug" No. ' W.W.M.aml ill oiler pun. I In alioti that Urn liu'l 1,'U.M i-iiioi" valuable lur il llinln i ui -tnit" limn lr nrl' ijllural purpu'i ., ami to e-lubll-li her rliilin to -anl laml In fun1 the In ma urr ami l " lu r ul Una ulB' at ltoa hurg, On H"li, nil I ueola;', the.'.ih ilay of i "..b r, la' Mir liainea aa ullin .-. a K IV. Mailanl, T. Itnlh, I. II. Il.iuiir'l, Hi uln iiM. .-niilh, ul Oak laml, Or. ."ii. Any nml all n r-una rlalmnu; mlveracly tin- abov i- ilr-crilii'.l lamia at" r' .Ualri.i ill" 1 1 , tr 1 1 i liilina lu tluauilirc ou or IhIuiv -ail'l : 'Ih lay uf I'cluln r, Is at. J I . lUilPt'l -. alatIO ItiKi.lir Notice Por Publication. I - III Ii .it AO - I .Mi t'l fin:. Kin. btirk, Oregou, A'UH-1 II I"' Null' e 1 1 herein ihiti that iu i oiupllaue" tv Ith ' lie pro ialnna of Iho ait uf Coiu;rr.a "I June In, a, i nli'lul "Au a t f"r th" aal" ul 1 1 ui I . r lamia in tin -tap ul I all I, Tin a, i ip K"D Nci a la mnl H nnlilntmi 'Irrrilory , ' Jai "H J. fcun ul I. iik' ll' . I uiinlv ul I aue. Stab: ul On vu, han tlita iluy Bkd lu llila ultii f I'l.a -.turn '! moiH No. irf, , lui tin' puiehanr uf the NV.', u r-ei lluu No. '.', iu luwiialnp So. ia , Itntii:" No. .1 W., ninl will oiti r pro. I l.i ahoiv that the luul aoiiwhl l.i lour" valiinhlr lor it-, tliuh' r ur l"lm 'hail fur urii'iiltuial puipu'ea. ami to l atiihliah hia i Ulm to aanl laml li-luh- the Hrxiali r uml K'm iver uf Una., lln e at li.MM linru, Hi, i;,ii, un We'lui I'lny, the '.'0th ilay ul (H luher, In "h He Uiilin a Un wilueaara: LiM 1. Ii tin ..f Kiln-in:, Or , Ju" ,li l .irilii ol Kn' in, "r , Oharli -ul una u Oakluml, Oi , Julili KIomi i ul Oaklaii'l, Or. A uy ami all 'r.viun i lainntu ail ver'lv th" ahuti -ili-aeilln il linula ur" ir.iienlel In nl" tlii'li i laniia In Una ullli t' un ol bi lme anl'l i!v ul October, IV. J. I IllllliiiK-, I'llll'l ll'glnlir. Notice lor Publication. IMii.i. -riiLa I. thu Ol I ll I , IliiacbuiK. OleKiili.h. l , H I.VJ.a. Nutho Is liureby eivn Unit the lolloivluu ....i ..ii... ui..., ......... ... i ..... ... . iioiiu ' ai .ii' f i.iu. i. it u iitiiii. e ui iu:r llllieiltlUII I'l iiiHkn Dual nr. ml In tiippurt ul lu r elaliu, ami that n nl pruul will b" ninili: helure llu: Id gi.ter ami Heeihur, Ulillo.l nlulua Laml Ollice nl KuaoburK, Ortunii, mi i ii-iohur i', Iv, .. MAUV H. TIIKUHli, On llijiiunleii'l UiitrylNn. Vfia, for Ihe N I. H "c"- ' 'I I' "JJf ll a Went, hhe iiiunea the lulloivlui! n ilnesain tu prove In r cuiillnuuUH rualilenee iipnn ami i ullh alnni nl, aul'l In ml vl.: Juhii Wllnon, t linil. a Mi-euui, harlen W llaoii, H. rilui 1 ol t'aiiuix alley, Oreinit. J. I. llltllliil.H, Mlii Itvslater. please you aud make the wife & Strong's