The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 15, 1898, Image 1

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    Tlio riaiii(lMtlor
I'tlMl .lii'. I Men v ni l.ij mi l l liiii iiluy
A1 '1,1 it'l l Mum . lii'i'l ,
MIINMil im, Olll.llllN
- hi I UK
The iPliiiiidouler
DODUKllS, ...
Executed Neatly and ( Living Rata.,
Vol.. XXIX.
No. 56.
'11 1 Mil 4.
Ml' II I I.U I." "I Mi I '. I'.. I.O,
li-il'l I lie Il l' :iilur i ii'ii'iltl' iitlinin tit 1'iv
1. l. 11. I'. Ii'iil I t 1 . 1 I i I luiti..!ii)'
1 1 rn. Il iiiiin Mi. Ml i.i' in li. 11 1 - t M t I In III
li'll'l MKIll.lll', Hill .1 . ', 1 I' 'C.l.l I'i .'!
II .lit l'l Il' 'I III '"' II I ' ,
1 il I- I II M'l I 1, I,, Il
III II II, Mil. I , no
O n ' . I. v 1 1 ir ' si 11., '. .'I J it, i. l'. A. M 1
iii' i K rv, iy t , lu ulity ri.tniiii mt
ii'iliii'k In tin' 'HI M -'"!'' Il'ill. VUltltiR
IhuDum h i'ii li.illi mi IM 't I" nili H'l.
r, 11. 1 nn"N,
Hil l. v I'kimi, t iiuiuilnr.
Uvi'iinliu ( '. i n"
im.ii inn.., a K. .v A. M,. Itlliitl.AU
lili" Uiiih Hie .'! Mini llll VuiIH''lr III
each uiuiiiU.
I lit.l'. Jull.V ''.-. W. M.
N. I'. Jn 1.1 1, H'vrj .
1)1111.1 I.UU Mi liK'.tf, N1). ". I
IIH'. U nnl U'Inr ' O 'lMIK e'"'1 Wei'aal
I lull I111II III Hi. iell'in lillM'ln Ml Uom-liiMK.
M, lilh. iiili!' i Iiiic-iU mmi.lliill Hti'lMVIl-
IM in nil I. J. . nlUA.V'l., N. ll,
N.T. Jkai.ii, riit'r.
IIOPUHUU" I.OIMiK, N' In, A. O. I'. W.
In. m,t 1 iin n ii'l mil - i ! -Jumlu ul
tvh iniiiuii t V . in. i "'hi Fi'iiw ''
Mi iiiU ini'lH"""'!' ' ti"'"1 ki'iii'llHK ' In-
llixl 10 mii'ii'l.
. t.sul',1 I Ml .-1. 11. A. II.. Ml KM Till
Una mnl llili'l 1 )t iit..a ) ul in II liiciitU.
MiMKN H lil.l II K I ulir.i S. l'. MMO
llll H'l llilll 11111)1 Ml null liiuum.
Illicit III' U. II.Vl'l I 11. N" ' K. H .MV.kl'd
1 hi' k. i.1111 1 mi.l l"'ii 1I1 I linivm ! i"-"
0U"1"' M...I.II. UIAMISKU'JK. W.M.
II h' IN A HAM", nu .
... ii 1 it
Ai.i-ll .imr., Mi I., K. i'i' I..
' ,..... c.1i..1, i v; l Hil l K'li.-i IMi'X Kmv1.11 In wit-
lull) imiii'l in muii 1.
tilvnntWMOl l'IHll"i
uK'Jlli.ll M. Mllh "" ' u"tl lT"'
I .W N livil Hi"i 1 fiit'uu. oh
T H. WlLUI.'l,
iVtU)i'n'y itml (Juiiii.-'cUr ut liiiw,
Will l' llir Ml U 111' . ,litt u( lU HUl. Cl
tr In 'l.ifUi lluis.iin : niuktr. "'
Attorney ul l:nv, 1 a:i'1 '
I )l"t ik V ilnilll I' 'I ' .
I. i.f.iii i
J -
l.'iil l.l'K'l, l;Ki.?.
' M. 11AWUV,
Ki'i I' .i II ill lil' , , . ..
Uli''li"ii'' N" I I'" I "lil-'il'S.
Attnrm-y at luw,
I n)lr Jk 'w'i'l -M Hi'... K'l-li 111' liii. I'IU'.mmN.
Atlm -at-liw
l!ii.M 1 illl'l J
ll.-U' IH11I I111 lii' l-M li''. OKM.i'N
M. cuAwronD,
Attorney at Law,
Kuou. I 'J. Miim.Ui I'l'U . IllKllUIUi, OH.
fg-1:11,111. Ik luii' lliu 1'. H. I.miil Olllcc mid
IIMIIIHK IHHH hni illii) .
I.alc lien Ivir II. ii. I.ainl Uillru.
Norllicrn Pacific Unilronil Company.
Aiu ei'llin,' I ii-U-jt ; to nil iiiiilrt I unl lit
lull tlio rriilur r iirc.
i. S. K. IS 1 it k,
l.ui'iil Am'iit So. MiUHti-iH Imililini;.
VIIA 11UOWN, M. 1.
Ill' l IlM'., M Jin kuili HIU'i'l, ul li'i
l.lriu i' ul Mi. J. Illu.i r.
in iMcur kii, ok.
L MKiLUJU, M. 1..
Surgeon unJ Hoinuiopathio
Hii.irburu, Orrjan.
dTUIiinulil dUi'UM a mmctMlr.
r 0,
.'i-Hl A I.
ncoNoriY riARKirr,
I.. KOIII.M AdliN, Proprietor,
in: 11. 1. 11 in
Presh ami Sailed Meat5,
JA K iu.N ,-T., I'.IJ l.lll KH, OH.
MUM. Il, 1:, Mi I I.AI.I.KN, I'M.)..
it at in ii:ahojhaui.ic.
Initio, riliu Kimiiii..
free 'Una lo mnl ftum Tr.lii.. E32ZGVS3.
t Tnainiess
4 J.aclitS) appiccintc the
r nlisenre ul a jrcay
i chain ami clumsy, rat- t
tlini; chain juard ; also f
the ciisy-runniiiK quali- t
tics of the Crescent J
fl. C. MARSTERS & CO , Agents,
Rosubuurg, Or.
Great Bargains
At Demi's Variety Store...
See our Special Margins
in Glassware, Lemonade
S e t s , A f t e 1 n oo n T e a S e t s ,
1'aney Glasses, ami Fruit
1INWAHI:. .- il l. nn I'll ll'li i, l-AUi,
lill'li. ftr, IiIciI'IIk'.m n, 1-U1.
V0OI and Wll.l OW WAjfl', I lii..iug
lMII."( iilllli'l tlli'tii'lta nti'i iiiuil.. liiir.iu
I'i l-i m Ii l,nlfcfl'., trlrM.i''' -., ntloln.'!,
mi't Im-Ltl-. .
AIIOM.KV. Il'.l'ii... 1'ilni mi nil .'It-
tioii' ti, I'cnrlu. )" ii, Ink, 1,1m iui',- clr
CHINA, hi' "iir -.ti'1b1 . flu mi a!l I Mint
HmiUli'l 1'liiiiti il 111 m 1 nii'l 11 n . u.
-.' inl I'iui'i Inlu mi'l liiiiir.titiii ftiltift iliu-
1111 mi l li l, Mni'Uiivil rlilu nllri-
ii.."ii Iru u. 1 n,i unJ a ini?, ji-lly
lllll, tiUtll'l i'lil.. tli .
N01IOM3. Ilmr 1'iiin, Hlili' I'uiiilm, invillc
1'ltla, li'llcl "Ri. tic.
Wo ilii Jut 3 ftd'advii-tu-V. AH
tliro tliiiiKH uro t ) I'D li.iil nt tlio
I'm i'ft 1 uli 'i ii'cN ut
Demi's Variety Store,
Ivii.scburn, Oregon.
IiuiikUin I'uuuly, rr;ou.
Tlio 11 uti t ul l!u so itIiii; ronl.iin ; IimIIhi',
llniinliii'. I ' l list n 1 111 . iliu 1 rulMinni, "I lion
ii'l I.Iiiik ninl 1 liliirlilo ul ( nli lulu, M'lKUCMum
itinl biiilhun.
lino t,iiu I'liiiiniiiH ::S mill Iliu utlu-r it-r
iVi grmua ul olnl uiutu f Id lliu kulloii.
IH'Mi.l on lint HkiiIIii'iii I'miilc Kill I rug, I,
Hlimtn luntii'' lii'iu Kmi I 10 l'mllnU'l.
Ill iKMlxlif (.011 11 1 y. Un tun,
Airi:iiiviilr(1 t-iiHt'-, of IlliiMiiiniliMU. NhuI (''
liirili, I'liliirrh nl tli" Htonmcli, UtiiH-psln. I'll
Im'Ii.. Niiiiiilmii. MnUrlnl l'ulMiillni;. Klilmy
I icmlili', tiiikli.iitnin, I ! t i ul tlio hkln.
l.lvrr ninl iimi'viv., ninl i-m-n-ai nicni. nave
Ihi'ii cnru'l lliu iiw til llnnu nnli'i".
Ni'it Imlli rmiini i-niunrtoil 1 1 h llio main
ImiiMiiik. t'mlollliti anJ .xm-Mnu IB nrcui
lam. I'uily mall, nortti ami miulh.
Tvium-V Ii) per nevk, 12 ir ilny, lm lulling
Tlio II, id 1 U iiinti r tin.' Iimmihulo mporvli
Inu ul
i ait. iii:n. . hohwi;i.i.i
Want Your
Crockery and c.pb
I niRrsl nntl l inr.-l AsMiituii ul
I'll) il'inunlil In ItnKcbuiK
AInii 11 I 'Hiii'll ii' lull-ni rlmiiu
All kinds of Country Produce
1 Wo lirin, mil lii" l, mm innicliiiiilli. '
For a cwl fi-niiil 1 i.;v.r cll o;i Mrn.N.
County claini'i wil l nrr. iiil'i lou'M liy
V. H. Wimt.
t or lrHt-i:!.u,n lrnt intry k tu I r . I.itlio
(if Oiililiirn).
ItiiB'i In inlbiifo vuiirty ut Aloxuinli-r
V Htion'M.
Aluearonl in ono pouii'l cartxiiia t
Kuy W'isal, lniioi(i.' I aint ilunii-ilii'
cijfarii tt llm XoHcltnf.
mi 1. ... .
I. Kill H ri'H('l'lll. lllCVi Ii'. Ill" l':l' -
ruiioliitf, iluraliln k in t.
Cttllll lliOilllK'ljl, H'oVf,iitcll OVlfllH,
taut, lc, ut Cliuiiiliill .t Wiiullt y'ii
Io you HDiukuV II n i, i'ol Hid Artie
clKnrBtiCraitsXHt.Biti-iriKiliK, rc! n,:ont
.Muilfmi .V Vri).'lit tti fi-t uro proof tirea
t tlm Cri!i!ci-tit Cytli.-ry, )n r pair,
10,000 iJtn vmiiinl ut lliu i:U,te
to m-'lcct Kfciil liAn-miiti l.cfoio it in loo
At Oakland, T. I,, in a; in ii authorised
lo ri'coivo mid r-ri ipt for" to
the I'LAtMiUALL-::.
Tlio In-ut iin'iiii'iiM, you fun tl.o iathut
wliltli Imil'lri a Hijli-I fiiiinjiitiui, for
huallli in piiru, ri !i IiIthI Hixi I'i Har-
Tlio K'jtiuro iK'iil Ktiii) Iiuh jiit I'l'i'liciJ
U U l.L'illltiflll linn of V. L, lioulim
BllOCH, Wbicll pMVt- I'J li(J llio Ill'Ht kl.OH
iii'l. C'liiuu ami iiiHpuct thi'tii.
Ht'O l:ii: .V Uicc, llou.'d I'tituirlif ra.
for every t'linn in tlm luriiituro line,
laryi-fft Mtni'k un.l lu-Aft priccn, jmit re-
coivtij 11 i;r luml of Kantc in mi l toaet
fiirniliiru. im 11s f.,r IcuisairiH.
I.ciniMiilx'r Id ut lr. Mr,iii'i in n jit-
uiaiiciit rchidvut of K"Hi', mnl is not
lmro tuni.ortii ily, Hint liu fully warralitu
all liiit noil; itn I i-i In rn nl all liuns to
lunki' 15001! dia (.-naraiilvea of all dentis
M jrii 1' l'.,nt:ry Cum.-. Tiii.i infailibiu
roino iy 1 i ni'n llio vsnr'il tu proilmo
ilu .w an i ;' prinliKi-r. lVcveiit
ivo an I ruif Iit ,i.l iliri a'( a i.f fuwin.
uar ii.tunl ami I jr t.iio l v il. M. Mar-
tiu, Koi-rlriry, Or.
.-1 ..I...I ..11 1
eif tf . tl'..,'i I ri'L-uiur piiri- i. Ho
cIntlit'H from li t.) yiar.i f r nr.J
1J. Mali ail iIiIih nii'l . j!..iu iur-';,
ri'j-ular 1 urn l ,'i0. Al! Hii'i-iT uo'ls aru
only ,t i lo fiiii'i l at tliu IS s Store. . .
I t. V, . II.ui.ilioii in tlioSiiritii y of
tlm liiurd of L . Exaiinitii; SurootiH
for l'ouoioiu at lio-ehuiiJ, und ail-Cotii-
W. S. IIauilios. .Seercturyv
K. I.. Mii.i.Kis, rresiileni, "
I'.. l)r Treasurer.
liy the Heard?
A few ilo.Mi i,( tlui'i' KcntiKky mado
panle. rniii't 111ti.1l ttii l mil imiilt', no
dhodily. Aim) a leu ill z-n w ouit'ti't1,
uii'n'u, Ihijh' ami rl.iliJn-u's t lua-i, rejju lAuaier?. Huts fur Minihino 11 ml
Bliailf, umUirtear fjr liol ami cold,
weather, ami various uliit r nrtielca ut
living jiriii'c, at U.C. SlantonV.
Cur load of ilutliin ami hats jui.-t lo
co ived at the Bona M jie. TheBO eocda
we 10 oiileied iliiect from llio fiictories
Iwfoio wo anticipated of billing out, ami
aie offered t j tlio public ut cott. Htet
tittiuj" elolbiii 011 the coast, lavlur wiule
uot excepted. Ciiil und exiiiiiino them.
Our hall aio tho 1 ut est slylca ami me
worth double what wo offer them at.
!Vss Stouk.
Notice id hereby niven to the public
by tho uiidortti;i)ed that 1 do not allow
dead animals to bo buried on my prein
ieee, at Koaibuit', Oregon, or naruage
dumped thereon or Hand or gravel taken
therefrom, iiiiloca the party taking fund
or gravel tlrst contract with 010 for the
rii;ht to do uo.
TrKHp;uJsera will be proateuted ac-
cunlini: to law. . A akon Host,
Kosebur, OreijiMi, March 17tb, 1SS5.
The daylighC li.lo aloiirf tho Columbia
cannot ho hut iutcrcitiuj nt thin tiaio of
tho year. I'ltLigi'iieis tnkiux the Spo
k.ino l'lycr, leavint; tho I'niou depot at
2:ljp. in, daily, u'ct thin viiw laetiug
over live houru. lint that ia not all.
Tho O.K. iltN'.givo through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tho traiu from Spokane to Kootenai
couutry, l'ulaco fclccpeit) and modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To Hi.wb1.uii1,
To l' Tiuu:i,
To Cocur il'Aleno Towns,
To all n.i.Mcni Wiihliiiitou I'uiuta.
To all Nortliei n Idaho l'ointu,
Take tho O. K. A N. Spokane l lyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union lopot Daily at -:-!" p. ui.
V. C. 1.0MIUN, Ayent,
lvoaehurk.', Oiej;c.u.
5, P. livcuftdons.
Special round trip ratca Hoaeliun; ro
liouwull Sprina and return:
tiood coiiiK on SaluitlaiH i Suml.ijH
mid reluruinj not later tluui following
Monday if 1.10.
lood Koiuj and leluiuink; ut any lime
with limit of ticket ISO da a $ 1.8 1.
Tho tl.10 rate wu.a formerly good for
uoing trip on Satuiilavt) only. Tlu-iio now ho cold on Sunday nUo
VAul IN A AM) Will UN.
liouobuig to Yiujuiini Hay aiul return
good until Oct.lOih.
V. Vaille'j nxpcrlcnte in
Mail Service Official Writes an Inter
eAting Letter to I'rlcnd In
V. Vaillo, of the V. S. raiinay
mail rervico. who la now in cJi m i of
th mails in tlm I'olllppin-n, witli ln-,i.
(j'l.u I'iri at Cavilo, haa wiittci K. i
Joiii'ii, of th'i 0;iioiiiao, an in'cr -n t
a T-iunt ol hi rM,rii)tiee. He ph:
"Railway Mail Kenricc, Oilh e i f As
aielant rjiifniriiiteudi'iit V. s. Military
Slutieii No.'l, Au. li.lMi, (.'avile, 1'liil.
ippinn Ioland. f lilia tl- ;iiinali), and
liml that 1 am very eotiiforlabiw ln?f
tiow, with the b.-fct noasona to cjme. It
ii tho rainy ceanon, but lliu rain c umh
in iiiiuwitrfi, by tint biickeiful, liintinu
only a fwr ininutea at a lime, an 1 t'uro
is p'l iitv of surmbine betwefii. Kveiy in damp here, arid it i'i almo'it im-
iMjcibb) to keep clothes uud tboi-a from
im-MiiiK, and iiou or ateel from i u itii;.
My knife and acinaora, lyinjj on my
tli-tk, aro badly rusted, llnreut Civile
we aro anrrouuded by water, ami te!
tea bictae all tho time. That probably
mukeithe elimata l)ttr than it in in
Manila. As yet, however, we have not
ha I an opportunity to Bee w hat the dif
feieiice in. I have had to cover mymlf
with a blanket every nieht.
"I hue not aeuii a single iiialtuaa
hero. Tlm beds are eaue-featcd that's
a slip, I meant of cane, lik'J a c.iih;-hi:kI-
ed rliuir, ami generally i.uvi re J witli a
cocoa mattiiiK, to keep tbe n.oFijuitoes
from coming through. On t'tc malting
they sleep. HarJ? TUo s-ift mIo ul an
On-H'jn board would bo a fentherlied in
INfUT -K1 AM lll.l ilLl:.
I ii;enti'ioed mo6,uitoe.'. Uur geck:
raphy uhl'J to teach us thai they origin-
aied in New .lerdny, but il is a mistake.
Tlie I'lillippini! niMBnu'.t j ii eviJeiitly a
direct ili'fcemiaiit from Ihu original
stock, mid can givo his Je.tjty cousin, as
well lie -vwry poor.devil lie m pjin;
orp. I ppeak from ead experience.
Tlien wm have cenlljieden. I k lltd
oue tlm day I tojk'pmPHi:ion of my of
fice, uiiil oim of the b ii p.ilKd oil! rt.C
the o'.lur ilay in taking u j .ic.jg.3 of
leltcra from tlm ai to ti out. I.iltlo
things like that eimpiy edd rpica to ex
ist -nee iu the riuliplnHf, tUe.Uiid . of
apievs. . . . V. "-'. '
ASer tli o.ts u.'.f -.- jtUvJi jp."? . '
Tnal's literally true, for the JizaiJ'fl
principal diet is inusijuitoea. I am di
rected, in case a lizard should happen to
git onto my hand, to place a minor in
Trout of him. Me w ill jump w hen he
sees his own image, t ut uutbirf else
will move him. li this congestion
worth anything us anew idea in the
treatment o' t lie oilice bore, when the
"This n my busy day" sign fails to
movii him? I fear me uot.
I'fitl'l L ANIMALS.
They have hoiscs here at least things
tbey call hoites, about 10 hands high.
They put them into caramela?, a native
thrill for a two-wheeled covered car;. I
had a 1jii ri'le to make the other day,
aud hired a carameuta. li' the
fact tliat my sha low had not yrown hss
since I lelt Ou'kiDii, tho native borrowed,
or stele, au extra hoise, aud hitched up
the two. As I was pasaiug through a
calivj village, I naturally, as I was pase
i ii 15 a bevy ol sonoritae, pulled back out
of sight. Unnaturally, as it seemed to
lue, I went over backwards, and horse-
IIcnIi in the Philippines rose uioie sud
denly thau it did with the udveut cf
the Americanos. I was uot buit.aid
joined m the laugh of the young hnliee.
U lltllK biLEh'Ci: IN HOLliKX.
And thetoyouuii ladies? Thepum that
cjl.1'1 describe them is uot mine, because
il 1 cannot say an thing good about a
poreon I'd niihcr uot say unything. I
have uot seen a good-locking girl l.ete,
though there may bo some among the
natives iu Mauila, whose acipjaintance
we have yet to make. They uro u'l "oil
color," from one cause or another.
Iu size, tiio natives are about like the
Japanese, but 1 have not yet fully de
cided as to the complexion, (hero is tin h
a mixture of races here.
Tho native toilet does uot require the
use of a mirror, nor does it occupy much
time. Judging by what I have seeu, the
principal occupation of tho ladies iu tt")
way of a toilet, is to lake turn about iu
examining bcalps very critically, a la
monkeys in tho . h. Here is a gram!
opening for the manufacture of tine-tooth
combs. Children under 10 years don't
need clothes, but if their parents are
''stuck up," a shirt is worn, coming to
within about seven inches of tho knee.
li e only I o.itu they luivo in this hec
lion uto dugnute, or lunoes, w ith puddles.
Iu Cavito we drink ruin water, which is
really prefetable to the uativo gin, I uiu
told by those who hayo tried both, 1
have tint. Tlicie is a native pitndcuiu
here which i.i u.ed by llm native",
though I have not Iron utile to usccrtaiu
w here it is Becmed.
inu but
The native huts are made ul bamboo,
with palm thatching ou roof and sides.
The tloora ure about three foet from the
ground,. on account of malaria, and In
pi IV y ii ;.i;n i j I i hl -r,
id i ri'- lj t.i' i, li'Mt ,',
Cavil", !
Aii'Tt- -.v ;' i : a 'i.U'e 1 W1
WH C'lpi'! I
' i.'.U.,
Oi'vc. wrr,i i!-" limidd milf on
p.lifeii llr-re w l"V'j th'! pri.j-cling
Mo roiid n'.dry, narrow tiilc'ia k1 and intr
r.jw Mrt Hi?. Whuij lliu Siiiriiard!) were
driven oMt, the native came in at d took
pQiwI'i)i of the hoiiMfrd and storcn, arjd
aro fctdl In pa;?eipiori. Their n nioiial
will, I fear, can:) (rouble.
Hot I iniii t pij' an en I t : I i j- ,'eltor.
an it in late, and tuy fi:ei,d th'-. i iiKin)
that if , th'! ino' 'ipiit'j ii tnakiiig il too
hot for me. Wil'ikinl regarda i nil,
yuur frind, Fiti'-K W. Vc.'.i.i.,
The following rt-fjluti'ina were adopt
ed t the Weman's Chriitian Ttinpcr
atiie l'r,ii.n tonetit'on hid I at Ri..eLurgf
Oregon, !a. week :
We, your c mitiiit'e.' on rcioiutions,
moi iral"fu!!y n know h iigu ! pres
ence of 'iod with ua in cur work during
tho jeTi leadinK ns to hiher an I more
noble t ll'jrt. Realizing ilicr? ij yd a
great work to be done in o lr co-iuty, we
give the billowing ai our ili-i I iratiou ol
principles :
liml'-, d, That w o uigo a'l teachers iu
Ojiighis coiii.ty t j teach physiology and
hygiene according to the laws of Oregon.
lli fiUnl, That os a right lo a vm.xo in
tho decision ol our own destinies is a
right inherent in l.umani'y, ami as our
own national rincipuls (xntci-ely teach
that government i derive their jisst power
from l lie cont'ent i,f the governed, wo do
most eu: ici-tly entreat il e voters l( thia
fitatn, to i.vten l to tho w .ii ::i of regOD,
a right they to highly pri.;d tii'-iu'elVes,
a right in the ballot.
7.''.-".(d, That tinrc tciul a''inenee'
from alcoholic beverages' urnli r,;a ts'ery
part of cur woik, and H a'pait of the
lawofiud wiittt:J upjn the- tissues o
thu huniaii body a well i rn 'His Holy
Word, that wi will mat! a ttrong effort
t j t-fcure a mrre w l Ic-Fpread adherence
to thi piincip'e, n ,t t:. y among the so-
cal.eil ilrinKing clierer1, out in society
and aumn; Christian men and women,
A', .-nl', That wo exprces nor high
upprei iation for tiio iTcteti'i- and help
uii.oc us cf our beloved st i'e p;e;ident,
Mrs. Narcisa White Kinney.
.'i f'.r.V, That we do hereby tender' to
the people of Uo.-eburg, Oregon, "who
huvo so kindly opened tblir homts to
entrriaiu U3, our frineue Uianke. Also
to the officials of the M. E. Church for
the iibo of tho church, to the captain o
the Salvation Army lor the aoba render
ed, t) IV. ftraiigo -Jiud, Ua choir for.Jbe
T.Cal-.?- tnrn'"ihJ.. ini. fh. AVii!aH
Christian Temperance L'nion of tioeo
burg, Oreijou, and all who have in any
way contributed to cur coudort and the
success ut ilia coaveution.
' Mrs. If. R. FtKi.rsjN,
I'i;. Mviu Ukow.v,
.Mrs. II.
5hata Limited
la the name of the mly perfect train
in the world, i.iv, ruunicg every night
between St. Paui mJ Chicago, via tho
Chicago, Milwaukee .t St. Paul Railway
thu pioneer road id the west in adopt
ing ail improve 1 facilities for the safety
and enjoyment of passengers, illus
trated pauiphiet, bhow iug views of beau
tiful sceuery al .'lig the route of tho Pio
neer Limited, will bo nut free to any
person upon receipt cf two-cent postage
stamp. Address cieo. II. Hi'all'jrd, Gen
eral Patsenger Agent, Cnicago, II!.
Come mi l cji.vince vimrse'.f, ih.t we
mean bun'mes w hen we say our entire
stock niiiit no soi i. Noeliy Siuie.
if 'I
When tho appptitc fails there is no use in
trying to tempt the p.-.latew illi delicate food.
No matter how Rood and well-cooked and
"appetising " the food may be, it cannot
give any nourishment unless the stomach is
utile to digest it. Nature indicates ihc stale
oi' liie constitution by the loss of appetite.
This ii an unfailing indicator. It hhows
that somethiusr is fundauientally wrong
willi the iiuliilive fiinctions.
The only true natural relief must tie as
searching uud fundamental as the trouble it
aiin.H lo overcome. It is the thorough deep,
searching chaiacter of Vr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which causes the niar
velous cllieacv iu all bilious and digestive
difficulties. It cteates that healthful vitality
of the entiie digestive and nutritive oigau
ism which produces both the natural desire
for food ami the organic capacity to assimi
late ami transform it into nourishing, reviv
ifying blood and healthy tissue. It givea
appetite, digestion uud sound fclcep, und
builds up solid muscular HiengtU and
vital iicive-cueipy.
11. H. Thompson, Kik., of IV i. Hex 4, Kipple,
IllairCn , 1'i.mi'u, wutes: "1 had troubled
it I, eviti-me v,.inittuu lu nunuiuT scaseii, ul.
way:, alter t illing : u 1 c 1-1y eart-ful at liiurfl
to Viet .in tliuu M .'tay "ti ti 1 sU'iuue-li ut all; h.itl
heeu CiWliiu other nu.lii im -i, lail witlifiit ell'eet.
I heai.l a iiieii'l speak "1" 1'r. l'teict-'s I'.oUle'tl
Meilieat liiseovety, ami ttioiif:lit 1 woul,l pte it 11
dial. Iu'cvl iitmitt live loti It s uf it unit think it
ii the only uieiliiiuo thai ilnl mraiiy ;ixit. ns I
have a st,ienUil upiie tile ntiiv, unit tun not lining
auv iiuilieiue at all and elou t lltiiik I need any
ninl e."
V man itlu i. mi!'!", ling f:ci:i the evil
envois of eonsiipatnii doesn't feel like
work, and ciu't even enjoy his leisure
hoiiia. l'r. l'ietee'a l'leasant Pellets aie a
sine, swill, .sale, and peiinaiicut cine foi
constipation. l l.eyiue tinv, sugai coated
giauulcs. lino little "l'ellet" is a gentle
laxative, aud two a mild cathartic. They
never uripe. Dishonest druugists try to
get you t 1 lake a. substitute for the take
of tht added profit.
pU'.'u -,f .
ticiicf !:
3 V aitllatfaf
New Store !
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices !
The C !
Jackson Street,
Opp. Review Building.
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Qoods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a fine line of Millinery Qoods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Eall Trade.
Call and exaiiniue Goods and Trices.
Work Guaranteed.
Hudson Mills & Lumber Co.
Uavc opcued a New Lumber Yard ou tho ground formerly occupied by
tlio Marka Warehouse, ul luu tool of Oak Ulrcvl.
W are prepared to give yuu Better I.uiiiU-r ami I.wwvr Prlcea '"
iliau auy lumber dealer in tlio city.
Wo kindly Invito you to cull ami ce our Lumber and Frlctia.
UOSliUl'Ulj, OH.
New Goods!
Free Delivery
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents
. Furnishing Goods
Men's and
Children's Hats.
With or
Without Pain.
Opposite the Depot.