t Clot to Clo To School. I'd like to bunt I tit Injuns 't roam II. e boundless lln t IM like lo bo ft pirate V low tlic riii main ! An' capture roiiio big Ii-IuimI, in lmlly pomji to ml; Kill I J'ISt CSIt'l llU llutlltll' 'I'MIKI I U't I to go lo ( IhxiI. Mont all great turn, so I liave reml, has beta Ibc oi 'l got Ilia tenet amount o liarinu' by a Miekerlu' piicli iioe knot : An' many a daiin' toy like mc grows op to be ft fool, Au' never mounts lo notliiu', imusv lu-'s got to go to svliwl, I'd like to lie h cowboy an' rope tbe Teiat steer! I'd like to be ft eleuili-bouu', r a blumlj buocanerr ! An' leave tbe foe to welter wbere tbeir blood bad uiado a pool ; Dut bow caol git famous? 'cause I ot to go to school. I don't eee bow mr parents kin make tbe big mistake O keepin' down a boy like uto 'at's got a name to ruake! It ain't no woudcr boy is bad, au' balky Mi mule; Life ain't worth livin' if vuu'vo got lo naste your lime in school. I'd like to be regarded a ' Tue Terror of the Plains !" I'd like to see my victims (briek an' clank tbeir prison cbaiue ! I'd like to face tbe eacmy with gar.s se rene au' cool, Au' wipe 'em off tbe eailb ; lot, pshaw! I got to go to scbool. What good is 'ritbmetiu an' thing, ex- ceptin' just for girls, I'.r tbeui tbere Fauut'eroys 'at wears tbeir bair twisted in curls? Au' if tus name is never seeu ou bis fry's page, w by, you'll Keiuember 'at it's all because I got to go to school. Nixon Waterman in I.. A. W. rull- tiu. Keston Local. Deauliful wcatlier. j W'e arc all eagerly awaiting tbe time to come wheu we will redeye daily mail. Miss Juna Wilson, of tbe Mountain House, is visiting friends in Koseburg. Mr. E. lUrdman and family left holi day for tbe bopyard. Mr, 15. Amlereou and family, of Klaui atb county, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Urcwster Valley, for tbe past few weeks, returned lo Mr. W. Lairds Sunday, and after making a pleasant visit, departed for tbeir borne. Hank West returned Tuesday from a visit to Koseburg. Miss Roweua -uiuey, accomplished daugbter of Mr. V.Ciuruey.of this place, has gone to Civil lend for a sboit slay, having accompanied ber aunt, Mrs. C. Noab. Our successful teaiber, Mi-.s Jofaic Smith, returned to our vjciuity Suuday.I and began ber duties in tbo ecbool-room Monday. We are pleased lo notice bow rapidly our youths are advancing under ber instructions. Miss Maude Goodman, of Looking Ulate, was visiting friends bere Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laird, of lire wa ter, were seen on our streets Sunday. Miss Libel Duncau, w ho Las been visiting in Coos county, for a few weeks, returned recently baving baJ a good time. Subscribe for the I'laindlalli; and read .its newsy columns. Mr. Cal Harry was visitiug at tbe mill one day last week. Chas. Uroat lias gjuu to Looking Glass. Mrs. U. IS. Weekly was visitiug Mre, Matthews Sunday. Dltiv tit auk . Dinger Notes. We of Uingcr are pleased to say we ro ceived a pleasant visit from Mr. aud Mrr. Cale Corder of Grave Creek. Miss Matilda Palmer of the Woodlaw n is visiting friends in ' lendale. Mr. and Mrs. W. LaUBou were visitiug dow n tbe creek last week. J. L. French and Will Liusou made a business trip to Canyonville luet Sunday and have not returned at preseut writing, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Lvusjti whj have been visitiug ber mother at liiuger for the past five weeks will soon return to Sao Francisco. IWugcr's loss will te Sau Francisco's gain. Frauk Oliuglioute w ho has been cull iug wood near Gleudale, was borne on a visit last Sunday. We of liiugn just recieved a pleasant call from Jobu and Maggie Oliughougo. Mr. Claude Kiddle, of Kiddles, aud Miss Mole, of Koseburg, ietil a pleas ant eveuiug ut Dinger last week. Mr. Dick Johns was up tho creek buy iug cattle last Sunday. Mr. Claude Kiddle, Mrs. Mamie Clem ents, Miss Dallas Miller, Miss Mole, Lllie l'almcr aud ielma Liw is called at Bioger last Saturday. Mr. (iuo. I'almer aud bis sislors l.ilie and Tillie and their uncle Carl w:ll soon go to Kiddle to pick prunes. Daisv Dti.i.. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Drug lirui of Kogue iV Coruuu have this day dissolved partnership by mutual con sent. All parties owing the same w ill please settle their accouuts with Dr. C. V.. Uogue, who w ill succeed tbe lirm, C. H. lioui K, A. F. CouNun . Dated at Myrtle Creek, this first day of August, ISiH, Needed In The Army. W'AMiiNtiToN, Sept.. ljte in tbe day the following was Riven out at tbe war depart nient : "In rHiii(e to Ibe request of tbe gov ernors f foine f i ho states for the mus ter out t( their ei.tiie vnluulcer lot e, (lis rtui.ltnil replied in siibetance, as follows : " 'Answering your telegraphic request for tbe musttt cut of your regiments, I have already determined that 100,000 of tbe vofuuteers shall be mosteied out of the service. This is because, in my judg ment, that numbe van be spared. About KM,000 will remain, as tbe govern rocut now ientire iu Cuba, 1'orto Uioo, and tbe ritillipines a larger nnuy than tbo regular military establishment affords. The muster-out, like the muster-in, will be. as marly as possible ac cording lo the population of the several states. Tbe suggestion to muster-out all of tbe volunteers from your state cannot, therefore, be entertained. The secretary of war baa already inquired of tbe gov ernors of tbo several states what regi- meuts in tbeir judgement ran, w it It the least inconvenience, remaiu iu tbe ser vice. Their advices w ill, so far as I am concerned, if consistent with tho public interest, bo complied with.' '' More Men Strkkcn. Nv.w York, Sept. 'J. A dispatch to tbe Herald from Tones, 1'orto Rico, fays that illness among the I'nited States troope ie increasing. Tin re are now mora (ban -j jx-r cent of Ibe men unfit for duly w ithin a radius of a few miles of Ponce. There are 1000 soldiers in tbe hospitals. In some commands therr- are J0 per cent of tbe men dow n w ii b fever, principally typhoid. The City of Chester has arrived with medical supplies aud 10 uureec Considering conditions, tbe percentage of deaths is small. All tbo 1 1 oops now iu 1'orto Kiev have becu placed under command of General Guy V. Henry, General llrooke relin quishing active direction of tbe army while occupied with tbe duties of tbe military commission. No Foundation. S.s Kii.v.NUffCo. Sept. S. Sergeant Major II. L. Holgatc, of tbe Oregon re cruits, formely editor of the Corvallis Gazette says: "There is uo foundation for tbe re ports that have ttgitateJ the Ked Cross society at 1'ortland, and the governor of Oregon. The eieiuess among Ibe mcu is cbietly measles aud mumps, vvilb a few cases of typhoid, coulracted at Camp Merritt. There i-J nothing to complaiu of. Shasta Limited Is the name of the only erfect train in the world, now running every night between St. l'aul nud Chicago, via tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Taul Railway tbe pioneer 'road of the west iu adopt ing all improved facilities for tbe safety and enjoymeut of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, showing views of beau tiful scenery along tbe route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Geo. II. Heafford, Gen eral I'aesen'er Agent, Chicago, III. Wanted Hop Pickers. 1 will give 10 cents ier box for picking bops Ibis season. Appl to N. La It .ur, Wilbur, Or DURE THE BEST SODA 1 ICE II WATER CREAM A Nil PURE CANDIES MAMKACrUHFli DAILY AT TBI KMDT KIICHEN Fiiuiilics aud Parties Sup plied at rcasouablc rates, aud ou short uoticc. SHELLAH CARROLL. H, C, STANTON Hi jut rtceiTtd new od titenUT iteck DRY : GOODS CONSIBTINO OF Mdies' Dress Goods, Kibboss, TriunuIigR, Laces, Klc Etc. -ALHO A FINE STUCK Ot- HOOTN AM MIIOJ 0( tb bcit quslily and flolih; GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alio on baud In Ur(t quatlti and at prlcas lo auit ine timet, aim a largt aloes or Alw a largt alock of ao Clothing Custom-Made Vox Clioice Call at Stanton's for "L. 1. M" 1AST0R AVcjc laWc lYcf nr jtioii for As - slmitatmg inctoodnmi Kcguid ting I he Stomachs anilLVjvcls of vri XI. Promotes Dicslion.Chrctfiil ncssarKlRcsl.Contalns neither OpnmT.MorphinC nor Mineral. KOT NAHCUT1C. ,4T.r Sfmttm AmUM. JJtb Jtmtt M lUr-SrrJ - Anrrfcct Remedy forConMiro lion. Sour 5lonktch.PumlK.va. Vonns .Convulsions, Fcwrish ncss and LOSS OF SLLEP. Tac Simile Sii?nturc of NEW S'OHK. rxACT copycf wrappcb. Great Golly Gee ! sec? when it conies to the Xauiiuc our Stack. ;st IMi Churchill in in si in m ASHLAND, Imitated in lit u t i.i!iol uri'K'jii i-1 . i q J lar-e'c I'tuclit- Tliis avliuul but u n-suiar U'tihmI (.i.im- ..; : cullcgv prt-ratory, mult ant art urn:-..-. M' Tlic numiul (vtilurclst racti.c l- ml.ln. r tbMruUjrli critic tuatlii r. Tbe trtiulug stliwl i t-rii'lcl. r.t-K" a . diploma is granted, g'rtxl ci-rli'-!- in U. - t,. - Sept 5. Fur uitulo'-'ue or liiloniniii.iii ii I !!-.. , 01'l.N.S IN Portland, September d.' -K.October ii, i'.)s Tlic 1 iiu-t ami Ur-1 -t K..t;.iti I'- i I! .! in tlic ir invi'-i. HORTICULTURAL i and AGRICULTURAL! 1'rylin.tMil Ongun au! Valiiin-'l ni will ilnycl III whiiI rlul proln'inli, mrni'iiir. inure xariitii x limn cut licluri' niiii crol t'jgcilnr in one txiili it. Gold, Silver and lironc Tk-ilab will he Awarded. MsrvuluUbly Jtiili Sjiutiini'im fi'iii our (JulJ, Silver aii'l Hhvr Miiu.-n ' BEN.VtTI'S liLVOWMil) MIUTAKV IIVNIJ: Hal Utn vli88''l lr I lie M.a.n. At' n liuij Aerial 1'ealn an I .i r j'.ui'. J'erforiiiaiH'oH try J.'jv lUteu on hII l!ailru;nl i ADMISSION Adults 3 couts Cliililri ii lOi i'iilii m p LT m UodLTlbu above multii I ulllalill i.'hiiIIiiik m utvey fur all iui tlca dinlrint! m v ux ititiiiir" i j au t;iiKiiii;vr ui .iiiiv.mii. .My i:intiK'i win (i.'.nuiinuii Jitim ui mult a ''ul rflil' ' 'I. Mllillil Notary Public. Ail'lnm mt' al C'l. vi iuiiil, iJuir.'Us u.. in. OREGOIU imniwraHKvnn liiuuoiiiinL j ,aiuoi iiui wii.i, i. iii;vin. hm mmi For Tr, l,i tit ul ChiU i r ; The Kinil You Have Always Bought ' TilL'V know ? Gun IJu; OREG . : tv. l. '.:. il'l;.:-, c at ', . -i- : )i:ri i, I ;:i;.i . l'-.ili in t 1 1 - 1 - i i . !i ; i . 1 'i i' il i i 1 ; : i . ; : t ; .It i J. i . v A : C. O. '. i:. C''.;:i.iii, jr, fiibbo (( . -A i J ii . . I ...1' n r I lt.i':l , I il- i I .Irivlmi I. .l iii .. . -I'J ,1 .. ri. I '. .1' I . i. I- t-v ily. Iini '.i' i ' . mil i . ...'.in . i,i n.inii" -j. i ..I. 1 1- .1 , . . : : ! ..I I. 'i i 'i I ii - i j . i i ' " . f --i ' I ' i " " ' ' ,, .il,'! I..'.' :.. i , 1 i '..''' I . I . i : ' : , ,1 " I.. 'I I , 1 1,..,.... II 'I 'I ' ;i ,.! I' i ' l' l. I. I- i:. I I'illl. I 'l' I'1' I llli.'. ( Il I.' ' ":. I,', j:.' mi, l. 'v. jju "in. . I- ..II' it. l.i' j'.'i '. 1 . ),..., .i j f I Bcaj's tlio f . Signatm, f The i I'- .v if ' jr Vr - i : &t 'Jits g it pE ;i ? y ( a hi ."--'.'i I.l-.il;. r. lull .1 Will in:. I r l. iUJ. ( ill A'v-V . . V V .A I " . . iSamrreliii (PREPARED WHEAT) x, (V'VyiK VW' ,,:AIM " ' - :pV $wm and , .v, St."i 3-T,'"1' ll'rifaml Wlu-ati (itH'lll'.US ' ".r M i-.'vv;.V?'avS.i I''" "' i' '" v " i- 'v.,1, iV.li - H ? J v . t ..v. i. . t..r tin- 1 . v A. C : v.' v. .. ?;v; -s v : THE SHASTA itOIJ n; ' iUlUMTIl I '111!' liur Hull i:i.il( ii t m . u iM.n Puilr.vinfGutTct GIcc.jcig ! ( i:. : s s i i i-l M. ( Jt i i l . ii I o 1 1 1 tu - I. t! : . I I ;l ! ( . o. 4 LU. on ui i I I. i .11'.! . I . i 1 1 r I : I v . .11'.. I 1 ! ' I "1 .1 1 . I 'l ill. I ! I. . '! . . I , 1 ....... W. It. Ill Iti.lil !( I, . it . ;. -'. I ': I I : .. It .1 . till'., 70 OIVw Axil) x -w ' .Lis JLu vJ i . a ALL (;0MP17f ITORS ! . r.i : vu) ii in th'' I.' i.l, k i i:..,r. . ' l ' I..I .i r. lo 1 ( i i . I ! i i . i ! :.: ; i . i, i. n i. , "i. iiv iiiiiiir; I... in..; C ii 1 1 1 .il ' I :. l.i tin II- Ii '.'.I . I I ul! Ti . ii. a. i " ' if 't t- TSi r. v' i ii '..4.. I b 1 (i TJtM, C l I 1 . . nr. J! l.i .'I ' i :'.inl N'.'ii. ; i I. ' l i:.;... .1 ,1 1'li... . c. ,ul. .,1 jit!.1 'il 'ti 'l In! i l m; '.Itil f'-t: Vt'-i s, ,l .1 Ii h.ri: iti v lUi',. K I l 1 SURE DEATH jopher Poison Ls i PJS .S: CO.. n u . . -v--- - ROSl-LiVilC. OFGCON, .Ti .s : -V.V: ; KRUSI: & Q; ll .M.CUH fit 1 FI1NGY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS r IMF. TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Al -ii A 111 I. LINK I IK , TOBACCO Sc CIG ARS. J . IX .1 I I It . his is the to Buy Groceries. your special attention. n. i : . t .. . ealth is Wealth ! it tmi:n usi- 'it re A. C. A1ARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions I :illeil Accurately Ant! With Dispatch. A Pull Line of Patent Tletlicines and Toilet Preparations. ;VWWvVVWWVWWVVVVVV WYLIE PILKINCTON, - in. i.l In ii. W. SOAII General Blacksmithing . c .hi Bcpa '; mi , . lio)H IN(i AND KUNNINd l'I.ATI:5 A I'liCIAI.I V, i.. r.MKINU UK A l.i, KIMirt rim.MI'l ,V 1wNK. N.'lw: oil 1 .11 lit r WilKlllllKlWII lllltl KilllC HlN., ItoHllllllK. 1 Real BsUite Parnis, large and small, lo Rent, AM) l.M.MKDIiVTi: POSSESION (ilVKN. .Mod. i;;iui;e:;, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, . l'ruue and I Fop Lund.s of best quality, in Vhoite locations, ; in quuntitie:; to suit ii-teuding purchasers, at reasonable puces and easy terms. Inquire of id. s. k:. buiok, LjBVVIW, scottsburc, chrdiner, rue D7:iL-v Mail Stage Co. l.t.ur.. Diain every liloi 11 illi;', connecting at vScotlsburg v ith the STKAMKR RALPH, for Oardiner and other points ou the Unipqua. i-LI rAK'Allil, Piopiielor. nsssnnnsAs N'X! 111 . i6" Driii LsLs. 7 CC3 ' S'JC 4d f T SI IAMBROOK; IN A I.I. KINIiri UK Mil' I'iMit .'klillli ul '. (I. ltIHi:ilt IMJ. ltl .ON. .! .'. vM: J.'. IS J- 4 Place A lull ;u:i! coinplt U- a; :.oi Uucill .'fall imuIs usually lic-jil iu a lirsl class luici)'. Kvi-rythinij ultoicil Itu- sale is ficsh; ami snKl at vcr)- reasonable prices. W'e have a very clioice .stock of canned imhkIs, including both fruits and vegetable.-:, to which we invite 1 1 : i. .... i. i : i t l- IV 'l I II I III I I. I II. els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We cany ihe larger! slock of to bacco?; in S 'Uthern Orej'.on. PARKS cx- CO., Grocers. j Fresh Drugs SOLD IJV Bought and Sold