The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 12, 1898, Image 2

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rubli'hcU every Monday ami Thursday
By Thi rtAi.M'KAi.titt rtm.isiiiNu n.
E. I. t-lRAlr'UKU .
w. Y. BiCf JAM1N
llnnBcrlpllon Knlra.
On Year
rtlt Mould
Thrco Month
l O
Gtiicml Mile admit, hefaid it and lie
don't cure w bo knows It.
I( Milt, and Kooaercll form junction
Alter will probably lake to the wood.
It i tiolicfftble that there ar not
many I abic lapiiiR named Knaar-lt A.
The I "nited Nate bail reiuembviC'i
tbe Maine and Kn'and baa icinenil't'nKl
Chinese border.
I be aoue4ti"ii of .'a mail a tioul I be a
very opular move just at tbiatiiueof
year w bile ginger la iu eucb great de
If tbe people become alarmed at tbe
amount of money which is accumulat
ing in the United Statte treasury, all
tbev need to do is ti elect Cleveland
(resident again.
Tbe native women of tbe I'liilippiues
are not much on drvfs or style but there
is one good thing about them. They
do not expect their husband to conduct
themselves according to tbe rules laid
down in the Ladies Home Journal.
The prospect of an eitra session of tbe
legislature for the electiou of a I'nited
."Hates senator brings a large grist of
prospective caudidatee to the front, tut
none are receiving more prominence
tban Biuger Hermaun. Tbe people
know thai Hermann served them faith
fully while he was in cougresi. "reon
CitY Trees.
The Kugenc Ouard and other pop pa
lmers arc advocating a law reducing the
rate of interest in Oregon. They bad
better go a little further and pa?s a law
compelling meu who have money to
loan it without security. This would
render the iute rest law etlVctivc, and
would be another Ijiij; etep iu the di
rection of the political millcoiuui, ac
cording to the pop idea.
Governor Lord has issued a proclama
tion calling for an extra session of ti c
legislature to couvene at saleui on the
iXHh ins'.. This is not the wish of the
majority of the people of Oregon, nud
nothing will bo accomplished at the ex
tra session that w ill come of any good to
tbe cople of o'ir state. A senatorial
scrap is on and old man Corbett is prob
ably Ike projector of the whole s-bemc
to ct't himself elected to the United
states senate Klamath Uepublicau.
A great deal of fuo is beiug poked at
Hop. Cioger llertnaun, Cotuumsiooer of
the Oeueral Laud office, by popacratic
papers, for keepiug Forest Kaugers in
the Cascade luountaius. to prevent the
spread ol fires aud the wholeaalo des
truction of acres of valuable limber.
Tub clearuese of the atmosphere, al this
time of year, attest the faithfulness of
these guardiaui of Undo Sam's forest
reserves. Biuger Hermann knowts a
thiug or two, these fueocralic fellows
never thought of with their little think
ers. Linn County Uepublicau.
La Grande has passed an ordinance
prohibiting assemblages ou the etreets.
It is supposed that the law is aimed at
the Salvation Army. Tie people of Lu
gene would approve of a similar ordi
nance. Eugene Uuard.
Well, it is not to the credit of Lugece
or any ether city that they would a
prove of such an ordiuauce. The Salva
tion Army will have a iiice plea-ant cor
ner in the New Jerusalem, while a lot of
you sinners will find yourselves stand
ing ou tbe outeide under the eaves,
while the water trickles dowu your
spine as you wait for your turn to hit the
There has been a great demand for
labor, iu Joeepbine county, throughout
all the summer, ibis demaml has been
uiaiuly ou account of the many new
uitcucs cocstructed, or lengthened
And it still continue. There is no tear
city of work iu Southern Oregon for the
horny uanded sons ot toil, and they
have come iu considerable numbers
front the W illamette vallev, aud as far
south as Sacreuaeuto. Oregon Mining
The above editorial, from one of the
strongest populist organs in the state,
indicates that the return of prosperity,
is at last makiug itself apparent even to
the darkened mind of our populist brcth
ren. There is yet hope that our social
iit brother of the Keview, will sec the
error of his way, and come out ol his
cave of gloom, long enough to get the
benefit of some of the sunlight of return
itig proeitrity.
Oue of thu lirat aud most ituportaut
questions which should receive the al
teutiou of tho Oregon legislature at the
coming regular scssiou, should be the
question of building goud wagon roads,
We have no suggestions to oiler as to
how roads thouM bo constructed, or as
to thu bctt manner of going about it.
Matters of detail ran bo easily worked
out wheu it it once determined that the
atale will go forward iu the work of
buildiug roads of such a character as
w ill place the state iu thu ranks of the
progressive ttates of the uu ion in this
"Kurd. Xake this county as an illus
tration (Le couJitjyo vf the road cjues-
liuii. There linn been labor aud money
enough ex(endd tn thi. county during
tht lt forty jeaie to have laid out,
graded and uiacadamlxed In tin no.l
tubManlial manner, public roads to
every part of the cutiuly abere road are
needed, and jet thet l not Ova miles
of roa l In ibe whole county tbat la not
loli(cly Impassable (or a loaded wag
on ittiritiit tho iuter and rpring moults
of tho year. II tint county bad, In lb
beginning if ita liittory, adopted lbs
plau o( building and completing but 10
utile of road each year, instead of
apendipi: I be money and lakir nhicb
ban Irt-eti apenl, In tilling uiilheibuck
bole dining (be uninmer thai aete
made dittiuu tbt previous winter and
faring, we would now bar pnjd roada
all over Die county. Tbere is notbing
which shoes tner dearly tban doei tba
condition of t'e public toadt, tbe degree
of eneryy and progrets of tba eople of a
community. W thould "get nut of tba
run" literally a well as BgnraUvety.
When the planet Mais is nearest the
earth it is X,yoti,0M miles away. Al
uioel close euougb for Cucle lani to an
iifT. Times Mountaineer.
tSeudl'ewey up tkeie tw'.b a fleet o!
airships audbewtll attend to tbe de
tails of anueiatiou. Koseburg Iieivew
What about tbat railroad ibatwasaa
possible as tbe scheme of international
bimetahsm tbat McKinle has beeo
njoukcjiuis with? Tortland Welcome.
Why not send old Alger on John II.
Mitchell's railroad? !alem Independ
ent. Just luiu it over to the big jellow
jouruaia and the jib nil! attended to.
Albany lmtocrat.
Yes, and when it is annexed we shall
vote t colouii it with lot of ion
growling, whining, fault-finding, belly
aching pops, who think this world is go
ing to hades and is not good enough for
you any louger, and when we get you
there we will have Dewey cut the cable.
Wishart-Kussell Wedding
I. K. Wiehart cf Oregon City and Miss
Maude V. Kussell of Oakland, ere mar
ried at St. Clements Church, Oakland,
Wednesday evening, Sept. Tin, Kev.
John L'.mson officiating. The church
was beautifully decorated, the ceremony
taking place beneath a large floral belt-
The attendants were Miss Dora Tage,
MisJ Maude Beckley, Miss May Stearns,
l'rof. Schmidt, of Albany College. II.
D. Melviu and D. W. Stuart, r lower
girl. ViTia'i Dim nick and Minnie
Dion ii. Tbe wedding march was played
by Mrs. F. H. Churchill of Kjseburg.
The church was comfortably tilled by
friends who gathered to witness the cere
mony. Hie Oriiin is the daughter oi
l'rof. Oeore T. Uussell, city recorder,
aud the grootu a druggist of Oiegon City.
At the close of the ceremony the wed
ding party withdrew tj ttie Russell resi
dence, where the contracting parlies re
ceived the congratulations of their
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wishart left on
Thursday moruiug'a train for Oregon
Citv, their future home. Oakland Oa
Connty Court Notes.
A I'etition for I lie vacation of bis in
Winchester was presented and granted
Liquor license was grauted to Bent
,eu & Ulaoi, of (.ilendale, and to .iilhotn
A Leveus, al Canyoiiville.
On application of I". W. Beueun, it
was ordered that property describtd on
1'age 10s, vol. 1., Hue 1 1, to Mrs. I rancee
Hut J, he caucealed fioui roll and an un
divided one half be ' essed to F. W
Benson and one half t J. F. Barker.
In the matter uf the proposed connty
road from county bridge across Cow
Creek, uear (.ilendale, to county line be
tweeu Joeopniue and Douglas counties,
Grant Levees. T. b. Johns aud Joseph
Bergler appointed viewers and B. O,
McCallocb surveyor, to meelat GlenJale
on Wednesday, Sept. 11, ly5.
I'owder to tbe amount ot was al
lowed to John Livingston for use iu
road district No. 17.
Bida a follows were received for oper
aliug the Lone Itock ferry: C. H.
Wright, f-o per month, J. F. Wright
fl'J per month aud John B. McGhehey
'J. 73.
An Early Snow Storm.
Kans. Citv, Mo., Sept. ID Dis
patches received here show an unusual
fall of enow last night and today in Last
ern Colorado, Northwestern Kansas aud
Southwestern Nebraska. The heaviest
snow fall is reported in a special dis'
patch to the Journal from Atwood,
Kaw lings county, Kan., the correspond
ent repotting a fall of five inches at that
point, with a heavy frost this morning,
Oberlin, Decatur county, a'.eo reports a
heavy suowfall. Many other points in
Western Kausas report light titirries of
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby giveu to all parties
holdiug Douglas county warrants In
dorsed prior to Oct. 17, la'Jt, to pre
sent the same at the treasurer's office in
the court house for payment, as iuterest
will cease thereon after the date of this
Dated this the :':'d day of Aug., lS'.td
at the City of Uoaeburg, Oregon.
Oto, W. Di.MMita,
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or,
1 or Over I'lMjr Vcau,
Am ui.ii i.M Wkil-J'miu Kcmsuy, Mrs
WiU'lov KiNithtng Hynji, liai IktU U'C'J for
over lift? j cum hj uillliuuiof uiolhcn for tbvlr
cLIIJicu while teething, wltb perfect utcck.
IttoothcK thvchiM, utkm the gumt, allai all
paiu, curcn wlud colic, and la the hot remedy
fur LHnrrliu. la plcaiaut to the taktc. Sold by
druKKit tu every part of thu world. Twttitj
flvo cent a bottle. Ita value l Incalculable.
Beaure and auk fur Mr. H lualow's Noothlog
Hyrnp, aii'l Uku mi other kind. j
Lmprcssvf Autrin the Victim of'
an Italian,
imui ally Kii.i.i:i)Ai ui:m: a
Stabbed While Walking Horn n Motel
to a Moat 1 he riurdcicr
Was Arretted.
GkNx , SwiUeiland, Si-pi. I" H o
eniprvs of Austria wa nHimi.itivl ne.n
tbe Hotel IVauriv aito this aftruiHui t
au anarchist, who was ui'rctc I
It appcai s that her niajeoly .ii wnlk
ing from her hotel to tbe lamliui: pUco
of the steamer al aliottt I o'clock, when
an Italian auarcbiat suddenly appcmoil
aud stabbed her to the beait. Tho em
press fell, and was carried to tlm Motel
Beaurivage, where she cxpireil.
The stretcher upon which tho cioi'n.a
was carried to tbe hotel waa haelily im
provised with oais and sail cloth. Doc
tors and priests were iumicdt.itcly sum
moned, and a tulegtam ws ent to Ian
peror I raucis .losepli.
AlleUo!U) to tovive bet matesty woio
unaalhug, und she esptted at ' o i lot k.
lhe medical examination showo H.hI tho
assassin must have used a small ti Lingu
lar tile. After striking tho blow bo tau
along Jibe Hoe IVs Alpee, with tho evi
deut iutentiou of eoterioi; the fpi.irc
Atpes. but lv(ote reaching it h way by two cabmen, who lnd wit
nessed the trimo. They luitided biui
over to a loatmau aud a uoiuLinnc, w ho
conveyed him to the police M.ilion.
Tbe prisouer made no resistance, lie
even sang as he walked along mi m ;
"I did it," aud "She unntt be de;id."
At the )olice ttattou he dechired tbat
he was a "starving auarihitit, with i.o
ha'.red for the pjor, but oulv for tl e
Li'.er, wiieti taken to the couil!i ,ihe
aud inlerogiitetl by a m.tgistrato in the
preteoce of three memliers cf tl.e !. al
government and the police official. I c
pretended not to know French nr.. I re
fused to answer quest -on t. The police,
on searching him, found a lot iuuei.t
Showing his n.iuio to ho l.'iii 1 y hii.i,
born in I'aris in is;, nu l an Itaiiiin
A great crowd q-iickly uweiiihled
around the Hotel IVaurivac, wiu-io tl.e
officials proceeded after mOnoaiing
the prisoner. The polii a t-svuilie-l the
scene of the crime for the wcax.o'. at d
the accomplices of the asiin.
It appear! that a iKiatui.'.u n-! ned
three persons closely following the em
press, who was unking purch,t--cti in the
The local government , imiuedi.i'.c ly en
receiviug tli new ul lur maj' t a
oeaui, iitii-iiiaie i tue iu- ou mo nuui
de ville the municipal office , an.l piu
cecded in a body to tho Hotel l''.iuit
vage, as a token of reaped.
The excitement increased and in. my ui
the shops ou tho Kursaul were cl"-i'.l.
The empress' wound wa juit over the
left breast. There was hardly any bleed
ing. A priest was secured iu timu load
minister the extreme million.
The assasgiu, while being iitterroided
by the magistrate, said that he came to
Geueva wilh the intention of killiug the
Dnc d'Orleada, but the latter had already
left. Laochini tor Luccesi foH-.iwed the
duke to h)viau, about - j miles uotili of
(Jeneva, on the lake, where he ;i:.aMiii
unsucce6sful. He then retired to Geneva
and learned from the papc' of the pie::.
ence of the Austrtau cuipre-ri. Neater
day he dogged her footsteps, imt lound
no opportunity to carry out li!a,
though he naUhed the Motel Bcauti
vage all day.
This allei u juu about 1 .')), he fcaid, ho
taw the valet of thu euiprce- Icaviuf;
the hotel and going toward the lati'hn.
fie inferred from this that the cmi:tc?h
was going to lake the steamboat, and hu
bid himself behind a tree on tli; quay,
with the rile concealed in hi.i riht
sleeve. In a few minutes the emprcEH,
accompanied by her I ah of honor,
peared, and the asKHSPiu cli:n k tin; tile
Ijtochini coiifesecl that hu hns 1"jcii an
anarchist siuce lie was l Jytai - old.
"If all anarchists did their duty .i I
have done tuiue," he said, "bourgcoii: so
ciety wonld soou disappear."
He admitted that he knew thu ctimu
was neeless, but said lie committcl it
for "the cake of example."
In spile of minute Kearchitig, the
weapon of the murderer has not hecu
Dense crowds alill surround the
Beaurivage this evening.
Assassins Weapon Found
J'.Mti, Sept. 10. The Figaro Mates
that tbe weapon used by the aHaa jnin uf
the empress of Austria was found in thu
lake. It wa.a three sidud lile, ir
sleuder and sharp.
The post-mortem examination Hhowed
one almost imperceptible wound, thu
tile having penetrated tho hc-art and not
cauilns exterior blaedimr
The empress, it suems. only Biippoued
that she had received a violent blow.
At ti rat b maintained ureal couIiilmh. i
Wuen aiked if Bho w iuhed to rcttitu to
tbe hotel ehe replied :
"N" i be ouly struck mo on Ihu hruatl
and .(oubtleH wiuhed to hteal my
Wi l ,l."
'1 he aneaseiu made a coinpleiu coii-
fAai..i. ...Lli..,. 1... i. .r..l.i II. ..I II...
, mini j em nuii.,it iinii ttie
dealb penally does uot diet in thu can-1
ton nbere tbo tragedy occurred. j
ihe Oeueva police believe that lhe.',
are ou the track of two accomplices.
Krcakiti"; the News, j
I.omjo.v, tept. 1 1 . Tlm Viuuiu cutre-1
apoudeut of tbo Obourvcr tityu : When1
Couut Uolucborky, Ihu A uatnj-1 1 in.i- i
rian foreign minister, comtuuuicated thu I
new I to tbe emperor, the latter tank
ipeeclileHi into a chair and leiuained for !
a lou;' time tnotlonlf.HH.
I I I ' f. Ill lili.i n( tint I til pi I'M Will I'C I
: lire ntl.l to Violin. nt I'tico lor a Mate I
I fiim in'.
I'lm imii it-r in reported to In vo raid,
M'; "Shall I not tn liccd from
viicl mid 1'iiin in 111 t' world''"
thief lit V kit ill.
Vii,n., Sept. It' I he now ( ollbe aa
(agination ( ilio eii'ptoM-i i.Nebcd hero
hlunlly t etore tio'i lock. It tprcitd like
liKlri'.ing. Tho Mreoi were sndvlenly
tilled with intiliiiiiih'!! el proplv, many id
thiMii bivoiniin; imp itiiabh' lot ohielee,
l.xlra eiliiioiiH nio I'ninl l y all tho
Manv Vieniieso eoie-til m. tbe leoll
iiuieihhl until the ri'iul ollicial toiler
Ahend mI appciiioil, cuilittuiii'! the ,'nu'n t h uf tin1 other papers. All tho
p i em iiceomp.iiiie.l (ho uiinoiiiu'iMiient
with wariii It il'iite." tu tho eiupros.
They w re ei'uetly snatchol from tho
ban Id of the .i.'lli-i-., and wi i , read ahvtd
to nrottpi nf cHii-i'ii
An imlc"'i ibiihle w ief nvei poneta tho
people. I':i" pei l.x inainef at the court
t boater! and tho i ihilro exlutiitioti have
I'oen citiiceVd.
I nipctor I i tin ! h epli recteed tho
liewa at .' t In enhi uhti. Mis majesly a
i jut ncy t . mteiul tlm Ln.uieuvcti! at ip'e,
Mill -:u y, .ii el i al'!t;idout'd.
A I the theal -i:. hum and iu tho pin t'jwiij aru clo.ed.
The c'ia e litii'U of the Muni-ollicial
teller Ahei-.d I'oft appeared wild hlaik
borvlctH. ItexprcK H : tho "uuivcidul or
tOA felt it', th" Ime uf inn inihhi etnprrss,
wlieie hto waoiio lunn eh.iiu el phiUll
tluop ," ddil:g :
"She bad gone al'i .id in otdci to cb
t uu ficfcli (tn nglli, I ut only to heculuo
tho vii ti ii uf a n I and tu.ul a'.l.icK."
It eolicliides wi'h mi eprei-aioii if
"t-iueere pyinpathy with lint iui'cror,
tipju whoHc 1 1 1. ne I head nub y.iiuf has'eu in the m i- il l is j i'iileo."
Tiie cuipiY?-1 wa-; lorn IV;euib.'r -I,
l ir. Sho wat tie' d Ulhter nf Duke
Maiu i i in. 1 1 I'l.iv.iri.i, mill was married
'.o I'raucin JoM-pii I. cinpeiot of Auatiia
andkingi'i" Hungary, Apiil 1, l.-jl.
They had tin.v i lul l.-ett, the Archduch
ess Girsela, who i-t married t'. I'
l.uitpi.!. ui I'..n.iria .iri-hdiike Kudolpli,
w ho nun it.' I I'fiue'-s s:ephatiio id lU'l
Kitiin. and who wav -lee ui i ugly assassin
ated in I'-- ', au I the A ii ltduehe-m Maria
a'cria, wh married tho Archduke
Fran. i:tii ru'cany.
Serious Oppoiti-)ii to the American
Authorities is I'c.ircd.
the I lei. -ild i'
T;i:' a!li:u !
g"til ha li'i-
diltlgl f..!i:' :
-.I t ''. A, h to
I M Hi . 1 .1 H.l : .
1 Hie I'hihppinc it -ur-daily
lii-iniiie.; more
pen H their iqq "JiJioll
In the A in-. :ii .hi all! In'' il:i m th.t' the ul
nation is atrai: e l and , e-.iciliali'iti may
hi; itiliieiilt .
What niiike.i the Mtu ill mi Imnu
tri it'.deMjine it the uiiih..guiHcd tnalry
hetwee'i t!ie hjllnwerM oi tuiHial Ajini
lialdu, t If.' -e!i-prin;!.ti'iicd 'helat'.i , aud
Geuerai 1'ilir, who covet., thu honor
wliiih Auit aid'i hai acquiie l.
General l'i!n IMar ii in coiiimaud of
the iumirg.'iit lru,qs slalnjned Muuth of
I .t ti i !.t . Il uu tlietu in a way that i.t
liost aiKioyiug I ) jjiiiiialdo, aud at the
same tiuic in.ikee every illort to idiuw
hi - utter didii- ir l tij tho of
li i.i!m. 1 1 r lor , a-. nl , ii no to patrol
thu illy, t riLO'ii'.q'in !,n lor mio--i in
every 1 1 icti ju.
::'iitjal Io'h t (in,-' i- ii .iiiieij int",
II ; tin Itu.j'.ci atti mpl:) tu i 'lineal hia
boitthiy to the olln uh, ob i repu-M.-u-lhe
I ni!;d .';iatctf, mid yettlcrday issued
mi urder prohihiling I.ih njl,lier Irmu
entii.ii): the American lines. Una
cu'.i.-n- wad probably ileeiiicl iicccucai ' ,
iu ijr ler t ) prevent tin in fiom hecomiug
-.j well 'hii OiC'l toward American, as to
dibli.iy hi) pier l y i epu liat nig hit)
I'l. c altitude id the 1 1 v a I can
Uij'i fail i:i tho fill, to iupire tho cauiu of
I'hiiippii. i! independence. '-.'i taiuly il
will prei'.iit tl e prt':eiil atiuti of a Htroug
cj.:e be I ne the pcacu e jmiii imiou iu he
half ol '.!: I lhpiuoM.
KII I LI) IN i hi: war.
Onl .'i j Officers nud Hen I'tri. lied
in the Battles.
W A-ni ro-., Sept. 7. Tho i llicial
ruujidoftho Witi department, as cjjj
pletc t, Vj'jvs that olliijers and J."
euliH'e 1 iiifti tf thu army, L'il iu nil,
weio i.i.iel in uai'.:u iiuriu the war
With iuiu. Thu casualties includu till
thu li.ei loi'. b the army in thu baltleu
iu tie-' I'hllippi'l'.'M, m ",vnll an ihuw in
CuVa and l'ortu li e ).
Tin p-rceiitago of ulii :urs killed is
etrikingly large, und ie nid to b. uu
pie.cnte 1 iu I'm battitu of lhe world.
Thu c'liitiail iij c.pucialiy rtrik'ng in thu
c;ni! of Hi ! battlu of Onidiiruian, where,
allh j'l.'li tho Iohij ol Iifu wat licavy, thu
libi. ol killed included only one officer of
tin: I r i 1 1 ; : 1 1 uruiv
V""J"L' Kooicc.i ,
,. . " , ' . ,, , , .. .
.i.. i inch, ropi. io. voiunui incu
I jiu K ' .M VLit bait au' h.jri.c I tho au-
ih ui: I llie aiiiioiiineiii'int that hu will
acci id (hu nouiiuulioii for uovcinur of
eti utk, ili'juld it hu tendered lo him
by ihu rjiivciitioii of tho pally to Iju
In I I i't .iral'i'M.
... , htj .
" '"i'1 ' irnn niiiu, i wihii h iik-i.t-
llli'-t "y Iciiiih lor an uniiuiiaaer
'" H ,,'" ,v"" l"" "lt;r- 1 """ 11
iiiipiii nihln to do bll.'lilteHH tdi it croilil
bai - in, mid helivo thai I do la'tlor by
my pinroiiH mid iiiyhulf by nclling bli icily
,,r eacii. r. J;i:m;iu k, I'lnlertuker.
Kviirbiuj;, Or., April I-, IWI5.
l or Sale
At a l'.i:,!.iin, a good aecoudhand buggy
ini i f-ii.-l" Imrnt'-H. I injiiiin at thin o'lico.
! Alter Much Pleading, the I'opntiM
Were Drought Into I.I tie.
IVl.on mxi Siiiim.s, (!,iln , Sopl. 10
Fusion between thu doium-iam, popiilinla
and tbo Toiler I'latuh nf tlm silver ro
publicum is uu as.Miit'd fact. Alter u
Htrtlggte hiMliug Ittt hour between the
eonfcivroo lonunilteis ol thu tbioo par
ties, nti agreement wa leachol at It
o'clock IhU mitiuing, b , w bich the td
ticca weie apportioiiod lu'lweon the th o
parlti.". Tho tionhh) in the din 'ixrioti
amen over tho lotuiUtin1 d oath paid
to tclitiuuiiih i latum lo thu Kovntiioudiip,
hut w lulu ll persistently douiandod the
head ol thu ticket, tbo doinocratH wi nt
lubi tho ('oivoiilioii with the a!'eiliiiu
that on mi other Imhiii, than Hut of ia
Coiving tbo goveriuirahip would thrv i'"l
aider fu-inii al all. At llrst thry demand
ed ono mole of tbo principal olli -ea, but
this nut finally moditied, and at la',
when tbo other uiouibcra of the confer-
eucbucaitioiead tocoiieedo their claim,
only mii tiu niln'i id the lotd of rei;i ii'h
of thi staio uiiiveiiiity, went with thu
governoirthip. Th ui tho puptiliati wrio
accorded tho iillictH id littrtlciiant-goM't-uoi
, eei ittat i ol atalo, atton o) gm" tl
aud one redout, while tbo riiier topubli
caus leeoixcd t'oasuirr, nitaitot, tupeiln
tuudeiit i l public iiitdnii tlmi mi l one
Tbo following is the lull fusion In k I
as nominate I by thu ailver-re publicans,
dumot-ral and pjpuliatx.
Govenioi, Charles S. IIiouihh, doin.,
Douver; liuuleuaul-goveriior, I i am in
Carney, imp., Ojray, niMirtaiy ol htate,
Flmer link with, pop, Boulder ; etalo
tro.isurer, .1. M. I onloi , sii. rep., lar'teld
county : auditor, f. . Temple, ail. lup.,
Uio I'dauo count i ; iittoriicy-geuei al, I'.
Ct Campbell, pop., I'uchlo. (iiiieiiuletid
en, ol pubhi' uit.ti ui lion, Helen I.,
i rem (el, sil. rep , Gilpiu county ; regent
of state university, I). J. Moiath, dctu.,
Boulder iieiuty ; Harold Tliouipiioii, 1 1 .
iep., V.'. I '.wo county ; D. M. Bich.u dn,
pop., Arnpa.n cjuuly.
A l ull Ticket Named.
l it. i i.v-nt i,,,, ash., svpt ti. I ho p.'p
u'iit, driiiiM-iatii; and nilver-iepubln an
slate coin cation, loprceiitiug tbo Htl-
vei larcraol tlio iitato ol i aniiingtnli,
fiirmcd a fasiou tovlav Mid uo.uiiintid
the follow ing ticket :
UepreaeuUtives 'ani'' llainiltoti
Lewis, di'iuociat, ol soatHe, and W.t'.
Jone-i, silver-repuhlican, ol Spokane.
Stipreuio Judges.--II. F. Ileuhtou, pep
uliut, of Tacotua, and M. M Goiluinn,
democrat, of Dai t au.
I mil' ui wa i umpli-he I hv the pupu
liiits eonci!ihn,; to Hu, denim, alter a
vei V H ui'hoi u mill si , "lie ol the nun. i
nee.i lor Kupumo judge.
A I 1 1 MI'I I.O A.1;M. I H;.
I lie Car lo lime Itccn Blown t'p
While I 'tiding Along t tic Mrccl.
Ntw Vi;k, Sept. .s. V Wi I Id ilia
patch from l.ou ljn dnvk. ,
A repuit i.s published here id a dViing
plot t j iosahtuiiiite the iv.hi at Motn aw
laiil week . I hu 'ln 1 1 the i oui iralmu
wan to iillijiv gao to ercapo into a bunco
on the routu ot Ihu 'a pi oi ej-neju uu
til thu atuiospbce in eiery mni wan
ealiiratc l. Ouuuftheii iiuin'.ei wa- to
remain in tho house and tlrike a nghl
when the i.ii wan pacing in thu i-iptc-laltoti
that the hoilhO wuiild he I I'jMti to
piece and tbo ittr killed, lhe coll
spiral -tr iiuiil I pciihIi hiuoi II An a ai li
lii u to the i j'lM' .
1 Ins duly 1,11 tu tlm let nl m.e Vle.i
under hoUucll. In hit) agitalnn he
Meeuiii to hai e uiadi) an t i rc.i , mi lhe e
I'l'jbitni i aH iiiietiuud. When il oc
cui red a htall officer and bin wile wt-tu
driving publ , aud they, nmtead el the
c.r, wciu ktlU'l. Their coat tiuian will
die of his injiiri'r, and about ''0 other
pereoua wire more ui lesn iniurid.
Kolauulls mangled body uh fijiinl
aiuong the ruiup. and i uina
druvu by - i minutes later.
Many ariehli lmie been made hi Mue
cow , but thu Kuirian prt nn ban been
lerl.i'l'h ii Id ti ler to the uia'inr.
Attention! (iciitlcmcu
All pa'notic men diMiriug to bucoiuo
bonoiary iiieiubcr.i of Iho ( hefijii Idiiur
gency Corps, cut do 'toby psyinOt)
cents lo thu ttecictary , thetehy aiding
thin maud cause.
Jl..NMK .M. fM IMti.S, l'rc.
Iim i K. iln ii.MiiiN, riue.
Weekly llxcursioiis to the Last.
A touritit Hleeping car will leave l'ort-
laud every l'ueaday at 'J via tho (.
K. iV: N. without chatigo to lluhton, and
under tho BUpervirtiou of experienced
conductor!. No chaugu of earn to tho
cities of iliuahu, Chicago, liullalo or
Hoiituii. I lie ideal (rip to tho cast ih
now beforo you. Ueiueinter thin Hurviee
when going Kant, and consult ". K. .V N.
iigelilii, or addieHii,
W, II, Hi in in iu,
(ifiii ral I'annuiiger Agonl,
f:.'l. I'ortlinul, r.
Don't Trespass.
All purii'jiiu 8iu heieby warned not to
truspauH ou tho farm know u an thu tjuiin
homestead iu I rciich cl llemeiil, for thu
purpupu of hunting or for any other pur
puric. II KNIll fv".VS,
l.miibcr Haulers Wniilcd.
I'oi ly good luauiH for lniuling lumbur,
I'ricu tl.oO to ft.Od iur M. ft,, ow in,; lo
distaucu. Work will cotitiniiu until
rainy ruiiijoii. Wrilu to
i in; M ti in 1'i.m. J. k I., Co.,
OiautH l'aet), Oregon.
Ranch for Sale.
l ur tale or rout, Ij.'O acc stock raiicli,
i'oi' particulars addreua 1'. 'J'. I'm. 11 1,
Ojiliir, Oregon,
I cm on iiuvlal.
Koaebiiig llohikuli I an I go No, l, will
give iil.cmnii Sih in I in tbo lodge i omit .
Tuafdiiy rit'inng, Sept. t:', ndmlsloii Id
lent and unit lemon, tbo peiauii brinit'
lug the leuioii coiiliiliiing tbo mind in'iil
will inelvo !ho 1st ul. u and thu tmu
biinging tbo teaiit will iinhe thu booby
prlfu. Kveiy body invited Iu iilti lid and
have a p,i I li'iie,
l or riai'.nhal,
I beti hy ,111111111111 o uiyin II a eaiidiiUtii
lot to 1 1 ctioti to tbo i lb. n id illy mar
html at tbo i hit ion tn hu held Monday,
Oi I ihi i ;:, is'i, i.s ii. I mi i i uu.
I or City Recorder.
Wean- ii'iplei-li'd to Miiliouino thill
I'. I on Inn, will tut a i an.'o tlm
olhiM id cil, leevrder, uf tho iHv id
BoNi'lui'g, ul thu intiilii i lly eluc'i'lii
A I'lnrgnln.
rpio,,i!,,i diieii.iut e,iy co,si,.i..gj!;:;;;1,r,:(,l
..i ii .. I..,.. ....Ii ii.. ll. ...I l...,iu. .....I '...M.tit.uM mii ildki-iilMil ii liitlnua: 1 nliillii'll-
11 II III III., I, III llllinill'l, lllllin'l ..If..;'. . ... . .. ..,, .,...
, . Ii linj ill lli HI-: iiiiiii i id Hit) lliiiinaa IhtMlirr
OUloiiinuuiiH, nueri'ii Hi il gniliiiiii' inir
gllill bv 111 t.iieblir;; I'.ilildillit A I nil II
Ani'ii hilli'ti I ii'ptiio uf
II h ihi s M iiiki', Seeroliiry.
Oil, Hav Thankful
Pain Wni M.wMciiini; and Hopo
Mti'l Hcn M.tirlTfft Wonrtor
fui r.VMilei of Purifyliu; Iho Hlooil.
" r;, n h i- pain tirii' In my i t
knee, li lull ';r,li w .n , und 'a m ie, II 1 1 . 1
tll'-ilty 'i"r-' I" "l.i mil iilmw t hu kme.
M ilf liiot;' d n (ji m! itenl ami tlm pun
from i'iv t la In It ilnwii win inntldf inn;;,
laiige, Im-il, purple -.pul-i i..h rttut en my
teg. I miNiml In I hi nay (nr year,
lid j;s nil all In. re id u r lu lui; i iired.
My wile mi r.ailiui; nf n mm like inlnu
eiireil I'v It. .nil':! .',iiiihii Ilia, nud h
adiinil me In try il. I U.-an lakluir It
and w In ,i I had u-ed n few IhiIHii I
found relief finlii my htlfferllig. Oh,
Ii"" thankful I uin (nr Hil relief ! I am
.'.rougi r t hiiu I lime ii tr hot n In my life.
I m in (he I'lM id In all h, havo a
ipliellle Hinl nin n in w limn allogutber '
I. V Moons. I.!Imiii l-'ulli. Maine.
Hood's sPa,
pari I la
.nil.-1.. o in i.i t ti
Soott'a Pills no
i 1 i I rue I'.lim.l I'm nl. r.
ill li'i'i III,. i. nt,.
1 ( . . .
llOllCitt Kill,
Notice Por
I m i , ii m 1 1 a-. I i s i.i ii i u i
Ii"-.' tiiii-.:, IM. ., i-pt. I.', I
"lii. In trl.y 'lull Ilia' III" Inlli.n llitf
I. .in n.l , ill. i la. iiii.l ii.ii I Inn itilinii'iii
pi t int." Iinal I'f.'l III nplurt id hi- I laun. and
III .1 -ai l pi.-'l ' i l I- i in.i 1. I Imi- lie- lii l-li l
an. I K".'l-if I. .' I ami Dili. . ..t I .i . Lit 1 1!
1 1; . K 'il . I'll I '. l.i'-. t -tl, I - X I '
i ii-. I ! it a. i 1 1 II .i.i- ' a I Kim ,"..'. .', n t (Ui t' ii
',."- .'.I .'" K l"i I It' u mi' il" lul
l.m ttii; a ite. . . - n. pt.Ji I.i. . iittliiitiiiii i. m
li in u hki uti.l i nil n ftll'in .'I an id land I ,
V- ill. i f k.,
' k. II. . ) 11
, 11 . I, It' am
I "I 'I , III. I I.
Notice Por Publication.
I ni I an .;i 1 1 1 - I i mi in i in.
tinea unit:, I'n uu. plt-IUlM i., vi.
utl li III I. In l,iill Hint lit ei'ltll'liall'
n tl a ll"-linn oliiii-. "I Uu- ft' I id I t'in;iv, ul
lint'. . , 1 -. vulitlid ' An i.itliii tin- ,nl. ,.
tln.lx t land- i.i Hi. bull. nl I iililiilllin. IM. t"ll,
N. . ad... .ni l 11 a hi 11 Inn I . lll..f - .
I 1 1 iii.i.i- i. I . ! I".n
id - 1'iin - . 1 I, r.i'iitt) id I am-, Mali nl lU'K"".
Iia- l In. du r nl" I in I'd - .'Mi. e In i nin ll lte.
111. Ill "... " I M Hi" I'llH I nl III" K.iilli
l.a.l i.''l' I r i - l.'(iid -.ilnni N.i In, in li.ifit
iil Smilli lian -. N.i illi-.l, aud Will
.-ll' r p I I" In in lii at III" la let ..t lit in more
lalnt'il' ("lit. lii'tii"! ai'.itt' Hiati f'.rniirl
t ii ' till 'I I ill l-ie. . Hid tn 1-nliit'i i-lt li.-l elailii lit
. tld land I-Into iln I.'.i-tir mid U.tilu-r ol
(In ..Hi. . ui I... 1'iir r C'n H"ii. mi .-utiirdajr tin
1 . ' It en . id S 'i i nt I a r , I
.In inn us -ii 'il'iav till I'.'.-'i. ut
-l il'.'iil'l. 1 in Mil; , in , l.diii .1. Ilnir (
h'i if. I m i iiuiilv nr.. Marl. n r. In-I-,
More nil ll"l' mii "I in innlliid, l.nuii l l v .
(lit mi An- nud nil in r -oiii ilnlhilni; a I
Ml el I lie nl. . d -i i U d ail' I nt. r,. in- I. I
In til. tin ii i lini- lii Hu nilii . i.n i,r i . iiii''
aid I 'Hi !..' i l i nil., i, i v.
.1. I in n.'. I ,
H i li.vl.'.r
Notice Por Publication.
1 1 1 1
l n l U Hi I
li"-i lull '. Oi.-gnli, 'ui. .11, IVJ-.
lei I In n tiy Kl-ili Hint In imnpllauro
'nth tin- pin-i-i "it- id lhe t ..I I'.'ugten nl
'nin. ... 1-.-. iiillilid 'An n't l..r (ho il.-u(
lliiil"-i Iiunl in the ria'i'. ul I aUfoiinii, On
i; "li : n.ta .m l 11 n hlugl.ii leiiltoiy
r "i 1 1
Ui i.e.
"I Km'. If . ' n , I .Mini i nl l.ilU' . i.-1 n . l 1 1 It
,'iin. I:a lh' ltd v li lei i lli,-, ,, Him Inrm. imii
'.laieini ul i..m... i.n ih, pnri La a) nl Iln-N K
'(.Ifiti! I - d iii n; nud tun, mid I.1.
'! " I Inn Nn, 1. in lutit.hl. "Nn. .'.,,,
linn i- Su .11.. ii i nl mil uiiei pinnl lunhiit,
ll,. il Iln liind -oiikIiL I-iiinri: latnalilii lor Hi
t!eO r ur -t' lu- than Im a,:i letillural liui.i.a. ,
mid tn i slahli-li hit- t Inlin (o -aid laud liiilme
tin lit I'tiT und I.' . ' li' r ul Hiiu .'Iln i nl Hum;.
hi " tf. i'iiKild, Hie -.'id day ul Wi-p-
i iiiln r, iji.
hli" iiiiiiii'i n- it llin --'i-i. I bin Ji-n hteiiru ul
Uil.liiii.1, Or, tiilni UniiiT nl Diiklnud, Or.,
I.eilK. Ili-uii ul Kin; ,lli .H. H. Mekeriiu
nl Hpt 1 1 1 k i ' e 1 ' I , dr. Am mid nil pi r.iln claim
iiiK adi' i-"!v Iln iiiinve diwrll'i' l Iiui'Ih bio ri -'im
li. din 111" tin Ir litlnii In Ihla oilier uu nr
indole find i 'A "litv ul Ci pt. Hila r, l-jn.
i. I. Illillll.l S.
Administrator's Notice.
IS lllti i'IMV I 'U lil i' IIIKhlA'IKOI
1 in K"Ui In mid Im I lie i nil illy id llnuxum, in
llie niitlli r id Hi.' e.iHii! nl lint hi l.ri.-iiui, de
i i ti-u'l . .Sollee Ih In ii liy (i i en Hull Hie under
ilK'ii'il Inii hy Hid l.'.inily I nun uf llmiKlan
C'liuiity, tin foil In i ll uppolitli'd Ailiuiuialratur
nl tin.' elnlL' ul I'm Id tjimtnt, ileernvd. 11 hero
fine itll pi'iton. liiilulitcd lu t-aid eittiil.i rue
Iten.'iiy li.iilni'l It, Lo iiiiiiii dtftte pa' nn lli lo
Ihu uli'lcr-iKiU'il nthli n iidi ni e 111 J. hii;1iin
l inilli) , i 'l' U'iii, mid nil iii rxuint httlitK eliiiniH
ii,'nuiil (lie mni t -Itll" will pri M itt the muiie. lu
tin: iiiulerxlipietl al Ins ic-i'li ni " In an 1. 1
('utility, t. Illiiu li iiiiintlei frnui I In- ilnlc i !
llil- linlli i
N . I 1 11 1 1 l ,
I'Hl. dnl linv Imii,', lie kiiii, HiIh i.'nh iluy nl
AiiK' !-!, I -'". A'."'ta
Fall is at Hand!
ami nearly everybody needs
Wc liave the line that will
happy. Don't
Iruin lb-;, cent;, per yard up. lametl Stuck aud Lowest
Prices 011 Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Cuitaius
Poitiers, and complete outfit for House Kuriiisfauig ' sit
Alexander & Stroiigs
lis I MM ItSt'l IU l III 'l "I II KM At K HI
I tin anii, lei i(i i tiiuiir nl kiiiIh.
M 1',1'inl, II. It, Mm Ml.l nil'l I'lill
Mi l-1 hmi. a. Ili'iml nt I niiiiiili ., tin Hie iile el m IiimiI wild
I IIUII-HV iHII'I'i Hint tin I hi In
m .In n iil' nl tlie unit'' aiMnit
Inii tin I' ll"'". I IkiiiIHIi
i h .
li.liii Hum Ii iiihI Mii Inhn Hum Ii, IiI
ii II,., in ii'iimiiim i
liijuliii IIi.mIi and Mi Ji'lni Hiio Ii, alimo
IIKIIII'I llt'ltntlllllll ,
In I hi' mi mi' nl III' hlHlUnl Uti'itiill, Ml' I nll'J
i Bi ll nl Jim ii' lii'ivlq V.ll i In '.l'Hl aii't
Bimili'l Urn i "lill'lninl Hli .1 NHutltxt lull In the
nlinie itiiltl'd oiilli mi hi I" Ii'"' I lie II i l '!) "I
lhe nril ii'Uiiliir (vim nl Hil" ii'inl. dm M
Mull. lav lie' .'III 'l" ol I'i'i'i ml'iT, In'.m, mid II
i in i inii ne tn mi-inr (nr wmii Ititifd (In
I'lmnlillawlll Miqilrto (In iiniil l"Hln hllvl il III Ihu lOini'lnllll, Wh tin I ''
lin nl nl wliii h l . I"llim I 'ml l lallidrt"
hn litilitini'lil KtH-l til" Pi h M'lanl, Jnlili
liii.i Ii. lur llm nin nl '', with Hili'i"l llnrviiii
limn lhe aid day I'Uillii', li'ni, nl Hill tnlcidH
1'irivnl i aioniiii, U ililva He ir vit lil
ill.iiiniu'lii. lili III lliii anil and Hie mini ni l "
ilniniiy li'i'i, lur lliv imiml dvi n u (invi to
lie; I'laniliO imn (.' and tin (ho Mlw id lhi
imnlaiili'l 'ii'inii in Hi" iiiaiini i I'luii'l' d lo
Ian, ami lhe ai'l'llmlli'll id Hi" mmveda nl
kin It ili'. In lli" i'p ni'a id Id auto, ami Hi"
KIMai linn nl III" hImiiv ini'litliilii'd ih llialill".
KinllhK luiWiini', II any. in l'y In lliii lu'lvml
mil, .li'lin IIum'Ii, nf lil li uat Mm ' nUllii'i
lli( Hie Ih'luliitiiiur kii I all iivraniia i lalinlnu
In, IhnniMh nr inider lln iii, Im Iuiimi Lair d
mid tniv iiMH'd ol all rlulil, III!" nr Inli n -I, und
....iillv ul i-i.lilii nl lull nl. In Ol In "Id limrtllaRi d
ilieiallnn land I'laliii, In Hve. a, Tii Jii, nlll V ,
III IHnu;la I 'utility, Hivami. in. in ,' inn in u, ii
lu'llll I'll lll.l .illltlnl 11 III III III" lllWIIllli
lino bi luut'ii 'I ! ' and -.1' i ni""i' mi l i lalin,
llit'iiio rt lii "il line ill raid i llm, llii-ii' "
.null loll'! Ih" line ul ulil i !lm In thu lia'l
in I lii lino III His vt'iili r nt ald r !) (h nee
i art In writ line nt Ihepnilii Itldenonr dmia
linn land lUlni In "M n tlnli, ttirn. i timlli
In Ml i mni r ul Mill iiuiil I tn n f ia-1 In
iai' el tM-ulninna. inlna llilai ii", tnnl"
1. 1 i , in. mini! iiiiiii- i ihiuiibii. .i "7 i'1'l. I '
i linn. i. IV. Haiiiill.ii', In. lii" id Ihu alKiM'Cli
i till, d I uliil, .Ul. 'I liinu-l .' i. I.nis.
A U It W I "lit',
j A.-'i. lltmiii')- lor 1'laiiiiiH.
; Summons.
IN I It K 11 ltd II ( Ul 1(1 III I II r. b I A 1 1, in
t (in i;, i, . nr Hie nl l"ll,:U'.
W I'. I. en I, II. Il Kim ai l and 1
11.11 MvIm lian, a- III" lie aid I
id I oinmluieiit ra Im the -!' I
nl a. hmil mid I'uli i'MIIi !
I and" and (nr tin lint it-
nn-iil nl Hie fund ntl-lua i
llii'ii'lniiii, I'liilnlill'..
i I
llhaxi M Hi In II, Ih Ii ii'laiil I
In 11 llllain Mil' hi II, nlMiii- Uiiiuid I'. Iiii.loul.
In Ihu name nl lhe Male ul Un ui'ii, inn ale
ii rein rv.iiitri'it In iH'nr aint nn-wer lli"
I'lalnl lllnl intaiieit )."' In th" alme mill.-l
nil, uu ui In linv Hi- lnl it..' i'l Hu- in it n gn
lai li'ini id Hi 1b t inn I . I.i tut Moiula' . Hi. 'all
.lai nl II i- inUr, AO. Ivia, mni it )u.ilailx.
Id mint. I lur iiunl Hu nut tin- I'lainlllta Hill
apply In Hie I'unil ("I llie r. -1 1 -1 drinaiiili-d In
Hto i nut plaint, ft aui-eiti, I UUnttoiit ul wtdili !
(ultuiiK I nr Jit'lttiiieiil Nft-ftluvt Hit, Ivli'iid
au I Im Hie inn ul fin, unih Oil. i,-l Hientm
ll. nil Hi" mil iy .d Amual. I'M, al Hi" rati ul
1 pel . on I pel annum, hrM'tea Hie I'nala and ill-Imiai-iiit'Uta
ul thin Mint and I Ml fttiniitri fre.
lur Hie ititial ih en- lui,x'ltvtui; I'laliillil
niittlftaci, and tin aletdHie itmr I vi,-.J pn-itt
Im-. and Ihu Inn .. Hit. pun.. ,,t In tin
i-imla nl fti. , iln Mtilt aii'l I'lalnlill a ! tuatnl-.
and tlmi Hit. In .'itdatti and till tH-tun vlatiti
lit;! I.f, llir.iiiuli m mni. i hint U'd.mi r l.aind
and lull-el. miI ..(.ill illn. III 1. , Inl. ir.l and
'illli. r..l. iiipiliiti ul lit. an. I l.i u. ni.iti
fiaui-il mi nil-.- i.tiil vt t-i pun tin tint, ti tin It
pn inlnoa an' iIi-m nlH-d a Inllim . In wil I hr
ti ',u! ..e ;.l. Ii.n-liii VI. .h Iti., 11 id
. 11 liliiin. II. Mi-tiilian, In lnin;la 1 ' n , I uri
' ifii, and "ell ..III. i iiiel linlli. r ivllel mi tin
..l'l.l ...... II .'I'll. I'l.. ,1.. ll.llll,(ll It
i .iil.!(i.i. .1 I.i i.t.l, r ..I Hi.- II. ui I. 11 Hum ill
Jil'lgt- it Hie al'i
n-t l-
iu i ntil'
mil, ilati.l .Ititf
I M l KAIl rul.l'.
111. uu j l"l I'lalnllH
' Il
Notice Por Puhlicntioii.
: I 1 1 Li' 1 1 i a I i n 1 1 r ! a.
j c Inn,-. Oi. ,;.iii. ,1'it'i l . . I . i-
, N,i.. - tnu-l'i "l in ilnil lit. (i.IIiii tti
' Iiiiiiii d n Ul' r lia Ii I. d li,i .' l III- ml' ul l"U !
nt Hint -al'i pi. ml ii III I I ..... I . h. Inn He tiia-.
l,l'rai"l llviii, I ii'inl .-t,iU li ml lull,. , ui
. li.. . , l in '.in, mi '-rpp-iiitivt .' ., I'p, ,
iin 1 1 ah ii . him it i
"li liuii" Mi ad I tin N.. id-., I.. i liti. . K '. Ml
i'. Ip.. H, ll . Hi 3I. J. liliiin li.
Inllim ins "IHI. i'l - In I'lUie li. on ( 1 11 Hull n
ii -lditni and i tillliiiliuii nl, .aid land,
. i inlin Dili. lain id I mikiiiit ila. nii iinii.
Ullil.iui Moriun, I'm id p. ..rt. Uln.i vrmn.
t liny nt ii nriinni , -f -;.i
I I. Ml I In, h..
Hi iialef
Notice Por Publication.
t mi i' in iii tiu i ii i ii i..
li -vl"i';. iu. -..ii, u :ui I..
N.tili.-I- hint. k-ii. n Hint lit i-.uipliftiii-.
milt tin- pi... in. ma . ( Iln: a. I id I nugr. a u(
I I. I'.i. iutllle.1 "An ait lur Hi' ul nl
limtiri land-lit IhiMftii - nl Cullli. nil llitvoii,
.Si a adn and 11 a-hnuiliiii IVrill"ry. a-1 il. inh I
! 1. 1-'.'.
linilli I and rlnli l.v n -I nl AllKU.I
I I I I l C'l.l.l.V.i.
id 0 al Init.l, i mini; nl piiuic'ii. hiftti nU;."ii,
haitliladay idi diti Una oitlco In r a . urn l. '
in. ul No u , (nr the pur.lian'id tin . K', id
m tlioit "... a. in I ", it lup S.i,;., UaliK Nn.
11 , 11 . II an I . ill olkl pinnl p. nliui thai tin lini"!' i alual'l" tur Hi 1 1 1 . I . i or
limn lli. in l- r mrP jlt'iial pnrp..-.. i, and tn r-Intill-h
In r i Inlin to aid land tn. ("P theli't;i
i.-r and It' 1 1 Ii 1 1 ui Hint nffl. . t Uin lutrK, t ir
k'. n.i'li liivwlai, Hic.'.lh day ul i 'el"t i . I vj
hi- Iiaiin- ai nlli a I , (v, Mailuul , 1 , 1 1
Kuth.'l. It lliinnrd. Ri ul.. nr. .- mil ti, ..f Oak
laud, Unu 'li. An, mni nil rnnn i Uliitliu
iidil'lMit tin nin.. i dr ri K"I lain)', al" .
I'l.-tidi " III. Iln ir t Iiiiiiii lu Hni nlhi v uu m
b. I"ie raid Hi dm nl itnl-.-r, Ivm.
'nlnlU llearlir.
fT., !,..,
! iOllCC
Por Publication.
in i. uu - I imi im rii i .
Ituv hurt-, irei:uu. Aua'UkI II l-.w
Niitn v i liiit'lii riiiii Hint III i nun llnln '
lilt lhe prui l-lnli. ol Ihu ail nl l'ou,:iCKa nl
J'liteJ li.a, eiiiulid ' Alt a' I l"l lie aa!" nl
Imii'. r laud in Hi" Mat' i ul I alllm tun, i . k hi
Niia la mid 11a ,liliii"ii 1. rrit.u , '
Jl"l! ). licim
uf I ii;. ie . I tin nti u I aue. Hint' ul I 'e ;: "ti, ha i
tliladn) lili d lu llil.nillu e hla iiorn ati inciii
No. tiii i, Im th. mm haw ultlni Nil .' , nf . , iii,u
.No. 111 loWiialilp o. .'i i- , UmiJii No. a IV.
iitnl will uili i prui'l In nhu thnl tlm land Miin-hi
It iitui.' vitliinlili lur Hi lluiln r ur Ktiui" Hiuii Im
a:'ili iiltinal putpuii'K, nud to ealiihluili In-1 latin
liiaald Und heliire Hie ll i;il. i nud Incivtr uf
Hill nihil' at IliiailllllK, tin mill, till 111 i lip. dill
Ih" JOlh day id l)i luher. 1ml
He iiaiiiea ua ivlluehaea' .. 1 1 I Kenr. n
Kuireiiu, Or., Jiw pit C'..a 0I;"iii, in
Ohitrli M. atiiN nf Oakhiu.l, Or., John fhim i i.j
Onklniid. Or. A ny and all pern i lalinlli- ml
ili-i i Ih" nl".i. il. x iiu.l Innd, ,,. n.Mie.le.l
In lile thi ll eluiiiia In Una ..111..- mi ur In fine
uiiei .in) oi ieiui,ei, i'.w.
j. i . niiiiii.i.-,
nt 1 1 10
Notice Por Publication.
t MIKIi r.1T. I..IMU Ol I . :,
lumhiin;, Oie',-uii,S ,t , mvjr,
Noll.c la hl'lil.y ;iiei, ht lhe lolluilluu
liuiued aellli r hut II 1. it in, ll. u ., Hiiteili
o iiiitki! una! Pino! lit .iippmi ,, , t u,,,,, ull,
Ihiilmilil pinnl it III he luad.i In lnre tlte litnialer
and Itee. nil, Unlloil Wltitea nilt'e nt
Kua.liui;, On i!uii. mi ii tulnr .'.'. v.k .,.
MAItV h, I Illill.-ll,
On lluiiienteiid lililr.i INu. iaVIH, (or Hut N i l
Si;', ht. li, 'I'll '-".ln, U ll Weal. hi,.. 11,,,,'tei
tin! lulluit lint ii llueski-a lu pun e In , eunliniliiiia
Italdenee lipull Hlltl I till! i ullou ol, m,, n,
llz: Jnlili 11llun, l lulil.a Mitiiiii. rharlea
11 li'ini, K rileel ul ( annul Vallev, tin ami
' I . Illil ll.l.H,
please you and make the wife
forget about our