THE PLAINDEALER, rulllhi iIcmtjt Nuuilay anil Thurnila; bt Tin ruiNOKAi.rn rrni.isHiso to. K, l. t-IRVfK'Ml . V. HI.N1 AMIN Killlor. ..Manager. niiiHpllnn MMtr. i t -al. II . -Hi T Thrrc inili ,v SKlTKMUKIi ... 1 8!S. Wlipn it couirs to manual Mntr, the cunntir it full of immune. The luier the man the more he umii plain) about hard time. Thrrit ia in-thiii) now under the em.- icf t liled wire as a munition id vr. Mailt tlioiiMii-t ol the vulnii'tcis haw i'.iciioiii-vil the liirnne ( tar wilhtitil any ol ila nlvTicf. V iuii5 mm imiw data ait' l-triviiii,u more aint niitre tatrfut l-mt niairtiig Kill alio t .uniet rti'trt tlirm. t'uiiui; tfie prcrcnt ten Fleam hip line have Iteritt-ftaMielirtl between t hit country and Asm,, ai and Africa. A dispatch fitnu aeliini;ton "Al-j-er won't talk." No, hut lie has a Iml it nf riling leltcte which is ntrt' than talaini:. It war lt doubted if the c..r iaii; cere in hid cmit proxji!a, but nt cue doubts but SMin wants pescc I hat will lust. Why it it (hat the girl in the bicycle costume can never be chared williva traucy '.' l.ecaiisu she lias A visible nieaua of supoM. The voluutecis were willing (o tiht the Spaniards, but tiiey object to bcins kept io camp to fight every kiuJ of focr known to the medical profession. The alein papers without repaid to political or religious opiuious, have fused in favor of a special session of the legis lature in the interest of the Kileiu board in house keepers. If .SjcreUry id War Aljjer can't find anybody to bear the responsibility for the bad conditions which be acknowl edges have existed in the army camra, it looks as if he would have to shou'der it himself. The Review now admits that if tie affairs of the county are kept up to tie present efficient standard established by the republican county officers, it will be glory enou-U without attempting any thine further. The Oregon ian declares that it pre fers ex-Senator Mitchell to Linger Uer manu (or United stalea senatci . Very well, the friends of Mr. Hermann will join the Oregonian iu makicg the elect ion of Mr. Mitchell uuauioioue. With au available cash baUuce in the t'uited Matea tresuryof fA"0,WJ,(X.H) and a gold reserve of over $:1"0,000,00e, it looks as if this govcruiucut would be able to purchase food and medicine for the lick soldiers without the assistance of the charitably disposed peeple of the ceuotry. The KeTiew itoi t'y de lares that iai.'.ey is no worse than his republican predecessor!, and admits that it will fake an act of the legislature to make him any better, and yet (iVy is t'ue man, who during his canva of the county, both for senator and for county clerk, denounced Benson aud shupe for employing two deputies. An ordinance should be passtd, and rigidly enforced, prohibiting the throw ing of refuse matter in the streets and alleys, and compelling property owners to keep the ditches and gutter, iu front ol their property, open aud freo from filth. There are gutters in the city, which are reeking aud festering, breeJ ing places of disease and death, in addi tion to being ill smelling aud horrible to look upon. One of the very worst places ia Uim city, is at the foot of Caaa street, where everyone guug to cr rcturuiug from the deot, muit pasi it. strangers eutering the city can not help but notice this place, aud their opinion of the peo ple of a city, who penuit such places to eaist, must be auythiog but favorable. W'e could stand the Ijok and the foul odors, but later on if diplheria should claim a score of victims, as a result of this accumulated tilth, people will have uo one to blame but themselves. If the men of ItoseUurg can't be induced to clean up the streets, the ladies should do at they have done in other cities, irjan' U$, and do it themselves, and thus shame the meu to action. THEY WANT TO CO.lli IN. Leading Filipinos Are Anxious for Annexation. Mamla, ept. 3. A delegation, repre senting the tfjutberu l'hilippinea and consisting of the best and richest natives of J'aoay, Miudura, Ceuba aud Mindaoo, visited I'nited states Consul Williams and urged that every tffoi t be made lor unexatiou of the I'hilippiue island. The deputation claimed that all classes, warlike mountaineers, us well a those engaged in men-untile pursuits, would welcome the Stare and Stripe. They also laid there are -J OX) men armed w ith lilies near ikilo rady tti eufpjil tli Americana. Thtjr refused to join Id the. clamor for independence, which tbey consider initiate aud Impracticable. The dolr-gallone ,roiore to interview lieneral Otis, I lie American commander, to appeal to 1'ietidcnt McKinlejr and to water w ith Agnluatdo'a followers with Ja view to arranging tor a combined woje meut to uiaiat npon annexation. They alao ark thai insurgent regiments be en rolled in the American army with utei lean ullii era, and that itianrKetil chiefs In) given Ameiitaii apMiintnienli undvr General 11 is. Vgniualdo rviiiaiua at Uakoor. lie re cently wrote an iuiertiiient letter to General Otis, which resulted in hi re ceiving a (harp snub. The iiiiuigenl leader will probal-ly render bimtelf amenable to the American antiToiities. OOLO KE5CRVII CI.IMMNU t'l lro."Pts Are That It Will Soon Reach Quarter of a Hllllon. W.tMiiM.ijN, fepl. Jl The fioM in the treasury i steadily i-litnliu upward and tuday aain brnke a rewr.l aith a leserve llel of i;'.V '.MtV-'S-. the hislue ill the hiettty of the rvt-e ve fund. I nil ed Stales Treasurer l;-lei!a. ppPMkiit: ol the upward tieiid f l lie kvM ih the tteK'irv, paid that .nl ( aUntl tUVtuV, l jet to tie paid in tor the n war loan. it in likely that ?'.oM 0 K ur ;M,iVM,iKH Will be in gi'l I. "!l wniild not teat nil n'laiive," he Slid, "if be't r (he tide turns our toUl gjld re?erre willb voisideiilr ::tf.txv,ik.K." The treasury 'a avaiUM i doli I xlume War Tax Rullnpw. Wmiim.ton, .vepl, ;'..-Hie Ire.isuiy depaituieul hlds. that an aiticle of agreement or contract for the sale of leal esUte, is not subject to a stamp tax tic less it conveys some light of title. It is also held that au inheritance consisting exclusively of government bends is sub ject to the same conditions, as money or personal properly, under section -n' of the war revenue act. secretary tiage has iven instructions tJ ban I. cxamiuers to make such inspec tions of paper held by the bokr as will ent'.'le the examiners to report if the war revenue act ie bein;; or hss beeu compli ed with. Oregon NoIcj. Itcppucr has S telephones. Ileppner had frost last Tuesdar Theie ate several case if measles at Dallas. John Mooney has It-en appoiute.l city marshal of Joseph. The heavy rain in Jackson couuty lst Monday put out the forest tires. Ileppner has taken steps tJ improve the county roads leading into the coun try. The nw pablic school at The I'a'.les wilt be opened for inspection on the I'th. Fred Baker of the Troutdale Cbam piou, has bought the Tillamook Head light. Nest Tnursday the couuty court of l'olk county wiil award the contract for the new courthouse. The mountains near Joseph were cov ered with snow Tuesday. Sheptendrs reported a fall ol three iuches. Kev. A. It. ervais has been appoint ed iu charge ol the Catholic mission, embracing ueut, Monw and Gilliam counties. Mis. James Lemon d Moimi' was hcokid in the face be cw the other day. One horn put out Mrs. Lemon 'a led llt-nry II. Mone auel i:. A. Kurtz ate buildiug a fruit evaorator at Corvallis. It will have a capacity of 150 or 200 bushels daily. llev. aud Mrs. A. J. Huusaker, of Mc Miunville, will leave epteml-er loth for a visit n their old home in Misfouri, "hicli they have not seen fur'ot yean. Wcetou had all kinds ol weather dur ioi( August. The bigbeot temeratuie was 110 degrees and the lowest bl le gree. During the month there were three thunder storms aud a heavy frost Father T. II. wa1 of ifilvertou, who preached in the l'lcsbyUriau cmrth at McMiauville last Sunday, is probably the oldest preacher of any denomination on the l'acitk coast. He is 8 years old. A boy named Walker, who ran away ffuin the alate reform cchwi with a hobo seeral mouths aico, was recaptured iu I.ane county a (e a days ago. He was rctutnu I to the reform school I'ri day, Io the lirsl day's shooting J. I. Dump seyandChae. Miller bagged - birds: Meefiis. '-eo. I.. Smith and Ashford "j Harry N cacott aud bou Charley, 21 ; rrof. liarrieju '.' ; Jake KjiUju aud L'r. Smith IS; Art Caplea 7. One eiorU man rexjrteJ shottiug into a llock of nine, wouudiu five aud killing two, of which the wcunded escaped. Ihe hero of this tale has not yet produced the birds to verify his claim so that his score is not published. Almost erery sports man lott as many or were wounded as he brought home for sjuju unaccountable reason the dogs not being Heat euough to catch the crippled fowls, Washington Couuty Hatchet. List of Letters Uemaiuiug uncalled for iu the Uote buig postottice: Converse, Lymau II . Morse. George W. McNaaiara, J. F. I'attersou, Mies l.bel Short, Mrs. Maliudey Williams, Joe l'ersoui calliug for these letter i will please stati the datsou which they were advertised, September Oth. The letters will be charge! (or at the rate of one ci ni each. Wsi. A. ImiiK. 5lANIStl PRIJIINLKS I Ki t.. Centra and HI Men Will do licit k to 5paln. Wasiii.nutox, Aug it I Acting S,cu tary Allen lias authevixed the release of all the PprtnliOi naval prisouoia cap tured In the UUtle of July ;!, froin t'er ver'atleet. Those nro now at Anuaivlis aud Pcave ' hlainl, IVtl Himuiii b,ulir, the ollivCtS Ih-Ihh t the acadcinx mid the Sailers at tht island. I ho coinlil ion of the men physically Ik all co'.ild be desired. Tho prisoner are to lo i e i turned to vpin at the expino i ( the Spanish government. This the con dition uH)ii which our C'lvcriiment agi-eod to release them without parole or other restriction. Admiral tVrvera w;is charged by his government with the hi rangemeutt for the transpoiUtiou of tho prisoners. They are all t i ro toother, otlicris and meu, and it is presumed that C aptain KuUtelms tiuiie t New ik to charter lao Spaiii.Hh ele.iiiiciH iioiv hiu! there. A Mvl i, A'ic Hi.lcr; h.ive Iwtl iweivrd bcie liom Hie prel.'nt ditevtillg t Vl In ill;! ke arr iiietnent!) toiOA'evd nilli lilt i tlict ip .in I tin it laek l" f-pilli liuun-.h.lelv, in iorl.Hu e W llli inatl IK I li'iiH in lied !' Hie ,mi:ii.i tuitiietfi "I tuanue. ll.e nibtei mic VSiy eirhiisnst'c li u llie lec-nM-d the iih . ACCIOCMI.V Midi. John Hunt is SciioiiIv Wimih.KaI. I'lie opt,'U sea.'i'ii b'l plica mi-I l'U'.ui.g wan also Ihe opcinei; e( t lie -.-. n t-ir gnu accidents. Job 11 1 1 'in I an, I I icil li '.uo u - Ht l.m.t illk WCfl id tl It lIllM llH allla:l. V llOIll tioou n nicsicuer t .i;uc" in U i .!" tc-r, Statiug that lliiul had shot bun eit. geullciiiau from Him i-eilibo: lex. I in which the accident otui'uvl ctau-.-t lluit lluiit wtta eillicr izeltinv: into 01 mi! el a bil.'ggy, ainl iu souio inaiiucr his gnu auijiint el H'.U( . Tho pi imuior t a was discharged. The charge htruck bun tute 1 have a ned here. iu the left hide, juM below tho t-hoiilder, j and evidently pcuetralcd his lungs, lie! Weekly lixcur.siois to the La.-t. was takeu to Mr. Niisbauin'.-- hou.-v tcm- j porarily. aud Iim wouuda dressed by l'r. A tourist i-leeping car will leae I'oil T. W". lian!?. 1 laud every I'ticeday at ' p. in. via the O He has been unable I nc a clear :u - 1!. A. N. witli.nit chatigo to I'-otou, and count of the act t leul, and it i with dif- mnler tlej Mipcrvisioii of enpeiieiiced liculty that he can bicath ortil.. As j c-.ndut l.ori. No t hauge o( cart to the toon ae bid wound had K-cn drcsr-i.d l.o ! 'il',,! "-I'-'ba. i Imago, ttullalo or ... . , , . i l'ajMtoii. I iio ideal trip to the cast is t"-tu ' "" "O"" I Fugene Kegister. com NO HOMC. Volunteers Ordered flustered Out. '. W' -uioi, Sept. 2. The iol'm. in ' troops have K-eu ordered muetered c-;t . First, Second, Third, a:ul Figli'.ccuth ; Fennsylvauia ; Fourth Wiscom-on; Sev-j enty-tirst New York: First New Jersey ; Thirty-second Michigan ; Firtt, Fig'li aLd j Tbirdohio; One Hundred aud I'iCj eigth Iudiana ; Second North Carolina; First and Second Alabama: Third Cali fornia ; Second Massachusetts; lit at South Carolina : a&J two f, iaJio:i-i cf the First Ohio cavalry. CHCAP EXCLUSION KAl'Ld j To the Oregon State Fair at Salem. 1 Just thirik of it! Uulv ct.o (arc for I... t I.,...., l;....,. ... 1 I UUUVI llljl VU illV :UUUIC' U IIUVD ill V-lf uoj trip on the Southe 0 lines in gon to see the highest claed of uttiacti. nt exciting (i'rt and euleitainiucut ecs day. Special days all through the fair. One faro lor round Ir.p'. tl.o great exhibition and home n.- tin. Three Announcements of Impoi I nice. I-oL'o.n, ."-el'!. A rtpoit was rent today that .real 1 t iti.ii a;i many yesterday signed a treaty ance for i .er'jiauj'e Mipport in i L'ugUnd will recogui.-j icniian;. d 1 ur ,-ii. '! llni ; I' 'i- I to Syria as an outlet for her apl'i ulation. Uti.MN, Sept. S.- Ucliablc lufuima tiou obtaiued by the Af8jcidt.'d I'i cm i. lo the eflect that K'j.i-ia intends to t:ou '. ei '.- j at St. Petersburg one mouth after tho ad- ' journment of the Spanish A :tu--it an t , ii- ' fercuco at Paris. E:iiUN, Sept. 2. A gcjji-ajiliciai ii.,le sa e that peace haiug been rc-ectth-lished between tho I nitc 1 M.iIch and Spain, orders luvtt beeu tivej that I'rj German naval force at Manila i- at once reduced to one or two ships. Home for Muster Out. Cmi-Mtai'i:, Middletown, f-i-pt . -The movement of Ihe troops which !.ne beeu ordered to bo mustered out will I c- giu unJay. ibetroopn win be gncn j oddayb' furlough before being wintered j out. TwohllO'lied fick Holdiern were transferred to the Injepilal at Pi.iia. phia today. Arriv cd at riont.iuk. Y"Uk, (sept. L'.--Tho lriii;bpjtiR Neuces, City of Wabhiugtoii, and Ci'.y of Derkshire have arrived at MoiiUui. . i lie Derkshiru had ,"j0 couvalcEceutti from fnboney. The Neuces had tho Twenty- fourth I'nited Hutea infau'ry and p.irt of the l iret Illinois. To (rather t'p Sick Soldiers. CoLl'Miits. U., .Sept. -TheUhio hoa- pital train lilt this morning (or the .South , to gather up aud return tho sick Ohio soldiers. The Wain goes direct to I cr- naudiua, 1 ia., rcluruiui; viu Hunthville, Ala , Chickauiaue. aud Kuoxville, Teriu. The trip is expected Io occupy kix daj. ' Ordered to Starting I'oint j. WasHIXuiov, sept. '.-Hnleris lmvu been issued by tho war dji tnieiit ilint . 11 the regular annv rgiuicutt inw a ' Muutauk, which were staile I frcviuufly eafct fd tho MiHiniipii river, r-hall i-'inrii to the same stations. A Tramp Commit ted tor llurglaiy. A t ramp giving bin n anions Arthur Jacobs was imeMrd l ilday Friday mom iug thai ki'd with burglary, in stealing from a car ii satchel belonging to Con ductor I.I llucloii. It npHars thai when the in ilhbound ov rUnd stopped At the w liter tank junt south of the de pot, Hie thief biviiiled (ho car mid UC cecdod ill iuicak!i out with Ihe siiti hell which iviitnini'd IhotickclB and papers of tho tolldlll Io . Mi . Ihu t'in tiooii iiiiniicd llir ii.ilclu'l mid iiolitied City M.i i. Mm I lillnrdil hia lofd. Ttiat otlicer xoeii located his man near tho round Iioiipo and pluced him under at test, lie was brought beloie Jn.Htiee Iiller, where ho eonleatied hi' guilt at. .I was bound over to await the action of the grand jm y. Failing to give boiula rt re.iuircd in tho siiui ol tL'OO, he was committed to the coin ty The Sick at the I'rc.-ddio Sv I i.iMi-iM, Sf t llieie wt ro Vyt i ii K nu n rin io Hie lioopl lmla , iucl i lii n Hi - r i.i out Uiii,! ImpiUla and lll l 't' ' t I In , li. I'lice eltt Mill from :! ti li l'!nil lever cum a. Ihe 'rvi'i'lh I'.i ii ouit hleiwti tn, 'I i( V I Hli U I I : i. i III l.l .; I I n:l fill IiI'.IkIi isC HIV l i' li I 1 1 1' i;l.-.ell tte'il linn pit il. I lie I III i,, ih tint l.t i Inn ! tli ,.' iii Hi- iliviHdin heiutal. I' ,,- ii, -ii.i,i; ll.e In t-i, lu.ttv in the ti''oij 'I I i1'-. I In ie leiliilN dt. I' i:i . !ei l- .1 llt .11 . lvCl'Cl-4 ,lC AltMC. vmi w,n, j,,, -oulhi-u i ov,.n ( i,.,, . i 1 ,,- J j,us tl , Si 'l. eiatl I lii'o.nh nt 1 1 Ii ive iiivailcd (ho , i;i I . I'll a ie.v vf mmiiik I"-m''!i- pi I u Io the M-lllo-i.i 1 nil Iit,..i-. i-.-iieta I ,-i'n 'i uiiiiiauilcr wr.ii a j ,,. ..,,,1, M .,..,,,. numeiical- j t , , , ,u --.-n t . ,o . ai t u. ed the i ,..itly,n. ir-t.wi.l- .l Uo.ibleon and I'ala- . w,, ;, ,.. ,; v r,,,iu,t tieasuie tithe ,.., I;,.,,...,,,! II, , Hrvlen w lieu touu Fa;-t, and consult '. K. N. .'.gcl.ts, nr a ldi v.- , W. II. Hi iii. 1. 1 i.r, ' .t iit l'apfcuger Agent, Portland, lr. Dl.sMiIulioii Notice. t.j. Notice i.' h-icby given that the 1'iug linn of !' .giie v. Cot null have this day ,lisolved partuerchi b mutual ton ctit. All pail'e.s owing the came will please hctt'e tlicir atcounte with I lr. C. t I-;, iivij-ue, who wiil isuccced tho tiriu. ('. V.. Uotii i , A. F. Coim ii. l'.i'cd at Myiilo Creek, this tirt day of .n411', t S'.iS. Attention! Ucntlcmcn. All patriotic men desiring to Itecoinc heiior.xiy iin-ni'.crj of the Oregou llmt-i- etuy t'orps, cm do so by patingoO i'i,.! -i I 1 !l,.a i.i-inl in Miiri,t,w niilim ' .-, w " f ; . caii:e. I Ji nmi. M. Si mo.n, I'rcrt. I I i , I !. lik II XIUlv, Sec. I Fifty Alcn Wanted ' loin' railroad wool. 1 tood llltibtr, an 1 .1 i "iig j ib. l or further paiticulars . .1;!, - I .. Idrci:?, .co. W . Ui lille. Kiddle 1 i 1 11 , r M jui ii t-f I ie ( '1 etk, 'regoii ii . W. I ; 1 1 H , 1 1 . I : i I !! 1 'ii .-on, iu., I '-',''. Stubblclicld tor bate. I l,.ii bir nale, abaiiit I'lifl ai ri: '! gooal tin' 1! ; .- I'.oj'iiie. If not Hold will lake ::! ix '' p i.tiiic by tin; week or mouth. I'.. I AlUM, Mcliote, ' 'roni'ii. I 'or Sale A! 1 i-.-1111, .1 good Hccoudliaiid buggy '; 1 1 1, Ie I ,ui:c:p. liiipiiio ul llna o lice. flAkkll:0. i;.UI-.l K-l'AVIs. hi tl,iH rity, on 'iinl iv, -viiteuipcr Ith, I Mr. I'. I'.ai r ,.,'i l ; l.-io lais. Kev. A I ' aiglaii ofliciating. horn. M. At Idk Head, Aug. 11. , 1 .Mi . an 1 Mih. W. C. I. ith am, j'-j-ii, 1 uirl. ,: , . i thin city Sunday, Sepi. Ith, ,,, t;r a1,, Mre V. . ).JIUi a Eu, m M ,mmim,MMMiMmMM,- , Impure Blood Phi u:n,Hif.m, Kidnoy Troubles and iick thn Results-Doc-tot-cti for Yrtars Without Relief. .f . i :,,, Iran tiinlni; i:liii rln 'in;-'., i'i! tl.i - , 1 ,-t-i nut of oril r, ami I lc 1 1 -toil h .1 1 -.1 1 iflii 1 Iii . It lin I looii ami relieved tin of 1 Kidney trouble and sick I hae hecu alllieted with 1 it 3 for yi or. I am now ahlo ::iy'u work. I!lu uniatinin linn : :neo I unia child, hut I am veil." MlNi I'ltKOUE IJAI- , I'aBatltna, California. 11 '' l: 1 hue r'.i!li reJ from the effect of Im pure I lo.iil, lniilM, pimplcD, itc, for five jtars. 1 hiivc tried vnrious riiiiedics ith (nit relief and finally purchased kIs hot t It h (,f llnn.l'u Vnrkntmrilla. The IioiIh H11(J im( H . uII disanncarcd since I U;.'Bii tiikiii); thia mcdlelne. I am now tlltirtl.v .ureal ." LOCIH 'i'lIOMAH, UVi sinet, (luklaini, California. HOG(l's ScirSHPlirillil , . , , . ,;,,, ,.uri. (I. M nr (i. t II'HmI'S. UII it-1 1 nl'- finely ti ,l;il,l, . it,-. 00(.l b 11 US lutMc, UnilicMi. i. "The "Doctors" That CURElr a aa a m BifaJdisiast aV I ROSEBVJRC. A PART OF THlv STA1-T ()1 Tlllv EMU AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALIS18, The Dtxloi:. )hi mic, Consuinptioii, ami .ill Clituiiie l)i.--.i,a'.c, ami DR. MEVERS The laiiiuiiH epet lahst lor hiae.iHes und WeiikuiaS of Men, will again bo in this i lly on their tegular uionlhlv vlfit, and can bo ( iiNNi i.ticis i m:i: en umji; ri s ait s"ivt l.lM If I? 1 j icwLLLi:i nvuoii, Monday, September 12, 1898. Stair of the English and Gcrmau Specialists I tlv tl pitlaHfll 11111I1T lln- limn l atlllt.t tllal lr I- u. S.llllnltvl Xfiil-llc Irini. I lie -hut el lln.' I 11 .ii-li Hint tli 11,11m I ll.lll 'I lIlN ll- t Hi ll it )'ll -U-illtt ltl ll.t' t loeiiic ilise.ia ).i 1: I, i'i t'lilini; Hit-,ii-t '1'i.iilei ol .1 tt-iiliil) l'i lots In, a ,luii"iii, mil I'l-i-.v-i' wlii.h I, rilii-nl I., ii,',,l In .ml 1 ii r 1111 , In itu 1111 Hi nin-n-rtil I'i II11 I u :li-li .111 1 ' riiuui t ,i il ,v III, J11 ati III-mill 1. iu III Aim ru a. I In- I- litf 'i- Ii I, nt .mj n-lial.te. imt an- n'-oii-tbV, l-c'ti ; l" IIOMi; Cl'ItliM lull II 11 erel' i.i'l, nmi lim:i,iu l.,i-.-l Mh , i,ill' linn a in, ! 1 1, mi full I llltll.t HlC tliM lor- lin'C tin- II" 1. It a-ltlf. a O 'It iiltll'l'll I . I'llll Oil lllC IIOt lurH lltVII tllCV il-l. mn! tatriiimi Ki 11 i-in.vntli-1 v Vt lio u-1 1.1U. 1, it'-,, hi la.:., ii,ttiiu - .1 '--""'I 1" le.ull 111 a , 'I' a' ol "l. In tin t ll- ullll, I l.ll. ell ! lOMSIl.T lTION I HI li. THL ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS V -tail d 1 in m itt I'I:) . i-m ut ftiii .it iii I'i' m 7Ji Market St.. 6n Trail- nnJ 21S S. KroaJay. Im Alnclc. DURE r ice THE BEST SODA WATER CREAM ASH PURE CANDIES M N I I , 1 1 1 1. 1 I ' I 1 1 I TIE Kflll KIKIN I. nullum, fliul I'i l:.c Sup plied al ie.iMjii.iMc- niti;-, ,uul on Imrt notice-. SHELLAH CARROLL. OREGOIM H'l.NS IN l'tirtliiiKl, Seplember 1 1.0-r.-, lie; I in, i ,iii, iiii al- -I K.s puMleni 1. ' 1 11 ill lln- NurtliHi -I. HORTICULTURAL ami AGRICULTURAL I'laaalll, I- "I Ul' "11 ail-l .1-ill II. . HI lit ''-'I I'liiycl ill uiiii, , il il o i , I , i -i , ,:i . iiu lai'liu ' iiii, rt- a itie I if -i Until i i r licfura' inili t n-l ti-Ki.'lln r III ell'.' exllilill ii.i i .: ri...i .1. JUIU, llfl Ullll lIOIIl i lentil s ill he Au aided. MarvcluUbly Kicll SpecilllCUh irullt "Ur , , ., ,,. I luld, Kllvei and ther .Muk-H " BtM;H.S lili.VUW.VUI 111LITA It V IMH, 11.11 I'C' II I 1111' ' 'I l"l lilt- -' II- '" I Adtoiiii liiii; Aerial i'catu and rerluriiiatii en .i rob.iiic eiy I jjw llati'ii mi all liiiilrciulH ADMISSION Adult.i :',i ceuti Children lOn uts IlUlFKIl r llff- ailn v r-Ti r Itfroi "' ' '' ''' H'li'l'it-r bu-t been llle.l III I lie I IllL AHIII I Ll I I I L I 1 " 'mill nlli..iiila e.iiiulv, hlalo ul Ore- ! Ilr filUll IT. I I lur Ii"""-l"'t -'.luy, . i.i. uiU-r nib, l-.. at iwl H i-i tllaLI JLlwl Ul II L, I ( il0 ,, ,i..i I, k in. ..( unl day, nl Un 1 j I UUI1 lli ll-i III Kil-l'lillll', llri'ljnll, bun Im I'll i.ual ,. , I .. mibl I',, ml a. Ihe tliuu uml iiice ,,r tin) mill, I uiltrlbe uu.iiu I ill sun a:iiiiiiuii".' t'i -;,, i u t u,n ,, uii'l liinil m i ut, mel ur buuriiiK kurtey lur a, I imrtle denirmi' my asiii-liineu , , i,,lM. ih.-ici, u nl Im I Iiu luml mlilniin ut uu nig liner or auiteioi. My elmmrh t, ill u . ,, .,UI , .i,ii,,. i" a-tiiialili ImihI my tnuk Kiiuraiit. il. Am aliu In, u I tin. sili i . , ui Auiusl, l-i.. a Notary PiiMn'. J.ilK l. II t-.N'M' I! Kit, Al"li.'K imi ill C. t' Luiil, Ijiiiii-.I.i. i ii., i n. j 1. 1 1 in i ihe i .t un nl I Im.. (,, lli-ii'b-ii'i', wu.i, i. iir.viiors. lUc.'iiu-i. Hsu 11 to 11 , l-1 I e: I, ill , Hi I, a Ollltlli Klii' I III I 'Mill, all lllllilla I til "I IM . 1111-1 11 ,,1111.1 itu I I'-l-oli'i tii-liliilloli i-ii.'l,l lln -Will iiiliii ,li u line, uinl -1 u --i 1 y "l m' I ,l,!l.o, - lie i'IIiWIv milil'it'l lll I In ; Law Hi' - I mi I In l iil-' 1 ' e.m 01 I- - I- 11 -l-t ' ''"!l,l " ''"I """I' i nun-t.-' ilitl a:il ! malia-'-'l .1 111. ot lu-'nin t" f n I ni 11 . II" ' at 1 -1 .or It a, I ea full- " luiei Hit t liiti e l" HI It. It I"' l,H' !,,i li-t llll'l I tH It rtl't t t OUIC l' I" '! 1, -lia.llet - lln l.ll P, II K i 1 Ki'l 1 I "l i:t i imk M I I ll Dii K'ill, !"t Hi' Coithl)' ul tHmglif. W I'. I Mfl, 11. K Kill- ati'! U'l I'll j 1 Mi (i I MN. U.-anl '( I iiinilli .i.iiivi, (! Kn -rthil fhMil uii'l j I tiiUTMly laiiN, iiti-t fr 111 I ti I v -1-1 1 : i . 1 1 1 " i I t'it- Ktllhl mini lit;-; In:: (li ftr . I'lululilf , l..iiti l:.... !. ..ti l Mi. l.-hu I'.mm Ll. ' u in-. l (' ti I it li I I-j, ,l.u I;..-,). Hiil MivJ.'Ln Hon h, al iiAin -I i ( u-ii Jiittt l:i lln it.ii.n.- i'i tU' '.itiif U:.i;"H, ou :tu l , ui It i (,! nu' 1 in-1 " i , mn ) in kih nr hiiI ii i i i i t ' 1 1 - i him i tin in t I I l iiM.i it t " hi In t tt ii'" " ii ' .tl t 'it . mi or t" f"tt-' I lie In nt tl ol tli. nr . l n-wniti' t' dm i. ilu-t ( "Mil. Io M.-u-lav -tli tl.iv sit in in r, mil ll t . In; to aii r I'T unlit tltiicl tti u ill -'l' l" li Ml I'T tin i U f -UiM.iit I--I in IU- uo'l'liitlit, tt ui lint ''tat in. it h" li i- I'linii , I It it t 1 1 . 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 h. i-l J't H. .111-1 111' V I IJ'lliljf. J"llD I .1 h. l.H ll.- I'I I ' Mill irt lln lien t! tll Jll -1.1 V I I l n , I'., H I he lll' I'I s . tClit ! l M ' 11 1 1 111 . Ilil 111 ll t'-.'l- and I i--im . iu- ii I hi 1 lit 'i : ' iU'l Hi mud pi I H'ltHIH'S - It . I"T li.i Ifl-il li'C i i 111. it) I lliti!l i.i. .ilu .ni'l lt lln u iiiti t(; K 'I I'i'' i"' ' " 'li nan it i i.i. i-l-1 r In mi-1 Mr .ii-li .il."H 'l t1'. i. .... 1, nl ii ! nil. . ii 1 '.(h ii "i ! -M' I HU'I Mm u ' I I t 1 1 1 1 iti!n .ibu' in III If l" 'I )' iniihO" im I Dm !'..i.ihf . 1 1 mi) , !' I'.iv t" 1 1 "' I'i 1- nl -Uit. '"tlti II.-m )i. Iii- lr nl i- ).f tiiittiM t!i. a Iii' 1 ' 1. 1. p In m 1 1 uii'l n. I'ii- 'in i itiniiiit; i-1 . i!i..'., li 1 1 1 uii'l i lit I. L i-'ic'i 1 hiim .1.-1 f. if. uri I ul i i n til, til'- iT llll r-t, Ml.l '.tiny "I ! 'I' nti-lfU ). i l'l i.i"fli;ii '1 i'i in . i 't mi (-ii i 1 1 1' ii i'i. I In: I'M im t iii"r'iii;-v'l aii'i t'U ht l-U- '.! in 1 1 -ia ciiiU' .ii' tit' i il 'i if luii'iM v "tiiiin it 1 ' in,; ;it lln." I i "in- i '! llit I Ininiiii llna.ilitT tl'.uiliuii l.i n ' I c it I in. tii 'ti,.;. I it b 'IK H I iu 'mi :)- ("iiinj. t'ri-'tti), llifiin: nmftil'Mi '"'lull"' ..i-li MilUtl mi In 1 1- 1 hi lnwiirliii 1 1 1 1 I" in I- ti it mi' I ri'-ti - t iH i Inui , Ililli-' v. . I Ii . ' I )i ti. id r-Al'l i luMII. I belli : Minili ttliin ill' 1 1 ii' nl fii'lt ami l. lln- Im I f , nuW' iii- in Uif i 'Hi' r "I -ui'l .vc..-: IIm U'.v i-ift to in " t !ui' ii Hp. iMti'l l.i'l'-iiuiir ui'tia 1 1 1 1 1 1 (uii'l i 1 -1 1 1 1 1 in -.iM p'ili"it, tin la r tmrtli . ti v iMiii't t .il. tl.iiui 'li in i' ( I Io i-I.-t "i Im'l-Ihh.ii:. "iitftiuliin ll'tit'it . hum .1 1 - - . I ul- ii i ih ii MMi" m itbiili' 'I ljr npl r l ' 1 1 ' 1 1 . li.tiiiiiMi, 1 1 tn tin: ium- en III.' -i V .(Ul t, 'l.ll' ! lili'l' I J ' l"Lf. M K WW UHt. I H diif lur rialiilllT, Summons. 1 1111.1.11.1,1 11 l Ul. Ul til I II K MA I I t'l 1 (ie ::iin, l,. lln i ul 1 1 s nl I i i u i ' I n . t I' I iii,l, II i. K", in. I u, I II, il .Mi I-, linn, ii tin- li'iuel I I ' ainiiii-i,,, in Im itu- -iiii- , nl B, I,.. ul iiii'l I'lilieiilli : I iiii'l'i uii'l I, il Hi,- Ihm ! im nl til I lie fioi'l-i in t-lli: I Ilia ielr. mi, I'l.lllitilK I t.. U iliidiii Mil, In II. i. I. ii-1 at ia I I In M 1 1 1 1 n . 1 1 Mill In II, uli, n, mini, , I In (i inlelll, In I li o li, una-nl lie- Mala ol (ia-i.'iiii, tun mi; In n io ii .'" In Rpp. nr innl iiiimv, l lln, e,mi I'lnlllHili , nk'ltili-1 yuil ill tin iitiaoe enlilteal -uo, oil m In-line lit hint of Itie iia'xt li an lui l rm ", i till luiil I, I, Mill .Millnlui , Itie ,'i ! 'lit' "I I'i C'-hiIht AH, 1- 'i, Kiel ll ton Init ,u ,.,, ,, ,,, ,:, ll, llnminiH , Hi,iy I,, Ihe l oiiit (, ,r tlie nil, I ,, nifinilnl In I In." i in ii (iln , i l , h miii'lni'i i ti.lciiiuiil n( wlili li I. in I,, ll,iu i. lur jii'k-i,ii nl kkkiiuI Hie. I'l'kinl Mill tilt- l lllnnl li..., mill III la-rt Mt llli'lanll : Ie, in Hie 'Hi ilny i t AiikuM, It'.l, ul lln: rule nl j J I" ' . enl . i iinnnm, U'-hlej llie ; . .ln nmi ilN. I Imijeiin lil t nl Ililia mhI nn, I I in itlliu iii-i h f.-.-n , l,,r I Ii.. i' alien- i,,ht!iimiik Pluliillll'a I iniiitKHi', innl foi ulu ut lln- iiim IkhkcI prem- I hi ... llll'l I lie i,,,ll .lllull nl llni iniit 'ln iu lilt 1 i n nli nl -ai' I ln -nil uii'l l'liilullll ,1, inuinlw. innl Unit lie: In li 1W1111I uinlnll i, i,ull a Uiiii in;' 1 . y . HiiuiikIi it ninl i linn le l"ieier I'Uiii il uii'l Inn a l".v i "lull riitlH, III 1', lull trnl mill . 1 1 1 1 1 I nil, niiitiiii nt In, nn,) In .n, I nmit. . K' f 1'1' inl-i n imj a teiy imil llieieiil, tt lih Ii ,u nilic me ila-na l iltt'l Hi lulling, tourli; Hie HI-: ',ai( fee ;l. I,iiliii :',Sii It i,, U u tt l.laiin lie if i 1 1 I i a ti , iu I.iik Ihm (.'ininiy, Oru nl. itu, I mi, Ii ntln r uii'l fin tlier r lit ! in lliu i on 1 1 i.lmll ili i in niiuilile. Tina nnniiiiiiu. In ,il,,l-lli 'I lit an. er ail lln- Hull. J. V. lliiinlltilll, Jii'lKi' i,f ll,,' iilnii i) t'lltiiieil l allllt, ilulcil Auk list .-J, I"-'.'-.. A . M. ( ItAWKOIlli, f-ll' Atlnrii.-y lorl'laiiillir. Notice of l-Jnal Settlement -oin.i. i- Lllnl lla:i ni;iti-.iiv i.ivKN i ii a i rui: u ul nt I In e a fii t"r ul I l.o .'itiilu I'llst rescent aa atviiva a a rtFi m Uitilics appK'ciftle I ho t itbsciuo of it Krt'rtsy t chain ami olumsy, rut- linn 1 -11:11 11 litiaitl '. also At lit n tc vasT-iiiuimiK liai' J os of the Crescent J tics Hovel gear. J A. C. tfARSTERS A CO, Agents, J Roi.cbuurg, Or. t Notice Tor Publication. I Mil Ii ei t ll. ' I t: Ii tu Hi I.. Hum ".in,-, ' ii put. Annul! II l-'J" Null, ii I . In n In iilt. it Hint nt . ollll'llmil i. li till lln' I'tnt l.l'tllt l I'll' ! I I aihnle. nl Jillla- .1 Ilk. I lillllnl All l.r ,,r III' .al" "'I Ullll', I Uii'l- HI III" Mill" "I I ttlll "tlllil, HI' lii'U, St t 'la. ami li ,i'iii Ii iilliin , Ul "tl ) l'CHIi III I Hi., le , t '"Mil ' I'I I iii-. Hl. ait (l. i "II, linn (III. , I n i till , I III liiti i, IIII .' I'I" "K'tll !( inrnl S,, ,. ,,(, i Hi. I'llii'tx-i nl Hit. N i nri tlttll Si. ', III i.iilil. Nn. ' '' , Hiiiitt. Nn. .1 W . n l tt ill ""'U I I l I I" .Iiim Hint tin' ln'l inllitlil I- inui,- tHlutti.'.. ,.t ll. Uiiii" r "T .l-'iii Uill lt 1 1, nl I M t il ."in . mnl I li"tili 1.1. lalm In a. i l l.ii, I I i"' tl"' H.-ail.'i mi'l H. r. ipr nt lln. i ,1l ' tt I llm, tiurif. I li H'lll, nil ""lilt .'In)'. Ih.' .-iilh ilny nl tt l"1-. i. !' Hi- iiiiini" ttiiiiroi'. I.i 1 1 r li" t'l-- 'l Hi, J.- I-1" t -'i'1'i ol t.'i.i nt", 'l, Cl,n 1 1" n - I' I II. , I I k Intel , I'I , Jnl'tl I ItiMl'l el Onklmnl. Hr. Antr Hiel H . r.iin i IttimlUK ml ivi-'I' lln aU'ti-ill eill-il Imi'U n' l"ii lr"l In Me llii'lr t limn in lle ii it Ik Im .l'l ." Hi iln' el ' I"1'" i. I" i I l.lllln.K -. ullll'i ll i-l'( Notice lor I'liblicntioii. I m ii ii -1 tti - l i" i. .i 1 1' r. Itii-i'liuii-, On ijnii, lui. ."I, I vi... S,,l,l I lii'i, liv (lull I lull III l litlljilUui V ullll Hie I'tui l.l, "ii. nl llu , t ( t ' Uti. i, Juiu-J, Il iiitiili'l "An ml I"! Ilia .ale ul Uinlier Iftml- lit Ilia. Kliilr. t.l I Htiillilia. Ui . (iu, Net il mi'l -.lilli--t.t. I riilUny, -"1 1 t l)i nr. ul kumii' , hi , t ,"iitiiv nl Imi' . him, i, nn tun. Int. t tilts tlitf lila-il In tl.l nnet! Iiiri.i.nii Uiriiti-iil ll.t4.i, lur lie iiiii Intact til llni N K Uluii line mnl I it ... mnl .. V I ', ail , I tl.ll N'i. I. In l..ii.lil N-.. .'lit, lUii-c Nt. t . utnt nlll uiiii Iu ulinti lllnl Itie lltllil ."tlllil I. liinlu tattllltila" lair II. Itllllia I lir ..llf llll li't IKtll llllUfl illtNa , mel In a l h I'll -ti lie r i Ulni Iii mill lam! Iwl.,i Ilia l.a .l-li r ami Ila. rlta r nl llil nllii i al Kiuc. bmc. Kt.-k-mi, a-iiKil'Ui. Hi. -1 itiiy IH. ti nil, r. Iv.". (tin- uuii-'. a tiiin, i,i- i bsik. Miaiu-nl Onklau l. Or . 'elm Mat" i'i .1 Haklanil, Or , I I l l f lia ial' Ol Kll.', II' . Ul N M. Ml kcf.,l ol W, nii;lil., Hr Am ami n l ia.iiili tUliie lua ailia-i.vlv lb" aitiTe "ItM-rlU , lititW are I-.-' "imiUillii iflf lle lr t lului. Ul llila ofln-e un nr Inrline .i'l : -I la ."I r-t t"t" inl.i t, l-'ja J. I HHII'i.l-. Ilrl,lil Notice l or Publication. t miium un I iimiri" I. I.., an liUIK. Ol' 'HI, A'UHll IL, I-,." Nulli.' I. In'aili) Ibial I lie liillim inj lianifl ttli r lia nli-1 imtiio ul lit. Int. nllno , inaki- llnal .f.-'l III n hl i-laliii. an1 Hi u I mill j.r.a.l tt III I"' una Ie , lln l.i'l. I. rami Ka-.Vi.l, t'lllletl Mnlff ltlnl I lllli i , al iliwelnir,;, tin iraaii, uu M.ii-uili. r Iv.ii, , , : 11 l.l AM it . I' rtl II I. nu Hum. l" a.t I nliy N". nisi. Lit llic Mf N i.".'. 'il. Ipj: H, H ; t-.l. II.- naun. tin" liilliiWllll- llllllel.a. lal ialt V 111 t'l.llllllllnn re.llla Ila iiimiii mel a nil i l allall. t(, .alii lunal, ti-- Joliii II ill, rani, nl I -",kiiiii H a.., kicuii . 11. lain Mi in aw. I'at II lv -t rl, l'ly . f .niit liny tl Wai-tloii i 'i". -'iu. ). I'. Iiltl lx.K. A I MO Hi Kilter Contest Notice. I'miiii -i tu Lm I'll i. a K,,.i i,urv. ui" 4oii, inly la . A Milli" n ut (Ullla -I tHuliai il lintilli; Wall til" "I III Itilt, nrln e ,y ! W. Ill Alll. i on It -IhiiI, a.niiiit linn, ia a, tiilryf".. "''II, mail" January I .', I vi.', .i Ihe : 1 4 Nl. ' K 1 hK'ainl MX -I ',. a Imii l:, , in ii. Int. i - ,.ie:a. ; . l r i II A It I I I AUi.ll i.ilil -- ui nlili li II I- l'efi'l that ,a . t liarl. i I aiiiliu lisan holly at inluu, i cm t.l lra I aiel thaus"! I'Ij I'-i'ltlnu III" I. Irnui l"l Uinrv lliau i iiiulilli alin i liirluuj; r-t I'I Clllf I'I I lot Io Ule I iillaill"ll ul III. lltct-iitM r -.i li" ir i'iirnl I'vlutt, tluil rani tra'tlia-i iinl . a ii ... ill, , iimiu nmi aa re 'I'llii 'l bv l i iv, me I Hint .alil VatlKlill . lint ll "t a r -Itla ui ui tin' --tat" of III" ai"U, imr lia ln l-t i u lui a jm ri'"! ul ni..r' Iban ,uir jiai . aael I'ailit" me In r.'t'y luillhi'l I" a'itir, ii-kI'iiU-I mi l i ll' i a i,, in . lulu Miif .ti l alii -altiiti nl Itf n clu- k i. m. "ll tt t. uit'i-r i. I-jh, l.i luie tin-lie..-, li.i au'l tli'Cltir l Hie t lill"l Mti . I. am I Him in I.ii.i I, gu', )uti(la. I'uuiil t , I 'rt; K lln -net i unt--luiil I, at lug, in it ii"Ih t uti, ilaul, hi. il J-ily ;j, Ihn, . t lui Hi la, Is wlili ll hull tllltt !( r tl'ie dlllnrni t, 1-v.Cl.t'lli.l li rtl.e (jltlilt Unlit).' cuu mil I-'' iinel, , It I- licra by I'l'lrrfl nu I aliini' il llial nn h nut Ii Ln tit' u I'jr "lii mi'l i i t'iil'11. a'liui. I. I I RII-OI J. II hin. Ill, l'iMr. ll' f i.t r Notice Tor Publication. I'Mlkli 8lAW. La.'-i) tlllli ... H"-eliuiil, Un jjuii, A ui; ii.l I,, l-'j-. Nulli i'lt In ci ty ulti ii Unit In i'uiiluiice n ull (lie lilnt Isluim i, I lliuaeltil I iinun ,,l Jiiut- .1, lv,i, untltlt'l "Au ait lur die al , tiiulirr lanil" in Ilia- hlat. -u Cull d i n lit Oipjuii, Nat Ada uuii aNliiiimtin 'leiritiiry, ' aexlniili'l Io all Hie I'u I, lie I ami rlliilei l.t-iict nl Auuu-I I, l-X. I. I'I. I 1 C'H.UNrt. ul Oak I, lie I, i IIII ll ty ai llnuxi'i", Mali nl On K'UI, liua llila ilay lili'l in tlil.i ull1cu In r 1'iuiti Mate un ui No. iii.i, In llni i'iiii Iiiim' nl lln- .--K 1 1 nl -, cliuii Nu. a, n,n u-liii N'n. ',,, Uauan No. .1 W, W. M, aiel .1 ulleririHi In .l.uiv llial llni lliiul niiui:lit ilil,,,' t aliialilri Inr Ila lliulurur nlniie tliiill I'T iiKrleullinal I'liri'iiM'N, ulul In t", lulill-ll tier i liilln lai.anl laml liel"i llni Ila k t-r ami Hi uiii r ul tli In I'M"' at lln-i Innv. tin !ii, uii 'I iieoUy, llir i.lli ilayul t it lula r, Itm.. -lie inline, at It lliu h-i : I . W. Milillllil, 1 . I,. Klllll. I. II. Ilutiuril. Ki III." II H. Oak. Uiiii, On gun. Any timl nil "t t,mi i IiiIiiiIiik iiiltciiti-ly Hi.) alHitt: it".'illitil Inmln are in im tli'll'i llle llii'lr i Iiiiiiih Iu lliiaellitu un ur Im (io iiui.I '.' .Hi ilay ul oclula-r, la ta. .1 I . II K I lit . V-H iilttlO Uetrlrlcr. Notice of Pinal Settlement NtitK-.n la Inireliv kIvvu that, tin- un leralmictl, lliu ailinlulitlralur ul lln. t-alale u( Mary A. I ! ui rui , ilea-a iiM-il. hint llluil Iu llni I nuiilv i iiurl ui IMiiKlaa l uiniiy, lin g, m, bin llnal ae i unlit ul tint iiiliiiliilatriitlini til naltl tnUlu, ami Hint llia .ttli ila i ul Heeli'inlier. nl Urn limn III llIU I h't k H. Ill, III HHllI till : llll'l ut thu t'uui l iniiiht) in uu.euuri-. t'ri'K"ii, aa llni llni' ami i.liiet: u.ih I" en Uxetl by lln- I'uuuly Umirl til lAiticltui IJuiinle, Urt'Kun, (ur hcnriiin anil um. Inn uu nidi llnal anuuul. mi. I lur The lu aram. ul uny utijct nulla llial may be iiiale In nabl iiiiiu iii:t:tiiiiu. Kaleil llila I'JIli iluy ul July, Ia'.w. 1.KIINIHII 111 tl I . A'liiiiuiKlialur ul the i-luU- ul Mmy A. I lour- uny, u.'ct'ui-ii. Atlniiiiistrator's Notice. N I UK I Ct'MY lOlHtl OKIIlKwlATIiiH On -uuii. In unit lur lliu I nuiilv nl liuiiul MH. Ill the iiiitiu r ul lliu t-ilalu ul I'at Id lireliul, ib' i i ai-e'l. NulliT la her. by lt en that thu under mkiicI luia by Ilia Con ii I v tin rl ul lium.u. Ci.unle, On-dun liti-n ai'tiuhled Adiiiiulalralur nt the t'nlalu ul l'at Id (ileuul, ilciTu-t'l. lure loio nil crKiniK iii'lul'led tu aid elate am hereby liutliieil Iu iimku liilliu illale I'll lilt'llt in I be uuiltirMKUuil al bla renldmieo IU Umiiilaa Cniiiity, Un gun, and nil ruu bat uiii elaiuit nKalli.t Ihu nub! t nlu will ii-eeii lliu kuuiaj In lliu lllnlerhlKiteil ul bin ICklikuce IU abl ( anility, ulililu kl iiiuntlia (rum tho tlato t thin nutlet-. N. l.llltt l, A I in I iiiai ml r. Illlteill.l llu-i Inui, On uuii, thlH;th tint 111 Aiik'".it, l-t. AJ'ta