The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 25, 1898, Image 1

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    Tho Plaindoalor
Executed Neatly and at Living Rate.
Tho Plaindoalor
I'll llt hmI yi'V) M'tniliiyiuhl I liiitnlny
AlOak mi 'I Main Wrenl,
-MY 1IIK -
Vol. XXIX.
No. 50.
1 .
im loir .,ijtiii.
I, I', (i, KLM, luiMI-.lit'K'l I.OIKIK, NO. flJfl,
Imlil ilii-lr n unlur 1 iiiiiiiiiiiilrRilHin al Hit
u. . O. I-', liall nil i-'-e.iii'l mul Ininlli 'I liiiriulity
II t-nitti mni'lli. All ni.'iiilw in Mud Id Hi-iioi-l
rertulnrlv, nn. I nil xi-l(ln timlln-i inr
illallV llivllii'l lo
1 I IIA-I. I, IIAM.I.V, U. It
1 in 11 iiidm.k. 1-1M 1, ii).
- - it - - -
DOllill. AH I IKI NI lli f t, Jl JK. (I. l. A. M.,
iilui'U i-vary XVi-ieila i-enln nt II
ii'i-lm-k In th nil Miumlo Hull. Vlklllui
lir.illier. ar end lull) liitlli-.l lit Hili'inl.
I). II, I'lNHilN,
inn. W. I'aitHir. CiMiiitllnr.
Hueortluin -inrtoiiii).
f AIJKKI. I.OK'II.. A. r. At A. M , IlK'it'l.AB
iiKMjtiiik' ii'" s-l 1,11,1 Wc-uni-ilay lu
N. T. Ji.wail, ci .
oiumiAiiiAN i.UiH.K. no. , 10. o r.
mi'tii naiiiiday vi'iili'H i'l urn.!) wcea al
tliolr linll In O.l'l Helltn lmiilu nt llnwbuif. lit' ut.lwt I" Biwxl laiiiltiig am In v 11
kI 10 aiu.iiil J. XX. MIIAS"IC N.O.
N, i. J l l, rn-e .
ROHKIItMl'i HU'IIK, NO. Hi, A. O. I'. W
imwla Hi '"ii'J ami l.iiiilli l"ii'l) il
ru-ti tn.mlli in. t O.I.I K.-lloa liall.
Mxinlxiiat't lliu lu K'hI aiaiialng arc III
,114 to aiuiu.l-
knoi'OkT. m. .1', . a. k , mi:ki iim
Oral ana Uili'l luurwiaja ui vain bihhwi.
lint aii.l llili-I rntiaya iu mtu ii...i..m.
1 OHKHUIliit llAl ll.ll, NO. O. K. H..MKIIS
Hie auvoii'l ami luurlli lliiinnt l eacU
UEUl.NA UAnl. rH ).
tiOHkiiriiu niviMloN no oK l K
R BwUMCiJ M" J Hiili'lay.
a I I'll 1 lOliiiK, NO. 7. K OF P., MKKHI
ALVvf i "l!..wly ""' O.I'Urllol
Hall VialllnK Kiukuu In la'i'Ui'
Hall; tuviuxl 10 aiu ua.
uKoaua M. unowii,
rimi. r ti tih.
Attorney s-;tt-Luw,
Uihiiii 7 am I
n. wii.Lia.
Attorney ani Ooimnelurat Law,
Will r.oil n all lb. r-urU o( it. hut. !
Icwlu Maralid Uuil'l"'H. biwalaa .uny. "
D 8tRA.TF0Ill,
Attorney at Law,
" Kooun S aii'l I
Taylur wilauii iii.hi.
UtKf.Ul'KU. UH
f D. BDDV,
K.i.'l.llt'U''. OKE'iUN.
Him I. .V l.iill-IIU,
1 tr I v't " N"
Ho-Kia I.'', OKI.'. UN
Attorney at Iiiiw,
loylor AttlNoii UO.-1.IU' ll'l. OIllA.o.N.
It.v.uia 1 ttii.l '-'
Uivlcvv llnil'ltiiK
UC-r.l.l K'i. OKKi.i'N
. . .... .. .. 4 I
AUOlIK'y HI Uiiw,
Koiinin I iv X, Slamici" iiiUK HonEiiUBu, Uli
rtPUn.lnr bulom Ilia U.K. Ijuid UlUce
BiuTiiS "its a jp':i-'ls!t"'
l.alo KwvlVi'r I'. H. I.aml Ofllt'C.
Northern Pacific UallroaJ Compmiy.
Aiu nullum lirkotu to U puiiilH Enst t
t!f tbtj regular rak-s.
1). S. K. lli iiK,
Lu'ttl Auuut N'. MnrMturu liuiMin.
OI HCi:, ;ij JikUsihi bliccl, l u uct (il Mr". J. Illucr.
UOt.UL'Ki., Oil.
L. MILL10R. M. D.,
Surgeon and Ilomwopathio
Kotvlntry, Orryun.
Obruulo Jlauaiua a muMiallr.
t Y1) ff
L. KOIII.IIAaiiN, I'roprlctor,
in: a 1.1. 11 in
Fresh and Salted McaLs
ja Kt-o:: r, 110 i:m ui, on.
MHN l. C. Mi ( l.Al.l.tN, Prop.
8EAX3?ARTE&S T03 T&AVL12'3
lUTI'.H iii:ahonaiii.i-..
I.ami', Uliu llMimia.
f n v lltia lu an. I From Train".
mni:y iiiii;v on J
'l'Itl.;s u.l everyout'
Kail nil urtliunl, it wuiiKJn'i
mnku iii 11c li .lillurunri) liu
t you apont il, bill I" in;.'
a ...
j an 11 is you win
5AVH $50
rcsccnt Chalnless
V Bicycle
$115.00, other 1 1 i a 1 1 itradu umkca '
75.00, Cionix'iit HiiMTi'ir lu ollurp
511. wi, ri;ir,
CHAIN Vltni-L5, $J5 & $5".
All t r.'aiMMils am fully warrmi-
(oil nut to ((ml a in flnuN oi
ili.fcrtH. lliukcu purl rlii'cr 1
f illy ii'i'UiT.l.
fl. C. IflARSTERS 4 CO , flgts,
Urvvatwuuriji vi.j
Great Bargains
At Dcnn's Variety Store...
Sec our Special liargaius
iu Glassware, Lemonade
Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets,
I'ancy Glasses, and Fruit
1INWAWH. fffUl .ru-i oil UiKl. ls aiu,
I. li'li aii , liicitoti, HO.
OUI and WILLOW WAVB. l hop.ln
liowlii, Itiiiti.f nioulij. aii'l Iri.tU1, lirttwii
lu luitrli l.a.kcl., tol-vMMM,,i i"itclikl'1,
ami barkvl..
STATION! HV. I'..lucil ,.rl. c. on nil l
II. iutr) , iMtuvlia, iH iu, Ink, uiucilau ui
CHINA. s-e utir nirclal I'ticra uii all ( lilna
llavWalul (Tiliia dinner ami Iva U,
in lr' lain ami Irnnatouv china 'llu
nrr ami lea wt, lmMrtol rlilna aH. r
li. Kii lea m u, ni and miR'.'ir, J -Uy
ill.lmi., liiitlcl vlil . l. .
NOIION5. Ilnlr pin-, nl.1.- ouiiib, mflUs
I'lu., lullul .'U, I'U.
Wo Jo jtiHt an o uilvi'iliaf. All
Itii-iu tliiuKH uro t tx liu.l nt I In'
low en t t'M.ili piiceM ol
Dcnn's Variety Store,
RoschurR, Oregon.
luiiKlaH t'uuuly, orcxuii.
I l.c n t. r ..I Uuo piiiii; . .'Utiilii : I. olu.
II i. it-1 1 ii. I h i m . i ). i iirli.mat. il Jton
nil I I. Inn' mi l i l.!"tl'!'' ! CnU Ullii, MaRiiv-slum
ii U' I .h1iii;u.
Ono K.rlin? c.niluiiu I 'j nn. I llio mil
'jowo Kiiiiiu .i .'IU1 uuutur lo tUo tiiiluu.
Iir'i.i.'.I n;i Hi.- Hnullir-ru I'a.Mtln li.ulrna.l,
'rlia(u tniil.i" Iroui kii Krani Wi'ii lo Pol lliitnl.
lu Li.mikIu-. Con my, Oii'uiiii.
Acuinvalcil can' ol KlioiiiiuiliMii, N'iimiI i'
Inrrli, l atiinli nl Hi" Htouiarli, Dy-pciiln I'm
txiUr. Noiirulmu. Malarial;. M.lnry
Inmlili', i ..nll.Uin. Iiiwama "I Im1 r-kiu,
Liter an I ll.ittel., nii.1 Vriii'n al ills. have
lnvn cnicl by Uiu iim- til iheao ,ili'i.
Ni'tv bulb rciiiu etiiiu.i'lr.l Willi Hie inftiu
inilKllin:. I'ltMlulln'o ami llxpn mi llio 'u :u
Im. li.uly mall, uorlli au.i miuiIi.
Totmi 'u 'cr week, U 1'iT tiny. ineUi.lnn
Tlic H . '.-! Is iiu-ivr t!ic l!Ui:a'.!i!,.!o t'lj'v:'. la
Inn ol
iu;tB7 Manager.
Want Your
A l.ond of Mi-Mas ami Sugar Cnno
IMclurcK'iue) ninl Itrnntlful,
Jluliolulll, llilAAIIal! I' l.ill'.V, ln!y 10.
Wlicil Uolii'it Jjilia Mt niiuii 1 1 veil
ill lliu miliiiilH of lluii'iliitii iii I n'i ha
wroiu tclliiu u l.'jiul'iii liit.-ii'l Ii j.v to
COIUO to H'.-O llilll, fllUI : "(iJUlTohd till)
Aluuricaii I 'liilir int nn-l t H.ui I ran.
uiiuo lal'U Did 'net l-.irn l'i llm li ft."
I 'Dm I I fl W:l I i III. nr utl lli.v mi. Itturil
V:i'iinrully known, llm SncUirti I iIhiiiIh,
arn niliiiitu.l nulcs houti.w-rKt fnuii
lail l';aiicin(.o, liflwccti lli;; i.iiK-U.ciilli
ami twculy-tbifil ..wjlti-!i 1 lititii.Ji',
Tla-y t'oimltit of twclvi! ini.iii.ii ol n ly
voluauic foriiulioii. i ivi- i:-!mi-!n only,
however, uto ut nil n.liili!cl mi l i nlli
vatC'l. Tlu-y UH' ll iwuii, Maui, Haliii,
Moinkai ami Kuuai. All l.'.u o'Iiith nre
aleiile, black ieldn nl m.Iuu.i.: roi k.
1 III) W liolo (.tuiii i.iiini i in: ub'i'it 7,'M
t'lUillO lliilvr, rilnl uri' iiin: liirticlli tfit!
bUo ui Ti'Xaii. O.ilni it tlii uioM !.'(. ii-
lous u'lil fertilo ihljn.1 l-i tlm llawaii.m
it'ljiiieloKo. U in uliuiil the tiic of
Delaware mid ia llio of dm metrnpo
tin nnJ cii'llnl, ll.'iiuliiiii ol Hawaii.
Maui in u loi'-r ii.iiin.I, uinl ii'jii il llio
Krentent ntii;ur iIi ji n in.. I luillg
in llm wliulo null I an- lui-it '1. Mohkui
In iluvotu'l lo li.'i: uml lijiiau.i culture,
ami in luoet allium Ki ii two l.-er
colonics tli&t uiu I'K-ate.i ibero. Tho
two fluebl burlioid in llio Hawaiian
group iuileut lalai. 'ne is llm licauti-
ful but muoll hatbor ut Honolulu. The
ollai in lliu harbor, mi famous in llio
uuiucrous coiii;re"iioiijl ilrbaten eon
ceruiiiK aiini'Mitiuii il Hawaii to llio
t'niU'il Hlatc, fcuo-Aii iii I'carl Harbor.
Il U a laiiil-lucki-.l liaib. i, nu I within it
till) tlftvi.H (if till! Willi IIK1V li'lll ilt
in bur.
The io'iiU:i"ii t l ll.iw.ui w :.n. tiller
tb a n that of iiny sUtu in tin) uiii n, cx
Cept NtvmU un I W ) v.nii.. it ol-1 iujf
lo the eenpiin take;! la- l lebiuaiy, it ia
but l(i',('lM I'luuiii', ol ttiuiii V-'.oir arc
uialoc. 'I'hi' pi'j-iil I'.i'iu i :: ! ,;i!y very
uiise.l, but the i! in.n . i-i rleauH
form u wry tma I i It-n.i : t I i. The
llawaiiuuH f.irm llr) pi iui ii. .i! i i. n.i-iit,
Sl.bOll ; Ibey have ih i:ri ,t .. I Ii in II I, -000
in IVjii, 'ill.' J.i u i-yo n-jiuler
21,.jC0, or iJoubie what they were III IVjO.
Then co.ii" the Chinese , '.' I .(!0, who
liaye iiiereiiiitJ larsjly.. 'i b
ttiiio iiunibir l"i ('W, r ncni'v iloUble
wlikt liny nere n.wu j ci rx ui". Ti.0
Diie.1 Mo'j.Ja iiuni'.ir S,."nj. Then
ConiO the Aiiii'i.t-aliL' wilh ulily .1,080
Houla, nearly two liiinl.i of U.iin men.
Tho llriti-'h iiiiiiiliT 'J : 'ni.
Tlio iirian.niH'i.t i.f the i-trttl iu
Honolulu r. -mill 1. 1 many An i ri.'aijj ol
tlioeo in llosl.m or tlm cl.K-r pail of Nw
York. AH the MrtctM are iumo.v biiJ
well kept. I ut w : l ' i ' 't c siL i t ions,
they nieaii'ier hero r-i.'l time f t will.
A Jezoii tliL-rniihhire-i ioo .'eyceiit
Hliapel, ini'l l w ii-'. a ii' I 1'irn wbe'i m;o
least cxpei l.i K. All i-tiee .1 aiO
Finootli nil I h.u.l iui !ri a !i i. ::;li,; i.f
lliuilKiiiitlb ol waynu lo.el-i uf i-hcili nnJ
lavi1. pdiin L'.l ilown .m l ei usl.e.l by iui
uiente niam roll 'is btn-.i.-ht fio:n San
l-'t .llll'i.-J.O.
iiiL-o the lopul'lie w.ii foiuie 1 in Ha
waii tli.' butinct-9 purl i.f IKniuhiiu Ii.ih
i;row u fast. A uu.nber of tvuiiueii iul
bloeku worlU tTO.OJi) ami .0,00.) liave
been ttci'tvJ. Most of t'.ieai iiio but
two htoriea higli, lor ii j m liiid lau.l
of re!"t mi J Ht'btas in soii'i: lo I e in
iliue.l lo I'liuib fctuiib ; bc.iJti', I U..1 id
cheiip. The fl reel soetiej always inter
est viaitora here. Whito tlm k tuit.i au.l
rauaiutt hate, the lattei liliboiicJ with
JulicutO KhaileS i;( !-llk. nil 1 IiiiinH!!
JresBeH, with wi.lo-liiiuuut'.l .e.horu
hats, aii3 couiuiuii n.i.ui iiio ui'pei
ilaEeef, uml t'ivo nn eiiuit. riiil glamour
to tho paesliu fhow. Tlio prevalent
Kanaka inalu iu piituiesn'io in a btraw
hut bouiiil wil'.i ilawer.s or peaeoek
(euthui'ri, u ueKlifieo unit with lloral cir-
e'.eta hung about tl.e alioultler, li ia feet
uudioJ aiitl liia attitiulj hiiptemely reBt-
ful. Tlio feiualo naliv.t uearrt a bright
coloa'il Mother Hubbard kowu, a wreath
of flowoid which iti callcil It i?, and Hhe,
loo, uo9 bnruluotcil. Slio ia aUvaj'8 neat
and uovor without a wivaih of tlowora or
viuod about her licit) or w uiat. N j one
accui'H her of j'ru.lihhiieti-i, and tlio is
likely to havo an utuippenuablo uppetilu
for poi, raw Huh and llio hula tlanee,
Crockery and c
r.i I Mi
l.aikit'Nl uml rinot A wm tiiu nt
etc ibroiiHlit to llnncliuru
AUo a eoiii.Klo lllieol elioko
All kinds of Country Produce
Then there uio on tho sheela people
fi'jm evuy Oiieutal nation. Japaueto
uiorcbauta aiul policemen ; t'hineiio la
borers, pedtllera ami hurseineii; iianieHt'
llaliuiuie.u, pl.uilord from Australia and
tho riiilippiuo U-laiitls; Hiiiith nutl
American men uf-wnrtniicii ami loiiriatu
from every civilized country. Thoio are
huu.lroila who.-c naww'.y it ia hard lo
trace, Not infivijuuntly iu;eriuariiaj!o
uccma between t'liii.e-o ami Kuuakai,
Japaueto and PoiIuik'ho, Americans
and hnlf-iiiflto native weuicn, ami tl;o
inaiio ia ntjoit ol eompoinlo which it
inuiit bo eoufeuiu'd, ia o(Umi an improve
ment oil the mated type.
Tho coloi lino ilivuha tui icly in Hon.
olulu. Tho Auieriiami are tho lop wave
ufbociety. Thy be; t cl.ii.ij of whito .eo-
plo a io aa lehucil, poliidu-d ami atvuu:
pliuhed aa ih'itu c( any other capilid in
tuowoiiii, uihi iiieir iiuHpiiaiity ia im
pel b. lu Ihia tociety ia a l.iro adiuis
luiool tho New lliii'.l.iiid leliglolla lie
incut, Npniiik' fioiii Iho uiihuiouary fain
iliea which cauio hero belween 1S.'5 uml
i IS.' a', IVi bo i ure, tho men and wouieti
of Ihia acin-rati ni havo lo.-t about all
tbo iteinuoefl and rlitldily of their l'uri
tun Biiccntcra. Evoryone chanca aoinc
what in tliie land of laarivioiiMifia and
fiirly maluriiy. TIhtp 'lerrndan's of
Iho iiilHsioiurics aio very j.rou I of tl.i ir
lincaK'!. Ihoy support thi- cburchea
ami bni k nil rt-ligiouii and moral movc-iiii-i.tH.
Many of the half-canto families
aro IhoroiiKhly educated and are f un
1 1 ia i' w ith Kuropeau capitula and lar.
K'iaf. They live in luxurious homt-H,
filled with prodiictit of Aiueriean, '.un
lirdi nud tionch liati Jit raft and art. At
thii time many ol Iheui ara living u,Kn
allowances, Iheir thrift Icn tocxlo of life,
now represented In inorfgand enla'co,
b.iviiii; inado II iiececanry lo p it Ihuir
alTa't i in lb'; liuii.l- ol truoleni. Iu the
w idler Heaeoup, when huudrcda of Ami i
ieau uud IviiIith and Flinch ( jurist')
tonal iiero, there may l0 weeks ol
fjien nmoutf the banana and cocoauut
trie1, evening danciox at Iho hotel, din
nera and receptiom at the nn-at roomy
reoi.lein.-ca of the Knglibh an I Amc-rl
cam' w ho i jiu'J licit) a ei;eralioi. uu j,
married Kanaka gifla, iuheritel lioiu
tiii ni u rtat amount of Iiu l and yol
rich k'fowintf Kiar ami i i- e- (or tho
I'ni'ed r-talee.
A iiioii tho natives rertrictioua
have ulwajs been bouicwbal lax, and
the Yankee mitfioiianes have had lo
combat (hla cbaracteriatio unions the
Hawaliaiifl more ardently than any
thing eiea. A fcruier I'nited SaUe
tuifiiater in llouolulu once remarked
thut il was a gooj thing fur (,"''' oi l
St. Anthony that bit vihitdh'a were not
of Hawaiian crigin.
The balf-catte Kanaka wuiiicu are far
aud away I be most attractive aim.ii the
l'ucilic Ocean ialat.da. They have ck-ar
brown couipleioua, petite, pluit.p fig-
ureH, hair ae black an the raveii'a win,
ec8 of a deep, dieimy, tlark fem-'ijiii
in es and white, htion leetli. They ate
cleauliness itself, for they almost live in
Un; wuti i. They luve to please, and tl e
k-.-cona of faying "no' were m.vtr
learm-il by tbuui. I.'t;iit-hcar;i il-ieia
and iemleruesa arc ch-i ai t-.:! lilies.
11. i v t;o early like tho female all
tropical countries, hut when jouuare
irresicMble. On tkoee itl.iudi) many a
woikl and rea-bullc'.ed man haa
eunk ifto lethargy, the wxikl forgeui:i
by the world forgot. He has aluuibcrcd
on for a generation. Ilia broau t liil.l-
rcu idayed around him Tthe IticA' pf
tho oceuu catreeeJ liiui fhs piJiiv fsiE-
peit-l' lliebhade 1 1 the cot.atant-soo;
liia wives were hia hand-aiai .'eiia ; i.a
tiirewaabia provider; he was chief of
hia village; ho did not long feverishly
for iho comiog of pay-day : llie bill col
lector was but memory; yeetcrJay wcJ-
as today and today os tomorrow. Why
ahou'd lie not have laughed and tlyly
Bhakcu his head, as told in story, when
aneirant ship strayed to those bhorea
aud his country tffred him a p isrij;e
home. ' Here are lost aud fair dreams,''
he aid. "Around vou rolls the Line ex
pause that looks so fair and is so cruel.
Ita lish Khali feed yuu. The wine of the
banana will mako joaghul. The giils
will love you. Stay you with me ."
Tho diivea about (ha Hawaiian capi
tal aro pietureEij'.ie. They run past
groves of cocoaiu.t palm and brackish
poudf, where tho muliet ia fattened lor
tlio local trade; p.ut rico gardens half
submerged by the copious irrigation
which Iho plant tcni'uefl ; banaua plan
tations, the trees low" in statute and
beaiing a ainglo bunch each ; ami then
patt taro patches, where the poi root ia
grown, aud wind in aud out among
green groves, with glimpses of tho ocean
or tome dead volcanic cone and crater.
lu King KaUtkaua 2 rcigu u p.rofc-ooiouai
foid-iuoker from Scotlaud was brought
here, aud thousands ol dollars were ex
pended uuder hia direction on roads aud
tho pretty little parks (hat abound in
The manufacturing iadiistnes of llon;-
lulu ftie next to none at all, thouch the
country lisa twenty live sugar cat e
nulls. This ia an agricultural region ex
clusively. Moat of what ia worn uud
used, and much ol what id eaten conns
from over the sea, soiuo from the cut
and tho icmaiudcr from the wtat.
Canned goods, groeeiies, cartiuges, ha's,
shuef", furniture, crockery, houaehotd
tU'ecle, ueaily everything except eotlce,
taro, t-trawberi'iea, poultry, grass mats
aud sugar, tiro imported. Even soino
hay is brought from California on every
The chief resource of the city, hex imd
what it derives from retail iiicifluin.!;.
ing, politics ami tilling of tho Iributaiy
soil, ia the opaleul toiirisl. Hi iaaou
tiiiual diblributor of largess. To make
him disgorge the holel-koept-r li. s in am
bubh aud Iho backm.iii plies the I i '.-
gaud's trade, l or the (lie ptico
ol everything ho wants that xxhito men
can supply aoars hii'h. The Chiuct-o
scl! him curies and clothing cheaply,
but his christ ain brother llecccs him un
til he has uo wool.
For recreation the native goes tithing,
lie uti ips hiinself of clothing down lo
tho simple clout, ami pushes oil' in a
long narrow canoe with out-riggcia into
the still waters, behind iho mral xvall,
guiding hia frail cuifi with paddlea. lie
feela hia way lo some nut row break in
the narrow coition of roole, and xxaits
uutil tbo lust ami highct-t comber has
xvaiatcd itself in the (hallows. Iu (be
nick of liuio he shoots hia ennuo throivh
tho channel aii'l it fides over tho xvavca
like a water fowl, pausing on easy swells
beyond. II. i depth is about lixe fa h-
oms and llr: oreao f! ,or aboaa a. res of
glcaiiiii.K "iiid with iin.bipHlair'i" or cor
al roi k i.prawlin dnikly mi mlvc iy
plain. It'll (be jh are f.jin.d furUi'-r
out, and tho nalivrt pad lh.s niong until
h i'l frail craft rent i ovi-r a dep! h of !00
fathoms. Tho cauoi! is a mero ncing
fchell, as i ranky us i; scoopc d-out
b'll the unyler knows its tricks and
stands uptight in it, l-tans over its side
or walks from fcleiu lo i-U-rn. Ilia fish
lu' gear i'l ipiickly arj'istc.I. Iki haH a
Stout 1'rans line, cm Ii as f.o's and the
warp of tho royal foalher cloak are ma le
of. Slender as it lock', it wi, Inland a
powerful Mrain. This cord ii lied lo a
pieioofKai pipe three feet in length,
which hangs in the !eep water like a
horizontal bar and i-irvcs as u siijktr
and as a rod U hold tin: three abort
fines to xx hich tho hook;; aid tie-!. This
device i-i dropped l.a'f way lo the bol
torn anil the angler prepares for Ins
work witli along t. nil at his gin bottle
and a heait;. , "Here's good-bye lo ull of
you," in his liutive tongue.
There ii a tug at the !:::( t he Kana
ka haul in -I'li'.kiV an I Ii.hl-s two
Ihree-puuii k-rs t ) the i.'i-fac-, where
they gleam like 11 ikes of g -U. Ha baits
anew and in a few moments another
yellow lish, or pcrhap:i a red cuapper
and a bunded sea pcrcir rewai-J his in-din-dry.
Hour by hour be cilIs bis liie,
un 1 bo is hound to llsh until iin
gives out. 1 h-.-n he lofes interest in the
sport and lorns hia craft homeward.
He paddles his can je into Iho surf,
where, caught ly the. breakirr-, it is
sptd an-jxv-liku to tho i-hcio.
The old way of fishing H varied fc'uuie-
tiuits bv the u?e of ilv:,.-.n,i e. A whale-
boat manned by aevtii hsrdy Kanaka?,
oueolwiioui steers r. with an car, is
rowed out near the reef ami a fctlck cf
dynamite with alighted (oistossid
ovcibu..i 1. When the explo-iou couns
two or thiee of the oarsmen, wi'.hseocp
u-j!rt iu hand, dive into lite tea sod
i'.h-.-i in j.'-t of the ti.-b before lh..-y rise
to II.; i- i r f n e .
The world knoAS t;.ira'ivcly noth"
iu about llio ga- it lor une.-i Ilia', have
beco utiias t-d iu lla.'.iiii iu ti e lust
thiily years. Tne did lieu o' Y'atikee
iiii::'i-ua:ie-.'-, w ho fuik-tl from Io;tou
uml tiloticciler around the lloiu to car
ry the gospel the Sandwich t .-lauds in
lhetiirtics and, for'jes, aro Ibe richest
und tuost sri.ftoc ratio "paoplo in, Uo-iolo4
1(1. i l'or "airrs lougS ""the sons ef the
misd:oii&ries obtained great Tracts of
maiVcloutly fertile laa 1 fjr et;aar plant
ing in the valleys of the i-lande, and
wi'h their natural enterprio and inven
tive f 1 ir it, thev developed iho greatest
sugar cane plaataticns in the world.
Whtu tbo United States gave a treaty to
the Hawaiian kingdom putting Honolulu
raw sugar on the free tarill list, the
ptofiH of the suar planters went up at
a bound.
For twenty livo years l:io diviJouls of
several of the Yankee companies operat
ing sugar plai.iatious and miiis in tho ia
kin k ranged fiom IS to ."D per cent a
your. .
The Hawaiian Commeteiai u . at c.-iu-puuy
pai.l -1 p--r ecu', d vi I en-ts aiuj-oal-lv
from !J to 1.'. Tbo xn.-r!d bis
never kooxu productiveness to rich i.s
that of the valleys of M iui an 1 Hawaii
for sugar cane. Toe i.ev h.u. only lo 1 e
planted and tho lain.' to fall, au.l nut no
does tho rest. Oil tr.i-.-t of lC.Odd acres
of l.ui 1 ou M iui xvas gtvoa t) a young
Ameiic.xn, xvlo m.iiried a bewitching
Kniaka girl, by her ia' h?r, who was de
lighted to have a pale- faced eou-iii-law.
It was worth aitogo'Ji.T abiti: fJ.)J at
that time'. The tra.-t : be
caiuo u part oi a great tuai- j.-lant a'.ioa.
It wa bought bv v'-a'tT Spi i.kels for '
ti:j,C(V, snd is xv'orth it.ujh ;:;crj than
that now. Tho Spreekjte, Alexander,
1't'ishop, Smi'b iwid Ur-' t'.-ibi .'!.? were
accumulated iu one coiieration of s ign
culture in the Haxvaiiai: Islands.
J New Store !
New Goods!
Cupid, the t'eggar.
I low I.OVf
pot s a lit p.
p i r. (r for a
l.Ule- kindly
treat mctii!
low many
women luni
tit;r i.-,..t.u
llrX.V" on the liltle
V ' V- . A fellow! T-iiev
give freely
of their time
and attention
to fashion or
social oleaa-
urcs, but
seem to re
Bard happy
wifehood ana
mot hci hood ns
a mere rccond
ary considera
tion. They take
u o end of
trouble ovei
the fit of a row n or the success of a dinner
party, but think they have no time to bestow
upon the health ami physical soundness
wliich are absolutely ucccssaiy to happy
wifehood and uiolhethood.
Any wcakue.-.i or disease of the delicate
special oigans of her sex totally uulits uxx-o-man
to be a w ile or mother. It is a woman's
ptituary duty to bo stroiiR and healthy in a
womanly wuv. Careful living and judicious
treatment will ci-itainly and completely
etudicate these delicate complaints.
A complete uud practical ticattue ou this
subject x ith careful piofesMonal advice and
suRBeslions for t-elf tieatuu ut are contained
iu The People's Common .Sense Medical
Adviser," by K. V. l'ieicc, M. I)., chief
consultinir physician of llie Invalids' Hotel
and tiurgictl liistitute, llullalo, N. Y. This
looo page illuslialed book will be sent paper-bound
absolutely free for -i '" tiiail
intfOHlv: n one ct til stamps, nr cloth-bound
for .11 stamps. Addiess Hi. Pit ice, as above.
Dr. l'ieice has piven u life lime to tho
study of women's diseases, and lias had ns
wide a practical expciieni'e In lliis pat ticulat
lield as anv livhiH physician. Uis " l-'avorile
1'iescilptiim " is a per lee t und scientific
reined v for diseases of the feminine organ.
It is this only medicine devised fur this
particular purpose bv an und
skilled physician. It it a posiiive nud
peilliailenl cyie as attestetl by mole tllaU
timely graie-iui xxonieu,
Stape and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and 5old
Low Prices! . Free Delivery
J t
The C. I. K. Store,
-Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods
Children's Hats.
Jackson Street, :
Opp. Review Building,
of our
stock of
Shirt Waists, S--'
Separate Skirts,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Oxford Ties,
And all kinds of Summer Goods will be CLOSED OUT
far Below Value, iu order to make room for our comiug
exceedingly large stock of
10 U A
b he Menlp'c 5 to re
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a fine line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and exaimiue Goods aud Prices.
Whiskers Amputated
With or
Without Pain.
Work Guaranteed. Opposite the Depot.
Hudson Mills & Lumber Co.
Have ni'i'iictl a New Lumber Yard ou the grouiula formerly occupied by
lint Marks WarvlitiUMi, at llio fool of Oak Street.
w c art) prvpare-tl In give you Butter Lumber sutl Lower Prices
lliau any lumber tleuler lu the city.
XV e klutlly Imiiu you to call and aee our Lumber aud Price..
UUil.UlUU, Ull.