The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 18, 1898, Image 1

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    TIio I'luimlealer
I'iiWi if l M i M"ii'l.iy iiii'l I
All'iiL 1,1. Moll. .Mil. I I,
ItOHI.IIt lt, Mill. . ON
i, mi:
The j laindealor
1 o 1 ur. km,
Kgycuted Ncntiy wml at Living RaUi.
Vol. XXIX.
No. 48.
.IMl''f .I'llllIK .
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t,.Vt.-l' 'I.I. It- J..
I'l ".1 I t I '.s
TIllvlvH ami everyone
lu'l uu oiclinrd, It wouldn't
miiko iiiiicIi (liffon iicii how
D y.iu spent it , Imt lii'lnj.
UN IllM toll Will
SAVE $50
I'.V llCVIN'i A
J resccnt Chalnlessji
J "sr Bicycle J
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
.OO. Iitlil'r IiIlIi f.rtitf.1 .tiiik.tM T
75.1x1, iTt'fi'Ciil HiiMriur to ollii 1
50.00, SAVLD.
CHAIN Wlini-LS, $J5 A $50
Is- 111. I m.'l (III. 'I I
A. U , Ml.ttlri III It
U) 11 t.I t." li m.'iiili.
UOMiN'o III I.HC iilill.l No. I", M Kit IX
In I mi. I li.H'l I il ia). IU 1 iuli iin.iitli.
I ii.' UU'l 11
ill Jiilii,
.1 I 1
K. ri. MIL Kin
nli I liuivla) ul each I 'I. Mil AMUU' :!.. W. M.
Ul. ..I. .A II A-
l l.i"S N'l i n. U. OK I.. K.,
, , j , ) n I i.niilli .-mi.Ony.
I. I'M V I 'IU
T, K. i'f f.. MKKIf
m i. lint H "-"'I'' '"Ii"'
, In iv. I Klull'llllll !
i,iIiihIoiiiiI fiirili.
UMil. I ' Htll'
.v. 1.
,,.! 1
,11 II .
,. .,,v t i.'iiiiiiii ininn IHT
r 'IffiTtrj, l!i,iliin purW i'Iiiit V
9 f..iiu .....1 1 0
. IJIII li'MV't,U,
J fl. C. JVIARSTERS & CO , flats,
t Roscbuurg, Or.J
All Crt jitciilii itro fully wunnn
III in. I HI rollllllll IlilMH ot
'Iffl'itli. ISlilii'll i;ilt I'lu-cr
fully rfjibi-uil.
111! ,1.111 1,11, oil
yr K. wiiiMii,
AltnnK'V ui'l (Jium.-i-l'ir iit liitw,
.11 .
.1 V I''
.1 "I llic hlnl. Ot-
Allot iK-y
at I. ;i.v,
:i'.ri;.i. n
Great Bargains
At Demi's Variety Store...
Sec our Special Bargains
in Glassware, Lemonade
Se I s, A ft c r n oon Tea Sets,
Fancy Glasses, and Kruit
inWAKi:. h.Tl 1.111111 on bui kt l, pull?,
I'll. I. Itlii'f, I.ii'kIIioxii, flu.
WMOli and WILLOW WAiVt?. li....iiig
ImiviI., I, mi. , iiKiiil.l. mul lu.llo. Ii : 1 .iv 11 .
I. ' I11111I1 I i. .L. t, li li.OH i., miKlitU,
nh'l ltlt;tij.
SI AIKOLKV. l:i .!iui-. .rl v on nil M.
Iluii.'t) . I't'ii, l., .( iik, ink, iiuicilnii: t il'
CIIIA. N i .Mir m-rrul .ih'i- uu all I In nil
ItllMiull.l hllm llltlllfr nu.l ll'll M'lNt
1111 i,t.'. lain nu. I iiuii.tuiif i lilna ilili
1111 iii.l I. ,'li, liii.'jili' 1 i lilna iilli r-
II. hiii li'ii k In. 1 .i' mul .aiK't 11., J..lljr
lll-Ill I.llll.'l I'liiJ.!, I lr.
NO I ION., llnlr I'lin, l.K' ruiul,. n, ell s
I'm-, l.iil.'l i".ii. 1I1,
W H llil j'lMt ll.H U.JviTlibC. All
llii iio tliiiii itro t bo luiil ul llio
low oil riihli i .('mi ul
Demi's Variety Store,
Ko.scbiirx, Oregon.
1 .
I.. 1 1 i.i r.'i, mi.K'i
)I A M i.Y,
'. '.','' ' l.o 1.1 ' K'.. "'.ii
Att.niH-y at l..iw,
1 )
1 .V " 1
Kil-KIH'ltii, OKKlil'S.
w iu;:4hon.
.1 I;., liUKt.iiN
Attorney at Law,
U11..1.. . I .'. Mm
M,,.,,,,.v l...f..., .1
liniilili l .1 .' lu i'liUIJ'.
1 mi- i;, iTinr l'.
t: . Ku.-KIH' lid, I.' R
l'.. !.:t!!UjcuJ
l.uiul uilit.'.
Nurtlicrii I'.icllic UailroaJ Company.
.io .lolling lii Uvlii tn nil iiiintri Maul ul
li.ill lln r. iii'iir r.iUf.
I. S. K. Ill UK.
I. A'-Ut N.i. L', M.IIWH'IH lillililiDH.
VUA llitOWN, M. D.
nl I h'K, '.i.i J.u !. i'ii .SI nil, ul 1 1
l.l. iu 1 1 nl Mis. .1. Iliucr.
uiioi jirm., uu.
Ti MlLLUIl. M. 1).,
Surgeon and llomownathio
(((..v .iir,;, Ort'it'ii.
i;jy"i;lii' nu a hi.v..UUy.
.0 1
iicoNonv riARKur,
I.. KOIII.II AUIIN, liO)rlctor,
ii 11.1 11 i
I; and Salted Meals,
JAI K-UN nl'., UO l.lll'll'i, lilt. .
DoiiKltttt County. )rt'Kii.
I lie ii'.i r i' Uu o S.rliiiri ci.iilnlu : Imllin,
llruniliii', r..ta.miiiiif iliu I 'iirbnuiili'i n( Iron
a:i, I Mini! ami I. It 1 irtl . ul Citlrhim, M.icii.-luiil
uu.l ."uilluui.
Ono Hirlii' i.iiiliilni r;S nil ! tin- ntlii i uvit
.'.. I glHiua ul tullil tuiilli r J tllL lllliill.
IK dli-l on tliu s.iiilii rn rncilli! Knlltoa.l,
riha.lo unit V li.nil hu KlihIm-o lu 1'orlluiul,
111 iuut!ai t on nl , Ori'Kt'ii.
Acirmt nti"! rn-fi i.i I;Ih'ImiiiiIi.-iii, Nb1 I'o
litrrli, I'tttitrrli nl tin Htnninrli. l,y.jH'p''lH !ia
lirlu. i-ii.iilviu. MiiUrml I'iiUuIiIlii;, Kl.lui)'
Iri'iibli-, i ' liiM-Hva ol lln Hklu,
l.lvi r an I HunrU, h:i. Vt'iiri, al ilia- i liavt
lorn inrf l l.y tin' uw ul itn'nc wait iv
Ni'tv batli r.i.ims i'i.iin"i li', Willi Hie i ialu
l.iiil.liin. r.'sl'.M.n' n,l K v'i, i uu llio .rt m
I mii. li.tily mail, luu'.li mui tuuiti.
Tim ins- III) pwr ick, I.' i r ilii), iHiliulliig
1 In1 llui.; 1-, uu U-r I tic iiuiiilJiii'.c ini'itvU
L.tiul t'AIT. lll'M. I. IIOMVi:i.l.t
inVUT Miiliain-T.
W Hillicr --1 lie nihi mck wan warm
mi l dry, Imt i0i ti ti Maii)-j 1 1 y ki. The
UHIIU tl'lliicrullli(l f.if tliO 'urk IIMTUillll
70 'l!r(M, wlilf-li in il'ri o.i Inner limn
for Hid iitcrctiriLC mvl at.. I I li.Krc(i low
er tli nil lyr tho ioricr)oii()iiiK week of
lant yfur. TIju Mlionl tciii.ciiituro tlur
inK tlia wix'k nan 01 ilcin:r.n, uu Wciloi"
ly : uil tl.c I g went was Ul (I kicci, on
1'rliluy, A traco of lain full itloritr the
cuant mid hi tlm nortlmekt rn counlli-a
on Tliur.dy.
Croi. 1 1 mi c-bliiiK ami tlinnlilui: ton
tiiiui,. I liu fall-xowu itraiu i iiKHrlv all or in nlioik, Hti.l work la liuing
H)hlicd on tho pi ifi-NOwij. 'l Ue repor t
cuiilinuo that thu K'ui'i is not cumiriK up
I) cxK'i:latioiiH, hut i irufiil ixumiimllon
iiIiovi h llmt (hi) it itti.l ij.iitliiy are fully
ii. to or uhuvu thu ttvr:ii;o. 1 liu favor
a'.ilo Mcaihi-i couilitiuuR, the slaiiii, ntraw
mul Iiim.I-i, caiimi'i) cxH!i:tutijii.i l go he
yvu.l nun. 'ii, nuJ ikiw the ui'tuul returtii
ru iiri.'ijonarily ilin.)niiitiii; thu crop,
however, in uu J i ml, loin vijualoJ
Thu grain Mill bo practically all cut anil
out of the way by .Si.ptuiii'Hr lat. The
wurtn, dry wcuihcr Ima had h uoetbeno
iitui t nuti uputi iioi. iho yurii are
fn ir from lii'e nl tho pri-Kt nl tiaie than
is unual, ami hopiirowers aru eulbtisias
tie over tht ir roi4(H;i:ti. I lops are today
cleaner and in I.i tier condition than for
Tho dry weather is de'iiuifutal to the
potat ) cioji, etpfiiully where K'-d nd
lliorounh cultivation was not practiced
the otato crop, n a, w holu, is uuuHually
proiincit'. Lorn is inukli) it good
Kiowth. I 'nines aru colotiug; the prune
crop promiHi'8 to bo larger than ever be
fore. Shipment of IUrllcll H'urs has
couiini'tu.t'.I. I'lit) Co'llin niuth has in
jured aomo upplu orchards in ti e Will
auifltt alley. Ciawd id peaches are
ripeniutt. Thu nieluii crop ii uniiciially
Urn and is much lieneli'tud by thn warm
li. .S. I 'AO 1 1,
Section Iirector.
Want Your
tin i i iiiii
Ask your ,
i for a Hi'ticrous
Ely's Cream Balm
t'.iiiulna li. i romine,
tin itury ii. r any utlu t
11 iuiin.kly .V'lmlw.l.
1. 1 lis lii'liif at.iiiiO.
II, I'l.tnia mul rlc.niii
I In) Mi Mil i'if.a:ii.
Mini. liilUiiiililliliill.
lli .il. runt I'luuil. llio .Mcuil.rnno. liinturiM llio
H.'iit.oM uf '1'iir.lti mul huirll. Full fcuo Si'f. j 'liiul
M i lik: al liniji'iiiH ur liv lii:ill.
1 I.Y JJHol'lltills.oiJ Wtttrtu iSlreet, New York.
Uuilci tUiMiliuvo m.'ttii I h ill sllll ctiuiluiie lo
aiirvey lor all luirllea detitriiiK my uteUliilii'ii us
uu eiiKlnt'er or miniur. My I'liiuHin will lie
K'HMiiiulilo laiitl my M,nk giiiiiaiiUvil. Am ul.iu
a Nulary I'uhlic.
A.lilu me ul CK viluiiil, UoiiKlim Co., Hi,
wii.i, i. ui:vimn.
Hun'l Tuluiii o Kiit mul Kiiiuki' Your I.U'v Anujr.
To Quit toliai'io easily uinl torever, bu iniitj.
iiutk', lull ul life, iii-rvo it ii il viuor, taliu No'l'o
liuc, llio wiiiuii r win -iter. Uiul muko'i wtalt uicu
bl ion j. All iliui'iiiMh, C"o wrH. Cure iinuiMU
Itnl Uoulikt, mul H.iiiuilo (no. AtMi'tbn
ritctUuii liciiaily Co , C'lili'tttu or New Yoiu.
Looking (iUss.
liranjiiirt liuell ib natch improved.
Mis. C. -I. I e ii riiiiK vt''t " l
nick iirtt.
Mr. Murphy ul Uoi-fliur wui the
KUefl of J. W. Moiau hot .'-'uiid.iy.
Mis. I'i Jin iron in iiuilo ill and is
uudi r the il.ji-t r'a iMrc.
JIiS. Ilelirv .Mai ill ol ilivel Cul -VM
Micliii;an. h m ia-i-u & gui-al tho paat week
at tho homo i'f leori; MarHh.
Mid. Ilohsoii ii on Iho Hick liotal the
homo of her Kitrt-.-r, Mr.'. Mattoan, lr.
1'oShj wad c tiled in.
Uco. Mioh has commendd work on
tho "lVt'i!ec" dryer which he is luiild
ioK. Mr. uiul Mr?. .1. W. I'rijwn und duuh
ter Lillian, t-pent thod.iv w ith friends
uhout i;o;i'burh' l iiday.
MesilaiiiiH Olluant uiul Morauof
Ten Mile, xpeut a few day a with their
father JoS Ici'uin'.
The catupcra are ha .t'.'iiiii to shady
groves oud cool they may
bo refreshed with all tint nitureso
honutifully supplies.
Mr. uud Mis. Strickland, and brother
Mareh.sttickliuiil, of Iowa, l.'avo Monday
for liaudon to spend it week cr o. Mr.
Strickland aud his brother hud not met
in forty year 3. lie expresses himself as
beiug will pleased with our beautiful
K. S.
Kestoii Locals.
us a very
Ho, uud siuokey weather.
Harvest id over uud threshiug lias be
gun. School has closed 011 account of the
hot weather, we miss you Josie.
Mr. Thomas Ward is u guest at the
Lightce 1110 lie House, you tiro shvayi a
welcoini) vinitor Tom.
llev. Hampton delivered
pleasant seiiuou last Sunday.
Mr. Arrant and family, Mrs. Ci rout
aud family uud several others have goue
lo r.atnlou for nu outing of several weeks.
Miss Lvttik Laird of Kjneburg is visitiug
her aunt of this place.
J'raiier Ward and sou (ioorge of Ward"
ton hauled lumber from Urout's mill
last Tuesday.
Mr. A. Humey in visiting his mother
of (liia place.
Mr, and Mrs. . V., Weekly uud Miss
lvtlu Laird havo returned from 11 visit to
Aithiii' Wooiliu wassceuou ourntiects
one day laat week wu aio glad tossy.
lvild Weekly uud family will move
iuto our uiidiil noun.
SlOAK 1'lXaS.
SIiiiaU Limited
Is thu 11.11110 of thu only perfect train
iu the world, uow naming every night
between St. l'aul mid Chicago, viu the
C-hiciigo, Mihvuukuu tV St. l'aul liuilway
the piouoor road of tho west lu adopt
iug all improved facilities for tho safety
uud enjoyment of pauscngors. Au illus
trated puuiphlot, show iug views of beau
tllul Fcouery uloug tho route of tho l'io
iieer Limited, w ill ho t-i nt free to any
person upou receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Addietjs Uco. 11. Ileatiord, lien
oral ruiiiioiii;or Agent, Chieugo, 111,
Uaro Uros. are the boss merthanuj.
For a good 6-cont cigar call on Mrs.N
County claim and warrant bought by
1. U. UYit.
For flrst-clasa deotistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Rugs In Infinite variety at Alexander
x Huong's,
AlataronI In ono pound cartoons at
Zlgler't grocery.
Key West, Imported ami domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
Rule a Crescent bicycle. The t-ay-
runomg, durable kind.
Catnp equipment, low', dutch ovens,
teutt, etc., at Churchill &. YVoolley'e.
I'oyoa Binoke? II bo, get the Artie
cigar at Kruse A Marubrooks, sole agents
Morgan A Wright puncture proof tires
at the Crescent Cyclcry, per pair.
10,000 men wanted at the Vmmh .Store
to select great bargains beforo it is too
til our goods are uew and of the latest
styles. No shopworn goods ou hand at
the l!os (Store.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is auUiorid
to receive and receipt for subscriptions to
the Plain dba lkm.
The best medicine you can take ii that
which builds a solid fouadation for
health in pure, rich blood Hood's har-saparilU.
The Hquare Deal store has just opened
up a beautiful line of w. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be the bent eboe
made. Come and inspect them.
Quick-step sale at the Novelty Store.
You tbould attend. 10, V, and 15
cent lawns )ou can have for oct-uts per
yard. Call early for first choice. Nov
elty Btore.
See Uice Jc Rice, House Furnitihers.
fur every thing in the furniture line,
largest stock and lowest prices, just re
ceived a car load of Eastern aud coast 1
furniture. See us lor baigaioe.
Remember that Dr. Strange id per
manent resident of Roseburg, aud is not
here temporarily, that lie fully warrant
all his work and is here at all times to
make good his guarantees of all dentis
Morrii' Poultry Cure. This iufallible
romcdy challenges tho world to produce
its equal as an - egg producer. Prevent
ive and core for all diseases of fowls.
Guaranteed and for sale by 11. 51. Mar
tin, Roseburg, Or.
Suits of clothes, all wool, heavy
weights, $0.50; regular price 9. Boys
clothes from 6 to 13 yearn for $1.50 and
1. Hats all styles und colors for 35c,
regular price $1.50. All these goods are
only to be found at the Boss Store.
Dr. W. S. Hamilton is the Secretary of
the Board of U . S. Examining Surgeons
for Pensions at Roseburg, and all com
municatious should be addressed to him.
W. 8. Hamilton. Secretary,
K. L. Millib, President,
K. Dc Has, Treasurer.
By the Board.
A few dozen of those Kentucky made
pants, substantial aud well made, no
shoddy. Also a few dozen women's,
men's, boys' aud children's shoes, regu
lar wearers. Hats for sunshine and
shade, underwear for hot and cold
weather, aud various other articles at
living prices, at U. C. Stanton's.
Notice is hereby giveu to the public
by thu undersigned that 1 do not allow
dead animals to bo buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped t hereon or sand or gravel taken
tbeiefroui, uuless tho party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Robe,
Roseburg, Oregon, -March 17tb,1886.
The Coos Day flail Route.
The following, which is a copy of a
letter received by Ilon.Thos. II. Tongue
who is now at his home at Hillsboro,
Miowa the f.ufpiit late as of the Coo
Pay mail loute:
Hon. Thou. If. Tongue,
House of Representatives,
Washington, D. C.
Sir: Referring to yonr communica
tion transmitting petition from citizens
of Douglas and Cool counties, Oregon,
asking Improvements of. service between
Roseburg and Lin pi re, I have 'lLo honor
to inform you that orders have been
ieued by this office authorizing contract
for service seven times a wetk from
Roseburg, by Looking Glass, Uestun,
Sitknm, Dora, McKlnlcy, Fairview,
Sumner and Marehfield, to Lmpire,
route, 73,405. Service has also been
ordered seven times a week from Rose
burg, by Winston, I'.rockway, Olalla,
Camas Valley, Remote, Bridge and Oak
to Myrtle Point, route 73,400, aud six
times a week from Mariifield to Co-
quille, route 73,407. Service on alTof
these routes will take eUect from Octo
ber 1, L-iyn. Very ro-pectfully,
O. F. Stonk,
Acting Second Assistant P. M. General.
. 'vyv.,-'V'"tk"'''''V--a.' ..
New Store !
New Goods!
Dinger Notes.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all patties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to August 4th, 181)4, to
present the same at the treasurer's ollico
in the court house for payment, as inter
est will cease thereon after the date of
this notice.
Dated this the 4th day of August, !t!'S
at the City of Iiosuburg, Oregon.
Geo. W. Dimmick,
Couuty Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby giveu to all parties
holdiug Douglas couuty warrants in
dorsed prior to May 13, 1MH, to pre
soul the same at the treunurer's otlice iu
tho court house for payment, as intercut
will ceaso thereon alter tho dole of this
Dated this the loth day of July, 18tS
at tbt City of Rjsuuurg, Oregon.
Geo. VV. Dimmick.
Couuty Treasurer, Douglas Couuty, Or
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persous
holdiug Roseburg city warrants indorsed
prior to Lfauuary It), 1801, to present
tho same ut the city treasurer's office in
the city ball for payment, as interest will
cease thereou after the date of this
Dated ut Roseburg, Or., this 8th day
of August, 1S;S. Uko. Oahi'v,
City Treasurer.
We of Biuger acknowledge a pleeant
call from Miss Lienary Mote , last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrn. Will Law son of San
Francisco is now visiting her mother,
sisters aud brothers, at Biuger. We are
alt glad to nee their smiling faces once
We are having warm weather op here.
Misses Maggie and Violet Oliughouae
were tho guests at Bioger last Tuetday.
Last Sunday Wui. Laweon took tho
job ol breaking a wild horte for the
F'reuch brothers. Willie w not very
successful, ho soon found out it was not
like tiding a bike or a street car aud was
very willing to give up the job.
Abo McGinnia is often teen at Wood
Liwti on Sundays. I wonder what's at
tractive there'.'
L. 11. McKIroy of the Fern ranch
uwlo a business trip to Binger latt week.
Chaa. Cheney of the Hazel Dell mat'e
a trip lo Gleudale last Sunday.
Daisy Bill,
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices!
Free Delivery
, 'aV'.aW''Ik. t -W-Vy"
The Co L SC.V Store,
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents'
W Furnishing Goods
jv Men's and
Children's Hats.
Jackson Street,
Opp. Review Building.
Thousands Celebrate
With thankfulness their restoration to
health by the use of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. Think of the vast army who have been
cured by this medicine
Men. women and children, w ho have
suffered the consequences of impure
blood, who have been the victims of
scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepia, ner
vousness, sleeplessness.
They have tried other medicines and
have failed to obtain lelief. They tried
Hood's Sarsaparilla and it did them
good. They persevered in its use aud it
accomplished iermanent cures. Do you
wouder that they praise it and recom
mend it to you?
Everybody Saya So.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovcrvof the ape, pleas
ant and refresliinir to tho taste, act pently
and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels,
clcansinp tho entire system, dlsiel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try n box
Of C. C. O. t.i-dav; 10, 50 cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
The body of Peter Westenberg. who
was drowned oil Tillamook rock a few
weeks ago, was found near Seaside last
Saturday, aud buried ou the spot, owing
to decomposition. His boat puller was
drowned at tho same time.
Beauty is
the p o w e i
which capti
vates the
strongest natures.
A woman s
' personal at
is the weapon w ith which she conquers hot
world. Almost every woman believes that
she posscsse at least some one attractive
feature aud strives to make the most of that.
Sat mere regularity of feature is not the
most attractive form of beauty.
Maukind is more influenced by the bright
giow icg vitality of perfect health, A classic
cant of couutenauce will not make a woman
attractive and captivating, if she is pale,
thin, weak and nervous, or has a pimply
complexion or unwholesome breath.
These complaints are due to imperfect
nutrition. The dif-estive and blood-making
organs fail to extract the needed nourish
ment from the food, aud the liver is too slup
Kksh to cleanse the blood of bilious impuri
ties. The entire constitution becomes w eak
aud poisoned.
Tho oulv perfect antidote for this state ot
things is Dr. Pierce's Uoldeu Medical Uis
covery. It gives power to the dipestive aud
nutiitive oiituua to make an abundance of
pure, rich, highly vitalized blood, which
permeates the w hole system with the sweet
ness of purity; the beauty of womanly vigot
and auimation. ...
It creates solid, healthy flesh and natural
color; clears the complexion; dispels wrink
les; rounds out the form and imbues the
whole physique w ith the irresistible natural
magnetism of perfect health.
Mi Julia Kills, of Faith, McLean Co., Ky.,
writes: 'Alter siuTeiiuu lor a long while Willi a
liugrriuir dira.e, I was iulvied tony l)r. fierce
lueillciii"-.. I took sevcu Lollies of the 'l.oKlen
Medical Uiscovery' and 't avoille rrescripliuu
and fonud relief. Life is uow no long?- a burden
touie. 1 weigh i pounds. A year ouo I weighed
oj pounds. 1 shall pud IT. Pierce a meduiuei
wlieiever I go. I fee I I'elter than ever lrlore.
My health was very much impaired, and I leel
that 1 owe a deal to voiir womli-rlul nicdj.
clnca. I truly believe they saved my lite. 1 thauk
ton for Ilia advice whleh you so kindly gave ni
While taking your lusdlciriei."
of our
stock of
There is a
choice variety
uf ihein.
Shirt Waists,
Separate Skirts,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Oxford Ties,
Aud all kiuds of Summer Goods will be CLOSED OUT
far Below Value, iu order to make room for our comintj
exceedingly large stock of
25c 50c m
his is the Place
to Buy
A full aud complete assortment
of all goods usually kept iu a first
class grocery.
Kverythiug offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we iuvite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Oherkius, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to-
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers, f