THE PLAINDEALEU lublUbcdcrrj Momlajr sti'l Thtitxlaj V 1U M.MNPKAI-Ktt rVKIIsHINel l. .. . iltur, Mani U. Y. IU NJAM1N - at. rHww oo rti tilt Mentha Tires Vontha.. AUlUST 13. 18VS. Help Is oftm tml? Miutlier nni fir lntrfrrn-. XXI.vit ii thsliomelv sirs ,! lot vet Ss mod ssnss? IkviM I ruirl to fiiti it loi?Jn ( k the tiT. Ilfitillt-r III I'mlenl Mittr ill fur nisli tli .riels for tlie riiili,iins. Ai)gMftliii will in lint to iwiu th distinction of Mni: Ue hMmi t u v in t r. Unit,! SUtet. I'ut prissl i riiili'im-p. luva Imii tlie pritnt tuiiiisteis nf f i 11 , in on'1!"? ",e ''. Tft Sirs sml srri.B III rimer give place to the brs ol Csstil. lw ik tVnt ef ruir.v anil oppression. One of the surest situs tliavt the wr i orei is the increaseJ rpace the peipulist pspeti are uion in which to abuse the plutocrats. You can no avor turn back the west wnrtl marth of the star of empire, than wr-i uan control the ebb auJ flow of the tides or change the course of the planets. The four most prominent opponents of territoiia! expansion, ar U. Cleveland 1.,W. .1. Ifvan, Senator .1. K. .loues and FJitir H.jffr, of the Capital Jour nal. Jjjgl8 Waite ha J the ;ool U.te not Id sign hit uame as county superintend ent to the notice of teachers examination which he ha J pablisbel in the Keview last week. IfGoveuor Lord will keep his ear close to the grooud he can soon learn a hat the people of the state think about his utiAoieriean ideas in regard to territorial etpansion. Many of the Klondike have returned home, and tell different stories front those published by the transportation companies. It scents that only a few strike It rich, while the many coat back worse than when they left. Hi .tuerican hoe Dd ditching ma chine will relieve the l'bilippiues of few and malaria, and the Yankee school tnirm will dissipate the clouds of superstition and fanaticism, which darken the live of the people. Ike loyal people of Oregon ehouldj immediately take steps to iuipre&e the fact on the senator from Oregon, that they will nerer approve of any vote or influence which helps to bring back from across the sea, the Hag bicb now Hosts over Manila. Now that the war is over, the "ar de partment should tia the responsibility for the poor food furnished the troops cf the first Manila expedition, nhile on the voi age out. There is no ijuestion put that these troops ere half starred and that the food furnished them was un lit to cat, and those who were guilty of this cmtrage should be speedily pnu ished. Mr. James Inman hands us a long article for publication, which front a so cialistic stand point is interesting and welt written, hut as the article has ai ready appeared in tne social". vgii puHiiked In this city, and for the fur thei reason that the reading space iu our paper is being more than ever en creached upon by oar constantly :ucreas ing advertising patronage, we are com pellcd to forego its publication. Col. B. K. Alley who was appointed as a meiuber of the board of trustees of the Oregon Soldiers Home because he wat suppoeed to be a veteran of the civil war, and who was compelled to resign because it was ascertained that he was never in the army, iusists that he Las a dim shadowy recollection of having sven service some time, somewhere, and that in the great hereafter, when the clouds have rolled away, he will bit able to show a soldier record which will put Liieuenni to shame. According to the mint bureau at Washington, the world's product of gold in 1W7 was tiMO.uuO.OuO, and the prod uct of 1KM is estimated at fltfo.lMU.OOO, an increase of t:i5,o00,00o. Africa leads as a gold proJucer, and is expected to turu out t7o,000,00O this year. Aus tralia and the I'uited States are close competitors as gold producers, each be fog tx peeled to turu out $00,000,000 this year. The Kloudike is uot proving of lb iuiporlauce anticipated. The most careful estimates era for a product of 110,009,000 In m, which is smaller than either California or Colorado ; Cali fornia's product this year being esti mated at t7,0W,0W aud Colorado's at K'J.OOO.OOO. Tu ar agj the world' .iioU product was fllO.OOJ.OOO. iSiuce then it has more lhau doubled, and now amounts, a just suiJ, to about 'JTd.OOO,. wo. - . IffCTr li ! ", ,S LVnittvMinian Tigiie's AwericauUm diBr net ntia!ly from that ol I'OV enor loreTs, and Up l Ameiiesuia tat !o I ohm la avrxlan with thai ol lh than bi eseol liner's. Mr. jTongiw i piva lo orrndilumor I aoiuirvd IWnUl lrnloy to our tuvnty, j In the rvvn! t tt immviliat rtstotion of p t- H' cpif himsoll a letvnt i It l ) tii" tWivam, UaloM t nation j l tl-f l'bilipfiuf . r, 4 Uast. Ih !nd j wtill ti instrn'l Aim I ihi v'l'. Ih l'rH'linM ' ntktil gfiietosiiv i nut iiupthviii b!tflilli l uror-n mind. Iu view cf this f t. Mr. Ton k ue adxocales th full afjfrtion ( our iitht irsullant fio:ti this war, thoiiiih ntcli stop may involve u in fitxher troultle. Ho has (ailli that au Aaieiicrtii Kiiiili)) alliauoo will caution other Furopeaii nations from engaging in open hoetihiif wi lt n beoaiiM of the riiilippin ')itii jii lledofS not believe that in the as rl iiiikno.Mi lull text ( th Ameiioaii iiote tlur i an uurtuiw- val proH'er tf tlitirrii'lr ofilie l'liili p- ttt. I'it Mr. ToiiS'i is opposed, uudi h'I iiiviii-Iih". " Ihi1 lUunting oltlie "nulk lntt H l y ib Cniied states. Ila-I ni1 liie'o!' e t-veit trill more agirive, ruini. i:iuatiy aud lluseia no' wo- V no' attempt to bull) rag u. Hut ,atrP,''!L ,r w h allowed I'lui-t i .-m tnoif n' to trample upon our mi an I thn ac ept their diplomaiic n.ltgie l r their in tentionsl indignities Howevtr, henoe forth we should demand Hlit lor eery grievow insult, until Iv.'rop doll her cai to us. Toitlatd Ttl-giam. etBjaaisBaaBHBFHsraBMBSHwiBB Tiiere ar six surviving patriarch of the second war wi'h tireat Iwllaiu. saS the I'endel'ou lUt Oreg'nian. l ive of them were soldiers in t ti At war and on a sailor. Tu oldest oie of the six is lloa ll-own of Oregon. They ar the only survivors of SjO.Ovt iuvii who lock part in that war. iiovettor V. I. Lord and 4iigdier xieueral XV. F. I'oebe, Adjutant-lieneral Tuttle, luepector Cieneral James Jackson, Colonel F. V. lrake, advocate-gvseial : Surgeon-' -ener! A. B. Oiilis and Colonel P. M. Punne, coiumissary-geueral, of the Oregon National Guar J, composing his staff, are to be guests of honor at the Attotia reAtla, tbii week. The President's Proclamation. XV ouiM.roN, Aug I-. The president iiiued the following proclamation : "Uy the I'resideul of the I'uited ktates i of America A proclamation: 'Whereas, by a protocol concluded and signed by William U. IU , secretary of state of the I nited Mates, aud his ex celloucy JuIm Cambou, ambassador ex traordiuary and utiuister plenipotentiary of Franco, at XVgebiutjti. respectively representing for this purpoee the govern ment of the L'nited stales and the gov ernment of pain, the I'uited tatee and tpaiu have formally agreed upon the terms upju which the negotiations for the eslablisbment of peace be tweeu the two couutriei shall bj under taken; and "XVhereae, It is in said protocol agreed tbal upon its conceeeion aud signature hostilities between the two cuuulriea shall be suspended, and notice to that effect shall be givcu as soon as poeeible by each government to the commande'i of its mil.tary and naval forces, "Now, therefore, I, William McKin- ley, presiJeut ol the I uited Mates, do, in accordance with s'.ipalaliune ot the protocol, declare and proclaim on the pirt of the I'niteJ Hate a suspension of hostilities, and d hereby cjuiuuud that orders be immediately given through the proper chanuele to the commanders of military and naval of the L'uit te 1 Mates to abstaiu Ir u all acts incoii sietenl with this p ruclamatiuii. In wituess whereof I have hereunto set my baud aud caused the seal ol tbe United Hates to be atGxed. ''Done at the city of 'aahiuxlou, ibia the 1 -lb day of August, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight buu Jred and uiuety-eight, aud of the independ ence of the United Hates I h one hun dred and twenty third. William McKimm , President. Wiluam li. Pax, tiectetary of State " r...Ui Myrtle Creek Items. The ueas of the day is the tran.p, tramp of the Loreee as they keep time to the buBy hu.i of the thresher. Most early birds have their threshing done aud grain is turning out better than ex pected. Uncle Jim Kreeutau met wit'j yiito a serious accideut the other day while try ing to move a rail fence, and smashed his baud quite badly. Uncle Jim is 'iita an active man for bis ag, but scmicbo'A- he failed thit time. Johnnie Card well says he is learning to be '(uile a speedy braksiuau. Charles Trask w?soo the creek Sun day. If anyone w aula to trade horses for slabs or saw dust call oil Jai kgou ilros. Jiff L'aruell says he is going to make another reaper when he has time. Uncle Jim McDonald is quilc busy making baskets, all, ahapes aud colors kept in More. If Myrtle Creek bad more such meu as Uncle Jimmy, there wouldn't bo so mauy howl, "hard times. " Walter Newlou atteuded church aud Sunday School her Sunday. Claudo Chauey made a pleaBant trip l j Myrtle Creek one day this week. Mrs. Cochran has recovered from her reteut illness, aud is able to be about again. Charles Polls made a Hying trip to Myrtle Creek, last XVeduetJay. Noah rollers starts for Portland next Monday. May success go witU you Noah. Mii. Hall was a vieitvr at Mr. Akers last week. XVtto NtvfcB Bllki x. 1 he Most Important Chaiigv. j XVmnn.N, P, l, Aug. li - At the! session ot lb cabinet tolay an ullicial slatmont detailing th provisions of the peace protocol, prepared by Smvlar? lay lot press publication, was read and approved. It will bo made public iinrno cUttoly after Ibo protocol ii Mcned, It doe not gi th tol ol Ihv d'( iiun'iii . but devils Us nuin point nu.l pf .nl sions. I'll prolin'ol in tiueml I a iviHialcoi ol th terms id the not given ( J-pnin, with very little ditTereuce In th I.mi guag, tliouglt with ionsiderabl supple mentary paragraidi of an administrative nature. The most Mibatantinl dillVrenoo is in rgal to the evacuation ol the tap tured tonitory. Tho noio a hauded to Carubon called lor th immediate evacu ation ot Cuba aud lito liico, while tho piotocol leaves the liiuo of evat-uiviioii to lo sulieiueiilly detimiued uimii, the derign l-ving to h.vv the dtti of with, dfitwnl liktil by the j iiiit UiilliUiv totii iuiaioti of Hie I oi:od Hates ti d p.mi. the pioluvul pivvid lot lVt viu ints ti ii. t li'M lo I e ;v peace ..t in-uixdou, wbiili will meet iu I'.inn. iml Ihe'v'l d military ooiiiiiiiriin. n lnvh vnl unit iu Havana ptorini nithiu I the tnili'st y i omiuiMioii will lv i.k-m'.xI iui ttvJlatelr oil oignliifc (Uo plot I It ill settle Iho Jet mi lei ( 1 1 v evit ua of lb 'Spanish ail'iion 'lorn I lie X Iu die, ai.d will vlreido all ju n'U'im kk to temuvl of ubiitaritt untiex, I bo in.iue. diate tetiti-iaieiliitiriit (olbe I niteJ : ti of tin great foi tret sea ;it H'VvstM, ,iti Juan an I o'.lie' p in -. tu I tbt ti.tuv'er of Manila ftty itself. Day s Ollklal MMciocnl. WvMiixiroN, Aug. P.'.- H' Pay gave out this statcu.otit of the pi .v itions of tho protjeo! : "Spain wtd rehu'i'iis'i all i-Ihiui ( miv erignty over aud title t Cuba. "Porto Pico and ether island in the XX'ett Iiidiesiitid an is-l.iu l iu the l.idruM S to be se'ieetel by tho United '.4tr, and shall le coded t i the latter. "Thj I'uited Mates shall occupy aud hold lite city, and hatbor ' Miuiiia, (tending the onclusion of the treat v of peace, w hich shall detetniine the control, disposition and govertwueut of the Phil ippines. "Cuba, Porto Uico ainl other i'auh is lands in the XVetrt In lie Khali bo home diatlv evacuated. "Coiumieiouei. to to appointed with in 10 dayt", shall vvithiu .id dava fiom the siguiog of the prolxc', meet at Havana and 'Stu Juan reflectively to urrang-j and execute the details of the evacuation. "The United States a'i I Spain -diall each apt'oiut not no ie than live coiiiin iseionetsto negotiate and couolude the treaty of peace. The couiuneci'intid "to to meet at Paris uot later than the 1 -I of October. "On the sigttiugof the pruUcol li"ftil tlieswiil te suspended, and notice to that eilitt will be given as soon au potti by eiu'lt government to the commander ot its mili'.arv and uava! forces." - - Spain Say s Sign. M a l i: i r , Am;. 1., 10 A. M. -lhepau-ieh govetnmeut this morning nut i tied (Le t rench minister of foreigu allairs of ils acceptance of the protocol and aked the French gov eminent to trauamil to am bou, the I rencb autbassadoral XVaehiug lou, such power as couforiuity with Mc kinley's expressly formulated debire will authoti.s him as auiV'itt?ador of I tauce to sign the protocol. Aiilhorlty Received. XVAriir-jioS, Aug. l.'. - At J.Vi the French embassy ha I received full in strutions and atilliori.'.itluii ieeocliiig signing protocol and 10 minutes later Thiebuat slatted for the tl ale department, where be had au appoiuducnl for execu tion of the instrument. Ordered to Cease Hostilities. W.viii.viio.v, Aug. 1-'. .-ecretary Al ger has cabled orders to the military commanders to cease hostilities. XV . ', Aug. 12. The pcdio iiu tocol was signed at the White Uoiioe at 1:23 o'clock by President McKiu!e and Minister Cambon. Notes I'rom lirook&idc. Mr. Kinltli ban sold his pioprtv to Mr. Po.ier, the wheat buyer, and we fchall miss him from our miJat a tt intend re moving to eastern Oregon. Miss Jessie I 'all after teaching four aud a half months at South Myrtle Cicek lias returned homo at Mr. C. Par tram's. Hie returns to teach a lull term that tnakiog her tilth term there. XV. It. iSu.ell and P. P. Pail nun hauled two loads of lumber from Sugar Piuo mill lait week. Mr. Haley moved into Mm. Lano'ti house this week, aud Mis. Paloy u ho much improve I, sho is beginning to walK without crutches. Mr. Ilauuau's people were viuiimg iu liroukside last Sunday, bis son Imh oiio tu Tain Lakes with his baud of Hhecp, Mr. Hanuan albj goes s'jon. The iiteain threaher will soon be iu our raidr , dr. Matthews is having a large rui . 1. 1 what a thamu to sco fai meis so iguotaul as lj hum straw, where it should return to enrich the soil. Complaint is made by people residing uu mountain stream, and cuatt nvuis, of huuleriiaud lishermau UHiugdyuamilo and uuelajked lime iu IhoKe streams, thereby killing aud driviug away the libit. tHepr? are being taken by the lish cout- utssioues to arreet all perbous engaging in such practice. It has been currently reported thai the shooting of pheasants has been go ing on in all parts ol the XVilliautette yalley, for th past two or three weeks. How' I lt!? Xof)ei One Hundred Polhus Kewatd for any case of Catarrh that ran not bo cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J. ('ilK.NF.Y A C., Props. Toledo, O. XV tho undersign I have know n F. J. Chviioy lor (he last I veats, and halieve biio perfectly hoiiorablo in nil Intuition l atim tioiiH and liiiKiiv ia'lv bb to ear lyoul ativ uMlgrtttins made by theit tit in. XX est i lni, li'lfMle t'iitft;tU, loledo, t. XX Ming, Kintian v. Matviu, XX hole sale Pruggistf, Toledo, Ohio. Halt's Cat milt Curo ia taken internal ly, acting directly upon th blood and in mono nuf.tio of the svatom. Price ;,V per bottle. Sold b all drtigiMa. Tost nioiiiiv! t Iroe. County Trcajvurcr's Notice. No noil betel kivwi tt all patties lioMini: 1 '.hi k I - n n t aitti( in d.icv'd i lot to AiiHunl Itli. Is'll, to t'i'.n t i Im niiM. ,,i i ho I cabinet "a oltico iu '" coiiit ltni"i' bi p.ij incut , it itilxt. cut ill i ' In H on hII'I ll. dat of I liH I'oi h i P.-.tid tt t4 H e llli IV i.i Atlgii-I. l'iH uttiiei'ttv l I; iMi-tiig, ' 'itvron. ( I ! " V pI'IMH K . V'"iiity 1 1 1 1 ,! aa tuni, ttr. County I rvit:-urcr' NolKe. o:i,t is lieiol'y gueit t" a'l patties Ii.iMiiU Pjug'a- toiiulv vviwiaiil lu-don-'.l p'i n i.i Mav l.t. .i, to pio sent t!ie sin o al the t'oaMtiol'a ollico in the co il t home (.m p i uumiI , ai llitertat ill eae tb-'ii-o:i :l!er t bo ilato of Ibis I lv o. Piled 1 1. in 1 1,,. , , ,v ul lulv, s;is al I'i -l'i oi J 1 1 i n. Oregon. I ir.i, W. I !IM. K . (.'utility I'uMMirci. Potiglas County, Or City treasurer's Notice. Notice is heteliy given to all per.nius holding Uo-ebiuk! city warrants indorsed piior to JJ.ui' , ISI, t- prcfent the same at the city tioatfuter's otlice iu the city hall Ijr avinoit, a.t iutorcft will evjso thoreoti ailer ibe date of tins uot ice Patod at Koteliuirf, t'r., Iliiu Mb day of Augii-1, H '" (ito. C viii v , Ctly Tieaaitrer. I illy .Men W anted lotut vol. iuhxI limber, aud a ton.; t 'i. I or further particulars call, or a I Iioh", no. XX . Public, Kiddle Origon, or Mould ol P.ieCieck, Oregon. I i o. XV. Kiti'i i . Ill hill" ML' Xll., S, I VIS. K'.hkIi for Sale. I ot i a!c or s cut , .iJ acii- Mov k taueh. i'oi paitii tilai'i iiddrora I' . T. Ci;kk, t phii , (ironii. For S,lc. iii'.' Iliui j ilil'icl shott bom bail, six yearH old. VllieH uiu al Wilbur Oregon, 1 1 call at my place at Oardcu Valle. I!. I.. I.vCi.ii. BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Molhrr Writei this Lftter Telis n about Her Trouble when t , Oaby Drolte out with ScrntuU Sorr. "Al l In- ni;' ul ! tiiont Iih, in v I'nl'j' litrnu lo have ori It Hk cut on lii ritflil cheek. XVi ii.-nl nil tin- ivlenml n (. plication'' I hut we mil. I Ilinik or lnr i.f, to no n ail. Tlie Mirei cprt ml all o er enir iir nf di-. fan-. XVe conul('l a pliynl t iaii nti't tri-.d liin tneiliclpe, nml iu a work the pore' wri kuiip. Put to my aurpric In two vm ks more snot her nerofnloiit look iliK "ro Hoixaretl on Imliy's arm. t ll prow vvur'-c' n ml vv urne, Hint when licvva three iiionlhi old, I Ik fan k'iv ini; him IIooiI'h Sari-aparilla. I lnu took llooil'a rrarcaimrilln, ami before the lirit liollle was lini.-ltKl, the ttores were vv ell ami Imvc never retnriKtl. Me i now (our year old, but he has never had any ni(ii of t hone scrofulous wjret ttinec h" van cured by IIokI'i Sar4aparilla, lor vvhieli I frel very (.'rateful. Mv bov owes bis (food lit alt h and Miioolh, (airnkin to tills great rnd kliic.'' Mlt. H. H. WltOTKN, Farmlni; ton, Pi lavvare. Oct only Hood h. ii iii iiri' iroiiiit. ni.i.iit ;iimI IIOOII S PlIlS eiisy in ell.'.t. ..,.'. till. Notice of Pinal Settlement N"tiC' i- lien liy li I v en Hiat l1'' U leiaiKued, Uu' 'liiiiul-tialor o( Uu' ' -Hal'' ol Mnry A. I I'Hitiicj' , ili'i . ii-'-'l, lut- lilu'i i u Hi'; ' ounly Court ol I' l'i'-'Iiu l.'ouiily. i'ri'icii, lii liual '- uu ii l u( Uu- ji iiiiliiinriitiiiii ni Hid ' -lull.', iihI tlit Hi'- '.li ila ol feiU'inlier, ivi?, m ihu Imur ul l) u i lo'jL a. ill. ul suid ila : uti'l at (In: I'nurt Unii.'jiu K i-cbuiK, trt'B"ii, u tho time and liiii' : li.i- lu eu lis'-d lijr til'-toiiuty Court ul Du'i'-' Coiiiil' , Orenoii, lor lii'iiriiiu nml p.i-.-iiiK "H -(! linul meou'it, iiml for 1 lie- loan u-4 ol any ulijeenuiiH lliul iiiuy lj'' luad'- to aid li l)H I IM'llllltll. I'ut"! Ilii l ull l v nf July, ivn. I.K"N Mill III I I.I , V 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 li.iinr ol lli- t-lal'-ol I lour loo , '! i;i .i'1'l. SOMI'TIIlXr, XIvW! NlvW STORIC! The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete line of Dry (iootls, Clollihig, Boots & Shoes, Puriiishinj; Oooils, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a fine line of Millinery Goods. Kxuytliing Xcxv, jmrcluised for Cak dirccl from lva.stcrn manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and exaimine Goods and Prices. MKIPP MI1N1ION. Caro Pros, ar lb boss merchant. For a good It-cent cigar call on Mra.N, lloyd. County rlalina and warrant bought by D. H. West. I or litnt elaiifl dentistry go to Pi . I.lllle ul Oakland. Hug Iu IntJutl variety ul Alexander A t-trouit'i. Matatuul in one po'tud i'tl"eti l .igler' griKry. Key XX'cst, luioitcl and doinexlio elgar at th Hosoleaf. Kide a Crencent bicvele. Tho eany running, vlurabl kiud. Camp equipment, stovss.dulch ov eiif, tents, etc., at Churchill & XX oolleyV. I ) you smoke'.' If so, get the Aitio eigarat k rime A. M.ambrooks, ioUagot.l4 Moigatt ix' XX'rlght punctilio proof li i on al tho Crescent Cyclory, s.Mi per pair. tv),ltKl men wanted al lb P-.ri Slot to select great batvaiii helot it n too late. V I our eoo la ai new end ol Iho lalct t V !(- . Nil rhopa oru giHida on hand at Iho It'Ntn Slot. At Oakland, T. I,, (itave is to ivhoivo and rieeipt lot mibuci iplioiia to tho I'l.MM'l VI tu. Hie best modii'iue you tan lal-e is that which buil'U a IKt'l foundfttoii lor ben lib iu piire, tub Id tod - llood'n Hl SKp.ol la I'ln' Square Peal rim Iinh jilft opened Up a I ointilul bti of XV. I,. Ivuglas hoe, vvbich prove to bo iho brnt hIio made. (Viiih ami inspect them. j'iivk-stcp sale at the Novelty :eu. Yon tli.iuld attend. 10, 1.".., ami I cent law ni v on can hav u (or .' cent pft yard. Call earlv fur lirdt i hone. Nov elty Store. See Pio tx: Uice, lloiie I in liihi ta, (or every llniw iu the luriuinro line, largest stock and lowest price, jo', to ceivsd a car load of Pasttiu au I eoarl furniture. See us tor baigaiua. Pr. XV, s. Hamilton is the Secret i y of tb Poard of I' . Kvatuiniug Suigeoiis (or reunions at Kosoburg, aud all com munications should be addressed to him. W. S, Hamilton. Secretin y, K. I.. Mil. isu, President, V.. Pi i i am. Treasurer. I'-y tho Pe-atd. A lew doen of lhoc Kentucky made pants, substantial aud well made, no shoddy. Also a few doen women', men's, boys' aud children' shoei, regu lar westers. Hat (or sunshine ami shade, nudfiaear (or hot and cold weather, aud various oliter article al living prices, al II. C. Stanton . Notice is hereby given to Iho public by the uudoreigued that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prein iho, at ttoecbiirg, Oregon, or garbage dtmed thereon or tand or gravel lakcu theielroiu, unless tho party taking Maud or gravel first contract with me lor the right to do so. Tresspasners will be prosecuted ac cording to law. A.vt:o.x Po-t., Koseburg, Oregon, March 17lb, Notice of Pinal Settlement OIK I I' llfcKI.HV CIV I.N MIA I IUI Uimi ae "Uut "I ilx' en l'r ul Hie voit' ft I Imv i.. Iloiiiliier hi Km n iil.. in the i o'llllv i ouil ol lioiicla eoulltr, Mftli' l tlie K, ait'l Hmt Tui'wlBf , iM .ti mlVr i.iti. lv. al ll,e lioiir of In o't I,m k, a. in. ot kai'i Ua . ul Hi' tii'irl hotiv In Itii-elnir r. On K"ii, Iimi I en l cl L Kal'l C'l'inl ai Ilie liuio Him I'lai e l"i tlm iin I'l'I'THttoii o al'l tiiinl 1' e-'iitit. aii'l fur licanufc ot.j, , i..ii. iln.rt'1", nnd I'T iie' loml 1 1 l.-no u t of .Hltl i -lull'. I '! I Uu- Ui 'li "I Aiiuu .i, l'.' JollN J UKM'I I Si:. l.eul "r "I Hi' -lat' "I l' II' n l' n r, It:' ' mi !. i o i Notice Por Publication. I Mill' r tt i I Ml Ol I ! I , I -''.' IrU r-' , Ult'U'oll, Iu.; I l-Jv Noll' o I- hereby klieu that Hie IuIIumu' naiiH 'I k III' r liaa IiKiI uollec ol liln lulciiiioii to miikc liDal profil In aiiiimtt of tit elaon, alnl lliHtktil'l t'luol "111 tc liiaJi.' In lore tlie K'gi-ter aii'l Id" net, L'uilt'l nlalex Laiel fli . - nl liov loiru. Or linn, on Aiii'.ifl J), 1'.'-, i. KHIN II 1 1 . 1 . 1 A M -Uu II.iim' -leal Tulre No i, loi tin u ',, N W r-'., X W . a W NI1,. Me. '." I li H .i tt'l. He uaiMei llii In1. In win;: , it-ne-B'-M to ,ro - hi' euiitlnijiiiii rc-i'leii" urinii aii'l ulli' alioli ul, aal'l Uii'l, vi I'. I.'ImhuI t ih'i. r. Alexoii'l' r II. v, O' "ige II. Mnul;'ie. KillllU' I I'. M hit-,11 uf Ko" Inn.', iia'uii . I I. I1KIIK.I..S. Ill i lieitl-li i Notice Por Publication. I MTI l -I lt l.tsii il net:. Itoi" InirL', Oreu'iin. AiiL'iml II 1mm Null' e I- lii'relo given tliHl in i iini,llaur" lili tlie pruvlinui uf Hie a t "I t'uiii'tc.a of June i . Ii7, eutiileil "An ai l lot I lo sal,; ,.f 1 1 in i i luti'li ill tin' Mat' i ol I allforinii, i r gun. Ne aila nii'l WhuIiIiikIoii 'Jerritorv , Jacoii J. Iichh ul l.ui Ui , t uiuitj of I ane, aiat ol i imt'oii, lia llililu' fll' il In 111 lat olliee lili oioru a l inenl No. o.i, for tin- purcliatc uf llic NVV.' , nf ?i i.l..n So '. In 'lowiialiln No. .'" i-.. Kaii'' No. :i VV ., ami will oili r in'oof lo allow thai lln' laiel nought 1 nion- vhI 1 1 xlile for iln UiiiIk r or Iniii- llian for a.'ru uliuial iiiiiii" -, ami to i "liiiilili hi" i lalm to uti'l laii'l lieluri' Hie lli-i-'ni'-r uinl U' c iver ul lliln oilier lit lloii liiiri;, On gun, on Wvluvxluv, tlie Jiilh'lay of (Jetolier, Id.'S. He iiuinei hi witneiie: Levi I'. Ken ft- nf Kiiireuu, Or., Jo-' I'll t.'onla of hmjeue, i , C'luirli'- .-ti li ui of Oaklali'l, Or., Joint Unni r of Oiiklnii'1. Or. Any aii'l all r.ioini elninilui; ad er' l; Hie almvi i' aurlle i lumli ure i 'iiric'l Iu lile'tlu ir eliiltnii in Slain ulliee on or liefm, hiI'I '.''ili 'In; uf Oe tolier, J. T. liltllK.K.-, iillll'J Idgl-ter. NICW GOODS! IvVKKYTIIING NlvW! -- The Doctors That CURB lll. IIN4 '14 R0SEBURC, A l'AKT Ol- Till- STAl'K Ol' Till'. EMU MD GERMAN ElM SPECIALISTS. The Doctors who cure CtUirh, Consumption, ami ,tll Chtonic DisiMso. .in el Tho Illinium upoolaliid (or P.aotnoii ami X nit llielr toguiar nuiiiuiiv vi-n, ii"i i onni i.i i i mi l or s ii h(j; rcCLALU:N HOUSIi, VI uu Moiulav and Tuesday, e( h... Pit V V. ' N'1 yvrv ; -m - if irjt v..-.a j,r : r -'v. Staff of the English and German Specialists lllvoi l,l.ltl lllllll l till law. ol 4 ul. I lot tll !'. .Illllllllll'll I xx c tl I It x v iu-. I In- .i,i.l of til I i.-.'-n in I ti' i "i i : i. :v I ' I' " 1 ' ' 1 UliO'l ill" l"l - I " 'I I I'll' -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' .li. .'-... I. i' i i lni'iue iIIm tv Putiiu tl'.e t-i-t . i;i - ii lou l'. it I'll i :i"i,.i in. I . .:..'' n i .i leln-"l I" i.-t-l in !! H.'l i ie . ' ln!i)l' I . I'"' I in i'- ."el ' t .i.'it I' ' !' ' "I III, tin ill in -I Ml lull Hi V m ' in i I I n;; i ', ii I' ul .onl o l alili- l"i'. .o' , ( -ii I ' ' 1 I IHIXII. I I ISI S !' , : - . - ami o i in l I . n , 1 , . . : ii. i vijii i amii'i - e i 1 1 1 1 " . . r '' eim .illim l. i Ctill oil t lie ! Ii ' I" " 1 ll li ami ti i i I ii'ii .... A i a le. n', t In i . i! n' i i - I i ' . lee ' ' ' n i '' ( 1IX-.I I. I I ION I lll l . THL ENGLISH AND GLHMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS s . I I- . . . . ! . ."' 7.11 t.nket M., ,m I t.tiubee' .mil Ji Hi "nt" rt . I An,;tlr. Whiskers WAI, Work hhuison Mills & Lumber Co. M. ! I.- .i I i 'l : ii i !', , '. I I. I 'I,. W i. !. . !' I ' '! ... :. ' ,1 I. 1 Vl:i, i A I ' II. in !. i I' Fl RST CL'ASS LUMB6R, t' , : i i ii. i ' ... i ! i ' 1 i I .. .'., r n:. l I r I i;. , . ' '. .i. . in i.i' ' : " . I ' ' ... I II .!wV I ti I I ..- Itllfll lit lit., lilt. I Ii SIA ASHLAND, I.oi llleil 111 lliul lull ..I I '! I !"'vl MD'l luii;e i" ui. lie- I In- -i 1 1 Iui- .i ii . .,:i ii", i. .i! i in-' "I i 'nil,'-, pr- 11 1 illnr, . lOl-I .lln I III I ' II l'' -. ' .111 ' I ll'll' ! I, .1' 'I' I - I- ' i- u i I.i V r- I li'' in. i mill m ni... ( In- join in.- I :i Mn il...ii.'l.'i'il Hi- o l-r ! ilin i I i.ii.' 1 1 ii. ii i.i ii Uii'inii -I, t niit i, hi lit r. I he ll nil liv( o-:,. .. i , ... n .1 i i, ni - in . I I l I ,ii ut.i. I . Ir : I I .i . ii ! 1. ni III. 1 1 hi , 1 llljll ,1 I. I t tl I I ' . II r In If III llii . 1,1 I, ... II. I;, .; I , " ; , , ; U; ; ; ' , . . , , l ii i-r- All ' 1 n n-i - i.'i '. h"i'l ,m in MJ i ii,l ii. I i 1 1 1 1 . ; k 111'. N. i .. ! I , ,n ..n I,. i-e').t t Kit . .ktiili.ii i mini i.'iiiiitii ii-M,. ... w . I. VAN ' Y , I'. t -i ! in , DRH I IN, SCOTTSBURC, G'ARDINER, THe Mail Stage Co. I.ViUes Drain t ei nnu n i ii;1,, t tnim . i in;. .t Sc l I :.l m 1 1, wiili tlit- STKAMKIx UAI.l'll, I'm Canliiui .iiul I'llu r iinb. on llic t 1 1 1 1 j t j u . i . lil.l 1'ARMI-R, Proprietor. Notice Por Pullication. I Mil 1 1 w i 1 1 - I, a:- ii i ii i it i. KilH'llllll', Oll'l'iill, llll.i' .'I', I '.I-. Nolii e llien liv dli' ll lliul in eolii,liiUlt e Willi Hie i'in i-li'i nl the ml n l',.ii;ie t ol r u lie :i, li. i Mult, I 'An in I loi I lie 'iilrni 1 1 III ! linul- liillii' HIiiIuh ot I til I fl oil in i tH' iimi, NiMiOii iiiii W in-liln;' Inn I ri i lln i I'oi i V S. Ill uu l 1 1 1 -,' 11' . Hi., I'nllllU nl I llll' Mlllr n 111, i;oll, Illil. tlllH lln V lilt 'I in thin oUlro liel KWoin MSioiiit'lit Nil, i,i,'l. Inr Hie. i . 1 1 1 . Ini -o nl I lie M' ',,11, inn it.i- ihiu iimi lit o, mi, i : . s. i ', III Mil ion No, I. Ill 1 1, Ik l tl 1 1 1 .",',,, .,H, Uuliue Nil :; .. niitl iwll oil.-i eomi iu ,lni tiiiit llie liiiel mhikIiI 1 niiiie aliml'lt- Ini i(i lllllhi I Or Iniii' lllllll lor 11 'I ll III I III til I'lll Iniai'N. ami lo i ilalilhli liei l.t 1 tu to -iilil Imnl lirl n, , liie lie'-'it-ter iiinl li' 1 1 in r ol IliK olln , ui id,.,, . InilK, On hi, n, mi I'rl'lay, Hm v ;, . I , . y nl t-. -1 . , t' liihi r, l-vji. 1 liho liaiin i at tl llne-trH: t Inn les Mijiiii.tni 1 Unk In nl , Ur , .lohii Hotter t,l (lal.liilnl, Dr.' nut. nnu, oi CitK-ite, tr.. n. ,j. M. loi ,,n ol bUiiiKlitil'li Or. Aiivaiitl nil ),i i inn. elnlni . Hill ater.uly I In- iiluive ilecei lln .1 linul-, uie ie iinH, tlln liln lliiir cliitiii- in linn nllii e on ni lil'foie ilil'l a.lil I n v ol M'i''IiiIiit, iMi.t. J. 'I. Ill:lin. I lie','l'.lei MEYERS eukiii ol Men. H Ibm ilv AiiruhU iiiul ami ijnl 7V m : t ' 1 . : !' ' ' !' : . ! ' 1 ' ' .'! ... ' tonic ' i I -.ii'.'- in' ,' 1. I I .'. .'Oil I I' : ' I ' . I ' " 'I ' I'. I , : , t, i I ' I 'I I : ' - i o-it i i l Ampulaicti With or Withotil Pain. BURN5, I'm- itc tin Depi'l. PERKIMS & BLEDSOE OREGON. I i II 1 , 1 I.' , I' .ll. ".r ai "ill i i.i.. . i -t I DKILY I Administrator's Sale. Noli, e l-Ii, n h rheii Hint (in, iiixl.-aa.iaf I, llll inllllllllMlillor Ol Hi i- i lnlr ,-uiull M . w i 'iili' i l , il-1 ,-,iv ii. mi , in, uMli, r nt inii,iii-r t'l I he t.'i.lilil.i I t.l i,iu,;,ih ( nn i I v, Maatn ul l' lion, ilnli nii,h- ,,, nil, ,,, ,, ,, ol Jul), l".i-, vt ill nit, a the,n ,,l Annual, mi the il,iniM nl lln- Mini irul ),,,, i.i-k, , -'II nt iniMite nil,- I.., iu-Ii in liuinl lln- loihtu. lie' ilt -t uiu. I i, -al .,i..-iti In-1 ni: i hi; I,, muiI i -liile, linvil : I le- '-Mill hull of lln- iimtlii,, ( ,,111,11,1 f -'.' ion :,. in lou ii'-l,, .-j, Minil, ,,K,. ,U,M. fli'l I'm noilh li.ili of ninth, ! .(nailci' ul li' iiioii I-, in lou i a m I 1 1 ;',, , 1 1 . nl ii,ii-,i 7 "i ll, e.iiit,iinK l. .ei in i.s, il in liouailn. i 'Hiiily, -tin,- ,,i i i-i-(j,.u. I'lll, ,1 1,1 Ittiuhliii;, 1 1, illi.l, i h l i in 1 1 1 v iMiilenl "H-' lill, llii- .h ,y ,, .Inly Ke.. , , , , . 'I Hi-fi VV I. Mill III.V . Vlmlaliiiloi ol l,v , i.ut.'nl fuinli .V. Wtailin I), ..-..'ii-i.. , Iinii'l IuIiiii .oSiiII inn) Suml.i' tout l.ll'u Artiij,, To null tulaii uj e.,:,ily iuu loitver. le in.iaf. '"He. lull nt hie. iiineuiul viiior, tul10 Ko 'l,, ' I-1 1' . llic u mull i, iiniK.-s weiali limn 'I'ei'K. Al ilriiH:i iH,.Mi,',,,-i,'i. ('Hn-ioiaiiin. ,","l "'"'"l '" Mllfl'l.' in -. A LU. -,s le.llin; eu , Clile.iuu or Mevy Voil-