The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 18, 1898, Image 2

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riiblilK(IcMi Moudayand Tliiirwlijr
T Tim rt.alSHf.AI.Ml ITHLNHISU vo.
K. If. HRAItUHH - tilll.T
:. V. ItlNJAMIN . Manarwr.
Mutonrrlptlou Kialcn.
atltMontha 75
Thru Month f
.HLY 18. 1808.
li'a up to Coiun.ixlote Walfon now .
The Oregon didn't make thai long r ip
(or nothing.
Your Uncle Sum is roakinir
i redihlc collection of iulanils.
The Spanish tleeta apiear to be ub
ject to kind of "einUnj sensation."
Tbo "Star of Kmpir," made
jump to the weal w hen Hawaii
.juite a
was an-
Xhe logical candidate for l uiteJ
States Senator, it Hon. Binder Hermann
of Rosebtirg.
A Kansas jude s lately vAUtfiit
li'l Kith his lailv ttciioBiaphrr. J
as li In wife.
Itiseahlthnt O'eneral Mialter likes
nothing bettor than a ti'd nulcm it
would he two lights.
All accounts from Santiago indicate
that tho Cubans aio a howling success in
rurrounding and reducing army rations.
C. Y. Boujamin, of the I'lainJealer,
with his family, hao gone for a two
weeks outing at the month of the I'lnn-
1 his cilice ie iu receipt almoel d.iily
of Inquiries from the Last iu regard to
the climate icsourcee of the tircat
Umpqua va'.ley.
When the Spaniards constructed Ih'.e
harb wiio fences around .Santiago, they
cvidoutly forgot that a barb who fence
wont torn pigs.
Admiral Camara's movements itniind
one very strikiug!y of a certain French
king who having marched up the hill
marched down again.
Admiral Camara paid $105,000 for pass
ing through tbe sue canal and the same
amount on the home passage. Nest
time he should buy around trip ticket.
l'rince Henry would like to swipe a
nice Thillipine island for his brotbtr Will
from tbe collection being made by Admir
al Dewev for Uncle Sam b'lt be has
probably concluded to do without it.
When tho election of Mia. to
the presidency of the General Assembly
was announced, tbe bustle in tbe hail
was simply indescribable. Denver
W hose ?
A Madrid correspondent eays that
"the beet people of Spain are the least
demons! rati ve in their hostility against
America." That's true. The best jec
pie of Spain aro in the condition of tho
good Indian.
General Blanco cabled the government
at Madrid that Admiral Ceryera's fleet
sailed out of Santiago and disappeared
ia "a westerly direction." He was mis
taken. They disappeared in a perpen
dicular direction.
Albany Lad a call for li recruits, and
C'aptaiu Kendall could enlitt hut 1.' uieu
tlere. iioseburg Laving tilled her uwa
luoto, and that of 1'ortland can yet sup
ply that of three or foui other cities,
which are short.
ticrniany Las again issued a decree
agaiust the imiortation of American
pork, she should remember that the
attempt of Spain to exclude the Ameri
can piga from tier territory Lai lesu'tad
very disaeterouely to the Spanish.
Now that the mines and torpedoes
havo been ordered removed from tbe
harbors and riveia of the New Logland
coast, phantom lleets of .Spanish war
chips may be expected to make thuir ap
pearance off the Atlantic coast with
alarming frequency.
Now that the annexation oi the Ha
waiian inlands has proveu to be such a
popular ineaBuru among tho people uf
tho United States, it will be iuUieEting
to Lote tho grace with which the demo
crats an 1 populibts will tal.o cicdit with
haviug always lavorod thu movement,
Um.N, Oregon, .tuly 11, 1 S'J3. A
traveler arriving in town reported seeing
sheep astray on the deaeit west of here.
Fred Tipton kuowiog that Lis father, bO
years of age, had started across the
desert with a band of sheep, left with
others for the scene and found the old
gentleman on tbo eauda iu a helpless
condition for lack of food and water.
Tbo above haa leference to M. Tiplou,
who left I'ouglas couuty some time ago
with a baud of sheep to joiu his sou,
I red, iu Harney couuty.
.f. Jlcury Itoulhaod wifoariived Leie
last Thuisday, uud are stoipiug at the
McClalleu. Mr. Loolh has entered on
his duties as receiver of the Koueburg
land ollice. t.'e welcome them to our
city, and will do whatever we can to
make their residence among us pleasant.
Mr. Uooth has many acquaintances iu
pjtiglas County, wLo will be glad of his
return to this roi.uly in reside.
Trot. Kent, O. A. C , CorraUia, haa
just returned from a two wcr-ks' ltiscc
tioo of tbo creauieriea of I'ooe couuty.
Ilewaaat all the principal poiota and
found the creaincty business onwratoJ
there on an citenalve icalu. The out
put at prooetit of tho Uoosliiy cream
ery, the largest cataWiahiuent in the
couuty. ia 800 pounds of htiltn and IvVO
pounda of choeso psr day. Tho output
of the Coquille crcaweiy ia TOJ pounds
of butter per day and of the A rago es
tablishment 450 per day.
Colonel Alley returned yesterday from
a oipoliug of the trustee of the S.ildiors'
Home at loeebiirg, and t.ok last even
ing's train for Ilakrr Ctly. There are
75 iumateaal the home, uiotlly veterans
of tbe civil acd Indian wars. Mr. Alley
ays he will not attemd any more of the
meetings of the board, as he does not
get pay enough to cover his expenses.
There are four other trustees, who live
close to Uoeehurg and to ihiuu he dele
gates hi part of the dii'iea The ioati
tution, he say a, ia in a prosperous erudi
tion financially. Portland Tekram.
Judging from the low whieeriti6 of
the atate preea, Dinger Hermann will be
the leading candidate for United States
senator at the coming sesaion of the leg
islature. The Capital .toiirnal truth
fully save: "If it's appropriations Ore
gon 'a after, Dinger Harroann ia the man
to make senator." Yt?, ami that ia not
all. There is not a mau in the slate
who would accomplish more for Oiogou
generally in tbe United stales Senate
than Dinger Hcttnaun. He if well
knowu in congress, iulluential audio
cloeo touch with the aduiiuit-tratioti. -Mvrtle
Toiut Enterprise.
Tho Herald, a populist paper pub
lished at Tendletoo, makes tho following
confession, which should he good for its
"Tho peoples party of Umatilla couu
ty is a deal deader than a drowned rat.
The pitiful handful oi middle-of the
readers is all that retuaiu? of a strong
organisation, which two years ago came
within 200 votes of cairyiug the couuty.
Two years hence it will not poll 300
voice. Its day is over. Ifthepop
nlists had all turned out and voted the
ticket straight we would have elected
nearly the entire ticket, lut populists
don't believe in that sort of thing they
prefer to "exercise" what they fondly
call their own 'jadgmeut.' And moet of
tbem have no more judgment thin a
raor back awiue with the blind staggers.
"Judgment, fortojth. There is not a
lunatic in the asylum mho has not as
much jadgmeut aa the aveiae populist
We've trained with that populiet pueb
for six years aud we know whereof we
Couuty superintendent F. D. Hamlin,
who is now with his company at Ia
niU.has appointed Lis wife as his de
puty and rejueeted her to tenuis the
duties of the office until Lis return from
the war. Last week Mrs. Hamlin noti
fied ex-Connty Superintendent Waite
that she was ready to assume the duties
and demanded that the office be turned
over to her, but the young man treated
the demand with contempt, refusing
to even discuss the matter. Mrs. Ham
lin is in every way eouictent to attend
to the duties of the office to which the
people elected her husband and she
needs the emoluments for the support of
he' self and childreu during the absence
of her husband. Tbe people elected
I'rol. Hamlin to this ottce kuoning that
he was f nay from homo iu the eei vice cf
his country and that the duties of the
office must bo pertormtd for a tiiuo by a
deputy and if young Mr. Waite thinks
be wants to live do- i; the reputation
which he is making fur himself by his
action iu tins m.iUer, lut him go ahead,
but we waru him that there w ill be a
"hereafter" which may not Le full of
ploieaut memories lor him.
There are eomo young people who
have contracted the habit of droppiug
into the composing room of the I'
1e.u.ui omce lor a ctiat wuu luo em
ployes, whom we are compelled to re
mind that a newepaper office is a place
for work and not (or social gossip aud
visitation. The hours of work iu the
I'laindlallu office are short and when
a half dozen persons a day spend each
five or tsn minutes in talking U the em
ployes, it takes up considerable lime for
which the proprietors uf this paper pay
aud to which they are entitled. The
employes themselves are not to blame
for tbe thoughtlessness of their fiiends,
but ii we should be compelled to change
employes in order to protect ourselve?,
they and not their friends would t c the
ones to suffer. We do not object to per
sous who have auy kind of bueiuees
with employes, calling on them during
business hours, but iudiscriminato visit
iug during business uuurs is not al
lowed iu otber offices and will not here
after be allowed iu this office. Sensible
people will understand tbo reasonable
nesa of this we are not concerned about
the opinion of others.
American Louses.
itueral bhalter's Headquarters, July
13. The final report of the casualties in
the army, since it landed in Cuba three
weeks auo, has been forwarded to Wash
ington. It shows an aggregate uf ll'Jl
officers and meu killed, wounded aud
missing, eighty four uf whom were of
ficers. Of the wounded only eighty
eight died.
I'rompt Work,
WAbiii.MiioN, July 10. Unless the
present plans miscarry, the Spanish sol
diers, surrendered at Santiago, will sail
from Cuba for Spain ou July 20th. It
was auuouuced today that the depart
ment had decided to ask for bids from
the steamship companies, for the trans
portation of prisoners to their uative
land, and prooeala w ill be issued next
The I If th Manila Uxpedltlon Leaves
This Week.
Jmn I-r Ncisco, July IX According
to information from headquarters, the
Peru aud Puebla will leave this port
aloiit o'clock tlila alter noon. Major
General Otis haa issued the following
order :
"Drigadier-titneral Harrisou Hi ay (.His
United Statea volunteers, w ill accompany
and Ntmunie command uf tho troop
directed to embark on the steamers
I'enuavlvaiiia, lvio do Janeiro aud St.
I'm ul. He will select tlie veeaels upon
which be w ith Ins Blair w ill sail, and will
repot t to the commander at Camp Met
ritt lot instructions."
The Kio de Janeiro haa finished coal
ing, and the lVnusy Ivauia will aoon have
her buukeia tilled. Tho vt. Taul has not
yet arrived from Alaaka, but ia duo at
any hour, aud will uot require much
alternation for nee aa a trausport. The
tlcel ia expected to get away on or about
July 21.
A double force of men ia at work on
the ship Taconia, but it will le a fort
night before she can get away. She will
take 43 cavalrymen arid 2C0 horse aud
six mouths' supplies to the Philippines.
The numltr of soldiers to go to Manila
next week in rouud numbers is as fol
lows: On tbo Pennsylvania. I.'hKI; od
the Kio da Janeno, 1J.O0J, and on the
St. Taul, 1000.
As no other trausport aro available,
the troops wilt lie left at Camp Merritt
aud the Tresidio will prolably not sail
uutil caily in August, when tho vessels
of the tirsl Heel are expected to returu
here. The aoldieiB to le sent to Houo
lulu mil m conveyed on steamers char
tered from tho Johueou-Lockc Commer
cial Company, the contrail calliug for
the depjrtalion of all the men before
August 10th.
Immune to go to Santiago at once.
M.w YoiiK, July L. On the l'auauia,
which has just cUrted for Santiago, was
the eeditioii for buildiug wharve and
short railroad tiucs, the contract for
which 1. Yau Akeu haa undertaken.
Materials forbuildiug the wharves, floats
and tracks were put aboard uo hun
dred skilled mechanics, and 250 laborers,
in charge of Lieutenant Williams em
barked on thereceut Santiago in.
The Tanama was hurried off and did
not take much of tbe cargo intended for
her. What the left behiud will be
takeu by the Berlin. It had been the in
tent' on t) dispatch the Berlin eelerday
with her cargo of eupp'ies fcr Santiago,
the vessel touching at Charleston for
troops. At the eleventh hour the plans
were changed because of a decision in
the 'juartermaster's department to have
her call either at New Orleans or Gal
veston for two regiments of immuuej to
take to Cuba. She will, however, sail to
morrow, when it will be determined
which of the two ports she shall call at.
The First and Second regiments of vol
unteer infantry are at New Orleans and
Galveston respectively. The Galveston
regiment may be eent direct to Cuba by
another transport or transferred to New
Orleans by rail. In case neither of these
plans is found to bo feasible, the Berlin
will call at both ports for the two regi
The Berlin's ctrgo includes a mixed
lot of stuff. Among other items are 000
field coats aud bedding and 100 miscel
laneous gifts for the hospitals and troops.
Unknown givers sent cases of can
ned soaps.
A sigcificaut atsigiuont was a coffin to
be sent to Santiago lor the body cf John
Miller, 1 irst volunteer cavalry, the
rough rider who fell in the charge on
Siu Juau hills. John Miller was a
brother oi Henry . Mulor, of the nary
ac-1 a sou of Lewis Miller oi Akron, O
No I'eace Negotiations Opened.
Wa-iukoI'j.n, July 1 . It is author
itatively stated bv Secretary Hay that
there is no truth iu the published report
that peace negotiations havo been
opeued at Washington, led bv .Sir Julian
Tauucefole, acmsied by thu KutSiiU am
bassador, the Japanese iniuintcr and
other foreign diplomat?.
I'resideut McKiuley gave expression to
a strong hope for au early peace. Ke
spjudiog to congratulations on the suc
cess of the Santiago campaign, he said
"I hope for early peace uow."
The diepatch from Madrid announcing
a royal decree suepending individual
rights in Spain was quickly communi
Cited to the president. As iu Madrid,
it was generally taken to meau the iin
mioence oi a move by tne SpaulsU gov
ernment for a cessation of hostilities. It
was received with this interpretation
with great satisfaction, but in the ab
sence of a definite official assignment of
tho Spanish motive, the administration,
while strongly hoping for it, is not en
tii ely confident of so satisfactory an out
Judge Fullcrton Retires.
Judge J. C. Fullorton of this judicial
dibtrict retires from the bench to make
way for tho new incumbent, J. W,
Ha'niltou, who Vt'aa formerly prosecut
ing altorney for this district.
During Judgo Fullerton'e term the
ci.ur'r have been crowded with long and
te l: litigation, tiresome in tbe ex
tn u . , aud very trying to one's nerves
and patience, Uii duties have been ex
acting and ouerous, yet during it all be
has always treated the bar with court
esy aud consideration, except in rare in
stances. Heisan honest man and a
conscientious judge. He like us all, Las
mado mistakes, but they were of the
bead and not of the heart. People of
this section wish tbe judgo success, and
have a warm fueling and a high regard
fur Lim. The judge will practice law at
his home in Koseburg, Or. Corvallis
fruit in glass jars at Zigler's
Madrid Preparing to Sua (or lcac
Madrid, July 13. A decree has been
published suapendiug throughout Spain
the rights uf individuals as guaranteed
by the constitution. The goverumsnt
wlahoa to bava full power to suppress
evidences of discord or rebellion which
might appear. The publication ol the
decree is accepted aa proof that iac
negotiations are actually in progress.
Premier Sagaata Is quoted at saying :
"Spain want peace, but it muat be au
honorable peace, aa Spain deaervrs.
The army is auxions to resist to the
last, but the government cannot consent
to such a useless sacrifice. Had ws our
fleet, the situation would have been
very different."
The pacific tendency is increasing, the
general public taking a favorable view of
suggestions that the powers should at
tempt the re establiahnieul of peace,
but it is said, coulrary to reports current,
France haa not taken Iheiolllalive. The
miuister uf war, General Correa, it
quoted as saying iu an Interview he
thought peaiv might he arranged on the
following terms :
The United SUtva aud Spain to agree
to let the Cubans decide by plebiscite
whether luey detire iodeeudunce or
autonomy under the su.arminty oi Spain.
The governments to sgrse to abide by
the reaull of the plebiacite, and in (he
event ol the Cubans voting for iuds
peudouce, tbe Coiled SUU to allow
Spain uine nioulbe in which to withdraw
her army gradually aud diguiliodly from
London Spectator 5as There ,1s No
Comparison llctwccn Her
Navy and Ours.
I.omkin, July !.- Moat ol the weekly
papers pay high tributes totheAmeii-
cau navy. The Speaker sa)a .
" 1 he San) iagu tight proves, so lar as
the lleel is concerned, that the Uuited
sutee need uot tear comparison w it h
any country iu I ho world."
The spectator declares, as a comic-
aiou from the battle, the couvicliou that
the American tlett could face'even the
French lleet without great riek of die
aater, aud it says:
"So far as the German aud American
navies go, there would bono comparison
A struggle betweeu tbem would be very
short and very cotnplet and it would
surprise L'mperor William, who think i
himselt invincible, but his telf-confi
deuce can uot alter history."
Pensions That Have Been Granted.
W ASIU.NUTO.N, July 8. representative
Tongue has secured the allowance of the
following Oregon penaioos:
Charles H. McCauslmd, Oregon City
J a month fruar April 20, 1897; Jacob
M. Divine, Yaauina, $3 a month from
July 1, 1S97, and K. E. Wands, Salem
fi month from March 4, 1Si8.
fr. Tongue haa also secured an in
crease to a mouth ia the pension of
Thomas Wilson, of Eckley, commencing
September I t, P49S, and a similar in
crease iu the pension of Miles Howe, of
Oregon City, from April 15, 1808.
In addition to the above, Mr. Tongue
has secured tbe allowance of $12
month back pay for Mre. Christinia J
Reed of Middleton, which money was due
her husband from May II, 1 syf , toMarcl
17, 18t8.
otuer pensions Lave been granted as
follows :
Oregon Original, William A. Saiu
Baker City, 10; Bobert M. Foray the,
dead, Salem, $12, additional, Ambrose
A. English, Wallowa, i to 12.
The Crescent is the Best.
Koseburg, Or., Juno 21,
To w bom it may conoeru :
This ia to certify that I purchased
Creceut race wheel of A. C. Marstera A
Co. ou April 10, 1'J8, and siuce then
havo ridden it 1!M) milos over rough,
craggy higbw ay e and muddy mountain
trails, without a single break aud ouly
ouo puuclure, which I repaired myself.
1 or strength, durability, beauty, liu
ish and easy ruuulng the "Crescents"
have no cpual, for they have been tried
and not found wanting iu any of the
above named qualities.
I have owned (and iiad the privilege
of nsiog,' several different makes of bi
cycles, but I would say to any ono de
siring a nrst-ciass wnoei in every re
spect, and one that will stand hard
usage and wear to purchase a high-grade
"Crescent." Respectfully,
W, V UliillT.
Cleveland Item.
Harvest is well uuder way.
M. J. Burkhart visited Koseburg
F. M. Good visited the couuty seat
laet week.
it. u. i ale ia at present staying in
Coles Yallev.
A steam thresher passed through here
last week headed south.
Harmon Drown is at present employed
at tbe county poor farm.
William Baker has beeu working for
Mr. Gilliam of Garden Valley this week.
Herman V, Adams, oue of Cleveland's
most repecUble young meu, has enlisted
to fight for hit country.
E. T. Woodruff and family of this
place attended the banket dinner giyeu
at Coles Valley Suoday, July 10th.
George and Mslvin Handy went over
the mountain the 12tb of this month
aud had the good luck of getting three
Scott Van Dyke made a trip to Briggs'
saw mill last week after a load of lum
ber. Clkyeland Jays.
To Car I'onatlpation forever
Ttikri C'am-At'Aty r'nnlu t 'utlmrtln. Ifln rif 2flA
If ('. C. l ul tocum, oriiril'.(H r fuiil inony.
A Disgusted Alaskan.
Adiagurled Alaskan, O. It Craylon,
spent ysalerday iu Portland on his re
turn from Cook s I n'et to hln loruier
boms in Sacramento. Hit had been a
mechanloln tho Southern Pacttls shops
at that point when the Alaeka lover rag
ed last February, lis threw up his job
aud sailed from San I rauciaco In a
ateamer bound direct for Homer, Irom
which point ho struck out ptvapocllng
Iu the. creek which empty into thu Inlot.
He fouud colors wharever ho went, but
not in sutliciiiut iiiautiliia to pay waga
aud alter woariuit hlnnoll out
aud uaiug up hit provisions, ho wisely
concluded to return to liia family and
his job. He advises poo pi ti rtay
away, uot only from CojkV lulo, but
from all of Alaska, and eays tho S.i.
FraucUeo paper must have bovu im'ol
tual.m itl, 11,4 I ruiflitorttttiiiti I'.miltillititt
fortboPUi Poeoof Inducing peopl . to
rush oil (or tho lioiui wlldr, logardtcee
ol what became ul tho depeudeut onua.
lie ia utinua f.'iiHI in caidi and live
montha' time, but aa.SK he hn the rx
porioiii'c. Poi tl nd Telegram.
Added to the Currlculm at the Agri
cultural College.
Coii Al t f, Or., July 13. A course iu
pharmacy has beeu added to tho citrrlcu
lum at the agricultural college. It Is in
tended to uiake this comae eiual to the
beatolleied iu olhor institutions. Two
years of preparatory woikaro rviuiiediu
the college, or its cmlvaleut iu eoiuo
other school. The training iu the phar
maceutical course will be largnly con
ducted iu the chemical hibratorv, whoi
thealudcut may bscouie familiar with
tho materials ued aud thu beat means
of manipulation. The tabratory ia well
CAUipod for tho purose. There uro in
all Beveu rooms titled aa labiatoiiea,
lecture-1 ooiu aud balauco-rooiur. I he
rooms lor gaueral chemistry aud ipialil
stive aualyais are iu a separate building
and desks (or 2S atudcute. The desks
are supplied with the nccessai drawers,
apparatus, water, gas, etc. The iiiip
meut iu tho w ay of apparatus ihu college
is said to be by far the luit iu iregou.
The new courso coveis a period of four
years of study, and Ihu requirements fur
admissiou will be the same as for other
courses iu the college.
Itargalns in Real Estate.
No 1. 50 acres all uuder leuce, fair
house aud bam, all iu cultivation. This
is all a No 1 laud, school 'u mile. To Kose
burg 8 miles. Price f 1000.
No 2 I) acres all uuder fence aud
ctose fenced. SO acres iu cultivation.
Balance good pasture, gocd house and
baru aud all tioccxsary out buildings.
Small family orchard, a tine mountain
stream ol water running through tho
place. This is a first class place, ti miles
from Koseburg. Price $2000, '. down.
Balance on fair tei tut.
No U 2?0 acrcr, 20 uudvi leue. nice
orchard, fair house and barn, g wd pas
ture. Land 7 miles from Knecburg.
Trice mo.
No 1. lOacive, 1 milelroiu Koieburg,
in a high state of cultivation, 2 acres in
straw bor lies, I iu orchard, good garden, I
room house, fair harn, well wateied, all
necessary farming utciiKiN, i.) chickens,
2 jersey cows aud cue calf, one hore,
oue buggy one light wagon two s t f
harness, lots of small fi nil '.reei. This
is a complete and perfect home. Price
No '.,) acres, I tuilo irouj Korel'ii'g,
fair house and baru, nice famil orchard
ono hoiseainl cait. Price t)IO0.
No 0. Kiii acres all uuder fence, in
cultivation Vi acies. Box house " ioouis,
small baru and all necessary out Inn! 1
ings, 2 acres in orchard, ' i miles to
school. Post-cllico 1 '.t miles. 2': miles
to Oakland, a nice little city. Price
I.I'. Ki i ,
Keal I alalo Agent,
UoKuburg, "r.
I houhatldt Cclcbrntc
Wiiu Ihauhfuinern Ihen icniuiulixi, i.j
health by the lite of Hood's Saraapa
rilla. Think ol the rar-L army who huvu been
cured by this uiedicinu
Men, women aud childreu, who have
suffered the eoiibeuencjs of impuro
blood, who have been thu victims of
scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepia, ner
vousness, sleeplcusiicff .
They have triud other mediciucu and
have failed to obtain icliof. They tried
Hood's sarsaparilla aud it did them
good. They persevered iu its use and it
accomplished uruiancut cures. Do you
wonder that they it aud recom
wuud it to you?
1 or Ovr l'IMy Vcuia,
An ulu a.NU N ttLl'r.ito JUMeDY.-Mn
W'lunluw hyutUliig Hyrup lia becu Uhcd fur
orcr Ully jcars by nillllunn of uiuthcm lur their
childreu whllo tuvthiut;, with perfect huccum.
It soothes the child, tuUtiin tho kuuis, ullaa all
palu, cures wlU'i cullu, uuij U thu hiiit remedy
lor Dlanhaa. Is pkanatit to thu taste. Hula by
druggists In every part ol Ihu world. Twenty-
flvo cents a bottle. Its valuu Is Incalculable.
Besuro aud aak ur Mrs. Wiualww'a Huuthlug
Byrup, aud take uo other kind.
To lure I'oinilimtliin lurnr.
Takn CahcuK tx 'iiimv i ..Uiai liu. Pki or 20.
It C. C. C. fall to on", ill nr.- -is r fund muuty.
Briug your job work to this ollko.
Tbousaoila arc Trying It,
In order lo pruvo tlio rreut inrit of
Ely's f'rc-aiu Jtiom. tlio n I flliclivn fiiu
for Catarrh ami '"1 ! ' i I f' vvu luofl .r.
Iiirrd a K;:i' lo is '! . I r )" e lit i.
Utl It of our ii. U ":
I 10.. 1l..b,
. ' I'.lo
Y. City
I auHfared froi-i cr' ' '
r; ' hind
tvc.r kiie:e a I 1 1
r l.op. it f r
eur, fur. .r.V .ruuu rai u o..
. . ... . . .
even ium. r: -y n. -j-iuii" u.. - uw .. .,
II wilu cie i ti. i . . a. . 'mi,
43 War re u Ave., Chi. , lil.
I'.lv'a (.'ream Diih'i h Hi" ii. '.ii .1
cur; f'.r catarrh uud contum ie. i..- in
mercury nor any injurious ilr ur J r
CO tents. At it ii;n i- is oi I.;- n. ..I
Onro llroa, are lite I oi'f tiiniclxiiilK.
Oj t i the Uomdeaf lor the betl rlgais.
For a good ft-cent cigar call on Mra.N.
County elaltua and warrant bought by
I). B. West.
Fur Utat-claMa ilenlinlry go to Dr. Little
uf Oakland.
Kugn in inllnilo variety at Alexander
As Strong'.
Ma.aroiil Iu one pound enrtooua at
.igler'a urinary.
Key West, linpnrlel ami domestic
cigata at I ho Itotieleuf.
D. S. We-' diK limtiimu'O. Olllroop
piit.i i he pot office.
Kile a Ci recent bicycle. The easy
inn. ii'g, (1 n r ,i 1 ilo kind,
lit.lliH) iiicii wanted ul tho Ik Stole
I "e'e-ct great hnrgiiiua More l Is too
lads not lakes- 1.1 what our adver
tising ioUimna represent. The Boas
F. W. Cat pouter ia aitlhoried lo ie
ceive And lecelpt (or subscriptions to the
All our gooda uro liuw and "I tho luteal
styles. No ahnpworn gondii on baud at
the Boss Stole.
At Oakland, T. I.. Graves is authoii.ed
lo receive and r.Hcipl lot onl-sci ipllons lo
thu Pi aim1 r. i ki
A laigo tttt J lino anaoi Imeul ol chil
dien'a shoes just toceived at Pauolt
ill o.i. Call and see them.
Mouey to loan on cily and country
property. D. S. K. Pi ok,
Marstera' Building, Kouoburg, Or.
The Stpiaru l'ral ntoro has just opened
up a U'aulifnl lino of W. L.
shoe, which prove lo bo tho best nbon
made. Como and inspect tlu in
J. W. Beckluy v Co., tho l utcheiH.will
keep only the choicest uf meats wheio
w ith to supply I ho Konuhurg public, but
mouthly sutllemeuts will be iciiir'd
Mrs. J. II. Miupe has looii appoinled
repreecntatlve. for the Yiavi Co. iu this
city. Any cue desiring Inf.irtimtl m in
regard o. ol w ishing lo rocuiu the lem
edy, w ill please call at brr lesldeticeuti
Pino street. jU-ilin
Suits ol clotlif.-, all wool, heavy
weights, regular price tf'.i. Bova
clothea from 0 to F! yeara for II1 and
2. Hals all styles aud colcia for 'i-
regular 1 1 ice f 1 M. All these gi.od .tie
ouly to bo found at Iho luw-t More.
I hereby announce myeclf as a tauJi
dato Ik'(oi iho volini" id
Dotiglaa coutty, including the dee ail
rer men, populihta, donucrala and rc
publicans, to sell Bain wug jiia fn.ui a
full carload just received. Also t j t of
buggies, barb w i: e ami naiU ul thelowcat
pricts, all now ou hutid at Steal in A
Chcnoi''h, Oakland, Oiegou
How's Tills
W e till i ('no Hundred I Kuward
lor any case ol Catarrli that i annul be
cuieil lv IIjII'h C.itarih Cure
F. J. CHENEY A Co., l'fopg. Toledo, O
Wo tlio uudursignoJ have knowu F. J
Ulieiiey for the last lo vears, and believe
liiie perfci lly honorablu iu ail hirsinuMi
ii auu.i.'!i jiiM nti 1 financially ablo lo car
i yoiit anv oblig.itiont uiadn bv their
West A. Tpiix, VV'lioloralv DiuggialS.
Toledo, t
W al ling, K iniiau A Marvin, holo
ai1o 1 iriijigists, Toledo, lIi iu.
Hall's Cat 41 1 Ii Cure is UK en lul'.'rtml
ly, aiting diieclly Utou thu blod uud
iniit ous sulfat e of the system. Price VOc
per bottle. S;dd bv all druggists. Test
imonial l free.
School Report.
Ihu fulloAiugin the report ui i lico)
district II for the month ending July S,
lS'JS. No. ol davs luughl is No. of
days' iilluudaiico 1 , No. ol days ab
sent '.I', No. of timet! tar Jv I, No. of
pupils eniollod 1. Averago atleuilaricO
''. Those avoragtng above 'JOaie. Luu
l iench, Kale I ranch, BlaKu Miller
others of good Handing Hro. I. tlio
Palmer, 1'iauk Albro, ricysivi I ruueh.
Deporlmenl good.
l.:i..N.i,i M "iL,
Will Conic Again.
I'rol. llyiuuii Co., I lie Guituuti u u
list and catarrh specialist from I'm Hand,
will be at (he McCalleu Hotel July 21
aud 22, for two days only and return unco
each mouth. Wo will cure your catarrh
uo mailer how chronic, without fail.
Catarrh is a very daugcroaa disease.
Vo treat cat irrh without medicine in
turnally. Call and have a friendly talk
with thu Prof, which costs absolutely
nothing. ilasues fitted for eyua. Office
hours in Koseburg all day. Keuieiiiber
tho date of our coming.
Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was rVlntlrlonlng and Hope
Hal Been Ahnriclonod Wondor-
ful RCGUlt'J Of Pitt (fytlif; iho Hlood.
" A r.V II l l- J,.i :, , ,,; j ,y t (ti
knee, vJ,H h ('it v.' v..iin and worsn, and
finally u urn: hrol.e out ulnjvo llm knee.
It dtecnurgtit a Brent ii. n J unj u,u lmjn
from my tlii(jli dtnvn waa Inadih niii;.
Irgo, hnid, purpp; ripolH upeHred on iriy
leg. 1 suffered in iliia w,,y (or years.
and Kavo upuJI hopeol e r being curod.
My vvifo was readini; of n cuhu likn inluo
cured by HoikI'm Harnj.irilla, and bliu
advised nir lo try it. 1 bewail laklutr it
and when I had usul u r.u- i,.iii.. i
.f0lu,j rt.i(,f fr(inl , Oh.
I .it... . rt
uow uiuiikliil 1 Htn r..r II.IM relief I I inn
itroiijrer I lum I Imve ( .T i,,.,.,, )ny jf
I am ill the beM of health, have a gon I
... .
.pjieiuu au.l inn n m w emu nliocether
j, j. r,,;,,,., i ,.,.
r rj 5! Sarsa-
uWUi O parilla
'""l III I. el III. till.' In,,. I'.I.mmI I'm jll.'K
HOOd'u Hills in.; .ill Jiv.-t ill,, umiIj,
County 1 'reinsurer's Not Up.
Ntiiic It herohv glvmi li n;l parllea
j holding li.iui;Ui coiinly In-
dul ami prior to Mity I I 1VW, i i p
rout Ho i ami. ii at Ihn lie iMiiei'a i III. " In
the com I bun ui I. t pvy no oil , it" mleinal
Will canio IhoiiMni nlier Ihu ilatu of Ihla
DhUkI Ihia ll.e I iib day of lull, Ifi'.M
at tlio Olty ol K lohurg, Onigoii.
Gi.o. W. I'ivivin i,
County Treasurer, DoiikIkn County, Or.
. -
l.'.ln. kin V.inr llowrla Willi luaiirrla.
rmiUy I '.. 1 1. in 1 1., ruin .'oiinI ipiil Inn r..iier.
KKi. V3e, lti'.t'l' full, .IniiinUIMi (unil imiliry.
Ih.a'l Siil anj hniokr turn I II.' t.
T.i .('ill tiilin.t'.i eiikllv uti.l luiotrr, I lima
n. He, lull ol III.', ni t vo iohI U..r, Nft'l.c
llao, Iho woii.lrr wuilirr, Hint iimli.'t weitli turn
strung. All ilruiialnla, Mc er f I. t'uie iniiiiuif
Irnl llnohlei itml aitmple lice. A.l.lrra
Hint Unit Itrmeily fa, ctilraan or Nrtv Voi n.
t. '
Great Bargains
At Dcnn's Variety Store...
See ttr Special Maty-aiiis
in (Jlasswari', Lciimuadi
Sots, Afternoon Tea Sets,
Fancy Glasses, ami Km it
fINWAVr. . ii ti. i ell lae Lri.. in..
Mult ., t'U'l...v. ', it.'.
Imi.vI.. I.lltlt-i 111. x.l.l. an. I ln.ll.. iluill
le lunch l.miii'li., li lr-o' imlclirlf
mi, I ..k,'l.
I MIIINI RV. Hclilicl prl. rnu all (
tin In tv. .'iul., pent, Ink, iiiiiu r rlc
CHINA, lice iwll 'il.-. n en all I'littK
II..i1hiI Cl'iitit iliiiiu-i aiel ii. fti-t,.
.-tnl-poic.'lftiii Niet tit.ititfinr .lot
net an,l Icit "c's, i im p.ii ir.l i tiina tt .
n,lll !. tel.. . 'l" ll'l tnuif. I" ll
illAhm. I.ntti-t ctii'V . t.
N01ION5. Hall I . . . -1 1 . 1..1I:. -.
Uf, I'lll'l ' -. I 1. .
N e tin jipt 10 ad . e. 1 la.1. Ali
Iheao IhiiiK 1. 10 I j be had nl the
low eat cai h pi ices at
Demi's Variety Store,
Roeltiry., Oregon.
I mi r.n
Tor Piihlkritiott.
I III.. 1 .Ml HI Hi I .
I. hi .-. ti'i-i;..;i. ' u. . 1 . 1 '.
Null. I. Ii.l.l'. lh.ll that l.'ie In. in ill.
naini'.l ill. r I.111 ill. 1 n.'tli cu. l.n li.ruii.,n
10 innk.' Iiua! ei,... t.i i'li'iii'it "I t.l c'an.i. ni.'l
thai until . km. i 11 1.1 i M l I.. ll. .(t-tii
alel ll.v. im-i. Pint .1 ...t.' I.nt.'l .Ml... .
U.twI.M it. n p "ii. "ti .M, I-'", ' .
HillN 11 II I I VM '
011 ll.ilii.-Uo I IntM N.i I'll!.. ',.
S W ',. f '. N ',.- ', S K' , .. I ,.
a. K ,. Wi . II. 11.H.1.- Hi, l.n'.i.i l..k-
iu ,10 1 r.'i' lil 1 it. 1 .1 11 " 1. 1. ,1.111 1 i 1
an, I i ultl . all. hi ..I, ..ill .in 1 il.- I' I't.a. I
..H'.tl, Ale Mil, l ill t ,. 111 ' tijo II. M":it.:'i;'
a'.i.l. I I'. VV h:' . I' .( Is ...t.-, 1 n
' I . I I; II". I f
' It . 1,1 n i-'., 1
Adniinisl rut or'.-. Notice.
M.I 1' 1.
111.1.1 I , I.I I ' It'll till
1' I ii 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 I cm. : I 1
. I o . !.. .'I. i
ei 1 1 i mi 1 , . .,. , : .
..'P. n .im I ,'.l'., I l.r (..II
. 1 ,1 i'i. ni.j r i" :.. .
ul 1 in. , : 1 ii.iiui.'K I,,
I l ,'.' ,1
In i irt i. . I . .1
P.HliC'.,. . - ''lilt '
,lm ul A '. 1 t 1
In.: ! -. ii'- I 1 l VV I
W ii- 1 I , I, I . I!
In allil.Ul 1 at 11 1; . ... a 1-...1 .:' . 1., 1 im,. , I
In. le a " 1 'l,i I. . ' .i; . I 1 ',' 11 - 'in I: ,i-!i .1 1, ai 1.
1..1I1, , 1 lln In - In .1 I It irw.nlli I 1I1
(lit I . ' -1 I I u , I , . k . I.i,.'l, I VI. All I, .ill.)
II mi ntilill I Hi. ll.'ltli.a t , iii. i , ( II,.
.Ii.nall.'tl Inml. ' .1." ' I " I l' ll I., ill,; . l il,,.
Nil. II ill -.. 1. "II .1 I en II til 1 1, .1 - i 1. V . la 11 ..
ca.t I i liutii". aid li-'iii -a J - il.t N L ...itef
Hi.' ii,, in n ul n, , 1 .11 ..I. I .. I,,,,
J...'le. 111. II. 1 r " I . cl.-. I" 11 ) ..I iiiHlk'-.l
, tint. 1 11 1.1. Ii n li'n k nalr. II M Ih-k In
ltrtiiii'li't Ih i S . ; .1,- -i 1 . ' j 1 lit-, inai i. '. I
A VV A II 1 . n : 1 i' lull 1 i' .l.-ari. K. I.,, in. v
I'I'lllH.II. 1. ,1 ... 111:11.,' I V 'A, i. 'I VV
U'UII la: . "I .'All I'll Nil. II. In, HI it h.i Ii ,i l,),n a
(ink. 1J liu In III 'llaini't. I Uiifh N o .l.-i'ii. .
u hh.-, ma I.. I U a ,'1 I t ,u , 1,' 0, .
Kt... h II. i in', N :i t-l l"Hili.l,i:i i,: .ni l
clan i Nil. II, I 1 1 I :,li ' t i a t.. mi tlht l.nnk ul
l.'.IH I'I. k, ill II'., .1 A . I, "I . V III. n ., i, ',n k
I'.ik 1 1 1 1 111 'I I ii in - I . I N - ' . I . , i ,'i .
K ..I :111k- lin.iki' l A w AMI. II ,.'l i ' Hi.
I.ii'ull'lct ; l lie .'ii I uhl rank i-f . . . . i. t.,
tan nl I'.'cliinliii. . i on a.nllli; I . ,i i ,, U-n
I'lTl. ll.l . nl VV I " :l-"ii i ::,,',, ii ii
III MC. .1 I .1) H i .. VV. )iitinln t.iiuiiti , tt,. ,.
!ri',."lt I rliu nl aal.l ulc l.l if . a. I. in linn. I.
'"I :.t U i-.'li.ii,:, i'i- J 1 1 v . i-'i-
II v I I II. II vv ii
Aim in 1. i M: ii ..' ! i.i c t'i'..- nl v . Hi;,, i,
ill led .111
Administrator's Sale.
Null- i I-In e I-' -itcit II. c i n. I i ,,i,,l
th.: .iiniilvi.iti,i ..I ti:. ..lull- i,i -unih M
N i iitti. ii , 0. . i n.. 0, in j . a , Mimn . .1 i, 1 1 , . i . . i
'I tin C.'tiii'y Ci'inl r,l tliiiiKlii I i.inil tali uf
t'ri iiuii, .In!'.' iiiii'lc nti.) .iii. ii .l .,(, ni,. ,.(, ,.,,
I July, ttillttii.t llm ,iii.lBt nl Ai.aniii.
I"'.-, . li ll..' .n nii, a ,,l Hi.- Mil l i. in i,, Hi
wll at ,rlwil.- -ii'.' Im ni-li hi linii.l ,.' ,!,,.t .'
Iii-ili-i i:l 'I I'jil .i...iit. I. Ini-.n- I,, i ii. I
OIhIi', lint ;l
I h. ' lul l I , i ."i:ll,v, i , i 1. 1
V III. II .' Hill .'I II I 1 1 - ' 1 1 1 1 1 ', , ,.. I
anil II..' in. tin luili . I ii,,ii,,.,i ',,,o,i, i l
a.liill I.. Ill ..'t 1,1, 1 1. ?., Hintli 1. 1, .
n. -t, i illinium.' t'.i ii.ii, nil in i,,n, :ni
t 'mult Man' nl i'ick .11
iiii..iu l: ci.ii i . , l'i'.ii:'.,ia i i,i i, if ii. ,,
I '. I'.m . I III- 'III ilny i I Jnly Ire.,
M ii.a'i vv r a no n
A. Iiiilaiiiiiei ul I li.- i -'at. , el '-.iinli M vv i.i, ,
o , nee i.-c.. ., , ll(
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
tn 1 lit i in:! ll t ..I ; oi j in . yi j ,,
A Dlcll'itl. I.T llomliia Cunt,
J. I'mnk W nl- ni, I'liiiiiti'l
1 lio Niioii'liii Mininu ,m . ti . ii Hint,-
. i inn m i ii . n , jiinu a n.ii'liiiiiaa Sim.,
i iiini'iiii; , ii 'i It ii lu iufiiitiiliuii, VI
I'aikcr, I'liiili l M. 'lm. v ami . Im. I
M'.ia.i. tiu-lcch, I e(. iiiaiiia.
Null, n la hi r. In l iven Unit in, .I. , ,,,,.1 I..
Vlltlltiolu lililuint.-lit an.l il, .',,',, .......
i.l luben r a tniiti i ml nicim mnl nni-lnuin a
liill". anil an nnlirnf nli. nlilm iirmivi iv ol
llic ali.ive iiiiiiii il il.'t. inlcni, - ,,. Nnnmiav
Mlnlna I oininiiiv. vt l. h iniliinnni ,1... i ....i
noli i oi aiilo ttimliily r. ami i lit. ro.l In
urn iiin.t e i mini .1 i i in rt all. I iti llic bill
iliiy "I June. lit'.-. ii.Mii.lL'iiiu mnl .I........ :,,,. n,.. ,
tie riuliiUII. J. Kiniik VVl.,m. Iit,. ,.
i on r Ihjiii a hi I oil ol .Ilia liifi'inliitu, ht. .SiM,n
ilay Mining I uiiiuiiy, Hie an in i,H',.ii.' t,a ,,4,
area ullli inleii'at lioni M.iv 17, Ihia, at
thu nitu nl erglil ui tent per iillliiiin, iimlfiiii
HlUiiiieya I'H, mnl ilLliniMiniiiia i,,.,,i ,,i
Jll.l.u.'i, mnl llial llic il.'lin.liiin, J,,hn A linel,
lina aM)ii('iiiiiiuny hate iiiel ici mi-r Irmn an. I
oil ol the Unl.'li lilllt (lift Mini n ,it wl,, j,,.
ol ilulil per lent por aiiiiiim. ami .,', mnl Ulu
ImiMinitiiia lai.'il nl i,al, mnl knl.l Uui rc' ami iliiw led Ihu tula ul llm prnntTly nl
iild Uilemlatit, The Noondiiv M Inn,,- lorn.
patiT, thui'Din mid lifrvliiHllvr ileal i llml Im
anlrl toiialialy aald lUilKinium nml undei ami
by v htniu ol mid Indainunl iI..i i,..i .,n,i ..i
inn-ai ui.iiuoii 1 1 mil i.e. ciimcr 2, a';i thu nitii
alu.Hml an exix nllmi dul y Inniiud lliriuon mil
f,l Hie alxivn entitled court and in ihu abov e
ent iled catue en thol'illi duv nl June, lutn, I
mi l an U. 1... ,1... 11,1. .1 ' . . . t
, ', . r ''" . ..nil nay in nu iiiit, iiuh, nl
the Court llounu ilom In l(,ia,.i.n,u ti .i-..
Cnuulv, OrtiKOM al iho linur olono n'eliiek in
i ic Biiornoou oi aani any, oiler I.u aalu ai pub.
Iu auction, and aoll to llm hli hual mid beat
ohlilcr lor cah llic iirmiMriv ,l.,'..,'i. .. 1....-1.1
dcurep and order to bo Hold, nml deaJrlimd
Hindi! aim in aitiu exi(iiiiiii aa lollovva, tutvll
Onu fiiinrl mill. I ti, 1 11,11 n n, 1 . . . 1 1 . ....
; losing tho i,aiuu, and all machinery, i,,l? ami
uipliiiiianta bidonuluic thurolo and cuniiaetaii
thoruvvlth and t ie land in, nn tt lii, h 11,., ....... ,
lluatcd, doacrlbod na lollowa: llulna .Hunted
ariouiiiiruofuarleifiamiloiiorlli.iit el u,e
Annlo MliiliiK claim Iu the lluhuiiiliiMiiilim in,.
Iilut in li.iunlaa l ouiity. Or. koii, abnut lurlv
inllea 1 li t aoulbeuat ,f f),,iiu.,.. i 1
Cnuulv, but In lioiiKlaa (,'oiinly, li,ei..i, com
.... ...a ... ,.,iiiu nonce III a MllkO about a 111 11 n,.,u.i ..1 . .
Annl.iulKlni ami running Iu a luuihcily dlirc
'"I" t'-H,"!"1 H'reuiUlui'iiUis led: Ibum'o enal
erly 4,'leol lliaiifle anuihurly l,a.iH ul.t. th,,,,,.,,
VTcatiirly ,hH Icet, mid thuliio ii.m I hoii.t.trl y
juJ a leut lo llm plin ool bcKllililiu;, eiinliilnlnn
llv u aci' the niiuil. iiiiiu, ,,1 I.,.. .
aljiKUlui IhoappuileliBiicuH llii'i. uii'l.ibi lniiiiliiH
. ... ,..,t, .,,(.., ,,,K ,,, ,,1 aiini iiiuiri,: m,
to auid Ann Iu tliua, now ll,c NoonibiV rmii,.,,v
li'.'i'!:.","'1."'01"'"' ")"'" -"''I traulvva;
, .1 V , """" lui'iuol uh limy Im in oca-
Miry .. HiillMy tbo dcinamU ,.1 .I..lintil. .1
ArUi',k,.i i!'. ''"i"1"1'1 ""'''"'""'linn, mid .b.lin
'H n .luu a vi ill 1 1. IIU ;, .
I'uie.i tnia.'lhl. finy ,,f j,n,0 ,
11 I Alii I.
tie lill nl iJoiiiilaa Co., Ol,