The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 11, 1898, Image 4

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, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ifyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the samo that
has borne and docs now bear yr v on every
the fac-simile signature of CyfAcXiti wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought yrrf ye- on the
and has the signature of OuM&ffiA&Ut. wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Comjxiny, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Do Not Be Deceived.
l)o not endanger the life of your chiM 1y .-uvcplinj.
a cheap substitute which some tlrujririst mav oiler von
( because lie makes a few more pennies on it), the irt
Mtlicnts of which even he docs not know.
"Tho Kind You Have Always Bought. "
Insist on Having
Tho Kind That Never Failed
tmc ctwuuii toannr, tt avnnAT tucct. "tew ? citt.
Mrs. ft JOSEPHSOfl
Dry Goods
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Looking (Mass.
Tlt tit. ii in Fourth it iliintf i. (tie
Clu'"ia Ijoliu lino iu tbia Mcitoo.
MiM t 'oia Kea of Happy Vallay was
llio fiiest ol Mr. Youott and family Sun
day. A. L. Muslior ol Winston t lining
buiiucra in our vullev today.
Prof. Wright litiUlied a vry sue taf ul
term of vliool hero last Hii
many frien.U hera ate shd 0 say ho
bus proven t.l'C jienileuiau tuil i
most Oct'tmhle ioaiructor.
Mint Mvitlf Sptunh and her urotbsr
were thoi(ing uJ calling on fiiuJtia
lxvMet ii'g ono Uy last !.
soveial ot the Looking people
att 'tided I ho dedication sorvlcra al Hit
la-d Sunday,
Mr. lienor of Koaohtirg as liking
alter bustnets mailer hero lust week.
K. A. hollows and family Mi for
Trinity county, 'California, by private
conveyance Monday, where bv eipecti
to remain penmueolly.
Miss llattio Jniiih of i.ieau'a .tali?n
was the siiest of Mira K -a iVaning Sun
We arc (joiug to have a tew black
smi'di. Tho ahop iu l.yokiug Cil isi baa
(ecu i.uaul since the leaving of our
lorujet hlackjiuitb Chaa. lots. Mr
:eiHll ol Calls, will take bit plae'e iu
the ncir tiiluic
."lists litrirudu liueil, whohaa I ecu
etaviug at the hospital io Itoebtir
returned home to spend the summer
Sho has recently purchased her a near
Kcu Oroiil mid lookiug lilue his
regular visit Suuday.
It would ho great blunder if Spaiu al.
Iowa uuy baiui locouie to llobeou and
ami his men. The shock which fol
lowed the diaooUr cf the Maine iu Ila
vjna harbor wou!u be uothiug to the
tierce and just indignation tucb a bar
horouaacl would cause.
froine of our people alleuded the
Uloiions Fourth of July cvUbratiou at
Kjaebur Moud.iy.
thaa. paugh wrua seeu uiakiog his
way toward ureeu'e stitlon Sundav.
What 'a op Charier?
Ail Awertcau citixna ulirv iu the
i gaila-.t beariog of our army and navy.
Our hearts B-o out to the brave boys who
I ai d unbuilt; witii true heroism for the
I uuiyiuj: cause of hutnan ft dedouj.
I he have added new pages to tbe
, dei'lileso atory of American va'or on
i laud and eea.
A Ml1 SOS.
A New thkf Justice.
i k
Jufcticc C K. Wolveilon, in re'.ilar
turn, became chief justice of the sup
i reme court, vice F. A. Moore. The lat
tcr, who retired and was elected io June,
j is now, with Justice (Jean, aasociate jus
tice. Justicea Moore and Heati have
boih served as chief justice. Juslite
Wolverlon is eerviug bis first term, and
this is h:s first exicrienca aa chief Jue
lice. Toe court rendered no decisiona
i today and held no formal eeeeioo. la
njnci olins position as bead of (he
court, a large boiuet was p'acet.1 on Chief
Justice Wolveton's desk. .Smaller bo-
MQets i'ltcriJ the desk a of bin associates
a'a one occasion two gentlemen, in vi
ed as guest at a table where M'. "-lad-etouo
was exp.ctod, uiide a wager that
they would elart a conversation on a
eubject about which even Mr. oladetone
would know nothing. To accomplia'i
ibij eud (hey read up an ancient maga
zine articlu on unfamiliar subjects cou
i ucclcd with Chinese manufactures.
When (he faoraIde opportunity came
tho topic as started, aud the two con
piators watched with amusement tho
growing interest iu the subject which Mr
ladstonc'a face betrayed. Finally he
joined in the the con variation, aud their
nmutcujcni was turned into guahiu.' of
tec'b-to epcal Cguralivcly when Mr.
iiU'letona caiJ, ' Ali, geutleiueu, I pre-
I ceive you have becu reading an article I
J wrot in tbe uiAsziue tuiuv thirty
i or forty years ago."
Point to the PLANO LEVER BINDER, with lly wheel,
as the 44 Kiug Uec" of the liarvest field. The only persons
that don't think so are the ones trying to sell inferior
maciiiucs. UU ! how they rant at the easy running Plauo.
Health is Wealth !
THEN USE 600 tons oi Cluuibia river sal
tuou ana being pi act d on cold storage In
tbi city (or the tuarkwta of Northern
Lurope. The tlali are brought up in
boxes by rail from Aatoria, and i towed
away iu the cooling-room ol tha North
west Cold Milage Company. They ate
not domed or cut iu any way, aa they
keep better In their natural atato.
Wuoiever cut, the aaluioit will ahow
algua of rusiiug, eveu when kept fior.en
barl as a brick. Mitptneiila of cold slor
age salmon will begin iu September to
Hamburg. Ciermau oplcuroa will pay
2d cents pound for the salmon when tt
bat reached tbe retail market i theis.
Shasta Limited
Is the name of tbe only perfect train
in tbe world, now running every night
between t. Caul Mid Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. rani Kailway
the pioneer road of the wettt iu adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoy men t of paaseiiitets. An illua
t rated mphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along the route of the I'io
noer Limited, will be sfnt free to auy
person upon receipt of two-tent postage
tamp. Addrota Oeo. II. Heallbrd, Cieu
ral rasseuger Ageut, Chicago, 111.
Weekly Incursion l Ihc liat.
A tourist aleepiiig tar wilt leayv Tort
laud emy Tuesday at'.1 p. iu. via the O.
1. t N. without change to Itorton, aud
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Bullalo or
lVjatou. The ideal trip to the eaet i
now before you. lieiueuiter this service
wbeu going Fnot, aud cousult o. K. A N.
ageuts, or address.
W. II. Ih ki. in HI,
Oeueral l'aisenger Agent,
L't. Forlland, Or.
A Bargain.
splendid dwelling property consisting
of three lots, well tiuished house aud
outbuildings, ollered at a genuine bar
gain by the Koseburg )'uildiug A Loan
Asiocfation. Iniuire of
HkUMAN Mi;ks, Secretary.
EtcrvlMKly 6a; Ko
Cascarets CanJv I'atliurtic, the most won
derful medical discovert of ttic jcc, pleaa
ant acd refrvsluni; to tho lasie, act gently
and positively ou kUluexs, liver und bowels,
cleansin-r the entiro system, disel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. I'leaso buy und try a box
efC.CC. to-day; 10, .-. MKeotx. bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Administrator'.' Notice.
uul(niiciKl aliniul-lrrilun ( (he
rl.lf ( . X WiImiII, (let CM.'I, il
b Mrlnc ol Uithi- ot tin- l''Unlr fmitl n
lKiuglaxi uuulv, Orek'on, vu aud aiur IU- liitli
day ol Augu-t !', m-ll h! pri alculc llic lull -iut-
dcM'ri ImiI h a! lTopt rty l louai"g Io i ti
estate ol V. I.. ilx'Q, det ravl, to-itl
Kiglniiiuvat a ntiitc oak -'il3', lv t loiu-. I
iurlica ih iurv, marked A , (roui lucli a blut k
ik. 30 luelie In diuiueti-r, Ixum aoulli .:i Ui
Krees ent llo link-, marked A XV U T. a D1
Iroiuwbiih Ht tbe uonluaot cracr ol the
dojjt,.Q laudrlHliiiol w. L. ll-4u, t-vingilntm
No. 41 ill Cirliou 31 Townaliip 30 s R t, U . U-,ir
ea-l ts tUaiim. and Innii naid iild N K i oru r
tlio eornera o( (ki t-). Ji'., 1T7, XI aud J) hear N
XTicbu. ibtnee f. W l-i ch. Io a pout marked
A V , from hloh a block oak, It iiiibtn iu
diameter tu ara N 71 deiii-cefi V links. niaikiMl
A V ,v B T. varialiou l'J', degree K. lh'in.--
101 1 Uaius to a xt marked A , on x
botin'larv ol uiil l LC No. II. from hieh a black
OMk, li iiic bin in dliinieler l-eam N "O lea ree K
S) link", raarki-d A Vt ,v If I vanutiou li)1, dr.
Bfet E: llieiire N on wet Ijoundarv ol laid
claim No. 41, l.'i cbuloa to a postou riubl bank ol
CoT Creek, uiurkcd A W, rum nblen u blaek
nk 8 ineM' t In Uiuindcr. i-ean .i,. iircroe
E 60 links marked A x it II T: tbi n c alouu- I lie
meander line n riu'ht bank ol ni Crerk to
placv ol beKluuibi:. von'aiuiuc I acn Iiciuu
Kill Hi II l i oi " . i . unon, oa ing cimn Ml, u
ii eec. "I T .i) 8 R i W. Uuuglii- County, -lute ul
Ori k'ull. I erin ol uid rule to be eanb in Innii.
Paled at Ro-cbuig, t're. JuIt .
11 A I I Ih II Wil--".N.
Aduiiuiitriiluis ol llii- etatc ol . I.. i!vn,
Utxea-cO. j 1 1 1 1
liS'vS ., N.N N N N.N N N . N ., N , N N . N N N N N N N NN NN N N N N N,,,
tOk m -M-- mmmrn ii n ! i. awa sS'
Squirrel n Gopher Poison
I nit 1 1I K
Srecdy and 1' De
I w
IK ..ruvtinn;; fjmi ,
Squirrel find
(ophei1 poijJnn
i lu'imud Win all
I Iiii U -I unit In-iii'i l i'iii.
ll )i I itlM'.iM'K 0 lin tin'
, H Ml' Hull nl I Im - in
i-tinr l athl trttii tl h'-i
. j..,
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
,Tj w i i-J v , w r . vj jf i t1
"f S . . . YVA. V.S, , N N N N N VStTi
- VIA --
Soulliorn Pucilic, Co.
Rl)lra llama rn I'MtUnil .Inlly.
houth I Norlh
. .iOr. m.
i t) a. a.
:. u.
I v.
IVilland Ar. j
KtMictmtg - l.v.
Hnn Ktam-iM-o l.v.
I M A. H
IJ. ... i:
S ll I'. M .
sm and FiifGiiii id provisions
Al Ml A I I I I. I INK lK
Abovo trains atop at nil prim Ipxl -t.ili.nn
t iei n r..nlmid 0il aleiii, Turner, Marlon,
Jcflerenu, Albaur. langcut, HIhhIiIk, lla'iM'y,
Hartiiburir, Juurllou lily, Kugi u.. . uIIhlU'
('line. 1'in.ii. oi.klaud. mid all alainiuii Iroui
Rneburg to Aalilauil lueliwlve.
l. I', ISA I HI At .
i nn; in. 1. 1 vi. k.
"m- I'.M.r I
mlti nl I' n
(lit I I. ON.
Iloaeburg ?lall-lnll ,
)?. I, v. . rorlland Ar.
IjJO J Ar. UiwImiik l.v. !
( YUH m 4M.Ii:X Hilt I I,
I i r.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
AN U -
t:COXl.fl.AKI MI I I'IMi ( Mill
AUacbed to all TIiroUKb Traiua.
West Side Division.
llelMrecu I'orilwnd aud t ornlli
alall train daily vviii 't .SuiiiIkvi.
II." I hAI K A
IU V I t I. I.S
l i;l. I .Ml
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
C.tss Stuct Mat Ufts.
k si-:i.i'kc
7 .1) A. M.
U 15 r. m.
I i.r nllln
. .Mi r. a
I ci . r. m
At Albanr and r..rvnllti iiiiiint't toitli ti.iln.
of Hregoii 1'eulrul .k Kant, rn r4ilunt'1.
Kipreaa tralu daily (exci't't HiiihIuy'.
n.'e. a. l.T" - i',ri ImikI . Ar in ..a .
7:311 r. M. Ar. MrMiuviliu l.v. I s '.i
M IV M 'lr I 1 1 1 1- li-li'Ui - I i 'i,..i .
IN N' 111
General Blacksmithinii'
llirtTt I'liUIH-. ll'iU at ran Ifiim l'-o uitli t li
il'li liliii ami I'l u lital iili'l I'.vnlir Mull Mi'tm.
lii. lluei lor JAI'A.N AM" CHINA. Mulin;;
dali till aiii'ln ai Un
RuU' nii'l Iu keH In I -l-iu tH,inli i."l 1 u-MIH-.
Ali JAI'AN. CHINA, IHINUl I'l l' Mil l
ArlttAI,IA. inn K' uliuiiial Innii i.C'i.
EtKd, Ticket Ae.'iil, Ko-cbiiiK-
UauaKer. li. K. ,k I nv.. Ann I
mm p m.f mm m w:
Ki l AII.INi. I'l" Al I. KlNi rUllAll lli I'H.M-
k Mm), mi I unu r VVtiHliliiKtou nii.l liiiix- !., It Ii ui K-
Administrator's Sale.
Noll. in birrbv elvcu that t li.j u ii'J iiiuikiI
tbe adimulKtrutor ul Ibu tutale vi -arnh M
W cutbrrly, d' . a d, III t.ariualic' l an urih i
I the L'nuuiv C ourt ol lKiuulm Couulv. nau ol
up koii, u u I uia ie hum run re-i u llic jUi n.iy
i July, iv.'N miiaiKT me .uuuay ol augmi.
l&O.uii the lin liiiwa of tin: i-aid n al M.u rt .
ell lit irixat' rale furtaih In bund lb.' lull..
loi: Uc tiIk iI ri al ir.M:rl InjIoiikhk' t. muO
citat., lowil :
Ibciutitli hall nl the .until mil .iiniiivr nl
tcctlon -i in Iuh ubip .ulll ol rniiEe 7 "e-i.
and the uoith lu.ll i,f nofllnn-l .inari.'r ol
teliou 0. iu In" n.liip 2.1, koii I li in run ;c ;
txi-t, e'.iitaiuin' l'O atM, all in li'iu;lai
iiiuty, Mian: oti'rig'iu.
liaUua1 ReburL-. IImul-Lh lounir -liiti ol
UP'suii, lhi dh .Icy ..(July !".
II lllAa KATIir ai.Y.
A'lnilttralor of the -(alo; ol narah M. Xteallin
ly . dcccaied. J,l.'i
Pure Fresh Drugs
SOLD iiv
Pilled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations.
Tbe picture of the ilodiu statue of
I'.aUac that is uiakinj; such a teniest
in 1'aiis recalls the story of the widow
who culled upon an artist and asked him
to paint a portrait of her husband
"When can he sit?" inquired the artist.
"lie tau't Bit at all," said the widow;
ne a ueaa. "inea you'll nave lo lur
niah nio Hh hia photoitrapb," said the
artibf "lie never had hia picture
taken," uaid the widow. Nevertheless
the artist undertook the job, aud w hen
ho had Hoisted Lit work Le asked the
widow to come aud ceo it. "Ii'a a fine
picuro," sai the, "and please
B3nd it to my home; but how the old
tuau has changed '."
bargains! Uargalnsll Uargaipatlt
In iiiauoa. organs and musical goods,
llicycles new and second hand at the
loacht prices possible. I have also Kot
about thirty thouuaud feet of lumber
wbi.;u I have taken iu trade (or goods,
and will noil cheap, as I aui not iu the
)uinlrr business.
T. K. lticiiAUJso.v,
Koseburg, Or.
To the Public.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
r- Til E I'l ltd 'IT ' ' d'RT OFTUE VfA'l 1.' CI
A Orcg.jn, lur 1)oiIm L'uijnty,
J. Frank W at-n, I'laintlrr
The Koondny Mining Compiiny, a r i n i
. Ciriioraiiun, John A. Ilocbiinjf Hum
umij.nv, ii .riak) eorHratiun, Al
I'arker, iraiiiei j;. iraey uuu t uui. i .
Muni, trumeea. licfuulaulf
iiLuia ia hcrchv i;iveu that uudei und hi'
virtue ola pidKmeiit and decree uf forLtliniirc
Iiki xki iimi; sctiioi t.t:s
Kor limn i'oi t ; Hii-1
Ka-l Mail -iHLuke. Ihiimi.II
XX in Hi. i .iii.itiii. Knii
! IH. Mil fill. P I Mill-,
hleiisi. .tii-1 l .i-t.
likaii'- vx alia vx iill.i. K..,kiin. .
i ly r xi (n, jh.Ii -,i i mil
.' . in. Il'ilu Hi, M iIm in 1.)
. In. ii.i ,.ud I .. I.
v . in. (Kran MtaiiiHlil-
Ul aiini ' 'In'' - "''
" I lo ' liun .
K"l -""UU 1 1 ,1 Ik i - 'l
-ml lull- .-, '. I ., I .
, )i in . I - I A 1. 1 Ia
ran .lull i.
A I! MX i:
I "Ml
Rockers, Pictures,
Picture Frames, & Rugs,
Ctirtains, Carpets.
j. in,
I X .,-llllihll
II Ull-lil )
hi I'. ui.
l. a. in,
" a. nt
I HC-. i Ii H I
llll'l -nl
'- a.m.
and Mil.
1 I i a in.
at"U xx id.
aii'l I'ri'hiy
Coin in I'm Rim
T" A tuna an l XX .r.
XX illuiuctte Ui rr.
iiicluu l i'y, Sen l iu.
.-ah in .V XX ny t uii'l .
lilani. II, unit i mu
lull Kivcr
1 1. -on 11 , I'.n l"li
HU'I XXa I uu-iillK-
Willaiuctlc Kmr.
I'i'i IIhii'I lo i "v nliii
llll'l XX I')' i..lll'llll(ii
nuke kivt-r.
Kil'iiriu tu I... it i-iiiii.
Mm m; tl' Mill ! ' i
Hi: i ' I a-
I 1. ID
I . II I', til
I -illl-lili
0 I- III.
M Wed
'I I II.
I ::u i
I in--. I Inn.
mid .al.
I. I.UtVi-l"ll
i t ii in
.-'in., '1 in
Illl-l I lllll".
Uu aud a(t;r this date, I w ish it uuder.
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cawh with the order. I find it
Impossible to do busiuesa on a credit
basiH, and belive that I can do belter by
my patrons and myself by selling- strictly
(or cash. V, IIkkkdickt, Undertaker.
Kow'btirg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
Bicycle Tlrea.
Tlio Chase, tough, tried and puncture
proo. fVorealeby
T. K. Ku.iitiii'i.v,
of: lab.ii.-ra inatcrial-iui'iia and im-ehuuic
li-iiia, aud an oruer or jialu ol lun pniperty ol
tbe above nnund ih l- ndi'iit, Tim Nonuilay
Mining Coinpaoy. xvhleh juilKnienl, deer uu.'l
oruc-r oi aaie xvaa uuiy reuuereu auu eiueren in
tbe above entitled Court aud t-miiu uu lhe8lh
day uf June, 18'is, a'lJii'lgiiiK nud lucrc iiJt; timt
Uu-. I'lAinim, i. jraiin xvuiwiu. uavr auu re
euxer from and oil ol ;tha llefendiiut, Tbu Noon
darMiiiiuK ouitu.nv, the ium of !-"-' IX .him
ak'ca will, iuteicat Uiuuw f.olil May 17, hv.'H, h(
the rate i( eight .x-r cent r annum, ami III")
aiunney a icea, auu uiiiniir.riiicui lu.xcu at
IHi.'jj, iiu.l lliai the dufeiiduiit, John A. U. l
liii( a i-ooh C'oiupauy have aud r.'i'ver fnnii and
oft of the JJeh maul tho nuni of l'Ji?.C5 with Iu
K re-l tberenii froui hecemlier 21, !- al the rale
ol tight per cent per aiiuuiu, auu (o-ta a ad dla
burwuK Ula taxed at IjI.jO. aud luld decne
nt'le.'e.J and dire, led the tule ol the ir.iierly n
aaid Kltudaut, Tbe Noonday Mlnloit Com
paDT, Ibc-r.-iu .ud hereiuafler deatrlhedhe
aoi.l to aatialy aald judiiuii.uij and under aud
by x irture ul laid Judgment deuieu ami 0,'Jur of
mile, aud uu ce. utlou dulylaaued thereun uut
or tin-auox.- riiuii.'.i loiirl anu Iu luu al;ov..'
enlilLuiJ iiisc "U tbe I ith .lay ol June, imi, I
ill ou aaturdav.lhu IJlh day of Aueuat, intf. al
tb.' Court lluuu; dixi. In Uunebura, lioiuliu
couuiy, eiri-'in. aiiuuiiour oi iim. 'i.i'KMin
in. alieru.iun ol aal. I day, oiler lot Kalu at nub
ile auction, und .m-' 1 1 to tho biheat uud hot
bblilei' lui mill llm nruneilv illrceu a bvaul.l
d. crix uiu) urdiir Li he nold, uud dencrihed
therciii aud iu I'l u.eeulhiu an lollowi, towlt:
Unc, urt H.1II-. liiLludiui: tbu build In a uu-
t'loMug (he aaiiiu, aud all iiimi biuery. loi,U and
Implements ti. loui.-iuK thurulo aii'l l onuccl.d
luerewiiu aim tue laol uuuu Willi li tneaautu !
Iluale.1, deaenbed us followc lleiuir tlluutod
about ihree 'iuarU'inof a mile uurlheaat of the
Auiiia Mining i lalm iu the liobemluMiuiiig 1)I
b let iu I'ouglaa Cnuaty, Ongou, about furty
iull.ailUu auu f In aitt of Cottage lrove 111 IjiUc
Couulf, but iu C'jijuty, On-gun, i;oin
lueij.iiiig at the location Uotiee at a t. kii a!, ;ut
thr. u iiUarliinnf a lull..' n.irlheat ol t lie nald
auiiii- eianu ami ruunu.g I'l
uuu i'ij iiuii niri'U lixieelill.
i. feul: thuiiee
wetterly feel, and lhcui;o lioitheunrly
erly l".Wlfei:t;thanu: aiuihcrly i,fi
n a norlln-rly d rue.
meei; thenee tad-
e;iiKjl,i tlti! ajiiiurU:oau. then uuto la longing.
Alko tlie l-tuivv L.a ljiiK Iroin aald iiart mill
lo aal'J 4unio M,ne, j,,,, ,bu .Voouduy (;iui.aiiy
Win.-, amlihejuud niii'ji xvhfvh uald (riiunvay
ia Aituated, or to iiiu.1.11 th.TcOf an in.y be in ce
ary to talkfy the iku,au if m,id jjulnlirl', -I.
I rank Wutaun, and of thiidureiiiiaul, auld John
A. KoehllUK Hoik Cnuijiuiiy.
uuu'i iiii.-iki. uay oi June 'M.
H.I. AliKI'.
hli'-lill uf IliilllihiK L'., Cl.
II. Ill UI.IIl It 1 ,
(jtiuril I'i-.i.-,. iigi i Agi nl.
. U. Mc Pi. t o.,
I'urll.iiicl, Oregon,
Real Estate Bought and Sold
'.- awwao.'.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
tSluck Ranges, Timber Lamls ami Mining I'lopci lies,
rrunc ami Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
iu quautilics to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
aM-Saa v
i i ) aa a .
-lhxia Up.--.-
VVearo alwayu iu tho Lead, anil u.i an to
Tli tiolilen Ifitrvcat ia upou uu, fun
eiH arc nulling liecauau Vnuiivai.l
Iooa to their iutci cut-
Full Triiutiied
Thono mo all Dinl W'Hiraiili il.
At Ituduced Trices,
Conault ybur puree and l' auru and aer
wooily'trij ln.,i;o buying.
. ii. W001IWAIEII
To lUv SJiiloi'liiiiale,
Dr. Gibbon
'I Ills Hid ri llillill. nil I
I he t'Uiht mir.'.-.'.liil
rii.i t liili-.t in Hun I' inn
1 1M O. Mill (I'llUliUlu I
i-ii ru nil bcaiial nud
Aemlniil l)UrAc Miit.h
ii.i. - .
igYivli hh lliinnurrliu-a, lllccl
Jj, X.iilMlfiriciure, jtypii ma in
ir-xajfHAif Jidl iih lorum, blkin 1)1--V.lT)..titJaa.-a,
Ncrvuua UrbiN
N al Wcakneaa aud l.ota
i . t.Mtum...iol nanliouil, tbu ciiiiw
iiiioiii nl aII li in,u nud exeeaai'a producing Uui
lolliinli'K kyinpiiinii: halluw riniiiti iiauci-, dark
f-l'f'a uii'h r thn ryi-, l ain in n In ad, ilnglng
In lli- riii'., lui.-, ill i -i, in,-ii in r. dillideni e Iu up
pr.i.u - Ia I ti tc ' Iiiiiii-i-is, ii I i'l tu II mi ul tliu In-all,
H'l-akii.-sa ul tin1 Inn li aii'l bin k , l..s id liii-iiu.iy
,'lii!.i mi Hi" l,n r, i-iiurlm, .-ill Hill). hi, II, ill'.
Ml. flllllltiN i.i.h iiii.i'I.h.I In Kmi Kimielai'ii
nvi-r llnrly i nr and On. -. liunbii") Imiild not
lull In rniiMili li i in uii'l l.'i i in' tin' lu lu III (il
lila lireal ak III and i-.pi-i. in:i-. I lui dm tor i-urea
ivluu oiheis lail. Tiyhlui, fiinn tiiiaiiiuti-i'p.
Ivr.'.nnii eiired ill hull. '. I liui,;, i, u ir-uiiiihle.
I 'llll Ol Willi'.
UU. I I-. i, lllll. IM, k. m.iy .-I. I utu
f H'.vrn. m. ir.ivi .
h a
I and It, the rciiiltof ciilj anil
I tuilili'ii tllin.ilic t:li,inii'.
ii tun but nr.-, l.j n pii-awmt
ii ini ily x"lin li In applied "I
rrrlly Inio tins imHi.lx. Hii.
Iiil-'iiiIi kly uiiamUdil kuiK
" ilvt ntciitr,
Ely's Cream Balm
Ih ttcliiidwlcilj'tii t(i l-o tho naml (linroiit'li cuto for
N'juM'alarrti, C'.M In ili .ni (iikI II iy J'Yvi r all
rvtuvAii rt. Jl, (ipciin tiinl i li iiiit-iM Oh: n until iiUfitfi at,
iiilayff in I it dim! ihJl.-.hiui;!hn, Uvhh Uh Ktirru, iin
''t lit, in i 'iim from I'iiMk it -lull l lit) m nn. J
'jf lwt'fl ftfHl It llll'l t, iTH'Mir, ui I l M!' I' li- thi Ii lllltll,
JKO'i UJ'iCi, CO Wuiitubtu--l4Nw Vuike
Hun pint ruu'tved a urw ami alt ui aluik
-- ruNiijHTimi ok- -
liHdi.iN' Die. ..I (iondii, KihbutiH, TiiiiiiiiiuKH,
IiUi'h, He., Klc.
iioors mioi:n
(If tlio L.,Al nimllly and lintnn,
W'ooili Wlllew ami lilusii Wure,
Crockery, Cordago, Etc,
A) i limn. In I u liro uii;intlli"H iiml trlcua to
lull Ihe time. AUu u lui ;t; thick of
Custom-Matlo Clothing
l')r Choice
Cull al Stanloii'!; for "I,. M"