The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 11, 1898, Image 2

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I'iiIiIIkIiiiIcw i) Mnielay ami IlitirvU)
It v Hi I'MINIH.Al hi! 1THI.MIIMI I"
:. V. IlKNJAMIN,. ...
... .Kililor.
Miita-rlpltii .
rllt Mintlt.s
three M'iiilli
. . I -0
.11' LY U. 18HS.
Commodore Walnon's tui a will cmie
Ilic explosion at SaiitMijo s (.on
tlie ouMids of (be harbor.
l'lm Ueptlblic.itm will carry iilui"t-l
fvpry Northern Mte Hit veil-.
Hawaii c Ail now luriiinh l,cr kit.i of
v 1'ititecrs lor tb ar w illi jiu.
If Spain lms any mote Ikcte. wliivli
slio don't need, lei lirr Bit tliciu I l!.e
front .
Wticn the cork Hew out vf ;t hat l tile
il made a noise, which could be heard
around I lie woild.
The uiiiii bo inns after a luuaway
wife and takes her back ;:niii i :i lit
subject for tbo fool killer.
.Viler a mail bus beeu a model latliei
f r a few years, lie is eutitleJ tj '.ijuate
into a model grandfather.
lu the ter of the aoiMtsiiiou oi in
lands I'lK'V t-aui believes in Urn,; d
plenty while you are a gctiiu,:.
ue oi lUc II jeebiir;! boys. !m eut
lo llie war, furoiliCI liiv i;iil .i nib.-li-lulo
lefore bIio would oni:ei.! f-. i bim to
Hs-ecreUr Kichar 1 W. 'I 'ii-jiiips'jn
of Indiana , li i eighty -nine eai id
iv, is llie only man liviu;, ti1m :,
w ho has seen all llie pre iJeu'.a s vo
If our army eliuuU need .my ill; pi' J
sit (bat will be ueeessary will be ! turn
the Ycsuvioud loose in t'ie Ijcihty . 1 1 te
Iboy are ui-edeJ .iul she w ill li -io tl-.em
out in thott oi'ler.
The raiuy season lias opue I in Ij'.m,
I' ll llieie is a sjliud abmltlje Irjj'- iu
I'jo D3ifc'bborbol o! Siuliaj, ublc'.i is
njw experience lo the inhabitants of
that pirt of the Island.
I'be demand for tbecouatiuciwu -A iLe
Micaragua canal by the government
threatens to Lecoine unauiuijus. ilio
democrats ol ludiaua aud Arkiui.u and
ths lCepublicaus oi Ohio, ba'. declared
in favor of tbo proposition.
It is becojiiug ipuitc a "fa d'amuu Ut
Iftrla who waul a busbind, to uial.e :;:'i!
shirts to send to tbe soldier b.ys an J
cuibroirdei their name in the oi I et, in
the bopa tba'-tbe recipient wi!i opeu a
orreepoudeDce which will t) tuVri
inouy on hia return from tbe .u .
ince I'enuojer is out of pctus U:i
the jireeenl be might fclatl up bis t-a
mill and give llie retiied pjlietLiieu . i -liia
commiatioDCi and otbeis vi hi
hcncbuicn a job. Tbo old iiii ' has re
msined idle Ibeso many months waiting
for "sjinelbioi; to be douo for silver,''
while otbei mills have beeu bumming
away giving euiploymeut to hundreds of
honest loilcid. ewberu (Jrajihie.
Uue of tbe surest iudicationB of retui n
iui good times is the fact that people are
KWctrujiut; to the various coast and moun
tain resorts. When times arc bard peo
ple stay at Lome during the summer,
uot only on Recount of the e eiiie ef a
pleasure trip, but because they feel ,ih if
they could cot spaid the time Iruin their
business. The uumbu cf peiiions who
have tone or are going for summer vigils
to Kastcru points is larger thdii I..r
uiiDy years.
The siuking ol tbe Hcina Merce lej, at
iSautiagoou.thel'Hh, leavei Kcain without
a single ship of any consequence, outside
of the small licet lowiu her home waters.
AuJ tbe most remarkable fact coiiDCCted
w ith tbe almost total debt ruction of what
was bu'. a few short weeks , onu of the
ijroJit navies of the world, lo the
fset that it waij acximplidhed wi'.ho il the
lens or serious daine of a .-j ; u 4 ! , mi ;
t'l ship auJ aljiij. wiih j i' t!i.' lot el
a single man.
Cbauucoy .M.Pjpew ihd nvl
el it
in territorial cxpautiou .it !., iu
niu:; of tho war w ith Imi it M eum
thai Lis opiuioii hati hau-oJ. IIjh
uov in Lurope aul Lu i-i iepii l.1 in
have eaid in a recent inteiview :
New conditions aid arisint: all Iho
while wilb the proe,resiiou ol tliu war
which makes it diUicull to keep uul or
got out oi this colonizing buuiuesd. W e
must take in view the tamper id our
people, who would certainly nevti ejve
uy colonies back to tpaiu. 'I'rausfer
riug them or any of them to a European
power would lead to a Luiopean war 111
bitty dayf. It looks as though wo w ould
Imve to psiut our white elephant brown
Kud teach him to work.
Teihapa the moHl impuiiaiit meatiJi
to come bofoi e Congress at its ue.t ses
tiou, will be the complelion of the
Nicaragua Canal. The iinpoilauio of
this measure to Iho pcopla of Oregon is
veil understood by all our people,
la view of IbU it behooves tho pcjplo of
ibis Ktalo to aee that some man is chooeu
to till tha vacani y in (lis United Rates
henato, whoso influenoj will be felt Iu 1
favor 0 (lie measure. Such a man in
Il 'ii. r.tiiger lleriuanu. Mm exlennive
nciiMiiiliitirt willi public iik'ii and
ineasuros, would make him ol incalcul
able valui In llie people ol Oregon at
this tiiiir. No man tu Hit 8lt, is so
well tiiippid lr the pioiiion as is Mr.
Hermann. Willi McKiide and Hermann
in the .fiialt, and Tongue and Moaljr
in the llouw, Oifgon would lxaaell
ciiiippt'd as any ll lo in the I'uion, t
secure Icgitdatiou which will ln'iielit tho
pcopU. e do not know thai Mr. Her
mail i" in any euse a candidate for
1'nilcd States eiittor at this time, and
imply t'xpi .-I. our opinion and
eh ire in regard 1 1 the matter.
We must cirry the war Into Africa.
Iho Spani;h gorruiui'iit has persistf nlly
kepi ttuir loes in llie war far, fumi
the people of Spaiu as a uieiua ol keep
ing up Iho war ppiril amongst the maiiee
an I t avert thw aitenlim lo Ihe
blundering inellleienoy cf S.gata's aJ
miuijtrali ii'. Tnat policy u coming t')a
he ld like a carbuiii h . N McKiiilsy
has deteruniipd to lance that absee
aui let out the foul matt jr. lAnuiti dore
W aisoa bus leen ordered to eairv the
war iut Spuiu 1 3 l?t t'ie Spauih people,
a; well as the doii, 1 mI . the fact that
the American "piga are ti,;bliug as well
as roosters, t-neh a poiiey as pin has
piiKtitd In this respect, keeping her sub
jects in liiaorance of ihe Spaniih I jes,
is only 05sihl ) villi au uninfoi aid peo
ple. The inasto of paiu are very ilhl
CMte. Oalv al'J.i'. ;M pr c?ut, are able
to read and n rite. I he tiewepapeis circu
late ouly a uniit Iho ruling class aud
the con?oijhip of thj prcs suppresses
largely the real lac's of pxlus defeats on
s.a and laud. If Commodore Watson
bombards Cadiz, one of the so pJi t of
Spiiu, and eucecJs in kuockiu a hole
iu'o her .foititJ.'ations as doubtless he
will , it wid bj lha I'JS'. Imiou for Sjiiiu.
It .vil! ! iuip-.ijsibl to kejp lint d 0)111
the people. They will then know o iie
Ihiug ir the horrors ol the war n w rag
'ug iu Cuba and its waters. Ye?, thai is
thepo!:oy: carry the war into pain,
and lot the Spaniards feel (lie cruel clteels
ol . ra n of ehot aud shell.
S u.Uor Wlnt of California, opp -e I
the uunesatiou of the audwieh islands
partly o; the ground that "it it bad pol
icy to extend our territoiy, eppuicially
wiieu i-epara'.e-l by auy considerable ex
t .'lit of sea."
"j.h iei33uio w.u gud yen J ao
wheua ast extent of our douiaiu wart a
wilderness occupied by uoaiadic savaged.
LHil thai pjiiod has pajtjd. The tide of
pjpula'iou moving westward has come to
a halt. The verge el l.iud travel has
been reached. Ihe I'aciuV IVcau lias
raided a birrier to the m learn and tail
rjaJ. Cat Arga raises his whit-.'
aud peace beyoud and , I cikoiis the dar
iug pioneer to come lo the isles of the
ceeau aud help epicad civilization w here
eavager , cuuuabalifcui aud baibangm
did once abound. The evolulioii of time
ha channe l the conditions of Ihiugs.
Th: tapid epiu3iousof American com
merce has malcrislly cbxuge I the whole
ciudition oi the l uited states There
were epposera to the exteuBion of tarii
toi when prei lent Jctlrsja purchased
from 1 -aiicj Liuiiau, ine'iuling the
northwes'eru territoiy. Tuere were
kic kers aiiub'. Te.9 auexation and also
atluM reward's piiohase o! Alaska.
A 'id y c t has demgustrated the wis
J mi uf the o annexations. Time will
a' m deinoutti ate lUi wiaJouiof taking
in H i v.aii. W e ciuld get aloog very
well a few ' ears without Hawaii, Cut a and
iIjh i hilippiut-s, had uot Ihe geui of fate
pjiutei lo those i-linla aud said.
' New ii t'ie appointed lime arii.e. slay
and eat."
The cxr o! piogress ij m jviug on, and
wo9 bo to him or thcai .v 1 1 j shall dare
Uy an impediment in its way. li llie
Unite I States Bhuuld hesiiate lo fctrike
while the iron it hot, some other nation
niihou'. Eij'ieaiuiahnesi but full of greed,
would gobble them up and menace ibis
governments progress aud turn back the
index on the dial of civilization.
.Murder of John Linn Investigated.
TJ 1 otM., '.r., duly 'J. Deputy 1'rose
eating Alloruey Harris, Corouer Ches
hire and Deputy .herilT Ciooer returned
from Alder Springs today with the re
mains of John Linn, who wax murdered
at that place on the evening of Juno lo.
Courtland ' reeu, who was with Claud
Lrautoii when the murder was commit
ted, accompanied them as guide. They
found a number of pieces uf human
boues in the ashes of the camp lire, uud
article" cf clothing about the place, liv
ery thicg indicated thai Ihe Injdy had
been chopped to piece! and leiualed.
The coroner's jury returned a verdict,
scc'lbiug Claud Lrantou of Iho murder.
Tho lemaiuB found were brought to I 'J
v'euc and will be pietcrvvd for Ubo at the
trial, il is learned lhal I inn was 11
uieui'icr cf tho oodmeu camp at C011
dou. I lioubands Ccleliintc
u ill, Ihankfuluets their rett oration to
health by Ihe use of Hood's Sirsap4
rilla. Think of ihe army who liavo been
cured by thin medicine- -
3Ien, wciiieii and children, who have
Buftere 1 the coiiBe'jueuces of iuipme
blood, who have been ihe victims of
scrofuU tores, eruptions, dyepepia, nti
vousueJS, bleeplemje.
They have tried other medicines and
hae faiUd to oblaiu lelief. The llie J
llojd'B irsapiiilia au l it did them
good. They persevered in its u;e aud il
accoiiipliohod pcimaueut cures. Do you
wonder that they praise il and recom
mend il to you V
Destroyers Ueach Alesalna.
Mi.iai.N., bicily, July l.The ripannh
torpedo bjat dceiioyere Auda., Prosper
iiu aud Oidde, belonging to A dmiral
Camera's squadron, have arrived here
froiii I'o'l Siid ou their way back (o
Spain's Proposal for an
Ihe findrid Cabinet Is Divided on
the Question.
Wa.miim.ivn, July IL There ia tbe
strongest iudispoeition on the part of tbe
stra'pgiits t eoiifider favorably the prop
osition, said I.) be under rtnsidf ration at
Madrid, looking tu o armistieeof 10 days
iu order to consider the question of peace,
ll ey believe that the I'nited tUlrs has
everything to loee and nothing to gain by
accepting such a proposition. During the
lime, Admiral Camera's fquadron might
Und tale lodgment in eomeatronglr forti
fied coast lowu, like lenol, and thus
elude alson'a pursuit. History shows
that tho directors of successful armies are
always averse to ceasing military opvra
lion until uuooudilioual capitulation is
achieved, and that it requires the strong
baud of diplomacy to bring about tbe
short pauBe, before the final consumma
tion of eace, necessary to reach a com
mou understanding.
The lelief that a peace movement will
be inaugurated continues strong, but detl
uite announcement is made that no such
movement has taken form thus far. Tbe
state department today again authorita
tively stated that no peace overtures bad
beeu submitted to Ihe government.
Nunlai et itcuieuts came lioui authorised
80'ircet. from the lloglish, 1'reucb, ier
man aud other embassies and legations
MIAFILK'5 last dispatch.
His Recommendations as to Action
on Linares' Proposals.
Wa-hinuios, July 10. A cablegram
was recieved from (.ieneral .bafler at
the war depart mint last Saturday,
which is uuderstoo l to make certain re
commendations as to the action on tbe
Spanish proposals for conditional capit
ulation. Immediately alter its reciept,
ecrttjiy Alger, t-eireUry 'xjng and Ad
jutaut lieneial l orbin wcut to the
W'tiiie House for a conference with the
picsiclcut. Tho coufereuce broke up
shcilh after midnight.
Secretary Alger said theu had beeu
no 1 epoi is uf f iriug nor of action.
"Uut,'' he added, ' there has beeu
setu! talk of Bunender. A proposition
has been made which will not be con
sidered, and things, I think, will go on
about as they were intended."
' Do ou mean by that," hewasatked,
''that the bombardmeut will be made at
"I cannot say dctiuilely, but that iB
very probable,' he replied.
A Ten Day's Armistice.
Mai.'Hii, July 'J. -The Koine corres
pondent of the Imperial telegraphs that
a 10 days' armistice is coming, but adds
il thin tho powers, with the Vatican,
are i-ogiueeriog the movement, and con
siJeiiugthe proper lorm which tbe ar
miblice should assume. Senor ,Sagasta,
however, declared after the cabinet
meeting that tbe rumors of au armistice
were without foundation, and that tbe
government is ou'y discussing the means
ol pi"3ecuting the war.
LI Liberal eav s the cabinet ia consid
ering tbe signing of a 10 days' armistice
lo facilitate peace negotiations.
Peace Rumors in Spain.
Lo.Miog.July 'J. Although peace tu
mors are numerous, aud there is a gen
oi al feeling that fcipain may sue for
pi-aic, nothing JcSaite on tbe subject is
known iu competent quarters. Oflicers
of Ibe L'uited Stales embassy and tbe
British foreign office say tbe situation is
tho same as yesterday, and at the for
eigu oilice it ia declared that there is ab
sjlutely 110 truth iu the story printed
this morning to the effect that Spain baa
made formal overtures for peace with
the I'nited States through Sir Henry
Drummond-W'olfe, the British ambassa.
dor, and they ridicule the conceasious
attributed to Kpain in the story referred
Not Disposed to Interfere.
Mauuim, July J.- According to the
newspapers here Spanish minister for
foicigu affairu declares that uo Luropean
power is disponed I) interfere in behalf
of peace unlets tho beliigereubi should
make, a request to that effect.
I wo Hundred and Thirty Men Killed
in the Two Day's Battle.
Waciiimiio.v, July !i. The war de
partment has receiyed disjiatches from
(.eiiei al Shatter, as follow s :
''Camp, near bautiago, July s, A
complclo report was received today of
the lostcB of July 1 and as follows:
Killr 1. :' J officers, -OS enlisted men;
wo'' i J, 81 ollicers, 1203 enlisted men ;
uiiLj.og, 70 enlisted meu. Kepoi U giv
ing names of the killed aud wounded are
being rapidly prepared aud I hope to get
them oil tomorrow, tsUAr jta."
"Cable operate) were permitted to go
iu yesterday moruing. The Lnglisb
cable is iu working order ami some oper
ators wore in the city, 'ieuoral Toral
wanted tboeo there as they were the
principal men. Tbe lloglish cable Lai
beeu working all tbe time through to
Havana. SiuntH."
The leaders of the army in Madrid
have held a meeting, hut the resolutions
hnvn n'd bpen divulgfd.
Santiago de Cuba.
J. V, Lesciiger, a coiuuisicial travel
er, who spent several years iu Santiago,
gave a very good description ol ths sur
rounding country today.
"Oceans, mouulalus, islands, bays and
towe ring headlands," said he, "combine
to make Santiago one of the grandest
natural peuorauiaa In Ihe world, lie
hind the city itself, '.lying al Ibe end of a
land locked hartor, rise Mouut Tur
Muiuo, the highest point of the Sierra
Maestra aud ol Cuba, The Cubans
fairly worship this imperial pesk, which
rises lo a .height of 3780 feet, and call il
La MonUnitla.
"Approaching from the sea, it is seen
rising from the shear high coast, with Us
fringing scarlet-uiiugtiug woods ol cau
tus and cedrila, edged around tho river
mouth by Hats steaming in mists. Tbe
blazing sun plaving upon these lowlauds
seems fairly to make the place reek with
heat and elsatu.
"I I was in the woods of cactus, where
our troops made such a stem resist
ance. The bold, jutting headlands make
the city doubly fort 1 tied, and properly
defended ia one of Jbe hardest places in
the world (or au .army to take. Just
cuough Amuricau soldiers to man the
forta would hold the place against the
combiued armies ol all natious. Had
the positions ol the contending forces
beeu reversed a (sw days since, there
would have been a ditl'eieut tale to tell.
In that case the Spanish dead would
have strewu the ground along the whole
city frout.
"No town or harbor was lo be seen
when I was there, only upou ttie right a
stained, weather-beaten fort. Morro
castle, whose embrasures and casements
cost 10,000,000, and couullesa lives of
Indisu and Negro slaves. Standing
there at the mouth of the smiling but
vet unseen baibor, il represent iu
aspect and biU'i v the etei u, cruel dee
potism that has ever stood between
Spanish colonits and liberty aud ecu-
"The channel that leads lo the bay is
wiuding and jaiigod shored. The outer
harbor is broad and well protected.
The city itself ia lucklessly heaulilul."
Both Branches of Congress Adjourn
W.MiiM,re.N', Jnly S. The senate ad
journed sine die at - I'. M,
Wamiinoio.v, July s, The house ad
journei' siue die at 'J o'clock, with Ihiee
cheers, followed by the singing of pain
otie sougr. iCepreseutative liromwell, ol
Ohio, proposed three cheeis for I'resb
dent McKinlfv, which were given twice
over by tbe republicans. Ttien followed
cheers, joined in by ihe entire house, for
Admiral Dewey aud ( ieneral Joe Wheel
er. The whole house was one vast de
monstraliou, aud Hags were passed
about to every member aud enthusiastic
ally waved while the members sang.
The attention of bicycle scborchers is
called to tbe following from Chicago:
Dr. S. C. Stanton, who has charge of
the examination of recruit for tbe rrgu
lar army In this city, has caused a sen
sation among the medical men by de
daring that a habitual rider of bicycles
or a scorcher, is unfit physically to serve
as a soldier in the army. He has made
this matter Ihe subject of bis severest
tests, in his examination a of applicants
for enlistment, and inaov men have
been rejected because of the "bicycle
heart, as tbe practitioners term it, caused
by excessive exercise iu riding the
of Cervera's Ships May
WasuinoIon, Jnly '.'.The navy de
parment is haviog groat difficulty iu
communicating with Sauisou oy wire,
though it is not kuowu whether this
arises from a bad cable service or fiom
the diatance at which Hampton lies from
the cable station. The following die
pitch was receiyed from him last night:
"Preliminary report from the board
ordered to examine the wrecks of Cer
vera's Bhipa states that wreckage ap
pliances should be gotten here iin
mediately. I think there is no doubt
about saving theJVi.caya, .Maria Teresa,
and Cristobal Colon, if haste be msdo.
The Colon is much the most valuable,
being in perfect order. I would suggstt
that perfect appliance bo seut at ouco.
Lstimatcd Output of Mines this Year
Is $20,000,000.
YicioHi A, July 0. Tlie steamer Athen
ian an ived today from Alaska. On tho
trip down she patted tho wreck oi a
schooner painted Hack, with white
decks and no deckhouse. Nothing of
the crew waa seen. A strong soulhesfit-
crly wiud prevailed, and Ihe wreck,
which was lying about two miles oil
Carmanab point, looked as if il would
soon break up.
The Athenian estimates that Iho
etoamor Ora will bring f ,bW,l)00 north
of duel from Ihe mines, and it is esti
mated thai at least $'JO.OO0,U00 will be
brought out this year.
The Tagish is reported exceedingly
rich, and all claims that cau be bonded
are being takeu up by a Now York syn
dicate. Spanish Cabinet Division
Mapkiu, July V, 7 p. m.-Duke Almo
dovar del KIo, upon leaving the cabiuel
today, denied that peace negotiations
bad been opeued, addiug: "At the
present moment we must talk ouly ol
war." It is tbe general .impression that
the cabluet is divided ou the peace
A dispatch from Santiago announces
that American reinforcements have ar
rived there, aud Ibat the Keina Mer
cedes was sunk In order lo block the en
trance lo Hunt in go,
Troops are Impatient.
Ciiu'.mio, July H.--A special cable
gram lotho Keeord Iroiu Ha coticHpoiid-
enl with Admiral D.iwey H ll et at Ma
nila bay, July I, via Hong Kong, saya:
The American troop under Ocnoral
Anderson, which have inched the
rhllippicee, era now eouiloitahly .tur-
lored In Ihe Spanish militaiv buinckn
al Cavite, and are bny putpiuh'!' fur ac-
live service, against lln Si.uiui .Ik. So
attack 011 Manila is piobable bi bue the
arrival ol the second ilxtaehiiiiiit ol
troops uuder l'l eial reno, which Ia
axiinetrd aoou. Ilia li-cnoit (urce id
soldiers and marines is considered in-
sullleient lo protect life and proper ty Iu
Manila 111 Ihe event ol Iho capitulation
ol thai city. I ho soldieia, hoaevi r, an
all eager l begin the lighting.
Caplain-l ieueial Augustiii hit denied
la su 1 tender ManiU lor some time, and
lor that reason llui Spanish council,
which ia coudiicliug the dideuce, Ilium
(erred Iho inihtitry leaderrhip from him
to the reutor colonel of ailillery.
The iusuigeiil" control Ihe city water
works and have cut off the mipply from
that source, but ax this ia the rainy new
sou aud theie Is a lotidhui t every day,
the' pauiards do not sutler from lai k of
water. A more seiioiis maltei for them
at pivseul is that the iubui gi'iil baye
captured San Juan del Moiitc, few
miles to tlie real of the city, which hud
been titled up with old caution mid a
supply of ammunition and proviaioiiu to
serve as the Uul stronghold ol the s pun
ish governmeut after the (oicts tdiould
bo drireu out of Manila bv the iiombard
meut of the Ameiicati wa.nhip.
tioveruor Marina, who was brought as
a piisouer from Cuama, the scat ol gov
ernment in the Ljdrotie inlands, declines
to accept parole from the Aineiicaus,
preferring lo remain a piisouer at Cavite
rather than nm Ihe nek ol being idiot iu
Manila by Ion 1 ounli ) iui 11 lot imi 11 udi r
iug w hen uieiiAced by the gunw of the
Today Ihe wamlup" 111 (he bay wimc
dresol iu I101101 of Hie I ouith "i July,
Tbo lioopi held a luilitaiy icwcw nt
t he health of the men condom od.
lloloon's htorv .
Naw Yoiih , June s - A II. mi l
lias an interview with llnli-jn, 111
in lal
hit h
he says
" Il wa'i 11! milt .; o 1 lot k III Hie In'TII
iug when the Mcirima' iliteie I the 11.11
row 1 hauuel and Htcaiucd in under the
guns of MoiiocaHtU . ihe Hiliiicff1 ol
death prevailed. Il wan to dail, I tould
scarcely ce ihe headhtnd. I had
plauued lo diop the star boal d am lior al
a cerlaiu point to the light l the than
uel, leverbc- the ini;iueti, and Hun ramg
the Mei 1 imae aiouud, MiiMng tier di
redly acroSH Ibe channel, llui plan
was adhered lo, but circumstances
reiideied its iectition impoiible.
W hen Ihe Meniuiac poked her note into
the channel our lioublcu cumuicuccd.
The deathly silence wa liokeri by tbe
wash of a small beat apprtael nig uu.
she ran close up under the it ;iu of t'ie
Merriinac and tired hevcra! shrH from
what seemed t ) be three pounder gnu-.
The Merriuiac'tj rudder was cirrii-d avvay
by this tire, and lhal is why the i"l.'icr
was uot sunk screes ll. e ihanucl.
"The 1 tin up the 1 huniiel w,m wry ex
citing. A bad give:i tlie
alarm, and the guns of the Virava Hnd
Almirantu ' 'uundo and hIkho b.itien t
were lurueo. upon u." ut'uiaiinc uouih
and I"! pedofH aleo weie exploded al1
about US during the e v.-ileuicnl. In n
the ship was in the d'.sned po-ii on we
found that tho ru I ler wai gone, tin 1 I
called the men on deik. " lulo they
were launching tho catamaran I turn bed
off the explosives. At the eauiu moment
two torpedoes lired by t'ie Keina M'.i
ledesutiuek tho Meiiiuuc auiid.ihipi.
1 cannot Hay w helher our t xplosovcti 11
the Spanish torpedoce did the uorl. , but
the Meniuiac was lifted out ol Iho water
aud almost rent asunder. Ai hIim it ttlid
down wo scrambled ovel board aud cut
away Ihe catamaran.
"We attempted to gel out ol thu hat
bor in catamaran, bataslroiig lid.i was
running, aud dav light found us dill
struggling iu Ihe water. iiicn the
Spaniards saw us and a boal fiom the
Helta Mercedes picked us up. It was
then shortly after 0 o'clock iu llie inorL
iug, anil wo had beeu iu ihe water more
than au hour. We were taken aboard
the lliiua Mercedes, and later were sent
to Morro Castle."
Dewey Wailing Upon Merrill.
II'im. Kum,, Julv s. A Manila dis
patch, dated July I, says that Admiral
Dewev will remain iuaclivu until Oeu
eral Meriil an ivct. Tho icbeln arc i ac
tually doing nothiug, but the Spaniards
arc fetrenglheuiug thoii posilioiiH, du
stio) iug huts aud constructing ciilieiu h
ineuts. I he uutliuntieii havu en, u led a
penally of $1000 a;-aiuul anvbo ly who
shall raise (he price of piovimoiih.
The Spaniards ausert thai del pile 'he
lobs of tho watci troi k ihcio will be no
(amine dui iug the raiuy nea;iou. They
are coulideiil that au amplufuico hum
Cadiz will si rive and auuihilulo thu
Americaiii, and they still hope lo 101c
ciliale tbu ualiveu. lu the meantime
they will cudure patiently whatcvei
comes, aud resist to Ihe utmoal.
TliniKau.U Hi'i Trying Jt.
In oiiUr lo prova tho mit merit of Cn mn Hit In 1 . lh 1110I elleelivo - 1
for Catarrh and I 'old in Ib'iid, vvn have pre
pared a g. iitroiiM liinl 1 10 for 10 ri nh,.
tlrl U of your diuggi'.t i r :.' lid 1" ' '" I b
ELY HUMS., oil V.i:re. !!., N. V. I llv
f suffered from e iturrh of (he wortd Ion I
tver hili'f a bo;,, nil I !!. r Ifpcd for
t iiro, but Ely's I'r. I'nbc e iu. 10 do
even thai. Many in- 1 im il ' buvi 11 . - 1
it with escIVit ri:.eli.. Owar 'irliuin,
43 Warreu Ave , Chicago, 111,'a Citoni halm is th'' Mi luiow 1 .'; 1 ,1
euro for vaturi'b and ouilaiitH no co - i 1
inorcury uor loiy iiijurioim dr f;. i i.
(0 cents. At dnijgi'd or I y ,n , I.
flrinjr your job work lo thin of c.
Caro Uroii. are Ihe l in n men haul
(in I 1 the Komvh'nl for the I t tigaia.
Kor a good 'i-ceiil eigai mil M' N.
t'otiiily claims a id waiiauln houghl by
U. H. West.
I'or llml clans deutoitry go lo Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Kilga III Inhiiile vitlietv at AU voider
V. HrongV.
Macaroni ill one pound earlnoiii at
iglei '- k'oi el y.
Key Weal, iuipoilcd and b mIic
eigiini at tlu lioNrleiif.
D S, e 1 doei inniann. Olliu'iip
pimtte t be pm I "dli i.
1,'ide 11 Cimeeiit bliv.le. Ibe cum
run. tug, dm ii'da k ind.
lO.OtK) men a. utid 11I Ihe liol" S'"'"
to ladeet gieal b,ikaiiia beloiu it Ih too
I nils uot lakes m what our adver
tising ioIiiiiiiih lepli'ia'lit. llie lloi"
W. Cai penter is iiulhori.ed l !
eeiveiuid teceipt for Htit'scriplioii" to the
l'i, MMiK VI I. II.
VII our gondii an) new and ol Iho luteal
elide". .No ahopw di 11 g Im on hand at
the lions Store.
At Oakland, T. 1.. liravet is authoiiie.l
to leceive and r-ceipl bu jiibaci iplionn lo
Ihe l'i vi.M'i. 11 ui.
A laige anl line ai"ot tmeiil of chil
dicn's hhoes )ilt't icceied al Tanolt
I'lio. Cull and hco theiu.
Money to loan on city and country
pioxily. D. S. K. I'o n k,
MiiiHteia' I'liiilding, Koiebuig, "r.
The Siiiaro Deal Mtoie has just opened
up a beautiful boo ol W. I,. Douglas
slioeM, which prom lo be the heal idioa
made. I '"inn and iiinpei t Ih'uu.
J. W. Hci klev iV. Co., ihe but her s.w ill
keep only the cholcoal of meals aheie -
with to supply the Ibicebuig public, hill
niouthlv Hi'tlleineiit i will be ii"uued.
Mm. .). II. ."Iiupa I ui" been appointed
lepiiHciilative (or Hie lavi Co 111 tins
city. Any cue ileo.'iiig iuloi uialioii ill
leg.u l to, 01 wuthing lo piocuic the lein
edy, w ill plca.-c cull at her lewideiicu on
l''"f flrci'l. j IJ-.'iui
suite of eiotlii ', all wool, heavy
weights. 1''. '0; icmihii pine t' I'.oin'
cb'thes hum lo I ' Vcam fol tl.'" and
:.'. Hutu nil rl)lcx .m l .'oloia lor v m ,
leguhir pine fl '". All llice' are
only 1 j be I'liiiid at the l nt: ." lure.
I hi ichv ituuoiiiK c iiiVhcll au a cniidi
lalx li'.u. the votuv; ...pulnlioli 11I
DoUnI. 1,1 coin. ly, 1111 Puling li e Iree nil-
ve: ll it-1 1 . popule t", deiiioi lain and ic
pubhcaiiH, to evil li.tiu wagoiiu from a
full carload pi t leceived. Altio un ol
bu.'gn i'.bal b vi .1 0 and luil'n nl I lie lvv est
pru ts, all iu vv 011 hand at Sli-anii
t'heiiowuth, Oal.laud. "leg. ill.
llovv'.s Ihl-..'
e ollei ' 'to1 Hundred Dollars lo waid .
(or any case of Calanh ea.iin.t l e
euteill.i II ill a I atari :i t il'i .
I-. 1. chimin ikco.rroni 1.M.10..1.
We tlm uu.lciMgno I have know 11 I'. I.
Cheney lor Ihe last 1 veaii', and believe
biie pi rfcttly honorable in all bii'.ini'i.M
1 1 anrai liuli" and liuaucial1)' able t iiai
1 jr ,.iit miv ubbati'iiiM mad.' by tin 11
Weil.', liilav, W hob'P.ile Diugta,
Toledo, O.
V ailing, .'v Maiviu, W lnl..
miiIo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall e Catai 1 h I'iko is Ui cu lu'erii. il
ly, ueting diiei tly iihii (ho blood anil
nun oiin surfai e o 1 tem. I'll, o , ie
per bottle. Soldi" n i I di uggi.,t,i. icsl
uuoiiial 1 Irte.
It wi
Your Aj 'pet it'
Purify an
Vitalise Your Blood. Overcome That
11 1 i
I -M
1 11 u a smi'juuu 1
Tin d FVclin,;. Get a bottle of . M CUAwr0lll)
I loud 5 and bcyln toiil
take il TODAY, an J realise the ! AltoriU'V at Jaw
Kood It Is Lure lo do you. '
. . , . , lluoiii I a i, MsiMeih III. Ik , III 1, KlUilii,, n(
Hooci s onrsanari lln i arsjar-Husin. iici..r.. ni0 1-. M. i nn,i im t. .i
r"1 Uiiioime.ieHi,ieeiiill).
lH.liieile.ri;ii iit,.vtM,.,t,'i,.l Alldrui'Ml. 1 l ule Keeiner I', t.. I.hihI UlUi e.
of our
:tock of
And till lii mis of Summer Hoiuls will be CLUSliD OUT
far IJelow Value, in ordfr lo make room for our coming
excct'Uinyly large stock of
i on A
siioitr iimi;
Ilsigalim In Ral I
No ,-i.0 aciea all Under l.'ie e, Ian
home and bail', nil in iiililvaln n 1 li'e
is all a No I Urid.ta hool ',, iiilli'. I'o li
huig S in lien . I'lho UH'ii.
No'.' lull aeri'H all lindei fiono ai.d
1 1 oi.a diicvd. Hit aerea in 1 iiituillou.
Italame good paalilie, g' d Iioiimk and
limn and ail hiiciwmi)' out luuldiiign. line luu inlulu
Hlieauiol water miming Ihioiuh Ibn
place. I hia Is a lli t lana place, n uiib-s
(roui homd.uig. I'lleo f.'O'M, 1 d.wn.
HiiUniK oil lii" lei no'.
No:t J' 0 aernr, uud. 1 Imie... men
ou hiiiJ, (air b nine ami ham, g I I'ai-
line. I.ind 7 miles (mmii lv ig.
I'lli H IM).
No I, 10 oi 1 .-a, I ""'e bom bmrbuig,
lu 11 high nl.ite- ol cultivation, - '" " lu
Htiawbeiiies, I iu on bald, good gulden, I
room I hi lull bain, well wiilmd, nil
IH'ceXHiuv lirniliig uteniul.-., Ill chicken",
jiMHev cow it uinl one calf, one hour,
0110 bllguv one I iafttt WHg Ui two -ft ol
barncHi', lota ol small Inn! litis. 'I hi"
In a complete and peifiil hoiiix. I'llic
Nofi. .'1 HCieii. I mile troui loi-iduog,
fair lionmi and barn, nice (umilv on luird
one h" ' ' ami cat t. 1 I'1 '
No il, 1 ', in 1 en nil ui. ler b io 1 , 111
cultivation ' 1 at lef. l;o. lioiian iuo.ur,
M it 1 a H ham and nil 111 n-snry out buil I
It'g". '-' aerea In onhnd. ', inlb" to
eehool. I'onl-illice l'i miles. :".uiilen
to Oakland, . ime lilt !' nly. 1'iUv
1,1. lie i ,
Ileal I nliite Agent,
Iturebiiig, ' 'I .
h,' I, a. j,, u ill nii'l k. ..ul I Hi
'I'll Utl I, a I.I. t II I .1 ..ill lltl II I I I
Ill III. lull 1'F I lie. Ill I It a M.I 1 ii'l . I. .'.i: Nil 1 .1
ll.u", I lie Wuliili r "I lo r. Unit I iui I. . in .0. II" II
Mm lit'. All lllll, ,'i'U-.. ' II. no I'll. 11. ill
tec, I U.K. l.lit ..u i H.iuil'li' I,.' Ail Ik
birrlliig liuiii 'iy lii, I nnai:n ci t-
; .
. (j AN M)N-1'. VLDW I N M the I " ol
Ibn bmlo in Mi-til- 1 , I'll) . I - .
Mr. I . M. iiaoiiou l I'. 1 1 4 1 I .0 d
Mum l.ilhe li.ibl H M'"' . '
I'., olhcialiug
!,,NnV At I'.roekaay, tub
! ia r ..,,,1 ,. .en
,,u, ,.lV
mmmmmt 1
S'otkc lol' I 'll ll k II ( iol I .
I ' till. 1 . Mi ' ' 1 1
I. ..Mlm. I'll
ill. e I In I. I.v :i -II II.
nuo I ill. r La- i.t. -I 1. ' ' i )
i ,i 1 t.,.i v. 11 1,. m,. . 1 , 11 1
, i- mini' i'iip. l'i , 1,
I niil l:i , 1.11. l int .1 M.ile l.nii l '1
I; .. '1 iut Hi. .I'll 11 A'" 'it I -'-
'iin n v 1 1 1 1 M
In II ; . 11. 1 lull ' ' 1.1: lii
.'. vv ' ,. 1. ' w ,. - w 1 , . b ' .
.' H U , We-1. H. II,. I..U...I 1 '
111 - In Mm til- ii.lll'ilH 'I- l( ii il-
tilil. r 11 oi ii. Mi l in-1
I 1
I iHif.l . A le lilli'l' I 1 1 I " I,.'
-KI..II. I ! VI ,.. II I'.". I.. I
lie It M il.
(ircal I5arv:aiii
At Demi's Variety Store
Sit' mn Special liai.tiii:-
ill (IldNNW.lM', I.t'lllnll.ltll
Sets. A ft c r iiu m Tea St I;-.
Fancy Cilas.-ics, ami I rttil
IIMVAKI!. 'leii.iiru
l-li'l' i . I'lil'll'.i
.11 i
, Oil .
MOOD mnl Wil low w IU' i..
' Uil I' l ull- 1 lie Ill I ,111.1 1,1 Hi . I I - I II
i I nn Ii I 1 ,1 I. . . .,, 1, . .
'Oi l I'tt.Let
M II Mini . 1 . 1 u. 1 en. , i. n ui: .1
I e 'li I I if II. 1 1 . II . Ill k , t - m . I !..! '
llll" V I -U I 'l I. ' .'II R 1 I I II! II I
II U 1 1 illll'l I lillli. it. Mill 1 ltll-1 '! 'I
en I 11I' 1 w 1 1 1 i 11 ' I e'litin lui
in 1 Mil I ten -. iiii.iii I, I ilium .UI.'
l 11 ll'K p. 1. 1 u.. nli't j 1, 1 t il
ll-lu l.iltl. i , ) , 1 1 . . 1 ,
NOMll.N.'. Il.oi I'lie. .. 1 -i ... .11. .
I III , I... I. I 1 1. .
V e do jiint 111 11 1 ti, In 1 In.e, All
lliemi things are I bo had at lb"
low ert eaith 1 1 icea al
Demi's Variety Store,
l-fosflnirc,, Oregon.
Ke. i n l.iiliilue ,
I eli-l.ll,. II.- S'.. 1
III' I UI lu
Attorney al I
i it. i v ii -.hi ink i;o. Ki.riiii, wivi-,tN
Waists, S
Separate Skirts,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Oxford Ties,