The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 20, 1898, Image 2

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PublUlieil every Mvuilsy and Tliurwlar
rtr in I'I.inii-at.f.r rriiUsiiiNo c.
K, P. l II VI I ORII ...
Muttaci Ipllaii ItMU-n.
O no Year ..
HIS MmiiIIih
Three MontlK
.11' Ml LH). 18(H.
We are becoming thoroughly tiied and
Bomewlat disgtWed with (he fulsome,
llattory and sentclift praise which 18
liciug lavished on tlio to called "gold de
inocralR," by ccr'ain republican paper
in Oregon. In ilio lir.-l place there is
not enoug'i "gold dnuot rats" in tl.e
PUbf, WllO Voted tl l! republican lilkd,
cither at II e last Juno flection, i r at i lit
presidential e'citii'ti of two tears ago, lo
justify all this hits, l i e ro called "gild
douiocrut," holds aUmi ibe kui p -i
lion, with refereuc.) t pjluio. at l-s
I lie "ulycr rcrublican.'' Potti aie t i -valeers
or hucciniers on tli-j ? -a if m1i
tii. If a man don't like tlie republican
party or the populist pattv , k t bias leave
il (or the party lie likes better, and uol
Income a biudi-w hai ki r u gucinlU,
whacking around between tl-o inns. If
traying Ibe party w l o;c name lie slill
claims I o bear. Republican leaders were
in ruigbly poor bu-iucr?, whenlhey were
engaged in sending Itlegraiiis lo Wash
ington, importuning llie adiuiuif iraliou
lo continue a deiin-cral in l'ie r l ec'or's which lit) ivjh appointed m a
demoiiat, bile still claiming t J
be a diMiincrat, lie belratcd hit parly
We respect a demo; rat , who, w li ile
claims to be a, Slavs willi bid
party in advereiiv us well as in tuccef:
but a "gold democrat" or a 'silver re
publican," w bo, like P.enedict Arnold
only remains in tbe camp whae tbey
have been hnno-cd and rewarded
in order ibat tbey may betray and stab
in the Lack .ibi se who have letn their
fricuda, shoul I receive the coutempt and
scorn of all bones! lue.i, rather lhaD
their comnieudatioa. We have no fault
t i lind with the man h tkdirg bim
celf out of accord with bis'y, leaves
it, but we despise the man, who remains
wi lb bis prrty bin to Itlray il.
If the coining legislature deciro to do
the very beet possibU thing for the state
of ireon, in the election of a man to fill
the vacancy now existing in tbe state'
congressional delegation, tbey w ill elect
to that position Hon. Binger Hermann
Mil 16 is no man in the state of Oregon
who is so well informed as to tbe Leeds
of the state as is Mr. Hermann. No wan
ould be found who is so well acquaint
ed with j-ublic n.en in Washington or
who has tbe confidence of (be leading
men of tbe cation, to a greater extent
than has Linger Herman.
The people of Oregon hive confidence
in him. They know hia ability and hie
untiring energy and perseverancs. They
know what he has accomplished for the
people of Oregon during his long public
set vice. They have unbounded coDli
derjce in his integrity. Then again he is
a muii of the people. No amount of sue
cess in public life ever cauer d Liin to fur
get his friends or waver in tha tightest
degree in his loyalty to Lis state. Ore
gun has many ablu men; men who
would Ixj a troJit to the atut3 in the sen
ate of the United states, but none whose
experience in public lifo, aud acquaint
ance w ith public men il eiual to that of
Linger Herman. Ho is a man in the
prime of life, wilh a miud ricbly
stoied with knowledge gained by years
of experience in public life, and w ith a
vitality uu J energy such as full to tha lot
of but few uieu.
ji tuo legislature uoiire ilu be it loan
for United Ttaks uecalir, ilia' u au is
Linger Hermann.
What's the matter with tl.e utat uni
versity? Why don't the presidon'. and faculty
attend the exercises?
Why don't tbo jieople show iuteust
any more? Less than oO people and
ouly three piofessort t j tiie clas tree
plauting. Less tbau 'JOO at tbe lecture
laKt night to bear Irvine a excellent ad
u uy oiu inu presiac ut s wile icaJ a
novel conhtantiy during Mr. li vine's
lecture? as that courteous ?
Why are there no prominent men uf
the i-tate hero as visitors?
Whore, is the. glory ol the university .'
is ll li ue, us tkuiwoilti said: "to
lego is a good ilaeo for men and w omen
il the president is not a liar?"
1 1 J w long, oh! how long hekie lliby.
Ion shall fall?"Citien," in hugetie
iuar.1, .iuiiu 1.
hat i' the ma'ter wiib the state
university ?
In it a fact that the pro-ideut uud
faculty did not attend tbe commuute
in cut exercises?
Jhn't the people show any iuterest iu
tbe uuiversity or its exercises?
Viil tbe president's wife read u novel
constantly during one of the lectures
connected wilh the commencement ex
I it a fact, an we have heard it stated
that some of the faculty frcijuent fa
loons and appear before their classes
with llielr death tainted with the
fuiuei of iutoxicuting liipiort?
The answer to these ijuectious might
throw soma light ou Iho ijuestion as to
what is the matter with the ttato uni
versity. Tbo colier which Lieuteuaut Hamlin
auk iu "J'ug" Waite's ehauuel, is going
ro liny Micr, and don't yon forgot it.
I W'bik Uie po Id o! Oregon t peit tbo
legislature at its wining r!aliii wid re
I vite and overbanl tb laws which pro-
Ide for the expenditure of pubpe inon
eta and abo.ish every useless. ollie and I
com minion to the end tint t very dollar , "'ic
ixmaiblo chill be saved to I lie tax-payn ,
we do not beiieve Hint the pe.ip'e of Oi !
egnn ask that a rdngle dollar be withheld J
from any educational or rhnrital la inn;
Union in the state, whi -h it m resfary to
maintaiii its UTfulneos or iiliciency.
There bai lrn anJ n yrt, a ela of
deniai5"i,'ics in this dtHt", H'l lli- y re
not confined lo nv Kililie.l pai'v, who
have !ei''aril ajiiul tlte eH-ndiinre 1 1
public money f.r the mppoit if t lie
higher educational insit il km of iIm
stale. To lake the eoniHo advitairtl l
them wuiild fcUmp U ie.l anl i k
greffive stale id Oregon a? one whiih
bad delt i minril lo lake a loi nl p la k
wards. W e do dot mean that i lu-m nev
appronria'ed for these insirntions s!ioiiM
not be eipeiiiled wilh fie cteaiot p i
iblo economy, but ibat they m'iouhI in t
leci.pp!ed I y the witbhol biu f tbe
lieccwarv fundi'.
A IVitUnd mar., who la n I 1 1 1 i-vl
Irjm AUkl after a stay i f lln.v montb
I'jeie, lurprised bin hi. li t." ly yi;.lin
that dm intf ihut lime l.e bad Httcrid
his k'cnditicn flii0. lie was i !d
be bad done veiy wed. an I .irked hew
be bid made fo lumh in so ftioit a iinie.
lis- wlnl he bad n'-.-n w. wciib
$";.VI t I him and rrei ielice wo.ild
prevent him li nn c iv .uam, which
was woilh JHW 'iiore.
tin- pop and silver icpuhlicins
went out of hnine last Monday, aovl
their copiituerfhip wph lie I'ennvrats
expired by limitation ot il.ut iUv, it will
be in older k i the senior it em! er of the
Iali) linn to con'.iuue husimsj at tin' eld
slaii I under fie sole name t f di nix rey.
l'utiand lis atch.
The i j is not now and i ever !.:. I ceil,
fusiou or uaio", belwivn Ihe p.uu!is;s
aoi 'emcra!t in Kansii. Tbepopu'is's
have always nomiua'ed pjpubris for
S'a'.e pllicef , and the democrats were told
they c u'd vole for Ihein or let il ; ! : e
j'.iM as tbey pl-.'aed.
Where Hre tln te too l jHp'i;.;pt I'm nd?,
U'lven, Yomu ft al. who wore sj I lutbe
to fine, thinking tl.e populate ii tild win
alone? Where, eh wl.eie are thev at ?
N . it s li Yaaibtll I: -ci id.
To.k you; sdvice, fusid an 1
cut of tight.
:ot beat
"W e W 'li! il j ar vihiin; to Ihe republi
cans in the ul .lune." Tiis
tion was kept by a f kn phper ;.t lie
bead vf ire ei'i'er! co'cim.s r.r to
e'eeti.'u. It is very evidei.t from the re
turns that didn't." l'ortui d li?pu:cb.
The i ej"ii appears to be gettini: her
fail share of glory. After makii g i.i-r re
markable trip around the ll ;rn, she l as
othcU'.ed at tbe tirl p.rmai enl luiulirg
ot United S'.ates troopj in Cuba
Tuoueands of democrat j and
populists areglaJ that Oregia has
republican, :n fact manv of e.ich
helped to bring the result abju'.
iu any
An eminent authority on tbe subject
advances ihe opinion that the routing
generation of womeu w ill be ba'd bead
IIoum- raj.i,cs
Anne v.itinii
W ui -'i r.'.s, dune I . I'.v a ol
L''1' to V Ihe house : .plid Ihe N..-W-lauds
leiciution pi'jw Jing hu th" uii
Ut'X.ltl Jll uf Haw aii. I'll ! de'Mte, hkh
bas continued w itho it mlt i . up'.i jn
since .Saturday, lias bc-u one of the
most no'.abli of this c jjgress, the pro
pose 1 auueNilion beiu,' coneid. i ed of
great coumiercial aud .stialegic imjiji -
tauco by it j advocates, and beiu lo.k ;d
upjii by its opoiienl as involving a
radical depaiture from the long-established
policy of lb'- coilljt'V and likely
to be followed by the inauguration of a
pruuouueed policy of col ini. I'lon, the
abandonment of the Moiiroa docl'ine
aud parti.ipation in international
w rangles More Ihan half a hundred
members pai ticipated iu tbe debate.
From a party standpoint, the ic.-'ilt
was awaited with tbo'. ii,li re;t .
The republii aus presented practical!)' a
uuiniuious support to the resolutions,
but thiee republicans voting iu opposi
tion. In tbe democratic ranks, the di
vision on tbe question was more marked
IS democratic members voting for an
The vote in support of thy resolution
to lay w. ti made up of 17J icpubhcaiiH,
l: deino.i alt", S p'puliss and four fee-
loiiis's; tin; vcl against annexation
couipnting i, democrats, lepublicuus,
pl ulii-i: and 1 la.ionistH.
Coming; to ko.sebnrg.
IVof. Ilyoiiil .V Co., the '.eruiiii o.u-
list and catarrh specialist f'oiu l'.u ll.iud,
will be lit liio MeClallen Hotel dune '1
aud J.', for two days only and return once
each mon'li. We w.IIcuhj v.jiii lat u rh
no matter huv ctiro'.iic, without fail.
Calarrh is a verv daugt-rous disease.
We treat catarrh without medicine in
ternally. Call and hive a friendly talk
with the 1'rof. wlikh costs ahrolu'ely
uothing. ( 'attes tide 1 f r eyes. Mli :e
boui a in It jseburg all day, Keiuember
the dale of our o:uiug.
Celebration al Canyonville.
Tiie peji!e of Canyonville will cele
brate on July -lib. A very elaborate
program has been arranged for tl.o en-
tertaiiimeut of thosd w ho attend, coiihist-
ing of race.'', gaiueh etc. The good peo
pin of Can) .invillo know how lo make a
cekdiiatiou g , and tin y will have a
good lime as imital.
Transports Arrive
at Honolulu.
(iiven litem by the Citicns of
the Island Republic.
S n i oi,i , I:. C., .lano The steam
er Miow era aimed toilay fiom Houo
lulu, fiom which Hr l she sailed June
10. Hio brings advicrs as follows :
Hi? United stales transports City of
Peking, Aiutra'i.i mid Cily ui Sydney
arrived at Honolulu together June t
As jojii as Inn t'wee ve-vls were
sighted, ail Honolulu turned out lo wel
co'.iio tlu' foldicrs. I ho iloiki wet
tiled with peop'o. and an I he vetsclt
enieied Ibe harbor Ihe ppi'cttorn ;ellid
t M ins Ives Iui.hmv Sin h a eceuo of en
II ii-iasin ha- never I ecu Wilneffcl
II 'l.oltll'l.
W ben tbe vessels ibiked it wa la'e
ho tbe or. tei was given t allow u one
ashiie, but l!njiel iiioiuilig about half
tbe tM.-ps wore allowed to laud. Dur
ing tbo day they were given Ihe fieedoiu
id the ei'y. l'lie men visited Waikiki
at. I ottier points if interest, and bad
pleasant lime genu ally.
Al noon President I'jle and bis iah
uicl received tiie olliciis of Ibe expedi
ti n. H iring ihe reccptiou tbe steamers
and the ground!" of (be executive build
ing wcio thronged witli people.
June the mldiers were entertained
on the irrouiids of the executive build
mg. I resnk nt ljh was on band lo
weh on e I hem. I ho ctuiont freedoiu
piovaded, the tTair being very informal
To c.uli uutii liio chid' executive gave i
wor I of welcou o lo Honolulu. An out
djor luncbe n w ,n serve. I bv the ladies
of the i ity .
The transput 'ill fc: Manila J uue
The Charleetcn steamed outsid-t and
wailed for llie lie. I. which got away
about Rioc.oili. 'a ith tbe i. bai lesion in
the rear. Wh l? the vese's were in
port they took in the iieigliborhood of
biHJ tons of coal.
'i the .jiKi men anieng the various
vessels, but two desertions were record
ed, uud they were from the t 'rcgou r. gi
u.ent. laouieu were lelt belncJ, one
of whom was .hechared for disability
and the other in iu a locai hospital.
The voyage Jow n was pleasant, and
the ve3.-els traveled ahreist moft of tbe
wav, alihougb it was necessaiv for tbe
City of Ptkiu i au 1 A'H'.ralia 1 1 slow up
an J wait for the C.ty of Sdn-y.
I. gbi ta-es ot Uiia-les broke out on
the A the sick men were
separated from the oi h-?r passengers on
tbe ship by btiug Uiitered on the bur-
ricini deck, and tbe surgeons bad tbe
cases well in band when the vessels r
Three kamehauiel.a school studeuts,
all native Hawalians. tried to enlitl with
Colonel Summer?, of the 'regon regi
ment .'or the trip I i Manila. Tbe bot
were worked up over the war, and were
immensely or, t husiali' in their Atneii-
can beiii'u.ents. Kour men, regular
meuiberj of the Hawaiian army, joined
the United States forces at Honolulu
They went ou board tbe Peking aud were
en n'.ed at ouce.
It was given ut i.!li.;ally thai the
I'dtinuig!"!! would not l"avo port until
ll.i; an uf the Mohican, lbo lien
iiiugtoii w ill go t i Maio Island to be
cleaned, and (hen will be rent to Manila
art a ll ;et i ouvoy.
Jn.e the i unc i .Malia Irooi'S were
iu llou'du'.u, over .""""J letters were writ
ten bv them. Ihe postage, amounting
tolll, '.vjs pai l by the Hawaiian gov
eminent. Most of thu wiitiug was done
in the l-vi-ila'.ive halls. The 6tationeiy
wai furiiis'iud free of chirge.
Correspondence ISctwccn the Spanish
Acnt and tha Ciovernment.
'k i :iu , duna IS. Tue following was
received today per steamer Miowera from
Honolulu, .lune S:
Following is the full text of the corre
spondence between the .Spanish vice-consul
at this port aud the Hawaiian govern
inent, relating to tha entertainment of
American d xipsat this poit:
"II juoluhi, June J. II. K. Cooper,
Minister of foreign Aliairs .Sir : In my
capacity ai vi'.-e-c jus il for -pain, I have
tin) lull it tj lay to enter formal protest
w il'i the Hawaiian government against
the constant vio'.atijn of neutrality in
this harbor while war existi be
tween -juiu and thu United Statej uf
Aiuerieu. Ucjueolitig you to acknow
ledge ivceip'. of this coiuumuicalion, I
have tl.e honor to be, sir, II. UiiMts,
" Vico-Contul for .Spain."
Ihe reply of tbe government, which is
uou in Mr. Heuj-b' hands, u an follows:
" Kcpartuieut of l oieigu All'airs, Hono
lulu, June G, H'.'.i sir; Iu reply lo
your noU of tbe 1 nt iurfi. I have the
honnr to say that, owing tu ihe in'imste.
relit;' i now existing between (bit
coir and the United States, this gov
en.. , . i has not lamod a proclauutiou
of no itralily, having icference to Ihe
present conllicl between tbe United
States and Spain; but, on the contrary,
it nas tendered to the UuiUd States mi-
yilegi-s and ablstauce, lor which reason
your protatd can receive no further cou
si kraUon than to ai know lege its receipt.
I have thu hormr to be, sir, your obedient
8-i vaut. "JIkmiv K. Coortu,
"Milliliter of l-'oreign Aflaira.
'To 11. ll jnjM, es j , vice-consul for
Sain, Honolulu."
Ihlueiiiu Your HuweU HUli t'aicareti.
iiiiijy I'liliuiiie, i ur tonHtipnilon former
"'' ' "' ' '. fail, ilriicriMsri fi.ini moiiiy.
Dcfeusct at Cahnancra, I he Terminus
of the Railroad Leading to
(luantanamo. Reduced.
Camp MeCallt, (iiiaiilanamo PV,
lune l". via kingion, .lune lb. The
brick tort and rarlhaorkt al Calmaneia,
at tbo end of Ihe railroad leading lo the
city of tiuntaiiamo, weie demolished
today by a Itrritlo bombardiusul con
ducted by the Tei, Marl lehoad and
Suwanee. Tbo warships opened lire at
'J P. M. and the boiuhardaitnl lanted an
hour and a half.
The Texas aloauied slowly up the
channel leadiug to llie fuilillcalions, fol
lowed ilosely by the Marl lehead. The
Marblehead stood oil' to ihe west side id
the bay and opeued with her live-Inch
guns, knocking dow n pail of tbe wall.
The Texas tbeu threw in some 1. inch
hells, tearing down the wall of the fori
aud throwing bricks and moitar HUftet
in tha aii .
Afer badly damaging the foil, tbe
Maildehead shelled lbo eailhwoiks and
barrack at Ihe wrt end of ilm harbor
She knocked tbeiu into the air, aud wheu
the Spauiaids lied Irom tbo foil, they
were shelled b the si. Paul and driven
into the bushes. Thu pauiaida tired
ouly live sin li, which did no damage
After (ho shita tl joil out iuh Uie haibor
the Spauiaidu iu Ihe biuhcs opened tiie
ou the Marblehead'n launch, which re
plied vigorously. The suaur.t then
turned back aud abetted the bindiea
driving the Spaniards inland.
ew irk,.luuo I?, A special cable
from Hong Kong t the Journal save
that the most severe and eliong battle
siuce Hewey e annihilation of the Spau
ibii uooi naa oexuire.l at .viauilii. ue
thousand iusurgeuts u u ked i.tXKJ Spau
ish. iiillictuig heavy kses and al mo
fbcring an enl i ance to ihe eiiy.
the lubiirgenie under Anuiualdo am
the American sailors and marines
Dewey's ll-Ht have completely em round
ed Manila. Foreign residents have Ikd
to ships. Admiral Montrj i and tioveiu
or-iieiit ral Augusli liavo 1 1 teed tbe wi
men, children and priesti in the foiU k
sate!)'. Auguett is remrled willing to
surrender to the Americana, iu ordi i
prevent the insurgents frun capturing
tbe capital, setting il ou tiie aud killing
llie Spanish, the archbishop, however
it opposed lo surrender, and has over-
ruled Augusli.
The succtts of the msurgeuts is wor.
deiful. The Spaniards taken piisouers
iu a two weeks' campaign alienate
J.UW, including 00 soldiers ,,( (tie regn
.i imj. i rooiinnni among tiiem are
tieuerals i.arcia aud Cordoba. I'hegoy
eruoriof the proviuces of Cavito, lialucau
and I'.ataau weiaalso ma le prisoners.
Two million rouuds of cartiidgos were
eied iu the foi titled cathedral of Hid
Cavile. The garrison of Old Cavite has
sum udcred. thus giving tbe iugurgeuls
command of the shore of the entire bay
ll tbe intenor sources of supply aie
now cul off from tbe Spanish forces in
Tbe Americans can take Manila within
hours alter tbe arrival of liooos. Tbe
city is now at ihe mercy c( the American
tleet. Hdwey's cooductduring the block
ale has been admiral!.
A great fire is raging north of Manila
The insurgents have captured Ibe water
works ou which the supply of the city
depends. Augusli has issued att order
decUriug that all uiaiea over the uge uf
lS.sball join tbo army aud do military
Spanish Soldiers are Starving.
Manila, via Hong Kong, lune 17.
hpanieb pjwer is crumbling iu tbe Phil
ippine, iieneral Peuu and i(M) Spanish
soldiers have surrendeied at Mauta ( iu.,
aud similar tunenduie have occuned at
other places. The insurgents propose I )
form a republic undt i Anglo-ineriian
It is n jw ollicially aduiilted here that
tbe lack of food supplies has becomo a
aoriom uiilter.-Jl'he gunboats cauvjy
ing volunieers sent into the lagoon to
search for food for Ibe city ou Friday,
luned, reluioed here today (ISundayi
and leporud the total failure of their
missiup. It has been ollicially admitted
Ibat tbe Hoops have been U6 hours with
out focd.
The commanders of the gunboats alco
report that every lagoon and town is
hostile aud that ttieir garrison arofpiob
ably inaesacred . The Spanish Heel was
unable to effect a lauding, iu spite of
prolonged firing Upon tbe part of all tbo
gunboats. This rtmoves Ibe last hoiie
of provisioning Manila.
During the week, all Ibe gariisonH
were simultaneously overpowered, or
surrendered as piitoners. The lalteraiu
well treated. A msjority of those who
resisted were slaughttied. 'The insur
gents ie gaining ground everywhere,
and am uow inuring into Mauila itelf.
Wbolo cuuj panics cf Spaniards have
had nothing to eat fur two days and tome
oflheiuure literally starving It is a
pitiable sight, T'ie native peasantry
cbariiubly assists the starving soldiers.
without couipuUion, aud lOoglishmeu
yesterday bought a hawker's store of
eitihlei for a few shilling!, and gave (he
ool t soldier, who siid it was the first
jo I they had tasted (or '!') hours.
There is no doubt, at one person re
marked, tuat somebxly deserves lynch
ing for the .stale of atlaiis existing.
Scores of bloated ollicert of llie Bpanisb
forces are to be seen daily loafing about
beer ehopj aud cafes, along the bjule
vards, reviling the Uoglish, while the
men under their charge are starving
From Elkhead.
Well, the election is over, aud what
has become of the populists? Tbey
in utt have gone up lbo river or lo fight
Ibe Spanish, or it it possible that they
have come to their semes after pussiug
through four years of democratic free
trade bell, to see tome benefit from pro
loci ion on uo'd and rallle under ifpubli.
ran tiinignif nt. Now aa Ibe tiext
Icitiaiatuie will bo (.irongly repiililicau
tbev had letter be caivlul who I hey
send lo the senate M'li.ey eoiublne on
old Mitchell nguin bke they rid nt tbe
holdup Besaiou It a ill bo tnnn to tuin
thl state over to lbo pops, ami then I
will ipilt vling. W ell, M.w-ira llrown,
liiiniuh k an I Hamlin bote i my band,
t congratulate oo on )our election, but
ox peel Jou will le loueronie.
M. 1. AVION,
TRIliU TO IU.OW I P Till; I'l klNO.
llall-llrccd Spaniard on the Trans
port Caught In the Act.
VuToM , June IS The steamer Mio
weia biiuga Ihe following :
The Hawaiian SI ir of dune li publishis
the follow ing M iry regarding an attempt
to blow up Urn United Slates steamer
City ul Peking, while thai veaai I wat in
port there :
' II the reptiil wbiih ia in emulation
today in Mac, II iiml'ilii came near being
tha scene l an higiilful a disaster as
that n( lbo Maine, and in much Ibe
same way. IhoMoiv it nothing mote
01 lest I hail (but an at'einpl lo Id iw up
tbe Peking w as li U"t rated ist in time.
Vu fnlisled man, it is sa:l. w.ta caught
in Ibe ad 'I ui ranging a (use connecting
w ilh the in igj. inc. Tuo in.ig.i, uie eon
lams Pit) tons of powder , and bud been
guarded iIomI.v. Hio ihuii, il ia said,
is now under the i kwi't guard, and
Win n Hirt i eking get ".H on tin: i.uli
seas, he will lo hanged at the vind mm
The giealert secieiy concerning the
matter is being maintained for fear il
would ma i the spi ill of the pieseiil oc
ca.iion. 'tluallegetl ciilpi.l it said
be hall pamaid."
lbo publication caused a n'luatioti
Honolulu, othceiseii the ship denied
thu 1 1 nth id ibe toiy, but Ibeir dcuia
was made in a half heaitd wav. The
aie ninny corrohoiative foal ores which
tend to point oi.t the liuth il Ihe re
pott, winch was ti rut circulated by en
listed men. Other admitted that the
Spanish half bleed was ou board th
ship. Two Hon lulu eiu.ena it tied that
tbey we. eon loid of the Peking dune
3, wl.en lb. y saw a man iu nous ui
uiuler ilx-e gum . I. I liey wore cou
VI need tl a' the pritouri was the man
who atteiuptc I to blow u.i ill ' shii
Indian War Veterans.
1 ho Icdi in W or e'erit is id Oiegon
met iu annual reunion al IVrihiu' Tues
day. Tiiev bad a most pica-unit and so
eial I me.
I he death roll of llie p.i": )ear was le
IH.rted ai fnilo w s : Caphiiu M. F. Alcorn
.lacksonville; dohn Muiphy, .liickson
uuie; . on ti .Mcnoi-ii.i, i.iteiiurg, .ictMi
Woodward, I. i.-oburg , JpI.ii l'arkci
Portland: Albeit Stewart, iTceuville
Wlillain Fields, Pioneer, Wa.-h,, W, 1'
Hash, I I ju , Wash ; il KiihardH
Portland i'. Iljird, Porllind; William
Johusou' ulliam count) ; .1 jIiii 1 i . 1 1 -
MoMuiuvilie, I!. Marid , I'jrval i-; K
B. Stone, Walla WalU; 11. ClH)d
McMifii w !) , dolin Scaks, liliamook
Thomas Coatej, I .uglas county ; Jo.iepb
Uranau, Auburn, Wash.
The rtao'utio i was a loptc I asking
that tbo goveuoi berea'tcr npo!nt
representative oi the In ban war veto
rant upon the bjartl id irusttet o' the
regou s Jdiore' Home.
I be follow ing olhcers weretleit'd to
serve during the ciiMiiug ) i'j .
t rau'l comm. tinier , i. a. oo: . fei.
lor vicc-graml oiuitimiui r, t aptain
lasou Wheeler junior v in grand com
luauder, I'aplaiu Millwcli grand adj'i
laut, I'll) h It'iiiiatin lint aciintaut
giaud adiulaiil, Willi. on Panter
st'ioml usMht.iiit tand udjutai.t. I.'.i
l.iughlin : llilid assislaul guild udju
taut, Captain W ilium I liiime. thai
laiu, W. I. I. wing grand inai-hul, r
M.illoi : pay iniiHt.'r, .1. M. Mc.Mnlian
surgeon, I t. A. 1. uklin: captain ol
guv i I, Captain John s'nau.
Tu ('urn C'iminI ipul loi, l ol''t-r.
Takrl 'Ur.iarcts I ' I .I'-h.irln lo, i,r c
II L. C. L. lull lutuii', dru',;i.,l , ! fun l iiiuui y
fl ARRIIil).
Blt'OWN-i: TTKA Y.--AI the re-idem e
of Hon. I. S. K. Uuick iu West Uohii
buig, Saturday, Juno Is, lutis Mr.
das. II. Ihown of Looking ilass, aud
Miss Lli.tbeth 11 it 1 1 . i v of Cou nly
Kildare, 1 1 eland, Lev. F. L. Moore.
The bride left 2iceuKlowii .luno oth
on the Campania m l urr.vel a. Uoi'e
burg on the Kih. The groom is a well
known aud iopp. ioui fiirmer of Flour
nor valley and bis many (rienda in
Douglas comity join in honty congralu
lationt and we'l wisbisfor ibe happiness
and prosperity of I imself and bride,
Inlhiscitv I hurs la , Juno lo ISjs to
Mr. and Mr. S. K. Syl.;s, a daughter
This Is
It will
Purify and
Vitalize Your Ulood, Overcome That
Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to
take it TODAY, and realize the great
good It is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Jl America's Oreakst MuUiolne. All UruggMn,
Illng your Job wolk In Ibla,
tlitro I'.roii. are Ihe bnh. nniibfi ti
ti itii Ibe lioriolenf for the bet t lgaia.
Creiivn', highest grade, rbiilnlena, T.'i
For rt i-noil h-ceiil clgai call nil Mra.N.
County elainm and warritntn liighl li)
I). S. Wt'K.
For llrat-ela'S denlialry gn to I'r. Little
of Oakland,
Kuga In luliuite vaiii ty at .Vlevtnder
iV SirongV.
Ma u'oni in i. ne I'liund eaitooiis al
.Idler's gioei iv.
Key wri', unpolled and domi'Mie
cigala at the Hi sekaf.
I S. We' doe i inriiiiiine. I Mlleeop
poniti' I he p. I oil ee.
little rt Ciiseelil biiyele. Ihe ea
i milling, durable kind.
lOJKHI men wanted ul the Pose Stole
to select great bitigaiiiH befoio it ia too
Facts not lakes li what our adver
tising column'! tcpieaeiit. The Kims
F. W, Caifiiter is authorianl In ie
ifive and icceipt for sulirciiptiotia lo thu
Pi AIM'KM I ll.
ll our gtHida are new and id the latest
styles. No shopworn gondii mi band at
Ibe l.oas Stole.
At Oakland. T. F. liravea ia anth.m.fd
to leceive mid receipt loi eubavl ipllona lo
the Pi WM.k.u i.ii.
A I.ii go and line ushio Imetit id chil
dien's slioes just icceietl at Piiolt
Poos. Cull ami ice tbeiu.
Money to loan on uty ami country
properly. I S. K. Mi u
Matsteis' liuihliug, Koseburg, Or.
The S'lliare heal store Iish just opened
up a beautiful line el W. I.. Hnuglan
shoes, which pinvo to In' the beat slum
made, fouiti and inspetl them.
J. W. Iteeklev .V. Co ,ilie butcher, w ill
keep only ihe ch'iiciMt of meal where
with to supply the Ivoaebuig public, but
monthly setlleiui'id will In' required.
I'on't anuov olbeis by your coughing
and ni'k your lib) by iiegleitiug a col l.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe aud all throat ami
lung troubles. A. C. Marnier ct Co.
Cluldieii nud a.lul'.a luitured by burns,
scalds, ie jiiriea, i-cicma or skin
ma r ccurit instant relief by lining I'e
Witt's Witeh H.1.. I Salve. It is Ibe I
great Pile remedy. Marsteis' I'riinj
Store. I
Mis. .1. II. shupM h is been .i..oiuled
repicHeiiliitivi' for Ihe Yi.Hil'.i in Hot'
i i I v . Anv cue dcf.-iug iut iiiuiitii ii in I
regat.l l.i. i r w iihing to proline ihe rem- j i
ed , w ill please call at her residenci' mi
Finn stieet. jki oin j
Whooping cough the luoat dilres.-1
ing malady , but it duration tan be nil
hurt by ibe ii i ( One Minute Cough I
I ore, whicr is als i the U"l kuoau rem-
if i , , . . . ,
eily tor croup and all lung and biom
troublea A.C M ar'ef s' tV Co. !
Suits of clothe", all wool, heavy
weight, 1'i.oO ; regular pi ice $'.. Hoys
clo" he fro. n li to 1 ." year fur fl.'s) and
p.'. Hats ail ttih'Hiiiid tolois for sic, j
regular pi ice tl oil. All these giwds are j
inly t be hiut.d at the FoSJ Store.
1 hereby auuounee inynell aj a camii
ilaln bid. it lbo toting p.jiulalioii of
M -uglas coin ly, inilu.lin; ife fire sil- I
vi r i i i i . .oiuhhlH, deiuoi rata and re- .
pnl bcaiic, lo M'll I'.aiu wagon frijin a
full carload just le.eivoJ. Also caia of
hiiggief.bai b w ii a and liuila u' t ho loa i at i
p-icis, all lo, u en baud at Ste.uii i A
I'luuiow eth , i billaii'l, 'hi gun.
1 ll.lllfcllila ,T.
Iii i.idr to i
I iv h i 'n ii'ii I'.iilni. lb
for f .l.iTih Hint I old r.
i ;'. d a ". .1 .". Ii . i
I I it of our ii n,.';;! I
1.1, V i;.;us., t ,
' I tying 1 1.
lb., rii'l. 'inuit i.
in.. .1 etl. i. m.. C o
, lb .id b... pi.
il i f..r to . ..I .
. r .. i.. I o , . ,i . I.,
. I 1 1 v
I nu'ln
i v. r Mti
i I ul.
i i en t
- I fioill l l
I. . . 11
l,ir i i
M 1 1 1 y a
I o;h
i I I
i' III or .1 knl
in r h. p. '1 for
i,i Pal
. . I i n 1 1 1 1
ll M't'lliH lo ll.
ih'i . ha' e n .. I
I Ihi'.ir I i:.t rum,
.villi eve. Ti Ht I'
i Wmreii Ami, I'lunigo, IU,
Pk'i I 'renin IJalin in tip mku"
,1 ...1
cur. f. r i il iirh nud eoutaiUH uoeoiiiiin'
liiircury nor any injuiioiri dnn;. J 'n i ,
(0 cents. At ilruggi'.l or by m ul.
'I lie Creaient Ucvcl (icar.
Chain lens has arrived. I'rict 7"'.0O.
Call ami seothe high grade wheel wbiih
sells ut a reasonable pi ice.
A. C. M miii Kit t Co., Agt.
ll'iBubiirg, r.
Kvrrvlioily haya So.
Cnaeari'la ( 'and v ( 'albni'tir. Ilm inni.1
derful iiiedii ul ilisi overv nf llur age, pli UK-
nut ucd irlreHlnnir to Ihe laale. uel. lthIIv
ami poHillvely u klilueva, liver iiini bowels,
CleatiHlnK thu enl ii i) SjHtein, Ulitpel colda,
cure lir.idanlio, fever, conatlpntlon
ami hiilminesH. l'leuse buy and try u box
eflJ.CC. to ilav; 10, U.V Mleeuia. Holduud
KUur.uiU.'i U to cure by ull druglsli.
A Seasonable
pAKlJON ua for Leaking forth into song, but lbo lad is mt Wheel ,avu a
tendency to iiiuku one sing. U'u m a innih.Ki hut Jturillaul u inn L. i .ati ....
thu Credent Wheel as being uiiHiirpassed
Chain loss, $75.o
Racers, SOio
Roadslirs, ,s.oo cv ,15.00
on. am. siaiiu nemnn 11 ail thy way down
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Agents,
Mow' llili.?
e ulK'i 'hie Huiulrinl linlbna linward
I an V earn ul 1'iilaiih Ihal eanimt In
eiir.'tl I'.v ll.ih' CiiUrrh (hire.
F. .1. CIIFNF.Y ( (I,, I'r n l" i d.,(.
Wi I ho mideralgmi I have kn iw u F. .1,
Cheney for the IhhI l.t venis, and bi'llovo
bill' pel fei I Iv boiiornble In all bnnlticiin
i .inriii'tii.iii iiinl lluitiielally ablu to car
rr cut any obligatiuna made by their
Wont A I'inix, IioI'kiiIk Ihuggiala,
Tub do, O.
Wal ling, kiuiiiiu v. Marvin, W hid.'
tula lrtiggll, Tidetlo, (blo,
Hall's Calan It Cure ia taken Internal
ly, acting dlieclly upon the blond and
iiiiicuus tmfacii id the avateni. I'lke i.'mi
per bottle. Sold bv all drilgglals Tost -luioiilal
i free.
1 1st of I cttcrs
Ivemauiing uiicallod lor In lbo lloan
lung tiatollli iv '1'erious calling hi
Ibeao letti I a w ill ph'.iao ntaln the dalo oil
wbii blhev weie a Ueiliac l, Juim 'Jillh,
lbo letleis will Ihi i lunged for ul the
rale of one t ent eai h.
Avery, I'. P.
Pmce, Frank
Croui b, Win
1'aMs, Maiioii
Havlt, Mis. I
Howe, I cmard
k i.l.l, A. C.
keaanl, Mis I veiel 'e
Neationi, Jiio.
Seal, I.. W.
Pommel .Mini M nihil! 1',,', II
Hultri'liui, II. Ik Sulhuilm, W. I
(ra, William II
W. A, I- it 1 1 alt, F.
Hod oil Hilbsillptloll at
I this din e
t IL
I in er.
,, tu- . r .'V.
. t Inn. I l.i, 'III V i
II l f. f. l.i
1 il. I'.V K l
iimi: mmi in u s
l I ..lit I't'l 1 1 M 11, 1
-Ci I ukr, I', il,, i, H
W or I li 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 a k nil
n lilt. I .nil,
i ti , in;. i mi. I t ii.l.
alia U alla...i kali. .
Vlllill. ,t m . 1 , -t I mil
1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 , M lilt an Let .
I hit ii.;. .oi l I it-l. h
I--1 Mull
- j. ui.
N ..IH.
' I.l.l an,-
I l)il
" I - it in
tKraa SUaui-li pa
.Mi .allium .Ian ii
)t I l.i . 'mil,,'!'.
K.'r --an iu'i. i-
-nil lull.. VI, . I, .'.', '
. Ill
y l.i
I .. U-l.a
t'. Jim. .".
Columhla Wltrr
1' A t..r sii'l Vi n .
I an.liiu;-
W lllimrlli kit rr.
Ml. f..i lilt. N.mi U lt(.
a'. I'.t .1 M Nt I itlel
lllanirllr anil rtin
hi 11 Kitcr
. ii, n i ii . I , t 1..H '
M'l W it 1 ll't'll, I.
W lllanirllc Hurt
I' .: llan.t I., i i . -ul
al.'l U nt I nli.liii
naK Mitrr.
I'l HI I I. I t It l.l.'li I
' in ,
I. Mill. I, i I
1 11 1 . t rt
l-l I-.lil.
I rfi e in
I oi.U
a tit
i.-. 1 l,.,t
It ll1 'Hi
,0 . Ill
. W. l.
..! I il.
i- a ui
I In. '
ml !
I ut I li'il
uii.l l.
I l;t'rfi in
t .1 toll!
I I . a mi
I a in . I it, .
all I I 'una
""'I 1 r..iii
V. II.
II t It I. Ill I I', l i", ni r Agi'M
U. M 1. Co.,
I'ot lliiml, Ort uuii,
.mtr '-'
l'tr Two W-iks ill
the I.iji.itH'M- ll.t.u.
Cllill. 1 Sill, .itnl I Mt :.
PIK'I I.ii l.rl .
j Chin. i ami J.iji;uk;,i.
f I !' :ill l.iml:.
I Sohl mi
Agents Wan led.
In btiry County In Suipl
llu (iral I'opu In r llt maml ..r
I tiliipli, .1 an. I U nit. li I.;
Of Kansas.
llie in. .vt l.rillianlly niiiii i i 1. 1, mi,, it
mi. I ill ll-ln ally DlilMi all .. mi, I iu.,-l iiili n-.iy
I'i'I'iiuirl k i.ii llie ml.j.ii , tlir mir Willi
. 1 I n . Nearly
Inleii k.. milt fur llila ureal itiirL. .it. iiUiin
innltiiiK mi to (mi a net It m 1 1 1 1 1 k H. lerlla
lil.i I.. 1 1 1 it ti ,i lur lit e i nut iiitat it Apply fur, tnina mi. I li ul nnue tu
M. l ot IS, 'to., or M.W VOWK tltV, N. V
Song: of tiie
Ou Ciosaiut Wheel,
no never feel
Thu fear of walking back.
They stand up Htroug
The Heanon long,
Ou mountain road or track .
by ny wheel ut Jy price. Vm, have
Western Wheel Works' guarantee us llui
maker and our guaraiiteo iih dealer lo luiel, up
every 1 Uiin made for them. We thoroughly
bnlievo in them uud havo Hit) com ago of our
eonvietioiis. W will tarry lbo Creccnl Whm.l
thu loud (mid back.