The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 02, 1898, Image 3

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l'llll I'bAlNDEALER
1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 Mil i
'I'tiM I Itiirttira.
Mm K-ii. I (. Kl'ii. ii . i .-iort ill Mln .ail Lau
lroM. nih tf ; ivlni I'reacliltit, ll a. m
!! 7 i) . hi., Kulitiiitli liool, to (. m,; r.
W . Wi.nil. y. ViiiNiliiU'Uitrbt; (Mm MmIIhb al
. Imu uf Hi u ninnilug or-lcs: Kpworth League
"i' in Malik' i..ilM)f, I' i t r I v I1 1 . I'l)ifl
M liul, t Imlii-, nl i ' 1
rui Mi L ll'iulir. I'Mlot, '
ruuini cuiuet Mlu suit l.tut. I
I iuii iniiin I ii vuiiivi ul tui au4
Hmoilmk Huii'Uy Hccvh o: l'ullu worship,
in mill V ju . m ; hl.ttU Hcbool, 10 . m.i
V I'. rt. 0. S,T . m. rra-l MoetlBf. W4dm
Ur 7 Id i til.
H. B. IllkWOktB, I'MtOt.
t' 1 1 i Hi i i iii i.. I lift ' II "ll Kim I. t tin-1.
Mli.l.i: .i 1 , m il n. in mil ; .0 p in. rr)j
. r iif 1.11 . I liui-l-i i tiuif.
A. I tt inu.. I'ctiir.
m u i. in U' ii. fmiii r nuil
i-i.l- it U't'i tin fti-couil aliil lottrll)
-1111 l.i) iii'iiuiii ul t' Ii ui'iilli U'I in ly hull
.la 1 iiiiuii "I'llnl hi '. 1 miliniiuiTd Ipitn
Mm 1 . iii... Unv . John Ll his,
Miliium .
l I.. I Mi l.i II. II I I II.
11)11.! .ill I f 1 hill.
lit 1
. i iCi 11 1-1 J MlO'lS)
, rlnr
I) K I tiV AlliMION.
hn-Kli 1 1 11 1 1 ill tiKH J.r ttt Xiyler's
I ln l"id Mum ii) Belling out ut Bcrl
li' ilii; prirvH, Cull and III) CunviUCod.
Niw ktmit ul Uilii-n nuil miiel' Hue
uli.ifn, ml 1 1 hi Utmt hI)1i, piet ic-eived
it I '.1 1 1 ill lto.
(.'.Ul ul lle ItodM Siore uiui price their
K'iJa, ami yon will Ihi eiir iriel to I1111I
ilium it! muiIi low figure.
I nili, o r iliuwlntt 11 hauilaoiue
liuu il dpriu miilliiil , rnnli Uliriri auil
hll ikiiIh Nov'lty Htori.
Vi;it i-vefyoiie ituyi uiont Iw-trun.
llio i.liuliorl ul tens 11 ud coll mw in low a
i Mm-, II. Cahiu.s'n.
W'i-i udxIoiid to lo liltl good Id
ll. ix wuil.l and cun lliluk ol no ileMDtr
ur In-Hit y to do it tlu ly wi oui
uu iiilini; uo Mlimtw Cure m prevent-
IVU Of HlCUU)lliH, CODRUIUPtlnn nd
orliir wruiim liinn troubles t(it follow
niliMtfd iuld. .MrHtur' Drug Store
Murm I'.iullry Cure. This infallible
rtMiii'dy 1 hdllciiKea the worM to iroduc
in ennui an iroilurer. 1 revent
1 vc uinl turn lor nil iii! of lowla.
t iiiur.iiilvt'il aud (or iul ty II. M. Mar
tin, KoHi-btirg, Ur.
A tin ill ul turror 1.1 eHrienot'd whue
a lruHny eolith ol rrotip aounda tlirougb
lliu Iiuiifc tit uiiitit. But thn terror aoon
1 liutii u to roln f utter One Minute Cough
I'uto Iiuii lit ell ailiniuintrrid. Safe and
liaruiloM fm iliildruii. Mamtert' l'rug
I". .I. llond, practical
wutrliiuaker. biiop in
.old cxpreie oilice, next te
ii,.. ti.r.' iiuiiilinir. UoMbur. Oregon.
W atciun, rl H le and jtmulrv mpaired
in a elililul in miner al reasonable pricei.
A bIiiiio of tbe public patronago o-
lit ilod.
C'ai I lud uf rlotliiuu mid bate jutt ie
I'uivcdat Hone bioie. Iheee goode
weio Sillied diicil fioui tbo facloilee
Uifoie we nniii'ipateil of eelllug out, end
uie olleii'd M llio public at coel. Beet
lit I inu clothing on iho loaat, laylor made
mil aiiepu-d. Call aud examine them,
titii Imis aie the Itiett styles find ere
woi th double nlut wo udei tbem at.
llut-3 Stohk.
No in llur for t'lfljr Ccnllh
i.iiui.inin il loliui-i-o liulill curd, uiokcii oaU
mi ii niiiiii;:, I'looil pure. 60c.ll. AU ilrufc'ulfcta-
One or the (ircatcbt Uargalns.
I'.vcr oifi-ii'd In Pouglus county, for
short time. Only IU acres of laud, one
mile of Kosoburg, in a bigU state of cul
liviitiuu. Huod I room bouse, fair laru,
and all nitwwsary out buildiuge and all
nucuHsury friulu uteusilii - acres in
Btrawborrk'H, I iu orcbatd, U' j lu
train, biilnuco ol place Iu garden, well
watered ; H clik-Kens, - .'eraey cows and
take, I homi'i I buggy, I light wagou,
a nets o( huruuBS -nnd plenty of small
fruit, such as dewberries, blackberries,
Koodebcnlt B, cuithuIs and grapes. For
fintliur liiforiniition eii'iuiro ol
I. l' Ku:,
Ileal Kslute Ageut,
Hosoburg, Or.
IIiiiiwhuOii mo TiylnR It.
In ordr to prove tho Krat weilt of
l:iv-afrcani I'i'i'u. th.' "t StloetlTO nro
,,; Cul orb and fold in Huad. wo have pro
iu,, ." r" iouh iriul al for 10 ceU
ilct it of ?o"f dnwiht or scud 10 icuti to
j:LV JlUOK, Mi Wnrron HI., K V, City,
J Hl,noird from n'I'U'lh of the wort kind
I il' Hlllir
a lii'V. 10"' ' nucr 1111,11...
V. t'leiuil I'lih'l fcimnis W 'o
ii . .... ...,iuiiiihiiici a hate nbi'd
ci t: II 1 1 111 1 - ."ii,.. "' i .
H Wii, c xo.-H. nl v. si.lU- Oacar Outrun.,
43 Wi
ullill Ami , nni"i '
i 'ream llulm i thfl acku"b UK' d
eiii'' for
flllai'lll 'HI'' OKUllUU" IKI DIM .lllir
. .. .. I itii
III) l. HIV IH'I' I'liy lllUlli'UH lirii..
tO cinlH- At di ol' '"','''
Wc arc determined
Dry Goods, Clothiuf? Hats,. Hoots, Shoes, Ladies? and
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ulankcts, Quilts, Iiccs,
Ivmbroidencs, trunks,
X m ii j nt T uiitfVtff ", t, i
This time wc MUST
Real hstatc and must give possession in Sixty Days.
Our late arrivals
ionable jjoods in the city, and arc direct from the
Caro Bros' Boss Store.
New wheels for rent at the "Crorcent
All site biais ktltloa al Churchill .V
lor langlelool llv paper gu to the
Novi-lfy Slore.
Mis liiai o ('arroll ban returned I rum
a visit at Aihlaod.
I.a lius go to the Novelty Htorc for Ihe
best aesortuient of bust lea.
Mrs. K. C. Hacry f Praia visited
frluodn in this city list week.
l or a nice line of ladioa' koit ribbed
Tests call al the Novelty Store.
The L'reecenl hainloes is superior to
all others. 1'iice Uuaraoteod. .
Wl.ou you reel a wlioel gut an easy
running Crercebl si tbeCresunt Cyclery,
Have yoor dental work done by Dr.
Strange Hud avoid the trouble of oor
Have your imIIi llllel wbilo you wait,
at lr. I . W. IUyne' olli.e, . M. Ham
by in cbarg4.
lio ' aud men's straw and felt bale,
you will find a laie liue of, ut tbe
Novelty Store
I or dental work up-to-date, fee . M.
Ilatuby in oilice of . 1', . Haynee,
Keyiew building.
Iilitx, keep iu miud our largo liue of
shirt waists aud uucK wear, also belts aud
mills al the Novelty btoie.
Call and examine our liue of boy'M and
men's cl'itbimt. VA give lent value for
the money. Novelty More.
Miss l uho (iaddia has icturuod from
Gardiner, where tb" ba boon teaching a
very auccoeeful term of sclioul.
For trimmed bats tbat are bcuuiiful
and unejualed iu . price, call al the.
Novoltv Btore rnilliuory deimrtmout.
Cleutleuiea will do well to examine our
line of ovorshlrts and underwear, all ut
very low prices el llio Movoltv giore.
Kobt. Zachory ami family have goue
to Wyoming whore Mr. Zachury will
probably engage lu tbe stock business.
Iloraoo Caoipboll, of Colorado, who
purchased the llodsoo property west of
the city, is moving Into bis new borne.
Y.. DoGaa. M. 1'., member Hoard
Tension Uxauiinere. OMice, Maraters
building reaiding coruor Main aud Cass
Beanie ou are right, then go al.caJ.
He sure you get Hood's Hareaparilla, aud
not some cheap aud worthless substi
tute. The languor so common at Ibis eeanou
is due to impoverished 1 blood, lioo-l's
Sarsaparilla cures It by enriching tbe
(io lo 1i-. Sirange's otlieu oppoaite the
pottulUce, Hoeeburg, to have your den
tal work done and secure good work
fully warranted. , .
Inquiries are Coming in from all parts
of tbe county lo Churchill it W'oolley in
regard to their chain diive mower and
lever Binder with lly wheel.
Tbe up-to-date farmer Hint qios bis
thinker knows thai a lly wheel jon bis
binder is just as essentia! as on a feed
chopiwr or a steam engiuo.
No one can all'onl to have dental work
dons by other than a iwrmauent resident.
1 ir. Mange is aiich and bis oilice w ill
hereafter be opeu ut all times.
Mr. .1. A. Uucbauau of Pallia Oregon
viaited Mr. 0. 1'. Coshow iu this city
last week. Mr. Uucbauau is au attorney
aud may couclud to locale in Hoeeburg.
IOisi Last week iu this city, a ladies
puiao coulaiuiug money and papers.
Finder w ill bo suitably rewarded ou re
turning same to Mias Anna Kitmauu,
tbe owner,
Tbe ice cream has arrived. Head
quarters ut the Kandy Kitchen, f where
the best is to bo bud. Families sup
plied. Orders promptly attended to.
Pure fresh candies, soda w ater nnd Jce
cream soda.
F. It. Cotl'mun, physician and curgeou
secretary board V, H. 1'onslou surgooua
Oilice io Marsters' block, reBideuce i20
btopbuus street, rrofessioual calls in
towu or couutry iromptlv answered
ulght or day.
'regou's ijuoto of soldiers to be pro
vided under the lait call is SU. There
will bs no oOicersto provide undei this
call, as tha number will be added to the
reglmet now iu the field, being die
tributed among the companion compos-
lug this regiuieut.
Tbe O, i;. C. will giro a cbocolataii e
at tbo residence of Mrs. J. W. Hamilton
Saturday afternoon at '.' o'clock, Choco
late uud cake, or cotl'ue aud cake 10
ceutBt Frocoods to go to tbe Emergency
Coma fund. 1 n'litlomen as well as
ladies rordiolly Invited.
to close out our large stfkk of
Valises', cct.,etc. '
SKLL, as wc have sold our
arc all the best aud most fash
O. W. (Smith of Koberts Creek, was a
business callsr at tbls oflioe yesterday.
Hon A. C. Woodcock, republican can
dldato for circuit judge, Is "spending the
week lb this county.
Mre. Kimon Lane and her daughter
leave today- for New York, wbere Mrr,
Lane goes for medical treatment.
Tbe family of Ufa l'owell left 00 this
mornings local lor Fortland to loin Mr.
l'owell, who will make his home at or
near tbat city.
Tbe family ol J. W. Miller of north
Hoeebuig, left Monday morning for Cat
ifornla to join Mr, Miller who bas been
there some weeks in search ol bsaltb.
The ladles of lbs Emergency Corps de
sire to tbank tbe kind frleoda who so lib
arally palronued tbe tsa given by Mrs.
C.L. Hadley last Thursday afternoon, for
the benefit of their treasury fund. Tho
order of F.lks ol tbls city, are specially
mentioned, as" l'atrlotic friends of tbe
Emergency Corps, many thanks gentle
men for your liberal donation.
W. 1). Shoecsake r was in town Tues
day enroute to Hoeeburg with a band of
200 head of cattle. Mr. S. bad among
the herd l'K) fine three and four-year-old
beef cattle. These will undoubtedly be
disposed of at Hoeeburg, but if not, tbey
will be taken to Fortland and there sold
to Ibe market. Bandon Hecorder.
I'rof. NV. W right bas been compelled
by the serious illness of bis wife to dis
miss bis school st Lookiog Glass. It is
hoed that Mra Wright will soou re
cover somciently for him to resume bit
dutiee, both at the public school and at
bis various writing schools which bave
ulso been dismissed for the present.
The Southern Pacific Cj., now makes
the following liberal reduction iu rates
011 round I iip tickets: To Portland and
return, U:J0; goc l 30 bays, To Ya-
julna Hay and return, $3; good nntil
October 10, 18l"S. To Boa we 11 Springs,
$1.10; going Saturday and returning
Monday. To Boiwell Springs, $1.85; for
30 days. To Asblaod $3; good for 30
Kiddle. ,
I'r.C.K Ikigue and Ed Wearer at
tended the apeakiug here Friday night.
Miss Anna Hague came home from
;ucklo Sunday morning, returning Mon
day uigbt.
I 'j you want to vote for tbo national
guard aud the protection uf our country?
Tbeu, vote the republican ticket.
1 eo. U. Kiddle attended tbespeakiug
of Hon. Frank Motter st Csnyonvills
Mra. -eo. T. Frsler came op from
oseburg last week and ia visiting at
Hotel Kiddle.
Hoin, Saturday, May SStb, to Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Jackson, a fins boy; and
now John can step right ovsr the coun
ter. Of course , tbey have- Msaed it
At their regular meeting Saturday
night tbe Woodmen elected tht follow
ing officers: L. Micbales, Con. Com.;
E. D. Riddle, advisor; I. A. l'ean, 'man
ager; J. 8. Pardee, escort; John Yokum,
watchman; H. Harmon, sentry.
Mr. and Mrs. N'oaU Cornutt, accoiu
pauied by their son and daughter, Noah
aud Evelyn, and Marlon Uackler,
started to Ashland Tuesday by private
conveyance to attend tbt commence
toeut exercises ol the Normal sehool.
s Monday was decoration day a num
ber of our people assembled at the "si
lent city on the bill" lo decorate the
graves of loved ones gone before. Songs
and recitations befitting tht occasion
helped to constitute the program which
was well rendered,
A "traveling troup," consisting ol
Judge A. F. Stearns, J. II. Shupe, J. A.
Black, A. K. Mattoon and A. F. Brown,
candidates on tbs republican ticket, and
Uou. Frauk Motter of Portland arrived
at this place from Myrtle Creek Thurs
day evening, and went to Cauyonville
Friday morning - where Mr. Motter en
tertained a large audience by addressing
them on tho political topics of tbe day
Returning to this placa in the eyeuiog
they were greeted by a large and antbu
siaatio audience at Jackson's hall w here
Mr. Motter again sent "broadsides", in
to tho euemy's camp, only tbs eoeisy
was uot there. No, with a few excup
tlous tbey staid ut borne. His argu
ments were invincible, proving tho utter
absurdity If proof were needed-rot tbe
tree-silver aud free -trade doctrines. ; But
you cau't overcome 'prejudice when ob
stinacy is its chief support. Mr. Motter
is an entertaiug speaker and doesn't al
low his hearers to become weary.
f-Vnft. iikk
, it-''! '.-iU,7
Memorial day was fittingly and very
tseerallv observed " f the iopUr" of
Roseirarg, bat owing to lbs waweitrH
condition of the .WMtber do preueairlvu
was attempted. Tbs graves In the vari
ous cerneterlflS were, however, beauti
fully afid tastefully decorated.
Decoration began en Hatqrday, and to
day scarcely a mound, Uneath which
MposeStbe duet of a relative or friend,
which has bot beeo remembered and
garUad by I'iving bands with wrenths
of Choicest flowers 1 " tota s of 1 he r s ves
wsre completely veorealsd by bowers
piled on flowers, and aUoll Uirough the
cemeteries revealed tbe beantiea aud the
elaborate character of the decorations
and the farther fact that wagou loads of
flowers bsd been used lor decoration
At an tarly hour committee from
Reno Poet visited tie cemeteries end
quietly wended their way along the si
lent streets of tho cities of the desd and
reverently decked with flowers and
marked wltb Hoy flags the graves of
sleeping comrades. The committees al
so sought out and decorated tbe graves
of confederate soldiers.
At 11 o'clock a. m. a goodly number
of our patriot i: citizens ssaembled at Ihe
opera boose where the following moii
cal and literary provram was rendered :
Reading of orders and other ritual
6ong by the choir, entitled, "A Tri
bute loth Brave.!'
Recitation by Mies McCoy, entitled,
"Columbia's Heroes.", It was replete
wltb patriotic sentiment and was well
rendered and received.
Duett and cborus, entitled, "We Deck
Your Grave."
Kecitatioo by Miss HraJley, entitled,
"Ode to Decoration J'av." This was a
lovely poem, beautifnlly and feelingly
rendered and well received.
Song by tbe choir, entitled, "Tenting
on tho Heavenly digblands."
'ration by Itev. W. E. Copelaud.
Bpaee forbids any extended notice of
theoratioo, but tbe unanimous verdict
of all is tbat it was an eloquent address.
Song. "Americe," led by the choir,
and joined in by the audience.
Benediction by Rev. Howell.
The singing by -I of the beat singers
in Koeeburg constituting the choir, un
der the able leadership of Dr. Slraoge,
did tbemselvee and tbe rceaioa credit.
The Wood mem.
At tbe semi-aunual election of oflicete
of OaU Camp No. 1-3, held Monday even
ing, the following were chosen : H. M .
Wead, C. C. ; C. P., A. L. L.
Wimberly, Mgr. ; H. L. Marsters, escort ;
John Bother, watchman; Thos. Oibsoo.
sentry. A district convention of dele
gates from all tbe camps in Lane, Doug
lai, Coos, Curry, Josephine and Jackson
counties will be held in Roeeburg on
Wednesday, Jane loth. Tbie couventien
will transact district bueinees aud elect
delegates to the Head Camp session
which will convene iu San Franciao in
Aogust. Tbe delegates chosen to repre
sent Oak Camp in the district convention
are: Thos. Gibson, N. T. Jewett. L.
Wimberly, B. XT. Strong, V. C. London.
Alternates t R. S. Sheridan, J. It. Chap
man, W. T. Wright, P. U. Bort. II. L.
Marsters. A committee on entertaining
the convention was appointed as follows:
O. P. Coahow, Geo. Carpy.Thoi. Gibson.
Field Day Sports.
Tbe result of tbe held and tract con-
teats held at the Went Itoseburg bicycle
track on Monday, May 30, under tbe
auspices of the L'mpjua Athletic Club,
were as follows :
One half mile bicycle, novice ; two in
three. Mearns, first in two straight
beats; Faulkner aecood. Time, 1:28,
V One half mite bicycle, 2 in 3 ; boys un
der 10: Tolles first in straight beats;
Murphy second. Time 1 :23, 1 :2I.
On fourth mile, exhibition, Haaeel.
Time, 0:34 seconds.
Running high jump; O.K. 01eaon;4
feet, four inches.
Running broad jump: C. Faulkner
and Lee Wilkins lied for first plage at
16 feet, 7 incnee. Oleson, third, 12 feel,
0 inches.
100 yard dash; Boyd, first; Faulkner,
second; Oleson, third. Time 0:12. t
One mile bicycle, amateur; Hassel,
first; Stearns, second; Tolles, third,
Tims 2 AO.
French Settlement Items..
The pleasant showers make the farm
ers smile.
Itev. F. V. Leonard passed through
our valley on May 30.
Mrs. R. A. Woodruff visited ltoseburg
last Saturday.
John Geerhard made a business trip to
Elkton lust week. , ..
Mr. L. Hill is making uuite a ship
ment of strawberries this season.' . ,
We are aorrv to say tbat Grandma
Conn is quiet ill ut tbe residence of. bar
son, Henry Conu.
A surprise party was giveu at tbe resi
dence or !'. W. Hatfield in honor of
Miss Bertba Lamb, who closed a success
ful school at this place. All reported a
nice time. Those present were : l'eitba
Lamb, Walter lamb, Evelyn Jackson
Mary Churchill, Edna Jackson, Crealee
Conn, Robin, Anna and Alice Conn,
Turn' Ward,- George ; Ward, Charley
Churchill, J. B. MoMurpby, Daleu Hat
field, Virgil Woodruff, John Uearhard,
George AYIhwo, Waltec Cappious.
For dale.
EUGS. White Plymouth Hook; (.large
birds and good layers) Brown Leg
horns, Black Minorca 'and Pekin duck..
Eggs for sale, only H per 13. Thtfe.
eitgsare from tine, full blooded birds,
birds tbat speak for themselves, Corhe
and see theru when in town. Leave qr
ders at th Kackst Store or address Hose
hurg Poultry Yards, Box 04, ltoseburg,
Oregon. -. " -.. . a'M
1 rj-..
. .'i 1 .
Sunt I ago 'IBoin
Spanish Loss Believed to
be Heavy. 't; ;ri
r . . . . -f ''
rnw iijr any' amkricans hit
v f
if 1 ,
Little Damage. l)yue to Warships
of L'Uhef 1'ieet.
Caps Uaytik.n, May 31. Ad vide1
junt received from Havana say fliat
since 2 o'clock this afternoon ihe Ameri
can fleet at Santiago de Cuba tins .been
cannonading tbe batteries of Morro
castle, La Socapa and Punta Gonla;
At tbe same time, it is awldb J. tLu Arner-
lean ships Lave been engaged witri the
Spanish warshijie. - The firing wax ex
tremely heavy.
At 3:45 p. m. the tannona ling be
came leas heavy agarjut tbo forthica-
tions and was more nccenluated in the
locality where tbe flf eta were engaged.
0:40 p. m. At then hour the cable is
still working from Santiago. , Private
messages intimate that there bas been a
severe fight between the American fleet
and the outer . fortifications and tbe
Spanish fleet. The fight lusted tbe
greater part of tUu afternoon. Tbe ad
vantage appears Vo have been with the
Story of the Bombardment.
New Yoiik, June 1. An Evening
Journal epec:al from Cape Hay lien says:
Tbe torperlo-tjoat- Porter arrived at
Mole St. Nicholas, at 1 o'clock this
morning with dispatches for Washing
ton. She left immediately. Before go
ing to sea, tin following story of the
bombardment of Santiago was obtained:
Tbe AmcrkAO squadron,, augmented
by Ihe torpedo-boat Porter aud an auxil
iary cruiser and Ihe protected cruieer
New Orleans, aupioached the entrance
to the harbor of Santiago al about 12 :30
p. m., the Iowa leading, luside the
entrance to tbe haroor was teen one
warship of Cei vera'a fleet, utripped for
action. As the American lleet drew
near, the New Orleans was detached and
Steamed ahead of tbe Iowa, Texas and
Massachusetts. ( ne of tbo forts o;ened
fire on her, aod she replied, tbe other
ships directing their fire a I Iho battery
on Punta Gorda within the harbor and
to tbe westward of tbo position occu
pied by tbe Spanish ship. The latter
replied lo Iho fire and immediately be
came a target for all the American ship."
engaged in tbe battle. She retired be
hind the protection headlands and was
not seen again during tbe engagement.
Tbe Iowa, directed by Captain "Fight
ing Bob" Evans; the Massachusetts,
Texas and New rleans, kept up a terrif
ic tire against the torts for two hours,
their projectiles, of enormous si.e, doing
tremendous damage to tbo defenses of
tbe harbor.
The masonry of Soospa aud Moirovvas
battered almost Into dnst and The Jornis
of Spanish artibWiy ' and infantry men
could plainly be seen, dying to safety bo-
hind neighboring hills.
Tbe auxiliary cruiser which joined
Schley's fleet just before the batU took
place, was bit by aiielle from , lite forts
and it is thought vu seriously damaged.
After seeking the pi otcclion of Ibe jutt
ing headlandthe Spauish warships con
tinued to tire projectiles over the hills
toward tbe lleet. but tbey had 110 rauge,
and tbe shells fell harmlessly into the
sea. Tbat the number of killed and
wouuded ou tbe Spanish side ia euorm
ous, no one doubts, for time aud again
the American-shells bit the battfnes
sijuarely, ud atoiJ the. Hying Diiforjry
and dismantled guus, the ferine of men
were seen. The f damage done, lo Ue
American fleet cunuol be learned, but it
is not thought tbat any person was killed,
if indeed, any one was vieojijedj! J :
n''- -O i
Another Account of the Battle.
Port au Prince, Juuo 1 .The "follow
ing additional details have been leceived
from a Spanish source at Havana of ' tho
engagement reported off Santiago ) ester
day; ''ii
The Spuuieb batteries first answered
tbe fire of the American squadron iu a
lively tnauue&y After. 20 minutes' firing,
directed lna V&rWlor manner upon ' tire
part of tbe American lleet, tho Spanish
batteries began . to rakari 0api-.'tio
American ships concentrated a violent
fusillade upouF.l "Morro, destroying it
coutuletely .1 Tbe? foitsul Socapa uud
Puuta Gordu fiiod the Ittaf Bhot. j ;
Tbe Spanish log muet have been con
siderable. . , . ,
Details are luckiug us la the American
The Spuuiurds proteud lu tay0. tU'ivk
the Americau vessels severs times, but
this iufoi iuatiou is accepted willi reset ve
At 4 o'clock yesterday afteruoou the
Americau squadron 'cease.1 firing. Al
that hi(ur there w ai uo Spanish yeeeel iu
sight." ro news uea weu receiver neio
from the-dispatch boats.
the Spanish Account.
Havana, Juuo t. Tho" following Spuu-
ieh account of tho engagement off Sauti
agtThas been issued here : '.
.The Amoncau lleet, uousuliug of the
Iowa,- Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Teas,
New Orleans, Marbiohead,. .uiuneapolia
Olid ttuolher, cruiser, In addiCioji to nix
Hinttjl vossoIh, lunknpa popitimi, M;iy
SfInT tlj-V-hitrl IKde tyf ttt wvtrW wfi
Huntiiiifo cfmriiiol, uH-iiing Are from the
Grl firii v?f1.
Ttiu fiOirh" "rrt'-r t'hrfstokiiT (slon
was anvhonwljlowanl t'unU Gordirand
eonld be an from the open sea : The
fJreiof thrmerlcau lleet was answerVd
bjf the Morro batteries an I by the if il
ser C ii riiUStffl fo't,T Te J Anierfoan
fftet fired ti eiMts witboet .'tausing I lie
tout damags. Tlie bombardment fasted
90 ruiootes - and the' Amef lean best fs
tireil witti (rsns-Atiartiie t steamer
(au li at i.iiiarr) dantalfsd- 1wq Shells
wer (cjo io exi bxle on ibe ' Iowa's
Stern, and there wa fire on board an
other naUle-nblp Beviirsl projectiles
fell inside the harbor near tb Ppaaleb
warships. 1 " "ftfJii -
'jThote is grAt tfatrtsgo
and here.
About to Rmberk.-' ii
; WaiLInglon", June l.Swretery Alger,
)o a letter to congress aays. tha'l' p.OOO
or 20,003 troops will go to' Cuba il once
and be followed, as soon as possible by
Loaded Down. '
A genlU uin who was" in San Fran
cisco when 'out Oregon boys went on
board the steamers, bound for Manila,
wasia this city Saturday. "lie saysth
boys were fairly loaded down with flow
ers nnd eatables. Th-young ladies
along the street strewed their path with
flowers and' threw relb of lowers
about their beau's. Tassinjf down ihe
street each man was presented witb a
bottle of claret w ine 'at one place, at an
other with a "bottle of beer, while oranges
and sandwiches by the wagon load were
distributed among tbem. Ue says Ore
gon may welt feel proud of the young
men she has sent fortb, and tbat there
was 00 hesitancy on tbe part of tbe peo
ple of San Francisco in showing their
admiration toward them.; The. oration
given them on their departure was one
they will never forjwt. Eugene Register.
A Card. - -
To the voters -of Doug Us County:
Not b ing able to pay you a personal
Visit daring this campaign, I lake this
opportunity, through the medium of lb
press, of thanking you. for favors here
tofore received by being elected as your
county surveyor, and stateing tbat ii I
am. elected fcr another term at the Jane
election I will still continue to charge
one half of tbe fees allowed by law for
my services nntil such limes as those re
quiring work doue are able to pay full
fees and I will try aud perfornrlbe duties
of my oilice it tbe best of my ability.
Yours very truly
Will P. Hkvdon.
$20,00 Suit of Clothes
The $20,00 suit of clothes given away
by CI ude H. Cannon for tbe month of
Mar was drawn bv W. .1. Pearson ".the
popular rail) bad agent at Wincheater
Anolbeo-suit will be given away this
montLkEvoneot our. patrons will
stand an enual show, will you be the
lucky one".' -
- Cl AlOE B. Cannox.
Hep. the Royal Tailors
Attention All! 1 1
The .Roaeburg Emergency ; Corps will
serve ' Jiuiier at Marks', store, election
day, Jane tub. No psios will be spared
to have tbe finest collation ever spread
before 3"ue voters of Douglas county.
Come oik'. Come all ladies and gentle
men unJ help this grand cause. Meals
23 cents, ; -' ;
liold Watch.", ; '
S. J, Bailey guessed lucky No.
Near ones ' were Mrs. J. Sheridan
and 'A. .T. Jackson 203.
' 1
R. R. Assessment
Mr. Eiutok: Will you please 6ay . in
answer t j Mr. J. Q. Guuter ou the R, B.
assesnmeut that the.' s no change jio
my raid district limits J 1 receive 3fi
more. -days work for lsJ7 Uvn 1 diJ jon
the lW assessmeut. . fc f a ' .
' 1- t- Very;RespectluJly'- ji. j
Supervisor Diet., No. tk ?'
Notice to Trespassers.
"ivntiue isjiejiaby jiv-j thatall stock
found In my pastures or trespassing en
my lauds without permission being iiait J
outuiueu ot tlie persou 111 .charge of the
premises, wilt be belli for a
able time at the expense of the owner,
aud if tho faiuo is not claimed it will tie.
advertised and sold in tbe manner pro
vided U- law, for the purpose of payipg
the charges and expenses of caring for
au4 selji.fig sajd propertyi j f
A. W". Stanton,
Brockwsy, Or.'
Bargains! Bargalnsll BargalMlIf
In pianos; organs, and, musi
ilal gc
nd, at
bicycles pew ami vconil ha
low est prices possible. I have
also km!
about thirty thuusund feet of lumber
which I have taken in 'trade' for goods,
aud will sell cheap, as I urn not -lu tb
IllmtiMr hllHin.iua .X; -. ' . ?
i. T.'K. RicuAstpsoH,
t I
No wsi rauts taken ou taxes, and cost
w ill bo added after June 4, 1S$8. Ths
tux 10II for 1S'J7 will be closed June 4,
1S0S. All taxes must be paid by that
Jt. 15. C.-Agl',
Sbetil! DoukUs. County.
Kilutnto Your lloiveU With i'aacaraia,
l .uuly riiihanii-, cure conaiipatlon lorevdr,
luv, ioc. ll t'. U. V, tail, Uruibiroluml moo.
The V. CJ?. U. will hold itMegular
meetings on tho eecoud aud , fourth
I Thuisday i f every mouth at 3 :00 p. rh.
j lu tha F.pworlh league room 'of the M,
t.. i-iiiircli. 1
Stra4 tMkM la t4 fr, "
r n p.Toa rfrtrsrrf isw-
.1Il TT
'. . : -
aVF4a sj ssejssaj ajsfjfs
-AJjjolutfirufsr -
1 - It 1 lilt) .'I
' - ' '"I
NVVajs taMffs)S 9&tV0$ rtJ,, faeJ Vr)Srl(j
I ' " ....
Twslfth' Annual commencement. ls
! Near at Hand Ths Prozram,
MSIA . i ....
Tb program for tbe twelfth, annual
commencement of tbe Drain stats normal
school Is si follows: ;.. .". .V.'',-.'
Jane 10, 8 p, m, Students Reunion.
Jane 11, 6 p. m Excercises by Train-
ng School.
Jane 12, 10 a. m, Baccalaureate Ser-
moo, Kev. Q. M. uwio, bupt. rutnio
Instruction, Salem. .
Jane 12, eV p. m. Special Sermon,
Ret. O. M. Irwin.
Jane 13, 8 p. m. Annual Lecture be
fore Literary Societies, President-elect
. U. Anderson. .
June 14, 8 p. ui. Annual meeting
board of trustees.
June 14, 3 p. ni. Cusiuess Meeting ot
Alumni. 1 .! ,.".... :.
Jane 14, 8 p. m. bpecial Literary ami
Mosical Prograo. 1
Jane 15, 3 p. u. Class Dsy Exercises.
Jane 15, 8 p. m. Elocutionary con
test for Gold and Silver Medals.
June 10, 10 a. m. Graduating " exer
cises. ... I! ,
June, io, 5 p. m. Piorgm by Alumni.
i Reduced rates bave been secured over
tho S P48.H., indudiog tb West Side
iai Yamhirt divisions, to all persoBS 'at
tending these Commencement Exercises.
Upon purchasing your ticket for Drain,
be eur to state yonr purpose 'of attend
ing this commencement; aud take' a re
ceipt for the same. This receipt which ,
alone, will permit yen to obtain1 reduced
rates. will be signed by the president
of the Normal, after which the, ageut at
Drain witl sell you a ticket to your home
for only ouit-luir d the usual rate- .
Tbe following card which was pub
lished in tbe Roseburg Review in March,
1804, shows the estimation in which Mr.
Gazley i hold t tbe,pregon f National
Guard: .. . .-n-
. , "A Card.
"To the voter ol Douglas county;. As
I am a populist nominse tor legislative
honors, I do hereby pledge myself, if
elected, to do all in my power for tbe
..... 1 . ;
abolishment of tbe Oregon Stste Guards.
.- j -l 1' V
"J. F. CUxlky, Jr.
Canyonvilla, March 20, 1304."
To th Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my Terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash, with the order.'.;! find it
Impossible to' do brialneee'on'a credit
basis, and belive that . I ean do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for' cash. - P. Da.MDicx; undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1396.
10 to I.
" 7" -r 1 -:.
- Churchill & W'oolley find'that 16 to 1
applies Jo, their. '.mower, trade. ; They
hare 14 -customers, tnet1. counting the
eleven this year) uaing.W Joues' easy
running chin.a-rive "rpower tqlouo (!
leged by theircompiitora)..wbo bought
a chain drive years ago and. put chain on
reversed and ground it out hi a few days,
.The machine couldn't" lhal, ,JIow
that chain doe trouble the other fellow
when he trie to tejl af aiyne, with a
duck's neat of toggles' and geare, tho
user, never.
A Bargala.i .
Kr Jendld .dveUieg.Moperty, epsialii g
XioVs, we'tlnlshed house and
..,.: I YD, V 1VIU ! PI fcWMW.MW -
outbuildin.Tl ... .....?- a. 1
gain by th , , ,
: -Jwwlreof
aveeociavioD. ,4
n Marks, Secretary,
t .iir." w - . - -
1 11.1
' '4l ii m. , : i i
H KiniYw HaW Alwajs yW
Bearq thev
Signatnr of
M'l i i
; i'nr'l .-
... i , i
t ' L. KOHLHAOdN, Proprietor,
Fresh and Salted Meats,
.. ' jAi. KSOX S'.j KUhKltl.RU, K.
1 Il'l IT
1 l 1 " k - v f,. i.i i.i .1,
' 1 " ' . POVVI; i ii-.' 1 ii-;
!-."'l .,!!'' ".-.I