The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 02, 1898, Image 1

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    rorltftn-lltl'itf t
I'iiIiIIhIu'iI Kmy Mmiiliiy nml 1 litiM".
.W 11,11 mill Main HI loot,
r,D j- ,n ."id .Cm .(. iln hI
. . e. m .1 JiTf . (Xt ETC.
Executed Neatly soil al Living lutein
''.': i iJio-i ei x :i f i-el,
tf t.l .i-j't'l U T-A'ft (! flit
Vol. XIX.
No. ?V
fHM iotr fleeting.
II ! II, Kt.K7 tfUMKIM'ltrr t.OIXlff, HO, KM.
it. tlil Hu'li regular iii in ii iil lion al lb
i ii il r. Iial kmi hit mil anil liiurin 'Ihuradsr
i i a Ii iiKiiiiM, All HiKiiilHitt rMinlvl In (
i.-aiiUrli , and all t tailing hrullu ri cur
1 1 .4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U ' I III alli'lKl .'Ai.fcvjTHWX, C, M
II I. II M AN M A IlKrt, liecrilary.
j il i,l s I iil'NHI.. N VI Jit. rt. I'. A. M.,
" Hutu cvnjr iMhii'Milay riming al li
ii'i'I m Ii In llii' I'M Maaonli! Hull. Vtllllllf
iuiiiIm t- nt' i I'l'llnll' III llul lu alli'ii'l
I'. II. I aUNiiH,
Ul'i. n . 1 t.l.m ,
lu uniina r1 o c m i i .
I iiuui'Unr.
I AtlllM. MJIHIK, K. t. A. M i HK4UUAS
mmiUuiia lliu U.l aii'l lb WxliitXKl7
rai.ll IIHMItlt, ..
N. I . Ji.ival i, M'cvjr. ' , ' ! '
1 )ll ll.K I A III A N M(IK. NO. I, I 0. O. r.
1 nm l fal'ifUr i'Vrliln of i-ach rill al
iiii'lr lull In (lilil Pi'lluw M UtmM't.
MoaiUui ul IumimI.ii In (.! ttan'tlnf aralnvrl-
In alliMMl. UollhKI HdUINnON. H.U-Z
K. U. Mi H.l.l, MiO jr.
Rii.Klil'Uil l.0UK. NO. la, A. 0. U. W.
lu vi la Oiv mi'iHiil U1 tmirtb Mmnlaja ol
mi ll inniilh al7 M p. M. at M follow ball.
Mi' nI tliKiinUi lu ('K4 alMidllMI 1
lii I i aiivutl.
RKNOI'Dxl, NO. it, U. A. K.. Mkl'M Till
Oil ami tlili'l TUui'Ut ol rack monlb.
'OMf.N H It K I . I K K I -ORI'H NO. 10, M KIT
ml aii'l llilni rii'ia;a in vacn munio.
I.-Aliur Al.l.lANl'K-Kogular yuarUrlt
1 11, U,. t will lin liolj al Orauga Hall,
ll- l,iiiK. U,o t1il Kililar In lirirrmbfir, M.n b
aii'l iiiv. i'J Hie Uilnl rrl'lar lu dvttnlxr,
1 ilia .., ii'l a u1 luurlh 1 bur4al Ol ancil
uiaulb, . ,
Mull IK Ml AM BROOK, W. M.
H I.I, IN A UA1', Miu y.
iK.r.lirHO DiVliilON NO 4,. H. Of I.I.,
inu la itri J umiiil ami UmMO Bnnaay.
1.I IIA I ulM.K. NO. IV. K. Of V.. MKBTB
'A vti'i nialnraUar ciaulu al OJd TtWom
UkII VleK.iu K ii ik 't 1" i'""1 lanillDg ool
llaM; lulu-l Ui aiicnil. . -,.
rrulraalniml Carda
ia t
Attorney at Law, - -
, .. u.iuii Mull, Hi, K, KOhgBUftU, OR
t y M,i.i,i,- Uiii'iv ili I h. IwMt OOluaauo
I , ui i W'MI).
lau KillMO. . .UilOt
s.iuwl H. naoan
raau. riui Ti arm.
n... i. : -'Xt-i
.11 UIK'I.
ft. WILLI.
VitiTHijy mi'l tiiiiim.'Ur at
'ill rlir i all ' nurU ( lb RUU Of
I In M '! r l II 1'U. I"ilaa ouir,o.
Altuiuvy at Law,
i;.,.ini .' anl i
I 4 i .V v . Ik.mi iik k RUaABl'Ril, OB
....i . . i -
Ki'SHirilii, OKKUi'.S.
I HA H. 11IDD1,B, .
Attorney at Law
Norlhcrii I'aclllc Railroad Company.
Au' mi'IIiii, lirbttU to all jioiiitH Kaal t
li.tlf I bo rt'.iilur rtu.
I). H. K. Ulhk,
J.miil Ajtoul .No. Marateri builJimj.
riiyiiiciau auil vSurgcuu,
i mi 'io i mi' l""i' -until 'i CUTjlall.
, f. UO.-MH'IKi, OH.
ul Ht'K, M Jiu ksuli Bllirl, al It 3'imi- ul li. J. Birxvr.
HOchBl'Mii, OR.
Surgooa and Homowiutuio
Hutfbury, Uruin.
tafUlanula lUaaMaa a paoUUr. . .
Couuty Nurvojor.
a ii a Noiury I'uhllc.
Orrua: lut'uurtlluuto.
Onlink Im Min.'Vlnu ami FlulJ Nolvi iliould
lio a-Mri'Mod t Will V. lU'yilnu. tuimty bur
viyor, Kokt'bitru.Or. . '
J ? r " -a .
liuiiftliiH Couiityi ruou.
f . ..
I lie wutrie ul llii'i-OPpHlimi'liMltiilll : fuvlino,
llrimiliu', rnliianiiiiii. tlin rarlmiietea ol iron
lil Lime aml iJ"rW' ul'li:liiyjil W,calu,u
Dim si'iuiu i-iiiiIiiIiik V end tlio ollufovor
guj tumiia t'l kolld wi(ii:r to tUo sallyu.,
latiil on llw rt'Uiteiq'I'a. lrid 3nrail,
filiiiMii niiil'i ' Irniu i-uii KiaiiL'Uoo 10 1 orllBUd,
in iMiiHlinrouiiiy, invgoii. t.,l '
Auri.uiilril iiiM ul lilieumnuia, Nasart'a
tni rli. i ul in ill ul Hi" Htuiiiaoli, l)yM)a . Uia
1,' itx .Noiiruiim, MeleiiiU J'uu,uuio, Jildiiey
I'tiini'U', t jnii'iilli"i, Hu t,."'
l.ii. r nml Hnwi'ls, nml Veiii'n al dlsi' liavu
Ii, i n rurt'l l,y Urn imu ul llnao walvra.
Si'iv I, uili ni'iiiis i uiinci'iL'd wiili llio main
liiiil'limi. I'tisiuiiianaiiil bxi'idnou the vri-m-l,
i. Iiiilly mail, unrlli anil miih.
'I vuu-, Jlil i i' ot'k, V l" r iliiy, lui liiiliiil
I'lio lioti I Ih liii'U r Uio loimcilliil Airfl
in-, in; Miumiriir.
' ''' '
MRU. I) I', Mt:l.I.I.KN, rroi. , "
' I. .!.. , ,.
Irgn, (liii' naiiiilt UiMiiiia. 1 '
rrraBuiloatKlirroinTraliK. , &0CZB7&9.
., i, ' ' .I,;,: .1 i. i. i
Crockery and
' m '
ljii(t'l and Kiiu.l AmmIiih'iI-'
u-r linmglil lu H'NH'buiil
Alaq lvBi,ltlC Uh thnn.1'
IOIA(;c'n ANI t'K'AK.' .
All kinds of Country I'roJuc
Want Your
Pooi t
Wear alvayi In th Lead, and meao to
kacp tharo. , 4 ( . ,
The Gulden Ilaxveat ia upon u, and farm
r art emiling Uicauao Woodward
looa to their interest. , 4
vuii Triutiuoii ' " .
Theae are all Leather, aud Warranted.
At Bedttced 1'rioee.
Conanlt your puree and he aura and ae
Woodward before buying.
Ask yurA
(or a goueroue
Ely's Cream Balm
ronletne o riHlnN
lucrcuty P"r any mlirr
Injutloue diur i '
It ia nuicWA'Mit.
11 oiniia an4Trl,iiiii'
tbe Natal I'aMlitra. '
Itvale and I'toicria Ilia Mcml'rnuc. lfretorca llfs
Hmiffl vt TVita and Hmrll. l'ull bux 50c, ; Trill
uaye iiiDiimniaiiuii
li iiiwiui "JTi '
Notice to Contractors.
" Sealed' plaua aud g,uoiticatioDB aud
hlila will be received at tbe office of tbe
couuty clork of Douglas couoty, Oregon,
uplo l'riday, JulyAISOS, at l o'clock,
. in., for the buiidiiiL'. ereeliuu uud
" p
couBtruction of a -(gou bridge over Elk
(Jreek, oa tne neweurvieu coum v rOB'
froui Drtia to boutti li aiu. 4
Tbe rigbt rcgoryed to reject uny nd
all bida. By or 'In' if tbe couuty court.
Muy 10, IMS. A. F. Kvkabnb,
t'oti niy Judge.
- i
.JOJ1 l Ulcyclctlrcg.
The Chase, totigb, tried uud puncture
11 1.. I... ...
prooi. twnnw',. ,
j - I : ' f. k, KlUIAllliaON, i
KoHHliurg, Or,
. 4 . .
l.rnaa Amnaal mt ! alaaea, frlree
4 Other lafereaa-
I ' . T w
j liMiTI.ANH, jr.. May n(To Hie r.Ul-
lpr)-Miiri liaa liaan lUlll'lifd of lu
nrnrillntr the AmTlian Hook I'ompaiiy
ami tin) rout uf avhool hjk furnlihrd by
Iim' i.oini'any to the people of Oregon.
InOraM'd prraorle have paralalenlly clr
iulntr.1 rtiiMHHmi-ntn. 1 ffel tbat the
IiuMIii aliuiild be told Ihe I ruin, end, thwre
fuir, l,rc p..,.'.. in your peiar (or (lie
iil,)ng i,rl"f etai'innt. wtilrh ffiey
thro forrte llhl upon (he tnut h-tnooltd
aM n,-"ly ; ailtrrprcarnled leit-tjook
giiiilun, . .
Thr AriiMkaij Cook iVimuany lnlU the
rl'""f ImffUaatlori i.f th nhool-book
IH'mIoh. fcn'ialim tliat ttry prraon who
lit tiile(r ii4ldty end without prel'j
fid will be onMiMd that it baa dealt
mill Hi iroiie of (iragoit in a elralfhf
f"ritd, liualn'm nay, and tiat' t hen
-ndanr'.l lu r! ih pfipt faithfully
iiml'lo inin, n, bii lnrnts of thlr
mII'kiK We cnuld net Ikjbh lo retain ihe
pii'iijttlil "lid bualneaa of the people In
iHi.v mli Me ohlalrifd our contract
f"iir nii hk itilml fiefy rornprtlHon,
n nd i tie iirli es f 'our publication! ytt
I-., If nut Imier, than thoea of any
utlir concern ffferlnt; . etandaH til
i"i"li t- tbin Mate,
The om. lnl re-orS how that trine re
mmirt 1"".'M0 pupiu enrolled in oreon In
lOi. V iT total ralei of book ef all kind
U fin-gon during the year ml. Imiudlng
ill i-uuk.i auld ii deaer, prhaie a'-houle,
i "Meg.,, aradrmlea, pedagogical wnrka
ai.d mil. riitneou hooka, sa well aa all
i","k. for iiubllr ' hoola. Including high
fid....)., ere lll.Ml . Of thle amovint.
fi?'l 72 ik for bonk fur the publle
a. 'liuidh. Mure than onc-hilf of these
honk. wer fiurrhuaed by the pop!e at
inial.igite jirket, and the balanea at the
U''rn' runira. I retail prkts I't per rrnt
iilie lii u dial in total emuunt paid
by M.e people fr the books could not
. e.l MT.rM W. Therefore, the total com
uf ne Ihiom to Hie people waa leea than t)
mi" prr pupil attending ichonl, and the
lulal arnuiini rerehed by ub for the fame
a I' -v iiian 4T rent per peplt. Thefe
Hfe ai'timl flgur.t.. They dmortrate thai
I he v'lat of achool book a In Oraeton In not
lilf. They eleo ehow Iho utter b
uilll of the olatement published by
nf fur more tgnnraat detreettr,
thai our annual huelnea In Oregon
aiin"iiil lu fAO"'. and thai we eell hooka
m"iiii'ln to fim.ioi m jear In Ihe city of
'..ri iiti'l. Th're are hut two eta'en In Ihe
I " n io ii lArkaneaa ami Alabama! where the
. hk, ..f iKiokx per pupil H es than
in i ik-r'.h
Km-nilr uf iha Amerlean Book I'empany
iir. i.i ieni' lug lu i (infuf the puMIr mind
b. T .,,i,,K,,,i,u milieu t,f the -ol of hooka
In lMi. r ..liiir piiritiae, under different
- -1 r 1 1 ft . .ii,l cuoiiarlug iljrm with the
r. l .11 or lilclieM 'rl at W lllr h book
.(t.'t'i'.l for ii' In Ihe t'Ubll'' arlioola of
II Hal.- inny b old by Ihe retell deal
er'. The in i Mholeiutlai ur (ntrat t price
In I hi. MRo or New Vmk (which In uniform
lu Nil jinii taken aa a beat ft com
.;in"ii with tin' maximum retail price al
low nl l.j the rmitiai't to be charged In
imum: nml. disregarding the relative
im III uf ll'e Imuke. Hie cunt of a worth
l i ur lnfror book ued In aume alatee
l .'iiifari-t ulih the i.rli e nf a atandard
I k n-u'.l In llii" mte. H a a well
known Imu of pitHluriloii and sale that an
arilrlv . ii be pur, lied at a lea figure
al flivi i nvi from the manu'ei-furer al ihe
piH'C of I'lodU'.-ilon or manutaciure llian
ul a, uili- t'lii'-e removed tliou'anda of mlli-a
mi'l wh.Mi auld at retail. 'I Be i o.t of
i'.iiKiortailuu murt be added 10 the coat
nf iiiaiuifB' line, aa well aa the prollt made
I'V Hi.' mi'lilleman rr retail dewier.
i'ur ..-.iil.inis have a!!erted that Idaho
puri'lmara our rr hoot publications cheaper
than doe., the mute ef Oregon. Thla la not
true in fin L In Oregon tho people buy
On' ecliuol book from Ute retail dealers
In their civeral localltiey. lit Idaho the
Mfire urrhaea the hooka In bulk In Chl
I'ligu hi ilia net wholesale contract price,
mid p.! Hie freight from Chicago lo
IdHhu and he addlKOtlnl espenses of
huuilling and dtrtrlbullng tbe books to the
. ii luu ei-lmol dinrti'ta as they iniy be
r. uu'reii. if the amount palf Ideho
fur freighlk and other eipenaee In -dls-trilniiiijg
the hooka be added to the prices
paid fur the book la fhlrago. It will be
fiiunil that the hooka actually roil the peo
ple nf Idehn more than they da the people
uf iiregun. The total ctvt of rchool books
in OiVgon lam year, ee rhown above, wes
lra thaii W centa er pupil. Idaho last
yein- , . I for 1t rchnnl books lr Chicago
mure tlmn llt.nflfi. pot tnuntlng freights
or lapeuaea nf dlrtrlbiittnn. Their school
nrolliiie'iii na about jnmo pupils. Tbere
for.'. tli. U' tIiuoI books curt them at Chl-
i iigo more llieil t cents per pupil. Freights
ami. expense of attribution make - the
tntnl c'-t atlll greater. The , mitimum
illa'rmint from the trade Hit of publish an
rfeh.fd by Idaho (the books being dellv
tied In la " prr rent. In Oregon
the Olernunt to tbe retail dealers (we dt
ll ei lug the books In Oregon la 19 per cent
from the Hal. The reit of freights and
ilMrtbution. in fact, exceeds the difference
between thete discounts, art we would
make a larger profit an aur Oregon huel
nraa If Ihe alale bought the books from ua
nt our wnotteats price In that East, and
shipped anil 'distributed them at'ltS'Own
expenic, aa Uub doeit, than we male lu
Oregon under the reint ayelem.- Jn
Idaho the wtate the books 'la
Chicago at tbe petjwholejtla yrtctxAt Ul
. , ' Tsilcooa Lake Ripples. " '
A One rain tbat. It wai timely too.
Crop planted on blgb Jsudg weri need"
lug good riu. The lowlauUi ware too
tret before lb rain and work, waa retard
dfor.weefcr '. '
Crops are looUug well. ' Tbe fruit
wop, promises bountiful harvest on
nearly all lines. .Strawberries ar begin
ning to blueb. Wild blacVbsr lies will
fail. Tba cultivated Varieties. 'of - rap
berrle.sbd blackberries promise tbs -ui
ual yield. 'u J-s " '''.;.'';'
' Cattld srs in s prims stats. Ws bave
bad sbnndaut grass since Msrcb . 1st.
Trices for cattle are fair aud tbe demand
exceeds tbs supply. Binco tbe advent of
tbs creamery on Umpqua and Kiuilaw.
nillk, cream . aud'eboics ranch butter
have been issnifrtlclSt and owners of
cows smilei Even Florence . will 'now
pay cash for butter.'. Let OS Lbop tbat
tbeday of white boms" store orders
e-ls pant, biuilaw currency bs bssn a
grievous t urse to us. - Vals stora orders !
eent from the llaCaiid the book are i.vo
fr out of a apeelal fun4 and relrtib
br-aacb school dlatrlet out of Iho geryrwl
achnpl . fund, .The districts fnrnlaii ih'
book Id fh puplle free, TTie eol of
freight and dlmrllnlllor, : la ey:d by Hi'
B'hool dlatrlcls from ihelr d'houl n;w;i
flonment.' The iirn t nt nmpll Mieu
that It Is lrniolll airtln exa'tly
he total unl uf the IxNika dillvered lo
the pupil'-. Kli.rf ihe new L it I k l,i
went Into crYert In I'l lli. In lit 1 1 on-
llfiptloli uf bonk kfi lu'ieMni iienrly
!' per lent. There la min h gi'an r wn.-'e
of booka under a free test-hook M.irm
than where the beoke are purelm..! rtni!
owned by the pupil, an In 'iK"n 11 in
a raae, in Idiiho. of gtt ng iomil,li for
nothing, snd thrte In slw ays, iirivK ini e
where sotno one elre, genirully , Ok hi
payer, pay Iha hill.
It ha boen aisled that Hie i-onliaii ei..
tall plJtea ef abool hwk" In Oregon iimkI
I", (he minimum pri'.a h..'ii imii i,
rharged by the retnll ei,l, r-l are Hi h-r
eeut above .thi CMlJlusoe r Itet )'
This J true of nio-t of tlu- Ih,vU-, ii it
alVo true tli r the bid nf-ftt.-rr mnrt inrK
lleher for standard leil-l.-l. al the lot
t!on four era ago pruie. fur 1 ti e amnr
profit lo the remd i).tfr. The law ,f
Oregon lmpoea rondllbma on. the imlH rl-r
which are not required ,y i,r ,, of i,
other etale. t re.pilr. f the , oiitri.rilng
pilbllfher lo maintain s generul derwiaitm-'r
or pla'e nf boame, In lh rtal... anil lu
mainialn culxleuoallnrieii ul au--h l'"!'it
I hruogli'iiit ihe ftaie mow inure Hum
aa may le from time to lime ! ncniit"!
by the ptale Imard of e.hiiuliun , .ir
therefore re'iuir-l to kp n -il, nt'd on
consignment In varlnua psria nf ih. tal"
large mimliera of leok'. ani"iiiilng to
IhouMindB nf dollar . A nunilier nf iliee
Places are remote from railrud. the
freight In many eases coming aa mm h n
1 ier rent. The cuntrm-l rr'iulrea that
I he IwHiks alutll be sold ul uniform prlx-s
at every plsre In the stale, and In to
do thla and to place all section. i,f ihe
alate and all dealers on an om! r,.t ne
ws ar obliged to pay the ih,i.i nf ir,,,,
poriatlon, aupply large elorka nf l.ok" for
which there may be mi demand, mid I I. Ii
era ulllmstely returned nl our epeni.-. and
In a damaged condition, the lu filli ng
upon US. The retail prlce am-rifled in the
contrsct are the mailmum lce allowed
to be charged by the retail dealer for H"
books. In many platen In the etnte and
at Tortland the booka are aohl at r-talt at
catalogue prli-e. AVs aim mall the l-ok
at retail, postage prepaid, to uny point In
the state, at the catalogue pr'. .
Our opponent are rival militishinic
houses, or their agenta or lln lr pnrtl-.nt.
Their only object la lo bring ahum a
change of egt-book. We ak in all fair
ness why a change sbould be made. A
change In publishing houaes would I" no
win een taxes or effect any aaln- to
the people, because the price of ell a.nn l
ard text-books are alike. It would not
benefit the schools. becsuM enr puhll. i
Hons must bs conceded lo equal In educa
tional merit those of any other puMi.h. r.
Common bualneas jirudence and economy
require a uniform aeries of booka adop'xl
for definite periods, fn no other way can
favorable price be secured or the peop e
be protected from frequent aad eapcnalie
change. our books are In uae In the
school of the Hate. Large numtwra of
hem. amounting to many thousand of
dollars, ar the property of the -hool
patrons. These would become vstijnl,s
If a change wer"me. It l manifest
folly ta suggest a change. oiiOv smund
of, economy. us consider wh.n a
i-hsng of teil-book means. l'or ex
ample, SI per cent, or Ki.oiO. pupils in Ore
gon are In the grade that use a "First
Header." If a change were made, the
people would neceirtly have to purchase
J",0 of Ihe nw ' -First Reader." No
standard ,,Klrsl Header" i sold at es
than 10 cent, most of thm at cents.
Jn other words. It would cost not !
than psnOO to buy a supply nf new -first
Headers" alone. Our sales books for IfM
and la7 show that wc hae sold nnnu.iily
but SOnj "First Headers" In Oregon, w hich
at a ffttall price of ZT. cents would Ih- but
I1SO0. In fact, a larsje h n cnlagc of thee
bouk were suld at the catalOftiie yr iv of
M cents, "nrst lteailers." therefor.-cost
Ihe people of Oregon less than 11.'"1 per
year, while Jt wpuld cm nt l.-ast 'V)
to buy a aupply of a new kind. An anmial
sale of (009 at against Sfl.iM) "rirni Heg,i.
era" in use, means praclii-ally a renewal
of these books but on in live .ar.. iho
same readers serving five u,-crssi class.
e at a nominal cost to the pupil nfter
firat purchase. . Again. Ml per cent of ilie
pupils In the public schools study geogra
phy.' There are two books in use. There
would, therefore, lo 4. On' pupils hi these
classes, one-half In the clcmruury am)
one-half in the advanci l hook. Twenty
thousand pupils purchasing an cl. inentury
geography. If a new book were introduced
displacing the on now In use, al 6 cents
per copy, which "is 'the price nf
all St4hdard geographies. regardless
ef th publisher, would coat the
state.-. IU.000. Tet the annual sale
ef "Montelth'a Elementary Urography."
Ihe book now used In our schools through
out th state, is but 4131 copies, costing
Zt& to. it spaca permitted we would go
through the list of books In use and show
exactly what the expense uf a change'uf
test-books would b. The total would
amount to not less than ,.'iW, Thai Is
th sum the people of Oregon would have
to pay out for books the first year If the
text-books were changed, t inier the pres
ent system the annual cost of books ia
less than tlt.OOO. The sales of lext-bodks
In this state ar normal. - The booka have
been in us for a number of yearn, the
people are well supplied, and the sales
each yrar are only to fill In and renew
books actually worn out In the school
room. These figures prove the saving to the
people by eentlnutng In use the books
they have on hand. The conditions now
ar similar to these existing four years
ago when the present books were re
adopted. The publle then almost -unanimously
opposed a change. They did not
tsjen,' ner do they now, wlh to Incur th
esaens which a Chang of text -'books
would Involve. Jt. L. EpW.Anr".
Ueaeral Agent Amerlcen Hook ro.
d Judge - Stearns and Com. Thompson
are with us; Bridges aod roads ars be
Ing failed for. If tbeee ofticlals will sUy
long enough they will lesrn a good deal
about the management, or rather mis
management of road bulldiog entt i pniet
Svuthol Maple creek. Tbe tiardiner
( ilenada road is the worst job of locating
and building on this continent, and still
a few stickle and catbaul for the old ab
ominations In tbs shape of blgb hills for
a roadbed wbsn an open seBama oa oasy
grade and a shorter distance .was laid
'out by nature. The Almighty made an
easy road poesible all tbe way between
tbe two rivers. Bill Nye said once tbat
if a neighborhood bad an absolutely
wortblees semi-ldiotio jackats in it tbat
fellow is mads road master or supervisor,
lis II sppoiu'ted because be G,"
Ivr suythiiig else, I should not dare, or
care, nor do I mean to make a local ap
plication, our supervisors sie not of this
class, as a role, but If some other fellow
will kindly say It ot many parts of Ov
gon,T shall inaudible respond Amen!
Amen:; What is worre still Nye I'll
tbe Iriiih for many staler . Never !i I a
wag utUir troth mom rofotuid. .
Uo this I100 a'e Lyt'e-cre.-K lnl1,- i
vsrilable inuuiilsio, - tlio l ivc-li'i mi l
liddle creek lull as will as tlip
Maple , rreek and U' l ake
bill, and us mire as llisl wn tun
lick Spain, llitt road wan iocaUd
right over tbe tops of theoe Lil.'s when a
road could Lavs teeu locafcd tb't will be
mile shorter and iiiies Ibeni all, accom
modating ever settler, then, ntw and
In the future just ns well. And yet
when even a msjciily of otir tiettlcrs sug
gest a raid on reasonable ground Hill
Nye's jack asnei begin to bray and k!ck
aod snort. "Oh Lord, bow long"?
Oor commissioners will be atked ' to
build a 100d bridge acrosH Fiddle rreek
aud marsh when there Ii not even a cow-,
trail, tbat a cow would travel from t ho let-
on either side leading to the proposed
site. We need the brid4, often, b it we
need a road 11 ret. We can make t Tie
road ourselves and k to Um eite on I em
(ban five r cent grade. When t!,ia ia
done tlie commlBsior.rrs will liavrt (o
build tbe bridge. Now rorni-lfjily will
"roar." I am sorry, but theae are facts
patent (0 every honest unbiased man in
the vicinity an they eboald be LoiieMly
presented to the good people of lMiitftai
county snd to onr honorsliic warJ of'
Aside from dairy oeibiliiiea otir coun- j
try here is a hue Angora kjsI country.
We need a few thousand goats to luxuri
ate upon our wild brush lands. We have
yet a few choice locations for homestead
ers. A lew places suilai ie lor truck and
general fa iming can h,- had (.hcaply.
Who take them? A cheese factory and
an evaporator plant, ruuuint on fruits
and choice venetablee, could be in?e to
The "Monteitb Stcaui Heated Kyajair
ator was last year introduced on tbe Sin
si a ' and its perfect woik lia been a rev
elation. It is simple, ejv to operate,
portable, re'iuiies a riJicnl iusly small
amount of fuel aud turns' mi! '.'0 pt-r eut
more prod'icts aud belter prlui'lH ILau
any other machine. M tie of alyauized
iron it will last a lifetime and opts hut a
trifle more than tbe ordinary hot air con
traption. In politics Lak-4 Precinct will be in
June Ctb with the usual RepubFcan ma
jority. Pioneer Limited
Is the name of the only perfect train
in the world, now- running every night
between St. Paul md Chicago, via tbe
Chicago, Milwaukee & i'l. Paul Kailwav
the pioneer road of the west in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoyment of pasfengere. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along "the route ol the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. II. lleailbrd, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ii!.
W am to To purchase a second-hand
buggy or road wagon. Enquire at this
Kent Uulch Items.
We are having plenty of rain at pres
The school picnic was a gracd success.
There were lots of straw t erries and
cream and all bad a pleasant time.
Miss Alia Smith went home on a vjsit
last Friday. .
Giant Clayton aud wife ate vitiiling
friends ia Coles Valley.
G. W. Yarbrougli is working for
llarve rmith on Willi creek.
George Eliot says
in one of her navels,
that almost uny woman
can marry any man sho
makes up her mind to.
Whether this ia truth
or . fiction, - certainly a
woman .cfcooees her
husband ofteuer than
he knows it. - But she
mutt play the negative
part. She can only
make herself as Bttrac.
tire a possible in a modest, womanly wray
and rely upon human natuic ami putnly
instinct. ......
A sensible man naturally seeks a whole-some-looking,
healthy, capable companion.
Men are not unselfish enough to willingly
assume the care of a weak, nervous, dt.
bilituted wife.
Men are not attracted by a sallow, pimply
complexion, foul breath, or thin,-emaciated
form, because these symptoms are the sure
index of poor digestion and impoverished
blood. .r:T .
A wouuit afflicted by these mortifying
miseries ihetild 'seek-' the powerful, purify
ing and nutrinienlal influence of Dr. Pierce a
Goldea Medical Wscoverv, which com
pletely dispels all uinvbolesome appear
ances by cIcariiMf and renovating ihe oiganic
sources of healthful vitality.
It helps the liver to iiltcr aU bilious in
purities flora the blood. It gives the'dtgea
tive organs power to extract ixuuishuuut
from the food. It touiidi cut thin foiuis ;
wipes away wrinkles, and gives to the com
plexion its natural clearness and bloom.
' ".Your .'Golden Medical Discovery' citnrd m
f a severe caoeof jiolsoiiiug of the blood,"
Writes Mrs. Sella Klcca, of Coast, Santa Cms Co.,
Cal. " Boils one after auother would break out uu
any anus, and were very painful. I have tried Hit
loudly praised tuirsupaiiUls without auy boned I
whatever, and not until 1 took vour 'Iiiscoierv'
did I get-well.- That win twq'tin n6, and 1
have uul hd a boil or tore of anv kuul siiac.'
v&Jz-v ".;v-"
j-Nev Store!
Staple and Fancy
' a - -. , 1
1 !
v Country Produce
Low Prices f
Mill I '
r -l v"-rsT. -
Mrs; ft JOSEPHSOft
: :Dry jQoodc
Q ents' v Fur n
t.'-.;it::',-r'" '-ii " eaj.
' ' :-
his isithe
w,' -
-r.v - ,r."-
vji tfbti'iv;?!
i'."., '-'l..!?-'.t. fi v.i6kl.'
L t A fuir,4iidi,,.cpiiipletei' assortment
. .oT.a gopds' asttally-kept -in -firsU
.. i. clan's grocery.'- " "'t': : " ;; '"
-a- Every thing' pffeftd lor Sale is fresh;.' '
autj soldjat very reasonbk prices. '
X ' y a ..a ....very vchpjcc . . tvvk of ,
, - '''"!,, c'aung d. goods, iiicluing ; both .fruits .
; . . . and. vegetables, to- which .we invite ..
. . k. Gur liHjof Olives; Gherkins,' Pick- "
'"' : " :; el Sattces, etc., is 'also; cOinplete. '
. 1 '."-Wi 'carVy the largest stock of to:
. . . baccoii in Southern Oregon; v. . ,
I :.C. ' W, ;:PARKS
7 NewGoods! i
Bought and Sold ,
- . ! ' '
Free Delivery
. at
V'-.- CL0AK5, CAPESs ,
ish i rig' sQioods
' I ' IS.'
'CP'' '
hats and. caps; , -
oj."i. -Jj mJv Ci'1" .t p-'.' .1- .'
-:... ' ...... , . ,;' -i v.,.-,' :,
;,i 'CANDY !:- ''
V- -sVaxt . -Se
H:;.:: - :: vM:y:;;.-.
.... .,, .. , ,,, Jkl ,. ..
.vftti' snfM. iitfetitirth '- 1 4
& CO., Grocers;