The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 30, 1898, Image 2

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rablJ-Jn4irf Monthly ami Tliurwlar
Bt TiiS II.IIM'H.AI.F.K 1't'BMslllNU Co.
... .K.ilitti.
MiaHvrlplltt Union.
Oho Voir
Ill Miititln
flirt- Months
Republican State Ticket.
T T. WFTR, "I Mnrl.-K
S'eerelaiy at siaic.
K. I ni'MiAR, of i tam p.
f rate lmT,
IIAKI.K S. MOOKK, of K'mimlii.
SiitiiiU iii1ciH of PuKio ItiMriicli.ui.
.1. II. Al K KKM AN, of Multnomah.
Siiprvnic .'ii.tgi .
I A. MHIRK. nl I'ulimiiu.
Alluring .r'itMil.
i. II X. III. At KBI RS. ii 1 inn.
Mule Pi inter,
w . II. I.Khl'S. .( Jack .
i i-nciviumi. I ir-l IH-tiii !.
I IIO.-s. II. TON'd t. iti VOiiii;:..:
I'ulsr. .--e-e'intl .lii-lieiiti Picnic',
A C WO"K""t K, el I iii"
I'Liinl Adorn'. Jmln il Imurti I
t.lii M . l'.ROWN,.il Ik-iiuIhv
onQiy .'ikI'.
A. I'. si I. M.X-.
I. . Ill Il k.
' KIIIHI liTl .
j. ii. ui ri:.
on my miujifcSiviin.T,
i. ii. r.i.Yi.i:.
Kll I
i rvd-urT.
i.t. W. l'IMMK K. suiTinu ijiK ni.
.i. r.. nii)i'i.K.
. K. URi'WN.
A. !: MATTih'X.)
w. I'.UEVK'X.
K. I.. M1I.1.1 K.
Justice ( t!io l'i't'i
V. K. l:t SJAM1X.
KcprutienU' ivd Touue has uut Lrtn
in cougresn qaiie to yeats atd lie is
rruJiteii by the press with having s cured
ibe allowance of an even bii'ufivJ fLs
loucUiaia. Tbe fee alio e i l v law for
cucli cases ia teudvliareand Mr. ToDg'iti'tt
iocimo from thia source lias therc!
been f 1000, if be nas charged tbe regular
rate and il in not soppoeabV that hit did
uot. The I niteJ Status pays bin) a
salary of $1000, per year to a:tn 1 to bis
duties as congressman. If Mr. Tongue
does uot consider this suilici?ut pav f r
his services be eboal i rei:gif a 1 1 if b j
does he sboald devote hi t i :u . to ha
regular coDgressiousl dalles aiil t.ot
neglect them for tbe purpose of adding
to his income by a'tiaii as a private I
pension attorney. Tbore ar3 men who
are too honest t ue tbe time pai l for
tiy another f jr parposw of private gain
but Mr. Tongue does net appear to be
one of them. North Yainbill Hecord.
Tbe above is one of tbe mo3t outrage
om and inferual lies, that was ever col
cocted for tbe parpose of niisreprescnt
aud in jarioj; a candidate for clli ;e. If
tbe editor of tbia paper, cboulj publieh
the fct iteui'jut that ll. il. Vtj i'.ch bad
while register of tli3 I'nitaJ 6:a.63 land
oOlcc al Iwoeebur, taken advauligd of
tbe ignorance of 100 of the pere ua w bo
bad made final proof befjre biai as fcn.b
receiver to collect from each of them f 10
which the law did not permit him to
charge and appropriated it to bis ou
use, thus adding 1000 to tbe salary paid
biut by the I'nitel .States gjvevumeut,
we would be denounced, and jus'.Iy, too,
as unlit to live amou honest men, and
vet it would bj no greater falt-eliond, er
more villainous dander than tbe oic
ubovo ijujtcd. Tbe man who will o'e
liberately take alvanliu' ef t jo abjeuce
of a man, like Mr. Tongue, wh j ia at bis
post of duty, to traduce hi charac:cr
aud uiiasconatrue bis u:tijuj, and by
deliberate aud pretnedidated faliehojdp,
seek to create tbe impresaiou that l e
has been guilty of acts, which if tree,
would deprive hi in of tbe confidence tf
those whom be represents, deserves tie
coatemut of all honest men.
Tbousauds of old soldiers iu tbe state
of hejon have claims for pensions pend
in before the department at Wabbing
ton, and every uiembtr'of CJiin-KS ie
ceives hundreds, yes thousands of letters
every year from them claimants, a ! ; uy
for help in calling up a'ld hcking after
these claims, auJ it Iihs become a pari of
tlie recognized duty of a congressman to
look after them matters for his constitu
ents, and if Mr. Tongue in lees than two
years bus succeeded by his energy nud
pcrterveraucu In accomplishing mure for
the old toldiur iu hS district than llub
Vcatcb woul 1 bo ( do in ten yem s
if be were to spend that length uf time
in coih-m ifss this ouo fact alone o;i0'ht
to cause every old soldier in this district,
to voto for Ibouias II. Tongue for (.'on
Tue republican pailyof Douglas coun
ty have nominate! (or representative?,
I bide of tie best men ever put up for
these important positions, by any party
ia the county. .The tnau, bo be farmer, la
boring Jin in or professional nun who
could not trust hi I int ir ,tn in (heir h m is
woull to hard to please. Th'jir honesty ;
snJ inteK'ity is uinpiestioued, and their
auuiiyaway anove me average. uh ; 0f
iiitfau u'L'u iu i a iu Acr uiju id an i linn :
A. W. Keed In ths donate, Douglas CiulJ assured that her in!.,,.
at would be well r.preieutod.
Oaley a Soldier.
The lt itw disk rt gie.H play for
sympathy fur Oas'i-y t li fur-ion candi-
dale for conn' v clerk n aivonnl of hi
"ar record" ninl charge Itm Plain
in ai kr mill altempliiu lo.lim Iho luster
hi ll.e military rl i.ive in. nU of Mr.
Oarley. No we have never either
directly i r Indirectly referred to M.
(isa'cy or his record, i v at ii United I " him
n it I ii k v( i i. li-in We uiv ul ii bwt
10 llll'l. I sUlld the UeClMlity of III lie
view rushing to his il irt
T.-.I0 We iuve ppiii-di' I .1 sr I eig iod
Iiy Mr. t;.il v hi v hull Iih ploilo I him
vli i( lei 'e I I Iho livitdalu.-c t iitnilisli
the ihiIoi hI tiuid. If M.-. tinrhy is
r-till ol lie tipiuiun that the natitnal
giia'tl !!u'i:l I lo a'loluli.'il. he can in4
i'oiiij Uin l!i.' pulliiaiii'U of tliii card
t thii ini'. I( h" Ii .s ihinged his
opinion in reis r I M t!i!i I o;i l.-t him
ay ro iiko a inrn and we i 1 ttladiy give
him rp.ue in t;d i p.HT io s.-t
him t'U
The lieu'-.' briii-i i'.i ar iel ti an
end by draiuaiu ully deman lii i; that tl c
rdi'or of l!i I'i umhuiii tvhihit his
ar record alni'if eid' i f Hint of Mr.
liaa'ey or for evn a'ter liold bis pe t'.
W ell (he fact is w au i iit.u like
Mr. ti.iid.ey, e hav. ni e- e.ii.- l io
far.i,le our ar record lor ;hn I'eriiiiny
of a o it cisiiii u!d e. N as Mr. ia.
ley tamo Io IVi'ia l.'oiiiily be'or tie
b.oki'oil'. ai d Ui r: Ld belO cou
liiiuoti ly siniv t .at liiee. proMiue
bis ar it eord H klion ii t a I the oiil
M'ti ler.-, an I e Oi u" I iv Hin hiM person
to di t 'act in t' e clijj:litt"st I'eei .v from
hi? well e irned ri :i!a!!ni as a FoUlier.
I'.nt we h ive our on i 'puiation tj de
fend. Like Mr. ila.U , wo Iik, !t ioti,;b
bit a btiy,"re!ondt'd to ilif e"'l:ilry
call and fur a brut tin e tlo. l .:l.c a
toilerii ); wall Iftwien oi:i le'ine i;d
tbe f.e. We did not li?!o;'.s: !o a ' e:.t: :r
c jinpany " like Mr. (ia. ey. In we
retii( uiber or.e n:;bt when we ? o I in
picket, with t.o'.l.iiu '. t '. ne. !i us :it.d de-
tachnieut of coLfe.!cra!e cava!.ii', b it a
rail and a few acres oi open iin-uud,
when we would have 'iv;-n ". ur k'nloni
fot a boirc' , iiud an oiu-.i lu a ivauee
batkwarJ. We wi I bet a coon skin that
we tre worje rcaie I nibt than
Galley ever m.' di;ri::g all his n.i!itary
caiu i , and Hie oi ly n o:v we l.ivo IO
oft-r for it is the iael lhat we wie three
thousand uiiies rearer the v r emy
'atievevtr i. IIi.v 1 n r were we in
ili fervid?'.' Well w." i :i'. j i '. "i: 'aibtr.
We wvii! utliij! then. a:.d it i a a 1 irg
lime ao, but we were there tlin a
guu, and ne t.iie l uMi ue wo-e t . !d to
to hoiiie, that they would l ; to t .i!ou
with ni us. WV uei.i !i;:u. an I v. were
ncvi i- si i ! to i.' any w h re .n cm life.
Wl,:!e inir war r. ror I ;:) , in i te :ii:y
great shak-?, i et e a- prjuj c! l-ic
tact that curoper.: ijr.-i were a' aiinsd
the enemies cf our cjtiutn. We neer
attacked t!ij toiiit . "r tri,
the national giarJ.
I u a"
Mr. O. II. B e.-j ths rcri ii ci i can
didate for county commissioner ij a resi
dent of Canyonvil e p-ccine', and his
lived there fi-r the past i years. He
caaie from N.-va la t j this cua'i, a id
like many otheis, on h s arrival I: 'r-; liis
fortune yet remained to ha mad;.
I'p to this lime hs ba bseu very sue-
cessful iu bis ba-ines alairs, ar.l, at, he is one uf the substantial tas
payers cf this cjin'.y and con'i ibutes to
our treasury about tl'y.) pr anirim in
the way of taxes. Heishihl - respected
in the community iu wli.-h he rsidis
and such a man a i thi- -aoi'.d nij ijiibt
edly be a vei propjr p i on to aj-ist iu
loji.iuz after the affi i . of ou- county.
Drain I'i ess.
John A. l5U;'i, rcpu V.icAii cm!.!
fcr (-lierill", is one of tiij uu:t pun:lir
men on the republican ticket, and makes
u host of frieuJa w herever he g't. A
better man for shentrcunld nut bs found
iu the county. Leing a man uf business
ability, firmness and strict iu!erMity, l.e
ia iu every way fitted and 'iiaiiiie l for
the duties of Iheoitbe, aud will without
d oubt jioll a inaj jrity of tlu vatcs cutt
on June i;. Drain W atchman InJpcud
e:jt The way tbe leading populists of two
years ago are bjiug sent to i oe republican
C3JUty convention as delegates, would
in .licit': a slump in the t iird party tanks.
It is vlv) a warning to e.-Jemocrats who
have been led astray by the heresies of
Mrs. Lea?e and Jerry Simpson thatthey
may be left "holding' the sack," I k o thy
victim o' a enipo hunt. Toen it would
be l'ennoyer'd turn to lau;;b. Koseboig
Keview. March, 'J)
Uetnembir tint W. P. Heyd jii has
mala an acoo n n j latiug an l e!li.
surveyor; that his c!iu',';s have b.en
reasonablo unl thai hs is beco'iiiur ell
aud needs the littlu tiiat the oilicspiyd
him. S.'aud by L'a. I v ill.
Then will hi republic!! npjikiuj ut
ths Court Irons on Satuidi; J.nn Pli
both aftei no in au f evening. The speak
ers foi tll'ssu rn J.-tiili w ili b ) a lii jj-iced
in Thurs Iji 'a iisue.
Dr. K. L. Miller wid lie elected (J a j
uer us a matter of course. Iiy always
has run uhoad of his ticket und bin ma
joiity this tiiu wil' hi larger thin ever
On Tuesday evening May .'list, tho
Womaiis t.'hrifcliaii Tu.nperenie l uion
j will seivc ice cream aud cake, and s'raiv
i bellies rand cream at the urmory. Ten
I ptr cent of Ihe proceeds, w ill to tho
Omuretrcncv coriM. f ,r ili.. l,.-n..iii ,,i il,,.
HuMi..r ,,oys ul, , fl.ujaill,h:r u ,liu
(uil() ,,w being rai-e 1 l,v thy W.C.T. P.
tins I uiiud Sbites, for the payiuent
' I
n... ;..... i . .
' . " a 1 Z, IZa uT
... . '.' U ' ' I
u 'o wuruiv onus aui biioui'i receive
,ie Hupport of our ciiieu-,
Now e mica mil' edvtned friend, Mr,
I'rttrit k. Murpbv an I get tlr us with
, sharp Mick on a-vo'int of i no
which lias appoaicJ iu this iiH r. N nv,
my deir Pi, m yon jive me cro 1:1 with
lsing a well meaning mn, 1 shall alanine
that you toi or honwt in tha opintou
'OII HllVOi'AtO, mil tllttt you llAVO iln
god of your comity and uto at heart,
lu your I 'l or in I'n Kexi-w, which o.l
kindly dedicate .) nir, y oil rekr to
s'.Ce-iionl of trine, in which I n. that
"ll II o IiIOii ftulf t I'kl't IK t lti-tcil
- 1 rM'i.T in ih rtiii f iiii Jo-
riviai i iiiiMiniKi t( dollar," a id u hilo
you da nut deny this p'op iu n or ttivo
any i a.ton w hy yon d nM my i Vivnent,
yo i ask ' if property Ins not ul o idv de-prtviit'-d
niihiins of ibVilart.".
WHiiswcr but that cveiy dollar
of this di'prvciatioti w uiul r iVmo
i crat free trad?, a luiinl-tiuiiou an I t ut
O e n uever imd b'ller tiiue limn he
h d durinji iho years iui uediattdv prior
to the tirst C'.evel ind a luiitiiiirali m and
remember that tlu despised g d I
standard wan in vogrnt theu as n iw.
Not only (bat but evt n you, Tat, li-ir. an
li'iiut man, iu n; a Imit tint t in m ar.t
bttr n jw in ( .i t Inn lliey were at
anv during the U"t Clevelati I fie
tr.i le a l:uinittiat' i:i ; Ihil farmers get
b.!ter p-ievs fir their grain and ttock
than at Hex li.ue lor year. Trim ,iur
bliud partisanship geH the bet of yui,
aud w Ini- aduiiliiiij l do fact yo i atl'i
jiite iho returniii;g.iod th- Ii itid
Ol lioildeniv. eiv well. IV, u it ia
true that (ho hand of I'rovideuci alwars
inteifere t give us good limes, is it not
safer i j aiwp' 'Mis gol Hi x k! g v j'
la.ner man c.eriaieu( with a nevv
putr, whoa adiii!nistraiioii of ult'aiis
has ulw ivs priven disastroi 4 when
Hie I.
You say,that you have heard us express
th) opinion that lh$ p.ip i'it- were right
I mil e noa tiiat I believa. that I he
ui i e i'S of the p pnlis! prrly, are hn.est
in thf;i l.v.ief. but l belie e thev are
w ro-ii; in liv i tiiiii;; : li-s". in their U lie!
tha' the meirs they advoeaie wdl
brir. tiu'in the re! ef thev deinan I and
secoad : tint t'l.-y em xx:n;iH fieir
ends bv s i-r j.u Io i i th-ir priucip'... i for
thesikeof nii o- ri' f j- tU j sjk
of otlices for the it'icr fellow.
I' it (ivn ii ic wen true -ny ilea
Tat. t ! i a r I w.ts n ridetl i popuin
as yj:i are, wiia' c)'HJteni' would there
bo i'i ur de lounciiu nr.'.on il hiukia'id
co'p rati)ns a 1 1 the i votiuil)-a unn
fore reu '. j i li-), r is n.)t only a "go'i!
de u oc.-at," b it a na!i mal banker, and
the attorney of al.n it eve-y cupo-atim
in ins on .ili , an I iti i txi aiiusl a nun
w h j.e court-o as a la i r has been such
as to cause the S j:it her n fact tic (.'om puny
to opp s ) his cl cli in .Wouid we i.u". si.o.v
o;ir iueonsis:eni and in ikooiirieif ledic-
ulius, ii we shoul I denounce the "old
pi'tles,"' f r nei I ciini! the lama is iti
nijkin i;ii;uin.i.i' i. l.r olliee, snd for
ujuiiua'iui; notbiui; l ut law) ere (or high
o:!i,je, and then, when the republican
had n )in:uated a f inner ul hi jh etamtirg
aud unquestioned abi.ity and iutigiiiy
for governor, refus-j to suppjrt him but
turn to a Jack-lagged liwyer, with no
stiudi'. j in his pofcsion and with noth
ing to recommend him but au automatic
mouth aud a torpid I.ver; no my dear
tiii4gui led Tutjnie friend, we have not
tumid traiti r to the toiling masses, but
when you put up such mjri as King,
the lawyer, Kincsid, the cilice holder
aud feegrab'o.'r, i; jj'.ii, -thd hotel keeper,
Yeat:b, the Clevelan I democrat ttfxe
boiler, Ilamilto.) lbs National barker,
and .loe Lyons, tbe money lender, and
ask the people to vote for them as leprc
eeutatives of the "tolling masses," don't
you think people will doubt your eincer
iiy'.' You sav Ji;her that the I uiou
Ku-ion par:y has a good prospect of
carry mg the county aud that if we per
sist in denouncing your county candid
ate.-, your ticket will bo elected. You
dream, my dear Patrick. We have never
denounced your candidates, nor any of
them, not one word has appeared iu
the P i. !Niii..i i.u in regard lo a
single candidate on tho fusion coun
ty ticket, which could, by tho ut
mojt stretch of the imuiagiuatiun be
construed into a reliction on their honor
I or iaterity. say l'at "o that you
ask us we will led you why we think that
the voters of Douglas county bhould
vote for the republican caudidaUs. f hey
should vote or John II. Shupo fur
county clerk, because during a lifs epent
iu Douglas county, there has never been
a whisper against his character for hon
esty, integrity or ability, lijcause for
two years he has tilled the important
positiou of county l-rk to the satisfac
tion of the people w ithout regard to party
Because bis opp onent.'cau't do better and
might do worse. We think that A, F.
Stearns should bs re-elected county judge
because during tho four years be has held
the olliee be has been a wise, just, and
economical cjunly judge. Becanse he
has so manage! the business of tho
county lhat ho has in ad lit ton to paying
a largi auuuuut of iuterett on the county
indebtedness, reduced the amount of
that indebtedness more than iO.OOO. Is
not that enough? We thiuk Heorge
jlhrnmick fchould ba elected Ireaturer
; because every body elso IhinkH no; and
J t' ' wonl lu't think so il il 0y did not
; know that he is "Old Honesty" himself,
j and that the puoply's money was just At,
p. i'" i ij lis nanus as n it w an in ttieir own
I . If. That is tho kind of man
1 -re Dimniiik is.
Vou, Mr. Murphy, as well as every
other man in Douglas county, who
mill.-. a ui.y pretensions of boin free
from the fettsrs of partisanhip, uhould
vote for Johnny Blac k for sheriir. You
ask why? Well wo will till sou. You
jrliould voto for him because, the only
; reasou yuu or any other man bus heard
I argued fguiust bi:n was (hat ho is not a
i mixer; not a good electioneer. Do vou
know what a uiuei is Put'.' He is a kind
'"" ,U!'W;
l dY J H
saloon weekdays ;i man w ho is all things
to all men. Well, Pluck is not lhat kind
of a man. He Is juel u ordimn y nl
.........I I ! .... .!..!. I... I
"iviiiiu ini, tiuurM iipiiani imping"
uiaii. Juil the kind of man that I h peo
ple w nut to coUect their taxes and look
alter their biisiuei. Now mii.d yon,
Pat, don't go lo ( irg about us by Baying
Hint wo lavo "OeuoiiiicciP' lKb Suph
ens. We are Lot .say lug what kind of a
uiau Bob is, or Is I ot, wo are Iclllutf you
what kind i f a man Blck I and ty
Ihe bmhiess lueu and taxpayers should
support him. Then (hero is Biltt for
asiessor. He might t suit oil. You
have been clamoring lor a man who will
raise tho assessment of the railroad, aud
ho has rain d it. You wauled a man
who would euualUi iho valuation ol
propei ty so Hint the lii h would y their
ju?t share ol tho (axes. Well, whale
iho minor with Brill, is net he all right?
Now wo take it for grunted that you will
vote lor p. B. Hamlin, forseliotl supir
liitsndi nt, if jeii tdiouM in t vote for any
other man on Iho ic publican ticket
L'very him ii who loves his country and
appretiatos tho pafiolism which lex I Mr
Hamlin to l ave Ins family and home
ailii.k his lile in a loieigu laud lu
order H at the goveii inelil which w
lov miglil )t-t live, s'iiu'iI w id seo lo it
lhat he is elected by practically, a unan
imous vt Tu do ntlniaisa would
show that wo did ho: desert ll.e pro
tec' ion of tho covi i tnueiit ai d its lUg.
No, my dear Pat, e have given your
cvmuiutiic uion , more allenliou than it
realU ileervrs. but il has enabled us to
say sotiio things that tthciaiso would
have lieu said iu other arlii lei.
Vw . in conclusion, ptirmit us to tug
geet Pat, that there is not now und never
has been but one rvforui iiwty and lhat
is tho republican pa iv IVlwrcctun
the baud wa;;ou Pat.
Dcney Defers Aggrc.vsivc Aitloii at
Ntw Yoiik, May A dispatch to
tho M orhl from Man. la via Hong Kong
f:is :
The situation ot the heteiged iubabi
tintsof Manila is growing more and
more desperate, owing to the cutting oil'
of supplies. Tho blockade by Dewey's
squadron is complete, whila the intnr
gents have surrounded th city on the
laud side, thus ellt dually closing the
the place in. Dewey has defe-red fur
thur aggreseivj actio i at (his p in! un
til tbe arrival of the cruiser ( harlestou
with coal and ammunition, an I of the
promised troops for Ihe military occupa
tion of the I si. i mis
Dewey 's Cable.
W AMiiM.ros, May - -ll.e uavv de
parlment tliis .illerno hi male public the
follow ii g dispa'c'i :
'Vavite, May L'l.via Hong Ko, May
-ii To the ."-dietary of Ihe Navy, Wash
iug'on: No chaogo iu tho Mliiation.
rhe blockade is rffeclive. It i iuipotti-LL-
1'v.i the peo le of MauiU to hit y pio-
vinoiis except nee. I be capuin of the
OI mpia l.ridlev! has been eon.teiniied
by the u.e Ileal mrvey. Ho is ii .li td
homi Ho leaves by tin Decide ntuUx-
Orimtjl steiiiijsbip from Horg Kucir,
May is. Coiuuiander Lambtrlson has
b.H-n appointed comuiander of ilia ulyn -
pii "Dkhi..'
Agreement by Luropean Powers.
Bkkiix, May IS. An article iu the
Pod sav a :
It is declared setiii-ollicially that the
recent tumors as to Ihe transfer of the
1'hiUippine isIhu Is lo France or ( .erriin
or their partition amoiig the Kuropeau
powers, with interests in (he far Last,
have no foundation whatever.
America is no' in p 3es:n:i. it is true,
aud it is uite. poi-sihle she may never oc
cupy l!ie:n ; I '.i'. .my laying of bauds r-n
theislauds at p.-es.-n'. w-tild Is.- a hostile
act ugaiii't Amerii .i, nor would it bu tol
era: ?d by other I. iron -an powers having
iu teres: s there.
Thia u'.tci on :c iniy bj t iieri as ex
plicit proof that the Coatiuenl il powerH
have coma to an agreeuierjl orr tbl! sub
ject to await further action bv America.
Unreliable Spanish Reports.
M minii, May -. A private dispatcl
from Spanish sources ut Manila alleges
that Aguin.ildo, the insurgent leader, id-
tet ric.-ivlng arms and ticld piecos from
Dewey, declaiel hiiDself iu favor of
(tain. The -lisp itch also said other in-
aurgoaC chiefs followed Aguiualdo.
I he R. R. Assessment.
In t.i! I! iview of May -'U, LH!)8, Mr. J.
). i'jnler says lhat the railroad assets
merit sboiild be looked into and states
that there is a falling off in the value of
Ihe I.'. I.'. uFScfiMnetit III road ilistrlct
No. 00. to the amount of twelve days
work, also n falliriir oil' in Drain diHlrict
i I
As to tho fulling oil' in these particular
dis'i.cts iho facts are that the It. K,
lands fur l iii in ihete and fouio other
rJihtriciH were iissessed at tl.'Jo per acre
us pateintol lands, und in other districts
the Ian. In wrn- nsisessed ns unpatented
at i-biitn iur aire and tbero is practi
cally no difference in their values. In
this wav bciiiu districts receivej uioie
than tht-y ahould buve received iti pro
jioriiou to Momo others, who did not get
their tdiaie of the road and school taxes
from the ll. I.'. Co.
And fui i her I will givo you a blaleuieut
directly from iho BUiniuHry of Iho tax
rolls of law ami IStiTaiul you can com
pare, them yourfelf :
Loadbed It. It, laud
i'' oo,75o tm.m
373,025 3!H),"'J7
Dilteieuce J07,7i'3
Dillerence in I!. K. bed
Dill'ereneo in Ii, It. laud
Total dill'ereneo 0,703
U hic'u shows thut Ihe net gain in 18U7
over that of I Mi was f:'00,7'J.J and the
county tax on that amount at tho rate
for 1S!)7, which is I'd mills, uinouuts to
f'lk'lo. Very Ifespectfully,
Cervcra Definitely Locat
ed at Santiago.
ComnmJorc 5c h Icy l. (lunrilliiff
the Neck of the Itutttc.
Wutthiug on, May US . "I I) o navi d
parhiienl today icerivid itifoi nialiou,
which, for tho lirst lime, lolieved nllii ial
of the anxiety and doubt that they have
felt fur I'm list few days ntid tatinlled
llieni nil Iwii illil points. First, that
the Heel under t'ounnodote Schley was
oulpido Santiago harbor; ui;d second,
that Admiral (.'.-rvcra'a Spanish lb-el Is
Inside that harbor.
This infoi uiiil on I'.iu.e from a piiiule
Buun-e, which the naval efliei ta regard at
thoroughly rel'able, tbesamo eoioco lhat
gave the navy d pHthnent the dial in
formal ion aluiost a week ago that the
Spaui.-di dpuadrou was insido id Santiago
harlntr. This muieo ol lufoiiualiou has
pioveil IteeK lollablo thus lit, aud for
(hat reason lbs news ivciived toilav was
accepted an com lusne. It did not come
fiom any naval or Mule dc ai tiueiii ot
lUiais. Ccricra In a Bad Way .
I'.m.i M.u i'S. The laulois si)o.
It is ipnio pubable Hull Sibley er
Sampson will try lo (oice the bay of San
tiago, linking all on the ut'euipt. Ihe
pissage is a moat dangerous ouo on ue-
couiit of the uari O A ne.-s ef the i li.ituiel
and the torpedoes lhat protect lh eu
trance. This hypothesis is oi. tinned
by a dispatch (i om Havana oiiniiui'itig
that the Americans will bo couientrateJ
in f i out of ( uautau a in r aiul other poili
near sauliago, as well as before smtiago
An attack by iho Auieiican lleel is the
only way i f hastening the conc!u:in ol
Iho '. It is uselers lo expicl II at
Iho Spanish hhipa will leave t'ie l av.
They have ad ptd the t.iitit'4 that
can le lovorable for Ihem, name
Iv, to avoid a, in the hope
thst foituiiu may s.-ist theui. N.-v-
tttheles", il ati.Mtoii dots not I ry
to nit out ths Spuiidi 0iidroti
iu the bay, he mav ndupt a plan perhaps
inoio disuntroiis lo Spain. He n i;;lit
leave Schley's cruuera 1 olore .iiiliatiu
and go with ii'.un.tors I bombaid the
priui Ciibati ports. Wtmt w mil t
l erveia .1 i in ihr.t i a- e .'
liiva.sion of I'urto Rico.
Nm Yoiik. May - A epeinil lo
Tuui-s from Washington sav:
I'lio'li'i tuilny h is been devoid ul deli-
nite developments r-ai din.' military
matleis, it has teen marked Iiy a
strengtheiiing of the convict ion, now
general, tha. P. i to Lie i uot C ih.i is to
be the lirst object of invasion bv thecom
bined land and naval lon-eti ol tlm I'ni:
ed States. The administrations is liot
making its pirns known, nor is tint war
department taking thn public its
contidenee, but there are nth- r ways in
which coining even's link their Ireud
kuown, even iu war limes.
Looking (il.iss.
1 1 it r I u I j In I 'i'i. m
Mr. J. II I'.rewn und Ininiiy ut I loui
ney Valley Wero Ihe gueits i( M-. acd
Mis. in u nl.eii Mmdai.
Mi. and Mis. Wiiev Miller nd family,
Bon Cardwell aud Hugh lioodman oil
here jester. lay f .r La-ieui "ngoi where
Mr. Miller formally icsidnl. He s lak
iug with Iiini a lirgi bind ol call'o.
May Eiicrefs bu with Ibciu all.
uus, "paugii a. i.l .isier, Alirtlo were
visitiug iu liouri.ey Valley Mtuday.
niey repone i Having liau a very enj iy
able lime.
School is progu-sbiiig ven uicely under
tho management 0( pi, . 'vi light.
tieg on papeii are In I of u iws uf Ihe
new prosperity that h is come over our
UnJ, Almost every paper iu tl. o s'ale
contains ink-resting matter regarding the
onlargnment of old industries mid the
cs'uhl-shii.ent of new onus. Is (his not
mostly due to our pu-nident Mr. McKin
lay .
.Mr. und Mrs. Win Oilivantan ldauh
Mins Susia ami urandna Williams were
visiting friends and iclatives ut Ten Mile
this week. ( lr. indict we are proud lo sav
Is some whit improved in health.
Mrs. Hannah Smith died ut this place
May lth. 'I hil dieiiii.-o.l was 77 yearM
and oiuo. old, utitl a pioneer of Oregon,
coining to lliisni.ile iu IV and has renided
in Looking (ilass N alley neaily tbiitcen
yeurs. The rc-iuaiiio were laid to rest iu
thucemelun hero lunt Fii'uy. A largo
ll'lmbtr of friend to pay
their hut rrr-pect for Iho dead.
AVr and pililica aro all Iho go now
adays, Iho pops aie howling of calam
ity as unusual, but uli-r t-lei tiou tho.i
will nay: "Wudidnot expect to elect
a singlo man hut it h policy to tiiakn a
strong fight,"
Born, to Mr. und Mis. Jeli Williams
the 18th, a great big boy. All ere do
ing well except Mr. Williams ami wo do
not think he is likely to recover eoou.
F, IC. Cullman, physician mnl surgeon
secretary board U, K. Pension nurgoonu
Olliee io Marstors' block, residuum 720
Stephens street. Professional culls iu
town or country promptly uimwered
night or day.
Two dolluis end eighty cenls u week is
considered a fair coinpunwatioti for un
I'ldiiiHiy laboring mini in Spain,
. Bilug U.tir J di ii ik i i ll.l-i t ill, i .
Car 1 llri-H. Bin i f Ii,, ii t i. I i - i
(Ll t I thn Iviai'leul for Hie ben i i.;.i. .
('res 'eui, highest Kill b', I Imillll s, fi' l
For a in" I fi-eenl rlu.u udl on Mr,N.
County clalniii and w.uinnl-. Iii.ughi i.i
P. H. Went.
For lbst-l laS denlintrv gn lo Dr. I.lllle
nf ( lakland.
Bugs lu liillid'n vaiii Iv ut
A. SirongV, .
A lex tinier
For iced mita
near tlm dei ot.
tall on II. V. M..r I't,
Ma a In one
p. inn I i in ii in nl
.Igll'l 1 KtlllTI V. .
Uev Wesi, I in i mm ti I
ci,t us nl I ho Kueli'nf
D S. We.s' doe iiiritiaiue
p. no in,, p.t ii bee.
(illb ti op.
Bi le a On scent bh v le. Iho
ca v.
Min.ilng, dnra'ile kind.
10, (kid iiiun wauled nl Ihe B as Si on
to eeleel great ba-g.inis before It Is Ion
t acts - not (aki a - is w hat
lining inluti'iiN reprenelll.
our advir
'Ihe Bus
fall und no (lie "II. i iiuin ' huml
banit-aa nmiider t C'li liriti II I . Wuulley A
F. tlaris-iiier is nulhotiaiid lo re.
eelve mid leeeipl lor rii'irt'ilptlous lo Ihe
il our goods aie new and id the la(et
stiles. No pli ipwciu goodii mi hand at
Iho ttots Store.
At Oaklaud, T. L. (iravrs ia
to leceivo and r tceipt for siibacripiloun lo
the Pi mmu.ii i.u.
A Ingrt and line hn.-.i i imenl ofthil
dieu'a shoes just leit-ived nl PmiioII
Pio. ( all und ree Iht-ui.
Fur (but tiled feeling lull limit eiuieli
ami purity )oin bliRid. Hood's nllt,
panlla Is iho medicine yon m cd,
Mouev In loan on tny and coimtiy
proneily. D S. K. Bi u k,
Mantels' Building, ICoreburg, dr.
The S piarn Deal stoie has juet epein d
up a te.tntilul hue id W, L. loughin
shoes, which prove (o I Ihe be .1 i hoe
made, ('onto and insccl theui.
J. W. Beckler & Co , iho bud hi I s.w ill
keep only the choicest of meats here
with ( aupply the Koseburg public, but
monthly Hi-llleineuts will be required.
tor prices and ipiality call ul ll.e old
original Maud. Fresh and di led 1 1 ml ,
candv and lints, eir irs nil I l ihtccoul
prieis In suit all. Mas, . Ili-i..-..
i . i n 1 1 .-1 1 n-ii , wo have r mu. u I tlm
iu the shirt hue. You i-h.uild M et h in
I't'lore piiicl.asiiig elssn here , si to I . .
assurliiit-nt of lieiktle:'. Novel')' St 're.
Spiing block, Ihe laigis! ai.dbciiiie
leelioli n tnCn s Mines, ol t-veiygitP-aud
laiu-lv, j'isl i.-eeived at P'i..!
Fid. SI) li s uiiil pi ices mii . to l -.ii e,
The Piano Miiiiulail'iriiig Co tepurt
hili'-1 hi many i lia u dine mowers an I
lo er hoi h l s mid I.ihI mil m w i i o.ild
ibiriii t '.if " iriiit period in bolh-'.
c . 1 1 1 1 ' o 1 1 e . I
! Don't aunn.i .iih. rsby vmr coughing.
mii I risk your life by i.eglci dug a coll.
1 1 hie Muiii'e Cough Cuie cilres coughs,
cot Is. i i.iiip, gupie and all throat und
lung troubles. A C. Marsdrs' .V Co.
Wter I e' ruaiy Ut wo will make a to
1 docti iii in Ibe pit
id Oliver plows mid
I .M'UI I I. Till! ll.. II' I ) ... ..lit i r ,1 1 1 1. 1.
icieivc l a eail.iad ol barb wire.
Si : u;.n .S; ( 'iiii.Mjw i ii
Children and a. lulls loilure.l by burns,
sc.ilus, injuries, ec.t-iua or skill ilise;ife
mav Mcurit itisiaut relief by using De
Will's Witch Salve. It is the
unnt I'iIo remedy. .Marstira' i'liiK
Mrs. J. II. shupu Ina l-eeii .ippuinied
rcpicBei.lativH tor iho Vlavi Co. ill thin
i I'v. Any i ue .ImiMiig inform. Un n iu
repurd lo. i r wishing to procure the u in
e.l . , w PI please cull at her li-sidi-in--' on
Pine i-lrcct. jLJ Jin
Whooping cough is the must diiilrcks
ing malady . but lis duration can u tut
M.orl Iiy 1 1 it- ii 'e i I Hue Minute Cough
Cure, which is al.-n llot I esl known run
e ly t r .'ip and nil lung nud In.ui.
Iruubles ..V. Mari.k-n' i t'.
rs.nin ui el (tin:-, ,itl wool, lic.ny
weightH, oil; it filial pllin 1'. Ilnir
clothea lioui (j (o L! years l .r l. '.l .Hid
2. Ilatsull t-tlleaand .ohis P.r .- u-,
egii'ur me ft oil. All there ;-,..oiIh ;;ii
only t lie f jui.d ut Ihu B 'U.i Stoto.
After i ears of untold eulli iiiig lioui
piles. B. W. Ptirsell of L niliiersvide,
Pa , w as cured bv using u single l ux of
DeWiti'a Witch Hael Sulve. Skin .lis-
eases But' Ii us eeeina, rah, pimples .in.l
obstiniile sotes are it-adily cuit .1 by Ibis
faruoiiii remedy. A. C. Mari.leis Co.
A few ili'.en of those Kentucky made
p.iiilM, substantial and well made, no
tdioddi. Abo a few dn.'-n woinen's,
nu n's, bojs' and children's shoos, regu
lar weaiers. Hats lor Miiishii.e and
f-hade, und' i e.i i (or hot and cold
weal hi r, und vaiio'is oliier arliclea ul
living price", at II. C. Stnntoii'H.
Prof, i.oble, tho optician, will bout
Myrtle Creek on Monday and Tuesday,
April 25th and 2'lth. Those wishing
there eyrs examined and glasses luted
please call at thn Ovei land hotel. Con
situation frets. Ho will also hunt Kose- W't-diiftdav, April 2.'ih, till
Mornl.iv, Mav 2d, und t un bo consult-d
at (d I Pine St
Notice is hereby given to Hie public
ny mo liliiiersigueil that l tlo liut.ullow
deal unimals to bo buried on my prem
ises, at lioMoburg, Oregon, or garbage
iniinpeij inorcoii or Mnna or p.ravel lakeu
therefrom, unless tho parly In kin;? eaud
or gravel first coniract with mo for tho
right (o do so.
Tresspassers will he prosecuted uc
cording to law. Aaiion liohh',
Koseburg, Oregon, March 17th, lbsO,
How's This?
W'u oiler One Hundred Dollars Howard
foruny case nf Calarih thai cannot be
til) i .nl bv llall's Caliirih Cure.
F. J. CilLNKY tV CO., Props. Toledo.o.
Wo tho undersigned buve known F, J.
Cheney for Iho last l." vears, und helievu
him perfectly honoritblo lu ull busiiinss
liaiisiictions and lin.iticiully able to cur
rv out any obligations inado by their
West t'e Truax, Whulusalo Druggihti,
Toledo, O.
Wslding, Klnnun k Marvin, Whole
Buln Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Cutarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, si ting directly upon tho blood und
mucous surface of the system. Price 7; it:
tier bottle. Sold by nil' druggists Tost
iiuonlal 1 free.
Dun 'I Tiiliuiiu ninl Siuuke luur I lie Aiuiy.
To nmt tt.lmii o eiiklly 111, il forever, Ijo tiiutr
iiclic, lull uf life, niu vi! ami iltjor, lake No Tie
li.ic, the wiiinli r worker, lluil inuluis nvuk men
.i t-oiitr- All ih ui';-K.t;i, Weoi'HI, C'uro suuraii.
li eil llu.ilili l tin, I i,;iinilu Iri.o. AtliliCHS
Scnliifc' Jteincdy Co , Ciilfuijo er Now York.
Hon. Jidiii At c'-oineia
Will riddle " li e pet pi i I I' ng'i ll
count I llH Id II , I ,
t'lii.Vnui I i!e, W ' ed ne. d iy , Jon, I I
I ilk) p. in.
Itldcl.', . .in. P' , .1 urn il ,. I V ; ;l( I
. in.
M rllo ('lei I., Tliurnluv .lunt- !'ud. ut
7 iliO p. in
W II bu', I-1 , Ju-ie ;l d. . I 7 :.'' p in.
OjI. Uiul , NiUfd.ii , .I'll... Mil. I .,'1 ,'i.
Hon liaiiK Atolte
Oakland, I ue-d iy, M i) I'd, I : .il
Wednesday, June Boggesii -hunl
House on Soiuh DeerCmk. I ..".0.
Thiiradiiv, .1 ti in 2nd, Cmiiihn nd-v,
1 o'clock , p, III,
Olnlld, 1 L in a I.i v, .linn- 2ml, Villi.
YouealU, rtldny, June Ird, I lid.
Losrbln, S.ilin.biv, June bh, 2 p. lu.
Hon (leo At Brow n
ll ktor,, Jnuo lird, I. Ill, p. in,
A Caid.
To I hi vol -ri id L'.isein i, I'uip.pi.i,
Dei i Creik tin I Wttt ll iiebiirj pic
cllnts ; 'Iho Under, igned Innsl lispcel.
fully calls your adeiillon lo ibe l.e t ilmt
he In a I'sudld.tla for ju ti i o uf I he pea. u
ftu Ihene pret int (a al 11. ' t leciuiu I uue,
O'h, proxliiio. An. I he liurtnlhnt bla
liln in Uin i iiy lor Urn I .in I L'd Je.uu la
Sin h lhat ll will pr.i,. o mi Iii-i lillu -..
for Hull olliee, an I I'.i it yi.n wi l ft 1 1
jotilticd iii i' I iiig bun on rupp n I l h. i .
for. W. F 1 km un''..
Pioneer I linllcd
Is I he li -t ut.. id Iheuidy p. 1 1 1 1 liaoi
111 thn w cr! I, ui.w ruunii (; t t rv night
betwienSl P,nil I Chna,;.., iall.n
Cldi ago, Mill .iiiki A Paul lliilwni
Ihu pl..iciT ii-.i I . ' 'Ii ' w. : t in a l.ipl.
ing nil inipi oved I n i H i i I ir '!" s del y
and t nj i) liiei.l id pa;, t-rus-ni. An i'tiis
trilled p.tni. hie', nIi.iw ing views ol beau
tllul M-ei.cry nl U'g ihe none of il:n Pie
ueer Linilt d, will be nil lite l i mi,
pi-is ui upon reu ip' I i .i ..-i cut poi t.i,-i'
tt.itnp llt, In n Prirm-iigi-r A,-' nt, Chicag-i, L!
Ibe il.tilvl.t in le ul. ng ll.e t '.Inn. "a
la'ilitl be but in!, re it! nig at l.l:i loin' ul
tlu-year. Fasn-ngi-is Inking lb" Spo
kail.. 1 I i r . h aving li e l iuuo .It p..t al
2 : l' p Lilly, tins vi -w I.e.! ;i g
over liie I .nits. I.i' ion is not ail.
I'ho O. It. .V.N.k'w l!u. ol. , m n ,. (o
Sp.iaant', und . i .I.u. t , ..n ii-ei r.n w il h
I'm Ir.nn lr..-n .':' l.- if I i K ii nal
Itilliitlt. I'.il.u-i- '!tcer . mi 1 in. '1, in
I'o.n hei, o per .il. .Idol'. t i' I.u it i b.-1 g".
I o Spok anr ,
I'll U Old. in. I.
To P.i!..'i-I'.. i .
lo t'.it' .1' Mem. It. .11 s,
To lid l e ti iii alii!.gii.u 1 '--t ii t ri .
To I N.'ii'if i, I l.i'i.i I' . . i , t -.
Takll.fl U N. .' p .V.u'1.. I licr,
And Sa en Tin.:'.
L ave I' ul on I '-lot I'.iilv al 2 . 1 p. in
V. C. Lt.M'.iN, Al'. nt,
Ku-eliurg, I licyuii.
I heinliy auiiiiiit.i o invbelf as n candi
datrt lndm.t ',i' i.i!ii.g p ipulHinui id
ll coin. i y. iui u.lin llm fmo sil
ver insn, piipuliMtn, ihiinoerals and re
publicans, lo si 11 Lain wug ns Ir. in a
lull carload just receive. I. A n un ol
buggies, barn w n j and issiln ul I lie .i ect
prices, ull now un hand ut Sl -arns
Chenoweth, iijkland, I'reg m.
To C'uro (iiiiIImIIiii luri-nr.
I'.il.i' l ' ti .ni'ls I'.oulv I ,iii. ii ii, I"- t.r
If ('. I.'. ( '. l iii I.i t .or, ill '.;.-, -. .' a i . lun.l li... it. v
This 1.-,
It will
Your Appetit
I 'urify an I
Vitalise Your Hlood, Overcome That
Tired I''oelm;. Get a bottlo of
lloid'n Gar.tparilla and bi-pjn to
take it TODAY, and realise tho fjreat
Kocd it la .urc to do yuil.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is Ani'-rlct's (iu at.-.t M.-iliclne. A II 1 1 uivi t t.
Yon Can't alucle
A Sausage by
It's Ulster--
Nil I tier 1 un mi 11 Hi. - .'i 11 I.I
1)1 If Iiy IP, 1 II a 1 1. 1 !
S llHllili' IiiiiiI.. niinl .ul. I,i. .l. ,
101. 1 hale liletel.'s inllht h.i .' I In'
11 it I ; 1 1 11 1 lliu ".. 1 1. 1 1 11 1 eniisliiii'.
I lllll, U 11.1 ll.llnt ,.) IiiiiiI.' Iiv pi tipll' U till
know hurt iinilti rn u liu lint e Ii uriieil
l.y 1. v ii ru nt -e.
W e can Inti-n . I , mm ml n' in lliu
i'1111-.ti in In. 11 nl
II I ley will nhf im llic iippui I11111I1 .
We'll alum w lull ces lulu lli. in, himI
explain it Iiy lliey aie liellt r Iliun
titli-!M. Mu Mill tlienl 1111 t'lisy pnyiiifiiiN
If lit hlll'il.
A. C. MARS TlikS cS: CO.
KOHicnum;, - ouico.w,
M vAfi'