'jJ.UHLiLlll11 The riaindealor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Culillnliuil Krry MmulHy ami liiurmlsy Aloud nil MmIii Htraol , HOMICIIt'Mfl, OKIvllUN - ll TUB PLAlHDEAUd PUBLISNINQ COMPANY. Tho Phiindoalor I'0TLK, IHUHJERK, KTTER UEAI'F, 1 ILL HEAD, ETC., ETC., MO. Executed Neatly and t Living I'att s. Vol. XXIX. ROS15UURG, ORKGON, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1898. No. 26. Marl If .Tleallufs. 11 P il. Ki.Ks, U MKMl HO LOIMIK, M, , 11 ihi iheli r'ilar iiiiiiiiiiiiileatinua al in .i. i. i. C. ball mi ii iii'l ami liiiirili llinrailur li ( 1 h iii iKiii. .til HKiiniM-n r'ciiaii in i 1. '11 1 rvdilnrtr, mi I all vl.lllnu brothers t.f. II III) III . ItH'l III .lIU-ll'l H.:i(I VM MIKKs, irumr)r. vlliif.M IMINCil.. NO. lit Jit. O. II. A. M.i t" meets vry Wcliii-'lr evening at o'clock III llio Ul.l Ma.milo Hull. VIlllU . . 1 1.. 11 1 . 1 ... !..... uromvra aw uuiiuaii minu'i " ....v..-.. 0. II. I AlOliiK, lliu, W. !', liounullur. lUHonllnu Kotri'larv. I AURKI. I.0IX1K, A. K. A A.M.. ItWiUUB ' uinetliiKi Urn 'iit aut 4tl WednvMU; lu mill inoiilb. . ... HlKK JOIISrfoS, W. U. N.T, Ji wmi, H rcr. nllll.KTARtAN I.O.KIK, KO. , I. O. O. f. 1 meets rtumrilur rreiilna ol esch wect al iiimI. iiaii In ihlil VulInK 'l. mi.lu al Aowliurs. Meinoeraol h.onlnr III fooq sisnnina araiavn. wl lo alivud. I. HOUbU.1 nuniMUJi,n.u.- r. 0. Mi m i l. ie'jr. twiKlriillltfl KlIMir. NO. IS. A. O. U. w. uimU Ibo K'l'unJ and IniirlU Moudaja pi sell tunulh al7.su p. m. ai una r.uowa nam Meinbaraot Ibsoiujir lu '0 slauJlng are lu vlUxi 10 alioinl. RENO POHT, NO. 7a, O. A. ., MEITB 1 HI Out aud IbliJ Tburxlars ol oionlu. w OMKN'M KKI.IEF t'ORPH NO. 10, MEET! oral ant mini friuaja in aaun nwu. t.'AHUr Al.LUNlK-Reaular mrtffl 1 Mmtlun a will l held at Orauge Hall. Roaebura;, lbs Aral rrblav In December, March ami Juuc. aud lbs Iblid WlclBT lu aVplvBilMW. tjOHKBO R0CI1AI-TKR.no. . O. E.8..MEETM lha svtxiud and fourtb Thurlss of each msulb. MOI I IK HIIAIUUO0K, W. M. RKOIN A KABT, Moo X. RwJf, h ii it 1 1 lilVIHION NO 47. H. OP U E., uivu r7 atwud and lourlb Buudajr. A LI'll A 1XI1XIE, NO. 7. K. OF I , MKET1J V crr Wludair oriulo at Odd fallowa Hall. Vlalllnn KnKbU lu od ataudluf W Alaily liiYlU-d to altandi l'rolraaloiiMl Catrda). M. CRAWFORD, A. Attorney at Law, KM.in. MamuraBulldliK. ROhBlll'HU, ot. rT-BiilmM balore lh I'. H. Und 0(IK and in"ilu ara a xi'lall)r. Ula Receiver U. H. Uud OrDtc. moauK M. aaown. rmo. rim tvaTin. JHOWN A TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, K'Miin. 1 and K la VYIUuii IIIim-. KOHlbl KU. iiR yy II. WILLIB. Attorney and Counwilor at Law, Will pranlloa la all tba aoarU ul lb BUU. Of ca la .Marat. r UalldlUK, liU eoaaly.Or. p D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Taylorwfuuu'u'locli. ROtlEBOKO. OB I B. EDDY, 1 1 a Attorncy-at-Law, K"si;iaitii, oheoo.n. HA 11. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, R08EBU ltd, OREGON. Northern I'aciHc RallroaJ Company. Aid BulliiiK lickola to all points Kast at linK Ibo rcgulor ratva. I). 8. K. limit, Local Agent No. Maisleri buildrot;. JLMER V. HOOVER, Physician and Surgeon, UFKR'K; Miiiu direct, one door suulu ul City Hull. KOiGIU'Rli, OU. M YRA BROWN, M. D. U1MCE, MM Jtcktuu Hired, at tea Idvucuul Mra. J. Ulrior. ROftBl'ltli, OK. L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, ttotury, Vrttfon, aTTCktaala dlaaaaaa paalattr. yyiLL. r. heydon, Cuuuly Hiirvoyor, aud Notary Public. Orrici: lu Couit lluuiv. uidi ra (or Kurvoyiii and KloUl NoUmlniuld bu addrvaaod lo Will '. Hojdou, tlimnly Hur vvyor, lluauburg, Or. B IIOttWKI.I.r UvuKlaM County, orrktoii. Jill PRINGS 'J'lio wutota ul tin'" Hprlnm uuuUlu : loilliii', Hrnmliif, 1'iituaiiliiin, lliu ('arbniiatca ol Irou and Uino aud UiLtMi'S "I CaUluiu, MiiRiioaluiu aud tiudluu, Ouo Bin luii cniitnliia i"A aud thu utUvr over JOOU giama ol solid mutter to ttie gullou. Iocatod on thu Hiiiilbnu 1'aclllo ltallioa.1, "cilmHK inula" Irnin Han Krandaco to I'ortlaud, lu Dougluii oiinly, Oregon, AKKriivntod CKif ol UliuiiinutUiu, Nasal Ca tiin'i, falairli ol lliu ritomaeh, Uyhpolm . Dl brtva, Ncuriilalii, Malarial I'nlnouliiK. Kdluey 'lixiublo, CiiialliaUon, IMacaava ol tlio hklu, l.lvi r and HowuU, uud Vcuoroal dlaeuaoa bavo been cured by thu uao ol tbeao wutum. Now batb roniiiH coiiui'Utcd with Ilia malu bulldiuK. I'ualolliouaud KxpruMuu llio rcu laea, lially mail, uurtli aud atiulb. Teiuia- (ID pur Meek, V per duy, luoltldlug batlia. The, Hotel In uudur tbu Immediate, lupervli inn ol '.IT. II-.!H. II. IIOHWItMn in. Iu7 Manager. f STRICTLY I IR5T-CI.A5S. MOTEL rt McCLALLIN. MHH. . V. M I.AI.I.KN, Trnp. MA5QUAETEE3 TOl TttAVZLIUS Ulll M ATI',) MI'.AIMINAIII.K. Laige, Fine Hamplv Ruoma. rrrv'Hua lo and Kmiu Train. Crockery ant! Glassware ! I.ari t mi l Fluol ,hm,iIuii nt Vl'l brntlubt In KnhL'lillli' .Mao a coiiiplMc llni nf rlml. e (GROCERIES IOItAC( iH AM) t l'.AIH All klnJsof Country Produce 7VTRS. N. BOYD i-V J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Dots Uj ALL COMPETITORS! Waara alwayi in the Lead, aud ncau to koep there. The Golden Harvcat i upou ua, and farm era are miliiig kecauae Wood waul looa to their iutereat. ItiKaV II AKN Full Triniuicd TEAM HARNESS Thoao are all Leather au J Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Trice. Coniult your purae aud lo aure and aoi Woodward before buying. ff. U. WOODWARD Aak your Druggist I for a Rf ue ua 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm rontalna n rvainr, mercury nor any otiier liijiirloua drus. ltlulcktyAIlrbrd, Cilvea llelief at nui-o. It opeul and rle.mhen tun Natal raai;rr. Altava InflHniniallnn. CATARRH UtA0i JWivt ft k. J; COLD 'N HEAD Heal and I'rotccia llio SleuihrauP. ltp.lnreii the fi'iirea of Tana aud Mnrll. l'ull bi.e tUe. ; T rial bie liio. I ai DruL-e'litaor by mall. fcLY DllOTUEliM, 04 arrcu btrcel, New Yolk. Notice to Contractors. Suuluil pIuuh and Hi'ucillcatiouti uud Uda will le received at llio oQlco of (be couuty clerk of Dotilus couuty, ( rei;ou, up lo l-'ilday, .luly 8, 1SDS, ut 1 o'clock, . iu,, for tho btiildiub'i crucllou it ml couBtrucliou of it wagou biKlo over Elk UreoW, on tbo uow uurveyoJ county road from Uraiu to boulli Drnlu. Tbe rifc'bt roBorved to reject nuy cud II bids. Uy orler o( tlio county contt. Muy 10, 13M. A. V. SruMisH, County JudgK, ... . - . - - Ulcj clo Tirca. Tba Cbaso, totiKh, tried uud puncturo iiroof. tor hu lo lv T. K. lUTIAIIiN, lioniilmrg, Or fin The if L.J T4V-' a no ini,'e r' Willi li ' lirinita iur v. 'idiicaa lo a true woiiiiitl'a li' art tlniii (lie awrct nanraii( P Hint a little one l r inn. In(r t l,ra lirr lilc und tall her "Mothrr." Hut in nil her Invinir trrlmra llnnii for the rxprrlcd little knesl, mother II HabK to fnlgrt thHt Her nun UtaltU ana J liyaical condition it th! tuoat import ant firoviuon which can om. my ue inaao tor tue hanv'a happineaa. If Hie jiroapective mother la weak, nrrv otta nnd anxloiia, tlila -injllloii li bound to react on the 1aIv' ronr-tltution. Noiluin liueas of wuidrclxi will comnetnate fr ihe loi of th! oalunil, hcalthr vigor which a mother should be htntv upon her baby. A earlr as possible lur Rehlntion, the expectant mother fthould reinforce her bodily powers with thi Mutaininjf, health. briugliiK liiHucnce of lr. Tierce's l'arorile 1'reactij'tion. It gives natural, healthy vigor and claslie endurance to the organ i ajietiully concerned In motherhood. It makes the coming of iaby perfectly safe and almost painless. It lives nerve blrrnutb to the mother and vital itrilihood to tin: child. It is the only medicine devised by an edu cated physician specially to overcome all wcakncucs uud diseases of the feminine organs. Wi. Huxor Vanotrr. of Xubinson Creek. Pik Co., Ky., wrllra : " I vri.li lo eapreis my tlianka lo you lor Hie ickvI I have received fiom your 'Favorite I'reilpllon.' 1 liave ud It at dltTrr ent tiiuca fur the lu-.t five vata, and nlnayswith tbe mtr.it gr:ilirniK f-aulta. Hut the pieateU good levivrd Inmi llio "I'avortte I'rewrlptlon' was rIkmiI liur nmniliH ao when my U'.t batiy bntn. 1 irn alllM'd witli 'ihlld tied fever.' Instead of aetulluir aftrr a doctor X ued the Fie- acriptlnn ' und vm cured. A lu'ly fuend of mine wai Imilnrly afllleted and 'lit a(l r Hie dKlnr and Imk liii icinflira and Hiett. I nm 7yen olil. weigh iMn'ta, the nifrthrr l five thililren, and am enpiyiuir the beat of hcullh." lr. I'ierec's I'lcnssnt 1'ellels cure conatt patlon, promptly and permanently. 1111: SCHOOL BOOKS. Statement HjUc by J. II. Ackcrman, In Kcply to Criticisms. I'iihilami, May -. To thu L.Iitoi In 'II i)re fii'iiu ol M ., llieio u Uaie l .1 C'linrit'iniiaii in niiii"! by II. l.yiiian, ij llit' i- in Inl.t'u l ir H'i;;riii tcudvi.l 'if pill) ii- iiiBtrui t i ii. Alter i n uueraMii vurinin iiuprovcuniiitti in the acluiiriintraiinn o( ll.o cllico whicli lie propimos to iniiitt, If elected, Mr. Ly uun t.ikta up lliu ciiojl-Wiit iucHtioii. lleuta'C" lii pjiliuii lo tin one ul oppos ition to Mm pi .'iiOit lontrai'l and pro eecJto8.iy thai tlio dainin.it inn wliicb procured Ibis : jn( i at iua ack I lie vot ii "I 'r.'.n'i for an rudorbcint'iit at lliu lulKt-lx'X nliic'i will t;ivo cxlctibiou lorauntlii i p.-rio I of nix year, ij con tiuuo ur.til I-.KI7." Sinco i am Mi l.yuiiu'd ouly foriuid.t- ble oppoitt'U', Ibis iuouendo must l e.'ur lo me. Any doubt alniul the matter will be removed by rcidiog a circular t-iued by Mr. I.vmsn, in which it is openly stated that I hui tbo American look Cou:pnt 'd CAtididato for tlu ollice of uioiiutendcui l( iub!U: inetrucliini. I deny that there cxi'J's any u.-gieo- ment or uudorMiaudiii i lutwcen tuyuolf and any miiu or coriiji.ilion rospucling tho manner lu which 1 shall, if elected, discharge the duties of tho ollice for which 1 utn a candidate. 1 deny Unit n.y volooul'.ie adoption of text-books iu IS. 'I was iullucnced by nuy other coneid- eratiju tli.ui the iutjrosta of my constit uency, the school palroas and school ubildreti of Multuouiah county. And I anscrt ili.it my vote at that time will bear comparison with tbu veto of 11. S. Ly- inau' who was then Btiperiutendent ol Clutdop couuty. This comparison I Vhall presently tuako. Mr. I.yuiau in liii lot- tera and circulars 'omp4rca tho p.eont pricea of books iu Oregon with the Jower prices iu other etatce, tixed under dill'er- ent coudltions or by contracts of more roatit Onto and seeks by innuondo to lay a portion ol the blamo for this difference upsn me, yet it will le f.ceu that if Mr. Lyuinti could bavu bad liia way iu IS'Jl, we should now bo paying uiuro for school bocks tbau.vio pay under the "iufainous'' contract bo no dearly lovea to deuounco. l'vcty person wbo bad to voto upon the adoption ol text-books iu lS'Jl knows thai, though tuultiplicity of books was otleied, there were practically ouly lo "tickets'1 iu Ihe tield. To vote for bocks not on ouo of those ltata was like vjtiu for the pi ohibition candidate for presi dent. That Mr. Lyman fully understood this feature id tho situation, is shown by bis vole. Ou ouo bide was tbe list of the American Hook Company ; ou tho other was a list made up from tbo publication of a syndicate headed by the treat pub- liBhiun houti'11iiiuu A Co., uud compris ing besides that tlrui, MayiiHrd, Men ill A Co., The Woruer Co., . I jIui 10. Totter & Co , l. C, lloitb it Co., aud Lovell & Oj. Tho books ou llio opposing lints did not differ greutly iu price and ipiality, but tbu Aiuericau lijok Company bad this great aud, as events proved, iusuporable advautage. He books were already iu uso iu Ibo schools, aud were uttered for rcudopliou ut greatly reduced prices; times wore very bard, aud public ucuti uiuut was bitterly opposed to any action which would cause the expense incident to a iwceplug change ot school books. To ascertain the win hen of my constit uents, 1 addrepsed a circular Utter lo tbo school olllcers of Multuouiah county, iuouiring whmjhouks, if any, ought iu their opinion lo be changed. Almost without exception thu answers showed that nouhauge whatever was desired, lu consideration uf the financial burden undor which our ponplo wcro Inlmrinir, 1 lb finals 1 i n IB an l in deference, to their eipreiicxl with, I vold to cjotinuo la use uiotl of the Ihi ks already in Mis aclpiola, fiouli thfie we h veral tlm readojded that I should Iiavs lH)ti glad, but f.,r thv iu it er of txpcii'o, lo ae changed. Tbe bxin toIm I lor by Mr. Lyman lo hi H" In primary aud grammar chooli wcro as. foll ivri : Retail CutaloKuv Corilract lllleof Hook and I'ut.lUhur. Prli-. Price. Wvntwoitb'a Elementary ....... . . & .... irmimeuc, ' unn o. . f iw i ,,o WeuUoith'i (iramicar Hebool Arithmetic, (iinn iV (' iiTi rr M n.lU'Min ry' I'.eginnera' I'. r-. IlirtU i r, (.iinn ACo. . . . W 06 Mouigoinery'i,Ixadini Facta in American IIit ry,(.iion A Co 1 00 1 00 Lhiiidcll'B Chill Cvok of Health, (Jinn A Co 'M 33 liluih.Iull's How lo Keep W-ll, Oinu A Co li 50 I iy's Llcmentary (iuogra- phy, fiiuo A Co. . 00 (ii IVtti r b Klementary Geog raphy, Totter A Co 00 IVt'cr's Advanced tieogra- pby, Totter A Co 1 i'3 1 25 Normal Leaders, Noe. 1, 'J, J. 1 und 5, Werner Co 1 50 ' 7& led'e Wtid Uook, May- nard, Merrill A Co L'5 25 KeedA Kcllog'sUrammara, Maynard, Merrill A Co. . . 7H 'JO tiraphlcCopy Looki.ONos., LovollACo 72 Thoriipt'oii'M DrawioK Books, !t Nes , I). C. Heath A Co. H-'t 1 00 (inflin'a Civics for Young America, Ijvell A Co. .. . 50 Drooks'.kn!al Arithmetic, ;otr, Tolts A Co :;i 31 Webstet's Common fc'chocl I ictiouary, American lijok Co 7-' 80 I'otyl 13 23 Iu Mr. Lymau B .circulars and letters the fad is elrongly emphasized that the re a I c ji. tract priree of the Ihj ks adopt ed no creattr than their catalouue t rices. Tlio iutiniatiou eeems to be taat it u a crime to vo'.o f jt euth prices. Vet it will be seen Hut Ibe pricea ol the books voted for l y Mr. Lj man were, in iicuily t wry inttanee, greater than the catalogue pri ; of their publistu rs. The books volid for.by inyat If to te used in riuiary aud grammar ecboolB were as 1. 1 lows: t'ontrac 1 i tit? ol Book nod l'ulili-ber. Price. l-'ish's Aiitbmetic, No. 1, Am. Dock Co $ 35 Fish's Arithmetic, No. 2, Am. Look Vi 05 Makers of Our Country, Totter A Co tiO Thomas' History of the United States. I. C. Heath A Co 1 00 Smith's Trimor of Thysiology, Am. liook Co 33 Smith's Klein. Thysiology, Am. Look Co 53 Mooleitb's Lleinentary Geogra phy, Am. Look Co 1 25 Moutieth'a Comprehensive Geog raphy, Am. Book Co 125 Karnes' Leaders, Nos. 1,2, 3,1 and 5, Am. Look Co 3 00 Watson's Speller, Am. Book Co. . . 25 Maxwell's Grammar, two books, Am. lbok Co 00 Spencoriau Copy Bookp, Nos. 1, to 7, Am. Book Co 70 Thompson's Drawing Books, 1). C. Heath A Co 1 00 Teterman's Civil Gov't, Am. Book Co 05 Brocks' Meutal Arithmetic, Sower, Tolls A Co 31 Wubstet's Common School Dic tionary, Am. I'.X'k Co 80 Total $13 01 Tho books voted for by me were, with the exception of histories aud speller, adopted. The changes make tbo total price ot tho adopted list if 13 00. it tints appears mat, so lar as prices are concerned, there was no great differ ouco between my vote aud that cast by Mr. l.ymau. Atd it is evidout that all tbo unfavorable comparisons uf current ptiies in Oregou with those' current iu other states under contracts made re cently are us much el a criticism upon Mr. Lyman us upou myself. Tbo truth is that ueither uf us could vote upou any prices except such as were offered in IS'JI by the companies competing for the business of Oregon, lhut recent legisla lion or the course of Irado lias made it possible for other states to make belter bargains biuee Iheu, is no relied ion up on either ul us. If, ua Mr. Lyman intimates, my vot ing for eo many ol tba publications ot tbe American Book Company already In use indicates that I am under the influ ence ol thut company, what inference must be drawn Irotu me laci that at a time uf great lluuncisl distress, Mr. Ly man voted to displace nearly all of tbe text-l ooks iu uso iu the common schools of the state, in ordor to adopt a list pre sonled by Giuu'A Co., w hich cost slight ly nure thau thu list offered for readopt ion ? Mr. Ly man makes much ol tbo rumor that Ihe agent of the American Book Company in this city is supporting my caudldacy. Since that gentleman Is republican, it is not Btrango that he should bu biippoiiiijg tho entire republl pan ticket. Dut what shall we say of tba open np port which John GUI, tba agent of Ginn A Co., though a life-long republican ami at tbis moment a nominae for the legis lature on oce of the republican ticket la giving lo Mr. Lyman? J. II Aoubmax. Myrtle Creek Item. Mrs. Link Rice stopped off a few days last week to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Rice is on ber way to her father, wbo Is not tEpected to life. Cal Gallup was Lome on a abort visit, leaving again Hondas night for Coltige Grove. A. C. f-btrman was borne on a short visit last week. Will Dooncll Las gone to California to take charge of a gang of men wbo are to plate redwood tiee. Tbe blacksmith trust that ws" formed last week failed to stay lied. Geo. Robinson of a pper north Myrtle says tbe crofie in ble pert of tbe neigh borhood are good. John Drain attended rbon-b here last onday. Tbe good rains we have been baying tbe last few days bave pot a broad smile upon tbe farmers facet, as well it might. Ed Wonacott bad the misfortune to bave a horse fall on bim I ait week while driving cat lie. Ed was pretty badly need op, but not seriously. His broth er Chas. is attending to tbe ranch. Quite a number of oar I. O. O. F. boys attended grand lodge at Koeeburg last week and report a fine lire. 1'residing Elder Bagen held services here a few nigbls of last week. Tbe Children's Day esercisea of last Saturday was well carried out. Tbe in tention was to hold it in tbe way of a picniu in one of tbe grjves near here, but tbe stormy weather forbade it. Jim Bailey's father-in-law, Mr. Sly, was in lbs city Saturday last from Lavs Creek. Will Stephens was iu loan Saturday Irom upper South Mjr.le and rays tbe rops In bis locality are 1 yoking fine. Chas. McGee left last Saturday for Grave Creek, where be baa been work ing on tbe Lewie A Hampton ditch. Mrs. O. C. White presented her bus- band with a fine boy last Sunday morn ing. Jim Dunayin is wearing a broad smile now day. Tbe fact is Jim bss quit batching as bis wife returned last week California, where she has been for tbe last six months. Tbe basket social given by tbe W. of W,, of tbis place, was well atended last Saturday nigbt and a good time was bad, as well as a financial success to tbe order Several were down from Riddle, among them being J. D. Cornott, Sam Tarsley, Otto Logsdon and Ivy Dean. A. Fen ton jr., and Humphrey, left last Tuesday for Soda Springs, by train. Mr. Fenton baa been in poor health for a long time, and is going iu search for bet ter. AU join in wishing bim a safe journ ey and that be may come back much improved In health. "Pa can you tell me what is meant by gall and wormwood?" "Well, er yes! I think I can. Yon know Fisher of the Review was request ed to support a man for sheriff that be did not like, and ratber than loose any support of bis paper, be consented to suppoit him. That is gall and worm wood, to Fisher, my ioa." Kcuo. Notice of Dissolution. KosttBino, On., Aptil 19, 1S08. Tbe firm of Churchill, Wool ley A Mc- Kenzie is tbis day dissolved by mutual consent, W. A. McKenzie retiring. Cburcbill A Wool ley will continue busi nees, collecting accounts due and paying all claims against said firm. W, A. McKb'Nsik,-, F. W. WOOLLKY, F. II. CUTKCTIILL. Notice to Trespasser. Notice is hereby' given that all stock fouud in my pastures or trespassing ou my lands without permission being first obtained of the person iu 'charge of tbe premiaes, will be held for a reason able time at the expense of tbe owner, aud if tbe same is not claimed it will be advertised aud sold In Ibe manner pro viJed by law, (or tbe purpouo of paying tho charges aud expenses of caring for and selling said property. A. . Stanton, Brock way, Or. Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!! In nianoa. oruans and musical goods. Bicycles new and second baud at tbe lowottt prices noeeible. I bave also got about thirty thousand feet of lumber a hu b I have taken iu traae tor gooos, and will sell cheap, as I am not iu tbe lumber business, T. K. KlCIIAKDSON, Koeeburg, Or. Wo are anxious to do a little good in this world aud can think of no pleasauter . . . i - i- -k .. i. or uetter way to uo i iuau uy mvui nttH.llM.. lnt Mlmita Miir aa av nravant ive of pneumonia, consumption aud niKav aaruiiia Inner trniihlaa that follow ueglected colds. Marstere' Drug Store To Cars UouatlDatloa forever. Take i;ucieta Cuud v Cathartic, loo or tSa II V. t. L. rail tocur. urugMiMB reruuti money. VVsVtVsVV ?rVT C A I I iwv store i ?jlers' A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce 0 TAYLOR & $ Low Prices! MAKE A ilGTE OF IT JUST RECEIVED WOLLEITBEBG- BEOS Mrs. ft JOSEPHSOn Dry Goods Gents' Furnishing 'Goods BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS fiOTIOflS AMD FflrtCY GOODS CURE CONSTIPATION .- hbt-i iias - 25c 50c ''-- r his is the to Buy Groceries. C. W. PARKS avv a . new uootisi (jrbcery STOCK OF Bought and Sold WILSON BLOCK Free Delivery SQUARE DEAL STORE. AT THE DRESS GOODS, FURNISHINO aOODS, ok -j CLOAKS, CAPES, J CLOTHING:, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. At PRICES ! BUT Till-; TIMICO li Pfll K CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS Place A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits aud vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. " Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick ets, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. ej