The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 16, 1898, Image 3

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    r nc Mr
MAY 10, 180H.
I nc 1 hiirclica.
l . t it i( t l m hi II -coroi ml Main Bud lane
it net. Kuala "Bertlcs: Preaching, II a. m
and 1.M p. m.; aabbath avbool, 10 . u.i t.
W. Wuutlry, tfupvilutcudeut; I'laaa Mooting at
i tMM lit llio tnorulug acirlio; Kpworla Lmiui
ii. in. lUillu un-llny, I'roti'l' hi. I'mytr
M.illiitt, Wi'liu'-las , Ml 7 W . in.
Kin L. M hiIii, I'Mtur,
I'araouagp, curlier Malu aud l.aue.
1'iiatt isbiah tuisui -cotmr ol t'aas aud
Huao tlrt-vU. Huuday Mortice: I'll pile worahlp,
a.m. ami 7 W . m.; Habbalb School, 10 a. m.
Y. T. tf. V. K.,7 p. w. I'rajcr Mi-allng, Wcdiioe
4ay,7:SU p. m.
It. H. Dilwobtu. I'aaUjr.
I' m tan Uukt miikm t ii urn ii ou 1'owlrr U ct.
fuudM nn lie, at II a. in. ami 7 ' m.
ur liui lill ;, I luirvlttf i vi llln.
A. t Watnu.. I'attur.
pi. i. .ii... cut in ii.- Unriii t ami
Main almi. rvli i'a on ai-cuad and luilttli
fuii'lay iiioiiuiiii ul rai-h imMilh ami iiuy fun
.la) inning fill n-rvd it aimxiiuced Imui
II me lo lime. I!v. Jaii lUM-Ov,
Mllnar.' .
M. I . I Ml Hi II, h-ifl II. - ( i IC'ICUIJf MIO'U)'
-tllllft BU 1 CM-UlllK.
liM .J.I.I tfl I'in, I'ailnf
tiialo ahoelN nl tlm Novelty
f r ui t in k'" ).ira ut .pier's
Hai galiit mod Bccoud-hiiiid ladies
heol. Inquire at thisoH'ico.
Tliu I'-osa Hloro is selling oul ut sacii
ticiog prices. Call ami bo umviucoJ.
New Block uf I allien and misses' flue
shoe, nil tlio ItU'ul stylos, pisl lecelved
at PuiiottUioe.
J u it received men voaliug lop ami
vicl kid, chocolate ami col I no colored
allocs at Ilia Novelty store.
A lai,;o ami tluo anaoi liuotit ol cliil
licu'a Ihh just received l Parrolt
Tioa. Cull aud Bee them.
Cull at the Boaa Stoio aud uo Ihoir
tiuodti, autl you ill bo surprised to UnJ
I hem at such low lixuroa.
Ladies, we aro allowing u handsome
lino ol Hriii; suiting i, waab labrics aud
whilo grnnla. Novelty Ktori".
What vvdiyoiio aaya iuukI bo true,
'llio clioiii'ut ol tea aud collooa in tonn
at Mi.-., 11. Kauk'n'o.
liayoit an t .i nobby KniiB auta auit
ut tl .K) ' H bo call at tliu Novolly atore;
nli'o liavo littur Kra loa il you wiuu tbetn.
I. ai go aHBoituifut ol luteal ttlo aailora
uud IriiuuiuU lints luuy be seeu la tbo
now niilllniry donrluioutol llio Novelty
'lboeo oatiut; i cboculalo aud colloa
tulorod Ulios' shoes ut tbe Novelty
nloro uro bouiilioe, aud prices vory
liraud oiietiiuit ul dry noode, furuialiiuu
toodi), clutliiuir, boola and ahooa.alflo the
lirettiunt liue ol ladies' vliirt walatn. Ap
ril lira, ut the Novolly btoru.
A voi aiyliah auit for uiou in an all
wool brown vbetli, ulcoly lined and tlo
inliod Willi Kood inalorittl at a very auiall
price. Kiine ian bo voon at the Novelty
Morris' Poultry t'uio. Tliia iulalllble
rouiody tli.illciiitoa Hie world to produce
ita eiuul ni au iiroilucer. l'revent
ivo aud vtuu lor ull discatea ol lowla.
liuarantued and (or Dale by II. M. Mar
tin, KoHoburt;, Or.
A tbrill ol terror in oipoheucod w bue
a bruaay cough ol croup aouuda tbruutb
llio houto at night. Uut the torror Boon
i bautfi-a to roliul niter One MiuuteCougli
Curo haa lioen aduiiuistercd. iafe aud
liarmloBB lor childrou. Mb raters' Drug
Jgf?jriir wiitchuiuker. fchop in
f' "Tk-nlil imiri'BB olMce. licit le
too aiaraa' building, Uoaouurt, Oregon .
Watulioa, cliKka uud jewelry rtpairod
lu a ekilllul inaunor at reaaonublo prioea.
A ahato ol the public palronagu ao
liiited. Car load o! clothing and bats jubt id
culvod at the Hoaa fctoro. Those goods
were ordviod direct Iroui tho lauloilea
before we anticipated of selling oul, aud
Hieotfoiod to tbe public at cost, beat
Uttlug clothing ou tho coast, l lor madu
not accepted. Call aud oiitoiiue thuui.
Our bad are the latost sly lea uud aio
worth double what wo offer them at.
ItllHU bionu.
Tho daylight i ido uloug tho Columbia
cauoot be but lutoruatiug at tbla time of
the year. I'anaongerB taking the Bpo
kane Flyer, leaving tho Uulou depot at
ilip. ui. daily, got tbia vliw luatiug
over Uvo houra. Hut that ia not all.
Tbe O. U. A N. give through aeivice to
Hpokuue, aud u direct conuectiou with
the traiu from Hnokaue to Kootenai
country, l'alaco aleepers and uioderu
conchua operated dally without change.
To Hpokauo.
To Hoaalaud,
To TaloUHe Towua.
To Conor d'Alene Towub,
To ull Kaatera WiiBhinKloui'oiule.
To all Northoru Idaho l'ointH,
Take the O. It. A N. Spokane Flyer,
Aud riave Tiuio.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2 A p. iu.
V. V, LoNiiov, Agent,
ItOBBburg, Uicgoii.
This time vc MUST
Kcal Ivstatc aud must
We urc determined to close out our large stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing Huts, Hoots, Shoes, Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hlankcts, Quilts, Laces,
hmbroidcrics, Trunks, Vnliscs, cct.,ctc.
Our late urrivals
ionable" goods fn the
Caro Bros Boss Store
On the Way to the War.
( Kr.nn our -clnl crri aMiii(l-iit.
U.t Thaim, near Ashland, May li.', 1 a:ri ;
Thinking that a few uuta from Co.
II. Bee. Ur. Vol. might be ol interoat to
your readeif, I take tliia oportunlty of
dropping you a few lines.
At lime of receiving call of goveruor
for acr vice April IS, 18'JS, Co. A. Sec.
Itt'Kt. O. N.O. had upon her rolls (2 We weie ordered lo report at
Armory at 1 :30 a. in. Thursday morn
ing for physical examination before
hargoon Kill. Ten were tejected ou
account piiuoipally ul defective eye
eight. We It-It Uoaeburg on the local
Saturday uiorolug April Mlb, atroug,
escorted to tho deot by !. A. U., W. It.
C.,oldieie' Home Ycitrans, school chil
dren and a grund concourse uf friends
aud relative, arrived in Portland at
about 0 o'clock aud marched at ooco to
Camp McKinhiy, Irvingtou l'ark. Here
we j iued Co. D which was already on
the ground, end woik of consolidation
began, fn the second phyiical exaini
nation which was almost aa severe as
'ho it'iuired for cuImuco into the regu
lar uruiy, 10 of our boys were thrown
out, many up in what Boomed to iih very
trivial dvlecte.
Fred Wright lacked one half iuch of
the Mpiisito hu'ghl. raliiiS'jii, itich
uidaon, Victor Armitagu, ll.irry Hill
and at vital others were not heavy
enough according lo height. Corp. Win
llodeuu, 1'uvutea Henry Worthinctou
and K. I., l'owoll, .laN. V. l'.rowu fuilod
lo stand the leet for eeu. tit-o. .lonca
failed uu the hearing tost. t'gt. l'oiu.ell,
Coiporals VA Hauiliu and O. C. lrowu
were rejectel Uhjii trilling dclecti.
Sjmctbiug wtoug with Tom 'a heart;
Haml'ii had a si ill' joiut in his big toe;
whilo Urowu, aa strong and robuit a
man aa waa iu the company, wbh eject
ed for a small upturned Llood vessel iu
calf of led leg, cot larger than a grain of
The ouly eatisfarlion wo have ia iu
kuowing that the other companies were
required I1) Was I ho emno (est, many
loving even uioro heavily than did we.
Tho Ashland boys of Co. D., with
which we are consolidated, are u Bet of
jolly tool fellows. Oar csptaiu, John L.
May of 1 J Co. D, U. N. .., tauka uext
to Capt. Heath and is a general fuvorito
with both cfliccraaud men. F. li. Ham
lin, captain of old Co. A, h'ec. Kegt. U.
N. U. ia Orat lieutouaut of Co. Ii and
workiug (or the company's aucccee.
Our second lieulonaut is J.t. .1. V.
Thornton of Co. D, Ashland, who ia very
popular, not only with the boys but with
the young ladies from Portland south,
Aftor being mustered in aud thorough
ly cnuipped, tho first battalion composed
of Co. 'a A, 1, C and D under Major
Uauleubelu uod Ll. Col. Yorau, were
ordered lo leave Portland ou Wednesday
at 0 p. m. for Presidio, Cul., to form a
part uf the force that ia to be aent to tho
Just prior to our sUrliug the I-aJies'
F.iuergency Corps of Portland handed to
to the captaiu of each company flOO in
cash to be used (or the benetlt of the
com nan y as he aecs Ul. They also die
tributed among the boys of the companies
a largo number of towcU, naudket chiefs,
packagea of soap, paimr, envelops, etc.,
which will add very materially to their
comfort aud enjoyment and are very
highly appreciated.
Leaving Camp McKiuloy at about 3
p.m. in heavy marching order with
three days rations ol canned beans, bcof
aud hard tack in our haversacks, we
marched through tho streets of Portland,
escorted by the aocoud and third batal
lions, bringing up tloally about 5:30 p.
iu. at the Qraud Ceutial depot where
we look curs for ban l'runcieco.
Tho men are furnished with Pullmuu
tourist card aud the olUccra with Pull
tuau Btaudards.
Aa we came down Iho road wo wero
royally received, each town giving fa
cial attouliou to its owu ccmpuny. We
wore highly pleased with our recupliou
at KoBoburg and shall ever ivmewber
the kind people who mot us ut (bo traiu
at such an unreasonable hour w ith words
of chcor, aud such liberal supplies of
that which cheers (he inner man.
At Asblaud the soeue w aa lepeateJ.
Uoxea ol lunch were also furnished hore
for every momber of Co. U, which w ith
our Itoseburg supply will lait us till we
reach Ban kFrauciaco without drawing
upon our cauued goodu aud bard tack,
for which wo return thauks lo the River of
every good aud perfect Kilt. A. 11. C.
Piiemoio, Cai... May 13, ISW.
Kd, PlAiNUUALtic Thiuking perhaps
Ibe good people lu lioueburg miisbt be
glad lo hear from the boy a thatlelt there,
I lake the present opportunity (of writ
SKLL, as we have sold our
give possession in Sixty Days.
are all the best and most fash
city, aud arc direct from the
ing a few lines. We left Camp Mc
Kiniey on tbe lltu ol May, look a six
mile March from (he tamp l? and in
Portland. We were cheerod from the
time wa left the Camp until we reached
the California line. The ovatioua in Port
land were very great, and one that will
loug be remembered. All along tbe line
wo were received in the same manuer.
When we reached Oregon City the eo
pie came out -ailh large boxes of grubb
but they had their trouble (or nothing,
the train weut by as (aat as tbe old iron
horse could carry us. At every station
along the line they so I u led ua by firing
off guns aud yelling ltke cowboys. We
feol proud ol the reception giveu us at
Uoseburg, aud take this opportunity ol
thanking everyone lor tbe friendly greet
ing, and alao for the lunch presented
us ol which we have some leU lor our
supper. leaving Koseburg we were
royally choired at every station ceieci-
a' j rants Pass. At Ashlaud we made a
thinly minutes atop where we wero stim
ulated ou hot coffee. The Ashland peo
ple weie as generous aa iu Hoseburg.
We initio sjuie ol uur Koneburg friends
Mrs. ieu. Kt-je uud F. W. McKechnie
aud wile formerly of Oakland, aod
ol tiers. They ull wished us u pleasant
journey and that we would all euu re
turn homii. From Aahlaud every loly
wero strauers 1 1 ih, but the sceuery is
beyond description. Among the many
iucideula along uud uuiou the biakiyou
is irli.iula mineral apring. We stopped
aul took a driuk and tilled up our
canteens willi Ihu water. It haa a very
pc-ti'iiar lisle. Another incideut that
I forgot I i mention. Wheu we came to
lloguu Kivrr wo weie ail ordered uut
down to the river, and the order came to
pull oir our tilioea aud wash our feet.
Tho hiruttiu that was a short time be
fore; clear at crystal, eoou became the
color of iuk, and I suepect that a good
many lih will come to au untimely end.
We arrucJ iu Oakland, Cal., this morn
log (ljth i at CM. crossed over ou the
ferry boat to Han Fraucisco, an I from
there we marched out to Presidio, a ilis
of a'Mj'it I milci. We have our tent all
put up, and a sinull bit of hay spread ou
the auiid for uur be Is. Have juat been
down t ) the beach aud oul lo the liar
racks. .Sergeant Harry Mjcuim, Corpor
al Goo. Day and your humble servant
aio all liviog in tbo same tout, and are
as happy aa clams. Our old fiieud and
ueighber i:. McVtee, called on us this
eveuiug, aud wished us succeas in our
campaign w ith Ppitlu. We understand
that we will leave next Tuesdav for the
Philippines. You will perhaps hear from
us from time lo lime. D. R. 8.
Notice to Trespassers.
Notice ia horeby giveu that all slock
found in my paaturea or trespassing on
my lands without permission being lirst
obtaiued of the peraou iu .charge of tbe
promisee, will . be held for a reason
able time at thecxiiento of tbe owner,
and if the tamo is not claimed il will be
advertised aud sold in the manner pro
vided by law, (or tbo purpoae of paying
the charges and expenses of caring for
aud selling said property.
A. W. Stanton,
llrockway, Or.
Wagons for the Army.
toi l ii, Ind., May H. Ktude
baker liioe. shipped today 500 wagous
which were built ('specially for the use
of the U. 8. in the transportation of sup
plies for the army. The wagons were
shipped lo Chickamauga Park and com
poeod a train of 23 cars. This makes the
third train load of wagons shipped from
hore during the last 10 days (or tbe use
of Uncle Sam. One consignment in
cluded '2W auibulauces. This shipment
does uot include the car sent to Churchill
St Woo) ley of Uosoburg, Or.
A Card.
To tho vobrs of Iloaouuig, Vnipipja,
Deer Crook aud Weet Uosoburg pre
cincts; Tho uudcrelgued most respect
fully calls your attention to the fact lhat
he is a candidate for justice of the poace
(or these precincts at the election June,
6'.h, proximo. Aud ho trusts that his
life in the city (or the last "0 years is
such that it will prove to you hia fltuess
(or that otlico, aud that you will feel
JuBtQediu glviug him your support there
(or. W. l' Di.njami.n.
Co. A, Attention I
All members report at Auioiy 8
p. ru
WoJueedav May 1, 18U8.
l.t. W. C. lllLDLItliBA.Mi,
Kdueals Your llowels Wltb Cusrarats.
I'll inly Cathartic, eiirn roimtlpntlon fnrevfr.
IOo.iuo, K c. U. V. fuil, Uruv.lkUrsiuud uiouey.
The auoual conreotlon of the society
of Chrlstlsn Kouesyor ol the alale of
Oregon convened In this city on last
Thursday. While the attendance was
not as large at waa expected the lack in
this respect was made op by the tnthusl
asm and earnest uses of lboeo who were
prseont. Tbe officers for the preceding
year were:
II. H. Ollc, Halem, president ; first ice
presideul, Addio M. Dualuii, 0rvaliis;
second vice president, li. L. Htuwrll,
Union; third vico (resident, I,eona
Bhupe, Uosoburg; socrntary, Uurt IS.
Iiarker, McMiunville; treasurer, Frel
Locklsy, Calom. Kuperiutendeuts:
Junior, Mrs. J. C. Ilobaon, Newber;
Missionary, Kv. II. L, Hool, Hhedds;
Temperance, Mrs. Kobert McMarphy,
Lugene; Hood Cillzenflhip, Hev, K. E.
Thompson, McMinnville; Floating Ho
cietiee, Mary K. Pea;h, Portland.
The busineas meetings were held In
the Methodist church which was beauti
fully decorated with (he colors and em
blems of the society. O. P. Coehow on
the part of the people of Ilosobnrj deliv
ered an address of welcome. Itev. F. L.
Moore, on the part of the ministers aod
young peoplo, also delivered an address,
welcoming tbe visitors to our city. Her.
W. C. Kantner of Walem, made a suitable
respooce, on the part of tbe visitors.
1 be address on "true patriofis," by
Hev. II. W. Kellogg, of Portland, on
Friday evening, waa one of tbe beat ever
delivered in the city.
The tecretarye rejorl for t Iiii year
shows :
Total societies in elate 382.
Tola! membership in state, 12,025 or a
us of 'Mj over last year
liiven to home tuiasons f 101.68
(iiveu to foreign missions $oil5
Given to local churches f'Jl.28
Given toother purposes 520.04
Tu'al 12387.79
Daring year 277 members of tbe C. .
bas joined the church.
About one-half of the societies are
holding miasionarr meetings and follow
ing aouie form of systematic giving.
1 he treasurer reported 325 collected
during the year and a deficit of I0 at
the present lime.
The next convention will be held in
Portland. -
The fulloaiog officers were elected for
the ensuing year :
President, C. G. LMarstcrs of Dallas.
1st vice president, Addie M. lirislow,
.'ud vice presideul, Mr. Montgomery,
Oregon City.
3rJ vho president, Henry Cramer,
rants Pass.
rfecretaiy, liuit 15. Parker, McMion
Treasurer, 15. Leroy btowell. Union.
Much ciedit is due the local society
lor (he succeeB uf the convention. Tbe
visitors spoke iu the highest terms of
the entertainment aud the courtesies
ehuwu them while here.
An Old Folks Party.
LooKiNu GLasB, Or.,M.iy 11, 13yd.
On the 10th inst, a very enjoyable day
was spent at the tesidence ol Mr. J. J.
McCay, in honor of hia sixty seventh
birthday. At 1 o'clock dinner was
served. The table fairly groaned under
its load of delicious food. Grandma
McCoy knowa bow to mauage such affairs
aod in tbia instance she excelled ber rep
utation. Grandpa McCoy ia alwaya jolly
but on this occasion one would think he
waa a man of 37 instead of 07. Those
present were . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCoy,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCoy, Mr. and
Mra. John McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. 6. D.
McCoy, Mr. and Mra. Wiley Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Con Denning, Misses Kitlie,
Lonna, and Maud McCoy, Grandpa and
Grandma Buell, Mr. and Mrs. N. L.
Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Stricklin,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Olirant, Mr. and Mrs.
Kihy Audras, Mr. and Mra. George
Marsh, Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Mattoon, Mr. and
Mrs.E. A. Mattoon, Mrs. Jf, Boyd, Mrs.
Claud Cannon, Mrs. Hal. Laughary, Mr.
Alen Mattoon, Undo Jeff Williams, and
Mr. Jobe Denning.
There ia a special reason why every
loyal citizen of tbia county should at this
time vote (or the republican candidates
for representatives. Tbe national guard
to the number of more than a thousand
bave been called out by tbe governor,
and responded to the call, almost to a
man. These men were in camp for two
weeks before they wore either mustered
into the service of tho United States or
sent home, lor this lime evory man
has a juat claim against the state of Ore
gon. As there Is no funds appropriated
for that purpose, ou account of the fail
ure of the last legislature to do business,
tho next legielaturo will be called upon
to appropriate money for that purpose.
It will also be necessary for the next
legislature to make provision for reor
ganisation and equipment of the guard,
The uniforms aud equipment) belonging
to that body have all beeu taken to
euuip tbe meu iu tbo field. It will be
necessary for tho uext leuieUlure to ap
propriate money for lhat purpose. Cau
you trust the candidutea on the fusion
ticket to vote for these appropriations in
view of the fact that they have always
demanded tho abolition of tbe national
guard aud always opposed any appro
priations for their beuetit?
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice ia hereby giveu that (he Co
partuerehip hoiutofore existing under
tho oral uame of Kohlhageu & Dixon
has beeu dissolved by mutual consent.
L. Kohlhageu will couliuuo the busi
ness, pay all indebtedness and collect all
accouuts due said firm.
Koseburg, April 12, 1818.
l. kouluaokn,
Wm Duon.
Pay your subscription today,
State Convention of the Society
ChrUUIn flndeavora,
Oirdrti Valley Item.
e wcicoiiih ili I LAiajiKALfca in our
home because we cad rely ou what it
a i .
says, and I Lai. Is more than we can ay
for our brother Kevlew,
Mr. and Mrs. Gay Heed have been on
lb tick list for some lime, hut we are
pleased to nolo the fact that they are
rapidly recovering.
Fred Bhellou and Neal Mclieatb went
to French BottUmeot last Kunday to
witness the game of baicball that was
played between the Garden Valley and
Freoch Settlement nlnos, resulting 17 lo
13 iu favor of F'reuch Hcttlemont.
Jack Chaptuau and wife spent lait
Kuudiy visiting friends and relatives at
Mrs. J. C. Gilliam was railed to Win
cuesier niursuay to attend She aerioua
illness of her Bister, Mra. Wm Mendy.
Daly Brock of fckuuk Gulch waa the
guest of John Tipton last Sunday.
Mr. Hoffman, a calil buyer of Latt
er n Oregon, passed Ibrougb thia vicinity
a few days ago.
George Beale and family of Coo coun
ty have been spending aeveral weeks
visiting Mr. B.'s sister, Mrs. K. E. La
James Cooper and family have been
seriously ill for tome lime, but we are
glad to chronicle that they are recover
ing under tbe treatment of Dr. Page.
There la some lalk of having a box
supper at the school bouse sometime in
tbe near future. We wish yon a success,
William Curry and George Crane were
over from the Kiver Cole far ji a few
days sioce with a pack cf hounds bant
ing lo the foot hill.
We are pained to hear of tbe serious
illness of Uncle Jack Farnawortb, who
it is said, is lying at the point of death
at hia home near Wilbur.
War and politics are all tbe go now
adays. Tbe pope are howling of calam
ity as usual, but after election they will
say: "We did not expect to elect a
single man but it la policy t? make a
strong Sght.
D. C. Churchill, superintendent of
the county poor farm, is moving to his
own farm in Cleveland. Tbe county is
losing a very faithlnl aervant and a
very economical manager of the poor
farm. We understand tnat a man from
Wilbur will assume charge of the farm.
Go to tLe N'ovely Store for decorative
New wheela for rent at the "Creicent
HoD.A.H. Mattoon was iu the city
Saturday. '
Farm produce or wood taken by Dr.
Strange for dental work.
The Crescent chainlesa ia superior to
all others. Price 175, Guaranteed.
When you rent a wheel get an easy
running Creecent at theCresent Cyclery,
Wallace Murdock, of Cleveland, one
of the Plaiadealeb's most loyal friends,
was a caller on Friday.
Dr. J. W. Strange has returned from a
professional visit in tbe western part of
the county, and is again in hia office.
E. DuQas. M. D ., member Board
Pension Examiners. Office, Marstera
building residing cornor Main and Cass
Clare Hume, formerly of thia city,
now of Brownsville, visited friends in
this city while attending the Christian
Endeavor convention.
Tbe up-to-date farmer that uies his
thinker knows that a fly wheel Ion his
binder is just as essential as on a feed
chopper or a steam engine.
Your Uncle "Si Ferkina" failed to
make connections some where south of
Koseburg and our folks missed lbs
pleasure of a visit from him.
All Patriotic Ladies are requested to
meet at tbe O. N. G. Armory next Sat
urday May 21st at 2:30 p. m. By request
of Secretary of Oregon Emergency Corps.
Postmaster Frater requests ns to state
that mail intended for members of Co.
B, now at Presidio, Cal., should not be
addressed to San Francieco as Presidio ia
a postoffico.
The ice cream bas arrived. Head
quarters at the Kandy Kitchen, where
tbe beat is to bo had. Families sup
plied. Orders promptly attended to.
Pure fresh candies, soda water and ice
cream soda.
F. R. Cofhnan, phyaician and Burgeon
secretary board U. S. Pension surgeons
Office in Marsters' block, residence 720
Stephens street. Professional calls in
town or conntry promptly anewered
uigbt or day.
No one can afford to have dental work
doue by other than a permanent resident.
Dr. Stange is such and bis office will
hereafter be open at all times.
Gold crown and bridge work a spe
cialty by Dr. Strange, at the Uoseburg
dental parlors opposite the P. O.
Prof. Goble, an optician of Portland,
will be in Gardioer on Sunday, May
13 and will remain till Wednesday, tbe
lSth. If you need a good pair oi K'oeses,
dou't fail to call ou him. He grinds
glasses to order and uiskes a specialty ol
fitting children's eyes. Consultation
Strawberry Social.
Benefit of "A" cou'pany to raise mon
ey to pay off company indebtedness.
Tuesday eveulug. May 17tb, at Armoiy,
Everybody come.
fn every package of Sehil'
ting's st tea.
Follow them no nutter
what ta ynu use (n
Republican Candidate for Krprescn
Il would lianlly havo bi t ii xmb!p lo
havn fuuod llinn inure available inn
for rrpr jrenlalivea t'M'i Hi i-lme l.y
the ici'ubli. nn conyrntion, ax iln-lr noru
Incus for llier important potiil'itm. All
ae oM mi I highly ri'specled rihxcniol
the stale ami county.
A. R. MATrooX,
Whs bom in Clackamas cuiidty, Ore-
gun, July 12, He it now it presi
dent of lji.king Glues vitlii y wlit rn lie
is snijaneil in f.iruiiiiR. Mr. MaUo in is
one of the bctl informc I uicu in the
Stile In regard to tin- neul.i r f Ibn jhiO'
plo, and ho woul I tiring t his aid a ripe
ex pi-rice gained by c!mu observation and
extended Mcii'iaiutaiiue with public iujii
anl affairs. In the legislature Mr. Mat
toon will rai k with the nwt useful mem
a. r. UHOWX
Of Oaklaii I was Urn in Klrulford
New llauipahird. The history of his
life has been one of success in
business, as a result of strict honesty,
integrity and perseverance. At the age
of II he left the farm and entered a busi
ness house aa errand boy. He soon
worked hi way up until be owned sn
interest in the store. He continued in
business in tbs east until 1859 whero he
sol J out I j come to the Pacific north
west. He came overland and settled in
Douglas county where he has resided
since that time. For a number ol years
Mr. Brcwn was one of the leading mer
chants of Oakland, and in fact Douglas
county. He haa large farming interest
in Douglas county, which now occupy
his whole attention. No man can be
found who would for a moment doubt
the honesty iolegiity ol A. F.
Brown, or who would for one moment
douht but as a representative of the peo
ple, every energy which he possesses
would be brought into requisition in tbe
interests of tbe people whom he repre
sents. Mr. Brown has al wave been an
active, ronsistent republican.
j. u. KIILLE
Of Kiddles, was born in SpriogQeld,
III., in 1811, and came lo Oregon in 1851
with hi father's family, coming over
land with an ox team. They settled in
Cow creek valley in this county, near
where Mr. Riddle bas resided ever since
that time. Shortly after he became ol
age Mr. Riddle purchased tho farm on
which he now lives, and on which, when
the railroad was built through the
county the town of Kiddles was built,
and bo has resided there ever since that
time. He has large property interests
at and near Riddles, consisting ol .farm
and orchard lands, and is also interested
in tbe mining business, bein the owner
of one of tho best ruiuej in South Doug
las. He is iuterested in the material and
financial proepeiity of Douglas county
and no mau could be elected to the leg
islature who will guard the interests of
every citizen with more care than will
J. B. Kiddle.
While Mr. Ri'lJle has always been a
republican he has hot been an office
seeker, having beeu content to work in
the ranks ar.d help others.
will v. UEVDO.N,
whom the republicans bavo for tLe
third time nc ruinate J for surveyor ol
Douglas couuty, has duiing the two
years which he has served the people in
that capacity, proved .himself to be a
very popular aud competent officer.
Mr. Ileydon is a veteran of the Civil
war, having served four yeara and five
mouths, during ull of which time be
was iu active service. Mr. Ueydon is
an experienced and accurate surveyor.
having beeeu engaged in governmental
work at different times during many
years, lie came to Oougiou county in
1SS7, and settled on a farm northwest of
Roseburg on which he no rcsidoa.
Cleveland Items.
Straw berry picking will soon begin.
Rev. E. M. Marsters visited Roseburg
last week.
Herman auJ Howard Wilson went to
Roseburg Tuesday.
Mr. M. J. Burkbart was at Koseburg
Mr. F. M. Good aud sou visited Rose
burg this week.
Jim Tooley of KoKuburg, w as out to his
ranch here .Saturday.
Rev. J. 11 Ski J more filled his ap
pointment here Sunday.
Jacob VanUibber ol tbis place headed
for California last Monday.
Uncle Bill Baker is workiug for Mr.
Bacon of Garden Valley this week.
Mrs. Geo. .lohusou of Oakland is visit
ing relatives here this week.
Frank Livingston of Roechurg was
Visiting hid many frieuds here Saturday
aud Sunday.
Mi sir. Charles aud Billy Scott or
Koseburg was visiting Mr. Rurkhart and
family Sunday.
Mr. Jack Fairlicld was seeu licking
straw berries iu Crauo s etiaw berry
patch yesterday evening. Whata the
altraetiou there Jack?
Mr. D. C. CUutchiil who waa formally
overseer of the Couuty Poor Farm bas
moved hia family back ou to bis farm
Some of the boys of this place went up
to F'reneh Settlement Suuday (o play
base ball oue of their number got his
hand hurt quite badly.
W. S. Vauderburg late populist candi
date (ur Cungiesa was billed t speak
here Saturday for the Union side but
tlld not uu account of the mnallnets of
the crowd. That shows that the people
here don't appreciate doiuocrat policy
Mr. Hud Good mid I'mory Mnrnttri
paid Coles Valley a visit Suuday
MibH Mario Thompson of Coles Valley
watt vibi lug our school eilnosd.ty.
Mr. SjII llorsha lias beeu htuling
Ihi.ihIh and pickets off uf tlm imniutaiu
llnu week with 1 11 limits.
Ravel ak tk h4 ears,
WBtMBM Sad dtMslaaj.
wm Mvnmanmfn.,Mrwvnaw.
Hon. Frank (Totter
Will speak as follows: Cole's Valley,
Monday, May 23rd, at 1 :30 p. m.
Cleveland, Monday, May 2Jrd, at
7:30 p. m.
Looking Glass on Tuesday, May 21th,
at 1:30 p. m.
Ten Mile Wednesday, May 25lh, at
1 :00 p. m.
Civil Bend on Wednesday, May 25ih,
t 7:30 p. m.
Myrtle Creek, Tharsday, May L'Uth at
1 :30 p. m.
Cauyonville, Friday, May 27th at
1 i'-jO p. m. .
Riddle, Friday, May 27th, at 7:30 p. m.
Drain, Saturday, May 28th, at 2 p. ni.
Hon. John M. Somers.
Will address tbe people of Douglas
county as follows.
Glendale, Tuesday, May 31st, at 7:30
p. in.
Canvonville, Wednesday, June 1st, st
1:30 p. m.
Riddle, Wednesday, June 1st. at 7:30
p. m.
Myrtle Creek, Thursday Jane 2nd, at
7:30 p.m.
Wilbur, Friday, JuneUrd, at 7:30 p. m.
Oakland , Saturday, June 4th. 1 :30 p.ui
Hon. R. J. Hendricks
Will speak at Shoestring on Tuesday,
May 17, 1898, at 2 o'clock, p.Zm.
Youcalla, Tuetday, May 17tb at 7 :30,
p. in.
Tbe following card which was pub
lished iu the Roseburg Review in March,
13'Jl, shows the estimation in which Mr.
Gazley hold the Oregon National
"A Card.
"To the voters ol Douglas county : As
I am a populist nominee for legislative
honors, I do hereby pledge myself, if
elected, to do all iu my power for tt o
abolishment of the Oregon State Guards.
"J. F. Gazlky, Jr.
Canyonville, March 2d, 18'J1."
One of the Greatest Bargains.
Eyer offered in Douglai county, for a
short time. Only 10 acres oi land, one
mile of Roseburg, in a high elate of cul
tivation. Good 4 room bouse, fair barn,
and all necessary out building1) aud ull
necessary farming uteusils ; 2 acres in
strawberries, 4 acres in orchard, 2,' in
grain, balance of place in garden, well
watered ; GO chickens, 2 Jersey cows and
calves, 1 horse, 1 bug;?, 1 light wagon,
2 seta of harness and plenty of small.
fruit, such aa dewberries, blackberries,
gooseberries, currants and grapes. For
further information enquirelot
I. F. Kite,
Real L'slate Agent,
Koseburg, Or.
To the Public.
On aud after tbis date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that 1 can do better by
my patrona and myself by selling strictly
for casti. P. Bbnkuick. Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1896.
l'or Over Fifty Vcaif.
Am Old and Wkll-Triid Kxmidt. lr
Window's Soothing Uyiup baa been used fur
overttlly year by millionao! mothers (or their
children while teething, wltb perfect succct.
It aaolhes tbo child, toltcus the guma, allays all
pain, cures w lud colic, aud la tho best remeiiy
(or I)larrhaa. Is plcanaut to tbo taato. boldly
druggiaia lu every part ol the world. Twontj-
Ave ccula a bottle. Ita value la incalculable .
Beauro and aak (or Mm. W IiuJow'a Soothing
Syrup, aud take uo other kind.
Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!!
Iu pianos, organs and musical goouV
Bicycles new aud second baud at tl "
lowest prices possible. I bave also U'.
about thirty thousand (ect of luiobi
which 1 bave taken lu trade (or K'Kx' ,
and will sell cheap, oa I uui uot iu II
lumber business.
T, K. RiciiAUOBoK,
Roseburg, Or.
Etlurata Your llowels Willi Cascaret.
Cunilv Cutliurlii'. euro conatlDiitton foravc:
l0c,S5c. II C. C. C. lull, druKs-lbU refund nion v
arri a ri v I, Ilia til .111 II littlll ("lind ill
lliia u. trhl anil un think nf nil liluajnftlltl I
or bettor way to do it (ban by recuu.
mending Uno Minute uure as a preveu'-
Iva nl miaiimiinia. conaumntiun an i
other eerious lung troubles lhat follow
neglected cuius, aiarsiora urug oioie
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Signature of
ran mm