ICLOSIflG OUT SalE AT CaroBros STORE THE PLA1NDEALEB MAY l. 180R. Tut CliurrlirH. M ..i ii.ii i-I ( in "' ii - l orm r of Mulii mcl I mio .',ri';n. HuniUy ;crvlce: 1'rcachtiii, II . m u. l.M) p. m.; Halibatu school, 10 a. ui.i F. W, MuulWy, Huiwiiulciiduut; Clau Meeting at . Iimu ul tun uurnlni acrrlec; Epworth Lessu ., in llnilia i.a.Iiur. Iriwil n(. !iycr M.- dine, W cilneU)', ul 7 y in. rntM L. Mwltr, I'Mlur, I niiiiBf, coiucr Mlu anil Lane. i KknUI ISUIAX CUUKCU-CUIIirt ol tiN aud HuiotlrocU. UuudayMcrvlco: I'ujiHo worship, m. aud 7 JO p. ui.; Mabbath School, 10 a. UU V. H. V. K.,7 . m. I'rajor MittUui, Wcduet- V tr.7.M p. in. , K. U. Uilwostm, Tutor. I mi i' Hi.i i Ui:l CM flu II uu I'ohU I U it. ruii.l.i) mrli. ul ll . in. nii'l 7 : in. I'rsy .i inn l in :, I !iurlM jf I'wtiliit. A. 1. W M'triLi.. I'tur. l ), in I. 's fill K' 11. CllllHT ' "l Main in. t. hi'Mrlrcn uu iiTonil and fourth r-iiinluy uiiiruliii: ot rmti unuilU awl nuy Htiu ila i ii iilHM f-wrll wrrlrc Minniiliced lnu iiik' ti linii-, ' Itxv . John tUvo, Mllinai. M. I . i mi I ii. 6 't I ll. -bil ic c vijr huB'Uy .a i iiini; nu l cvinluif. Kl; . ). 1. I oiiii.k, I'.ntur IWH2P MENTION. Kc ly mate liota at tlio Novelty Stole. I rebti ft it tt in glae ' ut Ztgler's grocery. l:i ,caiii ti"Jil mcotiilhuud ''7 ladies iMii'ul. Impure at this cilice. I ho I loss Mure in selling out ut s.u-ii-tiiin pricen. Call ami be convinced. New Ht.R'U ul ladies uuJ misses' llue !ims, nil tlio latest etjlos, just leeeived ut I'uuott Utua. Junl received moil a vesting tup uud ici kill, chocolate aini eollue colored i-Iiooj at tlio .Novelty store. A UitfO and tine useui ttueiit ( chll .) tt a etHH'8 just leceiyed at 1'airott r-io. Call atiil them. I'nll ut tlio HoKa Ktoro anJ pik'fl tlieir uoJh, auO you will bu urrioil to Hud tlicin at audi low loured. 1. aiheti, we aro liowlii a haudeoiuo liuo ul riii( auitintcs waHb fabric and wliilu Ktioda. Novelty bloie. What uveryotiu aaya uual bo truo. llio tlioiii-Bt ol toaa aod cofltma hi town at Mi.s. 11. Kahiun'. I i.i von waut uobby knoo iul auit at l M '.' II no tall at the Novelty atora ; mIhj havu LiUiT Kf 'il )utl wiali tbetu. l.urito anHurtmuulol latfbt ttvle sailors mid tiiiiiinod liutH uiuy bo aren ia the now lullliiu iy depitrtinontol tlio Ngvelty nlots. 'ihuto otii)rf top chocolate and collee colored ludiua' shoos ut the Novelty iiloro aro bvituties, aod prices very reasonable. Uruud opeuiuK ol dry Koods, furoishing ttoudH, clotbiuir, bo ils and shoe, alw the prottiuit liun ol ladies' shirt waists. Ap nl first, at the Novelty btorc. Ave i stylish suit for uieu iu an all wool brown clmcK, nicely lined and tin iiiliod with Kood material at a vei r small price. Sit i no can be seou at the Novelty etoro. ..iorni luui.ijr viiiv. .mo ii. romody challcngos the world to pr its eipiul as an egg producer, l're Mortii' l'oultry Cine. This infallible iroauce Prevent ivu una euro lor uu uiaeasea oi iuwid tiuarantoed and (or salu by II. M. Mur tin, Host'burtf, Ur. A thrill of terror in eipuiieucod whu a brassy cough of croup souude thmuuh iho houpo at night. Hut the terror soon ('lmiiK'S to relief niter One Minute CourIi Curo bus boou adinlnistorcd. hale and harmless for cblldrou. Marsters' l'rug Hlore. gSyyf1! watchmaker. Hiop in frfisfii "i.i ci press olUce, nest to tno tiaras' uuudiug, Itosuburit, Oregon. Watulios, clocks and jewelry repairod iu a skillfui manner at reasonable prices. A ahaio of the public putrouago so licited. Car loud uf ilothiuu and huU just re t ulvod at l ho liosa bloie. These goods weie ordered direct from tbo factories before we anticipated of selliug oul, and are ofleiod ti tbo public at cost. Uest littluK clothing on tho coust, tuylor made not accepted. Call and examine tbutu. Duv bats io tbo latest styles uud aro worth double what we off or theui ut. lluta BioiiL. The duyliglit tide along the Columbia cauuot bo but InloroBtiug at this time of the year, rusaengera taking the Spo kane l'lyor, leaving the Union depot at ! iiap. U). daily, gel this viiw lasting ... n. ftun liiinm. lint that Ih lint all. The O. U, i! N. give through service to ttpokauo, uud a direct connection witu tbo train from pokaue to Kootenai couutry. l'aluca sleepers and modern couches operated daily without chaDge. Travelers To hpokuue. To Hossland. To l'alouse Towns, To Coour d'Alona Towus, To ull Kustcru Wushlugtou l'oints. To all Northern Muho l'oiuts, Take the U. it. St N. Spokane Flyer, And tiavo Time. Ieuvo Uulou Deiot Daily ut-:4"j p, in. V, C. Lonuo.v, Ageul, llonohiirg, Oregon. SACRIFICE SALE! We arc determined Dry Goods, Clothing Hats, Iioqt'bhocs, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Jjlaiilcets, Quilts, Laces, Embroideries, Trunks, Valises, cct.,ctc. 1 This time we MUST SKL.L, as wc have sold our Real Estate and must give possession in Sixty Days, NO HUH BUG. Our late arrivals arc all the best and most fash ionable goods in the city, and arc direct from the Factory. CALL SOON AND ASK FOR PRICES AT Caro Bros Boss Store. 1'ay your ulMcrlption today, lion, A. F. ISiowa was in Uvmbiirg Tuesday. New ulievls fur rent at tho "Cred ent Cyclmry," S. M. Mnigan of Canynii HIh wh in Ilosoburg Tacsday. The Crenveut thalolo's is superior to sllolhtij. race 75, Guaranteed. Wheu you reut a w heel gut an easy running Cietcent at IheCiesent Cyclery, J. A. Ulsck, repuhllcun candidate for sbfiiir, spent Mondsv and Tuesday ui the city. W, 1, Kuiory of t'olss Vallvy wae lookinn after builueas interests la Ilos oii rg Tuesday. i:.; lu M. I ., memlier Ikatn! Tensijn tliaiuinns. Ollice, Marstrm building residing turner Main and Cass stretl. llev. II. A. Iteagau, presiding ldir of (his distrh t fur the M. K. Cbun b, Hmith, Iks retunied from n visit iu Texan und lonumed liia church work. Tho up-to-date farmer tliut ut' k his th titer kuoa that a lly wheel ou his binder Is just ns essential as on a tcvd choper or a steam engine. We hive been requeued to aououocd that the day meetings of tlio Christian Kudvavor BoL'iety wilt bu hell In the Methodist Charcb. at least until further notice. W. W. bcutt, lecetiliN from ortyou, Holt county, Mo., has purchased tho fine farm of Mm. It It. Living )U, near Clevrlaud aud will uiako Douglas eoiiuty Lis future home. Our leaders will be glad to lcuiu that I'r. J. W, btraugo will Le iu his Koso burg utiles oa.klday, Mv l:Hh, so that those w bo arc in uued of dental work cau be accommodated. On last Thursday u number of Lomuig pigeons which wero brought hero from Oakland, Cal., were released and reached reached home in about 1 1 ' hours. The distanre coveie l is abjtit 400 miles. The ice cream Las arrive). Head- juurters at the Kaudy Kitchen, where the b"t is to bo had. Familios sup plie.l. Orders promptly attended to. I'uro fresh candies, toda water nod ico cream sods. I.. Kent, one of the leading citizens and business men of Praia, was a pleas ant caller at this office yeiterda. Mr. Kent is an old-timer iu Douglas rounty aud is au interesting talker ou early ploucci days. V, U. Coflmun, physician aud surgeon secretary board U. S. lVnsiuu surgeons Office in Marsters' block, residence 720 fctophcas street, l'rufeeeional calls in town or couutry promptly answered night or day. The W. C. T. LT. will meet nmtThurs- day, l.'th, at ;i o'clock, iu tha M. E. Church. All members sis requested to be preseut as eloctiou of ollicers will take place and to lung or seutl in the suQrsge pamphlets. ltc. fec. l'rof. (ioble, uu optician of TortlanJ, will bo iu Gardiner on Suuday, May 10 and will remain till Woduesday, the lath. If you need a goad pair of glasses, don't fail to call on him. lie grinds glasses to order aud makes a specialty of lilting childrvu's eyes. Consultation free. On last Tuesday uiuruiu' John Kel liber, the track walker of tho W. I'. Oo., between Went Fork aud Nichols sta lions, w'as struck by a northbound freight aud was considerably bruised aud injured, liaviug his leg broken bo low the knee, lie was taken on the train and brought to this city, whero his injuries were attended by Dr. Twitchell, after which hi was taken to Portland. Knisgu E. L. Hanks, uu excellent cor uet soloist of l'orllaud, will ho ut the alvaiiou Army Saturday uud Sunday, May 1 1th aud 15th, with Edison's transo kiutograph. The best apoakeis, eiuerb aud musicians brought to your city by tho marvelous iuventivo genius uf man, speaks, sings, luughd aud whtetlcs. A vory Interesting programme siTuugod, packed with surprises aud delights, Bllyer volloctioii at the door r-'atuiday uight. W. II. Fisher, who has iust "retired from lour years set vice as postmaster at Roseburg, and A. A. Uellowe, for many yesi s a popular clerk in the mercantile enUblishmont of Mrs. .losephson ot this city, have formed a partnership and will open a dry goods More iu tho Mooro building ou Jackaou street, formerly oc cupied by .lack Abruhnm, lioth theso young men have bad exleudtd expori- euce iu this liue ol business, sua we have no doubt but that they will eujoy a good share of thn buninceH in tholr lino. to closcQitjt.our large stock of GUI ! Riddle. J. K, Dean was in Carjyonvills fiundsy, Itsv. Hansen preached at this place last Sunday. IVrry I.iswell took a drummer tit'an- v i . n v i 1 1 o Tuosdax . I 'erry Jackson and Key Mackett wero io Cauyonville Tuesday. 1 isunis Young was view iog the sights ia Itoseoarg W ednesday, Graudma Mayes, we are pleased to say, is convalescing. Dr. C. E. liogue was io town Moodey on professional Lnainesr. John Hall was in our city from Myrtle Ceek Thursday. . K. ti'iloe and family were visi'ing at Gloobrooke Kunday. Dr. 1' A. Harris made a professional visit to Wolf Cieek last Kunday, Hewlit Ash was in ltoseburg the fore pii t of tlie week. j Ed Dav of Canyonvllle, was Miskiug hinds with f 'lends at this place Sstnr day. We are iufrujel that Mini Laura l'eiksrl is on tho sick list this week. Mr. aud Mis. N. Cornutt attended the funeral of Mm. Cardweil at Canyonville hundny. Mr.J..I.Cbadwick and l'rof A. F. Cor null of Myrtle Croek were iu town Thursday. Misses E'.hel Hi idle aud Millie'.Uardun uro eacb the proud posM'Sjr of a new b!cycle. Jubu lijlioy, of tiold Hill is back again aUer an ubseuce of two or three vests. Attci oey Ira U. Uiddls, of Hoauburg, was in our c'.lv the fore part of the week. Kev. J4.iiis and Itev. Dimoch of the chapel cyr, n a In town from Myrtle Creek Monday. Miss Maxio Nichols is having a new fence built on the east lioundry ,of her fine farm. J. h. Scott left Tuesday for Cuba where he cxpscts to help oust tho Spani ards fum the western continent. Mr. and tin. Geo. l'uekett, Wm, Briggtuiid Dju l'arsley were in our citv from Canyonville last Thursday. The fcpaoiards are smart enough to profit by Dewey's victory. Tbcy don't propose to give Admiral Sampson a show st them. Mr. Wm. Mayes, who was taken ill last week, is slightly better at the pres eut writtiuK- His condition is considered serious. Hose burg cau have (he "division" now if they want it. We peoplo up Ibis way don't cars lor little things like that. The Spanish government must Lave traiued its navy in the art of dodging as it has no trouble in keeping out of Samp son's way. Messrs Noah Cornutt jr. and Chas. N. Wauacott, Misses Ella Wilson and Evlyn Cornutt went to Myrtle Creek Sunday to attend services at the chapel car. A good rain just now would be of im mense value to the couutry, although crops are not yet suflering for the want of rain. Mrs. Leunie Cardweil of Canyonville who was recently burned so severely, by bor clothes catching tire, died Friday night aud was buried Suuday. Key. Ilolemau preached the funeral sermou. With sorrow we note the death "of Mr. Jos, Mayes which oecured Wednesday morning, May 4th, the remains being interred iu the cometi y near town, Thurs day morning by the 1. 0. O. F., ot which order tho deceased was an honored member, lue ' luueral sermon was preached by lie v. .lucuues. Mr. Mayes was sick but a short time and was just in tho piioio ot life. He leaves a wife aud children, a mother and two brothers who have the sympathy of all iu Iheir sad hereavmeut. Scokuiku. Weather Report For the week ending May 11th, lbOS. Maximum temperature, 77, on the Oth. Minimum temperature, 33, oa the 7th. Precipitation, 0. Averago precipitation for this mouth for 20 years, S.03. Total precipitation from tept. 1, 18l7, to date, 25. 4j. Average precipitation from Sept 1, 31.'J3. Total dellcleucy from Sept. 1, 1697, 6.53. Average precipitation for "0 wet seasons, .Sept. to May, inclusive, 33.49. Tnos, Gibson, Observer. Bicycle Tires. The Chase, tough, tried and puncture proof. For sale by T. K. Ku UAiumoN, RoHoburg, Or, TICK. A. t. STSAHS'S There is no offloo within the gift of the p'ople. In which every cltlisn Las as great a personal Interest as thy Lave In that of county judge. Triers Is hardiy a cltlzsn of the county, who is not more or less Interested In the work of the county courf,w1jl1 this is Irns there are but few people who realUe tbo responsibility which sloue devolves un the couoty judge. As probate Judge be hi charge of all the estates of deceased persons and minors. A responsibility which alone Is considered In most states, as suflklent for one man to undertake. The county court also Las ezclusiys charge of county buildings and roads and bridges. The taxes are assessed and col lected largely uoder the supervision of the county court. The lax payers are Uiorefore especially Interested In having for the iKisition of county judge a mau of business ability, who will look after their interests la all these respects. Judge A. F. Stearns daring the past four years Lsa shown himself especially fitted for the position for which the republicans have sgsln nominated bitn. His manage ment of the estate of deceased persons sod of minors, has been especially satis factory. When he assumed the duties of county jadgebe found the county heavily ia debt, caused largely by the defalcation of a democratic county treasurer. With the assistance of be commissioners he Las reduced this indebtedness almost f.V,000 during the past four years. It would he a woaIa of time and rpace, to give a biography of -ladgs Stearns, or of any one on the republican ticket for that matter, as almost svery man on tbe ticket is a pioneer, whose life Is an open book Io tbe people of the county. If the people want a man for county judge, who is honest, and competent, snd who has shown himself able to suc cessfully attend to the business of tbe county, they will vote fur Judge Stearns without regard to party affiliation. joiis n. ciiufK. For county clerk the republicans cf litis county have also a candidate who has proveu himself to be one of the most popular, efficient and competent men who ever held an office in Doigta count v. The county clerk of this count) has the work to do which ordinarily de volves on at least three men. He Is county clerk, clerk of the circuit contt, clerk of the probate court and recorder of conveyances. In moot counties of tbe state these duties are shared by at leat two and sometimes three men. Tnis is a matter which should Le remembered when fault is found with the salary of the county clerk. IVrhaps no man in DjukIss couoty has a more extensive ac quaintance with the people of Iouglas county than has J. II. Shupe. Alwsys afTatle, obliging and accomodating be has administered the affairs of Lis office in a manner which Las rendered him especially popular. Like most of tbe candidates on the republican ticket, Mr. Shupe is a pioueer of Djugl is county, Laving crossed the plains witu bis par ents in 1853, and resided in Douglas couoty continuously since that time. As a citizen he has si ways enjoyed tbe confidence and ceteem of sll who have bocome acquainted with him. .1011 N A. ULACK. One ol the most popular and success ful young business men of North Doug las is John A. Clack of Drain, tbe candi date for shf riil. He came to tbe coast from the East io 1S30, and shortly after bis arrival at Gardiner he entered tbe employment ol Hon. A. W. Reed as a salesman and bookkeeper, which posi tion be bold for eight years during which lime he had the foil confidence and respect of his employer. Four years ago Mr. Blsck removed to Drain and en gaged in tbe general merchandise busi ness, being now a member ol tbe firm of Ulack & Wimberly. He is well known in the noitbweet half of the county and no man in all that country baa more friends or is more highly re spected for sterling worth and business honesty aud integrity than ia John A. Black. He is a young man of energy and determination, und as sheriff would prove one of the most popular and ef ficient eheritle that ever filled that office in Djuglas county. II IO. IV, UlMMICk. George W. Dimuiick, of Elktou, the nominee for county treasurer, is another native born son of Douglas county, born Nov, 7th 1831. He attended tbe public schools, and afterwards graduated from Wilbur Academy, at a time when that was the leading educational institution in Oregon. His life has been spent on the farm and iu the mercantile business at Elktou. He is as well acquainted with the people ol Douglas county, as al most any other man who has spent his life out Bide of the county seat and has as many pcuoua! friends, perhaps us any mau in Douglas county, Ou tbe resig nation of W, A. Frater as county treia urcr, the county court appointed Mr. Dimmlck, to till out the unexpired term and the way he has taken up the work, shows that he is a thorough buiness man and that he is the right man for tbe place. George is ous of the men whose election is conceded by all parties By continuing him in the treat! urerahlp tho taxpayers will be certain that tbe moaey tbey pay into the treasury will be safely kept sod properly accounted for. v, s. rjiurr. Next to the couuty judge, perhaps the office lu which tbe taxpayers are wore directly interested ii that of assessor. Douglas couuty ia probably one of tbe most difficult counties in tbe stale to as sess. The reueou for this is found io the fact that tbe deeded land is so located that values differ greatly in different parts of the couuty. Then again the legal de scriptions sre so irregular aud uncertain that it is almost imKssible to got it all on the tax rolls aud discover tho names of tbe owners. Notwithstanding tbe dlfllcultlos undor which ho has labored, THO REPUBLICAN COUNTY ET. UW J!LJ!iJJU ' Mr. W. 8. Ihlti, the pretent In-nui h i.l, has soeceee'ed In digging op snd planing on the tax Ml a Urge amount ol prop srty which Lsd heretofore eacaped taxa tion. Ho far as we have 1u Informed the work of Mr. 'Brilt during the past Ii rm has hern eminently satisfactory. lie Las eiull.se valuations anf ad Jus'ed tbe assessments In such a manner that while but little property escapes taxation there Is little if any complaint of over valuation. The tsipsyers sp- precia'e that kind of an officer and they ill show it by re-slecting W. 8. Britt by a large majority. Mr. Britt wsa elected from Kiddle where be bad resided a number of years. o. n. iicvtas. For county commirriouer t'ie republi- cads have placed in nomination O. If. Beyers of Canyonville. Mr. Beyers is one of the most subatsotial lamer of Southern Dcuglas, where Le Las resided durliig the past eighteen years. His busioees experience and splendid execu tive ability will, if bo ia elected, make bim a valoable servant of tbe people. whose Interests would be io bis bands and bis well-known bonesty snd integ rity would be a guarantee that be would not in tbe smallest degree betrsy any trosl which might be confided in bim. raor. nuK o. uamux, Now first lieutenant of Co. "B," second regiment, Oregon volunteers, whom tbe republican bay placed in nomination for school superintendent, is one of the best known educators of Djuglas county. He was born in Iowa in 1S;8. Here moved with his father's family to Cali fornia, where be received his edncation. Ue engaged in book-keepiug and teach ing for some time in California, aod 9n coming to Itoseburg in WJ he took up teaching as bis work, and waa employed for a number of terms in various district school i of tbe county. He was three years principal of Umpqua academy at Wilour, after wbicb be was engaged as principal of the Roseburg schools, wbicb position be bas held for tbe past four years. Prof. Hamlin ia one of tbe most successful teachers in tbe state, as welt one of tbe most popular with bis pupils. In addition to being a success ful teacher, Prof. Hamlin ia possessed of excellent business and executive ability, which Is a very essential requisite for a successful school superintendent. l'rof. Hamlin inherited from his father a liking for military training which led bim to identify himself witb the Oregon National Guard. He became a member of Co. A, of this city, at tbe time tbe com pany was organised, and about a year af ter he was elected captain of the com paoy, wbicb position be held at tbe time of toe presidents call for yolunteeie, when bs promptly reported at Portland with bis company lor service. Un tbe con solidation of the companies of Roseburg and Ashland, Mr. Hamlin waa commis stoned first lieutenant ot tbe new com pany B, and he bas gone to tbe front witb bis com piny. Certain fusionists are very anxious to have the republican county central committee take tbe name ol Prof Hamlin from tbe ticket but tbe committee have determined that tbe fact that a man who is byal to bis country, at such a time aa this, shall not be punished, by having his name taken down on account of tbe fact that be is absent at tbe call of bis country. It h well known that no man loses bis citi sensbip while away in the military t er yice, and it is tbe general opinion of those best Informed that tbs termination of bostilites, will enable Prof Hamlin to return to hie home in time to serve tbe people if elected. dk. k. l siuxta. For coroner we have Dr. K. L. Miller. But anything we might say In regard to Dr. Miller would be superfluous. Every body within a radius of forty miles around Roseburg knows bim. Every body votes for bjm. He alwsys leads the ticket ia always elected, and will be again. On account of lack of space, we have been compelled to leave out the notice of the candidates on tbe legislative ticket, which however will appear in Monday 'a issue. One of tbe; Orestest Bargain. Ever offered in Douglas county, for a short time. Only 10 seres of land, one mile of Roseburg, ia a high state of cul tivation. Good 4-rooin bouse, fair barn, and all necessary out buildings snd all necessary farming utensils; 2 acres in strawberries, 4 acres in orchard, 2' i in grain, balance of place in garden, well watered ; 00 chickens, 2 Jersey cows snd calves, 1 horse, 1 buggy, 1 light wagon, 2 sets of harness and plenty ot small fruit, such as dewberries, blackbt rries, gooseberries, currants aud grapss. For lurther information enquire ot I. F. Rice, Real Estate Agent, Roseburg, Or. Notice ol Dissolution. Notice is hereby given thst the co- nartnarahlD heretofore existing under the firm name of Kohlhagen & Dixon has been dissolved by mutual consent. L. Koblhsgen will coutinue the busi uess, pay all indebtedness and collect all accounts due said firm. Roseburg, April 12, 18'JS. l. kouluaokx, Wm Dixon. Strawberry Social. Benefit oi "A" company to raise uiou ey to pay off company indebtedness. Tuesday evening. May 17th, st Armoty. Everybody come. Directions in every package of Sth:!' lings fitst tea. Follow them no matter wnat ia you use. BACK TO SPAIN The Cupc Verde Flotilla Now ot Cadiz. REINFOKCLMLNT I OK DfJWDY Pacific Coast Troops to Sail at Once for the Philippines. W.ibmi.iuio:, May 10. Advicfs re received lata this afternoon I y both the atate and navy departments that tbe Spanish flying squadron of four ciuisers, and three torpedo-boat destroyer, had arrived at Cadiz, Kpulu. This is the flflet that sailed from the Capo Verde Island nearly two weeks sgo. It is bard to tell whether tbe naval officers were relieved or disappointed by the news. Tbe safety from attack is now com- plely assured, and the way is clear for military operations in Cuba, without running tbe risk of having the occupy ing army's line of communication cot off. On the other hand, it is believed that 64 tiidiiriug peace Cau be secured until the Spanish navy bas been destroyed, and it now appears that tho sailors and soldiers must make op their minds to go after tho Spanish, a task very much more difficult than that of meeting them near our ow n shores. It was suggested by some of tbe members of tho navy department that there was just a possi bility that the Spanish squadron might take a quick passage into tbe Pacific through the Sues canal, and attack Dewey at Manila. It is said tbat, con trary to common understanding, tbe the Suez canal is open to warships of belligerent powers, so that if the Span ish choose to take this course, they would bsve a long start of any pursuing flnet from onr side of tbe Atlantic. It is scarcely believed, however, that tbe Spanish are willing to take tbe mk of epxoeiog to our attack their own borne porta by the withdrawal of so consider able a proportion of their naval strength aa would be required to overmatch Dewey. Nothing was beard from Sampeon to day, but their is a confident expectation tbat interesting news will ho coming from bis squadron within the next 21 hours. Whether this means an attack on Porto Rico or not cannot be learned. The return of the Spanish fleet leaves the course free to tbe Oregon to make a juncture with ttie North Atlantic squad ron. Troops to Sail. ! Kak Francisco, May 11. The stsam er Australia wiil bs turned over to the govercment today and the City of Pe king tomorrow. The City of Sydney will not be in readiness for several days, and both she and the Aus'ralia will have to go on tbe d-rdock. It is not expected therefore tbat tbe troops will leave here before the early part cf next week, though it was ex pec tea to have them ready to soil on Saturday. It was thought at first that the Pe king would carry only stores and naysl supplieo, bat it has been decided that she will carry 100 scldiers iu addition tr ber cam j of supplies. The Sydney can carry 1200 men witout freight, and tbe Australia can carry a similiar number. Ia addition to the vessels which have been chartered, the steamers Ohio aud Conemaugh are aho beiu i overlooked by agents ot tbe government. A repot t re garding their capacity aud condition has been to Washington. It ia likely that tbe two vceeels will be added to tha transport fleet. Captain Baldwiu, purchasing commissioner for tbe navy, received instructions yesterday to pur chase 1,000,000 rations for tbe troops going to Manila. To Move on Havana. Ktv West, May 11. Naval officers here are of tbe the opinion that in case the report tbat tho Spanish lleet has re turned to Cadiz proves to be correct, an active movement against Havana may. occur wilbia 43 Hours, or as soon as Saojpwu'd rquadrou cau return to theso waters. On Cuban Soil. New Youk, May 11. A Key West special says au expedition under the command of Captun Dorst, Fourth cav airy, which left Tampa yesterday on the transport Guseio, has ma le a successful landing within 50 miles of Hayaca. Supplies for Dewey. Washington, Miy It. Tuo cruiser Cbu i lesion is onlt re I to leave San Frsu cico todav witu ammuui'iou aud relief for Dewey at the l'hilippiues. We desire tbat every ciliiuu cf Doug las couuty to have au opportunity to be come acquainted nith this paper, and in order that they may do so, we will dur log this mouth Bend out a number of ex tra copies, which will be furnished to thoee to whom ihuv aro cent free of charge. No paper will le coutiuued to any not regular subscribers after this mouth. We ask every one who roceives one ot the bo extra copies to examine it. and if it meets with your approval, Bond iu your subscription, bend the money if convenient, if no', you can pay for tbe pspjr later. Spring buiuors, boile, pimples, eiup tions, sores, may leTomp'.ctely cured bp pU'ifyiug the I loo J with Wool's Sar- siparllla. lion. John Emuio'.i of Coles YitHey was a vifit'ir in Koticljurg yetteuliy, uud mailt Uun ollice it pleasant call. RsyalBMka las ! fare ' wfestetsae aa4 Htiee B T' tuamn rrnf m, , iw trm. Pi; Hon. Frank flotter Will spesk as follows : Cole's Valley. Monday, May 23rd, at 1 :30 p. m. Clavslsnd, Monday, May 2Jrd, at 7 ;30 p. m. Looking Glass on Tarsdsy, May 21th, at 1:30 p. m. Ten Mile Wednesday, May 25th, at 1 :00 p. m. Civil Bend on Wednesday, May 251 h, at 7:30 p. m. .Myrtle Creek, Thursday, May 2f,th at 1:30 p.m. Canyonville, Friday, May 27th at 1;30 p. m. Riddle, Friday, May 27th, at 7 30 p. m. Drain, .Saturday, May 28tb, at 2 p.m. Hon. John At. 5omers. Will address tbe people of Douglas county as follows. Glendsle, Tuesday, May 31st, at 7 :30 p. m. Canyonville, Wednesday, Jane 1st, st 1:30 p.m. Riddle, Wednesday, Jane 1st at 7:30 p. m. Myrtle Creek, Thursday June 2nd, at 7:30 p. m. Wilbur, Friday, June 3rd, at 7:30 p. m. Oakland , Saturday, June 4th. 1 :30 r-.m Hon. R J. Hendricks Will speak at Shoestring on Tuesday, May 17, 1893, at 2 o'clock, fi.Zm. Yonealla, Tuetday, May 17th at 7 :30, p. in. OAZLEY ON THE NATIONAL QUARD The following card which was pub lished io the Roseburg Review in March, 1394, shows tbe estimation in which Mr. Gszley LolJs the Oregon National Guard : 'A Card. "To tbe voters of Douglas county ; As I am a populist nominee for legislative honors, I do hereby pledge mj self, if elected, to do all in my power for tbe abolishment of the Oregon State Guards. "J. F. Gazlky, Jr. Canyonville, March 26. 1894." Notice to Contractors. Sealed plans and specifications and bids will be received at tbe office of tbe county clerk of Douglas coanty, Oregon, np to Friday, July 8, 1898, at I o'clock, in., for tbe building, erection and construction of a wagon bridge over Elk Creek, on the new surveyed county road from Drain to South Drain. The right reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the county court. May 10, 1893. A. F. Sibabs, County Judge. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish It under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash witb tbe order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive tbat 1 can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for casu. P. Bbmbdicm:, Undertaker. Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created tbey are tbe ant, tbe bee and DeWitt'a Little t-ariy Misers, tne lost being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. A. C. Marsters & Co. For Over Fifty Veais. An Old and Will-Tried Rimiot. Mrs Wliulow's BootUlug Bytup baa beu used (or over fifty years by millions ol mothers for tbeir children while teething, with perfect success. tt soothes the child, soiteus the gums, allays all pain, cures win J colic, and Is the best remedy (or DIarrhaia. Is pleasant to the taste. Bold by druggista In every part of the world. Twenty. Ave cents a bottle Its valuo la incalculable. Be sure aud aak (or Mrs. W liulow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!! In piauos. organs and musical goods. Bicycles new and second band at the lowest, prices possible. I have also got about thirty thousand feet of lumber wbicb 1 have taken la trade lor goons. and will sell cheap, as I am not iu the lumtier bumnesp. f . K. RtcitAUPso.v, Roaeburg, Or. Educate Your llowels With I'uscarets. C'undy Cuthurtte, cum coiiHllputlou forever 10c, 25c. it C. C. C. (ail, (lruv:;lkia rtluud money. We are anxious to do a little good la this world aud cau think of oo pleasauter or belter way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cure ss a prevent ive of pneumonia, consumption snd Othr serious .lung troubles that follow neglecteJ Colds. Matr jjiug fctore CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature rav;nn Abtoiuttlyftr