The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 12, 1898, Image 2

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Publlnlii-tl cM-ry Monday and TtmrHsy
fir Tn ri.AlMI.Al.r:K H ltl.lIHNU I".
V. Ill NJ IMIN, ...
... .btiilnr.
Mnll t Iplloii
on Vear
it 1 1 Mon I Ik
Three Mouths
MAY 12. taws.
Republican State Ticket.
T. T Gr.r.R, ol Marion.
Heereiary ot State,
r. I DlNBAR, of Clat-op
State Tn-aiurcr,
( HARLEM 8. MOOKK. Ol K'amatli
.Sipcrinicinleiit of 1'ubllc Instruction,
.1. II. AC KtRMAN, of HuUnouiah.
Supreme Judge,
V. A. iO0RE, of Columbia.
Attorney (i-ucml.
P. R X. BLACKBl'RS, of Linn.
Mate Trlntor.
w 11. I.EEMS. i f Jackeou.
Ceugri's.maii, 1 rt Piitrlct,
THOS. II. TONlU'E. of WaBiucuu.
.'ii.lg, NmhhI. Judicial Plstlict.
A. C. WOOWiVK, ul Lauc
t'Utrlct Attorney. S-coud Judicial Pltrict.
CEO. M.UKOWN.of Pougta.
I'uuuty Judse,
Count; Clerk,
j. n.sncrE.
c ounty CommUsiouir.
w. S. BRUT.
s-tiool superintendent.
.t. It. KIDDLE,
. I". DROWN,
t. r. HEYDOX.
Justice of the Peaoe.
I'ne noliey which Las been pursued by
iov. Lord iu regi' J to iLe management
of the ieuMon Mucsliou at ibe Oregon
Soldiers' lloiue, baa done wore to ren
der Lie admioifciratiou unpopular than
auy other out; thing. It may lo said
that be is not responsible for the acta ol
the toard of trustees, but they are sup
posed to carry out a policy prescribed by
him, mid if they pursue a policy which
in not approved by him he can remove
them acd appoint others who will con
form t j his ideas. Not only that, bat all
rules adopted by the board uf trustees,,
uj untie approved by the governor be
fore I bey become operative, and the
rules which have been so generally
condemned by Die people of the state as
unjust and inequitable, have the signa
ture o( the governor approving them.
In order to properly understand this
ii'iefctiou it must be remembered that
three daeses of persons are admitted to
I lie Oregon Soldiers' Home.
First, persuns who have served in the
army or navy ol the United States dor
jug the late civil war.
Second, those who served in the army
er navy of the United States during the
war with Mexico.
Third, those persons who served in
Indian ware of Oregon, Washington and
Of the lirst two classes, a veiy large
per lent draw a pension from the United
States government, while none of the
third class are pensioners, at least not
unless they ate included iuonsol the
two first classes. On March 24, 1897,
the board of trustees, then consisting of
S. 11. Ormsby, Sol Abraham, B. F.
Alley, T. II. Sheridan and J. P. Robert
son, adopted rules 13 and 14, which have
called iorth from the members of the
fJiand Army of the Republic and their
friends eucu ioleut atticism.
these ruled are as follows:
ICule. Any person admitted to the
home shall surrender all his pension to
the comoiaudtiut, and, as provided iu
article I:', iu these regulations, and, if
thepersouso surrendering his pension
has dependent relations, the money so
surrendered shall be paid to such depend
ent luiuli'jUo by the cuiuuianclaut, ex
eeptiug the sum of four dollars per
mouth, and iu case such, person Las
no depeudeut telatioue, the excess of his
pous'on over and above tlao sum of four
dollars per mouth, shall be credited by
the commaudiut to a fund for tho sup
port of the Home, and shall bo used for
that purpose only.
Uulo 11. In all caeca wbxro itnptoper
uso is made of such allowanced peusion
money as provided fjrioiulo ID, of the
by-laws, leading to misconduct, or in
fractions of the homo, tho allowance so
granted shall bo withheld by the com
Theso rules were upproied by Uoveru
or Lord March oO, 13U7, It will be seen
that rule 1 1 makes tho commandant the
t ole and absolute judge as to whether or
not the conduct uf the inmate is such S3
to j istify bin beinn deprived of theft
per won: li allowed him under rule 13,
but does not provide w hat disposition
shall be made of it wheu it is withheld.
Now lot us take for un illustration tho
case of au Inmate of the home who has
no dependant relatives, and who draws a
pension of fl I11"" mouth from the gou
oral govornniont. Those mien provides :
that the check tor tho quarters pemlun,
mounting to tho stun of Mil, shall be
delivered to the commandant and that if
the Inmate conducts himself In such a
manner as to meet the approval of the
commandant, he may draw the tutu of
I per month fur disown use and that
the remain. !cr, amounting lo the mini ol
f.' I shall go the Ktippoit of I ho homo.
The I'tiiied States government allows
and pays lo the trustor ol the Home the
sum if f 100 per year for eviry pensioner
who is eared lor in llie state Home.
Thus the Home receives from the in
mate on account of hi pension t'.Hi and
from the jji vei uuictil f 100 or a total of
ft'.Hi. Now ibe rrjKH t if the authentic
ol the Home (or the reat ending duno
30, ly.V allows thai I he total con', ol
maintaining each inmato (or the) ear
amounted to the cum ct $'J3 I:', leaving n
net balance iu (avor ol the slate cl
$102. 6r. The oaieot this has uot
coet the state of Oregon ouo cent and he
basin additiou to paying his own way
by his pension aud the amount allowed
the state for his support by the general
government, Ucn an investment for the
state which has uelted her the tutu of
$102 57. Now I he question may bo
properly asked, What becomes of this
money? The answer must be, either
that it is need to pay salaries of cflicers
ont is uf cJ to maintain the other in
mates, who receive nolhiig from the
geueral government, either in the way ol
pensions or for their support nt the
In other worJe, I bo great slate of Ore
gon is speculating on the blood and suf
fering of the men, who in the dark das
of the great civil war, offered themselves
as a sacrifice that their country might
live. When the purport oi iheso rules
became know u the indication ot the
old soldiers and their friends was in
tense. The matter was taken op by
Grand Army posts throughout the state,
and an earnest eilort was made to have
the rules abrogated, but the trustees,
evidently acting uuder institutions from
Governor Lord refused to t k any act
ion in the mailer. The state encamp-
meut of the i .A. K. to.k it up and
paste J the aioft riiremc icsolulioue,
condeming ibe rules and the enforce
ment uf I hem. and S. B Ormsby, ap
peareil lefore the encampment, euwc
have been informed, ai d pledged him
self to ste shat the obnoxious rules were
abrogated, but he (ailc I to k-je p his
word in auy respect. In the ineau lime
Ovuisby iesiguc'1 and his place was tik
en by H. II. Northup.
The board as now cotMtiiuteJ, cjcsistj
ot II. II. Northup, .1. 1'. K jberlson, Sol.
Abraham, T. K. .heridan and U. F.
Alley, nfihese men Alley and Abra
ham are republicans. She t idan, a demo
crat and Hubert son a pjpulist. YVeae
not informed as to the political tenets of
Mr. Northup. Two years ago be was
engaged iu a conspiracy todtfeat Mr.
Ellis, the regular lepttbiicau nominee
for congress in the secoud district. We
are . intormed, however, thai he now
claims to be a republican.
"We have not refered to the legal cltect
ol these rules for the reason that en the
2Sth day of April lVJi, al tho request uf
Governor Lord, Atk'.-ney-' 'eueral Id'e
man gave his written opinion in regard
to the legal phase of the question, which
opinion wae published in full on the tirst
page of Monday's issue of this paper.
On last Friday, May Cth, al the regular
Beseion of the board, Mr. Abraham, who
states that he was induced to vote for
the adoption of these rules under a mis
apprehension, offered the following reso
lution and moved its adoption, Mr.
Sheridan seconding the motion :
Be It EciolaJ, That the rules aud
regulations of the Oregon boldiers'IIome
be corrected, and tbty are hereby
amended as follows :
Rules, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four
leen, fifteen, and fifteen No. " as
printed on pages 10, 11 and 12 of the by
laws and as amended Match 30, ISO,, to
be expunged from said rules; that the
numbers of the remaining rules be
changed, in regular order, to take the
places of those stricken out, and be it
KcsoUtd, That all monies heretofore
collected under said rules be returned to
the parlies from whom taken, as far as
On tho roll being called on the question
of the adoption of these resolutions, Mr.
Abraham and Mr. Sheridan voted aye
and Mi. Northup and Mr. itobcrtson
voted No. Mr, Alley being absent the
resolutions did not pass and the rules
which permit and require that old, crip
pled, blind and decrepit veterans of the
civil war, w bo are lingering yet for a few
days on this side of (he river, in the dim
twi light of the evening of life, shall have
taken from them the little pittance,
which the richest aud most prosperous
nation ou the t'-be doles out to them, t-j
assist in rendering comfortable for Ihctu
the few remaining daya of their lives.
Shame : on a governor w ho permits such
a policy to bo carried out. Sbaujo: cu
thote membeis cf the board of trustees
who voted ou last Friday to perpetuate
such a policy , and all houor to trustees
Abraham and Sheridan, who had the
courage lo vote to wipe tho disgrace fi 'm
the good nauie of the state.
In justice to Mr. Sheridan we wiuh to
say thai wo uudertuud that bo has al
wsyu oppoccd the rules. Perdoually we
do not kuow- what tho attitude of Com
mandant llyais has been iu regard to
this question. It has been charged that
headWeed the adoption of these rules,
and that he has used his pcraoual iuilu
euce t j prevent their repeal. If this is
(rue, he shuuld receive the just condem
nation of every loyal citizen uf the utatc.
If it is uot true ho should do as Lai Mr.
Abiaham and Mr. ShuiJau, put himself
on record as opposed lo tho rules. The
editor of this paper has taleu au active
part in (he light for tho lepeal of Iheuu
rules, but has refrained from referriucr to
tho mutter in tho paper for tho reason j
that we understood (hat a majority of
(he board were pledged lo. vote to repeal
the rules at the mooting ol the board
just cloM'd. From IhW on wo pwportn lo
make tho fight n lul tweku w how,
being Influenced .1y neither fear or
favor, until it Is determined whether
tho inmats of tho Oregon soldiers' homo
is a hero or a mendicant.
iVrtaui tepublicaii gold staudatd
sheets arc charging Will K. King, union
candidal,) lor governor, with Mng an
A. I. A. This it a lie pure and simple
as Mr. King lit not aud never has been
a member ol the A. 1'. A. This Informa
tion comes to tho Boview iliioct from
(taker Uity, where tho candidate (or
governor lesides, aud is vouched for by
the strongest opponents of the A. 1. A.
iu lhai city. Koeeburg Kevtew..
The llvcuiug Kcpubllcau, iu auswor
to some questions asked by the valley
papers, stated that Mr. King was a mom
bcr ol the A. 1'. A. lodge iu linker City,
aud was au active member of tho orJt r.
We ran lo slate that Mr. Kiug hold an
important office in tho A. P. A. council
here, was a mcmbtr ol the Advisory
committee, which sleets the voting, and
iu tuaVing up his list of candidates to be
voted for, his directions wet that Ibe
members in Baker county should vote
for tho entite toimlit ticket. Here
fused wheu tho matter came up iu the
council, to nl'ow any member the privi
lege ot voting for a republican or demo
cratic candidate ou the ticket. Mr.
Kiug was one uf the founder of the
council of Baker .Ciiy and it is safe lo
say that he visited nearly every council
iu Baker 'county and advocated just
what ho advocated here.
The Keening Republican is in no way
interested in this matter, does nol caro
whether Mr. King is an A. P. .Y.ora
Ca'hulic, because w-o accord to every
man the right to his political and re
ligious beliefs, but wo do uot propose lo
allow Mr. King or his friends to de auy
dou t lt dealing for an office. To deny
that he is au A. I1. A. where he thinks it
will injure his clectiou in the Willamette
valley, aud work with (he couucil whee
he thiuks it will beuetit his political as
piration?, is something we will not allow
Mr. King or his friends to get away
with, without exposure.
The Roseburg Review always has Wen
the tuoit bitter eppouent of tho , P. A.
order. ' Its editorial columns have been
replete with scathing articles against
the institution, audit made a straight
fight against the order in Dorglas coun
ty, and all the candidates running on the
ticket who were supposed to be mem
bers of the A. P. A. councils, ami now to
make its previous record tegarding the
A. P. A. consistent, it denies that King
is un A. P. A., aud slatcj its "iuforma
Ituu comes direct from Baker City where
the candidate for governor reside."
We challenge the Review t j print any
uaiue or names cf j eopl? tesidiug here
who ,'ave that informatiou. Notwith
standing our reaped foi the Review wo
btlievc (be statement they made a fabvi
ca'iou pure aud simple.
iuce this question has ecluo up bv
Mr. Kiug aud bis friends, we demand of
Mr. King to stand up on his legs like a
man and denv or ailinu this report if he
is or has been an A. P. A.
The Republican hzi? no objections to
Mr. Kiug being au A. P. A. but it euters
a protest to his going beforo tho people
of this Etatc betraying them into tho be
lief that he is Lot an A. P. A. where it
will further his political ends. He shall
not turu traitor to the people at large as
he did to his pcl'tical patty, his friends
and the A. P. A. councils ol Raker coun
ty. Ho is supported by an editor of a
paper in this city who is a Catholic.
King has written political articles for
that paper, and is now leaving the lead
of hit: support to that j rurnal. He may
fuse politically if he wauls to, but he
shall not betray the- A. P. A.'s iuto the
belief that he is for them when he is
The Republican announces fearlessly
and boldly that King joined the A. P.
A. council in Baker City; that he was
appointed a member of tho advisory
committee to direct the voting of meni
Lt is, and ho reported in favor of sup
porting the entire populist ticket, not
withstanding there, were members of
the A. P. A, order running as democrats
and republicans. We challenges him to
deny this if he dare, and if he docs, we
will prove it beyond a queetiou of doubt,
aud we have the evidence at baud to
substantiate It,
Roseburg Review and democratic pa
lrs please copy! Bakc-r City Repub
lican. P0PULI3T BIO QUNS?.
W. R. King, of Baker county, fusion
ujmi nee for governor, and J. R. Sover
eign, of Arkansas, high-cock-a-lurum of
tho Ancient Order of Mohawks, aud agi
tator genual of the United States, were
here yesterday, and spoke twice at the
couit house. The writer attended I he
evening meeting expectlog lo here
something new on the money question.
Mr. King jpoke briefly. He is Dot a great
speaker and knew it. Mr. Sovereign
spoke ut some leDgth. He ii a good
talker, but iu his last night's address he
did uot offer a eiuglo argument in favor
of the freo and unlimited coinage of sil
ver, not one. His rpeech was smooth
aud entertaining, but w hat did he say '.'
Gold was cruel, merciless; he war) in fa-vci-
of silver because borne other people
was cq)OBtl lo it. Because the Peun
sylv.inia eherili' who tired upon the Hun
t u miueru was a gold standard luau,
V . Sovereign was for silver. Because
the judge who issued injunctions to pro
tect life aud pi oporty were gold standard
advocates Mr. Sovereign was fur silver,
lie was on the side of the yellow dog, ho
said, aud probably told (he truth. For a
luau of natioual reputation Mr, Sovcrigu
was a disappoiiitmoul aud enthusiasm
was cuuspicuous by its absence.
One ol tho most disgraceful aud un
sctiputoiis, lights that was ever made
ou uu honorable aud uptight cllucu, was
that uiado uu I. R. Sbuuibrook, two
years ago by the Review gang of eland
erorsaud blackmailers. lJvcry device
Unit devilish ingoimiiy, could doviflo was
' was practiced, in order lo defeat him lor
slier lir. He was cartooned In the Re
view as cowering behind a log, iu abject
fear, which Sam Browu limited by, with
out the shadow of a foundation for such
au Imputation. He was lied upon,
slandered and vilified In a manner
which, In the light ot subsequent events,
makes honest men shudder. Now wlial
do wo sco wheu tht call was made for
volunteer, to defeud the nation, l. it.
Shaiubrook, was one ol the lint to re
spond. Tho call found him iu the groceiy
business, iu this city, with a paying
business aud Iho couti lencu of everyone.
And yet he gave up his business, Kit his
family, aud enlisting iu the tanks, aud
is today ou his w ay lo the far olT Philip
pines. W here are his Iraducert? How
many of tbeui have onlictud Not one.
They are not built that way, not by a jug
lull. They are at Iho sumo old stand,
rvady to opeu their t.ltori- on other
good citimns who do not Uiw- the knee
at their dictation.
libber, of l ho Review, has another
spell of the gripes." He Is subject lo
such attacks. Thev are periodical with
him. He has them every full and
chargs of the moon. This one waa
caused by the fact that there has been
hung out in trout uf tho republican head
quartets In this city a banner boaiiug a
portrait ot Win. McKinley. Now If
tbeic is anything that will give ouo of
the average fusion pie hunters a pain in
I ho stonueh. it is a pirlrait of Win.
McKinlex. Another iliing which iimkt
him fipurm, is the fact that Mr. M.
McCoy, an old veterau of the civil war,
is iu charge ol llie republican headquar
ter. This ! uot throws "Fusion
Charley" into tilt. Of course ha docs
not daie allude to Mr. McCoy io a disre
spectful manner, so, notwithstanding
the fact that everybody who has taken
tho trouble to iuquiro knows just who is
in charge of the rooms, he tries, by mis
representation, to create a different im
pression ou tho minds of the people.
We might have referred to the fact that
the fusion headquarters are prc-ldtd
over by Mr. U. M. Coukling, a well
knowu A. P. A. woikerof this city, and
Dr. Murphy, a well-known member of
the Catholic church, one a popuhetund
the other a democrat, but we did uot fur
the reason that both of these men ate
well-known titiens, each of whom is
highly esteemed by his friends. Be
sides it was uone of our busiuess. It
was a wise move en the par', of tho
fusion managers, whocc intention, uo
doubt, was to ''catch 'cm both a going
aud a-comiug." o far us the little
tliug at the editor of this paper is con
cerned, we care nolhitig for it. We
have so far refrained Iroin auy personal
retaliation for the slurs hicli h:ic fre
quently liceti found in that paper di
rected ugainbl us. W e have three rea
sons foi this. In the tirbt place we are
by nature desirous to live in pcicn aud
comity with all men. Second, it has
been pioven bug ago ihat "it is a wa;te
of lather to shae nu ass." The third is
the fact, well-kuowu I j his friends', that
tho editor of the Review has never fully
recovered from the ellects of a severe
Chastisement which was iollicted uu him
about a year an'j bv au irate citi. ou, in
regard to whom he had published a
acuirulous article. We war.t to cay,
however, that uuless these personal
flings at us shall stop within a reasona
ble lime, patience will cease to be a
virtue bug enough for us to get back in
a way that will be, at least, suggeeiivo
of our opinion of the editor of that pape' .
Why cau't he be decent .'
Otegon prubably furnished the tirst
batuUion uf voluiiletis who hae left
their stale going directly to the seat of
actual wai. Companies A, B, CandD,
constituting Iho first batallioii uf the
Second Regiment of Oregon Yolunteeis,
under the command uf Major C. U.
Gauteabeau ot Portland, passed through
this city ou tbo first section of the over
laud at 3: lo this morning, the train be
ing more than an hour late.
These companies are composed of the
voluoteei fi oin l'orilaud, La Grande,
McMiuuville, L'ugene, Roseburg uud
Ashland, the Roseburg boys being mem
bers of Company B. Notwithstanding
the uufavci able hour, hundreds of our
citi.ens congregated at the depot to say
"goodbye" ij'Var boys." Tho good
women of the city uuder tho leadership
of the Women's Relief Corps, God bless
them, were out iu force with refresh
ments by the wagou load. The band
boys were out lo furnieh music and Iho
veieraua from tho Soldier's home were
pieseut with a battery of aitiilery. As
tho train pulled into the yards, (he still
ness ol the gray dawn was broken by the
boom of cannons, the ttraius of martial
music aud the cheers of the assembled
citi.ens. When the train pulled up to
the platform, llie Roseburg boys hurried
out to greet their friends.
A short lime wai givcu for baud
shakes, uud good bye. Tho occasion
was fat more impressive and aU'cctitig
thun the ouo a few days ugo when the
boys started lo Portland. Thou they
were members of the National Guard of
the State. Now they were soldiers iu
tuo army ol iho United States, leaving
their native land to uphold the houoi of
the Hag against a foreiu foe.
It meant the separation ol husbaud
aud wife, father aud chil lreu, brolheis
aud sisters, uud of young people iu
whotiu hearts there was a fuoling akin
to uo other buutiiueut which can be fell
by the sons aud daughters of uicu - that
uf young lovers, whose feelings uud emo
tions Lad beguu to uieud iuij mo statu
which wakey two hen ts beat as ouo.
Rut the last goodbye was said, Tho
last injunction to tomomtci father,
mother, sister, loyor, was delivered, A
silent petiticu went up to (bo od ol
battles to care for the loved ones, , and
amid the booming uf annon uud the
mutic! of the hand, Roeeburg's quota uf
the "urmy of invasion" was off foi (ho
Philippluci!, loaded with flower tint)
decked uith garlands.
Ilfuig' yoiJr fjb'worl to Yhis olflce. '
Curo Bros, are the burs men haul,
Uo to tho Romdc-af for the hot cigars.
Crttacout, highest grade, t hainlcsi, $75
For A good 6-cout cigar t all on Mrs.K.
County ulaiuui and wariauta bought by
l.. West.
For I'litil clai-s dculmtiv go lo I 'r, Little
ot Oakland.
Rugs In iniiiiitc aiielv at Alexander
For reed oals call uu II.M.Maiuu,
near the depot.
Ma'aroiii iu one pound caih'ons at
Ziglor'e grocery.
Key West, Unpolled and domestic
cigars at tho Kowieuf.
IV S. West cht'S iusuitiine. Ollico op
posite the poM ottlee.
Ride a Cn scent biiyi le. I he osm
running, durable kind.
tO.i'iH) men wanted at the Boas Store
to selec t grout bargains beforo it is too
Fac ts not lakes is what cmr adver
living column-, represent. Tho Boss
Call and see the "I (oilman" hand
harness inomtcr at Churchill. Woolley A
McNeiuie a.
F. W. Carpouler is nuthori.'.od lo 0'
ceive uud receipt for subscriptions lo the
1 LAI? I'K.U.LIt.
All our good, aro new and oi the latest
styles. Nj sh'pwru goods oa baud al
the Boss Store.
Al Oakland, 1'. I., l waves is authorised
to receive ami r n-cipt for subscriptions lo
tho I t mm' i i:u.
For that tired fooling uii must enrich
aud purity youi blood. Hood's Sarsa
puiilU is iho medicine you need.
Monev to loan on oily aud country
property. 1. S. K. BiicK,
Marstors Building, Roseburg, Or,
The S ;uaro l'eal store has just oiieuod
up A beautiful lino of W. L. IViuglas
shoos, which prove to be the best shoe
made. Como and imqcct them.
J. W. Bccklov o Co., the butchera.will
keep only lite choicest of moats where
with to supply the Kuseliurg public, but
monthly "ttieinont will Ihi required.
l or fit as and quality call at tho old
original rtt.niil, I read ami tinea trails,
cm ly am I nut, cig ira au I tobacco at
price' to suit all. Mii II. Ramon.
i ii utU'inen, we have suie gHd thing
iu tho shut line. You thotild seel hem
tieloro purchasing risen here ; aNo A large
a-.-Morimcnt of ni'il.tieS. Novelty Store.
Sriinj st' ik. Ibe laigcst and liest ae
l-.-ilioii ci lien's shoes, of evttygiade
and Mii.i'ty, just iceeived at Paiiotl
Bios. St;!-s utid pi ice tne to please,
The Piano Manufacturing Co. report
tui' 'j,n many chain drive mowers and
h-wr hin lent sold lai-t week as wei sold
during tu -Mine pvriud iu both-lin-'t'i
I'ou'i aiii," uthers by vour coughing
uud risk vour lifo by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe und alt throat aud
lung troubles. A. C. Marsteis c Co.
fu-r I ohruary 1st we will make a re
djciioti iu the nine ol Oliver plows and
c i'.ral throughout tho eutiro hue. Just
receive I a caiload ol barb wire.
Su. i;n Ciii..noHii.
Ciuhiieii and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injuries, eczema ur skin diseases
may secure instant relief by using I'o
Witt's Witch Ha.-el Salve. It is the
greul Pile remedy. Marsteru' l'rug
Mrs. J. II. .-bu!'Ci has been appointed
representation (or the Yjavi Co. in Ibis
city. Auv one desi-iug informatiou io
regard lo, or wishing lo procure the rem
cdv, will plv'ii-e call at her residence on
Pino street. j 13-Jul
Whooping cuugh is the most diatress
iug malady , but its duratiuii can be cut
short by tbo iuc ol One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also the best knowu rem
edy lor croup and all lung and biouchial
troubles. A. I . Marutera i Lo.
Suits ol eluthes, all wool, heavy
weights, t'vJl); reuular .price ft. Bojs
clothes from li to 1 years for fl.oO and
Hals all i-lyles and colors for Vic,
regular pi ice $1 00. All these gujds aie
only to bo found at the Boss More.
After years uf untold sullrriug from
piles, B. W. Purscll ul Kuitncrsville.
Pa., was cured by using a single box of
OeYYiti B V itch lla.a Salve. Skin die
eases such as ccoma, rash, pimples aud
obstinate sores are leadily cured by this
famous remedy. A. C. Marsters A. Co.
A few duiieu of those Kentucky made
pants, substantial and well made, uo
shoddy. Also a few do.en women's,
men s, boys ami children s shoe, regu
lar weater. Hats fur sunshine uud
shade), undeiwrcat (or hot and cold
weather, and various other articles at
living prices, ut II. C. Stanton's.
Prof. oble, Iho optician, willbeul
Myrtle Cree k uu Monday and Tuesday,
April 25di aud L'o h. Those wishing
thero eyes examined uud glasses lined
please call at tho Overland hotel. Con
sultation free, lie will also beat Rose
burg Lorn Wednesday, Apiil 27th, till
Monday, May 2d, aud can be consulted
at CH Pino St.
Notice is hereby given lo tho public
by the undersigned that 1 do uot allow
dea I ti iu i ii lc I d to bo buried ou my prem
ise;", h'. ifc'ieburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or Hand ur graved taken
therefrom, unless tho parly taking sand
or gravel tirst contract witu mo tor (he
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aauo.n' Rom:,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 18H5.
To turn Couat limtlon Torover.
Talec t'urcurtts C'uuitv Calhiiilic lou or 15c.
If C. C. C. hill lo cure, Urux.'Ut rcfuuii uiuucy.
How' Tlils'i
W o otlct Ouo Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case uf Catarrh that vunuot bo
cut. id bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. ,f. ClILNLV A CO., Props. Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned huvo knowu F. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 veuis, and believe
hiin perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions uud financially able to car
1 1 uut auy obligations in ado by their
West V Iruax, W holesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldiug, Kiuuau o. Marwn, W hole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Cutanh Curo is taken iutuiual
ly, acting directly upou tho blood aud
mucous surfaco of t he B atom. Price 75c
per bottlo. Sold by alj druggists- Test
imonials free.
A Bargain.
Siileu Jid drt oiling property consisting
of thrcu lots, well liuishod house end
outbuilding ollered at a genuine) bur
gaiu by tho Roseburg Building .v. Loan
AHHocfation. Iuquiro of
ni:itM M Mitch, Secrelai v.
Lndeavortrs, Attsnllont
All delegates to the Cbrialian Fn-
doavor Convctillou who shall come by
private conveyances will den irq i-rl
at the Prsabvtorlan Chinch ou their mi
rival Thursday, May
Tltixitand Be 1 i l
In order (. pi in th nr,,,'i V""11 "'
r.U'aCtsaii I'.'hi l". ll.w'h.1 pi i
fur 'til I'll H id "I I ' 1 . I. v.. lmw p"'
,,v, n r . i I i" "' 1
it, i p of . i. .1 : . i i' " d H i' l . to
r.l.v i :'.. 1
t Nil 1 f I'I'I
. l ltv
'i ii I'.in wni't kuid
i i r li'"p d t r
rur i 'I
VII re
li' I li' lei'
,,v,-it lli .1 l fiv i" l'iei i'ii'i- bate
It wilti i-""ili- I'seur tihlrum,
4Y vUtivit Ate . t'lileagii, III.'a ( Irani Bithil l lite Siku-'tt b ilifd
cnr.-'fi.r enbinh und eouliiiu uo coi.iin, .
ineretnf nor any Injurious drug I rb ,
tO ceiil's. At druggliti or by m ill.
Faes, Hands and Arms Covsrsd Wiin
Scrofulous Humors-How Curs
Was Cifecled.
' When It vo Year old my Mile Im.j- hml
scrofula on lit face, hand ami ann. li
wax wtirxl on ItU chin, altlioinrli llie nrc
ou his cheek ami liaiul were very bul.
It appcarotl In the form of red plmpb
which would' linter. hrtak olM'ii mnl rim
and ttn ii t b i r. Aflt r tllapit erimr
they would rrtsk out again, l ney fanen
Intpuao Itchiuff and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep Mm
from scratching the aorea. Yve uvea mo
greatly alarmed at hi condition. My
wife's mother hud had scrofula and the
Duly medicine which hail helpd her win
Hood's Sararllla. We decided to gWc
It to our boy aud wo noted au Improve
ment in hi case wry soon. Alter giving
him four bottles of Hood's Surnaparllla
the humor had all bevu driven out ol hl
blood aud It has never since rvtiirnetl."
William U.ktz, 110 Bouth William St.,
South llcud, Indiana.
You can buy Hood' Barsa par Ilia of all
druggist. Ik sure lo gel unly HootlV.
Hood's Pills:
...T l,,l.-.
n r..ti
Want Vour
Administratrix' Notice.
V1 ICI I- lltkl BV .l 111 l 1 II aC I N.
' ili-r-lnni tl, aa ailmloiaUHtrlx ol I lie r.tut.
t-I Mar I. i.iUltaiul, J.- ea-tO. Utu t.l- 1 l. i
luial iit co'iul ttli Hit-l'..iiDljr I U rk ol I u :li
I omit v, eiriuon un l the' ll"U. oniit ' -1 I
tiiiitlxi'il lui-nalat. llie '111 ilay ! July, l"- -, at
Ihe lioiir ol lu o rliKk, a iu., thi tmi- l,,r
In iirmg oliji-eilulia to ealtl aecouul an-l I r II.-
til 1,1. di ul ibe nanu-.
I 1-i.iiv Ofcmi, Mi't Ulb. l-'.-.
1 171 V . Wil l i ,
1 ,i:i . A Juitui-liati 1 .
Administrator's Notice
vol ti u lo ui tain t.i t.s 1 11 a 1 un. 1
ilfffilKtitel lia It en 'p..iil'''l M'lntitil lift,
lor nl Un- ctUl t,( 1 1 11 ni, I tt'iorr Ui it nsul,
Ull m 111 uliliev 'I. All t laiD lint 1111: 1 .alum
ak-aluit l-lltlo nu ,.Uht'l In ., -, nl tli
-ami', t'llli Ilia I'-tiper Miut'li' I", fiilnii -K
iu. .nil, 5 bum III. Out. ol tlu nolli u t" tbo 11 1 1 -
li l(rucl at lil rcnl'leiur al Mjille n.l,
UtiUK.a- C'funtt . "nvli
but.. 1 till- .IU ilat t t Mn . A 1' . I- '
I li KU r.ll.
W M II it ILI .VliiiiiiOlrt..r
Atlurti' y lur llie K.ilab m !
p U. LLONARU has leased the HOSUbTl:' . Kol.LLK I l.ol ltlMi .MII L
of Ua-! A Criteser. The mills have been umudclcd und i,ow iniu hiui rv
added, and are manufacturers of the famous Hour
i:vi:hv rot .in in ui aii anti j ii 1 ti imi ui un r,..
celled donrla Klseii fur 6u pouudnul vlienr anil 11 N.tilmut lot v tit-iil
In HUMrMiileeil. IMeaae kivc um 11 trial.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Hlled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent riedicines and
Toilet Preparations.
Nnllcc (;i Tr.'f'p.iMM-r.
Notice Is hereby ghen iln.i ..II i buk
found In my puatiirea iu li ciipusn.g in
my Un ls wlihoul peiuilii b 1 1 vt llril
obuined i f Iho pi'u in in clniiio of tho
plciiil-eH, will bo loll lor a icaai'li
ainu Hunt at the cmii!u of llin owner,
ami if li e ruinn I tu t i bilnn d it I I bo
ailvi'llk.ed Mini ndd in il '' pin-
Vldid I 'law . lo l ho "n l.i)lllg
lint chat go and t eiiM it id 1 1 n ' for
and "idhiq'. euld H l lit .
I A . W . S i vi....,
I tboi kwiiy, i 'I .
JUL rnvihl'IAN
Alul , ibe . t I1.111..I1.K l ui. i 1i ion
lit tltf .Ni'ii
ll oil. .v. ' lilf I ohIiII lie 11
A 1 1 1 1 llilll.lli'
Sensational Cunicily Dr.un.i.
A I'vcniliii;. ItiHi-.ii . Iiuli .'I I un.
I o.. 1. 1. 1 ....'I I ;'
nu- noiiiT) si im;ukins
sui u inn in -1 1; v .1 1
l I tic lollu It' 1 1 1
a iibm IIiii 1 ciii, iim 1
arv I, alurt l. r a : '
. 1 .' kill, I 11.: i.'l.ui
,,l I 1 1 I III. I.tll.lll. I.
I.I til! IIH-I 1 "
.i . r.:u:it f ti I In
Ih-ii ol inutl,- r.'ti.t. i 1
il.r liini.u r
IKM-Ialtjr In Hi I. to 111 "l II 1. 1. !' 1 11 11 nl uu 1, ur
wllh inn, 1U1111. 1 ut. I.)' iiiii'.r. f lit-ie a (.11. 1
crvlientr l almilun l tr
I'llcra, 10, o. l mill - u
I!,-. IM'.I - .It- . HI. I. I 1 "!'!
lll imtUr I in- ht-urtiiii til HtH,i
llie ltl-.lnlc- I nun . 01, ii..n o
Norttl 101. 1 ,.n I i, I 111 j , 11 .1 I . . 1 . ..I...M.IH
1 Hit Mm. It I -1 1. 1 11. 1. 1. 4 .!.i'. t '
Hollirilnt h. til-loll lilim'
cry PtliilH , ICiiji-liiii u
MCIIOI. i . I.
1 I ll"l ') 1 r , :i , IJ.IJ. I. 1 A 1
-I, I' .1 11 H.,1.
I in,, Mi r !
-.. !;-..! I-V tllf
I 4! lli, I. 11
I I -j,, i t, -, ni.
Hull. I i-iailM mniik.oi. I
lllltllli;.'lll m ill I'liml
mctrh'ul In fii f.-ihi-.u-'ti, k ul f 1 mi't Itc-,
tjllill, ((tMHl ni lt"l itll'l liHt'itnt ttotHi k 1; ii'.
Ho 1 i' um t k a hi v 1 1 l In ftK -1 . ' n'l I l'ii I oik
('ItiOll, s rftVtl Ml t, It ll I v. lull- la- ill It
vi I'll Mil I 'Hi I llnu, tin !!- . I. I Uu, .1 !'
iuvl ! trotioiiik I't 'i . . i v r i-. : A
ill U ii ! iii-1- . , t i, : . 1.1. . -iii:,; i
I IlKl Ulll'l Itf lliitltil, Jill.! ,1 li Mb BUK ft
tltitl lie vwil , u.(.b. : 1 1 I. - ... ir i itu
Ol klw-l tlltil Kit tin lii lli'l' .' - 1 Ini 1 ,t t I i. tl
u( Hit fiimllU It" r in' !.
I TCriM, $IO 4 lllrttatt
! fitiBil return j-i-vi!- ' ! -iu . w i .m-
of MrVi, Hint IHllil ! I it'-! ' ..; ,.i ..o Is teti,
mi (tiit I.'h' la u I.. .i'-- . 1 iijiitttli.
Hint tltf !. t ut t'i' 1 ....'it. f.'il !!
t"' I" it I M III . ait'Utti- f 1 . ; i- ii'i c: .i a) ti
j I oi l ull., r 1 adit 1.: ' v 1 -i i
I It. i :. I'.-.-l.l fl;i, i'U. -..
i 'mmm
" IB
--'";trj Vfv-
N . ."
The Popular Wheel
at the Standard
Price and no Better
Wheel at anv Price.
Crescents are luiiit
on honor and sold
mi (heir merits.
AfjI'N J S.
Wealth !