The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 09, 1898, Image 2

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rulillnhcd every Monday and Tburtlay
lit Tn IM.AIMH AI.KR n ui.i-iiiso 1"
, MRAlloKI' .... kJIUif.
Itl.NIAMIV, ... Malta.
One. Year
i M.uill-.
1 hrce Meitii-
. X
MAY !'. I Sits.
Republican State Ticket.
ov crtior.
i r.
. l.KKR, f Marieti.
Hx-rotary o( Stale,
I I I'l NBAK. el t
State 1 rcaurv i,
l HAl.LKf S MOOliE, of K'aiuaili
f-iivrni mlfiit ( Vuli'.U luMnietlou.
II c Kl KMAS, ,d MultUOIuali.
supreme Judge,
I . A. ilH)RK, Pl Columbia.
Attorney veuemi.
R N I1I.ACKBCRS, ci lion.
-ito Printer,
w II. I KEI'S. of Jacksou.
rongrv-Miuaii. First District,
I It OS. H TON-HE. oCWbinstoi.
.'Huge, tccuud. Judicial lUstilcl,
A C. NOv'DCOCK.of Uuc.
Usirut Attorney, Sxvod Judicial listricl.
-KO. M. UKOW.N.ol IWlgla".
ouuty JuiUc,
.'. A. BLACK.
Comity Clerk,
county CoinniUaioucr,
ehool Superintendent,
'. D. niDCLC,
w '. V. UEYKJN.
Ju.'tiN of the Peace
CooimauJer Dewey lias "Keuiciubeted
the Maine."'
At about the tame moment lLa euii
seta uu our ilett ut Havana, it naea on
our fleet at Manila.
If we have one or two more such vie
toriea as was won at Manila, there won't
be any more "front" to go to.
It won't reu'jire tbe inviatigation of a
court of iu iuiry to ucertain that the
Spanish fleet at Manila was blown up by
exterior explosion.
Nothing could demonstrate the vast
and yarie-l ruajurcea of thia country aa
has the rapidity with which we have
prepared for a foreign war.
It will be worth all it coats, if thia war
accomplishes nothing wore than than
cementing together under one flag, all
the elements tf our population.
The Spanish account of tbe bombard
ment of Matan.e, atatea that the only
thing killed waa a mule. Well, there
wag eouH'thiutf killed at Manila.
A bridegruuui at Santa Clara, Califor
nia, drew a pielul and threatened to
ahoot tbe next simpleton who thiew rice
at him. Who aaya tbe world ia not be
coming more civilized?
Chairman Hendricks of the cogreas
ioual district, baa notified ua that 1 X.
beboonmaker, who waa to bays filled a
number of dates in thia diatrict, haa
been called home on account of the eeri
ous hicknesaof eome members of his
lu the 'uldendale, Washington benti
iii'l, we notice a half column advertise
ment of W, A. McKenzio'i hardware
business. The firm of Chuichlll Wool
ley A McKeuzie, of which McKenzie,
was a member iu thia city, have always
bucu ood advertisers and the fact that
he ia continuing iu that line shows tbat
lu .found that advertising pays.
One of the Luo'it solely dieappointsd
of tbe boys who left Koaeburg ti offer
their services to their country, and who
failed t j pass the rigid and searching
physical examinations to which they
weie subjected, was O. C. Brown. Mr,
Brown bal gone with bis company at
great personal aacrilice. Ho waa en
gaged iu teaching wheu tbe call was
made auj he pompily gave up his
school aud left bis business all'aira un
settled io order torospjudtj the call,
ife is oue of tbe most rugged men in the
country uuJ is in the piiuio ol life. He
was reared ou a farm uudnaa inured to
hardships by a life spent iu the woods
and ou tbe farm. Hu had passed tbe
examination by tbe aurgeou of tbu na
tional guard,; rauUug very high. He
passed every tett at Portland aud was
turning away wheu the ariuy surgeon
noticed a small enlargement ou one or
tl.o veius of the leg indicating a vari
cose vein, aud out hu went. Almost
every other member of Co. A. w ho was
rejeciuu laiieu on iuuiu tijuaiiy iriyoiuua
grounds. U. C. hopes yet to hu ad
mitted aud join the company aa it
passes througli Kosoburg as tbe oUicers
of tbe company are using their intlue-jce
in hio favor.
Tim editor of ihia paper w ho happena
to lei ho chairman of to republican
t-oiitiiy ci-uttal eouitr.iitev, has had re
Hatcd call fur Milt? auiiotim'ing the
meetings of lion. T. 1. t'ccr iu thia
county. W e ds.-iio to na lor the infor
mation of tlu tcpiil'tu'itn of the county,
who are interested in these tneetiugs as
well as in others (or which speakers are
furnished from outside the county, that
we hae Keu uolillevt by the slate ecu
tial committee that for all em li meet
iiiga bilU ill le piiutcd and tent out
fivui roitlainl. .Iiitt who tboy will
sent I o and when thi-y will In cnl, we
re not n lyitc I. l iny will K piinted,
wehaxouo doubt of that. The eve re
tai of the Btat cential committve has
a priut shop of his own and has excel
lent facili ies for doing such work and
doing it cheap. We are reminded of
thia fact evciy two or three mouths.
W o sometimes gel the job of priutiug a
few blanks for DougUs? county aud wheu
we put iu our bill for the work we are
reminded tbat Mr. Hi aha m olas, jr.,
of Portland, w ha buys his paper by tbe
carload and prints such blanks by the
ton, aud who pa a nvi'.ber license or tax
of any Liod iu this city or county, has
offered to do it for a great deal lew than
we can afford to do it, aud then dis
count tbe biil almost half. We insist
that we spend our money in the city for
lalor and to support our faaii'ies, while
Mr. liraham Glass, ji' . if he furnishea
tbe blanks takes the money out of the
city and county. However, we must do
tbe work at the price fixed by Mr. Gra
ham Glass, jr., ci 1st Mr. Mabam Glass,
jr., have the job. Wo dou't blame Mr.
Graham Glass, jr., that's his business.
Now to get back to tho bill business.
Tbeie are 32 conulies in the state, each
one of which has one or more republi
can papers. These papers publish ab
solutely free every car hundreds of col
umns of matter for tho beuelit of the
psityaudita candidates. If a man is
sent out from I'd tlaud by tbe state cen
tral committee to make a few speeches, he
haa bis expenses paid aud in many in
stances is well paid iu additiou thereto.
There is not a couutry uewspaper printed
in au county iu the state of Oregon,
which does not iu the two years preced
ing tho election, do a hundred fold more
for its pad r than all the speeches that
are made duriug the eampaigu. Now
tbe printing of the bills for the met tings
in these ditlerent counties noul J uot be
of much beuctit to the newspapers.
Ptrhapa during the campaigu it miht
amount to 1-0 to each county ; but even
this small amount must go to Mr. Gra
ham i dass, jr., secretary of tbe state
central committee, making in the aggre
gate quite K'lO, a nice little sum fur
bim. It don't matter that the chairman
of the county central committee could
hare tbe bills printed and send them out
with the absolute certainty that they
would be properly distributed, and that
such a thing is absolutely impossible
when they are scut out from such long
distances to men eutircly unknown to
the state committee. Hut then it dou't
matter much anyway, (he couutry pa
pers will publish the announcements oi
the meetings, free of course, and iu that
way everybody will be iuformed whether
tho bilis at e distributed or not. Under
stand, we are not kicking. Bless your
life, no. Who ever heard of a newspa
per man kicking'.' They gel glory
enough foi the work they do, let the
other fellow have the money.
the flonth, and Roseburg the
During thia monti 'here wiil be three
important gathering in thij city, from
tbe 12 to the l.'th inclusive, the Young
Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor,
will hold its atate convention in this city.
This convention composed o! delegates
from the different societies in the state,
will bring to our city at least '2JQ of the
leading youn Chi islian world a of the
state. The executive committee from
tbe local society, consisting of J. f;.
Hook, J. A. Underwood and Miss Leona
bLupe have made extensive piepa.'atious
for tbe entertainment of tbo delegates,
and eveiy thing possible will be done to
male their stay with us pleasant and
profitable. The next event and the one
which will probably bring to Roseburg,
tbe largest number of people w ho were
ever congregated iu this city at any one
time, will be tbe annual assembly ot the
grand lodge of I. 0. 0. 1'. This will
bring to out city tbe repiebentativts ol
the subordinate lodge, the encampment
and the Kebekabe. Tbe I. O. O. 1. is
oue of tbe strongest orders on the Pacific
coast, and there is no doubt but tbat this
will be one of the most important aud
enthusiastic meetings of the order ever
held iu the stale. Following the ' -rand
Lodge meeting, from the 1'lth to the 17,
inclusive, we will have with uu the Ilin
erauts Club of the Eugene district of the
M, E. cbuich. This club is composed
of the ministers of the M. E. church lo
calea in Hits uisinct. ine cino iiuidn
annual meetings for the purpose of social
literary aud religious woik A very i n
teresting programme has beeu prepared
for this occasiou and all those ot our
people who can attend the sessions ol
this club will be highly entertained.
These three events will do more to ad
vertise our beautiful ciy than other
means that could be adopted.
Our citizens, who have a just pride in
reputation which thia city has always
sustained for hospitality, aud good fel
lowship ahoul I do every thing in their
power to make tbe stay of there visitors
amongst us as pleaseut as possible, in
order thai wheu they return to their
homes, they will carry with them kind
ly recollect iouu of their visit to our city.
We desire to call the attention of the
good people of this citv to the fact tbat a
number of our citieus who have enlisted
iu the service of their couutry have
left fnmilieM hern who were (o i-onin or-
ii mi mm.' i . mi umm
tent at least, dependent on Ibeui for
support. We do not know but all these
families are well provided for, but even
though they may have all the nerea
sariea ol lifo, yet thero are many ways lo
which our icol can show theiu that
(hoy appreciate tho spirit which prompt
ed tbo husbaud and father to leavo the
dear ones at the call of hi country, in
this hour of grave moment. It should
be (ho duty ol every patriotic citieu to
take a special iuteiest in this matter, in
order that it may uot bo said that the
families o( tho e who havo gone to the
front have been neglected iu any manlier.
ARli ciiosi:n.
If the physical slandaid adopted at
Portlaud for those persons who apply for
enlistment is adheisvl to all over the
couutry, ii will taks an army larger than
was enlisted during the Civil war out of
which to select the lt-'i.OOvt tueti called
for by the presi loul. More lhau half of
some compauies which weut to Portlaud
have been rejected, some on the most
foolish an I frivolous grouuds that could
bo iutagiued. The follow iug table shows
the ph; steal proportions for height,
weight and chest measurement repaired:
-Cnesl EK4urem.ut
5ft liu
. ..US
. . loO
. . lo
. .131
. loo
. .UW
,. A&
tt eipiialiou MuMhl. ,
I tie be
33 "
33 4
If the weight of an applicant did not
come almost exactly to the standard Indi
cated by the above tab!, out he went.
In order , it would appear, to male it
more certain tbat the men could not pass
the examination, they were put through
a ten or fifteen mile walk, on the paved
a reeia ot" Portland, for iue euiertaiu
meut of Gov, Lord and his "staff" and
the citizens of Portlaud, aud after they
bad succeeded in walking about five
pounds off each man, they put them on
the scales and rejected a lot of them be
cause they lackei fire pounds of coming
up to tbe required standard. This thing
of tikiug a thousind young men, a large
proportion of whom ae j'ist out ol tbe
store cr the office, or the school loom
aud compelling them to march ten or
fifteeu miles, through the duet, earring
a load which in euough lo tax tbe
streagtbof a seajouad mau.iu order tbat
they ma ba paraded through the streets
aud "reviewed" by tbe goveruer, who
sits at his ease while the procession goss
by is all blamed foolishness anyway.
TIA. Poor Kansas ia again sufjeruug the
penalty oi its populist craze. Ii Govern
or Leedy had delibet ately gone about
disgracing the office he fills and misrep
resenting his state he could have taken
no more effective way than he did in
disbanding the Kansas national guards.
As commandcr-in chief of the Kansas
militia he issued an order disbanding the
national guard of the Btato and requiring
thai allaimd and equipments bo re
returned to tbe state capitol. The rea
son for this action was the fact tbat aa in
every other northern state '0 per cent of
the militia were republicans while Gov
ernor Leedy is a populist, of the kiud
tha' has no Ulc fur 'ho militia. This
gave Mr. Leedy an opportunity to get
even with the militia fot some real or
faucied ineults which he had been the
tecipient of, so he pioceded to got even
by disbanding the national guard iu the
midst of an international war. ill the
people take the chances of having such
a stigma cast on the good name of the
stale of Oiegou by electing a populist of
the Leedy etripe to le governor of Ore
gon. Tboutandf nrr Trylm Jt.
In ordrr to p'-v the great merit of
T.iy V f'r Oji lfcihn. th1 ni'i t effective c ire
for f'ntarrli p.'id ' I i:i II i l. have pre
pmd a K' 11 ! tivtl size for 10 rtit.
Oi t it of your dniam'-t it s.-t:d 10 enU to
ELY liUOS., Y.arrci. '.. N. Y. fit;;
I auUared from iMtarrh of th" uortit kind
tvir kiii' O ii b y. ii i I I new r hoped fur
ciro. 1'iit ni.v'. Cre rii ilahn i-eeiiig lo do
evf-n that. M my uequoiiitiiim h l,are uiied
it with excellent results. Obcar Octrutn,
15 Warreu Ae., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Calm is tho Bckuowkd.-d
cur-j for cattirrb and contaius no cocuinu.
mercury nor any injurious drug, l'm,
CO cents. At druggists or by inuil.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice ia hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing under
the firm name of Koblhagen & Dixon
has been dissolved by mutual consent.
L. Kohlhageu will continue the busi
ness, pay all indebtedness and collect all
accounts due said firm.
Koeoburg, April 12, 1898.
Wr Ui.vo.v.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cagcarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Sac.
It C. C. C. fail to cure, druggist rofuua wvuey.
N i warrants taken on taxes, and costs
' be added after June 4, IS93. The
roll for WJ7 will be closed June I,
IVJi. All taxea must be paid by that
date. Ii. C. Aotf,
bhei ilf Douglas Couuty,
i;i i; tj.') i ivU i of Sia
f.W If.i.
l'ollow tlujin no matter
what tea you use. t
I 'ay ymr piil."r,riilion fnd:iy.
A Destructive Storm.
lnutc Iuh k, Aik , May tl - A special
from YanBmen, Atk., :
Water spouts and tornadoes have
played havoc hero and dous huudreda of
thousands of dollars worth ol damage.
Three houses were blown dowu at
Kudy, eight miles from here, last night,
and It is repotted that Wintlow, n sum.
uter resort ou tho top ol lUoton uuum
tain, is entirely gone.
Two bridges on tbo 1 1 iseo load over
Clear creek haye been swept away and
the roa I abandoned. The trains have
run for two days arouud by way ol the
Claemoie. I. T. A Atkausas valley toad,
but tho latter had a two-mile washout
aud 300 ard landslide, and Yau Put en
is tow cut oil entirely, save bv way of
Little ltovk.
Tbe Arkansas river is -V miles wide iu
places, aud is now four inches higher
thau it was In IStiJ. which was the huh
eet on record.
All last night boats weio busy in the
bottoms ttecuiug the inhabitants. Thou
sands were rescued, aud it is (eared that
many have beeu drowned. Two houses
were seen going down tbe river, but the
lotmeu could not reach Ihem.
Kaiu is falling iu torrsuls and tho end
is not in eight.
Mow 'a This?
1 e offer Oue Hundred iK.llnrn l:n,ir.l '
for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be!
ouisdbx Hall' Catarrh Cure. i
P. 1. CHENEY A C'., Props. Toledo. t". I
We the undersigned havo know n l . I. I
Cheney (or tho last lo vears, aud belane
him perfectly honorable in all business
It ansactious and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made bv their I
tlriu. " i
West A l'ruax. linUn.iln lriu.Lt.i !
Toledo. O. " '
W aiding, Kiunau .v Marviu, N hol
aale Pnrggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surface of t he s stem. Prieo Vic
per bottlo. Sold bv all druggists. Test
imonials free.
A Bargain.
e-pienuid dwelling property cotisiUing
of three lots, well finished house and
outbuildings, offered at a genuine bar
gain by the Koseburg I'.uildiug .v. Lean
Association. Inquire of
IlktiMAN M.viiK, iSecrctan .
YE ATC1 1-BUCHANAN. -Henry Yeatch,
sou of Hon. II. M. Yeatch, of this1
city, and Misa Katherine A. Eucbauan I
were married at the home of the j
bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Eobert I
Puchanau, leu miles southwest of)
Corvsllis, Thursday, A til :'jtn. I
The groom, like his father, is a ctad-:
uate of the State Auticultural Colhve.
and hia bride is a most estimable young
MAYES. At his hoa'o near Kiddle ou
Thursday, May 5th, IS'.n.J. W. Mayes,
of pneumonia.
He Ivves a wife aud Meral e m all
children to mourn his death.
BUNCU.- At the Parmets' Hotna in
this city, Thursday evening, Mav ''th,
'ieo. W. Punch, aged IS years, two
mouths and lo das.
Mr. Bunch formerly lived iu l loumoy
valley but bid been iu California fui
some time past and was ou bis way home
when he was attacked with bemoirbagu
ofthebraiu. Uo was brojgbt hei e rev-
eral days ago from W oil creel, but con
tains 1 to grow worse. He leaves a wife Witllt VotlT
and six children. The lu'eruiunt !o"k 1
pla' e at tbe Masouic cemetery.
Au l . 'h : . ChHrmiui." . C'uuic licniK
Iu the Nv'i
J'lb so UlC fivluctluti.
A II ! llurialit ltilurio'i-
Seusational Comedy Drama.
A Itoiirlu', Kuumuu- RhIIv m Kun,
Laughter aud Veil".
aol O OHi III .-TKAol twelve -kiikd tiiu-ieiani
in the -tr'iiu-e-t ever r wnted to Ihe puMic ty
a traveling cump iny "lie of tin; inoal iiu' ci---ary
t ilu i- fur a firit-clius ifuimaiiee ! Hie
bet il iiiupie rendered tn arti-tie iniiniicr
p.-eiaKjr In thin in iu r-I 1'KItKIN-, ruiiiilii mer
mtli rii.. Malice, eatcLy lun-le, i re .1 Kuod
iirclientrn 11 ab-ulutuly ueue.iar: .
IrlccM, 10, jo, 30 and 30 C'cula
Hi ..1 . cl -eats at Alexaudei i. Htrji'n.
STORED POWER rurn'4ho by
Mlla M j iafflf, 4,V' !t I' .I'ly 111'lliMll III l.ihell'l Ji. llll .lll'l nil lullll, lllll Veil
I Hr r I V trUHl I" I ;"''. "-I imuii liKlillv 1 II pl..n-. in. ikes it fun
I Ilia I Is I WW Ills Is la i,e ,,. Iij.t. 1 .I1.1II MniJablil'db all.-i ll:eleaiiiM'.p
More Jones Steel Headers Sold In '04 than all others combined.
.a, li..i,M -e.: lie; JONHS T U A I M UAllfFR ! lv. Siai,. ,1 liaise .1 nv l
h'lK-l.l, l ,;-,-,n hiuw. i in the Ulllllll llUllLIV vm.iM. Si r f . ... i r. NiKeiislu
VM-r.ji.i a , li ii linn, lai iiii-.e. notlnii lu iii.tke the 11 ..." Chain Pimer inn. tin j.'
l ins nui!i us Mminn
I n veles
sr. no ton oo rme-roR-ALi iLLusTnarto cstaiouuc
Hie V luno AlfjJ. Co., ManulailurtM West I'lllllliail. Chicago, .U
Call aud .sec the New
44 Piano Lever Binder"
With the Elywhecl Attachxucul, at
Ill 111!
HON. I . I . ClUliR
la auuoiluced to u hliess the voters ol
Kniglas counly nt the following tluiea
and place ;
Gardiner, May loth .
KIMoii, May IHh.
in am. May I'.'lh.
The Mlowiui; card which was pub
lished in the KoNohurg lie view in March,
IS'1!, chows the estimation in which Mr.
tia.ley holds the Oregon National
Guard :
"A Card.
" lo the voters of I'oukUs couuty . As
I am a populist nominee for legislative
houoiH, I do hereby pledge ui)sclf, if
elected, to do all in my power for tbe
abolishment ol the fiegou i ta'e liuatda.
P. liAjitv, .'r.
Cauyoutslle. March L'O, l')."
Notice of involution.
Koswin iiO, on., April It", lvs.
The lii in of Churchill, Woollex A Mo
Kon. io is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, W, A. McKenaio retiring
Cluitchill A WooUey will couliiiue busi
ness, collei ting aceouuts due and pa Ipg
all claims against said fit m.
W. A. Mekkis,
1. W. WooLLH,
P. H. Clll UclllLI .
Poor and Weak
Cntnrrh nnrt Bronchial Trouble -Had
no Appetite Now Better In
Every Way A Delicate Child.
"Seine 1 1 1 1 ii- pluee I took a Kinlili II eold
Hii'l ci'iilil ii"t K' l riil of II. It. iit; -iit.j. .-t
to enlHrrh aii'l hrolicliinl troul'le I enilt'ln, il . I lo-t my npn'lite mid en w
poor a i ut weak and I ilid not feel like
work. 1 begun Liking lloeU'it Samapa
rilt.i. In a fliorl time the eoti;!i tlmap
peared, 1 i-lept well. hal a gi.Hd apptllte
and 1 was In-lter in every way. Im
spring I a uot fee ling will, I had uo ap
petite and no Mrciigtli. I resorted lo
Hood's Sarsttiwritlu ami noon felt inuro
like work. My little nephew wax a ileli
cate child and lnul a humor winch trou
bled him so he could not rent at intfhl.
Ho has taken a few latttlea of Hood's bar
elarilla and now he lima koi1 appetite
and is able to slet-p.'' Mism AnniK J.
pltttMAN, South Imxhur.v, Mass.
Iitbctine 1 1 it- ll.-l piirih-r. All .Iiii-i-Il J I.
Hood's lills
if Hi.- .-t after-dinner
I'll!-, .lid ili'-itiuu. .'.0.
Administrator's Notice.
lei -.ik 11' 1 1 Ini- l en i 1 t -1 1 1 1 -1 adiniul-lru
Kir oi tin-1 -lulu hi Karri'! Wiu-rr, ilieioed
vvitli will uiiucM'd. All 1 n Iiiimui; elaiint
-'alun lil e-iiile up c uned lu .ie-' lit tin
fame, villi 1 1 iu iTuper vimeb' rf, imiIiiii nix
IiK'iilli-truin tin ilati 01 linn notieu t" tue nil
r-laned ut In le.Hldeuee at Myrtle l'r".k
U0111; a- c.iuntv, "ri K"U.
Uuted tblf .t'b ilnv id May, A 0 , vr,.
J U W KAVtlt,
w M K. Wll.I.I.-t, AduilulMratur.
Atlone y for tlic K-ial'-. 111 Hj
the "Piano" l-'ly wheel, l.i the K'catcat
THI CAU4t Uft Tllt It tlAlhlf H0N
.lie t liaill I'live. l.llil illail !
A $20
4 '
To the Public :
Ik-sides ;i legitimate amount of aihcttisinj.; in the
tiewspancrs eaeh year, every ptoressive husiness firm
figures upon a certain sum of money to be expended in
some other mauner. We believe that the best way to
spend this ccttaiu sum of money is to do il iu such a way our patrons will ifeeive the benefit ot the same.
Therefore we have decided to y ! "in eus
tomits, ab3olutely free, for the next thici months (May,
June and July), their choice of
Three (j)
Fine Tailor Made
Suits of Clothes,
Or Three (j)
Fine Tailor Made
Oulv oue suitor overcoat ti le immii awav
month and for Three Months Only.
Our patroni (only) will u-ceie the beuelit ol this
olfet and it don't make any difference how much or how
little business we do durint' these three month-., the suits
will be given away just the .same. Some otic wiil get
them, will it be you? Kvery customer will stand an equal
show aud the distribution will be absolutely fair aud hon
est. If you need a .suit, a pair of pant or an thing iu the
tailoring line call at once iud leave your order, aud yotn
name will be placed on the list.
I have the finest line of sample.-. -1 ciit t South
ern Oregon, comprising nearly 2000 distinct patterns of
both I'oreign aud Domestic Woolens, Cordutys, Crash
Goods for warm weather, Fine Silk Ycstiugs. Mohair's,
etc., at prices that are uuequaled, quality of goods aud
workmanship cousidcted. Don't put it olf any longer but
order your summer suit now while ott h.ic .t good chance
to get an overcoat with it.
Call aud sec samples. You ate .ilu.iy . welcome.
Representing The Royal Tailor.
Room j, Review Uuikling
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Killed Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent riedicines and
Toilet Preparations.
tewtwirrJSnSjy j
The Popular Wheel
at the Standard
Price and no Better
Wheel at any Price.
Crescents are built
on honor and sold
on their merits.
Wealth !
Will lllllltc- lllf Mt-UMOII ul lNiHul
llic Ml vi-rHilalu l urm I jinielinii nl
North 1111. 1 .niili I inirpiii Iiim-im) eiimineiu
lK Muicli I I and ctidiUK July l-l.
HaturlMH. at t arlou iiium'. i.iy
try Nlaltlv, ltnclMirt(-
NIC'IIOI. 1-a liaud 111 lurk Lu-vv II tlall-
1'iu, clii 'I I r 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I, .. I, iIhiii, Mi ce, l.y
Ne-iu w l.'.-n: f. ! .1 April l-j .. .e. bv llio
Hull. I uland Manlni I, l ulu Aliu, t ul. Ho ik a
liiiHIiilliefiu III. lit idiml liiuverj r n el, urn
ineti n al In uiefiiihiiilii.u, H"0. fi et aud Wux,
ktyllKli, Kud uelmii and naluial tiottlui; gait.
Ho Is 11 iniirkably I v el lieadi d, of eeei ul dia
1 1 lull , itiileetl tniui'l, and while he ,aH re
euived in, tiuek imiiK. Iiuxhhuwii Hint all hu
111 eis m traluhm' lu drvuloii uieul nieed. An
w ill Iiuh cii hy hh n dlnne, Ills Ineeillui; In all
lliul euuld hu dcxireil, and il in Kafe lu ert
thut liu will Imparl to Inn iuuwiiv I ho IikI1I1ih
01 iieed mid KiiuieueMi lliul un; mi eluir.ieterlatlo
ul the fiiiollle lie n 'Hcuu.
'I'CTIUM, liu lu lllNUIC.
L'.iuul rutin 11 inh lli Ke.i. Mniu v line at nine
of aul v lee. iiiel muni he mld lieluie inuro In lak
eu Iihiii Lie liiiui. ruMiuanc. ic-r luoutli,
una Hie heel ul mro tnkeu ul iuare, lint uu
ri'NuiiMblll v a..uim d lur ueeideula or elcacea.
I 111 Inillier iirllculuiii, inldrvnK, i; I AIOI,
llu. I't, hUHI.IlUKU, OltJ.UliN.
Hiiii'l I uli.i.i u S,it uuj sniukii tuur l.lh! Anar.
'I'u iinil tuhueio ciii.ily and lulcvcr, liu umtf.
Utile, lull ut life, utrvu and v l;.oi-, mho S To
Uac.lUuvviiiuler wm l.ei-, I lint inulu-s vvuuli oieo
hlrunK. All ilnij'Kh.i.i, m-1, i.'uru nuuruu
Iced. Ilnoliltt iiml h:hii.o free. Addrrvi
Meillii;. ( , n,j, ..,,, r N,,vy y,,,.