THE FLAINDEALER, ruMUbrd tttf Monday aud Thursday Bf Tun ri INtfALER t'VM.IfHINU l". K. I). M KAIIORI C. V. ir N.IAMIN, ... Editor, Manager. fiuttnt rtttaii (Mil) Year Hit Month Throe M-niti. Hutea. l O .. x MAY 18US. Republican State Ticket. I MlveriHT. I I . (.Ti n, of Murieii 'i rvtHry .'1 Mil to, I I IHNBAK. of llt. Male" lreaurvr, I IIAKLK MOOKE, of k-amaili. .-up. rmti'Uilrtit of I'uMIc InHruclion. I. It. At M KMAN, of MultnoimiL. fnprvuio .'ud(fi', I . . "O0Rl of Coluuil-ia-Atiuruoy ' oiKtu'., u u taAcKBi'Kx.oi ijca .-tate rrintor. m U. LEEK, el Jacksou. t .vDeroMnnp I lr-,1 l)ttitet. 1 110.?. II. TON '.it K, of Wliliirtoi:. .'n.lgi-, t.-i'oud. .lUii.oUl lUMrict, A C. "MH'I-ClVk'.ot Lane. t-l' llll AttO! 'I T. ni uJ J jvlivjnl l-ie-iiiii 'ro m.pkon,oi I'o-ir"- C01N1Y KEPl'BLICAN TICKET. i ouuly JiidftC, A. r. 6IE.VKN&. t-heriff. .'. A. ELACK ( ountj Clark, j.u.sucrr. i ounty ConimUaloncr. O. II. BEYER?. AMeisnr, "'.P. BRUT. Treasurer, .EO. W.riMMICK. vhool Superintendent, F. It. HAMLIN representative, '.It. RIDDLE, . r. EROWN, .. MATTOON.t virveyor, r. HEYDON. Coioner. K L.MILLEH. DLER CREEK PRECINCT. Jur.'.ic of the Peace, W. F. BENJAMIN. Constable. II. C. SLOCCM. Manila has 300,000 inhabitant It ij not thjse who talk uaott fi:bt l8t. I'ucle Sam never lost a war, because her cause was always yn. America is slow to arjger, but when tbe does tret ber dander op, eomebody gets hurt. C'apt. Sampson's sqaadroo brings in a fresh Spanish prize about every morning in time for breakfast. A lot of populists in Oregon are off the democratic reservation and refuse to be rounded up by the bosses. The reformers who were howling load est for war a month ago are now kicking the bardset about tbe prospective war las. '"rpaiu hasn't bad a fight with a for eign nation fui almost 100 years. Tbe one she has now will last ber for another 100 yeaie. I. G. liath, editor of the Uaklaud Gazette, has been appointed post-master at Oaklinl. Hero is congratulations, Uro. Rath. The liiny season commences in Cuba about tbe middle of May. The Dewey season beguu iu the I'bilippinea two weeks early. The hist ory of Spain has been written in blood and is a record bf cruelty and oppression such as has left ber without a friend iu all the civilized world. The Uregon National Guards aro anx ious to be sent to the Philippiaes. It may be tbat the volunteers from the far off I'acifio Coaat will see tbe first service Don't ever believe that Mi a. Lease is coining to Oregon to advocate tbe trans, fer of the populiet party I? the control of the democrats. The oil lady is not that kind of a cat. A mouth ugo a lot of "reform" fellows were jumping on tbe republican party for not going to war. .Now they are whining about the government borrow lug money 1 1 juy the expenses of tbe war. Some people are hard to please. Tuo overland pasneDgcr diviaiou, w hich w ent to Kiddie a short time ago, bus been changed baik to Koeeburg.' Tbe new ruu proved uutatisfactory to both the company aud to the employes, ibe Review cau now open its batteries on tbe railroad company again. It may succeed better next time. The tiret regiment of Oregon Volun teers, now being mustered into service at Portland from the first and second regiment O. N. G , will be ae well pre pared to go into active service within a week, nt was the volunteers of the Civil waratthecul of thruo or six mouths. Aud yet there aio a lot of reform states men who have for years been clamoring gainst tbo National luard, demanding that the appropriations for its support be cut olf and the organization rim-banded. CAPr. B. F, HAMLIN. No mau w ho baa enlistod in (be (mice of hi country frotu lb slate of Oregon, under I ho president's rail lor men to do IfttJ the II -g, lias done bo at a uroater Mcritiee ibnn baa Capt. 11. K. Hamlin of Koaeburg. Capt Hamlin was at I bo Hive lb call was made, principal of the Koeebuig Nhool and a tepublicati uom uiee for com, i r nipetiiileiuhm of schools, No iii.mi onl.l have ollor ed inotc salis factory excuses for eta- ing at borne than could Capt. Hamlin, None tif tbrae things bowt'vii weighed a iiinmeM again-1 the mil ol Ins country, Ilia usine will tein.iin on the ticket as t l.o republican canili lan foi rtiperiiitt-ndciil , anJ whiie be i away Mlltudtng to our business, let ti.-t see to it that we uppieei ale palrietism by electing liim ly llio i ,;f st umjoiitx ever given a candidate for au ollice in IVugl is coiinly. It is to bo li )Hd tbat tbe war will be oxer iu time for bim (o return anvl per lor m I he duties of the office, if lie is elected, if not the proper authority cau appoint tome one to Cll the otlke uutil be does re i urn. It would be a disgrace I J Douglas county it Iter people ibouM refus.- to vote for bitu becautc be id uot hea to ma'- a personal canvas of the county. QAZLEVO.N THE NATIONAL Ul'ARD Tlio folloatU); c.rd which pub lished in tbe Koseburg Koview in Marcb, IS','1, she' s lbs estixation iu nbicb Mr. a.-ley !! the "rcon National G third " Car J. "To the voters ol l'oulaj coiinly As I am a populist noiuioee for lrialativo bouore, I do hereby pledge uiyeelf, if elected, to do all iu uiy power lor the abolishment of the Oregou tta'e itu.ti Je. t. OA. Ll , lr. L'auyouviiie, Marcb '.'i, lS'.'t " TML REMEWS LOVE I OK NATIONAL f ll'ARl. I ML Now tbe Keview is tlaiuiiug to he such a fueudt i Lie Oregon National Guard, tbe following editoriil which ap peared at llio bead of the lirsl coluuju on tbe editorial page oi that paper iu tbe iajue of December U, HX. will l e in teresting readiug "The next legislator sluulj kucck out tbe state militia appropriation '' The Spanish fiaaacial situation mast be very critical. It is repar'ed that baut notes issued bv the goveromeu: at Havana are practically worthies.', and sometimes pass for from j to 5 cents oa the dollar. Uoscburg Review-. Tbe Ameiicao tluancial situttiou would aleo be vet) critical if tbe admin titration was compelled to depend ou demociat and populitt voten iu congress in order to furnish a revenue to piy the expenses of tbe war. The bill t raise a revenue for war purposes which passed the bouse last Friday received every re publican vote but two, while every dem ocrat and populist but six, voted against it. Democrats and populists are very willing that men should enlist for tbo defense of tbe flag and tbo honor of the nation, but when it comes to providing the meaos to pay them, they either don't want them paid at all, or they want them paid in a depreciated curreccy. It was ever thus. The ridiculousness 3 of the bonltbat tbe Review was duviog the railroad di vision away from Roenurw Luu:t be painfully aapatent now to the contemp tible outfit that gave it utterance. Re view. Nobody said tb.r. the Review was driving tbe d.taiou away from Kobe- burg. A great many ooplu said ti.e Review was t' ving to drive tbe division away from Roteburg aud everybody id glad that it has not yet succeeded. The middie of the r-.adert: iu Clacka mas ccun'y put out a ' icket yesterday and propose to make an honest effort to elect it, It appeals that Finch, fusion candidate for statu ptioler, and U'ten, the notorious, fcr e'ato senator, had agreed in return for their uominatiooB to keep the pops in line, but the rank and file, the pops for piinciple, did not pro pose to bo delivered over to the "any thins 'or ollice"' crowd. Cottage Grove Messenner: T. T. Geer. P rofe6sional office seeker and krjov-itttll I farmer, has l-een nominated by (Uo boas ee for govcoor of the state. Geer, who has always preached that he made farm ing pay, will be kept d'ley during the campaign explaining now he has been forced to mortgage bis farm. No trouble (o explain that. I our years of free-trade democratic rule caused hundreds of thousands of farmers all over the United fctai is to mortgage their farms. If the administration doca u jt hurry up, tbe Spanish war will bo over before they get that bond kiao out, aod Mar cus iiantia will have thus lout a golden opportunity to reward his Wall street friends. Review. Perhaps McKiuley aud Mark if anna may be too late, but trover Cleveland and his democratic congress got in their work to the tuue of 13 iO.OJO.OW, and no war either. The Review still insists that the ac tion of the militia boys iu trying to hold their oliicers in their positions ' was mutinous, and that the frieudti of Lieu tenants ifayues aud iiildebraud who Interceded in their behalf should be severely caudemued for their sction. This is a matter iu regard to which men will differ. The Review is at least con sistent lu ii i opposition to tbe National Guard. Having heretolore ou every possible occasion shown its opposition, it now refuses to turn about aud defend ii at a time when it might be charged thai it wa doing ho for thu hmIa of policy. LU fil tPMU' TROOPS For the Philippines Within Two Weeks. ANOTHER BIG NAVAL BATTLE Is Likelv to Occur Soon Between the Two Atlantic Fleets. SIX 0l: SAMPSON'S KIM-ST WARSHIPS SAIL On a Hystericus Mission, and the Combined Fleets of Spain Ready to Leave for American Waters Will Probably be Lost at Sea. Washington, Ma' 4. Ttoop;, will be :eut to the up poit of Commodore Dewey at the Philippines. Thib much is settled The numerical strength uf the lorte and time of departure will lc kuowu upon receipt of the first dis patch from Dewey, iu which are expected to he indicated the commodore's ideas as to the number of men required to hold and defend the island. It is probable that uot less than icy.'O" tioops will compose the expedition, and that they will sail from San Francisco for Manila not later than May 15. Telegraphic orders have been sent to Sau b'r.iueisco to engage nine steamers of the l'acifie Mail Company, which could transport without difficulty an army of 10.000 men. Arrangement have also been made to :,end a supply of coal if Dewey should ask for it, but it is understood that there are 10,000 tons at Manila and good grounds to be lieve that the supply is much greater. Just back of Fort Cavite is a dock with abuudaut appatatus for ordinary ship repairs. The principal problem, therefore, is to send enough men to garrison the city, and it is believed 10,01.0 American troops will be sufficient for this purpose. The present plan is to take all the national guard from California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado and far Western States generally. To these troops will be added probably a regiment of cavalry, and possibly the Texas Rangers, or one of the new volunteer regiments now being organized. The command will probably be given Major-General Merriam, in which case he will be made a major-general of volunteers. While theae plans have all been made iu outline, they will be held iu abeyance entirely until Dewey's report comes, so that it may be determined what will be necessary to do to hold the Philippines as a base of supplies for future operations in the Kast The government has already by purchase or charter, of the. of Pekin, now at San Francisco, and she will be put 111 con ditiou to sail by the 15th, at aud troops for Manila. Washington, May .. News of a naval battle in Atlantic w aters, ending in an American victory of equal if not great er impoitauce than that gained Manila last Sunday, is both dently expected at Washington within the next ten days. Despite the retiiceuce of navy department officers tegaid iug fleet movements, it is generally reported than an im portant stroke is about to be delivered, and that the next news from the North Atlantic and living squadrons will be of a sensational character. The harbor of Key West Arlmiral Qamnsftn'a mnsr fnrniirl.i 11 liiiis. flu; New York. ... Indiana, Iowa, Cincinnati, Detroit and iayiiowcr came in to port early today, and after coaling sailed for au unknown destination. It is from these vessels that the next import ant news is expected. The other vessels of the North At lantic squadron are still maintaining the blockade of the ports of Cuba. The mystery surrounding the destination and intentions of the Spanish Cape Vcrdes squadron has been solved by its arrival at Cadiz, where it has joined the Spanish war ships undergoing repairs there. This news comes iu a dis patch from Lisbon, which also says that the entire Spanish fleet is on the point of starting for American waters, in furtherance of plan of the Madrid government announced yesterday, which contemplates the stakiug of everything on a single blow to be delivered at the American squadron ' the combined fleets of Spain. The battle-ship Oregon and the gunboat Marietta sailed frou Rio Janeiro today, presumably to join Sampson's fleet iu Cuban waters. Notice, of Dissolution. ' To the Public. Notice is hereby given that tuo co-; 0jJ uuJ aftjr tLlaJuUj( I wish it under partnership heretofore existing under '.,,.,, ln 4rnlH . ii uudorlakor'fl the Gnu name of Koblbagou cc Wu I has. been dissolved by mutual consent. L KohlhagHU will continue the busi-1 uess, pay all indebtedness aud cfjlktt all i accounts due said urui. , lioseburg, April li, 1S0H. I.. KoiH II ii.iv, S'm Hivon. TO SAIL regular infantry and oue of Indies. obtained possession, either Pacific Mail steamship City the latest, with coal, stores by Commodore Dewey off anxiously awaited and confi is once avrain empty. Six of . . goodB e CMh wttb the ordor. I find it Imp0SliibI(, to do business on a crodit basis, ami belive that I can do bettor by my patrous und myself by soiling strictly lor :ann. V. Uk.vidk.-k. on oriaxer. Konmnirg, uro., pn. ... o,o. "'" I'ay ymir hiilni ii'li'-ii loday. ) Squirrel jro.Gopher It'll lllli Srk'tl and l.rtrctual Pr M ruction nt SQUIRRI: (iOI'MLKS RATS. MICE, CROWS. ETC 1; A. C. MARSTERS & CO., I"' ACCOl'NV Ol I Ml; HATII l;. 'ictr Due to tin Superiority of the American Officer.-. oitK, .May .! llio lleial 1 tda publishes tbo lollowing iliepa'ch Iroin Manila, il.ilcd Monday, '.'-' u. ui Couiniodoio IVwry's eijiiadron i otu plotcly destroyed the panidb tloit hi Manila batbor yesterday tnoiuing. I Thueol Altniiitl Motiteios ulupeweio; but ncd . one was sunk and the rest of the , Spanish warships rendeioJ Lot do com bat by the American guns. Our llnet euteitil Manilkl av ycntoidav uiorning at-- o'wuiK mi l anchoring Indole Ca ' Vtt ) llio ships tooK up their position in liucu! bailie. I'he foil on hhoie at , oiuc o mi I in-- .on nur slops at long . r.iti;", iiinl liio Spanish licet anehorfl oil' Civile uuuie liati lv followed with their heavy gun;-. C'litiilii'il'le I'-rtij'n Iliigslup, th Olytnpi.t. then s-iniil-.'il the ietl of (he A iu el Kin ll"it to ilraw ilotitrto thou, , . -.' an I (o 'li ttlli I i"ir fhipe opelieil a lerrilic cauuoiiading. ACer half an bout's hot . . ... Ugliling !Me snip .m.)e.. t 01 ratiiteut t'io ngii'.-r panicii guns atii couIiiiiK'd the b jiiilurdinent with t!o bi guns t'i",'lrt ellfit. Twenty tninu latei Ibe ouipi.i again Mg - nuled t cli-te nurter.t and rapid an I in - eefSithl rauiiouading bt-gau . This terilho bombardment soon ended the light, Oue al'er 'he oilier the Sian- mliMs-ls ere .ilencel and three of , them caught lire, itieltl lirg Montij i s rtigsuip. the Reina Christina, from an HXplostoii cf a i-hell fiotn one ol our vn- aeU. llio admiral atome transferred his tlag to the leia do Cuba. ne Span- isl. vemd was sunk and s-veral were run a-bore to escape capture. Com mo- . ... i .. lore'.'.ac s attention a now drawn o the land l-att. i h h, Inch he silt need titer an energetic iMjinbarilinriit. The bat: '- lai too an hour and a half, in, I it was u ureal and ti-t:itle i-pi-ctacle. rii SnaniaiilM fiinuhi linni-lv a-uiriHt a m Jienor force and ull-ri-d ln-iivv hhh, Kour 1 1 ii ii il r , I SpaniaidH aro teponeil Xllled, inciuding two cutnuiHiidera. their losires by ti : c- aro a? pi-ibul 'y very grea'. The Spatiiui ls iMitii I not i o iu, and when the AiuPrieau Ib-et returned lo l'a v i'e niiic : hols w ere lit ed friiin the furl a on chore, but our hipa poured in such , of M W(H)( Uiivy a t.-n it.lo catiuonailii 1'iHt further we'ghtH, ".j0: recular pine t '. l!o. succ wub impossible. 1 he Amerieuns clothe from ti to lit years for $I.'ji) ami ... ll-!-..!! .,.i..u I ...I... .. v... a-..,-.. iit.i,l.l, a .11111.1.1.1,1. I . II 1 1 111 1 1- fore I'ewM 'sattai I v, an anl earned out. 71... t, . li till v-l'r , I. , i I hi t . . mill rnll U:1H 11 . . , i i, ' i ,i ,i beautiful sighl, and . he navigation of ho bay by out i-bip-i an a iciuark - able feat of Heauutiolii,', avoiding as they d id Buccettfullv the ntiini roua shallows. All in now ovi r a1 C.iv.'.e. (,'ouiliio doro JJi-ey awaits tli t decieinn of the uovernor general of tl.o I'hilbpiucs be fore loiniiiem ing I ho hcuiljiirdtnciil of Manila, t'nlct'.i a favorable ieply is re ceived Ii,jli llui goveiuoi-goi-eral tbo botiibui Jni' nt ijl i ouiiiu'iii e tomorrow ai II Mr friend, I.. V . ligis, of i.dcubow- er ba:i the t hunks of the l' force for the limt box of homo grown stiawberries w hich liai made its upcsr-. enco iu this city. Mi . Rrigi has olio cf , 'bo nice;:', and ii- ateiit, littio fiuit and ' vcgitablu f.iruitt arouli I Rosebuig. Slid he is one of the first in thu market with bi:i pioJuci s, which can always hu de pended upoti to l"i fiesli and of the iry bent. Poor and Weak Catarrh and 1 rouble - I Harl no Appotito Now Bolter In j Every Way A Dobcnto Child. 1 " r- l j i - I inn: ( 1 1: I took n .- i 1 1 1 1 1 cohl ! anil cotil'l mil i;ei riil ol il. In u.g . 'ibj t toealarrlitinu bronelm 1 1 roiiM-' I i oni;ln il terribly. I lo:,t toy tippet itc ainl i-f t' poor und weak anil I UM not feel like work. I begun t-ikiiiif Hood's i-aiuupu-rlllu. Iu a short time Ike coui;li ili-mp-piurtil, I slept wtil, bad a goo'l upielito and I was bitter in every way. I.a.-,t spring I was not feeling well, I bad uo up petite ond no btrcngth. I rt;OrleU to Hood s liuruapurllla imil boon tilt mora llko v. ork. My little in phew v an a ib u- cato child Biitl hail a burner which trou bled him so hu could not real ut night. IfO bus tukell a leu hollies ol llooii'ii r?nr- kSparilla uud no.v he Imi a f.'uod iiiipelile and is able to uleip." Mins .mjuik j. ritEb.MAN, South Hu.vbury, Man. Hood's $arsa' parllla I'J 111'; !!' fie l.i-i' 't I mi. i '.In..,;: "-! ' M. Hood's Pills . I. I!,. I t ..ii, i 1. 1. 1,, r ,rr I , I 5H8555C (PREPRRED WHERTi mm. vsrxc ii ': ' V7 ROSEBURC, ORGCON, V . V A V. HON. T. T. GEER Is announced to a Idroa the voters of l'.iuliM i-iiiiiitv at thu fiillou'lnir iltut-s: ; ttud placin Gardluer, May loth. IM.toii, May lllh. Piain. May '.th. NOIL'S OF INTIIRLSI. Hung )our job woi k to thin ulhu I'aro ltros. are tlio boss ineit tiatil. i - t j thu RoHclt-af for the bs-t i igaia For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mra.N. ... , "oyi. Riigx ill iiitinito variety at Alexander ,C Sirniig'ti. I or M-i-il oats vail ou II. M. .'lailiu. near the depot. .-la iliVJIII II, VII- I'VIIII-I 11,11 ".nn .. ;..i.. i . i . m .iaii liiiAi'ij. 1 acts - not lakes is what mir ii m r vmaua ii-present. The lluni- I Store. i v- -.,,,...,. . MUihuri.LoJ tu ii-- reive and receipt for subscription to ilu ' I'l.mmic li.ii. ' V 1 1 our goods bio new and ul the latim .styles. No slinpwuru goods on band a' , ,1,e lIJ9M 'ore. J- W. Uecklov Co., the butcliera.w il keep only the cholenat of meats when- with to supply the KoUHbiirg public, hm uiouthly seltleuiants will be re.iuired. tfu.r , ,gt e wl , auction hi the price o( Oliver plows an- eira- throtighutit the entire lino. J tie' 'eceiveil a rarloa.l of barb ire. Mk.uui, A l hu.nows.ii. Children and adult toiturod by burn scahls, it j-irin.t, I'Cfeuia or Hiiu ilifeai-i- mav i,, int,;.tlt r,lu.f ,,y u,iv), ,. i wnt'e Witch llaM lu, it i tin ureal l'ito remedy. Marsters' I'ttn " ore. Mrs. J. II. .-hup b-in been appointee ' representative for the Viavi Co in On- i ii. ,iujr ouu iii'ai-iiiu iiniiriiinLiwii i regard in. or wihing lo procure ilm rc-tn hiIv, w ill pimiHu call at her tedi lene.. oi fine Htieet. jl.'I llm Whuciping cuiigli is the Inoh' ilir'tle-H iug in.iiail) , but it Juration eau le ctr -hort by ilni u 't- i.l One Minute C'ltig Cure, wind- is aim) IIih beMt kliiutu rem fily lnr i roup arid all lung and hniiii troubles. A. C. Marsleis' A C. r- iOV" nil Plliro ..lii, in 101 regular pure fl ,'ii). All these gi-ods only i j be loiind at tlio R m-i More. After Vears of UlitoM fiilhling lmu w p,, of K ,. ir ncr H v i 1 1.-. , 4., whh ciirod by using u singln box ol ' PeVViti's Witch ila.ti-l halve. Skin ilm- , as ec.onia. rash, pimples an-' uliHtinato snres are readily rurml bv thu- f.iiiious lemedv. A. C. MarHters -V Co. IN; M l II WD HKAUTV. HOW .'.IKLD b N A i tli. . LA" . I'lllLlll i' ilijlll' I Ilill'lO I 1-rlce 97. so to Hi ... UuIU-umiih hiiI run Iturl 'I in cumliliie'l. Inn, V until nml U-T. t'lir lOiUiiiiiatlxiii, N' uralglu, I.u liilppu, Cnl'ln, I I. Kit mi'l kliluuy Tronlile, Mukei (. Icurhklu linu sootuei) tuc .Ntrita, ROBINSON THERMAL BATH CO,, Toldo. Ohio. , 1. WAI Sll, Axrut lor UouuluiL'utuily. Kufi.r liy periuiieloii lo Mil a. u. C. MiClillkm, McCla'.lea llnutv, llotuljurs, nr. CITATION. Iu tlio county Court of DoiiglaH Cuiinly, In the bluto of nrt,'"U. In l lie mutter ol tlio i tuts ol furah l. Weuthetly, iketn.eU: 'Jo Chan. Weulliorly. Mrn Chun (;liccvei, Kred UVullii rly, Phillip p. Wtiitliirlv, I'euil Woiilh. Krlv, Mm. Hlhi riuloy, l.liiilua W( atlierly, ami U O. WiHthcrly, livlm at law anil nuit ol klu ol burub M Weatlierly, decei-cl : U uetlnK' Iu thu iiuiiiu ul tliu Htmool Ongoii )uiiare hereby cilcl uiel re'iutred to appear In llio t'ouuty Court ul tliu Hinlr ol iinnnii, in ti.y enurt room theriiof, ul KoKuhurg lu lliu ('oiinty ul IJ'iualan, on l uc-'lny. thu full iluv ol July. Iiji. ut 10 o'clo k In tbe I'irviiooii ol .aid iluy. then und tliuru to kliow euu.c, II any tliMic he, why an oi'ler i-houl'i imt hu Hindu grunting tliu pelllniu ul II. uatliu'ly, linlill tmlor ul ml'l itute, to -cll ut ulvolu mil-tin: reul piopnly inn Sj? IMPROVED tr-"'-'d 'Lit- r 'JEtffc-'' TURKISH y$Mr' vapor IffYES! BATHS tlllra J. AT HOME. ueniiitiiiiK 'ti u ii e,ian', inmuriuu-i un ioihii.- : '."'' i . m m, iiiih'i nv in" i(nniitu 'J hu til hulfof thu oUlliul iiiuil-r ol " jM'ee.l li u -1 iMiiieni -, I lint nu -o vlmriielerlsllu seelhill :ii I'l toiviihlilp '.'J, Boiltb ol rilliKU 7 Hunt, j "I Hm liui'lll' lie I' m .enl-. and tliu Inn til hull ul lliu northi'UHt iiiirterol Termi, tin In liiimc Henlidil ii, In liiwiiihlp 'ii lioiitll ol nnii 7 west, i,.,.,., ,.,,oi, ,. , n.. , c-inuhihi, iwuere-.',..! in eimuty, J ,"rvi,..' uila ,,?ust be pa'il l" l!mr0"la nk. Wl tiipus tin: Hon. A . r.Kteurnn, Jmlgs U the j ".'ft;!" w.,ni',,.''- 'i.V.'r!'' ) M V"""1' tViiitilyC.mitol thu Coiinly.,! fjouKlui. in he 1 '. ' 1 l. , '"'t " -Into , I Oriwnn. with thu heal ol huM Cuinl. nii.vTii n.iJ Ar.i .i.- . Mi, i. A.'l).. imh t-I AI ) Atte-I I) i Ai If 1 1 1 .KJII.V U. I-UI'I'L', i.i'.f, l I . i Poison 51'ki; di:ahi Squirrel and (Jophei1 poison (g tl'ri'ni 'I hi' III -I nil I rill "I" 'I li'lii ,lv ,.,1 -. ,,,i I, .1 li.l till' I. .itn nun i,l Hi 1 J 1 hai'i mill inn, li )'i It Druggists, 'M I' V V Notice in in.'.-oliitiiMi. U m;. i ', , .-ii I vis. I ho lii ui ! I'h i. ii 1 . i i ' . 1 1 v A Mr Koiiik in tiii ihiv ilix-iKi.l l,y iiitilual conm-iii, . A. M. Ki ii.. o iiillrlni(. Chtlfchill A Wm-K-y i, I nuitMiiu- l.tml tp tili, collei liliiJ a i iliii- in I p ing 1,11 lalms iti-.M , ,i I n m. WA. Mi Ki.: tip, I W U. -iiti, I II Cm i. mi l . St'.Mi'lONS. I I I O, I. 1 I'l llll ITS I UK t l.i AlK I'l 1 l,ri.i , W. II. M;:r-!v I, I'.aiii':" 1 'In atn. I ' Mm i M i- i 111 In- i .mi, .f i - I,. , t,v I. lll' 1 ! , : lll till -I n.-,i!ti'. ill . I ! irM.iaiit "rt -II alfv niiMi'l ( In com n -- i nil litt tl .i- in i ( n i ! u.i.i , tin- .-rti. I t',1 -o 1-1 mii i ii I 1 lii-', li th- ,'ii ! : .i.t -lii'. "'it t i- ' t. i , I n Iitui - I ih!-1 in (,i, ,i jinn., i .... , I-'ViVV.11 Vi'.- 'i' :', V.: i'i wt.n 1. 1 i ! la- :.i- ' . 1 1 I II ,.,11 i1 ,;i tl.i-. -..i-Itiiiil, i " I tt o 1 1 IU" t ' 'u.l' t 'linnl ' :! tux! lu ft ti-r Mti f .It Nit I , ..., am 1 l - J h ii ;i titi ui t .ti- : 111 i'f till U'.t . i'l l t f t '..V i IT - 'ii, : i 1' ut ! : 11. . th ili ' I i w M, ui, :iv , i. .,-.ll,-,,!i,l ! in i ii'.Im r , l. ! i. 1 i,' i ' ,' I ' : I I, I '" - i . i : i til,-. ' i-.i.ii t run I lilt "I I "UlltV. UIH'l' i'l ll' I i'"V, a J. F. BARKER & CO. , I illlt t)lll EGGS iul BUTTER ' r i ..".f.4.;..',.w 'iw;' ' v.v-'.- The Popular Wheel at the Standard Price and no Better Wheel at anv Price. Crescents are built on honor and sold on their merits. ! A.C. MAKSTIRS CO. AtiliNJS. NICHOL III llllllll- - hi'iihiin i iHuHal til- HIviiihIiiH' l iinii (Juiiciloii of noun nun noimi i n n'i 1111 myi ro eoiiiiiie-liC' lllB Mul'i II I' t nil, I i li'llii .Inly ,. Hattll tlitjiM, i( Ciirlou UroH'. t ry Minim-, ItoH-liirK. I.U- NIC IHH. I- li li.niil-riiiie ihl-lc lip'Wli Hull. In", i.lle'1 by I Milium 1,I. ihnn, Mrro, by Nephew l-'V-J. lo.k I A mil 'J, 1st,; ,lol ,y (ha llmi. I "Imnl, Pku alio, i Hi. He U u liiiiRiillii'-'iil 'iiilh l.lniil Iiiim i v ii iiiU.i ,vm. nietrlcul In i.o Ii,iiii:h,,ii, ,,i (,.,.t nl, li., mylliili, li'iii'l lifiil.'ii mi'l ii.ii iii-ul lintili u noli' llu Is euiurkiihly I ivel heu-'e-l. o eMilluiit -n. pohllli.ii, pi Hueily .oiiimI, nml ulillu hu huh n-O-lvcd no Hu' k Minli. hiinilmnu ihut nb lie mill- U tr-li'liiK t,i ileii'lnp io.uI hiu'uI a 111 hu Mien l,y hp pcdlm e his hncllu,: nil '" '"U"' ": 'I'Mn-.l, i,n, Ii , kbi,j to M,rt 1 ' .." '.'" " ' ' nit 11 l-l"'U'l . 1 'ri'iiiiieri.iirii'.tmi,.-. i,,,n. HIVI.ItHDAI.l. A KM, p. iv '.- rii i'i i i:r), i ii-i tins'.