The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 02, 1898, Image 2

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!'ubllhca every TburUr.
K. I). srRATrOMl ..
!. Y. Ill S3 AMIN
uti(-rlplln HU'.
Out Vrr
Utt M"tilh
'lire- M.Milh
MAY law.
Republican State Ticket.
M (iKTR, it Naib-ii
t-i-cretntjr M Sta'c.
k. t ihnbar. i tat-vp.
I II AKLEb S MOORE, Ol k'aiiiall
Superintendent of Tublic Instruction,
J. li. Al KLIIM AN, ot Jtultnomau.
Supreme Judge,
y. A. icORE, of Columbia.
Attorney Genera.,
I) li V Ht vcKBTRS. of l inn,
state I'riutoi.
w U.I EF.C.9, ot JUo.
Cougrvmmau, First District,
IHOd. 11. TUNCVB, of Wasting en
Judge. Second, Judicial District,
A. C. WOODCOCK, ol UtiC.
Htrlct Attorney, Second Judicial PUtrtct.
GEO. M.BKOW N.of Douglas.
Couuty Judge,
.'. A. BLACK.
Count? Clerk,
J. li. SHITE,
luunty Commissioner,
0. U. BEYEF3.
w. 6. BRUT.
v.-hool Superintendent.
1. tTuxsentatlvcs,
V. r. BROWN,
u. r. IIEYDON.
Janice ol tbc Peace.
below is a brief biogripical sketch of
each of tbe republican candidates on tbe
state ticket :
no. l. r. oklk.
Tbe following short biographical
sketch of lion. T. T. t.;eer, republican
nominee for governor is taken from an
He was bom in the Waldo liills,
Marion countv, Oregou, March 12, ISol.
lie lived iu Silvertou til! 1SC1, when tbe
family moved to Salem. In 1S60 be went
to Union county, bat in 1877 returned to
the Waldo Liila,. and haa ever since lived
there on a farm within a mile of bia
birtbplace. In 176 be was a republican
nominee for the legielatnre in Union
ciunty, made a hopeless fight, and went
down with tbe entire ticket under a de
mocratic majority of 300. Ia 1S80, 18S8,
1;?0 and 1302 be was elected to tbe legis
lature from Marion county, and in 1891
was speaker of the house. Mr. Geer bai
been a prominent figure at county and
state conventions and league meetings,
and has done more than any other man
on the stump to combat tbe doctrines of
tbe populist party. II is campaign work
iu 1S91 was peculiarly effective in this
direction ; bis plain, common-sense talks,
tinged with a humor worthy of Lincoln
himself, beiod far more interesting and
convincing than tbe mors florid oratory
of the majority of political speakers.
Frank I. Daubar, the nominee for sec
retary of state, was born at sea 31 years
ago on board tbe American ship SJetti
pan, on a voyage from tbe West Indies to
Boston, his father being master ol tbe
vessel at the time, lie came to Astoria
10 years ago aud started as a bookeeptr
for one of tbe firms there. Eight years
ago he was elected recorder of Clatsop
county, and four years ago county clerk,
which position be still holds.
! A. MOOItE.
lion. 1'rauk A. Moore, of St. IleleoB,
justice ol tbe supreme court, was born at
Ellsworth, Me., November 5, 1B11. In
bis early youtb be settled in lows, and
iu 170 came to Oregon, locating at St
Helens, tie Uught school and studied
law, and was soon admitted to tbe bar,
begiuniug tbe practice of bis profession
at once. Iu 1332 be was unanimously
nominated for county judge, lie dezlin
uJ a renominatlon at tbe end of bis four
years survice. Iu 1S8S be was chosen
joint senator, aud served two cessions.
Iu ltil'O, ho wan choaeu secretary of tbe
state central committee. In 1S03 be was
elected a justice of tbe supreme court,
which positiou be now fills, with credit
himself aud to bis party,
Charles S. Moore, tbe republican can
didete for state treasurer, was torn iu
Marlon couuty, Oregon, io 1S57, At tbc
age of 17 ho moved to KUuiatb county,
where be engaged in tbe general tuer
cbaudise business' which be has success
fully pursued ever since. Two years ago
be was elected county judge. For 12
years be has hueu chairmau of tbe re
publican county cential committee, aud
a member of the state ceutrul committee,
He has beeu a delegate to every state
convention, excupt one, fur 12 years, and
waa a delegate to the St. Louis conven
tion iu lS'JJ.
William II. I.hkIp, lb nominee for
tale Printer, was born io New Jeisy
years aco. !u 1S7? he engaged In the
newspaper and printing business, ami lu
1878 founded I lie Tiding at Ashland,
which is today one of the loading news
pitpere ol aunt hern Oregon and frc"
most adicte of republican priuelplfe.
Although a constant psr.y workir, he
never accept M office until nominated
fer an I rlivted state piinti r in lv4.
I, li S HI i'MH KV
1. K. .V lUackbuin, of Albauy, Ibo
noiniueo for altorney-geueral, te a uatiye
of Tenueefre. years old He served
as a voluuiivr iu the war of tbe icbvlliou,
is a law)ei ol the tint class, a gold ttaud
aid man aud a tliioiib republican lie
has lited io I iuu county '.M yeai.. and
liaf wrved as couuty jm'e.
I KOI I f'OIS .1. 11 WKI KM W
1'ioi. J. II. A kcrinrtii, the noniiiiiv for
aurorintemtent of public intruelion, has
foryesrj brn'n prominently connet-led
with C'iucaiioual neik iu I'ortlaud, Kinji
at the prvMUt ime pnucipa'. of the liar
ritcn school. He served one term as
county superintendent of schools.
For circuit judge the republicans b
placed in nomination
. t . W OOln Ol K .
Mr. WotH Uxx-k is a resilient ol l.iuciie, i
Lane county. He was bom iu t'Ucka
mas county, Oiegon, ia 1n3'-', aud at tbe
age of 14 took upon himself the reipousi
bility of laying the foundation of bis fu
ture life by going to work ou a farm.
Us then went to The Dallas where he
attended ihe public schools for about rive
years, pajing bis way by workiu dur
Ing tbe bouic out ot schools in a butcher
shop. While here he saved euoib
money to enable him to enter tbe Oregon
State University at Eugene, which he
did ia Is"'.'. He graduated from the
University in 1 SSI. Ue was engaged aB
a tutor in the University for about fear
years, during which time be read law
and was admitted to the bar iu 1SS7,
ever since which time he has beeu active
ly engaged in tbe practice of Lis prj.'c;
sion Mr. Woodcock soon tojk a po?i
tiou as one of the leading 1 iwyers iu tbe
e.ate. He tir&t came into prouiucuce as
a low er, outside of his own county, by
leason of his succeed iu the prosecution
of a number of important casvs a;inat
the S'oullieru l'acitic Hail road Company,
growing out of injuries received by cer
tain persons iu tbe Lake Labieh wieck.
He was a member of the state board of
equalization for four years, during which
time he made an enviable record as a
firm friend of the iaspaeie, by his un
tiring efforts to force the heavy property
owners to pay their just share of taxes.
Mr. Woodcock has a boit of warm
frieuds all over this uistnet who know
his worth as a mau and Lis ability as a
lawyer, and (Ley will give him their un
tiring support, knowing that if he is
elected, as he surely will be, they will
not bave on the bench a corporation
lawyer, but a man of the people who
will meet out eiual and exact justice to
( LJli'jL M. IIUO'VN.
Hon. '-eorge M. Browu, Douglas
county's favorite sou, bu is the repub
lican candidate for district attorney, w as
born in Douglas county, near Kcseburg,
May 5. 1504. After completing tLei
course in the common echools, be en
tered Willamette university and uradu
ated from that institution ia 1S35, re
ceiving tbe degree of Bachelor of Sci
ence. He read law and was admitted to
tbe bar in 1801 and immediately took
rank as one of the leading crimiual
lawyers in the state. He was elected as
district attorney iu 1801, and served for
two years, making a reputation as a
faithful, efficient and successful prose
cutor which Is not equaled by that of
any other man who r"er held a lfke po
sition in the state of i.vegon. His popu
larity is not coufiaed to Douglas county,
nor to the members of his owu political
party but extends to every nook and
corner of the entire district. In 1S95 be
married Bertha, the accomplished daugh
ter of Capt. A. J. Bellows of this city,
and tbey have to gladden their home a
beautiful boy, the idol of its parents.
No man man appreciates bia borne more
than does Geo. M. Brown. The voters
of this district, who bave au iuteieetin
seeing tbe laws enforced without fear or
favor will see to it that be is elected dis
trict nttoiney .by au overwhelming ma
jority. HON. T. T. GEER,
The Republican Nominee For Gov
ernor Is announced to address the voters of
Douglas couuty at the following times
aud places :
Gardiner, May 10th.
Elkton, May 11th.
Drain, May !2th.
Tbe mcoiirigB will bo held at7:J0p.
m. It is possible that there may be
some changes in tbe places where these
meetings are to bo hel l, if so due no
tice of the fact will be giveu.
The pay of all enlist e l men, b.h iu
be regular army aud ihe vuluctuers,
has been rained 20 percent, datiug from
April 20. Notice of this advance was
received from ihe war department ot tho
Columbia Friday, aud is authoritative.
Tbls means that a privatu, wlusj re
gular pay is $13 per ui-jutu, will receive
(15.00 per mouth iostead, aud that
soldiers in every rank aud station below
tbut of a commidbioned olEcer will be
coiresdondingly auvanccd. It applies
alike to those serving at the front aud
elsewhere, and tbe announcement is
welcome news to every member of the
Oregon, yoluutoers, as well as regulars
aud volunteers alt over tbe United
The 1'eoples Press, a fusiuu-for-oilicu I
paper at Albany, states (hat it does not ,
know whether Mr, Kiug is au A. 1. A. ,
or not. We can enlighten the I'ress on
that subject. Mr. King is a member of
the A. P. A. lodg'J of this city. Baker
City Hopublii'sn.
The company was called at the armory
last owning to complete linal prepare
tiona and tbe assembling of baggage,
arms and accoutrements. A uutuberof
their frienda were alsi present and
Mayor Marstera made abilef address.
He advised the boys to aland firm for
their company orgauiration on their
Anival nt lVrilaml, and if they were not
allowed to enlist under their own ollicers
to return home,
Tho news of tho organuatiou and as
signment of officers for the regiment had
already reached lino. These orders ie-tluc-vl
Capt. Ilaiuhu to lb rauk of a
lieutenant and the regular lieutenants
i Hildvi brand ami llavnes' weie iu
nu net d to temaiu at home uiileee Ihey
dcsito I t euliat aa private. Some lu
tereotiug tflegrams passed between the
local capliau and the otlicera in Portland
regarding the enlist incut from here, it
is reported. Those facta being known
to tho mayor his romark last evening,
placing the sot amble for honors and
spoils above service id the country,
strike the public ns being rnthcr un
patriotic. tarn Starmel retuued f'.oui bpokane
last night to resume his place iu the
militia company hero and lelt with them
for Portland this morning. Here is an
example of patriotism in marked con
trast with some who might Iv men
tioned. Hojeburg Keview.
The contemptible inuendots aud in
stills cotiteitK't in J 'it above extracts
from the Kevicw aimed at Lieuteuante
Hildebraod aud Hayuea aud Private
Dexter Kiee and one or two others, are
fair samples of which tho members of
Co. A have been tbe vict im s at tbe bancs
of the lieview ever siuce the coOupauy
haa been iu existence. It was distinctly
anaouueed at the time the call w as made
by the governor, that there were euough
men anxious to enlist who bad no fami
lies depending on thein (or support. auJ
whose business interests would not suf
fer ou account of their absence, without
taking thoe whose families and business
inteieste required attention.
Even member of the company whore
m.iiued a'. Lome would be erfeclly will
iuf to A) no matter at what sacrifice, if
the exigency was such as to demand it.
So f ir as L:cuteuauts Hilderbtaud and
H ivues are coaceruc l tbey did perfectly
r.ght iu remaiuiiig at home. They bad
wjrkcd long aud faithfully in building
up tUe company aud when they were
ujtitieJ thi-y mart enlist as privates or
stav a', horns, they could not do other
wise, if they had a spaik of self respect
than to rema n at hone, where each of
them bave b jsineis iutercts t ) w hich
would suiter greatly by their abaeace.
If ttie occasioa iicreafter domauds that
Oregon furoieh other of her sons foi tbe
defence of oui couutry, eery one of
those no left behind w ill be ready to re
epocd. So far as .lie lling at Mayor Mar.
stei i is concerned, it is t"j coutemptible
to demand notice. Mr. Marsters has
b.Jea tice elected mayor of this city
notwithstanding the unscrupulous tight
which w as made en him by the Review
aud its employers, aud the fact that at
bo'.h IhoMtime ho received practically
the uoauimous support of the members
of tho Guard who reside in the city,
shows that they appreciate the fact that
he has beeu their firm aud fast friend.
Senator Oso. McBride, iu a letter
to a friend iu Portland, answers fully all
th )t j who have so hastily fouud fault
wi'.u President. McKinley inhis wise and
statesmanlike maouer iu dealing witb
tie Cuban niati?i . Tbe letter says
"Noting your s'.atemect with icference
to the president s conversation, I beg
leave to say tbs iu my opinion, the
president's course has leeu fully iusti
tied by the info: matiou iu his posaeaeiou.
Every day's delay has been o( imtnentie
value iu enabling us tj fortify our
coaste, to. prepare sui ible ammunition
03th for the army, aud to import guns,
curiagesaud other war material', of
which we are badly iu need. Large
Supplies of war material of all kinds are
now ou tho way across tbe oceau, aud
will probably be safely iu port iu a day
or two. So also, are two of our armed
cruisers, tho loss of which would be
"Ia view of tbejo cjusideratious, ,ai
well as lu view of the necessity of giviug
time to get Ameucau citieus, including
our American coueuls, safely out of
Cuba, it would bave beeu almost crimiu
al for the president to precipitate a con
flict between this couutry aud Spain by
eeuding in a message which would sure
ly result in a declaration that would
bring about war. Tbe great body ot re
publicans in both bouses strongly sup
port tbe president for tbeee reasons, not
withbtauding the anxiety of all Ameri
cana lu i id Cuba of tbe cruel and iuba
iuau uiisgovernment of Spain.
' J hanks to President McKinley and
tho faithful officer of the war and uavy
departments, we are now in a fair con
dition ol defense on tbe Atlantic coast,
aud fairly well prepared ti lake the of
feusiveaa agaiust the Spanish iu Cubs,
although another mouth would put us
In much better condition for war. Un
less Spaiu immedlataly shows a dispo
sition to graut to the Cuhaus indepen
dence, tbe United States will intervene
to stop the slaughter and starvation in j
Cuba aud giye the people of tbat islaud
a f'ee government.
Uui, W. Mr UitlUL."
Madeline U. CouMiog of Uose
- .jrand uiatrou, O. E, S., paid - the
lu.i Ijdge au olbcial visit on Monday
eyiuiug, She was accompanied by Mrs.
Lutke of Portland. At the lodge room
the graud matron delivered a strong ad
dresi, and when tho business seeslou
wan completed, a'teutlou was directed to
social iutcrcouue, aud tho disposition of
delicate refreshments. Mrs. John Alt-
bouse, Mrs. Kelly and Mis. Winu of Al
bany were present. Coivallis Times.
Pou'l J'jlucru iiit mi ftiuule luur l ilt Inay.
To (juit lubacco easily uijj forever, to lung
I. cue. tuU ot life, ucrvu ulJ vl'or, tuUe No 'io
lluu, iLQvoiiikr-worker, that mukss wculi uea
stroi.if. All urut'ijlbtii.iUcci'SJ. Cure Kuuruu
ircy. Itnol:!rt mi'l fnuipl'i free. Jflrvi
IJtf-rilng Heine ly Co . Cuhaso or N'oiv VorL.
A well known demo-pop politician of
this city was board (o remark at Ibo ml
lilia company moved olT to Ibo depot
Saturday uioruiug loitv-two strong:
" .'liai'a all right. Thar goes .17 lepub
lican voters and ouly live of our fellows."
Such contemptible expressions aa that
Just at this time makes one w ish that
theie was some way ot compelling such
cattle as Ihe man who made lbs above
temiuk go to tho front and lino up
where there would be a show for bini to
furnish a target for Spauish bullets, long
enough for hitu to ppieclata thoputrl. i
otlsiu ol the brave boys who do go to the
front to defend the tlag wbllo be stav i nt
home to slur aud alauder the good uamo
of those who go. Uofortuuately for the
republican parly iu this county aud
atale, the observation ot the fusion
statesman above rofen ed to, is corioot
aul applies not onlv In lHmglas county,
but Io Ihe whd slate, fully SO per cent
of tho national guard being republicans,
but thoio who arc congratulating them,
selves (hat they will be able to cany the
county and state fo their mongrel
ticket by reason of this (ail aio liablo to
be sadly mistaken.
Tho fusion organs occasional! v refer to
! the late hold-up of the legislature. That
! sit-ins Io us, its the late Pat Malone used
to fay, "the bird befouling its own ueit."'
Tbe f uslou parly assumed the defense ou
that hold-up when it nominated Bishop
Berkley and his high prieei U'Kvu as
candidates for senator. They were only
lower house mumbiis before, lor their
couduct iu behalf of (he hold-op, tbe re
form fusion party pioposes to seat them
iu tbe ertiate- provided they aee til to
seat themselves if elected. Portlaud Dis
patch, I'emoci at.
Hon. H. It. Kincaid has issued a
pamphlet on the tuooey question. Pop
Wonder if be explains bow he has
managed to save 120,000 per ear out ol
tbeofhee of secretary of state aud why
when it was known tbat on account ot
bis propensity as a fee-grabber, he w as
to be turned down by the rcpublicau
party , he cbauged to a pop, iu time to
get the nomination on the fuiiou ticket
for the same utlice.
Tnc more the Democrat mau thinks
about it the more he believes tbe United
Mates isdeing tho proper thiug lu sue
coring the oppressed Cuhaus. A I hat. y
Well, now that's eucouraging. We
J hojve that after mature deiiberatiou and
piaer(ul consideration other demociat
editvre, among them the editor of the
democrat paper in this city, will coa,e to
approve the elici ts of Ihe United
ia sucjoiing the opi lefscd Cubans.
Mr. W, il. Leeds, the present state
printer, had done his work well an 1 witb
economy to the state. He is au old
settler and a gentlemen iu every iesiect.
He atuuds well witb the newspaper uitu
and printers, and he will be re-lceeted,
as he deserves to be, as against a earpet-b-gger.
Portland Dispatch, Lemocrar,
Hja. F. X". SchooD!iikei , of New
Jersey, is one of the ablest campai-ueis
in America. He will be here to help
the workerti carry the eta'o for the ticket
headed by (iotr aud this dlstikt for
If William Jennings Biyau could be
induced to enlist agaiust t-puin, his
mouth would be worth a whole ileet of
torpedo beats, ou the side of Cuban
Ihe head line type in the yellow
journals is getting bigger aud bigger,
What will it look like if we shuul 1 have
a sure enough naval battle.
Il takes tive.'-parii-h pesetas fj make
a dollar aud it I xjka very uruch a9 if it
would take live ipaoiard to make a
A good wauy uieu believe (hat when
tbey have borrowed a dollar, they havo
earned it.
Vouni; William Jeunioge Bryau hsB
not et enlisted. Not yet .
Hemeiuber that Ihe Cuban war reso
lutions were pasaed by republicaa votes
and tbat the only votes cast against
them ia the senate were given by demo
crate, populists aud "silver republic
Wheat is selling iu New York markets
at 1 1.23. Oa the day that President
McKinley was iuuugrated it sold iu New
at 01;'ceuls, Oo the day of McKiuley's
election it was W,3 cents. Two years aft
er Cleveland's inauguration it was OS.',,'
cents, and in October of 1801, just after
the adoptiou of the Wilson tariil'.lit was
oP, ceuts per bushel, less than half Ha
present price.
The money circulation iu the United
States today is 10,000,000 greater thaa
wheu the demo ratio convention of 1S00
demanded tho free coinage of silver io
order to increase tho money iu circula
tion. A part of this iucrcasu comes from
the coinage of our owu mints, which
have, siuco July 1, ISJii, coiued 113, 113,
030 of gold, while tho imports of gold
'coin aud bullion; excess of the exports,
bave amounted duriug that time to over
oue hundred million dollars.
Every tuiuute siuce tho destruction of
tbe Maiue has beeu precious to thoee
who were preparing for war. The cry
iu congress aud out of congress for yeais
has boeu t'at the United States was ab
solutely uuprepurud for war, both us to
uavy aud its coast defenses, aud Ibuue
familiar with the situation recogulio the
wisdom of tbe president's course iu
fusing to accede to the demand for
stani action uutil such stops could
takeu as to put the government aud
country upon u war footing.
mado nIihuIh at tin N'ovelty
Co. ,,AM with I'orty-two
Hen in Line
l.l-l-l KOSt:Ul'Rl SATURDAY
The Entire Population of the City
Out to Sec Them Oil.
t'ompatn A ol tho 2nd ivgiiuont of the
Oregon National (liurds, foitv-lwo
strong under Iho coiiunatid of ('apt, I'.
P. Hamlin I. 'it ioi Portland on Saturday
morniiiti'a I cal, where I boy expect Io
volunteer iu the service of their couu
try agaium tho Spanish foe.
Acting on tho suggestion of the Plain
pea lih that our citizens turn out en
masse to bid "our boys," good bs and
God speed lone hi'loio tho hour lor
their lepm luro had nmvi'.l, rrowds not
nnlv fioni 1 !im v lixait'M lint Irorn Iho
suirouudiug lounuy, Icgaii b tdl Iho
Streets and bv sevoii a, nt . il looked aa il
every mau, woman aud child was pies
cut tj do l.utioi lu the occasion. Never
iu the hisiorv of our city, waa there wit
nessed such a t-poulaiicuiiB out-pouilng
of our people. At p. m.,the veterans
of the ilraud Army of the Republic,
fifty stroug, composed of Heno Poet of
this city and tho itiiuuton of Iho soldier's
home, who wcro able to march, look up
their positiou in lino in front of the arm
ory, aud soou after Company A, consist
in of iorly-two as noble and soldierly
lookiug uicu as ever doued Ihe blue,
fo'mcd in Ihe rear of Ihe old veterans,
aud look up tbu.r march to the depot.
The scene was a most remarkable and
itupreeei.e one. l ift giUiiml Vstniaiio
who anon what loal war means. He
ros of Vicksbui g aud lHnaldsou, Autie
turn ur.d tiet' s' urg. Meu who cam
paiguedwiih i,iaul nd Sheruian and
Sheiid.iu, ai,d Vv giCMit cilieu soldier,
Lotu. .Men who know what it is I
mike Io.Ik forced marches uudor the
O'lriiin;; ttmthoin miii, with blistering
feet, u, liiiu limba nud festering wounds.
Men. who spent long weary mouths in
the le-triing hells of Aiiilersonvillo,
Libby and bill It 1. Men who sout
tou louel hours on picket dul y amid
iheswauips and lagoons of the wildi-r-ucoS
w ith midnight ihn kness uud pour
ing rain. Ihey aro all old Mhii are
halt nud blind. And yet they gathered
oiico nn under ttie shadow of Iho Hag
they love so wdII, not to otl'er their own
eei vices, most of theui w ill fight but one
more battle aud that will be with Ihe
Grim Monster, but tbey came to ollor
their sone, if needs U1, on the alter ol
their couutry. Let us pray that the sac
rillce may uot bo demanded ol them.
Wo havo lived to look over tho summit
of the highway of life, aud yet we never
witnessed a scene so iuipiessive. At
the dopot, long linen of school children,
under charge cf their teachers, lined
either siJe ol the walk, and as the sol
dier boys marched between they were
greeted with waiug (lags aud festoons of
QowerH. The couipauv i:nmidialely ou
tereJ lhc pin ah car reserved for them
aud their friends filed through the car
for a parting shako of the hand and a
tender g jud bye. All pi cent hoptd
tbat their loved cues would soou re'um,
out there were fathers and ino'hers who
bad witoiSred similar scenes iu davs
gone by, aud they at least realised that
war is .uncertain, and that when the
sword of battlo is once drawn, no man
cau kuow wheu it will bo sheathed ug.tiu.
But the lad goodbye na said and Ihe
traiu moved slowly from the gulhered
throng, amid the cheeis of the people
and the waving of iUh. This coded Ihe
first chapter. Who will xiite Ihe llnul
one and w hen .'
Too Wall-street igiuieul might give
the Spaniards u little real buliiighting.
More steel is used in the manufacture
of pens thuu iu all Iho word uud guu
fac'toiies in the world,
Tho London Muil is Kind enough to
say that the cleansing of Cuba ta a piece
of scavengering that will live iu hittoiy.
Lieuteuant Cuirautha is a typical
Spauiard. He clings to the idea that
he trouble can all be uot Med iu medieval
fashion, by single combat.
There is in Connecticut a parrot 118
yeais old. It has been lor 100 juars iu
ono family, having descended from fath
er tJ toa through two or threo genera
tions. A Cubau beauty's eyes are described
aa "resting upou and following you
large, dsi k and beaming, half veiled with
long lids and lashes." Now in the time
(o voluuteer.
Captain Sigsbeu, while iu Philadelphia
dares hardly enter a theater, for the aud
ience will not let the play go ou they
devote the rust of tho evening applaud
lug the hero of the Maluo.
I he Dcs Muiuus Register suggests thut
If sumo of our naval commanders p.-oyu
to he great heroes, why not use theiu for
presidential material iu the fu
ture.' Gent idle we have had iu the
president 's chair, bul never au admiral.
Ou April 13, 17i3, Washiugtou or
dered a cessation of hostilities 1 1 be pro
claimed ou the followiug day at noou,
aud uu extra ration of li juor to Lu Is
sued to every soldier "to driuk perpetual
peace, iudepeudeuco aud bappiiicBH to
the U lib ad IStai ea of America.''
Some lime ao rabbits became uuch a
nuieauce that bummur county, Kau , of
fered 3 ceuts wploitu for their scalps.
Oue hundred and fifty thousand were
slain tu oue Suuday, uud iu a Meek the
county was baukrupt and had to lovy a
ppf ciiil tax lo flninh pnying fr tho iienlpc.
Uriug your job work lo this oilh c.
Oaro Bros, are Ihe boss ineiiUi t.
Ho to the Uoseleaf lor the beit cigars.
For a good S-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. ;
Ruga lu Intlullo variety nl Alexander
V Strong's.
Fur reed oats call on II, M. Martin,
near the dopot.
Macaroni in one pound cartoon nt
Zigler'a groceiy.
F. W. Hayuea does all kiud ol dolita
work promptly aud skillfull.
Facts - uot fakes is what our adver
tising columns represent. The lisa
I . . Cat neuter ia aulhori.ed lo re
ceive and receipt for subscriptions lo Ihe
Ml our goods aie new ami of the latest
style. No shopworn goodd on hand at
the Post Store.
J. W. Hockley A Co., the butchsra.will
koap ouly the choicest of meats where
with to supply the Poeshurg public, but
monthly settlements will be required.
After February lit wa will make a io
duction ia the price ol Oliver plows and
eulras throughout the entire line. Just
received a cat load of barb w ire.
Sikaunm . Ciinxiwain.
Children and ndillla lorlured by burn
scald, injuries, ecrema or skin diseases
mav acenro instant rellel by using I'o
Wilt's Witrh llaiel Salve. It I the
great Pile remedy, Marsteis' I'mg
Mra. J. H. Miupt haa Ikisu appointed
reprrsentatlve (or the Ylavi Co. in this
city. Any one desiring Information in
regard to, or wishing to procure tho rem
edy, will please call at her residence on
Pino attest. )l3-3m
Morris' Poultry Cuie. This Infallible
remedy challenges the world to produce
its eciual as au egg producer. 1 revent
ive aud core lor all diseases ol (owls
Guaranteed aud (or sale by II. M- Mar
tin, Itoacburg, Or.
Whoopiug cough is the most distress
Ing malady ; but ita duratiou can be out
short by ttie uio ot duo Minute Cough
Cure, which is also the boat known rem
edy for croup and all lung and bioucblal
Irouuira. . v. .-.armv. t-O.
SuiU ol clothes, all wool, heavy
weights, '.50; reirular price $'.. Uos
clothes from 0 to 13 years (or 1 ..' aud
f .'. Hals all atylea and colors (or ,s K',
regular price fl .'0. All these goods are
ouly to be found at the Boas More.
The reputation of Itoyal Tailoring Is
favorably known lu every nook and ham
let iu the United Mates, once a patron
yoo. are always a patron. II you need a
uuw suit let C. B. Caouon kuow it. he
will take your measure aud guaiaulce a
perfect lit.
After tears of untold sullering I rum
pllfS, I'.. W. Pursoll of Knituersviile,
Pa., was cured bv usiug a single box of
DoWitt's Witch llael Salve. ,vklu dis
eases such as eccuia, rush, pimples uud
obstiuate sores are readily cured by this
famous remedy. A. C. Marstois . Co.
The daylight ride along tho Columbia
canuol Ik) but iuteresting ut this time of
the year. Passeugeis taking the Sh
kaue Flyer, leaving tho Union dcotul
2:45 p. m. daily, get this vi'w lutting
over live hours. But that 1j not all.
The O.K. AN. give through service to
r-okane. aud a direct connection with
tho train from .Spokane to Kootenai
couutry, Palaco sleepers aud inodttn
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Koailand,
To Pulouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Aleue Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. It. A N. r-pokenu I Iyer,
Aud Save Time.
Leave Union Deiiot luily ut 2.1o p. iu.
V, C. London, Aueiit,
Kosoburg, i 'region.
A Bargain.
Splendid dwelling properly coLtnting
of three lots, well finished huuss uud
outbuildings, ottered at a genuine bar
gain by the Hoseburg building A l.ouu
Association. Inquire of
HElmar, Mviik ', l-ctreta! .
Poor a no Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appetite--Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
' Si pup- I : in- hi n i r. I I ppok n midil- n cob I
nii'l -:. 1 1 1 lip ((! I ill of II. tip ini.- .piI'I- I
toi atari h and bronchial troul-i- 1 I
terribly. I l"t my appetite iiiol cn-.v
po'.pr ami weak and I 1I1 not bit It!.,'
work. I begun takinfr Itood'.i
In a short limn the cough llHp-pc-arcd,
I slcjil well, Imil h j;ood appctito
and I was better in every way. Iji-t
spring I was not feeling well, I had ii" p
petite and no strength. 1 rtnorlcd to
Hood's Sarparilla nud soon f It more
like work. My little nephew wdh u "b ll
cate child aud had a humor which trou.
bled him so he coubl not rent nt n cht.
Ho has takeu a few holt lea of Hood's :-Hr-tsparllla
and now he has a good iipintlto
and is aide to sleep." Mi" Amur. ,?.
FliCEMAN, South Iluxbury, Mb".
Is tlieUiin I rip- liltiinl I'liniK-r. Ah pii nt-'int . 1.
U,ll iin- III" p'-l nflp-r il.liii'T
HOW -L' I'liKD HV NAH'lil. I.AWr.
j uuiy jiruciicni
Ill H'l n
lrlv S)7So to ia.,o. DnlU-r,iu,,i un-i
Saulturliiin comliliiuij. Ulvca Vouth dud ViKur.
(Jurca libuurinluii, NuiiralKla, l.a Ciilppo, Cohls,
Liver ami Kiiinoy Trou b 1c. Mulct t icur rikln
unU lliu Nerves.
Toledo, Olilo.
I.. I , WAIbll, Agent for Duuglim County,
Ki;fp-r by iPt-rwH"toii to
Mis It. ft. M (1 AILK.'')
Ali-r'lnlieu Hkiihi, linsi-ljiirg, nr.
7v iYf,..n.
o a
Ttrw.iif nl "rlicip" li.ik'
Iti iiiilcf-, Alum in.iLcs
pjjiuid til' lii iiic I'til I i.tvl l.uul.
AsU ymii tlni Uit. en
.Soldier.' Home Supplies.
Sealed pi 'i'o.uli will bo inilicd bv
the commandant el Ibo Oregon So'diera'
Home, at his ollicii in ihe IIpiiiio uiitll U
o'eliH-k, p. in., Apul ;10, IH'.im, ,.r the
following named supplies, which are In
tie lurnlshid fretu tliipii to tune, ua in
ipiircd fur use at the Home, (lining tbe
year ending April ;it, I Htm. Vu :
Oroeerles mul kliobed Hiipplies, as p-r
li-l mi tile at the lloiee.
Itutter, iitxiiit lifiv pouiiils pii wcel..
Dry gooils- ll.its, cotton wnd woolrn
over anil liiuh-r sbirti; draweia and
socks; overalls, i.inprii.lrrs, Imudkcr
chlels, O. A. K. rulis, rh"ea and slip
jiers. All goixU iininl be win united "first
clsss'1 in their hue.
Tim light l ler'erved I rejeit miv m
all bids.
i;iebilirf. I ir , . .I I 1 . 1 - .
W . I I It M. , 'oMIIIIlll'llllll
t'atp-iiMilal'nii'lp I ,e I -i I c. the limil Woiv
ileeful -l 'i of b" 'i'', pli-aa-nut.
iiril i-rliv-'l'ii"' i" Hie laiie, ii' i geully
mid pesltlv-p Iv on", n, Ilvtr mid boivsls,
rlranslng the euiii" hvatem, dispel rolil",
ruin bemlnelie, fewr, Imbliual conlliatlnn
anil liPI'iu!!'-"' IM. uS'i hnv mul try a oox
o(P. p, f lit ,l.i ; lo, .. f,u cent. t-i'lilnuJ
guaraiitocd n euro by nil druggists.
ISIcy i lc I ii cs.
1 he l liapie, loiiist' , i p i I an I puuctuie
prool. I'm "-ile b
I . K Hll II uu .V.IN.
IJoi t-biirgt. h .
1 N I II h i . lo t 1 1 i "I l; I
I I'nvuh I, r liti'ik... I . r.r
I'l llll llfc"l
W. II. Mill '.n;i,i :.'
M,ir I . Mut'l i '-. I- 1 '
I'. M ,11 I Mut'l.- k nU .
In t ' i ... ii n i 1. 1 l'. .-',
In-lvl't H''t'lln -l ! '.o r !
I'l- llll M 'I II -lliti-t ' , II Ol
-lilt llll 1 1 1 1-1 I I ' !.' I.I.I it. i
liil I,' r iu , -1 I !i l - i , f I - i l !
il-'T I'l Jioii-. i- -.. 1 i:
till H.ltit It.- o f I i- I' ro- '
i "in t r ' Hi' o I I t. ' ."i
,.i Mi.oti i' '.' ( i :
;'- !. 1 II I h I I '
llll'IIV I M-lll I ' ' ' ' I i"
U- ill.-.'tvi'l iili I .1" ::, I
.urn iiiiit-i o !!. I " ':.,'.
I'll-. 1'Hlill 1 ..'. I 'l!,i i.l
I lo- mlllllll'-ll. : 1 J''l' t I
i-iill I "iirt "1 t) c .- i '
C"tlnl . tun 1. I 11 1 , : 1
.-I . j.i 1 : 1--
I 'Il . . -! , 1 1 t . 1
I '
I 411
,,. l!i.
I llll'll li
'. it," in-. I i i i
.m i i,.i ii -, tin- .-:ti,
I .1 ' .,1 l u II. ' i I
1 I ; I- - l.i Hi
111 If' I - -Hi I'in! lit,
1, I. A . .ll-l-llli I
i...itil- .-I inau,.
' I li' llliit,Bl
: I .ill 1 X I'l'l, atul
- lool ,1" in i -,ua-....
HI- nl 11... ..ill
ii t" t -. t 'In ( It
1 ,., t. I l, -US 'I.
: :i III- . '.li i)n
'I t i. ' I 'M'
: : i"i i ixiuiir)
t- l
Want 'our
'r ntr "v r.7'XirHif.
The Popular Wheel
at the Standard
Price and no Better
Wheel at any Price.
Crescent? are built
on honor and sold
on their merits.
Will liiuku Hit- NtM.itoii ul lhHal
Ilie ltl-rMilalv l'lirm (juiiutiuu of
Nortli mi l Ijuulli I iiip iiiii Hlvi-r.i), coiniiit'liu
lug Mul' li Ul mi l 1.11'ling .tiily Im,
HUtuilaH, nl Curluu tlroN'. Liv
ery btulilc, liuHc-biiru.
NICIIUI. if a llllll'l,il'l(l ilu'k blcu Bull
ion, blruii by Iruinun VMi; ilum, Niece, by
Nuiln v l.'20; toM A inl a, lsi'i; t'lu'l bv thu
lion. I.mIuIiJ liturifonl, Pull) Allii, CmI. lie U ii
iiiBKUliln iit inillvl'tiiHl In n mtv ropccl, piym
liiuli'li iil In i.u funaiitluii, K 'ii'1 b it uml li-an,
Ntylihh, t'Ou.I ui'lli'ii mul iiMtui lit trolling null
He In o inniUiibly 1 ivul liuiib:.l, o' i xni liviil tlis
I'Oitillnii, piTfui lly ioiiiiiI, mul vvliilu lm Utia re
culvcd uo trii. U work, 1 im m tliowii Hint ull lie
lumils ii tralnliiK t iIuil'Ioii jjieut Kpuml. As
Mill buhtivu by lllh , nl Ik Mi, 111.. brt'OilillK in ull
Hint coiilil Im ili'iiiid, unil it In ml to aurl
Hint liu will luii'iirl In blu proudly tho f ulltli i
ol ninjcil ami UMiigm-sL thut hic mi cliaruclerli.Ho
Ol lUO fuUlllIC I llU lUpK'kullll,
'I'criuu, niu to luaiirc-.
L'huuI l-cturii prlvlli-Ki-s. Money Uuu ut lliiio
ol mm i;i', mul uiiiel l,ii piiM bcloro nmio In tiiit
in from iuo iui iu. l'li' tiiriirtu (i.o per nimitli,
mul tho bi-st o euiii tiiUmi of ma run, but no
roKpotmlblllly imumuil lor in'i iilrnl. urenain-ii
I or further purlkulai., mliiivti,
IVL.UUI.I.i; I'Altll,
iio hi, i,o;ii i.i' uu, oni.fjoN.