The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 25, 1898, Image 3

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Al'lCll. - i, IHIW
l L
I lie t'liiirtlicat.
ni. i i i l M' i. ii ciMin r dI Main uii'l l.aui--.
Mini ly -ivli-c- firacblin, II . ra
.. hi.; Mxl.l'iilli school, 10 . in.; K,
,.II. , nupi lllitrllili'llt; ("Is. Muullul at
it Hie uimulng -iH; KpwwrUi U.-agu
i,i II. ti In.) Tioi'l'iii. 1'iaycr
. n iihi i , iii ; i' ni
ft. iv k I.. Mmiiii , 1'ml.ii,
I '.irtiuiDCi'i ninur Math ul Lane.
! r i'
nil 1
I-.. I.
umuih I itrnt ii uinui ul 4
II ,.
It I
V I'
m-uin. K'linUjr hiirlru: riiiu wunuir,
i nil.! V J) I'. Hi ; hulilmlli H lioul. 10 a. in. i
i i' K ,7 p.m. I'myiT Wednc
' ' ''' '"' ii. II. Iiilwohth, I'aiUir.
. 1. Hi I 1 II' I I III' li II nil I ' I 1
, M . . . .1. Ill ll .1. I" IIH'I " I' '" '''"
,1.!: .1 It'll I )l If-
X I' I. If HI.. I I"'
I .! ! ii
.i.ii sitfi ' ' lUr i"
(.in. i t ninl
. . ..i. ami luurlli
. v i,, in- ..I tin li ni.'ii'.li mi'l iniyi-UH
, '. ...i. " .in'. Nil 1, n milliilllKil limn
, , , , , m , Jon-- l' .
M i",.iii .
l: . I I II
i . i , y fiimln y
'.I ' I ' H
.l J.I I 01 I . I'lllliT
1 iv. li liini iii clam l.itd .il lylrl
;- .i. i-i i .
u,la wain ..w.i a uli .liaiight ' i1jC
I '.iinl I .u
I . Hui k in nil il H Iii urn In h kil
I .!,iih liv l. W . llayiirH.
t' it it t I. mini) work ii ii'iitiliealiy
.!,:. ii Li I . W . Havum, Uio dciilisl.
..mi ' iiini'' i. urn!': Try some,
ii. ;! I a prize Iliu Kandi I ail"t.
I. i'.iiu i . id m coinl-halid '' ladies
i. in i !. I ii iiiii ul this illuc
II, i ii o it luoili urliu '.' iu ask Fied
H.l III vvlli'thrl I' IS orlll SUVing.
I In I . ) ih , luro h Hcliiii( out at sacri-
H IIU ll HA. Call Bllll l0 l'llll illl't'l).
1. 1, ii '. nl Uilifii ntnl iniern. lino
-' iiii t In- I lli'ft lljIcK, JUbt llTlMVClt
..I I'.l' ' 'lit I'.' .1.
.1 a-1 i.Ti iinl incu'it vi-alinu top uml
! . li'" (il.iln ttinl collen tolorixl
j ,.. .it llm NoVfllV utom.
A 1 1'.'' aii.l 1 1 iiii uhmoi liuent nl cliil
Inn:, .i.ii,i imviyuil nl l'miott
1 ' 1 1 , i , I'..' I ami m u tin in.
i '.ill .it i lu Uunii Mou-ninl I'lim ilnir
r.j" I.', .mi! i ;i iU i ii',rlu"l lo ""J
liirin lit , Hi II 1'ilN llllll'B.
IIh i.t luiil liiitti-ii uih you hut ate,
,i' lln- Kmi'lv Kililiin. tioiiiK liku hut
i .il i .i mi .i In , ly iiidIIiiiik'.
.il r.', in- ,ur hli"ini! .i li.uiilminiB
I 111.- .il ;HllU l-l.llH'' HhIi (.ll'lll'M mul
i Ink- ( ".i l,'. Niiu lty f-tuli'.
s t vi miif n.iyH niiihl I io Iruo.
'Hi ' i liijii ul ami I'olliiua in towu
nl .Mi;-., II. Kamun'k.
I',i ynii Miiil a imliliy I. iii-u nunts unit
nl 1 ,i'i '.' II mi i.ill ul llm Novelty utore;
nl. j li.ivi- I rlti-r Kr.i.lnH il you wiHli tlivm.
I. .ii ijii iiiHiiitiiii'iit t( I ul rut ntilo Hailom
.iml in ii-J limy l hi'oii in Uio
i . . w millim-iy ili'i.uliui'iit ol tlioN'ivelly
i-toi i:
T'liofi- M'tini? tup i-lioi'olato ami coffi-o
i-olnii'il I.i Ik n' mIuh'H lit llm Novolty
Ktiiio am ln'.i'itii'H, mi'l piiceu very
I ii' liuitrliuuiul ilrups, (ri'Hli lyinun
ti i.pH, rit-aii: mint i-Iiuwh uml u No. I
pi'aiiiil i aii'ly, iilwin H to bo lotiml at (lit)
kitiuly Kill lira.
(ii.ui'l npi'iiiiiK of iliy nouila, IiirnisliiiiK
iniils, i lulliinif, In tin Mini hIioi-h, alno tlio
,ii'llic it lino ol l.nlii'a' eh irt wniatH. Ap
nl iiihi, at tlio Novi-lly Storo. tiivi iiHtii.m, Mr. Caviunlur, Uiuu
i In- ttti'iiiii'lli pin clniHcr ui Uio Caudy
1- til l. ii i , i-i-i-i-i vml a nii'o cup uml mim-ci .
I in U lnlliiMd l ho fonyci ol our gooila.
Avi'ii hoUmIi mul lui uiuu iu an all
m.idI In mi ii i lii'il-, nicely liuoil ami tin
isln-il nidi t-.ooil inutt-iiul ul u very small
prii i-. Kiino i nn I'O i t'oiJ nl tlio Novelty
A (In ill ol li.Tiur is oipoiioiicod wLno
a lii .u..iy l oiili ui i roup bouihIb tlirongli
llm liuiuc nl nittlit. liut llm terror noon
i li ini rti In n in l afU-r Onu Minute Uotigli
Cum liini lii'i n iiiliiiiiiiiiliuid. 'niIo aud
li.irinlii'ii (ni iliildii-ii. .Muifeti'ru' I 'rug
I luu'l iluliido i oin blouiaoli Mill" Uio
I'ti'ti, In r.niHn r.uiuu 1'iaiultl ul i million flie
i lump, i lull llii'i iiiu:l 1)0 nn)il. Vou
mn't urt Muiniiliitii! loi iioiliiuit on thin
pl.iuii, Iml i oil inn juiii uopuiui ou Boi
ling llm lft!i, puu'Bi uml i-louneBt uiiiidy
ui Urn Ciiudi I .u'l'.n in KoBobui.
1', .1, lloud, pruvlit'ul
. . . i 'i : . .
f&Jif M.uciiuiuiior. ruop in
.WTitiilil I'XIiri'HH nllli-o. null to
llm Muikti' imiiiliiik', Kosobuiy, Oregon.
nli:lu'H, i-l iiU uml jawolry ropuireJ
in ,i tl.illliil iiimuii'r ui ii'utiuuiiblo pricoB.
hIiuii' of II" public pulrutiago io
In ili'il.
I'm l iini ul i lulliin uml haU juBl re
ii'ivfl ui llm liiwu fSluro. Tlit'Ho uooiU
v.ii.i uiili-icd ilii'iitl fioiii ibo fai'toiiea
lii'l'uo wo iiiiiii iiuiluil of al I inif out , ami
Hi ll olll'll'd I'l i ln public ut COBl. Hl'Bl
lining rl')lbiiiiiii Uio I'otiBt, tuylor lilttilo
nut iii'i-Kpiod. ('all mnl oxuuiiim tboui.
(Mu bain mu Iho l.ii'jui Biylua und aio
wm ill iloublo wluii wo off or thorn ut.
Hosh S i m li.
Wc are tic terminal
Dry (ioods, Clothing Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Ladies' and
dents' Furnishing Ooods, Blankets, Quilts, Laces,
Knibroidcrics, Trunks, Valises, cct.,etc.
This time wc MUST SKLL, as wc have sold our
Real Kstatc aud must give possession in Sixty Days.
Our late anivals arc all tin 1 c s t and most fash
ionable ooil.s in the city, and are direct from the
Caro Bros Boss Store.
I 'ay your lulmcrlpliua (uday.
lion W. A. IVikiiiH of lrniu wai in
the city hrlday.
l'rof. (i. T. ICuaaell ol Oak Uml wan iu
Ilia city on haturday lant.
I'rof. W. Wrlubt la U-aclilut; Ilia npriug
lrui ul tclioul ut Xyookiuit Ulan.
Iluu. lli'iiloii Mlrea ol Drain tuada
this ollii:e a ploaniut call on lant 'l liuia
day. .ludtie .1. C. h ullei lull retuiDOil fiom
Ibo W illamotle Valk-y on Satunlay'i
I' Kill.
.laniHN Hi run, Iuhioii candidal (or I
ion iil cu;niiiif iotmr, waa in Korelmig
hat n i day.
Jiittii'M P. W. KboiU-i) of I'rain waa at
leuilinit lilinini-Ma umtleru in tliia cliy on
I ml Saluulai .
IO. i. l ouiik .V Co, of Oakland liavo
aliipped .'UK) poumla ol mobiiir l tbe
I'urtlaud inaiket.
Mi. i; . iMirluml ban Bold SU balea ol
I.opa to Wm. llrown iV C ' Walein. at
ii i mil i per pound.
. II. Heycraof CauyuuviHo, rrpubli
caii'caudiilato for coioiuiraloner, aa in
Ibo city luat wci'K.
.1. A. lilarl. ot Piain, icpubliraii can
didalH lor aberiff, waa a visitor in Ibis
city Saturday lint
I'Mi uu-r Mallouii uM ctt 1'outaa, ie
publican candidate for representative
wai iii i'.ik city Satuul.iy.
The ril ceuiicil of .Medford lias i!e
riiliil tliut ft-i-lof lour-incb pipe
i-li.ill be put in fur water purHjcR.
llouJ. I'i. Kiddluof Kiddle, lepubluao
candidate for rcprceenlalive, made Ibia
allii i a buaiui-aH call on Saturday.
It ia authentically reported thai tbo
C'oihj l'.i -Kosubur railroad will b built
tol'ouliB county Ibia year. liaodon
iconic BDoak-tbiel atole a new coat and
vent f roiu the ollic ol ,1. W. Wiiubt, be
tcrii Satiirilni evening aud Monday
An alarm tf lire caused tbo lire buy a a
run lo tbe neighborhood ot tbo depot
to-bay. Tbe lire was out, however Le
foie they lencbed it.
Kcv. K. U. l'ilnorlU blurted laat week
for a visit J ast. Ho weut by wbel to
Portland uud Tacuuia aud will go by rail
to M. 1'aul aud tbo l.usl.
Weston a i lly hall haa been liuiabed.
Tburo in a neat room upstairs lor tbo
council, and tbo Inner Moor ia (or tbe
tiro apparatus and tbo city jail.
Niiii ly-livo head of 1 uud J-year-uld
cattle were brought t o Tbo 1 'alien from
Waabiuglou, Thursday, uud will ' be
lakeu to liilliain couuty ruuees.
I . M. liuiiuharl of OaKlaud.waa called
to Mio Ma lant week on accouot ol the
deiilb ol his Biator-iu law Mrs. J. II.
1'ugb, wbirh in cured at that place.
1). liiiliuB, pliyBiciau aud surgeon,
oUlco in Maraters' building. Calls iu
town and country promptly answered
night orday. Residence, till Mill street.
F. It. Colliuan, physician audsurgeoo
aocretary board U. . lVusiou surgeons
Oflice iu Marsters' block, rvsidouce 720
iStephoiiH street. 1'roleseional calls in
town or country promptly uiiBwered
night or day.
The rise lu the price of wheat is unk
ing fanner noxious lo net what tbey
hxvo bold over talon market, and a largo
uutubor of tenuis, bringing wheat, are
arriving iu The Dalles daily from both
sides ol tbo river.
VV. II. laugblrey, ol Tacouia, who
hiiB boou buying cuttle iu Dasteru Ore
gou aud iu Idaho, recently picked up 05
head ia the ,'obu Day country, for which
ho paid 1 cents a pound. Mr. Daugbt
rey thinks the market is looseulug up
bocauss of u shortage of feed.
l'red II. ISyars, sou of (Jen. W. II,
Uyaia, of Hosoburg, "passed through
Saturn today eoroulo home from M.
Louis Mo., where ho has recently gradu
alod al the liarucs Medical Cullrgo. He
expects to opon practlco at Home poiut iu
California. Ho weut through hie class
willi I bo laigest number of graduates
over tin tied out from auy Western col
lege iu one year, and ranked high iu bis
iIiihb, having gained tbo ti ut pile iu
surgery. Cupitul Journal.
Louis Uutuiker locked up his jewelry
store iu I'eudlotou, last Friday, aud bo
aud his cleiks wont out to seo the sol
diers. About 10 iniuiilos luter, Mr
lluu.iker roturued to bis store, which iu
tbe'uiuuulitue had been entered at the
rear, the door being pried open w ith a
chUol uud tbo locks aud bars broken
Missiug aro about fit) lluo new watches,
gold and gold-filled ; also a number of
rings. They were taken hurriedly from
their iiitin-linvil buds, and currledjawa.
lo close out our lare stock of
D.v ron fcSuttou, of Millwood, is in the
is in the city to-day.
Hon. A. F. Hrown ol Oakland, re
turned Hunday from a visit with rel
atives in Cuos county.
Mrs. .1. W. (Strauge has returned home
from a visit to her sou Dale, who ia at
tending school at Albany.
Hon. C. A. Kehlbrrds leaves today for
Alaska lo enter upon his duties us
1'nited Hiates oommiasioner.
Itev.T. II. Ford preached al the M. 11.
Church in thia city on Hunday morning
and al F.dsnhower in tbo afternoon.
Kov. r-kidinore preached very inter
HHling and iuit tiuctive aurniou on laol
Siiinlay t-vening at the M. K. Church.
liiahop Henry L. Harkley of W'ootburn,
fusion canditale lor joint fenaii r from
Clackaniaa und Marion, came up to
Konebuigon Saturday evening hx al, and
isturnod noi lit on I ho overland Sunday
The family of A. W. Stanton, of Civil
Lend, left on thin morning's lorxl for a
aboil visit with friends in Washington,
after wbiih I hey will upend tbo re
inaiii'lri of the auiuiner in the Line
loho'iirong returned last week fiom
a we-k'a bu.iot'Bn trip through Coos and
Curry cuuuliws. lobn is intt-ri--teJ in
timbi-i lamia and now (hat times urn be
coming au in 1Kb better, there is a grow
ing demand for timber lauds.
Mrs. Frank L. Moore returned home
ou lant Saturday alter a long Vint in
New Mexico, wheie abe went iu tt-aith
of health. She Mopped at Portland uu
her return wneio she took medical treat
ment. Her many Irieuds will be glad to
learn that her health is very much iin-
proved. '
lbs family ol W. A., will
leave on tonight's overland for their new
home iu iel Jendale, Washington, where
Mr. has engaged in business.
Their many friends in KoBeburg, while
tbey regret very much their removal,
with them every possible euereps and
liappiuetM in their new home.
loh ii Van Order left today for Wyuui
iug where l.e goes to assist W. A. Stan
lou, who is engaging very extensively in
the sheep business. He goes ovrlaud
to I'orllaud w here he will ship lo The
Dalles. I rom there he will pioceed ov
erland to his destination. His family
will iivibably lollow him later in the
lion. A. F. llrowu, ol Oakland, Or.,
arrived iu thia city Wednesday morning
lor a biiul visit with his sou W. II.
llrowu, ol the firm ol Hermann A Drown.
A. F. llrowu is one of Douglas county's
most promiuentand lluential citizen aud
isacaodilate for representative on the
Donglas county republican lickot.
Myrtle I'oiut Enterprise.
Corvallis Times: Ii. M. Vcatch aud his
son, II. It. are both at present pursuing
au exalted ambition w hich bids fair to
bo realized. Tho former hopes to be
come congressman-elect iu Jane, while
the latter expects the culmination of his
ambition uext week at the homo of oue
of Benton's fairest daughters. II. H.
YeaU'b graduates at tbe O. A. C. this
year. Uis lather is also u graduate ol
this institution.
Hon. J. T. Bridges Congratulated.
Ds.w.v, April .'3. Hon. J, T. liiJte3 is
receiving hearty congratulations from his
many friends today upou his oppoint
moot by tho president as register of tho
United Status land office at Hosoburg.
A Texas Steer.
"A Toxas Steer" will doubtless bo
greeted with a full house when it comes
to the Opera House W ednesday, April
27. It would be singular if the tbome
hit upon by lloyt did not furnish rous
ing entcrlaiumeut. Maverick Urauder
is a ruggud, bouebl Texas lancbman.
Duiiog a brief absence from his ranch
bo Is elected to Cougross. The yeoman
couf routed with this fact on hia return,
ludignautly refuses to till tho otbee.
"If you think you're too good to repre
sent us in Congress, you jeel say so"
greets Lrauder's refusal. Hacked by
hundreds of barrels of six-shooters tho
plaiusmau throw s up his hands ami hies
to Washiugtou with his honest wife ami
daughter. The misadventures that en
sue are always absorbing. Now wildly
hilarious, iiuielly satirical, agaiu touch
lugly pathetic.
Tbe play will he given a muguiUceut
productiou aud will be proseuted by a
company of players remaakably adapted
to the interpretation ot variously diverse
aud taktug rotes.
Bicycle Tires.
Tho Chase, tough, tried und puncture
I .!.. I...
pruui, (ui mo uy
Kosehurg, lr
J.T. Bryan, th I'.usy Watchmaker.
Cresreii', highest grado, i liaiuli-ss, 0
New wheuts lor runt at tbo "Crescent
County claims and warranta lioiight by
I), ti. West.
For llrst-clasH deotislry go to Dr. Liitle
of Oakland,
Key West, irniiorlud and doiiifstiu
cigars at the ltoeeleat.
D. H. Went does irnurani e. Ollico op
posite ths poal ollico.
Kiilu a Crescent bic-vclv. Ihe eai
running, durable kind.
W'ANn.i). A gwd milch cow. Must
be fresh and goulle. louire at this
10,000 men wauled at the Hots Store
to select great bargains Ik-fore it ia too
Km-i'liiiur llmir iw giiaranli'i-d firMt
iliiMa. Afk ymir gnM-rr for il. Onlvfl.iiO
per Sack,
Cull and seo tho "llortmau" hand
harness mender at Churchill, Wool ley A s.
Al Oakland. T. Uravea is authorixl
to receive and riccipt tor lubKriptlonsto
the I'
For that tirod feeling you must enrich
and purify your blood. Hood's hars.
parilla Is tho medicine you need.
Money to loan on city aud country
proierty. D. H. K. Blkk,
Marslera' lluildiug, Loaehurg, Or.
The H Uaro Deal store has just opened
U a beautiful Hue ol v . i lAiugias
shos, which rove to be Ibo IhjbI shoe
ma le. Come nna nispcci inein.
For prices and quality tall at the old
original stand, Fresh and dried fi uits,
candy aud nuts, cigars aud tobacco at
prices to suit all. Mm. H. Laio.
iciillemeu, wo have some good things
In the shirt line. You should tee them
belore purchasing elsewhere ; sl a large
aortiiicut of neckties. Novelty Store.
Spiing stock, the laigetit and lst se
lection of men's shoes, of every grade
atnl variety, just received at I'anott
Urof. Styles aud prices to please,
The l'lauo Manufacturing Co. report
twice as many chain drive mowers and
lever binders sold last week as weid sold
during t lit samo period iu both-''Ji-'lJ7
The W. C. T. C. will bold its legulsr
uieetiugs on the eecond and fourth
Tbuisilay of every month at 7 :'M p. m.
in the Kpworlli League room ot the M.
K. church.
Dou'l annoy others by vour coughing,
and risk your life by neglectiuit a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles. A. C Marsters .V Co.
A few of those Kentucky made
pants, hulifUntiil and well made, no
shoddi. Also u few do.en women's,
men's, Lois' ami children's shoes, regu
lar weai era. Hats for sunshine and
(hade, uuihiMeai (or hot and cold
wealbei , uud various older articles at
living price, ut II. C. Stanton's.
I'rof. -oblc, Ihe opticiau, illbeat
Myrtle Creek ou Monday and Tuesday,
A p 1 1 1 -o'h and 2il:h. Those wishing
there eyes examined aud glasses fitted
pi fasn call at the Overland hotel. Con
sultation free. Ilu "ill alio host Uose-
burgfiuui WriliiKilav, Apiil '.Tib, till
Monday, May 2d, and can be consulted
al Oil l'inc St
1 hereby unnuuncu myself as a candi
date before tho voting poiiulation of
Douglas couiity, including the free sil
ver men, populisU. democrats and re
publicans, to sell Laiu wagons from a
full carload just received. Also oars of
buggies, barb wire aud nails at tbe lowest
prices, all now ou hand at Stearns A
Cheuoweth, Oakland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby eiven to tbe public
by tbo uudersigued that I do not allow
dead animals to be hurried ou my prem
ises, at Uobcburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or eaud or gravel taken
tbeielrouj, unless the party taking sand
or gravel lirsl contract witn me tor the
right to do so.
.tresspassers mil be prosecuted ac
cording to law . Aako.n Hoik,
lioeeburg, Oregon, March litb, 1SN.
To t'uro l'uislliatlon Forever.
Take t'uvorcls Carulv Culhurtic. 10c or tto.
If C. C C. tail to cure, ilruKUisU rvfuail ixioucy.
How's This?
We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Keward
(or any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cuidd liv Hall'H Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHLNEY A CO., I'rops. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheuey tor the last 15 vears, and believe
liiu uerlcctly honorable lu all business
transactions uud liuaucially able to car
ry out auv obligations made by their
WeBt A Truax, W holeealo Druggists,
Toledo, O.
aiding, Kwinuu A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is takeu internal
ly, acting directly upou the blood aud
mucous surface, of the s stem, l'rice 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test
imonium iree.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notico is hereby givcu that tlio co
partnership heretofore exiBtiug uuder
tho tli m mi wo of Koulhageu A Dixon
hits been dissolved by mutual consent.
L. Kuhlhiigeu will continue the busi
ness, pay all indebtedness and collect all
accounts due said tlriu.
Koseburg, April 12, 18'J8.
L. KullLllAoKN,
Wm Dixon.
Notice of Dissolution.
KouLiii ia,, Or., April 10, 1S08.
Tim Hi in nf liillri'hili Wivillnv A Mi!.
Keuio is thi.t day dissolved by mutual
consent, a. Aicrxeuzie reiirmg.
Churchill A Woo I ley will continue busi
ness, collecting accounts duo and paying
all claims again 't said linn.
. A. Mi Kkn.ik.
F. II. Cm hi mil..
F.vrrvliody 8o.
CnscuiTls Cauilv Cutliui-tie, tbe mosl won
derful nieilirul discovt-rv of Uiu uge, pleas
ant, uial iTli'i'hlnng to the tunlo, art gently
uml positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing llm ml n o Hystcui, dispel colds,
cure lieailiieiir, lever, hubituul coustlpatioo
and billoiisiiess. l'leaso buy und try a box
cf C. C. C tii ilay ; 10, Uo, 50 cents, bold and
guaranteed to euro by ull druggists.
A bargain.
Snleudid dwelling property consisting
ol throe lots, well tiuished house and
outbuildings, offered at a genuine bur
gaiu by Die Hosoburg Building A Louu
Association, luquiro of
IliiKMA.N M uiK.s, Secretary,
Educat Your llnwvla Willi t'uarareti.
t.'iiiuly Cutuuriic, euro coiiHtipaiioti rorever.
lOo, ::0c. Il V, C V. full, UruiiKiblb itiuiul uiouey.
Two Carloads of Torpedoes Soon to
he Planted In the Columbia,
luat In the nick of tlms and iliuullani
nit willi the leglnnlog ol the war with
Spain, I ao tarloads of torpedoes (or tbe
prelection ol I ho mouth ot the Columbia,
arrived here (rout Ihe Kisl yeeUrdar,
aud will be at once lorward to their
destination by Captain Flak, United
States engineers, who, io connection with
hiachargrtof on a fortificalloi.s of the
Colutnbi, will have to superintend Ihe
"planUog" ol them, and see that they
are placed where they will d the most
good by doing the most harm to ihe
It is generally understood that these
torpedoes, which, when placed in Ihe
river channel w ill form a "submarine
mine," probably much thi-Kiriin a that
which ih'slr.iyt-il (he Maine, ar- nothing
like lbs torfedea fired Irom torpedo
boa ts or olber war veseels. During tbe
civil war, submsrius mines were made
by loading from tanks, of any kio-l, as
buoys, or even steam boilers, with the
highest explosive obtainable, and, after
connecting electric wires with them,
sinking them In the channel.
The torpedoes which arrived yester
day are hollow spheres of steel, about
three feet in diameter, each provided
with a sort of "hale," which hangs be
neatL, to which the cable for anchoring
them is attached. The reason lor tbe
torpedoes being spherical io form is that
it has been shown that a ipbere offers
less resistance to tbe currect than any
olber form, andj lias lets tendency to
turn around and so twist and perhaps
break tbe cable by which it ii anchored.
These spheres will be loaded with gun
cotton or some other high explosive,
and will be buoyaul enoogh to float.
They will be anchored on the field se
lected for the tuioe, each beiug furnished
with a cable adapted to I be depth ol
water io which it is placed, so that they
wi'l all float at tbe same distance from
the surface. They will be laid in rows,
tbe torpedoes io one row being opposite
tbe open spaces in the next, so that it
will be practically impossible for a vessel
passing over tbe mine to avoid touching
one or more of them. Of course, they
will all be connected with an electric
cable, extending to a casemate on tbe
shore, and can be so arranged as to be
exploded automatically when touched,
or so thst on a vessel touching one ol
them the fact will be aououoced elec
trically in the torpedo casemate. Any
onejof them exploding under a ship
would effectually dispose of her. When
these torpedoes are planted in the
Columbia they will effectually prevent
any hostile era fi from coming lo Portland
or evon Attoria. 'regnian.
Opened at
April 1 6th.
Baker City,
Baklii City, April 17. Tbe tight be
tween the genuint and fusion populists
is on and the former evidently do not
propose to be swallowed op by the demo
crats. John C. Luce, of Grant county,
middle-of the-road candidate lor govern
or, was given a reception last night at
Bust's opera bouse, on the occasion of
tbe first campaign speech this year.
Tbe speaker gave a full history ot the
Peunoyer-deniocrat-populist fusion deal
for spoils, showiDg that populist princi
ples and voliog strength were igoored
32,000 populia votes receiving only oue
politicaljoffice ; while 1J.000 democratic
voles and the silver-republican vote
took the remainder. He claimed that
the Chicago promise 1 1 withdraw Sewall
and endorse Watson was not kept nor
intended to be kept; and that Uctics in
tended to destroy the people's party in
1S00 were also employed at the recent
Portland couvention by l'enuoyer aud
his push. Mention of the name of II. .
Courtney for congress from the second
district, nominated here yesterday by
the regular people's party, el icilsd en
thusiastic applause. Tbis beiug the
home of the fusion candidate for gov
ernor, the fact of an enthusiastic recep
tion to Luce is noteworthy. Luce re
turned home today, to be present at Ibe
Grant county populist eouveutiou, April
Drain, April 2oJ,lSUS.
To my Fuil.nps:
1 thank you very much tor your
devotion, as expressed in your requests
both verbally and in writing, that I be
come an independent candidate for
county assessor. I thought that I had
settled tbut once and for ever, io last re
publicau couventi ou. No I owe the Re
publican l'arty, more gratitude than to
do such a thing. I am a republican from
principle, uot tor mere gaiu, I am in
favor ot u higher tarill", to protect our
manufactures and laborers. I favor a
high heal tax against tbe pauper
element of Europe, Asia and Afriea,
Our country will fill up fast enough by
natural causes. Let tbe boardes of Asia,
return to Japan, Cbiua or soy other
country from . which they came. We
uont waul navery in any Kim iu our
beloved laud. Give us a dollar, alwaa,
as now, that has a y alue of ltO ceuts.
No I say again no independent cauditate
iu miue, but stand by Ihe old parly (hat
saved the county from ruin. Ihe parly
that is the poor mans friend.
Sonic Appointments Recommended.
The Oregou delegation at Washing
ton, D. C, have recoiuuieudeJ the fol
lowing appointments: Register Kose
burg laud oflice, Joseph T. Bridges of
Draiu; receiver Raburg laud office,
Henry I'ooth, of Grants Pass; in liau
agout at Klamath, vice Euiery, resigned,
Oliver C. Applegate, ot Klamath Falls
Prof. F. C. Audersou of Sslom has
been elected president of tbe Drain Nor
mal school to succeed Prof. Louis Bur-
I y.ep, resigned. Prof. Anderson comon
I highly recommended.
Yankee l it. Lee.
"I hey say that I'm a Yai kes;
I have beard il many limes,
I have ' en it in llmir paper,
It in In llmir songs uml rhiuns;
I'm the Yai kei CoiiMil-tieiieial,
I'm I lie Yankee who's come iloau
T isieal the brightest jewel
From the old Castilian rrjwu.
"They say that I'm a Yankee;
II I'd heard it lu my youth)
I might perhaps have questioned
In everUsiing truth ;
Hut now, 1 glory in it,
it's the land nark of my birth,
And I'd rather be a Yankee
1 ban anything on earth.
"They say that I'm a Yankee,
And I'm glul to aay I am ;
A Yankee ol Ibo Yankees,
And Ihe man ain't worth n -well
Who wouldn't bo a Yankee
When the Banner ia on fur lo J
That has made the Yankee Nation
The greatest of the world?
"Tbey say i hat I'm a Yabkee;
Yirginians, can it bo
That his'orv will mention
The Yankee, Fitzhugh Lee?
1 hope so; and, Yirginians,
Let all of us give thank
That now dear ol' Yirginny
Is loaded full of Yanks."
W, ,f. lampion, in New Y'ork Sun,
John Patterson and family have tsken
op their residence iu this place.
O, Hinadale and bride were in town
recently, enroutc for their home in Gar
E. II. Lurcharl is said to he improv
ing and hopes to be able to return borne
M. D. Thompsou joined the I. O. O. F.
at liardiner last week.
Mrs. McNeal ol I'ara liee Creek has
gone to Oai'iliner for medical treatment.1
A. L. Lutler, deputy assessor haa
finished down the river and will tike in
Loon lake before locg.
Dr. Wm-. Strange was in town last
week doing dental work.
J. II. Butler, who has been quite ill
for tome time al bis home in Gardiner,
we are glad t ) record, is much better.
K. Boiler of 'aklsud has gone down
tbe river to seek employment.
The stage ii makiug better time since
tbo roads are drying up, and so me work
has been doue on them. Mr. Stack
holds the reins, since Mr. Culy was
obliged to eui-ind his labors in that
line by bis ia pared health.
Hester Sentenced
to be
Gkasi l'.b, April 21. Judge Hale
this afurrnoou pronounced the death sen
tence upon Chrles Fiesler, the wile-
murderer, fixing Friday, June 10, as the
date ol execution. Ueloie pronouncing
sentence, the judge asked Fleeter if be
bad anything to say as to why sentence
should not be pronounced. F'iester
turned tjwsi.J bis attorney, K. G.
Smith, with a piteoasly appealing look
on his face. Smith's only answer was a
negative shake of his head, whereupon
Fieeter .faintly said "No." The jodge
then said :
"I am required to
but important duty
ti ied and convicted
peers of the crime ol
perform a painful
You have been
I y a jury cf yoor
murder in the first
wa taken to the
degree. Au appeal
supreme court. Tha
verdict as found
by the jury has been sustained by tbe
supremo court. Ibis I do with sorrow
aud regret."
Tbo judge then pronouueed sentence
aud said: "May God have mercy on
your soul."
Fiester broke down completely and
wept like a child.
Fiester drowued bis wife iu a pool ol
water in May, IS'.'.j.
Apportionment of County
Appoiutuienl ol school fund occured
last Mouday according to law. The
amount was 51H'1.75. Each district re
ceive f3O.0O and the joint districts a fair
Tho youths enumerated tbis year for
school purposes male 2720, females 2050,
total 5o70.
At the corresponding date last year the
amount appoi tionod was 14312.00 ; tbe
numder of youths
Later iu the year when tbe tax ia col
lected other apportionments will be
made, and tho same will amount to
something over $3.00 per day carila.
During tho past year District No. 100,
near Youcalla, was joined to District No.
82; DiHlrict No. ol ot Elk Creek, was re
vived ; uo new districts were orgauized.
Presidential Nominations.
Vasiiim.i"N. Ain II 21. Tbe presi
dent sent this nomination tj the senate
to-day : Chailea Emory Smith, of Penn
si Ivania, to bo post matter general, yue
James A. Gary, resigued
It is stated at tho While House the
resiguMtijn of Postmaster-General Gary
hid alisoluteiv uotuiug to it'j with our
foreign complications. It was owing en
tirely to tbo couditiou of Gary's health.
He has been Buffering from a general
breaking down ol the eyaieui.
Tho uew poblujastei-geueral is edilor
ol tho Philadelphia Press.
- -
A Big Prune Deal.
Tli pjol of pruuo, aggregitiug over
twenty tons which have beeu held here
in Eugeuo will be ahipped tomorrow to
Those in tho pool aro Messrs. Ingham,
McCoruack, Chun-, Steveusou, Zimtuer
aud Wi'idei- Eugemi Ke.ieter.
Fitiiriii Your HhhiIh Willi t'usrarcl.
I'unily i niliaii ie, vara eonsiipniioii rorever.
luc,;i. it C. C. C. tail, Uru.iiiMs rejunil money.
Rayal tasks the t4 Mrs,
wkalasssj sa4 felial.
rWM ftimwrt snwnra n., nrwvntM.
Bring your job work to this oflice.
Caro Bros, are the boss merchant
Uo to the Koseleaf for the best cigars.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
Ready made sheets at the Novelty
Ruga in Infinite variety at Alexander
& Strong's.
For seed oats call on II. M. Martin,
near the depot.
Macaroni in one pound cartoons at
Zigler'i grocery.
F. W. Hay nee does all kind ot denta
work promptly and skillfully.
Facta not fakes is what our adver
tising columns represent. Tbe Boss
F. W. Carpenter is authorized lo re
ceive and receipt for subscriptions to the
All our goods are new and ot the latest
styles. No shopworn goods on hand at
the Boss Store.
J. W. Beckley & Co.. Ihe hutchsrs.will
keep only the choicest ot meats wbere-
witn to supply tne Hosebnrg public, but
monthly settlements will be required.
After February 1st we will make a re
duction io the price of Oliver plows and
eqtraa throughout the entire line. Just
received a carload of barb wire.
a RrsAfHtit At Pirrvnn ktii.
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin disesses
may aecure instant reuel by using l)e
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is tbe
great File remedy. Marsters' Drug
Mrs. J. H. Shape has been appoiuted
representative for the Viavi Co. in tbis
city. Any one desiring information in
regard to, or wishing to procure tbe rem
edy, will please call at her residence on
Fine street. jl3-3m
Morris' Poultry Cure. Tbis infallible
remedy challenges tbe world to produce
its equal as an egg producer. Prevent
ive and core lor all diseases of fowls.
Guaranteed and (or sale by II. M. Mar
tin, Koseburg, Or.
Whooping cough is tbe most distress
ing malady ; but its duration can be cnt
abort by ibe aje ot One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also tbe beet known rem
edy for croup and all lung and bioncbial
troubles. A. C. Marsters' A Co.
Suits of clothes, all wool, heavy
weights, $0.50; reaular price (9. Bos
clothes from 6 to 13 years for (1.50 and
f2. Hats all styles and colors for 85c,
regular price $1.50. All these goods are
only to be iound at the Boss Store.
The reputation of Royal Tailoring is
favorably known in every nook and ham
let in tbe United States, once a patron
you are always a patron. II you need a
new suit let C. B. Cannon know it; be
will take your measure and guarantee a
perfect tit.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, B. W. fursell of Knitnersville,
Pa., waa cored by using a aingle box of
DeWitt'a Witch LUzel Salve. Skin dis
eases such as eczema, rash, pimples and
obstinate sores are readily cured, by this
tamous remeay. a. v. marsiers to.
The daylight ride along tbo Columbia
cannot be hut interesting at this time of
tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
4j p. m. daily, get ibis vuw lasting
over nve nours. ttnt that is not all.
The O. R & N. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Koeeland,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take tbe O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2 :45 p. m.
V. C. London, Agent,
Roseburg, Oregon.
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they are the ant, the bee
and DeWitt a Utile bariy Kisers, tbo
last being the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. A. C.
Marsters A Co.
For Ucr fr'Uly Yean,
Am Old amd WtLt-Tmau KiaxuY.-Mri
Winslow's Bootbiug Syrup baa beeu used for
over titty years by millions ol mothers lor their
children while tvetblug, with pcrlcvt success.
It soothes tbe child, soltcui tbe gum., allays all
pat a, cures wlud colic, and is tba best remedy
tor Dlarrho-a. Is pluaaaut to tbo taato. Bold by
druggiits lo every part of tbe world. Twenty
0t cents a bottle Its valuo la incalculable.
B sure and aak lor Mrs. W lnalow's Moolhlng
Syrup, aud take no otber kind.
Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!!
In pianos, organs and musical goods.
Bicycles new and second baud at the
loweat pricea possible. I have sIbo got
about thirty thousand feet of lumber
which I have taken in trade lor goons,
aud will sell cheap, as 1 am not iu the
lumber business.
Roseburg, Or.
To t'ur 'nnilMtltm Forever.
Take CuHiuielH l iiiulv I utliui lie. MoorCJo.
It C. C. C. fail loiunv Ui uwu i k p fuud luuuuy.
Subscribe for the PLAWbt,
For Infants and Children.
The Kin. You Have Always Bought
Blgnfttuie of