The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 25, 1898, Image 2

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I'ubllibcd oerjr Ibtmdaj.
Ilr lri I'bAI.Mtr At.KK rtUI-tHHISO
R. I). MRA1rORl -..editor.
I. M. EDDY Awoclalo hdlloi.
C. V. IlKNJAMIS,... Nanaccr.
On Yr-
rtlt Montht
Tbro Monthn
ATKII. M. 18!)S.
Republican State Ticket.
T T. OF.FR, id Mariou.
fcirctary ol State.
V. 1. DfNBAR, of I 1Iki.
Stale Trvftur"r,
('HAKLKS 9. MOOKK, of Klamath.
SiilHTiiitemlciit of Public Instruction.
.1. II. ACKKRM AN, o( Multnomah.
Supreme Judge,
V. A. fcOORE, of Columbia.
Attorney licucral,
I. R N. IiLACKBtRN.of Linn.
State Printer,
V. 11. LEEDS, of Jackaon.
tvuii.fczu, F;rst District,
TUOd. H. TON'JI E, of Washington.
Judge, Second. Judicial DUtrlrt,
A. C. WOODCOCK, of Lauo.
l'Ulrlct Attorney, Second Judicial Dietrii t
l.EO. M.BROWN, of Douglas
County JuJpc,
A. F. frTEAKNs.
.1. A. BLACK.
County Clerk,
county C'ommleaiouer,
W. y. BRITT.
school Superintendent.
3. It. KIDDLK.
A. y. brow-,
Justice u( the Tcacc,
AYitti this issue ths Tlalnusaleb Le
cotnes a eerui-weekly, published on
Monday and Thursday. We will now
le able to give the people of Douglu
eotiuty all the news correctly reported
j.iBt as soon as its reliability is assured.
Wo shall not, in order ta appear enter
prising, fill our columns with unreliable
aud sensational reports one day, which
have to be denied the nest. The Plain
Dt.vLKB will be reliable, up to date, pro
gressive and chuck full of news. Watch
its columns and iuJge of the truth oJ
these promises.
Johnny get your gun.
Are you going to enlist?
l'tit not yoar trust in Kings.
Llanco says if we want Cuba to come
aud take it. All rnjht Blanco we are
Now that war Las broken out the
fcpauisli will have something to fight be
sides bulls.
The uioro civilized and enlightened
the country, the more earnestly she ap
proves of our course iu the Cuban mat
If is intimated that the term "on a
peace footing" has been construed by
certain persons as meaning a deal ran
for deep woods.
We have all the territory of our own
we want but we may have a few more
Islands to distribute among our friends
when this w ar is over.
Linn county populists have put out a
middle-of-tbe road ticket and propose to
stand by it instead of the fusion ticket
nominated by the democrats.
The issue now being most freely dis
cussed Las reference- to the free and un
limited coinage of lead, and the 'nick
est way to get it into circulation.
Spain sent 200,000 soldiers to Cub and
uever fought an important battle. Uow
long can she hope to stand against the
army and navy of the United States?
If .Spain bad paid more atteutiou to
the education of her children she would
not now be called upon to give up her
last foothold on the western continent.
lias anybody heard of Win, Jennings
ttryan tendering bis services as a soldier
in the present emergency ? If it was a
tight in which he could uee his mouth,
he would probably enlibl.
Uon.T. T, Oeor, will open the cam
paign in Douglas county about May 2nd,
Notice of the time and place w ill be
given iu Thursday's 1'lai.n'ulallr. Bills
announcing the niecliug will also be
distributed iu due lime.
We desire t ) call the attention of our
cori espoudenlH iu dilferent portions of
the count v to the fact Ihut the 1'i.ain-
&halhh isagaiu published us a semi
weekly. News items cau now be sent iu
at any lime which is mokt convenient,
pud they will be pullished immediately
following their receipt. Wo would be
pleased to have additional correspond
ents, repreftoiiting lucaluicu not uow represented.
flic New York World
Maya in h late
teetie :
A lie woman tamo mil of Hie Weal
I aft and ptaclird lir new Ideas
to New York audience. M10 ts Lillian
Harmon of Chicago, daughter ol I lie
editor of '"Lucifer, the Unlit-Nearer."
The Wotl I (lien itivre the (ubatance cl
tier let t ire on reform in lue marriage
laws, in which the lecturer advocates the
abrogation of the marrmge relation aud
the complete overturning ol our present
family and social system. Some twelve
or fifteen years ago there lived iu Ih
little city il Valley Falls, iu
- ft. It.- -- At
fin ivanras, one .notes minium, m
lhat time he wan an old man with n
twisted body aud a missthaped iniud.
Ho was not insane, neither was he weak-
minded or idiotic. He was a fanatic, a
crank. He was born under a shadow.
Ho saw all of tho darkness and rone of
the suushiiic nf life. He saw everything
that sa evil and uothing that was good.
BecauFe be lound torrow and trouble in
the world, he refused to believe that
there was any joy or comfoit and de
clared that life was not worth living.
Because be discovered that iu some in
stances the rnai liage relation had pro
duced unhappinesa he declared that
marriage was a failure and that the
marriage relatiou should oe abrogated.
Because some professsd Christians were
unfaithful, he repudiated the Christian
religion and became an advocate 01
spiritualism. He was a dreamer of
Utopian dreams; an idealist, with a
thousand impractical schemes for the
betterment of mankind. When the
populist crso swept over Kansas, he
became, as a matter of course, one of its
most zealous proselytes. But even their
calami! v notions did not long satiny him
and be advanced to socialism and
anarchy. He founded a paper at Valley
talis, Kansas, ciflcd "Luciff, the
Light-Bearer." It was a free love, pop
ulist, socialist, anarchist piper, and its
columns were tilled with the vilest and
most obscene attacks on both church
and state He was tiually an e6ted, tried
and cuuvit led in the United States
courts at TopeWa, Kan , for sending ob
sceue matter throgh the mails. We re-
memler being attracted by curiosity to a
dingy hall iu the city of Topeka, where
a number of his followcs had met for
the purpose ot bidding the old niau good
bye, prior to his beiug removed to the
penitentiary. It was an agg'Cgalion of
We remember Lilliau HarmoD, as she
was theD, scarcely mo e than a child,
with rosy cheeks, blue eyes and light
brown hair. But she had cither in
herited or had instilled iuto her uiiud,
her father's peculiar ideas an J w hile the
father was serving out his sentence, the
daughter edited and published his paper.
The old man was tiaallv pardoned out 0!
prison and removed to Chicago with his
family, where he continued the publica
tion of bis paper. A young man by the
name of Edwin C.Walker won theaf
fections of the fair Lilliau and sought
her hand in marriage, but she refused
to take his name or have a formal mar
riage, declaring that marriage was a
business arrangement and that while
the admired him and was willing to
enter into a business engagement with
him having for its object the rearing of
a family, yet she would not De bound to
him by any marriage ties. As we now
recollect, they were both proeeculed for
adultery but escaped on the ground that
their's was acommon law marriage.
bo today Lillian Harmon is preaching
anarchy iu New York city, along side of
the most dangerous classes of red
handed anarchists. This is the logical
result of a life which is forever finding
fault with the established order of
things; which can sc- no good iu church
or state; which is f jrever pointing to
the faults aud mistakes of the world and
overlooking the good that is apparent to
the most casual observer. It means
populism, socialism and anarchy
The balance of trade in favor of the
United .States during the last six months
of the calendar year, 1397, amounted to
the sum of $175,030,000. Poring the
first two months of this year the total
exports from the United States of do
mestic products amounted to L00,01j,
851. The total import lor the eame
time amounted to $103,833,77, leaving a
balance ot trade for the two month
amounting to 'JG,127,(WI.
The balance of trade in our favor the
firut eight months under the Lingley
bill was 27 1,103,025. Considerable of
this amount went to pay off American
debts in Kuropc. The total amount of
money iu circulation in the United
States on April 1, 1S97 was H.OW.OOO,
031. The total amount in circulation
among the people of the United htales
outside of the treasury on April 1, 18'J8
is $1,730,051,013. Au inciease of the
actual munev in circulation among the
people outside of the treasury of $37,
017,94'J. Of this amount March furn
iatied an iucrease of $29,031,980.
The total amount of gold coin in the
United States Apt il 1, 193 is $V29,3Vi,
818. The total amount of all clauses of
curiency in circulation at the same date
in the treasury and iu circulatiou is $2,
113,730,143. These facts which cannot
be disputed certainly furnish evidence
of considerable iucrease of prosperity.
Eyeu the most violent pessimists con
cede the return of good times but insist
on the claim that it is caused by circum
stances over which political parties have
no control. The fact remains, how
ever, that it is directly traceable to the
return to the protective policy of the
party under the Diogley bill.
It is hardly probable that the fatalities
of the campaign in Cuba will equal those
ol 81-tig way and Cbilkoot pass.
rq.ain has lor the second time dintov
eitd Ameiica. r;be discovered owc
tbingilie was not looking for this lime.
rlpuhucan iii:aio-uak runs
Headquarters of the 1 -publican couuty
central committee have been opeued at
the ofiko of tho chairman in room No. 1,
Marnier Buildiug, Kepublicans from
the different part of the county are re
quested to call there when in the city
and spend at least a short time in talk
ing over tho situation and In an inter
change of ideas. Campaign literature
will 1 0 kept for distribution, and somo
one will be in charge duiing the day and
evening to make callers welcome.
A shut time ago we published the
statement that KuaiouiBt King, nomin
ated Lm governor ami Fusionist Kiu
ci, nominated for secvetarv of state by
the spoils hunters were promineut A. 1'.
A. statesmen, aud that tins fact was
well known and admitted in the locality
iu which they live. Wo did not publish
this ss a fact thtt xhonld in tho least
lower them in the estimation of good
citi.uf, but as showing the iuconsis
teuc of the light made by the Keview
crowd, two ears ago on ceitaln candi
dates ou the republican titket. in view
of the fact that they are uow en
thusiastically suppoiting those men who
are known to be prominent iu A. l A.
circles. The Keview now denies that
King beioiiK to the order but do not
Jeny that Kincaid does The fact re
ur.iius that King is also a member of (he
order. No", only is lit a member, but his
prouiiuence iu the oideris well knowu
in Eastern Oregon where he is known
and no paper published in Eastern Ore
gon, or in fact in any other part of the
state has the gall to deny the fact but
the Keview. Other fusion papers, in
stead of denying a fact which is so well
known, justify him in his position as an
A. T. A , the fact being that there are
moa mauibers of the populist party iu
that orgaui.ation in Hcgon than in any
other party.
The iuestion whether or not a man
cau accept au cilice on a fusion ticket,
made up of candidates, each of whom
represents a different patty with differ
ent ptiucipa'a atid still claim a place on
the ticket as the candidal 9 of his par
ticular party, is to be tested Iu the
couit. J. K, ears ol loiK county, who
was nominated for state treasurer by
that part of the populist party which is
opposed to fusioD, presented the certifi
cate cf his nomination to Secretary ot
tale Kiucuid w ilh the reijuett thai the
same be filed aud that his name be
placed on the ticket as tho populist
caudidate for state treasurer. Kincaid
refused to till the ctrititicate, claiiniug
that oue.'.O. Doulh, a prominent aud
well known democrat, was the nominee
of the populist patty for this lueition.
tears went before Circuit Judge Hewitt
of Marion county and procured an alter-
naiivewritof mandamus, commanding
the secretary of state to rill, the certifi
cate of nomination or show cause why
the same was not done ou or before Ap
ril 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m. This will
test the matter to the right of a candi
date known to belong to another party,
lo have bis name placed on the ticket as
the representative of a party to which he
does not belong, nor even claim t be a
member of.
KJit or Hofer of ths Capital Journal,
opened the state campaign for the fuB
ioniots at Macleay in Marion county, on
April 21st, so says 1-Mitor Uufer in his
own paper. There were other distin
guished epeak rs prteeut who addressed
the meeting, but editor Hofer made the
main speech f..r the evening. Editor
Hofer saa so iu his paper. We have
the Btateuieut of e l't)r Hufer, in hid
own paicr, that the speech was a very
eloquent aud masterly effort ou bis part.
Editor Hofer refers to himself iu his own
account in his own paper, of his own
speech, us the Hon. E. Hofer and iu
another place as Col. Hofer aud again as
Hon. Col. Hofer. The Hon. Col. Hofer
evidently admires himself and has a
very exalted idea of his own ability as an
orator. Iu fact the Hon. Col. Holer is
au of Unary pop editor with the usual
pre-requisitea of a pop orator.
The modern warships aud torpedo
boats are but an experiment. Every na
tion on the globe will watch with inter
est the result of the coming conflict be
tween the two most powerful fleets that
have ever confronted each other in the
world's history. There have been navies,
which in the number of their ships an I
and guns vastly outnumbered that of
either Spain or the United States. Oth
er nations to-day have more powerful
ileets but this is the first time in the his
tory of the world that two such navies
have confronted each other with their
decks cleared for action.
King's Record.
In 1893 Tusionist Kiug was a member
of tho legislature and bo was H. II.
Northup of l'ortland. Comrade North
up introduced House Bill No. 11, which
provided an amendment to tho original
law for burial of indigent soldiers. The
old law provided that $30 could be ex
pended by county courts for buniug vet
eraus who left uo meaua for their inter
mvnt, if they had lived iu the elite elx
mouths. Taupei and others dying
with" it mouey could be but led under
i h ' m e of this state if tbey hud i esided
i- ' egon three months. The intent of
11. i! amendment which Judge Northup
iu'.roduced was o place tho indigent
vclcaus of thocivil war on the same
footing with others who had to be buried
by the aid of public money, bo the
amendment waa offered providing that
$15 may bo expended where it was neces
sary lo go long distances into the coun
try, aud changed the lime of re&ideuce
from six to three months. When tho
bill camo up for paauage, 1'uiionibt-for-Office-King
voted agaiust it, He would
not vote to raise the rank ol tnu poor
men who had belnud to save thin conn
trv, up lo that of foremu paupors. It
mil he few uieu who will vote for King.
Ualier City Kepublican.
Moro Castle Guuners Miss
Ten Times.
President Asks for
to Fight the Spaniards.
No Truth in the Reported Destruction ol' the Oregon.
The Paris and Shcnatuloan Probably Safe.
The Mangrove Will Cut Cuban Cables.
On hie FiAiiSiiii' Nt Vouk, Oil Ha
vaua, April 23.-2 p. m.-Morro castle
opened her gu us on the lighting 8'iuad
rou at 11 o'clock IhU moruiun. AWit
10 shots wre tired in tho direction ol
the ships. None took ert-i t and mme
were returned.
1 or the Hrt Time In a Third ol a
VamiinH".n, April 23.-l'ho pus
dent today culled upou the people 1 1 I be
United States, (or the lirtt lime iu
ears, to mauifest their martial strength,
the call tt is time Wing to a unit id eo
ple to go fcrih lo b.Utle with a loieigu
countrv. The call is for l2"-,tXM volun
teers. The secretary of war created a
uew army cctps. lhe to taken to
gether, with other uewa ol Hie day,
showed that the reguUr army soon will
move on Cuba, aud that uieuuwbile the
volunteers will be equipped and dulled.
i.lnnt'e uroclamatiou, while
1 UU -awa-w -
o.-inallv inatiMl. was uut certified to the
aovernos Of the Htalcs and lei'ilone?.
i ;n l until Monday, lhe
UUVI " aiw-
reaHouia twofold. In the liret place,
il, Q .lenrlment wished lo aoid
destroying the present .oil ol
the Natioual -uard, which is U be
....ii-.r int.. n..rvir lirst. Tho t'Uatd
rncimeuts are composed of 12 companies
and beiug otlieered more nuuiuoualy
than the regular arm. would have to be
changed to correspond u the m my
iranization in order to comply with
io. . it uitH The nen.ling Hull
Uluci ma .
bill, however, provides foi meetiug ju
such an emergency, aud pcriuile the u?o
of the National t.uard, as
This is more impoitaut thau wouid ap-
...... .1 lil inaamncll US initio ot t'lC
yomi . uk. '
Natioual Ouard have voluuteeied only
iu condition that they may seive as now-
The second consideration which iullu
,. I II, n .Innart mut in Pott polling the
vuwv. ..... I'- .
certification of the call until Monday u
a desire to make sure that adequate at
raniiements can be complete! by q;iar
Ui masters aud tho commissary depart
ments for feeding aud transporting the
i k 1. 1 Kap iA man I'M. lied for. lhid is no
light task, as the volunteers uuibi be
t.b 1. 1. it,., urivpriiiiii-nt ut a certaiu
point in each si ite w here tboy a o to lx
collected by the governors.
Ihepiesident'e proclamation follows
1 1. a Prnsidunt of the I uited
States-A Proclamation :
"Whereas. By act of cougrese, entitled
an O't if firfiVli In fur lhe increasing of
the military eHtablishmeut of the United
States iu time of war, and for other pur
poses, approved April 22, 18'iB, the pres
ident was authorized, in order to raise
volunteer army, to issue his proclama
tiou calling for volunteers to scryo
the arms of tho United States.
"Now. therefore, I, William McKiu
lev. nresideut of the United States, by
virtue of the power vested in me by the
constitution and by-laws, aud deeming
sullicient occasion to extt, have thought
fit in....n fi.r volunteers to the urugute
Ml vwt ' "" "
number of 125,000 to carry infr 11' '
tilt till r 1 1 lfaa4 nf said resolution, lhe
same to be apportioned as far us prac
ticable among the several tUtentl ter
litoiiisaod the District of Columbia, ac
cording lo population, aud to servo for
lHfl sooner discha i od. The
SUV vwlwj - -
detail of this oi Jof will be immediately
led to the proper uuthontiu
through the war department.
In wit riHHR whereof, I have hciouuto
I and Ca'JHcd the HCal id the
United .Mates lo be ulli.ved.
"Ijno at Washington, this 2 Jd day of
At,,il I cix and of lhe independence of
the I'uited States tho 122d.
"Hy tho President,
"JOHN fiHERMA-N. Senetary
Spanlsli Transports en Route.
Wabiiinuion, Apiil 23,-lt id not be
lieved that any olUcial notice haa hceu
received bv the department coiaorning
the blockading squadrou, although ligid
adhesion to the rule of uot giving any
news as to tho movement ol ehipH
might havo prevented knowledge of any
dispatch from leaking out.
A cable was received from Martinique
that the Spauieh ships Alcaute aud
Mfiiilanrrit had sailed today from HI.
125,000 Volunteers
1'ietre lot Huiiii) I'ul'iiu poll, having on
bo.irvl MM iiii-u. It is lil.-My thai this in
foiuiali'Mi will U dpeedily comuiunieiiti'd
to CaptA:ii S.impsjn.
d sm as any iiiipotlant movi ineiit
shall have I cm made in eeeutioti of
tho depai tmei.l'd ordeis, a dis-
pa'. '.' w 11 immudialely convey (he
newsloKey West, (rum whence it will
be telegraphed lo Washington.
I he Oregon Sale.
W viuN'-uis April 2;id. Ih" mi st
inpoitaut devek.penieiil today in regard
to (be m 'ivemeuld il the atioiid sbii.s of
the tntvy .is hii d'.iteuienl jdsued
iv Si'iiit.iiv Lou-I., iheeltrit that the
.titmei.t : r f : i ' ' ha.iiv u( the where
i'OUtd'ci tin' I .itt l -.-hip (ii .'guii mid the
gunboat Marietta, but hr pru leiit rea
son. p"itm ' v de bued Iu bav w he e tho
v a.icls aie, w licllu-r or nut tbey have
ecu ordered '.o n Iniii to ." l'rancitno,
or, in ..hi, 'ii ma e au htateiuent
rejecting II. '.in, hirlliei lliati it has
uo apptoheiijioii lor llioir tafety.
It I 'in.-. a lint the depaituieul had
la '.cu steps l have the commander ol
liiu Ougoli met by fiiehdd Mini "allied
of i he outbreak ot hostilities and of tho
pretence of a .vpanioh tuipedo-guubtat
a' Liicii' '4 A) i en to lhe imth o( the war
shspouhii ',ay lo tho North Allaulic
S'l'ialion .(
f ate ol the I'arLi.
l.o:.i"'N, April 2J. The captures made
yesterday by lhe warships of the Amen
can S'UUiIruii palo iuto insigoiticaucu in
Cjmpariso:i with o'm reported t have
been made by a Sp.inieh cruiaer this
ui'i: iii ug.
lliepri.x' teenred was Hie Amenean
liuer Paris, w hich wad under charter to
the l ulled Si x; a government, and ski
ing fur New Yorl, where it was intended
to tit her out as an auxiliary I'miner.
Loudon ufti.rii j'jii papers have received
rcliat'i ) tin-Art Ir.jin r.ellasi regarding tins
cai'ore, wliirbis btti l tu havo occurred
1 'the I r i r-J i i.'uast. News of the capture
id nut clhcialh coutirmed, and in dome
H'lun yrs id doubted.
Uno rcqiorl says the steamer i- return
iug to '"outhaiuptoii.
lue t ans id u sieldr dliqi to thu .Nun
Y"H , and in ono of the In. cut pasellger
stuaiuetd ailoat. Her'i'- i.i some
thing over $ I ,IXM,(XM.
Ni.' Yoiik, April 231. Cl-nicni A
' 'riijom, ol the American t-teanmhip line
said today .
"I havo ju. t ren ivid a cablegram from
the agents ol lb'; hill; in Southampton
stating that lh(.ir is ab-oliitclyj no Iruil
iu the rumur thitlhe I'arid Inn been
Alleged I'ri.c
A.viwi.iii', Apnl 23. --It ir reported
here I hat the Miciiuiidoah haa been cap
lured on 1'ie English coast by u SpauUh
.New l o'.k , April 2 i. . I 'earmoui
a'ent for tho ship Shenandoah, said bo
had heal d from trustworthy Hjiirccs that
It wal not hid ship, but thu l.ritish ship
heuatiiloab, Ii .in Newpot News, April
l i i n I.ivei p ic I , thai had been boarded
and exainiuod by ibe Hpauiards. The
American ship, uu i.aid, hhoiild be duu in
l.iyetpool today 01 tomorrow at thu latest.
Will Cut the Cuban Cable.
Ki.i, April ii. Tho I'uited
btaU's iileamer Mangiove lcfl hero ut
.30 thin ui'jiuiiii' fully equippc'l an a
cable ship, hhu headed nouthuaut, aud
bt'i iki.tiii.iUou iu uaid to be thu couth of
Cuba. There, it id naid, she will cut oil
cable communication with the islaud
proper, to far u:j thu uoulhcru cabled are
coned at: I. It id lludcrHtood she is to bo
c'tivojed by "lie "r uioro waidhipn.
Auolhel rcpoit has il on thu authority
ol one of her ollicei d that uho id going
out lo the Key Wot nliip channel to re
move tho buoy:-:,
io eminent llold.s the ire.
Ki.v Wr:hi, April 23.-- Tho govern
ment hau taken conl iol of lhe lelegraph
wiiud at Ihiu point aud all press matter
will ho handled nubject to thu decision of
the censor. Tolegi aphie coiuniuuieatiou
with had been ubandoued.
W hy not
lake Spain and give berbi
If your
doesn't sell .sir ;' I. tc" u-s l,is mime,
what kind you want (Japan, linglUh Ltakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what rIc pack
age you want. We'll sec that you get it.
San Francisco
Apportionment ot Volunteers.
I'll a call for 12 ,iHH) men to be appor
tioned amoug tho sIk'ps nceoidtiig to
their populalioi", the Mpportttumciit
would Ih a follow :
Man land
Minnesota .
Montana ...
Nebraska . . .
New Hampshire.
New Jfm'y
1 ,21 18
I , 1107
II. tlOs
3, 10.
, 1.910
, 1,250
, 1,942
. 4.721
. 2,871
, 2 15
1 , 1 90
. 2,002
2,. 'x.l
New York
North Carolina ..
North I'akil i
.rf'.l j
. 7,231
V 10
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I, I V.I
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. 231
IViiiif) hauia ...
Khode Itlaud
South I'akota .
South Carolina
West Virginia
W ouiing
Pitt of Columbia
Mow Mexico . . .
Oklahoma . .
ln,.i.i'l mi" T.jlnrl II.
".It t' pr tli" r. .it i.imit t
, i'r..i..i Hili" 'Ii" ' "ll-'ti"" e'ir."
Ciind. end ' II m Held. ha" 1""
, n K ;i"i..'.it tied f.r 10 i"i.l-
I ii ..f -...r .l: ii : t r . nd I" "U
I I V li!l'., "... i i."l . N- V. l'n
I MI'toir
1 from ' i1 fill i ' tit"' -I'll"! I 'I I
I i, i I I lie . r lii'p. 'I f"i
cur.-, hut Lh'-' I i ':iui Unliu wemd to i'"
fv.ii (hit. Many in- .iaint;iii" ha" u"l
it with "IC'll'nt r.-siillt. lcar Oatnini,
1 Win ren Aw.. I'hieag.", 111.
l:ly'i Cream Unliu i tb" iicku"" l"l;:"l
curc f -r cutnrrh and coutaiui no C"
i.rirnrv lli.r HUT III UllollH uru j. i re
(0 cents.
At dnigyii-ti or by ui wl.
No-To-liac for Hfly triii.
iiiarann i.l mtiaico hal'lt nirc. mui.i - w. iik
uieu.iiruni;, bluoU pure. 60c.ll. All iliuc.-ist
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no plf sduuter
or better way to do it thau by rei .m
mending One Minute Cure as a prevent
ive of pneumonia, consumption aud
other serious lung troubles that follow
neglected colds. Masters' I 'rug More
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Ayoy
From r Terrible Sore -Her btory ol
th- Caie, and Her Cure.
"l or many yedra 1 Wiih nlllicted with h
milk It u, and a fe w y i ,irn bl'o II hroke mil
In ii Hurc hihI Hpn Hd from my fool (.. my
knee. I nuffcred great agony. It w;iild
burn and itch all the time ami iIim Iiiiihu
n t;ri'Ht deal. My liniltli win k'mmI with
the except ion of litis aore. I tried a L'rcnt
many kinds of salve, but huiiio would
irrituto thu More ho Hint I could hardly
htaud the pain. I could not go neur tho
(Ire w itlniut Huffiring Intensely, Home one
Sent me paM rs euntainlng tct IiiioiiIhIh of
cures by Hood's KursHparillii, and 1 told
luy hushand 1 would like tu try this im d
icine. He got me a bottle and 1 found it
helK.d me. I kept on taking It until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's HarMaparilla enough fur I lie
great benefit It has Imtii to me. It
cIchiisch the blood of all impurities ami
lcacd it rich unit pure.'' MltH. ANNA 10.
Uakkn, Wliiltlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood' Harsaparilla of nil
(lniKgislH. He dure to get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
arc II"' l.iMniii' I.iiuily
I'atli.uli"'. I'll. u ;'''..
IIdW ; K l KxtlJ II V NAIli;i'.
AT H0V1b
Only I'liiili'nl
i it lit it. t i .. ii l .
I'rlce 7,5 lo ai..iu. Vittli riM.iii ninl
u ii i tu 1 1 ii ui c u 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 c I . (Jimh li. iilli ninl
t'uuy Hlioii niutiKin , Neuralgia, l.ujili.c,C'iil(lK,
I 1 r ami M.liiny 'i, mukx i icur t-Kiii
aud suollicil tlio Nii vcB.
Toledo, Ohio.
I;. Y. W.M.HII, AKdit lor DougluH (Ji.uuly.
Ili ti r l.y pt-ioiiiiiii'.ii to
Miih. 11. (',
M: IkIIcii lloii.e, llimoljuig, nr.
IV I o l i II J
us any money We don't :.ell at
Schilling & CwijMity
Soldiers' Homo i.upplie!
Sealed piotuiHalii will be iniiwd fv
the commandant ol the Hiegmi ; -..'iliru.'
Home, at his ollice In Ibe I loine until
o'eloek, p. in., Apiil HO, ls i"i. br 'be
fulliiwlnn iiiimh'iI mui Iu'm. which a i. I"
he (iirnnihi .1 Iiciii i uii" I Iinie, :..i tc
qllill'd I. ir III.' III Hie ll. lili'. ihlliui' Ih..
yein ending Apnl I"-'1 '. V i
i iioeorics and kindled nupplu :'. ik pi I
ll-t on lilo at the ll. me.
Itntter, nboiil lilty pmnnlr. p. . mil
I'ry goodri ll.iii'. .ottoii und woi bn
over and under i.hnl-i, .tiaw.i.i mid
seeks; overiilK r.uiqi mh i . Ii.indl.ri
ehhdd, li, A. II. i inli', i b ' .m l ' I'l"
All W'OOiIh IIIIImI III Wilt I. int..
I Uhh' ' ill I biur I ih .
Tim right l" t i i v cl
all bidn.
Itici'luirK, ii. , i i 1 i
i, i
i I . I '
. II ! , u. . ' ' in inil.i
at nil"; oi'i:k. i k u s!-;
Apt il
Tlu" !cv ui ii ! '.t ,
HOYTS I'd -ST ri)Mi:iv
i .nu
ll I-" ,
Want Your
. Viu!
The I'opular Wheel
at the Standard
Price aiul no I'etter
Wheel at any Price.
on honor
on their
are hnilt
and sold
MII mal.i' On Si . i .on til i)
I lie- It I Ihll.lll.' I .mil mum II. hi ul
North mid ; iiiiii. I iii"iiin i.i.i i . i. .ui -i i
H ik Miih Ii I i i.i.'l i 'i I'lin 'ul I i.
Htlllll tlilVH, ill I ill Inn Uu.'.', I ti
ll)', ICost liui
MCIIOI, I .i li.ui'l Ink i ,.'.ui M. ill
I'll, ;,ll' 'I I') I I III I I . " i 'I.i in, .'.hi' l'
Ni'ih" iv 1JJ.I; Ai.i.i ."-.. I-.... l... I.. 1 1 1 -Hun.
I iiIuimI 'hiiiliii'l, I'ul.i ,Mi i. .:. Mr I- ii
iiiiiiuulici'iit hi'li i I'hiid in i ii i n i i i "iii-
inetriciil In iiidin in.'l : I . , I mi. I l,.,...,
Hlyllkh, i;oi.i iirlii'ii nii'l mi: ii .1 1 1 ,,l 1 1 n . , . , S i .
II. j ih ! inn rl. ii UI 1 ' . I In .i'l' .I ".' i. Ih i.i Uih
"i"lll"lll. H'I ll'Cll ' Hillll'l, IHI'I 11 lill" III' 1 1 , . n
ilili id II". Inn I. null., Iiii. - In. v. ii l lint In
lll'i'il'i IH tl'lll II I III' I'. iI.Iiii 'I, ill I. .1
ii ill lie m'i ii hy I.i- i 'll.'i. i , In , I'ic. .hii" l- nil
tllllt ii.iild lie ili'Ml'i'l, II l In ii. til
Mini tic uii iiuiui i in in nii i n 1 1 io . i mil 1 1 1. ,
ul Kiieuil unit i-n iiii-iii Hi.ii uu i cli.ii.i. ii n itc
1.1 till' lUlllllic he I' 'l' m i. I -.
Tci'lilK, tin lo iusiiit-.
I'hiiul icluiii lui iii'i: .. u .in , .in. ui 1 1 1 1 1 1
111 W'l I k", UIH I HI 'I-1 I"' i. 1 1' I I'l I ul I, I II I r I I il I.
ell limii ti'i' fin in. I'nsl in l n n i in. null,
luiil tin) lii-it ol ruin liil.i ii ul iiiiiii'm, uu
le )iiilill.llil y n -.i i ii i t l.n in i nli iiin i.i i . n.i .
I or liiltber I'liiln ulms, inl.lii .,
II..-; ::, 1.0 -1: l.l l;d, i m: I ..":. .