PortUnclMtttr Tho Pluindealor DEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'iiMIcIidiI (very 1 hurnliy AfHrii'iuB AlHk mnl Main Mlieul, MODI. Ill HU, UHliUON -Hr ms- PUlNOEAUR PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tho Plaiiuleulor ioi'tii.UH, , . " r ; ' f '-rn:u 11 kais, ' ' IILL IIKAI'C , i;TC.,KTC.,i:iC I.xetulcd Neatly and U Living Halt . Vol. XXIX. ROSKIiURG, O RUG ON, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1 80S. No. 1 7. GENERAL DIRECTORY hi 111 or LkSllilH. u ' , l.W. Mi Hildu (1. H. minion I , ITIhu. II. loin no Joiigrcaameit Jyv, It. Kill. tiovcriinr William I'. Inwt H.-i rvlary ol dlale H. It. Klucald HUlu I rraaiirer I'lill Mc-lacliaii n.l. l ull. Inalriicllou (I. M. Iiwln Hum I'rlnUT w. II. Iz-eda Attorney ticin-ral '. M. Mil-man K. A. Mmirn StiireiucJtld-ca ) K. Vtoltrtrloil K. . Mean .J. II. r.My HmIIiiixI I'omtiilavltMirm (I. A. Maniiin (II. H. IIID'U llcrk (l Halltoad Conmilaaioii L)Jull ttakwi H UM) Jllllll lib HHiaitT. jti.lgi- J. (I. Fullertuu l nvcullii Attorney K, intra 11. , Lmi orrus, aiiaaaiian. Knx lrrr 11. H. Hherldau leglaler H. M. Veidou (I, I. WtiTHIk l'l0. OUofir Thoa. OiiiaoD HomiLIS ll'l'HTY. Huiiator A tt. Ilctd J.T. Ilildices. R.naehlatli JA.M. liawluid ' U, V. lihlilla 'link 1 H HI.111 hvrlO B. -' A r e Irra.urrr . tl. W. IMiinnl. k Hchool Siip.rlndcut HoiikIm W alia Kmnmt.. . W M. Hutt ( ountjf Jil'liO A. r. Hlearna Cuuiinlaalouers "; ','( 'iThoTa'" Hurvoror Vt HI I'. H'J'1"" Coroner Dr. K. I- Mlllm Hliu liii'c lor Iliin. Hmltb rmimiT urm m. Jiuilrea Ji'lm Hamlin ..ouaiahh-a i.:.mnii it v or aoagucau. Major A. I'. Manliri tut M II MKK. ... .. . IIMI Miami. look , , ., . , 1 II. mnutoii I A . l it hi- 11. I . Alk.-I. Hi'i imlif lii tlir llu lirMUIVf tr fM,.. hm.ii.i w. uuuia tut kr riuM. 1 1. v t in mt Conn lor HoiiiiU t'uuiiir itirvu Mm 1 Him ji r lulliim: Tho 1 Moil il.y In Man It. tUn 4th MnlnUr In June, mil Hip lit tluiiiU, In lrriml.r J f. Kiillcrtnn ol Hou liuii J'l'Ui-. llm. M. Huiwii, ol ltiwlmr, I'tiwrt uiliif liuiut jr. I miutr l-i'ltl litre w Hip WmlnrnUr M ! Ilia l.l MmiUr l Jnuiy. Mu h, My. July, r.itriuler NiireinlHf, A. t. hii.tti. ol ll.klnu'1. Jll'Uo, M.I' HioihmjO nl HriiltliiiK ml YV. II. vu inil..ol Itl l lln. iiiutnitMliitlvn. I iobal t oil 1 1 la lu tIOii iuiiIIuuoiimI jr. A. t I' ll i in. IuiIkc. rtatlulr mtcilug. Ml' li. M.kr, lui.-KIH l;i I Ml)'. K. Nl. T.S; li.il .1 tli i r m w " 'iiiiniiiili nil"ii l llm i) ti t . Im'l on i.inl n l louitli Ihmi.Uy II t sell mouth. All im uil" t i " lni'1 I' (iilmlv, ml all tl.Uihi hiothtn tor dill) Hit llt'l lu mi lot. MIMJ TAi.K 1 1 I IN, K. K Hl.iaiAN MAUKH, Ntrvioi. I OI .I.AI I tt'M II . M :l Jll t I". A.M.. 1 mrft vvny W nlmU)' iinlii nl n'rlm k In tin? tiM M.iuln IUII. lIHUa brethcra mu tonllnHjr Imllnl loatuii'l V. II. No... U'. . rrt . oiini iior. lU'i'UldluK lt;t It ll; . r At'KKI. I.UIHir. A. K A A kl.Itm.ll.Att mrrtlnna I ho ;l mi'l Ith cliicUja lu crh otolith I lll.K JtIIN-lN, W. M. . S'tijf. N.I. Jixm lllllLhlAKIAN LOOK. NO. H. J l. O. F. miH'li HutimUr rreului ol til ' l thrlt hall In O't't Ki lloir lnn.lo at ItowliurK. Mcinhrra til he orilrr In eood alanlln( arrlntll oatoalliiol. I10III.KI KOHINfU.N. N. (I. t . O. Mo r.i-i.l. it t'J OUfKlirilii l.olx.K, NO. If.. A. ). It. ncvla Ihe aii-onJ ami lomlh Mon.lata ol u h monih al7 ) p. m. at Utl-I oJlona ball. Mrmkn ol thr otJi t In I'unl HamtlHg III Tltmt lo alien. I I miii.i.r kii -o i. A l( . MF.KIH TUB IN. not ..i.l llm. I 1 liiir.U)i ol t at h mniilh. W'UMFN B KFI.1KF t OKI H NO. 10. MF.BT8 V Oral aul Ihliil Fnilaji In fch inoulh. AKMV AI.I.IA.Mh KtlMilar qntrtrrli Mtvtlima will l h"M at tnni;n Mall, Kuanhum, Hi" Hiat Krhlay In i.-. ciiiIkt, Marvh ml June, am! Ihu llili-t Krhlay In Ufinlr. ROfKUU R(J til AriKlt. NO. t. O. It. .. MKKTH Ihokixvnd aud luuilh TUurailaya ol eato mmih' moI.I IK ! ll.YMBKUDK, W- M. RKtll.N A It AM', ri-c . Tt)fiKBl'Rt IHVIUN NO ,. H. OF I.. K., R mwUovtriicu.uUn.l l.iurlh HumUr. i i.t a IODOK. NO. 47, K. Ot I' . VFKTH ALL Vvd..rl.V cvrnl.H l O.l.l F.Uowt Hall VlaUln KulKbU III KoJ alandlng tor aiaJlilurtualo Itaud. nn I'roleaiBilouHl tarda). M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, .. , H, ,ll. II, ,u . KOI Bill' RU. OB. p-Biialnr lloro the t'. i-ann vnnu ululiig caati a apocialtjr. I ato KWflver v. . "' Old M. DROWN. fHy. I'AUK Tl'IIIH JJEOWN TUflTIN, Attorncys-al-Liiw, ttouma and M Wtlauu Block. la KUbKUUUU, OR mir IV. W1LL1B. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will pratltca In all the court! ul In oval, ui tea UtheCouilUouM, Uouila tounly.tnj. E. D. 8TKATF0RD, Attorney at Law, imiuii .1 nd 4 ,.. ,1U r A Wlliou Block. KOdiBUKU. OH B. EDDT, Attorncy-at-Law, ItOiKUt'IlO, OUKOO.N. J RA I. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, KObKBlHU, OUEU0N Northern lcinc RailroflJ Company. Are Belling tickets to nil ioin(n MitHt t 1 M .1- l . nun tun reuumr rio. II. H. K. lit i K, J.ocul Aumil No, MiiihIoih Imililrtik' LMEfl V. HOOVER, 1'liyskiitn ami Suieun, Mnl I. mrit't, iiio' door aohlh ol City Halt. IIOHMII'IIO, OH. YRA DROWN, M. D. ill- KICK, Hri Jaiknon Mint I, ulna hlum.j ol Mra. J. Illucr. j ItlMKUl It'., OK. j J L. MILLER. M. L., Surgeon and Homueopatliic I'hyHician, Jbunlo dlaaaaM paaUlty, w ILL. 1. 11EYD0N, JMlll(' HlllVI'lIM', mid Nolnry I'iiIHU. Orrii JiiI oiiiIIIc.uk-. U,lrla lor ciirn vlMK and Field N'oli-a ahould bo a-ldnaao.! lu Will l lit) dun, louuly Huf Ttiyur, kuaivbum. Or. f S1RIC1I.V I IR5T CLA5S. - iwvn:i McCLALLEN. MIIB 1. . M t I Al LK.N, l o.. heae;uaeteii3 roa travelim uzn. Hri.H III. AMOK AIM. I.. laiKi'.Fint . aini'lt K.'oiii.. Fin llm lu and r i'ni 1 lain. Crockery and Glassware! I ' t rtlt- UK 1 1 A '41 1 til III t ii brtiKhl t K"M.t'irr: lN4i h iuin tc ti' lni ! t hut' i. GROCERIES I OUAl I",, A Ni i i, A h- Alt Miulsof Country Produce MRS, IN. BOYD WOODWARD the ROSEBUR6 . I'tX'H U ALL COMPETITORS! Vro kUnyiiu tlio LcJ, ntl uiem to kep there. Th liolilen lUrvcit il tipou ua, aud farm er r amiling tccauao WooJwanI loa to tlicir intcrcat IIIJCaHtlV IIAIli: Full Triunucd TEAM HARNESS Thuae rc all l.t-atlicr nl Warranted. SADDLES At KeJucetl 1'ricM, Coiiiult your iuno aud t aula and aaa Toodwanl bvlore bu'lng. W. H. WOODWARD B IIOHNVlll.I., Uouiilua County, Oregon Tho ttahrs ol I Ik-mi Sirlni;i tontalu : Iodine, llrnmliip. rotaaKiiim. tho t arliuiml.n ol Iron and Unit aud t lilortdi a ol Cakluui, MitRntuliiin aud Kodluni. t no VprliiK I'ontiilim I ' and tho ullur vnr :hhj graino ol aoiia ruullcr to no ganou. iKirated on llm houthiU I'acltlo Railroad, "blinata rout ' Imm Hu l rautUvo to I'ortlaud, lu Iiougliia C ouuly, oii gou. Aituravatvd caat-N ol Klit'iiinaliinii, Na.alt'a iHtrti. t alairh ol tho Ktomach. IIvmhiDhIk. Dla botes. Nouralaia, Malarial I'olnonlni:. Kldney Ironlilo, t'onatipalion, liiKeaaia ol tho hkiu, Liver aud BoneU, iiud Ventnal iliniaatk Uavu hci'U cured by tlio utu ol ttHio all r. New bath rMinii roimot'lcl will) Hie nialu I'lilldinrr. roatoilico aud hxuiess on luu 1'uiu ln'. Dally mall, uortlt uiid luutli. 'J'criun- thJ cr wick, fJ per d) , im linling liRlllK. 'I'lio UoUl I., under I ho InniiciliHlc hhhhih ton ol t AIT. Ui;iS. U. HOHWI.M.i ui'.laV .Malinger. Ask your Druggist for agrucroui IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm ciiniaina no cocaine, mercury nor any other In Jiu lou ilrii),'. U li ipilckly Aliiorlnil. Ulvea Hellef atoned. H ooens and rli ainaa 'COLD (N HEAD liu ahui rH,iiii-., . I. . ...i......... i.... Aim. luiniiiuiR. Ih-nla and l'lulei la Iho .Meiuhrano. Kculurta Ilia N-urra tit 'l io.li! and hiiit ll. Knll bin) bi 'I nul W lOfl.l t DniLvlataor hy mall. 1.1. Y lilto rilKlt, o Vrn n Street, Kew ork. J :atarrh TO BLOCKADE North Atlantic Sqadron Now in Front of THE CAPTURE Asiatic Fleet at Hong Kong Reinforced by the Cruiser Baltimore is About to Sail for the Philippines. President Calls for loojooo Volunteers. Wamiim.io.s. Anril - A tuvotiiiit f the labiiiul wan held today, at Hie ilooe of uliii'ti it a atinouine l that the d- tuioiatraiiua now cuusiders tlnraH he in if un, Hud that hoetillts will hu irued iit all uiui as rapidly .ih puaMi- blo. Tho Hronidcnl ijJay incuud annul- iimlioii viliii li aunuuin i-8 ablotkado o( the port of Havana on tint Hurt li uiid CieiilucoN -u lli: nuilth col nt Cnhii. Thrwe llitkade" it il inlfinlcd lu en forte luiiut-diaUly with Iho verwla of the Not Mi AHaiitic Hotl, ninth sailed from Kr Weal thin iiioruinK at o . The oi'lurs lo the licet", it m ainiounted, will hert-Hlior Im lit Id ecurt-t, lo prevt nl the SpaniarJn iainiiig an iiiklinu nl the govrrhiiii-iit 'h plan'. Ilapld 'i 'i',rt". m iKui mailo n lilt Ihevaiiuiia war luuiBuica l.ruiijflil be fore kiiicupb duniii: tliu nad tlnoo dayp. The coitl etiihari;i) resolution lod.iy re ceived the prtbiilonla Bigiiatiirr, mnl h uuw law, and the loulfri'iiee rt'Krt ou the volunteer ai.ny hill patted hull) hotiBea ol couieHB. Tho naval lull will piohaely j;o through Mouduy. A propo'iiiou is underalo h! lu he uu dcr connidt i alioli hy tho adiiiinivliHlioli to Ul.e pufisofoioi) oi holh the I'hilippiue tod ilawaiiaii ielauds, as a war ineaa tiro, hut lh rexnl t.ml.l nut hit ollit'ially conliruied. The wife arrival o( Wuiallord at Heud.tye, on the Spanish frontier, after exciting eirieucea with Spiininh liot er, Iiihi I 'Pt' n announced here. The l irt I'ric. Ki . AVk-i, Hh., A pul -To Iho cruicer Nashville heloiiu Ihe glory of haviiia' taken Ihe lirl Spanish pti.e of war. The vetted capltxed waa the steamer I'.ueua Ventura, doui l'.tsca- goula, Mien , for Kolturdaui, with luui her. The Nashville, ou (ighliug the Span iard, tiicd a bla.uk shot, which the latter ignored. This was followed by it shot from a aix-pounder. The liuena eu tuia then iiiriendeiud, with a crew of '20 men. The NaBhvillo towed her prize into this harbor at 1 1 o'clock this uioru ug, aud put a pri.a crew on hoaid. The news of thu capture of the Span iard set thn people of Key West with en thusiasiu. All work has been suspend ed, aud the dot-ka are crowded with pco pie. I he L'ltimatum. Wasiiim.io.n, April il. Following is the text of the president'!) ultiinatum to Spain, aa given out this morning; "April -0, lS'tS. Woodford, milliliter of Iho I'nited Stales, Madrid: You have been furnished with the text of tho joint resolution Voted by the congrese of the I'uiled States ou tho UHh iuet., aud approved today lu relation to the pacifi cation of tbo island of Cuba. I u obedi ence to that act, Ihe president directs you to immediately communicate to the government of Spaiu said reiolution with a formal demand upon the govern ment of Spain to at ouce relinquish its authority nd govt in incut iu the island of Cuba aud withdraw its laud aud naval forcea from Cuba and Cuban waters. 1q taklug this step the I'nited Stales hereby disclaims any disposition or intent ion to eaerclte sovereignty, iuriedictioti or control over the Island, except for tho pacification thereol, and auuorta ita determiiialion that w ben luat is accomplished to leave tho goverutueut and control of tho island to its people under such free and independent gov ernment aa they may establish. "If by the hour of noon on Saturday next, Ihe IMd day ol April, instant, there be uot communicated to this gov erutueut by the government of Spain, full and satisfactory response to this do maud and resolution, w hereby tho cuda of peace in Cuba shall be assured, Ihe president will proceed without further notice to use the power aud authority euioyed and conferred upon hliu by said joint resolution to such exteut ua may be necessary to carry tho same into ellect. i Signed) Siikhman." Havana and Cienfuegos. L .. K OP THE Fl'RST i ! Wamiinui-om, Aft it L'-'.-iThe North Atlantic fleet Bailed from Key West this tooriiiii", at ') : 1.) o'clock, preeumabl v for Havana, allhniijrh thn navy department dot linci to give out any iuformatiou as to the t't-htiiiatiou of the Marebipe of oil her this ll-.-et or .Schlcy'l suadioii. II, m blixka-Ic of Havana and Cienfucrfo, it :h understood, will be enforced iui mediately upon the arrival if the war ships at their luspcctive dt-ttiuatious, and will he luaiutaiued pending the re inforcement o! the naval by tho amy forces of I'je I'nited iitatts. The arrival of the cruiser Baltimore at iloug Koiif is iinoiinced, aud the Asi alio Mjuadrnn is now ready fir eea. The proput-cd distillation of this fiiadron is enorally BiipK)Hcd to be the- l'hillip-piiit-if, which inlands it is propcucd lo take puH-H en'ju of as booh as praclicahle. No new movements of the vet-se!s of the l'acltic llit-i are itl pit-sen i luuttm p'atvd, except that Ihu luoiiilvi Monad uuvk has been oidcred from Yallrj j to l'UKet Buuud, and has already I t tin her V0 4g,3. The inoveujt'iit of troupe toward the (Kiiuts of mobilization in the South con tinues unabated, and will in a few days have becu completed 1 1 is announced at Ihu White lloube that a proclamation calhug for 100,000 volunteers will iseuu tomorrow, under the authority confer ied upon the preai deii by the army vchiuti-er hill p.tefed by t'ongress today. Woodford's Statement. W.t-iiiM.i.i.s, A pul L'l. l'he following statement regarding Ihu sending of the ultimatum to Spaiu was issued today ; Ou yceiti Jay, April L'O, lS'-U, at about II o'clock tho department of state served notice of Ihe purpoaes of this gov ernment, by delivering to Minister l'olo a copy of the icstrucliuus to Minister Woodford and also a copy of the resolu tions passed by the confess of the I'nit ed States ou the l'Jth. Immediately after the receipt of this notice the Span ish minister forwarded to the state de partment a rcuosl for hie passports, which were furnished him yesteulay afternoon. A copy of the instructions to Woodford is herewith giveu out. The I'nited States miuioler at Madrid was, at the same time, instructed j make a like communication to tho government of Spain.' This morning the department received from Minister Woodford t'ie following telegram, tstatiug that the Spanish gov ernment had brokeu otT diplomatic rela tions with Ibis government. This course ou the part of Spaiu renders unnecessary any further diplomatic acliou on the part of the United Ststes: "M.U)Uu, Apiil il. Early this vThui.idayt morning immediately after receipt ol your telegram ami More I had communicated the same to the Spanish government, the Spanish minis ter of foreigu atlairs notified me that diplomatic relations had beeu broken be tweeu the two countries und that all otlicial communications betweeu their respective reprobeutativea have ceased. 1 accordingly asked for safe passput 1 1. I shall turn the legation over to the Brit ish eiubasxy, aud leave for Paris thia afternoon. I have uotilied the consuls. (.Sigued ' Wooni ouo. The Und of the Negotiations. Wamiim.ion, Apiil '-'l. I'ipUnualic relalious betweeu the t'n'Ued States aud Spaiu aio at au eud. It ia ex peeled that from uow uu eveulii will move with aiii8.iug rapidity up I the climax of actual war. t'pou leteiyiug Woodford's cablegram this uiorniog, Aisistaut Sec retary Pay hurried to Ihe White House aud communicated Ihe news li the presideut. Secretmy Toiler was imme diately dispatched to (lie capilol to in form the senate foreign relations com mittee, and alio leading members of the house, of the latest developments. Ty a hasty summons Seualora Davis, l.jJge, Allison aud other! joiued Pay aud the president shortly after 10 o'clock in a conference, H'H purpom of which wan to HAVANA SPANISH PRIZE map cut the immediate policy of the I'nilad States. Senator Cull'jm, whowat also at Ihe conferen e. uoii leavintr the While House raid the handing of the paseporte a Woodfoid constituted the Spanish re ply and ended all peaceful negotiations. Kyerylhiug now, he euwgeetcd, would go ahead without the preliminary action of a declaration of war by concrete. The neit step, be Baid, would be ti call out the 1 1 oops. In the bcEt icformtd cire'-.-s the idea is prevalent that the nefcident will U"t ask congress tomal-e a foi mal lecl.-ia-lion of tii. An Alliance Possible. NtMt Voi.h, April 'Jl A llt-uld dit pa!--h from Wasiiingtou eay.: Henry White, secretary of the Atuui cau embairsy in Loudon, id bere on a diplomatic misf-ion in connection with the relations of this government Kith that of great Britaiu, aud the particular relations groaiog out of the situation be tweeu this country aid Spain. One ofhci.il high in admmisi rjtion eirelcs baid that Mr. 'V'hite inhere in connec lion with the preparation of a new treaty between the I'nited Stales and threat Lirilain, something ou the line, ho be lieved,ofthe arbitration trt-atv which failed laal year. He only knew that some kind of negotiations were in pro gress, and that Mr. White is here in con nection with them. The only information vouched for in response to au inquiry al the state de partment is that Mr. White is here in connection with affairs pending iu the embassy iu l.oudou. lu tpite of all this mystei t there is reason to belicvo that he is here iu connection with a proposi tion "sounding'' is the exact diplo malic vvcid-for this government from tireat 1'ritain as lo a new treaty, wide in its scope as to include not only an arbi tratiou alliauco under ceitain circum stances, certainly with nothihg less than positive assurance of the friendship of tho British government iu the pres ent crisis and its w illiuguess to go to any extent lo prove this good feeling. What pleasure is (hero iu life with headache, constipation and biliousness'.' Thousands expenenco tuem w ho could become perfectly healthy by using l'e Wilt's Little Karly Uisers, the famous little pills. Marstera' Drug Store. Many women woik tm hatd. There is no queb. tion about that. If they did not have I.ove for a yoke fellow they could never endute the daily, tie-inly giind and dnulci v of life, but thry bear it eheeilullv, sustained by loving- thought;, of hus band ami chddu-u. But w hcu physical weakness or disease it added to a woman's buideit it becomes al together too heavy. No woman can be chcciful or hopeful who is dinRRrd down bv continual pain mid physical wietcli cilness. The special weaknesses peculiar to the feminine oigauiMit aie comparatively easy to ovcicoiue it" thu cailier ayiuptoiiia aie giveu proper attention. Hut if nllnwctt to go unchecked, they are liable lo develop into sciious, chronic couiplications. Any woman afflicted w ith thebc delicate ailments ou(ht to have thu immediate aid of l)r. Pierce's Vavorite l'lcsciipliou. It is a perfect and unfailing specific for all tlis eaaea of the feminine oigaus. It was de vised for this one puipose, and aivnmp. lishes this purpose us no other uiediciue has ever done. l-'or nearly years lr. Tierce has been chief consulting )hvsician of the Invalids' Hotel and huigical Institute, at liuflalo, N. V, whcie in conjunction w ith hi staff of associate specialists, ho has successfully treated many thousand cases of "female complaint." No physician livinir has had a more ex tended opportunity lo study this cla9 of diseases in actual practice. No medicine ever invented has dune for women what his "favorite Prescription" has. Pr Tierce's relicts cure constipation. 1 New Store ! balers' A I'L'I.L Staple and Fancy o GROCERIES Country Produce (Sought and Sold IAtl.UK & WILSON i;i.0CK Low Prices! MAKE A fiOTE OF IT JUST RECEIVED I ( r v Mrs M JOSEPHSOfl Dry Goods Gents' Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES MATS AND CAPS ilOTIOfiS AMD FAttCY GOODS CURE CONSTlPATION his is the to Buy Groceries. C. W. PARKS New Goods I GrTroeery STUCK UP Free Delivery JB . -- M 4. SQUARE DEAIr STORE. AT THE URESS GOODS, FL'RNISMINQ GOODS, ' ; CLOAK5. CAPES, . CLOTHINO. BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. ai i'iiici:s to st ir tiii: timi:s B I I CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS Place A full aud complete assortmeut of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered tor sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of cauued goods, including both fruits aud vegetables, to which wc invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. 8 4! t! II i i v ii 1 ii