The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 21, 1898, Image 2

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Published nary Thursday.
K. I', hi B AfTORll ....
t?. Y, ItKNJAMIN, -
....Amclato Mlror.
MubHcrlpllon Hl.
li Month
Thfa Months
AI Kit. 21. IMS.
Republican State Ticket.
T. T. GEKR, c! Marlon.
Hiiretary of 8tat
F.I. IU'N BAR, ot rutiwr
Mali' TrrMunT,
UAKl.Ef 8. MOOKE, ol K'smath.
Mucrliitcnlcnluf TuMlr loMrucllon,
I. II. Al KERMAN, ot Multnomah.
ttrcrnc Judgv,
I. A. MJORE, ol Columbia.
Attorney central.
U R N. Hf-ACKBrRS, of Unu.
state 1'rltilcr,
v ll. I.KEba, ol Jarkou.
i oiiKiCK'inHD. First DitttlOt,
mo8.ii Tos'.n, of Washington.
'iiJgc. Second, Judicial Plstrlct,
A. C WOODCOCK, of Laiio.
Mslrlit Attorney, tjn'uud Judicial 1'1:'IT '
UFO. M. BROW'S, ol IvurIi'.
utility Jud?r,
.'. A. VIM K
i ouutj clert,
;. it. mi err.
i ouui (.ouinilHioUtfT.
W. !?. BRIir.
Kbool Superintendent,
!. B. IUDPLt.
a. r. BKOwy,
K.I- MIlitK.
Justice of the Peace,
U. C. SLOCl'M.
K the voters ol this congressional dis
trict have any business eeuse, to say
nothing of political seuse, tbey will
never consent to turn down Iboruas LI.
Tongue, who has demonstrated iu a re
tnarkablc manner his ability and fitness
to serve the people of bis district. The
people of this district are peculiarly in
terested iu the improvement of theii
rivers anJ barbora, and they must de
pend jn the man whom they elect to
congress to look after their interests in
this regard. Tongue is not only a wcrk
er and a man of resource, bat he is in
accord with the adminibtration and the
majority in each house of congress.
Veatch has always been known as an
obstructionist and a kicker, one who was
on all occasions opposed to appropria
tions ot this kind. Not only that, bat
he would be absolutely without influ
ence in a congress which is overwhelm
ingly republican, and which his a oat
sanguine friends would not claim could
be changed "during his term of office.
There is not a congressional district in
the United States which has been better
taken care of by congress in the way of
appropriations, by reason of the fact that
it has been represented in both houses
of congress almost continually by repub
licans, than has the district which in
eludes Western Oregon. Let ua see.
Prior to 1897 there was appropriated
and expended the following sums for the
improvement of the rivers and harbors
of Western Oregon :
Coquille river f lttf.OOO IK)
uoriuuie rivet about 3lvr-
UeTPotnt 2.000 00
Coos Lay and harbor. .... 705,630 00
uoos river 5,000 OU
t'mptiua river 39,500 00
Siuslaw river 122,000 00
Alsea river 3,000 00
Ysijuina Cay 710,000 00
iNestucca river e.000 00
Tillamook bay and harbor 48,000 00
Mouth of Columbia river 2,025,080 00
uoiumma ana lower Wil
lamette rive- 1,183,305 00
ioiamoia river between
Vancouver and the
month of the Willamette
river 10G7XX) 00
Willamette river nbove
Portland and the Yam-
bill river 247,747 51
In aiJitioa to this for the Wiltamet'-e
river ani Yamhill river there was ap
propriated Jutts 4, !ti'J7, during the pres
ent conjress, tlti'J.oOJ. The same bill
appropriated for a custom house at Tort-
land 20J,0jj, and for the Indian school
at Salem $71,700.
la addition tj the abjva there hai
been a lare number of appropriations
for Indiau aneuciea and schools, fish
hatcheries and wnttbrs of that kind, all
of which were secured throdgh the iu
flueuee of our delegation iu congress.
Of course Oreguu has been for a long
time ably represented in thu United
Mates senate and these result were fee
cured by a delegation iu both houses,
which was able to work iu harmony with
each other and itilb. thu adminttlaliou.
The voters of this district should cou
bider well these- matters aul protect
their ioturcsts by returning Thomas li.
Tongue to congress by au overwhelming
tkiili the billion faction uud the
Mitchell faction of the republican party
io the state ought to be satisfied with lbs
result of the state convention. The
foimou faction captured the organisa
tion and the Mitchell faction captured
the nominations.
The democrat stale convention held in
Portland, Tnetday, April l' ISlK, at
which It. M. Watch was nominated for
congress in the frst congressional dis
trict, was practically unanimous for Mr.
Cleveland ami named as delegate lo
the national it im ralie convention
eilit U'Hiitleineii, all if about cr at
that titnu gold atandaid men. This con-
veutiu was not oulv iu svuipathy with
Mr. Cleveland pereoially, but were
thoroughly in accord with hia financial
views. Tbey were as well known then
as ther ' ' He had never hid
(hem under alunliel. Ilia views itpjn
the coinage ol (ilver ere made public
before be took his seat as ptosiJent the
first trui. Io every annual meaeago to
conjures they had been repeat d, aud
be had brcg-Kl ,'ptaclically for tLe repeal
of the Hland-Allison ait long before the
Sherman Uw was pataed. As an in
stance that convention knew what
they were doing iu electing Clevelaud
delegates, and that they understood
Cleveland's .position, Ihry adopted the
following plark io Ibeir platform
"Fourth. We tvlieve in holiest
money, the gold and silver coinage of
thejconstitutlon, and in eurrenoy con
vertableinto vuch coinage without liw,
and of sufficient volume to meet all the
demauds of the people ; wo demaud that
all money coined or issued by the
United States should be of e-iual mono
Ury vslue, and of e-inal put chasing
power for tlieiich and the poor, aud
that all paper currenr iscued by the
government should bo redeemable in
either golJ or silver at the option of the
holder, aud not at the discretion of the
secrets l j of the treason."
On thu platform as it theu was, cou
laiuiug this plank on the money ques
tion, Mr. Yeatcb accepted the nomina
tion and made the mce fo coogrees,
knowiug that it was a Cleveland plat
form, lie not only stood ou this plat
form, but after he was defeated for coc
gieesandMr. Cleveland was elected he
accepted au otlice uuder the Cleveland
administration which he hoMs lod.iy.
The question ie, did Mr.Yea'ch believe in
the pi incipa's of Mr. Cleveland aud the
platform adopted at the lVn'.and con-,
ventiou, and if so, wheu did he chaugc !
bis views'.' Oris it possible that Mr.,
Yeatcb in cider to make himself solid
with tbc populists, and get himsell in
line for an otlice, abandoned the princi
pal) for w hich he stood in 11'.'?
The Eugene Guard in commenting on I
the preamble to tbe tepubl'can state!
platform, which congratulates the pec
pie on the return of prosperity, sas that
tbe change for tbe belter in our condi
tion is due to providential causes. This
is quite true. Providence has frequently
interfered to tsave this nation from utter
ruin. Providence was present at the
very birth of the republic and raised up
Washington, who was aljle by the help
of providence to pilot the ship of state
through the rocks an J etiosli which
threatened its deetructiou and launch it
on the smooth waters of prosperity.
Again, when the black clouds of ioaur
rection, which gathered over tbe land in
13C0, found a weak and vacillating demo
crat in the presidential chair, providence
again came to the rescue and raised up
the immottil Lincoln, who saved the
country from destruction at the bands of
those who sought to destroy it, not oce
of whom were repupiicaus.
And now, like the editor of tbe Guard,
we can distinctly distinguish tbe hand of
providence in tbe return to power in tbe
nation of the republican party, which
has always brought prosperity to the na
tion. Yes, there is no more doubt that
providence had a hand in the election ol
McKinley than there :s in the undis
puted fact that providence gave us a
Washington, a Liacolu and a republican
E. 1). Stratford is in the editorial busi
ness again, is now editor of the Roee
burg, Oregon, 1'l.undi.allb and is urg
ing the natives to subscribe and "avail
yourselves of this opportunity to secure
entcttaining and profitable reading."
The demo-pop state ticket comes iu hr a
lambasting from Lia trenchant pen for
their lack of principle aud the facility
with which they violate tbe declarations
of their own platform. Ho is a loyal re
publican and we're hoping that he may
coin hie dreams into innumerable cash-ln-advauce
subscribers, that a browu
etone front residence half a doeu stories
high with suitable furniture, servants,
etc, may be his and all his days be one
long, fiec, hilarious picnic time, such as
Kansas editors enjoy. Walnut Valley
Times 'ElDorado, Kansas,.
The candidacy of T. T. Geer for gov
ernor of Oregon, was first started in
Douglas county. A number of citizens
of this county wrote him urging him to
become a candidal 3 long before the mat
ter was mentioned in any other part of
the state. The Plai.di:au.ii was per
haps the tiret paper in tbe state to urge
his nomination and the present editor,
as president of the McKinley ; republican
club of Hoseburg, was the tint pcreou to
introduce him to an audience as "the
next governor of Oregon."
A friend suggests that tbe demo-pops
of Oregon w ho are clamoring for war
without a moments delay, are not very
consistent, as according to their Htate
aud couuty platforms, a uestiou of
such importance us tbis ehould bo re
ferred for ao'.uu uuder the initia
tive aud referendum, if thu majority of
the pejple want war theu congress
coull do.'Ure war. This shows the folly
of such doctriue.
Now, if the jingoes, who have beeu
criticising President McKiuley, for his
position on the Spanisb-Cubau question,
will all promptly enlist aud go tbe front
aud exhibit a little of the valor along
the skirmish line (hat tbey have here at
bum, the wai Hill not last a wt-nk
It is Now In the Hands of the Span
ish Government.
Spain Given Until Midnight Saturday to Answer.
The United States Preparing to Blockade
Ports of Cuba and Porto Rico.
Washington, April 20. The Cuban
reiolution is now a law ot the laud, and
tbe. ultimatum to Snain an accomplished
fact. Tho president al 11 :'.M affiled bis j
signature to the joint resolution of coicj
gress requiring paio to evacuate the !
island of Cuba. !
Th nltiinatnm meanwhile had len
prepared at the state department by :
Assistant Secretary ley, and atll;J0i
the announcement was made at the .
White House that it had been signed by
the president and been sent to the Span-
hh government.
The ultimatum
the White House
was brought over to !
by Day, who went
over it with the president before the lat
ter allixed his signature.
After this public announcement lay
said the ultimatum would be trans
mitted this morning to Madrid, ad
dressed lo Minister Woodford, who will
deliver it lo the Spanish government.
As soou as a final determination to send
it bad boeu reached it was started on its
wa to Madrid.
lho Spanish minister was furnished a
copy of the pa er, and as soon as he le
ceived it he made brief reply and asked
for his passpc i s.
At the cabinet meeting yesterday the
general leauues oi ins uuimaiuiu ,,
, . -it. ' brigadiers, it is said, have been cunmill-
agreed uoou, auJ their remained lor.. ",
, . i ,i 1.1 i ; ing '.eoeral Milea todav, arraiiKio fur
this morning on y the making of a re- " , .
. . , ., , 7 . ; co-oieratlou against Spam,
vised copy for the president's signature . : , , .
Tbe original draft was made by Assist-1 Tbe admluistratiou has urged upon
ant Secretary Dav, and the revised copy the republican leaders in both houses of
which was made today under his direc-1 congress the necessity for immediate ac
tion was laid before the p.esideut at i tlo 00 tbe tnewxo introduced in the
about 10 ,n0 house by ilull jester Jay, authoriiog
AllhougY the text of the ultimatum 1 tbe prtMnt to issue a call for volun
was not made public, it is known that tecrs- Tbe bi unJer consideration in
with it is transmitted to the Spanish b bou88 toJ"T. 'tb tbe proapecl that
government through Minuter Woodford, i il W PS8ed be,0'! lbo close of the
a copy of the joint resolution of congress,
together with a statement that it has re
ceived executive approval, and that in
compliance with its terms tbe president
makes a demaud upon Spain to with
draw her land and naval forces from tbe
island aud its waters, and that in tbe
eveut a satisfactory response ie not re
ceived by Saturday next, he will pro
ceed with tbe armed force of tbe United
States to carry the resolutions into ef
fect. The president does not name any Lour
Saturday prior to which Spain mast
make answer, if at all, to our demands,
but tUc reasonable assumption that any
time up to midnight Saturday will be re
garded as a compliance with tbe terms of
the ultimatum.
Polo Receive His Passports.
Wasiiinuion, April CO. The applica
tion of the Spanish minister for his pass
ports reached tbe state department
about noon. Secretary L'ay gave orderi
that the be forwarded to tbe minister
No instructions have been cent to
Minister Woodford at Madrid to withdraw-
from Spaiu. The French ambassa
dor and Austrian minister were with
Senor Polo when the ultimatum was re
ceived. Arrangements were at once
made for the transfer ot Spanish proper
ty to their legations. This includes the
archives and the Spanish iiaga.
Tbe French ambassador and the Aus
trian minister will act jointly in attend
ing to Spanish interests here.
Minister Polo and his stall will leave
Waebingtoti at p. m,
President Fully Realizes That
Mis Latest Act Heans War.
Nnv Yokk, April IX). A diepatca
the Herald from Washington says ;
Conscious in the belief that be has
done all in his power to avert war, the
president today attaches his signature to
the act of congress and the ultimatum to
Spain which it contemplates, knowing
full well that in so doing diplomacy has
failed aud that war must bt the outcome,
it is expected that tbe answer which
will be given by Spaiu to the president's
ultimatum which will be presented by
Minister Woodford will be the presenta
tion to that diplomat of hie passports
and that he w ill at once leave for France.
Fully appreciating that 8paiu will
spurn the demand, if she docs not retali
ate by declaring war on tbe United
States, the president has made all ar
rangements to begin active aud mili
trry operations tbe moment the time
expires. Non-compliance by Spain with
the terms of President McKinley's ulti
ma im will be followed by tbe dispatch
of !" North Atlantic and tbe fljing
i'i udrons Saturday morning to Cuba
ai. 1 Porto Idea, to oust ber from those
I'udcr tbo plau determiued upon
Captain Sampson's vessels will not only
blockade Havana, but every other port
iu Cuba, and the llying ciuadroo, uuder
command of Ccmmodore Schley, will
take similar actiou with reference to the
ports of Poit'j Hlco. Captain Sampson's
llect will probaply teach Cuba Sunday
forenoon. Commodore Schley's force,
wbict has a great distance to steam, will
probably uot reach its destination until
pin may evamaie ' '"ha, hut with
the bulk of her Uest stilt Iu homo watets
she would be able to keep up her IraJi-
tional practice of prlvateerinx, and thus
continue to baraee the United Hates and
prolong war. The I'uited States may
hope for a shot t war, but the extensive
preparations being made Indicate that it
is their pnrpose In !n prepared for n
hmit one.
WAinixuiuN, April 20. r'ruiu this
! time on the war preparations will go for
ward with activity, aud both the anuv
and navy will be put in a position for
active operations. There seems to be
little doubt that tbo tlrst move wi'l bo to
blockade one or more of the Cuban
ports, and as soou as the army of occu
pation can be transported to them, a de
mand for ouctnditionaI surrender, uud
in the event ol refusal, the work of t in
ducing Uiera by bombaidmeut will be
began Immediately. It is not thought
the assembling ol the naval fotcds will
be delayed even for a day, aud it is nut
unlikely important movement) of b?th
arms ol the service will le begun w itliin
the next few hours.
l'alma and one of teueral t'oiiie.'
"ala ,UI"
The movement oi troops from all parts
ol the country toward the points of mob
ilization in the Kact and South is fairly
under way, and all will be at their re
spective destination within a few das.
Tbe remaining ladies of the I oiled
States legation will leave Madrid tonight.
Minister Woodford will leave when
Washington's final instructions have
been carried out.
The Spanish Cortes Meets.
Madbid, April 'JO. The Spanish cortes
opened this afternoon. Tbe quen re
gent read tbe speech from the throne.
Tbe queen reviewed tbe situation, and
referred to the efforts of the pope for
Tbe queen tegent announced that she
had summoned the cortes to defend
Spain's rights. She appealed to the
Spanish people to gather behind her
eon's throne.
The opening o! thu cortea was a mag
niticent sight. All the wealth and beau-
ty of Madrid was gathered iu tbe senate,
where every available foot of space was
occupied. All tbe members of tho di
plomatic corps were present in lull drten.
Large bodies of troop ware draw n up
outside the buildiug. The iueeu regent,
j in reading the speech from tbc throne
referred to the trouble mentioned at the
last session of tbe cortes, esying it had
increased, "owing to the altitude of tho
people of the United States in fomenting
the rebellion," and adding that hitherto
Spain bad submitted to threats and in
sults, but there becoming iutoleiablo
"tbey would be obliged to break rela
tions with the United States."
After referring to thu pope's endeavors
to reach a peaceful conclusion iu Cuba,
the queen coutiuuea: 'ToHsibly, how
ever, the peace efforts may fail to con
trol tbe evil passions excited against
Spain, and lest this moment arrivo, I
bavc sumtnoncl the cortes to defend
oar right i, whatever sacrifice tbit course
may entail."
Referring (o the trouble iu the Philip
pines, the queeu says:
"Although a somber aud blxidy fu
ture is before us, the diillcultiea are not
beyond our power. With our glorious
army nay and a united iialioii before
foreign aggression, we tiust iu Ciod that
we shall overcome without a staiu ou
our honor the baseless and uujuut at
tacKs made upou us."
All Quiet at Madrid.
M.tuaio, April -.'0. -All is quiet aud
orderly here this evening. Minister
Woodford continues his preparations for
departure. This morning's newspapers
are very warlike io tone. Imparcial
contrasts the manner in which the two
nations enter into the conflict, saying
"the aggressor is noisy, insulting and
clamorous, and the aggrieved is reso
lute, calm and self-contained."
Spaniards Enthused.
Madb'u, April SJO. Great enthusiasm
is reported throughout Spain at the
prospect of war.
Demands Will Be Rejected.
Mapbid, April 0. 2:20 p. m. Span
ish senators and deputies declare tbe
Americau demands will bs rejouted aud
war credits voted.
.! L. Auium, Sr. l I'MtiM'tMlllo was
iu towu Moiulny.
Pr. Harris iiud it pmlfsslonal visit lo
Canyonvllle Monday.
L. rrdui Pa)" 'ie attended
church bere Saturvlai night.
Mlas Jennie farter ol Oatij'imvilltt was
at the entertainment 1'iiditv nlglit.
The protracted nici-tiiig tinder Ue-v.
Hansen t leader fit ip art' progteatiliig
Will iMliell attended the ei'i'l.i! hcio
Pi May night and evidontlv enjoyed him
self. Horn, to Mi. and Mrs, .lauuit IViry,
Sunday, April lOtli, a Pinmcing talv
Th topuMuatis have put out a rt'img
ticket . jnut the one that will U elm ted.
Misa l.l.'..trt Kirk cuiun over fiom fan
yon villo Ktiilay and is tailing (iliiuli in
this vicinity.
Mia tiracu Catching I'liino lip from
Ituerbiiig Thin aday morning mul ii vis
iting friends in thia vicinity,
Jacob ltrown and Adam Weaver ot
lUy t iock weie in town tho (ore part of
tho week.
II ovety body wua aa patriotic ,7' aa
"lebabod Uiano" tho Spaniards would
certainly have very smooth sailing.
Mr. and Mi. I. A. lVau wont lo Hub
ert hill Tliur.l.iv lor a vittit with Mr.
and Mrs. I.. K. Myriad.
t.oorco I edi: trw on,! mid Mr. Ilnrd
caiiio down I rout their Iioiiicn mi the
uuinntuiu Friday ueniig to attend the
Mrs. I'r. lligsin aud Mmsee Clara
Flock and Cady " Miav, all ol Pays
creek attededi huuh nt thi place Mon
day. Among thotto who ueie iu alteudauco at
tho Woodmen cuioilikimnout from Mr
tleCicek were Chae. Uiebley. .las. Mxif
lingtou. Will Chad wick, Fail iloopongar
ner and Prof. A. F. iVinutt.
Wc ate iuforuied that thrio it lo be a
"hard timi'tt" lull Boon at Jatkaou's
hall, ltiij is ratlin inappropriate, as
we are uot under the democratic admin
ielraliou now.
I Hod, ucai t'.uix un illo Apr. . 1 1 . John
l'.irJii). atiud yearn, and Joseph Par-
dec a got I '.) yours, ol l.atnipiH). These
two brutlicrs lived together during their
life time uinl ilii'J bu. a lew lioiirtt apart
Tho former was muriied and le.ivett a
family w lio liavo the nynipatliy of all Iu
their aud alllicliens.
"S oiu utii" him written en Utile
toiiicruinir. poliliii iu the pant, but not
wit biitaudiui: this fai t, it cortam leather
lots "t'lano' .it lliis I no. whouiausKed
lo Ki t his M'lut'viuicH prluteU in the Ho
vie", utisoits thai we have run out items
"into the croniiil l y wriluik! u too
above uienttoued tiiljoi.t. Well, we will
bo charitulili' enoiuh Uuver! )ol. i'iis lit
lie "school kitl" thrust. However,
"Ictiabod'' ii entirely wiong in assiliuiua
that we tall bun a "n'lilnl forerunner,"
because we i.iunot give lilui ireilit lot
having subsUiu o i behind Lis pen
to siicci't-afully ptitli it in lhat dirccliou.
Kini: of the lonnt it ml prime of the
plain. eiitel taiuti , "Woo. I men of
the World." l'iio liih social i optital ion
lormi'ily gdini'tl by iliia ortlcr, was fully
BUbUinctl unit even i jil 1 ridav evo
uing in lackson's hall, when they gave
ono of theii matchless eulertuiumeutri to
au exceedingly law and apridciative
audience, theie being scarce! ttiiiding
room for tbe Urge number present. Au
iutei eating progiitm, well carried out,
delighted the listeueis. An adtliesaon
"Woodcraft" by Pi of. A. F. Coruuit, be
ing worthy of mention. Muaic, recita
tions and dialogues, followed by a log
sawing contest, prepared even one for
elecunt lunch which wa t theu serve. 1
and appreciated l? tho extent that all
pronounced it the nwt "tattteful1 feul
uro of the evening. I he I'tg aawiug cou
teat belweeu the Myrtle I 'rook camp and
the Kiddle camp was participated iu by
Jas. Skithngton and Geo Letli-rwcotl of
the former placo, antl Ed Kihllo ami
John Yokum of this pi ice. Tho 1 1 'u
was won by the hume camp. 1 ho laiiiea
were then called for, four ot whuiu came
forwai d and taught lho Woodmen how
to saw. ThebU contatuntH wei e . Miss
es Mell .ninc, Millie KitUlle, Jeesit
Pruner and Millie Hiiggins, witb luurela
won by the laet named couple.
S OIK 111 II.
I'cputy Sheriff Stevennwatf over from
Uoeebuig Mouday.
Mr. aud Mrs. C, A. Sehlbrede of liote
burg wire calling on friends here Sun
day. ,1. II. Iiittt went to Ahtoria lait woek
to attend tho republiMii ttlato ctniven
tion. A. F. Liowii aii'l Mr. and Mra. Court
right went to Koseburi; to attend the
Prosbylei iau coufureiice.
E, ' . Yo'lu Cj.. Ii-iv,; ujiiiiiieuce l
shipping wheat lo Kranciiicu ami
will continue as lant a:.- can gil cars
till they sbip a'joiii i.OJj bu.ilieln.
James Underwood ol Koacbuig rauid
over to viHit hia lather and mother w ho
ill at their hunic iu English aettlcmcui
On hie return homo ho i .'"irte I liiu par
enls improving.
The few warm tlat.1 we have liul have
been a pointer tot'. II. Medley ami he
has put his soda fouutaiu iu order ami it
is running al full blaut.
Bishop Moi i iu will hold serviceu hero
Monday at tho Eiiscopal ('htircli w heu
tbo rito of continuation will he given.
Mrs. N. Kceton of Eono Tree, Missouri,
arrived hco on Saturday evening's local
aud is visiting her daughter Mrs. Hou
ecr. Mra. Keetoti in aued 71 years uud
made tho trip all alone. Shu will re
main with tho iutuutiou of malting bet
home here permanently.
W, T. Kerley and wife, Mrs. Medley
aud daughter Mary, who havu been liv
ing iu California the xt winter, re
turned home labt week and will remain
bore during lho summer.
Mr. aud Mrs. K. W. liyai 4 of Pullman,
Waahiugtou, arrived hero last week and
will remain this scafloii with Mrs, LS.'n
paieuta, Mi. aud Mm. I'nderwoud of
Eugliuh Kettleuieiit.
Would it not hu a good plan (or lho
city council to put u iiightwatchmau on
as was petitioued some lime ago, before
it la too late to lock the stable door.
Tho Uaptiat Suudav School gave au
aulertainmeul at thu Baptist Church
Sunday eveuiug, which was appreciated
bv a lurgu uudlonce, especially thu
children's part which called forth burst
of appluuse. Thu contribution was qiiitu
satisfactory and thankfully received.
Notice of Dissolution.
Ko.'.LHl'lio, Or., April l'.l, IH'Ji.
The tlrm of Cnurchill, Woolley .V Mc
Keuio iu Itiii day ditmolvud hy mutual
consent, W. A. McKciuiu retiring,
Churchill A Woolley will continue bust
ueas, collecting uccouuta duo aud paying
all claims again it said firm.
W. A. McKtN.iu.
F. W. WooixiiV.
1'. If. Ciilhi um,
Pay your Riilif.'f rlption today.
If your
doesn't sell Srttni?'s Htsi Ica, tell 119 hU name,
what Wnd you want (.IaPan linglish Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, or Hlcnd), ami what izc park
age ytui want. We'll see that you get it.
Don't s,end us any moey Wc tlon't sell at
sn Fiancisc , Schilling & Cowxviy
J.T. Pryan, (he Husy Watchmaker.
County claims and warrants boiiaht by
l. . West.
For llrat-clasa deulislry go to lr. Little
of Oakland.
K iiu Witat 1 111 swtr I ai, I u it. I . Ii tut atsit lit
cigars at the Uosnleaf.
D. S. West does iuauiance. Olllce op
posite tbe poat olllce.
Excelsior Hour la guaranteed tlrst
claas. Ask your grocer lor It. Only 11.00
per sack,
At Oakland, T. E. Graves is authorized
to receive and nceipt lor subscription to
tho Pi vixpmi Kit.
The H'pi;U heal Ntom baa jiial uponed
Ui it beautiful lino of W. 1 , lHiugliis
slitxis, which rove to tie thu bent shoe
matte. Come aud inspect tnem.
Mouey to loan on city and country
property. 1. R. K. Bcita,
Marslers' Uuilding, Uoeeburg, Or.
Tho W. C. T. V. will hold its regular
meetings on tbe second and fourth
Thuisday ol every month at 7 :90 p. m.
in the Epwoith League room of tho M.
E. church.
Cluldrcu aud adults tortured by bums,
scalds, injuries, eczema or skiu dlta
may secure instant rebel by using Je
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. It ia the
great Pile remedy, Marcters' I'rug
A few do. en ol those kontaol.y made
muts, aut'siautul and well made, no
ahoddv. Also a few dozen women's,
men's, bors' and children's shoes, reuu
lar weaiers. Hats for suushlue and
shatlo, uutleiwear lor. hot and cold
weatbei , ami various oluer artules at
living prices, al ll. O. Hantou a.
I heieby auuoubce myiell a a caudi
dalrt befoie the voting population ol
Douglas counry, including the free sil
ver men, vopulint. democrats and re
publicans, to sail Haiti wagons from a
full carload just received. Also can of
buggies, barb wneaud nails at the lowest
price, all now ou hand at Stearni A
Cheuowotb, Oakland, Oregon.
Notice ia hereby given to the public
by tbe uudersigned that I do uot allow
dead annuals to be hurried ou my prem
ises, a'. Hoseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tho party taking sand
or giavel tirst contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be proaeonled ac
cording to law. Aakon Eon,
Hoseburg, Oregon, -March lVtb, 185.
Tln.ii.Kifl. kit Trjriae; II.
In ot.l-r lo pr"o lli Kr,ll' '' ''
. )hl'i.ii:u It.ilin. tin' hi elT-tlt.. rrr ( '.il.iii ii intl i'i I in It-' id, w baa pre
1 1 1 ,l a j. ..i.....i, i inl t.i.-e (or in r.-tit..
i. t il "f v "'.r lru(,-i-t r i n l I" iili lo
I'.I.V HUMS., 'ir.viSt. N. Y. t'ily.
I auHorrd foni a .i-r'i f tli woral kind
( v, r Mm.' ii I-'.', n i I I lo-irr liupeil for
t-iiri'. Ely - t'r-ioii Halm t.efin ! do
l i en St.oiy ii. i'aiititioi lia u"tl
it witli t'xerli-ut rrhull.. M. ar Oatruiu,
Vi Wurren Ave , .'liicagt, III.
lily's Cream Dalm is Of nokn"b 'b:d
cur- f'T entarrb iiml contuius no ceiiiim.
Mercury nor miy injnriona drug. Frier,
CO cents. At drugits or by nrul.
Weekly Excuralons to the Eat.
A tourist sleoping car will leave Port
land overy Tuesday at '." p. in. via the O
H. A N. without change lo Hob Ion, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No changu of cars lo tbe
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Uullalo or
Huston. Tho ideul trip to the east is
now before you. Hemember this service
wheu goiug East, and consult ' . H. A N.
agents, cr address,
W. II. HrKLH hi,
t'Oneral Passenger Agent,
L'l. Portland, Or.
F.vrerTlHMly j Ho.
r.irar!'l C'ainlv Cathartic, the most won
derful medical Uiseovorv of the age, pleas
ant rrfreshiDir to tho taste, scl geotly
ami poiitlt rly on ktdueys, liver and bowels,
clt-ansiriK the entiro syatam, dispel colds,
cure liomlache, fever, habitual constlpattoo
oml blliouinena. I'li-aao buy and try a boi
Pf C. C C to-duy ; 10, 2.V 50 cents. Hold aod
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
A bargain.
Sideudid dwelling property cocsiiting
of three lots, well liuished house and
outbuildings, ollercd at a genuine bar
gain by the Hoseburg Euildiug .V Loun
Astocfatlon. Imiuire of
HeiiMA.v Maiikm, h'ecrelary.
Nu-lo-ltac fur Hfty Cauls.
, uar jiii: i tobacco halilt rura, niakex uruk
uilii stroUK, blooU pure. 6Uc,ll. All Uruugnu
Wo are anxious to do a little good iu
this w orld aud can think of uopleaaauter
or butter way to do it than by recom
mending Ouu Minute Cure as a prevent
ive ol pneumonia, consumption and
other serious lung troubles that follow
ueglected colds. Marslera' Drug Store
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From fi Terrible Sore-Her iilory of
the Case, and Her Cure.
" Eor uiauy years I wits alllicted with a
milk leg, ami a few yiurs ago ll broke out
in a Horo mid spread from my oot to my
knee. I suffered Krtat agony. It would
burn uud Itch all Hie time aud dtMcliHrgo
a Kri at deal. My health was good with
the except iou of this sore. I tried n great
many kinds of salve, but some would
Irritato the sore so that I could hardly
htaud thu puiu. I could uot go near tbu
tire wit bout buffering intensely. Homo ouu
sent me paers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Hareaparillu, aud I told
luy hUHbaud I would like to try thia med
icine. He got me a bottlu aud I found It
bellied inc. I kept ou taking it until my
limb was completely healed. T raiiuot
prulbt Hood's Hareapurilla enough for the
Ijrtut bcuelll it lias Ijccu to me. It
dean um tbe blood of all Impurities aud
leaves It ricb aud pure." Mits. ANNA E,
Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Harbsparllla of all
druggists. He sure to get only Hood's,
Soldiers' Homo 5uppllcs.
Sealed proposal will be received bv
the commandant ol tbo Oregon SoMiera'
Home, at his olllco In tho Homo until
o'clock, p. m., April HO, IHtiS. lor tho
following uuiiumI supplies, which aia to
be lurniaht d front llinn to lime, ua in
quired (or Use at the Home, during thu
year omliiig April III), ISvu. Via ;
Groceries and kindred aupplirs, per
li?t mi tile al tho Home.
Itultor, about fifty pounds pei weeK.
I'ry gmxls - Hate, cotton aud woolen
over and under slur la; drawer and
socks; overalls, aiiMpMitleia, liamlaor
chiefs, (I. A. U. stnln, rimes mul slip
ers. All gnoda Moist t o w itrriinlol "lirsl
claim" In ilioir I'll.
Thu right i roervoil i i ri'iecl any or
all bid.
Koaoburit. Or , A pi III,
V. II. Id ii,.-., ComuiauiUiii
WcilcsihtV, 07
April " Li
Thf RcctM il !h taker,
KmIIu 'uIiiiiiii. M.iMtUc Kii'-auaii. vvnl
II. Um' , III' IO nil 1 1' 'u.iil. it' . mi a11
Mur t ,niiiaiijr
ltt "i'H ,i!.iiM xi.ii'l, 1 . htr"tiii
Want Your
st wia r- v -- vi
The Popular Wheel
at the Standard
Price and no (Setter
Wheel at any Price.
Crescent are built
on honor and sold
on their merits.
Will make Hit- Hrasuii ul iHHul
lie Ml vi-rnclule 1 unit (jnutiluii ol
North uud N1111I1 I mii'iun Ithrih), 1 niiiinunc
iiiK Man h l'l niitl cii'llng 'uly
nutiirUuvN, ai cariun iiiuh'. i.iv
cry Hlaltlv, IoMClurt(.
MCIIUI, 1- u liuinlhiiiiie dark hiuvvu tlull
l'iu, blit'l hy 'Iruinaii IV. I. ilum, Mice, hy
Niipliitv l.'.M; Inaliil Apul Jn, Ikj.i. hinl hv tho
llou. I elaml Htuiitnnl, I'alo Alto, at. Iiu l a
liiau lulii.uiil I11U I v I'lual iu overt rt'(i:l, htm
luutrl' iil In 1 ui furiiiiithiii, K'UhI hit 11 U' I hu-,
lylili, guoil ui tion uiitl imtiinil litililni; Kull.
llii In n iiinrkiibly I svol Ihii'I. 'I, ul ci clklll lilt
!"iiitliill, perfectly (uuii'l, uml tt hllu lie linx re
cultcl uu Illicit vvoik, him .liottu tliat U he
uujI" U IralniHK lo il' tcliiii uieut biietil. Ah
t III Imj .ecu hy lil-i I'liiiKlic, Ills hiucillliK It nil
lliul euuhl hu ill-Hired, ami ll In mile lo acnerl
that he villi iiuiiarl Iu hm ihiik'i'IIV thu iimliUc
(if jieel uinl K""ieui Ihitl mo m tlmriit Icil: lie
of tuu liiuillles hu n i'H icuu.
Tvriua, S)io lj lunure.
Ubilul tcturll ult lkc a. Mniiey iluc m tun,,
ol Bel t leu, uii'l uiiihI hu luilil heloie iiiniu In Ink
in frniii lliu fuiui I'ubiinaijc u.: ier niniiih,
ami thu lid t ol rare tnLeii nl uiuri'K, hut im
revjiouiilhlllty oini inert lor iK'elileuis or en a i.e..
I or luitliur pui ticulai , wWii h,
ll.v fiT, ltd TCI'IKI, lilll.diiN,