The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 14, 1898, Image 3

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AI'IUL 1 1. 1891.
...Ml -J. -JIJUJ I
'I lie I'lturchci.
Mmi'i'i 1 1 Hi H' n-cuiuit of Main and Lt
,'i. on. buiidar .Hurtle. I'reachlut, 11 a. a
ti. I 7 ) 1'. in.; HabbatU acliool, 10 . m.l
10 . m.i r.
vv. Mimlli'y, MuiHitluuuaeui
CUm Maeilut at
l.i.c ol Hi miiriiln mrvlce; Kpworla Utfll
. .,.. til lUMlo luxllir)', I'ltWi'K III. ri;ef
M. I mi!, w.rdin:da), al 7 .0 in.
Fha L. M"iKi, I'attur,
rartuuaau, comer Malu tail Liue.
I nt.tuiMin CMt'acn-coiuor ul lui and
lloiuilinli. HuuiUy Horlr: I'upllo worship,
. .u,i i viii, m.: HalibaiU School, 10 a.m.!
V. I". H. f. K.,7 I', in.
l'ijcf MecllBC
iJ, 7 JO I'. III.
II. H. lm.woa.ta, I'Mlot.
i miii. Uii.iHitr.K incm ii oil I'ottU i ilnel
.III. Ill) . Ml' V. Hi ll I" ""'I "I' '"
I nn-. tin . I Inn -l.y Ol'llllU.
A. Ii v turiii. I'alui.
i in r. ii.
, i ict uu
C..iiii t I a-t and
. vnii'l ami lowtlh
lll.llllillii III I'll ll IIIMlllll aU'l !) H:U-
.11,114 - l it'. n Ii i auni'imrfd Irum
, tin,, It at . John IUuo,
Mili.iiat .
Hi i" n. f 'i i ii.
: , n I n nl"
i I IOI I""., I'nr l. r
I ICPli'll
highest grade , chainlci8, '
(nut in x'tutm lira ul .Iter's
Soda water alwamou .lini;lii at 'no
l aiiil- rat-ioiv.
IVntal work in nil iin branches ikil
1 ul t y -loin, by F. .
I'l.iwn and bridge work m ieulilieally
F. W. Hay lies, t la dentist.
i . inn .
M II 1 1 k"-l 11
(ifl.-. al llio ivaunv lanon.
i.i ,(4iii .-oil coud-hand '.'7 Indies
iii'i'l. I ii.pnre ul i hia cilice.
i,ill Vlllir llKllll ScllO'.' Bilk 1 'J
llaviHH whether it ii worth saving.
Uu- I'. A:i More in Belling oul lit BAeri
in prices, (.'all ami ! convinced.
iw i t. icl ul Udie anil inianua' fino
nlioKi, nil tho latest hl)lo, )Ut teioived
lit I'll' I dtt OH.
luiil received men's vialinu lop ami
uii kill, iliiH'olata ami eolfen colorixl
i Iiim nt ilm Nuvnlly aloro.
A U'o aiiil lino nik tiuent ul rliil
.lifiiH hIkhh unit tocDired at I'anotl
It'.m. (.'U Mini "i' Un'iti.
fall ul llio llona Htoro and piiiu Ihiir
lhhIh, ami yuu will Im urpriaad lu (Ind
thrm at mu Ii low liuroa.
l lio ln-al Imlturciipa you ever ata,
at ( In.' Karnl KiU. Inn. (ioinu like hot
rl i i on it licttly inoininif.
l.iuliHH, nn am tliuwlnn u liaudauuie
lino ol Hiriiii auitintfi, waab fabrics and
wbilo Koodij. Novelty btore.
Wlial ovuryouu aays uiuat b trua.
1 ho clioicoHt ul leaf and colleea lu town
at .Mi-''. II. EabionY.
I l.i vuii want a nobby knua uaula iuit
at fl i0: If ho mil at llio Novelty atore ;
hIho liavo LcttiT nrnlesil you wiah tbeni.
I .hi tin uHHuitiiiuiilof latvat ttvla aailori
uud Iriiuiiiud liiiin inuy be Beau la the
new inilliiary depHrlinout ol the Novelty
'lboic catui I )p tboculito aud'cofloe
culorud Indica' olioea at the Novelty
nloro aro lieuiilit'C, au l priceH very
I runli liuarliouud dropB, ireuli laoion
dioi, i riani mint chewa and a No, 1
iH'iiniii rnii'ly, alwnvB to be loiiudal the
Kaiuly Kilihun.
Ci run J opening ol dry gooJl, (uruiabiog
ooil' , clotbiiiir, boila aud Bboei.alno the
pietiiiiHl liue ol ladies' shirt waiHla, Ap
ril liret, ut the Novelty Store.
Our tuwiiHiuuu, Mr. Uaveudur, being
(bo tweniiotli pincbuser ai llio Caudy
Faciei y, rucoivud a nice cup aud saucer.
I. uck follow llio buyn ol our goods.
A ei Biyliah suit for men in au all
wool brow u I'becK, nicely lined aud tin
iHbod wild ttood material at a very small
price. Same can bo ueoa at the Novelty
A thrill ul terror i.i oxpoiiuuced whua
a bruHBy coukIi ct croup pounds tbrougU
Urn liouto nt niktlit. Hut tbn terror Boon
i huut'tt to roliol after One Minute Cough
Cure Ima bcuu adiuiuiNterid. i-afo and
liarmleBH fur childrun. MarBtere1 lrug
I lon'l delude oui' ctoaiach with the
idea, because noino bi amlH ol candies are
cheap, I hut (hoy imitit ho g'od. You
can't ge Homci lilug for nothing on this
pUuci, hul you can jiifci depend ou got
liug the beui , piiioBt aud t'leaueet caudy
al the t'undy 1'actgiy iu Kusebuig.
A UraKcinnn's Luck.
Albauv Uumucral : The (raiu irom
I'ortluud thin uoou was eldetiacked at
Milium for tho Ii eight ta pass. As the
liaiu utaited towards Albany, Harry
I roggelt, llio brakuiuau turned Lis lace
backward to look at the tralu. As he
did so bin bond btruck the cattle guard,
and be wau thrown oil' upon the ground.
Ilialieud was badly cut aud bruised,
Ho wail brought ti this city aud lakeu
into tho depot hulvl, where bo will re
coi vo good treatment until he is able (o
Hit urn to IiIh work,
We arc determined to close out our large stock of
Dry Goods, Clotliiutf Hats, Hoota, Shoes, Ladies' aud
Gents' Furnishing Goods, lilankets, Quilts, T,uccs,
1 tnlii-i.trlf.eiMi Tv..-.L f 1 ! ...... -1
1 his time we MUST SliLL, as we have sold our
Kcal r.statc aud must
late arrivals
oods in the
Caro Bros
it. A. (Jrihaui ol (be Coos llav It. It
wua in (own Monday.
iioixii Auiaui 01 I'ralu la reported as
very ill with lung lever.
I'rof. T. J. Wilson of Elk ton was in
the city attending the democrat eonven
Cole r (anion came up last week from
the university at Kugene to visit bis par
II. lanileeou aud Austell Ziglsr
are sutlVring from a severe attack ol
la grippe.
Mies M) rile iilll'e ol l'endlelon is
here on a vlxlt to tier brother, il. II.
Miae Koaa Juaepheuu, who is attend
ing H. Ilvlrn'a Hall at I'ortlaad, it home
on a via it
Miai tiiaru Catching went U Illddle
Friday, where she will accept a poult ion
io a stiire.
Mrs. I'. .1, Uoud left Uat Monday to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Jas. A. Terry, at
!. (iiande.
Call and aee llio "liovtman" hand
burueia uiuuder al Churchill, Woollny A
It. H. Trice ol the ranta 1'ass Courier
made this ollice a plHsmut call while in
tow n this wft-k.
Wo are glad that our old fiiend Adam
tltllner has been granted an increase ol
tennioii from f S to 12 jier month.
Miaa l'.elle JoMdph citno up frum the
noimalal I 'rain to upend the Jewich
holidays with her relatives, the faro
The giealer includes the lees. Hood's
Saraaparilla cures fccrufula, aud n:ny le
dniruded upon t j cure boils and
Miaaea Miuuio and liiate Sheridan
raine homo laet week from Kl. Mary's
Acadftuy, I'ortlaod, on a visit to their
For prices and iiualily call at the old
original stand, Freali and dried Iruitt,
candy and nuts, cigars au l tobacco at
prices to suit all. .Mm. II, hi.sroN.
E. Duttaa, physician and surgeon.
office in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly anawerod
night orday. Iteeidence.'.Ul Millatroet.
(ieutletueu, we have some good things
in the shiil line. You should see them
before purchasing elaew here ; alao a large
assortment ol neckties. Novelty Store.
Spiing stock, the laigest aud beat s(
I act ion vt tueo's shoot, ol every grade
aud variety, just received at I'arrott
rtrot. (Styles and pi ices sure to please,
The l'lauo Manufacturing Co. report
twice aa many chain drive mowers aud
lever binders sold last week at were sold
during the same period in both-'lri-",i7
John P. I). John, ex-presiJeut ol the
l'e I'e'jw I'niveraity, will lecture in this
cilv on he evening ol April )8tb. Hob
ject: "Did Man Mskstiod.or l"id God
Make Man?"
Don't anuoy others by your coughing
and ritk your life by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cores coughs,
colds, croon, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles. A. C. Marstera' A Co.
Most oi (he delegates to the republican
district and stale conventions, at Kugene
and Astoria, respectively, left on Mon
day morning's local und will probably
return by .Saturday.
F. it
, CoOman, physician aud surgeon
secretary board
U. K Tension surgeons
Office in Marsters
block, residence 720
Troleaeioual calls in
promptly answered
Stephens street,
town or country
nignt or day.
(School district No. IU, has voted a
4 mill tax (or the purpose of carrying on
the caaeofrj.C. Miller vs District 10,
now on appeal before the Supreme court.
John McClvllan was elected director vice
A. V. Slanlon, resigned.
What ploasure is there in life wiih ft
headache, constipation and biliousness 1
Thousands experience them who could
become er(ectly healthy by uaing De
Witt's Little Karly Risers, the famous
little pills. Marsters' Drug Store.
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they are the ant, the bee
and DeWitt's Little fcarly Risers,
last being the famous little pills
stomach and liver troubles. A.
Marsters & Co,
The last meeting of Adrel Chapter No.
J, 0. 10, H. was a hsudsome one, there
lming several initiations thut night. Mrs.
M, li. ConMing, grand worthy matron of
the order, was present aud won golden
opinions from those in attendance. The
Times will have wore to say of this event
iu lie next isBU. Jacksouvill Times.
Car load ol clothing and hail just re
ceived at the Uoss Store. These goods
were ordered direct from the factories
before we anticipated of selling out, and
are ottered to the public at cost, best
titling clotbiugon tho coast, lay lor wade
not accepted. Call and cxamiue thorn.
Our bats are the latest styles and are
worth doublo what we offer them at,
IiObH broitu.
I am golug to get a new suit ol clothes.
l 0. II. Cauuou, of course.
Does he sell clothes ''
Yes, he represents the Uoral Tailors,
the greatest lailoriug firm iu the world.
Why do you patronise the Koyal Tail
ors? because there is merit iu their work.
You always get the very beet ol fabrics,
liigJLi grade work and a stylish tit for
very reasonable price,
give possession m Sixty Days
are all the best and uio&t fash
city, and arc direct from the
Boss Store
1'sy your snli rlpflen today.
New wheels for rent at the "Cteenl
Itegular services at he M. K. Cboreb
nett ttunday.
Hide a Crescent bicycle. Ibe ear-
running, uuraoie kind.
Mis. HI a Marks, of Youmlla Islu the
city on a vlait to relet Wee and friends
Dou't (ail to see the ffookey-VTbeler
vompaoy at me uper Jiooee next Mon
oay evening.
J. o. Itooth of Uraola rass, fostoa
nominee for state treasurer, was la the
city lueeuay.
uiae Ktiot Ulacknjau has guee to
Oardiner, where sjie is to teecb a spriog
irrni oi icnoui.
Au orgaaitatioa ef ther)ont ol Veter
ana baa been omanlad al Tnmialla
witn h membership of H.
Dr. J. W. Straniln ia yiatlluj a .rn
irealoual vitlt to the towns north end
weat. ile will co as far at Oardiner
Mr. l-red Taira-Tustin. who has bean
contmi it to nit borne with la grippe, is
slightly improved tuongli nnable Ia be
I. 1. Aliutun. renrerantiHii Ida liiUm
Siateemau, waadolug bnaiueu in town
tbiavtck, Wo acknowledge a nleaaant
.overal tolumut of intHrettimr eorrea-
poiidence are unavoidably crowded out
this we, ll will appear in our next
i Be in-.
riuan jriuaro tuk emc f nr it i mir.
ahal ol Koaeburtf it in town, having been
Bubp i naod a a witness in the Nelson
cae. Jackson vllle lime.
A. h. brown, repunlirau uurniuefor
repreaeoiauve, .i. u. ) ouog anl Kev.
ioiinrigoi inn wiii, ol "aklaod weie
gneale at the McClallru Tuesday.
On Monday April Ibtfa, the Hotkey
w beeler Co. will open at the Opera
llouiie at popnlar prices, 10, 20 and 30
ceiitF. ii.ui i mine (he opening night.
Fruuk i.iant aud hia lioyt, dnrlng Ibe
winter juai pauoo. a u lea seven w ildcats.
three brait and one con gar. all in the
immediate vicinity ol Me place, on Big
i-ik in Lincoln couniy.
Mies Lulie Sacry of Itoceborg, who bat
neeu viaiting with her srand uareatt.
Mr. and Mis. K. Sacry of tbit plaoe, Itft
.noniiav nir an extendea visit with rel
atives t Harrithtirg Drain Tress.
Our nld friend Teter Hume, was (he
chairman ol the Committee oa fleiola
tions at the Llun cointy republican
convention, lie was elected at a dele
gate to the at tie convention at Astoria.
In the matter ol the estate of James
A. Varney, deceased, Henry Little ap
pointed administrator. Bond of admin
istrator approved in snm of $1000 with
Ceo. .1. Steams and II. J. Bovingdon, as
About 1 ;13 this afternoon fire wasseeu
coming from tbe chimney of tbe bouse of
Mr. John Hast, The tire was jost get
ting a start on the roof of the hnose,
but it wat put ont bv Bam Bast ana
torso. boys irutu school before It did any
lu the matter of the etUte of O. J.
Fuller, deceatad, .Tames Tampan It ap
pointed adiniaisMator. Boorf filed and
approved io the snm of 1000 with W,
8. Hamilton as surety. B. W, Strong.
M. V. Elce and W.II. Titchford ap
praisers ol said estate.
The other day a full-frown deer
crossed the river in front of Darwin
Brlatow'a boute iu Cottage Urore, and
Hopped long enough for Mr. Brittow to
call bit family to take a look at it. At
soon as tbe deer found it was in town,
it turned, recreated the river and sxam
pered off.
A few dozen of those Kentucky made
pants, subitantUl aad veil made, as
shoddy. Also a few dozen women's,
men's, boys' and children's shoes, regu
lar wearers. Hats for sunshine snd
shade, underwear for hot aud cold
weather, and various other articles, at
living prices, at U, C. Stsnton's.
II. W. Stewart, the gonial S. I', Ajpant
and r. M. of Comttock, has his hand
some new residence complete aud nicely
furnished throughout . The building is a
model for neatness, aud the furnishings
are of the West and show good taste.
The door of the "cmt" is open aud ru
mor eava the "bird" will toon fly In.
Drain Watchman.
Uev. It. 11. Dilworth, of Roeeburtf, vis
ited this Keciion lata Wednesday and
Thursday, aud introduced bis system ef
teaching mathematics by csrds for ueeJn
schools. They have beeu adopted lor
eome mouths at Itoeeburg in the public
echooltt, and have also been adopted ut
Myrtle l'ulut. He weut from here to
the lower river, Cwjuille Herald.
Why is it that a patron alwavs pets
HatiBfactlou in dealing with tbe Koyal
Tailors? Because the Koyal Tailors
have a reputation at stake, It took them
'M long years of hard work to build it up
to its present standard and they propose
to keep it where it is, therefore tbey can
not aliord to have their patrons dissatis
fied. C. li. Canuou can tell yon all
about it as be is tbeir representative for
Douglas county. If you need a new
suit let him know aud be will shoe- you
spring and summer samples.
Bicycle Tires.
The Chase, tough, tried and puuetore
proof. For sale by
After Great
Forth a
Labor Brlnpr
la Cutting; the Pie, Democrats, su
Ujusl. Ott tbe Dlggest Pfcc.
But tbe Fusion Pill I BliUr Dos
far Maty to Swallow.
The Ibleo convention! which bays
agreed to cohabit together daring tbe
coming campaign for Ibe parpose of re-
terming tne pontics or vougist coonf
and Incidentally te ewpturt the of
floes, met lo rhla city on last fiatar
dev. At the bour ef calling (he eon re n
Ilea lo order there was sesojlag harmony
lr weep tbe ibxee lactleaa, bat It was
ealy tbe snllen acroleaeenoe ol those
who realize that they matt either take
the dose which had been prepared for
thsm or bolt. All Fridsv afternoon and
nntil late into the night, there wat
continued threatoniags of a storm which
might break over all bounds and wreck
the whole combination before It eoeld be
tally launched. The aountry delegates
bad raised aa insurrection atalntt tbe
old Koteburg riag, which hat trow a rich
off of the sheriffs office which they bare
nsi a i most eoauaoontiy tor iz years,
Time after time tbe country delegttet
broke tne slate or the democratic ring
only to have a worst eat pot dp. Tht
result wat at might have been expected
aad the democrats altbeegb eotnnm
bered almost three to one by the dodo
lists, got three of tbe sect salaried offloM
while ibe popolistt mot hot two. Not
only that boi tbey Ret beta tbe sheriff
and the conaty ludge, the two ofllces ool
or wbiob they eaa, ll they shoold sueceed
la electing them, control the f nsaces of
the cennty in each a way as to farther
enrich themselves.
tun lavociuriu wk
a called to order ia tbe conrt roost at
aboot 10:30 a. aa. by O. P. Goehov, who
was elected temporary chairman. There
wat only a small perceat of Ibt delegates
accredit til to the convention present
wnen me can to oraer was mailt, and In
fact it wat largely a convention of tiros
lea aud tLeae held by residents of Kose
bora. C. I.. Chenoweth and Ira Wlmber-
ly were chosen temporary secretaries
At this stage oi the gams P. av . Mronu
of Roeeborg made a motion that in view of
tbe fact that tbe distribution uf tbe offices
waa tbe most important ooe to const be
(ore the convention, that a committee be
appointed at once by the chair to cot
the pie. Thia brongbk a delegate to hit
feet, who objected lo thit committee be
ing appointed by tbe chairman, aad be
moved to ataeud tbe motion of Mr.
Strong by providing that the committee
be named by tbe conrentton.
Aa tblt arrangement mlubt uudo the
work of the paat 24 houra and result In
new complications it threw the bosses
into temporary contusion, but tie chair
man proved bimaell equal to the occas
ion and declared both tbe motion and
amendment ont of order, at the bob-
geBtlon of Story Sheridan, who thonsht
there should be a committee on perma
nent organisation before any further
butineat wat done. This waa a anbter-
fuge of coarse, at the convention waa
composed of the same delegates and
ofllceis us tbe one which eeaventd In
this city ia March te elect delegates to
the state convention, being la fact aa ad-
loomed sesaion oi teat convention.
It succeeded, however, ia dlspotina ef
the obttrt peioot delegates who tbooght
that Ibe convention onght to have a
velce in the distribution of tbe offices.
On motion the following committees
were appointed :
un permanent organization w. N.
Moore, of M vrtle Creek ; Dexter Rice, of
Rosebnrg: Win. Cochran of Looklns
On Credentials Peter Nelson, of Gar
diner ; H. R. Chailenor, of Civil Bend ;
v . Stephens, of Calanooia : T. .
Singleton, of Wilbur: L. L. Perdue, of
Canyon ville.
At this point D. w. stromr renewed
bis motion that a committee of tbiee be
ppolnted on distribution of offices.
Tbe obttTeperons delegate then arose to
renew bis motion that this committee be
PDOiuted bp tbe cenoention and not bv
the chair, bat Hie chairman qnlcklr pnt
the motion and declared it carried, and
then Informed the delegate that bis mo
tion came to late, that be would gladly
have pet it bad it been mads la time, in
fact the chair woold have welcomed a
move of this kind which would have re
lelved him of so great a reeronsibilitv.
and one (root which be alirank.
Tbe chairman tbea appointed tbe fol
lowing cemmittses:
On distribution of ouioii). v.
Strong, of Iloeebnrg ; Ira WImberh , ef
Drain ; and J. L. Boyle, of Canyonvule.
To notify the aopnilsfe and silver re-
pnblleaa coaventioat ef the actions of
this convention 8. C. Miller, of Civil
Bend ; W. N Moore, of Myrtle Creek.
Un order of business Wm. Tbiel, of
n...ti. . ' ur nr.u .f nuji. .
I uiikMin I vf, T . .TUunuiliVl IIIUU'O ,
T. J. Williams of Ten Jaf ile.
A motion was also made to Provide for
the appointment of a oommlttee on reso
lutions and plattorm, but Story Sheri
dan rem arte J that the convention cared
nothing auaot platform, that It was the
offices thev were after. He, therefore,
moved as au amendment that tho com
mittee on distribution of ofllces have
cbargo of the platform building. The
amendment waa carried, only about a
bsliadozen delegates voting either for
or against, a faet which caused the
bairman to rebuke the convention for
Its lack of interest In the proceedings.
ine committee on permaueut omaul-
gallon reported in favor of the temuo-
rary officers being made permanent, and
on motion tbe report w as adopted.
Adtourned uutil one o clock.
Al'ltUKOO.N 8K6M0N.
Tbe committee on credentials renortad
tbe following delegates entitled to seats
In the convention snd the report was
Deer ureek r. 8. ! izbmth bv J. A.
Hewitt; J, A. Hewltt.O. W. Oox. J. T.
Uiukie. J. M. Davit. L. M. ParroH. An.
drew Blariner, J. i. VVlJlie. Frenkllu
UmcHiua A. SaU til a o a i. O. Hflaim.
Obas. Gllvln by ; . L. Gllvln ; D. 6.
West, John VouFessl, Wm Carlon, J.
. uamuton.
Kosebura O. P. ('oahow. Dexter Ulm.
E. V. Hoowr, 'f. J. Wbitsett, 3. T. UU
more, John Aiken, B. W. Strong, 8, K.
bykes by Dexter Kice.
West Itosebura W. J. Garner by J.
B. Garner; J. Q. KeoJro aad IN'm Gs-
ttaWBu it
erdue, J.
Chtnw , O, St. Kirk -y t A b-.njj.
f. ClotiMh. J. L. ISoyte, Thomas IJuti'hr,
Chat Ih-almni liv Tbouiaa Hjtuln-r.
Klddle-. W., W.
Webber, f. A. Dean, J. Ii. OlriuenM
Oakland A K. Wmith by A.
H tilth J. H. 'm kley, T. V. KI.Ur,
f. H. Berkley; T. . Mdlr, (;.
Clintiowi lb.
Cslapooia U. XV. Stepl.ena, Funk
Oorrrll, Itobert Mtdlty, 3. H lUr and
John fianka by W. A. Wlltiamt; 0. A.
MoNabb, W. A. Williams, Wm Vail by
Y. K. Medlty.
Glendflt J. L Dewey, C. T. Nail,
Frenk Tlointr. W. H. Redfleld, A. r.
Osieeu by J. L Dewey.
Myrtle Creek John W. Weavr.Johu
If ill, James Dnnnavln, W. tf. Mocre,
o. rng, iiits. unrnett ny " . t.iojrn
James fkltllngton by Geo. Dement; II
Ten MiU-T. J. Williams, L. T. Hen
rfrix, W. K. Miller and Wm Short by T.
J. Williams.
Camat Vallet n. i. Trowbridge, i.
m. inomsoo, r. w. uonee by i. M.
Tnomtoa. i
Eikton Henry fteckley, L. 0. Adkin-
sen by Heory Becklsy ; T. J. W ilton, C.
L. Tieck ley.
Toncalla Wm Thlel, B. B. Csrr, If.
I). Yet by . B. Carv ; Z. L. Cos, by
Was Thlel, . G. Long, Dick Hanan
Wm Lteper.
Looking niaaaJ. T. Goodman, It.
Fallows, Jeff WIDisms, W. J.. Cochian,
w. a. Mecoy.
ComstorkWoba Andrews and Chat
Wolftr by Joe Lyont; W. XV, Stewart by
H. n. uriendan.
WUbor-O. W. erobbe. T. E. Bim-le
ton, K. H. Xat by John Agee; Let
Love, L. A. ilartlo.
Pats CreekoJoe Lyons. C. F. Counts
by Joe Lyees ; E. C. Gacry by Ira Wim
berly ; Lee Barker, Ira Wimoerly,
Cow Creek W. B. Booth by W. D.
Wilr ox ; W. Wilcox, Jesse Clements.
aiiuwood B. A. Gorney by V. c.
Eeadon ; 3. L. Bsker.
Civil Hend-S. O. Miller. W. L. Cobb.
f. W. Gage by 8. C. Mdlrr: A. O. Wil
Hams by W. L. Cobb, E. D. Neely by
u. h. unaueaor, n. it. naiienor.
Cut i mtHina o. B. Smith. U.
Elirum, H.L Englee. W. J. Hughe
Mt. Scott J. J. Thornton bv W.
Thornton ; Kobt. Cox.
Coles Vslley-E. W. Dillei. E.
Davis, C. Toussalnt, M. P. Callahan.
Lake refer ttrhait by V. H. Dinla-
oy ; . II. Service by W. II.Fuher.
Uarsiner Teter Ntlaoa. n m Dewar
by K. C. Hotctlnsoa ; J. U. Daly, Sol
reruns and J. B. Hotcblnson by Peter
Nelson ; Ira Harding by 8. W. Keller.
A preciact coaference committee on
joatloe and coottabls wat appointed con
sisting ol J. I. lilnble, A. Salzman,John
Aiken, li. W Miller. The committee
reported that the democrats should
nominate tba justice and the populists
the constable.
Te the Democratlo Doraocutie Couotv
Convention ol Dooglas Connty :
At. roor cenferencs oommittee to
whom waa aeaieaed the duties ol recom
mending a platform and distributee the
offiest as follows:
That the stats pi a I form adopted bv
the silver conventions at Portland with
tbe accompanying resolutions be adopted :
we, the democratic, peoples and sil
ver republican parties ii convention as
sembled, of Dooglaa county, Oregon, do
Hereby declare our turn and loyal ad
herence to. and snpport of the platform
adopted by said parties at Portiaud, Ore
gon, On the 2otb day of March, ISC'.-!, and
in auumon tnereto, we express or orin
belief io, and pledge our candidates to
snpport tbe following declarations of
Ws denounce the republican party for
repealing tbe mortgage tax law. and for
refaeing to re-enact tbe same for two
sessions of the legislature though it had
an overwhelming majoricy in both es-
sions. We demand the immediate en
actment of sad mortgage tax law and
that a dednction of indebteniiene where
tbers is a corresponding taxable credit
be allowed in atseesment for the pur
poses of taxation.
e demand the abolition ol the rail
road and other nsslees aad harmful
We view with alarm the extravaeaoca
of the republican officials in this couotv
daring tbe past eight years whereby the
indebted neat of the county has been in
creased more than 173,090, without ade
quate public improvements to show for
such increase.
We pledge our candidates to the most
rigid economy io the management of
county affairs, and the redaction of ex
penses wherever the same can be done
ithoat injury to efficient service.
We extend our heartiest avmpatbv to
tbe Cuban patriots, struggling for free
dom. We believe Cuba onght to be free,
and denounce tbe vacillating and ehilly-
ballying Cuban policy of this aa well as
of tbe preceding adininietratiao, as be
ing nnwortby the sons of our liberty lov
ing sires who secured their aod oar free
dom through the intervention of a for
eign nation. We insist that true and
liberty- loving Americans demand that
the inhuman bntcbery of peaceful citi-
Bene, the treacherous warfare that would
disgrace the savages of early America,
and the cowardly assassination so long
practiced by Spain In Cuba shall cease.
and that 9pain be driven, not only from
the continent, but also from the ielande
of America. A truly American aud pa
triotic foreign policy would have pre-
en ted tbe treacberons destruction ol the
Maine, with hundreds of brave sailors.
and tbe starvation of thousands of help-
ess Cubans. We demand that our sov-
ernnacnt at onoe declare Coba free, aod
enforce the declaration by driving Spain
from the western hemisphere.
AvroarroKMBHr of oiTictse
We recommend that the offices be dis
tributed as follows:
CouoVy clerk, populist : sheriff, demo
crat; Judge, democrat; assessor, popu-
Ust;:icuool superintendent, democrat;
treasurer, silver republican; surveyor,
democrat: coroner, populist. Legists
tare Uokt to be divided equally among
the three parties.
Tbe committee on order ol bus nefs
repotted lbs following :
domination c( reireautRtlvc, county
udge, sheriff, school superintendent.
Xha convention then proceeded to tho
nominations oi candidates for tbe olticfs
bicb bad been apportioned to tbe dem
ocrats and the followiug named porsoiix
were nominated by acclamation :
ror represent anve. G. w. Wounacott
of Kiddle; county judge, Joe Lyons if
Drain: school superintendent, Douglas
Wslte; surveyor, Ouear Thiel ol Yon-
11. VV. Miller was nominated for ina
tice ol tbe peace ol the Itoeeburg dis
trict. The only contest before thd con
vention proper, was over fie nomination
for slier ID'. There were two factionx in
the convention, tin Itevlew und the
unti-Iteview factious The Review f ac
tion beaded by Charles Fisher, have for
mouths waged lor bitter aud unscrupu
lous war an K. L, Stepheus who has
beon a protnioeut candidate for eheuu".
The Review factiou placed iu nomina
tion J. L. Dewey and the auti-Review
factiou proposed the name of It. I.
The name of Frank Reed wait ale
placed before the convention. But out.
ballot was taken which resulted a fol
lows: Stephens, 77; Dawev, 43; Ken. I,
lAjwe.2i AtotlifyU) grille noni.i.n
afnifoi' the eauilidatps named by the
.I her two convention a well as
at (nr j'Hil.;- aud ronataides lh tint,
vf-ntion elected B. W. Strong cha rntn
nl tlm cjuiily central roinnilttre aid
then adjourned.
Thi populist r, invpn'i in was n M e
order by t. II. Wbitsett, and on hul i
.Utiift llarpham wat choaen lrup.Mr,
cneirinun ol the Convention. I-.A.M
Call wai electtid recrotitiy by acclama
J Dillur, J Byron and .1. V. Gazley
were M.p)iiiti;d committee on ireden
Hal arid tubm tttJ the following reprt,
winnri waa a inii o I :
Mt. Srott-ll. A. Champagne, J, K
('lap 'Klin AI HUm! iftii. J. Win ul
lord, J mum I'. Starr, Jjmes Richard,
'ier. .-'ot'ie.
Umpnua N. Thompson, D. T. Either,
. iiiompsjn, Henry Lander, W, H
Gordon, Dave Ltwox, Carl HorTman.
Deer Creek II. I. Wilson, J. K.
lledipein, J W. Hengneth, H M.
Martin, F. A. McCall, P. Hansen, 0. M.
Hedgpeth, ieo. Ganger, Chat. J. An-
Roecburg .1. H. Whiteett. D. W.
Hunter, John McKane, Ttios. Hallleld,
j. u. aaeieer, K, l,. Mcl-aujnilo, Kat
sou Smith,. Tohn Rowley.
Civil Bend-W. C. Winston, H, ft.
Bolsinger. John McClelland, Jas. Dd
lard, K. Walker, Chat. Hargan.
C:na Valley G. It. Handley, A. U.
C. Whipple, It. Cook.
Ten .Mile Jamet Byron, John Week
ly, S. R. Brisl.iu, J. S. Weils.
Loexing Giass U. G. Crow, N. Madi
son, A. A. Mathewt. E. A. Crow and
James Deaalev.
Yon. alla-W. H. Wilson. B. U. Ter
kins, W. W. Wilson. A. li. Buxton. J.
L. McKinney, Joe Bennett, Geo. Wil-
West Roecbura-John Wiles. M. U.
Benson, R. C. Brown.
Canyonville David Fate, Jao. Jack
son, J. L. Cas'o, J. I-. Wyall, i. J. But
Millwood B. W. prasue. A. L.
F. Ward. W. W. Tbomnson. L. T.
Ou motion the temporarv officers were
made permanent officers of tbe conven
Then appeared the committees en
conference (division of sroils) snd plat
form from tbe democrats and free silver
republican conventions, who wire re
ceived with the customary honera, and a
like committee ol tbree: A. B. C.
Whipple, John Rowley and R. C.
Brown, appointed to confer with tltm
at democratic headquarters ia tht court
Rules were suepended and s commit
tee of (our, ooe from each ef the Deer
Creek, Umpjaa, Roeeborg and West
Koseburir precincts, were appointed to
confer with like committees from the
other conventions with reference to the
nominations of juetice of the peace and
constable for tbe aforesaid joint pro-
nets. Wild, McLaughlin, Gillette
and Wilton were appointed eueh torn-
On motion J. If. Wilds was elected bv
acclamation as chairman of the county
central committee.
The convention then adjourned till 1
Convention was called to order at 2:15
p. m. by Chairman tlarpbam, who an
nounced that committee on conference
was ready to repoit. Tbe report, reso
lution and platform (see proceedings of
democratic convention; was approved.
ibe convention then proceeded to
make its part of tbe ticket resulting at
follows :
James F. Gazley county clerk, by ac
clamation. it. B. Gillette, assessor, was chosen
by acclamation after J. M. Rowley,
James llarpham and r. A. McCall de
clined to accept the place.
James Byron, James Richard and
Fiaer Ward were uau.ed for comuiix
sioner, the two latter decliuing. Mr.
Byron was declared the choice ef lbs
convention for commissioner.
Fer coreusr. there baieg no bjh ef
Escnlapiu in their ranks. tiiT went to
democracy fur a victim and Dr. E V.
Hoover got the plum.
For repiesenUtive W. W. Wilson of
Yoncall.i and J. M. Rowley of Daer
Creek were placed in nomination. The
ballot showed up :ii for nilton and 2a
for Rowley. Upon Dio'ion of J. M. Dil
lard the convention made tbe selection
of Mr. Wilson unanimous, whereupon
Mr. Wilaon responded iu a very pathetic
manner, Wowed by that veteran demo
cratic war eagle, J. M. Rowley, pledging
the party bis uudivided and earnest sup
port. It was th only vigoroui ppsech
Tbe four Koaebarg precincts delega
tions reported to the convention the
name ol D. P. Fisher for constable,
which was approved.
t'REK MLVEK KirrnuiAXs.
The silver republicans of Douglas
county met at the opera house In pur
suance to a call in mass convention and
upon motion Hon. T. Cooper was elected
to tbe chair andW. R, Wells as secre
tary, lhe followiug committee was ap
pointed on plattorm and to confer with
tbe democrats and ixipulisfs ou onion on
tbe county ticket find apportionment ol
officers of the ditt'ervut parties; Stilla
Riddle, S. Van Houten and Geo. M.
Trior. Adjourned till 1 o'clock.
Called to order at oue o'clock. A
county ceutral committee was appointed
as follows :
Camas valley, (leo. M. Prior;
Lookinic Glass, J. L Grimes;
Ten Mile, W. R. Wells;
Civil Bend. B. B. Brockwsv;
Oakland, J. II. Guff;
Millwood, A. II. Churchill;
Coles Vollev, Geo. Bennett;
Myrtle Creek, Dr. C. E. Bogue;
Scottsburi;, T. T. Palmer;
Eikton, J. M. Robinson;
West Itoeeburg, Harmon Conn ;
Deer Creek, R M. Conkliog;
Rosobuig, A. II. Cox.
The committee oritauied by electing
R M. Conkliuj chairman. A commit
tee was appointed bv tbe chair to meet
with the democrat ami populist parlies
on Roeoburg precinct meeting.
rue convention received aud unani
mously adopted the report ol tbe confer-
euce committee. Nominations for coun
ty officers beiti in order, W. F. Cooper
was chosen (or the office ol county
treasurer, uud J. W. Conn lor represen
tative. The nominations made bv tbe
emot-ratio aud populist couveulious
were unanimously rndcrsed.
Thuiiaanita hit Try lug It.
orii-r b priva the great merit of
('.en u Itilm lh'? ln-J-it elleotlve eure
.itai-. li a ul ( oi l ia Head, we have pro.
I n h-i. - iris! w.o for 10 ceuU.
r. ,
f .r (
t it ol our il. u;:;.t vr neuu in rent to
i:LV XiiVXi., V.'irrou l.'t., N. Y. City.
I i-.ii.To'-e 1 from c it i-rli of tho worst kind
over iiiu
nil 1 nour hoped for
euro, li.ii Lli ' I'tc.i ii J:ulni keeina to do
even t!jt. M my iicinainUiiria have ued
it willi iulvI .-ut re-iiiltM. Ubi-ar Oatruiii,
ii tVurrcn Ave.. Clii-.witf.t, 111,
l-'.ly'a Cream Balm is the ncLuowledgfil
cui'f for catiurh uud contains uo cocaine,
nuTcui-y uor tiuy iujurioue drug. Trie,
60 ccuU. At uxuggibts or by m.iil.
'libscribo (or lhe Ti,.im)Pabh,
Reywl aiafcea the Ia4 sere,
whelateait a4 falkl.
Bpvtt aM aw ,, iwwik,
National Volunteer Reserve.
Cant. A. L. r,f thin ritv. wbn
hat been In correapondence with tbe
promoters ol thit new branch of the
military service, baa received leitm and
circular! explaining the movement and a
few enliatment blanks to k signed and
forwarded to UeadOarteis National Re
serve, Washington Building, New York .
The supply blanks are very limited aod
uie eeiaanu so great mat they cannot be
at once supplied from headquarters.
The patrioUs press of the oounty, how
ever, has undertaken to surolv blanks
for immediate ose, and in next week's
Plairdxalkb may be found a brief syn
opsis of tbe plans snd parpose of this
great organisation. We have no duubt
that Oregon will furnish her full auolaof
soldiers in this grand army, which, it i
confidently predicted, will soon uuint er
Ave million men. ror further particu
lars see Cspt. Kidder.
First Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath subool at 10 a. m. The Fal
ter sermon waa preached by Rev. How
til, Ircm the text: If I perish, I perish.
Esther 4, 10.
laa programme of the tauter chorus
service, Sunday evening, deserves spe
cial praise.
lbs readings by Mies iiat, Miss Kate
FoJlerton and Mrs. Wead and the dnette
by Misses Gordon and Jacobs were a l
very ranch appreciated, and tbe recita
tion by Mies Edith Brown and Miss Meryl
Moore was rendered lu a very pleasing
manner. The service closed with sn ad
dress by M. McCoy. The music was
furnished by the Presbyterian cboros
and that in itself is enough to insure ns
ol excellent music. Much credit ia due
to Miss Daisy Frster and Misa Dlla
The prouramme tor next Sunday i in
thargeel Mis Rnby Bailey.
Birthday Party.
One ef the pleatant events cf the w.i-k
for the little folks was the birthday pirty
Leland Thompson Un week. Gamee,
plajs. refreshment;, noise aud a itood
time generally were indulged in. Ihufe
present were:
Koyaudh.ii I HenJerpon. Grace and
Dorothy DuGip, H .hmo Terry, Gladys
Connolly, Roy Catching, Hazel Singt't-
too, iranny Campbell, lureia Hyara,
Kluen itentro, ttuel anil Uugh
Floy Houston, WillhirJ Carr.y,
Kruse, Clyde Caveudtr, Murl
Lela Crow, Leland Thompson.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewaid
for any case of Catarrh that cannot l e
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., I nn s Toledo. O.
We tbe undertone, have known F. J.
Qieaey for ibe last 15 veare, and believe
him perfectly honorable in ail busir;. h
transactioni ami financially able to mi
ry out any obligations wade by their
Wast A Truax. Wiiolet-uttj lni 'jit
Toledo, O.
Wsldinif. Kinuaii A Marvin. Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Jlail '6 Catarrh Cure is takvn
ly, acting directly upon the flood and
mucous surface ol the eytem. Trice 7,"i;
fer bottle. f?yld by sH'ilrurfists. Test
imonials free.
Eduriuc Voiir llourcl. wm, l'rar.-t5.
Oiaily 'ie irHf. run- rini-iiiiuiioii forever.
ll t- C, luil, tiruvuKhi rulund money.
The Royal Tailors.
Tbe Royal Tailors is the largest tailor
ing establishment in the woiM, tlipy oc
cupy the entire twelve stories ol a mam
mouth Chicago building, they turn out
1000 fine tailor made 6uits'of clothes
every day iu lhe year, they have clothed
8,000,000 males.
Do you need a uice spring or minimr
suit? It so royal fabrics, ruval Hyles
snd royal lailorfng touch the light spot,
for you get strictly high grade tailoring
st a modest price aud a perfect fit is
guaranteed. New samples just arrived.
;C. B. Cannon,
Sole representative for Douglas Co.
For Over Fifty Veais.
a.n Old avo Wsu-Thiio Kkmsoy. Mrs
K'inalow a Sootlilug Hyiup lias bveu used tot
ovr fifty jvar by uilllioaa ol uothera lor their
eblidrau wbtlt teething, with perfect auceaaa.
It ioothei Uie child, Aoltcnt tho ijuuik, allava ail
pilii, euraa wind colic, aud Is the best remedy
fur blarrhoja. It pkanaul to tba luio. Sold by
drugxlata in every part of tho world. Twanty-
Sve ceuta a bottle. Ita value 1b Incalculable.
Be aura and ask for Ura. Wiuslow'a toothing
Syrup, and take uo other kind.
Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!!
In piauos. organs uud musical goods.
Bicycles new and fecund hand at the
lowest prices possible. 1 have also got
about thirty thousand feet of lumber
which I have takon iu trade lor goode,
aod will sell cheap, ns I um not iu tbe
lumber business.
T. K. Rich AHPbu.v,
KoHeburg, Or.
All persons are hereby uutiuuJ uot lo
hunt or fish or otherwise treupata uu the
property known us the Douulaa county
fair grounds. S. C. Bauthgm.
To Cure 'u.itltiiiltn
I urovrr.
Teket'u.'rt-uieu atu.
I'Hs cr lie.
If C. C C. fall locuiv. ,1,
-.i i' fiiiul uiuiicy.
10,000 men wanted at
to select great barcuuia
tho Bus Store
before it ia too
For Infants aud Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
fsigmature ef