The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 31, 1898, Image 3

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C aro Bros
Tne I'hurclica.
'(tin TUt CMi''. II -comtt ol MttD and lane
.lioon. aunlay .HotTtt: I'teachlDl, II a. D
and 7 to f.m.i Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; r.
vr. VYinilloy, Hupetlnlcudout; t'laas Meeting al
i Iimm ul lb raoriiliu oilc; gpworUi UafU
M il-. w. Hallle Uodlicr, I'leanti-nt. frayer
Mixtluv, VU Joel-la)', at 7 M p in.
ffA- L M Hit. l'tur,
I iouo, turner Malu aud Lauo.
l uiniuiiN cacst a-ooiuer of Cmi aud
KoouoU. HuikUj Bottle: I'upllo worship,
ui. ml 7 IU p. iu.: KaMittb Hcbool, 10. m.l
V. T. M. O. .,7 p. m. l'rajrvr Mealing. Wedoee-
.' R. H. iMtWOMM. fMt.1.
I mii. Hitiaim I'ru-ni M-uU rowlvr lUtct.
(umlii) ftvl. , t 11 a. in aud 7 . p ni. I"ray
1 1 iiici liu. , lliui.lnjr uriilna
A. I' W eirAU, I'iitul-
...' en' r.' il.- tiiur i and
'lain aim U. ci'iTlrci ou urcoO'l and fourth
.-utelny iiiiiinlMii ol raib iif-nth and every Muu--la
i-mlus r-p-Tlal mm '.ft autinuuced Iri'in
mil' (..inn.. l:v. Jon.- Dov,
M. I., i mi I" ii, b 'fin. s- r ici .urr Fuorlaj
t t ti ft mi l evcutiu.
I,r J. I I Ol IMN, l't.T
Weather Report
1 or llio week ending Maiih .IU, 1SUH.
Maximum tcujieiatuie, '', on lh ilJrJ
Minimum tuiniHiratiire, :!', ou the SJd.
I'm liilt.itinii.
Average precipitation fur this month (or
I'D vp. ;1.74.
Total prcclpilatlou from ."-ept. 1, to
data. "1.1)7.
Aieiaiiu preeipitaliou Iroiu Sept I , '.'WC.
Total dellcieucy lioni r-ept. i, lew. n.
Average precipitation 'or "1 seasons,
to May. inclusive, jj.u.
I HQS. UIIISUN, uueerver
lltiiig your Job work to this ollli'C.
i ; j to tlio Koaelonf (or the !ont citfrs
for a good ft-icnt tlifur call on Mra.N.
ItcaJy nmiu slicute ut ttio Notolty
Kuua iu iiituiito vnriwty nl AIxiDJer
V Mronn'n.
l or oats tali on H.M. Marlio,
nvar tlio ilopot.
Muraroni lu onv
IhjiiixI cartoons at
,inlf r xnKvty.
I . V. llnvnii Joit all kinJol
Mi.-k iroiuptly and nkilllully.
Auk your K'oir (or Kxceloior floor;
Itunranlnuil llmt i lam. 11.00 r tk.
I.Kilion rtaJy lua.le wraer, new
licautKul irioK lino "i" Novelty Klora.
Ilia New l.m Hour tnilla (uaranleai all
ilu work. Krpt by all urot'ere. ILOOppr
l acte-notUkon-in what our aJver
Ubiiih tnluiiiiiH upreueui. The Boea
Kaiidv Ki'cliou'e katauicli kant be
bout. Alwava to bo louud a' Jack
boii (llerl.
I . W. Caipeutor is autliuried lo re
relva and ruceipt (or euoecrlpllona to tlia
All our KooJu aro new and ol the lateit
alyloH. No aliojiworn gooda ou baud at
the Hons btoro.
Kiubli 1 1 emu uilnl tbewa, f'uah t aff ,
doali piiauut randy and oveivthioif I reel,
at Hie Knndv Kiti beti.
1 lie Now lira MilU tuauufaciures
relator Hour and guaranteoa It tint claaa.
1.00 cr nack at nil grocery etorca.
Uraliaiit Hour, out moat and gurui, at
the New Kra Mills All guaranteed tint
class. On sale by all grocers. M.OOper
Ladies, you should seo our beautiful
liueof wash fabric, all tested colors,
i"iualled by no olio. Call and seo them
ut tho Novelty iStoie.
J. W. Uccklev A Co., the butcbers.will
kuep ouly tho choleeat o( moats where
with to supply tho UoHeburg public, but
monthly sotlltiineuts w ill be required.
After l'ebruary 1st we will make a re
duc.tiou ia the price of t 'liver jilowe aud
li'itras throughout the entire lino. Just
received a carload of burb wire.
Urn. J. II. Miupe has boeu appointed
loproaoutatlve lor tlio Viavi Co. iu this
city. Any 0110 dosiriug Information io
regard to, or wisliiut; to procure tho rem
edy, will ploaao call at her residonceon
I'ino etrout. jl3-3ui
Morris' l'oultry Cum. Thin Infallible
remedy ulmllougos the world to produce
itseiual as su ugg producer. Irevent
ivo aud euro fur all diseases of fowls.
Guaranteed and (or salu by II. M. Mar
tiu, Hoseburg, Or.
Whooplug cough la the tuout diutress
lug malady ; but Us duration can be cut
short by the iuu of Ouo Miuule Cough
Cure, which is also the bjst known rem
ody for croup and all luug aud bioocblal
troubles. A. C. Marutcid' A Co.
buitH of clothm, all wool,
unlilitu. iii. fill! rouulur mice 10
rlothes fioiu (1 to i:i years (or l.!0 aud
t:. IlalHull btylcs und colors (or tibc,
rt'eular i'in u fl W. All tbouo goods are
Hilly io bo found ul. Urn llnnfl Ktore.
We nrc determined lo close out our large stock ofj
Dry Goods, Clothing Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Ladles' and
lcnt.v I'urmsIiiiiK (,oodK, IJlaiikcts. Quilts, Laces,
t.- 1 J I ...!.. M. .... 1 t . ' '
ivnjoroiucrics, i ruuKfi,
'i'i.j.. i'. uftLwiii-ur. .
mis nine c .wuoi ri4L,L,, as wc nave sola our
Rpfll lNlntr mill Ullict
. .......
Our ftfp nrriv:i1
. .. I'.l
' - - - .
luuuinu vrouus in inc
Caro Bros
April 6lh will l Arbot luy.
Freah fruit lu gists jam wt
Koda watnr alwara on JiaiiKbi Die
Candy Farloi v.
Oar, an oM CMiii-ao ro'i liiii o( Hoa
burg, died laal Fliday.
iJontal work In all lis bram hcN tkil
(ully dono by I". V, llaynrn.
Crown and brldgu work ai'ivnlilically
dona bv F. V. Havnea. iIjm .IciiIImi.
C II. Dinuy and fuinllv havn iiiiivml '
Into I he Oicuii propiTir In Ldenbowpi. !
Mirs LIU Ooldou w ill l-.u'li ll.n npi
trim fwlnjol lu I he llnliica dutriti :
near LIMou. '
The nlrerit tally auo tl.o very be I pru
nut caiiit can aUa)R lu found at Inu
Can by I-ctory.
Miaa Courtiight of tUklaud
ia in thn ity tlii wurk, llio gii-nl ol Mir
lieriba ltilliredo.
New Iiih-s of all kinds at IkiHoiii I riri'M
at the Noveltv hinro. Call and examine
tbe ui licluia purchasing.
Coma lo tlio M.pnrado I! til a' I 'nip.
ins rurry, on April Mt. lukutr for
dance au I supper, (l.')O.
Miaa Carrlii Sykt'N left on Sinilny
nlg'il'a ovailand fur San Frarici mi a
viit lo friendx and relative.
Ctiua Nlckrli of llio .l.u krtiiiv;. In
Timor, otoppeil oviv In KohwIiui on
Monday on bis nay homo from I'oil
land. I). A. Ilonai.l, of l.di'tib or li.i-. leli
to join lua family nt M dlwalei , in ,
wbeia be will pialiaiilv mil.i Idi fctuiej
home. i
Prof. Kobiiioue, nbo lum bi'in n-acli
iug at iiardiiu'r for t tin pM to yeara.
will laach i bo rpring term of fchnol at
Civil Hand.
K. PuCiaa, phyalcian und nurcun,
office In Marstera' tniilding. Call in
town and country promptly MiitiMercd
nlgbtorday. Keeidcuct',1'1 1 Mill street.
Alei. Martin, Sr., of Oakland returned
Sunday to Klamath county lo ipend tlin
summer. He h broui,'bt up from
Shovel creek by W. F. Moore. Klam
ath 1'iprvna.
Ileckley, thocaitlo buyei, of Oakland,
ha iuat rounded up 100 bead of cattle iu
the Ten-Mile country to drivo to tlio vl
lev. He cjpiu ti to retui n after iinotiii i
band. Marsbfleid Mull.
Chas. ttardiiirr of 1'rain, whu lum
been spending ii wcrl vintuiK v. y.
Thompson, Jell Monduv fi i l'.oiu city,
lie was accompanied by Wea .McCul I in
ter. Cot t ago lirovo Leader.
FMder I'ligh lejioita a very pleanant
and prolltabl-i Keiviceat (ireon'a Hfliool
hourm ou laHt t'libbntti. Tbeie was c
good attendance and all prouont appeal
ed to have been InU'ieuted and pleased.
John Long of Coloa Yalle, who ib a
sludant at tho law ecliuol at Salem, spent
Huuday last with frienda at homo. Mr.
Long will compleiA l tie conrno in June,
whea be expects to open an ollico In ttiiu
F. It. Coiluiuu, pbyniciati audeurgeou
secretary hoard U. iS. 1'ciiBiou surgeons
OfUcein Marsters' block, rubidenco i'.'O
Stephens atiect. rrofuseional calls in
town or country rrompllv answered
night or day.
We are informed (but Jami e A Mil
ling lias been noiltitd that there is due
him on salary us itoMiumsirr at Oakland
from lS'iS to 1877, a balance of 10U1.&0.
e bopo this is liuo and that he w ill
soou receive tbe money.
Miss M. K. Toiler imvu ber epiiug
and summer id ill inn v opening Suluidav,
April 2d. Miss I'orter bus spared neith
er tiuitt nor tiouble iu obtaining the very
latest styles ol the aeuson. tier prices
are more reaHouablo than ever before.
Tbe reputation of ftoval Tuilorinn U
favorably known In every nook and ham
let In Hie United Mutes, unco u natron
you are blways a pairou. If you need a
new suit lot U. is. Cannon know It: bo
will take your measure and guarantee a
perfect lit.
We are anxious to do a little uood in
this world and can think of nopleasauter
or better way to do it tbau by recom
mending Ouo Minute Cure au a prevent
ive ol pneumonia, consumption aud
other serious lung troubles that follow
neglected colds. Marstera' lbug Storo
An enter) aiumuul will be held at Mis
sion Chapel, Uneubower, thin evening,
Commencing at 8 o'clock. A goad
program baa boeu provided, couuintuig of
vocal aud instrumental music, rccitutionu
and "Milkmaida' Couveutiou." Admis
sion 10 cents. Childrou under ten, l
Wa aro reiuebtcd lo uuuouuce that HU
dor 11. Fugb will preach at the W iik Iioh-
ter school house ou tho aocoiid Lord's
day in April' beln April loth, KS'.tS nt a
1'. M. Also al llio I lencli eltlumeiil
on the third Lord's day in April, being
the 17tU dav of April lNih). at 11 o'clock
A. M. aud alto at 7 ::!0 1. M . A cordial
iuvltatlon is extended to all t Lo pics-
I am goiug to get a uew auil of clothes.
Of C. 13. Cauuou, of couiae.
Poes be sell clothes .'
Yes. he reprouenls tbe ltoyul ThiIois.
tbe greatest tailoring firm iu thu world.
way do you patruuue mo noyui xau-
Llecaube there ia merit iu their work.
You alwavs iret the very best of fubrit s,
high grado work and a stylish tit (or u
very rpasniniiue prn e,
vniiscs, cct.,etc.
irive iiucauciam ... Cv.. r,.
J'.IJ.nniVU 111 tJtAtjr XJtXJ,
nr.. nil t1, Uct nA .
' i.w iyw.iv uuu lUVnb IIIOU'
. . . . , .
ciiv. ana are direct from t in
Boss Store.
fniM'li Mclvin i f Fair Oaks was In tbe
Tv yen'ordey.
L. n r.nilllH and wife have rolurned
from California.
Dues your loolli ache'.' Go auk
Huyiics wlinther It ii worth saving.
Dr. Linlii of Oakland was lDrlewlng
his iimnv fri"nds in Hoseburg this week.
10,000 men wanted at the Bom Store
ti Hi'litt t great bargain before It la too
.'f k ol ladles and muses' nne
i, nil ttio latest Styles, J oat received
; ui ran on Di oa.
i'o'i i im ctiaia candies when toucan
tfit t'e pure, unadulterated article at
Caudv Fact'. i v
no pi l -oii wim Idlr a ladle ailk um
biellaat ibe si More, sboold call snd
claim tliu name.
Keep in mind our large line of boy's
and men h spring ilolblrg at very lo
prices. Novelty Store.
A lutga and lino ajuw..rtnient of chil-
dienii hIiim-s just leeelved at Tarrott
I'i K. Cull und see them.
Cull ut ibe lioes Store and price i heir
g-joilri, am! you will be surprised lo Und
them si i in Ii Iiiw ligures.
l) ;ii i I in um ieiit i creams
"hen to'iiHii nlwaAa get tbe now and
fresh iuu h nt ibe Kaudy Kitchen.
It I:- iHuii'Mi, y to pioflt bv the exixrl of iMhm. Ibousauii have been
ruied by llo d a Sairaparilla, wbv riot
I ,v ou .'
A black i lochet silk hamlkir
. chief I- ki t f jii'ainlng a linen bandker
chi. f. I-imli i w ill le suitably rewarded
j tv !oiif- ,i at this office.
1 1 ran 1 opening of dry goode, furnithiog
. KH,lf, cluthinir, boila aud shoes, also Ibe
! piettiuxt Iiiih ol ladies shirt waists. Ap
; ru nrm, .it me oveiiy store.
j I '. M . i labbert, a prominent citizen of
i M rtlri (ei-k made this o til re a pleasant
call mi mlnesday. Mr. Uahbert b
; bem uitendinjj coort, a witness lathe
j (llbei m . n i a-e.
A thrill ol terror is eiperieorcd wbue
a brawy cnugh ! croop sounds through
um iio'.ue ui nigtit. uut tiie terror soon
I'hnngra Ij reiiuf ufter One Mlnote Cough
Cure ban heeu administered. Safe and
harmless for children. Marsters' I'rog
We nrc requested to aonounce that
l.lder I . 1 iikIi will preach at (Ireen's
"liu. u i donee on the 4th Lord's day in
March. l..-ing March l'7tb, at 3 P. M. and
nt llroikmiv gchoulbouse on tbe first
L-ird's diy in Ajiril, being April Sd, at 7
l . M.
Tbeie are three II ttio things which do
innro work than sny other three little
thine created they are tbe ant, tbe bee
mi. I DeWut'a Little Early Kisers, tbe
list I.CU14 tho famous little pills (or
stomnch und liver troubles. A. C.
.Minsters iV Co.
Uon't delude our stomach with Ibe
idea, Ucwieo some brands of candies are
cheap, that tliev must be good. Yon
can't ge1 snine'hing for nothing on this
pl um, but ou can just depend on get
ting tho best, purest and cleanest candy
at the Candy Factory In Roeeborg.
After veis of untold suffering from
P'K'ii, 11. W, t'ursell ot Kniinersville,
ru., nun cured bv using a single box ot
Ue ill's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin dis
eases such as edema, rash, pimples and
obstinate sores are readily cured by this
famous remedy. A. C. Marstera & Co.
Ir J. W. Strange will visit the north
part of the county nent week and will be
at tho following places at tbe times
mentioned. Youcalla, April 4th and
'ith ; Drain, April 0th and 7th; LI k ton,
April iitti uud lO'ti. Hi owe woo desire
first dnsa dentistry will call on tbe doc
tor while in their commuutty.
1 hvioby aunouuee inyeell as a candi
date bedna the voting population oi
Douglas county, iucluding tbe free sil
ver mn, popiiliete. democrats and re-
puiuicaiis, 10 sou iiaiu wagons irom s
lull carload iuat received. Also aara oi
bugKiea.barb wire and nails at the lowest
prices, all now on hand at Stearin A
t heuowctb, Oakland, Oregon.
Cm l 'tt d of clothing and hate just re
ceived nt the Boss Store. These goods
wer oidored direct from (he factories
hefore wo anticipated of selling out, and
are nffered ti tho public at cost. Best
fitting clothing on ttio coast, tavlor niado
not accepted Call aod eianitne tbom.
uuriuiis aro 1110 latest styles and are
woi Hi double what we offer them at.
Boss 6 runs.
Why ia it that a patron always gets
satisfaction iu dealing with the lioyal
Tailors? liecauso the lioyal Tailors
have a reputatiou at stake. It took them
oO long years of hard work to build it up
to lis present standard and they propose
lo keep it where It is, therefore they can
not afford to have their patrons dissatis
fied. C. B. Cannon can tell yon all
ub'jul it as he is their representative (or
loiighia county. If you need a new
suit lot him kuow aud he w ill show you
upriug and summer samples,
Grand Millinery Opetilug at the Nov
eltv More, Apill 1st. We have seoured
a tirst duns trimmer to cater to our
patrcus' wants iu thU Uepartmout. By
Uriit tluua we do uot meau oue who hat
merely nerved au apprenticeship, but a
skilled trimmer, one who has the repu
tutiou ot being tlret lu tbe art. We will
show a largo and beautiful line ol milli
nery from the cheapest to the very best,
A special etl'ort will be made by us to se
cure that trade which hoe been golug to
tho cltled. Come aud see the pretty
things iu thin department, Send lu
your mail ordars.
So Say the Jury in
Cnio of the
Who Shot and Killed Ja-ner N
vsjicti vn wei tretK,
- m m
LtlSt Motlth.
toe case oi ine otats oi Oregon
Ul barman, chargmj with
I j m ., " U -.111111-1
milMnr In II.. Hr.l M ... L MU.
Janper n. i;aaieoi. on tim s:ih da of
tu.g.rj, iojo, wan vaiiDd lor trial on
ui naiuruar, ino aiate wm rfnr.
men or oniric- aitornev Yateaand
i . . i ... . . . ... . r
Ueo. M Drown, Toe dofendjnt being
irprewmeu iiy n m. rawirtro, U. A.
Hwblbreile, O. 1'. Ooshow and Detr
Itlce. After considerablo dclav. owinu
pjiue prominence oi me msi, aji.r
was empaneled, conaixtinic A V. fi
Ilarksr, Dear rrok ; II. M. Martin.
Knantjura; T. Is. McClullanrl. lirfK-!
II ft. , ..I
" . oi, rioca. liutudt ma : i:nrr
nurenurg ; ueorxo rraeier. Oakland : J,
M. Klcbey, Comntock ; John Hon'er,
rvoenur j. j,. naaier. ICoeehnri: V.
r iriciion, u'tseoarir, I. JeeU
KosAburs and Oeorirs . ilrDnm.l n
Yonealla, The taliou of tentlmon waa
ocgua auoui a o chick on aionday alter
noon, lue tirst wltoess culled was.
tin. Z. i . MILLLU
oorouer of Douclai ruuDty, whotestifled
in regard to navlnx beld an Inqaest on
the b)dy of the deceased on the dar fol.
Inwiogthe shooting. Found two bullet
wounds, one in tne rinbt eve and ona In
tbe moutb, either of which would have
eauieij deatb.
1'iaar rcNCAt
testified that he metolberman on the
morning of Ibo killing, at a point about
one-fourth of a mile from tbe Stewart
house, where Olberman and Casteel
were living at tbe lime of the homicide,
when Olberman stated to him that im
had killed Cas'eel, eiclalming : "Yes, I
have killed him. It's an awful thing,
n'ntlt?" Witness went on to lfeam'a
place and at he wae returning lo tbe
Stewart place with llearn Bgain met Ol
barman und Mrs. Stewart near (he Mai.
key place. All returned up tbe creek,
woeu they met A. W. Martin in the
road. Olbertuan said to Martin. "I have
killed your enemy:! bare killed d.
teel." Ou reaching the Stewart bouse
where the body war, soma one men
tioned the necessity ol an inmieat. when
Olberman answered : "There i no use
of an ioijueet. I killed him aod I admit
11. It was not la sell defense or tbo beat
of passion. It was intimidations and
threats that caused it." Tho body was
lying on a lounge with the bet haniiin
over. Olbermau uncovered the body
saying be was soiry be thot ibe old
iu the inoinb. Oo croan examination
witne-s stated that Olberman had aaid
that he had unit work iu tbe mine
hecause ho could not iret hIhiw uiili
casieei. iuat wneuever they did
anything it waa "I did it," but when
bere were bills 1 1 nay it was "wu" who
had Ibem to nay. Olherman did not no
pear 10 ie excited at tbe time but ap
peareu mucn me saiuo as lie usually did
fcl.I MILtEU
testified: Knew both lberman aud
Casteel. Saw Olberman about 7 or 8
o'clock 00 the morning of the killing
uioerman sam : ' l want von to oa
uown to me House, tiiere was a murder
down there last night." I asked who
was killed snd Olberman answered it
was Caateel and added : "I did not kill
htm in self-defense or tbe heat of Das
sion. It was on account of threats and
intimidation." Olberman stated that
be might bave sot out of killina Casteal
if be had taken bis duds and lefr, but be
nan eveivtninu in tbe mine and waa not
eo disposed. That he mlaht hanu for it
or go 10 prieton lor nie, but he would tell
the truth about it. Said ho had shot
three times. Did not appear excited,
corroborated tbe testimony of 1'errv
Uunoan as to tho cooversatiou when he
met Duncan and Olberuiau in tbe road.
w. c. 1IEARK
knew both Caateel and Olberman. Met
Olberman in the road the morning of tbe
m. uioerman said he bad killed
casieei ana was going 10 town to e ve
nimaeil op. 6aid mat lie hurt done it in
telf defense and on account of threats
that Caateel ha t made. Olbermau said
that he had meditated over tho killing
and had concluded that he had to do it
or get up and leave.
testified as follows: Weut with Con
stable Willis lo si reft Olberman. Met
lum .oroing down the creek. Said he
was going to town to Kive himsolf on
Olberman stated that Jap had threatened
mm alter the law suit at Myrtle Creek.
mat Jap said that be. meaning Olber
man, bad disgraced bim and his sranri
children by tbe law suit. That one of
thbse days be, Olberman, would pass oQ
me earm and never know bow tt ban
pened. That he bad not slept much the
night before the killing, (tot up at 3
o clock and went back lo bed. Got un
again ai u o ticca ami auied Uaateol. At
tne tirst shot Casteel raised un acd
asked: "What's that for?" Shot him
twice more when he (ell back aod said
uo more.
K'Hirit ;uuku
Met Olberman in the road the morn-
ol the 21th. Olbermau said, don't think
(or a moment I did it in self deleuse. I
studied the matter over and could have
got out ol it by rolling my blankots aod
walking out. 1 bad worked bard and
had everything 1 possessed there and
did not like to do it.
testified; Saw Olbermau February ?j,
aod talked with him. lie said Casteel
had called bim a s of a b aud had
mistreated him for the past Ibreo years.
Did uot state what threats Caateel bad
a daughter of deceased, at whose houeo
the kllliug took place testilled as follows;
1 reside ou Lees creek, a branch of
Myrtle creek. Was ut home ou tbe
tuorniug of the 2 Ith. w'nli her father
jasper iasieei, nermree cniidren aud
Olbermau. Arose about six o'clock that
tuoruing and while dressing Olbermau
came down stairs, walkod to near the
foot of the lounge where her father lay,
aud where he had slept tbe previous
night and shot him. Alter the first shot
Casteel asked : "What is tbe matter?"
Didn't hear anything else aud two more
shots followed. Did uot see tbo tlret
shot tired, but taw the other two shots
tired. Castoel was lying ou the louge io
the sitting room and 1 was near tbe door
iu tbe adjoining bed room. Heard
nothing before ibe first shut wait fired,
lealilwhst did you do that for ',' Olher.
men answered, I don't I. now. I would
not have itr.i It if f IH. km.wu it
hurt joit mi. ih revolver waa 1
Which bad l.em kept ill ll,e hrd r' Hibernian ha I ha I I lor
about two; weeks snd kept it nndirih
nean 01 liu Um). Olberman rut hed al
about tt o'clock the evening helm
About Jf o'clock be name down stu-a
astwd remarked "Yon are up early
Ale." Oirerman asld yes, went o I'sid
l r a short time, then returned and wen
npstairs again.
A grandson of Casteel. who Is about 8
rearaohi, decrlb4 the killing aiioot as
his mother had done. He wm near tia
door between (be bedroom and the sit
ling room when the shots were fired. 3 W
w. T. WILUt,
constable vat Mtrtle Creek, who raadi
the.arrest of Olberman, testified as fol
lows: Airestod Olberman io the road
on the 2 lib of Feb. Olbermao made a
ttatamont in regard to the killing In
Died bn said ha shot Casteel three
times. First time Caateel raised un and
said: "What does this mean?" He
tfion thot twice more. Maid Casteel bad
previously made threats esalost him.
saying that this coontrr woohl not bold
mem botb. I hat during tbe night Cas
teel bad beeo talkins to Mrs. Stewart a
g'xxl deal and Demeaning him. Was t.,
annatve he coald not sleep
After soma fnrther taatimnnv rf nn,.r
Importance tbe state rested.
The tirriMC
Mrs. May Stewart beloa recalled on
the part of the defense testified tbat she
and Casteel aod Olberman ate supper
together. Tbat daring the evening Cat
leel and Olberman talked about the
aw salt, Casteel said to tbe defendant :
'You have diezraced mr famllr and tba
man w ho has done tbat can't live. I
ill kill him when ha leaat eirxw-ia It.1
That after detendant retired Caateel
continued to talk to ber about Olber
mau saying that the t of ab wbi.
brought hli name to nrotet couldn't
3. a. olBBUUT,
tbe defendant, wa called aa a witness
0 bis own behalf and testified that he
was a partner in a mine with Caatiil.
That he bad Invested about threa linn.
dred dollars In tbe mine and bad aleo
put in considerable work. Tbat some
money had been taken oat whieh Can.
teel had kept. That Casteel had made
i' uncomfortable (or bim in many ways
Had bullied him and tried by abase to
rive mm, detendant, away from the
mine. Ibat be bad finally brounht anii
against Casteel at Mynls Creek and ob-
ained Judgment against bim (or about
A), ibat be and Caiteel went home
part wav together, arriving there about
dark. Both drank soma on tha
home, both drinking oat of the eanie
ask. That Casteel waa somewhat nn.
der the influence of liu nor.
-n . n .. .. ...
me m supper logemer aitr wblcb
hey talked about tbe lawsnit. That Ha.
ceased continued to abuse him, saving
in" up, vioerman, aua bis daughter,
Mrs. Stewart were in a conspiracy 10
rive bitu off the treek. Defendant re-
red between 9 and 10 o'elock in tbe
evening. Defendant did not give bis
ersion of the killing
ibe testimony of the defendant waa
entirely in regard to threats t v the de
ceased, and personal at. use, intended, as
the defendant contended, to drive him
away and obtain bis interest in the
A number cf witnrsses testified that
tbe defendant had, previous to tbe homi
cide, borne a good tepatation.
Drs. DoGas, CoQman and Hoover,
were called to prove that threats and
pereoual abuse, such aa bad been an.
pueu 10 ueienuam, tmgtrt lead to men
!!..,.. . . .... . r
tai derangement.
The caBe was given to the jury Wed
nesaay morning and after being out
about ten hours the jury brought in
vordict of guilty o( murder in the first
degree, tbe penalty for which is death
Olberman was cool and apparently un
concerned, not only tbrongbont tbe
trial, out when a verdict was returned
which means death. He appears to be a
mora, monstrosity, a man wltb no
conception of the enormity of hit crime.
ucicuuaui bus uot yet been sentenced
Among the Chnrche.
ruibf iwstiivrEfUAX cmBm.
Kosebutg, March 27ih lS'JS
Sabbath School aa usual. There waa
no moroing service, for tbe reason tbat
the minister waa unable to be present
ibe babhatu evening eervice was well
attended, as usual and was very pleas
ant. There was select reading by Miss
Kate Fullerton. MUs Rubv Biilv and
Miss .Ma ode Jones. The music waa ex.
cellent, especially the solo by Miss Ruby
Gordon, and the quartet by Mies Ruby
Gordon, Miss Georgia Jacobs, and
Messrs. Henry Richardson and W. W.
Thackrah. The service eloeed with an
- I I T" 1 . .
BuurcsB. ino programme lor next un-
day evening is in charge of Miss Nora
Last Sunday the pastor. Frank L.
Moore, spoke lu tbe morninu of tha
cnurcb contributing its quota of salt to-
warn me preservation ol I lie reonblie
Among other things mentioning that this
one cnuren bad expended In educational
uu ueoevoieni worn in tne foutb in
tbe past 30 years, ii oOO.OOO.Imaintainlna
at present 44 schools above tbe grade of
tbe public schools; tbat 100,000 of the
youth, colored and white had attended
In Ibe evenina a good audienea path
red to listen to a diaronree on "Wt
. 1. 1, . I . ,1 n.t f -
mo uuui ogives. trie nrst reason
giveu was "because of its origin."
Fhat like man it bad breathud into it tha
ream 01 nie at tbe ueainuins. Tbat aa
Christ was a divine, human man, so tbe
book was a divine hunao production,
bay iug "a truly human tool aud body,
but the auimating spirit is ihe eternal
truth of God." The eeeond reason was
because of what it does." lie then
cited tbe 25 years work of famous Jerry
McAuley, mission of New York City, as
lurnisbiog apt lilastratiooB of what it
can do. Mrs. Maud Cstes Barn a fare
well solo.
There has iuBt been completed for
Misses Emma and Helen Smith, daugh
ters of Judgo Thomas Smith, on the
Harmon lota 011 north Jackson street, a
nice, commodious, up-to-date, soveu
room residence, iuto which the (amily
moved last week. Everything from
the Irout gate to the back porch is uew,
neat aud convenient. Not only that
but these young ladies bought these lots
aud built this residence free (rout debt.
almost entirely irom their savings, one
as a dressmaker aud tbe other as a com-
pontor lu the newspaper offices o( this
city. Aud yet there aro a lot of able-
bodied youug men in this lowu. and In
every other town In Oregon, who put iu
their time loating around saloons and
questionable resorts, cussing the pluto
crats aud whinlug about bard times aud
age slaves, who. if tbev had half tha
hablta of industry and economy tht
these young ladies have, might lie
laylug the foundation for a useful and
proeperous future.
Spring stock, the largest and bast ra
lectlou oi mou'i ihovi. ol evti v grade
Ud vatietv. iuat reralved at I'.irail
Pi 01. "lyles and 111 ices Hiwe to rleaso.
11! I
mm BY FOE 111
the Explosion of
Submarine Mine.
Of the Court of Inaulrv oa to
- or
the Los of the Battle
ship Maine. to. March 'JH Tha nraal
dent to-lay tent tha following message to
wiiy reus ;
lo me congress Of the Loited Stata
ror some time prior to tbe visit of the
oiaino 10 Havana parbor our consular
representatives polmed out tha arlvant.
.gee 10 lollow tbe Visits of naval shloa lu
vuunu nmon III accustoming people lo
the presence of our flag as a avmh.,1 1.1
good wilt and of nor ships in fulfillment
01 tbe mission ol protection to American
merest, even though no immediate need
berefor might exist. Accordingly, rn
tbe j li ol January last, after a confer
eni-e wiin me epamsQ mlni-ter, in
a reneaai 01 me visits 01 our war Vessel
lo Spanish waters waa dicuned and ac
apieo, me peninsular autnontlea ai
Madrid and Havana were advised of the
purpose 01 mis government t resume
Iriendiy naval visits at Cuban ports, and
that with that end io view the Maine
would forthwith call at tbe port of Ha
This announcement was received b
me epanien government wnu apprecia
tion of tbe Mendlv character of tna visit
ol tbe Maine and witb notification of an
Intention to return tbe courtesy by rend
ing Spanish ships to tbe principal port
of tbe United States. Meanwhile the
Maine entered the port of Havana on
the 25th of January, her arrival being
marked with no special incident besides
the exchange of customary talutes an t
cer-monial visits.
"Tbe Maine continued in the hvbr
01 Havana during the three weeks lol
lowing her arrival No appreciable ex
citement attended ber stay. On the
contrary, a leeliag of relief and confi
dence followed tbe resumption of long
interrupted friendly intervoarea. S
noticeable was tbis immediate effect of
ber visit tbst tbe consul-general strongly
urged tbat tbe presence of our sbipe in
Co nan waters should be kept up by re
tainiag tbe Maine at Havana, or in the
event of her recall, by sending another
vessel there to take her p'ace.
"At 40 minutes past 0 o'clock in tbe
evening ol tbe 15th of February, the
Maine was destroyed by an explosion,
by which tbe entire forward part ol the
ablp was utterly wrecked, io this ca
tastrophe, two officers and 200 members
of ber crew perished, those wbo were
not killed outright by ber explosion be
ing penned between decks bv tbe tangle
of wreckage and drowned bv tbe im
mediate sinking of tbe bull. Prompt as
sistance waa rendered by neighboring
vessels anchored io the harbor, aid be
ing especially given by tbe b- ats of the
Spanish cruiser A'phonso XIII and the
ward Hue steamer City of Washington
waicii lay not lar distant. Tbe wound
ed were generously cared for by the
authorities of Havana, tbe hospitals be
iog freely opened to them, while tb
earliest recovered of tbe bodies were in
terred by the municipality in tbe publir
cemetery in tho city. Tributes of griel
ana sympaiDy were odered Irom all
official quarters of the island.
"I be appalling calamity fell upon tbe
people of our country with crushing
force, and for a brief time intense ex
civenient prevailed, which, iu a commun
Ity less just and selfishly controlled
roust bave led to hasty ajts of blind re
tentmeut. Tbis spirit, however, soon
gave way 10 me calmer process of rea
son aud to a resolve to lnvestigata the
facts aud await material proof before
forming judgment as to tbe responsibil
ity, and if tbe facts warranted, the rem
edy due. Tbis course necessarily rec
ommended itself from the outset to the
executive, for ouly in the light of a dis
passionately ascertained certainty could
it determine tbe nature aua measure its
full duty in the matter.
-ine ubuki procedure was toi lowed ax
!u coses of casuality or disaster lo nation
al vessels ol any maritime state, i
naval court of ii uuiry was at once or
ganized,compo6d of officers well uuali-
bed by rank and practical experience to
discbarge tbo onerous duties imposed
upon them, and, accompanied by
strong force of wreckers aod divers, tbe
court proceeded to make a thorough io
vestlgation on the spot, employing everv
available means lor an impartial and ex
act determination as to tbe cause of tbe
explosion. Its operations have been
conducted with the utmost deliberation
and judgment, and while independent
pureu. o, no source 01 iniorma'loo waa
neglected and ibe fullest opportunity
was anowea lor eimuitaneoua tnvestiga
tion by tbe Spauieh authorities.
"xhe findings of tbe court of inon r.-
were reached after 23 davs' continuoua
labor, on Ibe 21st of March, and having
oeeu approved on me i'.J, by tne commander-in-chief
of the naval force of tne
North Atlantic station, were transmitted
o the executive. It is herewith laid be
fore congress, together with iha volumin
ous testimony taken before tbe conn.
whicii is iu onei as loiiows:
"When tbe Maine arrived at Havana
he was conducted bv a regular a ivern
tuent pilot to buoy No. 4, to which she
was moored in from 5.'-j lo G fatnoms of
water, ibe state ol discipline on boar I
and the condition of ber magazines.
buiieis, coal bunkers and storage com
partmentij are passed iu review, with in-
conclusion that excellent order prevailed
and that no indication of any cause lor
internal explosion existed in any quar
At S o'clock iu tbe evening, on Feb
ruary 15, everything had been reported
secure aud all was quiet, At 10 miuutea
past v o clock the vessel waa suddenly
ieetroved. There were two distiuct ex
plobions with brief Intervals between
them. Tho first lifted tbe forward part
of tho thip very perceptibly, the second,
which was more prolonged, is attributed
by tbo court to the partial explosion of
two or more of tbe forward magazines
"Tbe ovlueuee of the divers eitaolishes
that the afterpart ot the ship was practi
cally intact, and sunk in that condition
very lew mljutes al'er tbo explosion.
The forward part was completely de
'Upon the evideuoe ol concurrent ex-
lerualcauee, tho Gndiug oi the court Is
as follows :
" 'At frame 17. the outer shell of tbe
hip, from a poiut ll' j feet from tbe
middle line of tbe sum aod six feet
bove the keel when iu normal Dositior.
had been loreed to about (our feet above
tbe surface of the water, therefore, about
3t iceiauove wuere it would bave been
bad she sunk uninjured, Tbo outside
bottom plating is beut into a reversed
'V" shape, the utter wing of which.
anou 1 teei urouj aua 0.' teet loo
from frtvmo 17 to frame 2 is douhloii
Reral asks Ik te4 tars,
blMai aa4 ssiuieaa.
wtm urna arxwa ea,, vtm van.
back npon itanlf airlnat a ran Inn!
of tha same pladng extending forward.
" 'At frame 1 the vertical keel la
'""kn in two ami ham Inin iln. ta
tngle, formed by tha outal-to pa.
imabrraa Is ho-i lx fuel rwlo l.
Surface of the Water ai.d a t ut !til l-i
above its normal position.
In the opinlcn;of the court this
effect'could have been produced only bv
he explosion of a mine ei'aated ondar
the b-tom of the ship at abont frame 18.
i-d somewhat on the tiorr al.i nf ii"
1 ha cmcloeiont of tha court are :
" That tbe lot of tna M.l n n,.i
fn any respect due to the fanlt n.
ligence on the part of any ofHcr ir
uemher 01 ber crew.
" That the shin waarteetrovel 1 tho
"ipoeiooof a submarine mina. uhl. h
cu-ed a partial explosion of two . r
more of her forward mag.xinex, ar d thai
no evidence has ben obrmni'le fixlig
raaponeibllity for tbe dear rue-ion n(n,
Maine upon any person or persons '
"I have directed that the flnrifn? of
the court of inquiry and t-e views of
this eovarnment t her. on ha mmmntii-
ated to the government of ber maie-t .
the queen regent of 8pain, and I do n. t
(M-rmlt myself to donht that 1 he e e of
isticeof tha Spar.Uh nH'i.m will -ic-a'
aconraof acti-tn aog.e-td bv ii. n r
a d friendly relatione ui thetg v .
T' ia tlie duty 'd the eii-t-n iw t it-
vir-e Cong ess of tha r-enli aril in tli-
neantimu deli'ierta i-on-i-l r. in is in
Tokad. WiLUAM McKislkv
"Execotive Mtnsion, Man-b 2H, 188 "
Public School Notes.
Tbe Roeeboig Library baa been amieh
ed ty the addition of 11 volume. .
American Literatora paid 10' h tne ma
ceeds of tbe enteruiument beid reontly
Several articlea hava bvan a-..len Iron,
different nvima receuth. Sm-n n-ina a
la intolerable.
Prof. Hamlin baa adopted a pln . I
printing at tbe end of each in-n-h a set
Statistics, giving tbe numin-r and
names of tardy pupils ineai-h grade in
be school.
Hon. C.A. Sehlhreda mad- ibe-choul
a present of a lot ol book ia-t week
Tbe teachers are to he highly i-on.i.n-
men tod on tbe ucces f the entertain
ment last Friday evening.
Mrs Richards, teacher of tbe Fonr h
-Trade, waa abaent VTerInli.
Her place was filled bv Misa Nnia ail
For Over Fifty Veau.
As Old io Wsll-Tbiso Eikiot. Mr
ainalow's Soothlnf 871 up baa been naed for
over fifty years by millions of mother for iheir
cUlldVeo while teething, with perfect saeceaa
It soothes the child, soften the gumt, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and la the beat remedy
for Diarrhoea. Ii pleasant to the taate. Sold by
-trugglsts In every part of the world. Twenry-
five ceou a bottle. Its value U lucalcolab
Be tare and ask for Mm. Wlnslow'a Sooinina
rrap, and take no other kind.
Surprise Party.
The friends of Vera Bv.r. and EI1hm
and Willetha Reed, gave Vra a prty in
honor of her 14t-i birthd-v, an-igeEl
lena and WilUtba surpri-e purtv at th
residence of Mr. Frank Rl. in W et
Roeeborg, on Tii-rly. l rci 24th.
Games were plav ed and tha tima Daaaeri
aureeat ly 1 1 all prcam.t, and t iu ... 1 k
supper waaewed. Thopree. tweret
Ver Byrs. Elleua Reed, W HethaReed.
Jiionie button, tine Colin., Kat Knl-1-rton,
Lillie Stant u, Lilli riter,
Vera Haynes, Katt, Bertha E.tea
Cora Eddy, Annie Wbart m, Ora M te,
t-isie xwneatcK, and Veil Barker. B-rt
Uut-ln. Clvda Faulkmr. Frai.k Mi-Khu
tie. Walter Jowubeon. CUre tiollre.
Dwigbt ciern. George Cu'vr, M-i ith
Vaughn, Riidol. h Uarneee, Rns-el H r
oess, John Veateb, ai d Fred Reed
EilarateYaar llowela With Cxurareta.
Candv raihiirtfn m.,
lOcac. BC&C. lull. driwglsuTra und :
Tbe Royal Tailors,
The RoVal Tailor Im )M lari.t lailnr.
ing estab iohment in the woii.l. ibey oc
cupy the entire twelve stones if man.,
mouth Chicago buildii g. thev turn out
1000 fine tailor made suita of clnthea
ywrv day in 1 he Vear. tliev liavu eloiliarl
5,000.000 males.
Do yi.Q neiid a nif t-nririL' or -ummer
suit? If so roial fatuicM. nnm ft tea
ai d royal tailoring tom h ti e rigi-i si nt,
for you gel siricHv high r tie la I rig
t a mod eat i.nee hii-I a 1 . 1 H ia
guaranteed News. mi- - ii- v. d.
bole representative f. r Doug U-Co.
To Care Cooatlpatloa Furarfx.
TftBA ClLAcamtm Pnn.lw,., ... t.b. ... m.
UCC.C. fail to cure, druggiKia n fuuu mouuy
Tbuuiaud aro Trying It
Iu order to prove the crreal niarit of
Ely's Cream Halin, the most, efleotive euro
for Cutarrh and Cold in licod, we have pre
pared a generoun trial size for 10 cents.
Uut it or your drugget or soud 10 cents ta
ELY BUO.S., 00 Warren St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from citarrh of tbe worst kind
ever sliii'o 11 boy, i.:i ( I nover hoped for
cure, but Ely'b Cream Halm seems to do
even that, atany have need
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruni,
43 SViureu Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely' Cream Balm ia tho ooknowledued
euro for catarrh and contains no cocuiue.
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
(0 cento. At druggibts or by mail.
ThO lue Store ia exiling ont at taori
ng prices. Call at ha ro'vl"cad.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Biguature of tjffK