The ritiindoalor UE8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM PiiMInIh'iI way I liiiiHil.ijf Afiimoon iMllak ami Main Wrool, itofti.nt i(;( oitnooN II v in PIAINDEAIER PUBLttHINQ COMPANY. Tho Plaindoaler POSTERS, DODGERS, 1KTTER HEADf", BILL HEALS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Executed Neatly and ..I LivIpb Rates. Vol. XXIX. KOSHIiUKG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, i8g8. No. 3- 41P Aim lot? .Vfrvllnga, HIV l. K.I.K. HuHKIIItllO) l.ol)i(K, No. KM). li-.l'l llii-lr P'liular ruin in u n ' lona al Ui O.O. K. hall mi wo. mil ami luiirth Tl.ura.1aj II iia.'li itt 1 1 11 1 li . All iiiihiiIhh. rv.(iii'tial lo at- li'ii'l rrvtilnriy, a ill mi vinting iirouirra ior lUlly In v ll'l t n I K K h ft rAUK-U'HTIN, K. H UK KM AN MAHKrt, rtm n'tarjr. ........ I 1 J milU-iill U11 ll III 11 II A II I 1'IHM li 1 1 1 ' I I 1 l, mi. l 4 I. 1 n. Pl.t ' iiiim'U I'viir W riliti'ailar evening ( I n'rhH'k In 1 1 1 til'l Ma.uiiln llnIL Vllllu Iinilliiira am nunllally I in I Urn to alluim. U. II. UKHo, (i 1. v. I'annr, t ouncltor Id'ounlinii rloi ri'lai) , f A I' UK I. I.OIKIK, A. K. 1 A. M . UKOULAM iniHHiiiiit U10 il an t 4th Wsiluaadajra la rami Milium. mi l: joiiskus, w. v. N. T. it at t, H ucy. 1,IIII.K1 AlllAN I.OHtlK. NO. a, I. O. O. F, I uiuuLa fiMtunltf i-vi ulna ul uavli avok a Itit'lr Hall In D'l'l roll.iw l"ln.lo at KiiMiliuta. Mmiiiwrii 111 hanoli'i in .hhI laii'line aceltivl'' wl 10 ailuii'l. u )iihr ii 11 1 iH. , Hiii r, u. Mil mi, rtre'y. RlXKllDHH l.OIXiK, NO. Id. A. O. U. W. mix U lli ri'imil ami (mi rlh Monday 01 rv U lil.lilil at 7 an p. in. al (Mil fialowa hall Umutiuia ul lliu iiiilm III H'mmI aiau.llug ara III IIk ki attaint. R UNO POST, NO. .11, (. A. R.i MKKTH Till nret ami mini iniir.'iar ui o muuin. WUUKN'M Ktl.lKr I'Olil'H NO. Ill, MKK1 Ural anil thlnl Kit'laa la aaii uioulh, l,AI(Mr Al.l.UNt K-IW'ular quarlarl I Miwtlna a will I linlil al Oralis Hail Hii'vliiim, Ilia Dial KM.lay III Irri'innliar, Mann ami Juno, ami Ida thltU Krl.lay lu rto.teinbr. ROM K HI' HO I'll A 11' Kit, NO. R. O. B. M., MKKTV Ilia ttHxHiil ami liiurlU Tlttirailay ol aacb sasulh. ., ... Mol.t 'K HIIAMHKDOK, W. M. HUH ISA HAnT, My, MOriKlllUH MVIHION NO T0. B OF Ul. uirou uirr tvcxjuil aul luuilh Huudaj. A I. I'll A I.ODOK. NO. 17. K. OF I.. ' vr Wa.liica.laj avniilm al OiIJ roilow. Hall. Vtalllna kniaiiU lu ikkI alandlng cue ilallj ItirlUil ui altouil. T I II lrol-aliiMl Cjardaji 1 M. CRAWrORD, 1 V a Attorney at Law, Koom I, Manteri llullillu. KOflllURO, OB gfr-lliiiiir. Iiclora ilia V. H. l-ii(l Officr aua niliiini caai-a a (rclall)'. KtK t'Ovr V. H. Uml OiBce. aaua.iK M. tiaowh. raau. raui irTia. JJROWN A TU8TIN, Attorncys-at-Lnw, Kunuii 7 ami a la A Wlbvm Hluik. Kiinlinl'llU, Oil n. wiLLiB, Attorney uml Counolor at Law. VIII ptaallca IB all tha euurta of lha Hlata. Ol 1m In lha Court Uuuaa, Lluuflaa OJunty, Or. P D STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, K.niini .1 ami . A M III.k a. KO-IKBl'KU. OK I B. EDDY, tf a Attorucy-at-Law, m 'r.iii Kii.'N. JRA 13. HIDDLE, Attorney at Law, ROSKliritO, OKEOON. LMER V. HOOVER, Physician and Surgcou, I 'I KICK: Main sin't I, mi duor minlli i l I'lly Hall. KOsr.lH Klj. Oil VRA DROWN, M. D. OKI ICK, uUJ Jarktuli Htrecl, at Tf l.louro tit Mra. J. lllucr. KOHElil'KH, OR. L. MILLER. M. D.. Surgeon and Homooopathic Physician, Hotfburg, r(Of. ay'lhroQla rllaaaaaa a pwilattf. w ILL. P. HEYDON, Couuty Hiirviijor, a ixl Notary ubllc. Orricc In Court lluuie. Onl.ira lur HurmvliiK ami Flolit Nottn aliould hn a'Ulrraav.1 In AV' 1 1 1 V. Ilvydon, County Bur V0Tr, Hnauliiirv, Or, Crockery and Glassware ! LaiRcal ninl KIik'kI AmorliiK'Ut mi liiiiiiKlit Itt'ai'tmrK Ainu a ctiui pli to II ui-ot cliulca GBQCEE1ES T01IAO OS AND I'UJAKa All kinds of Country Produce MRS. N. BOYD To tha PubU. Ou Mud aftur tliis ditto, I with it under tood tlmt my lorum fur all undurttker's HoodB aru i'uhIi witli the onlur. 1 find It liiipuHuiblo to lo tuiHinisHH on a credit liuniH, uud liulivu ttiut I etui do butter by my putruiiri ninl myuvK by eulliug Btiktly (uriuaii. V. HuMbiiit K, Undertaker. UoMlmrK.Oro., April II!, Um. f STRICTLY riRST-CI.ASS. f HOTEL -mrt vl.McCLALLEN. MIIH. I). ('. M I. At l.l'.N, Imp. ntAEi'jARTina ron tbavl:::q i:z:. lUTF.a lll'.AHON AIII.IC. lArg, Flue Hatnplu llnniiis, Fr-e'Rii.toan'l From Train.. H, C. STANTON bajiat lanalrad a fif anrt nt.ii.lia t( rk DR Y : GOO'Db CO.NBINTIMI OF - iillia' DrNM (i'ooJh, UiMmin, Triiiiiniiiyk LafOH, H - AI.MU A FINK HT K OF- HOOTS Aftl SIIOI Ot Iba beat quality ami Otil.U. GROCERIES. Wood, Willow itid (jlasi Warr, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Sim on bmuA In Ur( quntltlP txft t prtrM V Aalt th Unit. Alw Utya alork of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" WOODWARD THE BUSTLED ROSEBURG l)ooa l'j ALL COMPETITORS Waara alwaya in tlie La1, and mran t. koip llmrc. Tha (ioldep Harveit ia tijiou u i, -i I f rm era ara imilin liucausn Wnoilnaid luoai to their iutt rrit. iiijoov lilies Full Tiiiiuiiiil TEAM HARNESS The ara all Leather ami Warranted. SADDLES At Roduceil Trier. Coniutt your iura and da aura and iix Wooilwanl Imtoro buying. ff. C. WOODWARD DOSilj J UoukIiii iiomvi:i.i.i UuukIiih County, rKu. Tha itUrt of I lioo Spring, i niilnlii ; Inillno, Rronitnp, I'otnaaliuu, tho hi ltiHt a uf linn ami I . I hi e aul t hlnrhlrs il I'ali Inni, MiiKiie.iluin and Kodlum. One Hi itiu I'nii luiiiN l.i and tlic iilln i utrr 2(Wn grams ol lollj mutlt r ti tlio liitlloii. Ixicatad on tho Hunilifru I'm I Ho Kiillii'H'I, "Hha-ta roiU ' fiom Sau I iih Imm lo I'oillnud, lu Uoualas Couuly, OrcgiMi. A8(,'ravatoil eMiri uf KIh uihiiIimii, Nasal I n tarrii, ( atarrli of lln flonmcli. Dyaponsla I'm htUa, NeiirHlalu, Malarial 1'hImiuIiih, Kl.lni'y Troi Wo, ( iinmliiatioli, HmouM-a ul tin' skin, Llvrr aul HowH. nu.1 Vrnun'! iliMitioa liavo bt'cu cured hy tliu inu of thoao ntt rn. Naw balli riMiniii t'oiiui'ctod with tlio main luilldimr Holi(ll0(i aud Kxrrcsa ou tho ).hui t.ra. Dally mail, norlli and luiilli. Term -10 n-r week, J jut day, iui'liuling bath.. Tha Hotel in umlcr the iuimviliitU' aiiicnia tou of CAI'T. 1. IIOHWi:i.l.) Ul7ta7 MiilittKor. Ask your Druggist for a roiiomu. IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. . . - - . til Hjvrri,r" vi Fiv s nream a m f.js" jw "I"' t ij coiii. in. no riK-'inio, E .J A innrriiry nor any mliir ia IK)iiriiiiiaiiriiK. It li nukkly Aliforbud, Uira. tialli f al oii' O. 11 niicni ami rlouuntf. ' . " ' .,..'? the 1'a.inK.-.. COLD 'fo H t A U Allay luHaininalloii. vULU llUrtU Ha'ila and I'roiiTt. tho Mi'iuhriino. I(iinri ili.i hfiirra of Tu lo and Sini'll. l ull Suet' Mi-. ; Tnul alti 11V. I al linh iMet. or hy imiil. LLV IIROXUKIIX, at) V'arrcu Street, Now York. Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Aie Bulliui: tii kota tu nil poin'b V. at liull tbo rrgulur raioa. 1). S. K. Hi ii k, Local A. cut No MaiHii'ie liiiiMrnt;, Duu't lobnCi'u Hil ami Smoke Vmr I Ho Aniiy. I'o qutt tutiocoo caMly ninl Ioiovit, Ih iiuiu ntilie, full uf life, uono nml vl,;nr, lal.o .'o 'lu Due, the wouilor vil ktT, thai, m;ilios wouli uu u ttrong. All iliuciiisH. 60c t'f l. I'ui'ocuuiuii tct'd. lloflUlet mid hiiini'lo fion. Aihlros BtflllliB litflllCdy 10 , ClilouKij of New VOlU. aU' W & v A ON Till- CUBAN SITUATION. W.MiiMiii, March 1. Arcana ilra main: lu tho intt-nniiv n! It Inuraat waa . .'Ni'iitfd in Uih ai'iiaie tlay durlnx tbe ti'livi i v ty llmr.lon of rienraaka ol aii'i Ii on lliu Cuban auhWt. Not uncr lm limiiKUiaiion ol i'lealdeut McKlnli-y tut vo in iiunv people li(-n on tbe annate mil' i I tlio cm I'lml ua weia tlicra tylv IIih llrnt Hi iilcncc, in wlilrh lia atioka ul I ln I'oriiiijiiuil l ailent J i par a itflica'a iii I loin 1 1 i t k n Inn-uoH ti, ilia lona ol Ma . ifi. ot. Wa iinamoratila trii tu Cu'a inn nin'i'd itmiaot atlcniion. A liu-b In 1 over fin ureal audience, which hun !Ui aliijiiat breaiuiKei atU'otioii and lu tenet iiixjn every word. Mrr. ilitiraton'a dvlua reouaat lu her hunluii'l nua that Iih irtould lose no time on aci:uinit ol her death, lo do hia tit iiioiit tu Rave and Ireo Curia and lia xo- il . In arcordaure with the requeit, ii't ieluro, Tliuraton aacritici hia peraon I lei l'i and dollvcrwl hia apeech a -peiM Ii ilutt vraa Ida iniiute to the luenj ory ul Ii im w ifn "Mr. I'r.BidDnt," iaid Ihuriton, "1 am barn hy cuiumand of silent line to -pi ul, oik e and for all upon Ibe Cohan Ml'irtiiun. I I runt that no one baaei Kt'cied uu) ihin eeuaatlonal from me liod forbid that the bitterueRF of a per .( al loaa khould induce me to color in i he blihlcft decree the alateroent that I feel it my duty to make. I have no pur iio-u to atir tbu puhuc paaaion in ac'.ion, not netof rary and emphatic to meet the diilii R and iHTp-sitiei of American re .poiiRitiiliiy, Chrlatian buinauity and national honor. 1 cauoot aatitfy my ooi.BvieiR-e, except hy BpeaklnK and -l'eKiiiir row." l'huri tj;i Raid lu had gone to Cuba lirinly believintf that the condition of ilIaiiM in the inland bad been greatly ex- aKKeralt-d. He bad com ludiwi, luaever, i h u evert tatement of the borrora of l.o i iiiiuliiui wan itniioaalble. He aaa pri-iiarcd not only to indorae every word 'I Hit! careitil, concire apeech of tbe eena- lor from Vermont (Proctor), but waa 'ii ii coniim t'd that he bad understated l.o f m 1 h . I n di'tailinK the incideutt and ciurn i In facta ibal came under hia il.Hfi vitii'in, I liiirflo'i said lie had no lie ni tu .'t nl in horror. "II I lu I my way," gai J bit, ''t would' l tM' in : r iciiri public even from Hie phiitoKraphii' rt"produt'tioin of tlm i fid ' i-eiif I viewed in all iheir O I;! Iiul ri'-lllll II till ti o foMiers Spain ti-ui lo i.'.), Dm) are now uv.iil.ib e .)!' .1 ir i o I , y. I !.e lemutmlcr are dead, tt k ui it t t j ;;; li in incupaoitati'd !o i ut In Levc," Raid lie. "tha1 lli ' j ui I f-1 1 nriiiy in Culx I'otil't a and H.'r hi." ' :: n i ut in lliti opi'ti li.";il aj. in-x :''i.i i ;ii n.i i'i. ii!e I American eoidiein. Hit .'j'liii ! i H'jl.liern of all 'e ii! en ai I 'i n u'i! 1 mo t liludly welcoino nnv roMil' lli.ti w t n ili.e I lie iu to rotnri. llii ir I. 'Hue.. ' 1 li" ioii.r. n in lint American news , a oriol tic Btnrvmg recouci tittud.i ite trim. They can all bo duplicated b lliu liiinitjmid. I never before hjw, ami, pli'dn ( i'xl, Imp never aee auoli iiilli rmv'H ii" luiiniiit tli coiiceiitrad w m M.e ml'iit ui i'( Mantanzaa. I can oeyey loiw'el lo my diiiiK day the hopeless an- ininli iii il. t ir deepuirinK eves. Men, nrt'ti and 1 1 1 1 1 ii r on eland silent, lane iHhii if. Iheir only appeal conies from ilioir eud oioH, tliroiigb which one l ks m ihrnuyh mi open window into their iii'; Einila " 1 tm novnrnor of Mantanzas, Tburaton cii'l. could see no end to this condition ul Hil'.u.'H, and could suitxeHt no relief, except 1 1. T'i ti k l the L'ntted Mates. "The ti'iveniuieiit of Spain will not ap propiiate one dollar to save these peo pic," ful l l'liureton. ''Think of the epectuclu! We are feeding these citizens of .paiu ; wo are nursing ibeir sick ; we are huvuik kucb at can be saved, and yet iheie uro thoHe who still say Ibat it ia not tiiilit for u b to sand food, but that we must Keep our hands off I say tbat 'he time lute come when muekets ought to o w ith tliu food ! ''1 Hhall reler to tbeRe tionible things no further. They will remain in my mind forever-aud this is almost the 'JOtli century. "Christ died lviOO years ago, and Spain ia a Christian nation Sbe baa set up mure crosses in uioro lauds and beneath mote ikies and under them baa butch ered more people than all tbe other Da lions of the earth combined. ' Kuiope may tolerate her eiistence as lotiii us t he people of tbo Old World w isb. Go I Ktunt that before another Chriat tn.iH morning, tbe last vestige of Spanish i army and oppression will have van ished Irotn the Western bemiapbere." ItisciiHsinu the remedy which should be applied, Thuraton said : T1MK 1011 ACTION 11 AS C'OMf. "i cuunseled silence and tuoderatiou from this lloov wbeo the pasBion of the nation aeeuied at white beat over Ibe demruction of Ibe Maine, but it seems to me the time (or action bas now come. Not action in the Maine case; I hope and trust thut this government will take action on the Cuban situation entirely outside of tho Maine case. When the Maine, report ia received, if it be found bat our ship and sailors were blown up by sumo outside explosive, wo will have ample reparation without quibble or de lay, and if the explosion ran be traced to Spanish oilicial sources, will be aiich swift and terrible punishment ad judged as will reiuaiu a warning to the world forever. "What, r-hall tbu I'niled states do, Mr. I'lesideiilV" For an utmwer, Thurstou, as a republi can, turned to the lust national platform of 1 1 in party. ' Our plu'fiiriii " be said, "demands I It iii tint I'uited Status shall actively .le iin IniluoiicH to nee ure the dependence i f the irtlaii'l. I urn not here 1 1 criticize tho prcm'iit lldiiiinintriitioii ; I yieKI to uo man living in my rnpect, m'v adiiiiia Hon for and inv contideuce iu the judg ment, the wimlom, the ptiriotiaiu, the Aiiiericatiism ol William McKinloy. Wtien he entered upon hii r liniuisira lion, lit) ficed u illllicul' siluntioii It was hia duty I ) proceed with care and caution. It was the plain duty of the picHidunt of the Cmtod States to g'vo to tliu lihei'til niiiilHtry of Spain a reason able lime iu w hich to teat Us proponed autonomy. That time bas been giveu Autonomy ia conceded Ihe wide world over to bo a oimjiicuoui failure, ragns- ta is pnweilitRR ; llUnco is poweileia t put uu end lo ihe eonrlicl, lo rnhamli- tatii tha Inland or to relieve the sufferiiia, aiarvalion aud dlatreaa. "Tlm tiruo fur action lias then come No greater reaaou for it can etiat totm r row than rxi la today. Kvtry hour'. delav only adds another chapter to the awtul atorr of inlanry and death. Only one power can intervene the l"niteo Stales of America. "We cannot refti'O to accept this re aponNinilitr, which tlm God of the uoi verae has placed upon u aa tlm one great power lu the New World. What shall our action mV WOT A QUESTION OF ANMEX.1 10. Tburatou briefly adverted fothc propo aitiona for recognixing the beliigi remy or Ihe independence of the CubariR, only to aay that it was too late for either. A In annexation, be said : I wiinlil oppOMM annexation aim rny !at bieath. I he ieipl of Cuba are out our H'onle; tl.e iai,nol aa-imiliate with Ua, and hetond al that, I aui Ulterlf and nnalieratily oppoiod lo any ilepar tore from the declared ikjIicv of the fathers, which would start this republic for tbe limt time upon a career of con quest and dominion, utterly at variance with the declared purpone. and the mai.ifret doatiny of popular governmeitt. let the woild nndsialand mat the Unit ed States does not propo to annex Cubs ; that it is oot af cr a foot of Cuba, territory, or a dollar of Snanieb money. The American people will never consent to the payment of one dollar or to the guaranteeing of one bond as the price paid t Spain for tier relinquishment of the inland ehe has so wantonly outraged and devastated. "Mr. President, there is only one ac tion poaaihle thai ia, intervent on f. r the independence of the islsnd ; interven tion that means tbe landing of an Ameri can army on Cuban soil ; the deploying of an Auit rican fleet Off the harbor ol Havana; intervention which rays to Spain. 'Lea vi the itland, withdraw your soldiers, leave tbe Cubans, tbeao broth ers of ours, in tbe world, to form and carry on uovernmeot for themselves ' Such intervention on our part would not of itself be war. It would undoubtedly lead to war: but if war came, it would come by act of iSpain in reactance of tbe liberty ami the Independence ol the Cuban people." Me maintained tbat ol all the people on the ieland, the native Cubans were the beet qualified and btted f. r government Ilin re ton pai.l a high tribute to ibe government for the work it lias accniu- p; inlied in preparing for any emergent', and. "pKikina ' congress, Paid : Wear not in eeeelou t) liamptr or cr pple the preeident ; we ara here P an- vine, and asniet Mm Congress can alone levy taxes, and to this coniireaa the unit ed pcopl of this broad li d, from sea t eea, fioui lake 1 1 gult, lo. k to voice their witsiies and eiecut- the r will. VOICE OF Tilt M.iNLV-CHAM.tRS. "Ml. President, aiiains the interven lion i l toe United .Vaiea iu Una I oly call'-o there ii lint olie voice of dl.-eiii ; that voice is the v. i.e ol the money-n.oiit'V-changere, i'liev fear war, not ln'causH ol any Christian .en im-ni ag.i:nMt War and in lavor of peace, but li.ei lear tlmt a declar-'itiiin ( war, 0' lliti rventiiin wliioti inigiil ri Hiil" in war, would have a depreesn i effi-C up m II stuck inn' k-t. "Mr. president. I d n t receive m duty friitn tin- ii'k-r, I iln n"i i-k-m .eeaoi a In pulriutlMii I' Wall 6t'-et I deprecate war 'W .r wiih Spain would tncreaee the tme.ii- es anil ea'iin , s ol eVeiV A mei Icon r.nlr.Kil, t w "11 .1 in crease the output of every Aiueri. an lactort ; it would RiiiuuUtH every i. ranch of InduHiiy and domes'ic e; it would greallv in rease tbe demand for mericaii labor and in tbe end every certiticaie that lepresented a share in an American business enterpiiee would be worth more mouey than it is worth to day. Out iu the meantime, the epiri' of war would stride through ihe stock ex changea, and many t( the gamniers around the board would find their ill gaiten gains paeeing to tbe other side of tbe table. Let Ihem know that what one man loses at tbe garntdinit table bis fellow-gamblers win Let them take their ebaucea as thev can. Their weal or woe ia but ol little importance to the liberty loving people of the United Statea. "Iet the men whose loyalty is to the dollar stand aside, w hile tbe men whose loyalty is to tbo Mag come to the front. "Tbere are some w ho lift tbeir voices lu the land and in tbe open light of day aud iusist that tbe republican party will not act, for they sav it sold out to the capitalist and money-changers at ihe last national election. It ia not so. G"d forbid ! lb free men who v. ted for ihe republican parly and for William Mc Kiuley did uot mortgage tbe honor ot this nation for a campaign fund, aud if tbe time ever comes when ibe republi can party beeitates in tbe course of duty because of undue auxiety lor the welfare of the accumulated wealth of tbe nation, then let the republican party be swept from the face ol the eariy, and be suc ceeded by some other party, by what ever name it may be called, which repre sents tbe patriot ixm, tbe h inesty , the loyalty aud the devotion tbat the repub lican party exhibited under Abraham Lincoln in 1801. He believed in the doctrine taught by the lowli Nazareue, that men must have liberty beiore abi i itig peace can came. "Mr. President, in tbe cable that moored me to life aud hope, the strong est sirsnds are broken. I have but lit le left to oiler at the altar of freedom's sac rifice, but all I have I am glad to give. I am ready to serve my country as I can, in the ronate or in the field My dear est hope, mv moat earnest prayer to G. d is that wbuu death comes lo end all, I may meet it calmly and fearlessly, a did my beloved, in the of human iiy, under the American llag." As Thurston nested the end of his speech, he became noticeably excited, aud ids utterance became the more im passioned. Tbe peroration waa lril li intly dclivt r-d. Aluioet at the instil t of the con. I union of fie speech, bis vole broke with emotion, and be finished wuli dillictilly. Aa Tliu re tan sank into his sent, h" buried bis face in bis bands, while a tiviuoudnuM an I overwhelming wave o appLuae swept through the nai leries. The vice president made a difli dent tiTort ti ivetrim the demonvtra tio.i, hut it was n "t I'linfinle fi contr 1 tlie people, Tears welled to many eyes, uot only in the gall lie.., but t tho e ot t tit. staid and digniliod eenators ou fie floor. As Thnrfson'e colleague, Allen, led him quietly fiom tho chamber, many of his associates silently, hut with every eyi deuce of feeling, granped his hand. Till: OMAHA E2XP0SIH0N. Oregon Commission Aska for floral and f inancial Support. To the Loyal Alen and Women of Ore gon : The Oregon commission, constating of the following members: W. S. Maon, J. K lla.cltine. Henry E. Dosch. J. F liatcheldor and It. I). Inman, of Port land; U. C. lleekuian, of JacksonviJ J. A. Wright, of Sparta; J. O. Oav, ol Olalla; Phillip Metchan and K. P Mc- iVtrnatk.of Salem ; H. 0. Miller and O. J Olaen.of Grants Pa; It. F Alley, of Uaker City ; J. O. Hanthorn.of Aarorla E .1 Kraeier, of Kngene; W K. Hurd I Granite, and O N. IVnnr of Corvai da, appointed by Oovemor Iord, organ- uu on the )th day of March, with W . Mason as president, .1. E. Uaaeltine as vice-president, Phillip Mctschan as tressnrer, Henry k. Uoach as so par in tendent and J F. UaUiheider as eecre. tary and tbe nndereigned executive com miltee. The resources of Oregon are manifold. We have the finest of agricultural, frai' and grasing lands, while onr timber for ests, salmon fisheries and blooded stock ran not be surpassed. Besides this our mineral lands both in Eastern and West em Oregon are ricner and broader in extent than in any of tbe other Pacific oast states. riotwiths sn-Jing all this. the resources ol Oregon are not known to the otber world as thev should be. For tbe purpose of advertising lo the world these resources, the above com mission bas been .appointed todetise ways and means lo nave onr state reprn. eiited at the Trans-Mississippi and In ternational Exposition to be held at Cro atia from Jone 1st to November 1, 1898. tbe exposition is primarily intended o embrace the industrial resources of the tates west of tbe Mississippi river, but Kaetern states, tbe British colonies, Mexico, Central and South American republics will participate, and manv Eastern governments will he represented. i ne ouuuinss and groumis and tbe ar rangements will make the exposition in extent and completeness second caly to the orld s Columbian fair. To tbe intelligent people of this state it is unnecessary to make a detailed atatement of tbe manifold advantages to tm derived from an exhibition at Omaha of tbe various products which go to make op the resources of Oregon, as a means of attracting tbe agriculturist, ibe stock and fruit grower, the miner, the manu lactuier and the capitaiiet seeking in vestments or a new field in which to fol- w i heir avocation or invest their ac- i nmiiU'e l wealth. Therefore we give Iriefly the plan whi' ii the tunimi-sioii have ad ipd io iccompliab this end, which is as fol lows : Iu tbe absence of a state appropriation for the purpose of making an Oregon ex hibit ai Omaha, tbe commission muet rely upon ihe voluntary contribution of its pui ic spirited ,opie. The commis sion h-a made a cnrefnl estimate of the ct 1. 1 an exhibit, and find tbat ir ca e carried sue es-fully with tbe sum of n'ti.Olhi. I' ia a foregone conclusion tbat tbe legis ature of 1S!9, with the business a-n'inient i.f the etate at its back, will reiteeni "bee certificates at their face value O hi- naeis the commission will at an -ay date eolint snbsi rtptions It nub.. nl the state. C r'iti- a'es eigne.i ny its officers will tie giv n f"i Hi- a'ni'Ui't eir s ri e.l 'he ihIkI i ne i'i -U'h riri'ates and ibe ex i.l i o'. tne'eund-r n t ' ei.-.e-' he .itho ze tii n t f 2 POO Wn i. tbe g'-' tnre i, akes an ap- r- pn .ii ii to reimburse me soiiscribeiH, thee eer'iri,iH-, r periy tndnr-ed, will ttt in I evidence of sucb siucription and wid be paid uion presentation from the funds at the disposal of ihe commis sion. Tbe com mis-inn will publi-h on tbe first of each month te names of snh acri'.teis ami the amonntof iheir simwip tinn, and on the 31' ot D-cember. 1893, Rtatement io detail t f receipt and dis bursements. Mr. H E. D acb, onr superintendent, i now in Omaha making his selection from tbe choice space that has been re served for th O-egon exhibit. The commi-sion present thia appeal fur moral and financial support to the loyal people of the atate. W. S. Mason. J. E Haselti.nk, H. E Doscu. Phillip Metschan, E J Fbasikk. J F. Batciielper, Executive Committee. "TI5 LOVO THAT TAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND." Some people think money is a greater power than love. Oh I What a mistake I See how the great money kings are con trolled by the little boy Cupid T See bow tbe great soldiers and men of power are twisted around his little fingers! A womau'a most precious possession is the capacity for awakening pure and noble love. More potent than wit or intellect Is tbe womanly capacity for happy wifehood and motherhood. A woman who is weak or diseased in tbe special organism of her sea is deprived of the power and prestige which naturally be long to ber. Sucb troubles are not a ne cessity. Perfect health and strength of tbe feminine organism is insured by proper care and tbe aids afforded by enlightened medical science. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription cures all weaknesses and diseases of woman's special organism. For nearly sa years Dr Pierce has been chief consulting physician to tbe Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. No other physician bas bad a more extensive practice or greater success in the treatment of women's diseases. No other such perfect and scientific remedy for these ailments bas ever been devised. It has re stored health, strength and womanly power to tens of thousand of women. Women who would understand their own Powers and possibilities should read Doctor ierce's thousand - page illustrated book. "Tbe People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." It is tbe most interestiug and enlightening book of the kind ever pub lished. A paper - bound copy will be sent absolutely free to any one sending ai one cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing onlv. Address, World's Tiisncusary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. For a handsome Cloth-bound cepy send 31 stamps. r . . . rsevv More I siglers' A FULL Staple and Fancy - GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR ft WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! Mrs R J05EPH501 Dry Goods Gents' Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS ttOTIOfiS AflD FAJ1CY GOODS CANDY CATHARTIC I I -ajar- ft VCTOE CONSTIPATIOTa WYLIE PILKI1NGTON, rSucceasor to Q. W. KOAH, General Blacksmithing bsi sa bksb ma kiiwh. TROTTINa AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. REPAIRING OF ALL- KI.VD8 PROMPTLY DONE. Shop 0,1 corner Waahlngton Vi: ML! v The Eclipse AH Brass Spray Pump !! Endoreed by leading Orrhardists of Oregon. Spray Pumps, Bamboo Rods, Double and Single Vermoiel Nozzles, Strainers, Hose, Etc., at CHURCHILL, VVOOLLEY I MCKENZIE'S. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, D KALE 88 IN STAPLE ID FANCY GROCERIES 1PR0II8IS FIrtE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A I'l'LL LINK OK TOBACCO Sc CIQARS. GIVE I'd A TRIAL. kuici; in.i.ivr.KVi . at New Goods! i (grocery STOCK OP Free Delivery - ALL,. DRUGGISTS J and Kane dta., Roarebarar. UP TO DATE ALL JUMJB OF Os Dow South ol t. 0. HOBGNIVO, OKKGON,