! iCLOSIIGi -nurv" irr -n-1-' OUT DALE AT CaroBros STORE rat! PLA.INDEALEK MAUCtI IH93. Tiia CluircUeo. Mtn.Mt I'lictu ii-formr ot Main and Lane tlrenta. Hun.taj- .iiorro: I'roaebtiig, 11 . m aud 7. JO p. m.i Salibsth school, 10 . in.! T. W'.Moolley, Superintendent; Cl Moating el i Iim of the momlne Miri-e; EliworU league .i p. in. Ilaltlo OiHlin r. I'l-I'l'iit. Ilayor Mi-vllng, Wcliti!")'. at 7 UO . in. fnm L. Mount, I'oiur. trson(o, 'iruar Malu and lu: l uiiiiitiiii CMUeia -corner of C'aaa eud l, .ireots. muitTrl-: Poplin worship, m and 7 30 P. in. ; Satibalh Hehaol, 10 . m.i r. r. e. i. m- ' Miin Wad day,T:M p. in. H. ImlwiirTH. t'Mtor. I'Mllli HtlKt HIlfcH CHCIU II -uu Ko'u sirevt. huii'luy sen Hi 11 in- ami 7 s I' '" c r meelluK, Thursday t-vrulu. A. I). Wi-irux. l'Uir. M. (. .Il'.l I'lttai II Corner M.ln stn-.-u. Hcrvlieswti second Cum and KUit fourth HiimUy urnmlug ol rath ux.mn ad rirjr Hun .lay t-yi-ulng e pedal wr Ires announced from Uuii- l-t time. IUV. Jouh u so Mi luuarr. M. I . ( at to ii. Bui m.-honlo-ivrT Pusdsy in. j uln( nti'l kM-iuni;. Ilrv. J. 1. fJllu. l'nli-r Weather Report For tlm fk ending March ;M, lH;w. Maximum tomeiuiure, o7,on the 3i J. Minimum letuperauire, 21, on tlm Wild. Precipitation, .21. Average precipitation lor this month lur "0 years, 3.74. Total proclpllaliou from Sept. I, lH'T, lo date, 2J.05. Average precipitation from Sept 1. 27.Hi. Total deficiency lioin Sept. I, 1HU7. 3.91. Average precipitation (or 20 el seasons, Sept. to My. iuclusive. 33 49 Tlloa. OumoN, Ohseiver. LITTLK LOCALS. l'ay your lulmfriptlou today. llriiill your Job work lo thla olllcf. t i i lo the Uoaoleaf for tlm lieil citfars. For a nood 5-ccnt ciKr call ou Mra.N. Koyd. Hoaily tnado aliunlH at tlio Novolty Store. Kuita lit Inllnite viiriuly ut Alxanler A Mroiin'". l or foci oats call ou II. M. Marliu, near the depot. Miiniroui iu one pound cartooui at igler'a ijroccry. Y, V. Ilayuea doc all kind of ilenU work promptly ami nkilllully. Auk your iocer for Koelior Hour ; guaraulei-d 11 ret clan-. tl.tK) ht eaek. il,o New Kra Hour uillli Kuaranlvei all ilswork. Kept ly all KrocetB. ll.UOptsr sack. Facts not fakon i wbat our adver living coluinua icprt'Buut. The Uoaa Ht,ore. Kandv Kitt:huti'a kaiitiuli kaut ho boat. Alwaya to bo fouud at 325 -lack son ah ett. F. W. Carpenter ia autlioriied lo re calve and receipt for auoecriptiona lo the I'LAINDKALWl. All unr kiwIm are ubw ami of the laleat ttylea. No ahopworn gooda ou hand at the Uoaa Store. Fieab cieaut mint chowa, froah taffy, fiofh peanut candy and oveiyltilng Iresli at the Kuudy Kitctieu. The New Kra Mills tuanufscurea li celaior Hour and guarantees it Drat claea. f 1.00 per aauk at ull grocory atorui. (irabam Hour, out meal and gortu, at the Near Kra Mills All guaranteed first class. Ou aale by all grocers. 1.00 per sack. Ladies, you should aeo our beautiful line of wash fahriua, ull tested colors, equalled by uo oue. Call and see them ut the Novelty Htore. J. W. Becklev A Co , the butcher, will keep only thu choicest of meals where with to supply the Kosxhurg public, but moulhly aetlleiuuuts will be reijuired. After February 1st we will make ft re duction iu the piicu of Oliver plows aud t!itras throughout the entire lino. Just received a carload ol barb wire, a biKAHNM A CutNowant. Mra. J. II. fthupe haa boua appointed represeulallve lor the Vlavl Co. in Ibis city. Any ono desiring Information la regard to, or wishing to procure tlio rum edy, will ploaso call at her residence ou I'lne street. jwoui Mortis' l'oultry Cure. This lufalllblo rnmndv cluilluitnus the world to produce itseuual us an egg producer. iVeveut ia mid Mirn lur ull diseases ol fowls (luaranteed aud (or dale by 11. M. Mar liu, Koaeburg, Or. Whoonlna couiih in the most distress lug malady ; but Ita duration can ho cut abort by the ujo of Ouo Minute Cougb (Jure, which is also the boat known reui udy lor croup aud all lung aud btouchlal . .,,. a i ii...n,...ir.i trouuiea. mhpivh Kuita clothes, ull wool, heavy weights, (H.60i reuular ptlce 0. Uoys clothes Iroip 0 to 13 years (or fl 60 and i lata nil kt vliH aud colors (or 8oc, reilular pii'-o l f0. All those goods lire oiily to bo found ut tlio Hobs rnoro. ! c n rDirirn: cm ci We arc determined I Dry Goods. Clotlnnt Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Ladies and Gents' Furnisliini: Goods, Ulankcts, Quilts, Laces, Kmbroidcrics, Trunks, AI PRICES fliB Tliis time we MUST SKLt, as we have sold our Real Kstalc and must give possession in Sixty Days. NO HUH BUG. Our late arrivals arc all the best and most fash ionable goods in the city, and arc direct from the Factory. CALL SOON AND ASK l'OK PRICKS AT Caro Bros Boss Store. IJRIEH MENTION. Freah fruit In glsrs jura ut .tylor'e grocery. District Attorney Yates in in the city attending circuit court. Capl. J.T. O. Nah of Medfnrd lit in tending court this week. Iental work in all Im drani lirn ikil fully ilomt by K. W. Haynr. Mia Ann Clark will ti'arh thu Nprint; term of acliixil in Irivr valley, Hon .1. W. Ilaiiiiltoii ia altiilin tin' lution ccinvrntiniia nt ToiiUtiil. Klieriir II C. Aifcu. wlio haa hci n on Hie ait'k lint la al'ln to attvml toiirt Hon II II "tiaon of (irants l'aai in at teniling court In HoU'l)uri( tlila wi'fk, L'ron and lirliljjn work aili'titi!'.i'al!y doiin liv K V. ilaynra, t Iim ili'iitirti . Hold. Mnlloy, ronrtal In kt Ukliiinl, Waa alti'liliti( i lri-uit court on U'wlnpn dar. Mrs. AMim Kheridnu ban goiiw t I'cii elatnn. Orctfoi-, -alfld tlieie ty the ill Iters 1 1 her I I'ln r. New fhnea of all kindn at txit t-Mii lii i1 at the Noveltr Store, t'all and examine them lefore porrlmnln. Coma to the MnUrad Hill u Un.p oua Ferrr, on April lit. Ticket f. r (luiii o and supper, V .' 0 Mm. (io. tirilllii of (travel F.i'd, Cons coil nty , is I-I'iik tier HH'er, Mic. K II. Mnukoiii f Kdi-nbooer Co A, 2nd Ko't ,. N W wa t . -aectrd at lis arm rv, mi last S i' ur-Uv evening by Mj-ir Chns. II. tiille't. A. W. Stanton, who ha spent toni limn In Kaleru (reon, hs reiuiticil homo for a short viiit witli Ins family. K. O. MrKeau and Mra. Jfnnie i n d man arrived In this city from Amad t, Cal,. on a vi'it to their mother, Mtt. Sarah Mi Kean, ho is surhu-lv ill, E. ItiiCJas, physician and surveou, offlro in Mariteis' htlllduiir. Culln In town and country promptly uiisttercd night or day. Knaidence.UH Mill atrcet. HiiIhi Smith of 0klnit, minle thia niuce a call ou .Monday, on ina uy home from tie Kokuh river miuii'tt country, where he bus some vi ry pruuiis-. Ids: uiiuiiik proiwriy. t. ou-nan pinr can ami ru.gcn j secretary tmard U H lensionaurKeoi,i. j OtlicMn Maraiera hloj k, ,e..dem .:U Stephens street. rrofeaional ralla im F. K- CoUman, phyaician anputgein town or country promptly answered night or day. The namea ol Kuircne l'ehs ami Tom Watsou ol (ieoriiia have been mhlcd to the calamity cranks and jAw-ainitht who will invade begun during Hie commit campaign, aim wiio will eiiout long and loud lor lice silver. Saturday uihl some ouu by removing a piece ol broken glass from Hie iront window ol Mrs. KaHtou's grocerv, was enabled to insert au arm into thn room aud steal about two do-jn oranwes from a shelf iuaide the room. We are reoueated to anuuunco thut F:ider 1), l'ugh will preach at dreen's school house ou the Hh lord's day in March, being March 'J. ill, at 3 1'. M. and at llrockwav school Iiouhb on thu tire' Lord's day In April, being April 3d, at 7 r. m. The reputation of Koyal Tailoring ia favorably known In every nook and h.nn let in the United States, once a patron you are always a patron. If you need a new suit let O. U Cannon know it ; be will take your inruiuro and guarantee a perlect tit. Hon. Geo. V. Jones, who was elected school director for this district at the last school election, re'tixes to iuali(y. lie statea that be haa heretofore serve" the lieoulo Iu capacity (or two terms aud that his private bun i nets is such that it will not justify him to accept the ulllcc. Wo are anxious to do a little good in this world sud can think of uo plcasuuter or better way to do it tl.an by recom mending Oue Minute Cure as a prevent ive of pneumonia, consumption and Other serious lung troubleB lliat follow neglected colds. Maulers' Diug Stoie Frank M. Simpson, ox-freight aud passenger ageut for the Cous luy & Kosehnrg railroad, was today given a ureliminary examination in tlio liiHtlcn court on a charge of embezzlement, fali- tkatiou of rrcorda and arson, and bound over to appear before tliA grand jury In May. iu the sum ol fl.uu, nimpson was relumed here yesterday from S in Fran cisco upon a rerjnisltlou issued by Gov ernor l.OIU. 1 aui going to get a new suit of clothes. Whare? Of C, 11. Cannon, of course. I toes he soil clothes Yes. be represents the ltoval Tailors, the greatest tailoring firm In the world. Why do you patronize tho Koyal 1 all ure? because tbore is merit Iu thotr work. You alwavs get the very best of fabrics, high grade work and a atylleh nt (or u very reasonable price. The presidency of the Nutiotiul Wo man'! Christian Temperance Union (alls to Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stephens, w ho haa been president ol tho Maiue W. C T. y, lor the past 22 yeats, uud iu all thoso years only one yoto bus been cast against her. Mrs, Stephens was selected vice president of (be National by Mlea WUlard, and her selection wus con firmed by the national cuuventiou. So also 1b Lady lloury Somerset president ol the World's W. U. T. U., uu euo was vice president o( that organization dur ing Miss Wlllard's lifollnio. lo close out our large stock of Vnliscs, cct.,etc. MiK Ili'lW Pavla will teach a apring term of ichool In Camas Valley. Miss I'eurl Corn will teach a spring t'.Ttn of school at or near (iardiner. lnua your tooth ache? Uo aak Fred 1 1 ay tics whether it ii worth aayioc. Iha lUtss Store la sellieg out at sacri- (j ' itU pi ices. Call aad be convinced. l.Tltea ready made wrappers, new beautiful apring line at the Novelty Htore. Mi Sarah Noah is leaching tbe spring term of ctrol in upper Camas Valley. 1 0.00 J men wanted at the Doaa Store to aelect great bargains before It ia too laic. Uv. liiluioro I'arker. of Portland, held Ri-rvire at tli- Kaptlat Church in this city on laat Sabbat b. Frank Chur-hill has iIhvs iliia week visliiug spent several relatives and frienda in Ton land. Keep in mind nor large line of boy's uii'l men'ri cp'ii'g clothing at very low prin-s NoVeby Store. ('.ill at the I'. a Store and price their K'mhI, ai,V y..u wpl tie surprised to 0n1 t hfiu at sikIi luw figures. .1 II ! Knv, ( ltiockwa , has remov ed lo I'uriluiid Maine, wliere fm eipei'ta to in . k hii Iiiiiijh ill i.'ih lul'irn ! A C 1 1 xm ti.is g i'iM f.ir reveral we- ka i-l' woli in-i.d in Hie li:ia-. He lelt I N j ln-lllfH jr. , Ji-ir,. ol Mr, Voae. 1 Tit K i 1 1 1 j to -I'd on tr-ali nyters ! no I i I:, at t .m t i rrtU hall l t II xl-t i M u 4. I i'4t iilttfo laiii u ami a good ' tM.H. ' W W. Cardwell, the Hijeehiirg at'oin Iry.ia u lettgiug it dm I lie Siicaeen ! toAitrdM )(hjii City. Oregon .Vliniu j oitiial. Jiriy Wi'Fon has none to Ashland j Jerry "ill prwltably hxaie at some point j wiith nl h.-r.-, either in Oregon or Call i fornia uu I oen u shop. (irand cprliilig of dry good, furnibirig ! ttoodH, cV liinv, bo 'h and shoes, also the piviiic-t luif I Uuies' shirt waists. Ap ril Iim', a. i ih Novelty Store, Mo-im. C. A. S-hlhrede and 0. 1'. Co hliuu lmt lornied partnership for the practice i.( law in Uosei'urg, under the linn n hi nc ol Sehlhrede iV Coehow. Wo are e'ad to bo able to announce that M-sx i.ydia Munson of lMenbower, (lo , ,l.-1 janrfereusiy m U w k , inipro;eJ BD , j.-r recovery is assured. lor some d it is The grand jury on Tuesday returned an indictment against J. M. Olberman, charging him with murder in the first degree iu the killing of J. N. Casteel near.Mtrtle Creek, oulhe24tb day ot Februury last. A thrill of terror is experienced whne a brassy cough of croup sounds through the houfe at night, bat the terror soon changes to relief after One Miunte Cougb Cure lias been administered. Safe and harmless (or children. Marsters' Drug Store. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills (or stomach and liver troubles, A. C. Marsters Co. We are informed that the friends ot Dr. K. L. Miller are urging bios to allow bis name to go before the republican coun ty convention as candidate (or the nom ination for sheriff. Dr. Miller bss a host of friends in Dooglas county and ii be should be nominated they will see thst he is elected by an overwhelming major ity. lion. II. G. Brown o( Elkton, who Is attending circuit court as a juror, visited this oilli o this week. Mr. Brown is a republican of the old school and has no sympathy with the new school ot re formers, w ho having made shipwreck of the government aa democrats, n w attempt to again steal into power under a now name. Why is It that a patron always geta HstiNiactiou iu dealing witb tbe Koyal Tailo-e? Because tbe Koyal Tailors have a reputation at stake. It took them 30 long years of bard work to build it up 1 1 its present etaudard and Ihny propos to keep it wtiere It is, thereiore iney can not afford to Imve their patroua dieati--lie). C. K. Cannon can tell you all nil ml it in ho is tneir representative lor Douglas county. If you need a new suit- let him know and ho will show you, spring and t-ummer samples. C. W. Patterson is iu receipt o( a let tor from A. W. Neul under date of tskag- wav, Alaska. Feb. 21. Andy advises his fiiends lo t-tav at home. 1I says that evei v muu iu Skakway la suffering from u cold and ttial the death rate will aver iuo 7 lives pur day. tie says thut tbe sulieiina by poor people la simply lode scribable uud over 100 people in the town have either their bands or leet frozen It is his opluiou tbnt Wraniiel la the coming towu in Alaska. Everything be says is overdone in Skagway. Suu (MarshUeld) Grand Millinery Opening at the Nov city Store, Apiil 1st. We have aecured u first olaB trimmer to cetor to our pain us' wauls iu this dopartmont. 11 y first clabu we. do uot mean oue who bas merely served uu apprenticeship, but skilled trimmer, oue who baa tbe repu tation of beiug first iu the art. We will show a hit no and beautiful line of tnilli nery from the cheapest to tbe very best A Bpociulellort will be made by ua lo se euro that trade which bus been going to the cities. Come and see toe pretty thiuge iu Una department, Heud iu your mall orders. Prol. W. Wrlaht lias Men employed to teach the spring term ol r-tho-,1 at ien Mile, The McClalleo House Is having- a new roof ut on, John Hunter having (be eon tract. New stork ol ltdles and mUsea' floe Shorn, ell li e 1 teat styltM, Jit received ai Parr l Br . Don't liuy chalk candles when you can get tne pnr, unadulterated ar.icle at Candy Fact ry J. K. Barker bas purchased the resi dence property ol Frank Clements In West Koseburg. 1 he p r-on who 1-lt a tidies' silk um brella at the IkiSa Store, should call and claim the same. The S. P. pay car mails the usual moulhly trip through Koseburg going sootb on last Friday. A laigs and fine assortment of chil li re n's shoes just received at Parrutt Bros. Call and see them. Sidney Scott, a constable from Eugene, was in Kosebarg the first part of lh week on official business. Sunday at tbe M. E. Cbnrch. subject, Ham, "Home National H.lt " 7:80 p. m "Wny the Book Lives." Don't buy ancient chocolate creams when you can alwavs get tbe new and fresh ones st the Kandy Kitchen. The grand jury have returned trne bills egainrt Dvid Corast k f..r lar--i y aud Homer Farlow charged aitn rape. The Ladies' Aid Society ol the U. B. Church will meet at the church Friday evening. All ibe ladies are inrtteJ to attend. Kebekah Lodge, No. 11. c( this r!ty have elected Mra. L. Scbmeisser and Mrs. D. 8. West as delegates to tbe state assembly. Lost. A black rrocbet silk handker chief pocket containing a linen handker chief. Finder will be suitably rewarded leaving itai this office. Spring stock, tbe largest and best se lection of men's shoe, of every grade and variaty, juat waived at Parrott Bros. Stjles and prices sure to please, C. 8. Henry, one of tbe prosperous far mers of CaiaprMnia, was in ibe city yester day and called t. eocourag the Hlain dealer. We are giad lo meet such friends. George Carter, a prominent huine mad of Canyonville was a caller at this office on Tuesday Mr Carter' ia one of the eiaiwart republicana oi South Doug las. OnSatnrdav evening last, Proletarian I !gi, No, 8. I. O O F.. elected as de.e galea t Urn grand lMige. N. T Jewo t. Jos Micelli and K K bertson. Tbe grand lude meets in this city, May It). The case of Laugh va Thompoo, be ing an a i on ror me .ioaesion ol a mnngi'I.im near wvrtle (.'ra, was t n il riur a jury on Veiinedy and a vrdict reu'lereu in (V r ol i-Kli.tiff, Langii. Mr- Louiaw P. Rounds. tH lecturer nd organiz r of thou C 1. U.. iUi t t- r-U.-ernitendei t I p- ace and arm tratl in. will tn in ltosM'-nrg and lm-tnre .Moo-tay and I uewlay evenings, ilarib 28Hraii . 20tn. The plce will be given later. Don't delude your stomach with tbe idea, because some brands of canities are cheap, tiat they most bo giod. You can't get some ttimg for nothing on tbia planet, but you can jui-t tepend on get ting tbe beet. puret and cleanest caudy at the Candy Factory in Koeeburg. After vears of untold suffering from pdes, B. W. Pursell of Kuitnersville, Pa., was cured by osing a tingle box of DeVV ill's Witch Uasel Salve. Skin di eases such aa eczema. rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by thia famous remedy. A. C. Marsters & Co. The frosts of the past two or three nigbts have been quite severe and have pronaoiy done some damage to early peaches, but to what extent cannot now be predicted. We have noticed, bow- ever, that mere ia always an abundant crop of fruit iu Western Oregon, eyen Iter it bas been killed two or three times by frost. The well-known and popular firm of Wollenberg A Abraham baa diaolved partnership, Mr. Ababam having acid bis interest therein to A. Wollenberg of Canyonville. a brother of ibe senior member of tbe firm, which will hereafter he known as Wollenberg Bros. Mr. Wollenberg is expected lo arrive about tbe first of April. F. G. Leonard has arrived with his family from Drain and will occupy tbe property in North Koseburg lately vacated by l-ranx need. Mr. Leonard haa leased tbe Kast & Criteser Hour mills and will take poseasion April 1st. He is a first clars m.lier and our people will find bim and hia family a very de sirable acquisitiou to our city. Car load of clothing and bats just re ceived at the Boss Store. These goods were ordered direct from the fact iriea before we anticipated of selling out, and are offered t tbe public at coat Best fitting cl .fiing on fie coast, Uylor made not accepted Call and examine them. Our bats are the ltest styles and are worth double what we oner them at. Boss Stork. J, B . Riddle, hotel keeper, fruit grow er, miner and prominent candidate for sheriff on tbe republican ticaet, maoe thia niiice a pleasant call lueaday. Mr. Kiddle haa a goodeized Klondykeol bia own, In hie mine south ol tbe town of Kiddle. Notwithstanding the fact of the unprecedented lack ol wa'er during the past winter, they have washed out witb one giant, operated at low pressure, an aveisg. of Buy dollars each day the mine was woikeo. Rev A. D Weetfall. pastor of ihn U B. Ohnrcn, waa very egieeably sur ged oo Tuesday evening of thia wees v a reception tendered him by bia friends at the resilience cf U. lUi in thin City- Af'eranbour spent in eing- mg and a ciai .-onvereatton. those pres ppt were served with an elegant luncb prepared by the ladies At tbe con elusion all present expressed themselves as highly gratiiied with tbe entertain ment, aud especially witb Mr. and Mrs, Oavis SB hostess. As on Wednesday moroiug Miss Flos sie Shsm brook was expected to leave town to take charge of ber school in bcoits Valley, ber youug friends deter mined to give her a surprise party as token of their love and esteem. A very pleasaut evening wis spent in games aod music. Those present were: Clara. McCoy, Mertie aud Gertie Udkeeou, Grace aud Belle Catching, Silvia biearns, Ora Weekly, Kuby Bailey, Ethel Parrott, Flossio Shambiook. Mark Liviugston, Warren McWilliams, Frank and Carlton Livingston, Waller McKensie, Jeese Smith, Cbas. Pitchlord, Fred Smitb, Henry KicbarJsou, Lote Jones, Fred Sbambrook. Reported Homicide. The report is current ou tbe streets to day that a man was killed av or near Gardiner yesterday. Up to the hour of golug to plena no partic-ulira cuu bo ob tained. . I Circuit Court Proceedings. 'Ibe reg'i'ar March term ol the cir cuit court convened on Monday morn ing Tbe Jury was called aod ibe fol low ing named jurors were excos-d: JohnJ lmgof YiDcalU, H O. Ennry i.l Cole Vailey, r. W. N-wlari l of T-n Mil, W J Ha. ker ol Kiddle and 0. E. Kicker of (Iardiner The grand urv waa drawn and eharged ronei-tlng of ibe following named jurors: Wataou Davis, Deer Cre-k, II B. Ull lei, Kmii. urg, W. A. b'ocler, Pas Cre-k, K. Ot-lnger, Wilr.ur, Win. fsingh--ion, Ml. ScM, A II. Car'well, Weal Ko-eboig, and W. (J Vintnn, Civil B-ind. I he latter was appointed fore man. The docket waa then called and ca-es disposed of as follows: 1. W. J. Brand r John freeman, foreclooare of lien: K. B. Treble for plf. Continued. 2. N. K. Pockelt vs W. P. Bcnlamlo, In eanlly; K. B. Preble for plf. George M. Brown, O. W. Colrlg, t. V(. Hamilton for deft. Con- Honed. 7. O. II. P. Beacle vs Rachel K. Beagle, di vorce; L. Louchary (or plf. I- V. Htratlord for d:ft. CODtlOUrri. 11. E. P. Hpaaldlns vs U. II. Ball, to recover noney; A. M. Crawford for deft. Dlsmlaaed, It. Honry Little vs Patrick Murphy, to re cover oooev; J. W. Hamilton (or pit. I. Lotighary for deft. Continued for service. 11. Tbe Appleate Mining Co. vs Bol Abra- ban, acdon (or damagea; C. A. Reblbrede, J. V. Hamilton (or pit W. K. Willis (or deft. Stricken irotn roll. 17. Bcnry Uecklcy vs Thorn n Hancock et ai. to recov. r monoy: i. W. Hamilton (or plf. Bcttied and dlamltsod. 18. A. P. Brown vs . U. Owy, to recover money; C. A. fkhlbrede for plf. Settled sad dUmlned. IV. W. E. Carl on vi Ceo. Snillb, to recover moaey; E. O. Htratford (or plf. (killed and dis missed. 72. Koaenfleld, Hinlth & Co. vs. t. M Zlflcr eta), to recover money; C. A. 8cblbrede (or pit. Brown i. Tuitln for (I' ll. Judgment for plalntHT. JL L. B. Calainc vs. liaolcl Curtln, to recover money. E. D. Stratford lor plf. settled aod dUmiaaed. a. Jamc-a W. Barton et al vs K. BiUler et ah to rec ver money; w. R. Willi, (or pU. Settled dumlMed and. 32. J. w. Weaver admr vs Wm Ledgerwood et si, (orw-loaare; Bruwa TusUn (orpU. Judg ment by defauld. S3. Henry Beckloy vs A. L. Hancock et al, suit In e-julty: J. w, Hamilton (or plf. E. D. Stratford (or deft. Bettlexnd dUmlaae4. 37. H. 8. Conn vi Geo. Connvt al. In equity; J. W. Hamilton for plf; Tilmon Ford, A. M. Crawford, Dtxur klce for deft gltled and diimtual. . bte'e of Oregon, ex itl vs. T. M Zlsler, et al, contempt proceedings: J. W. Hamilton (or plf Brown - Tuitln (or deft. BetUed and (Herniated. 43. L. M. Parrott vs. Dedrirk Qullbaug, con firmation; J.w. Hamiltca (or plf, Ie con firmed. t. W. P. Lord, et si, vs. W. H. Coats, admr, et al, confirmation; C A. Scnlbrede foi plf. r?ale confirmed. i-'i. W. P. Lord, et al vi. J. H. Wbltse't, et al, confirmation; C. A Ueblbrede (or pl(. Halec.-n- Aimed. . W. P. Lord et al, v. H. M. Martin, et al, confirmation. C. A. Sthlbrede for plf. Bale Cun firmed. 7. T. W. Cowan vs J. H. McClur , confirma tion; J. V. Hamilton, lorilf. Hale confirmed. 48, Hannah Jotepbson admr vi R e Biubey, conUrmatlon; J. W. Hamilton for plf. Sale con firmed. 61. Southern Pacific Co. vi. A. Mabara to re cover money; W. R. Willis for fU. DUmUsed. In the anil of J. W. Wright, adminis trator of the ear ate of Joel T. Thompson, deceased, plaim iff vs. Samuel D. Whit- aett, which was tried and aubmittnd at the last term of court, tbe court on laet Monday banded down his decision in favor of tbe defendant, Wbitsett, and dismissing the suit. Half of plaintifj'i coeia were adjudged against tbe defend ant. Surprise Party. On Saturday evening last after tbe chorua practice at tbe First Preabyterian Churcn a very pleasant surpriee party was given by these young people to Mis- Kuny Uordon at her home ibe re mainder of the evening was given to games nntil a late hour, or rather an early hour, during which time we par took of an excellent supper, the occa sion waa tbe 19th birthday of our es teemed voung friend and chum, Misa Kubv. We aasure ber that we wish ber many returns of ibis very pleasant eve ning. To say that she was anrprised would be expressing it very mildly. Those present were: Clara McCoy. Floesie Sbambrook, Svlvia Stearns, Ad die Sacry, Elva Wimberly. Georgia Jacobs, Bell Catching. Eva Jacobs, Clara IXitey. Ho by Biilev, ora jonee, ttoei Carrott, uertrode .duy, uuoy uornon. Carlton and Mark Livingston, Fred Smith, Rudolph Harness, Warren Mc- Williama, Chas. fitcblord. Walter .mc Keuzie, EHia Harness, John Fenton, Henry Richardson. Sam Joeepbson, Fred Hunter and Frank Uordon. X Public School Entertainment. The entertaioment given by the pupils of the city schools on last Friday eve ning was one of the beet ol its kind ever given in tbe city. The Opera House waa packed, even standing room neiug an taken before tbe curtain went up. The music, both vocal and instrumental, waa of a high order. The dude drill by a class of boya irom tbt second grade, under tbe command oi Jiasier jimmy farter, waa oe of the tieet thing on tbe program. The lairiea. a class of gn Is from ihe first grade, divided honor wuli the pupils ol the third grade in their paraHoi drill and the flag exercise by the children of tbe fourth grade ina teacu- vra ar entitled to great credit lor n e rareful training necearv to enable the hildren to nroduoe SO good an entertain ment. Aiiout (60 waa realised for thn benefit of the puolio school library. The Railroad Situation. The proposed removal of the divUion terminal from R iseburg to aome point lurtber south, baa been Ibe cbiel subject of discussion amon our cititens during the paat week. Just what is intended by tbe railroad company ia merely con jecture. So far tbe only change which haa gone into effect ie an order which re nuires the conductors and brakemen on trie two over i ana irains to coango av Riddle instead of Koseburg, Schillings Btst baking sell for the next CM a powder ought to twice ;is much IpVMt. as To lure l r-n iii'.'oin I erer. TaUeOiHeiiiet fioim-1 iitli.ifiie loenrtSO, it C. C. C. full lo cute, unit :ot ! fuiul money. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of Public School for Month Ending March l8. IQIITII OSADS A claea. Kan one Chna Slraifird eyernve 94. O'her nlio.e ft,); (If i Shiipe, KiK-r v rigln , Ch-. Om gh re, Cl vl" Fouls n-r. I) clai-s. Kank one B-l Wtisoti, averR4 95. Others a'-ove 90: Herl HUMt-rtr, I'rmk li Kerillc, Pearl Miller, Jjhn Uod, LIIih Uollins. SXVBMTil ORWia. A class Rank one Helen Willi, average 95. Oti.ers above ): Kae rullerton, l.lllle Criteser, Ora Week i , Arthur Tufft, Harry Stearns, Ernest, Lang, B class. Rank or.e Lthel Lvarte, av erage 97. Oihers ai ove 90: Jesle Wliann. Minnie Uoaton. Brssie Kidder. Ida Montague, Fred Adams, Goy Hank ies, John vea'ch, Nettie Sage. SIXTH Oka oa. A claae. Rank one Alb e Mabn, av erage m oherN atoe 90: Haxei ieweit. Vivian Jeweit, Manna Wollen berg, Annie Wharton, Charles Hews, Eddie Morris, E-iher ruff , Ora McN'a tnee, Karle Landers, Clifford Benson. Walter Joeepbson. U class. Ksnk one fcarle rickle, av erage (Hi. O-hrrs above 90: John TofTc, Ui I in Smlili, Lester Orow, Llermao Ntephen. Lnlie Smith, Willeiba Keed, Uesele Coehow. rinn grade. A class. Rank one Oacar 8'raif rd. average Vo. Other above 90: Earl Strong Beeaie Scbaeffer, Hatne Tollee, ttr a uase, uertie uoegeaa, moi tiuy. Briars. Rank one -Nina Lilly, aver age m O'hera above 90: Emma unit. Barbara Kelly, Ernie Benedick, Lena McCurdy, Etta Allen, Vera Haynee. Frank Chapman, LeNoIr Ragaditle, Mil le lielioer, Loooey Uothaok. wiilie Jones. FOl'ETH OBAOX. A class. Rank one A vice Sheridan, average 9o Others above 90: Beryl Stephens. Harvey GrifSths, E-bel Sheri- ian, (jeorgH (Jnlver, Oollle Jackson, Frank Berry, Willi" Hanna. Leon Da Gas, Eden Flook, Mabel Wollenberg, K y Pukmg'on. James Crawford. Mary French, Nelne r-hirkey, Fim 8cliaefiVr. VI ay Kll. Oiga Kiizmao. Agnee Scott. Ida Wor-btngton. John Dxxly, Frank Hrand, George Worthiogton, James KaHion, (jroce, Wonbingion. Ethel Ad pleh.-ff, Clyde Catching. B claSK Kan k one Mary McCarthy, average 97 Others atiove 90: Olivia Kisley, Myrtle Boggecs. Angnsta St rat. ford. Maul Lougti, Georg- Sheridan, J.ie VabZde, Vivian French, Elnb Patteron, Ida Ri zuian, Bird Kems, Ethel Hu'on, Fsye Carroll, Lei a Allen, Maud Willie, Vivian Jackson, Morton Vivian -lackeoo. Morton, Hadiey, La Vern Stock well, Clyde Byara. THIRD GRADE. A class. Rank one Walter Fisher, average 90. Ot here above 90: Mamie Clements, I'i'k Gi.vin, M-rta Bale Hattie Van Zile. Jact Wnarton, Frtnt Criteser, Vn Ih'ppM. B cl-s Rank our Eriiet Li ly, a- erge vtj u hern a"ov 90: t res Banrum, Ar hor M.i iIih.bi, Uz Brut, Anna Brpn, hlrley Haite. SACoND GaDE. A class, hank one Virgil Sbupe and Edith Clements, av-rite 95 Others above 90: Lucile RagMlale, Hazel Pat teraon, Olaf Vest, Francis Kialey, Way land Carpenter, Archie Jackson. B clase. Rank one Jordun Lilly, av erage 93 Otuers above 90: Fred Duettweiler, Benote McNamee. FIRST GRADE. A clase. Rank one Harrison Rvan, average 94 Oibers above 90: Evah Vest, Seib IJamikon, Clare Caw. field Georgx Wharton, Beeie Carton, Law reuce Jamieeon. A claea. Rank one Lelah Crow, av erage 90. Anove90: Kosa Duettweder. EDENnjWKB SCHOOL. Seventh grade. Lulu Ciovd 04. Carrie Jaruagin 05. Sixth grade, Maud Woodruff 89. Fiftn grade, Martio Jarnagto 90, Joe Vose 93. Kulla buma 91. Fourth graite, Grace Hewitt 94. Lloyd Bums 00, W.lter Wyiie92, Virgil Ju uenal 90, Ettie Needbam 90. . Second, Raymond Hewitt 90. Maud Needbam 91. First grade, Jeeei Burt is 95. F. B. UiMUM, Prin. Late County Court Proceedings. In lie matter of the estate of M. F. Dyer, deceased, H. Dyer was appointed administrator, witb bonds fixed al $4000. In the matter of the eaa'e of James McKinney, deceased, J. E. Williams was appointed administrator witb bonds tixed at f 10J0. W. T. McCullocb was appointed guar dian of Jei-se McCullocb. A C. MiCul loch, Manh rd McCullocb. and F. Mc Cullocb, minors In the matter of 'ha petition for tbe removal of the administrator of tbe es tate of Levena Bros., I. B. Riddle waa appointed r(eree to take testimony and report ihe same at May term of court. Sugar Beet Culture. Corvallia, Or., March 21, 1393. Editor Plain-dealer: P'eaae note in vour paper for ihe benefit of yonrcom ty, lhar on application to tbe undersigned, sugar beet seed will be furnished by ibe Experiment Station, tree of all cost, to such farmer aa will agree lo give and cultivate one-t-n'h acre rao', report result to 'be sta'ion on blanks to be furnished for tb porp 86. ami to ward implex . r MialHi when reque- ed The a'atio" will transport the t-ee'a tree f est. Y-mrs ver milv, G W Shaw. Chemist ol siti d, Corvallia, Or. Reduced Rates. Arraugetreuta have been made by Chairman Frank W. Benson for a rate of one and one third fare f r the round tr p for tbe beni-tit of delega'es attending the republican countv convention. Dele gates will pay full fare in coming to Koee burg. taking a receipt therefor and will receiie a certificate which will allow them 'o purchase return tickets st one third fare. For County Commissioner. We are Informed that O H. Byars of Canyonville will be a candidate before the republican county convention for theouiceol county coinmicsiorer. Mr. Bvara is prominent farmer and besvj tax pajer and if nominated and electa I, would make a good, safe commissioner. Co. A, Attentlonl Special drdl has been ordered for Sat urday eveniiik', MmvIi 1C, at 8 p. iu Full attendance icn'iucd. AH property oi whatever uatutd must bo returned to Aniiorv 1 1 icmuiii hi kcepiog of Q. M Sgt, F. B. II.uii.iN', Capt, t Reyal saakM tks a4 satre, Vsxlsgasa sta gtaLljxAgMIkx W svVBs-sr1-feW w wtl-I fj-gjesaxjgjxjp 111 bAKII.0 itoiuttyrurs) sf4 sgsssjaaj ssaxjesa ajsj tefrisa sagsoa At tbe Presbyterian Church. MOBJKNO SERVICE. At ibe morning service, March 20, 19u8, Rev. Howard iuveid a fine ser mon, bia auhject being Charity. The preacher told bia bearers tome cold, plain (acts, which pnt into practice by oar people woold be of lasting benefit to bam. VBSI90 SERVICES Tbe evening i home eervice la becom ing more popular as lie weeks go by and uo this evening It woe far better than naoal. Tbe anient readings by Ml-see Koby Gordon, Elva Wimberly. Ethel Parrott and Clara McCoy were of a bigb grade and were listened to with profound attention. Tbe tnasie was fond and tbe address by Rev. R. B. Dil worth on "Light and tbe Creator of Lgbi" was fine and characteristic of the reveretd gentleman. Mocb credit ia due Miaa Flossie Sbambrook. and Mine Ruby Bailey for thia excellent programme. The next programme Is in charge of Mies Ethel Parrott, so look out for some thing original. For O er 11 A Teaie. am Old ajto Waix -Taian Kshsdt. Mrs aruulov 'a Soothing Byrap has been nsed (or ovr fifty yean by Billions o( mothers (or their children while teetainf,' with perfect success II soothes the child, softeae tbe gum . allays all imla, aures wlad ooUo, and ta tbe beat rma1; lor Diarrhoea. Is pleasant lo tbe taste. Bold by irngxiata ia every part ol the world. Twamj. Sve cents a bottle. IU value la InealeoJab e, He sura aad ask (or Mrs. Wtnalow's Booming 4ym, aad lake no ethar kind. ErlaeateToae How ala With Caaearata. Candr Cathartle. cure eonatlnailon ror ver. sOcSSe. II a 0- 0. fall, druggists refund money. The Royal Tailors, Tbe Royal Tailor ia the largest tailor ing eelab iebmnnt in tbe wot Id, I hey oc- tipy the entlr. twelve stones ol a main rn ,uta Chicago building, they turn ' nr 10)0 fine tailor made soi's ol cl-th a" -r d .y in ne y-ar, tl.ey hav- cl--t,ed 5,0U0 000 males On y U liet-d a nu:e eprtng or umilie. SOU? If SO roai faoiio, roial ett lea a. d royal tailoring touch tne light spot, tor you gel strictly high grade tailoring t a modest price and a perlect fi ia guaranteed. New samples just arrived. C. B Cannon, Sole repreeeutalive b r Douglas Co. To Care Constipation Toraeer. Take Caseerets Candy Catbartla 10e er tfta tl C C O. (all to eure, drugglau re rami money. Catarrh Cannot b Cured with Local Applications, aa tbey cannot reach tbe seat of ibe disease. Catanh ia blood or conatitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal -emedlea Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the Hood and mncoua ear fares. H all's Catanh Core ia not a quack medicine. It waa ureecribed by one of tbe beet pby-icians in tbia countrv fur years, and ie a reu ar prescription. It ia composed ol the nMtt tonics known, combined with ihe nest blood port tiers , acting direcly on he mncoua eurfaoea. Tbn perfect com bination of the two Ingredients ie what produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for teaiiinoniala, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO . Prope., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. ' Tbousmada are Trylag It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Banu. tha ino.t effective euro for Catarrh and Cold in liol, we have pre pared a generona (rial size for 10 cents. Get it of your drnggint cr send 10 cents to ELY B?.0S., C3 V.'irrcm Et., V. Y. City. I suffered from e.-.t-t -rh cf tbo worst kind ever since a boy, .i l 1 never hoped for eure, but Ely' Cream Palm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have used it witb excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 43 Warren Ave., Cnioago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged eure for catarrh and oontaina no cocaine, tnerevry nor any injurious drug. Price, 4)0 cents. At druggists or by mail. No-To-Haa (or fifty Cent Guaranteed tobaeeo babit eure, mak weak men atreng, blood pure. 60c, IL AH druggists. HARRIED. FIdHER GILLIAM. Ai the residence ( tn bride a parents, Mr and M-. T.J.Gilliam, in t-ia'den Valley, Sun day March 20. 189H, Mr Dan Fibber and Misa Emm Gl'-harn were mariied by Judge A. F Stearns. K ELLY S fRON I Roebnrg, Toes- lay March 1898 Mr. Phi n Kelly and M e Fn ie to g. Ivih I M r lleO e k, John H .m I ,J. I . Iho'at ing WATERM AN-HARDM N. In tblaeity on Monrt y, -.March SI t, 1H9K, bv Justice Jonn Hamtin, I l.r)i.t e T. W-t-rroanf C'o com ty and Miso Ett Auoelioa Hardman ol Douglas county. FIHEK-SANDEKS. L A Kiher and Maggie bander-, Ie f of lugl coun ty, wtr married In thia city W -rtees-day. March 33, 1898, by Justice John Hattiln. i v- i i ii ii ii ma is 3 BORN. DILLER -To Mr. aud Mis. E W. Dil- ler, at Cleveland, on Monday, March. 21t. a eon. RADABAUGH In North Roeehure-, Msrcb 21, 1808, lo the wife of C. Bad abaugb, a girl. CASTOR I A For Xn-uxts and Children. The Kin. You Have Always Bought Bears tho Bignatun r