The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 24, 1898, Image 2

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Published vtry Iburtda)-.
K. I. hi R ATtORH .
J. n. EDDY
...Aaorfato Kdltor.
satacrltln navies..
Od Year
.II M.inthi -
Thr" Month
u ;
...... "i
, U
The Pi.MSI-t4t.ta will be 'cut Mil
I lie follow I HI, pt at follon.
PLilSPI. .!.,: and Vfkly owl
- iutr Oefsu 5 M
Frulnwro - 1
WcMool Planter 1 '1
The Oivgor.lan" needs no rscotamcndatt.n
II li welt knosn to th people of Orcsn. The
"Inter Ocean" i UcpnWtf an pap' printed
Clilcas... It la n-I'lablc, reliable an.l icjr,
mi l Jui the thins for winter rrtalnri by "
a caiJo. The "Planter' Is an ajrtculfnral pa-
P cr, and "Fraitaffc" l the only papa 1 AlBr'
ha dVT.lcd xcluwfclf to fruit raising. These
are monthly pobll.-atl"ns.
Avail yourself cd tUia opportunity t evur
t-uieriatuing ami protitableireadiog cheap.
MARCH 21. 1893.
This issue of the IY-usds"-" ii tbs
fourth, uoiler Iba present management.
If the pper cocets'your approbation, t
aik tbat you belp ua with our influence.
If every reader of Ibis paper who deairei
to aee it prosper, would help ui jaet a lit
tle, tbe circulation could be doubled io
ait nion'-ba. Snow the paper to your
neighbor, and ask him to subscribe lor
it. Subscribe for an extra copy yourself
and have it sent to some relation or
friend. If it is not conTenient to send
in the money now, it can be paid when
Tbe date for the republican county
convention in drawing near, and to far
there has been very little said in regard
to candidates for the various county
offices to be tilled at the coming June
election. We are of the opinion that a
better and more satisfactory ticket can
I nomiuated, when there has beeo a
full and free discussion of the merits of
proproeed candidates for a reasonable
time prior to the convention. When
this is done the delegates go to the con
vention with some idea as to whom
their constituents prefer to have nomin
ated, and of the fitness and availibility
of the persons whose names are placed
lief ore tbe convention. We Lave no
sympathy with the plan of jumping op
candidates for office on convention day,
and nominate them without any lime
or opportunity to become acquainted
with their ability or fitness for tbe posi
tion ti which they are nominated.
Nine timet out of ten tbe man who
prates tbe most about tbe office seeking
tbe man, has a three pronged lightning
rod of bis own ready for use and ia hop
ing to be struck by forked lightning him
self. If a man is too modest himself to
announce the fact that he is a .candidate
he ousut to have friends wbo wonld do
it for him.
Fisher, of tbe Review, pays the Plain
dealeb a big a compliment when be
refers to it as a middle-of-the-road
paper, and to it editor as a middle-ot-tbe-road
republican. A middle-of-the-road
republican, or democrat, or , popu
list ia one who bolda hia political prlnci
plea above the spoils of office, wbo be
lieve tbat hia party stands for tbe beat
interests of tbe people, and ao believing
wonld prefer temporary defeat to victory
tory won at the sacrifice of what be be'
lievee to be right. A futioniat ia one
who either has no political principles, or
who cares so little (or them that be is
ready to barter them for tbe aake of
office; political street-walkers hawking
their wares where tbe market promises
most. Yes, tbe Plajndiaub ia middle-of-the-road
republican paper. The
Review is a fusion organ.
It ia said that A. Richely, a Portland
architect, has reported tbat this state
cannot famish suitable stone for the
new goveanment building to be erected
in Portland. lie ia either ignorant of
tbe facta in regard to Oregon atone or be
wilfully misstates them. Douglas coun
ty baa well-developed quarries of excel
lent building stone, which from actual
government tests will resist almost as
great crushing power ss any in Ihe
United States. There are buildings in
Portland built wholly or in part of this
stone, which have withstood the ravages
of time for almost a quaiter of a century
with no evidence of dei alteration.
This etoue ia ou the hue of the Houtueru
I'a'.ilio road and can be bamOed at very
mall cost.
Will some good, kind populist or free
silver frieud tell us of any reform meas
ure, w hlch was ever enacted into a law
by the democrat party V Will (he)' refer
us to uny inatauce iu the history of this
country, where the democratic parly,
having been cutrusted witb power, used
it for Ihe betterment of mankind? Cau
they refer na to a single instance when
tbe people, having placed the democratic
party in power, were not sorry for it ?
What aBsurauce have they tbat if tbey
assist the democratic to regaiu coutrol of
tho got'oru incut, it will hi did'oreut from
vrhat it has huou iu the past?
Let every republican attend tbe pri
mariea on April 2nd, and aee that repre
sentative republicans who will attend
the contention are elected delegate.
Tbo Review, its pre?nt man
iramolit tiaa matin a KcrsUlCIl', Utireas
enable and uncalled for tlnht anainsi
- - . 1
tbe Southern Pacific Company. It u
nerer missed an oprtunity to prejudice
tbo minds of th poop' of Rosolurts
airainet this company and " manatft'
ment. The Keview tccn an : Via duo To eternal V.uae.
andhuill up hy the huaiucaa men ol xhore ia no doubt that aubetaulul
Koaeburg, and ha aaaimied to rcpreeent nrtnj,iiT exiait on the ptt of the
them in its fight on Ihe railroad inteieate. preahtent and his cithlnet. txih on the
All this in the face of the fad that tho Maine .moat ion and on the Renoral auh-
Sotilhern ltoiHo l'm any has. through , "jiity wj reconito inlor
ilieuiploj ca. diairihuted among the htiai- volition iu caee Spain .I.Thnea to uiaV.e
nees men ol KosHliurg, annnallv, at the ! nitaMo response to the repreaontationa
westestimalo.ono hundred thound - m.U r inyi
djllan. No one believes for a mom -nt , newsearlly it has heen an ab-
that ihe Review in its vindictive assault i 9UiWl diaoussion thus lar and no conclu-
i, um rriii.. I'.imiiAnv and its ' oioii li Iwd leached, nor is it possible,
" - i
management in Oregon had in view any
other purpose than one of petty spi'
against the company, or of pandering to
that element of the community which
can see no good in corporations.
Now that there is some piospcc! thitt
tlieir fight will bear fruit iu the rcmuval
of the division terminals to some poiut j
further south, the Review .begins ;
whine and call on the bneiness men o
Roteburg to help it undo what it liasf
betn years in helping to bring ah nit.
We are in hop. that the situation is
Dot io bad as has been predicted. We
do not believe that there is imy present
intention on the part of the company to
remote the division termiuaU from
Roseburg. It is true that for the present
some of the passenger crews will change
at Riddle. We think there should to a
public meeting of the cilius called at
which the matter can be discussed from
a business sUndpoint and a committee
appointed to investigate tho nutter acd
take any steps which may I ueccesaiy
in the premises.
TENTIARY. Ihe 1'ortland Tribune givrs iu account
of the attempted escape of two convicts
from the Oregon slate ptuiten'iary and
staets that on their recapture I hey were
bound to the whipping post, wLcte caen
received "3 lashes on his bare back
-vs !
50 lashes is all that prisons of average
nhvsinue can endure without utter col
lapse and probable death. Ihe inhumani
ty and barbarity of such punishment
can be in some measure understood.
The horrors of the Spanish inquisition
call to cur miud to greater puuiehmcnt
than this, and when it is remembered
that the puoiahmeut was for do greater
crime than cn attempt or; tbe part of the
convicts to regain their liberty, without
force or injury to any one, it ought lo
cause every lover of Li'uiauity to blush
with shame.
With one or two exception?, every
northern state has long agj liecardei
the whipping post as a means of punish
ment and it is not to the credit of this
state that they cling to this relic of bar
barism. County treasurer Krater refuses io re
sign until after be ia officially notified .(
his appointment as postmaster at Kcse
burg. Therefore, the accomodating
county court has decided to hold a spe
cial eeasion at the expense of the tax
payers on April 7th, the day after the re-
pu olican convention, ai mai uujo iuc
nominee of the republican convention
will be appointed treasurer to succeed
Mr. Frater; the commissioners will get
mileage and per diem while attending
thA convention, and everything will he
lovely and serene. Ucseburg Review.
The above is an uncalled-for, uuj itt
nngentlemanly, insinuation againct
County Treasurer Frater and Commis
sioners Thompson and Nichols. Who has
asked County Treasurer Frater to resign ?
IIow could be refuse to resign unless
asked to do so? W!.y should he resign
until he is ready to take charge of the
postofEce? Si far as the commissioners
are concerned, nothing that "Toiler"
FiBhercan say will have the effect of
distracting one iota from their well
earned reputation as economical and
painstaking servants of the people.
The Rogue River Courier, speakiug of
the fusion state conventions now iu ses
sion at Portland, sayd: "Many people
are waiting with btei lieath to see
what ia going to be done." From whr.t
we know of the gang, we aia of the opin
ion that the men with the "bated
breath" are about all attendiog the con
vention. It ia announced that the Astoria and
Columbia River railroa 1 will be com
pleted to Astoria by April Utb, and that
the first train from Portland to Astoria
will be ao excursion train bearing the
delegatea to the republican 6tato conven
tion. The congressional campaign commit
tee has decided to have printed for dis
tribution six speeches delivered in the
bouse on the Teller resolution, and
among them ia the speech delivered by
Hon. Thus. 11. Tongue.
advocate of
office meeker
you Gud an enthuniautic
fusion ho iu rure to be an
Will be Given to the Public Monday
or Tuesday.
WasiiiNoioN, March Zi. The cabinet
meeting today l anted eomething over uu
hour, and was devoted exclusively to the
(Spauiah situation iu general and to thu
forthcoming report of the main court of
inquiry, Tbe loue of tho discussion
waa very hi m aud determined that there
must come an end to the present slate of
affairs iu Cuba.
PecrAlarv I.omr authorized the state
ment that the understanding btforo tho
cabiuet was that the repoit would reach ' recitation, and Mien Relle Catchiug
Waabiugtou next Thursday or Friday ; ; bdlj ;l Hlj. ihe choir was coiniosed of
that it was very voluminous, uudiiJ0 young puoplo. The service was a
that the publication and tiansmiKsiou to
vei v impressive one. Rev, A. D. Wen
congress would not occur until next j f., i,robilei.
Monday or Tuesday, as tho president I
would require that much Hum to give
the document tho mature consideration
which He momentous character required,
filher cabinet, olli.cis stato that the
(general p'nn in. ludcd ihu sending d "
i presidential luessaire along till the ie
' port, statin that Spain had been called
, iion to make suitable response to the
i caw irrrent?.i y hiwh-huvi ....j....
Wliilo tbe cabinet associates o( tlu
presideut maintained I heir usual reserve
as to tho exact character ol their deliver,
ations, vet it was conceded that the dis
cuesion ptooeedce on the tlioory that tho
coming report would enow inai tne
. . - I . : ..... . I. m.ii I ..I a n
..... . ... .: . l ...
uniuinoviiai oupsiiud w w wun
tintlinm is More the president suit Ihe
cabinet. At the same lime, there is an
evident in'enlion to considi e a!l cyentu
alilips. iiu ludimr the recourse to inter
vention and leeomlion el independence
and other method which appear loetiii
aMr meet the reouii emeiila of such it
IVkii vm. March "j;!. Ihe Ihieecon
veutions. demoetat, populist and ailer
r.'iuil!ii'ai:s. which are extHH'tC.I to lioiu
innto tho (ileum state ticket, met iu this
citv todav. Hut little was done by either
Democrat Convention.
The hall of the Chamber of Commerce
was nrettv well tilled tins morning at 10
by the delegates Io the democratic state
conveutuu ana spectators, ire aasem'
blage w as oiled to older by V. A. K
S:arr. who announced that Ihe tirst busi
r.e ss in order was the appointment ol a
temporary chairman, 'liiomas 11. Craw
ford, if Union; Ren Harden, of PoU,
and A l Stilhuan. of l niatilla, were
i. aeed iu nomination. The convention
decided to vote by ballot and allow the
chairman of each county delegation to
announce the vote of such couuty, which
resulted iu ihe election of Mr. Crawford,
who oMained V'J votes, to Stiilman's ti.
and liayueu s . j.
J. K. Sivelv. of Polk county, was
I elgcted temporary Becretarv, and R. L
i 1'rvau. of Uenton. assistant.
It was decided to appoint one delegate
(nim eavh couutv to constitute a commit
I tee ou credentials, allowing caen oeiega
! turn to annouuee its choice, which was
. as follow-a :
! Rettou tieorge A. llauck.
j l'.aker W. A. Wealherlord.
! Clackamas J. J. Cook.
Clatsop Thomas laly.
' Coos-J. F. Hall,
j Curry Curry J. J. lhrib.
i Columbia Thomas Cooper.
' Crook Joseph Hinkley.
I louglas Joseph Lyons,
viilliam K. P. Weir,
(tram W. I. Coleman.
Harney-C. I McKiuley.
Ja-kson I. W. Berry.
Josephine W. Crawford.
Klamath J. D. Fountain.
Liki J. S. Lxue.
Lane L. I.. Stevens.
I.-.uu S. W. Garland.
Lincoln A. liarter.
Mariou A, 15. Huddleson.
Morrow '. A. Woolery.
Multnomah J. J. Kel.y.
Sherman I. Hayes.
Tdiamook T. J. Lucy.
Umatilla L. ii. Plant.
Udioc H. Rothschild.
Wallowa T. W. Sheenan.
W'asc I. L. Henderson.
Washington E. V. Schmerih.
Yaaihil: H. C. Hoi ns.
I'hairmau Ciawfoid appointed a
committee on order of business and per
m.inent ci anizatiou : A. I) 'Slillmau
man, of Umatilla; J. K. Weatherfoid, of
Linn: Hem v Klippel, of Jackson, and
l '. M. Nolan, of Clatsop.
Tl.f e was some opposition to forming
tLi committee before the former com
mitue could renoi t on credentials, but
trip smaller committee not to reici t un
til tiie report of the larger one should
h:ive been accented. It was then de
ciJed to adjourn until 2 p. m.
Silver Repnblicans
Tne free-ailver republican forces galh
eied in state conuention in Columbia
hall, coi ner of Fourth and Washington
streets, this morning, and, judging Irom
the smoothness w ith which tbe delibera
tioua opened up, tho convention is likely
to Us chaiacterizsd by baimony and
1 1 other! v love until its close.
Thp convention was called to order by
TalmaJge, of McMinnville, chairman of
the state central committee, who, after
lanninL' the aesemblaue into silence
stated that the first .cider of business
would be to effect a temporary organic
Upon motion I). F. fcherman. of Ma
lion county, was elected temporary
chairman, without opposition, and Vi
C. .1. YVhitafcer, of Pendleton, temporal
senetaiy. For the purpose of lighten
inz the labors of the aecretarv, I).
Dalai-, of The Dalles, was elected assist
ant sucretary.
The aopoiDtment of a committee
five on credentials completed the labor
of the forenoon session, the convention
sdjocining till 1:30 p.m. to give the
committee time to repoit. The commit
tee appoiuled by Chaiiaan Shtrman
consists of Smith of Multnomah, Dun ha i
of Washington, Wade of Josephine, Bur
Ki aft of Marion, and Donelson of Baker.
Populist Convention.
Trie populist elate convention mot at
thotiiand Army hall, coiner of First
and Tavlor, at 11 a. m.,aud C. C. Hoguo
of Liuu couuty was made temporary
chuirman. A committee on credentials
wus appointed as follows: .1. Rruce, of
Reiitou, W. li. Lucy, of Washington, L.
T. lien lie, of Union, II. Thissen.Iof
Clai Katiias, and A. Ii. Nelson, of Multno
mah. These Keutlemen were instructed
to retire to an adjoining room to deliber
ate. (in order of husiuess K. Ilibbard, of
Marion. L. It, Chapman, of Multnomah,
.1. Wade, of Union, J. Svindsetb, of
Clatrop, and F. A.. Powell, of Yamhill,
W -" appointed, and the convention ad
j ,.ud till ' -M today,
Tne Nciil Dow Memorial day was oU
a ived irr this city on latt bunday alter
noon at i'io M. R. Church. The set
viceawuo held under tlie auspices of
thu local W. C. T. U, Uriel addresses
ou the I do and character of the great
temperance reformer were delivered by
1 r;, ,,.fl i;ai. -iiiua uave a beautiful lumper
Kev.-i. More, i.isteranu unwonu. .mes
'i'hu niceet taffy and Ihe very beat ut caudy cau ulways lie found ut the
Candy Factory.
Democratic County Convention, i
Ou last Saturday the democratic wing
ol the proposed fusion party of Douglas
-mnl v met to this city lor tne purpose
of selecting delegates to tbe state fnaion
convention, which met in Portland yea-
terday, March 2;td. Out ol tiieueiegatee
to which the convention was entitled, ac
cording to the call, but M were present
and among those who were, rreoincn
delegates to this convention vvero a
number who wen present in mo so
ailed sliver republican convention.
flic convention was called loonier iy
K. P. Walte, chairman of the county
ceii i ral committee, and O. I. Ceshow
was chosen temporary chairman, ami
Joe Lyons tempotary secretary. Ibis
temporary organuallon wae anerwani
made irmanent.
A comaiUto ou credentials was ap
pointed consisting ol V. C. London, .
Moore, S. C. Milllrr, J. S. Reckley and
R. A. Fellows.
On motion the chairman apoiulo.t
the following committor on resolutions:
R. S. Sheridan, J. J. thornioii, it. I'.
Yttt, tieo. lVunent and U W. lirubt e.
The convention then look a recess io
1 o'clock, p. iu.
At tho atleruoon session alter tno re
port ol the committee on credentials
and ix-rroanent organuallon, the com
niitlco on resolutions presented Ihe fol
lowing resolutions whicti wore adopted:
Wiikiikas, The tight ia now on in
earnest between tho forces of plutocratic
and popular governments ; between the
advocates of ceutralixed power and self-
government ; between the artogaut lew ,
aud the toiliog million producers of thi
nation ; and
WiiKKBva, Tho republicau party has
throw u otrtbo mask, and has boldly an
nounced itself as favoring the gold stand
ard with its constant and ever Increasing
depression of prices; with its concomi
tant trusts auO coucenirauou oi power
in the hands of the wealthy lew; with
its subserviency to the vast and ever In
creasing power of corporations, ut.d
WUDHE.vs. llio democratic party was
fouuded by Thomas Jefferson for the
very purpose of opposing these evils, and
as the means bv which the mauy pro
ducers and toilers of the nation might
have poteut Influence in the government
of our nation, and as the organ ol the
masses: and
WnrKK.VH, The peop'e a party repre
sents to n very Urge degreo the sa-ne;
principles, and believes with us In gov-1
eminent of the people, for the jeople
and by the people, and many volerai
heretofore belonging to tho republican'
party, hold iu common with us the stuie ;
principle; now, therefore, '
AYi..ttif. Rv the Douglas county dem-
ocratic contention that we favor uniou j
Wiiil HIV t7UIIV Q OU.l . v r...-.
parties iu tho coming political contest ,
.-LI. .1... at'v..p r.imllilli-ilfl
and that all voters win are oppietnl to
the perpetuation and aggravation of the
present gold standard, the delivering of
the monev rnakiug power of our govern
ment to the uational bauks, government
by inj mctiou and corporation rule, and
who favor the money of our constitution,
the free coinage of gold and silver at Ihe
ratirwif li; in I. the income tax. local
self government and direct legislation tie
nv ted to uin with us and the otner two
parties mentioned aovo in placing u
ticket iu the lield uiun which wo may
concentrate our votes aud thus lusure
success of our principles at the polls.
Hffh-etl, That this convention udopt
the plan of union recommended ty our
central commifce, and adopted at the
recent mass convention of the people s un her. We I" .po l,r health w ill nr.
party of Douglas county. And bo it ,rove.
further ...
R.f.lcl, That the delegates elected
by this convention to attend the demo
cratic state convention, to be hold at
Portland, Ortgon, on the 2ltrd day ol
March, 18'JS, be and are hereby in
structed to use all" reasonable effjrls iu
securing an horurable uniou of all silver
forces in die state of Uregon.
After the adoption of Ihese resoluUons
the follow ing representatives of the toil
ing millions, referred to in the resolu
tions, were i hosen to proceed to Portland
and put up a job on the plutocrats. R.
S. Sheridan, national banker, money
lender and representative of the Cleve
land administration in the Roeeburg
land office; Joe Lyons, merchant, bank
er, and note shaver; O. P. Coshow, law
yer; Dr. S. Hamilton, retired capitalist
and money Under; Oeo. Dement, ex
saloon keeer, now mDB a hotel; J. S
beck ley, merchant; J. L. Dewey, ex
saloon keeper, now a merchant; S. C.
Miller, ex-ofticebolder, now lives on a
farm; F. B. W'aite, speculator; Chaa. tl.
Fisher, editor of the Review, and Peter
Nelson, saloon keeper. Of the eleven
delegates but one, S. C. Miller, is a
farmer or in any manner represents the
laboring class. These men are s j far as
we know good citiiiene, but when they
set themselves up as representatives of
the toiling masses, tuev become ridicu
lous. No wouder Ihe honest, conscien
tious populists and democrats refuie to
he bound by the action of such a gang of
bogus reformers.
The following rsons were announced
as the county central committee :
ialesville, Jesse Clements.
lileudaie, Chas. T. Nail.
Myrtle Creek, W. N. Moore.
Riddle, W. A. Webber.
Canyonville, J. L Bovle.
Civil llt-nd, II. R. Challeuor.
Camus Valley, U. -L Trowbridge.
Ten Mile, T.J. Williams.
Lojking Olaas. J. T. Goodman.
Coles Valley, K. W. Diller.
Millwood, H. A. Uurney.
West ltoseburg, I. L. Garni r.
Roeehurg, Dexier Rice.
Deer Croek, V. C. London.
I mio ua, I). H. "est.
Raht Umpqua, H. L. Fugles.
Wilbur, G. W. Grubbo.
Oakland, A. C. Smith.
Calapooia, Frank Gorrell.
Yoncalla, U. D. Yett.
Pass Creek, Joe Lyons.
Combtotk, Jno. Andrews.
Jiktou, K. F. Wells.
Mt. Scott, J. M. liarker.
Gardiner, Ira Harding.
I II K hlLVSll IlKI'l IU-1' s ADH SC I.
Following the adjourn of the
democratic convention three or four ca
rt publicans with as many democrats aud
populMs, met in the jury room aud or
gauuud what thoy termed a silver re
publican convention. Harmon Conn
was ch'joeu chairman and Plinn Cooper
secrelury. , , . ,
Tho following lesolutioua were adopt
ed ...
Jt i, Tbut we arc unalterably op
posed to a eiugle gold standard.
Second; We demand the Immediate
restoration of bi-mctallism for this
country at the present ratio.
Third : We aro iu favor of a uuiun of
all parties favoring bimetallism. All
thouo are political fiiouds. All favoring
tho single gold staudsrd aro our political
enemies. . , . , ,,
Pllnn Cooper, J. NN. oun, O. II.
Buull, P. P. Palmer and Hardin Dayis
were chosen as delegates to go to 1 ort
land ou March 'IS, and assist tollers,
Sheridan, Coshow, Fisher, Hamilton,
Nelson and others, save the country
from Ihe plutocrats.
Tlit) Elks.
Tho annual eloctiou of ofhceia pf the
R. P.O. Klks takes place tonight, and
oihe. irni-ovtaDt business is to be Uajis
ro td. A lull nltenilamn is Jes,uftcf .
YVtdf Creek.
Miss Lillln) Me K re, of Oold.u, who
has spent snim moiitha visiting the
family of her brother, Clarke McKco at
that place, I mm l Wolf Creek, eu
route to her homo at .Inncimti,
J. 0. Booth, of the linn of Roolh .1i
Tuff, k-aukers, i i liiantt Pass ia at Wolf
Ureek, looking all.r their large property
Interests at this plnce.
Horn, at Hotel Reams. March U, 1NM,
to Mr. and Mra, ti. W. Kearns, a .laugh
ter. Died, at llolel Reams. March ll, LHH.
Pauline, the inlant daughter ol Mr. and
Mrs. U. '. Reanii.
F.dwaid Farmer, the station ng. nt at
this place, has t eui tiolilled that he cau
,cli!iiHc Io the railroad olllcn at Oak
land, nud we are informed that he has
decided lo initke Ihe chanue. Mr Far
ruer and I in auiiahlo wife and I heir
children will he v mis.l at Wolf
t'rrek wheielhev Iniv.tlhe proloiind re
sped of the entire community, arid their
many frremla wish them prosperity in
Ilieir new l ome lliesa yood
peopla 'ram HVH Cicck will he Oak
land's giiiu
The new school housu under coiiHlruc
tion at this place was raised,
and the wor k ia uomg cu licely under
the iiiiuiagetneii of Chatlc Kaiuia.
Mrs (ins. ItiiiiiBot llolel Reams
weril lo Placer veMierdav for a law day'a
visit with Mis. U . II I liiiiipton.
Mixnii Rate and .'ennv Cl vrk. Roso
Wilson ami Ruth Uoiu ifa visited Wolf
Creek l.lbt week.
Will Haves ol Woll CieeU goss over
to Olendalc ipiit.1 oltcn. What Is the
Miss l.iilv t'ordcr and Misa lenule
Rolvristf tilendalo visited Mm. Litio of this placo lately.
Charles Atwc.d and family of LIlilT
Creek have removed lo thu place.
At present w aie a KUcat lit Hotel
Reams, aud uo.aiiiiot say to much of
this well kept hotel of which .Iu Vo Wor
ley ia manager, aud Miss Je.nilo lionnell
ia chef de viiit.oi.t-. Mr. ami Mrs.
Reurna have tho Ihe happy faculty ol
pleaintI their iiom.rona guestx, and it
Is the expressed wish of all that they
i will cutilimic in Uk management ol this
I Wolf 1'icek ia a Icasaut and pioalxrr
J towd mi I ihe Inline for it sunns promis
ing. AltUdk.
I'e.klev went to R eel ur SftlUT'
Miss Mail le I'c.k'ey icturiied homo
from Rosebti g Wulner.lay.
Mrs, Sinilli ltaiey of Ros bu g wae
visiting relative-! heie this wet k
Mi.'s Anna liiiiko .'ummenccd tea. h
iogs hool iii Dnvi-r Valley Monday.
Mit-d Jenii.- (i.nke t f Millwiod is tho
jj iett of Mrc. s. J. .lone Ibis vieek.
J. P. Moiikli.niH hu. I' l his family
i in the resident-
e J .Iu. Inn Steams. Mr.
in caip. nier work for a
.u. is enaeu
firm in California. Iln lamily are from
Topeka. Kan., and will remain here and
ne win j uu inem in me mar nnure.
Mrs D. W. Steams was taken sud-
dculy ill la?: un I has been iu a
i tceble condition i ver since, m much to
. that friends were not allowed to call up-
We understand loat wo will
bo-jii luse
uur genial an'vut, A. 1. McKechlile, s
he has a cad lo go t .V'l.lan l us train
dispatcher over tho iivinion from Rooe
burj; to l'tint-muir. We aro so'ry to lope
Me, but wish him hicc-m hi Itie new
T. V.. Fartisworili died Sunday morn
ing after u long illness. The funeral ser
vices aud buriai took place at the I. .
O. F. cemetery Mot.'Uv uf ernoon, R v.
Wood clliciuting.
M ibH A. .. S'ltes Ius nciired thu re
quired number "f meinheis lo Btcure
the circulating library of 11. Parmelse
Co., Dcs Moines, Iowa. .1. II. Dearling
was appointed 1 1 t.ra r in ii and tho library
will be put in in about time weeks.
lini H i .
Several hliiiltnts aie ullliiteil wi'h
col'l-l, which, in some caee, prevents at
teridalico at school .
Arbor day will soon ho here snd then
tree planting w ill he iu order.
Somo promotions in the truiuing do
parmeut tojk place thiH week.
Local contci-t fornnior clvss will oc
cur Friday evening, April 1. All aro in
vited. Admission free.
Parents and others in tho school are
asked to visit us at any lime und nolo
the work aud progress of the pupils.
There aro to ho nine months of free
public school, during tin prereut year
the same not closing till about ihe fl rs-t
of June.
Characteristic of true Americanism,
there is no small degree of genuine pa
triotic feeling among the students, which
sometimes buds expression in words.
Commencement exercises at the close
of tho present school year promi'-eB to
be exceptionally good. Tim contest for
tho gold and silver medals, representing
tho first and sscond prl.-s, respect fully,
is calling lorth ronsiderahlo enthusiasm
on the pait of tho participants, and eve
nings after school tho chapel is rnadolo
echo and re-echo all kinds of prophecies;
condemnations, pleadings. drunkard
scents, lovo affairs, etc., but the reciting
will be well, worth hearing. Come aud
seo. Cis.mi.
Soda walcr always ou d
Caudy Factory.
aught u' tho
Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hopo Al
most Abandoned Hoalth Re
stored by Hood's Saraaparllla.
" Tor lifiii n ,uib I Uii' hulf- red with
rnt irrli und iinlii'i xt inn und my w hole
h.VNli'iii V.HM broken do. n. J hud hIiiiohI
lib niol. mi d mry hope of rei-ov. r.y. 1 pur-
liionlHi linl 1 li i ot Hood's HuraUJiurllli.
und its iffi'cta lui'.o In in uiarvtiouH. it
hii i ininle mo feel lil.o a new man. I am
hI'Ic Io bleep well, huvo u i;ood rippetite,
und f have ciilued r.c vera I jioiiinli In
weight." Jami-.h Wii.DKK,OrovilIe,WasU.
"I had a Kerofula swelling on one side
of my nek und ulcerated sores in my
poslrilu, ciui'itd by catarrh. I also hud
small, ilchlni; norm on my limbs. I
houghl throw hollies of Hood's Huimipa
rilln mid b(i:iin t a k 1 iif it and tho Borot
soon h.nlcd. My blood In purilled, aud
tho scrofula bus illHiippcured." ). D.
McManlh, Mi.i-ilon, Waiihlngton.
Ittlie i.i .1. -.a l.iclllie Oiiii 'J'rue lilouill'iiiilli'i'.
Dean wai in Riiaehuu l"'-
Mr. I. A
litis V.
Will ltutler nmdo
Rotiihuig a visit a
few days ago, ,
lion tl. W. Riddle went lo I' l
on business Mondav,
Mr, Johnson has moved hi faiuHv
Into the Jennie building.
Mr. and Mrs A. II M. hols ae viii-
illgwilhlt. I. Nichols and wile.
Mr. an.l Mrs. kjik ol Caiiyoiivilhi weio
in town una day last week.
School began In Ihe upper dia'rlet
Monday wiin Mw I'. h.l Riddle In
Leiov .'ores ia with us auam after an
absence ol I wo or three mouths.
Mrs. Mini. ii' liatei c4ioe down from
tho Cracker .1 ck ou a visit S ilur.lar.
1'he railroad company have made thla
place their pa-snurr division for the
Ueo. I'. liatei ol thn Cracker .lack
IlilnO wai III loan a few dais nui
J . Frank t l...-.le v and llama Hall, both
ol Canjocvilie, wen. in our .i'y Sunday
Mr. Ro'ii son. s.M-iioii foreman, re
turned I ruin for i Unit I u.s. lar moriiing
after an nhsemeof at.uul a month.
Prof. A. I'. I'oriiutt came up Irom
Myrtle Creek Saturday, where lie arid
lilt wile have hn n vl-iling.
Pi f. Love came up fnuu Ali any Sun
day aud Is i oiif-l.lei ing a proposlilon of
buying the drug store here.
1 here was no preaching heie Sunday,
Rev. Rryan having not yet llnUhed hia
revival meeting- at Mvrile Creek.
Mrs lieo. It. Rl ldl.t and son, Mathc,
went Id Oraida I'aas a lew days ago for It
visit with relatives.
The Kiiehsiug guesers guessed with xeal,
To Cud out "Scorcher's" hidden name.
The thinking llunaer thtuk they know,
Hit "Scorcher" thinks them raihsr
Mr. A. M. Ihitt took the train at this
i.l.ii SninUv nl j lit for Rlondike, where
he goes to seek his fortune iu tho
Dr. Iliggins arrived hero last week
from Philadelphia aud has joined his
wife at Davs creek. We iiuileraland
that tho doctor expect to spend the
slimmer in this vicinity.
Mr. Fred Talcolt of Allmnv arrived
here Wrdncadav morning an I is ihe
guest of Mr. aud Mrs. N. Cornntt. Mr.
lalcoll will uooli to Asht.iud soon where
he expect to enter the normal school.
T'heie la nothing new, poliilcally, in
this part ol the county, lour corre
poinlcnt predicts that J. II. Riddle will
he our next flierlll, and if such ia ihe
esse, it will he an evidence of Ihe good
judgment ol tho people.
We noticed in Thursday's Review an
auuoiiii.ouifiit that the railioad division
is lo ho moved Irom Roset urg In tilen
dale. Wo people of Riddle are not very
badlv frightened, however, and our
hope are not dashed to Ihe ground
either, uota llhstauiliug the idatemeut ol
the ' ureat and onl) " to the contrary.
Si nil. II KM
Cleveland ltcm.
Rhiii) and cool ut ptesrnt.
Ihe farmers at this place are all
through sow lug ari l the grain in looking
Virgil Wuodrolt'a smiling lace waa
seen in thi vicir ity Saturday. What'
the attraction, Virgil '
Rev. J. 11. Skidmoie is hul ling spe
cial meeting iu II loth chapel Ibis
Miss Lucy LuRaut visiting with her
sister, Mrs. L. A. Mais'ers, al thi placo
Miss Constance Sholtori is visiting
with Mrs. J. ('. Gillain of Garden Valley
this week.
M. J. Iliirkbart has ptirchaee I a rpall j
of valuable mul. s !
Horn, to the wife of II. L. Davit ol
this place, March M, l.V.'H, uii
Miss Rva Ji knoii of .Melrore attended
church here one night this week.
The anri' school meeting ui held at
the school hoiM I lit) llrst MomUv in
March. R. I". Woodruff was elected di
rector and Mimh L .ie 1'ilaiu clerk. Ml
Liio w as engaged lo teach lh i-prii.g
term of school, beginning April l b.
Tho democrats h.dd their primariua at
tho school bonne on tbo lL'th of March.
Tho delegates cIiohcii to ut'sud the
county convention ero : R. W. Diller,
M F. Callahan, ('. Toussainl and R. C.
Davis. Rdgar C. Davis wan nominated
for juelice and Patrick Murphy for con
stable. Cl.hN ki. imi Jus.
Drain Notes.
Sunday morning ono of .Mr. R, Riii
iiuiib' horses got ecand at n train and
ran onto Ihe trestle near iho old Drain
home and wuh injured to such an extent
that il had to Le killed. Mr. Ruimolis
dels the loss very much us it was a good
work animal.
Dunbar A Co., of Ritchey ('nn)on,
some three inili-H north" cut of Drain,
have about got tlieir new- saw mill ready
fur running. Its capaciiy will ho about
i?o,()00 feel pur day. Their eiiginu and
other machinery in being unloaded from
the car today. They havu contracted
with Jacob Ritchey and Lou Lewis to
have the los to tho dump. Loggers are
now cutting ou John 1! nick's land. I
bespeak thu new firm it good business.
Mr. Dunbar's old sawmill is still running
hut will probably U mergud with the
now ono. Jocr
I or Micrlff.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for sltttrilf, subject to thu decision of tho
republican county convention.
J. II. ItlDOl.l..
Administrator's Notice.
yulli l, IS III KKIlV r.fKN 1 II AT IHE
A' uii'If rr.lKii. il liun t ii t.y Ilia: Cuuiily Court
of poiiiMii'i ( oiinly, on khii. .Inly sppuliiivrt Ad
lnliibtnil'ir ol Hn: KMulo of U. H McCumpliell,
i. 1 1 .-. .1. All in riii'in lik.iiiK . luiiiin uKulnkt
Bulil f-Nlnto urc hereby rc-j u 1 1 c-l In inunaut tUu
tniiiP, Willi 'i ijii-r vim In i duly . uiilml, .villi In
hx niiiiitliH from tli.i nf tliln until u, to Hie
mull rnKiii d. ut lil rem t' lire hi Vunrallu, pong
lui. County, 'r. ic'ii.
J eliruaiy 2ltli, K. AliAMS,
A'buliilMniliir nl tin; l.tlal'- nl l. ti. McCuinp
brll, dueeus. 1 f-1 L"
Easton's Grocery.
I have opened up agaiu with a full line of
At niy Old Stand on Jackson Stvcet.
Cigars & Tobaccos, Nuts & Caiulles, Also a full Line
of Teas and Coffees of I Jest Quality.
VUI NTHV PltOlJt'CK not'our AM) SMI.P
i I'll ii 1 1 I i'iiiv'iii'0 viinrlvf.
Call Por County Conven
tion. A delegate convent Inn nf lh npubll
t an vntti of Dntiglaa t riunty I hereby
eallml lo meet In the lourt room In Rose
hunt, mi Wcdiieidav, April d'h, I HUH, at
Ihe hour 1 1 ID o'clock, a, in , lor ihu pur
pose ol iioiniualliig comity olllcers, and
elecllng II deleU'iles lo Ihe congrcriloual
coiivenlloii which nieelH at Uiiiene mi
Monday, Apnl II, 1 1 delegates
to the slate coiiMMilloli, which meela at
AstorU tin Thursday, April II, I hum, and
1. 1 transact such other hiisuieas aa shall
iroperly come Imforo said convention.
The convention will consist of l'.'l
delegate acpoinlel aa follows: One
delegate at largo lor eactr precinct, ami
one for each l!0 votes or Iractlon i f live
or over cast for R. S, lleau for a.iptemu
Judge Iu iHWtl. That will make (ho repre
sentation as follow :
ltoseburg il Ml. Hcott II
Deer Creek l Riddle n
Unipipia il Pass Creek t
We l Roaeburg ti t! t
Yoncalla il Myrtle Creek 5
li.nyonviio ( lileudaie H
Cole Valley ' Ten Mile H
tivilllond It llaklan.l
Wilbur :i Cow Creek H
Millwood Fast Umpipia i
l.lktoo Looking Glass I
Sctitlaluirii .1 liardilier s
t'ama Valley i I uke ''
CalaixHiiti i,
Total l'.'l
The committee recommends that the
primaries to elect said delflc be held
at Ihe moial voilug p'a.-ea In each pre
cinct al 1 o'clock, p. in. ol Saturday,
April HH
It Is Inrlher leeoiiiiiielidi-d that Ihe
several piiinarles choose one person lo
rv a a member ol ihe county central
committee for the coming two years.
There will al'o bo nominated at the
aeveral p.iiuary ch ctioo, candidates fur
justice of the c.n'o and conalahle, a hose
noiultialloti min'l be certified lo the
county loiiventioii lor colitiruialiuli.
The coiiiiniliee lid mincuded that nil
nroxie be i-lceii In iierKona not actual
B"ld ! rerii lenta of tho preclude lo be repre
! lerdcd.
Rosehnr), I lietii'll, Feb. '.'li. Mil.
f. w. hknkon,
s. C. I i im, Cbalimaii.
Secret at v.
Tor all Kiilcr
Young or Old
Heavy or Light
Large or Small
VMCll and yi'Ai.irv
Notice to Taxpayers.
A' Isv rnli f"i Hie ir Ivj; hn. Ira dill,
prril lit mi ("r lie .ii ri. . ol . ntl.-.'tllia thu
taxra i lim il He n "it In.'-' aie uo li" 'l"U
and 1'im.l.Ii' t Hi.- -in ml i.i!li --.
Un. ImiK. (in -I'll, Mm. u I. Hi I-I-.
II A'. I K,
-in ml - I 1'iiin- -. ,ii m -, Ui. k-"ii
Crockery and
Glassware !
I.iuK-t hii'l I'im -4 Aniiirtuo n(
M-t H iDlaj-itlc I HI' M llmirr
All kinds of Country Produce
ililAlfll Vl KKAHTY.
i.i i Ki.ii
N A 1 1' in: s v .-
AT HOfflE.
iiniy I'fuc 1 1, ut
. iilifni l mail.'.
1'rlcc- 7.5 Iu I ... lluili i. .inn mnl
t-iiiiltiirliini cuiiililiieil. .lives Voulli und VlK"l.
Cun it Kli.-inriittlr.iii, Ni-tiruliilii, I. a .olppti, Colili.,
J.hi r and Kl'lin-y 'I r.iulile. Muki r. I'U-iu bkn
UU'J HijiiIIiuh Hie Ni 1 1 i-r.
Toledo, tiliiu.
1,. I. U.U.SII, Ai(i nt Im liniiKlii" iiunly
Kefi r I')- p. iuii.-Iiiii to
Mun tl. C. tli li u.r.iN,
MM lul li n limn..., llun liiiiK, U.
j IIDW -