IV'rtlrtnJLibrlf The Plaindoalor BE3T ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'll lil hliiiil r.vrry I liiiimlny Aflcrnoon AUIak nifl Mull) Hlreet, ItUNlClll'MU, UHIMJOM -SV TIIB- PLAINDEALER PUQLIiHINC COMPANY. yalTiS,PJ The Plaindoalor IUSTEBH, DOIH3KR?, t I ITER HEAPS, I'ILL HEAI'S, ' ETC.. ETC., KTO. Kiectitod Neatty and at Living rates. Vol.. XXIX. ' ROSKBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, i8q8. No. 12. if i t'.llr ,tiiln(. I'. O. KI.K4. liOHKIIUItit l,) 1)1 IK, Ml. I, I. 11. .1.1 ii,.ir n.ilar noiiiiniiiilnailiiiia mi Ilia I. t. i. r. hull mi n okI mi l iiiurtii iiunanay 11I ill 111. mill. All iiHMiiln'rn r"iKito. lo al- loii'l r'tuiarly, mi l mi uiiinn iirniiieni our lUlU IIVU''I I) Mlll'll.l PKKI) I'AOK II MIIN, K. K IIKKMAN SI A It KH, ifc'i'n-tarjr. O'lliUl.AI I'OIINCII,, Ml. il JK. ). I'. A. M 111. I'Vi'rr W t- 1 1 . ' I m v rvi'iilm lit iirhrt In tli nl'l Mawiiilo Hull. VIIUll limlli'-u mil I'linllnlly luvltml In aUnml. C. II. liHItiiH, Ua.i, W. I'khhy, t;uiini:lltir. llmMinliiig Hi'Ciutai y. f AI'ltM. I.OI11IK. A P. A A. M.. ItK'K'l.AB 1 iuihiIiiiI Ilia M mi. I Ith Wadiiaadajrs In ui4i:li iiniitlii. PHKK JoIINmUN, W. M, N. T. Jr. watt, Hecy. Iillll. 1 nit I.KTAKIAN MliillK. NO. It. I. (. U. P nim'U rialuntar ofi-nlna of cioh wk al tlititr liall III o.l. I rplluw luil al H4Mvuura. Ui-iuI.it III lm ulilnf In a-ixxl ImKtllK l" I II V II- .l In allvtl'1. lOHKHI ItlllllNnON, N. II. i r. i MH m.Ll, IH-u 7. ItilriKIICKH I.OIM.K, Ml. lit, A. O. V. W iinx u I tin mmoiiiI mul Inurlli Mondays ol r-w h in. nun 17 M p. in l H.l l Follows Hall, 'ifiiiimr hi Uw nr.li.r In (mol lamllng me In II.. I in uuml. KNOIDhl. Ml -j, li. A. K , MK K1H Till Dial mi. I Itunl llmri'lara ul i-ai-B BionlD. w OSIKN H IIKI.IKP OKI'S NO. 10, alE1 11 rMf. mil lllllil ril'iaya ih vwu hiuhiu. 1,'AllMP Al.I.lANl K KiKUUr gtmrlorli Mi-elliia will 1. 11 In-Ill al (Iranfa Hall Kini'tinr. Urn Hem KrliUy In Di ci-mlxir, Mart anil J ii lit', ami Hi lulnl ril'lay lit &o'U'mlr. 1 OHklllMli; II AITKIl, NO. O P. H., MKKTi urn -.im.1 ami luuriU 1 uurlari ol each WOlltll. Mul. I. IK MI.VMUH"OK, W. M. KK'ilN A HAT, rtoe r niKllt'KH UIVIHION NO i:, B. OP UK., R UILVU ClVIf tl'lllll IU'1 lUHim rM7. RD-iKIU llH K. l LODtiE. NO. 1. " nunlmill I iiiia-laj utvlilnl "I each I lu. DM Piluwa hall. Vlaltlui UUra aud U'vihK'O arv IiivIUkI lo annul. MKItlT W KbT. N. O. AS1.UA h Jllll. K. Hi-C. M.I1IA I.ODHK. NO. 47. K. 1P IV, MKKTK V t..l,M-ly rnlii ai OUJ Tallowl Hall. Vlatllim KuinhU lu oo4 alauJlDf cor llallj lnvlUi.1 lo aiu-n l. M. OilAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Uuumt. Mamu raHuliaiiiK. KOHKllUBO, OR. iuiiii'M Iwlurv tli V.. I-anJ OITlie aud uiuiiut 'a-n a H-lall)f. IjiIii RiH-clVt'f U. fl. Illd OlBi'O. ...a.,, m hkowk. ri. r aui -Ti-tTili. JJUOWN A TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, y R. WILLIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, XVIll prai-tlca in all tha oourl uf lha Blala. Ol lea lu tha Court Unuaa, Ilouglaa cuuotr,Or. 0. 1 A. HEFILBREDK, Attorney at Law, Hatebura, OrrtfOO, . ItBna of ac tha FuaWIBM on Jaciauo atraat. (), P. C0SH0W, Attorncy-at-Law, Npevlul intention Kit en to Com iiirrrliil I.iiw t ollcvtlon. 1:IIcuiiii JiirWmm M. i.iiiiil: Mm r. in Hlock. HOSKIII Ki, OllKOON. E. d bthatfobd, Attorney at Law, Knoiim K ami Taylor it Wllaou Ulm-k. KO.seBl'KU, OH I 13. EDDY, fl Attorncy-at-Law, Koll llt'KU, OKEUUN. J RA n. riddli:, Attorney at Law, UOhKDURO, O11E00N ? LM Ell V. HOOVER, Physician and Surgeon, oIKU'lC: M11I11 Wlrcul, uiio door loiitli uf Clly Hull. HOHEUITUU, 0U. 31 VRA BROWN, M. D. OlrHl!K, uOJ Juckaon Hired, at rii lUuuuo of Mr. 1. Jllrxer. KOrKUUllU, Oil. 1- L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homooopathio Phyeician, Hat-bum, !( 01. 6Jf ibrnulo dUaaua a pauialtf. w ILL. P. HEYDON, CJoiiuiy Hiirvoyor, Mud Nulury l'ubllc. orru'C lu Court llouic, Orilnlu lor Kili vi' Ini! ami Klt ld Nutvaahullld ho a liiii'micil Id Win r. 1117,11111, 1 iiiiiiiy nur vcynr, Kiim'Iiiiik, Or. STRICTLY I-IK5T-CLASS. f HOT PI .McCLALLBN. Mild. U. ('. Mit l.AI I.KN, 'iiii. QEASQ7A&TES9 TOB TRAVELI173 KZV, KATI.N It I'.AHON A III, I'.. lariti', Pint tniniUi lliiiiiim. Pnw 'lluatnaii'l Krntn Trnltm. EOSEE'JUO, JERRY J. WIL50M, . U'atcliiiiakcr and .IiMveler, Jnt-kaxiii Wlrcvl, All MrpulrliiK riilrunttil lu n mr will Dr I'llllMI'TI.V nutl uatrcfully do no. I'llII KS II KAn' 'N A Hl-K. 4 m- .- aa ' . H, C. STANTON Uaa )'iat iaarlvad a and lul atock o DR Y : GOODS OONMlNTINO OP Udlos' llren.1 (ioojn, UiIiIkiun, Trimniiii, Uccb, He, K.tf. - XIMO A PINE MOCK UP- HOOTS Ail SIIOI Ol tha brat 'jualllf anl flnl.li. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow lid (ilaxa Wait, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. 4li oa han't lo quntitlr at.il m prim U 4ull tb UmN, Alw Urn tot k uf Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "L. I'. M" WOODWARD THE BUSTLEE ROSEBURG Duvh L'i ALL COMPETITORS: Willi klMAyiiu lliuLiml, ami mi an U ken tlicrc. Tho (iolJi n llarvcat ia umu un, auj farm en ro imiliiij; lccaiiao Woodward looai to tlivir inlcrc-at. Full Tilmincd TEAM HARNESS Thtae are all Leather aud Worranlod. SADDLES Ai KmluooJ I'rioci. Coniult your iurao and Lo lure aud let Woodward before buylug. W. G. WOODWARD B IIOHWI.I.I., IIouhIiu Co u 11 1 , Oregon. Tlia walont i tlivau tprliiK t'oiiliilii : Imllhi', Brnmllli'. I'lilniminiii, llui ('iiilinlliili'" ul Iron anil l.lniu nuil C'liloriilc ol ( nk lnin, Mukiii'Miiiii anaBoiiiuui. One Sirluu coulalua 4 IS and tin' nllar vvt Wigraiiin uf mil til niutUT to tin' khIUiii. Iouatrd mi tliu Houtliuru I'aiilio Urtilr.iinl. t'Hlia.la riiiu-i" from Han 1'ihiiiIm'o to 1'uitliiiid. lu lioUKlaa Con Illy, On iin. Airgravaloit pnm'n ol Utiruniitt imn, NaMil Ca tarrh, Catarrh nl tho Hloiiiiu-li, 1ivnh'ihIh Ilia het. NuiiralulH. Mnlar'nl r.iKoiiint, KI'lli'-v Trouble, ConallpHlloli, DlMiiKi-a uf llio Skill, I. Ivor aim mnvi-ii, huh vi'iii'rrm niM tim-i niivn buou curcit by tho utu ol Uii'hu watri s. Now bath-roonia coiiih-i-IciI wall I In' nniiu bulldlnir. 1'iiklollko and Kxi ivhn on (ho n Hi lar. iJtUly mail, uorlh ami mmlli. Tprina-llO per wi'fk, I.' ju-t ilny, liu'lmllug balln. Tho Holol U uudor tho luimodialv mih i v1 lou of CAI'T, IIKN. 1. IIOSWIII.I., Bi77 MutiaKor. Ask your Druggist for a gc-ucroua 10 CENT TRIAL 8IZE. Fiv's Creatn Da!m ATARRH .jj ----MS conlalni no cihiiIii.', & niHrrnrv nor auv ol KT -. Iiijiirloua drug. Vl ItuquicaijAoauiuun. r; ,( (llvt'l llollul 11 oni ii. OLD 'm HEAD (IIU .1UHI . wo..,,v". Alliiva lnflaiiiiiiutlon lloula ami I'roli-ila tliu .McuiItiiih'. K'-Uri m tin, hnikU bf 'Junto mul biili-ll. I'ull riii:r00i. ; 'I'uiil Hrv Kiel l lrurulla or l.y mml. 1U UHy'i'lll.li', W uitiu Mic.'!, iv Voil. SCHOOL Ol f ICIALS. kvluiiin of the Annual Election. 'J' 1 1 ii follow Inn m ho'il ! lion rtiluriia Imvo I'l'i ii m'ii-Ivm.I by On; Niiiriritend nit ; I. Onklanil J.l limit, ilirutur; (Jeo, I , Kiln ill, clnrk , Juliit No, L'. Ali'iH -1', IS. Kiieair, ' dirw tor ; Is, J, Nlirinn, nltirk. II. ElklifAil lltinry Witllf, director; 1., Lru'llniil, clnrk. I. Iti Hiitmrn- i. S'. Jont-i, dirnctor; Alh'tj Mii-i jiluii, clmk . o. IJini'liinK -J. V. Whiter, diim;tor ; Cliai. I n kl ii l, i loik. ii. liiiM.-tmrrf Jnliu Hliuteu, director; L. h. Mi l.aiiKlniu, t ltifh. 7. Tkii Milt- .1. If. I'ortur, director; W, II. Wa, .Ink. fi. (!i.v mi;;'--l. C. (tilitia, direct or ; li. W . Cum i , col. Ii). O.iUl.iiiil J. 10. Tril hi , director ; 1.. O Lki-iHiu, i l ik. 1 1. Oik Cihek I. J. Tliortilun, di li rtor , J. Kurkrr, clurk. VI. (.III.' A. NUilifwa, director; I. Mj!ii-w il"ik. I. 'l. I.o kii.;; ( !.-. Win. Voorheca, dirn.-ini , J. I', i loui'min, clerk. II. DilLmi - 1. h.Cliiirnliill, director; A. H. I l,!in.uy, tlerk. I.'i. Cai'Vonville ieo. Muuer, direc" I ii ; I. .V. MiydiT, link. Ii I'.roikwu) - Win. Uuitoo, direct or ; I!, II. I.i-imx, clerk. 17. I r ii i ' i ' i . Kerry Wm. Camp, di rector; A. I-:. Clayton, clerk. Is. U jHlnir S. Van Houten, direc tor ; Jaini'H lliwi-liaiu, clerk, .Mk'I" Orwrk K. A. Hironif. di rcflor ; (!. J..Uicliey, clerk. 0. Kiddle J. K. I Iran, director; I, A. Mean, rlork. -I. ( 'riii.:n Valley H. K. Hi-ronton, di't'ili.r, I!. J. Trow bridge, clerk, I'rjin V, A. I'erkinf, director; J . 'V. I row roil , clerk. ".'!. !i-il.eiiit J. A. Ster lier.B, dirt-c- l-ir ; .1. l Marr, clerk. I'l. i ink Iji.d - J. S. Hunt, director; W. .Mtf:iii'i -y, clerk. i'-'i. Mi liin-e lleiiry Cvuo, director; I, . W. I 'i.li-t , e!vrk. .ii. i i.ik!..i,, K. 0. Harvey, director; (.'ban. A i I er, cltlk. -". I i.i k miii! A , M. Sit.ii h, di ector; T. Sit.ilb, "fik. :s I; ii- lliil- t. W. IVtui, director; Win. Jure, i Ink. -i. I.aii.--J. II. Stocker, director; A. )'.. M i ker, cltiik. ;j. Vmii ;t!lu K. J. Ptacy, director; CIihh. I 'i i-'i'ul), i K-rk. V 1 1 1 1 1 -,i '. 1 j - W. K. ljinman, ilirec t ir . A. W. I..1111I1. cltirk. ;:i. K kiin -ll. U. ntnimick, direc tur , l. . I'i m-'lii I. "1. I'.Il:. 1 . J. Sawyer", director; II. t i I 'no a 11, lerk . ;;0 Sri I'M 111- T. W. Andrews, di pctor; J. . I I1-1l.lt 11, clerk. :!7. K11' . iiini" - K. T. Kni-e, director; Mrn. M.11 l.i I'oJfni, ceik. Si-.iit-biirk; A. L. Hnller. direct or, l ied Wcaliierly, clerk. i. l).ik!.iiiil A. II. Hart, director; W. .1. l.-e.i r, clerk. Id. il.iklaiiil j. S. Kdwnrd, director; J. A. U 11.11 (.ml, cleik. II. t ni'diicr Md. .Muridiv, director; John StiercH , t lerk, I. ;. Ki-'i.'t: A. II. Wocditi, director; Artliiir Ai.mt, 1 leik. II. r.in'r S. K. Millc, director; i.. II. Mcl.ln.y, clerk. 1 1. Milio:)il P.. W. Spraaue. direc tor. Wm. II. Clark, clerk. 17. Mvillo Creek -T. II. llurnett, di loi'tor; W. 1.. Monroe, clerk. I1. WiiiHor. W. ii. Miller, diiector; W. C. Winntoi), clerk. li Olulb J. W. McFurUod, di rector; A. Ireland, clork, .'1. Yonc.illa W.J. Slock, director; A. J. l.ee, .It rii. 0-. Myrtlo ICreek Henry Wiley, di- toctor; ti. 1". Brewer, clerk. I I. Myrili Creek T. L. Brewer, di rector; Mia. Kli.'.'ibe'.U Alexander, clerk. ol. Kollou' T. H. Williamp, direc tor; C. M. Mmier, clerk. iij. Myrtlo Croek- J. B. Bowman, di rector; J. ti. New (on, clerk. fjti. I.nokinu UUbb Wui. Dysert, di rector ; W. II. NorcroM, clerk. o7. .Myrtlu Crock Ira Howard, di rccturr; 0. l.mlinntou, clerk. 6S. I'oinsuiek V. H . Tucker, direc tor; Wm. II. tiray, clerk. .v.i. Pillurd -W. W, Walker, director ; Mdnr Walker, elak. til). t'lniHiua Keny I. A. Cole, di rector; W. r. tiritlilli, clerk. HI. lVulue A. Bullock, director; C. li. Nett, clerk. OL. I. ii-lei l.CHlie Hat6eld. director; C. M. Hedetli, clerk. ti;!. (iHiiliner 0 H. York, director; K. I". Aeliworlll cleik 01 lialoMviltc Ci B. JoIidb. director; W. S. B-olh. clerk. Cm. ().ik Creek Uobt. Blakely, di rector; I.CHier Illakely, clerk. (Hi, Klktoii A. B. Haiaen, director: J. A. lluineM, clerk. t7. IbuinW. Wilcox, director; Jut, O. Ilunler, clerk. tW. i:ldi L. I). Hughes, diroclor; J. I1'. I'Iidiii iioii, clerk. 71. Ilofiibiirt' W. E, Davenport, di icctur; Kalili Mark, clork, 7J. I'uuiaa Valle) W. T, Davis, di rector; J. U. Wilnoii, clork. 7:1. tiardiuer tJ. B. Balderree, di rector; Arthur Walker, clerk. 74. Oakland lieo. U. (iilkiccn, di rector; CIihh. 11. Lane, clerk. 7,'i. Kiddle B S. Niclioli, director; . A. run e, ciei k. Ti. Dmin J. II. M urn power, di- 111 101 , iiii i ay inr, ciera. 1 77. lileiidiile W. II. KedBeld, di lector;!) t', Kliorer, cleik. iih. KnHiliiiix 'I. W, Neal, director; E, Dixon, clerk 7ii. Yonc.ilia K W. L inn, director; , Y. IIHUH. clClk. 81). Oakland II. It. Mauuiuif. di lector; T. J. Medley, clerk. Hi. Yi ic.illu--C. B. Stauley, director; J. T. Miller, t lurk. So. liaidiiiei M. V. I.cacli, director; Kol eil M.('li:iiiii.in, cleik. 81 Millwood J W. Baitrom, di rec'ttr: Hnaln Clayton, clerk. 85. KhIIoju Cbaa. Teieraon, di ri-clor; Tlio. Mrholaon, clerk. 8H. Klkion Oeo. Hiuitb, director (ieit. M. KwaKKrrt( clerk. 87. Konoliiirg K, K. Weekly, dl rector; L. II. Carter, clerk. 8H Hulplior Ppringk Cbri. I'yril., Qiroctor; iir.xie vaie, cierx. 81). Yoiicalla-W. E. Tliompion, di rector; Jiditli O. Thompson, clerk. Ul. Oakland Ana Cole, director; .'. F. Duncan, clerk. 1)2. Florence Clirltenen, ill rector ; 8. B. Calvin, clerk. 0.1. Ada D. W. Vanderberir, director ; aim. ii V. vvnieer, clerk. IM. Wlncbeater W. V. Gilliam, di rector ; Jamea hwart, clerk. Do. Millwood Wm lawrence, di rector; Mrs. M. E. Alexaodar, clerk. W Koo'laborir C. Ulaiw. director; a a a . . J. 11. i.uuerH, clerk. 07. Mynl Creek O. II. Bice, di rector; (eo. IjiJKrwood, clerk. OH. Kuby W. A. Smiley, director; c r. nyora, clerk. 00. Oaklaod Q.T. Spooner, director; J oil 11 Kraft, clerk. 10". Dillanl E. L. Uice, director: C. Il. i lrt, clerk. lul Cornalock D OaviJ. director: C. W. Jackaon, clerk. 10.'. Oardiner Frank Leach, di rector; Mrs. K. M. Harvey, clerk. K.'l. I iardiner John Lawion, di- rtctor; Wm M. An Je'Son, clerk UH. Oakland Nat Evans, director: 1. W. smart, clerk. 105. (iardiner C.tE. Mark", direct or; Chrialeno Mark, clerk. 100. Florence Geo. Shultr. director: Wm Service, clerk. 1U7. Olalla Mason Aldrich. director: D. A. 1'rock. cleik. 108. Elkton W. F. L. Wrijsht, di rector; (ieo. W. Hansen, clerk. 100. (ilide W. A. Smith, dirtctor: F. J. Coiiiiiue, clerk. 110. Streout Win Wiley, diree'er : J. S. Wiochell, clerk. 111. Itowrmrg Samuel Mabliy, di rector; K. C Brown, clerk. Hi.'. Comatock l.'has. Wolie, dinci or; J. A. LiriKi!, clerk. 113 Uar.linor W.T I'eck, director; L. A. Black well, clerk. 1U. Glide Frank Cbio'ell, director; C. O Green, clerk. 115. Oiklan.l J. II. Manley diiect or; Ixiuis Standacber, clerk. 118. Oak Creek S. O. May. director: J. W. Burge, clerk. School Report. Kjlluwiog is the report of the Oakland public school which closed on the lltti lust : . No. of da) s taught 116; No. ol pupils enrolled 107; average dally AlUntiauce 10ii; average No beloinuug 124 In the lirimuar department Erea Adams was neither aWnt nor tardy dur- itm ibn six inoniha. Intermediale dept : Gusiu Deardi-itf, Charlie HansiM-k, Ada Jones, Sherman Jnnnall.OladiB Mai'key rrimary dept.: ivian Oiiumick, Ora I'llkltiKton, Canie Collins. Those at vraKing 00 and above in their exaininaiious are : liHA.MMAU GItADK. EHa Juvinad 00; Laurence Hunt 01; Clyde McGtieeO"; Hany Wbitiaker 91: Joseph Di-ardortTOi'; Jennie McGbee 05; Irene Bone 01. lMKHMKlHArE l.BADK. Grace Grubbe 03; Cbarlie Dear 04; Charlie Hartsock 04 ; Gladys Mackey 93 ; Maggie DeardorlT 00; Sherman Juvinall 03; Dolpb Cole 02; Lena Kaatba 04; Elsie I ilkinglou '.),), I'HIMAKV DBAllK. Douiilas Maboney 05; Ar'.har Beckley 97; Merle Smith 01: Sarah Hunt 07; Annie Grnbbe 0.; 1v1aa lhmmick OS; Jeptba Hunt 00; Kosa Howard 03; Esther Deardortr 01 : Lilly Knld 90; Car rie Scballintt OS; Wesley Gilmour 04; Aitnes Vanarburg 9,i; Ora l'llkington 07; HeBline Gallagher 03 ; Fioxsie Kitd 04; Gould Tillotson 04; Ella Scballing 00; Merle Hammitte 00; Orvllle Kruse 01; Ueede Bone 00; Annie Harrison 90; May Harrison 01; Emile Joy 00; Ida Gray 90; Walter Mackey 01 ; Willie Clarke 00; Mionie Clarke 90; Etta HoRan 90. School doused with appropriate exer cises, which were witnessed bv a goodly number of visitors, all of whom have been interested in the work of the school throughout. W. A. .McGhke, Principal, Big Sheep Deal. A. W. Stauton, bnyer of sheep from Montana, completed the purchase last Sa'urday lu Pendleton of 1000 yearlings, 3500 choice bre-nling ewe ami 30j0 lainb.s to be delivered at Hrppuer after shearing, The ewes brought $2 25 per bead and tho lambs $1 05. The seller was H F. Monroe, an extensive sheep owner ol Condon, Gilliam county. Tliix in the largest dual no far reported in EaBtern Oregon bis sea ion. Mr Stan ton is still iu the mtrket, ai be wants a few more sheep. He hag also made a purcbaxe from a Umatilla county theep man, John Campbell, who sold him 10U0 head of brecdiug ewes on a basis of t2.50 for the ewes and 1.'.'5 for the un droppod lutubs. Oregon i an. What Pleasure is there in Die with a headache, constipation and biliousness? I hoUBands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De- Witt's Little Early Kiiteis, the famous little pills. Marsttrs 1'iug Store. Kilurat Vour llowela W ith f'aacareta. Candy ruthm-itc, euro constipation forever, lOo.ifto. If C. C C. full, ilru-Kit refund money. Hon. Blanche K. Bruce (colored) died at hi home iu Washington last lliurs day. After Fred Douglas Mr, Bruce was ga riled as the most conspicuous man of tils race. Don't annoy others by vour coughing, nd risk your life by neglecting a cold. UllU 4U1UUIU VOUKII V'llio VUUgllD, colds, croup, grippes and all throat aud mug troubles, a. j. .u.trierb iv iu, The Kloudike ruuli does not seem to be limbing r.a IunI us It w as expvctuil it wuuld bo siiiiii' weeks liiiu'e. Dougia County Tax Roll. Following Uasimmarrof theeM-it (rota the assessment roll and fax list for Douglas conmy, Oregon, showing the mount of taxable properly, and slate, school. Indigent soldiers luoJ and conn ly tax, and also allowing the special lues levied In school districts and In corporated towns and cities in raid conn ty for the year 1807. The valuation of all taxable property, coveting lawful exemptions, is 14,723, 1 ", upon which a 20-mill tax has been 13.. ed as follows: .':tate tax 3 6 mills, 110,633 18 rCHool tax 4 " 18,8'.I5 07 Indigent soldiers. . 0,2 " 044 67 County tax 12,3 " 59.102 32 Total 20 mills, $94,475 32 SCHOOL School dislaicls taxes as follows: No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. 8 No 11 DIHTBICTS. have levied special . 2 mills, . 5 4 " 14 " . 2 " . 8 " . 3 n ii 8 " . I'j " . 4 5 " . 0 " . 0 " 15 " 01 '. 8 " , 10 " 22 " 8 " 1 4 15 " 381 55 414 60 3,0If0 01 101 20 07 78 080 Oh No. 15 No. 10 441 71 No. 21 No, 2-' No. 33 No. 34 No. 4') No. 05 III 02 O:; 7 00 101 00 250 20 157 05 123 00 803 05 87 70 101 05 87 95 459 08 137 68 153 W 28 07 37 37 .1 75 No. 77 Fo. 03 No. 94 , No. 08 , No. 104 No. 105 No. Ill No. 112 No. 118 J. D. No. 5 Total special school taxes 13,800 31 CITV TAXKM. Drain, 5 0 mills, $203 16 Myrtle Creek 4 0 mills, 100 30 Koseburg 5.0 mills, 3.001 03 Total city taxes, 3,4M 53 $100,807 21 881 CO fotal taxes upon property Foil taxes uncollected Total taxes to be collected $107,088 21 Against the Initiative and Referen dum. We hope that there may be g'xd sense enough in the democratic state conven tion not to inject into the pi cform t lie Initiative and referendum iesue. W hue there will be many democrats a-otolhe polls to vote the fusion ticket who have do sympathy for that kind of politic?, having to choose between two evils there will be thousands who will either stay away from the polls or do ss the gold democrats did in 180C. This is 110 part of the national democratic creed, and if forced on tbo conservative members of the party will be followed wiib disaster. The fusion should create do near and ami-democratic tenants. It will be a bitter dose at best to thousand of demo crats who have never faltere t in their devotion to the parly and its principle iorlland Dispatch (Democrat). EverilxHiy Saya So. Cascarcta C'andv Calburtic, the most won derful medical discovery of the ape, pleas ant and refri-shine to the taste, act gemly and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels. cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever. Habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Fusion Candidates forjudge. There piomiees fo be numerous can- lidates for the circuit pjdgeship. J. W. Hamilton, of Kofeburg, is reported as making an active tight already. With H. Hazard, of Coos, and Geo. A. Dor- ris, of Lane, tbe fusion convention will not lack material. They do say that Hon. N . S. Mcladden may be in the field. Tbe queer pa t ol this as in many other features of thisifusion mako up, is the fact that all the candidates are demo crats. Mr. Hamillan i understood to be a gold democrat but he may succeed in making the meek and lowlv populists think be ia orthodox, Mr. Hamilton is a man of brains and usually of firm prin ciple and this fusion free silver dodge would come with poor grace irotu him Eugene Hegister. Tho Fountain of Youth. We all remembet the story cf Ponce de Leon necking the fountain of eternal youth: and we all sympathize with him in his search. Youth means so much. It means more than life for sometimes life becomes a weariness. But youth with its abounding health and vigor, elastic step, glowing cheeks, and sparkling ; eyes we ull covet genu ine youth. 1 ' 1 1 n-.aV. fc -t "TSpn?'? "ess or dis w ease which ages people before their time, is not the result of accumulated years; It is the effect of wrong living and unhealthy blood. Wben the blood u pure and iresli tbe body will be full of youth. Thousands of people who seemed to have tost their youth by disease and suffering nave found it again tnrouga the use 01 Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the most perfectly natural and scientific rejuve nator of tbe physical forces ever known to medical science. It gives the blood-making organs power to make new blood, full of the life-giving red corpuscles which drive out disease, build up fresh tissue, solid muscular flesh and Bcaitny nerve lorce. 11 gives consiuuiionui power, deep and lull and strong; rouuua out hollow cheeks and emaciated forms; gives plumpness, color and animation. It does not maae naooy lai nac com liver oil. On this account, it Is a perfect tonio for corpulent people. It aids digestion and the natural action of the liver, and by feeding the nerves with highly vitalixed blood banishes nervoua uess, neuralgia and insomnia. Where a constipated condition exists, the "Discovery " should be used in conjunction W ith Dr. I'iercc's 1'leasant l'ellets, which are lli. most iioilcct. mild and natural laxative in the world. There U nothing else "just ss good." There is nothing that will do the won so luotouguiy, aiucijr and coimouaou. J New Store ! 2iiUers' A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK i t i Low Prices! Mrs ft JOSEPHSOft Dry Goods Gents' Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS fiOTIOrtS AilD FflICY GOODS JVCURE CONSTIP ATIOTl I0c tUlLf? TXif laVaVil WYLIE PILKINCTON, ; Successor to General Blacksmithing A :T SCB,JHMSr.aBxa:jEjK;2fS'a. rROTTINO AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPA1RLSQ OF ALL KISD8 PROMPTLY DON. Shop 011 corner Waslitnuton aud Kane Bte., Rosebnrg, ffvX up I Jf V T The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump !! EuJoreed by leading Orcbsrdists of Oregon. Spray Pumps, Uamboo Rods, Double and Single Vermorel Nozzles, Strainers, Hose, Ktc., at CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY i MCKENZIE'S. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DKAI.EaS STAPLE 1 Fulfill GROCERIES 1 PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AIsO A Kt'l.L LINK OK TOBACCO & CIGARS. lilVK I'S A IKIAI.. i ui i; iM.i.ivi:iiv, New Goods! (grocery STOCK OF Free Delivery CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS U. V. NOAH,) IN ALL KINDS or boor South uf P. U-. I