The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 17, 1898, Image 3

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Tuc t liiiri'livn.
Mn ii"il' i 1 in i' n coi m r ul Main alel Lane
tlruon. Mini't jr ;Mcrvluo: rrraohlni, II . m
kil l 1.11 p Ml., hatibatli Stiioiil, 10 H I t.
W. Wmillty, Hiipicliitriiili'tili Ulaas Macllug at
, Iihmi ul Urn utiiriilng aurvlrc; kp worth lawsus
i o i. hi. Iliitlli) (.iHlln-y, rieanltiil. I'mjrcr
M-i'tiun. .iivi . ni ; id i in.
Knixs I. M 'i'Mi, l'alur,
Pirtunatit, ((iintif Main mnl l.nne.
I'MBSIIT t nl N tllUUtll - Olllllill 111 Haaa Slid
KtiMiatfvula. Huii'Uy Hi.rvlm: l'ullu wuraklp,
a in ii'l 7 k) I- in ; hi.iUi Htiiool, 10. m.;
V. I". H. i;. K..7 p. m. I'm))' Miullm. Watlnea-
Ljr.7 W i. ui. ....
H II. I'lLwtinTM. I lulor.
1 - i hi. Hi.n mi n nil h ii on huuli i Wtrt.
iiinl nti il II "i i'i ii I ' " I' "' "''
, i uie tm I Imivl.iy i ii nlil.
A. i -iU.. I'aaUir
i i '. . i. ' ( hi m II. Ciim i 1 ' "ii'l
Mam trt 1 1. - iln uli w i-uuil ftll'l luurtli
unlay iiiiiiuing ol nu U nvnilh awl t-Miy Hun
l i i liltii! -Hiini i l aninmlirttl I'"tn
inn, ., i,,-, l:n . JuMM Daw-ov,
M ili'iiai .
M. I I H i II, h "I l ll. M'n,.i'ii filarial
ii'' ituiit mi l c t iiln;'.
1. 1 J. I i ul 1 l"al
Weather keport
Fur Urn Muck nuling Mrrli lii, l!).s.
Maximum trinpi luliire.iiO, on llio I till.
Minimum liMiiKialiirit, -7, on tho lUtli.
1'iui li'iuiiuii, l.:;n.
Average1 pri-dpltatitm fur lliia lumilb lor
'ij )rara, .I.M.
Total irt't'iiUtiuli f i om N-pt. 1, lrV'7, to
dato, ;s.7 1.
Averagti precipitation Iruiu Kept 1. -7.11.
tlfliiiettty Itoin Sept. I, UVT, il :17.
Avoraga precipitation lor -0 wet seasons,
Sept. to May. inclusive, ;;.M'J.
Tiioh. (iiiihu.N, Obseiver.
l.iriLli LOCALS.
I'ay your eulincriplion today.
Unlit; your jjb v.oik lo this olllii'.
i i j t llio Kosoleaf tor the best cirs.
tor a good '"I cigar lull on Mra.N.
Iteady iiiii lii Mii-uta t llio NoNelty
1'or Mill outs rail oil II . M . Martin,
m ar llio depot.
MtiMroiii in one pound cartoons at
.ittU-r's groiTiy.
1. W. iich don all kuidol .Ionia
work promptly mi' I hkilllully.
Aak your ufucer lor Karelaior llour;
KimrttiitcKil lirnt iIiih'. 1.1K) fr ;uk.
Iho Nua lira llour milla Kuarantuoa all
itH woik. Ki'i'l I')' ull grmiTM. tl.UOptT
Ituyii uii. I nu n b lmli new up lo-dato
Kooiln, hIho uvtrrliirta, lion, at the Novel
ty Store.
I'. W. Caipmiter it) iuilliuri.oil to re
reive ami leueipt for nulireriptiona to tlio
I'i aisiii: m i ii.
The niiTut tally ami the very boat
IKiunul e .iitily can iilwuya he (ouinl at the
C'uii'ly 1 intory.
11 our K.iuJd aro nnw ami o( the latest
Btylen. No ahojiwurn go '!h on hand at
the Uohh Store.
I or Iho preltiobt line of hpriiiK Jreaa
XudiIh, outing Ihiniiula ami ealieoeH, call
at the Novelty Store.
If v., ii L'cnuuio liihli linen or lino
India linens ami luwim fur hamlker
ihiefo, ibII at the Novelty Store.
The New lira MiIIh mauufae:uiea l-i-t
ulaior Hour ami guarantees it llrat i-lata,
1 .00 per Huek at nil unn i'iy utoiiis.
IUihI, ami Ireaheat harl inixej
camliH, anil mmle, ut the Kamly Kitch
en lor only Uic )n r pouml. Try 'em.
We are prcpiued to uliow you a pretty
line of liiiKlren'a auita at very low prices,
t all ami see theni at the Movelly Store.
lirahaui Hour, out meal auJ garm, at
the New Kru Milla All cuaraDteeil Ural
clans. " buIo hy all uroicra. 1.00 per
J. W. lleiklov A Co., the liutthera.will
keep only the eholeimt of uieata m here
with to suiiply the Koiifliurn pulilic, but
monthly aotllemtiulH will he reijulreil.
After February lut wo will muko a ro
iluction in the iite of tlliver plows and
uitraa throughout the entire lino. Just
received u earloud of harb wire.
Kikaiinu A 1'iii;nowtii.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe has heun appoiutoit
reproBeututlvo for the Viuvl Co. in thia
city. Any one ileairint! iuforinalion ia
regard to, or wiahinu to procure tlio rem
edy, will pIuuko t all at her residence on
J'iue street. jl3-3ui
Moriia' Poultry .Cure. Thin lufalllblo
remedy chiilleiiKua tho world to uroduce
itneiiual ua an en iirwlucer. lrevent
ive and cure lor all diseases of fowls,
(iuarantued and for sale by II. M.Mar
tin, KoHcburf, Or.
WhoopiuB cough in the most dlatrew
lug malady ; but ita duration can bo cut
ahort hy tho u'o of Ouo Mjuute Uougu
Uure, whiels is bIho the best known rem
edy for croup and all Iuuk aud hionchial
troiillea. A . V. Musters' A (Jo.
'I'o l ull l "ii.i l.iii Inn l iirovnr.
Tlllll, (';, r:ill Is l;il.l liilliullir I'M or MC.
II f. C C. tail la i ui'. ilruttihU 1 1 fuuil inony.
We arc determined
Dry Goods, Clothing Hats, Hoots, Su,cs, Ladies' and
(tents' Furnishing Goods, Ulaukcts, Quilts, Laces,
limbroidcrics, Trunks, Valises, cct.,etc.
This time we MUST SICLL, as we have sold our
Real lCstatc and must give possession in Sixty Days.
Our late arrivals are all the best and most fash
ionable goods in the city, and arc direct from the
Caro Bros Boss Store.
Snow mid rain Monday and Tiienhiy.
Krfnti fruit in giant jara ut Ziyler'a
JlldKe J. (.'. I'lillrrtmi vixilel Sahiii
last I rld.y.
(irai.l l.nveiia of ialmville ,i in
loan thia nick.
I'uunl (.'inirl ailjuiirued irolcr.Uv
meet on A pnl ,'th.
J. ('. Flood of I'dilUii.t ia v i m 1 1 i 1 1 lc
friaiida in Hukehiirg.
lion. I. S, K. .tuli k iiiade a bin im rn
dip to Oakland ycH'erday .
Denial wotk in all its bramhiH ikil
fully done hy I'. V. llnyuiH.
1 rank Ut e.l han move 1 into the Manli
er property in Went ItoMeliurg.
MamhiiiallowH Tn: )x-r Imi, ul .nil LO in
a box at the Kamly Kitchen.
('(own and briilgu work Hcienlilicaliy
dona bv K. . Hayni'S, thu ileutixl .
I )(Ha your tooth ai de ' lio io-k f mm
llaynes ahi'tla-r it n worth lavimv.
Hon. (i. W. Kiddie ianliakiug hainla
aitli his I'oiiaii'uents in ltimtiliurg tuday.
A. S Ii1oiiirii, who aent t Alahku u
bout a id jnl I) ago, han returned homo.
lion. Max i'rui hi, special aaeiil "I Hit!
Kim-rnl land nthi-e, wus In tho t itv Ut
Mis W. W. Cardwell l.n u-lurniil
from a hmg vmit witli her fat In- r at It.
Ilidwell, I ul
llio laniied ho:niny at igier'a grocery
is the hint in Hie city xnd every can
guarautet d
Nl'M aliiH'H ol all kiudu at hottoiu prit -ea
at the Novtdty Store, i'all and niniine
them before pnrcha-iug.
Kovival mretiui!s at the I'hii-tian
Church aro now ui progtei-w and will
cooliuue Ihtouiihout the week.
J. II, I'rlco.ol Kuiklo, Douglas cbuuty,
whore he la engagtid in placer mining, H
legiilerod at the Imperial.-"legnnii'.n.
It Is reported that Will II. l inher, the
retiring H)stmaattT of Hoeebnrg, w ill he
the fusion candidate fur county treas
urer. IIou. C II. Watson, a pruiuinent at
torney of Ashland, slopped over in Koce
burg on Friday on his way home from
We have it from a good aource that
work will commence at the (leaver Hill
mines within a few davs - Coipiille City
Mina Mary Sullou will soon begin a
achool in lireen alley diHlrict, iiortli of
Hakland. Miss Sutton is one of 1'oiiglaa
couutios best teachera.
Mrs. W. U. Sanderson, of l'audon,
came up Tuesday and haa aiuco been
visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. I.. 11.
l'almer. C.'iuillo City liulletiu.
The Mahara Minstrels played to a
small houno Saturday night. Can it he
posaible that Koseburg theatre goers
are bocoming tired of colored actors'.'
K. Dulias, physician aud surgeon,
office In Marsteia' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, '.U I Mill strict.
l'ast (irand Master Uraunin of the A.
O. 1'. W., it spending tho week in this
city lu the interest of the l'ortlaud Tri
bune. Thia ollice was favored with a
plearaut call.
David Clements has goue to l.i liraude,
where he hopes to obtain employment at
his trade. Dave is a lirat clans mechanic
ami a good and we recommend
him to tho people of La tirnude.
1'. U. Cull'inan, physiciun anJeuigeuii
secretary tntard I'. S. Tension burgeons
Ollice in Marstera' block, residence V.O
Stephens alreet. l'rotei-si'.iuul lullu in
toau or country prompt! v unsweieii
night or day.
The United States civil hci vice commis
sion announces that on A (nil l.H'.M, an
examination will lie held iu IV.iIIbIi.I,
Or., for tho potilioii of tea examiner in
the custom house at l ortiami, ( r., at a
salary of fiiOOO per aiiiiuui.
Wo aro anxious to do a little good iu
thia world aud can think of uo pleasauter
or better way to do it by recom
mending Ono Minute Cure as a prevent
ive of pneumonia, conmi nipt ion aud
other serious lung troubles ihat follow
neglected cuius. Masters' l'rug store
"IJualily ia everjthiug." Tho Candy
Factory tlriu ol Uosubuig aro very care
ful about Iho freshueaa aud perf'jet con
dition of all the iugrodimite ueo.l in man
ulacturlng their can. lie), and c.ii.illy
careful to till all orders witli iieatuei-a
and accuracy. Nothing "cheap'' at our
store. Call aud be convinced.
Saturday ulght the residence of J. M.
Shelly at llugene. waa eutered by burg
lars. They went into the bedroom w hore
Mr. and Mrs. Shelley were sleeping, ran
sacked tho bureau draweis, and from a
purse in one of them took flO. They
left things scattered over the floor
soarchedMr. Shelley's vest, which was
left on tbo tloor, aud departed without
wakening tho sleepers.
I am going to Kot "t,w ti it of clothes.
Of C. IS. Caunon, of course.
Does bo sell clothes '!
Yen, be represents the Itoyal Tailora,
the greatest tailoring turn iu tho world,
Wiiy do you patronize tho Koyal Tail
ors V
Uucauho there is mcilt lu their work.
You always get the very best of fabrics,
high grade work and a Hi ylish lit (or a
very reiisonublo price.
to close out our large stock of
lio to F. W. Mm nes for flratcla) den
til work. Keview building.
A Hlulo diploma hai been granted to
Mmn riiiuetla Idakely, olOuk Creek.
Mm J. N, Hok. of Ashland, ii In tho
city, guest ol Mr. and Mrs. Henry
1 look.
('. I fit, nori lepreaenla lha Koval
lail.irp, llio larueht tailoring establish
ment in I he w orld.
In the i -.tut of J. N. Casteel, deceased,
S. W. Itu oldi haa been appointcl ad
niinin'tatnr, t onda lied at f'WO.
Itev. 1 1 v i-1 1 will preach at tho 1'res
hi turian Church next Sabbath at II a.
m. I'fiml hiTviccii in the evening.
Hon.l'. A. Stihlhrcdo has been coo
hriiiod mi c.)inii,iniuiier for Alaska and
w ill annine hit duties about April Fat.
(i. W. II ut died nl his homo near
Wilhurun Unl lucpilay. Mr. Hart was
I lie fal her nf Mia Kupert Jones of this
According to the reports brought down
by Hie teamcr Noyo, lawlessness at
Skauviay ii rampant, robberies aud
hold-upH Feing of hourly occurence.
l'rofe.Hir li. W. Shaar, of the n'ate
agrii'ii, i ulliye college, expects in a
few d.tVM to vitdt .la. ksoli county lo study
Iho ondili i,n of ihe county with refer
ori e to i r miiig ninr beets.
All hi.'i.s nint to activity in the devel
opment o! coal iiiinea in Coo county in
the fir.tirc. New mines will he
op, ned, ami thb output of tho old ones
will ti ' in. rvimi'd, says Iho Cooa Hay
I he K i. bii'g I'nhli.: School will give
an cnici Uitniiciit at the Opera House
! riday evening A uotd program has
been prepared aud a pleaaaul time ia
anticipate I. u, and take your friends
with 5 ou.
A thrill ol terror i.i eierieoceJ wbua
a Frai-iiy c'tigh of croup sounds through
the hoiife nl night, lint ihn terror soon
chunges to relief after One Minute Cough
Corn hits been admiuinterid. Safe and
hann'eii ( r t hildreu. Marstera' Drug
The ic. illation of Koyal Tailoring ia
favorably known in every nook and ham
let in the I 'uiietl Stutee, once a patron
you are ulaays a patron. If you need a Cannon know it; be
w ill tako your measure and guarantee a
perlect lit.
The banket e icial. given by the ladies
of brli.ini Lincoln Circle No Ladies
of the liran I Army of the Republic, at
tho Academy Hall last Saturday evening
was greatly inj yed by all present. Tbo
procee.h of the rale of baeketa brought
the ladies h.''.l.
At 10 o'clock Sjloturday nigbt the
jury in the cane of lien L Ward, ex
county treasurer of Clatsop county,
charged with e:uhe..lement of county
funds, returned a verdict of not guilty.
1'h is decision w ill cause the discharge of
W. Li. ilowell, ex-deputy treasurer,
joint ly indicted with Ward.
I'nJcr the ' 1'oliticat Points" headiug
in the Keview of last week ia found the
following: Fiiiok lUvitw; I noticed
in a late issue you used the figures I gave
you regardiug the cost of assessing. I
am sorry to say before I examined the
records 1 told false etatoinenta, which I
now retract, aud I blamu my informants,
for their orror. Thev meant right but
guessed at tho cost. Jas. A. Steulivo.
Tho orotier'a iii'i'iest held Saturday
over the remains of the uiau found 10
miles from West Fork, found that the
deceased was James Calvert, and that
he came to his death as u result of ex
posure and freezing. When found, be
wore a black mackintosh, buttoned close
ly, ami was liing face downward, with
both hands oil his face. Tho remains
were too decomposed to bo moved, and
were t-uriud where tboy were lound.
Six, uu.l boiuetiuies nine trains loaded
with oio are run grom the Iron Mount
ain initio to tho Keswick imelters every
day. I.ach traiu-load consists of 100
tons. This inukea uu average of about
000 tons of oro hauled each day from the
mine. Added to this is the immense
iiiauiilics of oio hauled in from various by mines for 'lux. The furnaces,
three in number, have a capacity of oOO
tons per day each. Miniug Journal.
Mrs. M. D. Thompson of Scottsburii.
took the train from Drain on the evening
of March 7th for Tucoma to assist iu
making iiiiaiii;ciueiila for the burial of
her brother, li. D, Witter, who died from
spinal uiciiiugotis contracted near Skag
way from tho severe vyiuds and cold ol
that regijn. Mrs. Thompson met the
wife of her lute brother on the train, and
has now goue to Humboldt county, Cal.,
w hero alio expects to stay a ahort time.
The niiniug season in Soutborn Oregon
has so far been a source of great disap
point neut to the placer miners. The
present wether is uuprocodonted within
the memory of tbo oldest Inhabitant.
There havo been dry spells before, but
not such a long spell of dry weather as
has existed for several months. There
will yet be some rain ; but hardly enough
to uu aran tee half the amount of uoJd
usually yielded by tho sluice-boxes.
Mimug Journal.
Why ia it that a patron always gets
satisfaction iu dealing witli the Royal
Tailors? Because tho Koyal Tailors
havo a reputation at stake. It took them
30 long years of hard work to build it up
to ita present siauaani aud they propose
to keep It wuevo it is, tuorelore lueycau.
not ulioid to have their patrons dissatia
lloJ. C. U. Cannon can tell you all
about it us ho ia their representative for
louttlua county. If von need a new
suit lot him know and he will show you
ttpiing ami summer samples,
Albert Abraham, a Portlind a torny,
Is lu town this week,
Judge Wot, It. Willis mail a buainr-ts
Uip to I'ortland tlit Hretol ths week.
10.000 men wanted at tha fks fttors
to select great bargains before It Is too
Facts not fakes Is what our adrer
tlsing colninns represent. Ths How
Call at Mm flnaa HLora and nrliw II, air
irrtrifla. anil vnn will anrriria1 In And
them at such low figures.
Mrs. Malsitia Johnson of Flouruoy
vaiinv, wbo was las an lo itis any I urn on
March Htfi, died therson the 12th.
I mfirlf.'i nra. I..I, 'rtm tm I lvrul a
Harsapanlla, which cares when all other
preparations fall to do any good what
ever. J. L. .Dewey of (Jleudale. a urominent
democrat and candidal for sheriff on
ths democrat ticket, was In the city yes
terday. It mm np.,u.l nl . mimt ..f 1 1, a I I .
T.J. Wylle was sold this week by Ad
rulnistrator Fred Page-Tustin to J. II.
sn t amn
f4nm1uv M V (M.iifM. l..r,b
'""i j-m-mj w I'm aw viMss a I atUa
L, Moore, pastor, morning, "Urother-
nootj,-- evening, -wanieo; young men
f'r gool positions."
According to the Clatskauie Chief, a
number of hiheimen 'on the Lower Col
umbia have sareed to dellter ilah lo
commission merchants at 0 cents a
Thu(!!a'a VallAW arllW.I ,a
nicely under the skillful management of
l'rnf. Mrvin Thai ha, la , il.nMn.,1,
work is admitted by all. We wish you
continued success lirotner Moon.
D. Stratford, a prominent attorney
of Hoaaburg, is paying bis brother, Iter.
J.L Stratford of Jacksonville, a short
visit. He Is also one of the publishers
of the Plai.vdiaixb. Jacksonville
Prof. W. A. McUoo of Oakland, was a
caller at thia oflloe yesterday, prof. Mc
tie", who has just closed bis fourth year
in the Oakland public schools, ia one of
the prominent educators of Douglas
Suits of clothes, all wool, heavy
weight, .60; reaular piice to. Boys
clothes from 6 to 13 yeara for $1.60 and
12. Hats all atylea and colors for tec,
regular price $1 60. All these goods are
only to he found at tbo C?ss Ktors.
The editor wbilo in Medford this weak,
had a pleasant visit with Itev. K. Gittios.
Kev. Uittius has a host of frienda in
Douglas county, who will be glad to bear
that himself and family are well and en
joying the full measure of earthy happi
ness. Hubert Wright will comnieuce a three
uiooths' terra of school near Corns! ock
the second Monday in April, and as soon
as he ha lloiehed that term he will be
giu a three month's term in the Brush
Creek dilricl. Mr. Wright ia well Qual
ified to teach, and there in no doubt but
bo will give general satisfaction.
After veara of uotold aufTerins from
pilee, It. W. Puraell of Kuimersville,
Pa., waa cured by using a single bos of
De Will's Witch Haral Salvt. Skin dis
eases such as ecrema, rash, pimples and
obstiuaie sores are readily cured by IhiB
amous remedy. A. C. fllareters & Co.
The "Milkmaid Convention" held at
Mission Chapel Saturday evening was a
success. Uaing to the very unfavorable
weather, the number present was not so
large as anticipated, yet thoe present
spent an enjoyable evening. It is the
intention of tbe ladies to give another
entertainment, at which tbe "Conven
tion" will be reproduced.
Itev. Frank L. Moore. Pastor of tbe
M. K. Cburcb. returned on last Saturday
from Portland, where be went to meet
bis wife on her return from New Mexi
co, where she has spent some months
health seeking. .Mrs. Moore remained
in tbe hospital io l'ortlaud for treatment.
It is hoped that she will return to ber
borne completely restored to health.
A Kebekah Lode waa instituted at
Myrtle Creek yesierdav evening bv Mrs.
Ida Foster, president of tbe Oregon State
Assembly, assisted by a delegation from
Rose burg lodge. Among the Koseburg
members present were: Prof. Douglas
Waite. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. West. Mrs.
J. W. Straoge. Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede,
Miss FJa Hendricks, Miss Sarah Wimber
ly, Miss Minnie Fisber, Miss Lena
Kearney and Mies Ivy Van Buren.
Dr. J. W. Strange writes to frienda in
Myrtle Point from San Francisco tbat be
is having a pleasant and profitable time
in tbat city. He ia taking the Post
Graduate course in tbe University of
California and special training in private
otlicea and will soon return witb new
and late methods such as never have
been introduced in this county. He will
be in Myrtle Point again soon after Ap
ril 1st, and our readers will do well to
reserve tbeir work for bim and get the
latest and moat improved method.
Myrtle 1 oiot Enterprise.
Dr J. W. Stranue arrived borne from
San Francisco thia morning, During bis
absence the doctor took the advantage of
a thorough course of instruction in tbe
dental department of the University of
California, and also In the dental depart
ment ment of the College of Physicians
and Surgeons. In addition be thorough
ly mastered tbe latest and best systems
of crown and bridge work under tbe In
struction of operators whoso reputation
and work is known in both Europe ami
America. i'r. Mrauge is now in his of
fice and invites a share of public patron
age, assuring all that bis work is of the
very best, and bid eyetenxof crown aud
bridge work superior to tbat which can
be secured eleewhere in the state.
Program of tho union prohibition
mooting March 0th, iu honor of the
birthday of Ueneril Neal Dow in tbe M.
E. Church at 3pm:
music, by tuo young people s chorus
Prayer and scripture reading, Rev. K.
Ii. Dilworth.
Music, by the chorus.
Uecitatlou, A Tribute to N'eal Djw. by
Emma Sehlbrede.
Recitation, Miss Grace Catching.
Solo, Bring the Wanderer Home, by
Miss Belle Catching.
Lulogyontne life of rueal Dow. Itev.
F. L. Moore.
Short speech , N'eal Dow as a reformer,
Wt ... a.I ft a
noy. lister, oi me curisuan cnurcn,
Address, Nal Dow as a lawmaker,
Hon. G. M. tiro w n.
Quartette, Homerrolectiou.
Every Package
of Sctillings Best tea is a sample.
Your money baok if you don't like it.
March still t natal ns lis blustering repu
Elbert Jackson mads a trip to Koae
burg Saturday,
Mr. Hauasn of Canyonville was In
town Toursday.
Fred Merrill was In lowo fr jiii Can on
vills Ssturdsy.
Mr. Howard and Walter tijyles wars
In towo Saturday.
Ira B. Riddle cams up from Rosohoig
Fridsy morning.
Tbs W. of W. hel l tlmlr regular mat
ing at Jackson's bsll Sa'md ty nigbt.
A. W. Cornuttcame io from lbs mines
on Hlsryeout Monday.
Fiank Cain and Bert Stevenson cauia
down from Salt Creek Saturday evening.
Mr. Hock, of Days creek was in town
one day last week.
Ths a-round wss Dartlv covered wilb a
llgbt fall of snow Tuesday morning.
Dances are becoming finite frequent
here. Tbe latest was at Jackson's ball
Ssturday nlgbt.
W, Q. Brown and J. Gilmor went to
Starveout last week on a prospecting
Rev. Hansen of Myrtle Creek Clled
bis appointment here Sunday and
preached to attentive congregationa.
Miss Nettie Cain is bere sgain. assist
ing Agent E. A. Basset witb tbe office
work at ths depot.
Some of tbe industrious sod enterpris
ing ladles of our city scrubbed sod
cleaned tbe cburcb house last week.
Mias Minnie Cornult went to Rose
burg a few days sgo to consult Dr.
Straoge io regard to ao ulcerated tooth.
Geo. Catefortb came down from tbe
Cracker Jack mine Saturday evening,
wbore he has been at work for tbe past
two or three weeks.
Uncle Noah Cornutt and wife, accom
panied by tbeir daughter, Miss Evelyn,
went to Sly rtle Creek Saturday evening
to be In attendance at Rev. Bryan's p ro
traded meeting.
When a man falls in love,
Uo thinks tbe world Is full of bliss ;
But after he's married.
Wishes he'd never seen a miss.
Farmers are all done seeding in Ibis
vicinity, snd the grain is looking fine.
When tbey get McKinley prices for their
products next fall, tbeir pockets will
fsirly jingle witb money.
Some of our sportive young men have
firocured new bicycles, snd are just
earning to ride ibem. Bat tbe frisky
bike often gives tbem a chance to meas
ure tbeir length on the ground.
Spain will do well not to toy witb
Uncle Sam. He is tilled fo overflowing
witb big possibilities, snd be is clothed
uet now in mighty probabilities. Spain
may And this out to her sorrow, too.
Tbs demo-pops held their primaries at
this place Saturday. A large (?i crowd
was present, numbering perhaps 15 or 2 0
persons. Those elected as delegates to
the county convention are: I. A. Dean,
W. A. Webber, ti. W. Wanacott and
Jas Clomenu. G. W. Wanacott waa
nominated for justice of tbe peace and
Geo. Cutsforth for constable.
Some sneak thief triJ to break into
Tbos. Mayes' Wedoeaday nigbt of
last week, tie made two attempts but
was foiled each time. Mr. Mayes sleeps
in Ihe store and on bearing a noire Kot
op to investigate when tbe thief took
alarm and ran away without I having
effected an entrance. He boarded tbe
brakes of tbe northbound passenger
train which was just leaving and no at
tempt waa made to catch bim.
For public school entertainment at tbe
opera bouse Friday evening, March 13th,
at H p. m :
1 Prayer, Rev. F. L. Moore.
2 Instrumental solo, Evening Lells,
Helen Willis.
3 Fan Fairies, class of girls from
First Grade.
4 Vocal Solo. Sweet Bunch of Dai
sies, Vera liaynes.
5 Dude Drill, Class of boys from
Second Grade.
ti Instrumental solo, Swiss Song,
Kate Fullerton.
7 Parasol Drill, pupils from Third
8 ocal Solo, Life's Game of See
Saw, Stanley Carpy,
9 Instrumental Solo, In the Forest,
Ruth Hamilton.
10 Flag Exercise, pupils from Fou'th
11 Vocal Solo, Amboleua Snow,
Belle Catching.
I'i Lincoln Exercise, pupils from
Fifth Grade.
13 Instrumental Solo. II Carricola
Galop Brillsnt, Pearl Wright.
14 exercise followed by Historical
Tableau, pupils from Sixth, Seventh and
Eighth Grades.
Miriam, Vivian Jewett; Helen, Effie
Collins; Cornelia, Bessie Kiddei ; Queen
Elizabeth, Kate Fullerton; Joan of Arc,
Ruth Hamilton ; Queen Isabella, Bertba
Estea; Pocahontas, Esther Tufft; Mary,
Queen of Scots, Helen Willis; Florence
Nightingale, Delia Moore; Queen Vic
toria, Bertba SeblbreJe; Empress Jos
ephine, Lillian Stanton; Martha Wash
ington, Ellens Reed; Jessie McDonald,
Maude Sbaridau; Priecilla, Gertie Rast.
Elizabeth Foy, Jennie London; Pan
dits Ramabai, Hattie Van Order; Win
nie Davis, Ltllie Crpefer; Barbara
Fritcbie, Vera Byais.
First Presbyterlsn Church.
There was no morning service Suuday
but tbe evening service, however, was
well attended, and tbe chorus waa un
usually large and gave us some fine mu
sic Tbe select readiug by Miss Mary
Dilworth entitled "The Crucifixion," as
recorded ia Ben Hur, and the beautiful
solo rendered by Miss Ruby Gordon
wore highly appreciated. The address
by Rev. 1'ilworib on "Be Careful to im
prove your opportunities," was good.
Tbe program tor next Sabbath eve is io
charge of Misses Flossy Shanibrook and
Ruby Bailey.
There are three little things which do
mors work than any other three litue
things created tbey are the ant, tbe bee
and DeWitt'a Little Early Risers, tbe
last being tbe famous little pills for
atomaon and liver troubles, a. u.
Marsters & Co.
H. F. Stephens was stabbed to death
at Cottage Grove Saturday nigbt by N.J .
Jones, proprietor of the Bohemia saloon.
Drain Items.
K. H. L .we, tbs new real rsia's ag. n',
has niteil np tao nice rooms lor his of
flea In lb llickstbhv i.nilding. He Is
sanguine ibat when Eastern iople Imrn
of a cliraaie free from blb;.ard, cyclones,
sic., there will be a heavy emigration In
to this county. He aays tbat onr water
pjwer should be ntiFr.ed lo transform
our raw products Into nianufat tired
article, and as Texas cotton fields are
only 2 or a days sway by rail, why not
also make onr cotton gootis bare Mr.
Lowe bat a pleasant address, and I wish
bim success in his new nsid and horns.
Mrs. McCoy, an invalid lady has
moved Into town, snd we are glad to say
ber bealth is Improving.
I rsgret to announce that Uncla Elijah
Harlan Is seriously 111. Mrs. Mary
Holylield In confined lo ber bed with in
flammatory rheumatism.
When swsy from boms last I met Mias
Nannie Alexander, daughter of II. W,
Alexander ol Millwood. Miss Nannie is
but 17 years old, bat her verses sre well
known lo readers in Donglas county. I
prsdict for ber a good futore and a poetic
name known everywhere.
Powell & Chenebaw, down the I'mp
qua below Millwood, have a large
amount of grain aown, but George
should have a help mate. Sach a nice
man witb such a pleasant borne should
not live alone. I enjoyed tbat dinner
with you, George.
Tbe new paper, the Drain Press, will
make i9 Mr't spparsn Wadnaaday,
witb Ned Rhodes as ita editor. This pa
rir will be republican in politics. While
bope the boy will succeed, I fear tbe
field is too smsll for two papers.
Tbe bowling alley ia running day and
nigbt. Come down and I will play yoo
a game.
Drain Normal Notes.
A few students have lound it necee
eary to take tbeir departure from the
Normal, owing to pressing farm work at
borne requiring tbeir services.
There appeared in "Normal notes" a
few werks sgo, sn item stating tbat Mr.
W.N. Pintler bad graduated from this
school, class of "j6, as valedictorian,
which was true, so far aa securing tbe
highest per cent was concerned, bot tbs
valedictory was rendered in a very cred
itable manner by Miss Grace Johnson,
now Mrs. Dr. Hawkins.
The senior class is now delving into
tbe Klondike of English and American
Mr. H.T. Mires on Tuesday last in
chapel read a paper on tbe Nicaragua
canal tbat is worthy of delivery before
soy sadience.
Tbe attendance continues to be good,
and the fourth term will probably show
the largest enrollment of any like term
for many years.
Tbe contestants are taking daily drill
for tbe local contest, wicb is to decide
tbe representatives for tbe final elocu
tionary battle next June.
There have been several visitors of
late, but space denies separate notice
bere. Visitors are alwaya welcome.
Oak Creek.
Tbe mountains are covered witb suow
and il looks as though winter was once
more upon us.
Miss Mary Atterbury came out from
Roseburg last week to remain indefinite
ly. Her many friends here were glad to
wetcome ber home.
Tbe Misses Bertba, Mattie and Lela
Thornton attended church at Glide Sun
We learn that Mies Phinetta Blakely
has been engaged to teach the Nonpariel
school, beginning March 2Sih.
Owen Atterburv and Tom Agee expect
to start for Caps Illehe this week lo look
after their hcrses.
Mrs. Hamlin will teach tbe spring
term of school in oar district. This ex
cellent lady has already taught several
terms bere and we are glad to see tbat
tbe directors know bow to appreciate
Aug. Scbloeman returned from Dyea,
having stayed only a short time. He re
ports from ten to twenty deaths a day
and saya be did not wish to stay there
and be buried in the ice. He sold bis
provisions, etc., at considerable profit,
so that be is none tbe loser on his trip.
Hard bail storms last Saturday.
Politics, politics is all we bear.
Deputy Assessor Haines is seen trav
eling tbe roads.
M. D. Thompson passed through here
last week en route to Roseburg.
Mr. Al Kent made a flying trio to
Drain last week on business.
Miss Eva Howard of Kellogg waa vis
iting friends in town last week.
Miss Susie Beckley is still improving.
which her many frienda are glad to
Some of our patriotic young men are
wishing for war, but we think tbey will
be a little "skeerd" when tbey smell
tbe powder as some of our soldiers have
School will commence soon witb Prof.
T. J. Wilsou aa principal and Miss Elaie
Hefty as primary teacher. May tbe
children take a bold and grasp tbe op
portunity ibat is before tbem. Kitty.
Clearance Sale!
Saturday, January 22nd
. sis 11111
stock of
Wilt be Sold at Cost,
To make room for our large Spring Stock. This is the
greatest opportunity ever offered the people of Douglas
County to get bargains on Boots and Shoes.
Roseburg, Or.
Rtyal SMksi the teeal sere,
wkaJaseaM aai JsUstwtM
sWH feMrftt fe"rvtWt) Htb9 tJAMa
flors) Volunteers.
Tbe inmates of lbs Home sre some
what sarcaatie, as is evidenced by tbe
following letter sent to Governor Lord:
Oregon Soldiers' Home, Roreburg,
Or., Feb. 27, 1898.
Hon. W. P. Lord. Governor of Ore
gon, Salem, Or. Sir:
We, the members oi the Oregon Sol
diers' Home, In tbe svent of a war
witb Spain, tender our service aa volun
teers Ivt amid war.
We can organise one light battery of
four guns 12-lb. howitzers; one com
pany of sharp shooters HoJakiaa needle
guns, and one company of "Machet-
ieers." The entire organization to be
mounted on thoroughbred "Cayuse"
horses and to be known as and called
"The Oregon Critter Battalion."
In farthering onr claim for recognition
we can say that oar service has been
given in all the ware engaged In by the
united State daring tbe last fifty years ;
tbat we represent all branches of tbe
service ; and that we have military train
ing under tbe ablest lesdera tbe nation
ever knew, such as Scott, Taylor, Bragg,
Lane, Sherman, Sheridan, Butler, Mc.
Clallen, Wool, Fremont, Garfield, Logan,
Farragut, Foot. Porter, Dopont, Kelaay,
Martin, Neemitb, Kelly, and in the
state militia onder tbe leadership if
Gen. Com peon.
We have bad experience in climbing
mountains, in building pontoons, in
sailing ships, and now feci competent to
take chants oi and control tbe commis
sary and quartermasters divisions in all
tbeir departments. Beady to sail in an
hour's notice. Thb Hosts.
Tbe Boss Store ia selling out at sacri
ficing prices. Call and be convinced.
The Royal Tailors.
Tbe Royal Tailors is ths Isrgest tailor.
ing establishment in tbe woild, tbey oc
cupy tbe entire twelve stories of a mam
month Chicago building, they turn nut
1000 fine tailor made soils of clothes
every dsy In tbe year, tbey have clothed
5,000,000 males.
Do you need a nice spring or summer
suit? If so royal fabrics, royal styles
and royal tailoring touch tbe light spot,
lor you get strictly high grade tailoring
at a modest price and a perfect fit is
guaranteed. New samples just arrived.
.C. B. Cannon,
Sole representative for Dooglaa Co.
To Cur Conatlpattan Foravar.
Taka Caseareta Candy Cathartic 10c or 25a.
U C. C. O fall to cure, druggists refund moosy.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as tbey csoloI
reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tsken
internally, and acta directly on tbe blood
and mucous surfacee. Hall 'a Catanh
Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one ol tbe beet pbysicians
in tbia country for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of I be
beet tonics known, combined with ihe
best blood purifiers, acting directly on
the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results io cur
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
r. J. CUfcNfcY ti CO., fiops.,
Toledo. O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Thousands are Trying IU
la order to prova the great merit of
Ely'a Cream Babu. lUa niT.t effective euro
for Catarrh and Cold ia llaad. we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your drusgl-t cr ieud 10 cents to
ELY BROS., CO Varreii St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from Ciitirrb of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and 1 never hoped for
cure, but Ely'a Cream Balm keems to do
even that Many acquaintances have used
it with sxcellont results. Oscar Ostrura,
45 Warren Are., Chicago, IU.
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged,
euro for catarrh and contains no cocuiue,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
CO cents. At druggists or by mail.
For Infant! and Children.
Ths Kin. Yoo Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
And continuing 30 days.