Tho riaindoalor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM raMlMiAil (very Ihurmliy Aflrrnnoii AlOak anil Main Hires!, MOHi:ill'UJ, OMKUUN -nv tub PUINOEAUR PUBLtSHIHC COMPANY. Tho Plairidoale'r Pl)STER8, TILL JJEATH, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Ksecated Nattily and t 1-ivinR Ktn. Vol. XXIX. ROSKBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898. No. 11. clatr ftleailaga I'. I). KI.K4. IIOHKHttlMi MUX). NO. (I IkiM Hiilr rrmilar cum in un leal Ions al tha I. O. U. r. hall un wojihI and lourlh Ihurada it nauli mouth. All members rrUiiatad to a( trill refinariy, ami an Tlmii urninvr cor H any I ci lieu maiirii'i rKKft t'AOR TUltTIN, X. IIKKMAN MAIIKH, Bocrmary. lOfI,1 COUNCIL, NO. 21 JR. U, V, A. tt - in mi it avery Wadneaday evening al I o'aliKia In Ilia Old Mawialo Halt. vUIUa brolliart ara cordially invltad 10 aitann. U, R. I'AMMnN, llau. W. I'saav, Councilor HmMirillng Hecrtitary, I AUHKI. Ullxlk, A. K. A A. W , KIIL'LA uinntliia I ha id and ih wadaeadays Id own mourn. KkK JOHNSON, W. M. N. T. Jawarr, H'arjr. nllll.ltTARIAN l.(Jil(. NO. I. I. O. 0. f. A niwu Saturday rraulns ol aaoh waak al Ihalr hall lu Odd Fallow lampl at auraawra; Unmtwn nl ha ordar In annd lanrllna aralnTIt adloatlaud. llOIIKkl HUBINaON, N. O.i . M. UK ILM, 7. UOHKItUtUI U)Hi, NO. It, A. O. U. W. uih'U tha aertiod aud lourlh Monday ol earn month at 7:au p. in. al Odd fallow a kaU. Mamhart nl ma order lu ooo aianainf ara ia vltad lo attand. MKNOI-OHT, NO. V. (). A. R , MKIIBTHa oral and third Tliuradara ol I aaib moolh, WOMRN'B KKI.UP C ORfa NO. 10, MIITV Brat and llilrd Fridays In each month. IAllUr Al.UANt K-KufUlar yuaruirli 1 Mating will Imi bald al Uranga Hall Koavliurg, Ilia Oral Friday In December, Warua and June, and Ilia thin! rrtday In By torn bar. ROHKHUKU rilAI'TKH, NO S. O. X. H..UXKT1 Ilia aocoud and lourlh Tkuradari ol oh ". ... hHAMBH"OK, W. M. MKOINA HAHT, etc y. ROHKHltHU DIVIHION NO 47. B. Of L. X., moot every arouud aud lourlh Bunday. ROKHUIMI R. V. UIIMIIC. NO. 41. I. O 0. f invnu on Tueaday evealns nl each waak al Ihe Odd relowa hall. VUllloj alatara and o roth ran ara Invltod lo attend. MERIT WKKT, N. O. AM ATA bJH II, K. Rac. A LI' II A UIIMIK. NO. 47. K. Of P., M"TI i ,ihT Wadnraday afcnlnl At Odd fallow! Hall. Vlaltlua KnlfliU In ood etandlnf ooi AlailT tUTltad to allaud. lrofeaaloual card). at. ORAWITORD, Attorney at Law, Room I. Manner Bulldlnc, BOHXBURO, OK. faallualucaa before tha U.K. Land Office and mlulut caaaa a apaclally. Lata Reoolvor V. H. Und 0ea. aaoaoi m. aowi. raiD. ratti Tt iTin. yaOWN A TU8TIN, Attorneys-at-Law, Rixmii 7 aud II Ta Wllaon Block. ROtXBUKO, OX. Yy R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will praetlea la all tha aourta of tat Butt. Ol tea la tht Ooort Bouaa, Doaf laa eoaa7. Or. c. 1 A. BEHLBRBDR, Attorney at Law, nihurg, Orrgen. OUtn ovtr tha Foatoaoa on Jaekaon atita. Q P. C08H0W, Attorncy-at-Law, Special alicullou Klveu lu Cow ntcrclal I. aw and Collection. Uilkton Jaekaon Hi. oppotite Hlot'uui't Bloek. UOPEBL RO, OKKOON. J D, STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Ronuit X and 4 Tajlor a Wllaou Block. ROdCBVRO. OR T B. BDDT, f J Attorncy-at-Law, R03K11UKU, ORiaON. jRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, BOHXBUBQ. OREGON. JLMER V. HOOVER, Physician aud Surgeon, MFFK'K: Mnlu Htrot'l, 0110 door tuulb ol t'lly Hull. IIObEUURG, OH. M YRA BROWN, M. D. OFFICE, DOJ Jackaou Utruot, al rt Idvuuool Mr. J. Vlner. HOriKBURU, OK. J L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon and Homooopathio Physician, Ktfobury, Oregon. M" Jhronl dlaaataa a paelalti. w ILL. P. HEYDON, CJouuty Hui'vuyor, aud Notary 1'ubllc. OfFici: In Court lloutc. OnU'ra lor Hiirviylni and Field NoU'i aliould be addnwiMKl to Will . lleydou, Counly Bur vcynr, Kiiatihurir, Or. STRICTLY I IR3T-CLA5S. f HHTPI . .McCLALLEN. MRB. I). '. MuCI.AI.I.KN, I'rop. BtlDaUAlTERS TOS TSAVELiya UZV. RATItB Hl'.ABIONAItl.i:. Lari, Fliiv Hamplo Unnini. Frau ' Rut to and Prom Tral tin. &0SECVH9. JERRY J. WILSON, Wutclitiuker and Jeweler, Jaekaon Hired. All HrpalrluK rulrualrd lo aaa- carat will Ha PHOMPTI.V and oarcfnllx done. FRICKM REAHUNAUI.K. 4tlwf Jllaa . H. C. STANTON Baajnal laaalTad a atw aad aataaalva ttock a DRY : GOODS OONB1BTINO OF Adltf-a' llrflBH (ioods, KibboB, TriuiDiintd, tic., tie. -ALBO A riNX BTOCK OP- HOOTS AND MIIOI Ol tka baat quality and flnl.h. GROCERIES , Hood, Willow and (ilast Uarr, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alao oa band la Uraa quaatlllaa and at prlraa tr Jalt lh tlmia. AIo a laryt atock of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Doob Up ALL COMPETITORS! Waara alwaya in Ilia Lead, ami un an to keep there. The (ioldep Harvaat ia upon ua, and farm era Are emiling docauae Woodward looit to their intereat. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Tbeae re all Leather and Warranted, SADDLES At Reduced Prioca, Contult your purto and be aura and aee Woodward before buying. W. . WOODWARD B uhtvi:i.i.. Uouitlas County, rcjjon. Tha Watcri ol lluu Surliura t'uiilulii : lodlno. Bromlaa, rntaaaluin, tltu rarliniiati'a ol Iron and Ueio and (.'lilorldi'i ol I'aluluiu, MuKuealuiu and Bodlunt. One flurlnu uuntalut M and llu other our MOO graiua of aoltd matter to ttio calluu. Located on tho Houthrrn l'ai'ltlit lUilroad, "BhaMa rout" Irum Hail Kraiulki'u to l'ui 1 lit nil , in iMiugias louuty, ongou. Aairavalud cnai-a ol Khoiiiiinlihin. Naiil Cu- tarrh, Cnlarrii of the Hlumaoli, Uyp'Plit. Ilia holea, Nuurallia, MularUl l'iiiiuulii).', KMnvy Trouble, (uiiallpalloii, IHkrHKi'a of Inn Hklu, Liver ami Bowela, aud Vcni'ri'al illM'aara havo ticeu cured by Ibu uau ol tluao ali is. New batli'MoniH oomu'i'tcd nith llui main bulldlnir. Poslolllco and F.xprt'aK on llio prrm lavi. Ually mall, uorlli uud aoulli. Terma-fjlO per week, I-' per ilny, Including tietlia. Tho Hotel la uuder tho liuiiiidliito iuih uIr Ion ol CAPT. UEN, It. UUHW iu7la7 MuiikkiT. Ask your Druggist for a geurroua IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH rmmaw CJBALW. mis Ely's Cream Balm Amv MM t . A rnniaina no rocnino, a m j-Y InJurlnutdrUK. 11 la quickly Aliaorlird, (Uvea Relief at onro. the S ..aal laaanKiia. Tni 11 H FA H Allaya Inflammation. vWlU 'Hlbnll llnala and I'rotui la the Mouilirniio. Xoalnrm tlio Kantea of Taila and binill. Imi II MUu 60c. ; Trial HUt 10e. j al IiruL'ltla or hy mall. tLH i)l(OiULllN, arrm btreet, cw York. 3Wi (i. w. vi:uor;R'5 lcttlr. Out of the I'opullAt Committee and (Had ef It. Ai.tM, Or., I'uU. L7.Tlie Iwitor of tl. W. eddor, rNii ul tho iiiiliat r uunty central coinuiiiu-n infullrig ynolerday : "Tim olijuct of I lit leader of I he iwpu HhI pnrly ih Id prepare nveryihloii for 1 Keriitral Btampudu Into III liemovralic parly In I'.HH). itli tliu eiioiiillcal Uryan at Hie liuad ol tlm prealdeullal tlikal. J with lha Idlotiu of free silver as I tiiHir war-cry. 1 am working-111 conjunc tion wiiii lint national reorganization cominltlce to tlio end that it national convention lie railed llii ear for the purporH i f reorganizing and ntrengtlien lug lliti line and guluug rid of the ob Jecilonalile rnumlmre of our national couiinlllee, which we n 1 tint do. and rat out good and mili-tanilal plailorui, ein tjoilying the prn cirle of rtfurm, aucii Una t.i e, ,iraniinallou and ib Inla liioaud rcfure iiiiiim, with Ihe Impera' ttve uiamUie, and Willi thean prows I tiona go heforeilie people In I !KW and rgni 11 out 1111 lint mm. 1 want to nay lu tu Bin all nl livta that the tio-xllera mill 1 11 litiii'crM win never be anle to aiilt'liat k ua Hgmu. for our ruorgaoizalion I'l.liiinifi ee, in rolijuuulioli with the loyal mcnili. ra ol our national reutral com iniilce, Mhich loci 111 ht. LolI on the li h ol Ui-l inoiith, a lnpied the referen 1I11111 1 1 in of guvrriiiufii', and hereafter nil ii. 1 1. i.e will I ti auoiniited to the vo'uie, m il Ihe booulerH will be out of a 1 1I1, 11 h ihe iiopuliat party la con h i m il. Ami now let uawotk diligently, for it will lake ui year to lecoyer from (he hi over Iroin thu lecord we made in IMUJ. ll minever allow that thing to incur atmii. ow, it we, aa Indepen dent popiilmi parly, will de'ermine to come ligi tlit r in our Mate convention in Portland on I lie -HI ol neit rnoulh, and there put it a clean rut pormliat lii'kei, h-avlng out all audi hoorilera a a otate ollicer I'uiinci lf.l with the Kuldiera' homo, ami a j'ldc, ami then invite theae other (aclloiiH ol ho filled relorujera to vote for our prim ipli'H and out candidate, then that will U all nlit ; hut for ua to go to I'urilitnd, und tin-re go to appointing committer from u lot ol houdleiH l'i iiK'rce e n a iKiodlerh' ticket, w hii-li m ill In- the iiMiillaof all am li aj-tn, I am (oicvvr agaiiint ihe whole pini-i e..iiigf , and l ehall let I lie election of is'.is pm hy, aud ahail take no inter il in it. This whole couihinaiiou busi riicn it a p iiiiir.i! I.ike, put up hy a lot of cilice Mckera who are hungry for 1 llii'o and i. 0 (i her fhow to get elected Tlit; idea i I pulling null a political fraud as the cx-jude or Soldiera' home ollicer cm ti e pi puliH1 lickel is almurd. That jude-iiiil uf-uflii:a never was it popnliat, and the voldicia' home man ia a funujii iM. Into nit louuling on the election ol IS'jh in lirrnou, or anywhere t-Ie. Ihu av wu aiu now broken up, we will ac-omphtdi iiolliiug thia ) ear, more than to reorganize, imd this ia the thing 1 am t;oingto w oik lor, and if we fail to do this and do it crtditahly to ourselves, llirii I am o'lt of (Hilitica forever, if ihe people want to I i-iouie fcUvea, lliey will have In do m without my uenMam-e. I hereby u point jou lo a t a my proiy in our next un cling, or any following uicctii.g, 1 1 the popiii'st entrdl commit lee of II, 1 ci ui.iy ol Marion, Oregon, at which I am not prt-ent as a member. Yen ece, our precinct has beeu changed, and llio cuinmit:cee may take advantage ol the chunge lo get rid of me. U. W. Klilltll, Monitor Precinct." Drain Notes. Jimmy St 1 ling returned from bia tour of thu county and say lie had good time. Kenewod luaoy old ac ((Uaiutaucea aud made new one, and was treated royally everywhere, liut dou't tell Jimmy lilundell he fouud cut olTduwu on f.ost Oauyou, where old Doctor Cole was lost and then a few years afterward Unc!e John Mires and Mr. CleiaentB were lout. Jimmy bad to tie up hia bone, take off the caddie anil go lor settlement. He knew bis course and came out at James KosIey'B at the mouth of Little Canyon at o'clock at night, with torn clothes and wet from head to foot. Yrs, little giant, it beat your cut offfrom Albro's to Canyonville, where Jimmy got lost some years since. At the Bcbool meeting A. Hicko'.bier was elected director and J. W. Krowson clerk. J. A. lllack is out for bherifl'. He baa a large following along the coast pre cincts. Well, Johnny, there is J. li. Kiddle, Henry Hodrick, lieo. JDimiuick to hear from. Cio it boys, the longest polo gets the persimmoDB. I am glad to hear of a candidate for Ihe Iciualaluro from Looking Glass, a Mr. Mattoou. I dou't know his initials, but if he is as true blue a republican as tho Matloons here, we are for him now aud forever. Yes, I am glad that neck of the wood has announced a man. Now fur Ton Mile and Camas Valley, etc., the more the merrier. The demo-pops can't count 011 ihe oflice, and oh uo, they don't want 'cm ! Here's our hand, Frater. You are a good appointment. You will soou hear, "Any letteis for meV"- Somoliiuu since I wroto that I staid all night aud your comiHisitor had it I stand all right with lieu Doss. Well, I hope 1 do, lien, hut 1 inunt wiito leas. A la (ireeley, an old Father lilackwell of (iardiuei uaya. I am worse than Ureeley, Tho aiTKiigo ol gralu ia larger than ever and 1 am glad to aay it looks Hue aud much virgiu soil is broken up this season. U00J bye, Jim Ivldy, good luck to you. Aud how d'ye do Judge Stratford, mty you live long and prosper. J OK I'. I or tcr l-'llly Veaii, An Oi.u and Wkll-Thku RiMiDY.-Mrt n inaloiv'a Kioltilng Hyiup baa been uted tor overllfly yeara by luilliuniol uiotbcri lor tbvlr children wldlo tcclbliig. with perfect auceeti It Hiiolliet ttiu child, aoftcua the guuu, allaya all piiiil, eurea w ind enlic, and li tbo boat remedy lor PUrrliiia. It pleaKaut to tbo taate. Bold by druKKikU lu every part ol tho world. Twouty Uvevelila a bottle. Ill valuu l luealCUlab'.e. U'laure and ank lor Mra. luilow'a Soothing Hyrup, and take no other kind. Kiliicam Your llonela YVith Cuirareta. ( andy I'liiliurile, emu eniiNtlpailon forever. 10e,'.'ho. n f. c. U. fall, ilim-s'lsli, refund money. J)ou'l annoy otliein by your coughlug, and rink your lilo hy neglecting a cold, Ono Miuuto Cough Cure cures coughs, coldu, cioup, grippe and all throat aud lung trouhlcB. A, C, Muretors' . Co. NOTB AND COMMENT. Congressman Tongue's bill creating a reserve of 'M mllof fqnare about Crater Lake pasaed the house. Hon. W. K. Kd wards, who run a a fualon candidate for state senatjr from the conntlei of Josephine, Coos and Cii'ry, 1 now oppossd to fiaon. Wbon a man acknowledges a fault, IKiliiical or o'herwise, it is Kxr oli(.y to ridicule him. Make it aa ay as poasi hie for blin to get on the right side of the line. Newberg Graphic. The Dispatch has Dot been in har mony with method which are lo bring about a union of the free silver (orcea, bicans it believed and now doe think It, bad and dishonest politic. If the old democratic party has principle they ae worth defending at all time. In time I be better tense ol the people would permanently adopt them, ihe desertion of principle for a temporary victory is uot going to make converts to the cause We believe there is yet a democratic party. Portland Dispatch. The interest which Is taken in the work ol growing flai fiber in Oregon and Washington is not confined lo these stale'. The Americad Volunteer, a newspaper published at Carlisle, l'a., re. cenlly im Wished a half Column article on tlax and linen which call apecial atten tion lu the effort i.ow being made in Oregon to establish Ihe linen manufact uiing industry. This ifljrt is highly cjinmuiided, and a hearty wish for its uccen is expressed. The same paper contains a letter from B. S. i'ague, cbief of the Oregon weather bureau, which gives an eicellent report o' Oregon's productiveneea from an aiiricultural standp tint Daily Antorian. (kmmisioner of the General Liiid Of fice Dinger Hermann, stale, regarding the leccnt ruling of the Interior Depart ment, concerning the amount of work re quired on each mining claim helor.) pit tut would issue and und'r date when such order goes into efiect, that all claims upon which work was done before iJecember 1j, 1H'J7, will hi approved. He alss s'ates that it will m'll.-e, if, in applying for a pjteut 011 a group of claim, work or improvement aregi- ing ;u.iinr eacu claim cau he slio n to nave in en put on me group a an en tirety. Where bH expended upon one location ami upon another, ioin'lv owned by the first, both would pass. The Welcome is not a republican na- ier, hut it preferred the election of Mc- Kmley to tliHt 1 I liryau on account of their eeveral piwiion 011 Ihe money (iie8tion. It ia glad now that Mr. Mc- Kinley and not Itrtan was elected, be- cauo ot the lumiitenre of war with pain. President McKioley knows what war is, its incalculable ro.-t. iu inde scribable horrorn ; and he will uot rush into war unless it Incomes a great na tional necessity. Yet McKiuley is pa triotic, a thorough American, who cau he depended upon to mak war when aucb a ueceesity arise, t,nd to carry it on vigorously ami valiantly. What Mr. Hryan might have done we d ) not know. He might have risen to tin decision and done well; tut became of his ineip.'ri- ence and impetuosity the country would nave been in a fever of doubt and an xiety. It i well that in such a time as this we have a nudum!, calm, cool ex perienced man at Ihe helm of the !bip of Slate. Portland Sunday Welcome. Won't Fuse. The Highland Populist Club has adopted some red hot resolutions against fusion which makes the oflice-seeking democrat sweat blood. They "indignantly refute to permit unauthorized pereons to trade witn the Dirtnngiit ol ttie people a party for a 'mess of pottage.' even though it be cooked in a silver pot, free of charge, in a democratic kitcuen and navored w ith a few petty county ollices." lliey call attention to bow the people b party was "seriously injured by fusion with a party which betrayed the trust rupesed in it so shamefully an to defeat tbe election of Bryan for president, and to give the plutocracy an overwhelming majority in uongreBS." 1 bey reler to the populist as the Iamb and the democrat aa the lion, and say : "Tbe lion and the lamb never lie down together in nioderu politics, except when tbe lamb 1b inside the lion." The dodu- list lamb don't propose to be found In side the democratic lion. They finally clinch tbe matter when they say : "All populiata worthy of the name look witn distrust upon any pro posed alliance which has no firmer basis for unity than a division of offices aud spoils." San Bernardino Times Index. In Probate Court. In the matter of tho estate of II. 1) Thomas, deceased, objections having been tiled to the unal account of admin istrator, hearing was ret for March 15, 1KIIK. In the mutter of tho etdato of Joseph Rosin, deceased, final account of K. M. Coukling, administrator, was approved and admiuisttator uucuarged. in the estate of W. L Wilson, de ceased, administrator, was given author ity to sell real estate at private sale. A. N. Varncv was removed as admin istrator of Ihu estate: of J. A. Varney, deceased. Iu the estate of Joshua Abbott, dc- ceaeed, account in final eelilemtmt was upproved and I. C. Morne, administra tor was diachargad. Admiuibtrator wan grand d lecve to fell real estate belonging lo the estate ol America louug. deceased. Account iu final settlement of t stute of Nancy McCulloch, deceased, wui ap proved and estate cloi-ed. Final settlement iu the matter of es tate id S. Gloor, decciised, was couliuucd to May :'. ISliS. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and biliouauess? Thousands experience them who could becomo erfectlv healthy by using De Witt's Little Karlv liiaeis, the lamutis little pills, Mariners' Drug Store. Educate Your linueU Willi fuarareta. I'umly ('iiiliiiitti', euro constipation forever. lUe.'jfro. II C. U. C. full, ilruKKibUrvtuud niuuey. Wo have a fine line of pure white bed spreads, also luce curttuus, scrims ami draperies. You may need tlietie al lioime-cleauing time-. Novelty Store. CLI'.RK'S ANNUAL REPORT. Tor School Diet. No. 4, for Year Knd Ing March 7, 1898. Resident persona between 4 and 20 years of age, males 340, females 'M'., total 700. Teachera amnio, I mala 4 famulus K Teachers holding life diplomas, ma!e i, lemaie i. Teachers holding stale life diploma female 1. Teacher holding state certificates, females U. Teachers employed in private schools, male 1, female 1. The nilnils in nrlvatn achnol avaraire Will Of. GI.NKHAI, STATIftTRS. V'al school house and grounds 14, 000 00 II ' !. nnn i urn uu re j,uAr i " otiparatni 175 t Insurance on rchool property W,300 CO Iil rnnntli. Myl,nr,l o No Mo. private .cbool l J No. of lifirat vnfpra MO Tax levied for present year. . . 4 mill KI.NANCIAL BTATCHB.XT. Fund on hand March 1, 1807. f 152 72 Kec'd on district tax S,3.V 43 Hec'd of Co. treasurer 500 30 Kec'd si ate school fund 1,673 70 Kec'd by rate t ills 2H 7i Kec'd from other aources I 00 Total receipts for year t 6,705 00 Paid for teacher's wages 3,719 90 Paid int on bonded dent 744 00 " for painting school house 150 00 " for wood 19112 " Dist. clerk 104 25 " Water Co 00 00 " janitor 331 45 " insurance 270 00 Paid for incidentals 143 oo Total paid s hool purposes. . . . 5704 36 Cash on band March 7, W.)H. . I 54 Amt. doe on dist. tax 150 00 Council Meeting. The city council met Monday evening March 7, at tbe city ball, and on roll call the following were found present: Major Marnier; Councilmen Parks, Shamhrook, Willis, Benson, Perry, Fields and Aiken ; Marshal Dillard and Record er Kite. Ahfeut, Seblbrede. Minutes of las, meeting read and ap proved. A petition was presented to have the electric light on Mill street changed to the junction with Sykei street. Granted. Committee on city improvement re parted not favorable on petition to raise tbo light on Fowler street. Report laid on the fable. Committee on ways and means re ported that no change would be made in boarding ihoutie and laundry licences at present. Marshal aud recorder's monthly re ports read and accepted. Tne following bills vere allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Brown A Tustin, atty.' salary f 10 00 Koeeburg Electric Light Co, lights 147 25 Churchill, Woolley & McKeczie hardware . 5 50 A. Field, stieet work 2 CO J.G. Hook Co., lumber 8 25 B. F. Page, street work 8 70 D. Patterson, drayage 4 75 Dunbar & Co., lumber .... 19 56 F. W. Dillard, salary 50 00 F. W. Dillard. janitor 2 50 Dexter Rice, salary 25 00 Bill of II. W. Miller for 15.87 for judgment against the city referred to judiciary committee. Committee on city improvement in structed to com mecee improvements on Bide streets as soon as weather would permit. Council adjourned. Dexteb Kick, Recorder. In Memory of Little Alice Gilbert. Our precious gem from us has gone, The one w t loved bo well, To live in Jesus' happy home, And with the angels dwell. Although bei life waa filled with charms While in this world below, The Savior called her to His arms Aud to His w ill we bow. For in His bleseed book we see In words with accent, given : "Sutler the little children to come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of Heaven." A Fuiemi. Love ha t long way tt go to react the heart ol tbe modem up to date young man. When he looks for a wife, he expects a ,! ,1 T'.k .- more than he de- TJir ' " serves. He wants good ' 'looks, good sense, good nature, good health. They usually go together. Au observing tnau learns that a woman who is physically weak and nervous and in capable, is likely to be ill-natured too. Tbe sweetest temper ia turned by continual sickness. A woman whose nerves are constantly racked and dragged by debilitating drains and inflammation, cannot be a genial com panion or happy wife j and she is totally unfitted to be a mother. These troubles prevail almost universally among women largely because of careless ness and neglect. There is no real need of them. Dr. J'ierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive specific for the weaknesses and diseases of the feminine organism. It cures them radically and completely. It heals, strengthens and purifies. It is the only scientific remedy devised for this spe cial purpose by an educated, skilled physi cian. It is the only medicine that makes motherhood easy and absolutely safe. Wist Lauretta McNeea, of Reno (P. O. Uo t.i), Waihoe Co., New, writea: "I have discontinued taking the 'Prescription' anil will not take anv more (at prrsenti. Last mouth 1 bad no pain at oil aud worked every diiy without any inconvenience w hatever. It waa the first time I uever had pain during that period. I cannot aay too much for vour inedu-iiiea. especially Ihe ' 1-avoriie Prescription ' and ' l'leasiint l"el tets.' . I kuow of a Uulv w ho took om bottle of your Favorite 1'rencrfptiou ' and ahe saya aht waa not aick like she waa with her first baby. This waa her second bahy. She thinks it a graud mcdiciue. ho do 1." Dr. Pierce has had a life-time of experi ence in this particular field. His loco-page illustrated hook, "Tbe People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" contains several chapters devoted to woman's special physi ology. A paper bound copy will be sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address, World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. 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