The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 10, 1898, Image 4

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IWUkD 1111 tatiaaDAY ST
MARCH 10, m.
(Tin. II. Tongu
Onv.rnnr ...........
Hm-mary l mat -
mate Tn-aann-r ....
Kiipt. ! t. Iiiilruiliun.
Bute I'rliiivr ......
Attorney Ucucral.... ....
8urcinc Judgca.
- i W. K. Kill.
,.....Wtllim I. Lord
H. K Klucal.t
, I'bll Mtnrrian
. M. Irwlo
W. II . Insert.
C. M. Mirmaii
,r. a.
io. K.
(R. 8.
F. A. Moor
tJ. B. KJJj
Railroad Ci.miniaaloucra..
, 1. A. aiw iu
(H. B. Oompaoo
Clerk of Railroad Commlnlon Lydeil ar
mcond jtiniriAL Diwurt.
judge 1. O. Fullrrton
I'maMMitltia Atinraov- E. atiia
o. a. land orrici, aoair.
RMwlTer B-8-J,Vfr1Ja"
Rtgiater . M. VealcD
. The. UiMoa
A. W. RmiI
iJ. T. p
A.M. I
J.T. Brtdgi.
RrpreMnUtlTC .......
Nrhool tiupcriuilcnl
County Judge
Hurrtjor -
Bbeep Inspector ...
J, H Shiip
. c. Ar
W. A. FrmtM
.... DouglM H
A. r. Btearaa
t at. H. TbompaoD
iV. H. Nlrholi
...Will r. He Tdon
....Dr. K. L. Millet
Thoa. 8mll
ratciMC-r orrtciaa.
Juitloe ... John Hamlin
Innalablea. . H. C. 81ocum
Mayor.. .
A. C. Mntn
U'.K. Sliamtirovk
- JO. Tirki
ill. C. Stanton
lit Ward
tud Ward
3rd Ward
4 lb Ward
TrcHurer .... -..
Marabal -.
- l. Moore
(A. Field
j Win. Terry
iC, A. BchlVrcde
- iJ. c. Aiken
,.......Xexlr Rloe
Oeo. i a-py
.. f. W. IMUarJ
The Circuit Court (or Dooglaa County meetf
three limca a year ai follow.: The ti Mon
day In March, the th Monday in June, and the
tot Monday in December. J. C. Kullcrton of
Koacburg Judge, (ieo. M. Brown, or Koaetmrg,
proaocuting attorney.
County Court raoeta the 1st W cdnedy aft 'i
the lt Monday of January, March, May, July,
tteptember aud November, A. f. rjiearna, oi
Oakland. Judge; M. D. Thompson of Pcoilsburg
and W. It. Mcholi, of Riddle, commlaalonera.
Probate Court la In lesiion continuously, A. f
Slcarna, fudge.
Caro Bros, are the boat merchants.
J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
County claims and warrants bought by
D. 8. Weat.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Koseleaf.
V. i. West does insurance. Office op
posite the post office.
Excelsior tiour is guaranteed first
class. Ask your grocer lor it. Only $1.00
per sack,
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscriptions to
the l'L-USKKALlkB.
For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg tt Abraham, wboae stock
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Money to loan on city and country
property. V. 8. Ji. Buick,
Maretera' Building, Bosebnrg, Or.
The Square Deal store has joat opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be tbe beat shoe
made. Come aud inspect them.
The W. C. T. U. will hold ita regular
meetings on tbe second and louxtr)
Tbuisday of every month at 7 :30 p. m,
in the Lpworth League room of tbe M,
Children and adults tortured by burnf,
scalds, injuries, eczema or akin disease!
may secure instant relief by using De-
Witt's Witch liazel Salve. It is tbe
great Pile remedy. Marsters' Drag
Notice is hereby given to tbe public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be harried on my prem
ises, at Koseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tbe party taking aand
or gravel first contract with me for tbe
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Rosi,
Koseburg, Oregon, March 17tb, 1885.
Tbe daylight ride along tbe Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
tbe year. Passengers taking tbe Spo
kane Flyer, leaving tbe Union depot at
2:45 p.m. daily, get tbia view lasting
over five hours. Bat that is not all.
Tbe O. K, & H. give through servica to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Uosaland,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. K. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:15 p. ni. ,
V, 0. Losnov, Agent,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Weekly Uxcurslona to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
laud every Tuesday at U p. in. via the O.
K. & N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision oi experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Bufialo or
Bostou. The ideal trip to the east is
now before you. Kemember this service
when going Fast, and consult O. K. & H.
agents, or addresB,
W. II. lliiauiKi,
General Passenger Agent,
f:'4. Portland, Or.
Ednrale Your llowela Ti'ltb Cuaeareta.
Cundy Cuthartlc, cure constipation forever.
I0c,i!Sc. If C. C. C. full, drugnltii refund money.
To the Public.
On and aftor this date, 1 w ish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. Bknkoick, Undertaker.
Koseburg, Ore., April 12, 18.
Doa't Tobacco Spit sad bnuk Vvar l ire Ansj.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve und vigor, take Ne To
Dae, the wnnder-wortier, thut makes weak men
uroiig. All drui'gikts, tOoortl. Cure fc-uamrv
terd. floolilet und sample free. Addresn
Ktcrlliif Jtcuiedy Co, C'liicimu vr New Verl.
I am lretuln of Aluxkit,
OI It itlamour and its koM,
OI Ita tines plored reccfRei
And iti unrelenlinK roM.
Wliera the ulrrpjr aim will onljr nhioo,
Ad hour or (wo at most ;
Theo hurry hack to lxl aijaiii
PifgiiBled with the
And the ronrinit borrnli,
linci fandanitoe with tho moon,
Through the lon nml drenry wintor,
From ISoplrmher until June.
I ran toe ita glacial euliUulos,
And hear ita tempogia rave;
While round tut yawnlus ihioii8
As chocilt a aa the grave.
Here void and i linos reign hh io ih-,
Kvon laucy fears to tell.
The frigid horror broivling o'er,
Theantipodea oi hell.
Dnt even lieie the pioneer
lias forced his forward way.
His t-nted cities dot the trail,
As far as lawson lty.
I te the eager multitude,
Ye lenderieet beware ;
For Klondicitus perms
Swot to travel io the air.
The frenzied liabto, the eoliielmc?.",
The pure untutore I greed,
The gambling heil and leer i.iloon,
Proclaim, ttie gvld etjmnK'.
1 hough fain to go, uiy presence (here
The fates have disallow ed :
Contented then l'il plough aud tow,
And help to fei-d the crowd.
Will IK I'ltKMNKK.
Miss Willard's Keenest Critic
Recognize Her 5;ricc..
( Mi nt J Tunc IIcimM
The death of Miss Frances K. WilUid I
closes a life so fruitful in loftv tndravor, I
SO admirable in its consecration to chosen
duty, so strong in its aspirations toward :
high and noble ideals, that the whole!
world may well afford to turn aside from j
ita business and its strife and lay the
laurels of love upon her bier. I
Miss Willard was a great leader. Iu ,
her gentle personality were tin- elements
of true generalship that enabled her to j
marshal the forces of temperance into ai
mighty host. Without fanaticism or !
bigotry she brought to the organization j
of which she was the head the intrepid
courage of a dauntless leader, the rip? at- j
tainment of a liberal scholarship and
the loving kindness of a nature that rev-
er lost the softer attributes cf ret'.ned I
Miss Willard's earlv training, educa- I
tion and environment were ebaped for
the evolution of this splendid personal
ily destined to shake tli6 moral forces of
two continents. Her clarion appeal for
sobriety went ringing rcund the world.
Her plea for the obliteration of a trathc
that devastated homes and tilled alms
bouses and penitentaries stirred the
hearts of a common humanity. That
which was a sentiment and a precept iu
millions of hearts the crvstaiiied into
one mighty organization, wbk'h grappled
with the giant of intemperance and
politicians tremble. Acros6 its bauners
she wrote the words, 'For God and
Home and Native Land." More it.spir-
ing words than these never stiued to
valorous deeds the knights of chivalry.
She liyed to see the drunkard ostra
cised and the seal of popular condemna
tion placed upon the man who lingers
long at his cups. It was her piivilce to
witness tbe social decree that makes
temperance respectable and excessive
drinking disreputable. She was blessed
with friendships rich, rare and varied,
"all lying within the temperate z?ne of
great heart's geography."
Surveying the teauty of her life, its
plentitude of noble achievement and its
bountiful sacrifice, her keenest critics,
who sometimes ruthlessly assailed the
methods of tbe organization which the
(onnded, must join in toe acknowledg
ment that she was a great moral force
and that her services to mankind were
Flirting or Deceit.
The first question a man asks when he
Bees a girl flirting, is whether she is re
spected or not, and also the first epila
tion a girl asks when she sees a boy flirt
ing is wnetber be i .espected or Dot,
certainly they are not. When a girl or
Doy throws lighiiy aside that molest re
serve so becoming to young folks, and
which enables them to command the re
spect of all, they lo3e their best charms
become rather cheap to use no rash term.
Oh, the untold sin of such pabstime.
Some may call it pleasure, but my friend .
do not think that grinding others hearts
to the bed-rock with pain, and untold
pain is pleasure.
flirting may seem to the giddy aud
thoughtless, wonderfully amusing, and
they may get the idea that it is a most
degrading thing, and should be frowned
upon by every young man or women.
God will undoubtedly hold every one
who is guilty of deceit, accountable iu
Perfection is the result of our long
xxm '''VMM
arc the product of mechanical ingenuity.
$40.00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chainless SfOO.OO
Send for IBOU Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lako, HalstecJ cr.d Fulton fe. roots, Chicago.
Branches-New York. London anil Hamburg,
end ten 2. cent atampa for e tiif.k tt plnyma Cards illustrating
Lillian Ruaaell, Tom Cooiicir, I eu looharclaon, and Wditer Jonw
the day of jiiljiiient, i "inoinU(r
this and try to not iiiukk our tru'iut. ir
tliofo who wouKI he our Mcudx, troulli,
lartlioohl savii'tt is: "lln im.tdoli
cate, the in oh I noHe. of m11 pleaoure.1 en
aists in promotinn thi pleaatirei of oth
era. A Ki kion Oiki.
In memory of I.. W. INtes, who 'lied
at his home near Oakland on M n h l,
IS'.iS, The iinnoiiniriiieut of theile.ith
of Mr. listen on last Tticsdav iiioiniug
foil like a dark thiidow- over our entire
community. Mr. Kslea ws eoulinrd to
hin bed but a few days, when death
claimed this oue of ur honored and re
spected ciiuens. Mr. hii" li.i, lived in
ttiis county but a few year, hut during
that lime he has undo insnv warm
friends who will sadly miss Ins kind
words and deeds of love. Io pmfssl
raving faith in Jesus Christ in IM'S and
united with the I'.aptist church in which
he livod a f.iithful unl consistent uioni
until his death. He wa ix devoted ion
pun ion and a kind and loving fther.
He vs a friend to n'l and exery cue his
friend. The bereaved family have the
siucerest sympa'ln- ( a largo circle of
friends and scipiaiu'.auivs, ll i! dear
ones you need not uimini hi tl.iw kli
have lu hope. For the Master h;is said
in his word: '"l.t no! your heart bo.
troubled, in my l ather's Ii mi-o ;renia..
mansion?," a'id your d.ur departed
husband aud father now inliet i's on.x el
thojo nnnions p-cprel fvii '. m n,
w ho love their Lord a:id .vl "ir as he
has done.
Then take comfort in the ihou! t that
where he is you may bo aIo h n your
earthly work is done, uml when lie. urn's
gate is opened wide your loved
ioa and father will n.idjiib- b. the li t
to welcome vou ho'ii-., i.tid u '
byes are hear I r.o t. re.
Dearest father, th m re rflin,
From the Sorrows f this life.
For the spirit cl.t'.e 1 iinniort d.
Dwells beyon 1 tin 'rid of
Though the teardrop fell unhidden.
When we saw :'iv smiling (.ie.,
We would not ruail thv t-piri;.
From i s happy resting place.
In the sunny vale of F.den,
Py t lie rixer pure and bright,
Where the tree of life is blooming.
Aud our faith is lost in sight.
We shall j tin the hosts triumphant,
Meetiug o;ir loving father there.
Broken ties twain united.
There slnll be no parUug there
So go to thy rojt au 1 smile,
Thy aosence we deplore,
t'ue thought our sorrow shall beguile;
For soon with a celestial smile
We shall meet t J part tu more.
Oakland, Or., March Y.h, K.N.
Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!!.
Iu pianos, organs aud musical goods.
Bicycles new and second hand at the
lowest prices possible. 1 have also got
about thirty thousand (eet of lumber
w hich I have taken in trade for goods,
aud will sell cheap, as I am not iu the
lumber business.
T. K. Ku it Wii'SoN,
Losebur, 'r.
.j. i'. ,xi.iun s lee i store i ttie pia
hi' .' to
get your fee 1 and taa ladin;
brands .(
tl jur, incui ling i-.ugene w lule s'ar, corn
meal, wheat grist, cream middling,
hitue made buckwheat tljur, etc.. als a
car load of salt both tine and coarse.
.1. D. M sn.
Su.cii5or to Cawltield A C.twltield.
No-l-llai' fir I Ifly liii
i i tobai co ha: it c:re. n.aU.
nivii .-.trotitf. bluoU pure, fr v fl. AU dru
Executors Notice to Creditors.
' -on- li.i r,
K. A. u ai,:
ui'.ll l!;. :..;
-:i.'U -1, u .';o
Ht.l-.KUV ',V KN lU A I I. I r.K
iiu l.iim ai;!i;ii-t liic i -t.i'- Mr
:., 'U' a-'-t. t' 'U-. ni r.e .t ,
;K.-r v.'1:. in'f i:- : (or. lu.' i.i.m r
o hi r.,-. n 1-y : lie l'.
111! , ' 7' 1 1 ,' . ;i
.e 1. i-l U lit nil 1 1.
8.1 dn ill-, .1. ;.t t o .
n R 1-Hr--.''rt
I Kn
at ai. I t .
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ceUI.T ni
ra f T'l
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I Ire.
iMth.ii s. iiiontli ir.iiiiHtid
'( t:.e nr-l il'l,. aii. n ! ti.i-
ri-lrurv l"th. 1 .'.
U.C.L'I :'t!i J.r. id Ke' '. t-
John ll. w ai-":
I.n.-. uti.r "t l!.c L.,'. Vi ill and T.. -:.::;.
M:. I.. A. .Ksou. '!.. ii.-vd. I
I I.
' IK'TIl ( Oi'Ki UK 1 HE ; I A I I
a. f 'T lu::g'.a I'o'.w:
inn T.uiiiu:!,,
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l av:, nie Moiirmi ...lefeiidani
l'i I awiclac Moi.'.ai. t:.c h-.
U n 1h;i; :
In tl.c uni.ic of the; .-la:-- ' f Or--her'-by
r-ii:rvl l-i ap; in.-l ..
j-la.ut c;.-i avnin-t -.u in ti..
'lit, HI tlie at0 e-l:a:. '-! e lil. oil
r t!;.-. ..
-. e i ntit.i-1
r t-.Ioie t-io
lir-t 'lav of the ru-vt r'--"i:..r t r i . s
viit.t'.vi i-'-urt, to ,t, tne Ji-t !
Aii-1 y.e; v.i" tk- no'.'.u t!..-t if
oi Hi.' a .
.17 Oi Map ll
noi. ur a.'i-l io.--.M-r t-.O'l cor.-ii-.ttoi', I"r wnot
I t:iere-"f tut- via. ritnt u.l ni-ply ti I..-- t'.iirt I
! Ill" re!i'-t I.rav. -I f. .r ill .aid eomliluoit, s lie li i-
a di--oliiti' ai of lii- liiarna' oi;tr ict ii-.-.vcx.-t
111 bctvw-'-Ii your-'-il Kll'l tin- l'.iui.'.ilt b. r .11
aal that th
p.amtltl lie- uwapl'-'l
thf cai'- an
c u-t'.dv of tin-
minr i lul'l, the i-Mie ol -m
loiy MorJuii. uii-1 that p!a i
'-1- all-l ili-hiir-' lil'.-Iit-i ;l
i- arriiu'-, t'
ti :t r i u-. r h r i
1 hi' -'minion- i- jiii 1,1:-tic I I.-, i rh-r ma-i'- ul
f'hamin r-, lit Ko-i-burs, LioiikIm-count . W- ei
! lloh J. i . lu.l'rtoii. J...itj.j oi ( .j ,rt,
th.s j-1 d.i v ol t..hri.aiv, 1- -.
IPA 11 K.'l'l'l k.
t Afiini'-j l--r l-.aiii 1.1
A republican convention for the stale
ol Oregon is hereby called to meet In the
city of Astoria on Thursday, ApiilUat
II a, in,, for tho purpose of nominating
cftimiiintcs lor otalo iiml itistrici oincea
"except iMtigressman" and to transact
such other business as may wop
come before said convention. The con
vention will consist of -Si delegates an
(Hirtioned among the severs I counties ol
tir state as follows ;
l' ti Lincoln 1
lisutoii 7 Lane U'
Clack am as ) j Linn U
Clatsop 10 Malheur :t
t'olumbl.i (i Mai ion 'M
Oooa 7 Morrow 4
Clock J .Multnomah 00
Currv ;t I'olk 5
Houglas 1 1 Sherman :i
Oillitm I Tillamook ."
ranl o I'matilla II
Harney ;S I'iiioii S
Jackson 8 Wallowa .'
Josephine o Wasco 10
Klamath d Washington IJ
l.ske:! Yamhill 10
The same bring oue delegate at largo for
oicn county mill one delegate lor each
1M votes and faction thereof of o0 or
over as cast for William Mckinley at
the presidential election held in Noveiif
bt r, lS'.Hi.
I'hn coiniuiitCK recommends that the
primaries be held on Saturday, Atrll '.
i him inn county conventions, vtedncs
I day, April ti, ISfs. unless otherwise or
dered by tho several county committees
Sot. muse ii, Chairman.
O N. H-sn, Socy.
A ropublievii. ciivention fjr the first
tvi'grtitioual dis'rii-t of the slate of Ore-
g'Ui is heretiy railed to meet in the cilv
ol, on Monday, April II, nt L'lJO
p.m., lor Ilia purpose if noujinatitig
iMtididato for I'lingrehs lor the tlr.-tt con-
k;ri'.-eioinil dutriet, an I t.j trutio.tet such
oiuor may properly come
tH'fote said convention. Tho couven
tion will consist of 1 1" dtdfgttes ai
portioned among the several counties id
tho district as follows:
7 Lincoln I
1" I.ane I.'
7 linn 1J
II Marion '.M
11 I'olk S
S Tillamook '
') Washington IJ
:t Yamhill 10
The auio heing one delegate at large
for each county and one delegate for
each LV0 votae and fraction thereof of .r0
or over as can', for William McKinley at
ttie pre'.deutial election livid in Novem
her IS'.iti.
The committeti lecommends that the
primaries he held on Saturday, April V!
and the county convention Wednesday,
April t, lS'is tiulvss otherwise ordered
by the several county committees.
U.J. Hkm'hu k.i, (.'li.iirman
I. A Wu..-"N, Secretary.
A delegate convention of lh republi voters of lunulas county ii hereby
called tu meet iu the Court room lu IwvSe
btirj, on edtietiUT. April i.lh, h'.is, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. , for the pur
poce uf noininating county etlicers, and
electing 11 delegates to the congressional
convention which meets at Kucene on
M jikI.1, April 11, IS!', and 1 1 delegates
to the state convention, which meets at
As'.uiii on Thursday, April 1 1, lv.S, nnd
tei !ritii?aet bin h other tiiiaiuess as shs
prcperly come I cfore nn convention.
lt.e convention will cunsiit of 1. 1
delegates appointed aH follows: tlue
delegate at largo (or each precinct, und
one for each 'JO votes or fraction cf live
or over cant for li. !S, 15eun for supiemu
judge in is1.", that will make the rcpre
mentation as follows :
Koseburg ii
Peer Creek
l'mpiua H
West Koseburg 5
'loucalla ii
Canyonvi'le .'
Coles Vallev o
Civil Keiid ' :;
Wilbur ;!
Millwood J
Llktoti 7
ScottBhurg o
Camas Valley .'
Mt. Scott
1'asi Creek
Myrtle Creek
Ten Mile
Cow Creek
Fast rmpua
(.'Hiking t ilasx
La apooia i
Total 1JI
The comn.i'tee recomiiietnis that the
primaries to elect said delegated he held
at the umiuI voting places in each pre
cinct at 1 o'clock, p. in. of Saturday,
April J, l.yis.
It i further recommended that the
several primaries ihooee one person to
serve ai a member of the county central
committee for llio coming two ears.
There will also he nominated at the
several primary elections, candidates for
justice of the peace aud constable, hose
nomination must be certified to the
county convention for confirmation.
The cuinmit'ee recommended that no
proxies he t'iven Io person not actual
residents of the precincts to ho repre
sented. Koseburg, Oregon, l eh. JH, lS'JH.
F. W. ISknkox,
S. C. I -"list, Chairman.
Kvcrybocly fiaya ho.
riisciirpia f 'amiv Catlmrtic, the most won
riei f .) in. iiic ul discovery of the age, pleas
ant. ni:i i-. Iresliinfr to tlm taste, net Kentl.
niid positively ou kiclneyii, liver nnd bowels,
tlcatmiiif? ttio cniirn systrm, dlspt l colds,
cum iieu'tniilm, fever, linliltiinl constipation
end bi ioumie'ri. I'lcasi buy und try a box
dfl.'.Ci; Io day; 10, M renin, holdund
R-.uraiit. j u to euro by all druggists.
ei i v i s IB vh i:p; vi I v
il'J'.V -l-.i I HKI) i V N,UU:r. I.AU.i.
pile Uriil
eiilifin I
ITIie a7,.o to tia.5. Itiitli-rooiii iiinl
inillMi Mini , iiml, na-il. (live Voul Ii alel Vixor.
up-', Klieiiiiiiitiiciii. NeiiralKin, l a lirlnnn, (,'oMm.
I. her iiml KiiliieT Trouble. A1 n kos Cleiir Hkln
ii iid Hiu Kerwa.
Toluiio, Oldo.
I.. I- . V M.sif. Aifc nl fur DoiikIhh (,'onnly.
l.el' r In i,. i oiihcion I"
Mkh. II. C. M ( I.AI I.KN,
MuClalk'll Hoiimi, IIok-Ijiiik, nr.
Pour Farm to .Unit.
rroposltlons will Im received by tlm
county clerk up to IJ m. March lllh,
lt, for rental ol the Poiigliia county
poor farm, about lAH' acies, about 100
acres farming lundi nnd balance pasture,
for it term ul one In time teaia Con
sideration to ho taken of the plowing
done and grain sown, the iiinning o( a
(ieo ferry, und hoarding of tho paupers
now there.
There la now on Urn place I Iuum s, 'J
plows, wngon, hack, harrow, hinder,
mower, hay rake, eultivaloiit, and a
very complete outlit for running u l.iiin
and keeping house, n list of wldch cnii
be seen at the cleik'a oilice. Also, 7
ffiwa, 'J lielltom, i eiiiling calves, NO
held of hegi nnd pig". M'lltin gniiu Hlld
Intv, IhestiH-k i (or sale now. Will
rent (aim without iipiipttieii'M or block,
Init pn der to lent l.iitu mid fell c.iilp.
incuts bi same puny.
I'be licht t i ren-i ved to reject any or
all bids.
A. K. S i k iiinn,
County Judge.
A, erul li.nj jt uii4.1ullnl.J T. . l
1. hUit . I.okc .nlo Nr .l,lr.
Glass and Dolf Ware
at ut.itd ttiin lio .nrr.. Our un .tmMl
lmn..nva arc) vny pi,)ular.
,1 -i 1 v .1 e
-fV ;.i.V
his is the
to Buy
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, l'ick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS cS: CO., Grocers.
l- J. Z J"l lion
I. nmi mn
'l 110 tia
t 111 -
'jiii in cuiii 1 fit 1 1
flava uu la Of JA Q3Q 01 I IUU JRU dJiaa UU I) nZ9Bf
j."Pi!oJpui . oj.'i-i uiojj ilti)d fur Jinrji -,nj-.i t
fur uj.isj p moiivjid'.v pue sr.-p; t u,i.w
n XiprduiXs i(n j nt m 'Xrp Jt o snonsinb v jo tuor.511 .ip 2
- )s.ictr puc is- j.prj si;
fO SJCiMM KM. liri "II
'M3dVdS.X'-IN NM3J.S3A
suajrd oqi v - n uajp
-V .71; 01 Xuiitaj.vuf v ; 'souii
vXliu ;s.) .it; fit ivij) ot unht
n sinunot n jo iJnvj3)-j .njr
3f11Vtl3inXN3aMn01B38 0NV6M3N 3H1
11V 63HddnS NV30O M31NI A1X33M 3H1
I .,'.1UU1A0U) Wtl!
j -od iv jo siiod.u isjuoq put jiii joj
uo p?i3J q t.tvMte uvj i ingj,-
m NU33Q H31N A13I33M fijl
uvi i ri cd 1 1
M u I 1 1 1 J a a a 1 a -w a a 1 1 a a a a ,
IHuvccaanr to U. W. Ml.MI.)
General Blacksmithing
mu mm '; m: mjwi.
KKI'.MRIN'd OK Abl, Kl.NUS I'llO.M l"l 1,V JlUNK.
Kliup 011 Comer Wuftlilnntoii aiicl Kane HIM., ItoittliuiK.
U a
mill it the result ol olds nnd
aiiijderi clmiiitio cIihiiijc-.i.
It uui Ihj ciiri-il livn nlena.-uit
rcniHy wlii'ilt in uptilluij ill
ruclly Into llui iumihI. lie
liiiiilekly aiiaurbeilit uivt
nlicr ut oiiiu.
Ely's Cream Balm
n atknowh tlt il to hn tlm inot tlioroui'ti cure for
NttMii) utiinh, ( ohl in 11 ml und Jluy 1 t vi r of uH
rvnmllvH. Jt iii.mim mihJ It-ruir- Hid iuihiiI iibCHUi't H,
alluys miii Brut inthiiuinuti'tti, ii-hI:i tlit Hori-H, io
tei lM tli.t Kifi.ttiriiiM) fiom foIilHi r " hm-H Hid m iih'
(it nntv. nml hiM-'il, l'i i ill J rii: :'i-tr- (r liy ni;iil.
liLX bUO'.liM.i-i, CO WuntahLicLl.IxtjW Vuik.
ts mi i liittir inititi ok im. Kiuk
1 el On toil hi ami tor tin- I'niiiil.v of ll uuln-v
W I'. I,"hl, It, It. Kill, uld ami l int Mi'ImIiiiii
lloniel el t'oinndixilouei. lot- Ihe .nip ,, hi-liiMil
ntid t!nlei'iy I nnd., iiimI Imi llto Imm .Imh III
ul Intel- niiolns llieri-lunii, I lnliillit .,
1. .1. TtiiiinliHi, a. d ml nll mini uf tin- ixlaie ul
Wllllani .''ini "inker, lule ol Iihih-Im. I oniilv,
Hivnii. Ui-ei-rt.i-d, II "Ins-nut! i-r I intra I'
t'linu'ioli. A 1 1 .1 Mntilii'iiK, Viiiim II M 1 1 1
en ., ami n.ii.Ii M lientil., In Io, Hl I hit -nl'l
W 1 1 1 1 n ii i Mnn-iii.krr, ilieean it, l'i Irinlmilf.
To l.iiiini (' Ciiiueron and Hnmll M. I H- li ll la,
sl'" e tianieil ileli'iuliinl. ;
In tin' inline nl ht lNt ul Oivunii, win iiml
erteli of iiii 1 1 it aliow itiiiiii'it iteleiiilHiil., I iiura
'. Csiiieion ami -nniti M m-iinl., uui Ih h Iiv lr
iiiliil In a " in tiliil mi. m i tlno niii..iiil iili-cl
nv-inll-l tun III 1 1 io mIhiim llllllli.l I'lMIII Hllll
i ame, on or Im-ioiu llio Mi. I ibo ol llui uil tvn
iilur I' mi ol unlit i mill, io ll the tlitol Mon
ibiv, tin- .'Ul 'l.y ol Mim Ii, l,is
A n.l )nii nlll lukii noin i I il ll win la i to
ni'rnr ait'l nil. uer toilil winiilnliil, lor iwint
lliervol I In- I'IhiiiIIU. Hill rifi'lv to ll,,. nlit
eonlt lor III.' Irllel pluw.l lul lino ill, Io II
'I tint Hie mot IKtlite llii'llilolied III tin. nd eoltt.
I'lHlnl iipnii the lolloii Iiu ilrieillnil iri'iiilM .,
io ll
I ol I, mi. I I he im ' , ol Hie 1011,01 hit ;; 1, a I.,,
I lie lie' , ol tlm ni, olme.-'i, aim the n 1 , ol
. ol 'e .M, II I o the lie' , ol III,' 111 1 , ol 1 1,
Riot I In- , 1 , ol tin u ' ,, tin- . 1 , n !i,, a,. 1 , i,
mt 1.. Hiul I In- in ', ol Ho- tm ' ,, 101. 1 Hi,- nw',
ot I In- in1 , ol me :li, nil in ii .s, li 1 W , l ,
hI.ii. I" itiiiiiliiu nt n point Jn elnilu- N, ol the Kg
cor ol Hie It 1. 1: of Jni-oli Oili-n, liclnii i'ImIiii No
.'.', ami on tin- line Im-Iiwi-h .i 1 timi. an. I x in
tp .11 8, It 4 , V N. iniiiitiia lllelieii N . I A
ehalli", tlli'llio W i: II elislua, Ihi'lin' N I 1
eliHUK, llieuei' I-: .',' 41 1 liiiln. to pliiee of Im-Iii
nii'K alio Ih itltinlinr nl Ih,. a.wil ln-nnl eoini i ul
Hie loiiiitluii I inn! I Inlni ul I lu'iulorr prnttier
111 li .Vi n, It I N , t M. 111101111D th, n,.,. v ;l nml
', tinl., I Inn, -o N ,11 1, nl-, 1 Inn, 1' I-: ru iiml 1 ,
ml, tlienee H ,,i out. tu, eol In-iillintiw ul-o
I he c' ol I In- n-1 , ol n' , of we 11, 111 tp .1. n, It
l,Vt M, nil In .l,iucln eulililv. In tin -.lull, ol
on-ni'ii, ami eoiitttiiiiiia, 111 Htc aKuo-ualt'. aUmt
lour litiiiilu-il nml loriv aeu-. ol Imut iiinit-or
lei.. iuKi-llo-r w llli Hie ii-iii'iiti'tti, iti'H'ilttn
lllellt. nml ll'"llli limiei . Ilietiiiililn In Iniialllii
ot In an t n 1.11 niiix i laiiilin:, innv tx loii-rlo.i'il,
nml the .iitil pienilw. onlri, d .nlll, iiml tin- iio
leeil. Ilieuol l,''ll,-,l In I In' pa unlit ol llirdi li
m i 11 le, I I'V the attl inoi lenii', a. folloii., In wit
1.1, ! I Iu. p'Oim-nl ol tin', i'i,-tiiir. unit
illiI'liixeini'litM ol .licit .nle ioi,t luii-i' ,
.'n,l, In the paviiii'itt u( otte hiimtii'it nml lorti
ilulliir. or am Ii 11II11 r .11111 lor nt lomejr'a li ra 11-
tu- i-niiit IimII or utav ii'ljtnlae rraaoualile : .Iril.
In Hie pn, 1111-11I ol tlii miioiiui uf mom-) itnu tm
l i III it'iti illi.l'l liHiil till' .,iiiUi..t )
ili .i iliiitt 111 iiihl iimitij,i.:i nml eoutplalnt, to
Mil ll.-l i, mill llilileal tlnn.'ll at till) I a It
ot .h per et-iit pi-r ntiiniiii Irom tin I11I1 itnv ol
Si. vi uil., 1, ii7 un, I it am Ii oilier ami till
llu i omIi-i. mid ilri ri-ra 111,11 In' uoi.lii nll l 1-11
letiil III ml 1 nil.- nl altnll Ik- In.t nml e,iill
nlile, mi'l Hint t'lnltillll Inn 1 ait'l tt- ot er JiiiIk
iiii'lit nw r ami nKiiluil Hit .nnl J J. I hnrtil"li
11 ii'l in 1 11I ill aitiir of t In ttilit 1 Ulan- of On mill
lltnini -Inn iiuikt-r, 'ti-11 t, im rnijr ilrin u-ii
iv 11I1I1-I1 inn) Miiiulti ntlri aitl ma tin-pro
1 ei-.l ol Hlld lie a. ntotv.iint, nil'! Hint pUlll'
tilt, nmy U eoiiu' lintili-r. ami puti lmi ra nl .nl-l
.till' ol mill t-i'n ll till. Irr mill tol relnMI ll'
I III Mlltllllnll'i I pllllllll-il iy illill-r ol Hull.
J. I' I'liitii loli, )inti' td nil t innl. 1 1 1 1 1 - In
i'M'li tolltt til Ho-t llv of Knai-lillitt, lu I'olielai
ii'iintv, tii-i;oli. nn ilati il tin-.. Ill ilur ot lh-
n int er, li-i.'.
-t 111. ma pi .
AU.'iii. y lor I'lnltilllli
! 1- .- 4 $ ,f 4'X
A full and coni'ilctc assortment
of all t;ooils usually kt. j.t iu a fust
class grocery.
Kverythiiio- t,jVn.'il lor sale is fresh;
ami solil at very reasonable juices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
aud vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
1 .1. ,i :, t: ;w 1
e . c -ft; ,jr Al-i
limn wi i in-1. ion, 1, tu. 1 C
011 wi i loo v I'tii, 1 1 1 I - L'
1 1 'i "onus I ,....,,,, k f
tt.,01 t Mini ......i.( 2 B SaJ S
1HY nyi IO Xllliil
ViiiiiU1 iitv itiw.i j it t M
mb pur 311.1.
l tXuuq u 91111.1. puc T
r V 1MV3DO KiLKl :-lllJ-
j.-i-)i,rsJU5Jiijrj pur l!iqr i)iim
ird )rq jo tuijpnp jruipjt q
J 3uiirxApt 'ut.iiqnd Xr3ipj t) j
r 1 rxi r.Tn rxi
(j.iiiiiiv nr. j. our rr.c run wiich raTtKi
unTal-tRii hkiiii iitii'ii-i. Liin-ii ur .ii',i.. wioi I
il. irl.l'.,i f. r Inr iii.,it iit, lli'iilulillli t fAUI
HAND-B0UK fRCE. C .1111,111. i.d ii ii.hi. mi'l lull I
li.l iriniiliHii. WHITE rOK COI'V or OUR BfEOIAL I
0Fr:a. Jl I. Iliti t,n..l ltl...rnl .r.. II. ii Kvi.rlii.'lM l.y
. .. ul auuriii r, ami IVIKY INVtNTOll BI10ULB
ItEAU IT ttl'ir. a''liuK l'r Aililim. i
l..n,uitBid, , WASHINGTON, D. C.
TN TIIR ( I Itrl'l I t ut' II I UK 'I II K K I A I K I K
' tiremiil tol Ihiuulaa l oin, l
HI i, i, ,n ( mo ami l-reloiv Cam, I'ailni i. ai I
i arn iinniiera I'lnliillir..
i a
lliixv Hiinlley (1,'inn rly lln.n llnaliei I,
ln,,l,, llnihi ntnl l aliln Hiirln-a,
lli-li Inlalil.
I n tli'oiae llllilii'V. one nl llin alioici naniptl
In I l.i' 1 1 . in i of llin HI ii l of Ut.'K.iii ion am
lii ieliv ifoiilii il In ai'i'iar ainl aiiawer llin i'iiih
I'lnlnt ot I'lalnllll. Illnl nitalnai )on In Hii-alMivn
I'liltlli'il ai Hull oil tlm dial ilny of tlm m il nNU-lill-
lerill ol llin Hlime ellllth il I'olirl, In ll, on
Monilnjr tin lllal ilnv nf Mim-ti, law, ami -nu
lull an In amwer lor mini Ihen iil tlm I'lnliuirta
III Inhn liiiluinetit aiinliial von for Un .inn nl
ln.ll n ii nil Hili ioal Ihi leoll at It'll Hr I'l'llt Iter
alininii, tinnl Hit llli ilny ol Noii inlirr. Ih'iT,
Im . ' aHoniKva I. ea, ami lor llin eou ami ilia-lillr.i-lllt-nla
ol Ihla aril, ,n
I til. a , in in, hi la iiiillitni l,y nil nnlrr nl
llmi J t'.fiilleiloii, JiitluK o aatil t Unit anil
iliiteil .Innnnry lllli, ti'm
lilliiM N .V H'HtlV.
J.i't; Alionir). lor l-lnlntlrt..
VtlllfK Irt IIKItl HV lllVKN 'I'll AT TIIK
i nniterilitneil Im. I ll itnlv nNiiiilttl liy
I lie t'ontii v I oin I ni i"ii-iiii roniiiv, uri'iinn,
Ailiiilnlalialoi in Hie Kitalo nl Knia l lii'r.inan.
Ult ol ItotlHlil. I iiulill , lltt'llon, ilrreaatal All
m'i.oii. Iinvlnif i laiina aitnlmt aalil ritntu am
lieri'liy f --i it I ri-.l In irtant llin .aim, with irni
tr loiielitii itntv vvrliltnl, iiltliln al inonllia
Inn, i tlm ilcilo ol Hit. mil he. 1,1 ihn nn,ter.lniNl,
at Ina t'liiei'ol limlnea un Jaeliaoii Htrrc-t in thn
t'llTol Itoaelmm, III llill(lil. I'lllllitv, On aoll,
Kelnnary i, l.ww. K I.. I'AHIIUIT,
Ailinlnlilralorol the Kalaln of Kina I hnwiiiiaii,
ileti'Haeil. ('. A, hamnaana.
II"! i M Im in jr lor Ailnilttl.lratttr.
AttTun ift.i1 1 tig ltitrh him! 1MirTiittnti mmf
ivkit . latin .t.r 4.tini'U fivo tiliriticr mi
lit vnit l-'ti la iritathly intiriti Mll. tmiMittnlra.
li,nilruMlyritini1iiilUI. MnitdlHM.ktiu l'attiila
nl fr. IHilcMt uMitnrT fur stM-uriiig lritt.
I'tii.ia lajlnn ilimiiMh Muiitt A Co. fcx-vtv
ft-Ui mfiict, wittmui itiafyts IU In
Scientific American.
A hiini1-fiif1r IMntrniMl wffhlr. lnrMt Mr
minium f mir U'iiIiIIk ("tirtml Irrtna, i
vroairt, tU bf ml imw.f-mltirt..
MUNN & Co,"""- ' New York l,m,-, fb6 f (it., Waahlualuu, l. U
tin: (jim:at
Ol' IIMITINII lill.l nillA
...The 0. R. d fl.
No t'limiKr ol I ina lirlnrrii
I'lMITI.AMi nml HKi:it CITV
Shortest Uiiu Io S)okan
,-nn. t ti iiu it iih
Mill., HIIHHI.t Ml, MAHC
IS 1. 1. . antl till UoolriiMjr
Mlllliiu iiinpai ....
Km Kami Ii an I i, uilnt ll.liiiiiiallnti
nil- In
V. I -. I. O.N lit N.
I'll., nl I lu- It,,., l.-aa f . Hoacbtirr, r
W. II. Ill HI. Ill HI,
lit in tul 1'a.iaeiigi'r Agt-lit.
. It. ft IS. t o..
I'oMIuimI. Oiriiou.
- VIA .
- tir tub
Sdutlieni raclllc Co.
Klprr.. Ir, ',lan ,UHr.
! "ir. at. I .v. . 'i'ortlamr '. Ar.
1 an A. m. M y. . u.Mifliiira . I.r
SjhJtA.T- Kranelaco l.y
I Nnrth
' -V A. "
I.' -A r. m.
mr. a.
Ahovt. trnliia atop at all .nnelr.l atallona
Zn r"l "''. Marlon.
i ji ( niiUMtii, 111 Mf.
llarrlal.ini;, Jiint il.u, Eiia..n.. i ....77.'
i.row. l.r.iti (in.:.,,,!. M11, . ,u,iOI
Kti hnra Ui Aalilaml Ineln.Uo.
Iloarburg .flail )r.
H una. M. I It
A r. I I in r. at
l.. I 7..H) a.
)r. Ar.
Pullman Buffet 8leepers
nv.t o ii. i,as.i Mi.i:i:ii.u caiim
Allavliuil In all TliroiiKh Tralna.
West Side Division.
Iti'lwrrii l-urilataid ud orrallla
Mall train ilaliy (eeeit Hutnlay).
li Ih P. M.
Ar. I
h Mi r. u
l in, r. m
,,, iKiniitni wiin tralna
Ol Oregon t'cntral JU Kaaleru railroad.
it lil,...,l I l.i.I.a , 11.
r.i,riaa tram nniiy (mcent Hutnlay).
INI C. M, l.y.
" l',.rll-,,,r
lai r. m. I Ar.
.) e. m I.r.
K.2IS A. M.
A M A. K.
- MiKlnvlllu
I II, It-Ill lllll lll ll
I "'.I A.M.
lliri'i-t f-t, ... u... ... .. . . ...
., ., i-i, i in in lat ci iv 1 1 1 lie.
el'li'iiliil ami lirlnniul nml I'm-lim Mall .leant
.1.11. lima lor JAIAN AN l CHINA. Halll "K
tlnlea on aillentlon.
Jtiitea mnl in Ueia K-.--t.-rii i,..lnl. nml Ku
a'VmViA'i". iJA,'AN' V'-NA, and
KM I hri, 1 lekttt Agi'iit, Komilmrg.
Manager. (J. K. A l-aaa. Agtot.
To Thv Unfortunate.
Dr, Gibbon
'Ihla nlil r.'llnhlu fnnd
I Iiu moat aiieeeaalul
Hi.eelnllat In Han Kran
tifai'o. atlll t oiitliniva Io
I'llro all fi...l aa.rf
Aomlnal Dla.aM.. auch
a I Innniiril,... nl...
Slrletur., Ayph Ilia In
all Ita forma. Slkln In.
''llFi-iIl,.!?2? Ntr labl.
HHr,: Vtf'.Uy, Impot.ncy. html.
f '. - v nal Waakneaa and l.o.a
, , , ".-..i i,i i iiiinwi., inn uoiiae-
iii t-lieo nl .ell aliuao ami uareaaea iro,lnelnK th.
ioiiiiiviiik a)iiiiioma: anllow l oiiiiliiiiaiiuii, (lurk
M'.iU unOer tliu eyea, pain In tliu lu uil. rlliklna
III HieenrH, Ioh. ol ennllileiiea. illllnlelieu In ai"
I .i lil.m atiniii'eia. iil,l tHtltili ol Ihn heart
weak lien, ol tin- llniliaauil hin k, loan ol memory
,lniilea on l lin Inet', tun,!,., enmtiiinptlon, ,.,0'.
. ., , .ii.. ,u nan rraimtaeu
over ll.tity yinraml ll.o.,' l.onhleil h,,c .
.. . " i- it. . un nun lei i'lvu tlm heiii'i i o
ll a Ifli'HL ik 111 inoi i.v 'i-i... .i.....
.... ....... , ,.. , nu Kin to, I'tiiea
when ollieia lull. 'iy,m, ( urea gnaranti-.'ii
rnUni'ivrilo'' n''K'' ''
lilt. . I !'. I. I It 1 1 1 SI l.i'. L- L'i