Use only one heap ing teaspoon till of Scbillm, f's ing Powder to a quart of flour. Yku-muit me tut tcaspoonl'iiU of other b.ikin; powder. ....... nib) PLAIN DEALER MAKCII 10 iHtH. Till' Clittrcli;). MallWl'I'l I'M' "' 'I -""'"' .ir..jt. Hinlar M.,rlie: l'r lln. H " li t 7 SO v " ' ' I',M'I. 10 Ul 1 IV. Wo 'lllcy . Mill" tit; Mivlliig l r'.'twi "I Hi" morning ivi'-, K'ill. IM ,i ,.. m. mmiiim i.-flii.-y. l-ii l' i" '')' M.'i-llliK. rti-'lilwKli). ' ''I' " r"nN I.. M .mill., I'ml'ir, l"fniii'. tuxiiiir Main u.l l.aiip. l .ili i:ni'ii M coriHf il Cmui and Huwiui'i-K. riiiii-UyHervii-e: -u.lie woralilp. in u.l 7 m V ; l.l.Ui rk liool, 10 a. in I V. I". M. U. K.,7 ! l"iT" Nicotinic, WtMlnoa-t'T.TMV- ,)awimTM. l ulor. I s,,ai. UiiMHUKN I III' in II '" !"' ' 1 h,ll.Uy , - Il "' ; "I- ' '''" l-l iikh-Iiii;:. I lint" lX ' " III"- i Hi-irui. l'aUll. .-i. i. .). ... - i ii i i;. ii. " ' 1 Walii Uti.'l" f -ivlrca "' ' ""'' '"'"t'l kiiii.Uv iii.iihiiik l i' Ii mi'l 'itty hum .1. n. -in im -iiil ' nl." min.iuiir.-.l limn , ,, , Ki.i. .I..HN 1)m,s. M llniii . M I i 11. I II, K"l I ll N v ") ii.1a l,.i 11 1 tl n nil I t- hint'- III.-. J.I I Jl !" I'ail.'r Weather Mcport For lint wi'rk i ii-liiiu Mairh ,'i, i'. M u & l tti 0 111 U-iniifiJliiri', I , on llio li'li. .Minimum Iritili-riiUiie, ill!, " tl'" ''Hi. I'roi ll'lliilitiii, .VITUUU ,fl'l'l'iluli.lll I'T llllrl iimiill! fur '.H yrM, ;t.V -I. Total T-i iittnttoli liuin .-i''t. I, '', lo lUUi. I'J.ll. Avoruijii iri'i'iiilli"i l'"i' -s'l'1 -;;',' T.ilnl diilicii'iii y Ik'Iii ."cpt. 1 1 1s;'i'i ;i Avitiih ,ii-.'iiiUli.iii (,jr -J wi-t M'ttMuii". jit. to My. iih'Iiihivi', 4'.' fll,)'-. illl-ON , OllHl'l VlT. l.iril.1! LOCALS. Pay your lulmciipiioti loiUy. Hi iiii; your job work tn thin ollin'. ii j 1 1 tliu U.iHolmil lor tli lioit t'iisnm. Kor ii Ko.xl o-ii'iit ti;;ar on Mn.N. HoyJ. Ki'inly imi'l" hlii'i'tH ill tlio Novi'ily Storo. l or i i-i .l ojIh i .ill on II. M . M ar I in, niur llio ili'j'ot. M.i'.ironi hi iiin' I'oiiinl mrliuiiB Ml . i y I f r ' uriM-i-iy. I'. W. ll.iyni'H Jon nil kiinl ol ileuU ork .roui lly mi l skillfull)'. Auk your Knurr lor Kxrvlsiur Hour; KiiaraiilL'ftl timt tlan'. per fiiek. Hid Nmv l.ra llmir inil!d ituiir.iiilrtii nil ila work. Kt'i't I y all ).'iori-.!. I DO jn-r Hiick. ItnyH iml mi n h IihIr, new up tu-Juti) KooiIh, uIho ovi rel i it I k, tii'H, l tliu Novel ty Storo. 1''. W. C'rtnti'r ia aulliori.'.i'il lo r reive iiml ri'cuit (or Biii'i-rriiaiouu to the 1'l.MMll, M i ll. Tho nici'Nt t m tly uii.l tliu very best iwuiiut I'.imly ran iiUiiya be found at Hie Uumly Imtory. I or 1 1 to pietlitiBt lino o firii.) drusu Hoinln, ouliiia lUiini'la uutl eulicoea, full at tlio Novelty Store. J( you want K'inii'o Iriuli linen or lino luJin linens iiml liiwnn (or liHinlkur ebieln, fall ul lite Novelty Stoic. Tlio New lira MiIIh untuuUriuica lix rulnior Hour ami xitaianteiH il 1'unt claiia. 1.00 perniiek nt all roi i'iy Htoren. HuhI, purent ami IrcnlieHt Imril iniiuil fainlieH, li.inil inuiln, ul tliu Kamly Kitt'lt eu for only l-'ie per iioitinl. Try 'em. Wo uro iitepiiteil lo fcliow you u pietly line ol eliildrf it's u:ih ut very low ricee. full ami een tin in at llio Novelty More. ( iruliaiti llour, oat iiikuI ami niirin, al lie Now lira Mills All uuiirunteeil tirst iI.irh. i in ohIo liy all iirociTB. 1.00 per Haek. J. V. Heekluv Co., tho buteherH,will kui'p only tlio ilioiccHt of iiieatu uhero Willi to mipply tho KoHi-liurn public, but monthly uulUeiiionU will bo reijulruil. Puu'l annoy otbera by your couKliii'Kt uml rink your tilo by negli'i'tinn u cold. Duo Mitiiilo UoiikIi 1'ttrn enren fougliB, cold", eionp, Krippo and all throat and hintf troubUiu. A. O. MarHtura' A Va. After ltt wn wilt ittuko a io ductioii iu tho piiio of Klivor ilow and eiltiai throughout Hit) eutiro lino. Juut roeeivmi a tuiload ol barb wire. I SlKAItNH (.'lli:.NOklll. Mm. J. II. Httipa lum beon appointed roprcBimlativo lor Ihu Vluvi Co. iu thia city. Any cno ilettiiiut! iiiformalioii iu regard to. or wiahinK to procuro tlio rem edy, will pleauo eall at tier residence ou l'iuottreel. jlJ-ilm Morii' I'ottUry Cure. Thia infallible remedy f hallnniteii the world to produce its uipial as u i'VK producer. 1 revent ivo and euro lor all diseasea of (owls, (iuuriintoed and for Halo by II. M. Mar ti u, KoHi'biiri;, Or. "Uualily ia everylhiu);." Tho Cuudy I'ttitory lii in of Uurwburn are very fare fill about llio fii'HhneMH and perlfd con dition of all tho inrcdir.nU used Ul nittu ufaiauriiu t lit-i r c.ui.JiiH, and equally eurefitl tn lill all nrdeiH with iieutnuoB and .UTiirarv. Nolhiiin "ehenp" ill nnr (jloiu. Call and bu convinced. Best Bak- CDEKUOWER IMUJIrUV YAKDS KIIMHllltllKI, OHKHON, I.n.,.lif I Alll IMiW Ira-I I . In,. k mi l ll'l ft t, I- lor fin Ir.mi mhiIiik M,I ,tl' ivliiinim l,lt in I rl.-. . '. .... i .lu i.l hIih a. I linllil IK K'K"! II" I" " "H'l " ..I Ihu Ifiin hi. IImic l III Mil, I li..lii.y III unlit l.i irt liim lla?.- I.....KM il.l" '"" " " 1 ' If llll'l lllIHl l'lllll J t . W ft I.l Kill, Ml 1-IM km I Ml ll- .lull- ll'l' KiH'ha, ix'it Nn. I, ninH'.l (.,r ,"l'i'. i;. i" '.'"l ' k i ti U.' I.' mi in r n'llliiK. I'i n N". 1. nnm i,.r i ... lo H i". II ': .,ii iiiii1 mi- Ihriii ll'l iU. lliilr .111,11,11111)' -,v i hi II ,,,. u,i,,l I'.iM k. N I ll f "- ll,niii.,ir, Hi,.'k I anrliiili'. Mm Mlll'M. . II " l"-f I I "fl'-i" . fin. ,, Hi ill li' .1 In ill Kritat-A H.iiinl.ii'.'k mm.- Iii-i.t lull.. I h. ii.I 'ui, ,, lnf ti-l'lv U III In- i. inrii. , ll l l" r ''' rK Iivali mi'l trim I'i iwiiiu. uuia li.i ihm .nulir. I'.. A. KHlNi:,l'ru)'lilr. HKII1P MliNIION. Uotiiily court h In ri a'-luii. Frenli fruit In it'am irn al . nh-r'a grw'ury. (irallt l.t'M'llH llf (illll MVlll'l MlIN in liiu cily on Monday, Prof A. p. Con utt i f lliddl.t t-f Priday in thia city . IVntal mirk in nil im brum In n ikii fully .luiiu l v K. W. II") in f. MlirhhlnuliilMH .'ll! m t box, a' oir J'l in a Ikix ut Hie Knndy l:' lirn. Mr. and Mrn. II. D. iravM went to liouclio huliitdjy lo viiit fnetnl i. Croon and brid)!rt work m ii'iitilicilly doim bv P. W. Il.iym-H, tlm il'tiii"t . line your loolb mbe'.' 'io m-k l-'ied llaynt'N whi'tlii r i' ia .rtli mivhiu. 'I he i. iiii'f, I boiiiiny at liir'n rueci y id the l.i-Hl in tin- city mid t v. ry riri If 1 1 11 r m n t fi d Hon. John I'iuitnitl id I n, I- , im i i-riy pamrd tbri null the i ity Sin,. lay mi wav to Aiblui.d. I'r. lb my I iillr, a ptciniiii nt 1 1 y - i -eiaii ol tliiklrtinl, made lliii olhiea ph ut ant t all u Monday. New kliin-H ol all kil iUnt bol Inn I Ii i B al tlm Novelty More. Cull and t limine llicin bel.ire pun ha-nit;. Cim'Ik .loliuiiie .! keoii m in 1 1 rily fr.iin ('aiiioiiville on M-m lay to bear ex l'ijli)ri'iHinaii I'owni' cji-.ili. liiant I .cm in t f t iah'r die, n ir i ihu dale, lmni);tit to toiaii IIiih ei k n l i'l i W al id U'i'd llieri-.u Mniiii)! J-.urinil. Mr. John llnrtii, a pioimni'iit tii;"ii if UrtkUii'l, huh ii.iukIiiii; with hin many Irii'iiiU in thin city the hmt of tlm week. I. T. Thompson of C del Valley, mi old time I r ii-ii ,1 ol the editor, mid u mighty tine man, "pent Moiid.iy in Ihf city. Chullea llurpir id the Soldie h' ll uni', made thin ulliee u pleijnt usi i dny last week. Mr. II rj it w.ii a iiieuibi-r of the I ft Kinnat. II p. l)jhP, reft ion foienun on Ihu ."v P , has piirchaai d the 1'i-ai ue fruit l.uin of Chan. Wiiir-ton. loeatid betwetti (irvena Station and Winatoi!. Mif a l.uey Stanton of Kofeburii, who baa I t en vinitini: Miwt lino Il.wdmi; f,,r f oino time pual, in aoj ur lii tin in l'orl!.ind thia week.-- Ori son City l-inlerprixc. Ii. liut-iiiH, pliyHiciiui uud tjiirL,(".ii, oflire in Marateru' binldiiu'. C.ill:i in town and country promptly answered ni.'ht or day. Iteanlence, 'M I Mill ntieet. JudiCO L. I.uii)ibary, Hpniiil -ivetn-ueiit iiKcnt in (bo iuvtatiitatiou tl Ind ian depredation chimin, ia m t kinn iu the neighborhood I Vi aa, New Mex ico. Jualicc P. SV. Khodca of 1'iaiu was iu tho city ou huaiucBa Monday. Mr. lUtoden baa a meat market both in lrin and Oakland. He reports biisiiiefa lioud ut both potntrt. V. K. Whipple, llio purveyor and civil engineer, came in this week from Ida Waldo farm. Wo ferret to learn that Mr. Whipple ia txitTeriri); from a rheumatic attack.- t iri'non Mininj; Jour nal, P. ll. Colluian, phyaiciau and aui);eiu aerrutary hoard I'. (s. Petmiun BiirKeoiia OHico in Maratera' block, residence 7i'0 StepbeiiH atreet. Piofeeaionul calls iu town or country promptly answered nlht or dav. Ilou. K. M. Veat..h ia iu the eitv. 'Iia time ia up April 1st an regi'lcr of the I'. S. land olliro at KoH-buri;. We have (re ipiently heard bia nuiiio mentioneit in connect ion with the governorship on the Pnion ticket . i'liuene (iu.ird. Kov. A. I. Weatfall of Hie P. H. chinch, letutiiud on Friday lam iroin Portland, where ho has been cnMed in revival work, lie leporla u veiy profit -able eeriej of meeting, nuch iuterenl haviiiu been niunifcMr-d and minh K1""' tccoiupliahed. Ou liiHt Piiday eveniiiK the ouiu frionda of Miua llattio VauOrder to the number of about twenty, gave bur a very ploaaant BtirpriHo iar(y at the homo of her pareuta in thia city. Kefieuhuieuta were served and ull preueut pronounced it a very enjoyable all'atr. Wo aio aiixioua to do a littlo Koud iu thia world and can think of no pIciiBantcr or better way to do it than by reconi mcudiii)( One Minnie (.'uro iik a pievent ivo of pnoumouia, coiihumption nud other HoriottR lunx troublea that follow ue)lei'ted colds. Matbleru' liitii; Store Jud);o W. V. Halo of tho lin t judicial diHtricl, ia holdinn the i enl.u l, -rut of llio circuit court in Pane tountv for J ud no 1' ulleiton. Judfc-o Follertviu tiinla it necuasaiy to devote all tho time from now lo tho oud of his term of ollico to the iliopoBul of btitineHS now held under ndviaeiueiO. Kev. A. 1, Weellall repoita that on last Friday at a pjiut tiear llalaey, some miscreant throw a hIoiiu thioiuh Ihu window of a couch of the routhhound local iu which ho wuh ridinn. While no ono was injured frauuienta of kIuhh wero ecattered over thu car. Tho mutter was reportod to tho aulhoiitiea nt llio next atop. David Comaloek of Ueer Creek wua ur reatoJ Friday iiight chiuged with liuviuu robbed (ieo, W. Culchinn of u watch and Homo money ut the McClullmt Mouho. CotuBlock waa brought beioto JukIico llatnlin on Hutuiduy and haviiiK' waived iiu exntniuulion, wuh held to auawer bu- I foro tho urund jury, bund bfini reiuired I iu tho aum of KMOO, closSgI 5ACR1F!ce 5ALE! OUT SalE! AT CaroBros I 'aiiii I M, ) itntld of Olalla hai K'ne to 1'i'iivi r, ( '(iliiiadu Mr. and Mra. W. ll. Duke of Oakland with iii iliii city Monday. in lo P. W. llrfir.i'R for flrttrlaM dfin t.i' wnik. K'-view huildinK. It. P. O lilks r'Ki)(ar nivelinx tonight. All ii.i iiiln ri uml viahiriK brothnra are w ch oilie i m l.o-t Pu lay .. W. HiK-kloy V Co. ici civi-d i I i !. J of thirty lino bfef cattle from Coo- c.iunty. Alt ,rn v A Ii. Maltby of Oakland has K " ii to Juu'-hii, where he baa accepted a hi'nui ion iu a Ii a ollico. Man I Peckloy autl MiM Kuinia .-elillurile cpiuit Sunday with relatives ali i Irn n. la in laklaud. Piakt uiiiu P. M. I.ucavitli, who went to Aluhka Home time aio, baa otfned hlationary and notion atore at Dyea. Mii-h I'.iU liradley baa been tplite tick fur fevt-rul iUim. Her frit-iDa are re j ji.ed to know that the ia improving Mr. W. K. Willis rettiroed home lait I ndrtv aCcr a ,icanant viait with Mra. I. N. liney mi l Mra. I-. (t. Adair ol liui!i-!ie. The p -puliiii i f Jai kaou cotintr at t hi-r . mi. it no held in thai cunty on l,it r-.i t a . 1 1 y ,i-i-l.irrd againat fuion with the ilciiioc lata. W. I l.-ither hna iirrivfd from Cali f.inia. Mia Put her, wiio baa been here f.i'i. u!.tiif, ia the popular proprietress I Him kainlv Kitchen. Mis. I-U I 'oiler of Porlland, reidenl of the K"l i-kali Actembly of Oregon, Hind" Mil olhctal vit-it to I lie Kfbekah lodi4': iu l h in e ty ou Mocday. Dr. M. W. IUvih. i.ow- ol Portland, w iih fhakini; hands with bia many friends the liiit ol the week. 1 hie office ao know !i'd).'"i a pieaaaut call. We huvi) a tine line of pure white bed s,.re.idH, h.i lace curtains, scrims and iiiiin lie. Von tuay need these at hott-e-i li-iinii'); time. Novelty Store. Mm Mil -una Johnson of Flournoy Valh-y wn-i a Ij i led insane iu the count v tout! on lust Monday and on r.ii'.td.iv i-ln- waa taken lotlie asylum at salem by l'e,i'ity Slu-riir K. I.. Mei-hena. I'.tpt, Pen D. lioswell, of lion well Spring's, paaaetl t h rouli thocity Tuesday on his way to San F'rancisro to join his wife iu a tdiort viait there. Mra. lios well has bi t-n in California for the prwt t hrn- u ii in i hs, Tne li.ii.U.i'e storu of W. W. Kent at Drain was nroken into last week and two double-barrel shot iiuna, two revolvers. and Bevenil other arti. les taken. At the mime time Moon's store was entered, but ao far uh know n nothing was taken. A thrill of terror is experienced whue a hrapay coii);h of croup sounds through llio lioute al uuht. Hut the terror soon i hunneb lo relief after One Minute Cough Cure bus been administered. Safe and harmless for i hildreu. Marsters Drug Store. This ollico enjoyed a very pleasant viait from (id. Kstea, the popular South ern Pacific agent, last Saturday. We venture the assertion that there can be lound but few men in Oregon, who are better informed on current topics than ia Mr. liatea. We desire to call ppeclul alleuliou to ad of Curo liroa of the liosa Store, which appears in this hsuo. They have sold their leal estate and aro going out of bus-iiic-w. D.iiing tho next sixty days they will close out their entire stock in order to give possession of the store building. .las. A. Sterling, who bus been making a tour of tli,e county iu tho interest of the UHSfsorr.hip on the republican tick et, returned homo Wednesday. Mr. sterling was assessor lor tins couuty lor H'ver.U years previous to the last elec tion, an 1 hij uhility (or the office needs no further recommendation North 1 1, mlns Watchman. Mii-sru Wilson l.oJgharv of Hosu bui Oregon, m lived Sunday evening on the Orcein express and is a guest at Mis. O II. Coliiua'. Her grandfather, U. W. Wilson, resided iu Red Hluff for yiaia, and was u well-kuown capitalist. Ho went to Salem, Oregon, in 1805 and resided there until his death. Ked Bluff, Cab, News, March 1st. The annual t-chool eloction for this iliHtrict waa held iu this city Monday ufternoon. The meeting was called to order by W. P. Benjamin, chairman of Ihu board ol diiectora. After the read ing of tho report ot the clerk, J. W. Wright iu u neat speech placed in nomi nation (i. W, Jones for director. Tliero being no other nominations Mr. Jones was elected without opositiou. Mrs. Allio Sheridan was re-elected clerk as a matter of courso. A. W. Stunt jii of Brock way, this couu ty, w ill engage iu tho sheep business in Montana. Mr. Stanton ia uu old sheep man, who, with thousauds of others, waa driven out of the business by the last democratic uduiiuistratiou, and now that the sigus of returning prosperity uro seen on i veiy hand, he will aguiu cngni;u in the buaiuoss. Mr. Stanton's family will still muko Douglas county their home. C. 11. Cannon desires it to be under btood that ho in not u candidate or any ollico, the statement iu tho lie view to thufoutuiiy not withstanding. Claud wuh u candidate for tho poetollico at lioHehuig uud was strongly eudorsed by hiu friends for that position, but auother man h;u been appointed, and us a good icpublicun should do he is ready to ao iuicuci fu tho result. Tho man who adopts t h it course, merits and will re ceive tin) couunondatjon of Party, We arc determined to close out our larc stock of Dry Goods, Clothing Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hlankcts, (Juilts, Laces, Embroideries, Trunks, Valises, cel., etc. This time we MUST SKLL, as we have sold our Real Kstatc and must give possession in Sixty Days. NO HUH BUG. Our late arrivals are all the best and most fash ionable goods iu the city, and arc direct from the Factory. CALL SOON AND ASK l'OR PRICKS AT Caro Bros Boss Store. A. (). Parsons, who has been juite sick, la, we are glad to ray, iniprovinp. ieo. McNamee, foreman of the S. P. bridge gang, spent Sunday with his family. Hon. J. F. (isley, a prorninmt popu list of Canjouvil!r, waa iu the city on Monday. II. n It H. Dixon, ono of tlm repub lic ma i-f Deer Croik. wai in the city Saturday. I. Chapman ami i. W. Puckelt, prominent citizens of Cunyonvillo were io thia cily Thursday. W. V. Hardy and J. O. Hetty of Drain will go to Alaska toon with a corp of government surveyors. Jack Itonnell, one of Wilbur's old time republican, Bjient a few days in the city last week viai'.ing friends. Miss Flo-aiu Shainhro)k bai been en gaged to teach the spring term of reboot iu Scott's valley. School aid l.pgia March I'Mh. At the school meeting in the Wiles dig rict, west of the city, Samuel Mab ley waa elected director and K.ty C. Brown, clerk. The nte I of a good Spring Mi'iln ine ia almost universal and Hood'a Saiaa rilla exactly meets this tu-.d. Be sure to get lPxxi's. J. S. Coke, a prominent uttoruev of Mitrabtlel.l, pat-ed through the city Moudav on Ins way houiu from a trip down the valley. Report j ist.. received lht a man waa foil n I deail on the trail U'tween Wt-st Pork tin. I Marks' miiin. Full parliculara could not I hi obtained before goin to pres. A Keliekah lodge will be im-tituted t Myrtle Creek, Wednrsday, March 10, lSOS, tiy Mre. Ida Foeter, president of the State AtsPinbly, assisted by a dele gation from thi ciiy. Haeburg public actio il a makiug preparations lor an cuiertainuieiit at ttie Ojiera house, Friday evenin, March IS, for benelit of litirarv uti,l. I'roirram will appear next week. The members of the Kebrkuli assembly of tliia city gave Mrs. Ida Foster, presi dent of the Kebekah Assembly of Ore gon, a reception at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sehlbrede on Tuesday evening There nre three litilo things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and DeWitt's Little Parly Risers, the last being the famous little pills for Btomacu and liver troubles. A. C. Marsters A Co. Miss Laura Ii. Jones of the North Douglas Watchman, spent Monday in the city. This office acknowledges a pleasant visit w ith Mies Jones. She ex presses herself as pleased with the en couragement she is receiving from the people of North louglas. Hon. 1'lin Cooler, made this office both a social and business call last Mon day. Your Uncle Plinisa mighty tine man aud a good cituin, but we are sorry to hear of his wanlering away from the republican (old, where he has done such good service in the past. Bet ter come home, Pncle Plin. Co. A, O. N. U. Ou last Wednesday eveniug a number of our citizens, by special iuyitatiou, had the pleasure of sieuding the evening with Co. A, O. N. Cm., at their armory, the occasion being the ngular company drill and inspection. After the usual Lour snout in drill Capt. Hamlin, in a very elo'iueut and patriotic address, reviewed the history of the citizen soldiery of this country duriug tho pat, and welcomed ike cituena present, i tie company and their guests then partook of a substantial luucheon, served by the members of tin company. Mayor Marsters then brought iu cigars, aud those present spent au hour iu social fellowship. Quite a lnr;e number of old veterans were present and were especi ally interested in tho proceedings. Short addresses were delivered by M. MoUoy, Capt. Conner, J. W. Wright, Capt. Ci. Goble, John Hatuhn aud Col. I'hos. (iibsou on the part of the veterans. Mayor Maislurs, I). S.'K. liuick, 1-i D. Stratford and C. H. Cannou also ddiv ered short uddreEses, in which they compliinonted Ihu company aud i'B officers ou their soldierly bearing aud proficiency iu drill. D. P. F'teher and O. U. Brown on the pa it of the company, thanked those present for the interest which tho visitors had manifested in tho welfaro of Co. A. Prof. Brown in bis remarks entertaiued those present with 6ome reuiiniscuuces of the lloid Hiver campaign of last summer,' which brought dowii the house. Altogether the affair was a very pleasant one, and every oue preseut weut away with their opinion Btieutbeued that Co, A. is the crack com pany of the Oregon Natioual Guard. Thecompauy voted in live uaw mem bers during tne evening, briugiug their uumber up to fifty eight. Hahara's Minstrels At the Opera House Saturday night amusement lovets will have a chauce to witness a real, old-faahioned minstrel show, where wo can sit uud while away a pleuaaut two hours uud a half enjoying enchanting music, dclightfulul siuging, clever comediaus and daueos. The show comprises thirty-live people, traveling iu its owu private Pu'.luuu Palace Car. Thyro will bo a sensational street parade at noon, which ia said to be tine than a coou camp meeting. A Free Silver Talk. Monday afternoon a large number of our citizens, mostly democrats and pop ulists, with a sprinkling of republicans and a few ladies, gathered st the court house to listen to the speech of lion. Ciiaa. A. Towns of Minnesota, chai'man of tho free silver republican national committee. Tne speaker daring his re mark! took considerable pains to illus trate, by means of a glass aud iokstand, which happened to be haody, assist ed by a couple of half dollars from bis (routers pocket, that mioey was a "medium of exchange." Only that and nothing more. For instance, one man owned a glass and his neighbor an ink stand ; each wanted the proprerty of the other; they exchanged property and were happy ; they had no use for money. Hut one day the man of glasses wanted antoher inkstand, and behold, he could find no man who wanted to exchange w ith him So he sold his glasi for a pitce of money and bought an Inkstand from the first person be met. Once he was on to tho money racket be found what a convenient thing it waa. No more bunting all over the neighborhood lo find some one who wanted to swap. All he had to do was to sell another glais for another piece of money and he was immediately beseiged by men who bad inkstands to sell. Hence, every body wanted money, and strife for mon ey waxed great in the land. All en gaged fiercely in the strife. Some worked for money, some wrote for money and evQ tlm preacher preached for money, ami poesibiy, we are led (o infer, the rpeaker talked for money. And there were two kinds of in miy gold and e-live r . So thu gold bugs conspired togeth er and commuted the crime of '73, da troy ed silver half the money of the world, aud their gold was doubled in valua, and therefore democrats, popu lists aud free silver republicans should unite to smite the "gold bug" party and to restore the "money of the constitu tion." The Bpeaker eulogized the old soldiers and paid a glowing tribute to Lincoln, and was heartily applauded w henever the audience thought the re publican party received a blow in the "ehort ribs." The speech, as a whole, was heartily enjoyed and appreciated by (hose of bis faith, and was the cause of much comment on street corners and elsewhere. Elkton. "Sunshine and showers Make May (lowers." F. F. Wells was in town last Sunday. 1'. W. Rhodes waa buying cattle in Kikton laet week. P. W. Beckley had tbe misfortune to sprain his ankle recently. We wish bim a speedy recovery. Miss Nettie Anderson of Kellogg was visiting friends here last Sunday. Miss Ida Levins has returned home from Siottsburg where she has been calling ou friends. The boys, we are sorry to say, were hunting coyotes last Sunday. Dr. Oilmoie of Oakland was called to P. Ik ton a few days since, to render medi cal aid to Mrs. J. M. Stark, who is unite ill. liJ Haines and P. W. Beckley each killed a coyote last week. We guess the coyotes will be taken down a "notch or two" if you boys keep on. Little Dottie Wilson was bo unfortu nate as to get run over by a lumber car last week. We are sorry to hear it Dot tie, and hope you can come to Sunday School next Sunday, for we miss vou. Tom. Stirred up a Hornet's Nest. Presideut Hawley, by bis lecture on John Brown has stirred up a hornet's nest. Papers all over the state are de t.ounciug bis lecture, and now the G. A. R. Posts are taking a hand and the chances are that by the time they get Ihrouich with htm, he will think John Hrowu'a soul has marched all over him. Bslow will be found the resolutions adopted by J. W. Geary Poet So, 7 and tlio Woman's Relief Corps No. -i of Eu gene : WntHLAs, At a lecture delivered at the Christian Church, on the evening of February -ii, 1S0S, by President Hawley, be stated that John Brown was a traitor, liar, thief and murderer; and WiiKKKAS, History disproves cuch statement, as falte; theretorc be it liauhel, That the G. A. Ii , V. R. C, aud friends at s ambled on March 4, lS'JS, uot only disapprove said statement but condemn the luuguage and seuti ment which prompted the same, and which tend to create a sentiment which ia not fouudod on truth. At the Presbyterian Church. There was uo services Sabbath more ing except the Sunday school. The evening chorus service was at tendqd by a good and appreciative audi euce. Tbe select readings by Miss Katie Fulleiton, Mist Flossie Sham brook and Miss Ruby Gordon were ol a high order aud well received. Muoio is ulwuys a prominent feature of the ser vices and tho solo rendered by Mica Dolly Suydor deserves special mention. Tho address by Rev. R. B. Dilworth was interesting as they always are. After years of untold sulleriug from piles. H. W. Pursell of Kuitnersvillo, Pa., was cured bv using a singlx Ikix of DeWiu'e Witch lla.j Salvo. Skin die esses such us eczema, rash, pimples and ohsliuuto soies are readily cured by this (anions remedy. A, C. Marsters A; Co. Trance ii. Wlllard Memorial Service A large crown gathnred at the M P.. Church on last Sunday alti noon, the (mi aoion tming the srv,-f held la niton i ry of Mir Fri cis K Wlllard, l lie nl ldr ol the Woman's Chrlauin Trm-pi-r Mine I.'ii Ion. The church waa beautiful I) decoraun with downs and draped with white, Ilia coin a of the VV. U. T. U. Thr Ofivicee wire ox.i,ed by tinging, after wnich Hev. A D Wt-tifad led in prayrr and scripture leafing, (lev. F. L. Moore then followed with a oiy eloquent and Inatrnctivn address on (he li'e and work o Mia Wlllard li. D Mratlord de livend a short uddrias on the evai.gc Il eal wurk of Mire Willsrd and th Wir mi i, 'a Cbriatairi Itmperanea Uul n. The best thing on Hie program waa a pa p'T by Mra Melon I'trgueoo, ol Kden bower, which was rich in thought and rxprest-iou. A largo delegation waa prevent from the ridmi bower mion. A choir made up from the' different church choirs of the city added much to the tucceta of tho reivices, a solo by Mr Htevenson being especially fine. Alto get her the service was a complete aoe cets At the close the following resolu tions were reported as expressing the sentiment of those present: WiicKKAs, We have been informed through lbs public press of the whole country of the death of Miss Francis . Willard. who wss taken by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe from the midst of her labors on (he 18th day of February, last : and Wiicbeas, The death ot thia pure, Rood woman ia universally considered to be an irreparable loss to the cause of Christianity, home life, purity and tenv Iterance throughout the civilized world; and WriKKKAs, We, too, would mingle our grief with those who mourn, and record our estimation of her most estimable character and worthy life and labor. Therefore be it R', That in ber uncompromis ing warfare against the prevailing vices and evil habits of the times, and to ber untirtng devotion to the cause of the physical, intellectual and spiritual eleva tion of mankind, we regard onr departed fr.end and sister one of Uod'a noblest examples to help, cheer, sod inspire the human race. liriolcta, That there ia but one ex pression and that one ia of grief at to great a lots. It waa a sudden transition from toil to rest, from grace to glory. She was to pure, so true, so good, so in valuable to society and to the world. f Mas. Jon Hamu5. . D. Stbatford. Geo. M. Bbowjc. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, thu 6tb day of March, 1803. Basket Social. Abraham Lincoln Circle No. 2. ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic will give a basket social at tbe Academy ball, Saturday evening, March 12, 1H93. Baskets containing supper for two will be sold at auction. All come and have a good time. Following is the programme : Music, address of welcome, Key. How ell; duet, Misses Gordon and Jacobs; response, Rev. B. B. Dilwortb; vocal solo, Miss Ruby Gordoo ; recitation, Miss Clara McCoy. Auction of baskets. Struck by the Local. Tbe north bound Southern Pacific lo cal No. 17, knocked a tramp off of the track at tbe divide, four miles north of here, Monday morning. Tbe tramp bad evidently sat down on bis bundle to rest, going to sleep. He was brought to this place and Marshal McFarland took him to tbe city jail and Dr. Snapp looked af ter his injuries which consisted of severe bruises. His name is Walter White- bead and he claims San Francisco aa bis borne. Cottage Grove Messenger, Call for Mass Convention. To tbe silver republican voters who be lieve in tbe free coinage of gold and ail ver at the ratio of 10 to 1 : You are earn estly requested to be present at a mass convention to be held in Roeeborg on Sat urday, March 19th. 1398, for the purpose of electing delegates to the state conven tion to be held in the city of Portland on March 23, 1S93. J. W. Conn, Silver Republican Committeman for Douglas County. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hunt or fish or otherwise trespass on the property known as tbe Douglas county fair grounds. S. C. ILibtbcx. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady ; but its duration can be cut short by tbe u-e of One Minute Cougb Cure, which is also the best known rem edy (or croup and all lung and bionchial troubles. A. C. Marsters' & Co. Tliouaantla nre Trying It. In order to prove the great merit ot I.Iy s Crea'.u llnlm. the nin .t eneotive cure for Catarrh aud Cold i'i Head, we have pre jured a yeueio is trial size for 10 cents. Get it of j our diusUt or send 10 eenta to ELY BUGS., li V.'arrju St., K. V. City. I sulered f rom c it -rU of the worst kind ever siiu-o a lj; i. : I 1 uoitr hoped for cure, but Lie' - I'rcam Pr.lm seems to do even that. M my aeipraiutineia have used it with cxselleut results. Oaear Ostruui, 13 Warreu Aio., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged enre'for catarrh und contains no cocaine, mercury nor nuy injurious drug. Price, CO cents. At druggists or by niaiL Grand Clearance Sale ! Commencing Saturday, January 22nd And continuing 30 days. Our :B, sis 1 in entire stock of Will be Sold at Cost, STRICTLY FOR CASH, To make room for our large Spring Stock. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered the people of Douglas Couuty to get bargaius ou Boots and Shoes. Roseburg, Or. Reyel tasks tk ti state. aEUPrlaT IWH SMrtajf) pffftfstgysj )t)( ttflt JANMar School Report. Tbe following is a retort i f (he Rvlmod school for (he month ending March 4.lhi No. ol pupila enrolled 22; average daily attendance 20. Those avsraarlnir over 85 were : Svlvla Brown, Gary firo-jo, Coral Wiles, Alll Drollinger, Warren Mabley, Mollie Brown, John Martin, Laura, Henry, Hattie and Herbert Drollinger, Mary, tva, itora and Frances Uloake. Those neither absent nor tardv were : Coral Wiles, Bvlvla Drown, Allie Drol linger, Oary Brown, Warreu Mabley, Mary, Five, Cora and Frances Cloake. vepottment good. Euut Cannon, Teacher. Ef worth League Entertainment. Tbe literary department of tbe Ep- wortb League were very pleasantly en tertained at tbe residence ol Mr. Frank Churchill. Tbe subject was "lHtcovery of America." Papers were read by V. 8. Godfrey, Mae Fisher, Emma Fisher, Uelen V. Smith, Amau Smith, and re marks war made by Kev. F. L. Moore and Col. J. B. Eddy. Tbe evening was a very enjoyable one. The next meeting is tbe first Friday In April and tbe sub ject will be "Oregon Pioneers." Auction 5ale Of household rrooda at J. W. Hart In ' ranch In Civil Bend on Monday. March 21, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Tbis is an op portunity to secure great bargains. j. a. rac&AT. Edarat Tea Bweur With Caacarat v.m v..u.i.w. uio ui.,imi.uii ivi,i,i, lOcSSc. II GCO. fall, drags-tat refund money. HofM For Salt. A good gentle borse, weight 1060 pounds, suitable for farm work or for lady or children to drive, for sale, or ex change for a good milch cow, Inquire . i w Air . n. t. .... oi rare, n . a. mctveozie, nunuurx. Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Aie aelliug tickets to all points East at half tbe regular rales. D. S. K. Buck, Local Agent No. 2, Marsters builditg. To Care Constipation forever. Take Cvcarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 564 II & C. Ct fall to cure, druggists refund money. Catarrh Cannot be Cured - with Local Applications, as tbey cam.ot reach tbe seat of tbe disease. Catari h is a blood er constitutional disease, and in order to enre it yon must take internal remedies. HalP Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ooe of tbe beet pbyticians in tbis country for years, and ia a regu lar prescription. It is composed of the beat tonic known, combined with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com bination of tbe two ingredients is wbat produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. For Over Fifty Veaia. An Out a.iB Wbll-Tsibo Baaaoy. lira Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup haa been need for over fifty years by milllona ot mothers for their ebildren while teething, -with perfect eucceta. II tooth the child, soften th ram, allay all pain, eure wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. I pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist In every part of the world. Twenty Ave cent a bottle. It value 1 Incalculable. Be cure and atk tor Mr. Window' Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and biliousness? Thousands experience tbem who could become perfectly bealtby by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. Marsters' Drug Store. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tts Kin. Yen Ka.9 Always Bought Bears th Signature of PARROTT BROS.