The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 10, 1898, Image 2

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I'uWlihcd ivcir TUurmUj.
Br Till ri.AIM'kJM KR ITUI.l-IIIMI l.
E. f. MR.VUORIi.
J. H. KKUV -
lulu I ilitnr.
Oot Yr
flit Viinlhn
Thr Month
... 1 .4
.... it
Th I'l MKflUl.HI Will lie C"i;ltli i i'1
lh follonltif fiicr follow
n.iiKni ALI nit'l Wwkljr rrcinlnn i .'
" Inter rtvm 5 CO
" FroltK 1
Wvtifoot l'lunler 1 "'
Tin 'On'irnlii n- c.l uo nx-oiunicuiltinu
It 1 ntll known in the i epic iI ('rcpou. 1 lu
"Inter Oefun ' I' KciuiKh an -i-ci i-nuiiJ i
t'hli-iio. II i irtilalilf, lettable Mil new y,
n Dl jnt the thins lor winter cwuiiiK ty thi
ll cije. The "rimilir i u gtiiuluitl r'
per. tmJ FruiU.-e" l the only Wft In Autcr
leu i-tvI'I exclusively to Iniil inking Ihii
r inoulhly uMI ati'ii.
Avail .noiipicII nl lln ni'l'Oi limuy l- muiu
rultttalutng aud roliUlli;n.-J.UK i limi-.
Ki-lonrewtiian Tow hp, f Minim
boI, m-culli-d wlvrr U'iiillnmi, w lio
Is mi ployed in mi mIIiih1 to make id
Oregon m tliHiiocral Hlnlr, aitivcd in
Koechurit .Mmnlny murium!. II 9
Uki'ii in i li iti' .y it iviiiinilti-f o( audi
ell known r-i,cr rpnl'lii-Mlil a 1.
Sdory Mioiidmi, J. W. Hamilton and
Ch. II, I iflu-r, wli't oinhro ' him an
ovation. Cu Moinl.iv nfti-rmnn lh
band wa c.tlli'd into ri-iiiitiiion mid roic
eroded in callnii: livi-lli-r il tho court
hon?i' Hit an Iioiii t, which li.Uvl I In
room iti .i'f i i I luriis did, iii le ii
nnmliir i'l nliom totvniint-d in t I the
1 he t 't- tki-r ili-i-luio.l that the M'piil'il
CNil party had 1 ii letmed .in. I the.
ouly y to redeoin it was to veto the
democratic ticket in Juno ira' up.
I'Uuae moll: the deilii-rritta
The eminent Kcnlleiiuin dueta Unit
the people acted on audi iidvic in IVJ,
fttld IhNt they Nre not likely lo hei il such
dv;i acain, not I away.
We ilo no! helieve t tt t t Ihe epi.UiT
made a hiiiji'o vote hit the !-iiu-ii ,t
To ln.'peil WW Vscl.
Nk VoiiK. Muntt S A Hi-inM ri.
i ml m a :
NencUry Imviiiit giroit unlert to
Coiiiniaiiiler liroiioii, now on duly at
a iuciulo.r ul the Uril tl iiioiiecUon ami
survey, to leave at once for KticUml an I
1 rmu-e to Innptct the vo.iKels wliloh have
In-en ollereil to the coveritu't-nt, anil to
repoit ilhont tlelay ii they are miiuhle
(or pcrvii-e in the I'niteil Stolen navr.
(.'oiimiHiiilor Itrotieon will not only look
at Ihe veyseli" olloreil, hut mill examine
other witriihipa under i-uimtrui'thin (or
Ion ian nat ioite, anit rhoulil lt report uiiy nro ttt-xirahle ami ready lor eea,
this toMTiiini-nt ill ntiiloithtetlly enter
ml. i iitk'o:iilioiiK with tin-nation which
or.l.Tcl llio hipK, looking to their mtle to
the I'niteil Stiitcs.
Now let Governor I.orJ call a special
aeMion of the leislat u ro aul thus show
hia loyalty to the party which has eo
ofteu honored him in the paet. Then
let the republican members elect Eooie
good clean man to represent the state in
tin senate of the I'niteil Mates, and en
act some of the remedial legislation to
which the party is "pledged, and which
would have been enacted lost winter had
it not beeu (or the combination of demo
crats and populists, and the republican ! K?ut children
party would be invincible al the coiuiug
Juue election. There is plenty of lime
to accomplish aH this before the election,
and its accotnplithoieiit w ould do more
good, thau a!l tbe speakers that could be
pat into the held during the coming
campaign. It is possible' that demo
crats and populiats would again fuce to
prevent the organization of the legisla
ture, but no man who claims to be a re
publican would dare to lend his icihience
to so dastardly a scheme again. I'.y all
means call a special session.
The Eugene Kegister gives an editor
ial report of a lecture, said to have been
delivered in that cily lately fey W. C.
Uawley, president of the btate L'niver
eity, on John Brown, in which tbe
apeaker classed John Brown with Wilkes
Booth, Charles J. Guiteao, Benedict
Arnold and Judas Iscariot, and branded
him as a cut throat, murderer, liar and
Now If this man Hawley is correctly
juoted, and we hope for the good name
of the etate and its university that be is
not, bis proper field is Texas. They
would appreciate such sentiments as
tbeee in that state and I e could com
tnand bis own salary as a teacher in her
schools. There have been more monu
ments erected to commemorate tbe mem
ory of John Brown of Oseawatamie, than
Hawley will have friends in Oregon &l
Ut delivering such a lecture, and the
memory of John Brown as a hero and
martyr to the cause of human freedom,
will live for a thousand years after the
memory of Hawley has periehed from
the earth.
Ilu-reaie a iitcf iU.-i;t imi!i .1 politi
cians and sway backed rcfi i iiici., who
congtcgate on llu- stio I cornets i-i every
cily in Ihe stale, di ke on a
cjmisc pony, closing the ivtititrv ui
general, and their elate tin I co. miv in
particular Ihey are aM!tcd l-v a lot ul
patched l-ricche editois w ho re e r
lastingly l ow ling about hard limes.
According to their idiotic waiNexeiy
body i il:honct but. they. Ker body
is iu del t and valior. if a! rond in i! e
land. They do more inj iry to the t-tnte
than a late (root and the hop louec com
bined. The Review is a (air sample il
this kind of journalism. Slop j o ir lie
ing. Tell the i-eoplf that in g ui is ihe
best etate in the union, and I'mlas
County the best iu the Mute, the
his more honeit, intelligent pa'.u.e.ic
men; more beautiful woiucu, an i inttl.i-
thau any spjt on l!n d e
with i piai ipu ation. Tell them
tiuits are gelling U-;ter every day ;
goiu up and ev.'rv t'.iirg b.v-i
rjop your lieing.
The farmers of Oregon ought to be
hippy. They bave brighter prospects
ahead of them for the next year than
they bave had at any time since the last
democratic victory cast its fateful shadow
overdue land. The pi ice of farm lands
ia looking up. New men are coming in
to the county every day from the Last
looking for suitable faims on which to
locate their families. Cattle and sheep,
in fact, stock of all kinds are l.riiigiog
good prices. There is the largest acreage
of grain sown than there has beeu for
years, and the prospect for na abundant
harvest and good prices were ncycr bet
ter. Surely the farmers of Oregon Lave
much to encourage them.
It id given out th it a hard lil,: w .11 he
made lor A. M. Craw lord for secretary ef
Stale by one brunch of the repul-i an
party iu this comity.- Keiew.
The above is in line with the pctfiel
ent ellorts of llu' lleview to create the
impreesiou that there are faction- in Ihe
republican party in I'juglas county.
This is not true, li e party is united
and determined to pre.-ent a eoli I col
umn to resist the encroachment of the
enemies cf goo 1 government, iu mat
ter under what name they may mask
themselves. So far as Mr. t'r.nv f jr I is
ConcerueJ, li.ere is I ut one opinion
amoug the republicans at I 'juglas coun
ty, and that is tht I. is nomination WuulJ
be a credit to ihe county an 1 add s' length
to the ticket, livery delega'e to the
county convention will .be enthusiasti
cally for him, and the convention will
send a strong delegation to the sta'e con
vention lo press his claim.
i YoKH, March !. A llertld sp
cm! Irotu WNvhiugton says ;
It is know n that Ihe authorities expect
lo expend l,Y00O.lVO or f.V.lKXl.OHJ in
piirth.imiiK ships, if such sum cm te
tipeiit jiidicioiicly and lo thtt dvantHge
o( this u voi iimrnt Secretary Iaiij ad
milted Hint he bus it list of ve sels
w hi, !i I'ao'ain l.iew ns.m will imiect
particularly, nnd which this g overiiuient
Iioh-s to actpiire.
I.imh-n, March t - The imlicaiiona
are that the I'liiio I States government
will not wait for the anival here of lm-
mander lro a iifoii in order to pu-cliae
warships. IVInuto onlera have ready
been made rr Ihe ptuchase of ships
lutii.iiug lu-ie, with a view to forestalling
Spain, who is supposed to bo bargaining
lor the same vesse e.
National Dcfcitiic Bill Becomes a Law
w an I n
went to Myrtle
W vMiiM.ioN, March S, In thti ho lie
the I ill ol .'hairiii.u I'anuon, ol the ap
proprialion coiunuttee was submitti-1 to
the house appropriating f-IO.OOO.OOO for
the national defciiM'. After eloipieut ad
d teases had been made by representa
tives of all ficnnis of thecouutry, and
of u.l parties, the hi 1 passed by a unani
mous vote.
W-itii.ijN, March 1'ho seiuts
commute;' on appropriations this morn
ing agreed to the bill passed by the house
vesterday appropriating foO ,000,000 for
the national defense.
l'oe s-nato passed tho bill uuanimous
ly, 7' votes being cast in the athrmative
an ! not one iu the negative.
Tlie vice-president aud the speaker of
the house signed the bill this afternoon,
and it w a iuimediatoly sent to the presi
dent, who atl'iM-d his signatuie atoioO
o'clock p. :n. Tlie bill is now a law.
The nainc Incident.
Register Veatch of tlie liosohiirg dis
trict, ia anxious to get m: of otlice, aud
ia willing to resign at any tiuie the e
pon delegation agrees upou bis successor.
Mr. 'eatch has an idea that he can cap
ture tbe gubernatorial nomination from
tbe democrats and their free -silver allii -.
and he wants to le f otloose when U.e
convention is held. There is no chance
of his being relieved iu tin o lor su h an
event. The appointment of his
sor is being purposely lu l l up, pending
the congressional conv ention of tho ilrfet
district, which is not he! 1 until after the
demo-populist state 'invention in li.ic
city on March : ".- .'. uJ.iy's ' 'regonian.
llet the 'reg Tiiun man -lou't know
what he is (alking about. Neither Sen
ator MeCriJe. or Congreisxau Tongue
are confiding their plana to the Oregorian
man. Nut much. Wo have no Ju'jM
but that the appointment to the Rose
burg land cili.e will be made in a erv
short tixe.
W i-.iM.ijN. March, S. Three weeks
ago tonight the Maine was blown up.
As it was list week at this, lime, so it is
uow . nothitig is kuowu, olhciallv. of
the c uise of the disaster. Tho court is
i.ard at .vork. but that is all that is
know a at the navy department. It is
n A even known when it may be expect
ed lo tiuish its work, but the iuiortance
of w.U w ork does not diminish by any
lapse of tune, and iu tho midst of di
visions, caused by more recent hapt'U
ings. more thoughtful otliciala have not
lost sui.t of the fact that when the re
ti'rl ut the court of inquiry comes to the
navy department the government, may
b- fai-e to face with another and vital is
sue. llo ('resident this afiernouu signed
the llawlev bill, providing for two addi
tional regiments o.' artillery to tnau the
coast defenses.
The Spanish Situation.
Wasiiinoiov, March 0. The Spanish
situation developed two new phases to
dav, when it became known that the
Spanish government had formally re
quested the recall of Consul-General Le
at Havana, wilii which reijueet Ihe
L'nltod Mates l.a l courteously but firmly
refuse 1 to comply '. also that the Span
ish government had euggeeted the im
propriety of eeudiug relief supplies to the
Oi'.jn re:oncentrados on the cruiser
Montgomery aud gunloat Nashville, to
which suggestion the CuiteJ States had
given a hke answer in the uegativf.
V ill Pardee ot
town Friday,
t'ncU Noah Cornutt
t. rerk rtuuday.
liios. Wilton, the Cauyouvillo mer
chant was In town Saturday,
Here's our hand Mditor Stratford;
abundant aucceaa to vou.
Prof. A. K. Cornutt in idn a buiinesa
trip to Kospburg Krid iy
Lloyd My mitt caimdou (tout'a
crwk Friday, returning Satunlnv.
Misa II mm a Itrran went to I'otthuid
Fiiday for an extended vlMt.
Rev. Miller preached two interesting
sennotis hire Butulav to attentive audi
rnns. It often ri'ipiirea an indelinite iiiiinbsr
ot lailurea to make one aiuvess.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Chapman were in
town from I 'ay 'a creek lal week.
lieo. Ilgrwooil and Mr. Ilnrd of
Myrtlo Creek atlended cbureli bora
Miss II 1 1 a Wilson is veiling with Mis.
Be'le Mynatt at Pad's creek ihis wrek,
Misses Minni Cotuu't and Anna
Bogno went to Myrtle Creek Saturday
for a visit with friend.
Wild (lowers are blooming in profus
ion, grouse are hooting, doves are riming
aud spring is here,
11. l. Kiddle started out this week as
deputy awesaor Iu interview- tint property
owners ol South Douglas.
Mr. IV. Higiioa and her tinier, Miss
Clara Flock, of Pays creek were In lowu
last week.
Mrs. I. A. loau relumed home (rout
Caoyonville Friday, altera week's visit
with her pirenla, Sir. aud Mrs. Kiik.
Cieoro Catching went to Roseburg
last ThumJay for a week's visit w ith hii
daughters, Misses iira' O an I Maude
If Spaiu blew up the uohlo Maine,
And caused her sailors brave to die.
With right we yet may ah w our might
Aud burl the tyrant in iuarcli high.
Rev. liilmau Parker, of Cortland will
bo here soon to hold a series of revival
meetings. This gnillemait is slid to be
one of the heal rcvivihsta in the s'ate.
The chapel car "livangel" will be here
also about the same time
J. 1. Riddle came dow u from tho
Cracker Jack uiluo Saturday, where be
speuds the most of his time. Just be
fore coming be made another cleanup
and got abmt $400. This was the re
sult of a rua o( about, live days lhero
is a scarcity of water and the mine has
to be operate! by reservoir heads.
Bouse says the mine is paying tetter now
thau ever before, aud he thiuks the dirt
in the bank will average 10 cents a pan.
(ialcsville. i
We were visited by a thunder shower!
ou the eve of the sixth. j
The school meetiog passed of pleasant
ly. There were ijuite a number of ladies
Ciraio iu this vicinity is lookiug well
aud the farmers are about through put
ting iu crops.
Tho search is 1-eing continual lor old !
man l'linn, who disappeared Iroin hisi
cabin on tbe bead of liiliit creek on (he
L'lith of January last.
There ia iuite an excitement over the,
discovery of gold on Kusell creek by
Mr. Crump. j
1 see by the Binge r items iu last '
week's I'laisukalxu that I., rlunbui
wants to know where the road super
visor is that the county court appoiuted
for road district No. 15. We pre
sume he is working that piece of
the ex supervisor left un worked, l.
s. J. Jones received it line Ji'iey cow
(rom lliigeno on Mom lay's freight,
A. E. Maltbv hi on Monday idlit'
overland (or .tuiiean, Alt k, win-mho
will practice law.
Mri, bleat ns id s.itt Piog Cl., was
hern few dav lusl week vi-lting tela
lives. Misa Maude Iteckltiv, wh i Ins l en in
Roseburg the pusl lew week under
inedienl lieiilmeiii, i nine l,n m s.i unlay
moinliig mtil tetitri.ed Sitn lav imi iiu
to revimie trealineul We me pica i d lo
learn Minn Maude is linpioiiug in lo allh.
The M. I'l. Cbilich soi'ial Fll,i eve
liiug at Young's ball wan will ml id. d
and an ei-j nit'de limo was bad
Al Ihe Ni'ln ol lucetil g Mondiiv .1 I..
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w us eleeled director liiMMIlhe
leriii of lluee M'iiis Mr. I Isilr-oi k l av
ing ri'-ijned left a let in nl lo mhisIo
be tilled. .Ijiiich ll.i 1 1 wns , 'icii-l'o
till tli vacaiiev.
Miss I, ma I'liikslon, b is heeit ipiile ill
ol lain hot is liiipioviiig nl Ihe presi nl
Mr U!o niti-UI has 1 een in erv p or
health (or t-ouie limo and of I ile luis been
llireiiii'io'd with paralyr-is but the lalest
news ii-portsber as improving
Mrs tl. T. IC issell r'iit a ! days in
Itosetiurtr this week
A busiiiesi eiriiival will bo g.ven al
Young's hall Moiulav eve'iing, lliell b,
(or the henelil i ( the slate I'tiriMani lln
(leaver. Vocal nod inn inline
w ill com hide Hoi evening' enlerlNin
iiietil. Ihiiuv.
Misn lluttie llui ve came d mmi Irotu
Praiu last wick just h turning from tie
leaeher'N examination We are pleased
to note that Min II irvey is one nl Ihe
ill-cost' (ill appl ciiiIk.
Pr. A-x I'rttterson hn-i letiiini-d lo
Tho P. i i II. riceiiilv paid llu li re t
assefsiiienl in al out a year. Wlu will
say Oregon is not a healthy place (or
I 'avid I'. ilier expects to begin losing
below town in a short time.
Pr. Illwool and I'rol. Robinelte left
for Pram Sunday. We sincerely ii-giel
that the do.-tor is not to return.
W. 1 . lewett was in town la I i
returning to tiardiner.
The W. C. T. I". havo sullered a gleat
lo;i in the death o( Mies I ranees .ill
laid. Her ellorts and work as natioiia
president and Ihe uiitiiiug .eal to uplilt
and better ihe hum an lamily, mil ho u
lastiug inouuiuenl to her memory. It is
scarcely tube hoped lu-r i mil in capa
city can be found
Mrs. llallio Alkiueoii was duwnloJ
llaltields on a cliort visit leceullv. Mrs
A. is alxiut lo return to l lnluk
vv e uuiicrsiami inai .Mrs. i- rank mc
Powell is about luielutti ( Idaho to
pass tin) coming summer.
I Traveler J aieofleu i-eeu taking Walker's
i hue lo and Irom Pram. Sometimes
i a ladv tries il.whiih is just at. mil us
' comfortable as tho sMg in the present
' statu o! the inn 1.
To i lire
Till..' I o,
K C. C'. C. I-.. I
.,. I urn er.
, i . . h rr ",o.
si, i, futut luuui
Crockery and
! Glassware !
iMtK -t .!!! l-'lU' l A'Hllin III
cut brutiijiii i; Ui.tcbur
( 1 K
1 W I afl
lor Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a candidate j
f jr sherilf, subject to the decision of the
republican county convention.
J. U. lwui'ii..
Subscribe for the I'uiMiim:,
Mflo a eoiiipli'te iin ot i holt i-
IOIIAI i ".- AM' i p.AK-i
All kinds of Country Produce
A short time ago a bill was bef jre cou-
grcbS, which was icteuJe J to discourage
the old veteraDs Irotu marrying any
bloouiing youcg daLneels, by declaring
that the widows of pensioners who
should marry after this date i-hould not
be entitled toawidJoaV pension, but
when some one called attention to the
fact that this would cut off the supply of r!rt le 1 ,',v,i :i .1 1 1: rl -i the 1 ,i ' ! -i t. j i .
There arc indications that au attempt , mejUtl killed, so the old b ns will
is being made to sw itch Hon. T. 1'. (Jeer 6iin Le ablt, tu sayc lhe t.euntrv '
from bis candidacy furgjvernor to that '
of congressman from this district. We
have uo idea that the attempt willfcuc-
W hat General Miles Said.
Tne fureigu tituatiou is confessedly
sericu?, but, whatever may bo the out
coaie, we shall improve our opportunity
to be prepared to meet any emergency.
The action of congress is encouraging as
showing the support on which the ad
ministration can count In the hour of
We do net know how much of the new
appropriation the president will allot to
the war department, but it is unlikely
that any definite apportionment will be
maJe to each department, lixpendi
lures cf ditTcreut amounts will be author
ize J according to the uecessitiee of the
I lie .Montgomery at Havana.
Ha- ana, March The cruiser Mont
gomery arrived here at i:'Si a. in.
No-To-Mac for Fifty Cent.
' o.,,r.:riti.til tohueco habit cure, maltcs weak
1 1, f. rot..,'. h.ooU pure. 6oc.ll. All ilructjisl
Health is Wealth !
Pure Fresh Drugs
ceed. Tbe people want oeer or toveru
or, and no reason exists w hy Hon. Thus.
U. Tongue should not succeed himself in
congress. Tongue baa fully met the ex
pectations of his friends as au ai'Io an J
successful member of cougrese, au l will
be re-Domigated without opposition.
Myrtle Point Enterprise; It looks
now as if the republicans would nomin
ate A. C. Woodcock, of I.ano county for
circuit judge and U. M. Brown, of Rose
burg, for district attorney. They aro
both gentleman eminently well iiualiGed
for tbe offices, are well kuowu for their
integrity, and if nominated would make
a moat successful canvass.
Tbe name of R. Alexander, of I'eudle
ton, ! pretty generally mentioned as the
candidate, for Stale Treasurer. Tlie Rep
ublican Convention would make no mis
take la nominating Mr. Alexander for
this position as his recogni.aJ integrity
and universal popularity would unsure his
Ihe cash value of the poultry pro
duced iu tho I'nite 1 .-tates exite la the
yalue of all the wheat cr all the cotton
produced. Pouglas county could pro
duce a luilli' ti dollars Wurth of poultry
each year if every farmer in the county
would go into the business, exlchtnely.
There are tuc or two bo-called repub
lican papers who are making a kick be
cause ouly oJd toldieri died last
yeur. They want thein to hurry up and
dio no they wont hac to pay out ho
much money for pensions.
Since wheu has tho U:iett coaoud to
be au organ, aud a incut abject, grovel
ling, disreputable one al that'.' ihero
never waa a more pliant, 'eouscietculcss
tool of party published umler the name
ol a tiewHpaper.
German is kicking over the importa
tion of American apples, because they
are "wormy" and yet they are continu
ally Bending to this country their Rhine
wine that will eat the liuing out of a hot
blast, pig-iron furnace in about twenty
MACFARI.NH-R(iSL -Mr. Pugal R,
MacfarUuu and Mrs. lilla Roko were
uuited iu maniage Saturday, i eh. lo,
at St'iJ p. in., ut tho luHiiBo cf the
Tourth 1'resbyterian church of 1'orlland
by Pr, Thos. Boyd.
BUCK IIUNI'LMY. In this city, Tues
day, March 1. lb is, l. C. l e-k, jr.,
and Lucy Huntley, Judge A. I'.
Stearns oflieia'ing.
WIIWKK-BKASI.MY.-In lliii city
Monday, March 7lh,, Clo'e Wouv.
er and Mim Rose Beasely, Judge A. F,
(rarn official in(t.
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread in Spite
o" Treatmc-nt but Now They are
Healed - A Wonderful Work.
For many years I have Itcen a great
Miff'-Rr viitli arieo-e M-itih on one of my
Inn! My foot mid limb became dread
fully i-,ol!iii. Win ii I Mood up I eoiild
fi I 1 i.e ! I'. I rii-liing dow n t lie veins of
Ih.sbinl'. ne day 1 accidentally hit my
foot niraiiiht i-oinc object and a noro broke
out which continued to spread mid was
cticdiu;;ly painful, I concluded I
needed ii Mood purifier aud I began taking
Jlood'n SarnaiuriUa. In a short time
tho.-c ilrcadful hores which bad caused
ti-.e ho much suffering, Itcgau to heal. I
k'pt on faithfully with Hood's Harsapa
r.llu, aud in u hhort time my limb was
completely healed and tho sores gave me
no i"ore j ain. I cannot be too thankful
fo ::e wonderful work Hood's Karsa pa
) has done for inc." MlW. A. U.
C -on. llartlund. Ycrinoul.
Jr" Sarsa-
O parilla
Ii!i i.i-t f.i, i the Hm. Ti ut Itlood Tiinfli I.
Pilled Accurately
Ami With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Heilicines and
Toilet Preparations.
WIP'l.hffALK AMI lit 1 All.
IH.Al.Kit ,v
slihlmtiin ihCl'ivUniHlKctf uta
Ililg lltic Stoiuiuivi atidUos
ncssnrvllWslContalns nclliw
IhmiuT'.Morphiuu nor Muiaal.
NotN Ait c OTIC.
JfJiin SmJ'
.. .trnt
A'a.. .iJti
JH im W -
hud" IW
Attcrferl Rcnicdv foffonsliM-
ucss and LOSS OF SLEZI'.
Tac Simile "iiifltuTc of
nkw vonic.
mm I U
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
m.1 IV
You Have
Always Bought.
tNt i iNMHa i iiMsint Misinsanii, ljiit ii i.i.i flya
New Store !
m. m al m '
New uooils!
A I I I I. MUCk Ol
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Uouulit and oltl
Low Prices!
Free Delivery
ii i
The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump!!
l.ndoiecd by lending (irchttnlibts of iii';:on.
Sjnay Pumps, Pambuo Rods, DduIjIi.' and Single i iinoul
No.ks, Strainers,, hu.,
Heels Over Head
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
Cass Street Markets.
HoorJ'E Hills i im' ah Inei illt- -jiiuH.
Administrator's Notice.
Vi'll'l- I1 HKKEUV i.IVEX 1 HAT lilt
- uteti-rhlviii'il li b, i ii by tho (Jounty Courl
1. 1 IioiikIu. I o'liity, On iioii. .Inly ai.ri.nuli il A'l
luiiii-liutor iliu J'.iuti; ol It. b. Mofninpljcll
iJiii-um I. All in-moim litvinir tluiuis uuiiiKi
all i -Iiile uru In-ruby ri'iulicl to inuxulit Hie
''. Willi io r voui In rh iliih vtri.iil, wltlini
ix in , ml, h Ir.nii tlio ilale nl IIiIh noil, ,,, i
iillili'thiifiieil. ul liU lekiiji lire In Voim iillii, lioinr
Iu ('utility, i r, you.
U-I'Maij Jim. l;n. s. K. ADAMb,
A'tinlliiMrntor nl the J mi,- i,f Ji. H. MeCBiiiii-
lll'll, ),'M'iiM.,. Hill.
Easton's Grocery.
I have opened up again with a full line of
At my Old Stand on Jackson Street.
Cigars & Tobaccos, Nuts & Candies, Also a full Line
of Teas and Coffees of Best Quality.
' Ol N iity I'HODtlCK JtOCdll'J' AM J i
lull uihI nil iv i nre ) kiiim I cs.
t - - .
I he
.; CI.OIMINti,
-( ,H lu Ni l I
'I'. tiii;h