The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 03, 1898, Image 4

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MAKCIl S, IM. " "
.T4T.oro.wo. Ni.ltlf
0.8.BnU)rt. ....... )
ajTbos. II.
' l, K. Him
.....Wlllium I". Iml
II. K. Klu.i
l'till Mctsotisn
M. Irwin
..W. II-11""
.....C. M. Mii-mnn
Iircrrtxrir ol lmlc. .
Htstc Trvmiirrr
Klipl. i'llli. llltrm'lUll.m..
rUste I'rmirr
A Horary l.tnml
F. A. Wont
aupro.Judgc 0. K. B"r,on
Railed Commissioner. Jji."
Clerk ol Rilrod Commission LjieU Bsker
mcoKO jrotctAia Dirraicr.
jnAte J. . rnlljrtoo
rrwcrullni Atlonicr- '",c
ii. . uhii urrim, risbi su.
riTlT,.r -VmU-.U-S
RrgUlcr iwn
OUtjrvcr - Tbo- ti,t,s
Scuslor ,
.A. W. Reed
.J. T. Briilsc.
. 3A. M. frswford
It.). V. KiiUlle
..J. H.8I111K
. B. C. Ate
,w. A. rrsiw
.School SaMtiudeni Dougloi
AMUOf - I.
. Brill
C0UDI7 jud..
"a V Bir.&rni
IM l. Ihmpn
JW. H. Nichols
Will r. Hf t1oo
Dr. K. L. sllllm
,Tlios. timllb
eh cp Inspector.
rs.scitu.-r orrmss.
Justice - John Hamlin - V- blotum
stsior - I'. Muntin
1 U.K. bliAiulroi.k
1st Wrd
tnd Ward
H". W. I'tik
t H. t'. t-tAtiluii
. . . . (A. He
1 A. Flcldi.
Sra Ttni i Crry
C. A. Gchfl-rede
lib Ward -
Recorder..... ...........
I J. c. Aiken
.. killer Rice
Ooo. I'arpT
Y. W. Mllatd
The Circuit Court for DonglM CouuIt rnecU
thre limes yesr follows: Iho Sd Nop
dsv in March, the 4lh Monday i Jue. and the
lut Monday in December. 5. C. Fullerlon ol
Eoseburs; Judge. Oeo. M. Brown, ol Roseburg,
prosecuting atloiucy. ,
County Court meets the let Wedneday all
the 1st Moudsyol January, March, May. July.
September and November, A. . t-lcsrns, ol
Oakland, judge; M. L. Thompson ol Sottburg
and W. II. Nichols, ol Riddle, commlsaiouers.
Probate Court Is In session continuously, A. r
Stearns, ludxe.
Caro Bros, are tbe boil mercbanta.
J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
County claims and warrants bought by
D. t. West.
For Bret-class dentistry go to I'r. Little
of Oakland.
Key West, imported and domestic
citfars at the Hoeeleaf.
D. S. West does insuiain-e. Oilice op
posite tbe poet office.
Kxceleior Hour is guarauteed first
class. Ask your grocer lor it. Only T1.W
per sack,
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and raceipt for subscriptions to
tbe I'laindkaler.
For a good bat, stylish und cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, w hose stock
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Money to loan on city and coon try
property. D. 8. K. Buck,
Marsters' Building, Koeebnrg, Or.
Tbe Square Deal store has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be tbe best shoe
made. Come and inspect them.
The W. C. T. U. will bold ifs regular
meetings on the second and fourth
Tbuisday of every month at 7 :30 p. m.
in the Epworth League room of the M.
E. church.
Children and adults tortured by bans,
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases
may secure instant relief by usiDg De
Witt's Witch Uaael Hake. It is the
great l'ile remedy. Marsters' I'rug
Notice is hereby given to the public
by tbe undersigned that 1 do not allow
dead animals to be hurried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tbe party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron KobE,
Koseburg, Oregon, -March 17th, 18s5.
The daylight jide along tbe Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
l': 16 p.m. daily, get this view lasting
over five hours. But that is not all.
Tbe O. K, & N. give through service to
(Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Hpokane to Kootenai
country. Palace Bieepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Kossland,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Kastern Washington l'oiuts.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take tbe O. U. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 15 p. ui,
V, C. Londox, Agent,
Koeeburg, Oregon.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday at ! p. m. via the O.
It. & N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities of Omaha. Cbicaito, liutlalo or
Boston. Tbe ideal trip to the east is
now before you. Remember this service
when going East, and consult '. It. A X.
ageuts, or address,
SV, II. Ihiiun iu,
General Paeeenser A sent ,
fl'l. Portland, Or.
Educate Vour llowrls With t'ascasett.
Cuniiy Cathartic, cure constipation former.
10c, use. II C. C C. fall, drueglbi refund money.
To the Public.
Ou and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
Impossible to do business 011 a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and tnyBelf by snlliug strictly
(or cash. 1. jjaNaDica , unueriaser,
Koseburg, Ore., April 12, IS'.ib.
IHm't Tubsi fcpit mil Kuioko Your'c Aimj.
To null tobacco easily uiid forever, be ihuk
little, full of iife, nerve und vigor, take Ne Tit-
IJuo, tbe wnuiler-worker, tbut uiulici'.i un 11
ati-outf. All tlrUKK'Hls, SDcoill. Cuieuuuraii-
trrd. lionklot Ulid HUliiple lice. Aiblii'i-H
bteillng Iteuieuy to , Cnuatio or Ktw V01L
Marching On.
ICleclrlc ower will span the ri'
And cross the leritiit strait,
Twill overcome the Arctic Iroece
And 0en wide her (rates.
Commercial mm will reach (lie polo,
Midst frost and snow and colli,
With all their mind, their might mid
They'll search for hidden ttold.
And should they find the "missing liuk"
Thev'll dredge the ikcii deep,
And when they find death ou llio brink
They'll make the fearful leap.
But wait and waUh t!ic subtle oor.
That wcrks in minda of men,
Which, like as lire, tvnsutne, devour.
And bring to life :iti.
For all that is did live bebtv,
And all will live again,
No atom less or atom more,
The universe shall feign.
Silver and gold and precious i tones
Can't make us rUitl I kmc,
Nor royal bloovl witli lleh und boiicu
Nor anguieh, joy or (ear.
For retribution will prepare,
With restitution near,
The place that's waiting over tlier,"
And unateli us from the bier.
Wardton.Or. I.. C. I In 1 .
fittingly rilKi an L'poch in the His
tory of Oregon (iame lirJs.
Carey 1 . Maitin ( H.tVui, Scut-taiy
of State Kiucaid's pmate secretary, lias
a well wriltcu aitielo in Hie IVliruaty
nutnlcr of the Ore pjn I'ouUiy Journal,
in which hi: tiveaka ot llio inlnni;eiii-'iit
of the I'enuy pheaesnt iipjn llie linnnlt)
of the nalivo turds. Ho tiolds" tin
Mongolian or China pheasant iu 110 .i
interferes with the native i lieuant,
grouse or iuail, givius " hi renins Unit
the imported bird has entirely ilisiiin iive
territory fiom that of the native liro!t.
inasmuch as the former eontiiic itt-eli
almost entirely tn tbe grain tichU of ttie
open prairies, while the other use in the
forests and mouutains.
This is true as far as geucrul hality .11 e
concerned ; but iu former years-, Lefyre
the advent ol the IVnny . heat-ant, it
was the custom of the gtoiue to i.-.t the
grain fields of Iho valleys in lame num
bers during the fall months when the
birds were about grow n. Now a gicuse
is seldom seen in the grain lield ut the
prairie, though that may be, as Mr.
Martin says, mote to the hunter 't gun
thsn to inroads of the Cliiua phea..tut.
Mr. Martin Btaics that the K-imv
pheasant conhues itself to ttie prairies;
bat if he will enter any glade in the in
terior of our deepest forests, ho will lir.d
plenty of Denny pheasants, and at elht
ol him they will scamper away to tlie
nearest vine maple or other thieke'.--the
very retreat of the native pheasant or
quail. One Bttikiog contrast tetnecu
the native came birds und the Denny
pheasant, lies in the fact that the former
seem to precede civilisation, while the
latter seem to follow it up. As Mr. Mar
tin says, the lenny pheasant is seldom
seen in the mountains or beyonj the
line of thick eettlemeut.
Our extensive agricultural rursuits
offer a most favorable home to the I Vn
ny pheasant, and he seems to lit well
into an epoch iu cur history of popular
game birds. Though a few havo decried
bis coming, yet he is tnos-t welcome to
sportsmen. Register.
ne of the finest and best t.-'iiii.-evl
railroads is the Chicago, Milwaukee iV
St. Paul. Ou our recent trip through
South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and
Illinois we tried this railroad and know
whereof we speak. The road is splen
didly epuipped with fast trains, the
coaches are all furnished with the latest
improvements and it is a pleasure to ride
with these people. They employ none
but sober, industrious men who constant
look after tbe comfort and safety of the
traveling public. Anyone traveling iu
the above or adjoining states should take
the Milwaukee road by ull means if it is
convenient to do so. If you wish infor
mation concerning this excellent and
popular road ask auy ticket ueut, or
write to L. J. J-.JJy, i,enerai .geut, at
Portland, Or., and ho will gUdly yivc it.
Oencsce IJaho .cwe.
Ihcre has been mueu irilicieiu u! Mr:-.
Jeflereou Davis iu the Sjulb, becuueu
she has selected New York City a her
home, now tLe has I ou furced to ex
plain that Ebe baa to earn her living;
that her en is her uulv resource; that
Iew i ork supplies tuo Uel market lor
her literary wares, rhe further explains
that the old bouieetead, the plantation
in Mississippi, because ot Hoous ana the
low price of cotton, is no longer protita
ble, but iu New York Mrs. Davis and
ber daughter are able to earu about
I-XH30 a year, which keepH body and
soul together. We are sure that wheu
the main fact in the above is tuaue
known, the men of the South will bee to
it that tbe two ladies are raised above
want. That they have doue what they
have without plaint, show a pluck 011
their part worthy all a'uiratioii.- alt
Lake Tribune.
Perfection is the result of our long
It V
arc the product of mechanical Ingenuity.
$40.00 v50.09 $60.00
Monarch Chainless $100.00
Send for 1890 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake, Halstoti und Fulton fe.oets, Chicago.
Branchca-New York, London iJ Hamburg.
Send ten 2-oent ataniiis for a dcok wf Monnrcli PlayiiiR Cards ting
Lillion Russell, Tuiii Coojjor, Lee Ribliariluon, and Walter Jonetw
Marxli Weather.
Die following data for Iho month ot
March covering a period of 'JO years,
have been compiled from the weather
bureau records at Koseburg, Oregon, and
is furniahed by Observer Oibeon:
1 KMI'l KATl KK.
Mean or normal temperature, 48. The
warmest month wa Hint of 1H8'. with
an average of M. Tl.o coldest month
was that of ISSO, with an average of 40.
the hUliest leniparaturo was St on '.".'ml
ISS7. The lowest If tnperaturo was 13, ou
:rd. IS';. Average date on which titst
killing frxst occurred in a ut 11 111 11, Wtober
lltli Average date ou which last kill
ing frost occurred iu spring, May :ird.
! l ui.cii'UM'ioN iraiu and melted rnow
I Avemgo for the month. II 74 inches
! Average number of daswith ,01 of an
j inch or more, l.Y The greatest monthly
! precipitation1 was S til inches in 1SS,.
I I'hf least monthly precipitation was 0.2S
I inches in 1SS,". The greatest amount of
j precipita'ioit recotded in anv 24 con seen
I live bouts was 1.VK1 ineiies on Ith
j IS'.
I he gicitesl amount cf enow fall tccotd
I d 10 any '.'I couso utivo hours- record ex
j tending to winter of I SSI ,'1 only) wan .',7
j inches on l"Ui, ISVI.
1 t 1 01 l VM) w if I II Kit.
; A virago number of clear days, t;
; pattly cloudv days, 10; cloudy days, b",
i wim.
Ths prevailing windohavo been from
j the sotithwet-t. The highei-t velocity of
I the wind was ;t nnleu from the .south
J west on '.'tli l'i also tt and I'.nh,
i IS,.".
the r.ruictol the United Mul" ought
j to ve verv well falivtied witli the lirst
yeai'e d--M-lopiiicnts under 1'ivsident
j McKinley. Dcspiio the ifeiuocialie as
j t'erli-ui- that the adoption of a protcc ive
! (aril) would "ili-lr,v our foreign mar
j ki t.--, ' the cales ol agricultural products in tlu' 1 .ilcudar tear ls'.T were
tr.''0,-'!.',"'l I which is the largest sum
I ever icalic-l by the Uiniers of Ihe Utii
i tcil Males (fin s.ilcd if their provlucts to
J ot'ier p.n ts ol the world, Hie tievl high
j ert t'cing in tin' last year ot President
Harrison's administration, IS;!.', wheu
j the expoi tatiou of tar 111 products aiiioun
I t.l ti .'l'.'..";;o,s.;'. Tne monient I'reei
; dent Cleveland and Ins free trade cou
I greei cane upon Ihe scene of action,
; lS'.:..t!ie!u was a drop in Ihe exporta
tion oi fat m products amounting that
year to Jol'.'.KJo.tvio ; iu lsyl to only
j i7.",,,sr, 17 I : in ls,K ouly f "r,713,SSl,
j auJ in isi, f .H.tKU.SOj.
Bargains! Uargainslt BargainsII!
In pianos, oigans aud musical gooils.
1 lUcvclcs t:ew and second hand at the
1-jue-t t'ricca possible. I have also got
! about thirty thousand feet of lumber
: which I have taken iu trade for goods,
I and will sell cheap, ns 1 am not iu the
: lumber blisiuees.
T. K. Ku ii.uu'sox,
r fi.tctii :ti,,,t torevrr.
.1..;. 1 ..ilinrtu- rrCic.
. 10 t Liii . ui si.-. r filial inuucy.
T 1... i
It C. I . C
j J. D. Mann's feed store is the place to
j get your feed and the leading brauds of
! Ilour, including Kugetie white star, corn
meal, wheat grist, cream middling
home made buckw heat Hour, etc., also a
car load of salt both hue and coarse,
j J.D. Mann,
I Successor to Cawltield cv Cawltield,
1 A thrill of terror is experienced whue
a brassy cough ct croup sounds through
the house at night. But the terror soon
changes to relief after One Minute Cough
Cure has been administered. Safe and
hartulees for childreu. Marsters' Drug
To the Ladies of Koeeburg and vicinity:
Call on Caro Bros, and secure greater
bargains iu novelties and all hues of
goods than at any other house in the
city, I'hey have the goods, aud the
lowest prices.
No-To-Ilae for fifty Ceul.
; i.inrnr,.,il lot-acco babit cure, malic wea'.i
nu n ..tixii,;, b.oou pure. All Uruggials.
I:ccuturs Notice to Creditors.
i -OI I' E I- llr.KL.BY ' d t N it) AIL Ir.K
j ' - ; - i..t ui- . lioui- injniu-t Ihe e-tiitc i-f Mm,
K. A. Watson, ,l. , a-'.-l. 10 -ie-t ni tbe caiiie,
- 1: !i n -1 tier- tb n lor. 10 the uii'ler
i .-u--1, "lio baa I u by tbe Ui'uniy Cu'irt .-I
I u-.i. .i- 1 ..uuty, i'ri -011, uuijr appoiutea iv
, -ul.-iol Ijc 1 ii-i win ana Jcmamcni aii'i tn
c liile ! a;l ikcea-cl, at the ctlue olA.M.
1 r.rv -.r-l. in E'-iebur-.'. luui:la.i County, Ore-i:-':i.
v. itbiu mx niuiitb inun nnd att,-r tlie ilute
-I 11. e i-ri.t v'lMn i'l llil notice, to w it
V l-tua-y 1 "th, l-'J".
Li. i!-..l liii- -.'lb l:i . of Fc'-ruarv , I-''-.
JolfS I.. AT-"S.
I e ul.-r of Hie i-ft W HI and Xv-iliiuieut vl
Mr-. 1..A. w msou. a. .ciajed. Ib't
' 11 n 1-c r -1 1 i.-l b-iK bull iliny ap.liiit d by
tli. County louil ol Jjoiiglai i ounly, I'ri-non,
A ! m .m 1 hi--r 01 IU- K-talc 01 tiim Lliit-iiinii
iui l,UL'lii 1 oouiy, urei;oii, ile cacl. All
o. noin )iu-. -d ila-in-, SKiiin-t .aid csl.Ou no
b.-rebv r- -.oiii-.l to i-ii-m;iu tbe ainc, with l.roh
, r - -h-is ilniy vt.-iittt-d, vfitbiu hix liiontbb
I lr-)i'i tbe bib- "I Hill nolo c, lo lliu lll.ieiMKIii-il
ut I111, pl.ite ot b.i-iui-x 011 Jackson Mrcet In tu
City of K----. bur-, iu HoukIhh County. Op-s'"U,
I - l-r' ury I, 1- ". E. I.. I'ARKOIT.
A'lniliii'tralorol He: K-tatc of Emu Cb-Ciinan
1. 1 him -I. C. A. r-miuuici-K,
II n 1 Attorney lor AdiniuislrMtor.
A leimhlicau coiiv.ntiort lor the slitte
of Orenoti 1. horohy called Iu meet Iu Iho
city ol A.torl. iu Thtir.d.y, A pi II 12 t
11 , in., lor tho luirpoao ot nouiitmttna
candidate, (or otate und district otllci-ri,
"exeept conitrsraiiiAtr' aud to trannai t
iueh other hunluea. nmy jroiHrly
t'ouio IrclorAMld eonveullon. Tlie con
vention will cooei.t ol '.''i deletfate an
iirtioiied amonit llio several
the .tale a. (ollor :
lt.kerti Lincoln I
r.pnton 7 I. Hue 'i
t'lai saiiisa I j l .iuu I J
t'lnluuii 10 Malheur .
ColuiiiMu II Marion :M
t'ooa 7 Morrow 4
Crook 4 Multnomah t0
Currv ;t I 'oik 8
lVuiilas II Sherman :t
tiilliam 4 Tillamook 5
tirant 5 I'matilla II
Harney ;i 1'nionK
Jack sun S Wallowa "
Josephine , 'a."co 111
Klamath .1 Waehlutituu I.'
l-ake Yamhill to
The rtituu liciit) one dclcKutu at htru (or
cJicii euuuly ami one iloleato lor each
-MO votes and (action I hereof of ."0 or
over as eaal for William McKinley at
tho presidential election held in Novem
ber, IS'.Hi.
I'hn iMiuuiittee icioiuuieudri (hat tho
pritiiunc Im hold on Saturday, April '.'
and the couuty convetitiouii, Uedtica
day, April ti, lvs, uule.a other wiao or
deted I'v I Its un cial county couitnittwe
Nu. HtiiM ii, Chairman.
O N . t'KN.NV, Nccy.
A republic i n convention (or Iho liiBt
colt:roiBicu:tl di.tnct of the atato of Ure
ijou is herehy called to moot in tho city
ot I'uceue, on Monday, April II, at
p. m., (or the purote it tiominaliri; a
cainlidate for cunKrer lor tho tirot eon
Kreeeioual district, an I t ) truusiict mucIi
other hiisincaa as may properly come
Uloio aaiU eonveullon. llio cnveu
tiou will couaiet of I l'i duleu te. ap
Mirlioued auioiitf the iH' eoiiulici id
the district at) follows:
Boo ton 7 Lincoln I
Clackamas l'i Lauo IJ
Coos 7 l.inu I.'
Curry U Mariou I'D
1oiiUb II I'olk S
Jackeon S Tillamook o
Joeephiue b Washington IJ
Klamath :i Vaiuhili 10
The ame lein' one delegate at hi rue
for each ouuty and ono delegate for
each JvK) votes and fraction thereof of M
or over aa caat (or William McKiu'ey at
the preaideutial electiou tield in Noveui
The committee recommends that the
primaries he held on Saturday, April
aikl the county couveutiou ediicsilay,
April ti, 13".t8 uulyss otherw ise ordered
oy tne eeverai county committees.
K. J. Hem'Iih ks, Chairuiati.
J. A. Wii.min, Secretary,
Notice is hereby given that the lie
puhlicau County Central Committee for
Douglas Couuty, Ureoti, will meet at
Koeeburg on Saturday, February W:h,
16'JS. fur tbe purpoee ot uiakim; arrange
ments and fixing dates (or tlieholdiug
of 1 reciuct i'rnuaries ami Couuty Con
vention for the year 1'JS, and for such
other business as may be properly
brought before tbe Committee.
All iu em be ra of (e Committee are
earnestly reauested to attend.
I'ated this 10th day of February, LS 'S.
t. . Uksson, Cliairman,
S. C. l-'i.i.M'. .Secretary.
Central Hotel
MARVl-Y JONE5, Propr.
Good Meal5 and Good Beds
20 Cents.
Coruer ak aod Koaa Sts, KuBeburi;.
lloW K' t I.EU Ifk N A M KK , I A" -.
I .I'-lh- t II I it-1-.
I'rlce .7, .to to Il.itli-r.,.iin mi'l
-unitiiri'iiii cuiiiIiiih.i1. li iicH Voulli und Vixor.
Curt l;liuiihintiiii, N en ralitl't, i i !!:. .''1'1,
l.ln-r ami Ki'lncy Xronljli-. Make I km Skill
iiii-I -oollicd tin.- N'cncn.
Toledo, Ohio.
1.. r. W .W.hll. Ak'i nt lor Douulne I'mnily.
Kcfcr lj I" iiuimIoii to
Mits. I), f. M' 1 1. n.LK,
Mi-ClaUi'ii llnii-i), Ko-iiliuiK, "i.
Iixecutor's Notice.
-01ICK I- 1IKKKHY ( 1 V I . N IIIAI llll. t N
A' ilcrn uiii il ha Imjcii l,i lln- County ( i,m I of
Lunulas fuinin-, blnl ol On umi iluly iihiIiiU'i
m i ut., r ol tin estate of Iho lc O. 1 1-n l ter,
U'-i- BSC'I.
All n ioii-li ivinu elnlini iiljuiliht "-"I'l csinle
are r--i'itn'l to irccnl I loi aiue, iluly lerilu-d,
to tin.-uii'ler-i-iii-U at 1 Iktun, HoukIm- i'muiiIv,
OrcKoii, ivilliln i-lx inonthn fiom thu dnli- of ilil
notice, UuU-il Ht ton, On ttoii, tills ..I'l day of J all
ium ,
f ;i i Kwcnior.
T N Till, i llo IIT rOflfl OI'TIIBblAIKOl
Oregon, f. i DoiiKlan I ou'itv.
IJell .Moiii'in I'laiiilill,
v. (
Lawn ih o .Moixaii ...Dcfcndaiii '
io l.auieiu u MoiKUU, llio alio! c liuiiii d 'If
in lliu iminc ol the tjlatc of Orenuii ion me
Ui-it-by ri 'i'iiii d to u'n ar und unsMi-r lln-i uin
pluint UI. d Jalust you in the uoovu entitled
null. III the m.uve liaiiii'l coin I, on or liefolu Ihe
ilrnt iluy of ilic not regular h rni of the Huou
entitled i unit, lo uit, the .'lt day ol March,
And you u ill lake notice that if ion lull lo
U-.tai und 1110.1111 'aid r:ouiilaini, for uunl
theieof Ihe .iui ntlll' u III uoily lo the rum I lur
Ihe rulief niiiyi-d for 111 xiii'l complaint, which In
u .Ji-,liiti-.ii ui the niurnuK'' eontruct iiuwexu-t-1
i K hetiu en yourself and the . I it 1 1 1 1 1 It Inn 111,
uiul thai llie 1-Ih.i ll li it lie uwunleil Iho cure and
ciitludy ol I h minor child, Ihe Inxue of Niid
niariiake, to ivlt, tiny JlorKuu, und thai .liuli
till reein , r In r rulli und iliUiii iiirnu herein .
'I hl -iniiiiioiis is iuhlihed ly onli-i- muile III
l liii ii-In r-, at KohchlirK, I)ouihoi oiiul . , Ol' lion,
hylluu. l.i . Kiillertou, JiMlne nf mid i unit,
thi.'id iln of Kehruury, Iv.'X.
1 1 : A II. Illlilil.i:,
I i.'i Alloiiivy ho 1'liiiiillll.
'-sat ' ! ' -
Four Fiinii In Ei'til.
rropoeitloii! w ill hn received by the
county clerk up to IJ i March I Ith,
IS'."!, lor renlal til mo iMiiniaa inuniy
poor farm, about (itH) acrew, about 100
acres (arming laudi and balance paulure,
(or a term of one to lb no cuin t'on-
fideration lo bo of Iho pbiainn
diiito and crain punn, Ihe runnliiu ol a
(reo feiry, aud boardmi! of the paupers
now llirre.
There is now on Iho place I Ioom-i', J
plowf, wrtm, hack, harrow, binder,
mower, bay lake, cultivator, ami a
verv complete onttil for tiiiiiiinit a (arm
aud keepiuit honne, a lil of which can
bo seen at the cleik'a ollice. Also, 7
eovva.'J heillcrn, ft vcuiIiiik' cal'e, SO
head ol hot; anil put, some criitn innl
hitv. The stock ii for mil lorn, Will
rent farm w ilhont i iiuipiiien's or Mock,
but pii fci to n ot 1 11 in mid cell eilip
melile In e.ime pal IV.
I'hc iliilil in rett'ived to reject any or
all bul'.
V. I''. SiuutNf,
County .1 tittle.
rmi i n
Stf. ; ItlM'l I tilt I I'lU Id!' l I.'i.
la hrviu luijCc frtlv Ne l lt-f
Glass and Deli Ware
at sU,nlhiii( t I'dica. Our uu .-nuurit
Toiuts r vrry iii-ular.
l -ai'- via-
his is the
to Buy
ml A
Our line of Olives, (Jhei kins, l'ick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
; iS -5 ii ii i ' --'r i i' ' ' - ' : -: :' '- :
1 1 Weekly Inter IDcern Nil
ft i.v r.idically Re publican,. idvocalinp J "."Bnt il on ,ilw,i,- b.' i-ln I on JJ
m (ho cardinal doctrines ol th.vt Farty i Inr fair and rr"ii, .1 .ill r "
with Ability and,J," lilical movi-iiu'iil-..."y
) tup MciAq ANn nciT currfnt litfratliwEl
It Is .Morally Clean und as n
The Literature ol Its toinns is
viual lo thut of the heal miigH
zincs. It is interesting to the c hil
dren ar, well as the parents
and while il brings
discussions r( all questions ol the cl.iy, it is in lull l ymr.iiliy
with Ihe idea:; and .vpirations Western fT'1' '1,,r'
di ii.v. literal ur and politic from il.; We'lern st.uidp.uiii. "
pfi B
es H K
w liii i n
g S H
o 71
J', ia-r al I l.u I v I'l' ooi i I .
I', ir, ,i t a, nail, V I' V OO i I .
Ir.iiO innl a..ta,i,,y l,y itmil
IHuuttswir to tl. W. NOAH. I
General BUicksmithing-
,i m (. '; jj .
HIiiiii on Ciinit r Vk'UHlilUKtwii
and is Ihe rctullol colili and
sudden tlinuliu chaiigi's.
It ran liuciirrii hyu ilra.iuit
ri-iiii-ily wliirli in it,i,licil ili-ra-i
tly lulu thai ll'if triln. llu.
lriL'iiiii kly uiisorlieiilt K'.ii
ra -lief atoriie,
Ely's Cream Balm
In ii know la it: .1 to lio thai inoi t tli'ar-mj'li l inn ler
Numll iiturrli, ( nl'l in llnul uml lliiyl i vi r ol ull
rfllll'ilil-rt. it liia-ha mill l:!imiai-N tlin li.iitul purMila-.-a,
iillavs imiii ttml iiillaiiuiiiitioii, lirulit llia'Kori-H, ito-
ta-rlsllii rii'-lliltrilljit Iroln l-olaln, ra-aluri H till: l-a-li-i-il
Of ItiHit unit Miirll. I 'it'-i- Mia, nl llru":'ii ifoi ly inrnl.
LLX illlO'l'. (! Wuricubtiitt, U,i iwk.
IN till I II. It II rot'ltl I'l- llll (Ml.
1 of Oii-iion III und lei tin t --mi I oi I' i";u.
W I'. I old, II. It. hlmiild and I'tol M.l-iluin
llounl el t'oiinnl.oni-n hu ihe nil.- ol - tiool
und Vnlii'i'liy I and", aiul hu lie' lnu -'u nl
el lilll'l" url.liig llieiidiinii, I lnliiinl-,
,1. ,1. Thornton, in ndin'.tiMnii' i ot ih. , -luie i I
IMIIIatu Mioi'innker, tnle pen. -hi -1 oiom ,
Olvunll, ih ei-il-i d, II hi iiuil i I I no , I
t'llllli'l-oll, Alii e I M itllu-ii -, Ann, i II Mallh
e, and Hlinll M. Pi'llllh , III Ii" al Iiih el -aid
I II I ,t III Slioeliillki-I , ih i i ll" 'I, l, n II d -.oil'-.
to l am,! IV t " i und Hauili M I't iuila.
ahui e iihmu tl tleleit'laiii-i ,
III tin- llioue ol Ihe MHO' el IU. -nil uu mid
t ut It ef toil Ihe uliote ntlinetl i!t 't lutsio.. I ."HU
l'. t'aiut rt'ii und itiuli M lit-nnla, nie le-o lo o
tpihed lo il ppt-iil und p II-- n a i tht-i t tin p In 1 1 1 1 hh-d
nt.unt .ion HI Ihe iilmMt ullth d euuil and
etlii.t', oli ol ht hue Ihe tlil 'hit ol tin- lie I leu
1 1 ii I- I- nit ol nld i null, i" li In- Iho I Uon
aim , Ihe Jt-I ilut el Mint ll, P-ei
And )"0 vi ill i . I. , null, i- i ui ii t i'ii I ail " i"
uitt ui uiul numtcr uld t ,nii.inliii. i'-r " till
Iheleol the hillittll UI I'l'l'l I" He' "ld
eouil lor Ihe It ll I 'l,i' I liu Ih. i 111, In II
'I It it t the lil"rl(!Biti- nil III nun t In I he nod i "III
lillllllt llKt lilt- I- I il". lie; tit -a. I II'. l I'll lulr,
in nil
I... I I. illl'l Ihe li ' , ol the nil ' , ot ''' '"'
the lit', el tin' at i , ,, , .1., itlati the lilt ' , ol
t ' , ul ..'.- 'Jit, ulao llie lie1 , el the ut-' , ot act .:.'.
UUtl lilt' t' , i'l lie att 1 , II" an',1.1 lltt- t-' , "I
m r a., bii-I lli- in', el ih'1 liii',, uud Hi.' li',
el lie- lit 1 , "I a. , .. . all In t '' h MV . xl
ul-..., l-v--innin.i at n -..iui .' ' . h.ini N "I Ih rt
e.. el III' 1 1 I I' ol J.e ' I' I'-lm, la lilt! I I. ill" No
', and en the Ion Ii. linen - . II u.a nu-l 1 1 In
lit :'l. Ii l M , M i tin 1 1 1 t : llu in ' N ' I '
ihlilii-, thelne II iliiiiua. Ilii me ' .''il'
chailta. Ilii iite I II t I, ulna lo -l ii .- ol In -In
It ma. ulao I" i: I u ii I u itl I hi- a-'iill" a a I e-ini'i nl
llie Puieilltin luii'l llalmel I I" "'hue 1'rnllu I
in lt v, . Il I V , v vi. nimum: Hi. iu-.- w mid
', l.'.l". lllfliee '- l.'.la, I It, 11. I u Illl'l ' i
I.,. la, llii-lne . .,'la t.t i.liii . t.l I., i; I ull I in' ill" i
llie e' . ul ll"- a, I , "I mi' , "I are I. Iu If -. II
I . V M, llll III t It'll'' III run II I , in II" lull' I'l
Hit I't'ii, and rnntionnii'., In Hit- in'.'.iri;alr. uh'tut
Innl huiiilieil ami Inn. ion - n i liiu-l ii i i
lc-. I utii llur null ll" i-iit ni , I I llu
inrlil-- a ll-1 iif fuio iuini' a l In it-nut '- l-uitil"'
t -1 in nnv it iae a I'i't 1 1 ki iu in" , ui ii . I 1' i - 1" 'I,
nil-Ill" -nl'l fit "ilM - o 1. 1. l 'I -"I.I, .iu I Ih'' l-l '
"lilt t!ii-li-"l 1. 1 I 1 1 a -I In llll I ll. I'l' III ,! I'U' 'I' I'l
- t mill l.v t hr -nl-l luni l -u:' . u-- I 1 1 1 ". '- I - .- il
l-t. I tin- -ii'lt"tll ,-l ll" t ,'ltt .. t fil i"l
ill-i-m .' iiu-nit .-I -in', 'ih an. I l.ut '"-tin
'tl-l, I' lie- filt i-n lit "f ill' llllll'll. 'I 'ill'l I' il '
"It'll. II - "I MO ll I'll" I lOIIU I"! itll'Ulll I' ' "
th i "Ull -iuill "i nirtt a I u.Iki' o ii-.uiul . i'l
(t. Iht' I'll, ll" Ul ut II"' 11 III tti i ll I nl littllti' all. I"l
f 1 1 I'l I Illl'l 1 1 1 tr I r - I II full 11,1 ft - - in la - ,l t I'-'O
.1. -a lilt ,1 IU till II, n mi'l a t-lll I'l a 1 1. 1 . l-
tt 1 1 l.ll 4', It llh llll, It at llll H ,11 Itl I III 1. 1 It
nl fil it III ft-l ,1,1 t -1 it t I i,,iu t tin -t Ii 'l.i v in
.,. , ml- I, I- ' . all I l' -If I' ulllt l illi-l I'll
t tit I i'l-1, la Ull I .It.n.t I'l. I'l Itl. l-l' ,111't . 11
lilt. III -tll-1 l lilt--- ill -hllll l,f tllat all I l "ll
Ill'l" II ll'l I lllll flrt I Ul III
iiii nl "l i i nu-l at;. 'Ill- I
ii- n-liiiiui-traliu ol II
VV illlu -i -li", iii ii k ' I . ' I
i v M hi, Ii l",l ill
.ti-l I J II"
I 'al. - I 11"
,1. I,- nnv ,1, i.
I it l-t-1 ' I in: I Ik
,..-l-,.l i, -I IV
llll- li itV I ' f"ii"
ml II
I'll I- ir I
I .i '
-Ith' "I !.t"l I - -1 - III Illl'l'
I 111- MIIUIH, -U- la fllMl-l
I I' I nil, ll I 'r "I -
.-f. u t innl in tin I II) ul K
t .uoil t , 10. -lull llll l 'lilt'
I- Illl'l I la",
l "l (lit
I Ih. ' .tl.
A full cuiiiplctc ii'-Mil lliK iit
. tf all y.ouils n.MKillv ki'i't in ;i 1 1 1 1 -class
Kvcry thing tltcrctl lm sale is l'tcslr,
aud suld :vt very reasonable ju iies.
We have a very choice Mod; nl
canned goods, including both ii uils
aud vegetables, to which we in vile
vour suecial attention.
Pnmily I'jpi-r Witlinul .1 IVcr.
to the family THE NEWS Ol'
gives it readers Ihe best and abl. ,1
I HO I" I v.
Ifl ! llll I" I -. a
li.OO ,a I- j ,
aiul Kiiiiv Hits., ICiini Iiiii K T1!
icii.iu- t"'n,'i. run nr. it'i: wiir.H fatrnt
OBTAINtli. I. ii'l in "1,1, il'' li "' l'a"i" i"0'
l-- ' M ii'.ti ..r 1 1". ir ,',il i, I i nl- uhil.ililt . Ill I'AtlE
llANIllldflK l-KKK 1 nl - in, i.f. i.'i i' ii'i'I It'll
I,. i . , ...... 1 1 wkitk run Cory nr omi HrcvtAt I
01 1 III. ll mllit: nr .1 1,1 .1." I i I- - 'i i. "I' I'r I
. i",l iii-iii- i. 1,1.-1 IbVtf.V IMVI'NTUIl HMOUI.D
ULAI1 IT I -I., i. uil'l, nu I'l I iU"l. fl'l
rAT f.UT LaVllia,
UroitUii . WASHINli lON, D. C.
U Af. 1 IJ
w . ri 2
W U fi E (,"
u 'j 4 i
IN I UK I I lit I I I i nl' I. i HI I III ' IU KOI
I I llvunll " I'lllllllll. t I'llMl ,
r-1 Ilia III ( Mill Mlltl 1 ,t. lt till ' I, I'll! I III I - ll a I
I nl'l l.ii.lln l I liilnlllla, ,
t J
li',a III, I'll. V I I Ill ll III. Ill I I, ,
1. 1.. I,-' lllialn v nll'l lilllli. It 'It tit at.
I' I' I'llllllta. I
I " I ,'-"IK tlllalli t , I l lilt' illitilit n ill
lt h il'I'lllla
111 llti' II. lllll' "I Mm Mlillr i'l I ,;..I li.ll Mill
lull tit 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l.l II 'l III II ll' t ill I a tv t I- I lit' t inn
.il I II I nl I I it I II 1 1 ll - Mil l -it -III' I Mm III llll' hut I'
i liilil' H"ii on inr hoi nut "i iho ni'vi nun
llll It llll i-l ll'l' il - I'll! II I. .1 I ."II I, 1,1 11 II, . II
Mltliilny llll' '.I'-l itilt i'l Mull ll. la'H, ,,, ymi
lull .it In niotni l'i tt iiiil (Iii n ii ilia I'liii ut I it.
u lit I h hr 1 1 1 -1 in. II I tl nl it -1 i mi lur I In- an l, hi
l-a-'i t I tt llli lull i i -l 1 1 i nl It n .i r i , HI . r
iniliion, l.niii Hit- till a'l Num iiiIm-i, li'i,
lor i nl lorn .'i 1. 1 a. mi'l lm i hr i it,, la innl ill a
l.lliai lllt'lllN t' llll'- Mi (lull
I Ilia nulillntilM la 'li I -I la i, , ly n i,it'- itl
It. .11. I I nllt In. l- l' . .1,1.1 unit I
il.ll' .1 '.11(11,1, s llll., I via
HKl'lA N .1 I I r I IN.
J-I'la Mini , t a lm I I illilllla
Notice nf I'huil Settlement.
ViilU K i,.! III liKnv i.ivt S Tll tl' llllt
1' ll lull i-l,: li, .I in I in I li I I, an x a.f llu, rat nil' i,
-11,1111111-1 i a I,, in . ,, , , ii , ,, in , , in , ii mil ut .
tt'Ulll it- .til tl n liunil IX lllltt Hint
MtlN l I I III. ,lll I' ('I M.t 111 , h'la,
Al Ihr li"lll a I I I "'a la ii I, a In n n.l.l ilnv, lina
l'i i ll -i t l'i 111. I'.niil I 'l lii-.ollui i.l.jn linn., II
ntit lilt ir tr, . a,il, mi ,. lllll, nil') I,'! Hit' artllr
III' HI I'l ,111 'I 1 a ,
I I. la Hi. l 1- ul..,-
A I ' M. Hill-. In In- .
I I,, lit- Ilia 1 '. -illil t , --lilt,
tut ,. l, , . ,i.l , . ,.
I lit ,.l.l r t tli, II. .11.
lit. 1 i'IiiiIv l mill Inr
ui. ii"ti. liot'li' llu' il
I i i H i ii in I i 1 1 1 M i 1 1 I;.
. I.., Iii i 1 1 ult i ,. i in- t -iiili- , , an. it it it. 1
Jt'i.l i.i .,, .1. . . .1-1 tl
itkl'Mi. DO YEAR8"
k. ranrnicurt
jf lAri.ltia.i-vt.
'rnf CorVRIQMT Ac.
A. IT. aim a.t,lli,t ii k ill,,! ,l, lll.t
MMl' hlf ii a, ,'i I .il tt ..... . l'i-' .. In-l' aalia-ttn-r ai
1,1 1 rill 1--I I la 'l "I. tt'l V 1' il . "' .ll'l"' I .'littittllil' ll
I -I ,1. 1 1, ,'lil I I. It . li, II" "'S I'll t'nlialiU
rt'iil lii't'. ni'l'-.i-iiil l-l f. HI Hi I -all a'"
I'ltl.-I.l. Iitkt'lt ll'i i'.. l .' A I... It-alto
tia . nil ai.'dt c la n ln ul a I, " III I l.u
Scientific Jlinerican.
(iniiili.'tiu 1 tlln-lrttfl (.,!. I Tf(.Ttl 'lt
t III. I tint I f ilt'Y - il Ml ti' t -Ul 111 I 'I i in, ' n
t ir la in i I Mi, I, l-i '1.1 l- (H in'nl-1'
MUNN&Co.3t,n'',"'' New York
llmi,. ll I 'III, a'. ' V S' .. Wnalilllhtoll.
TIM, :i!i: vT
(01 ntini:s
ll lllll I'ISII ( Itl.l l III
...The 0 R. d M.
1 tl.tuttt all .11'. I.lhiciil
. ' rt'lV,"
Mioi Ii s 1 ini' o Siuliiiin'
i n 1 1., ittiMfii. .i, )i . m
I.I.SII., .mil , Kuollllll)
llllllll- t 4-. ....
L-Tt-'.'- , '- - -.-..-- ..,,,
.O.!)..-. .a.'' 4avaaali .w.&ial.
Ill' i . i ' I'' 1 in. ! li.:, din n
Hi.. ; ,
I"' - . -I I !....,' ;.. , . II,.
II. Ill Itl. Ill III,
'- ti- I .r - i..;, i ;, i,l
O. It. M, .,
I'm II. Mill, On koii,
I lm
St.ut iii'i ii i'acilic ( o.
r .n: n,,i ,iiir.
I S. Hill '
"II'. M. ,
'" t I
'.'a I ai
.M..,,- I.,.
i. ,
,.l I lull
T : . 41 A. M
' I . M .
i.t i .i iii r
1 ' " ' ' '" il I ,, : ; i., . 1 . I ii l l,,n.
', ' ' "' '.. I mi;, r, Minimi,
'II" "ii. A. '... I ailiic nl, nhi llnlwy,
''' '' li'-u I lly, I' iiki lo . I i.iikku
"';' V." "" l"oii Irom
K'.-' I i.t,; ti, .1- l,:l ,,,, inaur.
How Imii; Mull -- Dull) .
. -' I II ' I .
a .si r m : -
i ' i , 1 1 , i
i;.'... I... rst
a i . I I si r. H
It .
lll. 4 ls, u IM.HI llltl li:.
PullmrihDuftct Sleepers
M I "SIM I. t SI I I ' M; I MN
A1''" In 'I I i.M I l.ii.tiKli 1 nun..
West Side Division.
Hi litrrii I'oriliiiiil an, I nriallla
M.ul liiihi 'lnny ,, , -innl,,) i.
i.'ii; mil
i in t uin.
l.l I.'i I' H.
Ml i'. m
I II I I'. M
At All'iiny uiul i i'itiilli, i iHMin t witli tisllll
ol lira iin i , Html a. ,i, , iul,ua,i.
K.ra an (lain ,nly ,i-a-i-it Slin.lny).
'' I l.v. I'liiilmul . Ar. I '.i.'i "aTW,
i '" r. m. I A r. M. Mint illi, l.v. I S 'ail a.m.
ZJ-'Jl... !.'' Iinli'i Ii-nt.- li l l:.rti a.m.
1 1 1 1' l I r ll h, i ! n li lit it l I I li, i , a, ,, HI, (,..
i I'll hint ml Uin uiul nlnl I'm inr Mall alrani
lil. Inn- lm I.M'AN AMi I IIIN.l. hiiilinit
.llll."- ..II Hl'l'ln nil. ill
lllll. Illl'l III I, 'U I,. I l-l, II ... 1 1 H till-
lii.i' Ala. a IAI AN, I HIS , III, Si,. l ' Mn,
A I I I; I . I A Inn lm .il.liiln, i I,,,,,, l,(..u.
I '-l !' "I, I II'IO'I , ;,'l, (,.a..',,1(j.
K. KUKIII.KIl, C. II. M A lili II A M ,
MiiiniKi r. II. K, all 1'iuts. A null t.
lo iltv I ii fort mint c.
r""X fir. Gibbon
'I ll Ih O..I ra lllll, III f H till
t Ii ii ill on t Mltvi'Mif ul
Hl'l a-llllltl III Hhii la'rHII
( m o. .till i'.illliiiun ti,
inn- nil Si-tunl nml
I .... I 111 u .
.rivAaUk -'-,,,i"'" i'i.i.B.- Nina
VVvsJf? ii" lliinnuritni-s, (lltci
ftslsiiiiliiri., .s,,,!, in,
nil tin i.'iuin, DIHin III.
minis lli-lilU
iiliniy. ScinU
.ts linn i,ut
w.utt...... i laiingui,, aaiaj raillNl.
Illli-lll i- ol hi ll llllllhaj HII'I rxt ii-M H 'li.'llli'lK t,0
It'll, it. in,; nt in 'i , aiii . Min.nv I'OIIIIII'llHIII'l., lllll (
hilll 1 1 I I ' I" llll' tV'S, . lllll till' llfll'l, II IlM 1 1 U
iii tlir i uM, h n ni I''iirii. a I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii -1 . (n U.
ilnlii'lillii sllinil'.'lM. I ii,llnll,ili nl ,, - lirinl,
Ullltl III, H ol III"' 1 1 III llti inn I I . it, I, , Inah ol lill'lliui y
I I'll a (HI llll' fall .-, I'llll;.!, I a a 1 1 II 1 it , 1 1
llll 1 1 I II III I M I,,. ........ I.... I la, kj . . . '. ' , '
r,ini - llllll'l.l l,
ov-r Hoi ty ;i in mi.) il.ii'.,''.l halt. .ii 1. 1 i,i,
Iml lo i. .ii nit Ii i in innl i, ri-jt , il,,- i.ii
Ina l-inn I -kill nml i a i. ii, in ... ' h,. il,,, ,- n,r).M
uin n , -iln , i nl -i.t- I 'i 1 1 1 h k iiiiiii nl i-i'i,
IVIMIIIS ,1, ,1.1 ,il I,,, l, I". I 1 1 It 1 1' a ' a I I'll aiiloi l, I'
I llll III tt I lit',
, ' '' ''Hil!"'-', :.' K. iniiy rrmi
tlhro, I ill,
. I
3 rxlpii -ySj