Tiiiii I'LAINDEALEU M AllCII ;l I MM I'iit) t liiart lirM. M..I...' I linm II nil in r nl Main mii I mu iri.ii, Unity "turvli'n: I'li m Muh, II m ill 7. HI . m.i HnIiImIIi Hill in. I, III . rn ; f. W iV i.illi.f, Hii'(ii inliii.tiilit, I limiting at i il Hi" iiiiiiii I lia mu V lie I Hpwiirll, I."' I Hi i ill. HiHllii . 1 1 1 r . l'i nl. li nt. I'liiyi'i Mu 'in' I. Wh In Im, nl ; II i. in. Kiunk I.. M.i.iiik, l' Im, I'm ui'ingi!, iiiiiim! Ma'u anil l.aiii '..n I null I Hum ll iuiiiii'I nl I u. mid II. I4K lirnl HiiiilKr ilmrlrv; I'llplh w.imlilp, ,ii mul I ill i. in , Haliballi Hi IiimiI, 10. m.i V, , M ll K ,7 i in. I'i)til MmilluK, Wi.lntm III, I VI l III II M IIII.WUHTM, I'nHi'f I1 . I I III Hi! II Mill fl I III' III II nil I- Vl II 'I iilil lrt) i i. . ill II ii in mil I i i i in. I'm) i r itiuoiiuu, I inn" !")' i m iiIiu. A Ii Wair ii I.. I'aalur Kimi .il' l. I'lK'H' H Mi.rlr HmI.IkIIi iiiiiiii UK ml I i'm iiIiik. ill !)' "iial huiir. I(k. J.illll UtttaOV lll'l'lur M. I- MI in II, H.il'lll, Hfll' il-nljf hlllliU) in. i urn bu I tMiiiin:. Itr.i J. I . ( oi iu: , I'mluf Weather Keport .-or the w'k I'H'liiitf Muri'li 1 Is M T I in 1 1 in I in-iiiliirr, Mi, on tlin :'ii Ii. .Miiiiinoiu ti,iiiM'rini, 'M, on the Mill. rrnflillaliiii, .. Avrraitw in i iiiiuinii li I hi month l"r L'U yeeis, t ' I. Total .riirl litiiiii from hi'i't. I, lV, lo ui. a::-:. .Vvrragti precipitali"ii '"'in hl I. -.i..l.. T..lal lU'llrirmy Imiu Sp1. I, I Ml'. 3.13. AviTitKH pin'lpilath'ii tot 'mO t iasmis, N'pt. lo Mar. iut liwivu, :U.4'J. I III", UiiiimiM, OIlHCIVKr. I.I I I I.I: LOCALS. Nnw kihkI l'ro Hi"" """ Hut, i iu lu tlio Rueiilraf lor Urn I'Ctt i igar. Kor a good l-t'iil rlm call on Mr.N. lioyil. Hi'mly nm.lii clufi Ht the Novelty Storo. IviiiSN in Inbuilt' vanity ul Alexander 1 or M c.l oat mil on H. M. Marliu, lu'r Ilia depot. M.i'aronl ill mif puilinl carlojns St . i K 1 r r ' uriKi ry. (. Iiun hiil, WimlU'y A MiKonle are Mvllin lot ol Oliver plow. I'rul. Uohiniitt i the authorized nijent ol the l'i AiMiKAl t.it at Oarilinor. Itrxt har.l miiod riin.lio. hand iuad, J .'it a pound ut the Kamly larlory. Auk your Ktoccr lor Lsi-elsiur Hour; Kintmutt'iHl limt clan. I ahi kt ark. Hiii Now ! Hour tnilli KUftl1'', " iln work. Kf.l hy nil hkhiiih. i miuT Mill. Hoy n.l mni linl. " w "I1 to-ilnto HnU, ovt rrliiit. iii h, t tlio Novi-1-ly Murr. I . V. I'm iHiutt-r in aiilliori..l lo re ceive mul icceipl lor iiuiintiiilloii to llie l'l.i..M.I.Il. J or 1 1 id pr.ttu't-1 lino ol iprit.K ihe" KO'mI. oiitiutc lUnnols iH clicovi, i H ul tlio Novelly fclore. (lite ol our pri.miui'ul unlurilul km ' one Konuiiio livir iIoh mImmi ill out wear iwo ol tho oilier umkek." Thw New Lm Mill uiiiu(i:'uun I i i eUior Hour oil cnarauteti ll limt rr: I.IK) I'i'f "' k at till urm i-iy aloii a. We tiro iifptfJ to r.how you u i-rclly line ut iillilrrii'a aiiitn t very low inva. full iil ai' llM'in l lh' Novelty More. liruhitiii M'Hir, out 111U4I aid Ui'Uii, at llie New l.rit Mill All iitiraiileeil llrat i laaa. 'u ale hy all H"'- I.iWht nack. Jtrnitf ymr jo'a oiU lo the I'i.aimiai.l Kit ollico. Wo are prepare! to 1I0 I ho jltjjrMt tin-l heat work aouth ol l'ort- Uico A Kur, U.u UajH i,trect liirniltire tlualur. have a tfouil lino o Jiealinn Nlove ol various ilecriitioiitf, new ami hoi oihI hauil. lor the lull Iraile. J. W. lU-iklov A l'o.,iho huliliei,ill keei only the tiniii'eal ol meat where with to aiipi'ly the Kotu'hurn iublic, tint luoiithlv Willi iiIh will ! ri'nuireil. Ji.iu'l annoy othrrs ly vour coukIiioKi ami rink your lilu hy tieulerliun a cold, line Minute Couth Ouro cures coughs, colds, crouii, unpi'O and all llirout and Iuuk Iruubloe. A. L. Marelers' A v'o. Alter 1 obruary let we will make a re duction iu the price ol 1 Hiver plows and i'.trm IhrouKhout the entire lino. Just rccvived ii carload ol barb w iro. Sikviinn A, I'iiknuwbiii. Mr. J. H. Mmpe 1ms been appointed lepresenlativo lor I ho Viavi ( 'o. in Una city. Any one desiring information lu regard to. or wishing to procure tho rem edy, will p!eano call at tier residence on I'ino street. j!3-3ui Morii' l'oultry Cute. This iufalllblo romedy chulloinjes the world to produce Its e.puul as an etui producer. 1 revent ivo uiid euro lor all diseases of fowl, tiuaranlocd and lor sle hy II. M. Mar tin, Hosehurg, tr. Alter ver of untold sullerintf from piles, ll. W. rursell ol Kuilnersville, Ta., was cured hv UHinir a biotfo boa ol liaWilt'a Witch II.bI Salvo. .Skin dis eases audi bh ec.mna, raiih, piniploa and obstinate sores uro readily cured by this famous remudy. A. C. Marnier o, Co. TIiiiiiiiiiiI are Trjrhia- It. In 01.h r to pr v. tlio Kr nt merit of I'lv'M frill 11 Halm, tin i'i'' ell'octivo cure fur C.iln.ili mul foi l i" ',ftv0 T piivd n p :iini.ii trml ni.e for H eeiilN. Hi t il of '"iir di u,;j;i -t ' Kl'l"l 10 ' enlN to J'.I.Y KS., Mi .rr.M HI., N, Y. t'ily. I MulTne.l f MM11 c it i ;h "f III" rKt kind ru r him - a I".". " ' 1 ,",v'',, ''"I"'1' 'V cure, but I'.IVh fivatii Tab 11 H to ilo even Hint. M "y I '-" " H ''' H,'lt It willt pxeelletit ikmiIK iHcar lHtrmii, J j Warren Aw.. ' liienx", HI. I-'.Iv'k fieiun llahu l lh" luliuowl'diji d curi'for caUnh aud coutaiun no coeniin', iiujroury uor liny injurious ilniK- l'riee, CO ccut. At ariigijiHta or hy mail. Wl.iuinimr illli;1l IU Hut iiiiihL dlHlrevH- inn malady ; hut lis duration cau bo cut .m . . . ... .. at:....... mil. stiorl by mo ii to 01 iuo tuiuuio v-h" JJuro, which is uIho the boat known rem pdy lor croup ami all IimK b"j biouchial troubles. A, 0. Mamters' & Co. HAUUIUI). J)AVIS.(IHAY. I" thisclly. by .luatleo Jolm Hamlin, I'obruary U'i, Mr. V. W, Davis aud Mis Uora (iood, both o Cleveland, this county. ItOUN. 1 i .- OAI(). lu Ihistiitv I obruarv '24. IS! 18 to Mr. mul Mia. Simon Caro, n dauuh, ter, UKUil' MUNIIUIN. KriKli fruit In Klaus Jnr ul 7Ay)it' irrocery, I Im II hiii Ii. mini ul I'.aiid'in burned Hu'iirday, Hun. J, I', ll'l ltj' M rum. 1 over from t'lHin I'nd iy evm.iiiK. Ili'.i. II. W. Itid.llii wmh 1 1 1I1.1 my M iHinbiy f r OleubriHik . I'eiilril Huik in nil ils IiihihIii ikil lull) iliinii by l W. Ilnyiii-H. H C. Hint ptl.l a vUli hi 1I10 I'.lm k Iiiiiiii milling crfiiip 1 1 '. wi'iik. M,iitiliiii.illiiH fm pi r hoi, a'.on' '.'(i In a ho at the Kmiily K"i h 1'. It Mltllilnll Mlllil OV.'I In I.IIK'-HI' Ili'Uy, 11 Imniii I Im miiiio ilnv II. mi, J.1I111 llnllnf Myrihi Ciin I: w 11a M)rlle wait Inil.eilly e.liirn h v. Cioaii mimI brlilyn work n Ii ti ' 1 1 1 - 1 1 y dull hv I', W. Hhjiii'H, iIikiIimiU t. I, 1 11 liiet Inv.i alrert ly li.'en in iiperHtlou hi Hut yard ul lloni'liiirj; li.ii'a your loolb ai he? io ai-k l ied llayues whnlber it il wi rih laviliK. H.ir dli'lil H.iiioii Caro I.k a lew "lym whirr" ready lor llui land 1 (lien. Mr. J A. Willlil w ill open tint N01II1 )eer creek ti-rm of aehoil Mmli II, IHW. Mike lloVaiiny lelt on Nni lity nilifn OverUud (or M ni' f e il, f ;ni:i l l Hi a viil 10 relativek. 'I he canned ho.niiiy at i(ler'ri Kiurery ia the bent in llie city Hiid ev.-ry run KUaianleul Hon. liii't. Kin. bull, who Ii ih In en prlnlliii( Ho 1 1 m Hum Hi r.iwcll r 1 11 , has rettiiM'd lioiiie. New boea of all kii.dn nl Uiilom pin e at llie Nuvolty Moie. Cull and t xuniue tliciii before piirrlni-iiiK'. Mrp. C Mint and Mr.i. Ju Iko lids lelt on Hie local ililrday 111 lining lor a few dayi ii-l'. lo I viu1""''- K W. Carpenter eu. 0 I10111 11 liip t i lha north cud ol llui co'juty l ilday in the iiilerent ol tlio I'i.aimm; 11. Kit. Hun. A. Iv I'.iown of Oakland attended lh uieeliiiK d llie ic publican county central coiiimltlcu laiit ijlurday. Mi Mildred l.auder retiirncd Iroui l'i ir t lu ii-l Hilurdiv lilttht, where who ban been atleuiliuK school for the pant ear. We have a lino lino of pur.i white bed ireads, also lace ciirUiiiN, aerlins and ilraMrlif. You may need lliene at huiiie-t leauiiiK lime. Novelty More. The name of Capt. J. T. V. Naah wan inadterlenlly omilled from the lint id ItueiilH at Mr. Crawlonl's dinner parly lant we.'k. Mr. IU n ol I Mcnboviir was 111 Sat urday aud rriorlrd Kaideniiiit o eiatioiia as KnUii'K well uieler way iu his 1 1 1 ; 1 1 -borlm l. What a houiu thin paper would have 11 every itlhM'rihcr would pay what l e is in 111 rears ami fcel. us one new- ub seul er. 1'ry it. Tho contract to budd the new court tioopo for l.tnti county u' Liieim ban Imcii let to I.. N. Honey for ll'i.'is ,, ,,. heint; the lowcii Lid ler. V.. Ituttac, pli) nii irtii and ttiircon, ulllce in Marsters' builditii;. (.'alls in town and country promptly aiibwercd niitblorday. ICeHideme,'1) I Mill street. Tho bic)cle I'lilliiihiaits aro I'ii j an liotia for the aeanon to oen. llo-v Uke sdvntK' Low' of the line d.iia and ii ovel to tho lrp k in Went Unsohuit' to lituber up their j'liut a little. T!io c initrenal ion ol the Itptiut Church hero have elected Kcv. Kohcrt I.. Iluu yard, ol Victor, Colorado, as their pintor. riia now minister will probably not bo hern to take charge for I wo or three weeks. K. K. Colliuan, physiiitin and vureoii secretary bourd V. . IVusiuii snrjjeoiiH ( Mlic 0 in Maretera' block, residciico 'i'M Stephens street, l'rofersioiial calls iu town or country promptly uiiHWcred night or day. ThoW.C. T. I', will hold ils ueil renal. ir meeting in tho 1'renby terian Church Thursdav, l ob. 10th at o p. in. The subject for ilincimnou will ho' I ran iliinii ' lead by (he suKriutctideiit, Mrs. (1. HarUui,). II. C. Hard ol taklaud, was tiauMact iiiK LumneMi at tho court houso on Mon day. Mr. Hard removed from Washing ton to Poulas couuty last .September. UeniK desirous of keeping informed as to current events ho became a subscriU'r to the l'l.AIMlKAI.kll. We e 1 tend a cordial invitation to lias- tors of chtirche.i. Buin'riulcndoutd of Suit- day schools uiid all others interested in church work throughout tho county, to send ns notices of any special services Ihev may hive. We will be glad to give thetn all the spaco that inny be ueceb nry. We aro unnious lo do a liltlu good iu this world ond can think of no pleasauter or belter way to do it than by recom mending Ono Minnie Cure sh a prevent ive ol pneumonia, consumption aud other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Marstera Irug More Winnifred Wright was in the city Sat urday. He has been traveling around the country eoiiio uml reports liuding a good dual of sentiment iu favor of l'ro lessor Hamlin for school superintendent. Mr. Wright now lias a writing class at Wilbur and Winchester and will nave one at Oakland. Tlio announcement of Hon. Aided K. Maltby of 1 lukland as u candidate, lor representative appears in tbii lesuo, Mr, Maltby ia u prominent young attor ney and business man ol Oakland, aud if uoraiualed he would no doubt bo elect ed, aud mako a credible record lor him self and those who supported hlru. .1 It l.'iddln will ha 11 candidate buforo Lhnronuhlican county convention for the ollico ol sherill'. Mr. Kiddle in one of tho able men of Iho cuunly, abundaully lualillod tu discharge tlio tin tics ol stiorill , and should tho inaiillo fall upon bis shoulders he w ill condui t tho itllairs ol his ollico honorably mid creditably to both himself und tho republican party. -Ouklaud tiiuciio. Mrs. Madeleine. It. Conkliug, grand malruuof ll.o Order of Kastein Star, assisted by Mrs. 1. H. Slut m brook aud lu,t..r Purn n( Ihla C'itv. I'll lust MolldllV evening, Inmiluted a new chapter at Catiyonville. 1110 cuapier Htaus witit thirty charter member. Alter Iho or gauiatiou was completed, tuouo preuent sat down to an elegant bampiot, pie tmrml bv the unod lathes ul Caiivouvillo. Thoeo lireseiil Hpcuk iu tho highest toriUn 01 lliuir euteiiiiinnieiii. S. L. l-awHou of Marlon County, oito of the oldest plunuors ol Iho Willauiulte valley, arrived lu this citv on fiaiuruuy last ou a visit to hia tlaughter, Mrs. Dr. putiae. Father Lawmn, allhough 87 years of K i It'0 ""'l hearty, ami has accumulated a lien (und ol eporionco and rmulnjtfc.encoH, puiluiuing to tho curly history of Oregon. Ho was ac companied by H. N. Jones, a prominent citizen of Logan county, Oklahoma, a coubIu oi Mr. JJuUttB. l'each tioti ait In bloom. l'ay your lubscrlpllou tolay. ililug your job work lo this ofllno. J. W, IIhoiiIIoii went tu Albany on TiieHiliiy, Hon. II. L. I : ii ho ii of (tiauia I'ass is in i ho city. I '. I). I 'rain, ol Drain, a cly visi tor faiiirildy laat. It. A. Wnodrulliil (John Valley wa In (he i ily Kulorday Urtt, A Ii, Vicing in a now caudidato lor pint mm t,r ai Oakhiiid. T. il. Kuili, ol iho Oakland (laxetle, wa In llui city Tuesday. I'n an it won h J0 a ton in this l ily and can't l.ii bad at Ihat now. O.iiy l;rock ol W il,iir was a visitor at the county a-at on Monday. I'. V , llaynus doe all kind of denial work promptly ami akilllully. Willis Kimiier, of Dm Myrllo Creek mills was In tho city Monday. Mrs. A. W, Man ton and daughter were hliopuig In Itoaehurg Saturday. S allai u I' rover of Kellogg, was In this city on Monday, and iuad lln ollico a pli'HMiiut call. Count y Surievor Heydou was at Drain tail Saturday, on business coniieeted with his ulliee. C. J. Itiehey, no old limei and staunch republican ol Myrtle Creek was in Rose- burg hattiriluv. J J. I'liilbpN, a I riiier iiiiuaiu ol the Soldiern' Home, I14S relumed from a vimi lo Portliiiiil. Mrs o. I.. Willia aud her sou (ilen, n I iv 1 1 1 a portion ol lanl week visiting Irieinls al Uiddli . A. S. Ijiiull ol L Hiking titans attended the iiieeliiig of Iho county central com liiiiieu on Mulurday. Kegular ten let's at the M. K. Church litrxl Miuday inoriniii and evening, with preachinx. by the pastor. 1 1 011. C A. Selilnredo represented J. M. OiiirrniHii tit tho coroner's impiesl at Myrtle 1'ieek last Friday. K M. Dunne, of Koaeburg, ha ar rived 111 Ashland and baa a ot-iUoii in I'lulier'rt laundry. Tidings. If j on want genuine Irish linen or line India linens and lawns for handker chief, call at tho Novelty Store. J. D. It) rues, an engineer on llie 8. i'. will soon remove with his family lo this city, and lake a run out of Koseburg. W. W. Kent, a popular young busi ners man ol Drain, was transacting buei iichs in Kusvhtirg Friday and Saturday last. Hon J. A lllack ol Drain represented hiii precinct at tho meeting of tlio county central coui iiittie in (hi city last Sat urday. Men and medicines are judged by what they do. The great cures by Hood's Sarsnptrilla gixe it a good name every w lit r.. I on. I i. tor Sam catch, has removed with bis family to Cortland where they will rcfid.' iu tho future. Sorry to nto these fcood pie. Mrs. J. F.. Pay, of Aurora, after having spent several das visiting (ricmla in this ciiy, led We loci. lay tu join her husband al lluve, Montana. T.ti. Doiiiull of Witbur repicseuled his prei iiii t at Iho meeting of the repub I ican county ceiitral coiumittco in this cily last Saturday. Cap! J T. C. N null, of Mcdold, Olie ol tin- mist tuccesalul luininj it: en in soulhcru ihegoti, spent a few days in KoM-b tig tin? week, on buniueas. Theie ih niicthiug now under the f u ii " ami it in fotiud at the Kandy Fac tory iu the shape of Irenh butturcups and our live-cent boxes ol marshniallows. O. lUrd from Iho Portland car bhos at l'ortlan.l bat arrivivel in this citv and will iak Hie pUco as car repairer made vacanl hy ihe death ofO. M. 1. Walker. The h.iIh of land lor delinquent taxes occurred on hiHt Saturday. There was but little laud unrodenned, and the mofct of this was bought iu by Ihe coun ty. Asher Maikg, as administrator of tho oatalo of S. Maiks iV Co., has sold lo T. K. Mieridatt a largo body of laud iu Cooe county, kthe coiiHideraiion being fl'.'.- There' no 11 so talking, no tuo talking, The truth ilsclf reieats, If vou do as folks oi good taste do, You will buy at the Kandy Kitchen, your sweets. Mrs. .Madeline 11. Conkling, grand worthy matron of tho O. K S. of Ore gon, will soon make Jacksonville a visit. Adarel Chapter is making extensive arrangements therefor, Jacksonville Times. lion. Virgil Conn, of Paisley, Lake couuty, arrived in Ashlaud Tuesday from Sao Francisco, w here he has been 011 a business trip, aud left for Lsko county. Wednesday, via the Asulaod- Klamuth tails road. tidings. A gang of line men came lo from the north nionday striugiug the third wire for the postal telegraph company. Con nection wits made here with tho lino Irom tiio south, thus completing the line from San Francisco to Portland. Our Hosoburg neighbors know a good article when they see it. This was clear ly proven recently when the Kandy Kitchen tilled a largo order (or peanut candy from a neighboring town. Our peanut candy simply can't be beat. it. J. Jennings, o Hosoburg, arrived ou Thursday's local, lie expects to move his family to this city soon as be cau secure suitable accomodations, where he will be convenient to his min ing interests iu Uuhemia. Cottage Grove Leader. Voluuia 1, No. I, of tho Daily Hobo burg iveview, made its appoaranco ou Tuesday as per preyiom announcement, It presents a very neat, newsy appoar anco. While the management announce that it has come lo slay wo are inclined tu doubt il. F. W, Wuolley, its guardian uf the minor heirs of Mrs. Clara Horry, de ceaHcd, has received tho lull amount of Iho policy of f 10iX), carried Id tho Wom an's Circle of Woodmen of the World. This is one oi tho best orders of its kind represented ou the Coast. Tbo KoHebuig 1'Ialntlealvr has changed bauds, Col. J. U. FMdy retiring. That journal will heioafter be published by lleuiamiu A Stratford. The junior mem ber of tho linn In it brother oi liev. J. L. .Stratford of Jacksonville, We wish them unlimited success, Jacksonville Times. Program for Fruucea K. Wlllard's Memorial for Sunday, March ll, lS'JS: Song, by choir; prayer; Bcrlpturo read lug ; music ; uddrotts, Uev. F. L. Mooro ; 'Painituruiiiui u-nrl 1 if ItVuiinnj 1 V'1l1.i.1 tv HSI U nu RUKV q J l lllBIVt I address, IL Htraiford; Evangelical .....L- r i.v,. ,..,. vni,...i, ..,,,ui. ..... pur, Mrs. Helen Ferguson of Kdoubower J report ol cotumtttee on resolutions: mu sic; benediction, At M. K. Church at ti p. tu, Riddle. Dr. C. K. Jtogue ca ne np from Myrtle Creek Monday. N. Cornutt ami family tluiidmlclinn h lo Caoyonville Sunday, K. W. ftiildle returned ij ihe Cracker Jack mine last week. Mrs. A. F. Cornutl, we ar pleased to say, Is convalescing. Dr. 1'. A. Harris made a professional visit to Canyonville bunday. Mis. Johriaon I improving mid I aide to Im) up again. Mr. Win llackler came duwii Iroui her home on Cedar Mat Monday. Mrs. Ladton is here from California, vIsilliiK with Dr. V. A. Harris and fam ily. Tim bl'Mjinmg of the ."daisy and but tercup" is a reminder that spring is near.' Miss Clara Htrarns of Canyonville has tu 'visiting relative in this vicinity lor several dsys. Discontent is a robber that directs his energies at the happiness of the human family. N. O. Dean made one of his frniucnt viaiia to Canyonville Sunday, What's Hih attraction Nate? Mrs. Sylvia Catching returned to the Cracker Jack mine Sunday alter a pleas ant visit with relatives here. Mirs Mae Davidson of Koseburg (Sine np laH week to assist w ith the work at Hotel Kiddle. Mr. (. M. Williams came down from the canyon a few days ago lo have so aching tooth extracted. Atlorney f . J!. ltiddlo aud wife were in town from Hoseburg a few days ago, vis iting at Hotel Kiddle. School meeting next Monday. If you are interested in the welfare of your dis trict, don't fail to attend. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. I'. A. Wilsoo has been ill for several day. Dr. Harris is ia attendance. Mich Anna Uogue returned home rri da) uioruiog from Mi rile Creek, where she has beon visiting with her brother and wife, Dr. and Mrs. C. L'. Ilogue. An apoatlo of Mormonism was in town recently wanting to preach to the people of lti hile He didn't get a chance to air hi olygamous views however. Charily is said to cover multitude of sins. An evidence that a great many people believe this, is the fact that tbey are exceedingly charitable toward them selves. We are informed that Miss Klhel Kid dle will teach the spring term of school in the upper district. Miss Ktbel is a comtH'tent teacher and tbe directors have made no mistake in einployiog her. Will Donell was in town again a few days ago, and lie didn't come to see the boys either. A certain pretty young charmer, perhaps, conld help us to solve the myelery of his frequent visits. When you eeo a man who wouldn't notice you last year, but now shakes your hand and asks about your health every time you meet hitn, you may be sure that he has his eye ou some office. Mr. P. Merriam came down from the mines ou Dad's creek Sunday to consult Dr. Harris in regard lo his band, which be hurl sometime ago. The examina tion revealed the fact that it was neces sary to remove the index linger together with tbe bone about half way to tbe wrist joint. The operation was per formed Monday. S oitcittK. Llkton. Winter is past, DafTo-down-dillies where. aro tecu every- Flowing is progreesiog nicely of late. Miss Ida levins was visiting friends iu Scottsburg last week. Mr. J. Wise of Youcalla was in town last Sunday. Mrs. Nettie Meeker is visiting relatives on Krush creek this week. Mr. J. II. Beckley of Portland was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Jieckiey a lew days ago. Miss Elsie Hefty of Drain ram down to atteud the Sunday school entertain ment last Saturday night. Mr. James l'robert aud family, former lesidents of lbs Sacry place, have ar rived at their destination in California, where they expect to make their home. 1-eckley Itros. met with unite an ac cident last Sunday in getting the glass broken in their frout door, rat, you must look a "Icedle oud next time and put on tbe brakes a little sooner. Everybody says our Sunday, school en tertainment last Saturday night "went oft" the nicest of any thing of the kind tbey ever saw. leacbers, scholars, and last not but not least, superintendent, allow us to congratulate you qn your suc cessful enterprise and tbe good you have done. Mauv hearts will be saddened to learn of the death of Francis E. Willard, one of Hod's noble womeD, whose deeds will live in tho hearts of the people lor cen turies to come. Yes, and girls just think of it! She was au old maid, just what you and I are fearing to be. Why fear to live In "maiden meditation lancy free ' when some of thn grandest women earth has ever known were unmarried. We tell you girls don't tie yourselves tor life to a "putty stick," better be an "old maid" a thousand times. Tom. Oakland. Louie Sherman was In Koaeburg one day litis week. A. F. Frowu returned from ltoieburg Sunday. ! OjI. Eddy of Koaeburg was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Medley were visit ing in Koseburg this week. Miss Miouie llanthoru, who has been visiting Mrs. S. J. Jones loft for Portland Sunday, where she will reside (or several months. Miss Anna Clarke and Master Mapel Jones spent Sunday in Drain. T. U. Kutb. editor of Ihe Oakland Ga zette, spent Tuesday in Koseburg. E. 15. Young & Co. received a large shipment of dry goods, nolioiis, elc, this week. Mrs. Thomas of tbo Depot hotel has improved the water system on the hotel comer by putting iu two hydrants for large Hose to be used fiom 1 tie street. Mr. 1. W. Fates died at his home one aud a half miles west of tow n at ti o'clock p. iu. luesday, Tbe funeral service aud burial took p'ace at the 1. O. O. F', ceme tery, Wednesday, at 3 p. in , Kev. Wood stlicitttiug. A large number of friends attended the service. His brother, J, W. Fates of North Yamhill arrived ou Tuesday's overlaud to attend the funeral aud viuit the family. Mr. EbUm waa respected by all who kuew hiui and will be missed iu the community. Tkiluv, The room tt the southeast comer of the Taylor A Wilson block has been re imiuted and freshened up generally, This room will shortly be occupied by W. U. Hildobraud of the Novelty Store. with a stock of Hue millinery . Mr. llihlobraml is one 01 our most success lul and progressive merchants. The Cam eel Homicide. lUnt Friday Coroner Miller I. rid an in iist on the InxlyofJ, N. Caalrel, hot by J. M. Olberrriaii, on creek, I ,i miles northeast of Myrtle Crrek, on tbe 1' lib of February, lH'.iH. I Im coroner jury voiisia lug of Jas. If. Hktillngion, K, It. Johrinou, J, S. JHiin, C. F. Flsbnr, Frank C. i'.uell and J. AL 1 1 'l ton, brought 111 a verdict (hilling that tie erased came lo his death being shot with a pistol in the hands of Ollxouian, and that in the killing Olbcrman was .guilty of wilful murder. Dr. Miller found on examination Hut tworhots had taken effect, on iu the left vomer ol dm mouth and niitt jiiht l-elow the eye on tbe right Sid I of the boMi. Both bullets lodged lu tho bane of iho biaill Slid enber Wound was suflicient to produce almost Instant death, At the close of the i no lies t tbe defendant was arraigned on a charge of murder in llie first degree and being required to plead, plead not guilty, and having waived a preliminary examination he was held without bonds. Iteputy Sheriff Stephens brought him to Koseburg Friday night and lodged him in the county jail. Olberrnan is a young man and unmarried. He and Casleel wcro living with Mrs. May Stewart, a daughter of Casteel. Kutb men were en gaged In mining. They had had some financial dllhculty whl;h terminated on Wednesdsy In a lawsuit at Myrtle Creek in which Olberinan seen red a verdict agair.st Caiiteel. After the case bad been decided some steps were taken looking to tbe payment of the judgment, and il was supposed that the matter had been airai.ge'i amicably. .Airs. .May Stewart, at whose house the sbootiug oc curred, was the only person present ex cept Casteel and Olberrnan. Her testi mony taken at tbe In'jucet was as fol lows ; My name is May Stewart, age L'H years, residence Lee's creek. I am a daughter of the deceased, 1 was at home ou the morning of February L'i, IWH, Ou that morning Mr. Olberrnan, about 3 o'clock in tbe raorninj. got np and went out of the house. When Im value down stairs fstber (4. N. CaeUcI) said, "vcu are up early this morning, Mc," and I e said "yes" and went outside of the house. He was gone a few minnle) and then came back and went op stairs. I sup posed he had gone back to bed. And then about 0 o'clock, or probably abegt 15 minutes after, I heard him come down stairs again, 1 supposed to make a fire. He walked down stairs and went to tbe foot of Ihe lounge on which father was and then began to shoot. He shot father. I could not tell how many limes. I did not hear any conversation between my father and Mr. Olberrnan before tbe shooting commence!. I wss not ex pecting such a thing. I was dressing in my room. After the fust shot was fired, it seemed like father rfciged no a little and started to say something, hot never finished It. I saw Olberrnan standing not far from tbe foot of the lonoge when be commenced shooting. 1 could see him from my room as the door was on aud there was a lamp lit in the room where Mr. Olberrnan and my father were, but it was turned down some. After he had shot my father, I said: "Whst did yon doit for?" and he said, "You know he has threatened to kill me, and he would have killed me, il 1 did not kill him,' or something like tbat. That is all tbe conversation I re member having with him at tbe lime. My bedroom d or opened into tbe room where father was ehct. My father was in the sitting room ou tbe lounge. I was 'considerably excited at the lime. My father did not have any gun or other weapon with him there on the lounge tbat I know of. 1 do not kuow who waa the first person that came to tbe place after tbe shooting, as I left right awav and went to my neighbors. My father slept on Ibe lounge tbat nig't in bis clothes, lie bad nothing over him at all that I know of. At the inquest tbe state was repre sented by Deputy District Attorney Riddle and Ihe defendant by C. A. Sehl brede. Ollierman will probably claim 011 the trial, that the killing was done in self defenEe. This, however, is only con jecture, as he has made no statement of bis defense. Tbe probability is tbat it will develope on tbe trial that liipior was either tbe direct or indirect cause of the tragedy. Ulnger. Kegular spring weather on upper Cow Creek with April sunshine aud suowere. Misses Mary and Cell French were down the creek last Wednesday visiting relatives aud friends. We, of Dinger, acknowledge & pleasant call last Saturday from Mies Dallas Mil ler and her little brother. Master Blake, There has been ripe wild strawberries picked around llinger every month since last April. It may sound a little tough, but nevertheless it is true. Miss Mary J. French of Dinger re turned from the Victory mine last week, where she has been in tho employ of hor sister, Mrs. Cale Corder. S. R. Miller of Carll is making weekly trips to Ulendale with range beef for some of tbe Grants Pass butchers. Some of it looks like stall fed. Mr. L. II. McElroy of the Fern ranch spent the evening at Biugor last Mon day. He was on otlicial business, as he is district clerk of school district No. -IL Our road between llinger and Gales vilie is ne$t to impassable. Where is the supervisor that tbe last couuty court appointed for road district 45? Dou't all answer at once. Tbe dance at the Hazel Dell farm on the .Jnd was a success, where most of the upper Cow Creekers congregated to while away tbe night in tbe mazes of the dance, tripping tbe fantastic to tbe sweet music of the violin furnished by tbe McGinni Bros. We, the republicans of Cow Creek, are pleased to see J. B. Kiddle's card in the Plain dkalkr, announcing himself a candidate for sheriff next Jnne subject to the wishes of the republican county convention, which if said conveution is on to its job. it will surely give J, B . tbe nomination, for in my j'V'guient hi nomination mean a republican Bheriff (or Douglss couuty for the next two years. E. I'll kibcs. 1 baking powltr is al:rto.-.t ns Strong as Stiih'tig's lu st. Yes, and prussic acid is stronger than vinegar. a Kdnrata Your liuwfU Willi Caiicareti. ('unity rntburltc fiini eonatiputloii forever. lOv.c. If V. C. C. tail, ilrii:)iiurt:fuiiil uionsy. Wanted. jOO for 5 years at 10 per tent per an num, l'i is t class security. Address U, Care of I'laindkauuh. I (io to F. W. Ihiynoa fur liritclues den (tal work. Review building. Kapp's Residence Uurned. On IhurmUy evening lal Jmt aa folk were going lo iheir siiiirra, ihe Or IHI sounded an alarm. The wind was from lliBSiiith and Ihe denim volum of smoke that swep. no-lh ward Irom south main ai reef soon disclosed thn location nl the lire. It was tbe reridnnce of M. F. Kpp, and lh Hre had got under good headway before it was discovered It broke out lo Ihe up pur story, and as there waa n lire in that pert of the bouse, it .evidently started from a de fective flue. Seoiel of willing hands went immediately lo work to remove Ibe lurnlture irorn lh lower story, and this was accomplished and Ihe goods pal away in tho bouses of the neighbor. uut one trunk was saved Irom op stairs. Ho tbe bedding and clothing was all destroyed' The lire department was promptly on Ihe scene and if the hose of the I'miMpia company had been fifty feet longer the fire would have been gotten under control before a great deal of dam age was done, but water could not be brought to play nntil the Koseburg hose cart arrived from the depot. By that time me lire nan got a good start. But the boys did good work when once at it and confined the flames lo tbe upper story and rear of the bouse. For a time It looked as though the building would sorely be entirely destroyed, but it uumeu mow ociug oaru nnisueu. ibe bmlding and contents were In sured in the .Etna, Frank Godfrey, aiPtn, lor f j-hsi. Ihe family are temporarily domiciled with Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Kristol in Eden bower. Among the Churches. First Presbyterian C'hnrch: The weather being pleasant, a lair aodisnce was in their places to greet their old friend And pastor, Rev. W. A. Smick, now of Albany, Or., who in hia happy maimer delivered one of bis forcible and earnest sermons, taking for bis text the 21st verse of the U'th chapter of St. Lnke. Tbe preacher said: (Eefering to tbe parable wnicti preceded tbe text), This man made two great mistakes : First, he took it for grsntcd tbat be bad many yeaia to live; second, be thought be could live without God. Tbe reverend gentleman enlarged on human selfish ness. and declared tbat the love of Christ was the only antidote for this great sin. The evening service at this church waa the regular Sabbath evening chorus ser vice, which has become so very popular. The service opened with scripture read ing, followed by a very fervent prayer by Kev. Dilwortb. This was followed by select readings by Miss Ethel Parrott, Miss Ruby Bailey, Miss Clara McCoy and Mrs. Snyder, all of which were high ly appreciated by tbe audience. Kev. W. A. Smick then addressed tbe young people on tbe secret of a success ful life, telling them tbat a life without Christ can not be a perfect success. This programme was interspersed with moaic by tbe full chorus, while Mrs. Follerton presided at tbe organ. The programme for next Sabbath is in tbe hands of Miss Ruby Gordon. Tbil fact alone insures ns a good one. Jury List For March Term. John llobbs, farmer, Cow Creek. P. E. Cooper, farmer, Koseburg. N. W. Alexander, farmer, Millwood. W. M. Flock, farmer, Caoyonville. Jacob Brown farmer, Canyonville. J. G. Fiook, contractor, Rceeburg. E. E. LaBrie, farmer, Wilbur. W. S. Brosi, farmer, Looking Glass. J. A. Stephens, farmer. Calapooia. Watson Davis, farmer, Deer Creek. John J. Long, farmer, Yoncalla. George Frasier, farmer, Oakland. H. H. Gillette, drayman, Koseburg. E. L. Rice, farmer, Civil Bend. W. A. Stocker. farmer, Pass Creek. Jasper Fegles, farmer, Pass Creek. II. G.Brown, farmer, Eikton. E. Ottinger, hotel keeper, Wilbur. E. E. Hatfield, farmer, Deer Creek. Wru. Singleton, farmer, Mt. Scott. O. Emery, farmer, Coles Valley. J. W. Morgan, farmer, Looking Glass. K B. Hervey, farmer, Myrtle Creek. T. W. Newland, farmer, Ten Mile. G. W. Crenshaw, farmer, Millwood. A. B. farewell, farmer, West Rose burg. W. J. Hacker, farmer, Riddle. A. -S. butler, farmer, Scuttsbnrg. C. E. Kicker, clerk, Gardiner. W. C. Winston, farmer, Civil Bend. Tbo party given at tbe residence of Mrs. B. F. Lobr by Miss Grace Catching last Tuesday evening, was a quiet bat very enjoyable aRair and one long to be remembered. Those who attended pro nounced Miss Grace a very genial hostess. Miss Pearl Wright played some choice pieces on tbe piano. Lester Wright and Kuby Gordon were awarded the "booby" prizes, and last but not least was the lunch which was very attractive to the appetite. Bennie Lohr and Maude Catching were quite attentive as waiters. Those present were: Misses Pear) Wright, Fbssie Snambrook, Silvia Stearns, Belle end Cora Catching, Grace and Minnie Sbupe, Gerti ode Eddy, Ruby Gordon, Eva Jacobs, Grace Catching. Messrs. Hubert Wright, Stell Zigler, Ed Kenfra, Lester Wright, Jesse Smith, t red Hunter, Walter McKenxie, crank Livingston. Hon. J . II. Whitsett of Roberts creek, a prominent populist and a probable candidate for eheritT on the populist ticket, was in the city last Saturday. Harve ia entitled to tbe nomination, but this office as well as all the other paying oittees will be demanded by the demo crats. The populists will oe allowed to vote the ticket and hold tbe sack. Grand Clearance Sale ! Commencing Saturday, January 22nd Our M 5 entire stock of Will be Sold at Cost, STRICTLY FOR CASH, To make room for our large Spring Stock. This is the greatest opportuuity ever offered the people of Douglas County to get bargains on Uoots aud Shoes. Roseburg, Or. PARROTT BROS. Rjr! ssakM tk t4 sura, wbIssm ul 4Urs. tttftH ftAMMI 9ftHQtQ tff)M Vmifn W. C. T. U. Parlor nesting The parlor meeting under tbe ansnlcea ol tbe W. C. T. U. at the residence of Judge A.t. Stearns last Friday evening (or Sunday school workers, wsa a very enjoyable affair. Tbe spacious parlors of the Stearns' resilience on Fowler street were UlleJ with people interested in temperance and Sunday school work. Tbe special object of the meeting wss to farther the plan of teaching temperance in the Sunday schools. The exercises were as follows: A duet by Mrs. Rags dale and Mrs. Katee; responsive readiog lead by Mrs. Ida Marstera ; solo by Mrs. Letea ; address on temperance teaching in tbe Sunday school by O. P. Coshow. Esq. ; historical sketch of Sunday school temperance work, Mrs. E. E. Richards ; suggestions to Sanday school teachers by Mrs. Shape; explanation of plan of work by Misa Sutton, an I a ijuartette by Messrs. Sbnpe, McKeoxie, Godfrey and Coabow. Tbe address, the papers and singing were first rate and very much en joyed. Then came tbe lunch which waa by no means lacking in attractiveness, and a social good time was bad. A reso lution advocating the continuance of temperance teaching In tbe Snnday school wss signed. If all the reform forces in the land were as earnest, and hardworking and unselfish as the women who comprise tbe W. C. T. L, the efleel would surprise even the most sanguine. School Election. The regular annual school election in this district will be held at (be school house in Rose burg, on Monday, March 7th at 1 o'clock, p. ns., for the purpose of electing one director to serve three years and a clerk to serve one year. Every person interested in the schools should be present. Horn For Sale. A good gentle horse, weight 1050 pounds, suitable for farm work or for lady or children to drive, for sale, or ex change for a good milch cow, Lviulre of Mrs. W. A. McKenzie, Koseburg. Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Are selling tickets to sll points East at half tbe regular rates. D. 6. K. Bi'icK, Local Agent No. 2, Marstera buildiig. To Car CowatlpstlM Farevetv Take Capearets Candy Cathartic. lOsorSSe. II C C. Of fall to cure, druggists refund none Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, aa tbey cannot reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acta directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It waa prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regu lar prescription. It is composed of tbe beet tonics known, combined with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. .The perfect com bination of the two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. For Over Fifty l'caia. An Old akd WsLk-Taiao Ksacuv. Mrs Wuulow'a Soothing Byiup haa been uwl lot' aver fifty years by million! ot mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect aucceaa. It aoothes the child, toftcna Ibe gumi, allaja all pain, cure wind colic, and li the beat remedy lor Diarrhoea. Ii pleanant to the taito. Bold by druggUta in every part ol tha world. Twenly fivs ccnta a bottle. It value ia incalculable. Baaure and aak (or atra. Wlnalow's Soothing Erup, and tax no other kind. What pleasure ia there in life with a headache, constipation and bihouaness? n.1 I l , U a ... V. iun 1 A become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. Marstera' Drug Store. CASTOR I A For Infant i and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of And continuing 30 days. Ill b in