THE PLAINDEALlSR, I'ublUbcd tvcry Tbundaj. Br Tin I'l.AlNPK ALKR I'l'HI.IMIINU lt. I. 1). M ftAltOlU). J. . EDDY f. Y. BKItJAMi; .. .. ...i.iitor. .ApiKkUIo t dltor. Muntfrr. abacrlpllon Una Year. - ll Monlhi Thrtw Month" Kale. .11 w .. If OUR CLUBBING LIST. Thf will In- ntUli lb following paper an follow miy i'l I'LiixntALtit an.1 Warki Orrconlaa $1 JO m ,,tor Oivan S CO Fruitage fy " Wrbfool Planter 1 1I. "OitkviiUii ' n.vlj uorccouiuNti.Uli.'ii It is ni'tl known in l lie people of Orvffpn. Uic "luter Otwu" it a Ki puUiiu paper ptiutitl at fhlc(p'. H niiinblf, trtial'li- ami iirv. ami juct the tiling lot winter cvculug by llif II rlilo. 1 hr "IManl.r' 1 an agricultural r per, mul ' Fruitnsfc" i I ho ouly panvrj lu Amer ica .UruloJ to fruit railing. The' iirv ui.iultily publlcail.'U. Avail yourK'H if ttiia opportunity u ccure rntrrttlntng and profiublcjvadiug cheap. MARCH 3. 1893. A CHANOE. With tbia ieaue the uuderigued re linquiehet tbe editorial management of the Piai.vdeale, E. D. Stratford, Eeq., assuming control, having purchased my interest therein. Tbe paper will con tinue to advocate republican doctrine. It will stand for tbe beet intereeta of all the people aud against tbe theories of visionaries, now championed by the so called union party and its organs. J. B. Eddy. With this issue of tbe Piaixhk allr I take editorial charge of tbe paper an J and become alone responsible for its policy aud editorial management. I make this Ftatement in order that if any thing should appear in theee columns which may not meet the approval of any one, they will know whom to criticise. It has been said tbat when one Las be come familiar with the pungent odor of printer's ink, he can never effectually overcome tbe fascination which lurks about tbe print shop. It is also said, that when a man has made a failure in every other business be can become either a statesman or an editor. I hard ly know which of these causes was tbe moving one in this instance. I have had sufficisnt newspaper experience to koow tbat I have undertaken no light task, considering the conditions which exist in Do u das connty at this time. The land office, post office, aud ttberifTs office are all in the hands of the other - w a, win tlm Ut W I mM them to build up a strong paper, while tbe republican paper has been compelled to go it alone. ' llowtver Douglas county is a republican county and there is no reason why republicans who believe in republican principles, and desire to see theui prevail, should not give to tbe pa per, which is the exponent of these prin ciples, their earnest and hearty support I shall do my level best to give tbe peo ple of Douglas county a good, live, local paper and one which they will be glad to support. I hope tbe friends will not be impatient. Kemeinber, it takes time to build up a paper, and money to support it. All that I ask is that if you find tbe paper wortby of your support, you will neip os wuu your influence. Oive us a chance. E. D. Sibatfobd. W'hereyer the populist party bas been entrusted with power, it has kept erery thing in a continual stew, and no where bas it accomplished' any permanent good. It is a party of agitation and dis content. It is everlastingly trying to do something outlandish and unreasonable. It promisee everything and does noth ing. It is for one thing today and some thing else to-morrow, and every sew proposition is more unreasonable than the one which preceeded it. Its crazy agitation disturbs values, retards busi ness, keeps out immigration, stops the building of manufactories and clogs the wheels of trade and commerce. The tax payers of Oregon will rue the day tbat they permit them to get into pow er. The many friends of Judge Fulierton in this judicial district are very much disappointed at his determination net to accept a second term on the bench. Judge Fulierton has made an enviable record as a juBt and efficient oliicer. Tbe amount of work which devolves on tLe judge of this district as it is now consti tuted, is simply appalling and it is no wonder that the man who has bad one term of it, looks forward with a great deal of pleasure to the end. 'regon farm lands are beginning to nave an actual cash market value again, and men are coming into Douglas coun ty every day from Eastern states, who want to buy farms. Conditions are thauging for the better all over Oregon, and by next year, if we take no step backward, by puttiug a lot of irresponsi ble agitators in power in Oregon, we will agaiu be ridiug ou the crest of a wave of prosperity. The Eugeue Guard (deiu.) copies the following seutence from the Oregouian nd prints it iu black letlere: " 'Pres ervation of tbe existing gold standard' is the pledge of tbe republican, parly." The republicau party is not tryiug lo de- J oy mai piopoettion. lo fact does not want to, but rather desires tbat all tbe people shall know tbat that is exactly iu position. IMli KOSEBl'KU I'OSTOl I ICII. Word comes from Washington I hat the coiiKrctRinniil iWlrgittion Iias recoiu mended the appoint ment jf Hon. W. A. Fraler as poptiuaiMiT t Knsoburg to suc ceed W. II KitJipr, w hofo Irrui expire Marvli Tib ll iimv 1 1 expected Ihal the appoint innil will go In the eeiirtto lit one. Mr Kiater will no tbnM hand In his lexignation a rrtinly trciwnrrr at the next Irtni of the county cotut which will convene Wclm-cUv, March lliis will .ve the court ampli lime to till ilio vacancy, as it will no doubt lo at leant a month tlio newly appointed pot uater can ri.uij;. lo lake pote.i i.-n el the otlice. Mr. Fraler in an old reldier, and his apinintinenl was Ftroiulv uv- l by Ine old (HiltluT t'leinent ol Hie patty. While there may Ih fomo disappoinl ment among the friends of ether appli cants for the position, the t.nt rcmaiiiing tbat Mr. Frater is a man of titiipicrtioucd abilitr, iinwwervinit iutegriiv, ami a re publican who never wan known lo I. titer in Lis fidelity lo his party, no tme re publican ctti art'jrd to do otlierwuc than acquiesce in the nppoin'inent wl.en made. The Indiealiotis now ate that Ikn George M. Prow n, of Kiwling. will be nominated by the lepublican o( ju dicial dialriit. for .1 stint attorney by acclamation and tbat tlicre ill I c but little opposition to his eh etion in June. This is as it should I e. The people know (.ieore They ki.o Ida ability as a prosecutor, his nnswervirg integ rity, and the busines ability which ectereil into his administration of this office heretofore. Wln'.i li Incomes conviuced that a man iharged with a crime is guilty, he might as well come in aud "less up," George will get him; on tbe other baud be never allowed the office to be used for the purpose of luu rasaiug or persecuting any cne. If after investigatiou he became conduced that tbe ends of juttiee would not be sub served by a prosecution, he never al lowed himself to te forced into a prose cution. George is au ideal prosecuting oliicer. A very pronounced pjpulist of this county, who bas been claixirs; all the while tbat times ate uo better than they were under democratic rule, has ibaned his mind. Two years ago be priced a farm adj-xnirg his home plaiv, an I was saving up money to lake it in. l.att wtck be struck the owner to close the deal, when to his disgust be learned that it would take 1500 more to get the laud than it would have done tw o years jgj The seuate on last Monday by a vute of 50 to I'1 refused to recognue the claim of Corbttttoa seat iu the I uited Mates senate. Thus the last shameful lcg.icy of the revolutionary legislative "h.ild np" of a year ago Las teen pro cily aud justly disposed of. The justness vf the decision is so apparcut that uo rer.svu able man can tind ouh'ht lo sav against it. This government has a vault eiLt ice', wide, ten feet high, and U'3J feet loo,:. packed from floor to ride pole w ith coined silver dollars. 1'jrirfc' the past fifteen years the government has coined one-third of tbe entire silver product of tbe world, and lept it ou a par with gold, and yet a lot cf ptuplc arc net sat isfied with tbe silver ijuestiou. If you are a property owut-r and desire to see your state march at the Lead cf the procession, lead the column of pro gress and prosperity, ride iu the baud wagon as it were. Vu should proe to the world next Juno that you are not in fatuated with the ha: urn ecaruai schemes ofwild-ejed populism. Tbe old fashioned pop, who useJ to sit around on tbe goods boxes and howl about tbe government running behind every day, must now change the burthen of bis song. I'uring the month of Janu ary laBt under republican rule, the gov ernment receipts exceeded tbe expendi tures by ?Sl,C2b.30, The republican press of Oregon is for harmony" offices first, conscientious convictions after wards. Kev ie w . The fueionists are not after the ollices ; oh, no. All they want is the initiative and referendum, or free silver, or any old thing, but not the cilices. What humbug 1 Its enough to make a cow lau-h to hear some life-long, moss-backed, rock- ribbed, bourbon democrat, ask Home rickety riy-up-the-creek republican-pop, who claims to have left the republican party from principal, how "our'' cam paign is getting along. Hon. A. M. Crawford iu in receipt of letters from all parts ol tbe state, tender ing him good w ishes and support a- a candidate for secretary of state. His prospects for the nomination are very flattering indeed. Tbe Eugeno Journal, Secretary Kiu caid's paper is giving aid aud comfort to the silverites. The Journal is consistent to say the least. It has always been the champion of lo to 1. If this government can't keep a millili ter in Spain without his being suiround ed by Spauiub soldiers to prevent his assaritiinatioii, he should be called home. Fusion W like the measles. The only good thing about it is tbat you will never be alllicted by it more than once. There are fellows in Oregon who would kick if it rained silver dollars every morning before breakfast. It is over a week siuco the Maine blew up, aud yet no one has attributed tbol . . . . . . . . . . I raiue to either Mark ifaiiua r the A, I', As 'aklnnd Oazotle. Till- AtAIM; Al FAIR. More thai) two we-ks has now rlvd siuio the destruction ol the battleship Maine shocked the world, and yet so far as the public is concerned, we know no ui.te of the cause than to did the uioru ing following the tragedy. The hliip U still at the bottom ol the Havana harbor thin much we know, and it looks now as if the court of impilry will return a verdict that lh ship exploded herself, committed imicidii as II wore We piefer lo say nothing as to tbe de velopiucnls of the invrot i JHtiou, rather th.m to palillHh siMis.iMi inal reports whii li .no whollv without foundation, On Hit whole, Hehernl the Keview appeaix to Ih incliued to treat m decent Alter all Charlev ii not a bad lellow, or would rot bo ll allowed to follow hm ow inclination. l was wtdl raised and eomta ol a line f.unily. lie could not re fram however, Irom two or three vtry nnpioMv slurs at lli management ol tlu.ip.uvr, both pistatnl prospective llu intimates that there is a mortgage on the i'l. mmu. m i At plant. Well, ho will liud, a wi.l everv one else, that there are no Mrlii on the editor. lie also iiitiuuiti a that we were con mi tod w it It a populist p.ii'cr "back In Kaunas" at some time in our history We had sniped that when n man came west, no ore was allowed to et inire as to his ir!.v history. I' s-nuetimes leails to'it complication!". ow, we di n't snppos- that the readers if ibis pa nor or auvone e'so, cares a rap wba' H litioal vagaries winay have bceu guilty of in the past as long as we liehave our selves in the future t here is one thing however, to wbi' b. we can point with pri lo, and iht i, '.hr.t while we have li.en aoiustd if ; great manv mean thin.:?, we were never accuse I of lioing, or voting a democratic ticket We cast our tir.-t vote for lT. S. lirant lor president, and have voted for every re publican camliil.ttc lor pren-tent since that ti ro. Now, as to our having at one time edited a populist inner, hor two or three tears prior to lsy;J, there bad been three parties in Kansas, and in our count v, tepubhean, populist and demo crat, l'here was a populist paper in our countv published Pv it tlanuel-mou'.neu do -j, oe: at, who undertook, just as tbe Keview is trving to do in Douglas county to turn the populist party over to the democrats, body and breeches. Some ol the old populit or alliance) farmers, ob jected to teuig swallowed by tbe demo ie anaconda, and proceeded to es tablish a middle-of-ihe-road, anti-fusiou anti-democrat paper, hailing a news paper net being exactly in their line, and as we hal done newspaper work ou and on ior some veais, they made "satisfac- torv'' arrangements with us aud we be came responsible for the editorial mau aement ot the paper. And say, we made it so hot for that fusion outfit that they weut out of buaiuees, and I gave np ii i V job, which lasted about six mouths, tie also charges tbat we are au advocate of free coinage of silver. Those who read this paper in tbe future will have an opporlunily to become informed as to our ideas on this and other ijues tuns. lion. Simon Caro. Hundreds, ol (he more intelligent peo pie of 'regon have commeudably thrown aside ordiuary party bias and entuusi astically united uhju Mr. Simon Caro as thi; proper man for the position of re ceiver of th 9 I nited States laud ollice at Koseburi;, Oregon. He is a mau who stands huh in our community aud well Muaiiued iu every particular for tbe positiun.aud is entiilud to the honor witlnut a '.banco ol question. Mr Caro's influence bas not been confined to the promotion of Uoeeburg's interests alone. Kroad-uiinded, far sighted aud progressive, be has always been identi tied with the Iciding interests of tbe state, puliti'.al, social aud industrial Formally tears his counsel has bef-n soti.t by those w ho knew its value, anJ for as many years he has been closely related to the development of interests to 1 'i-t'iua'i mercantile and industrial progress. Mr. Simon Caro will make an ideal custodian of public moneys. Amer ican Hebrew cws. U. ii. Thompson aud son, C. K iliompRon.ot Clinton, Arkansas, were at the McClalien House last week. They came in search of homes and expressed themselves as being well satisfied with our climate, as also the fertility of the soil, but they think tbat $100 per acre 18 a little rich for a common farmer's blood As there is plenty of good land for sale iu Douglas county, it is to be hoped these gentlemen will find suitable homes here. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and JJeWitt s Little tarly Misers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach aud liver troubles. A. C Marsters c Co. The tew steel cells in tbe county jail are almost in place and nyeted together About four inches of cement will have to te placed on the floor of the "reception room. A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hands and Arms Covered With Cure Scofulus Humors How Was Effected. " When five years old my little toy had scrofula on bis face, hands and drum. It wan uort on his chin, although the sores on his checks and hands were very bad. It iippturcd in the form of red pimples t hi' h would fester, break open and run ami then w ab over. After disappcarim: tin y w ould break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to lie- watched continually to keep him from beratchlnjr tho sores. Wo became greatly ulurmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and tho only medicine which had hclpd her was Hood's Harsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an Improve ment in his case very soon. After giving hi four bottles of Hood's fjarsaparillu t ' humor had ull been driven out of his i j.1 and it has never since returned." William LAirrz, 11U Bouth Williams tit., buiith litnd, Indiana. You cun buy Hood's Karsuparilla of all druggists, lie- sure to got only Hood's. Hood's fills AdniiiiMralor'4 Notice. V'iTH K IS UI.KKHV I.IYEN 'I Jf AT 'lllfc mull ixiKiail link bun t -the County (.'unit nf lJuut'lu' comity, Ou t-mi. .July aiipmulid Ai- niiiu-tiiiinr in uic- J.-lule ol i). B. .MecuiaplJC-ll, i.iium-'I. .Ml (K-rm-lin Jiaviliv eluJlim uKUllihl niil'l iiilnii; iiru liorcliy re'ipim-d In preient tliu mill--, w i Hi pmprr vnut lien) iluly erifiud, tilth in MX niniilli Imiii tliu 'lute if tli i h until u, to tbe iiuui rsin'iii ii. ut ills ri-ki-ji m i- iu oni una, uoug- 1"f.(,u""l)'',,,!";D, I-1- l.r ll it i V 1 11 ll . I ' I-L-liriiuiy ZIUi, J.iS. H. K. A DA M.s. A l m I ii ixi rfi (or of tlic Itd: bell, Uveencd. of I. I.'. Mcfainp. iillj TIIU COUNTY COMMITI Lli Primaries April vtntlon 2nd. County ton April Oth. The republicau county ceutial commit tee tor liigtaa rounlr met at the court house last Saturday "afternoon, F. S llenaon, chairman ; H. C. Flint, secretary. There w ere preaent Irom I no several preeinla the following members i Co Creek, lirant l-evene, bv J. I. Chapman, prexy ; UUndale, A Mainhal. by C. . Sehlttredrt, proxy i C.inyoiiville, I.. Chap, man, by ,i. I, Chapinoi. proxv ; Kiddle, It. V. Kbbtl,. , altiHo Cirnk, V. I Uichey; Ten Mile, I;. F. Walub ; Catnua Valley, Jamea Mot re, by A.M. Craw foul, proxy; laKiking (ilaee, A. S. Ituell ; Veft Uttecburg, l. K. Huiok ; Cmp ipia, Simon Caro; Itoeeburg. S. V. Flini ; I Kit Creek, J. W. Wright ; Wilbur, T. ti. Oonnell ; Coles Vallev, K. Wotnlrull ; Millwthiii, W. S. Hot do"ii, prosv; l-ala-Hoi, A F. Ilrown; Oakland, II. Cm Ii ran, by V. A. Sehlbrede, pi isv; Von ealla, A K Shipley; Fass Cieek, J Itlaok ; ComaUn k, F. .M Sleaatl, by J. I". Hiiileee, proxy; .S-oilshuig, Hen lint. ler, by l: . Sintfoid. proxt ; I'.lkton, ll. Hiowii, by J. . Miuh, proxy. A le of the precincts wete not repri sented either by the regular delegate or a proxy. Persons preet'iit residing in raid precinct, were rnpieeted to cad Ihtt vote (or tho precinct. After some discussion Saturday, the 'Jnddaytf April, at 1 p. m., was the date fued for tho primaries, and Wed nesday, tho Oth, as the date for tho con vention. The convention will consist of 124 delegates as follows: One delegate at large, and one lor each 20 votes or fr.ic tion of Ti thereon, or over east for Hon. K. S. Hean for supreme judgo in l.nw. A resjlution was was passed retuiring the various preeiucla to name their com mitteemen at (I e time of the holding ol the primai ies. The committee also recommend that no pro lie te al lowed in the convention except In tbe bauds of bona tide residents ol the pre cincts from whence tho ) roxy comes. This is a good recommendation aud should be regarded by the convention. It will preveut it falling into tho bands of political brokers. The committee also resolved to lick Spain if it should be determined that the blow ing up of the battle-ship Maine was the result ol Spanish treachery. This resolution was introduced by Mr. Wright, who has smelled powder, and championed by Mr. Craw ford, w ho was "wilho" ". It passed by a large majori ty. One good thing about the sessiou was the feeling that with a good ticket and a united effort, victory in June would le ou the side of the republicans. There was no feeliug of delicacy either about saying tbe republicans wi re for the gold standard. "Ilali-heartedness never won a battle." The people know just where tho republicau party stands. The guage of battle has been thrown down and taken np. Now, "Cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of war." A.NNOUNCI-MliNT. lor Sheriff. I hereby announce uiynulf a candidate for eherilt, subject to decision of the republicau county convention J. II. Ii 1 Ul '11.. For Representative. 1 hereby respectfully auuouuce that I am a candidate for representative, sub ject to the decision of the Hepublicau County Convention. Aluieo M. Mali lit. Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions Filled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and Toilet Preparations. J. W. BECKLEY & CO. Beef, SAUSAGE Cass Street Markets. Easton's I have opened up agaiu with a full line of ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES At ray Old .Stand on Jackson Street. Cigars & Tobaccos, Nuts & of Teas and Coffees rorNTHV I KOIitiriK HOIKIIIJ AMI KOI. Ii i nil i.ii'l rum int o jdiiih U'(' Republican County Convention, A delegate convent ion of the republi can voters ot iMllgUa nullity 1" ln'M'bv railed to meet in the ivipi room In I! n burg, on We.lnenl.iv, Apnl ti b, Istis, it the liour ot In o'clotk, . n , lor the pur pose of nominating count v . tli.'i rs. ami electing 11 dob nutoa to Ihe c .i'UTomIoi.uI convention w ht. h no els nl Ivuene on Monday, Apnl 1 1, ist'S, hiuI II .l-l.nies to tha atale conteniloii, w bleli mrels at Aaloiia on i hiirs.l iv, tp'b II, I tMH, lo traio-a. t mii h ot i-or lumi an rbub propel I v etnun I elore a il mt... i n. the cilivcntu.n wi'l .0 I I delegntea appointed hh follow- line delegate at Urge lor each t aid tine lor eat Ii 20 volea ur flat -ion .1 In. tir oter east (,r Ii S, Heau loi r i u me juiUe i i l.stMi Tlmt will make M e I 'pn seuia'ioii an follow.. : Koat burn IVerCm l I ' in I ii i Win K i e' ii ii ii ,'i n ,' o a Mi Set I linldle I '.IS I I'll I' W Cniili i k Mtrtlo CiteH i ilon.l.ile I'. u Mile lUkhii d Cow Cirek Mast I'mpipia l.'Hiking (ilani Oarilincr I ake oil' al a Ci yont j I,. Coles X'allet Civil Item! Wilbur Millwood l.'lkton Seotlal urg Cam.ia Vallev Ca'aiKMu.i a ti Total 124 The commi. ti c iceouimoiuls tbat the primaries to elect said delegittea be hold at the u-ual toting places in each pre eiuot at I ii'cloek, p. in. of S.ittirda' , April 2, IS'.'S. It is further leo.' d 'hat the st vernl piiuiaiii s t ho"Hii one p. iuii to sol ve as a n euitu r id the county ceu'ial commiltte for iho eoming two tium. There w ill aleo Ui nominated at the several piimaiy eltc ionn, candidates lor justice of Ihe e.ioe and . oio-titblo, a hoar nomination nuict In. eeitilie.l to the coiinlv convention for contltma'iou. The toiiaii't fit recommeU'ti'd Unit no promt be ctven to porsoin nnl actual reO'lonls o I Ihe pioi n i ts to be n p-e-Sentinl. Hitsebur, llregoii, Feb. 2tl, IS'.iS F. W. Uk.nso.n. S. C. Fiini, Chairman. Secret ait. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hunt or tii It or otherwiau ;trespas on the proHity known as the iHmglaa county fair grounds S. C. U tiii iu'M. Oregon reotived its uamo fiom tho Spanish word orfgi:a, meaning wild majoram, which growa iu ahuudauce on ttie I'aoitio thoru ul this state. Crockery anil (Jlassware ! Iin;t-i iin-i Kiio-t -iiiii ii (.m ci 1'M'tikjhi i Ui'ti i u i -c CtMllpIl tc lit!' nf GROCERIES Kir.ti i ..- AMi i'J...K- All kind:? of Country Produce MRS. N. BOYD EDKMsOWIlK rotLTRY YARDS uosMiujiu., tKKar, jfitr tt I'reolcr.l Am nm n iy l.i ok hiuI MI i'i.!t t lr Vxa (rum li i k ti ruiiiii; itiol ).u wniuiiii: luid. I'rti s-t liv lor (or lUtUily ( mik k, I t Una ni uihjmI ui ihe lt niol nil ol Uic true 1-k.. Ilntr -(-i nl Him ninl tnxticv In unlrr (m; I thcin Haw hut lit t til ycitr ih- t c-1 It. I'. Km k ull. t tivnl IT, Mil's tllLlilfil Mi'l lflR I.M'ttll I Rltni It COCkcrt l III lilt fc,.t' 11. I. iUtt It, K'll No. I, mitlct ft -T i'lktv i'rtk I i t rcl-, l'"0 H'r -cltum iVu S... ina(i-l I t h k n N. t . n mut itp iii iu ti i j i r 1 1 ttr iht'tr tuit i mnty ny r uili hr limn, K,Mk- - . . I.. u'ti'Tii. - llMiiihurK. rt k I miH-iIihii". ini k Minon u", II.ik."' -i 1 UfuVi .tMnjtlv jii (( Ql' 1 lO lit Kni" V -lrinl.rt"k s .-ttur, l!lM..(-U.'ll lliUL Ihiiii fur reply. 111 v ivturo 1 il Li buy. ii.trntit - lr'h Hii'l true to name. "I uum iui line ixtlu ... i;. A. KItt H14, lroprlt lor. Wealth ! USIi tn.K-AI.K AMI KfcJAII. hhAl.fcli.l Pork, Mutton, ETC. ROSIvHURC. OR. Grocery. Candies, Also a full Line of Best Quality. MRS. A. EASTOM. -..WHW.'iMf"4W'., ' " 'ril-ui.'-'' -I Mc Prr jnralloiUi'i$ iBuictooaniuiitcuuui? Promotes Dtftsllon.cWfuIr mess fityt Ifcsr.fiontiirns nrllhri OtmuiiTMorpUluO nor MioclU. wnTX luriiTii'. iM"lt. Ua.V.(Jk - JiffrnmAt ftm S4 -IMiM Air . ItMEji hi fmrin Apcrfi-cinrmcvly fnrfVMiifm liou.Sour.Stonwifh.Dlarri)ca, Worms .Convulsions J avensh ucs3aiulLosOF.SLl i ' ' i Tae SinSl ypatufg ot mm tXACT COPyorWRAPECU. New Store ! I t I I. "Hb T "T"'11" mmm sWMaaMLtJ Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Hought and Sold I I.OK i W II SON III OI.K Low Prices! The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump !! DmluiHi'il ly kuilinn Urcliai.lit.lH of (iit'uii. Spray Pumps, Uaniboo Rods, Double aud Sinv-.k- W iiikuiI Xozles, Strainers, Hose, Ktc., at CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY I MCKENZIE'S. Heels Over Head in BUSINESS at lfeniiut?CW. WOLLEMBERG For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars' Signati You Have Always Bought. New Goods! ( i roccry STUCK tl i Prec Delivery ; UP TO DATE sun A UK I tie 1 lll-'Al. aSTOMK. DRLSS (iOOI)S, riJKMSniNO (JOODS, CI.OAK5, CAI'113, CI.OITIINU, hoots, siioils, inc. .i iMit'i: io hi rr tiii; i imi.h d ABRAHAM. j, The fYF Kind I, DI' J