The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 24, 1898, Image 4

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ini'to Briar taciiDir tr
U.W . McBrltU
m. II longur
B Kill.
W. R. K11U
Horrctary tif HlaU).
Mala Traiiihtr .
William I'. Url
,.H. K. Rliioalt
,.rhll MrtKhao
. M. Irwin
Hiil. Pub. Iii.tnirlltin....
(Into I'nnlcr .. -
A llinn')' t'iiTH C. M. Idle-man
W. H.
. A. Mnorf
)('. K.
IK. 8. Bmi
.J. B.
31. A. 1
hi. b.
. B. Kddy
kallroad CommlaaloDcr.
Clark ol Railroad Commlnlon Lrdeu an
...j 1 t'. rnlUrln
ProwwuTtna'XlMrDr'rl!!! .......W. E. Yatw
n. a. laud orrica. BWBrK
Rwclwr ..R. 8. Hhrida
Ohwrvvr.. .... Thoa. Oibaoa
rX.rj.tor -A. W. Reed
it. T. Brirtti.
Rf-praaenlatiTC.. J A. U. Craw(
111. U Itidrll
Aniuvkl Hoprtii1n ,
AaaoMor ........
County Judge.......
iirrjnr ......
6bp Inapwtor
1WJ. U. 6hur
. -B. C Afr
W A. VtkIM
w. 8. arm
A. T. 8trn
"iii'.'p. Thotnpaoa
' W. H. MO DOH
U III P. Harflll
7.1r. K. U Millet
...Tho.. BmlU
rainncT officbm.
Ju.tirei ......
Constable ..... .
John Hamlin
Mayor .. .
Ut Wan)
:nJ Ward..
3rd Ward...
A. C. Mantel
tlXR. tjhamt-rovl
ic. W. 1'ark.
tU.C. hub ton
(A. Held?
Wn. rerrr
C. A. echlbredc
II i:. Aikrn
in Ward
Recorder .............
Manbal -
toiler Rice
.. oeo. i airy
r. W. CUlard
cor it tiaeioM.
Tb Circuit Court ior loulai County rneeU
tbre timet a year at iouowi. u ; "
day in March, the 4th Mondaj In June, and the
Ut Monday in December. 1. C. Fnllerton ol
Roscburg Judge. Ueo. M. Brown, ol Roacburg,
proercntiugattoiney. ...... ,....,
founty Court meeU the lit ednday at ti
Ibe Ut Monday of January, March, May, July.
. . , ., .1 L'.p.Mk, A r . iernit. of
Oakland, ludge: M. D. Tbomt-sonol bcitibur
m ... it'll .k.,. t til J J' AMmlMlMUkra
ana n. .icnoi,ui uuvni v"""-
Probata Court la In teaalon conUnuouaiy, A.r
Eteama. tudce.
NOTES OP INTEREST. Bros, are tbe bosa marchanU.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
County claims and warrant bought by
D. 8. Weal.
For first-cl68 dentistry go to L'r. Little
ol Oakland.
Key Weat, imported aud douaeatic
ciara at tbe Koeeleaf.
D. S. West does iuturanoe. Office op
paEite tbe post otiice.
Eicelsior Moor is guaranteed first
lUee. Ask jour grocer ior it. Only 1.00
per sack,
At Oakland, T. L. Graves ii authorized
to receive and nceivt for subscriptions to
the l'L A IN DEAL Kit.
For a good hat, aiylish and cheap, call
on woiienoerg x ADrauam, wuow aim;
embraces all erades of head gear.
Money to loan on city and country
-k it , T
property. u. o. rx. oun,
5IarBtera' Building, Kotebarg, Or.
Tbe Square Peal store baa just opened
- i . : r.. 1 I n a .f m T TlnnnUt
sboes, which prove to be tbe best shoe
made. Come and inspect them.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular
meetings on tbe second and lonrtn
Tbaisday of every month at 7:30 p. m.
in the Epwortb League room of the M.
L. church.
Children and adulta tortured by burns,
scalde, injuries, eczema or skin diseases
may secure inetant relief by osiug D
Witt's Witch Hazel Palve. It is the
great Tile remedy. Marstere' Drug
Notice is hereby given to tbe public
by tbe undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be bnrried on my prem
ises, at Kosebarg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped tbrnn or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unlets tbe party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for tbe
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Ross,
Roseburg, Oregon, -March 17th, 18S5.
The daylight ride along tbe Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
tbe year. Passengers taking tbe Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
2 :45 p. m. daily, get thia visw lasting
over live hours. But that is not all.
The O. K, 5t N. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from fcpokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Kossland,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Have Time.
Leave Union fepot Daily at - :4-3 p. in.
V, C. Losikn, Agent,
Roeebnrg, Oiegou.
Weekly Excursion to the East.
A tourist bleeping ear mill leave Port
land every Tuesday at U p. id. via tbe O.
R. & N. without cbauge to Boston, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities ui Omaha, Chicago, buflalo or
Boston, l'ho ideal trip to tbe east is
now ueiure you. ueiucuiber tnis twrvU'e
when goitig haet, aud cousult O. K. & h.
ageuts, or address,
W. H. HiMiiiiHr,
(ieueral Patceoger Ageut,
Portland, Or.
- - .
KduatVour llowela With laacareta.
Tandy fothartlc, cure conitipa'lon foreier.
10e,S5c. If C. C C fail, uruggifctrefund tuooey.
To the Public.
Ou and aflr this date, I ieb it under,
flood (Lat my lotus for all undeitaker's
g-wds are cash with tbe order. I find It
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I tan do belter by
my patrons aud myself by selling strictly
(or lasii. P. BuNgi'icK, I'o'leilaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April Vi, 1 (;.'.
Dva't Tubacro Syit and fcaivk Yvur Lire In ay.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be luvg
nttic. full of life, nervs and vlfor, take N To
ll ac, the wonUcfworlicr, tUut mulics tteali men
atroiif. All drugelsts, 00c or II. Curofc'uuruu
teed. Oooklxt und aauiple frco. AdUrvNH
Ptcrllng JUiiiHy Co , fiiicniro or New Vori.
The Society Oh I.
She sighed a little nervous oiar.Ii .
rhe said, "I'll rest mo by and by,"
And then she girded up her stays
And sought gin tlioo devious ways
That mark to such a largo extent
Tbe hour that lead ua on to Lent.
ho ent to lonchenn at the It's,
Khe played at etichr at the, C"a,
She "ippml the "leu" at Mis. AV,
She dined in slate at Mrs. .I,
8he joined the "box of Mrs. I ,
And then she lunched itlt Mr. Y.
And when the dainty let was o'er
She stayed ami danced till after lour.
"Another day," aha gasped, "is blent
With the' that down the highway
I hope I will survive till I.eut !"
Clevelaud Plain IVitler.
lht Censure of Senator fturphy.
IN. Y.sun
Murphy is a candidate lo' re
election. He -oIihi for the teller teo
lntion in the full knowledge that its
author had stated that it was in the na
ture of a declaration for the free ciiiiMge
of silver. Mr. Murphv has steadily re
fused to explain his vote In tho assem
bly at Albany vester.tay the democratic
minority spoke for hiui, votiug ag.tiust
the Weekes resolution ol censure. Se
ushers mat. dem. was the only demo
crat on the floor
. ,ll, ll,a ,.,... I .-.,,.,..., I
to stand tip and le
counted for sound 1
money. The Weekes resolution was
mild considering the direliction with
Which Senator Murphy stood charged.
It was as follows: "Kesolve'l. by the
assembly of the stale of New Y ork the
enate concurring', That, in yiew of the
betrayal by said Senator lMar.l Mar
phy, Jr., of the trusts iuiHseil in him
by the eop!e of this .slate by voting as
aforesaid to debase our currency and im
pair the credit of our country, we do
hereby censure him for his course, aud
do hereby condemn him for hid course,
and do hereby condemn his action in
voting for said resolution." If llwaril
Murphy, Jr , was elected to represent
the state ol New York in the Tinted
States senate by a 'free silver legislature,
then ne did not betray his trust :n vot
ing for tbe Teller resolutiuu, bo', as
everybody knows, the free silver heresy
had not hypnotized the New ot it ileiu
ocrary in "l'Jo, and Mr. Murphy's u.iido
Would not have been considered iu the
legislature bad it beeu suspected that be
waa capable of castings vote to impair
the national credit and uf giving ui I and
countenance to the fanatics aud dema
gogues who were even then rallying for
another battle lor free silver, in which.
aa it turned out, they were beaten ouly
by the tuoet desperate resistance cut the
pirt of the sound money force. Mr.
Mnrpby was eoun J enough ou the monev
question when he received tiie c, nuiiis
tion of the state of New York to repre
sent it in the senate.
It was tbe shallowest soplns'ty for ,
democracy iu the assembly to argue that
Senstor Iurphv could not be charged I
with a betrayal of trust because the uia- ,
jority which sought to censure him was '
republican. Mr. Murphv received his '
trust from a legislature which contained i
not a single advocate of the free coiria,; ;
of silver in either party, and that trust :
he indisputably betrayed whenheaup
ported the Teller resolution. Mr. I'on
nelly, the demoi'ratic leader, was there- j
fore talking rank nonsense when he .
said: "It was a democratic legislature!
that elected seuatjr Murphv.
tlow conld a republican legislature
censure him for nor following re- i
publican principles?" Neverthe.ess, :
there was no answer to Speaker i
O Grady s challenge when he Jeclartd
that there waa not a member ot the mi
nority who did not repudiate 10 to 1 "iu
his heart." Tbe fact is that no n.altcr
what each individual ssseuiblymau
thought of Senator Murphy's vote, he
knew that his party was committed to
silver and that tbe ieue of 1 SiMi must Lo
fought out again iu the state next fall.
The party platform mast declare for it,
either outright or equivocally, as the
democrats under Mr. tiorman's crafty
direction did in lsyr. The vote iu the
assembly yesterday exhibited tbe two
parties hneJ up on the inevitable lss'ie
aa they will face each other in Novem
ber. Republicans do not claim that our new
tariff destroyed last year's wheat crop in
India, Australia and trie Argentine lie
public, or cut down this year's wheat
crop in Europe by 4 W.OOO.OOO to 500, -
000 000 bushels, bu' they can and do
claim, with absolute truth aud justice,
that our new U'iff enables us to make
more on our crops this year and to re
vive our staitnant industries to a greater
extent than would be possible under the
democratic ad valorem low Unit ren
dleton Tribune.
Tbe eelf-imposed mission of Congress
man Lewis, of Washington, to Ottawa,
baa proven partially successful. Sifton,
the Canadian minister of tbe interior,
baa at the request of Lewis iesued an
order empowering the mounted police in
Northwest territory to issue miner's cer
tificates. The order is made effective,
however, only in case of favorable action
by the United States congress upon the
Payne-Frye bill.
Perfection is the result of our long
1 Si, Kit ririw ; r.r a
are tho product of mechanical Ingenuity.
$40.00 $50,00 $60.00
Monarch Chainltt&s $100.00
Send for I89fl C;italoue.
Agents wanted in open territory
Lako, Halstod and Fulton Streets, Chicago.
Branches-New York. Loritlorninrl Hamtaurg.
Send ten 2-cent Btaniim for s deck t,1 Monurch Playing Cards llluatratlng
Lillian Russell, Turn Cooper, fucli-i-dson, and Walter Jonaew
Kit Ik tntellut Iv'gUttd hi ' ut
nered" nil I lie piime steam cual lit the
Chinese "cac, tho admlrattty will l o la a
Hpttion to turn a pretty penny at the
expense, of its continental rivals. Coal
of a kind can be got from Japan, but its
use w ill rueau the lost of several knots
In the speed of tho ships using it. But
if Japan ahould t-hooee not to soli what
tlllMl? Of A VtllitV. !lilitl lliltll hit. 11.
! torira not le renowntM lhait war.
It is reported that a tieoruia pastor,
who resigned because he couldn't collect
hi.i salary, said in Ins farewell sermon:
"I lutve little else to add, dear brethren,
save thia ; You were all in favor of frve
sitlvAtion, and the manner In which you
treated me is proof that you got it!"
" Talk ahoitt au inch, more or lew, of
t'!i'o;tira's iH'fc chaining the hiatory ol
llnrvipe," cried tho proud young father,"
I tii vou all K:l!e history would have
li cn changed had Job's patienco lieetl
'tied by a teething baby V
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern Pacillo railroad will
make tho follow ing time card tor its train
leaving I'oitland daily, beginning on
Sundav the I'Sth lost. 'Leaves Portland
at tl a. in , Tacoma 5 p. ni., Seattle 4 p.
m., KlUuishtirg 10:10 p. iu., Pasco l:ft0
a. in. Arrives at Spokane at 5:50 a. m.,
Minneapolis 4 ;0V p. tn. and St. Paul at
4:40 p. in. The new card will enable
passengers to make cl aa eonuectiona at
w' L. . ...III. .1. . ..' . .1. - ... 1
l11"1"' ""ii" ratiia HUU
- "V;" " '"'v ,"lJ
For further
Pitrtioulara see
1. S. K. Unia,
LxU Agent N'.j
Marstere huildin .
ttargalnsl Itargalnslt Bargains)!!
In pianos, oigans and musical goods,
locyclcs new aud second hand at the
lowest prices possible. I have also got
about thirtv thousand feet uf lumber
which I have taken in trade (or goods,
and will ell cheap, as I am not in the
lumber business.
T. K. Kicn ahpso.n,
Roseburg, Or.
To ii-
l,.i titrr iff.
.i i o '.u lo or ISO.
: i r fund money.
It c c
J. I'. .Maun't) feed store is the place to
' gtl your feed aud the leading brands of
' Hour, iuclu ling Kugene white star, corn
j meal, grist, cream middlings,
j home made buckwheat flour, etc., also a
1 car loa l ol salt both tiue and coarse.
J. D. Mans,
Successor to Cawltield & Cawltieid.
A thrill of terror is experienced whua
j a brassy cough of croup sounds through
: the house at night. But the terror soon
, changes to relief after One Minute Cough
i Cure has beeu administered. Safe and
i harmless ior children. Marttters' I'rog
, Store.
To the l.adiiiof Koscburg and vicinity:
' Call ou C aro Bros, and secure greater
j bargaius iu uovelties and all lines of
I gjods thau at any other bouse in the
, lily, l'hey have the goods, aud the
lowest prices.
Largo hue of uiidwinter and
spring good at the Novelty Store,
and set- them.
No-lu-Uac for Fifty lent.
. ;ar.irite,,l tobneco haMt enr. iraUes v i nk
ret n mm. tiij. L'.ooO pure. All drugiiiila
Ask your
f r a fiit-ritu-i
Ely's Cream Baim
.irntt no C"cv:n
ir.-rrjr n"r Bay iLU?r
ii;j-riuiai Uru.
It i AhorheiL
It ":-Mif ana cltn.-e-A.i.i'.s
II. i s I'ruic tr the .Membrane. )turt the
s if Tat-t and smU. Fn;t 50c. ; Trial
h . '!.: at 1 r;' 'iT or br nuil.
LLY JiUuTUEHS Varrta litrtct, w York.
Executors Notice to Creditors.
! - ' - j:.. im nil,' claims KRamst the estate of Mr.
K. A. Walton, deceased, to present the same,
proper toiu'lientlirrifor, to the uri'ler--U'U'd.
who has been by the C'ouuty Court of
UniK.n- t ,,uutv, Oruoii, duly appointed Et-
i oi the L.iH Will and Testament and the
c-nte i : .ai l deeeand, at the cftice of A. M.
( r.i l' nJ. iu R jscbunr. Liougiaa County, Ore
0:1, tihiu iix mouths from and ait' r the date
the f.rt publication ol this notice, to it:
t' l.r iury PHh. l-..
lti!..ti tun iilh dav of February,
JOHS L. WiTsiiS,
Evicutor of the Ljist Will and Tetament ol
Mrs. h. A. Watson, deceased. flOtA
uiider?iucl tita been duly apisjlnted by
the C'ouuty Court ol Douglas County, Oregon,
Administrator of the Estate of Ema Chccauian.
lute of Imjuu'Ihs County, Oregon, de eased. All
t tsoiit hu inn rlauua aguint aid mate are
nereby required to present the same, with prop
er toucher duly veruied, within tlx month!
from the 'lap of notice, to the undersigned,
at h.i place of biiitiuess on Jack ton Htrcet in the
Cttyui Koiebunr, in liouglaa Coiintr, Or-gint
Kbniary 4, lu'-s. K. 1 . I'ARKOIT,
Adndiii-iratorot the E-itate of Ema Cheeauian,
dei emed. C. A. HtUKEpK,
il 'tO Attorney ior Administrator
A republican con vent ion for I tin state
of Ortgoti ia hereby railed to meet In the
eity of Astoria ou Thursday, Apiil 14 at
11 a. nt., tor tho purpose of nominating
candidates for state and district others,
"except congressman" and to transact
such olhar business as may properly
coma lie lore said convention. The con
veutiou will rouslst of i.Y delegates ap
portioned among the several eottntleaol
the state as follows:
Baker II Lincoln 4
Benton 7 Lane 12
Clackamas 1," I. inn 12
Clatsop 10 Malheur 8
Columbia tl Marion 20
Coosi 7 Morrow 4
Ciook 4 Multnomah HO
Currv M Polk 8
IVuglas 1 1 Sherman II
OillUm 4 Tillamook o
Oraut 5 Umatilla II
Harney .1 Union H
Jackson 8 Wallowa :t .
Josephine ." Wasco 10
Klamath U Washington 12
Lake d Yamhill 10
The same being one delegate at large for
each county undone delegate for each
200 votes and faction thereof of oO or
oVer ae cast for William McKlnley nt
Ibe presidential election held in Novem
ber, IS'.Hi.
The committee recommends that the
primaries be held on Saturday, April '.'
and the county conventions, Wednes
day, April 0, lSt8, unless otherwise or
dered by th several county committees.
Sol IIibsch, Chairman.
O. N. i'bnnv, Secy.
A republics n convention (or the llrat
congressional dis'tict ot the state ol Ore
gon is hereby called to meet in the city
ot L'ugeue, ou Monday, April 11, at 2:30
p. ui., for the purpose of nominating a
candidate for congress lor the first con
gressional district, and to transact such
other business aa may properly come
before said convention. The conven
tion will consist n( 145 delegates ap
portioned among the several counties ol
tbe district as follows :
7 Lincoln 4
I.. Une I.'
7 Linn 12
a Marion 20
It Polk s
S Tillamook
T Washington 12
o Yamhill 10
Lake ;i
The same being one delegate at large
for each county and one delegate for
each 200 votes uud fraction thereof of W
or over as cast tor William McKiuleyat
the presidential election held iu Novem
ber Iff..
The committee) recommends that the
primaries he held ou Saturday, April 2
aud the county coureution Wednesday,
April 0,1893 uuless otherw ise ordered
by tho several county committees.
K.J. Hknphk ks, Chairman.
J. A. Wilsi.s, Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that the lie
publican County Central Committee for
Douglas County, Oregon, will meet at
Koeeburg on Saturday, February 2i!'.h,
lS'JS, fur tbe purpose ol making arrange
ments and fixing dates for the holding
of Precinct Primaries and County Con
vention for the year 1993, and for such
other business as may be properly
brought before tbo Committee.
All members of tbe Committee are
earnestly requested to attend.
Dated this 10th day of February, lsts.
F. W. Bkhson, Chairman.
S. C. Flint. Secretary.
Central Hotel
HARVEY J0NE5, Propr.
Good Meals and Good Beds
20 Cents.
Corner Oak and Kose Sts, Koeeburg.
-r ""V. il"i J A . X '
Only inai thal
mMnct mude
1'rlcc .7,50 to ia.30. BaUi-mom am
,-aiiltHriinn 1 ouiltined. CiIvch j outli and iKor
(,iin KlieiimatiKiii. Ni tiralnla. I.a rirlnre. Colda
I.lvcr and kWlncT Truiil.i.. Ual(M lea r Mi ill
and b'ootlitn tlie Ntrn.
Toledo, Ohio.
E. V. WAI.Mf, Aurit for iHiugla County.
1 Hcffr I'V r-crmiwiou to
Mi: P. C. M'CHLLB.
' M'Clalln Hon-, Koscburg, j.
Executor's Notice.
(IcrHL'iK-il hai, l,i:tfll lo' the (.',u nt v (,'onrt r,l
IXiKlas County, blfiM-ol Om koii duly uiiioliilt"l
ecc ui"r
I I Li-CBtntc ul Charles O. Il'.ll'iil' r,
All pcrMnn lidviiiK cli'lui gftinl tnl'l r-iulu
trv n to ircneut Ihc anic, iluly tcrllird,
to the ti ti'Jf rslvue'l ui l.lktoii, Itougliii t uunn ,
Oregon, wnliin n months Ironi the liid nf il,:,
iJuflal l.lktun, r!!-in, thia l'l ilay ol .Inn
uui 1" "
.1011 J. HKNlJEItKK
1 ,u'. Eciilor.
Orexou, lor fuUHlan Ciiiiuti .
Uill Moikhii I'lnliitllt,, '
I.awn nee Moiguu .bvieriOHUl r
lo J.aKitnce Murguu, the abote naintj .Jt
(cmluut. In tim name ol the fctat of Orexou Mm inc
hereby rc-j u irel to atnr und uiitttvr the coin
T'lalut III' 1 Kalubt uu in tho ubow f-ntitltd
ult, in the- above nimiH com t, ou or IikIuio the
Bin lay of the uexi rvtrular txrui of tlMHi.oiu
entitlc-ij court, tu-Hlt, tho Ulxl lay ol Muich,
A11U jo', "111 tak notice that if vou fail i-o lo
aiiocar and uimwcr tald complaint, for want
tbcrc'f the plalutifi will at,ly to the court for
thf rclu t j.rayr-i for iu aid couplaliit, which !
a ilisbolutii.u of the marriage contract uowexiht
lux be I a ci-u youraell aud the ijluliititl herein,
aud that tin-plaintlir b auaidvd tho emu and
cuHo'ly of the lulnor child, tbe Imno of uud
iriariiaiic, lo-wlt, Ciuy Morvau, and that iiluiu
till rei u 1 1 l,cr cotts and ilibburni'uiniU hcn lu.
'1 hln Miniinoiis in published by order madii ut
hmrilx ri, ut HoM-burK, iiouKluauiiUutv, Oregon,
by Jf 1111. .1. 11. Kiilli rtou, Judge of .xld Court,
tin. .id dav of i'ebniary, Irt.
HUH . BfJiM.K,
tik Alori fn Mflllnlll
Poor Pa 1 111 In Rent.
I'roiioaltlolia Mill ln liieivel I y Urn
contitv clerk tip to I J m. Mareli lltli,
lit'.iS, for leiitai of tim M'HiKlaa vomit
poor farm, alont i00 acies, atnuit I (.HI
arres faritiltirf lands ami tmlaueo atnre,
(or a term uf une to three teaia Con
slileralion to lie. taken of ilie pUirtlng
iloitn and itraln suii, llm riniiiliiit nt a
(toe ferry, anil lioariluia of tlie ttier
now there.
llioto Is now tu tlie place liores, '.'
plows, wsi(on, hack, harrjw, hiniler,
mower, liny rake, cultivators, nml a
very complete oiitht for runtiiiiK a faint
anil keeping hoiiae, n lift uf wbicli can
bo sren at tho clink's olllce. Also, 7
cows, - hclllers, .'i yearlinx t nlves, SO
heatt of hi'K mill plt, sonn t;iaiti nml
hav. riieNtotk in for sale timv. Will
rent (arm withiiiit 'iiiipineti'N or slock,
tmt prtler lo lent fat in ant sell equip
ment lo same party.
The rltfhl ia retrrvoil lo reject any or
all hi.lH.
t'oiinty .litilue.
A p-l-l briin.1 u.lull-il.d Tc. (
It hiavinK ti(i Mir 'r atylf
Glass and Delf Ware
at aat.inl'httiif tuw inn. Our u n i-autivd
Tuiiiakoaa am vary popular.
4 f i.
his is the
to Buy
i l 1l A TW,.
ei vv. KAKiw
SstiSb dT'-4-! i A'? Sf-X,
WeeklyInter Ocean ilil
ft u radically Republican, advocating 1 s4.tBut it can always bt rrlit'd on"
m the cardinal doctrines ol that parly I for fair and honest reports ol all po- j
with ability and earnestnessttjlvi( Jitical niovments.,,.'l.'.'.,.tltwa
It h Morally Clean and an a
The Literature ol Iti column In
equal to that of the best maga'
lines. It Is Interesting to thethll
tlren as well as the parents
and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 2
THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest
diussions of all questions of tbe day, it is in full sympathy
m with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and 2
i diubs literature and politics from the Western standpoint.'
eiioa ti nn dripf nuc nnn in orp vnn ti nn
- - - ---w-
O raA ft 19 uixitn ant
s.' .
I'l lev i'l ll.lllv I'V liuiil
I'i u ul siiudiiv liy mull
Irnil.t mid Siin.:,y t,y mull .
mvrv: ccaaoak:aisisiaisiaaiia)PLai
ISuccckdot to
General Blacksmithing
mmaa aiOHMv:MiiKiJi.
Hliuit on Curucr Wasbluglou
la a
and It the rnnullol rnlrla and
uddori climatic chanyen.
It can b cured bva nleunant
'"'Mi CstrCQlDa
remedy which la applied ill.
redly Into tim mmtiila. lie.
lui'l'tih kly uiiaorued 11 trite
n llcf at nine,
Ely's Cream Balm
1h si.knnwIi'ilL'cil to Im Mia niit tluirouh euro fT
NuKali 'uUiri li. C'oid in lit ml ami liny l iver at all
remedies. It open. mhJ eh hiihim tliu iiiiwil puHnftj't M,
allay pftin ami Inlluifimation. licali tint or H,
t'-ctntlio iiM'iiiliruiiit from culdi, rwUm tt (In: w.uwn
rjf litHlcHnilHini ll. ytut'Wf, al;';'1"''"" ''V mini.
I n 1 lit: 1 1 net 1 1' mo it i oi' I in m v i k
1 id On noli In and Im Ihe U.inily nl i n j i In-.
S I'. I,,, pi, II . II. K III. lliil lllld I'llll Mel. el, nil
Hoard nl l'iitiiiiillunei"i Im I lie mlo id Heboid
and Illiberally I iiini, and Im llu Inn lnu nl
l luiol- ail.lni IIh'H'Iuii.i, 11111111111",
J. I. t'liuriiloil, aa adntliililiaiMi ,, I he i lle nl
llllaiil MiiH iunki r, bio "I I'oiluln. 1'inniH ,
Oivaoii. ili-i'i'H'w'il, N II HhiN'tiink vr, I iwiii t'
t'lilllel-oll, Allei .1 Miillhena, Aiiioi It Miillli
i', ami Nnnli M. tii iinl, lo li nt law nl -ni l
W 1 1 (tn iti Mliia iiiaaer, dr rax d, liclciidiinla
In I. n urn I', t'liitit'init mid Small M I 'con l,
Iimi i iiami'il 'IcIcii'Imiii- :
In tho Dinmt ut llio iMulv ol On i;oli. Mm und
each id inn tho nhuw nnttiod i!i'ii'ttilanla, l-tnira
t . t'ameri'ii und Mrllll M licnula, nin livrvliv
lulled In appear Ninl atiaiivi lltvcmnplalttl itlvd
nitiilllal you In Ihc iiIhimi elitllled court nod
I'rtitic, on or bvliito Ilie that dm of Ihii Itcal rvK
iilni' I'lin nl an Id eeiiit, In ll , the thiol M, ui
ilnv, tin- ,'IM day ut Mmvli, IMW.
And )nii will liiko iinlliv l int ll will fall in tn
nppeni and miancr anld cuniplnliil, fur mini
tlnreol tlie plnilltlll'. Hill apply In Ilie anld
cnillt Inr the nllvl plnlcd lur tllerelll, to II .
'1 lint III Inurlanltv ltuliMulli, III Ihn anld Cnlll
plaint upuii Hie I'dlnii inu ileK'iilH'il pri iiilaea,
In nil
I nl I, mid lliv lii' knl tin nil', u( air lit, nlau
tin lie' ul the ae' , nl .ec .1., alao tbe nu ' , nl
a1, nl -r aKii llu nv1 4 nl tbo In' a of mc .(..
and till av' , nl Hie l 1 ,, Ilie ', nl llii an' , nl
' .ii, ami tin oe' , nl (he ii' ,, and Hie ii'(
uf llli III', ni aei :c, nil III Ip .N, H, 11. 4 W, W.M..
nl.", I .'u I M it I tiu nl a pulnt Ai ehnlii" N. nl Hie
cni nl Hie II 1. 1' nl Jiieub 1'ileii, OelllK t Inlln Nil
.0, and nil the Hue hetnevu e I lull .' mid 1VI III
tp '.s f, Ii I , M. inuiiluii tlieloe S .M.I
clialiK, I In- li o W 1; .41 eliniii., Iheueo N '.".'.I:,
chain, thence K .',' 44 1 loiliu to plnce uf lieu III
ulna, al-n iH-k'inuliui at (hi' antilheaal i'oiiiit uf
Hit I'lionlliili I ami Claim nl I liemlnri I'riilher
in lp .V M. ll 4 , M l Dii ll I nil llicnee W . nml
', imla, llicnee N ,w rod a, ilieino I-. fn nml 1 ,
rL, tbi'llce f rnla to idaee nl iMtiglnullli; . nlan
till' ' , ut Ilie a. ' , nl ll' , nl MM .11, III Ip .11 H, It
IW,W M . ii 1 1 In .HiiikIiii c.iuiity. In Hie smlv ol
t'n-itnii, and cimtiiiii litit. In Hit' ait4ioanti, alnntt
luur liundiv! nml lurlv aeo-a ol laud inun nr
llaa, Inavtber With Hie tvlmtnellta, benillla
tuenta and appurtenance. Hicrvtiutn tieti'tialnu
m III any w l iipi'vitaittlnM, itinv In- (mecluacd,
anil tin ant'i prviiiiav. uiiii'ieii auiii, nml tin pro
i i-eda tbcrcul appltcl In the pax incut ul tbilett
.11-11 ted d the aatd lliort , ' rt ati. aa lullull a, tn IV It
lat, ti till pn lllelll ul Hie coat., expellaea nml
illat'itiaeineiila ol atieli anli and I, tree luaurv .
'Jud, tn the paxinviit uf uiie buudii'd and i'tti
dullnra ui .in n ulbei .uui lur ntlurucy'a (, a n.
Hie iiititl -linll I'ltlia ndjudao h aanlinldc . -Ud,
tn tin pa nieiil ul Hie aiuuiini ul iiiiiuei ttiin for
pniielpnl nml luterr.t upuii Hu pmuitaaui mile
ileaeillied III Mild litiitlK'tu:' nud ciitiiplnlti't, In
il tl.l 41, null Inieieal Hierenii at Ilie rnle
m pet icitl (- r nt,liillll tlnln tin l-t ll dnv ut
Nn eeitii i , b'.'. , and Hint knelt olhei and fui
lllei tildera and dct n-ea Hint be untile and etc
tet-l III -nidtail-e ni .hall In' Ittat and eiilt
nlite. and that plalutlrN but e mid rtvut er I n.trf
melit in i and aKMlit.t Hie .aid J i. Thnilitnti
,i- ii'linlul-lralui ol the nid elate ul the an'd
llltam tu maker, ili-iied, lui any ileiu irn
it tthlih inu n iiiulu altci appl ii'ij ibe piu
e, ,- ul ittltl lie aa nl'rt-.iiid, nml that plain
tittn may In ciniie ''iddeii ami pur linger, at -aid
rule ul tiild -i'14 Ut und' r -ntd li'teeluauiv
I ha iiiiiliiulla la pulilhed l-y iioler ul tl"ll
.1. t'. l-tlth Mull, ludi.'- uf .ntd t mi 1 1 , liiitib- III
'l ii cum t tti the I it) uf llitat Ihiiic. In I'liirdaa
inutitt, Otiuuti. ntet dad d the -;,th ht-ul 1'e
i ' tntivi. I'1'.
t I III. bid I'l .
I'.l, A't"imy l',r I'lnliil'll..
3 -r at '
l- iS- lf JLI il
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kcj-t in a first
class grocer)-.
Everything offered lor sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Tick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
cc vu., urocers. a
a r. : .- ,i r- ,!- ' r t .- ,i -1 r. tt r fc XtfJl
Family Paper Ik Without a Peer.
pivai ur inciit iwinv, f aw b
.. . pec Tim- J
J on ii-r i nr J
i ' a
11. W. NOAH, I
nU Kaue Hl., itoacliurK
Cjnl, klr ai ruri'l. 0UB TIZ M'V. WHEN ATINT
OBTAINED. Hni'i iiii'il, I, knl. Ii , r ttilli
i, rli'tl'in f'Tln . ('mil feiti, .ali lllul lllll . 41-PAOI
HAND-BOOK I K1E I ,,in, i, f. n n, , ,,., lull
ml .rmaliui. WHITE FOB t'Ofy Of 0UK arBUIAL
Ofl'EB. lll.llialiio.llil" '. ,io.-,i,-.,rii.a,l l.f
i an ul i" cm. v, lili'l EVEUV INVLNTOK aHOUI.D
BEAD IT Liiljoi Mll'l.vlii f"i- I'.U-iil. A'l'llua. 1
uuioitnun, WASHINGTON, D. C.
TN I II K t Ilil I 1 1 tut III ni I III I K i'l
Ori'M"ll l"i I'liniilii.i iniiilt
Hlnimi ( hi n and 1-ich'ic t'nii, lininioioi
( run Hinlln ra I'litliilllbi,
t v ;
Kuan lllildley ilinnn llt II, a(. Ilii-ln i,
tnnlae llnahi )' und I unlit lliivlli a.
I'l l' O'lnlil- I
I n In mill II II k In j , i nl Ilie illmte naillill
III Hit nut t Hit' Hl'iln nl Onunii tnti uui
In iebt te,itln d In ain iir mid iitiatt ei Hie mm
I it I 1 1 nl I bilnlllla llled umhIukI )i"l In Hie n I into
t'lllllh'il in I lull nil the Ml.l tint nl lht iie.l reittr
Inr lerm id the nlmt e eiilllb d linirl, I,, till, ell
Mnnduy lite Jlal dav nf Mnn Ii, I'", und If yon
111 ail In ntltttt-l li'l ttlltlt Ihelenl Ihn rbilnlllt.
tt 111 liiki' IndHinelil aiiiiln-l t nn Inr Hie aiim nl
tN.ti id tt lib liiti'ieal Ibi ieiiii at len ,t i 1 1 nl r
Hllll ll im , linin lilt lib tiny id Nntt'inlai, Inn;,
Im nltiiineta lee., mid Im Ihc 1 1 lata and ilia
I'liraeinenla nl Ihla aellnll,
I hl. .iimtimna I. iinOU-hcd l,y mi nhler nl
linn I I', "iillerteil, JiiiIki nl anld I null and
diileil .liiiiiiury I lib, I Ma.
IIKiiW N .V I ll IN.
P'l. A I Im in ). Inr I'hlllltlll.,
Notice of II nn I Settlement.
Nhikk in itKKKiiv i.ivi him rur
limb lalKUed a liiilnl-lialili nl' ,d
Hllllllllll'l Olnm. dtt eae,l, ha. llled her llllill ae
I'nillil na (Hell il'leilll l-l I H 1 1 1 1 und lllitl
MONHAV, I lit-; 7th I'AVtH M A IK II, la,
Al tbli llnur nl I'l n'l'lick ll III. nf anld duv, lllla
bt't'll aet lit tilt- I 1 .1 1 1 1 ir llCMIIInr iilijeellnlia, II
ally lllert' tn', In .aid aeentltll, und Im the at-t I In -UK'
it I nl .aid eatnl"
I hi. lint It'll la iihllln d bt I'Oli r nf Ihc II,, II.
A. I meant., Jinliie '( Hu l einily i mill Inr
1'iiiilila. I'iMiiit) , hiuie nl OieK'iii, inii'le I In ; l
ttitv nl I'et t'liiher. la';
I H'l c'l MINI I Al I MKII I.,
adniltil-liatri nl Hi" I atiiti 1. 1 M, miiiid
J.111,1 lil.i. i, di i i ii-t d.
ia4l. CO YEARS'
r4 T.ini Manna
CotvnioHT Ac.
AT1T'I1 t1 illriijf n -Vi'l rh nml iti-m-tliil lull Itiny
lltlrltlf Ntirlitin ftit i'1'Hit.ii I'n' win i hot ml
Invriillnil ! rliiillir t- ttritlrtl'l.'. I t innmnh i
I Inn ail rut If tint1ttnlUI. lt.ntiMii ult Iwlria
rut tr UMrt nifriift fir urinn iattnlaj
ri initial lhn t lr !.' ti Munn , I.', iv-vho
(ill Nxtafftr, Wltll-ttlt rllr.ft.t1, Hi itio
Scientific American.
A tinmUoiiirlr Hlii-lmti-.l n -klr. I fir
i Mlattloit i-f mtiT li-iHill l.tiirtial 'I'l'Minv f . at
rmf ; f-'tir Hi.-ntlli. L, t" I J lt ai1r-lT m.
MUNN & Co.38,BfMd",T' New York
Hiaucb coll. o, i.U I' ft.. Wathtualvii, I', C
tin; ;i.i:at
l IIKI IIHII t ill. I .'1 1(1
M I t'l l I II N Hilt I .!
.i-The 0 R. d ft
t 1 IlillIHa ill 1 .11- Iiclttllll
Shorli'sl l,iiu (o Niuknni'
i Ii it ' v lili.; w ill
I It III., HOKII.4M), 11 It!
l:i.NO, nml .in Kuulriuiy
Mlllllltt 1 ,llllla, ....
lotjutes a::: rnacusn tjccits.
Km l iiini ii t- an. i i, tail, I Ii,,,ii1Uiiii.ii
tt III. .,
V f. MlNllOS,
I'lhie nt Ihc I;,,., :,(, U.-tho., i tr.
W. II. Ill Ml. Ill It I ,
' ll. I .1 I in;, i ,t, m
. It . V ft. .,
lllllllMl. tlM'liUII,
- VIA -
Suutlieni racllhr Co.
K, I'm tlumt iLlly .
Hon Hi
'I '.10- I y ''""latld A, 1
2 .VI . M. ,v. . K,,. Imiu I ' '
. H
' r- -run hi ii ii is, it .v j .a id ' M"
Abntll Iraliitt tlnii ..I .. , i . .
heltte. I ' .....7 ! ""I"" - llll'ilia
, -' ' ""' --aieni, iiiruer. Mallnll
JUfli'ra..ii, Albii.iy. lanK'-nt. Miedda, II. .
Harriahiirir. Jim, H,. l ..' ...'
(.r.ivr. ltri n. i,.l ..''. "'
Ktaubnr.tuA.hl.nd IncliiMv;.' '""U
lloarbiirg Inll-nil .
ami, m . r. h.
I .! V.
f A .
IUIMi I AII1 OK Ol.ltl -v lloi n;.
Pullman Buffet 8lccpers
KinmM i tss si I i i ix. VAH
Allached In tilt I liriMili I riiliia.
West Side Division.
lli'lui i ii l-orilau.l mid urtnllla
Mull llllill dully ., , ,l ,-.i,liiy ).
7 .10 A. u.
I'ntthiiid Ar. I , wj i' H
I'niti'llla I.v I n., ,. M
VI M f. M.
olog.,,.vuVlAh.Ml;,,v:,li,,,, l""u'
At Altiintw Mint e.,.ii, . . '
circuiiain iialiy e, e,t r-iiii.tny ).
l .'iii f. at
I r
7:n r. M
Ar. I h a. h.
I.e. I .i i a. at.
I 1 I n A at.
I ll'le,el.i (j, ,
1 .11 f. M
L) i rei t n ni in i o.n ,. i ..... i
cide,,ti,,,,,i ,,, ,.,,, ', . '. ' " ' "
bl. line, fm .lAI'AN AM, ' t iViN t u".
iliilc.i on api'lb nt ii hi
mile iilcl tickel-i In I i ii,,, ,,i,,i.
rnjie. Alan .IAIAN, I 1 1 1 N , . Iliisiil in n J', .1
V V H'l eL. I l"'", n' "" '.I'".
tM I'.M, 1 ll'kl'l A';i lit, In. elMiii;.
R. KOKlll.KU, ,'. , y, tec ,.,
Maiiaiccr. u. V. it l uaa. Aguul.
l llV I llfoi lull:.'..
Dr. Gibbon
'I hU nid rellitblii fauil
I Ii II in oa t Micccwdui
Hin i iiillht In Khii h rati -i:Im
ii. hllll i iiiitlniiea lo
ruin all bciual ami
.Senilnul Dlnruac nah
an Onnniiiitiua, Olecl
X. J
iJi'iWi Kii,'Hs'',t"'re.'H Ilia In
ar.'.vjifi ...,viiy imii n
Miiiciuie, Ay it ins ,,
all UN liiriiia, rilklii .
araaca. Nrruua lihu.
!vC',4' '.Si;!(V.'"l Wrahnt-aaHiid !...
II V . Iininili'ncy. Scinl-
.l.H'.ir.ti id noli HliUtw tiinl km m i.i.'xlmtinu tllU
fill IllW llllf Bt 111 lit. II MA. t.lll.... .
- wAO.'aji."'.A1 ri-..i 1 1
mhiU iiikIi i- lin .-rM( hi llir Im n.. iinulu.
in iiu- I'liiH, lof-H i. t iiiunl, ii. e. ill niiU-iK-u Iu mi"
IOar.lllWMHMl.M.H. .ll.lulln i'l M. i,..,,,.1,
Wt'llk Ill'Kkl lif I tin i ml. u .... I I i I ...
- ' " "., liiKH Ul IIU'IIHH V
' '.'iV rii'iVi '.'!"'' ','"'" ""fn"!.!!. i...
Ult. CI I It HON Iiiin nriiel end iii f..,,, V..',,..i..:.:
IIVI'l' III 1 1 1 V Mill-illnl ll,.,. 1. 1. ..I . I. ....... '.
blsitlcH't'.'r,,'!1!,,!!1.'.1! "" "out i
tthe.i olheis l,. T,y ,1,. (,,. it , i I'll 1 1 1 1 'i 'o
flillni wi'i'ln.' h(e, leiiMinubl.i,
till. I I' I, I I'ltllV i . I- . . .. ..